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A15621 An A.B.C. for layemen, othervvise called, the lay-mans letters An alphabet for lay-men, deliuering vnto them such lessons as the holy Ghost teaches them in the worde, by thinges sensible, very necessary to be diligently considered. Wither, George, 1540-1605. 1585 (1585) STC 25888; ESTC S101869 82,014 180

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Christ preached in the worde is the true Light which lightneth all that come into the worlde that are lightned The benefite that wee receiue by light setteth out the benefite of the knowledge of Christe And as they that loue it hide their doings in the dark it is a manifest token that their owne consciences beareth them witnesse that their doings bee naught So they that loue and choose rather ignoraunce then the knowledge of Christ It is a manifest token that they loath to see the filthinesse of theire owne workes Moreouer it is a manifest token of condemnation when they shut their eyes againste the trueth As Light endureth not alwayes but darknesse succeedeth so the times and means to get knowledge endureth not alwayes but wee are to vse them whilste God doth giue them Otherwise as he that goeth in the darke catcheth a shrewde turne afore he wotteth of it so he that walketh in ignoraunce runneth headlong to destruction when hee least thinketh of it Whosoeuer thinke that they beleeue in Christe and yet abide in their olde ignoraunce and care not for knowledge deceiue themselues The light that shineth vnto vs out of darknesse is the knowledge of the glory of God in Christe And those which are endued with this knowledge are nowe light in the Lord whatsoeuer they haue bene ought carefully to walk as is comely for the children of light For many things which whilste they were in darknes ignoraunce seemed not were not thought of them to be faults vices are discouered made manifest by y e light of knowlege and therfore to be diligently auoided and eschued of thē which willingly wilfully wil not continue in wickednes For it is a vain perswasion for mē to thinke that they haue fellowshippe with God who is light and in whom is no darknes and yet walk in darknes still Also they are fowly deceiued that think themselues to be in the light yet hate their brethren Lilly AS the lilly doth florish and spring in the feeld or garden so God doth make the penitent whose sinnes he forgiueth pardoneth to growe and ●lorish The lilly of the feeld whose beauty exceedeth the glory of the richest raiment that euer any king or potentate in the worlde ware declareth what God is able to doe for those that rest and repose themselues vpon his prouidence when ordinary means faile Lion GOd killeth vp them y t disobey the voice of his words by the cruelty of raging of lions So was the Prophet that prophecied against Ieroboams calfes for eating in Bethel contrary to the precept of the Lord destroyed and slaine by a lion So were the Samaritans newly planted by y e king of Ashur in the land of Israel for not fearing the Lord destroied by lions But God can shut vp the lions mouths make them calme and meeke to them which fear and serue him As lions rage and roare when they seeke after their pray so doe wicked men when they seeke to destroy them that feare God So fearfull as the roaring of a lion is so terrible is the wrath of a king And as the lion and lions whelps fiercely rageth on his pray so shall God on the enimies of his Church when he riseth vp to defend it Rauening lions expresse the nature of tyrants that make hauock of the people committed to them The lion caught in a net or pitfall expresseth the miserable estate of a king taken captiue and held in captiuity As a raging lion spoileth and deuoureth all that hee can catch or come by so the Lorde deuoureth and spoileth the wicked that fall from him and exerciseth all maner of cruelty vpon them As when y e lion roareth whosoeuer is within his danger can not choose but be afraid so when the Lord speaketh what prophet or preacher of his can holde his peace Leopard AS impossible as it is for a black-more to cast awaye his Skinne and to become White and for a Leoparde to put awaye his spottes So impossible it is for them that noosell themselues and accustome them selues continuallye with euill doing to chaunge their custome and to endeauour to doe well The swiftnesse of the Leopard is not comparable or equall to the pace of their horses whom God stirreth vp to plague the wickednes of them that that prouoke him to wrath or anger Leauen A little leauen hidden in a greate lumpe of Doughe by little and little leaueneth all which teacheth vs not to be amazed or astonished at the small and vnlikely beginnings of the gospell but patiently to waite and abide Gods leasure till the fruite and encrease thereof be made apparant And as sweete Dough is made sowre by a little leauen So is the sweetenesse and comfort of the doctrine of trueth corrupted if it be neuer so little entermedled with humane doctrine or mans traditions The like is to bee seene in our conuersation If the leauen of malitiousnesse and wickednesse remayne in vs. We must take heede therefore of suffering a little euill and fostering a fewe wicked personnes amongest vs. For it doth quickly corrupt much and many the beginnings therefore of wickednesse are to be refrained Life AS that is counted the life of men wherein they most delight and reioice So that is a good ministers life to see his flock stand fast in y e Lord. God gaue vnto his people stacutes and declared his iudgements vnto them which whosoeuer doth shall liue in them But this life all men lost death preuailed in all because all men sinned that is to say transgressed the law But God of his mere mercy fauor and goodnes hath giuen vs life eternal in Christ and when we were deade in sinne hath quickened and raised vs againe in Christ hath reuealed it to vs by the preaching of the Gospell to the ende that all that beleeue should not perish but be partakers of life euerlasting Man WHen we see any possession kept by strength force of armed men which cannot bee remooued but by greater strength force then also we are to remember that euē so we were kept by y e prince of this world whose possessiō we were and whose force could be by no means remoued but by the might of our God shewed in his sonne Christ that victorious lion of the tribe of Iudah by whome the prince of this world was cast out of dores When we see a man robbed or woundded or in any other kind of necessity then are we to remember that he is that mans neerest neighbour that dealeth moste neighbourlie by him giueth him most and best comfort how farre soeuer hee dwell from him or whatsoeuer enimity or strangenesse haue beene betweene them Mariage AS often as wee are present at any mariage and see man and wife coupled together in holy
An A. B. C. FOR LAYEmen othervvise called the Lay-mans Letters AN ALPHABET for Lay-men deliuering vnto them such Lessons as the holy Ghost teacheth them in the worde by thinges sensible very necessary to be diligently considered AT LONDON Printed by Robert VValde-graue for Thomas Man and William Brome 1585. TO THE RIGHT Honorable his very good Lord Syr William Cicill Baron of Burgley Lord high Treasurer of England c. And to his honourable Patrone Syr VVALTER MILDMAY Knight Chauncellour of her Maiesties Exchequer GEORGE VVITHER vvisheth Grace and peace vvith all heauenly blessings from the father of our Lord Iesus Christ. IT is an vsuall manner right honourable for all those that goe about to publish any work or writing of theirs to dedicate it to some one or other eyther to be a Testimony to the World of their mutuall loue and friendshippe or else to witnesse their dutifulnesse or thankfulnes for benefites receyued or else that vnder the protection defence and fauour of authority their works may the better pass● and be the safelier guarded and defended against all busie reprehenders Wherefore vnwilling to break the receiued custome looking amongst the Honourable to when for benefites I am bounde As I confesse that amongest them I haue founde many and great welwillers so to you two whome my estate hath compelled to trouble and vse moste for your constant good will and continued fauour shewed and benefites bestowed I am aboue all others most bounden and therefore as a thankfull remembrance haue dedicated this simple sily labor vnto your honors God in these our days hath raised vp a number of worthy learned carefull men for the Church of ●od whereof some bestowe themselues wholy in teaching of their flockes others for the more generall benefite of the Church spend part of their time paines in writing Of the latter sort some translate into our tongue the learned works of other some set out learned Sermons Catechismes and other treatises for the admonition instruction of the people some shew their learning in mightily refuting and confounding the common aduersaries Yet amongest them all one thing I see wanting For where I see that God hath giuen vnto men two manner of Instructions and teachings one by his word another by his creatures and for to help our dulnesse ●o learne by his creatures hath by his Spirite in his holy Worde giuen a meruellous number of Lessons drawne from thinges sensible In the former manner of teaching God hath blesse vs in comparison of our Fathers aboundantly But in the latter I haue not seene any man of our time that of purpose hath taken paynes Which want no doubt is some cause that by these outwarde thinges which God hath appointed to bee so many helpes not onely for the present necessities of this life but also to Heauen Men ignoraunt of the good Lessons which the Holy Ghoste giueth by them for want of further and deeper consideration are detayned vppon earth and drowned in earthly thinges and doe not possesse but are possessed of their possessions Wherefore in some little part to supplye that wante but cheefelye to giue to others of greater learning and giftes occasion to bestowe this way some part of their leasure I haue collected into the order of an Alphabet these fewe Lessons giuen by the spirite of God Wherein as I haue cheefely respected the benefite of the ruder sorte so to accommodate my selfe vnto them I haue endeuored with playnesse asmuch breuitye and shortnesse as I possibly could and therein for the moste part I haue deliuered the very wordes of the Holy Ghoste worde for worde And wheresoeuer I haue gone a little from them yet there the very wordes giue manifest occasion of the collection Which that it may of all men the better and with lesse payne bee seene and viewed I haue in the Margent noted not onely euery Chapiter but also euery verse whence I haue gathered the note set downe If then any may be occasioned by meane hereof by the sight and vsing of earthly blessings to lift vp their minds to heauenly contemplation and thankfull consideration of the Power Wisedome and goodnesse of God then haue I my desire and that which I onely seeke for Thus I commit your Honours to the protection of Almighty God whoeuer preserue both you and yours Danbury the 29. of Ianuary 1585. An Alphabet for laymen deliuering vnto them such lessons as the holye Ghost teacheth them in the worde by thinges sensible Abundaunce WHen God blesseth vs with Abundaunce then are wee to call to minde whose gift and liberalitie it is namely that the earth is the Lordes and all that therein is and that manifold are his workes all which hee hath in wisedome made and the earth is full of his riches Hee gyueth it to men and they gather it he openeth his hand and they are filled with good thinges Yet notwithstanding they must beware of couetousnes For though they haue Abundance yet their life standeth not therein But they must remember that they which be rich in this worlde are charged to be readie to giue and glad to distribute For if they haue this worldes good and see their brother haue need and shut vp their compassion from him the loue of God dwelleth not in them And then shall this iudgement light vpon them that as their goods increase so shal they increase that eat them and no good shall come to the owners but the beholding of it with their eyes and they shall beget Sonnes and in their hands shal be nothing els though they haue riches treasures and honour and want nothing of all that their heart desireth yet they shall not haue power to eate thereof but straungers shall eat it vp Adamant BEcause wicked men are impudent and stif-headded and also in great number and countenaunce therefore God promiseth his assistance to his Ministers and to giue them boldnesse and constancie in their calling and to make their foreheades as hard as the Adamant so that they shall not feare the great lookes of them that rebell against God Adder THE Adder expresseth the nature of obstinate wicked men For as he is by nature enclined and desirous to sting and to hurt with his poyson whomsoeuer he may so all their counsels tend to the increase of wickednesse and mischiefe And as this euill in the nature of an Adder can by no meanes be redressed no not by enchauntment for he stoppeth his eares against the charmer So there is no hope of the conuersion of these obstinate wicked ones who stubbornely refuse to here all wholesome doctrine and good counsell that proceedeth out of the Word wherof we haue example in the counsell that stoned Steuen for they stopped their eares And in the Papists amongest vs who will not come into those places where the Word is read and preached Age. TO liue long is a blessing giuen of God to them that
soudenly our life vanisheth away as in dry weather Cloudes that threaten raine but are indeede emptie and vanish So is the liberality of greate braggers and boasters which will promise apace but perfourme slowely As of cloudes when they be vanished away there is nothing seene so the synnes of godes people when he forgeueth them are clearlie put both out of sight and remembraunce As a morning cloude that at the Sunne rising vanisheth away So is the prosperity of the wicked False and vntrue teachers are like these emptie cloudes which are blowne away with the Winde for they bring not that which they brag off Cloakes AS a good and fayre cloake being large so couereth a man that many things may be carried vnder it and conueyed cleanly which wee woulde be loth and ashamed to haue seene so hypocrites craft and deceit hideth and couereth their vntrueth which to bee plainly seene and perceiued they would bee ashamed Also we are to take heede that we make not Christian liberty a cloake to couer the satisfiyng of our lewde lusts and wicked affections withall Coales AS we see one coale kindle another woode to be apte matter to make a fier so those that be disposed to contention and brawling be apt to kindle strife to set men together by the eares Contribution WHen we see anye Contribution or gathering made for Preachers then we are to remember that it is but dutie that men should minister to them carnall thinges that made them partakers of spirituall thinges Corne. COrne that is blasted afore it be ripe admonisheth vs of the state of such cities as God hath determined shortly to destroy for the ●innes of the inhabitantes continually prouoking him vnto wrath Councell WHen we see men runne vpon head and that there is no man amongst them that giueth good and wholsome Councell there we may well conclude that they shal shortly perish But where there are many that can giue good Councell and there Councell is obeyed and embraced the common wealth shall flourish But good councellers muste not truste to their owne braines and wisedome but must seeke to direct them selues according to the Word and wisedome of the Lorde otherwise God doth accurse their Councels Men that will be wise in their latter end must heare Conuncell and receiue instruction For the deuises of a mans heart are manye but onely the Councell of the Lord shall stand Otherwise the Councels of the wicked of what might or wisedome so euer they be they shall not take effect nor be brought to passe Craftesmen THe gaines that commeth by Idolatrie to diuers sundry sortes of craftsmen purchaseth their friendship maketh them earnest enemies against the Gospell truth of God Otherwise the skil cunning of craftsmen are the good and praise worthy giftes of almighty God such as no common wealth without great inconuenience and daunger can want or be without But these craftesmen muste take heede that for couetousnesse they make them not parteners of other mens sins in becomming instrumentes to beautifie idolatry superstition vanitie curiositie c But labour onelye that which is good that they may not only be able to suffice their own need but relieue others Creation THe omnipotencie of the Worde seeing by it all thinges were made is declared in the creation of the worlde and of all that is in it Whatsoeuer may be knowen of God is manifest and maye be seene in the creatures and in their creation so that thogh men had no more teaching then that which the workes of God represent to their eyes yet are they left quite voyd of scuse for ignoraunce more the creatures reioyce to keepe their course to worke his will and to execute his commanndement But aboue all they are exceeding glad that GOD hath glorified him selfe by redeeming his people and bringing them into an assured expectation of beeing deliuered from the seruitude of corruption Crowne A Crowne because it is a token of the highest dignitie and honour in this life the holye Ghost vseth it to expresse the greatnes of the dignitie and honour wherevnto the children of God shall be aduaunced in the life to come an incorruptible crowne a crowne of righteousnes a crowne of life Crueltie WHen we see the meeke oppressed and the godly scorned and cruell men raging taking on at their pleasure then let vs call to mind that the time shall come when the cruel man shall cease and the scornefull shall be consu●med and all that hasted to iniquitie shall be cu●●off For crueltie is proper to the wicked and vn●godly whose very bowels are cruel But euen as they do so God doth pay them home againe and iudgement mercilesse shall be to them that shew no mercy namely depart yee cursed into euerla●sting fire which is prepared for the Deuill and his aungels Cup. AS we see men take the cup one at an others handes and drinck in course so we when we haue tasted of the cup of Gods wrath for our sins if we repent are to comfort our selues that it shal be taken out of our handes and giuen to our enemies euen to those which hitherto haue made a spoyle of vs and they shall sucke out the dregges thereof The people by whome God plagueth others are likened to a golden cup which serueth to make many drincke withall Those who haue seene others taste of the cup of Gods wrath and yet perseuer and go forwarde in the like sinnes as they haue seen others punished for shal drinck of the same They which are the Schollers of Christ are to make account to drinck of the same cup that their maister did When we see cups verye fayre on the out side and within s●uttishly kept then are we to remember that they are a plaine patterne of hipocrisie and to looke into our selues least seeming something to the worlde we be carelesse how we appeare to God who looketh to the heart and inner partes Also a fayre cup that hath dregges or bad drincke in it shoulde make vs mindfull of the cup full of abhominations and filthines which is in the hand of the Romish Antichriste otherwise called the Whoore of Babylon and whereof all the kinges of the earth haue druncke and heedful least we all be partakers of her sinnes and so receiue of her plague Day FIrst in the creation of day which was mad● 3. dais before y e sonne we haue to consider y e almighty power of God who is not tied to any in●feriour or instrumental causes For carnal reason wisdom is not able to reach to it or to conceiu● how daylight should be without the Sonne Se●condly as they that vse the benefite of the day t● trauell and walke in needeth not to stumble an● fall at the things that lie in their way
and wickednesse Floud GOds blessing in aboundaunce is like floudes of waters and as the ouer-flowing of them maketh dry groundes fruitfull so his blessinges are welcome to the people of God As flouds ouerflow and destroy all so those by whom God plageth any land or people But if God be on our side thogh the enemies like a floud make account to ouerthrow and ouerwhelme all yet their waters shall not drowne vs nor their streame goe ouer our soules But floudes many times happen sodainely and when we least looke for them as Noes floud which shoulde make vs remember how sodainly and vnlooked for Christ shal come to iudge the world Flies THe great power of almighty God is herein seene that by so small and weake a creature as Flies are can tame the prowdest Tirant and make the stoutest vppon earthe to stoupe to his pleasure The Flies are busie in Pothecaries shoppes and if they happen to get into his glasses of sweet syrops and ointments ther die they stinke and spoyle his syrop or ointment euen so doth a little folly him that was had in great estimation for his wisedome Flower AS a flower so soone as it bloweth is cut downe or very shortly gathered So is the continuaunce of a mans life As the beauty of a Flower which sodainly fadeth so is all the glory and graces of all flesh Therefore we are not to reioyce in wealth honour and dignity nor set our whol mind to seeke after them For they shal vanish as sodainlye as doth the Flower of the grasse But we are by y e consideration heereof to leaue seeking these worldly thinges and seeke earnestly for the immortall seede of the worde whereby we may be regenerate and begotten againe of God to euerlasting life and so enioy his mercies which endure for euer Flint GOd maketh his Ministers harder against the vngodly and wicked then is the Flint Flayle GOd shall make his people like a thresshing instrument and they shall thresh the mountaines to powder and the hilles to chaffe that is all their lofty and proude enimies that rise vp against them Flocks WHen we see the plentifull encrease that Flockes of Cattel bring and that they multiply exceedinglie Then we are to remember that though god sometyme wast his people for their sinnes yet he wil exceedingly multiplie it and encrease it againe Fooles THey that doe mocke and scoffe at their own sinne and offences are fooles and in so doing bewray their folly Their mouth shall bee their destruction and their lippes a Snare for their soule hee that begetteth such getteth him selfe sorrowe and the father of a foole canne haue no ioy But there are many sily simple ones in worldly respects but Fooles which goe before vs in embracing of religion in knowledge of the word and in framing their life according therevnto The consideration whereof shoulde make vs to vnderstand that God prouoketh vs thereby to emulation of their weldoing and so stirreth vs to contende to ouertake and ouergoe them Wherefore let no man deceiue himselfe If any among you seeme to be wise in this worlde Let him be a foole that he may be wise Folly THe wisemen of the world alwaies esteemed it folly and madnesse to beleeue in Christe crucified And the preaching of the Gospell is thoughte folly of the wicked worldlinges and therefore contemned But by this foolishnesse it hath pleased God to saue beleeuers euen al that beleeue And this follie is wiser then the wisest men and hath preuayled agaynst al their wysedome from the one ende of the worlde to the other Foode WHen wee haue foode and apparell wee shoulde be therewith contented Foote AN vnfaithful man in whom a man reposeth confidence in trouble is like vnto a sliding foote that layeth his master in the dirt A mans foote so sore that it cannot be healed and putteth the other parts of the body in danger to be infected by it is wont to be cut off for the preseruation of the rest which admonisheth vs what wee haue to doe with our friendes or any commodity earthly when they become hurtfull to our souls and endaunger vs to looze life euerlasting how necessary and needfull soeuer they seem to be for this our present state Foules THe Foules of Heauen are good proofes of Gods prouidence for notwithstanding they make no prouision but for the present time yet God of his merciful goodnesse feedeth them and therfore they shold teach vs in due order to hang vpon his prouidence If any corn be spilt or shed in any common way the Foules presently fall vpon it deuour it and suffer it not to remain ther any longer so also the seede of the word that falleth into hard hearts is by and by taken away of the Diuell and wicked spirites and so cannot remaine there nor be vnderstoode Foundation AS buildinges can not stande except they bee borne vp by their foundation so Christians are in an vnstable state except they stay thēselues vpon Christ. Whosoeuer therefore goeth about to builde in any other Foundation is an vnskilfull builder laieth his Foundation vpon the sand in windes and stormie raines his worke cannot stande Fountaines AS Fountaines dee continually in great plenty cast out waters So doe the wicked their malice One Fountaine can not giue foorth both sweete and salte Water yet wee see that out of one mouth verye contrary thinges proceedeth euen blessings curssings which sheweth what an vnruly euill the tongue is God giueth vnto his Water pooles out of the harde Rockes and Fountaines out of the flint stones Fruite THe dangers that proceeded to our first parents by the view of the fruite of the Tree of knowledge of good and bad shoulde admonish vs how daungerous a thing it is to giue libertye to our sences to iudge and then to followe oure owne iudgement reason in any matter wherein God hath once pronounced sentence The Church of God shall growe and be fruiteful and the world shall bee filled with the Fruite thereof and this is the faire and pleasaunt Fruite that it shall bring foorth namely that the iniquitie of Iacob shalbe purged and all his sinne put away As the goodnes and badnes of trees is discerned by the goodnes badnes of their fruits so men especially such as take vpon them to bee teachers of others are discouered by their well or euil doings And as the Fruit cannot be good except the tree bee first good So from the euill heart of a wicked man nothing that is good in the eies sight of God can proceede Good ground which when it is tilled and sowed bringeth forth Fruite plentifully is an image and representation of those which receiue the worde preached gladly beleeue it stedfastly and expresse it in life accordingly In the Law the offering of the
in the Church of God ought by long study and meditation aforehande to be throughly furnished and stored with al maner of doctrine and comforts needfull for euery sort of men The housholder that feareth theeues wil cause his house to be diligently watched and looked vnto least the theefe come vpon him at vnawares of him we should learne to be watchfull and to be prepared for the comming of our Lord and Sauiour who wil come in an hour wherein he is least looked for Horses WHen God by his Ministers doth teach and instruct vs in the way that we should goe and we continue as before ignoraunt neither vnderstand the thing which is taught vs then we be like Horses and Mules which muste be ruled with bitte and bridle In battel an horse is but a vayne helpe neyther can he deliuer his rider thorough his much strength For the horse is prepared against the day of battaile but saluation is from the Lord. Husbandmen AS Husbandmen that misuse their Landlord and his seruaunts which he sendeth to them for the rentes and profits of his land are worthely and iustly thrust out others planted in theire roomes so wee haue seen the Iewes cut off from beeing the people Church of God for misusing of Christ his Apostles and prophets and so assuredly shall al they be that dispise and naught set by and cruelly misuse and intreat the Ministers of the gospell the preachers of the truth which are sent vnto them As husbandmen waite patiently forthe fruite of the earth tarry for the former and latter rain so all Christians ought patiently to abyde and waite for the comming of our sauiour Christ. Husbandrie FIeldes barren and vnpleasant made fruitfull by paines and good Husbandrie doe shewe vnto vs what difference there is betwixt vs in the time of ignoraunce our selues when God by the teaching and paines of his ministers hath made vs his husbandry Idlenesse BY slouthfulnesse the roofe of the house goeth to decaye and by idlenesse of the handes the house droppeth thorough and is neither able to keepe out winde nor raine Idolles THe images of the gentiles were siluer and golde so were the images of the Papistes They were borne by men and set in their places and so stoode and could not remooue themselues from thence According to the number of their Cities and Uillages so were the multitude of their Patrons represented by images They did think them bookes and teachers They fell down afore them made prayers vnto them They sware by the names of their Idolles They did ascribe vnto them help deliuery from dangers yet could they not helpe them selues For by Gods iust iudgement they were taken broken down and destroyed and consumed by fire so are the images of the papistes But there resteth a sentence of malediction wo and curse aswell to the image maker as to all that say to wood awake or to stone rise vp Idolatrie IDolaters in falling downe to images do humble them selues to hell yet they are verye constant in their religion and verye rarely and seldome giue ouer and forsake their false Gods which constancie of theirs ought to make vs ashamed of our inconstancie and coldenesse in professing the truth yea they ascribe the blessing of plentye to Idoll seruing and penurie and miserie to the leauing of that seruice Ignoraunce WHen we see in this light of the gospell many vile and grose sinnes let vs remember that it is the iust iudgement of God against this vnthankfull worlde partly for that men that know him doe not glorifie him as God and partly for that in so great and diuers meanes to know god many haue had no regarde or care to know him and therefore are giuen ouer into reprobate mindes Image WHen we enter into the Churches of Papistes and see how they be decked with Images of all sortes which notwithstanding they be well shapen yet haue no maner of sence in them then are we to remember that by the iust iudgement of God in sence and vnderstanding of matters pertayning to GOD and the life to come such as the images are their makers are also togeather with all them that put their trust in them The image makers are vanitie it selfe and God hath shut their eies that they can not see nor vnderstand What an absurde thing it is when they haue burnt one peece of a tree to make an image of an other peece of the same and to bowe downe to it Therfore when we see them in their churches cense their images knocke kneele and praye to them then let vs call to mind that God sayeth I am the Lord this is my name and my glory will I not giue to an other neither my praise to grauen images For he is God and there is none other and there is nothing like him or whereby his likenesse may be expressed Therfore we may not imagine the Godhed to be like siluer or gold grauen or carued by the art inuention of man Christ our sauiour is the verye Image of God in whom God hath reuealed and made knowne him selfe and he is the expresse forme of the fathers person Iudging WE are to take great heede and to be very carefull in Iudging of others and when we iudge we are to iudge iustly which we can neuer do except we iudge by the Word the iudgement whereof must stand at the last day and when we do iudge others we are diligently to view consider our selues whether the like or greater falts be not in vs worthy reformation For otherwise we shall both bewray our selues to be blind hipocrites also ignorantly when we think not of it giue sentēce aganst our selues as Dauid did Besides in outward and indifferent things we must take heed how we iudge our brother for he is not our seruant he standeth or falleth vnto his Lord he and we all shall stande before the iudgement seat of Christ and be there iudged Iudges IUdges are adorned with the name of Gods because they are Gods deputies amongst men and for that cause are to be highly reuerenced of men wherfore such are to be chosen as are of courage that is such as feare not y e face of man Men dealing truelye and hating couetousnesse such as in iudgement neither for pittie to the poore neither for reuerence to the rich decline from iustice neither can be drawn to follow a multitude nor in iudgement to follow the sentence of manye to ouerthrow right but alwaies seeke and search to giue true iudgement to all as well strangers as Citizens hauing alwayes before their eyes that they execute not the iudgements of man but of the Lorde who is euer present with them in the examination and iudgement of the cause Iewell LOoke
how euill a ring or Iewell of golde becommeth the filthy snowt of a swine that is alwayes rooting in the durt and mier so vncomely is beauty to a woman that hath not wit nor discretion to behaue her selfe Iron AS with Iron tooles sharpe Weapons are made of Iron so doth one Friend helpe to sharpen encourage and enbolden the face of an other King IT is folly for a king to put his trust in the multitude of his host and army The death of kinges and Princes sheweth vs how vaine a thing it is for vs to put our trust in men or in the sonnes of men for there is none helpe in them for their breath departeth they dye and tourne againe to their earth and then their thoughts perish If a King will see euill and wickednesse driuen and chased away out of his realme and land he must seuerely punish the wicked Yet he must mingle mercy with iustice for mercy shall establishe his throne He must also haue an especiall care to defend the poore in truth for that is an other mean to vphold him in his kingdom He must abstaine from the loue of giftes for otherwise he shall destroy his countrye He must meruailously take heede of giuing eare to vntruthes otherwise he shall be sure to haue wicked seruauntes When drosse is taken away from Siluer there proceedeth a vessell for the finer so take away the wicked from the king and his throne shall be established in righteousnesse As the height of heauens and the deepnesse of earth so the kings heart is vnsearcheable Yet his heart is in the hande of God he turneth it which way so euer it pleaseth him A poore childe that is wise is better then an old foolishe king that can not abide to be admonished or counselled For out of prison he commeth foorth to raigne when he that is borne in a kingdome commeth to pouerty and misery Woe to the land where the king is as a child without wisdome and where the Princes and Rulers giue them selues altogeather to voluptuousnesse and pleasures But happy is that land whose king God hath endued with celestiall wisedome and all graces meet for gouernment We must beware of speaking euill or thinking euill of princes For though we doe it neuer so secreatly it cannot be kept close So necessary as breath and life is for the body so be good kinges and Princes for their people and common wealth Thogh kinges and princes sometimes conspire against Christ to destroy the Church and to quench the light of the Gospell yet we are assured that all they can do nothing but whatsoeuer Gods hande and counsell had afore hande determined to bee done The king is the minister of God to take vengeaunce on them that doe euill Therefore let euill doers be afrayde of him for he beareth not the swoorde for naught Finally the king must haue Gods booke continually with him therein for his continuall direction he must read all the dayes of his life Labourers WHen we see painfull l●bourers if we bee ministers we shoulde by their example learne what paines we ought to bestowe vppon Gods flock if we be common persons wee are in them to viewe the care and paine that vigilant pastors take for vs and to consider howe worthy they are of their reward Againe when wee see eyther for want of labourers or by negligence of those which are set on work thinges doe perishe and be lost then we shoulde consider howe many thousands of soules are in daunger of perishing for want of painefull and carefull ministers and should earnestly call vpon God to thrust out laborers into his haruest Further the viewe of labourers sweating toyling and taking paines shoulde put vs in minde whereunto we are borne and also that that there is a penalty laid vpon men by God in the sweat of their browes to eate their bread To the painfull labourer sleepe is sweete whether hee eateth much or little Hee that for neede stole let him steal no more but let him labour with his hands the thing which is good that he may both eate his owne bread and also be able to giue to him that needeth Lambe WIth such patience and meeknes as a lamb is carried to the slaughter with such are the Prophets and preachers of God brought by the wicked to most cruell death For his meeknesse and innocency wherein a lambe resembleth him Christe is called the lambe of God which taketh away the sinnes of the worlde And because that as a lamb is dumbe before his shearer so hee was led to the slaughter not opening his mouth Lying AS vncomely as magnificall talke is for a poore foole so vnmeeete is lying and vntrue talke for a Prince As the deuil is the father of lies so lying is an euident token of his Children The grosse and apparant lies commonly beleeued and receiued in Popery is a manifest token of Gods iust vengeaunce vppon them to their damnation that they are giuen ouer to beleeue lies because they receiued not the loue of the trueth which punishment wee see howe it lighted vpon the Iewes whose Prophetes preached lies and the people delighted therein Who soeuer loueth or maketh lies shall neuer enter into the gates of the Heauenlye and Celestiall Ierusalem but shall haue their part and portion in the Lake which burneth with fier and Brimstome Yet wee may complaine with Dauid that there is not a godly man left and that the faythfull doe fayle from amongest the children of men Lyar. THe eares of the wicked are alwaies open to the lippes of liars and Liars are glad to hearken to the tongues of them that are accustomed to lies yet we are commaunded to flie from lying because it is amongest the things that God abhorreth Therefore we are earnestly to request at Gods handes to remooue farre from vs vanities and lies and to teach vs to speak the trueth euery man to his neighbour Lightning SO quicklye as the Lightning in the East is seene vnto the Weste so sodainely shall Christe appeare vnto the whole worlde at his second comming Light AS a dark or dimme light which a man can not discerne any thing by nor vse to his benefite but is ready so soone as it is stirred to goe quite out so is the prosperity of the wicked but God is the light of his and giueth them eyes and wisedome to eschue all the perilles and dangers of their spirituall enimies As men in the night because of the darknesse vse Lanterne and Lights that they may see their way so we ought in this blinde darke and ignoraunt world to vse the Worde as a Lanterne vnto our feete and a light to our steppes that wee may walke in those wayes that God hath prouided for vs to walke in For
matrimony so often we shoulde remember how much God hath done for vs to couple vs as his spowse to him selfe The keeping of the promise and fayth of mariage inuiolable shoulde admonish vs carefully to keepe the like to our God And the detestation that the good husbande conceiueth against the wife if she play the Harlott should make vs to thinke how grieuous the anger of God is against vs if we forsake him And as it is againste good manners for a man to mourne at the marriage of his friende so it is against duety for men not to reioyce with thanksgiuing when they by euident testimones perceiue the fauour of God towardes them in coupling them to him selfe Whereby they are straightlyer conioyned then they can bee in this worlde by any band of aliance or kinred Yet wee must take heede that mariage make vs not worldly minded nor yet bee an impediment to Gods matters The institution of it was in paradise with this condicion that whatsoeuer friends were neerest or deerest by nature were to be left and forsaken that the maried couple might cleaue and continue together The blessing thereof was by Gods owne mouth that the face of the earth mighte be replenished with mankinde The estate of it is honorable for all men and the bed thereof impolluted and vndefiled But maruellous necessary for them which haue not the gifte of continency the bond thereof is mutuall and tieth either to other The prohibition of mariage to any sort of men or women is a doctrine which the papistes learned of the deuil himselfe Maides THe mindfulnesse of maides to deck and trim vp themselues in the best maner who hardly or neuer forget those thinges which they think may beautify them shall serue to our condemnation which can so easely and so lightly forgette God and so quickly quite exile banish him out of our mindes Measure FAlse and vniust measures are an abhomination to the Lord he cannot abide them but by his iust iudgement hee recompenseth them into their bosome by one meanes or other For what soeuer measure we meate the same we must look for to be met to vs againe Therefore thou shalt not haue in thy house diuers measures a greate and a small but thou shalt haue a right and a iust waighte a perfect and a iust measure shalt thou haue that thy Dayes may bee lengthned in the Lande which the Lorde thy God giueth thee For all that do such thinges and all that do vnrighteously are an abhomination vnto the Lord. Meate THe wicked runne here and there seeking for Meate and shall not be satisfied but the godly haue as great delight and desire to please God and to performe his will within compasse of their seuerall callinges as to eate their meate when they are an hungred and when they see men labour and toyle harde to haue wherewith to feed them selues and their families then they call to minde how much rather they are bound to labour for that meate that endureth to life euerlasting And as oft as they see meate of what sort soeuer they remember that no creature of God is of it selfe vnholy or vncleane but that all meates are sanctified to the receiuer by the word of God and prayer and therfore they abhorre that deuilishe doctrine of the Pope which at sometimes not for ciuill pollicie but for conscience sake commaundeth some meates to be abstayned from as vnlawfull Wherefore as they condemn none for vsing their lawfull liberty so they them selues are carefull least that in rashe or vnaduised vse of their liberty they shoulde offende or be occasion of backsliding to their weake brethren For neither the vsing or abstayning from meate maketh a man the more or lesse acceptable to God but alwayes in eating or drincking or what soeuer else doing they haue a thankfull consideration of Gods liberality to glorify him for his benefites Milstone IT was in the olde time the office of slaues to grinde in the mill and is at this day the punishment of masterlesse men and vagaboundes and the sight thereof should make vs remember to what vile slauery God threatneth to bring the enimies of his people and Church to Further as he that is throwne into deepe waters with a milstone about his necke is sure to perish and to be drowned so we were better to sustaine that or anye other bodilie punishment then to hinder weak and simple Christians from the truth Mockers MOckers and scorners at the gospell trueth of God are in the highest degree of impiety Wherfore be no mockers for if y e Lord for the vngodlines of the inhabitants decree a consumption vpon the whole land much more shall he destroy the scorners For the cruell man shall cease and the scornfull shall be consumed and all that hasted to iniquity shall be cut off Minister WHen we see the church abound with blind idle ignoraunt couetous Ministers then let vs feare the plague that the like brought vpon the Churche of the Iewes whose watchmen were all blinde had no knowledge were dumb Dogs could not barke delighted in sleeping had neuer enough Ignoraunt ministers that oppose themselues against Preachers and preaching are to bee terrified with the curse of Christe which hee giueth against those that take awaye the key of knowledge and neyther woulde enter themselues nor suffer them which would which also stretcheth to them that maintain ignorance to bee the mother of deuotion and also to them which with their traditions and impure glosses haue corrupted the true sence and plaine meaning of the worde And when wee haue as excellent ministers as can be if we stay and grounde our selues vpon them and not vpon the worde we are carnall and not spirituall Howbeit the feete of them that bring tidings to vs of our saluation ought to bee meruellous welcome and those that despise them despise Christ him selfe Moates WHen we see the sunne so clearly to shine that we may see the motes that flye vp and downe in the Sun-beaems Then we are to consider howe many greater things there are in our selues and others which wee see not And thereby wee are to learne to looke narrowlye to our selues that we bee not curious in spying small faultes in others and either blind or rechlesse in passing ouer greate faultes in our selues vnespied and so bewray our hypocrisy Moone THe light of the moone should make vs mindful of the promises GOD made vnto his Church that their sunne should neuer go down and their moone neuer be hid for the Lorde shall be their euerlasting lighte If the moone bee not brighte nor the starres cleane in the eyes and sight of God how much more filthy is the sonne of man which is but an earth-worme Mony THe image of the Prince together with his inscription vpon his mony
of theire owne bellies is the cause that men stirre vp diuision and contention in the church of God contrary to the doctrine receiued and deliuered vnto vs in the word Shepheard WHen we see Sheepe well kept by reason that they haue a good diligent painefull Shepheard who carefully prouideth as well to feede them as to folde them Then are wee to remember that the people of God can wante nothing because God is their shepherd For he feedeth his he gathereth his Lambes into his armes and carrieth them in his bosom and guideth them that be with yong But when wee see idle shepheards that suffer their sheepe to runne astray and to scatter and perish Then wee are to lament the state of the church wherein wee see such idol ministers as these idol shepheards doe represent to abound and if we our selues be such then are wee to tremble at the woe and heauye iudgements of the Lorde pronounced against vs by his prophets God him selfe will seeke vp his sheepe he wil find that which was lost and bring again that which was driuen away He wil bind vppe that which was broken and will strengthen the weake hee will cause them to lye in a good folde and to feede in a fat pasture hee will remedy all their euills by setting a shepheard ouer them euen his Christ. Shepheards that doe but beare the name of shepheards shew no care of their flock and do small or no duty to them God shall depriue them both of strength wisedome and iudgement The losse of a good diligent painfull shepheard is the discipation and scattering abroad of the sheepe When wee see numbers of people for want of the word in their owne parishes doe stray and scatter abroade hither and thither to heare the word then are we to lament this present estate and to haue compassion vpon that people because they are as sheepe scattered and dispersed without a shepheard The diligence of a shepheard in seeking vp any of his sheepe y t are gone astray is an example to vs to spare neither paine nor diligence to reduce them which are gone astray frō God by reason of any error And the ioy of a shepheard in finding of his shepe again sheweth how ioyfull the conuersion of a sinner ought to be vnto vs. Shepheards that refuse no paine nor perill but do endanger that most certainly their life do represent vnto vs the goodnes of our Christ who moste frankly and freely gaue his life for vs. When we see shepheards careful and diligent about their flocks to feede and cherish them then we are to call to minde that it is the cheefe and almost y e only means wherby Christ doth require his ministers to testify their loue towards him namely the feeding of his sheepe It is lawfull for a shepheard that feedeth a flocke to eat of the milk of it Therefore it is lawfull for the ministers of the gospell to bee partners of the temporall blessings of their hearers Sheepe SHeepe driuen to the shambles to be slaine representeth to vs the state of Gods Children and people here vpon earth Sheepe vnrulye to be driuen and running hither and thither astray out of the waye shew to vs our owne vnrulinesse and aptnesse to straye out of those wayes which God hath appoynted for vs to walke in That sheepe brought to be shorne or to be slaine are dumbe and open not their mouth it representeth vnto vs the great and wonderfull patience of our Christ in dying for vs which we are also to learne at his example As sheepe do represent the people of God so the good pastures and pleasaunt waters doe represent the worde of the Lord wherewith he feedeth his and the treading downe of the pasture and the troubling and stirring of the water whereby it is made thicke and foule sheweth foorth the corrupting and mingling of the word with humaine inuentions and dregges of mans braines Sheepe in the countrie which abounde with wild beastes lost or run astray out of the custody of their sheepheard represent vnto vs the dangerous estate of mē so long as they are not broght or continue not vnder the custody and safe keeping of our Lord Iesus Christ. If it be lawful on the sabboth to pull sheepe or other cattell out of a pit or ditch whereinto it is fallen and wherin it woulde otherwise perishe how much more is it to do good to relieue any kinde of necessitie of our neighboure the same day Further the very sight of sheepe and goates should make vs call to minde the state of men at the last daye of iudgement and make vs carefully to endeuour that the notes and markes of Gods sheepe maye be found in vs that we may be parteners in the sentence come yee blessed c. Amongest other markes this is the principall that as sheepe harken to the voyce of their sheepheard so we giue eare to and obey the voyce of Christ. When we see sheepe in the butchers shop appointed for the slaughter then are we to remember that such is the condition of the godly in this wicked and frayle life When we see sheepe from going astray retourned home to their folde and flocke again Then let vs remember that we lately in y e dayes of ignoraunce were astraye and lately by the benefit of almighty God who hath suffered the sonne of knowledge to shine amongest vs returned to the sheepheard and bishop of our souls Shettle THE sliding to and fro of the shettle in weauing do admonish the weauer how speedely and fast his dayes of this life do slyde away Shield AS a shield defendeth the body from blowes and woundes so the great mercy and fauour of God defendeth those which are his from euil Ships SHips in which men are carryed in safety thorough the raging seas shoulde make vs remember Gods heauy iudgement vpon the world in drowning it for sinne and to giue him thankes for his great mercy that he would not vtterly destroy mankind but taught him to frame the firste ship that euer was for the safegarde of him selfe and his family As a ship beeing neuer so great and huge is turned about with a very small rudder whither so euer it please the maister of the ship to direct it so the the tongue though it be a small member oftentimes ouer-ruleth the whole body and setteth it out of course Shoes WHen we see broomes and other thinges bartered for old shoes then are we to detest the intollerable corruption of bribing officers who for the price of a payre of shoes or such a trifle are ready to peruert iustice and to sell the cause of the poore which is able to giue him nothing The sight of shoes shoulde cause vs to remember how vile and base the moste excellent and moste reuerend ministers of the Worde are
abroad their filth But God ruleth the raging of the sea and stilleth the waues thereof Whereby wee vnderstande his great power and might and that there is none in ability like him Sedition FEare the Lord and the king and meddle not with them that are seditious for theire destruction shall rise sodainly and who knoweth the ruine of them Sepulchres SEpulchres and Tombs which are costly builte and richly adorned and haue nothing within them but a stinking Carkas and rotten boanes doe aptly represent the notable goodly outward shewes which hipocrites make their hearts being full of all wickednesse and corruption Seedes AS the seed once sowed wheresoeuer it pleaseth God to grant his blessing vnto it whither the sower sleepe or wake or whatsoeuer hee doeth and howsoeuer hee is occupied groweth encreaseth till it come to maturity and ripenes so y e worde by the minister of God being scattered wher God worketh withal by his holy spirit there it bringeth a greate meruailous an vnlooked for encrease As a number of things shold yeerely decay come to naught except seedes of them were saued whereof they are by sowing renued so the people that beare Gods name vppon earth shoulde in the day of visitation of their sinnes be cleane and vtterly destroied as Sodom and Gomorah but that God spareth some remnant to be as it were a seed for the encreasing of his Church and people againe Seedes y t are sowed except they corrupt grow not again so our bodies except they cōsume rise not again And as the same seede in substance that is sown springeth again yet altered in forme and fashion euen so our bodies shall rise againe the same in substance but meruellously altered in qualities so our bodies except they consume rise not againe yet altered in form fashion euen so our bodies shall rise again the same in substance but meruellously altered in quality Such as the seede is such is the life of y e which proceedeth from it As therfore of mortall corrupt seed men are first borne to this mortall and corruptible life so must wee of the immortall incorruptible seede of the word be borne againe to a life immortall and incorruptible if we will liue euer Serpent THe sight of a serpent shoulde bring to minde the subtilty malice of the diuell whereby he deceiued and seduced oure first father Adam and induced him to transgression and disobedience and also it should make vs the more heedful and carefull to espy his crafts to withstand his malice seeing that we are eazlier nowe to bee ouerthrowne by reason of our corruption then Adam was afore his fall We also that are ministers shoulde also thereby learne to be wise considering the manifolde daungers which are incident to our calling Seruaunts THe diligence of our man-seruants and maide seruaunts in attending vppon vs and doing their duties vpon hope of finding help friendship at our handes is a good lesson as well to teach vs howe diligently we ought to be in pleasing God and also how well content we shoulde be to tarry his leasure for those graces mercies which we look for at his hand A wise seruant is a great pleasure to his Lord master but a lewd seruant always prouoketh him whome he serueth to anger A discreet seruant is better then a lewd sonne shal deuide the heritage amongst y e brethren As impossible as it is at one and the same time for one man to serue two diuers sundrye masters for y t he cannot be diligēt imploy him self about vpon the busines of the one but hee must needs neglect the others affairs so impossible is it for man to addict him self to God ritches When we see our seruants at our beck and commandement and diligent to do those things which we appoint them then we should remēber by how better right equity wee all creatures shoulde redilye obey the voice of God our creator and of Christ our redeemer If thy calling be to be a seruant care not but if thou maist bee free vse it rather For he that is called in the Lorde to bee a Seruant is the Lordes Free-man But learne that the propertye of a good Seruaunt is to giue all reuerence to his master obeying him in all thinges and that in singlenesse of heart and in the feare of the Lorde endeuouring alwayes to please him yea though he be froward executing the trust that is committed vnto him aswell in his masters absence as in his presence If a liberall good and bountifull master to his seruauntes can not but bee very angry and much offended if any of them deale cruelly with their fellows how much more iustly shall God withdrawe his mercy from them that deale vnmercifully with them that liue amongst them If men be bountifull vnto such seruants whose faithfulnesse diligence they haue good trial of as wel in their absence as presence on y e contrary side angry seuere sharp to them which deceiue their expectation do not answere the trust which is reposed in them how much more iustly shall God put the like difference in rewarding or punishing the good endeuours or negligence of them to whome he hath committed seruices of trust in his people and Churche As men haue iust cause with more sharpnesse and greater seuerity to punish those seruauntes to whome they haue shewed theire minde and will and yet their businesse is neglected then others who therefore doe it not because they knowe it not So GOD to whome soeuer hee hath reuealed moste and vppon whome he hath bestowed moste greatest giftes of knowledge them if notwithstanding they bee negligent in vsing their gifts to the profite of Gods Church will he most seuerely and sharply aboue all other punish Seruauntes be they neuer so diligent in executing that which is committed vnto them yet cannot iustly vaunt themselues that they haue done any more then bounden duety So we then when wee haue trauailed as much as for vs is possible yet are to confesse our selues vnprofitable seruauntes It is an olde saying Seruice is no heritage Therefore when we see seruaunts when they haue serued a time chaunge their masters and are eyther masterlesse or serue others then let vs remember that so vnstable and vncertaine is our condition in the Churche of GOD except wee haue the spirite of freedome namely the spirite of adoption of children and so by Christe and in Christe be truely made free Men are their seruauntes to whose commaundementes they yeelde all obedience Therefore if wee obey sinne wee are the seruauntes of sinne and our wages is death But if we obey God then are wee the seruauntes of obedience to righteousnesse and our ende is euerlasting life For the moste part some priuate respect of commodity and the seruice