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A14943 The hope of the faithfull Declaring breefely and clearly the resurrection of our Lord Iesus Christ past, and of oure true essentiall bodies to come: and plainly confuting the cheefe errors, that hath sprong thereof, out the Scripture and doctors. VVith an euident probation, that there is an eternall life of the faithfull, and an euerlasting damnation of the vnfaithfull. Nevvly imprinted and corrected. 1574.; In sacrosanctum Jesu Christi Domini nostri Evangelium secundum Matthaeum commentariorum libri XII. English. Selections Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575.; Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568.; Werdmüller, Otto, 1511-1552, attributed name. 1574 (1574) STC 25250; ESTC S111633 60,785 256

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damned and adiudged to eternall death The same witnesseth also S. Hierome in his wryting vppon the last chapter of Esay But no man ought to be moued by suche a folishe and erronious opinion of certaine vnbeleeuers vvhich opinion hathe of all faithfull men beene euer still reiected and cōdemned For the testimonies or vvitnesse of the scriptures vvhich vvholely vvithoute all contradiction are to be credited speake simply and plainly that the punishment and damnation of the vngodly or vnbeleuers is euerlasting and not onely of long continuance as some expound it but so great that it cānot be expressed and so perpetual that it is vvithout end Herevpon for the opening of the matter we will shew mo testimonies Esay saythe thy riuers shall become rozine the dust brimstone the earth burning pitche not able to be quenched day nor night the smoke shall eternally go vp from generation to generation shal there be a destruction neither shall any man be able to walke there in euerlasting eternity The Prophet doubtles speaketh of hel minding with many wordes to declare that the punishment and paine of hell is eternall and without end For firste he sayeth day and night shall it not quenche Then sayeth he farther the smoke shal goe vp still for euermore Item yet more plainly from generation to generation shall there be a destruction namely a dwelling where as is nothing but paine and vndoing And at the end he addeth neither shal any mā be able to walk there in the euerlasting eternity Which is suche a manner of speache that scarce there can be any other founde that more distinctly euidently and plainely expresseth the eternity For what is the euerlasting eternity else but a time withoute ende But to be able to dwel or walk ther signifieth not that no man shall dwel in hel but that it is a lothsome horrible place wherin euery man desireth neither to dwell nor walke Other Prophetes also speaking of the destruction of lands and Cities haue with suche like maner of speche described a very foul and horrible subuersion Therfore woulde the holy Prophet Esay also expresse here nothing else but an euerlastyng lothsomnes that neuer ceasseth In the holy Prophet Daniel it is wrytten thus they that haue instructed the multitude vnto godlinesse shall shine as the starres in seculum in perpetuum for euer and euer Now least that by this word seculum any man vnderstande a long season as an hundreth a thousād or .10000 yeres he addeth therevnto immediatlye inperpetuum that is in to the eternity or for euermore And like as the eternity is appoynted for the rightuous so is there an euerlasting eternity ordeined for the wicked For the Lord saythe plainly They that haue don good shal come forthe to the resurrection of life and they that haue done euil to the resurrection of iudgement Note here the manner of speche to the resurrectiō of life and to the resurrection of iudgement Nowe haue I shewed afore that this saying to rise vp vnto the resurrection of iudgement is asmuche as to rise to a continual stil remaining state in the which the bodies raised vp endure perpetually in torment We finde also the like in the same gospell of Iohn that the Lorde saythe who so beleeueth on the sonne hathe eternall life but he that beleueth not the sonne shall not see life but the wrath of god abideth vpon him Loe what could be more euidently and pithely spoken He shall not see life sayth the Lorde Item the wrathe of God remaineth vpon him If he shall not see life howe shal he then as yonder men say be preserued or saued Item If the wrathe of God abide vppon him then surely the vengeance that is the paine punishment shall not be taken away frō him And note that he saith the wrathe of God abideth yea abideth on him As if he would say the punishment hāgeth vpon him sticketh fast moueth not away altereth not but worketh in the vnbeleuers without ceassing for euermore The Lord saythe all sinnes shall be forgeuen the children of mē and also the blasphemies wherwith thei blaspheme But who so blasphemeth the holy Ghost hathe no forgeuenesse for euermore but is gilty of eternal iudgement For euermore saith he hath he no remission And herevnto he addeth he is in dāger of eternall iudgement that is he shal be punished wyth euerlasting continuall punishment The lord sayth moreouer in the same Euangeliste better it is for thee to enter into lyfe halte or lame then hauing two fete to be cast into hell fire the fire that neuer quencheth wher their worme dieth not theyr fire goeth not oute Wherein he repeateth once againe that the fire neuer quencheth and addeth therto that the worme neuer dieth Wherfore as the bodies euer cōtinue so endureth their worm also perpetually For the worme liueth and is susteined onely of the body or caryon S. Iohn also sayth in his reuelation if any man worship the beast and hys image and receiue his mark in his forehead or on his hand the same shall drinke the wine of the wrathe of God which is poured in the cup of his wrathe And he shall be punished in fire brimstone before the holy Angels before the Lambe And the smoke of theyr tormente ascendeth vp for euermore and they haue no rest day nor night c. And the like is repeated in the .20 Chapter Thus muche of eternal damnatian CHAP. 29. Of eternal life and saluation and that there is an eternall life NOwe resteth that in the end of this boke we collect somewhat oute of the scripture cōcerning euerlasting life and the moste perfect saluation of all elect which is our only expectatiō and only hope that we vndoubtedly looke for and trust to inherite and that thorow the benefite and merits of our Lord Iesus Christe That there is a blessed and eternall life no man cā deny vnlesse he be altogether an enemy of god except there be in him no life at all For if there be no euerlasting life and no euerlasting saluation then is there also no God or thoughe there were one yet were he neither true nor iust seing that vnto all rightuous and faithfull he hath promised eternall life But a God there is who is true and rightuous therfore is there also an eternall life saluatiō which he hath promised to faithfull beleuers This doth holi scripture recorde with these witnesses Dauid saith I beleue and trust to see the richesse of the Lorde And in the gospel the lord saith Come ye blessed of my father possesse the kingdome whyche hath ben prepared for you from the beginning of the worlde Item O thou good and faithfull seruaunt thou hast bene faithfull in a litle I will make thee ruler ouer much enter into the ioy of thy lord Paule also saith if we haue a sure hope in Christe Iesus only in this life then
are we of all people the most wretched And with many wordes to the Hebrues treateth he of the euerlasting rest But in the .11 chapter he speaketh of the hope of the faithfull They desire a better countrey that is to say an heauenly Item Hebrues .13 we haue heere no remaining citye but we seeke one for to come For holy scripture calleth eternal life the kingdom of God the kingdome of the father the natiue countrye of heauen the ioy of the Lord the blessed rest and euerlasting life S. Peter speaketh very euidently and plaine praised be God the father of our Lord Iesus Christ which according to his aboundant mercy hath begotten vs againe vnto a liuely hope by the resurrection of Iesus Christe from deathe to an inheritance immortall and vndefiled that perisheth not reserued in heauē for you which are kepte by the power of God thorow faith vnto saluation c. CHAP. 30. VVhere the place of the faithfull is YEt are there s●me that aske where the region or place of the blessed and faithful beleuers is Of this haue all rightuous godly men had euer one opiniō namely that the dwelling of the liuing shall be with God according to that whiche the Lorde sayth in the gospell blessed are they which be of a pure hart for they shall see god And though God be euery where yet will he not be sene in this time but principally in the time to come and in heauen according as Moses hath wrytten no mā shal be able to see God liue Therefore is it necessary for vs to depart oute of this time and to be broughte elsewhere namely to the place that is aboue vs where God dwelleth in a lighte that no man can atteine vnto as Paul saith For there wil he be perfectly sene of his In S. Luke it is red that Abrahams lappe or bosome is aboue in the heigth but the harborow or dwelling of the damned beneth in the depth It is found also that Helias was in a firie charet taken hēce and caried vpwards into heauē And in Iohn doth oure Lorde Iesus Christe pray saying father those whom thou hast geuen me I will that where I am they also be there with me that they mai see mine honor and glory But in this that I haue treated of afore it is manifestly declared that the heauē is the same rowme and place of Iesus Christ into the which he is bodely taken vp in his glory Wherof then it foloweth of necessity that the heauen into the which Christ ascended wyth his true body is euē the same place and rest that faithfull beleuers are taken vp into And into the same heauen desired Steuen to be receiued whā he lifte vp his eyes into heauen and saw at the right hand of the father Iesus standing to whom he committed his soul and said O Lord Iesu receiue my spirit CHAP. 31. Hovve the saluation shall be BVt what the same life and of what sorte fashion and maner the saluation of the faithfull shal be or what the elect doe or occupy in heauen can of mortal men not perfectly be spoken For s Augustine also in his .22 boke de ciuitate Dei. cap. 29. saith If I vvill say the truth I can not tell after vvhat manner the operation rest and quietnesse of the blessed in heauen shall be For the peace of God excelleth and passeth all mannes vnderstanding And likewise speaketh also s. Paule out of the Prophet concerning the quality fashion and manner of eternall life the eye hath not sene and the eare hath not heard neither haue entered into the hart of man the things which God hathe prepared for them that loue him Wherefore touching the excellency of eternall life though all were spoken that the tongs of men wer able yet should it be hard for them to attain and by words to expresse the leaste and smallest portion thereof For albeit we heare that the kingdom of Christ be filled with glory ioy and saluation yet the things that are named cōtinue still farre from oure vnderstanding yea they remaine wrapte as it were in a dark speche and in a miste vntill the daye come wherein he will open and geue vnto vs his glorye Therefore whan the holy Prophets coulde with no wordes expresse the spirituall saluation as it is in it selfe yet as much as was possible they described set it forthe by outward and bodely things Therefore we maye also I suppose by outward and corporall things gette vp as it were by steppes to things inuisible and purchase vnto our selues an vnderstanding of spirituall euerlasting goud things For S. Paule to the Romanes speaking of the knowledge of the true onely and eternall God saythe the Gods inuisible things namely his eternall power and god-heade are vnderstande if hys workes be pondred and considered And oute of that good things that here vpon earthe are geuen vnto men hathe the Poet Marcellus very goodly and wel concluded and compted that the good things which for the blessed are prepared in the life to come shal be suche as now can not be considered and expressed And thus he saythe O Heauen that art the throne most hie A beautifull crovvn faire vvorthy Hovve vvonderfull pure and excellent Art thou beset in firmament VVith starres vvith sun and mone doutles Replete vvith ioy and much gladnes VVhich God for vs hath prepared And cattell to geue hath not spared VVaters and vvoode vvith many a hill vineyardes medovves faire fields to till Pleasant on earth and commodious Thy dvvelling O Lord hovve precious Is it All full of honor and glory For thy celestiall host vvith thee Moreouer holy scripture speaketh very simply and plainely that eternall life consisteth here in that we shall see God and haue the fruition of him in whome is the fulnesse of al good and wythout whom nothing can be desired or found that is good beautifull or pleasant For eternall life or eternal saluation is nothing else but mannes euerlasting and alway continuing state which by meanes of the best things of all is fully perfect This state is geuen vs thorow the beholding or sighte thorowe the fruition and thorowe the cōmunion or felowship whych we shall haue wyth the blessed God in the world to come Hereof is it that S. Aug. saith Lib. 22. De ciuitate Dei cap. 29. If I be demaunded vvhat the blessed shal do in this spirituall body I shall not say that I novve see but that vvhich I beleue Therfore I say that euen in this bodye they shall see God. Thus also did holy Iob holde therof and sayd I shall see him to my selfe and mine owne eyes shall see him yea I and none other Euen of this occasiō spake S. Augustine in the last chapter of this .22 boke that the corporall eyes of the body raised vp shall execute their office that is they shall see What he farther treated
the vniforme and vniuersal opinion of all faithful which also witnesseth that in the life to come the blessed shall knowe one another For whan we talke of deathe and of the state and case of the life to come we say though we nowe must departe a sonder yet shall we see one another againe in the eternall country Socrates also the righte famous and most excellent among all the wise men of the heathen marked such a like thing sawe it as in a dreame whan as Cicero witnesseth of him he was vnto death condemned of the iudges or counsel and nowe should drinke the poyson For he sayd O howe muche better and more blessed is it to goe vnto them that well and vprightlye liued here in time then to remaine here in this life vpon earthe O howe deare and worthy a thing is it that I may talke wyth Orpheus Museus Homerus Hesiodus with those excellent mē Verely I woulde not onely die once but manye sondry times also if it were possible to obtain the same c. After this sort like as in a dreame did the good Philosopher imagine in himself ioyes vaine and of none effecte But we promes vnto our selues true assured ioy in that we hope and knowe that in the eternall and euer during countrye after the oesurrection of the dead we shall see Adam our firste father Noe the dearly beloued frende of God Abraham to whom god made speciall greate promises Moses the most gentle hearted man and one that had greatest experience of all the mysteries of god Samuel the frendly and louing prophet Dauid the king and Prophet who was Gods elect according to his owne wil and desire Iosias the most godly and best among all the kings of Iuda likewise Iohn the Baptiste holyer then whome there was none borne of woman and with all these the holy Virgine Mary the mother of God and highly replenished wyth grace among all wemen Item Peter Iohn Iames chefest of the Apostles with the other disciples of Christ Paul the famous teacher of the Heathen and all the holy congregatiō of the Patriarks Prophets Apostles Martirs and faithfull beleuers As for our glorified and pure vnderstanding memory nowe endued wyth immortalitye the multitude and infinite number of the blessed in our said natiue country shall nether greeue nor entangle the same From the beginning of the creation there was in Adam a wonderfull and excellent efficacie of vnderstāding and remembraunce forasmuche as vnto all things and to euery one in especiall what so euer was wythin the whole compasse of the world created yea in paradise also he gaue theyr names and knew euery one A muche more excellent more pure and more cleare vnderstāding shall God geue to the raised vp and glorified bodies so that they shall not lacke nor be destitute of any thing at all And where as the blessed shal reioyce and haue ioye together one wyth another yet shall all their delight be in the only god who shall be all in all Of these euerlasting heauenly things more farther to wryte I haue not at this present How be it there shal be graciously geuen vs things far greater muche more glorious more ioyfull and more diuine then we can comprehend namely saluation as it is in it selfe in that daye whan we after the ouercōming and treading downe of deathe thorow our Lord Iesus Christ shall be caried vp and taken to heauen into eternal ioy and saluation Touching the whych I haue hetherto wryttē not according to the Maiesty and worthinesse thereof but after my small ability in most humble wise God the father of all mercye thorowe hys deare sonne oure Lord redemer Iesus Christe vouchsafe graciously to take vs pore sinners vp to his glorye after the ioyfull resurrection of oure body that we long for to geue shew vs the vnoutspeakable ioy which he hathe prepared for all faithfull beleuers that we euer liuing and hauing ioy in him maye prayse him for euer euer that is from eternity to eternity So be it With Christ euen in death is life FINIS Math. 12. 1. Cor. 15. Math. 28. Marke 16. Luke 24. Psalme 16. Actes 2.13 Mark. 16. Iohn 20. Math. 28. Luke 24. Luke 24. De agone Christiano cap. 24. Iohn 20. Rom. 1. Iohn 21. Math. 28. 1. Cor. 15. Actes 1. Actes 10. 1. Cor. 15. Rom. 4. Rom. 10. Philip. 3. Iohn 11. 1. Cor. 15. Rom. 6 Collos 3. Marke 16. Ruffinus Luke 24. Actes 1. Math. 26. Zach. 12. Iohn 19. Psal. 8.19 Psal. 146. Psal. 103. Math. 5. 3. Reg. 8. 2. Cor. 5. Actes 1. Phillip 3. 1. thess. 4. Collos 8. Fulgentius Vigilius Christ sitteth at the right hand of God. August de agone Christiano cap. 26. Ephe. 2. De fide symbolo cap. 7. Num 32. Mich. 4. Rufinus Actes 2.3 De fide symbolo cap. 6. Iohn 17. Iohn 12. Ephe. 4. Phillip 2. 1. Cor. 2. Ephe. 4 Phillip 2 Iohn 12. Phillip 3. Iohn 14. Iohn 14. The Seleucians error Phil. 2. The name of Christ is aboue all names Arriani Iohn 5. Iohn 17. Actes 2. 1. Cor. 2. Exod. 15. Psal. 18 Psal. 118. 3. Reg. 1. Psal. 110. 1. Cor. 15. Zach. 6 1. Peter 3. Heb. 9. 1. Iohn 1.2 Rom. 8. Iohn 12. Mark. 14. 1. Cor. 5. 1. Cor. 7. Colos 3. Phillip 3. Ephe. 4. 1. Thes 4. Heb. 10. Tertullian Iosua 7. Gene. 7 Iohn 6 1. Cor. 15. VVhat the bodye or corpes is called of the Latinistes It is harde to beleue the resurrection The true resurrection of the flesh proued Antagonistai Iob. Ruth 4. Num. 35. Gene. 3. Phillip 3. Esay 26. 1. Peter 4. To rest in the dust Eze. 37. Iohn 5. Iohn 11. Actes 4. Actes 23. Actes 28. 2. Cor. 4. Iohannes Demascenus de orthodoxa fide Cap. 28. Math. 24. Math. 25. Iohn 5. 1. Thes 4. 1. Cor. 15. Iob. 19. VVhat a glorified body is Phillip 3. Luke 24. Phillip 3. Contra Arria cap. 31. 2. Cor. 3. Daniel 12. Math. 13. Math. 17. 2. Cor. 5. Rom. 8. 1. Iohn 3. 1. Cor. 15. A naturall and spirituall body 1. Cor. 15. Animale spirituale corpus 1. Cor. 15. Math. 22. Augustinus de fide symbolo Cap. 6. Erroures touching the resurrection of the flesh Philosop 2. Timo. 2. Origen Definici Eccle. ca. 6 Hieron ad Pammachium The confutation of Origens error De ciuitate dei Lib. 13. ca. 22. 23. And the same is againe Retractat Li. 1. cap. 13 Our bodies at the resurrection shal not be feeble nor vveake Esay 66. Daniel 12. Iohn 5. Actes 24. De fide ad Petrum cap. 3. Iohn 5. The death of the soul De fide symbolo cap. 10. Apo. 2.20 Rom. 6. Rom. 7. Gene. 3. Iohn 8. Iohn 3. Luke 16. Psal. 55. Nume 16. Gene. 19. Ezech. 32. Luke 16. 1. Peter 2. Esay 30. Virgilius Eze 32. Mat. 22.24 Esay 30. Esay 66. Marke 9. Rom. 2 Math. 25.
but vvith the names of fleshe and bloud must the infirmity of the fleshe and bloud be vnderstand Item Lib. 1. Retractat cap. 17. In repeting and correcting certaine poyntes whych he had wrytten long afore in the booke de fide symbolo In the time of the Angelical chaunge saith he it shal not be fleshe and bloude but onlye a body c. This I spake of the changing of earthye bodies into heauenly c. But if one vvold vnderstand it so that the earthy body vvhich vve novv haue should so in the resurrection be altered and chaunged that these members and the substance of this fleshe shall not remaine no doubt he is not in the right vvay but ought better to be instructed considering that he is vvarned and monished thorovve the bodye of oure Lord vvhich after the resurrection appeared euen vvith the same members not only that he mighte be seene vvith eyes but handled also and touched vvith handes Besides this he testifieth that he hathe true fleshe vpon him vvhan he saythe handle me and see for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as ye se me haue Therfore it is euidēt and plain that the holy Apostle Paul denied not that the true substaunce of the fleshe should not be in the kingdome of god But rather vvith these vvords fleshe and bloud he vnderstode that either men vvhich liue after the fleshe should not haue the inheritance of heauen or else that there shoulde be in heauen no infirmity of the flesh at all This is a greeuous matter for vnbeleuers and hardly are they persuaded to beleue the resurrection but moste diligently and after my povver haue I treated thereof in the last boke de Ciuitate Dei. Yet handleth he of the resurrectiō not only in the last boke but also in the .13 boke de Ciuitate Dei he wryteth thus The Christian faithe doubteth verely nothing at all to confesse of our sauioure that also after the resurrection though novve in the spiritual fleshe yet also in his true flesh he did eate and drinke vvith his disciples Hereof are they called also spiritual-bodies not that they therefore cease to be bodies but that thorovve the spirite vvhich geueth life they shal be preserued and remaine For like as these our bodies vvhich haue a liuing soule and yet be not named a spirite that geueth life but naturall or soulishe bodies and therfore are not soules but bodies so shall the glorified bodies be called spirituall Yet God forbid vve shoulde therfore beleeue that they shall be spirites but bodies shall they be vvhich shall haue the substāce of the flesh And forasmuch as they are preserued and made aliue thorovve the spirite they shall suffer no greefe or infirmitye Then shal not man be ea●thy but heauenly not that the bodye vvhich is made of the earthe shall no more continue the same body but that thorovv the heauenly gift and grace he shall be so from henceforthe that being such a kinde and nature as can not perishe and altered from all infirmity he shal be able to dvvell commodiously in heauen Furthermore saith s Austen in the. 22. boke the 30. Chapter Hovv the bodies there shall moue I dare not rashly define for I can not comprehend it it passeth my vnderstāding Yet shal their mou●ng and state euen as also their proportion be altogether beutifull and hovv so euer it shall be it shall be in that place vvher nothing can be but that vvhich is beutifull and comely yea vvhere the sprite vvil there straight sha●l the body be also Nether vvill the spirite any thing that is not very semely and comely bothe for him and it Thus haue I hetherto recited s Augustins beleefe to conclude this matter of the resurrection CHAP. 22. VVhat Aurelius Prudencius thought of the same J Will herevnto adde the verses of the excellent and christian man Aurelius Prudentius which do wōderfully expres vnto vs the resurrection of oure fleshe and set it directly before our eyes MY body in Christ shall rise againe I speake it earnest for it is plaine VVhy vvould thou then I should despaire O flesh vvhan I do see so faire The vvay that Iesus Christ my Lord VVent after his death as saith his vvorde This is the ground and foundation My heart beleeueth vvith confession That I am sure and knovve certaine My body shall rise vvholely againe Not one heer lesse then vvas before Neither in greatnesse any more VVith strength and shape as it liued here Afore they it to graue did beare There is no tothe nor naile so small No heer so litle but though it fall Yet perishe it shall not finally But out of graue rise certainly God vvhich afore created me VVith shape and strength vndoubtedly VVhervvith I here on earth should liue No feble nor vveake thing me shall geue For vvhere any thing shall perishe at all It is olde feble So do not thou call Of our bodies the renouation Therfore is this my expectation VVhat sicknesse ▪ paine and aduersity VVhat 〈◊〉 in this ●ale of misery Out of this vvorld ●●vve taketh avvay Shall vvhan I rise at the last day From death to life a nevv certaine be geuen me all together againe For seeing that death is ouercome It euer besemeth vs all and some Quietly to trust vvith stedfastnesse Our God vvill kepe vvith vs promesse Least vvhan vve come into the graue A man no hope then after haue VVhan he to life commeth eternall That he for his body mortall VVhich here so full of faultes vvas As brickle and fraile as any glas Shall haue a body of perfectnesse That colde can not nor hunger presse Though vveaknesse be at all season The strength of death and operation Therby in vs vvhat is consumed VVhan it againe shal be restored Then thorovv the povver vvherby vve rise VVe go to the father in perfect vvise This should right vvell content our hart Therfore my body regardeth no smart In Christ my trust is constantly VVho promiseth vs assuredly To ra●se vs vp from earth at last Therfore be thou nothing agast For sicknesse nor for aduersitee Nor yet let thou the graue feare thee Let this euer thy comfort be That Christ prepared the vvay for thee VVherin himselfe is gone before Folovve thou and liue for euermore CHAP. 23. The bodies of vnbeleeuers shall verely rise againe BVt to the intent that no mā doubt touching the resurrection of the fleshe of the vnbeleuers I will bring forth certaine testimonies of holy Scripture which doe manifestly declare that the vnbeleuers or vngodly shall with their own true bodies rise againe The Prophet Esay in the laste Chapter of his booke sayeth they shall goe forth and loke vpon the bodies of them that haue vilely behaued themselues againste me for their wormes shall not die neither shall theyr fier be quenched all fleshe shal abhorre them With this sentence doth the Prophet play after the maner custome of those that haue sone
of the beholding of god it is penned at large in the .112 Epistle which he wrote ad Paulinam Our Lord Iesus saith also in the holy gospell this is the eternall life that they know thee to be the only true God whōe thou haste sent Iesus Christe This knowledge is not only beleefe and the knowledge of vnderstanding but also the present beholding and fruition of God and the fellowship wyth God which after this life shall happē vnto all faithfull beleuers For Paule said we see now thorow a glasse in a darke speaking but then face to face For faithe is a stedfast substance of things that we hope for and as a beholding or sight of God albeit somwhat more darke and not so euident cleare as shall be that whych as a reward of faith shall be geuen to the faithfull in the worlde to come To see face to face is nothing else but to vse enioy haue the fruition of all things presently also to behold the promisse and perfectly to be pertaker therof Therefore sayeth the holy Apostle Iohn yet more euidently dearly beloued we are now the children of god and yet it dothe not appeare what we shall be but we know that whan he shall appeare we shall be like him for we shal see him as he is With the which wordes s Iohn will declare three things namely that euen nowe in this verye present time we are Gods children and therefore also heyres And though this be a great fore deale and an excellent iewel yet the great and vnspeakeable glory that in time to come shall be declared vnto vs hathe not yet appeared For we saith he shall be like him namely oure Lorde Iesu Christe who according to the saying of Paule shall alter and chaunge our frail body that he maye make it like vnto hys owne glorified body Besides this euen as he is shall we see him namely Christ the Lord not onely as man but also as very god Therfore shal we see god as he is namely god as the onely cheefe and highest good in whom we haue al good things For Paule sayth whan all things are subdued vnto the sonne then shal the sonne also be subiect vnto him who vnto him hath subdued all things that God may be all in all And therefore sayde he also in the gospel that they know thee to be the onely true god Not that Christ is not very god but that the mysterie and the intreating of the sonne oure mediator reconciler shal after the iudgemēt be no more so in heauen as it hath ben afore vpon earth But the only God in the holy Trinity shall be of all good the full perfecte sufficiencie to all faithfull For all that we can wishe thinke and desire shall only god geue and be in all things And that is also the meaning and vnderstanding of Paule whan he sayth God shal be all in all And heerevnto serueth nowe the goodly sentence of S. Augustine who sayth thus God shall be the end of al our longing and desire him shal we perpetually see him shall we loue wythoute tediousnesse and grefe and hym shal we praise wythout ceasing For tediousnesse and grefe runneth customably with saturation or fulnesse As for vs we shal with the beholding of God be filled to the bodelye satisfying which filling shal be as little tedious or greuous as we are greued at the waters and riuers that stil run into the sea and yet oute of the groūd of the earthe spring forth againe For the same cōmeth to passe withoute all mens tediousnesse yea rather wyth great ioye and commodity seing they water moisture all things and make thē fruteful And herevnto serue now these testimonies of the scripture the Prophet Dauid sayth in thy presence is the fulnesse of ioy and at thy righthand there is pleasure for euermore that is in the beholding of thee is and consisteth all ioy and in heauen shall euerlasting pleasure be Item in thy rightuousnesse shal I behold thy face and whan I awake I shall with thy likenesse be satisfied Vnto the Lord also sayth the holy Apostle Phil lip Lorde shewe vs the father and it suffiseth vs. Therfore the Poete Marcellus spake very Christianly and well in these his verses HEreof hath God his name truely Because the highest good is he For vvhere he is there is present Much honor and glory excellent And therfore euery pleasant thing That vvater and earth dothe heere forthe bring And vvhat in the aire is beautifull That may delite and be frutefull There is in all that number not one VVhich is not seene at all season VVithin the circle of heauen ivvis VVhere the highest fathers dvvelling is The blessed also and elect shal in the heauenly and eternal coūtry with continuall praise incessantly laude and magnifye the name of God. For whan s. Iohn in his reuelation thought to signify shew this he sayd I hard the voice of many angels which wer about the throne and about the beasts and the elders And I heard many thousands that sang a newe song saying worthy is the lambe that was killed to receiue power and richesse wisedome and strength honor glory and blessing c. Moreouer the same eternall life shal be altogether fre and discharged from all heauinesse sicknesse and temptatiōs wheras temporall ioy rest and welfare of men is mixt with sorowe As also the holye Apostle Iohn dothe witnesse I Iohn sayth he sawe that holye Citie new Hierusalem cōming down from God out of heauen prepared as a bride garnished for her husbande And I harde a great voyce out of heauen saying beholde the tabernacle of God is with men and he wil dwel with them and they shall be his people and God him selfe shal be with them and shal be their god And God shall wipe away all teares from theyr eyes And there shal be no more death nether sorow nether crying nether shal there be any more paine for the olde things are gone And he that sate vpon the seate sayd Beholde I make all things newe And he sayde vnto me wryte for these wordes are faithfull true And herevnto in manner serueth all that followeth after in the .21 chapter to the ende of the boke CHAP. 32. The soules departed vvotte not vvhat they do that are aliue thereby any thing to be disquieted THerfore did holy Augustin also teach that the soules of those that are departed wotte not what they doe which are aliue Yet wil I resite his words Thus sayth Augustine If the soules of those that are departed vvere among the doings of suche as are aliue they shoulde vvhan vve see them in sleepe talke vvith vs and then I vvill not speake of others at the least my good and faithfull mother that by vvater and lande folovved me so farre to be vvith me should novve not forsake me For God forbid that he shoulde haue made that blessed life
more vnfrendly or more terrible God forbid that vvhan my hearte dothe any thing presse and vnquiet me she should not comfort me her sonne vvhome shee yet so entierly loued that shee could neuer suffer or see me heauye Vndoubtedly it muste needes be true that the holy Psalmist sayth my father and my mother haue forsakē me but the Lord hathe taken the cure to keepe me If our fathers novve and mothers haue forsaken vs hovve can they be then in oure cares and doings And if father and mother do nothing at all in our businesse hovv can vve then thinke that the other dead medle ought vvith vs or knovve vvhat vve doe or suffer The Prophet Esay sayth thou O God art our father for Abraham vvotteth not of vs and Israel knovveth vs not Seing then that such honorable Patriarks vvist not vvhat vvas don concerning their people vvhich came of them selues to vvhō yet as to Gods faithfull beleeuers the same people vvas promised oute of their ovvne stocke hovve can then the dead open themselues the dore to knovve and further the doings and not doings of them that are aliue And hovve shall vve be able to saye that they vvhich are dead vver helped and eased afore the euill came that folovved vp on their death vvhan they after death fele all the calamity and miserye of mannes life that here happeneth vnto vs Or be vve in erroure that speake such things and compt them to be in rest Or doth he erre that maketh the vnquiet vvay of the liuing so carefull and full of combrance I praye thee vvhat great benefite is it then that our lord God promised the vertuous king Iosias namely that he should die because he shuld not see the great misery vvhich god threatned vnto all the land and people of Israell The vvoordes of the Lorde vnto Iosias are these Thus saithe the Lord God of Israell seeing that by reason of my vvordes vvhich thou haste heard thy heart hath melted and thou hast humbled thy selfe before the lord vvhan thou hardest vvhat I had threatned vnto this place and to the inhabiters thereof namely hovve they shal be destroyed destitute and accursed and thou there vpon hast rent thy garment and vvept before my sight Beholde I haue heard thee saythe the Lorde God of hostes The plage shall not touche thee Beholde I vvil gather thee vnto thy fathers into thy graue shalt thou be laid in peace and thine eyes shall not so all the plages that I vvill bring vpon thys land and vpon those that dvvel therein Lo this king stāding in avve at the threatning of God did vvepe and rent his clothes and thorovve death that came afore hand vvas he in safety from all misery to come For he muste afore departe in peace and take rest leaste he shoulde see that greate calamitye Therfore the soules of those that are departed muste needes be in suche a place vvhere they see not all that is done and happeneth in the life of men All this haue we taken and wrytten out of the .13 Chapter of Augustines booke de cura pro mortuis agenda If the soules nowe in euerlasting saluation haue a perfecte rest yea suche a rest as their body which they haue put of hath not yet receiued againe and seeing that they are yet aliue whō they specially loued while they were with them in body howe much more perfect ioy shal they then first haue and possesse whā theyr bodies shall come againe and whan they shal see that all their brethren whome they in this life had loued so intirely afore are together in honor and glory whan now the time of frailty hath ceased and whan in the eternall time there can nowe no cause of heauinesse and grefe be thoughte vpon nor founde anye more at all Therefore the glory and ioy which the mercy of god shall after the laste iudgemente geue vnto menne that are made whole againe of body and soule shal be wythout sorow and in all poyntes perfect And like as the vngodly and vnbeleuers shal be gathered together with the deuill and all his companions so shall also the rightuous electe haue the ioyfull fruition of the company and felowship of their head Iesus Christe and of hys members that is of all faithfull beleuers CHAP. 33. The faithfull shall knovv one an other in heauen THen also shall the blessed knowe one another again hauing ioy together and reioysing in the obtained health For if there shuld be no knowledge to what ende then should the bodies rise againe Or what frute and profit should the resurrection haue Or how might the sentence of Daniel the Prophet be verified whan he saith they that haue instructed taughte other vnto godlinesse shall shine and be as light as the starres in the firmament Whan the Lord was risen again from death and hath taken vpon him his glorified body the Apostles knew him yea so perfectly and thorowly well knewe they him that as S. Iohn witnesseth none durst say who art thou For they all knew that it was the lord I passe ouer that the Lorde spake in the gospell saying whan the sonne of man shall sit vpon the seat of his maiestie then shall ye also sit vpon 12. seats iudge the .12 tribes of Israel For if they that rise againe shall not know one another how shall then the Apostles iudge geue sentence vppon those to whome they preached heere in theyr life time Note that the Apostles shall iudge in the roume and place of their lord to whom only is geuē all power to iudge but this vnderstanding it hathe that the apostles do then iudge whan they are there at the Iudiciall court as witnesses of the rightuous iudgement of God wyth the which he condemneth the vnbeleuers For where as the vnbeleuers woulde not geue credence to the Apostles that is to saye theyr preachers but cried oute vpon thē as vpon vngodly heretikes whan they nowe shall see those present with the iudge of all men they shall immediatly be ouercome by the Apostles and haue witnes in themselues that they shal be and are iustly cōdemned And for this matter read the .4 and .5 Chapter of the Booke of Wisedome which serueth very well to this purpose And seeing it is manifest that in the life to come euē the wicked shal know the good howe much more then shal one good person know another and one faithfull another In the Transfiguration of the Lord vpon the mount appeared Moses and Helias and were knowen of the three disciples of the Lorde yea they knewe the Lord himselfe thoughe he was nowe transfigured Herevnto serueth it also that Paule saith ye are come to the city of the liuing God the celestial Ierusalem and to an innumerable multitude of Angels and to the congregation of the firste borne sonnes whiche are wrytten in heauen and to the sprites of the perfecte rightuous c. Besides thys we haue for vs