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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14216 The summe of Christian religion: deliuered by Zacharias Vrsinus in his lectures vpon the Catechism autorised by the noble Prince Frederick, throughout his dominions: wherein are debated and resolued the questions of whatsoeuer points of moment, which haue beene or are controuersed in diuinitie. Translated into English by Henrie Parrie, out of the last & best Latin editions, together with some supplie of wa[n]ts out of his discourses of diuinitie, and with correction of sundrie faults & imperfections, which ar [sic] as yet remaining in the best corrected Latine.; Doctrinae Christianae compendium. English Ursinus, Zacharias, 1534-1583.; Parry, Henry, 1561-1616. 1587 (1587) STC 24532; ESTC S118924 903,317 1,074

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then and deliuerer must wee seeke for Such a one verily as is verie man perfectly iust and yet in power aboue al creatures that is who also is verie f 1. Cor. 15.21 25. Ier. 23.6 Isai 53.11 2. Cor. 5.14 Heb. 7.16 Isa 7.14 Rom. 8.3 God 16 Wherefore is it necessarie that he be verie man and that perfectly iust too Because the iustice of God requireth that the same humane nature which hath sinned doe it selfe likewise make recompence for sinne But hee g Ro. 5.12 17. that is himselfe a sinner h 1. Pet. 3.18 cannot make recompence for others 17 Why must he also be verie God That he might by the power of his Godhead i Isay 55.3 18. Acts. 2.24 1. Pet. 3.18 sustaine in his flesh the burden of Gods wrath and k 1. Iohn 1.2 49.10 Act. 20.28 Ioh. 3.16 might recouer restore vnto vs that righteousnesse and life which we lost 18 And who is that Mediatour which is together both very God and a very perfectly iust man Euen our Lord Iesus Christ l Mat. 1.23.1 Tim. 3.16 Ioh. 14.16.1 Tim. 2.5 Luk. 2.11 who is made to vs of God wisedome righteousnesse sanctification and m 1. Cor. 1.30 redemption 19 Whence knowest thou this Out of the gospell which God first made knowen in n Gen. 3.15 Paradise afterwards o Gen. 22.18 49.10.11 Rom. 1.2 Heb. 1.1 Act. 3.22 c. 10.43 did spread it abroad by the Patriarks Prophets p Ich. 5.46 Heb. 10.7 shadowed it by sacrifices other ceremonies of the law lastly q Rom. 10.4 Gal. 4.4 3.24 Heb. 13.8 accōplished it by his only begotten Son 20 Is then saluation restored by Christ to all men who perished in Adam Not to al but to those only who by a true faith are engraffed into him r Ioh. 1.12 3.36 Isa 53.11 Psal 2.12 Rom. 11.20 Heb. 4.2 10 39. receiue his benefits 21 What is faith It is not only a knowlege whereby I surely assent to al things which God hath ſ Heb. 11.13 Ia. 2.19 Gal. 2.20 reuealed vnto vs in his word but also an assured t Rom. 4.16 5.1 10.10 c. Iac. 1.8 trust kindled in my u Rom. 1.16 10.17 1 Cor. 1.21 Mar. 16.16 Act. 16.14 heart by the holy x Mat. 16.17 Ioh. 3.5 Gal. 5.22 Phil. 1.19 ghost thorough the gospel whereby I make my repose in God being assuredly resolued that remissiō of sins euerlasting righteousnes life a Hab. 2.4 Mat. 9.2 Eph. Rom. 5.1 is giuen not to others only but to me also and that freely through the mercy of God for the b Rom. 3.24.25 Act. 10.43 merit of Christ alone 22 What are those thinges which are necessarie for a Christian man to beleeue All things which are c Ioh. 20.31 Mat. 28.10 promised vs in the gospel the sum whereof is briefely comprised in the Creed of the Apostles or in the Articles of the Catholick vndoubted faith of all Christians 23 Which is that Creede I Beleue in God the father almighty maker of heauē earth And in Iesus Christ his only Son our Lord which was cōceiued by the holy ghost born of the virgin Mary suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead buried he descended into hell the third day he rose again frō the dead he ascended into heauen sitteth at the right hand of God the father almighty from thence shal he come to iudge the quick the dead I beleue in the holy ghost the holy catholick church the communion of saints the forgiuenes of sins the resurrection of the body and the life euerlasting AMEN 24 Into how manie parts is this Creede diuided Into three parts The first is of the eternall father our creation The second of the Sonne our redemption The third of the holie ghost our sanctification 25 Seeing there is d Deut. 6 4. Ephes 4.6 Esa 44.6 45.5 1. Cor. 8.4 but one onlie substance of God why namest thou these three The Father the Sonne and the holie Ghost Because God hath so e Esa 61.1 Luc. 4.18 Psal 110 1. Mat. 3.16.17 28.19 Io. 14.26 15.26 Tit. 3.5.6 Eph. 2.18 2. Cor. 13.13 Gal. 4.6 1. Ioa. 5.7 manifested himselfe in his woorde that these three distinct persons are that one true euerlasting God OF THE FATHER 26 What beleeuest thou when thou saiest I beleeue in God the Father almightie maker of heauen and earth I beleeue the euerlasting father of our Lord Iesus Christ who a Gen. 1. 2. Psal 33.6 Iob. 33.4 Act. 4.24 14.15 c. Isa 45.7 hath made of nothing heauen earth with all that are in them who like-wise vpholdeth and b Psa 104.3 115.3 Mat. 10.29 Heb. 1.3 Rom. 11.36 gouerneth the same by his eternal Counsel and prouidence c Ioa. 1.12 Rom. 8.15 Gal. Eph. 1.5 to bee my God my Father for Christes sake and therefore I doe so trust in him and so relie on him that I make no doubt but he will prouide all things d Psal 55 23. Mat. 6.26 Luc. 12.22 necessarie both for my soule and bodie And further whatsoeuer euils he sendeth on mee in this troublesome life hee will e Rom 8 28. turne them to my safety seeing both he is able to doe it as beeing f Isa 46 4 Rom. 10 12. 8.38 c. God almightie and willing to doe it as beeing g Mat 6. a bountifull father 27 What is the prouidence of God The Almighty power of God euery where present h Act. 17.25 c. Psal 94 9. c. Is 29.15 c. Ezec. 8.12 whereby hee doth as it were with his hand vphold i Heb. 1.2.3 gouerne heauen earth with all the creatures therin So that those thinges which growe in the earth as likewise raine and drouth fruitfulnes barrainnes meat k Ier. 5.24 Acts. 14.17 drink l Ioh. 9.3 health and siknesse m Prou. 22.2 riches and pouertie in a woord all things come not rashly or by chance but by his fatherly counsell and will 28 What doth this knowledge of the Creation and prouidence of God profite vs That in aduersitie n Rom. 5.3 c. Iac. 1.3 Iob. 1.21 c. wee may bee patient and o Deut. 8.10 1. Thess 5.18 thankfull in prosperitie p Rom. 5.4.5 haue hereafter our chiefest hope reposed in God our most faithfull father beeing sure that there is nothing which may q Rom. 8.38.39 withdrawe vs from his loue for as much as all creatures are so in his power that without his will they are not r Iob. 1.12 2.6 Prouer. 21.1 Acts. 17.25 c. able not only to do any thing but not so much as once to moue OF THE SONNE 29 Why is the Sonne of God called Iesus
power to a new life Lastly the resurrectiō of our head christ is a l 1. Cor. 15.12 c. Rom. 8.11 pledge vnto vs of our glorious resurrection 46 How vnderstād you that He ascended into heauē That Christ his Disciples looking on was a Act. 1.9 Ma● 16 19. Luc. 24.51 taken vp from the earth into heauen and yet still b Heb. 4.14 7.25 9.11 Rom. 8.34 Eph 4.10 Col. 3.1 is there for our sakes and wil be vntill he come againe to iudge the quick and c Act. 1.11 Mat. 24.30 dead 47 Is not Christ with vs then vntill the ende of the world as he hath d Mat. 28.20 Mat 26.11 Io● 16.18 17.11 Acts. 3.21 promised Christ is true God and true man and so according to his manhood he is not now on earth but according to his godhead his maiesty his grace and spirit he e Ioh. 14 17. c. 16.13 Ep. 4.8 August tract 50. in Ioh is at no time from vs. 48 Are not by this means the two natures in Christ pulled asunder if his humanity bee not wheresoeuer his diuinity is No for seeing his diuinity is incomprehēsible euery where f Act. 7.49 17.27 c. Ier. 23.24 present it followeth necessarily that the same is without the bounds of his human nature which he took vnto him and yet is neuertheles in it g Col. 2.9 Ioh. 3 13. 11.15 Mat. 28.6 abideth personally vnited to it 49 What fruite doth the ascension of Christ into heauen bring vs First that he h 1. Ioh. 2.1.2 Rom. 8.34 maketh intercession to his father in heauen for vs. Next that wee haue our flesh in heauen that wee may bee confirmed thereby as by a sure pleadge that it shal come to passe that he who is our head will i Ioh. 14.2 20.17 Eph. 2.6 lift vp vs his mēbers vnto him Thirdly that hee k Ioh. 14.16 16.7.2 Cor. 1.22 2. Cor. 5.5 sendeth vs his spirit insteed of a pledge between him and vs by whose forcible working we seeke after not earthly but heauenly things where he himselfe is l Col. 3.1 Phil. 3.20 c. sitting at the right hand of God 50 Why is it further saide Hee sitteth at the right hand of God Because Christ therefore is ascended into heauen to m Ep. 1.20 5.23 Col. 1.18 shewe there that hee is the head of his church by whō the father n Mat. 28.18 Ioh. 5.22 gouerneth al things 51 What profite is this glorie of our head christ vnto vs First that through his holy spirite he a Eph. 4.10 powreth vpon vs his members heauenly graces Then that hee shieldeth and b Ps 2.9 101. 2. Ioh. 10.28 Ephes 4.8 defendeth vs by his power against all our enimies c Lu. 21.28 Ro. 8.23.24 Phi. 3.20 Tit. 2.13 52 What comfort hast thou by the comming againe of Christ to iudge the quicke and dead That in all my miseries and persecutions I looke with my head lifted vp for the verie same who before yeelded himselfe vnto the iudgemēt of God for me and d 2. Thess 1.6.7 1. Thess 4.16 Mat. 25.41 tooke away all malediction from me to come iudge from heauen to throw al his my enimies into euerlasting paines but to e Mat. 25.34 translate me with all his chosen vnto himself into celestiall ioies and euerlasting glory OF THE HOLIE-GHOST 53 What beleeuest thou concerning the holy-ghost First that he is true and coeternall God with the eternal father the f Gen. 1.2 Is 48.16 1. Cor. 3.16 1. Cor. 6.19 Act. 5.3.4 Son Secondly that he is also g Mat. 28.19 2. Cor. 1.2 giuen vnto mee to h Gal. 3.14 1. Pe. 1.2 1. Cor. 6.17 make mee through a true faith partaker of Christ and all his benefits to i Act. 9.31 comfort me and to k Ioh. 14.16 1. Pet. 4.14 abide with mee for euer 54 What beleeuest thou concerning the holy Catholicke Church of Christ I beleeue that the Sonne of l Ioh. 10.11 God doth from the m Gen. 26.4 beginning of the worlde n Rom. 8.29.30 Ep. 1.10 1. Pet. 1.20 to the end gather defend and o Is 59.21 Ro. 1.16 10.14.17 Eph. 5.26 preserue vnto himselfe by his spirite and p Act. 2.46 Eph. woorde out of whole q Mat. 16.18 Ioh. 10.28 mankinde a company r 1. Ioh. 3.21 2. Cor. 13.5 chosen to euerlasting life and agreeing in true faith and that I am a liuely ſ 1. Ioh. 2.19 member of that company and so shall t 1. Cor. 1.8.9 Rom. 8.35 c. Psal 71.18 remaine for euer 55 What meane these wordes The communion of Saints First that al and euerie one who beleeueth are in common a Ioh. 1.3 Rom. 8.32 1. Cor. 12.13 21. 1. Cor. 6.17 partakers of Christ all his graces as being his members And then that euerie one ought readily b 1. Cor. 13.5 Phil. 2.45.6 cherefully to bestow the giftes graces which they haue receiued to the common commodity and safety of all 56 What beleeuest thou concerning remissiō of sins That god for the satisfaction made by c 1. Ioh. 2.2 2. Cor. 5.19.21 Christ hath put out all the remembrance d Ier. 31.34 Ps Rom. 7.24.25 Rom. of my sinnes also of that corruption within me wherewith I must fight all my life time and doth freely endowe me with the righteousnesse of christ that I e Ioh. 3.18 come not at any time into iudgement 57 What comfort hast thou by the Resurrection of the flesh That not only my soule after it shal depart out of my body shal presently be f Luc. 23.43 Phil. 1.23 taken vp to christ but that this my flesh also being raised vp by the power of christ shal be again vnited to my soul shal be g 1. Cor. 15.53 Iob. 29.25.26 1. Ioh. 3.2 Phil. 3.21 made like to the glorious body of christ 58 What comfort takest thou of the article of euerlasting life That for asmuch as h 2. Cor. 5.2.3 I feel already in my hart the beginning of euerlasting life it i 1. Cor. 2.9 Iohn 17.3 shal at length come to passe that after this life I shal enioy ful perfect blisse wherein I may magnifie God for euer which blessednesse verily neither eie hath seene nor eare hath heard neither hath any man in thought conceiued it 59 But when thou beleeuest all these thinges what profit redoundeth thence vnto thee That I am righteous in Christ before God and an heir of k Heb. 2.4 Rom. 1.17 Ioh. 3.36 eternal life 60 How art thou righteous before God l Rom. 5.1 Gal. 2.16 Ep. 2.8.9 Phil. 3.9 Only by faith in Christ Iesus so that although my conscience accuse me that I haue grieuously trespassed against al the commandemēts
the 18. 19 20. questions of the Catechisme such a definitiō of the Gospel is framed The gospel is the doctrin cōcerning Christ deliuering teaching that he is made of god vnto all those who are ingraffed into him by a true faith and do imbrace his benefites wisedome righteousnes sanctification redemption which doctrine was reuealed of god first in Paradise by his son afterwards propagated by the Prophets shadowed by the sacrifices and ceremonies of the law and lastly fulfilled and accomplished by Christ Both which definitions all the summes which are in scripture deliuered of the Gospel doe confirme as Ioh. 6.40 This is the will of him that sent me that euerie man that seeth the sonne and beleeueth in him should haue euerlasting life And I will raise him vp at the last day Act. 13.38 Through his name was repentaunce and remission of sinnes to be preached to all nations Luc. 24 47. He commandeth his disciples to preach faith repentance Ioh. 1.17 The law was giuen by Moses but grace came by Christ By these and the like testimonies of the scriptures it is manifest that both the law and the gospel preacheth repentance and that the instrument whereby god doth worke in vs repentaunce or true conuersion is properly the gospel But this order in proceeding must bee obserued First the law is to be proposed that thence wee may know our miserie Then What order is to be obserued in teaching the law and the Gospel that wee may not dispaire after our miserie is knowen vnto vs the Gospel is to bee taught which both giueth vs a certaine hope of returning into Gods promised fauour by Christ our Mediatour and sheweth vnto vs the maner how we are to repent Thirdly that after we attaine vnto our deliuerie we bee not careles and wanton Againe the lawe is to bee taught that it may bee the leuil squire and rule of our life and actions 2 Whether the gospel hath beene alwaies knowen THe gospel that is the doctrine concerning the promise of grace through Christ our Mediatour is not newe but hath alwaies beene extant in the Church The Gospel published in Paradise For presently after mans fall it was manifested in Paradise but consummated and absolued by Christ both in the fulfilling or ful performance as also in a more cleare declaration of those things which had before time beene promised in the olde Testament This is confirmed by the records of the Apostles as of Peter Act. 10.43 To him also giue all the Prophets witnes that through his name all that beleeue in him shall receiue remission of sinnes 1. Pet. 1.10 Of the which saluation the Prophets haue inquired and searched Likewise of Paul Rom. 1.2 Which gospel he had promised afore by his Prophets in the holie scriptures Of Christ himselfe also saying Ioh. 5.46 Had yee beleeued Moses ye woulde haue beleeued me for he wrote of me The same is manifest by all the promises and prophecies which speake of the Messias This is therefore diligently to bee marked because God will haue vs know that there was is from the beginning of the world vnto the end one onely way of saluation Ioh. 1. In him was life and the life was the light of men Ioh. 10.28 I giue vnto them eternal life Ioh. 8.56 Abraham saw my day and was glad Gen. 12.3 In thy seede shal all Nations bee blessed Iohn 10.7 I am the doore Iohn 14.6 I am the way the truth and the life No man commeth to the father but by mee Ephes 1.22 God hath appointed him ouer al thinges to bee the head to the Church Hebrewes 13.8 Christ is yesterdaie and to daie Iohn 5.46 Moses writ of me Now Moses writ of Christ Why Moses is saide to write of Christ First Because he recounteth the promises concerning the Messias Gen. 12.3 In thy seede shall al nations be blessed Deutronom 18.11 God shall raise you vp a Prophet Numb 24.17 A starre shall rise out of Iacob Secondly he restraineth the promise concerning the Messias vnto certaine persons of whom hee was to bee borne By which afterwardes the promise of the Messias was more and more renewed and reuealed Thirdly The whole Leuitical Priesthood and ceremoniall worship had a respect and were referred vnto Christ as the Sacrifices the immolations the altars the temple Yea the kingdome also and the kings were a type of the kingdome of Christ Wherefore Moses writ many things of Christ 1 Obiection But Paul saith that the Gospel was promised by the Prophets and Peter saith that the Prophets did foreshew the grace which should come vnto vs wherefore the Gospell hath not beene alwaies Aunswere The Antecedent of this reason is to bee distinguished The Gospel was promised and the grace and fauour to come was foreshewed it is true First as concerning the fulfilling of those thinges which in the olde testament were promised to come Secondly In respect of the more manifest knowledge of the promise of grace Thirdly In respect of a more large pouring out of the giftes of the holie Ghost Wherefore the whole reason wee accept of as true if by the Gospell they vnderstand the doctrine of Christ alreadie exhibited raised from the dead sitting at the right hand of his Father and giuing aboundantly giftes vnto men But wee denie it as the worde Gospell is taken for the very promise it selfe of grace remission of sinnes regeneration glorification freely to be bestowed for the Mediatours desert and merit For this grace was also promised truely proffered in the old testament to all beleeuers for Christs sake but who was hereafter to come to be exhibited as the same grace is yeelded vnto vs for the same Christ but who is alreadie come and exhibited Iohn 8.56 Abraham sawe my day and was glad Act. 10.43 To him giue all the Prophetes witnesse Rom. 10.4 Christ is the end of the Law Obiection 2. Paul Ephes 3.5 saith That in other ages the gospell was not opened vnto the Sonnes of men Aunswere This reason is a fallacy of diuision as the Logicians call it in dismembring or diuiding those thinges which are to bee ioined or otherwise it is a fallacie in affirming that simply to bee saide so which was so said but in some respect For the Apostle in the same place presently addeth as it is nowe For now that is the Messias beeing manifested the gospell is much more clearely discouered and deriued and spread to many more than it was in the old Testament It was therefore knowen vnto them who liued of olde though not in so simple sort as vnto vs. 3 Obiection The Lawe was giuen by Moses grace and truth came by Christ Iohn 1.17 Therefore the gospell was not from the beginning Aunswere Grace and truth did appeare by Christ exhibited and manifested to witte in respect of the fulfilling and full and plentifull perfourmance of those thinges which were promised in the old Testament But hereof it followeth not
magnifie the bountifulnes of God towards vs we must aske all thinges of him as beeing our creatour and soueraign Lord who hath the right and power of giuing al good things to whom and how far he will himselfe and vse those things which are granted to our vse with a good conscience to the glorie of god who gaue them And that this may be done we must not by our infidelity cast our selues out of that right which wee receiue in Christ if god of his own power autority either giueth vs lesse than wee would or take away from vs that which he hath giuen wee must submit our selues patiently to his iust purpose most profitable for our saluation And seeing the soule is the better part of man the happinesse of the bodie dependeth on the happinesse of the soul seing also we are created to immortall life we ought to haue greater care of those things which belong to the soule and eternal life than of those which belong vnto the bodie and this tēporall life And at length seeing the end and blessednes of man is the participation communicating of god his knowledge worship let vs euer tend vnto it referre thither al our life actions And seeing we see one part of mankinde to be vessels of wrath to shewe the iustice and seueritie of God against Sinne let vs bee thankefull to God for that of his meere and infinite goodnesse he would haue vs to bee vessels of mercie to declare through all eternitie the riches of his glorie Last of all that we maie learne consider and begin these thinges in this life let vs to our power tender and helpe forward the common society and saluation of others for which we are borne OF FREE-WILL WHEREAS God is a most free agent and man was created to the image of God The causes of diuers controuersies arisen about free-will yea and was furnished with libertie of will it seemeth to many not to agree that all the actions of mans will are gouerned by the vnchangeable prouidence of God that the nature of men is so corrupted by the fall of our first parents and Originall sinne that it is able to bring forth nothing but that which is euill and displeasing God without the renewing and especiall benefite of the holy Ghost For neither do they acknowledge that for liberty which is tied to any necessity neither seemeth it that wee shoulde graunt the whole libertie of the will to haue beene lost by sin because also after the fal there are left in men some prints and steps of Gods image and the blame and crime of sinne cannot be laid on men except the will be free To this is added the pride of mans wit which admitteth nothing more hardly than that the glorie and original of all good should be transferred from men to God alone Further also the notable vertues of men not regenerated and lastly the iudgement of our sense and reason which doth not marke without the light of Gods woorde the secret gouernement of Gods prouidence in humane actions Wherefore hereupon haue risen controuersies debates concerning free-wil while the olde diuines yeelding too much vnto the Philosophers swelling with a vain perswasion of wisedome and righteousnesse and the latter ascenting vnto the former haue either spoke more magnificently than they ought to haue done of the strength and power of mans will or haue endeuoured to arrogate that vnto men which is not found in them since the first fall But let vs remember that this doctrin of free wil is a view and contemplation not of mens ability and excellencie but of their weaknes and misery which is therefore to bee ioined with the doctrine of the creation and fall of man that wee knowing the more from what top of dignity and felicity into how deepe a gulfe of ignominie and misery we are cast by sinne may not more deepely plunge our selues by a vaine confidence of our owne strength vnto euils but may incline to a true humility and thankfulnesse towards God and bee of him reuiued quickned and healed For that the scope of this disputation may be knowen and the vse thereof perceiued The state of the maine question about free will we must vnderstand that the principal question in it is this Whether as man auerted himselfe from God and corrupted himself so of the other side he be able by his owne strength to returne to God and to receiue grace offered by God and to amend himselfe And further whether the will of man be the first and principal cause why others are conuerted others persist in their sins and as wel of the conuerted as not conuerted others are more others lesse good or euil and in a woord doe either good or euill some after one maner some after another To this question the aduersaries Pelagians and the like make answere That so much grace is both giuen of God and left by nature to al men that they are able to returne vnto God and obey him neither ought we to seeke any other cause before or aboue mans wil for which others receiue or retaine others refuse or cast awaie diuine succour and aide in auoiding sinne and do after this or that manner order and institute their counsailes aad actions Contrariwise we haue learned out of the sacred scripture That albeit by nature so much of God and his wil is knowen to all as maie suffice for taking away all excuse from them of sin and although it be manifest that many woorks morally good may be done euen of the vnregenerate and the wil doth in them freely make choise either of good or euil yet no work pleasing to God can be vndertaken or perfourmed by any man without regeneration and the especial grace of the holy spirit neither can more or lesse good be in any mans counsailes or actions than God of his free and purposed goodnes to euery one doth cause in them neither any other way can the wil of any creature be inclined than whither it shal seeme good to the eternall and good counsel of God And yet all the actions of the created wil both good and bad are wrought freelie The chiefe questions here to be obserued are fiue 1 Of the word liberty or freedome 2 What is the liberty of the wil. 3 What is common and what diuerse in the liberty of will which is in God in Angels and man 4 Whether there be any liberty in vs and what 5 The degrees of free wil. 1 Of the word Liberty Libertie from bond misery THere is one kind of liberty from bond and misery And this signifieth a relation or respect that is the power or right or ordering either of person or thing made either by ones wil or by nature to deale at his owne arbiterment or motion according to honest Lawes or order agreeable to his nature and to enioy commodities conuenient for him without inhibition or
as long as hee that made it is aliue Christ hath purchased our reconcilement with God for vs with his bloud and hath left it vnto vs euen as Parents at their decease deliuer their goodes vnto their children Obiection The Testament is ratified by the death of the Testator which is good who cannot die Therefore this reconcilement is not ratified or at least wise it may not be called a Testament Aunswere The Minor is to bee denied Because God is saide to haue redeemed the church with his bloud Therefore hee died but he died according to his humanitie Or which commeth to the same Christ is the Testator as hee is both God man but died according to his humanity only Wherefore this reconciliation or Couenaunt may be called a Testament Replie But Christ is the intercessor The same is called an intercession in respect of Christ who by intercession worketh it and a reconciliation in respect of vs who are reconciled and god the Testator Therefore the reconciliation is not of force Aunswere They differ in persons and offices The person of Christ differeth from the person of the father and the holy Ghost in office not in efficacie and power and in respect of him it is an intercession in respect of vs a reconciliation or receiuing into fauour 2 How a Couenaunt may be made betweene god and men THat Couenaunt could not be made without a Mediatour For without Satisfaction and the death of the Mediatour there could not be wrought a reconcilement or anie receiuing into fauour For wee were the enimies of God neither was there an entrance open for vs to god before he was pacified by the merit of our Mediatour Againe Without the Mediatour regenerating vs we should not haue beene able to stand to the conditions and so had the Couenaunt beene made of no force as it hath beene shewed more at large before in the place of the Mediatour in the second question 3 Whether there be but one Couenaunt THere is but one Couenaunt in substaunce and matter There is but one couenaunt in substance two in circumstances two in circumstaunces or administration There is but one in substaunce 1. Because there is but one god one Mediatour of those parties god and men one meane of reconcilement one faith one way of the saluation of all who are saued and haue been saued euen from the beginning of the world vnto the ende Hebr. 13.8 Iesus Christ yesterday and to day the same is also for euer Roman 9.5 Who is ouer all Col. 1.18 And he is the head of the bodie of the church Ephes 2.21 In whom all the building coupled together groweth vnto an holie temple in the Lord. Actes 4.12 Among men there is giuen none other name vnder heauen whereby we must be saued Mat. 11.27 No man knoweth the father but the sonne and he to whom the sonne will reueal him No man commeth to the father but by me Iohn 14.6 I am the way the truth and the life Luc. 10.24 Manie Kings and Prophets haue desired to see that which ye see Iohn 8.56 Abraham reioiced to see my day and he saw it and was glad All therefore as wel vnder the law as vnder the Gospel who were to be saued had respect to the onely mediatour Christ by whom alone they were reconciled to God and saued and therefore there is but one Couenaunt 2. Because the principall conditions whereby we are bound vnto God and God to vs and which are called the substaunce of the Couenaunt are both before and after Christ all the same For in both both in the olde and new Couenaunt or Testament God promiseth remission of sins to beleeuers and repentant sinners In both men are bound to beleeue and repent that is the grounde and foundation of doctrine in both is the same to wit the law and the promise of grace proposed in Christ Nowe the Couenaunt is also of two sortes or there are two Couenants as concerning the circumstances those conditions which are lesse principal which are the formes of administration seruing for the principal conditions that the faithfull may attaine vnto them by the helpe of these A rule here may be obserued The diuersitie of Couenaunts is knowen by the diuersitie of their conditions In all Couenaunts their conditions are euer to be considered which if they be the same then are the Couenaunts also the same if diuers then the Couenaunts also diuers if partly the same and partly diuers then the Couenaunts also are in part the same and in part diuers as in this Couenaunt 1 In what the old and new Couenaunt agree and in what they differ 1. The same autor of both couenaunts 2. The same parties in both reconciled 3. The same mediatour of both THe new Couenaunt agreeth with the old in respect of God in these 1. The same is the Author of both Couenaunts 2. The same parties are ioined in both Couenaunts to wit God and man 3. The same is the mediatour of both Moses in deede is called also the Mediatour of the old Testament but as a type For Christ was also in the old Testament the Mediatour but had adioined vnto him Moses as a type but nowe he is Mediatour without that typicall Mediatour For he is manifested in the flesh is no more couered with types 4 The promise of grace is in both the same to wit remission of sinnes the giuing of the holy Ghost or regeneration 4. The same promise of grace in both life or glorie euerlasting to bee giuen freely by and for Christ the Mediatour to those onely who beleeue For God promiseth grace and mercie to all who beleeue in the Mediatour Gen. 22. In thy seede shall all nations be blessed Gen. 3. Hee shall breake the serpents head Gen. 17. I will bee thy god and the god of thy seede This is the same with the promise which is made to the faithful of the new Couenaunt Hee that beleeueth in the Sonne hath euerlasting life Now here wee speake not in particular of the circumstances of grace but in generall of grace it selfe which was promised Both Couenaunts haue the same corporal promises also but that only in generall Now in respect of men the new agreeth with the old that in both men are bound to faith and new obedience Gen. 17. Walke before me and be thou vpright I will be thy god and the god of thy seede But the Lord cannot be our god except by a true faith we applie the merite of Christ vnto vs for which alone he will receiue vs into fauour and except wee bring forth the fruites of true repentance The new and old Couenaunt therefore agree as concerning the principal conditions of the Couenaunt both in respect of god and in respect of man But they differ in respect of god in these 1. How the old and new Couenaunt differ in respect of God In the promises of corporall benefites For these
the rest This differeth from the other kindes of faith in that this onely is the certaine confidence whereby wee apply Christes merit vnto our selues And we apply it vnto our selues when euerie one of vs doe certainely resolue that the righteousnesse or merite of Christ is also giuen and imputed to vs that wee may be esteemed for iust and righteous of God and also may be regenerated glorified Confidence or trust is a motion of the hart or wil following and pursuing some good thing reioicing and resting therein It is a motion of the heart because it is a following and pursuing of a good thing a desire of retaining that good which a man already doth enioy It is reioicing because it is glad of the present grace of God towardes euerie of vs of full deliuerance from the gilt of sin from sinne it selfe in part because by that which euery one enioyeth in present hee conceiueth euerlasting hope of blessings to come as of euerlasting life of ful deliuery from al euill both of crime and paine and therefore is free from the feare of future euill To him that hath shall bee giuen The holie spirite giuen vnto vs is the earnest and pledge of our full redemption 2. Corinth 1.22 and 5.5 Ephes 1.13 Againe iustifieng faith differeth from the rest in this also that this iustifieng faith is concerning all spirituall giftes and whatsoeuer belong to our saluation and is properly and simply or absolutely called faith in the Scripture and is proper also and peculiar to the elect and chosen The faith of miracles is of a certaine gift whereby we are not bettered which we may want without any hinderaunce to our saluation neither is it giuen to al the faithful nor at al times Historicall faith is a part of the Iustifieng and befalleth to al both the godly and hypocrits but is not sufficient alone to saluation because it applieth not to it selfe those benefits which are knowen vnto it out of the word Temporary faith hypocrites haue Iustifieng faith therefore comprehendeth historicall but this is not sufficient to make a iustifieng faith as neither are the other two For If the inheritance be of faith that faith then shal be one of these foure But it is not of historicall faith otherwise the Diuels also shoulde bee heirs Neither of temporary for that is reiected by Christ Nor of the faith of miracles if so Iudas also should be heire The inheritaunce therefore is of iustifieng faith which is properly called faith The more general or material cause of faith is a knowledge and assent For if we speak properly we are not said to assent vnto a doctrine which we know not The difference or formall cause is to apply the promise of grace once known and as it were to claim it for him that knoweth it For this causeth faith to be and to be called iustifieng The subiect or part of man wherein it remaineth is the heart or will The peculiar affection or property of it is to rest ioy in God whereby it is distinguished from all the other sorts of faith The holy spirit is the principall efficient cause thereof Instrumentall causes are the word and Sacramentes Furthermore what iustifieng faith is No man knoweth what iustifieng faith is but hee that hath it no man vnderstādeth but he who hath it for he that beleeueth knoweth that he doth beleeue As he who neuer hath tasted honny dooth not verily knowe that it is sweete though you te l him much of the sweetenesse of honny But whosoeuer truely beleeueth that is hath a sauing faith hee both hath experience in himselfe of these things and also is able to declare them to others First hee beeing conuicted thereof in his conscience knoweth that whatsoeuer thinges are spoken in the Scriptures are t ue and diuine For faith is builded vpon a certaine or assured and diuine Testimony otherwise were it not a full perswasion 2. Hee findeth himselfe bound to beleeue them For if I confesse them to bee true therefore is it meete and iust that I should assent vnto them 3. Hee is certaine that thorough Christes satisfaction hee is receiued of God into fauour and is endewed with the holy Ghost and is by him regenerated and directed 4. Hee applieth vnto himselfe all these thinges and dooth thus gather and conclude of the former I knowe that those thinges which are promised belong vnto mee that is with a certaine confidence hee thus concludeth By the present loue of God towardes me and the beginninges or first fruites of the holy Ghost I certainly resolue and am perswaded that God will neuer chaunge this his good will towards mee and therefore I hope also for a consummation and accomplishment of these blessinges that is for plenary and full redemption 5. He reioiceth in the present blessinges which he hath but most of all in the certaine and perfect saluation to come and this is that peace of conscience which passeth all mans vnderstanding 6. Hee hath a will to obey the doctrine of the Prophetes and Apostles without ani● exception in doing or suffering whatsoeuer is therein commaunded If I wil beleeue God I must obey his will and thinke that this his will is not reuealed vnto vs from men but from him Wherefore a man endued with iustifieng faith doth that duty which is imposed vpon him striue the world and the Diuell neuer so much against him and vndergoeth beareth and suffereth whatsoeuer aduersities for the glory of God cheerefully and boldly hauing God his most benigne and good father 7. Hee is certaine that his faith though it bee in this life imperfect and languishing and often very much eclypsed yet being builded vpon the promise of god which is vnchangeable dooth neuer altogether failor die but the purpose which it hath of beleeuing and obeying God continueth it striueth with doubtes and temptations and at length vanquisheth and in the celestiall life which is to come shall hee chaunged into a full and most certaine knowledge of God and his will where wee shall see God face to face 1. Cor. 13.12 4 How faith and hope differ and agree ALbeit faith hope agree in that they both respect the same benefits and therefore Heb. 11.1 faith is saide to be of things which are hoped for as also in that they are mutuallie ioyned in an inseparable bond For he that is certaine of the present wil of God towards him Faith apprehendeth things present hope respecteth thinges to come is also certaine of his will to come because god doth not change Yet notwithstanding they must not be confounded but distinguished For faith taketh hold of the present good as remission of sins or reconciliation regeneration or the beginning of obedience life euerlasting in vs. Hope eyeth the good to come as the continuance of our reconciliation and the perfecting or accomplishment of euerlasting life or our conformitie with God that is full deliuerie from
all euill For these are the effectes to come of that present and perpetuall wil of God towards vs which wee apprehend by faith Rom. 8.24 Wee are saued by hope but hope that is seen is not hope But if we hope for that we see not we doo with patience abide for it 1 Obiection Life euerlasting is a thing to come We beleeue life euerlasting Wee beleeue therefore that which is to come that is faith is also of things to come and so faith is hope it selfe Ans The Maior must bee distinguished Life euerlasting is to come tru as concerning the consummation or accomplishment therof But it is present vnto vs as cōcerning the wil and vnchaungeable purpose of God who hath decreed from euerlasting that which he hath begun in vs and will also in due time accomplish it Againe it is present vnto vs as concerning the beginning therof For euerlasting life is begun here in the elect by the holy ghost Wherefore faith apprehendeth it as it is present both in respect of the purpose of God in respect of the beginning thereof in vs. For he that beleeueth feeleth and knoweth that he is quickened and resolueth this to bee the will of God that that quickening and reuiuing which is here begunne shall bee absolued in another life Iohn 5.24 He that beleeueth in the sonne hath passed from death to life Iohn 17.3 This is life eternall that they know thee to be the only verie God and whome thou hast sent Iesus Christ Gal. 4.6 God hath sent forth the spirit of his sonne into your harts which crieth Abba father Rom. 8.24 We are saued by hope 1. Ioh. 3.2 Now are we the sonnes of God but it doth not yet appear what we shal be By faith thē we are certein that those blessings also which as yet we haue not are notwithstanding ours for Gods promise for the vnchangeable will in God to giue them vs but in certain hope wee looke for them as concerning their accomplishment Faith apprehendeth the promises of thinges to come hope relieth on the thinges promised The summe is There is one and the same act and operation of faith and of hope but they differ in consideration It is called faith as it doth apprehend things to come as if they were present in regard of the vnchangeablenes of Gods will It is called hope as it doth certainlie look for the bestowing of those things Therfore Heb. 11 1. it is shewed that faith is the ground substance of things which are hoped for that is it is that which maketh things which are hoped for to be extant and present in that manner as hath bin shewed Shorter thus Faith apprehendeth the promises concerning things to come as they are to come Hope the things themselues which are promised 2 Obiection Faith is the euidence of thinges which are not seene therefore not of thinges present Aunswere It is the euidence of thinges which are not seene to wit by the outward senses but they are seene by the eies of the mind euen as if they did lie open to the eies of the bodie Againe they are not seene in respect of their accomplishment or consummation 5 What are the causes of Faith THE first and principall efficient cause of faith is the holie ghost illightening the minde that it may vnderstand the word and moouing the will that it may assent vnto the woord once vnderstoode Yee are freelie saued by faith and that not of your selues it is the gift of God Ephes 2.8 Obiection The Diuel hath faith It is wrought therefore in him by the holie ghost Aunswere What faith is in the Diuel is wrought by the spirit of God but that by a generall woorking onely whereby hee worketh in all euen in Diuels and hypocrites what-soeuer knowledge or vnderstanding is in them 1. Cor. 12. c. not by a speciall and proper action or working wherby to regenerat or sanctifie them that they might truely acknowledge him to bee the author of this gift and magnifie him therefore after which maner hee woorketh faith in the elect alone The Diuels therefore and hypocrits haue faith from the spirit of God but the elect from the spirit of God sanctifieng them The instrumentall cause of faith in generall is the whole worde of God the Lawe and the Gospell written spoken readde heard The chiefe instrumental causes of ingendering iustifieng faith are the preaching of the word and the vse of the sacramentes meditated likewise many works miracles of God in the world But the chiefe and proper instrument of iustifieng faith is the preaching of the Gospell the vse of the sacraments For these doth the holy ghost vse as instruments yet not necessarie but arbitrarie at his own good pleasure both to stir vp faith in vs and to nourish strengthen increase the same Rom. 10.17 Faith commeth by hearing Rom. 1.16 The gospell is the power of God vnto saluation to euerie one that beleeueth 1. Cor. 4.15 I haue begottē you through the gospel Mar. 16.16 He that shall beleeue and be Baptized shall be saued Act. 22.16 Wash away thy sins 1. Cor. 10.16 The bread which we break is the communion of the bodie of Christ Wherefore ordinarilie iustifieng faith is neuer engendred in those who are of yeares to receiue it without the preaching of the gospell The cause of that faith which worketh miracles is not simply the woorde of God but there must necessarily come thereto an especiall and immediate reuelation from God The formal causes of faith a sure and ful confidence in Christ The obiect of faith Christ and his benefites promised The final causes of faith Gods glorie our saluation The formall cause of iustifieng faith is a certaine knowledge confidence in Christ The obiect of it is Whole Christ and his benefits promised in the word Likewise God fauorable to vs through Christ The subiect wherein it remaineth is the vnderstanding will of man The end or finall cause 1 The glorie of God to wit the celebration of his trueth iustice bountie mercie which hee hath shewed in the sending of his Sonne and in the giuing of faith in him 2 Our Saluation that we may receiue the blessings which are promised in the worde 6 What are the effects of faith The effectes of faith iustification and regeneration THe effects of iustifieng faith are 1 The iustifieng of vs before God 2 Peace of conscience or ioy resting on God Rom. 5.1 Beeing iustified by faith we haue peace with god 3 Our whole conuersion which followeth faith and beginneth at the same time with faith For by faith are our hats purified 4 The fruits of conuersion repentance euen good woorkes For whatsouer is not of faith is sinne Hither may be referred also the consequences of faith that is encrease of spirituall corporal giftes The first then and immediate effect of iustifieng-faith is Iustification from this afterwardes flow al other benefites
and vnworthie his diuine Maiestie neither shoulde deeme that hee can bee perceiued by our bodilie senses or in thought imagined but shoulde consider his nature by his worde and woorkes that wee shoulde not dare to represent him by any bodilie shape and in a worde that wee shoulde remember that hee is to bee worshipped not with the gestures or other thinges of the bodie but with the minde and spirituall motion of the heart Lastly Seeing hee alone inspireth into vs temporall and euerlasting life wee shoulde acknowledge the gift of both to come from him Out of this fountaine onely wee should seeke it and indeuour to referre it wholy to his glorie Intelligent 1. Why God is saied to bee intilligent and against whom wee are to holde it Because hee is the cause both of the minde of man and of the notions shining in it and also of that order which it in the nature of thinges and common weales 2. Because all intelligence or vnderstanding of the creature commeth from him both in respect of the facultie as also in respect of the operation For neither can the efficient and preseruing cause of intelligent natures and of the vnderstanding it selfe and order in nature bee but intelligent and vnderstanding And therefore the holy Scripture also reasoneth on this wise Psalme 94.9 He that planted the eare shall hee not heare or hee that made the eie shall he not see Nowe this wee are to holde first against those who setting nature in the place of God imagine the world and the varietie and order of thinges in it to arise from the matter and the inclination thereof to this forme when as notwithstanding these thinges coulde not haue their beeing from a cause not intelligent Wee are to holde it also thereby to acknowledge not onely true knowledge it selfe but also all abilitie of vnderstanding and the sagacitie and perceueraunce of the senses and minde to be the gift of God Eternall That such an eternitie which can haue neither beginning nor any end of beeing agreeth to God alone both nature sheweth The eternitie of god without beginning or end for so much as hee is the first cause of all things and of infinite perfection power and the scripture also recounteth as Psal 90.2 Before the mountains were brought forth or euer the earth and world were made thou art God from euerlasting and world without end But we are to obserue that not therefore onely the eternitie of God is so often inculcated in the scriptures that in regard hereof hee may bee discerned from thinges created but also because hee will impart eternitie vnto vs that is hee hath purposed and promised that he will giue vs of his eternall goodnes and prouidence eternal blessings and will haue continuall care of vs through al eternitie and wil haue a kingdome in Angels men whereof shal be no end Therefore are wee giuen to vnderstand that God is eternal to vs God eternal vnto vs. that we may oppose the certain hope of eternall blessednes grounded vpon his eternitie against the shortnes of mortall life and against the frailtie of mans condition For seeing hee is eternal he can and seeing hee promiseth he will for euer preserue vs with his protection Psal 48.13 For this God is our GOD for euer and euer And Psalm 111.9 Hee hath commaunded his Couenant for euer Wherefore being vphelde by this consolation let vs neither refuse to suffer the short miserie of this life neither preferre the short felicitie thereof before eternal blessings and seeing God wil be not only bountifull towards the godly but iudge also of the vngodlie eternally let the cogitation of the eternal wrath of god keep and hold vs in the feare of god that we may not desire to buie the fading shewe of whatsoeuer good with eternal miserie That god is other from all his creatures we must hold first against Philosophers God other and diuerse from all creatures who wil haue the world or nature it selfe to bee god that is either a generall matter or a power or a minde and intelligence or some forme to be infused mingled tied to the bodies of the world them to informe quicken sustein and moue as the soule susteineth and moueth mans bodie Which Virgil calleth the spirit of the world others the soule of the world Secondly against those who imagine the creatures either all as Seruetus or some according to the doctrine of the Manichees to spring from the verie essēce or nature of god deriuing it selfe as they speake into others by propagation Thirdly that al prophane vnworthie idolatrous cogitation of god whereby god may be made like to anie creature may be excluded For that the essence of god is far other than the essēce of al the creatures both nature the word of god sheweth whē as it teacheth that god is wise Creator of the world now the world hath manie parts vnreasonable and it self cannot be Creator to it selfe it sheweth also that things are not deriued out of the substance of god that beeing vnchangeable and indiuisible And lastly that the Deitie is most vnlike different from all things created because there can neither be nor be imagined anie similitude of a finite nature and an infinite First therefore whereas the scripture saith How all thinges are saide to bee of God that al things are of god Rom. 11.1 Cor. 8. it doth not mean that al things are god or the essence of god or propagated from it For al other things are of god not as begotten of him or proceeding from him as the word and eternal spirite of god but as created that is made of nothing Rom. 4.17 Who calleth those things that are not as if they were Secondly when as the soule of man is called celestiall and diuine Likewise when it is said we are the generation of god Act. 17.29 This is not meant of the cōmunicating of the diuine substance as if the soul were deriued from the essence of god but of the similitude of properties of the creation The soule therefore is said to bee celestiall and diuine that is adorned with celestiall diuine powers gifts which although they be a certain shadowe of the diuine nature yet are they created qualities Thirdly whereas the elect and saints are said to bee of god to bee borne of god and his spirite and the sonnes of god and spirituall Iohn 1.13 8.47 3.6 Neither is this vnderstood of the propagation of the essence but of the similitude of the properties or of the image of God to the which they are refashioned by Gods spirite And fourthly when Paul also saith 1. Cor. 6.17 That he which is ioined vnto the Lord is one spirit and Peter 2. Pet. 1.4 That we are made partakers of the diuine nature we are taught both that the spirite of God dwelleth in vs by grace and is ioined vnto vs as also that there is begun
purposed from euerlasting And seeing god both foreseeth all things vnchangeable and his counsailes concerning the euent and end of thinges are certaine and vnchangeable it must needes be also that the second causes and meanes or Antecedents without which those euents were not to followe must bee certaine and vnchangeable And because in things created especially in humane affaires there is great vncertaintie and mutabilitie neither is there any cause of vnchangeablenesse but the will of god God could not haue appointed any thing certaine or vnchangeable concerning the euent and end except hee had also made all the meanes by which the end is attained vnto and which as concerning their owne nature are most vncertaine and chaungeable by his euerlasting counsaile and decree certaine and vnchangeable Wherefore it is saide Isay 14.27 The Lord of hostes hath determined it and who shall disanull it Thirdly the whole vse and force and declaration of the promises threatnings and examples of Gods goodnesse power iustice mercie and wrath both olde and newe to teach vs and to erect vs with comfort or by feare to holde and keepe vs in our duetie and the feare of God dependeth of Gods vnchaungeable nature For all those do then affect vs when wee thinke that the same nature and will of God which was in times past is nowe also and is and will bee such to vs repenting or persisting in our sinnes as wee see it was in times past and nowe is towardes others And then doe wee truelie relie vpon the promises of God when wee knowe that his counsell shall neuer bee chaunged Fourthlie This doctrine inclineth mens mindes to obedience and subiection which is necessarie in asking thinges at Gods handes that wee desire not GOD to doe those thinges for vs or others which hee hath before time assuredlie toulde vs that hee will not doe and further that wee submit and leaue with reuerence those thinges to his pleasure whereof hee would not as yet haue knowen vnto vs what hee hath decreede Fiftlie The vnchaungeablenesse of Gods will is the grounde and foundation of the hope and comfort of the godlie in this life For it is most absurd to conceiue of GOD that nowe hee loueth and nowe hee hateth vs nowe hee will assuredlie giue vnto vs euerlasting life and a little after againe hee will not And therefore when once true faith and conuersion vnto GOD is begunne in our heartes and the spirite of God hath begunne to witnesse to our spirite that wee are the sonnes of GOD and heires of euerlasting life God will haue vs certainlie to resolue that as hee had this his will towardes vs from euerlasting so to euerlasting hee will not change it but will assuredlie bring vs at his pleasure out of this wicked and miserable life through al tentations and daungers what-soeuer to eternall and euerlasting life according to that article of our Faith I beleeue life euerlasting When as Omnipotencie is attributed to GOD What is signified by gods omnipotencie thereby is first vnderstoode That whatsoeuer hee will or whatsoeuer not impairing his nature and maiestie hee is able to will he is also able to perfourme Secondie That he is able to performe all those thinges without anie difficulty labour euen with his only beck will Thirdly That all the force power of working and effecting anie thing is so in god only that there is not the least abilitie or efficacie of anie creature but what he continuallie imparteth preserueth at his pleasure And therefore the power of God is to bee considered of vs not as beeing idle but as creating sustaining mouing and ruling al thinges The reasons are 1 God is the first cause of all thinges Therefore he hath all thinges in his power and their abilitie is so much as he giueth vnto them 2 Hee dooth such thinges as can bee done by no created finit power as are the creation gouerning of all thinges the preseruation of common weales the deluge the deliuerie out of Aegypt all his miracles 3 He is vnchangeable Therefore in him to be able to do and to doe is the same which to will and so of the contrary But although al men affirme God to be omnipotent yet there is a double difference betweene the sacred Doctrine of the Church How the doctrin of the church and philosophie differ in conceiuing of Gods omnipotencie and Philosophie concerning gods omnipotency For first without the doctrine of the Church men only know the vniuersall and generall power of god whereby hee createth preserueth and gouerneth the whole world but they know not that power whereby he saueth men and restoreth the world by his sonne gathering and preseruing an euerlasting Church and deliuering it from sin and death and endowing it with life and glory euerlasting by which works God especially sheweth forth his power as it is said Hag. 2.7 Yet a litle while I wil shake the heauens the earth and the sea and the drie land Secondly neither doe they professe of the generall power of god so much as is sufficient For albeit they are enforced to confesse that God is the author and preseruer of the woorld yet are they not able to saie that al things were created of nothing by the woorde of God alone for as much as they are ignorant fo the cause of sin confusion they cannot affirme al things so to be administred and gouerned by gods omnipotency as that al which is good is done by the powerful working of Gods will but they attribute many things to chance fortune humane wisdome or vertue and so imagine the power of god to be idle in these and doing nothing Furthermore that god cannot either sinne or wil and allowe of sinne or be changed or diminished or suffer any thing or make things doone vndoone or wil thinges flat repugnant and contradictorie or create another god or some nature equal to himselfe or bee perceiued by bodilie senses or doe other thinges proper to a create or finite nature or admit the same into himselfe this doth not diminish or weaken but rather augment strengthen his power For that is the greatest and most perfect power which can neither be destroied nor weakned nor diminished and that none susteining it but only by it selfe But contrariwise to be able to be corrupted impaired is a token of imbecillity and imperfection of exceeding immense wisedome Gods exceeding wisedome whereby both hee knoweth all thinges perfectly and is the fountaine of all knoweledge and vnderstanding That we may rightly and with profit and commoditie know the power of God it is necessarie not to consider it but as it is ioyned with his immense wisedome and goodnesse which moderateth it Further of his diuine wisedome first we learne That God doth of himselfe in one act or view vnderstand and behold perpetually and most perfectlie in maruellous manner and that vnknowen to vs himselfe and the whole
flesh c●nsubstantiall with men we doe not affirme him to bee according to the fleshe consubstantial with God For as according to the spirit he is not consubstantial with vs For according to this he is consubstantial with God So of the other side he is not according to the flesh coessentiall with god but according to this he is consubstantiall with vs. And as wee pronounce these to bee distinct diuerse one from the other not to bring in a diuision of one vndiuided person but to note the distinction and vnconfoundablenes of the natures and properties of the Word and the flesh so we affirme and worship those as vnited which make to the manner of the vndiuided vnion or composition Vigilius Lib. 4. against Eutyches IF there be one nature of the Word the flesh how then seeing the Word is euery where is not the flesh also found euery where For when it was in the earth it was not verily in heauen and now because it is in heauen it is not verily in the earth and in so much it is not as that as touching it wee looke for Christ to come from heauen whom as touching the Word we beleeue to bee in the earth with vs. Wherefore according to your opinion either the Word is cōteined in place with the flesh or the flesh is euery where with the Word where as one nature doth not receiue any contrarie or diuers thing in it selfe and it is a thing diuerse and far vnlike to be circumscribed in place and to be euerie where and seeing the Word is euerie where and the flesh is not euerie where it is apparent that one and the same Christ is of both natures and is euerie where as touching the nature of his Godhead but is not euerie-where as touching the nature of his manhood is created and hath no beginning is subiect to death and cannot die the one he hath by the nature of the Word whereby hee is god the other by the nature of his flesh whereby the same God is man Wherefore that one son of God and the same made the sonne of man hath a beginning by the nature of his flesh and hath no beginning by the nature of his Godhead was created by the nature of his flesh and was not created by the nature of his godhead circumscribed in place by the nature of his flesh and not conteined in any place by the nature of his Godhead is lower also than the Angels by the nature of his flesh and is equal with the father according to the nature of his God-head died by the nature of his flesh and neuer died by the nature of his Godhead This is the Catholique faith and confession which the Apostles deliuered the martyrs established and the faithfull hitherto holde and mainetaine Now haue wee in few wordes expounded those articles of the Apostolique creede which intreate of the person of Christ and haue withall declared in the exposition thereof those things which are necessarie for vs to knowe both of the diuinitie of Christ and of his humane nature which was taken by the Word of the seede of Dauid vnited personally with the Word by the vertue of the holy ghost and begotten in maruelous nanner of the Virgines substance And it was requisite not to suffer that any sinne should passe or bee deriued into his substance 1. Because hee was to satisfie for sinne 2. Because it was not conuenient or meet that the Woorde the sonne of God should take a nature defiled with sinne To beleeue then in the son of God conceiued by the holy ghost is to beleeue 1. That he was made man after a marueilous manner and that hee was made one Christ of a diuine and an humane nature 2. That hee being so holily conceiued and borne doth purchase for vs the right and power to bee the sonnes of God Because this person is sufficient able to recouer for vs our lost righteousnes and to bestowe it on vs. For hee is vnited with the Worde that is hee is true and naturall God and man such as the Mediatour ought to bee Hee will also performe this because he was borne to this end euen to sanctifie vs. Of al these euerie one of vs may certainlie collect and conclude That this Christ is our Mediatour And the reason of this collection and consequence is Because by this that he is the only begotten Sonne of God it is manifest that Christ is true God consubstantial coeternal and equall with the Father By his holy conception and natiuitie it is also manifest that hee is true man and that perfectly iust and vnited with the God-heade or Woord and such a one was it requisite our Mediatour should be OF CHRISTES HVMILIATION THE course of order requireth that now consequentlie we expound and declare those Articles which treat of the office of Christ and first of al of his humiliation or humbling which is the former part of Christes office whereunto belong these Articles Hee suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead buried descended into hel After we haue expounded these we wil come vnto the rest of the Articles which speake of his glorification which is the other part of Christs office HE SVFFERED VNDER PONTIVS PILATE I Beleeue in Christ which suffered that is I beleeue 1. That Christ frō the verie moment of his conception susteined calamities mes●ries of al sorts for my sake 2. That at that his last time he suffered all the most bitter tormentes both of bodie and soule for my sake 3. That he felt the horrible and dreadfull wrath of God thereby to make recompence for mine and others sinnes and to appease his ire and wrath against mankind These two are different To beleeue that christ suffered and to beleeue in Christ which suffered For that is to haue onely an historical faith of Christes passion neither to repose anie confidence in him but this is to beleeue not onlie that Christ suffered but also to repose and place our trust and confidence in Christs suffering and Passion OF CHRISTES PASSION THE Passion of Christ onelie doth followe next his conception and natiuitie 1. Because in his Passion consisteth our saluation 2. Because his whole life was a Passion suffering and calamitie Yet notwithstanding many things maie and ought to be obserued out of the storie of the whole race of his life on earth For that 1. doth shew This person to be the promised Messias seeing in him concur and are fulfilled all the Prophecies 2. That storie is a consideration or meditation of that humility or obedience which hee perfourmed vnto his Father The chiefe questions of Christes Passion are these 1 What Christ suffered 2 Whether he suffered according to both natures 3 What was the impellent cause of Christes Passion 4 What the final cause or end thereof 1 WHAT CHRIST SVFFERED BY the name of Passion is vnderstoode the whole humiliation or the obedience of his whole humiliation all the miseries
presently For so had hee perished for euer Wherefore the Sonne offered a mitigation and lenifieng raised him vp to a new life that stil notwithstanding he should remaine subiect to the corporal death which yet should not be deadlie and pernicious vnto him 3 In respect of the promise made to the fathers both by words as in Isa 53.7 He is brought as a sheepe to the slaughter and as a sheepe before the shearer is dum so openeth he not his mouth by sacrifices wherby god promised that christ should dy dy such a death as should be an equiualēt price for the sins of the whole world This could not be the work of any meere creature but of the son of god only and therefore it was requisite necessarie that the Sonne of God should suffer so grieuous a death for vs. Obiection Then they doe not satisfie gods iustice who are punished because their punishment is endlesse and eternall Answere They satisfie by eternal punishment Replie So then might we also be deliuered from the curse by our selues Aunswere So then shall wee neuer bee deliuered but shall susteine punishment eternall which is without ende Out of this which hath beene saide we may draw this doctrine 1 That sinne is most of all to bee eschued of vs which could not bee expiated but by the death of the sonne of god 2. That wee ought to bee thankefull to the sonne of god for this his so great a benefit of vnspeakable grace fauour bestowed vpon vs. 3. That all our sinnes how many how great and how-greeuous soeuer they be are expiated and done awaie by the death alone of Christ 3 The fruit of Christs death THE fruite cōmoditie of Christs death is the whole work of our redemption 1. Iustification or remission of sinnes because the iustice of God requireth that God should not punish a sinner twise but hee hath punished our sinnes in Christ Therefore hee will not punish againe the same in vs. 1. Iohn 1.7 The bloud of Iesus Christ purgeth vs from all sin as well originall as actuall as well of fact or doing what we should not as of omission or not dooing what we should The cause of this effect is the death of Christ 2. The gift of the Holy ghost through his working regeneration a new life because Christ by his death hath not onely obtained for vs pardon for our sinne and reconciliation with god but also the gift of the holy Ghost that by his working and vertue the old man might bee crucified with Christ that is that by the Holy Ghost through the efficacie of Christs merite our engraffing into him our corrupt and as yet not regenerated nature might bee abolished in vs and that of the contrarie righteousnesse might be begunne in vs the image of God destroied by the Diuel in vs might bee restored and wee by the same spirit moued to shew yeelde all thankefulnes for so great a benefite 1. Cor. 1.30 Christ is made vnto vs righteousnesse wisedom sanctification and redemption Col. 2.10 Ye are compleat in him The death of christ is the impellēt or motiue cause in effectuating our regeneration in two respectes 1. In respect of god because for the death of christ god pardoneth vs our sinne and giueth vs the holie ghost Galat 4.6 Because yee are Sonnes god hath sent forth the spirite of his Son into your harts which crieth Abba Father 2. In respect of vs also it is an impellent cause because they who apprehend Christs merit by a true faith and apply his death vnto themselues for them it is vnpossible to be vnthankfull For all after they are once iustified prepare and addresse themselues to do those things which are grateful vnto God for regeneration or the desire and endeuour of obeying God cannot bee separated from the applying of his death vnto vs nor the benefite of regeneration from the benefite of iustification All who are iustified are also regenerated and sanctified And all who are regenerated are also iustified Obiection 1. Pet. 1.3 The Apostle attributeth our regeneration to Christes resurrection why then is regeneration here attributed to his death Aunswere It is attributed vnto Christes death as touching his merite for hee merited regeneration for vs by dieng And it is attributed to Christes resurrection in respect of the applieng of it for by rising from the dead he applieth vnto vs regeneration and giueth vs the Holie Ghost 3. Eternal life is also the fruit of Christs death Ioh. 3.16 God so loued the woorld that he gaue his onely begotten Sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life 1. Iohn 5.11 GOD hath giuen vnto vs eternall life and this life is in his Sonne Obiection Jf Christ died for vs why then die we too For hee should not die for whom another hath alreadie died otherwise the satisfaction would seeme double Aunswere He for whom another hath died should not dy as thereby to satisfie that is so that his death should be any merite or satisfaction but there are other causes why we must die For wee die not to satisfie the iustice of God but by death as a meane to receiue those giftes which Christ by his death hath merited for vs. For this our temporal death is 1. An admonition of the greatnesse of sinne 2. A purging and cleansing of vs. For by death are purged out the reliques and remaines of sinnes in vs. 3. A translating into eternal life For by corporal death is the passage of the faithfull made into eternall life Reply If the cause be taken away the effect is takē away but the cause of death in vs which is sin is taken awaie by Christ therefore the effect also which is death it selfe ought to be taken awaie Ans Where al cause is taken awaie the effect also is taken awaie but in vs all cause of death is not taken awaie as concerning the purging out of sinne albeit it bee taken awaie as touching the remission of sinne Or we maie aunswere vnto the Minor proposition That sinne is indeede taken awaie as touching the guilt but it is not taken away as touching the matter of sinne which as yet remaineth AND BVRIED THE causes of Christes buriall are 1 That we might knowe that hee was dead indeed For the liuing are not buried but the dead only And hither belong some parts of the storie penned by the Euangelists as that christ was pearced with a launce that he was taken downe from the Crosse that he was annointed wrapt in linnen clothes For as by the touching feeling of him by his eating appearing after his resurrection we gather that he did indeed rise again so of the other we collect that he was indeede dead 2 That the last part of his humiliation whereby hee did debase himselfe for our sakes might bee accomplished That was his burial in which his body was as well cast into the earth as any other
be taken awaie the effect likewise is taken awaie The wages of sinne is death Further if he hath abolished death and that by a sufficient satisfaction for our sinnes which satisfaction hee hath shewed and declared by his resurrection to bee sufficient it is certaine that his resurrection is a most certaine testimonie of our resurrection for he hauing perfourmed a sufficient satisfaction for the sinnes of his members the members cannot remaine in death But the resurrection of Christ the Heade is an argument of the perfect satisfaction for the sinnes of his members Therefore Christes resurrection is also an argument of the perfect resurrection of his members 3. As the first Adam receiued blessinge● for himselfe and all his posteritie and lost the same from all So Christ the second Adam receiued life and al other giftes for himselfe and others and therefore also will communicate eternall life with vs. 4. Seeing the same spirite dwelleth in vs which did in Christ hee shall woorke also the same in vs which in our Head he did For the spirit is alwaies like neither dooth he woorke in the Head and sleepe in the members Therefore seeing Christ hath raised himselfe vp by his spirite for the dead he wil verilie also raise vs vp For if hee raised himselfe vp beeing dead much more shal he bee able beeing aliue to raise vs vp 5. Because Christ is man for execept hee were man we shoulde haue no hope of the resurretion of our flesh For by man came resurrection 1. Cor. 15.21 Obiection 1. Then the wicked shall not rise againe because christes resurrection is neither an argument nor the cause of the resurrection of the wicked but of the godlie onelie Aunswere There be other causes for which the wicked shal rise again euē for the iust iudgement of God whereby he hath appointed them to eternall paines For the same thing maie haue moe effectes and diuerse causes Obiection 2 These are the benefites of his death therefore not of his resurrection Aunswere They are of his death as by it he deserued them of his resurrection in respect of the application of his benefites Hee beeing rich was made poore and beeing poore was made rich againe that he might enrich vs. Obiection 3. The effect is not before the cause The cause of these benefites which is his resurrection was not before the first resurrection therefore neither the effect that is the benefites themselues Aunswere The resurrection was not as touching the accomplishment thereof but in the counsell of God and in efficacie and vertue it was in the olde Testament For then also were men receiued into fauour they were endued with the holie Ghost and receiued the other benefits but for and by the Mediator which was in time appointed to be humbled and glorified The last though not the least fruite of christes resurrection is The consummation and perfecting of all his benefites and the glorifieng of his church For christ did therefore die and is therefore risen and hath therefore perfectlie deliuered vs from sinne that wee may bee ioint-heires with him of his kingdome Coloss 1.18 Hee is the first borne of the dead Rom. 8.17 Wee are the heires of God and heires annexed with Christ He shal conforme vs and make vs like vnto himselfe because we liue by the same spirit whereby he dooth And this spirite is not vnlike himselfe Rom. 8.11 Jf the spirite of him that raised vp Iesus from the dead dwell in you he that raised vp Christ from the deade shall also quicken your mortall bodies because that his spirit dwelleth in you Ioh. 14.3 I wil come againe and receiue you vnto my selfe that where I am there maie yee bee also Now in this we obserue That the whole humiliation of the Mediatour doth not dure for euer For it was enough that hee suffered once but the efficacie and power thereof in preseruing and maintaining the blessings thereby comming endureth for euer Christ therefore rose that is by his owne proper vertue and power brought againe and returned his soule vnto his bodie that both soule and bodie might bee deliuered from al ignominie and infirmitie and be adorned with immortalitie and perfect glorie That is 1. Hee recalled his soule vnto his bodie 2. But both yet beeing now glorified and freed from infirmities 3. By his owne proper power he receiued his soule I beleeue then that Christ is raised from the dead that is that he therefore rose againe from the dead that hee might make vs partakers of his righteousnesse sanctification glorification which hee purchased for vs by his merite Seeing therefore Christ is risen it is manifest that hee is declared to bee the Sonne of God and as touching his humanitie is endowed with that glory which becommeth the nature of the Sonne of God and further that he endueth vs also with his spirite regenerateth vs by the vertue of his spirite and wil at length consummate and perfect the new life begun in vs and make vs compartners of the same his glory felicity and euerlasting life HE ASCENDED INTO HEAVEN CHRISTS Ascension into heauen is a locall true and visible translation and remoouing of Christs bodie into that heauen which is about all visible heauens to that light which is not to be come vnto to the right hand of God where he now is and remaineth and whence he shall returne to iudgement The chiefe Questions of Christs Ascension into heauen 1 Whither or to what place christ ascended 2 How he ascended 3 Wherefore he ascended 4 What is the difference betweene christs Ascension ours 5 What are the fruites of christs Ascension 1 WHITHER CHRIST ASCENDED IESVS Christ man when he was together with his Disciples in Bethania fourty daies after his resurrection after he had often prooued and confirmed his resurrection his true fleshe and humanity vnto his Apostles ascended in their sight into heauen Heauen in Scripture signifieth 1 The aire 2 The Skieye region and celestiall Spheres 3 The place of the blessed which is that space immense most lightsome glorious without and aboue the whole world and the visible heauen where God sheweth himselfe to the blessed Angels and men where is prepared the seat of our blisse with Christ and the Angels God is said to dwel there because there dooth his glorie especially appeare vnto the blessed Angels men It is called the new world paradise the bosome of Abraham This heauen is not euerie where Luk. 16.26 Betweene you and vs there is a great gulfe set so that they which would go from hence to you can not neither can they come from thence to vs. In this third signification is heauen here taken Christ then ascended into Heauen that is was caried vp into the place of the blessed Act. 2.2 The Holie Ghost came from Heauen in the day of Pentecost 2. King 2.11 Elias was taken vp into Heauen 2. Cor. 12.2 Paul maketh mention of the third Heauen Coloss 3.1 Seeke those thinges which are aboue
All other proofes and arguments may be referred vnto these 2 What is the last iudgement IN euerie iudgement are the Accused the Accuser the iudge the cause examination hearing of the cause the Law according to which iudgement is giuen the sentence of absolution and condemnation and the execution thereof according to the Lawes Judgement then in generall is an inquisition or examination of a cause by an ordinarie and lawfull iudge according to iust Lawes and a pronouncing of sentence and the exequution thereof according to iust Lawes Nowe is it easie to define this iudgement of God This iudge hath no neede of inquisition or examination of the cause or of witnesses and accusers seeing he is himselfe the searcher of harts Therefore there shal be only the iudge men of whom sentence shall be giuen the law according to which sentence shal be giuen execution The definition of it is this 1 The last iudgement is a iudgement which God shal exercise in the end of the world by christ who should then visiblie descend frō heauen in a cloud in the glorie maiesty of his Father Angels by whom also then shall be raised from the dead all men which haue died since the beginning of the world vnto the end thereof but the rest who are then liuing shal be sodainly chaunged and all presented before the tribunall seate of Christ who shall giue sentence of al and shal cast the wicked with the diuels into euerlasting tormentes but shall receiue vp the godlie vnto himselfe that they maie with him and blessed Angels enioie eternal happinesse and glorie in heauen It may be defined more brieflie on this wise The last iudgement shall bee a manifestation or declaration and separation of the iust and vniust who euer haue liued or shall liue from the beginning of the wo●ld vnto the end proceeding from God by christ and a pronouncing of sentence on these men and an execution thereof according to the doctrine of the Law and Gospel The partes of this definition wee wil now in few wordes confirme 1. That iudgement shall be a manifestation of the iust and vniust For Reuel 20.12 The books shall be opened that the secrets of hartes may bee laied open 2. There shall bee a separation of the iust and vniust For Mat. 25.32 Christ shall place the sheep on his right hand but the goats on his left hand 3. This manifestation and separation shal be wrought of God by Christ If of God then shal it bee a most diuine and iust iudgement Rom. 3.6 Jf God bee vnrighteous how shall hee iudge the world Jt shall bee made and wrought by christ because Iohn 5.22 The Father hath committed all iudgement vnto the Son And Act. 17.31 God hath appointed to iudge the worlde by a man 4. J● shall bee a pronouncing of sentence Mat. 25.34 Come yee Blessed of my Father We are Blessed of God not in Adam but in his seed and therefore the sentence shall bee giuen according to the gospel For by nature wee are subiect vnto the wrath of God Therefore also shall the godly say When saw wee thee hungering or thirsting They shall confesse that the retribution of rewardes commeth not by their merit but by his grace Furder after this manner the wicked and the godly shall bee iudged according to the Lawe and Gospell Absolution shall bee principally according to the Gospel but shal be confirmed by the Law Condemnation shal bee principally by the Lawe but shall be confirmed of the Gospel Sentence shal bee giuen on the wicked according to their owne merite Sentence shall be giuen on the godlie according to Christes merite applyed vnto them by faith a testimonie and witnesse of which faith shal be their workes Now to be iudged is to bee declared iust before the tribunal of Christ and to enter into euerlasting life and that with a respect and condition of faith which is required in the Gospell Obiection But vnto euerie man shall be giuen according to his workes Therefore iudgement shall be giuen on al according to the doctrine of the Law Aunswere In this sense shal be giuen also vnto the elect according to their works not that their works are merites but in that they are the effects of faith Wherefore vnto the elect shal be giuen according to their woorkes that is they shal be iudged according to faith to be iudged according to faith is to be iudged according to the Gospel But the iudge maketh mention of our woorks and not of faith First because he wil haue it knowen to others why he so iudgeth least the vngodly condemned persons might obiect that hee giueth vs eternal life vniustly Wherefore he wil shew them our workes and will bring them forth as testimonies to refute them that we haue in this life applyed vnto vs Christes merit Secondly That wee maie haue comfort in this life that we shall hereafter according to our works stand at his right hand 3 Who shall be iudge CHrist shall bee the iudge Iohn 5.22 Hee hath committed all iudgement vnto the Son Neither yet are the Father the holie Ghost remoued from this iudgement But Christ immediatly shal speake and giue sentence and that in his humane nature And when he speaketh God shal speake not onely because he himselfe is God but because the Father shal speake by him The iudgement then shall belong vnto all three persons of the God-head as concerning their consent and authority but vnto Christ as touching the publishing and exequuting of the iudgement For Christ shall visibly giue sentence of all which sentence he shal also together execute The church also shal iudge as touching the approbation and allowing of this iudgement as Christ saith Luk. 22.30 That the Apostles shal sit on twelue seates and shall iudge the twelue tribes of Israel that is they shall subscribe vnto Christes iudgement and approoue his sentence The causes why Christ man shall bee iudge are these 1. Because the church is to bee glorified by the same Mediatour by whom and for whom it was iustified Act. 17.31 God wil iudge the woorld in righteousnesse by that man whome hee hath appointed Matth. 24.30 They shal see the sonne of man come in the cloudes of heauen with power and great glorie Ioh. 5.27 The Father hath giuen power to the Sonne to execute iudgement in that hee is the Sonne of man 2. That we maie haue comfort knowing him to bee our iudge who hath purchased vs with his bloode and who maketh vs his brethren yea his parts and members For he is 1 Our brother and our flesh 2 He hath promised and saide Ioh. 3.36 He that beleeueth in the Sonne hath eternall life cap. 6.24 Verilie verily I say vnto you hee that heareth my word beleeueth in him that sent me hath euerlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but hath passed from death vnto life The third cause why he commeth is to deliuer his Church
sufficient for all yet not applied to all doth not saue all Answere It must not onely be a sufficient ransome for al but must be also applyed vnto al receiuing it by faith but it is not applied vnto al because it is saide John 17.9 I pray not for the world but for them which thou hast giuen mee Replie A sufficient ransome ought to bee applied vnto all Christs ransome is sufficient Therefore it ought to bee applied vnto all That a sufficient ransome ought to bee applied vnto all is proued because this is a propertie of infinite mercy to doe good vnto all Aunswere We denie that infinite mercie consisteth herein It consisteth not in the number of those that are saued but in the manner howe they are saued Moreouer he will not giue this benefite vnto all because hee is withall most wise and iust Hee may together exercise both his mercie and his iustie Iohn 3.16 God so loued the world that he hath giuen his only begotten Sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue eternal life He that beleeueth not is condemned already 4 Obiection He that taketh a sufficient ransome for all yet doth not saue all is vniust because he taketh more than in equitie he should God taketh a sufficient ransome for all and yet doth not saue all Therefore he is vniust Answere He is vniust except himselfe giue the ransome But God gaue it Therefore he taketh of his own not of ours Secondly The sufficiencie of the ransome doth not bind god to the receiuing of al but the applying of it But he hath not entered into any bond that he will apply that ransome to all 5 Obiect He that afflicteth some for his own glories sake God not vniust though hee afflict some for his glories sake is an vniust God Answ This proposition is false being generally taken For though it be true in creatures yet is it false in god Because god is the chiefe good and greatest regard ought to be had of the chiefe good Nowe the chiefe good that is gods glorie did require that not only his mercy but his iustice also should be manifested Secondly We aunswere that he is vniust who afflicteth some and that without any trespasse or fault of their owne For God for his glories sake doth suffer some to perish while themselues willingly perish and fall away Thirdly God is bound to none to saue them as neither he was to create them He suffereth men to fall into sin but 1 Themselues willinglie falling 2 Himselfe not being bound to saue them 3 Being bound to haue more regard of his owne glorie than of mens saluation 6 Obiection He that destineth to the ende destineth also to the meanes whereby we come to the end God destineth some to the end that is damnation Therefore hee destineth them to the meanes also which are sinnes For that sinnes are the meanes to come to damnation is prooued because that is a meane without which we cannot come to the end as none can come to damnation without sinne Answere Means are of two sorts Some which goe howsoeuer before the end that is which he vseth who tendeth to the end and by the help whereof he obtaineth and accomplisheth the ende which hee intendeth Other meanes there are which come indeede vnto the ende but are not doone by him which intended the end Those hee maie suffer or admit but it followeth not that he wil them Wherefore I answere vnto the Maior He that wil the end will also the means which himselfe worketh and by which hee worketh to obtaine that end which he entendeth but not all meanes otherwise there shall bee more in the conclusion than in the premisses Neither will hee also those thinges which he permitteth that is hee hindereth them not from being done if they hinder not his end God in calling all yet sauing but some doth not dissemble 7 Obiection Hee that calleth all and yet will saue but some only dissembleth God doth so Therefore he dissembleth Answere Of meere particulars nought followeth Or there is a fallacy in putting that which is no cause for a cause Wherefore to the Maior we answere He doth not doe it to illude men but either to leaue all without excuse or to inuite them to repentance And furder if you vnderstand the Maior generallie it is to be denied because there may be another cause if it be so taken it is thus to be distinguished Hee that calleth all and yet will saue but some onely to illude men or to deceiue them hee dissembleth if hee call them indefinitely or with a mind not willing to woorke in them to obey But God neuer promised that hee woulde woorke this in all Wherefore there is no contradiction in these propositions All ought to doe it and I wil woorke in some to doe it because the same thing is not denied in the one which is affirmed in the other but a diuerse thing The secret counsell of God as touching our saluation is reueiled vnto vs. 8 Obiection They whose saluation dependeth on the secret counsel of god cannot haue comfort Our saluatiō dependeth on the secret counsel of God Therefore we cannot haue comfort Answer Wee can not haue comfort before it is reueiled vnto vs. But that secret counsell of God is opened vnto vs by the sonne and the Holy Ghost Likewise by the effects Rom. 5.1 1. Being iustified by faith wee haue peace towards God 2. Cor. 1. 22. and 5.5 Hee hath sealed vs and hath giuen the earnest of the spirit in our hartes Hee that hath created vs for this things is God ●ho also hath giuen vnto vs the earnest of the spirit Rom. 8.16 The same spirit beareth witnesse with our spirit that wee are the children of God 1. Iohn 3.24 Hereby wee know that hee dwelleth in vs and wee in him euen by the spirit which he hath giuen vs. 9 Obiection That which is done in vaine no man should endeuour But the reprobate doe in vaine repent because it is ●posible that they should bee saued Aunswere This is true if any knew that they were reprobate But God will haue no man so to determine of him-selfe 2. It is a contradiction to bee a reprobate and to shew repentaunce for if they did repent then were they not now reprobates Therefore there commeth no danger by this absurdity 10 Obiection That d●nger which is not The Elect 〈…〉 wary circumspect neede not to bee taken heede of But vnto the Ele●t there is no d●nger of c●nd●●nation Therefore they neede not take heede thereof Aunswere The Maior is true if there should be no danger whether heede bee taken or not taken But there is no danger vnto the elect that is being heedefull and bewaring of any danger that may come But all the elect are heedeful circumspect and warie and those who are not heedful are not elected For from whom God auerteth and turneth away this danger he
of gods grace blinding hardening perseueraunce in sinne raising to iudgement and casting into eternal torments Obiection Diuers or contrarie causes haue contrarie effectes The effectes of election are good woorkes Therefore euil works are the effectes of reprobation Aunswere The Maior is not alwaies true in voluntarie causes For there is a dissimilitude Because God purposed onely to permit euil woorks but to worke good in vs. But the proper cause of euill works is the Diuel and euil men Replie But god hardeneth and blindeth men Blindnes is an effect of reprobation and a sinne Therefore sinne is an effect of reprobation Aunswere Blindnesse is a sinne in respect of men who admit it and as it is receiued of them and purchased by their owne demerite but as it is inflicted of God it is a iust punishment And that God doth deliuer some from that blindnesse is of his mercie Obiection Hardenesse or induration is an effect of reprobation and is a sinne God is autor of reprobation therefore of hardnes also and so of sinne Aunswere Hardnesse is an effect of reprobation but so that it is done according to reprobation but commeth not from it Hardnesse and blindnesse or ex●ecation are according to reprobation or according to predestination as they are sins But they are effects of reprobation or predestination as they are most iust punishmentes 5 Whether Predestinati●n ●e vnchaungeable PRedestination is firme sure and vnchaungeable which maie appeare euen by th● generall reason Predestination vnchangeable Because God is vnchaungeable and doth not depend on the interchangeable course of thinges but the same rather dependeth on his decree What therefore hee hath from euerlasting decreed of sauing the elect and condemning the reprobate that hath he vnchaungeablie decreed And therefore both election and reprobation is firme and vnchaungeable For whom he wo●ld and hath decreed from euerlasting should be sau●d them also hee now will and so hereafter perpetually The same al●o wee are to think concerning reprobation Neither are there wanting testimonies of Scripture whereby the same is confirmed Iohn 6.39 This is the Fathers wil that of al which hee hath giuen mee I shoulde loose nothing Isai 46.10 My councel shal stand and J wil doe whatsoeuer I wil. Mal 3 6. I am the Lord I chaunge not Ioh. 10.28 None shal pluck my sheepe 〈◊〉 of my hand Ioh. 1. ●6 Yee beleeue not for yee are not of my sh●epe ● Tim. 2.19 The foundation of god remaineth sure and hath this seale the Lord knoweth who are his The foundation which Paul so calleth is the decree of sauing the El●ct 1. Because it is the beginning and welspring of our saluation and the end thereof and of al the meanes tending to saluation 2. It is called the foundation for the surenesse and firmenesse thereof because the same is neuer shaken These things are needefull for vs to knowe that wee maie haue firme comfort and consolation that wee may beleeue eternall life and so al other Articles of christian faith The reason is often repeated and therefore often to bee meditated of because he that denieth himself to be certain of the grac● to come is vncertaine also of the present grace of God For God is vnchangeable 6 How far forth Predestination or Election and Reprobation is knowen vnto vs. IT is knowen vnto vs in general as That some are Elect and some Reprobate but not in speciall whether this or that man be But of our own Election euery of vs not only may but also ought to bee in speciall certaine and assured And verily thereof we shall be certaine by the effectes Euerie man ought to bee assured of his owne Election in speciall namelie by conuersion that is by true faith repentance For that we may beleeue and know that we are certainly chosen to eternal life wee are bound to beleeue in Christ and to beleeue also eternal life But this wee cannot beleeue except wee haue true faith and repentaunce And as euerie one ought to haue both these So also euery one ought certainly to hold that he is of the number of the Elect. Otherwise they shal accuse God of lying Rom. 5.2 Wee reioice vnder the hope of the glory of God Christ is our intercessour woorking our euerlasting saluation I beleeue euerlasting life that is not spiritual life onely but euerlasting also which being heere begunne I carrie hence with mee out of this life Neither onely in speciall dooth euerie one know his owne Election by faith and conuersion but it is in generall also knowen that some are Elect. The Election of others is to bee beleued in generall And in general thou oughtst not only to hope but also certainely to beleeue that there are other besides thee elected For thou art bound to beleeue the Article of the Church because that hath bin at al times nowe is But thou alone by thy selfe art not the Church and therefore thou must not saie with Elias I am left alone But to discerne of particulars and of euerie single man is not thine to do Thou art notwithstanding wel to hope of the Election of others euē as concerning euery particular man In generall is the whole Election of all in speciall there is a diuerse consideration of himselfe and of others No certainetie of reprobation eithe● concerni●g our selues or others Of Reprobation no man ought to iudge or determine any thing certainely either as touching his owne or as touching an ●thers reprobation before the end of his life For he that is ●or yet conuerted may be here after conuerted before he d●● No mā therefore ought to iudge of others that they are reprobates but to hope wel of them of himselfe euerie man ought certainely to beleeue that he is an elect For wee haue a generall commandement 7 Whether the Elect be alwaies members of the Church and the Reprobate neuer The elect are then first member of the Church when they are regenerated THE Elect are not alwaies members of the church but then first when they are conuerted and regenerated by the holy Ghost For it is said Rom. 8.9 Jf any man hath not the spirite of Christ the same is not his Likewise the church is called holy But then first are the Elect holy when they are conuerted For Saint Paul expressely saith 1. Corint 6.11 And such were some of you but yee are washed Againe Coloss 1.13 He hath translated vs into the kingdome of his deare Sonne Now some are borne liue and die in the church others are not born in it but are called either soone or late vnto the visible church some both to the visible inuisible church as the theefe on the crosse As also those of the Gentiles of whome Christ sp●ke Joh. 10.16 J haue other Sheepe Some either are borne in the visible church or come vnto it who neuerthelesse are not members of the inuisible and who sometimes depart from the visible Such are the reprobate who
or more acceptable vnto the godly than to serue for the manifesting of gods glory either by life or by death As Phil. 1. it is said As alwaies so now Christ shall be magnified in my body whether it bee by life or by death c. Last of all if they say that the soule hath neither sense nor action but by bodilie instruments and therefore being naked and destitute of these is destitute also of sense motion and operation To graunt vnto them this Antecedent of the soule being in the bodie yet notwithstanding of the soule freed from the bodie both learned Philosophers confesse the contrarie the word of god testifieth the contrarie as 1. Cor. 13.9 We know in part we prophecie in part but when that which is perfect is come then that which is in part shal be abolished OF EVERLASTING LIFE THIS Article is placed in the end 1. Because it is perfectlie fulfilled after the rest 2. Because it is an effect of all the other articles that is we beleeue all the other articles for this and all things that we beleeue were done that we might beleeue this article and so at length inioy euerlasting life This article is the end and roofe of our whole saluation and life The chiefe questions of euerlasting life 1 What euerlasting life is 2 Of whom it is giuen 3 To whom it is giuen 4 Wherefore it is giuen 5 When it is giuen 6 How it is giuen 7 Whether in this life wee may bee assured of euerlasting life 1 WHAT EVERLASTING LIFE IS What life is in generall LIFE is defined among Philosophers diuersly and it is indeede a word of diuers significations signifiyng diuers things In generall it is either the verie existence and being of the soul with the bodie or the operation of a liung thing that is it signifieth to be or to doe those things which are proper vnto a liuing nature for it is taken both for the first act and for the second Therefore death is the destruction of a liuing thing and of the power or facultie of woorking Or Life is an aptitude of a liuing thing to worke the operations proper vnto it and is also the operations themselues by reason of the Vnion of the bodie with the soule Generally both as touching god and Angels and men it is the existence or being of a liuing thing and the facultie or power wherewith euerie liuing thing beeing endewed dooth exercise the operations and actions of life Spirits also liue but they haue not that from life but from their very nature essence Now when we mention euerlasting life we restraine the word for then it speaketh of the euerlasting life of men Angels That is called Euerlasting 1. Which hath neither beginning nor ending Life euerlasting hath a beginning but no end 2 Which hath no beginning and hath an ending as the decrees of god 3. Which hath a beginning but shal haue no end as euerlasting life But this question seemeth vnexplicable because it is said thereof Jsai 64.4 and 1. Cor. 2.9 Neither eie hath seene neither eare hath heard neither came into mans heart the things which god hath prepared for them that loue him Yet we will see what may be knowen concerning this question of the holy Scripture 1. Life in generall signifieth to liue or to be as wee restraine beeing to a thing liuing that is to bee endued with a soule which soule is that whereby we liue and the naturall life is the remaining or dwelling of the soule in a liuing bodie and the operation of the soule or the facultie of the soule working those actions which are proper to a liuing thing For the soule is the essential forme of life which who haue liue 2. Euerlasting life is nothing else but to be as we restrain being to a regenerate man which To be The full definition of euerlasting life is to haue the Jmage of god restored according to which we were at the first created But to explane expoūd this we haue need of a more ful definitiō Wherefore euerlasting life is the habitation or dwelling of god in Angels and men by the holie ghost and the true knowledge of god his will and all his woorkes kindled by the same spirite in their hearts and true and perfect righteousnes and wisedome that is a perfect conformitie and correspondence of their will and powers and operations with the minde and will of god as also a ioy resting on god and a sufficiencie of all good thinges in god as touching both soule and bodie which shall neuer be interrupted hindered or haue an end Life euerlasting is 1 The know●ege of God and wisedome The proofe and confirmation of the partes of this definition is easie 1. It is the knowlege of God and wisedome Iohn 17.3 This is life eternall that they know thee to bee the onelie verie God and whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ 2. 2 Righteousnes It is righteousnesse Luk. 20.36 They are equall vnto the Angels 3 Ioy. 4 Sufficiencie in God and are the sonnes of God since they are the children of the resurrection 3. It is ioy Ioh. 16.22 Your ioy shall no man take from you 4. It is sufficiencie in god Reuel 21.22 The Lord god almightie and the Lambe are the Temple of it And the Citie hath no neede of the Sunne neither of the Moone to shine in it for the glorie of god did light it and the Lambe is the light of it All those good things which we possesse here shall then be perfect 1. Cor. 13.10 When that which is perfect is come then that which is in part shall be abolished 5 Without interruption 5. It shall not be interrupted Reuel 21.4 God shall wipe away all teares from their eies Luk. 1.33 Of his kingdome shall bee no end Dan. 7.27 And the kingdome and dominion and the greatnes of the kingdome vnder the whole heauen shall bee giuen to the holy people of the most high whose kingdome is an euerlasting kingdome that is which hath neither beginning nor ending 3 Euerlasting life is that which hath a beginning but is without end In this third sense also shall wee enioy euerlasting life Obiection Euerlasting life is to liue euerlastinglie But the wicked also shall be raised and be immortall because they shall liue eternally Therefore the wicked shall haue euerlasting life Answere By the name of euerlasting life is not meant the presence of the soule in the bodie that is the naturall life but this being presupposed there is furder meant a spirituall life which the holy Ghost woorketh by his proper function and office Now with the naturall life in the wicked shall bee ioyned 1. A reiection from God 2. A priuation and want of the knowledge and grace of God 3. A perpetuall and vnutterable torment and vexation Their worme shal neuer die There shall bee weeping and gnashing of teeth Here-by is vnderstoode that euerlasting
death is The euerlasting death of the wicked and is so called not because the reprobate by once dyeng shall fulfill it but because they shall die perpetuallie and shall feele perpetuall tormentes 2 Who giueth euerlasting life Euerlasting life the worke of all three Persons GOD alone giueth eternall life the Father giueth it by the son the holy ghost Of the Father it is said Ioh. 5.21 As the Father raiseth vp the dead and quickneth them so the son quickneth whom he will In which place the same is affirmed of the son also as in like maner in these folowing Ioh. 14. In him was life Isai 9.6 The Father of eternitie Iohn 10.28 I giue vnto them eternall life that is not by merit onely but also by power and working Of the Holy Ghost likewise it is saide Iohn 3.5 Except a man bee borne of water and the spirit hee can not enter into the kingdome of God Rom. 8.11 Hee that raised vp Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortall bodies by his spirit dwelling in you And this testimonie is to bee obserued for the confirmation of the Godhead of both Obiection But the ministers also giue life according to that of Paul 1. Cor. 4.15 In Christ Iesus J haue begotten you through the Gospel Aunswere Christ and the holy Ghost giue life by their owne power the ministers are onely instruments by whom Christ worketh through th● vertue of his spirite Replie But Christ giueth life by a communicated power Therefore not by his proper power Answere He giueth it by a power communicated but communicated from euerlasting as he was begotten from euerlasting Ioh. 5.26 As the Father hath life in himselfe so likewise hath he giuen to the Sonne to haue life in himselfe 3 To whom euerlasting life is giuen EVerlasting life is giuen to all the Elect All the Elect they alone are partakers of euerlasting life and to them onely Joh. 10.28 I giue vnto them eternal life that is to my sheepe who are his elect and chosen Iohn 17.9 I pray for them I pray not for the world but for them which thou hast giuen me for they are thine and verse 12. Those that thou gauest me haue I kept and none of them is lost but the childe of perdition Againe faith and repentaunce are proper vnto the Elect only but these are part of eternal life Therefore eternal life belongeth to the Elect onely Rom. 11.7 The Elect haue obtained it and the rest haue beene hardened Wee must obserue in this place whereas the question is To whom euerlasting life is giuen that it is better to answere That eternal life is giuen to the Elect than to say it is giuen vnto the conuerted * As they are elected so the● are but chosen to eternall life as they are conuerted so they are in part admitted vnto it and begin to b● put in possession of it For conuersion and faith are the beginning of eternal life And to say Eternal life is giuen to the conuerted were all one as if you woulde say life is giuen to the liuing 4 For what cause euerlasting life is giuen THE impellent or motiue cause of euerlasting life giuen vnto vs is the alone free mercy of God For a good thing doth communicate it selfe and make others partakers of it and his loue towardes mankinde God of his ●ree mercy giueth vs for Christs sake euerlasting life that wee might praise and magnifie the same his mercy for euer And he will that euerlasting life bee giuen vs and himselfe giueth the same vnto vs for the alone intercession and merit of Christ imputed vnto vs by the comming and interposing whereof gods mercy is more illustrated and manifested than without it But no work of man either foreseene in vs or present is the cause of this eternall life whereunto notwithstanding wee are brought by many meanes Before the beginning of eternal life our woorkes merit eternall death after the beginning thereof all our woorkes are effectes thereof and nothing is cause of it selfe The final cause or end for which eternal life is giuen vs is that the mercy of God might be acknowledged and magnified of vs. Eph. 1.6 To the praise of the glorie of his grace wherewith hee hath made vs accepted in his beloued For the same cause God giueth vs eternall life for which hee chose vs. 5 When euerlasting life is giuen Euerlasting life is begu● here by conuersion IN this life is giuen the beginning of eternal life and that necessarily For vnto whom life euerlasting is not begunne to be giuen here that is who beginneth not here to feele a part of eternal life to wit faith and conuersion vnto him life euerlasting shal neuer be giuen after this life 2. Corinth 5.2 Therefore we sigh desiring to be clothed with our house which is from heauen Because that if we be clothed we shal not bee found naked It is consūmated in the worlde to come by glorification The consummation of euerlasting life is after this life for vnto whom euerlasting life is begunne to bee giuen here to them shal it be giuen finished compleate and consummated And of this consūmation ther are two degrees one when the soule is presently carried into heauen because by the death of the bodie we are freed from all infirmitie the other degree is greater higher and more glorious when in the resurrection of the bodies the soules shall againe be vnited to their bodies because after the resurrection we shal be made glorious and shall see God euen as hee is Iohn 5.24 He that heareth my word and beleeueth in him that sent mee hath euerlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but hath passed from death to life 1. Iohn 3.2 Nowe are wee the Sonnes of GOD but yet it dooth not appeare what wee shall bee and wee knowe that when hee shal appeare we shal bee like him for we shal see him as he is 6 How euerlasting life is giuen vnto vs. EVerlasting life is giuen vnto vs by the holy Ghost God giueth v● euerlasting ●i●● by the outw● ministerie 〈◊〉 th●●warde mi● of the spirit and the holy Ghost giueth it vs in this life by the ministerie of the word by the worde he worketh in vs the knowledge of God and his wil This knowledge hath following it a study and desire more and more to know God and to liue according to the prescript of his will It is giuen heere vnto infants so that they haue an inclination to repentaunce and faith But the consummation and accomplishment of euerlasting life shal be giuen vs after this life immediately Now that it is heere giuen vs mediately by the woorde is prooued by plaine testimonies of Scripture John 6.68 Whither shall wee goe say the Disciples Thou hast the words of life 1. Corint 4.15 Jn Christ Jesus J haue begotten you through the gospel Rom. 116. The gospell is the power of
God vnto saluation to euerie one that beleeueth And this is the ordinarie manner of giuing vs this beginning of euerlasting life namely by the woord mediately But there is another maner of giuing the same vnto infants and by miracles 7 Whether we can be assured in this life of euerlasting life IN this life not onely wee maie Our assurance of euerlasting life is necessary and grounded vpon sure reasons but wee ought also to bee assured and certain of euerlasting life otherwise we shal neuer haue it For it is giuen to al the elect and to them onely And wee maie be certaine of it by faith euen by a full persuasion of the good wil of God towardes vs likewise by the beginning of true repentaunce which is a ful purpose and intent to liue according to gods cōmandements lastly by the peace of consciēce by a desire of God and by a ioie and gladnesse in God This assuraunce and certainty is grounded on sure and strong reasons 1. The autor of euerlasting life is vnchangeable euen GOD himselfe 2. Gods election is vnchaungeable 3. Christ is heard in all thinges which he desireth of his Father But he praied that his father woulde saue all those whom hee had giuen him 4. God will not haue vs to praie for good things necessarie to saluation with a condition but simplie 2. Tim. 2.19 The foundation of God remaineth sure the lord knoweth who ar his Ioh. 10.28 No mā shal pluck my sheepe out of my hand I giue vnto them eternal life but it were not eternal life if it could be interrupted or broken off Of the consummation of euerlasting life we must bee assured by the beginning thereof Rom. 11.29 The giftes and calling of God are without repentaunce God is faithfull therefore as hee hath begunne so also will hee accomplish and end Wherefore to doubt of the continuaunce and consummation of euerlasting life is to ouerthrow the faith and truth of god Now of the beginning of eternal life we are assured chiefly by a true faith which withstandeth doubtes that is which hath a purpose to resist the Diuel and crieth I beleeue Lord help my vnbeliefe But this faith cannot bee without repentaunce and therefore by an assured repentance we are also assured of the beginning of euerlasting life and therfore withal of the consummation thereof That which now hath been spoken of this article doth sufficiently declare what is To beleeue euerlasting life namely assuredly and certainely to bee perswaded 1. That after this life there shall be also a life wherein the Church shall be glorified and God magnified of her euerlastingly 2. That J also am a member of this Church and therefore partaker of euerlasting life 3. That J also in this life haue and enioy the beginning of euerlasting life OF IVSTIFICATION THIS doctrine Of iustification is one of the chiefe points of our faith not onely because it treateth of the chiefe and principall matters but also because this doctrine is most of all others called by heretiques into controuersie For there are two principall controuersies between the Church and Heretiques The first Of the doctrine concerning God the other of this doctrine of Justification and either of these doctrines beeing ouerthrowen the other points of our faith easily goe to wracke Wherefore we ought chiefly to fence and strengthen our selues against heresies in the doctrine concerning God and iustification The special questions 1 What iustice or righteousnes is in generall 2 How manifold it is 3 What iustice differeth from iustification 4 What is our iustice or righteousnes 5 How it is made ours 6 Why it is made ours 7 Why it is made ours by faith onelie 1 WHAT IVSTICE OR RIGHTEOVSNES IN GENERAL IS A Definition so generall of iustice can scarce bee giuen as may agree both to God and creatures euen such as may agree to the furthest and highest kindes of iustice or righteousnes which are Vncreate and created righteousnes except we wil make a definition full of ambiguity For vncreated iustice or righteousnes is God himselfe Vncreate Iustice is God himselfe who is the very squire and rule of all iustice Created iustice is an effect of vncreate or diuine iustice in reasonable creatures This created iustice or righteousnes may be defined generally in such sort as the definition shall bee alike common to all sortes thereof Justice therefore or righteousnes in generall as it agreeth to reasonable creatures is a fulfilling of those lawes which belong vnto reasonable creatures Our created Iustice is our conformitie with Gods lawes appertaining vnto vs. or is the conformitie or correspondence of reasonable creatures with the lawes appertaining and belonging vnto them It may be also defined on this wise Justice is a conformitie with God or with the law of God Or it is a fulfilling of Gods law 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 For iustice or righteousnes is the obseruance of the law 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as sin is the transgression of the law the name Righteousnes is deriued from Right which is the lawe it self and conformitie with the law is righteousnes it self This we must know because we must be iustified by the fulfilling of the law we must vnderstand that the law is not abolished but established by the gospel For the righteousnes iustice of the Gospel is the fulfilling of the lawe but doth not at all disagree from the lawe Obiect He that is iust and righteous is conformed and agreeable vnto the law To iustifie is to make iust Therefore to iustifie is to make one agreeable vnto the law Answere All this is graunted that is either in himselfe to be so or in another Now these are all one the imputed righteousnes or iustice of an other the righteousnes of the Gospel the righteousnes of faith Wherefore to iustifie is to assoile and absolue one from sin for that iustice or righteousnes which either is in himself or in an other This significatiō meaning of the worde is prooued throughout the whole Epistle to the Romans It was imputed to him for righteousnes 2 How manifold Justice is Legall Iustice IVstice we speak in general of created iustice is legal and Euangelical Legal iustice is the fulfilling of the Law performed by him who is therby said to be iust Or it is such a fulfilling of the Law which one performeth by his own obedience or it is a conformitie in the Law which is in him also who is called iust This legal iustice either is in vs or in Angels or in Christ as he is man as an accident inherent in his subiect Euangelical iustice is also a fulfilling of the Law but is not in him who is called therby iust or righteous but in another and is onelie imputed vnto him who is thereof called iust This is christs iustice or righteousnes performed for vs or that ransome of the Son of God imputed vnto vs by faith Euangelicall Iustice or the Iustice
for it doth not being receiued into vs quicken vs by working in vs new corporal qualities like as a medicine dooth but the bodie of christ nourisheth and quickeneth vs after a maner diuers from that natural nourishing and accordingly as this manner of nourishing and quickening requireth so receiue we christs bodie The maner whereby christs bodie and bloud nourisheth vs is 1. The respect of his merite For for vs christs bodie is giuen and his bloud shed for vs and for the bodie and bloud of christ wee haue eternal life giuen vnto vs. After this manner then the bodie and bloud of christ quickeneth vs as it is a merit deseruing for vs this blessing 2. His bodie and bloude quickeneth or nourisheth vs when wee receiue that merite of christs bodie and bloud that is when we beleeue with a true faith that for it wee shall haue eternall life This faith resteth and hangeth on christ hanging on the Crosse not corporallie dwelling in vs. 3. It nourisheth vs when the same spirite vniteth vs by faith vnto christ and worketh the like in vs which it doth in christ For except wee be graffed into christ wee doe not please God For hee will on that condition receiue vs and pardon vs our sinnes So that by faith through the working of the holy Ghost we bee ioined with christ and engraffed into him Seeing then this is the maner whereby the bodie and bloude of christ quicken and nourish vs there is no need of any descending of the bodie and bloud of christ into our bodies 4 Obiection The eating of bread is done by the mouth But the eating of the bodie is the eating of bread Therefore the eating of the bodie is done by the mouth and is corporall when it is saide Take and eate Aunswere This eating whereof mention is made heere is perfourmed by the mouth not simplie but as concerning the signe But it is not doone by the mouth but is spirituall as concerning the thing signified spirituall Reply This is my bodie that is the inuisible bodie which J haue in my handes Aunswere But the bodie is the thing signified and spirituall other-wise there will bee no proportion betweene the signe and the thing signified It followeth therefore that hee saieth The bread is my bodie So that the bread is that whereof the bodie is affirmed For in this speech the thing signified is affirmed of the signe 5 Obiection The Wordes are not to bee changed Christ vsed the woord Js Therefore there may not be put in place thereof the word Signifieth Aunswere The woords are not to bee changed into another sense than God wil haue But otherwise they are often to be changed As when it is said Pluck out thine eie For woords are to bee vnderstoode according to the nature of thinges Moreouer they themselues who accuse vs of change doe more make this chaunge and mutation than we Reply The bodie of christ was broken and crucified for vs not the signe of the bodie Therefore the bread is the substantiall bodie of christ Answ I grant for the bread signifieth that very bodie which was borne of Marie crucified Question Why then are the things signified attributed to the signes Two causes why the thinge signified are attributed to the signes and the signes called by their names if neither consubstantiation nor transubstantiation bee thereby signified Aunswere There are two causes alleadged heereof A similitude or likenesse and a certainty 1. The similitude or proportion of signes and the thing signified is first As the bread and wine nourish our body so the body and bloud of christ nourish vs vnto euerlasting life Secondly As the bread and wine are receiued by the mouth so the body and bloud are receiued by faith Thirdly As the bread is eaten being broken so the bodie of christ is receiued being sacrif ced and broken Fourthly As in corporall foode is required an appetite vnto it so also in this spiritual foode is required faith Fiftly As of many cornes is made one loafe so are we being many made one bodie Wherefore by reason of this similitude of the signe and the thing signified the thing signified is attributed vnto the signes 2. The certainty of the signes in the cause likewise why that is aff●rmed of the signes which is proper vnto the thing signified For the s●gnes testifie that christes sacrifice is accomplished and for our behoofe and commodity because it is certainly and truly applied vnto vs. Here last of al is to be obserued that the eating of christs body dooth comprise and comprehend 1. Faith 2. That by faith we are made partakers of christ that is we are vnited vnto Christ and our communion is wrought by faith and the holy Ghost is the bond of this our vnion and coniunction with Christ 3. That wee are made partakers of Christs benefites iustification and remission of sinnes And this ensueth of that vnion of Christ with vs. 4. Jt comprehendeth also the benefite of our regeneration whereby we are made like and conformed vnto christ because the same spirit dwelling in vs and in christ worketh also the same things in vs. This eating is easily collected as out of many other places so also out of this saieng of christ I am the liuing bread which commeth downe from heauen if any man eate of this bread hee shall liue for euer And the bread that I will giue is my flesh which I wil giue for the life of the world 5 What is the difference betweene the Lords supper and the popish Masse THIS question is necessary by reason of errours which haue c●ept into the church It is otherwise demanded Why the Masse is to be abolished ●ut here this questiō is also conteined and comprehended because these differences and contrarieties of the Lordes supper and the Masse are the causes why the Masse is to bee abolished First let vs speake a few woordes of the name of the Masse or Missa The word Missa seemeth to haue his name from an ancient custome of Ecclesiastical rites actions The originall of the woord Missa which we call the Masse in the end whereof leaue was giuen of departure to the Catechumenes the possessed with spirites and the excommunicated persons and so the woord Missa seemeth to be vsed as it were a mission or sending awaie because it was the last part of diuine seruice Others wil haue it to be so called from a dimission or from the manner of dimissing them because they were demised with these words ●te Missa est that is go you may depart or as others interprete it goe now is the collection or alms which they will haue to be called Missa of the sending it in as we may so speak or throwing or casting it in for the poore Some wil therefore haue it deriued from the Hebrue Masah that is tributes which was wont to be paied of euery one The word is found Deut. 16.10 Missach nidbath i●decha A free
and make these partes the kingdome of God 1. The sending of the Sonne our Mediatour 2. The ordaining and maintaining of the ministerie by Christ 3. The gathering of the church by Christ out of mankinde by the voice of the gospell and the efficacie of the holy Ghost beginning in vs true faith and repentaunce 4. The perpetual gouernement of the church 5. The preseruation thereof in this life and protection against her enemies 6. The casting awaie of her enemies into eternal paines 7. The raising of the church vnto eternal life 8. The glorifieng of the church in eternall life when god shal be al in al. Now then seeing we vnderstand what the kingdome of God is it is knowen also vnto vs what is conteined in this petition Here therefore we desire that God wil by his Son our Mediatour sent from the very beginning into the woorlde 1. Preserue the ministerie which he hath ordained 2. Gather his church by the ministerie of his word and the woorking of the holie Ghost 3. Rule his church gathered and vs the members thereof with his holy spirite who may conforme vs vnto him soften our hearts regenerate our wils 4. Defend vs and his whole church against our enemies tyrants 5. Cast away his our enemies into eternal pains wherewith he maie punish them for euer 6. And at length deliuer his church and glorifie it in the world to come By al this it appeareth That this kingdome which we desire maie come is a spiritual kingdom which also the lord himselfe sheweth by diuerse parables in the Euangelist and vnto Pilate he aunswereth My Kingdome is not of this woorlde Of the kingdome of Christ is it said Psalm 110.2 Be thou ruler in the mids of thine enemies And furthermore seeing we must desire that this kingdome may come and therefore must withal desire our ful deliuery hereby it is euident how impious a thing it is to bee afraid of the iudgement of God the last day of doome because such as doe this shew themselues not to bee godly neither to desire their full deliueraunce and glorifieng Obiection But terrible wil the daie of iudgement be Therfore we are not to desire it Answer It wil be terrible but to the wicked onely For vnto the godly it is said Lift vp your heads Therefore Christ wil haue them to reioice and to wish for the approching of that day For what thou reioicest in that also thou wishest Come Lord Jesus Obiection That which commeth neither sooner nor later for our praiers is in vaine desired of vs and therefore we are not to desire it But the kingdome of god that is the deliuerie of the church from all euils and miseries shall come neither sooner nor later for our praiers than god hath decreed it Therefore wee are not to desire the deliuerie of the church Aunswere The Maior is false For so then may we conclude or reason of al those benefits which remaine in the counsel and purpose of God Reply But god hath promised other benefites with this condition that we must aske and desire them Aunswere So also doth ful deliuery from al euils befal to them onely in that daie who in their affliction and crosse wish for and desire that deliuery and pray that this deliuery may come speedily according to the decree of God and that no one elect may be excluded Reply But we must not desire that god would hasten the deliuerie of his church because that would be done with losse of manie of the Elect who are not as yet borne Aunswere When we desire that God would hasten the deliuery of his church we d●sire also that whosoeuer of the Elect are as yet remaining may be al speedily gathered not one of them beeing excluded This deliuery of vs and the whole church we must craue of the Lord with daily prayers if so we wil bee our selues also at length deliuered together with the Church And moreouer for this cause also must we desire this deliuerie that then that iudgement may bee of a sauing force vnto vs wherein the Lord will fullie deliuer his Elect and chosen God will also therefore haue vs desire an hastning speeding of this day that there may be an end of wickednes impieties that all the godlie may rest from their labors But so notwithstanding must we desire and craue all these things that we subiect and submit our wil to the commandement of the Lord or his diuine will It is our part to obserue what God commaundeth not what shall fall out or come to passe but the euent wee must leaue and commit to God himselfe 2 Howe manifold the kingdome of God is THIS kingdome is but one indeede but it differeth in the manner of gouerning and administration For it is diuerslie administred here and in heauen Hereby is that Question assoiled out of the place of Paul 1. Cor. 15.24 He shall deliuer vp the kingdome to God euen the Father Wherefore as concerning the forme and manner of administration hee shall deliuer the kingdome after our glorification that is he shal cease to discharge the office of a mediatour There shall be then no neede of conuersion of purging out of sinne of protecting of vs against our enimies he shall not gather he shal not raise the dead hee shall not glorifie nor perfect them because then they shall bee perfect Hee shall not ' teach them tongues shal cease There shall be no neede of these instrumentes any longer The kingdome of god then is of two sorts one begun in this life another consummated after this life Wee desire both in this petition to wit both the constitution of this kingdome of God and the consummation thereof In the consummated and perfect kingdome of god there shall be no neede of any meanes or instruments because in that the glorification of the Church shall be more perfect as being without euil both of crime and paine God shall be all in al that is shall manifest himselfe immediately vnto the blessed Saints Reuel 21.22 Jn that Citie which is that kingdome J sawe no temple for the Lord god almightie and the Lambe are the temple of it And the Citie hath no neede of the Sunne neither of the Moone to shine in it for the glorie of god did light it and the Lambe is the light of it 3 Who is king in gods kingdome THE head or King of this kingdome is god the father the sonne and the holie ghost There is but one King because there is but one god Nowe the father is King and ruleth by the sonne and the holy ghost The sonne is King 1. Because he sitteth god at the right hand of god and ruleth with equall power with the father 2. Because he is Mediatour that is because he is that person by which god worketh immediatly and giueth the holy Ghost Iohn 15.26 J will send him vnto you from the father And after a special and peculiar manner is Christ
much thereof hath beene preserued of God for vs as was necessarie and profitable for the doctrine and comfort of the Church euen as Iohn witnesseth that Iesus did many thinges before his disciples 1 As much of the history as is sufficient doth remain Iohn 21. which are not written in the storie of the Gospel And that these thinges which are extant were written that wee might beleeue that Iesus is the Christ the Sonne of God and that beleeuing wee might haue life euerlasting in his name Furthermore 2 The holy Scripture is perfect in sense though not in words concerning doctrine and precepts albeit some thinges written by the Apostles be not extant whatsoeuer yet of necessarie doctrine was in them it is certaine that it is contained in those which we haue both because that Paul in both places doth repeate that which hee hath written in those Epistles and also because it hath bin before shewed that God hath deliuered the whole doctrine of our saluation in the Scripture which is extant and wil preserue it vnto the ende of the world They bring other places also by which they indeuour to Obiection 2 gather Some things were spoken by word of mouth that Christ his Apostles did deliuer some things vnto the Churches by mouth which are not comprised in the writings of the Apostles As Mat. 28. where Christ sendeth his Apostles to preach Iohn 16. I haue yet many things to say vnto you but you cannot beare them now Act. 16. Paul and Timothy deliuered vnto the Churches the decrees to keepe ordained by the Apostles and elders which were at Ierusalem 1. Cor. 11. I wil order other things when I come 2. Thes 2. Keepe the instructions which you haue beene taught either by word or by our Epistle And cap. 3. Withdrawe your selues from euerie brother which walketh not after the instruction which he receaued of vs. And in the 2. and 3. Epistles of Iohn I haue many things to write vnto you but I would not by paper and incke but I trust to come vnto you and speake mouth to mouth 1 Tim. 6. Tit. 1. and 2. And Paul chargeth Timothie to keep that which was committed vnto him and to commit those things which he had heard of him to men fit to teach Lastly they saie That before the bookes either of the olde or new Testament were written the doctrine was deliuered vnto the Church by mouth But neither the Prophets nor Christ nor the Apostles haue deliuered any other precepts by mouth then those which are written And if they ordained any ceremonial thinges in the Churches which they committed not to writing neither were they contrarie to these which are written neither ouer-many or vnprofitable neither put on them with an opinion of necessitie For neither was there any other Gospel from the beginning neither did Christ command anie other to be preached then that which we haue written Neither were those things any other which the Apostles then could not beare through infirmitie then the selfesame which the Lord had taught them before which the spirite should cal into their minds and expound vnto them which themselues afterwards did deliuer in writing to the church neither were they otherwise then sutable to those thinges which they had before receaued of the Lord neither olde wiues to is such as a great part of the Popish traditions are but the most authenticke doctrine of the Gospel either vnknowen or repugnant vnto the reason and wit of man But what Paul in the Acts is said to haue deliuered vnto the churches is there expressed euen the decree of the counsel of Ierusalem concerning blood strangled and thinges offered to idols Vnto the Corinthians hee promiseth that he will take order for matters of ceremonies euen such as appertained to the ministring of the Lords Supper Now by the instructions which he speaketh of to the Thessalonians he vnderstandeth not anie Lawes concerning ceremonies but the whole doctrine of the Gospel which he had taught euen the selfe same both by word and writing which hee had committed to Timothie and by the declaring of which mouth to mouth Iohn promiseth to bring true ioie vnto his auditours But bee it that Paul spake neuer so much of keeping traditions or ordinances which were not written as 1. Cor. 11. when hee saith Now brethren I command you that you keepe the ordinances as I deliuered them vnto you yet should not the aduersaries therefore obtaine that their traditions either are to be kept or are Apostolicke wheras most of them are singularly repugnant to the Apostles doctrine neither yet that there were more ordinances then in the Church then are written since that the Apostles did ordaine no rites by which the consciences of men should be bound Obiection 3 They alleadge farther the practise and examples of the Apostles That the Apostles haue decreed against and besides the Scripture Tit. 1. as if they did make anie ordinances or Lawes either besides or against the Scripture as when Paul ordaineih manie things of choosing Bishops and Deacons of widowes of weomen to be couered and to containe themselues in silence of not deuorcing the husband if he bee an infidel of controuersies betweene Christians 1 Tim. 3. 1 Cor. 11. 1 Cor. 14. 1 Cor. 7. 1 Cor. 6. But these men remember not that their authority is not equal vnto the Apostles authoritie neither consider they that there is nothing in all these thinges appointed of Paul which is not agreeable to the rest of the word of God contained in writing and that manie of those things which they alleadge is comprehended in the commandements of the Decalog More trifling is it 1 Answere that they saie the forme of Baptisme appointed by Christ was changed by the Apostles because it is reade in the Acts. 2.8 and 19 that they Baptised in the name of Iesus Christ For in those places not the forme of Baptism but the vse is declared that is that men were baptised for to testifie that they did belong to Christ Neither yet by the example of the Apostles who interdicted the Churches thinges offered to idols blood and that which was strangled is it lawful for Councels and Bishops to make decrees and Lawes to tie mens consciences For first here againe there must needs be reteined a difference betweene the Apostles by whom God opened his wil vnto men whereupon they also saie It seemed good to the holie Ghost and to vs and other ministers of the Church who are tied vnto the Apostles doctrine Further as cōcerning this decree of the Apostles they decreed nothing else then what the rule of charitie commaundeth which at all times would haue that in things indifferent men should deale without offence Now if they vrge that these ordinances are called necessary againe it doth not thereupon follow that the traditions of Bishops are necessarie especially such as are the Bishops of Rome Then that necessity whereof the Apostles speak
manifest vnto thee Vnto the manifestation of God is subordinated the preseruation of societie in mankinde For except there were men God shoulde not haue whom to manifest himselfe vnto The preseruation of the society of men I will declare thy name vnto my brethren To this preseruatiō there folow next in order the duties of nature and the mutuall good turnes and benefites of one man towards an other For no societie or coniunction or conuersing of men together can be or consist without mutuall dueties passing enterchangeably betweene them Wherefore the societie of men and mutuall communicating and imparting of dueties betweene them are the subordinate endes of man created seruing for the obtaining of the principall end which is the manifestation participation or fruition knowledge praise and worshippe of God When therefore God is saide to be the ende of man it is meant of him manifested participated knowne and worshipped And in this end as being the chief and last the whole felicitie and blessednes and glorie of man consisteth 1. Obiect Heauen earth and other creatures which are void of reason Other creatures are said to praise God as being the matter of his praise which yet they shoulde not bee if man and Angels were not are said to worshippe and magnifie God Therefore the worship and praise of God is not the proper end why man was created Answere This reason hath a fallacie of equiuocation or ambiguitie Creatures voide of reason are saide to worship and praise God not that they vnderstand ought of god or know and worship him But because they bearing certain prints and steps of Diuinitie in them are the matter of gods praise and worship But the creatures endewed with reason are said to praise and magnifie god not onely because in them are extant most conspicuous and notable testimonies of god but chiefly because they beeing endewed with a power facultie of vnderstanding of conforming themselues to the will of god know by the beholding contemplation of gods works in thēselues other creatures the infinite goodnes wisedome power iustice bounty and maiestie of god and are raised and stirred vp to worship god aright both in minde and in worde and in the whole obedience according to his diuine law And if god had not created creatures of reason and vnderstanding who might beholde consider and with thankefull minde acknowledge his workes and the order and disposing of thinges in whole nature other thinges which are voide of reason might no more be saide to praise and worship god that is to be the matter and occasion of praising him than if they had neuer beene at all 2. Obiection The felicitie and blessednes of man is a qualitie or condition and estate in which or with which man was created that is it is a part of the image of God and a forme or propertie of man Therefore it belōgeth to the first question what man was created and not to this of the end of mans creation Answere This hath no contrarietie in it for the same may be in diuers the finall cause the formal For the soule and the properties or faculties thereof are both the formal and final cause of a liuing bodie the forme as they actuate and giue life vnto the bodie the ende as the bodie is framed of nature for this that the soule may informe it and exercise by it his operations actions In like sort the blessednes of man or participation or fruition of god as also the knowledge of god is a propertie and part of the image of god in man in respect of the beginning when man by his creation beganne both to bee and to bee iust and blessed it is the ende of man in respect of continuance perseuerance that is as god created man wise iust and blessed for this that hee shoulde continue so for euer that is man was created iust and happie he was created for this that he might be iust and happie Wherefore albeit the existence of blessednesse and the continuance abiding of the same are the same in the thing it selfe yet in consideration and respect they are diuers By reason of which diuers respects felicitie wisedome holines are both a qualitie and an end of man that is are referred to the questions WHAT and FOR WHAT man was created This first creation of man is diligently to be compared with the miserie of mankinde as also the end for which we were created with the aberration and swaruing from the end that so by this meanes also wee may know the greatnes of our miserie For howe much the greater wee see the good was which wee haue lost so much the greater wee know the euils to be into which we are fallen OF THE IMAGE OF GOD IN MAN The chiefe questions hereof are 1. What the image of God in man is 2. How farre forth it is lost and how farre it remaineth 3. How it is repaired in man 4. How it is in Christ and how in vs. 1 What the image of God in man is The image of god to be considered not in the body but in the soule SEing god is not corporeal neither hath a body we must consider this image not in the body but in the soule of man and because it is very much darckened and almost blotted out by sinne wee must iudge of it not by that state in which men began to be after sinne was committed but by the repairing which commeth by Christ that is by the nature of man regenerated And to conclude whereas there is but a small beginning of regeneration in this life we shall at length in the euerlasting life and glorie behold and vnderstand perfitely the image of God wholy restored shining in vs. It is not to be sought onely in the substaunce but chieflie in the qualities and giftes of the soule Further that wee are not to seeke the image of God in the substaunce alone of the soule but chieflie in the vertues and giftes with which it was adorned of God in the creation it is euen thereby manifest for that the nature and substaunce of the soule remaineth euen in the vnregenerate but the image of God for the most part is lost yet notwithstanding because the soule is an vnderstanding spirite the more excellent spirite the more excellent part of mans substance separable from the body immortal the beginning and cause of life and mouing in a liuing body wee must confesse that the nature thereof though vnregenerat is some shadow of that Diuinitie But the image of God seeing the substance as of spiritual natures in generall so of the minde of man is vnknowne to vs in the mist and darkenes of this life is to be considered in those faculties and operations in which wee see man to excell other creatures and know him by the word works of God to bee agreeable and conformed vnto God These faculties are especially two The vnderstanding and will The
he thought not that God could would inflict on man transgressing his commandement that punishment which he had threatned Wherefore he tempted God and charged him with a lie For God had saide Thou shalt die the death The Diuell denied it saying Ye shall not die and Adam beleeued the Diuell Now not to beleeue God and of the contrarie to beleeue the Diuell is to account god for no true god 3 In stubbornes and disobedience 4 In vnthankefulnes 5 In vnnaturalnes 3. Stubbornes and disobedience For he is become disobedient vnto God 4. Vnthankefulnes for benefites receiued at his creation as for these that he was created to the image of god and to eternal life 5. Vnnaturalnes iniustice and crueltie For there was a neglect of loue in him towardes his posteritie because those good thinges were not giuen vnto him onely but also to his whole posterity Therefore he had them that he should keep them for himselfe and his 6. In Apostasie or should make losse of them from both But al this he neglected 6. Apostasie or manifest defection from God to the Diuel whom he obeyed whom he beleeued whom he set in the place of God withdrawing and sundring himselfe from God He did not aske of God those good things which he was to receiue but reiecting the wisedome and direction God by the aduise of the Diuel wil aspire to be equal with god Whereof it is apparent that Adams first sinne was no light fault but horrible sin and woorthy of so great punishment as it was punished withall 2 What were the causes of the first sinne THe first cause of the first sin was the Instigation of the diuell The second The cause of sinne The diuels instigation mans will freely yeelding vnto it God no willer or causer of it but permitter onely Mans wil freely consenting to the Diuel against Gods commandement Now although God would that man should be tempted by the diuel did withdraw that his grace frō him whereby he should resist the temptations of the Diuell yet he was not the cause of that sinne which Adam destitute of diuine grace did committe For he was not at all obliged or bound vnto man to keepe and mantaine that grace in him which he had giuen him And further he withdrewe it from man willing and also himselfe reiecting it neither yet therefore withdrew he it as that he would or did purpose or intend sin or were delighted therewith but to proue and to trie man to shew how vnable the creature is to doe or reteine ought that is good God not preseruing and directing him by his spirite Wherefore hee suffered together with his triall of Adam the sinne of Adam to concurre but he was no cause or efficient of it 3 What are the effects of the first sinne THe first next effect is Originall sin or the corruption of mans whole nature the destruction of Gods image as well in our first parents as also in all their posterity 2. A further later effect are all actual sins for that which is the cause of the cause is also the cause of the effect If original sin be an effect of the first sin thē are also actual sins which are the effects of originall effects of the first sin 3. Whatsoeue euils of paine or punistment because it is the cause of sins therefore is it also the cause of punishments Now although that first sin was committed many ages past yet notwithstanding the effect thereof which is a priuation or want of the true wisedome and direction of god of rightnesse in our inclinations and desires remaineth euer since that sinne was committed in the whole posteritie by gods iust iudgement Wherefore those things also which necessarilie ensue this priuation continu except by the singular benefit and mercy of God the prauity of our nature be corrected our sin being pardoned and remitted 4 Why God permitted the first sinne GOD permitted it that is gaue not his grace of resistance to our first parēts as to the blessed Angels 1. because as the Apostle saith The causes of gods permission of the first sinne 1 To shew his owne iustice and power Rom. 9. he would shew his iustice anger and power in punishing eternally the sinnes of the wicked but his mercie loue towardes mankinde in sauing his Chosen not imputing sinne vnto them for his Sonnes sake And Rom. 11 32. Gal. 3.22 God hath concluded all vnder sinne that hee might haue mercy on all 2 To shew mans weakenesse and infirmitie that euerie mouth may bee stopped 2 That it might stand for an example of the weaknes infirmitie of al creatures euen the most excellent if they enioy not the special blessing of their creatour and be preserued in that rightnes wherein they were created The necessitie vse of this doctrine of mans creation This doctrine concerning the creation of man is necessary for the Church for many causes and vses which it hath Wee must knowe that man was created of God without sinne least God bee imagined the authour or cause of sinne Whereas mans bodie was fashioned of cley let vs thinke of our frailtie that wee be not lifted vp with pride Seeing that the workemanship of God is so admirable in the framing of mans bodie and seeing it was created for the ministerie of Gods worship for god to dwell in and for euerlasting life let vs neither abuse it to dishonesty neither willingly destroy it nether make it a fly of diuels but keeping it chast cleane endeuour that it be a temple and instrument of the holie ghost to worship god Seing that god would haue mankind to consist of two sexes each is to haue his due place and honor neither is the weaker to be contemned or oppressed by tyrannie or lust or to bee entertained with iniuries contumelies but iustly to bee gouerned and protected But especially seeing man was created to the image and likenes of God this great glory is to be acknowledged and celebrated with a thankeful mind neither through our leudnes and malice is the image and likenesse of god to bee transfourmed into the image and likenesse of Satan neither to be destroied either in our selues or others And seeing it is destroied by sinne thorough our owne fault we must acknowledge and bewaile the greatnesse of this vnthankefulnesse and the euils which followed by comparing therewith those good things which we haue lost We must earnestly desire the restoring of this felicity and glorie And because the glory and blessednesse which is restored vnto vs by the sonne of god is greater than that which we lost in Adam so much the more must the desire of thankefulnesse and of profiting and encreasing in godlinesse be kindled in vs. And seeing we hear that all things were created for the vse of man and that the dominion ouer the creatures lost in Adam is restored vnto vs in Christ we must
iudgement as perfectlie aunswerable vnto his Lawe Aunswere These and the like sayinges doe not challenge to the Godly in this life perfect fulfilling of the Law but the vprightnes of a good conscience without which faith can not consist or stand as neither can a good conscience without faith As it is saide 1. Timot. 1.18 Fight a good fight hauing Faith and a good conscience And Roman 5.1 Then beeing iustified by Faith wee haue peace towarde GOD thorough our Lorde Iesus Christ. For a good conscience is a certaine knowledge that wee haue faith and a purpose to obey GOD according to all his commaundements and that wee and our obedience though maimed and scarce begunne please GOD not for that it satisfieth his Lawe but because those sinnes and defectes which remayne in vs are for-giuen vs for the satisfaction of Christ which is imputed vnto vs. For as newe obedience is begunne by Faith so by Faith also it pleaseth GOD. Wherefore the Godly slacke not to bring foorth their life into the light neither shake and shiuer they at the tribunal of Christ but comfort themselues with the conscience or inward knowledge thereof Obiection 2. Pet. 1.10 Giue diligence to make your calling and election sure for if yee doe these thinges yee shal neuer fall 1. Iohn 3. Whosoeuer is borne of GOD sinneth not Aunswere These sentences in times past the Pelegians also and Catharistes and nowe the Anabaptistes abuse to establish perfection of new obedience in the regenerate but to fall and to commit or doe sinne signifieth in those places of Peter and Iohn to haue Raigning-sinne and to yeelde vnto it and perseuere in it and in this sort the regenerate sin not But that there remain n●twithstanding remnants of sins and defectes in them is expresly shewed 1. Ioh. 1.8 If wee say we haue no sin the truth is not in vs. Obiection Mat. 6 Luk. 11. The similitude which is vsed by Christ calling the ey the light of the bodie doth not inforce the lightsomnes of the minde The light of the bodie is the eie if then thine eie be single thy whole bodie shal be light hereof they gather that the mindes of the regenerate are so purged in this life that the whole heap and multitude of their workes is light and pure that is perfectly aunswerable to the Law But seeing the speech of Christ is conditionall it is manifest that neither the Antecedent nor consequent but onely the sequele thereof is affirmed and that the Antecedent also beeing supposed the consequent is no otherwise put than is the Antecedent Wherefore Christ doth not affirme by this similitude of the eye guiding the body that the mindes of men are lightsome and so all their actions to bee well directed and without sinne but rather hee accuseth the frowardnes of men who goe about to oppresse and put out euen that light which is left them by nature and doe withhold the truth as S. Paul speaketh in vnrighteousnesse and therefore are wholie that is in all their actions darke corrupt and worthy of damnation Furthermore the purity of actions can bee but so far supposed as the purity and light of mens minds is supposed For the light of nature beeing supposed actions morally good follow spirituall light supposed actions also spiritually good or good woorkes follow imperfect illightening supposed imperfect obedience perfect illightening supposed perfect obedience also followeth Seeing then in this life perfect light and knowledge of God and his will as much as the law of God requireth is not kindled in the regenerate but is differred vntill the life to come 1. Cor. 13. For we knowe in part and we prophesie in part but when that which is perfect is come then that which is in part shal be abolished Therefore neither in other parts perfect conformity with the Lawe can bee in this life yet neuerthesse euen nowe concerning imputation of perfect puritie it is true that the godly are pure and without sinne in the sight of God when hee beholdeth them in Christ which is then when the light of faith is kindled in their hartes So also that Ephes 5. is to be taken Christ gaue himselfe for the Church that hee might sanctifie it and clense it by the washing of water through the woorde that hee might make it vnto himselfe a glorious Church not hauing spotte or wrinckle or anie such thing but that it should bee holie and without blame For the Baptisme of water by reason of the woorde of promise adioined signifieth and sealeth to the faithfull a clensing by the blood of Christ which is most perfect and presenteth vs in this life vnblameable before God and a clensing by his spirit which is begun in this life and perfected in the life to come and therefore cannot pacifie and quiet our consciences There are also obiections against the second part of the former Doctrine concerning the third degree of libertie by which obiections they contend that it is in the power of the regenerate either to perseuere in righteousnesse or to depart from it They who haue liberty say they to choose good haue liberty to perseuere The regenerate haue libertie to choose good 2. Cor. 3. Where the spirit of the Lord is there is libertie Therefore they haue power to perseuere Aunswere If the conclusion of this reason bee rightly meant the whole reason may be graunted to wit that the regenerate haue so far forth libertie to perseuere as they are lightened and guided by the holie ghost For the libertie which they haue to choose good dependeth vpon his working and motion But if it be meant that the godly haue this libertie either alwaies or so that their perseueraunce dependeth of themselues there will bee more found in the conclusion than was in the premisses and that for two causes First Because they haue libertie alwaies to perseuere who are neuer destituted of the guiding of the holie spirite which shal bee in the life to come Secondly Because euen their libertie also to good who are neuer forsaken of the holie spirite yet dependeth not of themselues but of God But here they replie The regenerate deserue the departure of gods spirit from them through their manifold sinnes which yet the merit of Christ and his power preserueth in them He that is not forsaken of the holie Ghost except himselfe first withstand the motion of the holie ghost hath alwaies the aide and assistaunce of the holie Ghost readie that hee maie persist in that good which hee purposeth But the godlie are not forsaken of the holie Ghost vnlesse themselues first withstand him therefore they haue alwaies the assistance of the holie Ghost readie that they may perseuere But hee who hath this hath in his owne power to perseuere or to decline because the cause is in his owne will alone why hee doth either obeie or resist the spirite mouing him When wee denie the Minor of this reason they prooue it thus The iustice of
GOD doth not inflict punishment but on those who sinne but to bee forsaken of the holie Ghost is a punishment of sinne and vnthankefulnesse Therefore no man is forsaken of the holie Ghost but who hath first deserued that forsaking through his owne stubbornes The aunswere hereto is double Fisst the Argument may be graunted as concerning the regenerate For in them as long as they are in this life there is alwaies so much remaining of sinne as they deserue not onely temporall but eternall desertion and forsaking and although because the sinne which remaineth in them is forgiuen them for Christ therefore they are freed from euerlasting punishment yet are they not free from chastisementes so long as the remnaunts of sinne abide in them There is therefore in respect of their sinnes also alwaies most iust cause why sometimes for a season God woulde bereaue them of the grace and guiding of his spirite As it is in the second of Samuel the twentie and fourth Chapter And the wrath of the Lord was again kindled against Israell and hee mooued Dauid against them in that hee saide Goe and number Israell and Iuda Euery forsaking or rather sleeping as it were of the holy ghost in the regenerat is not a punishment neither done to that end Secondly we answere to the Minor that euery forsaking is not a punishment or done to that end as to punish but sometimes also for tryall that is for to make knowen and open the weakenes euen of the best and holiest both to themselues and others that they may learne that they cannot for one instant or moment stand against the tentations assaults of Satan if they be not presently sustained and ruled by the conduct of the holy spirite and that so they may be made more watchful and more earnest to cal hereafter for the assistance of the holy spirite to beware of relapses fallinges Lastly that both in this life in the world to come they may the better know and set forth their own vnworthines and the mercie of God towardes them who hath reclaimed and recalled them out of so many grieuous sinnes vnto himselfe and hauing deserued a thousand times death and destruction hath not yet suffered them to perish For these causes it is saide 2. Cor. 12. Least I shoulde bee exalted out of measure through the abundance of reuelations there was giuen vnto me a pricke in the flesh And Rom. 11. God hath shut vp all in vnbeliefe that he might haue mercie of all Against this they say That God doth promise the assistance of his holy spirite to all that aske it But this is generall onely concerning finall perseueraunce but not so as touching continual perseuerance For God promiseth no where that he will so guide his saints by his spirite in this life that they shall neuer fall By this which hath beene said that obiection also vanisheth to nothing when they say That the conuerted seeing they haue in their owne power to depart from that which is right and to resist haue also perseueraunce in their owne power For although hee constraineth not or violently draweth their wils but maketh them of rebels and enimies willingly of their owne accorde to become the sonnes of God and as concerning mens wils in this life there is nothing more prone than they to euill yet as touching the counsel purpose and working of God euidence of truth constraineth euen the aduersaries themselues to confesse that it cannot be but that the wil of man must then obey when God according to his euerlasting counsels hath decreed forcibly to moue incline it either to conuersion or to perseuerance Neither doth this immutabilitie and efficacie of Gods purpose take away the libertie of will in the conuerted but rather increaseth preserueth it and how much the more effectually God moueth it with so much the greater propension and readines it both will and doth good which the example of the blessed Angels cōfirmeth This is also more friuolous that they say That the godly are made careles and slouthfull and the desire to perseuere is diminished in them if they heare that their perseueraunce dependeth of the grace of the holy spirite alone For we may very well inuert this and returne it vpon our aduersaries seeing nothing doth more giue an edge vnto the saints and those who are indeed godly to a desire and indeuour to beware of falling and to a daily and earnest calling vpon God than if they knowe that they cannot so much as one moment stand against the tentations of the Diuel and their fleshe except by the vertue and instinct of the holy spirite they bee withdrawen from euill and bee forceably moued to good but contrariwise that opinion as experience teacheth maketh men careles and lesse minding to beware of sin by which men imagine that it is in their owne power to depart from god listening a while and yeelding to their owne lusts and to returne againe to God as oft as themselues thinke good so to doe Now if so bee this sentence concerning true perseuerance depending of the grace of the holy spirite breed in the reprobate and prophane men a carelesnesse and contempt of God it is both foolish and iniurious to iudge of the elect and godly by their humour or for their frowardnes to hide and smoother the truth Lastly against the defectes of libertie in the second and third state or degree of man they obiect after this sort If whole conuersion and perseuerance doe so depend of Gods will and doe the worke of God in men that neither they can haue it in whom hee doth not worke it neither they cannot but haue it in whom he will worke it that then not onely the libertie but all the action and operation of the will is taken away and there remaineth onely that it bee constrained and suffer which is against the scripture experience the inward strife and combate of the godlie and our owne confession But we answere that the will is not therefore idle when as it doth not resist the spirit forciblie mouing it For to assent also obey is an actiō of the wil. The working of the instrumentall cause which is our will is not taken away when we put the working of the principal cause which is God But when they reply That we make that obediēce of the wil in conuersiō perseuerāce wholy the worke of god so leaue nothing to the wil what to doe they run into an other paralogism of consequēt wheras they remoue the working of the second or instrumental cause for that the first cause or principal agēt is put For that which is so wholy the work of god in mā that man is only as the subiect in which god worketh in that we grant that the wil is only passiue suffreth doth work nothing as in imprinting or working or maintaining in the will heart newe qualities or inclinations But that which is
that is a Sauiour Because he saueth vs from al our ſ Mat. 1.21 Heb. 7.25 sinnes Neither ought any safety to bee sought for from any other nor t Act. 4.12 can elsewhere be found 30 Doe they then beleeue in the only Sauiour Iesus who seeke for happinesse and safety of the Saintes or of themselues or elsewhere No. For although in worde they boast themselues of him as their sauiour yet indeed they deny the onlie Sauiour a 1. Cor. 1.13 30. c. Ga. 5.4 Iesus For it must needes be that either Iesus is not a perfect Sauior or that they who embrace him as their Sauiour with a true faith possesse all thinges in him which b Heb. 12.2 Isa 9.6 Col. 1.19.20 2.10 Isa 43.11 25. Ioh. 1.16 are required vnto saluation 31 Why is he called Christ that is annointed Because hee was ordained of the Father and annointed of the holy Ghost the c Ps 45.8 Heb. 1.9 Deut. 18.15 Acts. 3.22 chiefe Prophet and d Ioh. 1.18 15 15. Mat. 11.27 Ps 110.4 Heb. 7.21 10.21 Doctour who hath e opened vnto vs the secret counsaill and all the will of his father concerning our Redemption And the high-Priest who with that one onely Sacrifice of his bodie hath f Rom 8.34 5.9.10 redeemed vs and doth continuallie g Ps 2.6 Luk. 1.33 make intercession to his father for vs. And a king who ruleth vs by his word and spirit and defendeth and h Mat. 28.18 Ioh. 10.28 maintaineth that saluation which hee hath purchased for vs. 32 But why art thou called a Christian Because through faith I am a member of Iesus i Acts. 11.26 1 Cor. 6.15 christ and k 1. Ioh. 2.27 Is 59.21 Ioe 2.28 partaker of his annointing that both I may l Mat. 10.33 confesse his name present my selfe vnto him a liuely m Rom. 12.1 Apo. Pet. 2.9.2 Tim. 2.12 Rom. 6.12.13 Apo. 1.6 sacrifice of thankfulnes and also may in this life fight against sin and satan with a free good cōscience afterward n 1. Tim. 1.18.19 enioy an euerlasting kingdom with christ ouer al creatures 33 For what cause is Christ called the only begotten sonne of God when we also are the sonnes of God Because christ alone is the coeternal natural son of the eternall o Ioh. 1.14 Heb. 1.2 Ioh. 3.16 4.9 father we p Rom. 8.5 Eph. 1.6 Ioh. 1.12 1. Ioh. 1.3 are but sonnes adopted of the father by grace for his sake 34 Wherefore callest thou him our Lord Because he redeeming ransoming both our body and soul from sins not with gold nor siluer but with his precious blood deliuering vs frō al the power of the diuel hath set vs a 1. Pet. 1.18 10.1 Cor. 6.20 7.23 Ep. 1.7 1. Tim. 2.5.6 free to serue him 35 What beleeuest thou when thou saist He was conceiued by the holy ghost borne of the Virgine Mary That the sonne of God who b Ioh. 1.1 17.5 Rom. 1.4 Col. 1.15 c. Ps 2.7 Mat. 3.17 16.16 is and continueth true and euerlasting c Rom. 9.5 Is 7.14 9.6 1. Io. 5.20 Io. 20.28 God d Ioh. 1.14 Gal. 4.4 tooke the verie nature of man of the flesh and bloode of the Virgine Mary by the woorking of the holy Ghost f Ps 132.11 Act. 2.30 c. Rom. 1 3. that withal he might be the true seed of Dauid like vnto his brethren in al things sin excepted a Mat. 1.18.20 Luc. 1.35 36 What profit takest thou by Christs holy conception and natiuity That hee is our i Heb. 2.16.17 Mediatour and dooth couer with his innocency and perfect holines my sins g Phil 2 7. in which I was conceiued h Heb. 4.15 7.26 that they may not come in the sight of k Psal 32.1.1 Cor. 1.30 Ro. 8.3.4 Gal. 4.4.5 God 37 What beleeuest thou when thou saist He suffered That hee all the time of his life which hee lead in the earth but especially at the end therof l 1. Pet. 2.24 3.18 Is 53.12 susteined the wrath of God both in body and soule against the sin of al mankind that he might by his passion as the onely m 1. Ioh. 2.2 4.10 Rom. 3.25 propitiatory sacrifice deliuer our body and soule from euerlasting damnation and purchase vnto vs the fauour of God righteousnes and euerlasting life 38 For what cause should hee suffer vnder Pilate as being his iudge That he being innocent and n Luk. 23.14 Ioh. 19.4 condemned before a ciuil iudge might o Psal 69.4 Is 53.4.5 2. Cor. 5.21 Gal. 3.13 deliuer vs frō the seuere iudgement of God which remained for al men 39 But is there any thing more in it that hee was fastned to the crosse than if hee had suffered any other kind of death There is more For by this I am assured that he took vpō himself the curse which did lie on me For the death of the crosse was p Deut. 21.23 Gal. 3.13 accursed of god 40 Why was it necessary for Christ to humble himselfe vnto death Because the iustice and truth of God could by no a Gen. 2.71 other meanes be satisfied for our sins but by the very death of the b Heb. Phil. 2.8 Sonne of God 41 To what end was he buried also That thereby he might make manifest that he was c Acts. 13.29 Mat. 27.60 Luk 23.53 Io. 19.38 c. dead indeede 42 But since that Christ died for vs why must we also die Our death is not a satisfaction for our sinnes but the abolishing of sinne and our passage into d Ioh. 5.24 Phi. 1.23 Rom. 7.24 euerlasting life 43 What other commodity receiue wee by the sacrifice and death of Christ That by the vertu of his death our old man is crucified slaine and e Ro. 6.6.7 c. buried together with him that hencefoorth euill lustes and desires may not f Rom. 6.12 raigne in vs but wee may g Rom. 12.1 offer our selues vnto him a sacrifice of thankesgiuing 44 Why is there added He descended into hel That in my greatest paines and most grieuous tentations I may support my selfe with this comfort that my Lorde Iesus Christ hath h Isay 53.10 Matth. 27.46 deliuered me by the vnspeakable distresses torments and terrors of his soul into which he was plūged both before and then especially when hee hanged on the crosse from the straits and tormentes of hel 45 What doth the resurrection of Christ profit vs First by his resurrection he vanquished death that hee might i 1. Cor. 15.16 54.55 Rom. ●4 25 1. Pe. 1.3 c. 21. make vs partakers of that righteousnes which hee had gotten vs by his death Again we are now also k Rom. 6.4 Col. ● 1. c. Ep. 2.5 stirred vp by his
of god and haue not a Rom. 3 9. c. kept one of them and further am as yet b Rom. 7.23 prone to all euill yet notwithstanding if I c Rom. 3 42. Ioh. 3.18 embrace these benefits of christ with a true confidence persuasion of mind the ful d Tit. 3.5 Ep. 2.8.9 perfect satisfaction righteousnes holines of Christ without any e 1 Ioh. 2.2 merit of mine of the meere f Rom. 3.24 Deut. 9.6 Ezec. 36.22 mercy of God g 1. Ioh. 2.1 c. imputed and h Rom. 4.4 2. Cor. 5.19 giuen vnto me that so as if neither I had committed any sin neither any corruptiō did stick vnto me yea as I my selfe had perfectly i 1. Cor. 5.21 accomplished that obedience which Christ accomplished for me 61 Why affirmest thou that thou art made righteous by faith only Not for that I please god through the worthines of meere faith but because onely the satisfaction righteousnes and holinesse of Christ is my righteousnesse before k 1. Cor. 1.30 c. 1. Cor. 2.2 God and I l 1. Ioh. 5.10 cannot take hold of it or apply it vnto my self anie other way than by faith 62 Why cannot our good works bee righteousnesse or some part of righteousnes before God Because that righteousnesse which must stand fast before the iudgement of God must bee in al points perfect m Gal. 3.10 Deut. 27.26 agreeable to the Law of God Now our works euen the best of them are imperfect in this life and n Isa 64.6 defiled with sinne 63 How is it that our good works merit nothing seeing God promiseth that he wil giue a reward for thē both in this life and in the life to come That rewarde is not giuen of merite but of o Luk. 17.10 grace 64 But doth not this doctrine make men carelesse and profane No. For neither can it bee but they which are incorporated into Christ through faith shoulde bring forth the fruits of p Mat. 7.18 Ioh. 15.5 thankefulnes OF THE SACRAMENTES 65 Seeing then that onely faith maketh vs partakers of Christ and his benefites whence doth it proceede From the holy Ghost who a Ep. 2.8 6.23 Ioh. 3.5 Phil. 1.29 kindleth it in our harts by the preaching of the gospel b Mat. 28.19.20 1. Pet. 1.22.23 confirmeth it by the vse of the sacraments 66 What are the Sacraments They are sacred signes and seals set before our eies and ordained of God for this cause that hee may declare and seal by them the promise of his gospel vnto vs to wit that he giueth freely remission of sinnes and life c Gen. 17.11 Rom. 4.11 Deu. 30.6 Leu. 6.25 Heb. 9.8.9 Eze. 20.12.1 Sam. 17.36 Isa 6.6.7 54.9 euerlasting not only to al in general but to euery one in particular that beleeueth for that onely sacrifice of Christ which hee accomplished vpon the crosse 67 Doe not then both the woorde and Sacramentes tend to that ende as to leade our faith vnto the Sacrifice of Christ finished on the crosse as to the onely ground of our saluation It is euen so For the holy Ghost teacheth vs by the Gospell and assureth vs by the Sacramentes that the saluation of al of vs standeth in the onlie sacrifice of Christ d Rom. 6.3 Gal. 3.27 offered for vs vpon the crosse 68 How many sacramentes hath Christ ordained in the new Testament Two Baptisme and the holy Supper OF BAPTISME 69 Howe art thou admonished and assured in Baptisme that thou art partaker of the only sacrifice of Christ Because Christ e Mat. 28.19 Act. 2.38 commaunded the outwarde washing of water adioining this f Mar. 16.16 Mat. 3.11 Rom. 6.3 promise thereunto that I am no lesse assuredly washed by his bloode and spirite from the vncleannesse of my soule that is from all my sinnes than I am a Mar. 1.4 Luc. 3.3 washed outwardelie with water whereby al the filthinesse of the bodie vseth to bee purged 70 What is it to be washed with the blood and spirit of Christ It is to receiue of God forgiuenesse of sinnes freelie for the bloode of CHRIST which hee b Heb. 12.24.1 Pet. 1.2 Apoc. 1.5 22.14 Zac. 13.1 Eze. 36.25 c. shedde for vs in his Sacrifice on the Crosse And also to bee renewed by the holie Ghost and thorough his sanctifying of vs to become members of Christ that wee maie more and more die to sinne and c Ioh. 1.33 3.5 1. Cor. 6.11 12.13 Rom. 6.4 Col. 2.12 liue holily and without blame 71 Where dooth Christ promise vs that hee will as certainlie wash vs with his bloode and spirite as wee are washed with the water of baptisme In the institution of Baptisme the wordes whereof are these d Mat. 28.19 Goe and teach all Nations Baptising them in the name of the father the sonne and the holy Ghost e Mar. 16.16 He that shall beleeue and be baptised shall bee saued but he that will not beleeue shal bee damned This promise is repeated againe whereas the Scripture calleth Baptisme the f Tit. 3.5 washing of the new birth and g Act. 22.16 forgiuenesse of sinnes 72 Is then the outwarde Baptisme of water the washing away of sinnes It is not For the h Mat. 3.11 1. Pet. 3.21 Eph 5.26 bloud of Christ alone cleanseth vs from all i 1. Ioh. 1.7 1. Cor. 6.11 sinne 73 Why then doth the holie Ghost call Baptisme the washing of the newe birth and forgiuenes of sinnes God speaketh so not without great cause to wit not onely to teache vs that as the filth of our bodie is purged by water so our sinnes also are k Apoc. 1.5 7.14.1 1. Cor. 6.11 purged by the bloud and spirite of Christ but much more to assure vs by this diuine token and pledge that wee are as verily washed from our sinnes with the inwarde washing as we are l Mar. 16.16 Gal. 3.17 washed by the outward and visible water 74 Are infantes to be baptised also What else for seeing they a Gen. 17.7 belong as well vnto the couenaunt Church of God as they who are of a full age and seeing also vnto them is promised b Mat. 19.14 remission of sinnes by the bloude of Christ and the c Luc. 1.14.15 Psal 22.11 Isa Act. 2.39 holy Ghost the worker of faith as well as vnto those of full growth They are by Baptisme to bee ingrafted into the Church of God and to be d Act. 10.47 discerned from the children of infidels in like sort as in the olde Testament was done by e Gen. 17.14 circumcision in place whereof is f Col. Baptisme succeeded in the new Testament OF THE LORDS SVPPER 75 How art thou in the Lords Supper admonished and warranted that thou art partaker of that onely sacrifice of Christ offered on the
made against the distinction of the Maior proposition in appointing either our selues or another Where only one meanes of satisfieng is put downe there must not be sought for or set downe another But the Lawe acknowledgeth and putteth downe onely one means and way of satisfieng to witte by our selues Therefore wee must not set downe also another neither must wee say either by our selues or by another Aunswere We graunt the whole reason being vnderstoode of the Law or according to the declaration of the Law For in the Law in vaine is sought the way of satisfieng by another Againe the Law teacheth onely one way or meanes of satisfieng yet so that it no where excludeth or denieth the other meanes which is by another For no where doth the Lawe say ONELY by our selues satisfaction must be made to the Law And albeit God did not expresse that other meanes in the Law yet in his secret counsail hee vnderstood it and left it to bee reuealed by the Gospel The law requireth our selues to satisfie The gospel sheweth and Gods mercie admitteth another to satisfie In this therefore we must seeke it This double meanes of satisfieng is to be obserued the former meanes of satisfaction the Law and iustice of God requireth to wit that satisfaction be made by vs the other doth the Gospel declare and the mercy of god admit Reply The doctrine of the Gospel then is disagreeing from the Law Aunswere It is not disagreeing Because the Law putteth it not exclusiue as shutting out al other neither what the Law teacheth not dooth it therefore deny or take away Lastly that a Mediatour is necessarie to make satisfaction to the iustice of God for vs many other thinges declare 1. The tremblings and tormentes of conscience in euerie one 2. The paines of the wicked 3. The sacrifices ordained by God whereby was desciphered Christes onely perfect Sacrifice 4. The Sacrifices of the Heathen For when as they were pressed with the prickes of conscience they sought for a meanes without themselues whereby they might pacifie God 5. The Sacrifices of hypocrits 6. The sacrifices of Papistes 3 What is the office of a Mediatour THe office of a Mediatour is To deale with both parties What the mediator doth with God both the offended and the offender First with GOD who was offended our Mediatour had necessarily to do these things 1. To make intercession for vs vnto him and to craue pardon for our fault 2. To offer himselfe for to satisfie 3. To satisfie indeede the iustice of GOD by suffering for our sinnes punishment sufficient though temporall 4. To craue of God and also to obtaine that he would accept of this satisfaction as a price of sufficient woorthinesse for which hee woulde account vs for Children pardoning our offences 5. To bee our surety and to promise in our behalfe that at length we wil leaue off to offend him by our sinnes Without this suretiship or promise intercession findeth no place no not with men much lesse with God Secondly with the party offending that is with vs What he doth with man our Mediator must do these things 1. He must be the messenger or embassador of God the father vnto vs that is to shew and open this decree of the father that hee dooth present himselfe to make satisfaction for vs and that God wil for this satisfaction pardon vs and receiue vs into fauour This vnlesse he should perform we should bee euer ignoraunt of this will of God and so should not be desirous of so great a benefit nor euer attain vnto it For there is no desire after that which is vnknown 2. Hee must perfourme this satisfaction by the pouring out of his owne blood because otherwise the iustice of God shoulde be violated 3. He must impute and apply that satisfaction vnto vs. 4. Hee must cause vs by giuing his holy spirite vnto vs to agnise this so great a benefit and to embrace and not reiect it For neither can any reconcilement be or any amity be knit betweene parties who are at variaunce except both partes accorde 5. Hee must by the same spirite cause vs to leaue off to sinne and beginne to bee conformable to Gods Lawe that is he must regenerate vs and restore the lost Image of god in vs. 6. He must preserue maintaine shield vs in this reconcilement and obedience begunne in vs against the Diuels and all enimies yea against our owne selues least we reuolt againe 7. Hee must glorifie vs being raised againe from the dead that is perfect and finish our saluation which is begun or all the giftes both which we haue lost in Adam those which himselfe hath merited for vs. In merit and efficacie doeth the Mediatourship consist The office therefore of the Mediator consisteth in merite in efficacy or forcible operation For in these two are all those things which we haue mentioned comprehended absolued Ioh. 10. I laie downe my life for my sheep I giue vnto them eternall life God giueth vs eternall life and this life is in his Sonne Iohn 1. In him was life Iohn 5.26 As the Father hath life in himselfe so likewise hath hee giuen to the Sonne to haue life in him-selfe As the Father raiseth vppe the dead and quickeneth them euen so the Sonne quickeneth whome hee will The benefites of the Mediatour Nowe when question is made of the office of the Mediator question is made withall concerning his benefites For the office inioyned of God vnto the Mediatour is to bestowe benefits which Paul 1. Cor. 1.30 compriseth in fowre generall heades as it were when hee saith Christ is made of God vnto vs wisedome and righteousnesse and sanctification and redemption I. Wisedome 1 He is called wisedome first because he is the matter or subiect of our wisedome 1. Cor. 22. I esteemed not to know any thing among you but Iesus christ him crucified This is our chiefest wisedome to knowe and beleeue that Christ is appointed our sauiour by whom wee beeing reconciled to GOD haue giuen vnto vs the holy spirite righteousnesse and euerlasting life Secondly Because hee is the cause or author of our wisedome and that three waies 1 Because hee hath brought foorth out of the bosome of the eternall father wisedome that is the Doctrine of our redemption 2 Because he hath ordained and doth preserue the ministerie of his woord by which he informeth vs of the fathers will and his office 3 Because hee is forcible and effectuall in the hartes of the chosen and maketh them to yeeld their assent vnto the woorde or Doctrine and to bee refourmed by it according to his Image For these three causes hee is called the woorde and the image of GOD as it is saide No man knoweth the Father but the Sonne and hee to whom the Sonne will reueale him Shorter thus Christ is called our wisedome because hee is 1 The subiect 2 The author 3 The meanes of
but now they are different and diuers in vs. For Iustification now is the imputatiō of Christs righteousnes whereby we are accounted righteous before God Sanctification is the working of a conformity with god in vs which conformitie is here vnperfect but shal be perfected in the life to come where holines righteousnes shal be againe one the same euen in vs. The sūme is In the person of the mediatour three things are to be considered which all the scripture ascribeth to Christ alone First that hee is God which many places of the scripture do confirme As Ioh. 1.2.3 The word was God All thinges were made by him Act. 20.28 God purchased the Church with his bloud Rom. 1.4 Who was declared mightilie to be the Sonne of God touching the spirit of Sanctification Rom. 10.11 Whosoeuer beleeueth in him shall not be ashamed 1. Iohn 5.7 There are three which bear record in heauen the father the word and the holie Ghost these three are one To these also are to bee added those places in which is attributed to Christ diuine worship inuocation hearing of our praiers workes proper to God alone In like manner those which attribute vnto Christ the name Iehoua Hierem. 23. Zach. 2. Math. 3. Likewise those in which those thinges which are spoken of Iehoua are applied to Christ as Isai 6.9 and Ioh. 12.40 c. Secondly that he is true man Hither belong those places which call Christ man the son of man as when Math. 1.1 he is called the sonne of Dauid the sonne of Abraham Luc. 1.31 The fruite of the wombe And when Romans 1.3 9.5 he is said to be made of the seede of Dauid according to the flesh As also to haue a bodie of flesh not to be an imaginarie but a true bodie 1. Iohn 4.2 Euerie spirite that confesseth that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God Hither belong also those places which attribute vnto Christ things proper vnto man as to grow to eat to drink to be ignorant of some thing to rest to be wearie to be baptised to bee circumcised to lament reioice c. Thirdly that two natures in Christ make one person Hither are referred the places which by communicating of the properties of each nature attribute those to his diuine nature which are proper to his humane nature and so contrariwise As Ioh. 1.14 The word was made flesh Heb. 2.14 He was made partaker of flesh and bloud Act. 20.28 God purchased the Church with his bloud Ioh. 8.58 Before Abraham was I am Mat. 28.20 I am with you alway vntil the end of the world Heb. 12. Hee spake vnto vs by his sonne by whom he made the world 1. Ioh. 4.3 Iesus Christ is come in the fleshe Roman 9.5 Christ is God ouer all blessed for euer Amen 6 That there is but one Mediatour There can bee but one mediatour because there is but one natural Sonne of God THere is but one mediatour 1. Tim. 2.6 The reason is because the Sonne onely is mediatour and can performe the office of the mediatour And there is but one onely naturall Sonne of God 1 Obiect The Saintes also make intercession for vs. Therefore they also are mediatours Answ There is a difference betweene the intercession of Christ and of the Saintes who liue in the world and pray for others yea for their persecutours and for vnbeleeuers For the Saints depend vpon the merit of Christ Christ offered himselfe a suertie and a satisfier he sanctifieth himselfe for vs that is presenteth himself in our steed 2 Obiect Where are manie meanes there is not one mediatour But there are manie meanes of our saluation Therefore there is not one onely mediatour Answ The Maior proposition wee denie For it is one thing to be a meanes another thing to be the mediatour of our saluation OF THE COVENAVNT IT was said The couenant is that reconciliation which Christ the mediatour hath wrought between God and man that the mediatour is a person reconciling parties which are at variance Nowe this reconciliation in the scriptures is termed the Couenaunt and Testament which is the correlatiue that is hath a mutuall respect to the mediatour Wherefore the Doctrine which treateth of the Couenaunt is linked with the place concerning the mediatour because euerie mediatour is the mediatour of some Couenaunt and a reconciler of parties who are at enmitie The chiefe questions are 1 What a Couenaunt is 2 Whether it can be made without a mediatour 3 Whether there be but one and the same Couenaunt or more 4 In what the old and new Couenaunt agree and in what they differ 1 WHAT A COVENAVNT IS A Couenaunt in generall signifieth a mutuall promise or agreement betweene the parties who are ioined in that Couenaunt whereby is made a bond or obligation for the performance of certaine thinges on both parts solemne ceremonies and tokens beeing added thereto to testifie and confirme that promise and agreement For the making therefore declaring confirming of a Couenaunt serue mutual promises and outward signes and tokens of the Couenaunt A Testament is called the last will of a Testator whereby he at his death disposeth of his thinges what he woulde haue done concerning them this is ratified by the death of the Testator In speciall the Couenaunt betweene God and men is a mutual promise and agreement made by our Mediatour confirmed by othes and solemne tokens which we call Sacraments whereby God bindeth himselfe to remit their sins vnto them that beleeue and to giue them euerlasting life for by his son our Mediator men bind themselues to receiue this so great a benefite with faith and to yeeld true obedience vnto God which is to liue according to his will that so they may declare their thankefulnes vnto god The summe is This Couenaunt is gods bond to yeelde vs his grace and fauour and of the otherside our bond to receiue this grace by faith and to yeelde new obedience Why the reconciliation between God and vs is called a couenaunt Furthermore the name of Couenaunt and Testament shew the same thing to wit our reconcilement with God or the mutuall agreement betweene God and men This reconcilement is called a Couenaunt because as it hath been said both God vnto vs we vnto god haue promised certain things to be performed of both parts adding certaine signes and pledges of this our mutuall agreement Why also it is called a Testament It is called a Testament because this reconciliation was made by the death of the Testator Christ comming between that so it might be firme and ratified It could not haue bin a Testament except Christ the Testator had died For while the Testator liueth he retaineth a right to change detract or adde any thing This reason is alleadged in the epistle to the Hebrews cap. 9.16.17 The Testament saith the Apostle is confirmed when men are dead For it is yet of no force
in the old Testament were special certaine and definite as the promises of the Land of Canaan of the Church of the gouernement and Mosaical ceremonies to be obserued in that region and nation vntil the comming of the Messias and lastly of the Messias to be borne out of that people In the new Testament there are no speciall promises of certaine corporall benefites but onely generall as that god will alwaies in this life giue his Church some abiding and resting places although it be dispersed and scattered throughout all Nations 2. They differ in a circumstaunce of the promise of grace For in the olde Couenaunt they were reconciled vnto god and saued for the Messias sake who shoulde come or be exhibited we in the newe Couenaunt are saued for him beeing come and exhibited 3. In the signes or symboles of the promises In the old were many and diuers signes and Sacramentes as the Circumcision the Passeouer the Sacrifices in the new few and plaine euen Baptisme and the supper of the Lord. 4. In the olde Couenaunt were types and figures of good thinges to come and so all thinges were the more obscure and darke in the newe is an accomplishment and exhibiting of those things and so all thinges more cleare The doctrine and knowledge of the Gospell especially nowe Christ beeing come and manifested is more bright and plentifull for that a declaration of thinges done vseth to bee more perspicuous than the fore-telling of thinges which shall bee done 5. In the olde the pouring out and effusion of the gifts of the holie Ghost is more narrow and sparing in the new more large plentifull Hierem. 31. vers 31. I will make a newe Couenaunt 2. Cor. 3.6 The olde was but for a time during vntil the comming of the Messias The newe is for euer According to that I will make an euerlasting Couenaunt with them How they differ in respect of men They differ in respect of men First For that in the olde testament the Church stood bound to the obedience of the whole Mosaicall lawe Morall Ceremoniall and Ciuill In the newe testament wee are bounde onelie to the spirituall or morall worship and the vse of the Sacramentes The Ceremoniall and Ciuil lawes of Moses binde not vs. Secondly The olde was made to one certaine Nation The Prophets therefore were sent vnto the people of Israell and to them they applyed their speeches The newe belongeth to all Nations For God will that all bee saued of what Nation language or condition so euer they bee The Apostles therefore were sent to the whole world to gather the Church of Christ out of all Nations or which is the same in the old testament the Church was tied vnto a certaine Nation In the newe it is Catholicke and vniuersall that is spread through all Nations Why the old couenant was taken for the law and the New for the Gospel Here is to be obserued that the old Couenāt is takē by a figure of speach called Synecdoche which we vse when wee take the whole for a part or a part for the whole for the law in respect of that part which was especially handled there For in the old testament the law was more vrged there were many partes thereof Contrariwise the gospel was then more obscure The newe also is taken for the Gospell because in the newe testament a great part of Moses law is abrogated and the manifestation and knowledge of the gospell is to vs more cleare and ample OF THE GOSPEL THis 19. question of the Catechisme which is cōcerning the gospel is like to the third For as that so this also sheweth that our deliuerance by the Mediator is knowen learned out of the gospel Seeing then it hath beene alreadie spoken of the Mediator we are necessarily also to speake of the doctrine in which the Mediator is declared described and offered vnto vs. That doctrine is the gospell Afterwardes wee are also to speake of the meane whereby we are made partakers of the Mediatour that meane is Faith First therefore the common place concerning the Gospel commeth to be handled which is fitly annexed to the former doctrine concerning the Mediator Couenant between god men 1. Because Christ the Mediatour is the subiect or matter of the Gospel which teacheth who what maner of Mediator this is 2. Because he is the Autor and publisher of the same For it is part of the Mediators office to publish the gospel as it is said Ioh. 1.18 No mā hath seen god at any time the only begottē son which is in the bosome of the father he hath shewed him 3. Because the gospel is part of the couenant the new couenant is often taken for the gospel The principall questions are 1 What the gospel is 2 Whether it hath bin alwaies knowen 3 How it differeth from the Law 4 What are the proper effects of the gospel 5 Whence the truth and certainty of the gospel maie appeare 1 WHAT THE GOSPEL IS THe greek word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for which we vse Gospel signifieth 1. A ioiful message or news 2. The sacrifice which is offered to god for this ioiful news 3. The reward which is giuen to him who bringeth these glad tidings Here it is takē for the doctrin which intreateth of Christ because it declareth ioiful things euē our deliuery frō sin death or remissiō life euerlasting There is a difference also to bee obserued betweene the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 This word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifieth the doctrine concerning Christ now manifested and is a cleare declaration of things done or of the promises nowe fulfilled by the Messias being manifested But 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is the promise and as it were a certaine shadowing out or a darke expressing of things to be fufilled by the Messias who was after to bee manifested and so is it more obscure The Gospell for so we interprete 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is of the new Testament the fulfilling of the promises of the old Testament Neuertheles this difference of these words is not perpetuall neither consisting in the thing it selfe For both of them declare the same benefites of the Messias but the difference is onely in the circumstance of time in the maner of his manifestation exhibiting Ioh. 8. Abraham saw my daie and was glad Ioh. 14.5 No man commeth to the father but by me Now the Gospell is the doctrine made manifest of God by his Sonne the mediatour presently after the fall of mankind into sinne and death The definition of the Gospel promising all beleeuing and repentant sinners remission of sinnes and their receiuing into fauour and life euerlasting freely to be graunted through and for his sonne the Mediatour By which doctrine the holie ghost doth forcibly kindle and worke in the hartes of the chosen faith repentaunce and the beginning of euerlasting life Out of
that they in the old Testament were destitute of this grace For vnto them also was the same grace effectually applied by Christ and for Christ but beeing as yet to be manifested in the flesh and therefore more sparingly Whatsoeuer grace and true knowledge of God was euer in any men they had it by Christ Iohn 1.18 No man hath seene God at any time the only begotten son which is in the bosom of the father he hath declared him Reply But hee saith The Law by Moses therefore not the gospel Answere The consequence is of no force which is inferred from the manner of handling a thing to the thing it selfe As Moses doth comprise and deliuer the gospell in dark and sparing maner Therefore he doth not at al meddle with it This consequence is not of force For the Law is said to be giuen by Moses because this was chiefly belōging to his office that he should publish the law though withall hee taught the gospel albeit more obscurely sparingly For the promises of grace are intermingled with the law and al the rites of the old testamēt haue a significatiō a testificatiō of the grace of the gospell which grace was bestowed on beleeuers for christ who shal hereafter be manifested But it was christs chiefe functiō to publish the Gospel albeit he also taught the law For he purged the moral Law from corruptions by rightly interpreting it and did write it by the woorking of his holy spirit in the harts of men abrogating the Law ceremonial and iudicial 3 How the Gospel differeth from the Law ALthough in the doctrine both of the Lawe and of the Gospell is entreated of the nature of God and of his wil and workes yet is there very great difference between both The law knowen by the light of nature They differ 1. In their reuealings or in the maner of their reueiling The Law is knowen by nature that is knowledge of the Law was graffed and ingendered in the mindes of men in the very creation and therefore knowen to al although there were no other reueiling of it Rom. 2.15 They haue the effect of the Law written in their harts The Gospel knowen by the light of grace onelie The gospel is not knowen by nature but is peculiarly reuealed to the Church alone by the Sonne our Mediatour For no creature could haue seene or hoped for that mitigation of the Law and the way howe to recouer out of punishment except the sonne had reueiled it Matth. 11.27 No man knoweth the father but the Sonne and hee to whome the Sonne wil reueile him Matth. 16.17 Flesh and blood hath not reueiled it vnto thee Iohn 1.18 The sonne which is in the bosome of the father he hath declared him Secondly they differ in the verie kind of doctrine or in the subiectes or matters which they deliuer For the Law teacheth what we ought to bee to wit perfectly conformed vnto God The law teacheth what wee ought to bee but not how we may bee as wee ought but yet it dooth not make vs to be such But the gospell sheweth the meanes whereby wee maie bee such euen by the imputation of anothers righteousnesse and the inchoation or beginning of newe obedience whereby we are conformed to God in Christ The Lawe saith Restore that thou owest doe this and liue The Gospell saieth The Gospel teacheth how wee may bee beleeue CHRIST thy debt is payed the grace of the holy Ghost is purchased whereby hee that is regenerated may perfourme the Lawe 3. They differ in the promises The Lawe promiseth euerlasting life but with a condition of perfect righteousnesse or obedience to bee perfourmed of vs. Hee that dooth them shall liue in them If thou wilt enter into life keepe the commaundements c. The gospel promiseth euerlasting life with a condition also of perfect righteousnesse but which is perfourmed by another though yet imputed vnto vs by faith The Law promiseth life to those who yeelde obedience or are righteous in themselues The gospell promiseth vnto sinners remission of sinnes and life euerlasting freely to be giuen for the satisfaction of Christ apprehended of them by a true faith that they be penitent or begin new obedience The gospel therefore requireth of vs only a true faith whereby we may embrace Christs perfect righteousnesse freely imputed to beleeuers yea Christ himselfe together with all his benefits bestowed of mere grace vpon vs. Neither for these respects are the Law and the gospell at ods one with the other For albeit the Lawe will that thou keepe the commaundementes if thou wilt enter into life yet dooth it not shutte thee from euerlasting life if another fulfill the Lawe for thee For by setting downe the one way of satisfieng for sinnes it doth not exclude the other to wit of satisfieng by another which way the gospel declareth vnto vs. Now we cannot make satisfaction by another that is by Christ except by faith wee cloth our selues with his perfect righteousnesse The gospell therefore commaundeth vs to haue faith and with-all to repent from our hearte for faith cannot stande without true repentance 4 They differ in effectes The Lawe is the ministerie of death The law the ministery of death and killeth Because by it selfe without the Gospell it is only the letter that is the outwarde preaching and bare knowledge of those thinges which we ought to doe For it teacheth indeede our duety and that righteousnesse which God requireth at our handes but it dooth not make vs able to perfourme that righteousnesse neither dooth it shewe vs any hope to attaine thereunto by another but rather accuseth and condemneth our vnrighteousnesse Fleshe hardely bearing this is angrie and rageth against GOD himselfe and is in despaire The Gospell the ministery of life The gospell is the ministerie of life and of the spirit that is it hath the forcible operation of the holy Ghost adioined and doth quicken For this is the instrument of the holy Ghost which hee properly vseth to kindle faith in vs whereby wee who before were dead are againe quickned and receiue strength to perfourme the Lawe For thorough faith in Christ our Mediatour the Lawe ceaseth to bee vnto vs the ministery of Death and is become spirituall that is the instrument of the holie GHOST whereby hee forcibly mooueth our heartes to serue God The Gospel is the preaching of repentance It was said in the definition of the Gospell and in the third difference betweene the Law and the Gospell that the Gospell requireth both faith and repentaunce or newe obedience and so is the preaching both of remission of sinnes and of repentaunce Against this Flacius Sectaries keepe a sturre and reason after this sort There is no precept or commaundement belonging to the Gospell The preaching of repentaunce is a precept or commaundement Therefore the preaching of repentaunce belongeth not to the Gospell but to the Lawe Aunswere We deny the Maior if it bee
generally meant The recalling of sinners vnto God is proper vnto the Gospel For this precept is proper vnto the Gospell That it commandeth vs to beleeue it to embrace the benefit of Christ and now being iustified to begin that righteousnes which the Lawe requireth of vs. Wherefore the Gospell is the preaching of repentaunce because it willeth sinners yeelding them hope to obtaine pardon thorough and for CHRIST to returne vnto GOD. It sheweth them the way howe to exercise true repentaunce and beginneth it in their hearts by the force of the holy Ghost These thinges are not doone by the Lawe but by the Gospell onely They reply Yea but the Lawe also willeth vs to beleeue and commaundeth conuersion Therefore it is not proper to the Gospell or else the Gospell is not diuerse from the Lawe Aunswere Both the Law and the Gospell commaundeth faith and conuersion to God but diuersly The Lawe dooth it onelie in general because it commaundeth vs to beleeue euery woord of God Both the lawe and the Gospel require faith that is all the promises commaundements and threatninges of God deliuered either in the Lawe or in the Gospell and that with a denouncing of punishment except wee doe it The Lawe saith Beleeue euerie woorde of God it willeth therefore that we beleeue and obey this commaundement also by which God in the Gospell commaundeth vs to returne vnto him and to beleeue in Christ But the Gospell in speciall and expresly willeth vs to embrace by faith the grace promised vs in Christ and to returne vnto God that is it saith not in generall Beleeue all the promises and denouncinges of God c. For this it leaueth vnto the Law but it saith plainely and expressely Beleeue this promise to wit that thy sinnes are pardoned thee and that thou art receaued of God into fauour by and for Christ and returne vnto GOD. Further it exhorteth vs both inwardely and outwardely by the woord and Sacramentes that wee walke woorthie of him that is doe such woorkes as are pleasing to GOD but this it dooth onely in generall and therefore sendeth vs backe vnto the Lawe which in particular and distinctly declareth what that righteousnes or obedience or workes are which God requireth of vs. 4 What are the proper effectes of the Gospell THe proper effectes of the gospell are 1. Faith Roman 10.17 Faith commeth by hearing 2. Corint 3.8 The gospell is the ministery of the spirite Rom. 1.16 The gospell is the power of God vnto saluation to euerie one that beleeueth 2. Our whole conuersion vnto God iustification regeneration and saluation which are the effects of Faith For by Faith as by the instrument whole Christ together with all his benefits is receiued 5 Whence the truth and certainty of the gospel maie appeare THe truth and certainty of the gospell that is of the promise of grace appeareth 1. By the testimony of the holy ghost 2. By the prophecies which haue bin vttered by the Prophets and other holy men 3. By the fulfilling of those Prophecies which was accomplished in the new Testament 4. By the miracles whereby the doctrine of the gospel was confirmed 5. By the end or property of the doctrine of the gospel Because that alone sheweth the way how to escape death and sinne Question 20. 21. of Faith The necessitie of the true doctrine of Faith THese two questions are necessarily annexed to the former concerning the Mediator Christ the gospel For without this Doctrine of faith neither the Mediator neither the preaching of the gospell are profitable to anie but rather encrease and aggrauate their condemnation For albeit the satisfaction of our Mediatour Christ for our sinnes be most perfect and God doth testifie in his gospell that hee will accept it for righteousnesse for it receiue men into fauour yet notwithstanding all are not freed from miserie but they only who beleeue the gospell and also doe apply the merit of Christ vnto themselues by a true faith For of that condition is Christes righteousnesse made ours if wee receiue it now that receiuing is the act and worke of faith alone that is faith only is the mean whereby we are made partakers both of Christ himselfe and of all his benefites Wherefore we are diligently to learne out of Gods word what is the nature and what the propertie of faith Grace is greater than sinne in respect of the sufficiencie of Christes satisfaction not in respect of the application thereof 1 Obiection Grace exceedeth the sinne of Adam If therefore for the sinne of Adam al men are cast away much more by the grace of Christ all and not beleeuers onlie are saued Aunswere to the Antecedent Grace exceedeth and is aboue sinne in respect of the sufficiencie of the satisfaction not in respect of the application thereof Wherefore that al are not saued through the satisfaction or obedience of Christ the fault thereof sticketh in men themselues and is to bee ascribed vnto the vnbeleeuers who embrace not the grace of Christ offered but like vngratefull men reiect it But in the beleeuers onlie doth god obtaine his end and purpose when as they bee thankefull vnto God receiue the benefites of god by a true faith and celebrate and magnifie them in their whole life 2 Obiection Whomsoeuer Christ hath fully satisfied for they are to be receiued of god into fauor For so doth the Iustice of god require But Christ hath fullie satisfied for all the sinnes of all men Therefore al men are to be receiued of god into fauor or if this be not doone god shall be vniust or somwhat is derogated from christs merit Aunswere The Maior proposition beeing vnderstoode simply and without any limitation is false All are receiued into fauor for whom Christ hath satisfied to wit if they apply the satisfaction of Christ vnto themselues by beleeuing and resoluing that they are for that his satisfaction accepted of god Ioh. 3.16 So god loued the world that he gaue his Sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him might haue euerlasting life And hereof it appeareth wherefore all are not saued euen because all doe not apply by faith Christes satisfaction vnto them and god will haue examples to remaine not only of his mercy in his chosen but of his Iustice also in the reprobate This would not be if al without making of difference were saued Obiection Adam by one sin made al subiect to condemnation but Christ doth iustifie only some The force of Christes satisfaction is seene not in the multitude of them who are saued but in the greatnes of the benifit The force therefore is greater of sin to condemne than of the satisfaction of Christ to saue Auns We deny the consequence of this argument because the efficacie and excellency of the satisfaction of Christ is not to bee esteemed by the multitude of them who are thereby saued but by the greatnesse of the benefit it selfe For it is a greater work to deliuer and
purchased by the blood of Christ which all we beleeue to be giuen vs by faith If therefore faith be the next cause of our Iustification in respect of vs it is also the cause of those thinges which necessarily followe Iustification Luk. 8.48 Thy faith hath saued thee In a worde The effects of faith are Iustification and Regeneration which is begunne here and is to bee perfected in the life to come Rom. 3.28 10.10 Acts. 13.39 7 Vnto whom faith is giuen IVstifieng faith is only proper to the elect Iustifieng faith giuen to all the Elect and to them onely and that to all of them For it is giuen to the elect alone and to all the elect euen to infants as concerning some inclnation Ioh. 6.44 No man cā come to me except the father which hath sent me drawe him Ioh. 20.16 Ye beleeue not for yee are not of my sheepe Mat. 13.11 It is giuen to you to knowe the secrets of heauen but vnto them it is not giuen Act. 13.48 And they beleeued as many as were ordained to euerlasting life Rom. 8.30 Whome hee predestinated them also hee called and whome hee called them also hee iustified Ephes 2.8 Faith is the gift of God Rom. 10.16 All haue not harkened to the gospell 2. Thes 3.2 For all men haue not faith Temporarie faith and the faith of miracles is giuen to those who are members of the visible Church only that is hypocrites But now neuerthelesse this faith of miracles ceaseth which florished in the Primatiue Church for that nowe the Doctrine is sufficiently confirmed Historicall faith all they haue who are by profession of the Church whether they be of the godly or reprobates yea and they also who are not members of the Church but enimies as Diuels Tyrants Historicall is a part of Iustifieng faith because there can bee no assent or perswasion of a thing which is not first knowen Obiection Historicall faith is a good worke Historical faith which is good in it selfe made ill The Diuels haue Historicall faith Therefore they haue good woorkes Aunswere Historical faith is a good worke if it be ioyned with an application of those thinges whereto it assenteth that is with confidence Reply Historicall faith is a good woork though it bee not ioined with confidence because it is an effect of the spirite of God Therefore the Diuels haue good woorkes Aunswere Historical faith is a good woorke in it selfe but is made ill by an accident for that the reprobate doe not apply those thinges to themselues which they knowe and beleeue to bee true Wherefore the Diuels are saide to tremble for that they doe not think that God is towardes them also such as is described in his woorde good mercifull c. The summe is As the substaunce it selfe of the Diuels and other things which they retaine still of their first creation so also both the knowlege and faith which they haue concerning diuine matters are in themselues very good because they are the effects and gifts of god but they are made euil by an accident euen by reason of their abusing of them for that they referre them not to this end as to shewe themselues gratefull vnto God the author of these good things and to magnifie him for them A beleeuing inclination in infante though not an actual beleefe Obiection Against this that all the Elect are saide to haue faith some thus reason Many infantes are of the Elect and yet haue not faith Therefore al the Elect haue not faith Answere They haue not indeede actuall faith but they haue a power or inclination to beleeue which the holy Ghost as is fittest for their capacity and condition woorketh in them Wherefore that remaineth stil which before was confirmed That all the Elect haue faith And further this I adde that not only faith but the confession also of faith is necessary for al the Elect which are growen to years and vnderstanding 1. Because of the commandements of God Exod. 20. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lorde thy God in vaine Therfore thou shalt take it aright He that shal confes me c. Mat. 10.32 2. Because of the glory of god Let your light shine before the woorlde Mat. 5.16 3. Bicause faith is not idle for it is as a fruitful tree 4. That we may bring others to Christ And thou beeing conuerted confirme thy brethren Luc. 22.32 How to know that wee haue faith Now we know that we haue faith 1. By the testimony of the holy ghost and by a feeling of true faith in our selues or by the thing it selfe that is by a true and vnfained desire of receiuing the benefits offered by Christ For he that beleeueth knoweth that hee dooth beleeue 2. By the strife and conflict within vs of the faith of doubtfulnes 3. By the effects that is by an earnest purpose of obeying God according to all his commandements Against the certainty of faith The certaintie of faith whereof we spake in the definition of faith some dispute on this wise Obiect 1. They who may fal before the end of their life into sin dānation cannot be certain of their saluation euerlasting life This is proued because to be certaine and to be in possibility to fall are contrary one to the other It is false therefore which is taught in the definitiō of Iustifieng faith to wit that euerlasting life is giuen vs and so our faith to be certaine and assured of it Ans To be in possibility of falling or failing that is finally True faith may faint for a time but cannot fail finallie is contrary to the certainty of our saluatiō But they who are once inriched by god with true faith doe not fail finally Reply 1. All that are weak may faile finally We are al weak Therefore we maie fail finally Auns The Maior is to bee distinguished All that are weak may faile finally true if they stoode by their owne strength But we who are beleeuers stand preserued and vphelde by the grace and power of God Therefore can wee not finally fail For whom God hath once embraced with his fauour them he wil not nor suffereth to fal vtterly from his grace Reply 2. But god hath no where promised that he wil keep and preserue vs in his grace Answere Yes he hath promised and expressed it Ioh. 1.28 I giue vnto them eternal life and they shall neuer perish neither shall any pluck them out of mine hand My father which gaue them me is greater than all and none is able to take them out of my fathers hand I and my father are one Rom. 8.38 I am persuaded that neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor thinges present nor thinges to come c. shall bee able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus Reply 3. But it is saide 1. Corint 10.12 Let him that thinketh hee standeth take heede least hee
the holie ghost proceeding from the Father and the Sonne Euen as it hath bin manifested from aboue certain worde thereof beeing deliuered by the Prophets Christ and the Apostles and by diuine testimonies t●at the eternall Father together with the Sonne and the holy ghost hath created heauen and earth and all creatures and worketh all good things in all that in mankind he hath chosen vnto himselfe and gathered a Church by and for the Sonne that by his Church this one and true Deitie may be according to the word deliuered from aboue acknowledged celebrated and adored in this life and in the life to come lastly that he is the iudge of the iust and vniust The description of God according to philosophie Philosophically he is described on this wise God is an eternall minde or intelligence sufficient in himselfe to all felicitie most good and the cause of good in nature So is hee defined by Plato in his book of Definitions likewise in his Timaeus And by Aristotle Lib. 12. Metaph. Cap. 7. and Lib. de Mundo c. The Theological description of god In what the former descriptions differ which the church deliuereth differeth from this Philosophical description because that is pefecter than this 1 In the number of parts whereof it addeth manie by nature vnknown vnto men as of the Trinity of the Redēption of man c. 2. In the vnderstanding declaration of those parts which are common to both for the Theological description declareth them more certainlie and fullie 3. In the effect or fruite By Philosophie or the light of nature men are not able to bee brought to the true knowledge of God both because it is maimed and false by mens corruption as also because it doth not stirre vp in vs Godlines that is the loue and feare of God seeing it teacheth not those things whereby this is effectuated and brought to passe An explication of the description of God deliuered by the Church GOD is an essence That is a thing which 1. hath his being from none but from himselfe 2. is preserued or sustained of none but subsisteth by himselfe 3. is necessarilie 4. is the only cause vnto all other things of their being Wherfore he is called Iehoua as if you would saie beeing by himselfe and causing other things to be to wit according to his nature and promises Spirituall 1. Because hee is incorporeal as being infinite and indiuisible most excellent 2. Insensible For first experience teacheth this Secondly God is without sensible qualities which are the obiects of the senses and Thirdly hee is immense The eies perceiue onely thinges finite and which are within a certain compasse 3. He is spirituall because both himselfe liueth and is the author of all life both corporall and spirituall Obiection Against this opinion manie places of scripture haue beene heretofore by some alleadged How God and Angels appeared vnto men in which it is written that God and Angels did appeare and were seen thereby to proue that their nature is corporeal and visible But we are to know that not the very substances of God and Angels but created shapes and bodies were beheld of men made carried and moued by the will and vertue of God or Angels that by them they might make knowen their presence and vse their ministerie and seruice in instructing men of those thinges which seemed good vnto them And these were sometimes by imagination represented to the interiour senses of men which also somewhere may somewhere cannot be gathered out of the circumstances of the histories As the Angels appearing to Abraham Lot were inuested with true bodies as which might bee toucht and handled Whether Micha before Achab saw with the eies of his bodie or of his mind the Lord and his Angels is a matter of doubt But that those visible shapes were not the very substaunce of God is hereby manifest for that the scripture with great consent teacheth that God is seene of no man neither can be seene and incomprehensible and vnchangeable But those visible shapes were not alwaies the same How God is saied to be seene face to face 2 Obiection To these they adde that which is saide that God was seene of Iacob face to face Gen. 32. And of Moses Exod. 33. and Deut 34. And of all the people Deut. 5. And that all of vs shall see God face to face in the life to come 1. Cor. 13. By which metaphor or borrowed speeche is signified a cleare and conspicuous manifestation and knowledge of God which is perceiued not with the eies of the bodie but of the minde either by meanes as by the word by his woorkes and outwarde tokens and such as runne into the the senses whence the minde may gather somewhat of God Or without meanes by inwarde reuelation And albeit in the life to come shall bee a farre more bright knowledge of god than nowe yet to knowe god most perfectly is proper to god onely as it is saide Iohn 6.46 Not that any man hath seene the father saue hee which is of God hee hath seene the father So farre is it that the inuisible infinite and euerlasting Deitie may euer be conceaued by bodilie eies whose nature is not to perceiue any obiectes but such as are finite and limited How the partes of mans bodie are attributed vnto God 3 Obiection They haue alleaged also those sayinges wherein the parts of mans bodie are attributed to God But these also are not properly but by a Metaphor spoken of god whereby is signified to vs a power in god working after an incomprehensible manner his workes a certaine shadowe whereof are those actions which men doe by the ministerie and helpe of their bodily partes as the eies and eares signifie the wisedome of god whereby hee vnderstandeth all thinges the mouth the publishing of his worde the face the declaration tokens and feeling of his diuine goodnesse grace or seueritie anger The hart his loue the hands and armes his power the feete his presence 4 Obiection They haue affirmed also The image of God in man doeth not argue a bodily shape in God because man was made according to the image of god that therefore god hath a humane shape not marking that the image of god consisteth not in the shape and figure of the bodie but in the mind integritie of nature in wisedome righteousnes and true holines Eph. 4. As for Tertullian whereas he reasoneth that god is a bodie that he speaketh vnproperly therein and abuseth the word bodie in steed of substance not only Austine witnesseth in his Epistle to Quoduultdeus but this is also an argumēt proofe thereof because he termeth also the soules and Angels oftentimes bodies Wherefore let vs know that therefore wee are taught the nature of god to bee spirituall Why wee must knowe God to bee spirituall that wee may not conceiue of god anie thing which is grosse terrene carnall
thinges honest and dishonest He that hath engraued in the mindes of men the rule of directing their life hee will haue men to liue according to that rule and therefore respecteth gouerneth their life actions and euentes But God hath engraued in the mindes of men such a rule whereby to discerne that which is honest from thinges dishonest Therefore hee is both the beholder and iudge of mans life Rom. As manie as haue sinned without the Lawe shall perish also without the Lawe and as manie as haue sinned in the Lawe shall bee iudged by the Lawe For the hearers of the Law are not righteous before God but the doers of the Lawe shal be iustified c. And PLAVTVS saith There is verilie a God who both heareth and seeth what we doe 4 The terrors of conscience 4 The terrours and tormentes of conscience in the wicked which generally ensueth vpon sinne committed by them These feares cannot bee stroken into any without some intelligent and vnderstanding nature which beholdeth and respecteth all humane affaires especially seeing the wicked cannot escape Therefore there is some reuenger of sinnes and wickednesse who is God and who inflicteth those horrours and also who knoweth and regardeth all thinges euen the secrets of men Rom. 1.18 The wrath of God is reueiled from heauen against all vngodlinesse and vnrighteousnesse of men And Iuuenall writing vnto a friend of his some way to comfort him for the losse which hee had suffered by trusting too much a cousoning and periured Merchant Why saieth hee doost thou thinke such fellowes to haue escaped whose minde beeing conscious and guiltie of the deede possesseth them with astonishment c. 5 Rewardes and punishmentes 5 Rewardes and punishmentes He that at all times and in all places adorneth vertue with rewardes and draweth the wicked to punishment hee must needes rule all mankind by his prouidence But God yeeldeth more pleasant successes and euents to the good which liue with moderation and soberly euen to those that are without the Church and punisheth hainous offences with grieuous punishmentes in this life yea when men winke at them Therefore GOD ruleth and iudgeth the whole worlde by his prouidence Psalm 58.10 The righteous shal reioice when hee seeth the vengeance hee shall wash his feete in the blood of the wicked And men shall say verilie there is fruite for the righteous doubtlesse there is a God that iudgeth in the earth 6 The order and preseruation in common-weales 6 The maintenance and preseruation of commonweales He that ordereth and setleth the Empiers and states of the whole woorlde preserueth and mantaineth them against the power hatred sleights furies of Diuels tyraunts wicked men and at his pleasure altereth and translateth them it must needes bee that hee taketh care of and guideth the affaires counsels and actions of men But it is God who alone is able to perfourme and doth perfourme these thinges for none besides him is mightier than the Diuell and the order of common-weals kingdomes doth alwaies continue Therefore god gouerneth all thinges by his prouidence Prouerb 8.15 By mee kings raigne and Princes decree iustice Dan. 4.14 That liuing men may knowe that the most High hath power ouer the kingdome of men and giueth to whomesoeuer he wil appointeth ouer it the most abiect among men And Tully saieth in a certaine Oration Common-weals are gouerned far more by the aide and assistance of God than by mens reason and counsel 7 The vertues singular gifts or heroicall instinctes 7 Heroicall instincts and the excellencie of artificers which God bestoweth for the good and preseruation of mans societie And these things are far greater than that they can proceede from a thing mere sensible without vnderstanding and more excellent than that they should bee giuen of nothing or gotten by men Nay rather when GOD wil doe thinges for the preseruing of mans society hee giueth vs men endewed with heroicall and noble vertues inuentours of arts and sciences princes valiaunt good and wise and other the like fit and able instruments and contrary when he wil punish vs for our desertes hee taketh away againe such profitable and preseruing instrumentes from vs. Therefore there is some disposer of these good things and so the gouernour of humane affaires Es●r 1. The Lord stirred vp the spirit of Cyrus Isai 3.2 The Lord taketh away the strong man and the man of warre the Iudge and the Prophet 8 Fore-tellings of thinges to come 8 The prediction and signification of euentes or of things to come and the execution or accomplishment thereof Hee that of himselfe dooth fore-shewe certainely vnto men thinges to come doth not only foresee those things but also causeth them and hath the whole nature of things so in his power that nothing can be done without his wil and pleasure But God alone doth of himselfe certainly fore-shewe thinges to come Therefore he doth not only foresee them but also causeth them and therefore gouerneth humane affairs Numb 23.19 Hath hee saide and shall hee not doe it And Tullie saith De Dioin Are there gods and doe they not signifie or foretell things 9 The Ends or fin●● causes of all thinges 9 All things in the whole world both great and small are not onlie ordained but are also done and tend to their certaine and appointed end Therefore it is God who by his wisedome and power as he destineth al things to their ends so also dooth bring them thereunto Reasons drawen from the properties or nature of God ●●ere is a God 1 THere is a god Therefore there is prouidence For that God should not rule and gouerne the world created by him hath flat repugnancy with the nature of God for the world can no more consist without God than be created without him and they who deny prouidence deny God to be God and take away al religion 2 He is omnipotent 2 His omnipotencie who hath al things so in his owne power that with euery thing he may doe what he wil and without his wil nothing can be done But God is omnipotent Therefore he hath the whole nature of thinges in his power and effectually moueth and gouerneth al things at his owne pleasure 3 It is the property of a wise gouernour 3 His infinite wisedome to let nothing of that which he hath in his power to bee doone without his wil and counsail God is most wise and hath al thinges in his power and is present with them Nothing therefore is done in the world without Gods prouidence 4 God is most iust and iudge of the world 4 His exceeding iustice Therefore he in ruling the woorld giueth rewards vnto the good and inflicteth punishments vpon the wicked 5 God is most good But that which is most good 5 His perfect goodnes is most communicable Therefore as GOD of his infinite goodnesse created the woorlde so by the same his
is the withdrawing of Gods grace Further that God doth in such sort permit sinne as that he doth not illighten their minds with the knowledge of his will or doth not bend their harts and wils which by his arcane and secrete efficacie he inclineth whither himself listeth vnto this as for the obeying of God to pursue or flie these or those obiectes that is doth not conforme the wils of sinning creatures to his will these sayinges of scripture witnes Rom. 14. Whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne Deut. 13. If there arise among you a Prophet or a dreamer of dreames saying let vs go after other gods thou shalt not hearken vnto the words of the Prophet for the Lord your god prooueth you Deut. 29.2 Yee haue seene all that the Lord did before your eies in the land of Aegypt c. Yet the Lorde hath not giuen you an heart to perceiue and eies to see and eares to heare vnto this daie 1. Sam. 24.14 Wickednes proceedeth from the wicked but mine hand be not vpon thee Lastly in the description of prouidence it was said God directeth all both good and euil vnto his glorie and his chosens saluation that it directeth all things both good and euil to gods glorie that is to the manifesting and magnifiyng of his diuine iustice power wisedome truth mercie and goodnes And to the safetie of his chosen that is to the life ioy wisedome righteousnes glorie and felicitie euerlasting of his Church And that to these ends euen to the glorie of god safetie of his chosē al the counsels works of God in them also the punishments of sinne are referred of God ought to be out of controuersie seeing in al of them is beheld the glorie of god his fatherly care towards his Church Psalm 19.1 The heauens declare the glorie of god and the firmament sheweth the work of his hands Isai 48.9 For my names sake wil I differre my wrath Rom 8.28 We know that all things worke together for the best vnto them that loue god Iohn 9 3. Neither hath this man sinned nor his parents but that the works of god should be shewed on him God vseth also sinne or corruption it selfe which yet himselfe worketh not but suffereth to concurre with his owne action in the wicked 1. To shew forth both his iustice in punishing it and his mercie in remitting it 2. To woorke in vs a hatred of sinne true humilitie and an imploring of gods grace and thankefulnes of our deliuerie from sinne and death Prou. 16.4 The Lorde hath made all things for his owne sake yea euen the wicked but not wickednes for the daie of euill Exod. 9.16 Rom. Ezech. Gal. 3. We are further to consider the degrees of gods prouidence The degrees of Gods prouidence whereby hee tendereth the whole world mankind his chosen For he respecteth indeede and gouerneth all his creatures but especiallie mankinde as being the chiefe and principall amongst his woorkes and which beeing created according to his image he hath adorned with verie manie benefites aboue all other creatures And in mankinde especiallie those whom he hath elected and chosen to eternal life whom with the blessed Angels he maketh one euerlasting Church that in them he may dwell as in his Temple and habitation and therefore doth so guide and rule them in the whole race of their life as that all things must serue for their safetie Now haue we explicated and made plaine the definition of gods prouidence The prouidence of God is the gouerning and guiding of euery particular thing whereout ariseth a Question greatly to be considered which is whether gods prouidence extendeth it selfe to all things Aunswere Yea to euery little thing dooth the prouidence of GOD extende it selfe And that all thinges both the greatest and the smallest of them are ruled by the prouidence of GOD and that his prouidence is extended to all actions and motions of all creatures euen of those that sinne so that all thinges whatsoeuer are done come not to passe but by the eternall counsell and purpose of GOD either woorking them as they haue a respect and qualitie of good in them or permitting them as they are sinnes but moderating and gouerning all thinges euen sinne it selfe and directing them to his glorie and the safetie of his chosen is confirmed both by verie manie testimonies of Scripture and also by reasons drawen from the nature of God Testimonies Of the testimonies which may be alleadged for confirmation hereof there are certaine orders and rankes For some are vniuersall and generall which teach that all euents vniuersally are subiect to Gods prouidence Some are particular which speake both of some particular and certaine euents as also of the whole specials and generals thereof For the Scripture doth often transferre that to the whole specials generals which it speaketh of particular singular examples Wherefore it will haue all the indiuiduals singulars of the whole specials generals to be subiect to the diuine prouidence of God Of particular testimonies some belong to reasonable creatures or such as haue a wil in working be they good or bee they bad some to those which are without reason whether they be thinges liuing or not liuing Some likewise intreat of thinges contingent fortuning and casuall which soothly are such in respect of vs Some speake of necessarie thinges Nowe to all these heades as it were and principals adde we some such testimonies as are most cleare and famous for there are infinite Gods general prouidence confirmed The vniuersal and generall prouidence of God is witnessed by these Eph. 1.11 Hee woorketh all thinges after the counsell of his owne will Actes 17.25 Hee giueth to all life and breath and all thinges Num. 23.19 Hath hee saide and shall hee not doe it And hath hee spoken And shall be not accomplish it Nehem. 9.6 Thou hast made heauen and earth and all things that are therein the seas and all that are in them And thou preseruest them all Esai 45.7 I forme the light and create darkenes I make peace and create euill I the Lord doe all these things Of the prouidence of God ouer reasonable creatures the historie of Ioseph yeeldeth vs notable testimonies Gene. 45.18 Gods particular prouidence ouer creatures indued with reason You sent not me hither but God Gene. 50.20 When ye thought euill against me God disposed it to good Likewise the indurating and hardening of Pharao Exodus Exodus 4.11 Who hath giuen the mouth to man or who hath made the dumme or the deafe or him that seeth Haue not I the Lord Therefore goe now and I will bee with thy mouth Iohn 9.3 it is saide that GOD woulde that hee shoulde bee borne blinde to whom CHRIST restored his sight Ios 11.6 The LORD saide vnto Iosua bee not afraide for them for to morrowe about this time will I deliuer them all slaine before Israel Iosua 21.45
in it For God to will a thing is taken sometimes as for him to approue and woorke it sometimes for his permitting or not hindering a thing from being doone This to permit is in some sort to will as that he will not inhibit it although he dislike and punish it Sinne then is said to be doone GOD willing it not as if hee dooth intend like and work sinne as it is sinne but because he doth permit it that is he by his iust iudgement suffereth sinne which riseth from the corruption of his instruments to concurre in the action which he exerciseth by vitious corrupt creatures with his holy woork while he indeede mooueth and bendeth them by obiectes whither himselfe will but dooth not correct them by his spirit that so with God working well they also may worke well that is according to the knowledge of his diuine wil and with purpose of beeing obedient thereunto 4 Reply The priuation or bereauing of the knowledge of gods wil of rightnesse is from god Not to bereaue but to be bereaued of Gods knowledge is sinne as worker and effect or thereof This priuation is sinne Therefore sinne is from god as efficient thereof Aunswere There are foure termes in this Syllogisme For priuation in the Maior is taken actiuely to depriue bereaue forsake to withdrawe the grace of his spirite not to keep the creature in that goodnesse wherein hee was created nor to restore him to it beeing lost This woorke of GOD is most iust nothing repugnaunt to his nature and Lawe either because it is the most iust punishment of sinne or because God oweth nothing to any creature and therefore cannot be iniurious to any or an accepter of persons whatsoeuer hee dooth determine of his creatures In the Minor priuation is taken passiuely and signifieth as much as to want or the want of rightnesse which ought by the right of their creation to be in reasonable creatures This want bicause it is receiued is in the creatures they themselues willing procuring it against the lawe of god it is sinne in them and is not wrought by god but God not continually ruling these reasonable creatures by his holy spirit it is in them voluntarily without god either furthering or enforcing it To rule sinnes is not to worke them 2 Obiection When a creature is said to be ruled of God it is meant that his actions are from God and are directed to the glorie of God and the safetie of his chosen But the creatures euen when they sinne are ruled of God Therefore sinnes are wrought by god Answere The conclusion pulleth in more than was in the premisses For this only foloweth of them therfore the actions also of sinners as they are actions that is as they are not sins but motions wrought by god are frō god are ruled of him for he wil the action but the prauity naughtines of the action which is from men he wil not Moreouer God through his great goodnes ruleth guideth sins also as they are sins yet not by woorking them but by permitting them and destining and directing them to certain ends and those most good 3 Obiection Of those thinges which are done by Gods prouidence God himselfe is autor and efficient But all euils euen of crim●●ded offence are doone by the prouidence of God Therefore God 〈◊〉 author of all that is euill Aunswere The Maior is to be distinguished Those thinges which are doone by Gods prouidence that is Gods prouidence working them or are done a● proceeding from it God worketh them But al euil thinges are doone by gods prouidence yet not all alike Euils of punishment because they haue in them a respect and consideration of good are doone as proceeding from the prouidence of god for god hath from euerlasting decreed them and in time order and maner determined by him woorketh them Euils of crime or sinnes as they are such are not done as from or of the prouidence of God but according vnto the prouidence of god that is they are done by the prouidence of god not working them but permitting determining and directing them to most good endes and most agreeable to his nature and Lawe For god did not decree or wil woorke them but he decreed to permit them and not to hinder them from being done by others from concurring in actions with the holy and sacred word of god The third sophisme of contradictory wils HE that will that to bee done which hee forbiddeth hath in him contradictorie and flat repugnant willes But God will that to be done which he forbiddeth in his law as robberies spoils rapes murthers Therefore hee hath contradictorie wils Aunswere The Maior is to be distinguished He contradicteth or is contrary to himselfe who will and will not the same woorke that is in the same manner and respect GOD will and will not the same but in a diuerse manner and respect Hee will and woorketh it as it is a motion and action and also a punishment of sinne or any thing agreeing with his Lawe and iustice as a triall or exercise or martyrdom of the godly He wil not neither alloweth nor commandeth nor woorketh anie thing as by reason of the corruption of the instrument by which he exerciseth his woork it swarueth from his diuine iustice and Lawe Nowe in a diuerse manner and respect to will and not to wil the same and yet to determine on that part whereof the reasons seeme strongest is not in vs much lesse in GOD absurde or repugnaunt The waste of Israel which the Assyrians wrought GOD wil as a punishment which his iustice of right did require hee wil not but condemneth and afterwardes most grieuouslie reuengeth in the Assyrians in as much as it was not the execution of Gods wrath God will the obediēce of all as concerning his commaunding it vnto all but not as concerning his secret working of it in whom hee will but a fulfilling of their owne wrath and lustes against his Lawe So God will that all should obeie his worde and bee saued 1. In respect of his loue towardes al. for he is delited with the death of no man 2. In respect of his commaundement and inuiting of al to repentaunce But he wil not that al be conuerted so be saued in respect of his working or efficacy that is he commaundeth al men indeed to repent and beleeue and promiseth life to all that beleeue but he doth not any where promise that hee will work by his spirit in al that they should beleeue and be saued For if he would this it must needs bee that either all should obey Gods commaundements and be saued or that God should not be omnipotent Reply If god wil one thing in signification or by his commaundement and will effectuallie or by his efficacie and working another God no dissembler he shal be changeable and dissembler Aunswere This doth not thereof followe For euen when he wil
daie Eph. 5.27 That he might make it vnto himselfe a glorious Church not hauing spot or wrincle or anie such thing 4 Whom he saueth HE saueth all and onelie the elect and beleeuers Hee saueth the elect and beleeuers onely which haue beene are or shall bee euen from the beeginning to the ende of the woorlde and that both by his merite and by his efficacie For in them onely which embrace the benefite of Redemption with a true faith hath GOD his ende euen his worship and glorie Therefore vnto them onely it doth befall Iohn 3.16 GOD so loued the woorld that hee hath giuen his onelie begotten Sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life Iohn 17.20 I pray not for these alone but for them also which shall beleeue in mee through their woorde that they all maie bee one c. Iohn 6.51 I am the liuing bread which came downe from heauen if anie man eate of this bread hee shal liue for euer Ephesians 1.4.12 Hee hath chosen vs in CHRIST that wee shoulde bee holie and without blame before him in loue and that wee shoulde bee vnto the praise of his glorie I BELEEVE IN CHRIST THe name of Iesus doth rather summarily than expressely note the office of the Mediator What is signified by the name of Christ and is as it were a proper name designing rather a certaine person But the woorde Messias or Christ or Annointed is properly an epitheton of the office which being adioyned to the former doth more significantly declare the proper and certaine office of the Mediatour For it expresseth metonymicallie the three parts thereof namely to bee a Prophet a Priest and a King For these three were wont to be annointed and so to be designed to these functions Obiection But it may bee that CHRIST was annointed but to one of these functions onelie Aunswere He is called in the Scripture a Prophet a King and a Priest And further CHRIST was signified by annointed persons whereof those three sortes were in the olde Testament And hence it commeth to passe that these two names JESVS CHRIST are often ioined For it is not inough to beleeue that there is a Sauiour and that hee is exhibited but wee must further also certainly bee perswaded that this IESVS borne of the Virgine Marie is that Sauiour and CHRIST promised in the olde Testament Furtherermore concerning the office of the Mediatour as it is designed by this name CHRIST which signifieth Annointed fower thinges especiallie offer themselues to bee considered 1 What the vnction or annointing of Christ is or in what sense he is called Annointed 2 What is Christs propheticall function 3 What his Priesthood 4 What his Kingdome 1 WHAT CHRISTS VNCTION OR ANNOINTING IS What was betokened by annointing in the old Testament ANnointing in the old testament was a ceremonie whereby according to gods ordinance Prophets Priests and Kings were annointed either with some speciall or with common oile that it might stand for a testimonie to those who were rightlie annointed that they were called of god to the administring of one of these functions and that they should be furnished from god with giftes necessarie for the performing of that whereunto they were called For Annointing signified 1. The calling and ordaining of anie to the office eyther of a Prophet or of a Priest or of a King 2. It signified the promise and bestowing of giftes necessarie thereto For to whome GOD committed anie office and whome hee caused to bee annointed to these also hee subministered the giftes of the holie GHOST necessarie for the discharging of it as knowledge wisedome strength fo●titude industrie authority and such other 3. It signified the fragrantnesse or sweete sauour of the labours employed in that vocation that is it was a testimonie that the labours were gratefull and acceptable to GOD and that hee woulde prosper such labours as the Annointed shoulde with a true faith and cheerefullie vndergoe in exequuting the function committed vnto them of GOD. 2. Corinth 2.15 We are vnto GOD the sweete fauor of Christ in them that are saued 1. Corinth 15.58 Your labour is not vaine in the Lord. Further the outwarde annointing did as a signe represent the inwarde that is the giftes of the holy GHOST as the thinges signified by reason of a correspondent Analogie and proportion For as oile maketh the drie partes beeing annointed therewith liuely agill and able and fitte to doe their duetie and besides to send foorth a sweete fauour So the holie Ghost furnishing them with necessarie giftes which are ordained to a function giueth them strength and power whereby they being of themselues vnfit to doe any good are made fit and able to woorke and accomplish thinges gratefull vnto God that is the holie Ghost causeth them to dispatch readilie and with dexteritie the partes of that dutie which is enioined them and to doe thinges acceptable to GOD and auaileable for the preseruation of the Church Nowe the annointing of Iesus Christ is First the ordaining of the sonne of God to the office of the chiefe Prophet Priest and King of the Church Secondlie The especiall communicating of the giftes of the holie Ghost necessarie for this office Thirdlie Gods approbation and prospering of this office Isaie 53.10 The LORDE woulde breake him and make him subiect to infirmities when hee shalt make his soule an offering for sinne hee shal see his seede and shall prolong his daies and the will of the Lord shal prosper in his hand He shal see of the ●auell of his soule and shal be satisfied by his knowledge shal my righteous seruant iustifie many for he sha● beare their iniquities Therefore wil I giue him a portion with the great and hee shal diuide the spoile Iesus then the sonne of God and Mary is called Messias or Christ or annointed First because he was appointed of his father from euerlasting the Mediatour that is the chiefe Prophet Priest King of the Church This is confirmed by this reason He that is to be a Prophet a Priest and a King and is called annointed hee is in respect of those three called annointed But the Mediator which was called Messias or annointed was to be the chiefe Prophet Priest and King of the Church Therefore he is in respect of those three called annointed or Christ Again the same is shewed by many places of Scripture Ioh. 7.28 I came not of my selfe c. Iohn 6.38 I came downe from heauen not to doe mine owne will but his wil which hath sent me Heb. 5.5 Christ tooke not vnto himselfe this honour to bee made the High-Priest but hee that saide vnto him Thou art my sonne this day begate I thee Psalm 110.4 The Lorde swore thou art a Priest for euer after the order of Melchisedeck Hebr. 13.8 Iesus Christ yesterday and to daie the same is also for euer Reuel 13.8 The Lambe slaine from the beginning of the world 1. Corinth 130. CHRIST is
might power and at length to thrust them downe beeing falselie ouercome and conquered into eternall torments We are in this place to obserue the difference of the Prophetical Priestlie and roiall office both of them who were in the olde Testament and of Christ and of our selues In the olde Testament they were types or typicall Prophetes Priestes and Kings Christ is indeede the true Prophet King and Priest which they prefigured we are Prophetes Kinges and Priestes by participation as hauing Christs dignities communicated with vs. Now then let vs see what is our propheticall Priestly and roial office OF THE COMMVNION OF THE FAITHFVL OR CHRISTIANS WITH CHRIST IN the 32. Question wee are instructed concerning the inunction or annointing of the faithfull namely when they are called Christians or annointed and what is the dutie of Christians and what their comfort whereof this name doth aduertise thē Heere then is discoursed the common place concerning the communion of Christ the head with the faithfull his members and of the functions of these his members Hereof fowre things come to be considered 1 What is the annointing of Christians or whence beleeuers haue the name of Christians or Annointed 2 What is the Propheticall function of Christians 3 What their Priesthood 4 What their kingdome 1 WHAT IS THE ANNOINTING OF CHRISTIANS LVKE Act. 11.26 testifieth that the name of Christians first began to bee vsed in Antioche in the Apostles time whenas before time they had bin termed by the names of breethren Disciples Who is called a christian The name Christian is deriued from Christ in general he is called a Christian who is a Disciple of Christ followeth his doctrine or life who being inserted into Christ hath communion and fellowshippe with him whether he be such indeed or onelie carrieth a face or shewe before him of beeing such For there are two sortes of Christians some seeming or counterfeit Seeming false harted christiās and outward but not true that is hypocrits others seeming and true For not euery seeming christian that is who is in outward conuersation a Christian is an hypocrit though euery hypocrit is a seeming Christian They are called seeming but not true Christians who beeing baptized professe in woord life or outward conuersation the Doctrin and faith of christ and are in the company of those which are called but are not partakers of Christes benefites beeing destitute of true faith and conuersion Therefore they are not the true liuely members of the Church Mat. 20.16 Many are called but few chosen Seeming true harted christiās They are both seeming and true christians who being receiued by baptisme into the Church acknoweledge and professe Christs doctrine and being engraffed into Christ by a true faith are made partakers of all his benefites and beeing regenerated by the holie ghost led a life woorthie of true Christians Furthermore of hypocrites we are not here to speake but of those who are both without and within that is are truelie Christians and annointed of Christ by the holie ghost The annointing of these therefore The anointing of christians 1 Is an ordaining of them to an office 2 A bestowing of giftes on them whereof they take the appellation of Christians and Annointed is that being through a true faith engraffed by Baptisme into christ as members into their head they are made true partakers of his annointing For first he communicateth with them his Prophetical Priestly roial function that is he ordaineth maketh them Prophetes Priestes and Kinges Secondly he annointeth them with the true oile that is hee powreth into them the giftes of the holie ghost wherewith they beeing furnished maie easilie and rightlie discharge that their function For the holie Ghost is not idle in vs but woorketh the same in vs which hee doth in Christ albeit those graces and giftes in Christ are farre more excellent both in number and degree These thinges are expresselie shewed by these places of Scripture 1. Corin. 6 15. Knowe yee not that your bodies are the members of christ 1. Iohn 2.20 Yee haue an ointment from him that is Holie and yee haue knowen all thinges Actes 2.33 This Iesus by the right hande of God hath beene exalted and hath receiued of his Father the promise of the holie ghost and hath shed foorth this which yee nowe see and heare 1 Pet 2.9 Ye are a chosen generation a roiall Priesthoode Reuel 1.6 and 5.9 Thou wast killed and hast redeemed vs to God by thy blood out of euerie kinred and tongue and people and nation And hast made vs vnto our God Kings and Priestes and we shal raign on the earth By these places are these two thinges manifest What is to bee Christs member one is that our annointing is bestowed of Christ the other that it is bestowed onlie vpon those who are the members of Christ And to be the member of Christ is nothing else than to bee conioyned and vnited to Christ by the same spirite dwelling both in him and vs and by this spirite to be enriched with such righteousnesse and life as is in CHRIST to bee conformed vnto CHRIST and seeing this righteousnesse so long as wee remaine in this mortall bodie is vnperfect to bee acceptable vnto GOD for the righteousnesse of Christ which is imputed vnto vs. Rom. 8 11. 1. Corinth 6.7 Eph. 4.15.16 1. Corint 12.13 Rom 8.1 c. The similitude of mans bodie to declare our vnion with Christ Now the similitude of the head and members of the same bodie is most fitte and appliable to declare that most streit and indissoluble coniunction of vs with Christ For first As all the members of the bodie are knit to one and the same head and consequentlie to one another by sinews and fleshlie ligamentes and drawe their life sense and all their motion by the ministerie of the spirites from that one heade so long as they remaine vnited to their head and among themselues so Christ is that one and quickening head to whome al the elect who are the liuing members the church beeing vnited by the holie Ghost receiued thorough faith are quickened and are knit also among themselues by the meanes of mutuall charitie Which charitie and dilection must needs be there if we be ioined vnto the head For the connexion of the members with the heade is the originall and cause of the coniunction of the members among themselues For the quickning spirit of christ doth not flowe out of one member into another but out of one Christ as the head into all the members of the Church Ioh. 15.26 J wil send vnto you from the father the comforter the spirit of truth Secondly As in mans bodie are diuerse giftes and functions of the members and yet but one life and soule quickening and mouing all the members So in the bodie of the church are diuerse giftes and functions and yet but one spirite by the benefit whereof each
would haue the same to be the person of the father and the son the holy ghost which in respect of diuers functions actions is now called the Father nowe the Son now the holy ghost And therefore were they called Patripassians also against Seruetus who co●foundeth the sonne and the holie ghost The third is whether he bee equal vnto the father The fourth is whether he be consubstantiall that is of one and the same substance and essence with the father Those two namelie equal and consubstantiall are trulie and iustly maintained against Arius Eunomius Macedonius c. and the Tritheits of our time who make either the father alone to be eternall and the sonne to haue beene created of the father before other things or make the sonne also coeternall with the father but inferior vnto the father Wherfore by these mens opinion the father and the sonne are two essences and two spirits by a consequent two gods according to Arius neither eternall nor coequall according to the Tritheites coeternal indeede but vnequall A double way of gathering Testimonies of scripture Moreouer there is a double maner of gathering arguments out of the scriptures whereby the diuinitie of the sonne and the holy Ghost as also other things questioned in diuinitie are confirmed One is when the testimonies of scripture are gathered according to the order of the bookes of the Bible The other when as certain orders or sorts of arguments or proofes are set vnto which the Testimonies of scripture thereto belonging are referred Both waies are good and both verie often necessarie for a Diuine when hee priuately considereth examineth or discusseth controuersies and disputes of Diuinitie and searcheth what is true in them The first way is more laborious and repeating of the same things the latter is more short and compendious and more fit and appliable both for teaching and also that the groundes of the pointes and opinions of Christian religion may the more easily bee conceaued of the minde and more firmely sticke and abide in the memorie for whatsoeuer neede or vse thereof to come THE FIRST CONCLVSION The sonne of God is a subsistent in the flesh borne of the Virgin and before the flesh THE orders or sortes of Argumentes which confirme this Conclusion are eight in number To the first belong those testimonies which expresly teache and distinguish two natures in Christ as that the humane nature was taken by the diuine nature The argument is framed thus He that assumed the flesh is other from the flesh and a subsistent euen before the flesh The word tooke flesh Again That which commeth into the flesh is other from the flesh into which it commeth but the sonne of God or the Word is euen the verie same who assumed and tooke the fleshe and came in it Iohn 1.14 Heb. Iohn 4.2 Therefore the sonne of necessitie is another nature from the flesh taken and a subsistent euen before the flesh borne of the Virgin For that which is the sonne and putteth on and carrieth flesh it must needes be that the same is a person and was subsisting before the flesh was taken Hither also beelong all those testimonies which oppose in Christ his diuine nature to his humane nature or flesh and distinguish that from this as Rom. 1.3 His sonne made of the seede of Dauid according to the flesh Rom. 9.5 Of the fathers concerning the flesh Christ came Therefore there is another thing in Christ besides his fleshe according to which he is not of the fathers nor of the seede of Dauid Phil. 2.6 Who being in the forme of God tooke on him the forme of a seruaunt Wherefore the forme of God in Christ is one thing namely his diuinitie most perfect and the forme of a seruaunt another thing euen his humanitie weake base and seruile Mat. 22.44 Christ is called the sonne and Lord of Dauid Therefore there be diuers natures in him Iohn 2.19 Destroie this temple and in three daies I will raise it vp againe Wherefore there is one thing in Christ which is destroyed euen his bodie and another thing likewise which raiseth vp his destroyed bodie which is the Word who Ioh. 1. is called the onelie begotten sonne 1 Obiection The Word in Iohn dooth not signifie anie person which was subsisting before the fleshe borne of the Virgin but onelie that visible Preacher or teacher Iesus who was made flesh That Iohn meaneth by the Word a person subsisting before the flesh that is was a man weak miserable and abiect Ans This is a notorious manifest impudent corrupting of this place For it is easie for any man to shewe out of the very narration of Iohn that the Word signifieth an hypostasis or person which was existing before Iesus borne of the Virgin For the Word 1. was in the beginning that is was now before existing when thinges were created 2. And that Word was God 3. By whom all thinges were made 4. Who is the author of all life and light Therefore he is a person existing before all thinges 5. Which lighteth euerie man that commeth into the world that is all if not with spirituall yet with naturall light therefore he is their illuminatour who were before the flesh which was born of the Virgin 6. Who being in the world and not knowen 7. Yet came vnto his owne 8. being made flesh that is The word was made flesh by taking flesh not by any conuersion into flesh assuming and taking humane nature of the Virgin Mary For that these woordes the Word was made flesh haue this meaning namely that he who now from the beginning was in the woorlde was made fleshe that is man which before hee was not not by any chaunging or mutation of himselfe but by assuming and taking humane nature other places of Scripture doe demonstrate Heb. 2.14.16 Hee was partaker of the flesh he tooke the seede of Abraham 1. Tim. 3.16 God was manifested in the flesh The Woord therefore assumed and tooke flesh but was not conuerted into flesh that is the diuine nature was distinct from the flesh taken and assumpted Moreouer that Christ man was such a teacher The word was a Teacher from the beginning of the world who not onely in the time of his fleshe but also before that was borne euen from the beginning of the world preached the will of his father vnto men and quickened them both this very narration of Iohn and other very many places doe plainly shew He was the life and the true light which lighteth euerie man Iohn 1. No man hath seene God at anie time the onelie begotten sonne which is in the bosome of the Father he hath declared him Iohn 6.51 I am the liuing bread which came downe from heauen and giueth life vnto the woorld 1. Pet. 3.19 Christ went by the spirite in the daies of Noe and preached vnto the spirits that are in prison which were in time passed disobedient
2 Obiection Christ man is and is called God in the new testament Therefore they corrupt the Scripture who saie that in this visible man Iesus is besides the fleshe an inuisible nature which was existing also in the olde peoples time without flesh For to say this is as if a man in steede of this Thou art a Scholer should say In thee is a scholer Aunswere That Christ man is true and by nature God in respect of the nature or Essence of the Godhead in him personally vnited to his manhoode is no corruption but the very voice minde and meaning and interpretation of the scripture Colos 2.9 1 Proued by testimonies Jn him that is in Christ Iesus dwelleth all the fulnes of the Godhead that is the very full and perfect Godhead which is but one bodilie that is personally or substantially so that it is of the substance of the visible man Christ In Christ therefore there is one thing which dwelleth namely the godhead another thing in which it dwelleth euen the manhood which is the temple of the godhead Iohn 2.19.21 and was shadowed and figured by the Mosaicall tabernacle Heb. 9.11 Again Rom. 1.3 Made of the seede of Dauid according to the fleshe and declared mightilie to be the sonne of God touching the spirite of sanctification Againe Phil 2.6 Beeing in the forme of GOD and equall with GOD hee tooke on him the forme of a seruaunt By him all thinges were made and doe consist both visible and inuisible hee giueth the holie Ghost lighteth euerie man that commeth into the world he alone kneweth the father and he to whom he reueileth him c. Isa 7.14 Isa 9.6 Iere. 23.6 Isa c. 2 By contrarie properties Lastly that there is a double nature or substaunce in Christ both a finite and an infinite is conuinced and prooued by the diuersitie and repugauncie of those properties which are attributed to the same Christ but cannot possiblie be together in one and the same nature Wherefore CHRIST man is GOD not created and made in time by reason of the fulnesse and excellencie of his giftes but eternall subsisting before the flesh borne of the Virgin and before all worlds by reason of the eternall Godhead of the Word dwelling in his Maiestie personally Christ the proper sonne of God To the second classe or order of Reasons are referred those testimonies which shewe CHRIST to bee the proper or naturall sonne of GOD. The Argument or proofe is this The naturall or proper sonne of GOD is of necessitie partaker of the diuine nature or essence or substaunce But Christ man is the proper sonne of GOD. Therefore there is in CHRIST besides his humane nature which hee tooke of our kinde a nature or substaunce Diuine in respect whereof hee is and is called the Sonne of GOD that is CHRIST is by nature the sonne of GOD and therefore subsisting and that before the fleshe from euerlasting because hee is the sonne of the eternall father hauing the essence of the Father in number the same and whole communicated vnto him from the father Iohn 5. The place is necessarily to bee vnderstood and so was taken of the Iewe of a natural sonne The Maior is manifest by the definition of a proper or naturall sonne For a proper sonne is hee who is procreated out of his substance whose sonne hee is or hee who is partaker of his Fathers nature or substaunce The Minor is prooued by these testimonies of holy Scripture Iohn 5.17.18 My Father worketh hitherto and I woorke Therefore the Iewes sought the more to kill him not onely because he had broken the Sabboth but saide also that GOD was his Father and made him-selfe equall with God Because CHRIST called himselfe the Sonne of GOD not adopted or by grace onlie but naturall begotten of the substaunce of the Father and therefore equall with GOD the Iewes did thereof gather First That he challenged vnto himselfe the workes of God the Father And therefore because they deemed him to bee a mere man they woulde haue him slaine as a blasphemer and robber of Gods glorie both in this place and Iohn 19 7. And if Christ had meant that hee was the Sonne of God by grace onlie as are the Angels and men elected the Iewes verilie woulde not haue reprehended that as blasphemie and treason against the maiestie of God for then they shoulde haue condemned themselues of the same crime because Iohn 8.41 they saie vnto CHRIST we haue one father which is GOD. Secondly Christ also dooth not reprehend this collection of the Iewes or repel it as a slaunder but defendeth it as beeing good and necessarilie true in his aunswere presentlie following wherein hee auoucheth that whatsoeuer thinges the Father dooth the same dooth hee also together with him as beeing his Sonne that by the same authoritie libertie power hee raiseth the dead and quickeneth them who beleeue in him by which the Father dooth that as the father hath life in himselfe so also hath hee giuen vnto him as beeing his Sonne to haue life in himselfe c. Wherefore the man Iesus affirmeth that which of it selfe and demonstratiuely dooth thereof followe and the Iewes called blasphemie namelie that hee is the Sonne of God not by grace only but proper and equall with God that is that there is in him besides his humane nature a diuine also which is the Sonne communicated vnto him by an vnspeakeable generation or begetting frō the Father and according to which he is equall with the Father and the same God which the Father is For where the same power operations and woorkes are there also is necessarily inferred the same nature or substaunce to be and that equal So Christ is called the proper Sonne of God Rom. 8.3 God sending his owne Sonne that is borne of his owne substance For we are otherwise also of God beeing renued by his spirit And in the same Chapter ver 32. who spared not his owne Sonne Christ the naturall and coeternal sonne of God which is expressed in scripture 1 Obiection It is not found anie where in Scriptures that Christ is the naturall and coeternall Sonne of God Therefore it is but an inuention of men imagining in him besides his flesh another substance according to which hee should be the eternal sonne of God Aunswere Although these very words are not in the very same Syllables extant in the Scripture yet there are found the like and equiualent or such as signifie the same which these doe For the wisedome of God which is Christ and the Sonne Prou. 8.22 is described to bee such as was with GOD from euerlasting before his works were made And further Iohn saith that the Woord whom he called the Sonne was euen then in the beginning of the world and was God creating and preseruing all thinges But God is eternal and before thinges were created together with which also time began eternity only existeth and may be imagined
beginning of the woorlde who knewe GOD aright Therefore in Iesus the Sonne of Marie is another nature besides his fleshe which is the Sonne of GOD and subsisted from the beginning of the woorlde reueiling GOD vnto men not onely to those of the godly who liued since hee tooke fleshe but to those also who liued before it Againe Iohn Iohn 16.28 c. Hee is called the sonne who came from heauen who beeing in earth is in heauen who came into the woorlde not as other men from the earth but from aboue out of heauen from the Father So that then hee was before he came into the woorlde But the fleshe of CHRIST is not of heauen neither came it from heauen Therefore there must needes bee another nature in him in respect whereof hee is the onely begotten Sonne of GOD euen before he tooke fleshe of the Virgine Againe He that was manifested in the flesh is GOD 1. Timot. 3. and therefore another nature from the flesh For God is one thing who is manifested and the flesh another thing wherein hee is manifested The Sonne of God is hee that was manifested in the fleshe 1. Iohn 3.5 For this purpose appeared the Sonne of GOD that hee might take away our sinnes and that hee might loose the woorkes of the Diuell Therefore the Son is God and another nature from the flesh that is the man Iesus is the sonne of God in respect not only of his humanity but also of his diuinity which besides and before the fleshe existed in him and by the assumption of the flesh was made as it were visible and conspicuous Wherefore it followeth also and that necessarily that that was a subsistent and a person For that which is by nature a sonne is also a person But Christes diuinitie or nature which was also before his flesh is the Sonne of God by nature Therefore it is a subsistent and a person in the flesh taken or assumpted and before it To the fourth classe belong those places of Scripture The Word is a person before Iesus borne of the Virgin and he is the sonne which affirme Christ man to be the word incarnate The Argument is this The word is a person which both existed before Iesus was borne and now dwelleth personally in the fleshe taken of the Virgine But that word is the Sonne Therefore the sonne is a person The Maior is proued because those thinges are attributed vnto the Word Ioh. 1.1 Ioh. 1 5. Reu. 19. which only agreeth to a thing subsistent liuing intelligent woorking that is to a person For the Woord was before al creatures with the father God by him were al things made hee was autor of al life and light in men hee was in the world from the beginning and not knowen he hath his own country and nation he came vnto it in his name men beleeue he giueth power to be the sons of god to others by his own autority power he doth assume take flesh is therein manifested seen handled conuerseth and dwelleth amongst men The Minor is proued Because the Word is called the onelie begotten Sonne of GOD Iohn Reuelat 2.18 c. And because the same properties are attributed to the Woorde and the Sonne For the Sonne is in the bosome of the Father reueiling GOD vnto men By him the woorlde was created In him is life hee was sent and came from Heauen into the woorlde Hee tooke the seede of Abraham Likewise the life which is the woorde was with the Father before the incarnation and manifestation of Christ Therefore god was euen then the father of the Word and the Word the sonne of god But seeing the newe Arrians doe maruailouslie depraue by their newe and craftie deuised Sophismes this notable place of Iohn concerning the Woorde subsisting before the fleshe borne of the virgine and creating and preseruing all thinges that thereby they might robbe and despoile the Sonne of GOD of his true and eternal deity it seemed good here to adioine those things which Zacharias Vrsinus some yeares since noted drue out as to be opposed against these corruptions and forgeries briefely indeede and barely after the manner of Logicians yet such as are learned and sound whereby also the like corruptions and wrestings of places of holy Scripture may easily be obserued discerned and refuted IOHN purposing to write the Gospell of Christ in the first entrance proposeth the summe of that Doctrine which he purposed to deliuer and confirme out of the storie and Sermons of Christ And seeing the knowledge of Christ consisteth in his person and office The argument of Iohns gospel hee describeth both and sheweth that Christ is the eternall Sonne and Woorde of God the Father who taking fleshe was made man that he might be made a sacrifice for our sinnes and might make vs through faith in him the Sonnes of God and heires of eternall life This Woorde then whom afterwards he calleth the onely begotten Sonne of the Father he saith nowe to haue beene in the beginning which sheweth his eternity These woords of the holie Euangelist they corrupt and depraue who raise againe Samosatenus blasphemies from the pit of hell expounding this beginning of the beginning of the gospels preaching doone by Christ In the beginning was But contrarie S. Iohn and the Church euen from the Apostles and their scholers time doe vnderstand that beginning of the world wherein all things to haue beene first created by GOD Moses in the first Chapter of Genesis recounteth For Iohn saith that the Worlde was made by him and further that euen then in that beginning hee was God and that the true God creator which is onelie one and was in the beginning of the worlde Replie 1. Beginning dooth not signifie eternitie Therefore wee depraue it who so expound it Aunswere Wee doe not so expound it but that euen then in the beginning of the worlde was the Word and therefore was before the creation of the world and whatsoeuer was before this was from euerlasting And so is the scripture wont to speake Eph. 1.4.1 Pet. 1.20 Pro. 8 22 23. c. where wee may see a large place concerning wisedome whose eternitie is there signified in this that it is saide to haue beene before the creation of the worlde Replie 2. Beginning often signifieth the beginning of the gospels preaching Yee were with me from the beginning I said not to you from the beginning Aunswere This sheweth that somtimes it so signifieth but not alwaies And we are stil to conster it of that beginning which the text sheweth As also in other places Reuel 1.8 I am α ω the beginning and the end the first and the last The woorde The corruptors say The man Iesus Christ is called the Woorde because hee speaketh and teacheth the will of the father Wee say that hee is called indeede the Woorde for this cause because hee declareth God his wil but yet in respect
of his diuinitie not of his humanitie The reasons hereof 1. Because his humanitie was not from the beginning of the world 2 Because this Word was made flesh that is tooke on humane nature 3. Because this Woorde did lighten al men from the beginning of the world whosoeuer had the knowledge of God and how much soeuer they had Hee was the life and the light of men lightning euerie man which commeth into the worlde Againe NO MAN hath knowen the Father but the sonne and hee to whom the sonne wil reueile him Againe NO MAN hath seene God AT ANIE TIME The sonne which is in the bosome of the Father he hath declared him Reply 1. Heb. 1. It is said Now God hath spoken vnto vs by his sonne Aunswere That is by his sonne made man Replie 2. He is not saide any where in the old Testament to haue spoken Aunsw Yes by the Angel of the lord who also himselfe is Lord. Likewise Isay 6.9 The Lord appeared speaking whom S. Ioh chap. 12.40 affirmeth to haue bin Christ Reply 3. The Woorde is saied 1. Iohn 1.1 to haue beene palpable visible and so forth Aunswere That is by reason of the flesh which hee tooke Replie 4. But hee is no where saide inuisible Aunswere Iohn 1.5.10 hee is saide to haue beene in the world vnknowen and this Iohn speaketh of him as hee was before his incarnation And then hee was in the worlde inuisible Likewise Iohn 14 23. I and the Father will come vnto him And in the same place I will not leaue you comfortles I will come vnto you Mat. 28 20. I am with you alway vntill the end of the world that is inuisibly as is the Father And if they wil denie him to bee with vs because hee is not seene they shal also exclude the father Replie 5. Hee is with vs in power and vertue not in essence Aunswere This obiection were rather to bee hissed our than to bee refuted because hee hath not an infinite power and vertue who hath a finite essence Iere. 10.11 The gods that haue not made the heauens and the earth shall perish from the earth howe much more then the makers of such Gods And the worde was with God in the beginning Wee interpret this that the sonne was coeternall with the Father and so ioined with him that notwithstanding hee was distinct in person from him 1. They say That this Doctour and teacher the man Iesus was knowen of GOD alone and not of men but hee was the Messias Vnto whom wee aunswere 1. To be or not to bee with one when it is spoken of a person is neuer read in this sense as to signifie to be knowen or not knowen of one It is therefore an impudent forgery 2. Iohn himself expoūdeth it The Son which is in the bosome of the Father This dooth not onely signifie to bee knowen but also to bee indeede in the Father to bee entirely loued of him and to bee fellowe and compartner of the secret and hidden counsels of the Father 3. Hee saith of himselfe that hee came downe from Heauen That he came from the Father and came into the woorlde that he returneth to the Father with whom he was before This doth not signifie a knowing or a not knowing but an existence and beeing 4. By him all creatures were made of the Father Therefore he was present with the Father 5. He was in the woorld before hee beeing made man came vnto his owne and yet not knowen Therefore to bee in the woorlde and to bee knowen of the woorlde are not all one And by a consequent neither is it al one to bee with God and to bee knowen of God 6. Christ himselfe expoundeth it J in the Father and the Father in me This signifieth not only a knowlege but a coexistence and ioint being mutual And that Word was God We interprete That the Woord is true god eternall creatour of heauen and earth the same god with the Father and therefore diuerse from him as the Woorde from him that speaketh by him and the Sonne from the Father but hauing the same nature and essence of the godheade in him which the Father hath as CHRIST him selfe saith J in the Father and the Father in mee Hee is euerie wherein the Father as the Father euerie where in him But they saie that hee is GOD in respect of his giftes woorthinesse excellencie and office but not by nature Which they prooue because others also are in this sense and respect called god which haue not anie Diuinitie of themselues Therefor Christ also after the same manner seeing hee also hath his Diuinitie from the Father Further they adde That wee make two gods and deale contumeliouslie with the Father Wee aunswere That we make not two Gods because The Sonne is one with the Father as god that is hauing the same essence in him which the Father hath but is diuerse and distinct from him as the Sonne and hauing in him the same Deitie which the Father hath communicated But they are blasphemous and contumelious against the Father and the Sonne because they honor not the Sonne as they honour the Father Ioh. 5.23 Now that S. Iohn vnderstandeth a Sonne not a made created and inferiour god to the Father and a diuerse god from him is prooued and confirmed by manie reasons but some fewe shall nowe suffice 1. Simplie and absolutelie without restraint to anie certaine circumstaunce none is called god in the Scripture besides the onelie true god eternall creatour of the world 2. That the Worde was god before thinges were created and is the creatour of all thinges Saint Iohn dooth teach 3. Hee sheweth That hee is the author and fountaine of life and knowledge in men euen from the beginning For this signifieth the true light that is which is properlie by it selfe light it selfe the originall of light in others 4. This Word giueth power to bee the Sonnes of God This none can do but the true God alone 5. Wee are to beleeue in his name But wee must beleeue in none but GOD onelie as himselfe prooueth that therefore they must beleeue in him because they beleeue in God Iohn 14.1.6 And Iohn 1.23 Iohn Baptist saith that he baptizeth with the holie Ghost And CHRIST himselfe often saith that hee wil send the holie GHOST from the Father But no man can send the spirite of GOD and woorcke by him in the heartes of men but onelie hee whose proper spirite this is namelie GOD. 7. John Baptist is called the fore-runner of CHRIST who shoulde prepare his waie But hee prepareth the waie of the LORDE Isaie 40.3 Iohn 1. verse 23. and Chapter 3. verse 28. Luk. 3.4.8 Christ himselfe Iohn 5.23 saith That the Father will that all should honour the Sonne as they honour the Father But no creature albeit excellent can bee equalled in honour with the creator 9. Euerie where he is called the true God and the Lord. 1. Iohn 5.20 This is
he obtaineth by his power efficacie vpon beleeuers to make the wil of god known vnto mē to institute a ministerie to collect gather preserue the church that wholy Mat. 11.27 No mā hath known the father but the son he to whō the son wil reueil him Therfore neither did Adam knowe god but by the sonne by a consequēt the son existed at that time Hither are referred the testimonies not only which speake of Christs merit to come but of his efficacie also and power Eph. 1.22 Hee hath made all things subiect vnder his feete and hath appointed him ouer al things to be the head to the Church Eph. 2.20 Ye are built vpon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Jesus Christ himselfe being the chiefe corner-stone Christ therefore is the the foundation head vpholder gouernor of the Church therefore also he was before the Church was John 14.6 J am the waie the truth and the life Ioh. 10.28 J giue vnto them eternal life Ioh. 1.4 Jn it was life the life was the light of men And a little after That was the true light which lighteth euerie man that commeth into the world Eph. 2.18 Through him we both haue an entrance vnto the father by one spirit Eph. 4.11 He gaue some to be Apostles some Prophets and some Euangelists some Pastors teachers 1. Pet. 1.11 The spirit of Christ is said to haue been in the Prophets foretelling the suffrings that shoulde come vnto Christ Hebr. 3.5.6 Moses verily was faithfull in all his house as a seruaunt for a witnes of the thinges which shoulde bee spoken after But christ is as the sonne ouer his owne house Iohn 17.2 As thou hast giuen him power ouer all fleshe that hee shoulde giue eternall life to all them that thou hast giuen him Therefore it is Christ who from the beginning of the woorlde did reueile the will of God vnto men appoint and ordaine a ministerie collect gouerne and saue his Church whereof he is the builder which seeing it is apparent that he hath done from the beginning of the Churches birth it is not to be doubted of that he hath alwaies beene subsisting Ioh. 6.39 This is the fathers will that of all which hee hath giuen me I shoulde loose nothing Wherefore hee saueth his Church and therefore hath alwaies beene because the Church hath alwaies beene saued and preserued To the seuenth classe are those places referred in which both the name and propertie of Iehoua are attributed vnto the Angel who appeared in the old Testament vnto the Fathers and was the leader of the people whom to haue bin the Sonne of God Christ both the Church hath alwaies confessed and the scripture doth witnesse it The Prophet Malachie hath a notable testimonie cap. 3.1 Behold I will send my messenger and he shall prepare the way before me and the Lord whom yee seeke shall speedily come to his Temple euen the messenger of the couenaunt whom yee desire This speaketh Christ himself by the Prophet which is also confirmed by this Argument Whose way is prepared he is Christ but he that promiseth is he whose way is prepared Therefore he that promiseth is Christ The Maior is manifest for not the Father but Christ was looked for and he followed Iohn Baptist The Minor is prooued out of the text it selfe Beholde I will send my messenger and hee shall prepare the way before me Wherfore Christ was before he tooke fleshe because hee sent his messenger and was also before he tooke flesh very God For hee calleth it his Temple to which he saieth hee will come But none hath a Temple builded in worship of him but god therefore it is blasphemous to say that Christ was not before he tooke fleshe Neither doth that hinder because he speaketh in the third person The Lord will come to his Temple For he sufficiently sheweth who that Lord is namely not the Father but the sonne I the Lord who send Iohn bef●re mee and who am the messenger of the couenant And further it may be that the prophet doth not continue in making Christ speake but representeth the Father himselfe speaking of sending the sonne Psal 45.6 and Heb. 1.8 Vnto the sonne hee saith O God thy throne is for euer and euer Heb. 3. Christ Iesus is the Apostle and high Priest the builder heire and Lord of his Church Heb. 13.8 Iesus Christ yesterday and to day the same is also for euer The Argument therefore is this The messenger or Angel sent of olde vnto the Church was a subsistent or person That messenger is the sonne of God Christ Therefore the sonne of God was before Iesus was borne of the Virgin truely existing did worke and was ruler ouer his church The Minor is proued First because to bee God and to be sent of God for to teach collect gouerne and saue the church that is to bee the Mediatour are thinges proper vnto the sonne of God Christ not to the Father or the holy Ghost But these properties of the sonne are attributed to this messenger or Angel as author and effectour Exo. 3. and 4. Gen. 32.28.30 Gen. 48.15.16 Secondly the Apostle Paul 1. Cor. 10. teacheth Christ to haue beene present with the people of Israell in the desert and to haue beene tempted and prouoked by them Therefore the Messenger or Angel GOD and CHRIST are one and the same person In the eight Classe The diuine Nature in Christ both was before the flesh and is the sonne of God are conteined those testimonies of Scripture which affirme Christ Jesus to be by nature god and the sonne of god The Argument is this Christs Diuinitie existed before Jesus borne of the Virgin Christs Diuinitie is the sonne of god Therefore the sonne of god existed before Jesus was borne The Maior of this Argument is confirmed by the reasons alreadie alleadged For first God is manifested in the flesh which hee tooke Secondly Christ is the proper or naturall sonne of god and not man onelie Thirdly Christ is the woorde Fourthly Christ is that wisedome subsisting Fiftly CHRIST is the Mediatour Sixtly CHRIST is that Messenger or Angell sent of olde to his Church And to these reasons commeth the seuenth That in Christ is not anie created god-head but that eternall Deitie which alone is true god For vnto Christ not onelie the name but all the properties also and perfections of the true god are euerie where ascribed in scripture as omnipotencie infinite wisedome omniscience or all knowledge immensitie the creation and gouernaunce of thinges the saluation of the Church the woorking of miracles Romans 9.5.1 Timothie 3.16 Isai 9.6 Ieremie 23.6 and elsewhere And the attributing and giuing vnto him of the properties of the true God yeeldeth vs a more firme proofe of his Diuinitie than dooth the attributing of the name of the true God or of the Lord. For the names of God may after a sort be expounded metaphoricallie but the Diuine propertie
death of the onely begotten Sonne of God 2 That it might be an exasperating of the punishment and so wee so much the more confirmed in a true faith when wee consider Christ by this kinde of punishment to haue taken vpon him our gilt euen our punishment also and curse according to that Cursed is euerie one that hangeth on tree Deut. 21.23 Gal. 3.13 3 That the trueth might answere according to the types and figures so we might know the types to be fulfilled in Christ For 1 The sacrifices which shadowed the sacrifice of Christ were hung vpon trees thereby to signifie that Christ should be fastned on a tree and accomplishing his sacrifice offer a holy sacrifice vnto his Father 2 The sacrifices being lifted vp on high before they were burned did signifie the exalting and listing vp of Christ on the Altar of the Crosse 3 The same was shadowed in Isaack who being laid on wood was to haue beene sacrificed of his Father 4 The brasen Serpent which Moses set vp vpon a pole in the wildernesse depainteth this kind of punishment Christ himselfe interpreted of himselfe this type of the brasen Serpent Joh. 3.14 DEAD I Beleeue in Christ dead that is I beleeue Christ not onely to haue suffered extreame torments for my sake but also death it selfe hath by his death obtained for me remission of sinnes and reconciliation with God consequently also the holy Ghost who beginneth in me a new life that I may againe bee made the Temple of God and at length attaine vnto euerlasting life wherein I shall woorship and magnifie God for euer OF CHRISTS DEATH THE chiefe Questions hereof are 1 How Christ is said to haue bin dead 2 Whether it was requisite and necessarie that Christ should die 3 What are the fruits of Christs death 1 HOW CHRIST IS SAID TO HAVE BEENE DEAD IT is needful to moue this question because of the heretikes who haue depraued the sense of this article Marcion denied that hee died indeed as also hee affirmed the whole ordinarie dispensation and ministerie of the humane nature in Christ and all those thinges which hee did vndergoe for vs to haue bin but imaginarie and that hee onely seemed to bee as a man Nestorius separated the two natures in Christ neither would haue the sonne of God but man onely to haue died Doe not boast thou Jewe saieth Nestorius thou hast not crucified God The Vbiquitaries beleeue that the humanitie of Christ from the moment of his incarnation was so indowed with all the properties of the Godhead as that only in this the humanitie differeth from the Godhead that the humanitie hath by an accident whatsoeuer the Godhead hath by and of it selfe Hereof it commeth that they imagin that Christ was in the time of his death yea when hee was inclosed in the Virgins wombe in heauen and eueriewhere not onely as touching his Godhead but with his bodie too This is it which they call the forme of God Wherefore against all these wee affirme that Christ died truely and corporallie euen by a true diuulsion separation of his soule from his bodie so that not onely his soule and body were not together euerie where but were not together in one place Mat. 27.50 Thē Iesus cried again with a loud voice yeelded vp the Ghost Mar. 15.37 Iesus cried with a loude voice and gaue vp the Ghost Luk 23.46 Father into thy hands I commend my spirit And when hee had saide these words hee gaue vp the Ghost Iohn 19.30 Hee bowed his head and gaue vp the Ghost But yet this is further to be added that although his soule was separated from his bodie yet the Word notwithstanding did not forsake neither bodie nor soule but remained neuerthelesse ioyned both to bodie and soule and therefore the two natures in Christ were not diuelled or sundered by that diuulsion of the soule and bodie Obiection Why then cried hee Mat. 27.46 My God my God why hast thou forsaken mee Aunswere Because of his delay and differring of help and succour For the two natures in Christ ought not to haue beene diuelled or sundered because it is written God hath purchased the Church with his owne bloude And hee was to be the sonne of God who shoulde die for our sinnes that hee might bee a sufficient price for them Hereby also it doth clearely appeare that The vnion of both natures in Christ is no Vbiquitie For the soul being separated from the bodie was not in the graue with the bodie and by a consequent not eueriewhere because that which is euerie where can neuer bee separated Obiection But as vertue that is his diuinitie is saide to haue gone out of him so also hee gaue vp the Ghost Aunswere There is a dissimilitude in these Because the diuinity remaining vnited with the humane nature yet did worke abroade without it The soule did depart from the bodie The reason of this dissimilitude is because the act of his diuinitie is increate and infinite but the act and power of his soul finite and created 2 Whether it was requisite and necessary that Christ should die IT was requisite and necessarie that Christ should die 1. In respect of the iustice of God that so his iustice might be satisfied which required the death of men by whom it was violated For the hurting offending of the greatest good is to bee expiated with the greatest punishment or with the vtmost destruction of nature that is with the death of the giltie condemned for sinne according to that Rom. 6.23 The wages of sinne is death Now it was requisite that the sonne of God should die that hee might bee a sufficient ransome for our sinnes For no creature coulde haue sustained such a punishment as should haue beene equiualent to eternall punishment and yet withall should haue beene temporal Obiection They haue deserued eternall punishment whosoeuer are not reconciled to God by Christ. Therefore the soules ought not to be separated from their bodies that they might suffer eternal damnation Aunswere It dooth not followe but this rather That therefore both bodie and soule must bee together that they maie suffer it which at length shall so come to passe 2 Jn respect of gods truth that the truth of GOD maie bee satisfied For GOD threatned and denounced death when euer wee sinned which denouncing was to bee fulfilled after sin was once committed And this is that commination or threatning pronounced by God himselfe Gen. 2.17 In the daie that thou eatest thereof thou shalt die the death Obiection But Adam did not presently die Aunswere Truely he died spirituallie eternal death and now was dead I hard saith he Gen. 3.10 thy voice There was a terrour in him and a feeling of Gods wrath a strife with death the losse of al the giftes both of body and mind But there followed the equity moderation and lenitie of the Gospell For God had not expressely saide that hee shoulde certainelie die wholy and that
are free from these paines that is hee speaketh of felicity and liberty which is not in Hell Whereupon also it is clear that Christ spake this to the Theefe not of his God-head but of that which suffered which was his soul For the godhead was with the Theefe neither did Christ suffer or was deliuered as touching his God-heade but as touching his soule Lastly Christ descended not into Hell locally as touching his bodie because his body was in the graue neither rose from any other place but from the graue It followeth therefore that this article cannot bee vnderstood of a locall descension into Hell Aunswere 2 Albeit it were true that Christ descended locally into Hell yet hee shoulde not haue descended for this cause which they imagine as namely to deliuer the Fathers Which also is prooued by this reason If Christ descended locally into Hel he descended either to suffer or to deliuer Not to suffer because now all thinges were finished on the Crosse as christ himselfe also hanging on the Crosse said Jt is finished He descended not to deliuer the Fathers 1 Because he did this before in suffering for them on earth 2 Hee did the same by the power and efficacie of his God-heade from the verie beginning of the worlde not by the descension of his soule or bodie into Hel. 3 The Fathers were not in Limbo Therefore they could not be deliuered thence As it is saide Luk. 16.46 Betweene you and vs there is a great gulfe set so that they which would go from hence to you cannot neither can they come from thence to vs. And in the same place Lazarus is said to bee in Abrahams bosome not in Limbo The soules of the iust are in the hand of God 3 Objection Christ indeede did not descend into Hell either to suffer or to deliuer but as some wil to shewe the Diuell and Death his victorie and so to strike a terrour into them Which they say is confirmed by that place of Peter 1. Pet. 3.19 By the which he also went preached vnto the spirits that are in prison which were in time passed disobedient Answere That for this cause Christ descended into Hell is not found in scripture that place of Peter is thus to be vnderstood Christ went that is beeing sent from the beginning of the Father vnto the Church by his spirite that is by his God-head and vnto the spirites that are now in prison that is in Hell hee preached in time passed when as yet they liued were disobedient namely before the flud and in the time of Noah inuiting them to repentance So is also another saieng of Peter to be vnderstood 1. Pet. 4.6 The Gospel was also preached vnto the dead That is vnto those which are now dead or were then dead when Peter wrote this and who then liued when the Gospel was preached vnto them Reply Christ descended into the lowest partes of the earth Ephes 4.9 Therefore to Hell Aunswere Into the lowest partes of the earth that is into the earth which is the lowest part of the world This interpretation is prooued by the scope and drift of the Apostle who maketh in that place an opposition of christs great glory his great humiliation But were it so that these places which some alleage for to establish this opinion were to be vnderstood of a locall descension of Christ into Hell yet would they not make for them but rather for the papists who teach That christ preached vnto the Fathers in Hell and thence deliuered them Now if these testimonies help not the Papists muchlesse wil they helpe them For it is certaine that it cannot be thence prooued that Christ descended into Hell to strike a terrour into Death and the Diuell This opinion indeed is not impious or vngodly is approoued by manie of the Fathers but yet I leaue it because it is not grounded on anie firme reasons and contrarie reasons are at hand easie to be had For 1. Christ himselfe said which testimonies haue now often beene recited This daie shalt thou bee with mee in Paradise Father into thy hands I commend my spirite Againe It is finished 2. Jf hee descended to triumph this Article should bee the beginning of his glorification But it is not likelie that Christ tooke the beginning of his glorification in hell For it is apparent by the opposition of the Article following That christes Descension was the lowest degree of his humiliation And yet I confesse withall that christ stroke a great terrour into the Diuels but that was by his death whereby hee disarmed and vanquished the Diuel sin and death THE THIRD DAY HE ROSE AGAINE FROM THE DEAD I Beleeue that Christ shooke off death from himselfe quickened his deade body reunited his bodie vnto his soule restored vnto himselfe a blessed celestial and glorious life and that by his owne proper power The chiefe Questions of christs resurrection are 1 Whether Christ rose againe 2 How he rose 3 For what cause he rose 4 The fruit of his resurrection 1 WHETHER CHRIST ROSE AGAINE THat Christ rose againe is prooued by the testimonies of Angels weomen Euangelistes Apostles and other Saintes who after his resurrection sawe him felt him and talked with him And wee were to beleeue the Apostles in respect of the authority which they had from heauen although they had not seene him 2 HOW CHRIST ROSE CHRIST rose first by his owne power euen by his Godheade Iohn 2.19 Destroie this temple and in three daies I will raise it vp againe Ioh. 10.18 I haue power to laie downe my soule and haue power to take it vp againe Ioh. 5.21 As the Father raiseth vp the dead and quickeneth them so the Sonne quickeneth whom he will Obiection But the Father raised him Rom. 4.24 Therefore hee raised not himselfe Aunswere The Father raised the Sonne by the Son himselfe not as by an instrument but as by another person of the same essence and power with the Father The Sonne is raised of the Father by himselfe Himselfe hath raised vp himselfe by his spirite Secondlie Iesus Christ true God and man rose according to that nature according to which he suffered namelie according to his humane nature euen the true humane nature and the same in essence and properties and that not deified but glorified al infirmities thereof beeing done away Luk. 24.39 Behold my handes and my feete for it is I my selfe handle me and see me for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as yee see mee haue And truely nothing else coulde rise againe but that which had fallen The same bodie therefore which fell did rise againe which is the greatest comfort vnto vs. For hee must haue been one and the same Mediatour who should merit for vs a communicating and participation of those benefits which we had lost by sin who should restore the same vnto vs and applie them to euerie one Againe except Christes fleshe hadde risen neither shoulde ours rise
where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God Nowe that Heauen is so to be taken in this place is prooued both by the former testimonies and also by that saying of christ Ioh. 14.2 In my fathers house are many dwelling places that is many mansions in which we may dwell and remaine Likewise this of the Apostle Phil. 3.20 Our conuersation is in Heauen Obiect But we conuerse on earth Therefore Heauen is in the earth Auns Our conuersation is in Heauen first in respect of the hope certaintie we haue thereof Secondly in respect of the inchoation or beginning which we haue here of that heauenlie life which is to be consummated in the world to come Into this heauē that is into the house of God al the Blessed christ ascended because he ascended far aboue all Heauens Eph. 4.10 He was made higher than the heauens And Steephen witnesseth Act. 7.56 Behold I see the heauens open the son of man standing at the right hand of God Hee saw with his bodily eies endewed from aboue with a new seeing force sharpnesse beyond and through all the visible Heauens Christ in the same humane nature in which he had bin annihilated and humbled Act. 1.11 He was taken vp into Heauen God would therefore haue vs knowe the place whereinto Christ ascended 1 That it might be apparant that Christ is true man and that hee vanished not away but did continue and shall continue for euer true man 2 That we might know whither our cogitations were to be conuerted and where we ought to inuocate and call vpon him and that so Idolatrie might be auoided That we might know our dwelling place into which christ wil bring vs and in which we shal conuerse and dwell with Christ Wherefore Christs ascension is a local true and visible translation or remoouing of Christs bodie from earth into heauen which is aboue all visible heauens to the light that none can attaine vnto to Gods right hande where hee now is and whence hee shall come to iudgement Act. 1.11 Hee shal so come as yee haue seene him goe into heauen 2 Howe Christ ascended into Heauen CHrist ascended into Heauen first not simplie but in respect of his humane nature onely that the very same which was borne of the virgin dead buried and which rose againe Obiect 1 He that euer is in heauen did not ascend into heauen for then he should haue beene some time out of heauen But the Sonne of man euer was in heauen Therefore he did not ascend Auns Hee that euer was in heauen as touching that whereby he was euer there that is his Diuinity did not ascend and so we grant Christ according to his Diuinity not to haue ascended for that was before in Heauen as when Christ was on earth the same did not therefore leaue heauen So when hee is now in Heauen his Diuinitie doth not therefore depart from vs. Obiection 2 That which descended did also ascend His Diuinity did descend Therefore it did also ascend Aunswere The signification of descending is not here proper His diuinitie is said to haue descended that is to haue opened manifested it selfe in a place where before it had not 2 He ascended locally or bodily that is truly going from one place to another He translated his human nature frō a lower place by a reall most proper translation or remoouing which could not haue bin don if he had bin in body euery where 3 He tooke or lifted vp his humane nature into heauen and by his proper power and vertue entered into the possession of heauenly glory Obiect 3. That which is not in any place is euerie-where Christ is not in any place because he is ascended aboue and beyond the visible heauen beyond which there is not any place Therefore Christ is euerie where Ans First we deny the same to bee euerywhere which is not in any p●ace For the highest or fardest heauen i● not in any place neither yet is it euery-where But this is spoken of a natural place which is defined to be the superficiall extremitie of a bodie compassing and conteining so any thing within it as it selfe also is compassed conteined within another Secondly then we say that Christ is not in any naturall place but in a place supernaturall which doth contein but is not it selfe conteined and such a supernaturall place is beyond the visible heauen but what manner a thing that supernaturall place is is not learned by the discourse of mans wit and reason but only by a celestiall viewe and beholding which the Angels enioy in heauen But that Christ did ascend locally these places of the Scripture conuince Matth. 16.11 Ye shal not haue me alwaies Ioh. 16.7 If J go not away the comforter will not come vnto you Ioh. 6.62 What then if ye should see the Sonne of man ascend vp where he was before Act. 1.9 While they beheld he was taken vp Likewise He was taken vp into heauen Coloss 3.1 Seeke those thinges which are aboue where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God Of these it followeth that Christs humane nature is finite and doth change place and therefore is not euerie-where For to be euery where and to change place are contradictorie And therefore also his God-head which alone is infinite eternall and euerie-where is not said to chaunge place But here the Vbiquetaries seeke a shift that they may not be hurt by this weapon That which changeth place is not euerie-where Christs body changeth place Therefore that is not euery-where They grant the Maior of this Syllogisme to be true taking the wordes after one manner but here they contend that the words are taken after a diuerse manner As that Christs bodie is euery-where that is after the manner of maiestie or in manner as it is a maiesticall bodie it changeth place in manner of a naturall bodie or as it is a naturall bodie But they escape not a contradiction by this cauil For the diuerse maner which taketh away a contradiction must not fall into the same and be all one with the words themselues for the clearing of which they are brought For so i● it made a meere tautologie or speaking of the same thing a begging of that which is in questiō as if I imitating them should say This aire is light according to the manner of light and it is darcke as touching the manner of darcknesse Againe This man is poore as touching the manner of pouertie and is rich as touching the manner of riches Thus is the same affirmed of the same For the manner of pouerty is nothing else but pouertie and the manner of riches nothing but riches So likewise these manners which they faign and imagin in the Maior proposition are altogether the same with the things which are affirmed That is the same in them is affirmed of the same so these maners are that in which lyeth the cōtradiction For they say Christs bodie is
in the actions of our life and vocation to be inclined to follow those thinges which are right and good and to perfourme the duties of loue and charity towardes god and our neighbour 5. To comfort Hee comforteth the Apostles amidst their afflictions The Apostles who were first flying awaie for feare of the Iewes now beeing erected by the comfort and solace of the holy ghost come forth into open place and reioyce when they are to suffer for the confession of the gospell Iohn 14.16 He wil giue you another comforter 6. To confirme He maketh the Apostles couragious and bold who were before timerous and wrapped and entangled with manie doubtes These thinges wee maie plainely see if wee compare that Sermon which Peter made at Whitsontide with their speech who went to Emaus who saie Luk 24.21 Wee trusted that it had beene he that should haue deliuered Israel The holy ghost then is the spirit of comfort and ioy Iohn 16.22 Your ioie shal no man take from you These are the chiefe and principall partes of the holy ghostes office vnto which maie bee referred all the giftes of the holie ghost as well those which are properlie bestowed on the godlie as also those which are common to them with the reprobate All those giftes we may briefly comprise in this diuision The giftes of the holie ghost either are common to the godly and vngodly or proper to the godly onely Those which are common to the godly and vngodly are giuen either to certaine men and at certain times or at al times and to all the members of the Church Those which are giuen at certaine times and to certaine men are these The gift of miracles of tongues prophecies the faith of miracles and these were necessarie for the Apostles the primitiue Church when the gospell was first to bee dispersed Those which are giuen at all times and to all the members of the church are these the giftes of tongues and of knoweledge and the gift of interpretation These are alwaies necessarie for the church and belong to the maintainaunce and preseruation of the Ministerie and are now also giuen to euery member of the church according to the measure of Christes gift as the calling and vocation of euery member needeth The giftes of the holy ghost proper vnto the godlie are iustifieng faith praier loue and other giftes profitable to saluation Obiection Many out of the church haue hadde tongues and sciences the tongues therefore and sciences are not the giftes of the holy ghost Aunswere The tongues and sciences out of the church are also the giftes of the holy ghost but by a general working of god which is without the true knowledge of him But in the church the tongues and sciences are the giftes of the holy ghost ioined with the true knowledge of god Moreouer al those giftes as wee saide are fitlie referred to those sixe principal partes before numbered of the holie ghosts office as the knowledge of tongues and of sciences to his function of teaching and that miraculous and extraordinarie gift of tongues partly to his function of ruling for the holy ghost did rule and gouerne their tongues partly to his function of teaching and confirming So also the gift of Prophecie and interpretation belongeth to his office of teaching For hee teacheth both by illightening the mindes within by his vertue and by instructing them without by the word The institution ordinance of the Sacramentes appertaineth to his office of teaching but chiefly to his office of confirming Faith and conuersion belong to his office of regenerating and conioyning vs with Christ That hee is the spirite of praier instructing vs how to praie belongeth to his office of ruling gouerning In like sort the rest of the gifts maie bee referred to certaine partes of the Holy Ghostes office Furthermore the holy ghost in respect of this his office hath diuerse titles of commendation in the Scripture For hereof hee is called 1. The spirite of adoption because hee assureth vs of the fatherly good wil of god towards vs and is a witnesse vnto vs of that free goodnesse mercy wherewith the father embraceth vs in his onely begotten sonne Therefore Rom. 8.15 By this spirit we crie Abba Father 2. He is called the earnest and seale of our inheritance because hee assureth vs our saluation 2. Cor. 1.21 It is god which stablisheth vs with you in Christ and hath annointed vs who hath also sealed vs hath giuē the earnest of the spirit in our hearts Eph. 1.13.14 In which gospell also after that yee beleeued yee were sealed with the holy spirite of promise which is the earnest of our inheritance 3. Hee is called Life because he quickneth vs or as the Apostle saith The spirite of Life who mortifieth the oulde man and quickneth the new Rom. 8.2 The Law of the spirite of life which is in Christ Jesus hath freed mee from the Lawe of sin and of death 4. He is called Water whereby he refresheth vs being almost dead in sinne and maketh vs fruitful that we may bring foorth fruit 5. Hee is called Fire because hee dooth daily burne vp and consume concupiscences and vices in vs and kindleth our heartes with the loue of God and our neighbour 6. He is called the Fountaine because all celestiall riches doe flow vnto vs from him 7. Hee is called the Spirite of praier 8. The Oile of gladnesse Heb. 1.9 Wherefore god euen thy God hath annointed thee with the Oile of gladnesse 9. He is called the Comforter because he worketh faith in vs and purifieth our consciences and so comforteth vs that we exult and reioice in afflictions 10. He is called Intercessour because Roman 8.26 The spirite maketh request or Intercession for vs with sighes which cannot bee expressed 11. Hee is called lastly the Spirite of truth of wisedom of ioie of gladnes of the fear of God of boldnesse and the like Obiection It was said before that the holy ghost is the earnest of our inheritance But Saul Judas had the holy ghost neither yet obteined they the inheritance but were reprobate Therefore the holy ghost is not the earnest of our inheritance Answere Saul and Iudas had the holy ghost as concerning some gifts of the holie ghost But they had not the spirit of adoption Reply But it is the same spirit It is the same spirit indeed but doth not worke the same thinges in all For he woorketh adoption and conuersion in the Elect only Obiect 2. Those parts of the spirits office before specified are not proper to the holie ghost but belong also to the Father and the sonne Therefore they are not well assigned to the Holy ghost as proper Aunsw They belong also to the father and the sonne but mediatlie by the holie ghost But vnto the holy ghost they belong immediately Reply But after the same maner also it seemeth that the preseruation of thinges the inuention of arts and sciences and the like
are not al alwaies estr●i●ged from the church but are sometimes made members of the visible Church though sometimes they depart from it 1. Io● 2.19 They went our ●ro vs. Act 2● 29 Grieuous wolues shall enter in among you Obiect These terms are mutuallie affirmed one of the other To be saued Elected To Beleeue For al beleeuers are Elected and to be saued And al who are to be s●u●d and are Elected do beleeue Aunswere These termes indeed are mutually one affirmed of another but yet with a certaine limitation All true beleeuers and al that are to be saued are Elected and that alwaies and at all times But all that are Elected are both beleeuers and to bee saued but yet not alwaies The Elect are to be saued alwaies but are not both beleeuers and to be saued alwaies For at one time they maie bee saide that they are to bee saued and at another that they are beleeuers at another that they are saued Thus faire then are these terms mutually affirmed each of other as that al the Elect doe beleeue or shal beleeue before the ende of their life For now is the time of grace then shall be the time of iudgement Obiection Christ notwithstanding calleth those which were not as yet c●nuerted of the Gentiles his sheepe J haue saith he other sheepe which are not of this fold that is of this part of the Church which is to be gathered out of the Jewes Wherefore those other sheepe seeme to bee of the general flock Aunswere They were then sheepe according to the prouidence and counsel of God but they were not sheep as concerning the fulfilling of his decree that is they were predestinated sheep In sum The Elect are not alwaies members of the church but yet it is required of necessity that in this life they bee brought vnto the Church though it be sometimes euen at the very point of death This is it which is said That all the Elect must in this life beginne eternal life The Reprobate are indeed sometimes members of the church neither are they alwaies estranged from it but their comming is no true comming to the Church neither are they euer members of the inuisible Church that is of the Church and companie of Saintes For from this they are euer aliens 8 Whether the Elect may fall from the Church and the Reprobate abide alwaies in the Church THIS question is cleared laid open by those things which are spoken of the vnchangeablenes of election and of the perseuerance of the Saints The Elect cannot 〈◊〉 holy and 〈◊〉 ●om the Church and godly The Elect when they are once indeede come vnto the Church of the Saints they may sometime fall from it but wholy and finally forsake it they neuer can Not wholy because they neuer so defect or fall that they become enimies of God and the Church Not finally because they persist not in this Apostasie but at length returne to repentance 1. J●h 2.19 They went out from vs but they were not of vs for if they had beene of vs they would haue continued with vs. Isai 42.3 A bruse breede shall hee not breake and the smoking flaxe shall he not quench Ioh. 10.28 No man shall plucke my sheepe out of mine hand The reprobate at the length fall finally from it All the reprobate hypocrites do at length finally depart from the Church and together with those giftes which they had they leese also those gifts which they seemed to haue Obiect The Godlie also oftentimes fal away as Dauid and Peter Ans They fall but neither wholy nor finally which also befel vnto Peter For he retained still in his minde the loue of Christ although for fear of danger he denied him He acknowledged also afterwards his offence and did truly repent him thereof Dauid also did not wholy fall away but beeing rebuked of the Lord by the Prophet hee truely repented and shewed that his faith was not quite dead but in a slumber rather for a season But hypocrites and the reprobate doe at length wholy and finally reuolt and fall away For they doe so at last fall away that they neuer returne to repentance And because the true loue of God was neuer in thē so neither themselues euer were of the number of gods elect Saints therfore at length they wholy and altogether depart and fall away from the Church 9 What is the vse of this doctrine THE vse of this doctrine is 1. That the glorie of our saluation be in whole ascribed and giuen to God What hast thou that thou hast not receiued 2. That we may haue sure and certain comfort This we shall haue when as wee shall not doubt of those things which are here taught and that especially if euerie of vs be certainely perswaded that the decree of God of sauing his elect is altogether vnchangeable and further that himself also is of the number of the elect euen a member of the inuisible Church and therefore sh●ll neuer depart from the Church and communion of Saints because it is sanctified of God and therefore is holy and conformed vnto God not in perfection but is holy first by imputation by reason of the holines of Christ imputed vnto it next by inchoation because the holy Ghost dooth by little and little renew it and repu●ge it from the filth of sinne and lastly it is holy because it is dedicated to a holy sacred and diuine vse and seuered from the wicked which are without the church To beleeue therefore the holy Church is to beleeue that in this visible companie and society are some true repentants and truely conuerted and my selfe to be a liuely member of the inuisible and visible Church OF THE COMMVNION OF SAINTS THE Articles following are concerning the benefits of Christ bestowed on the Church by the holy ghost The Communion of Saints signifieth 1. The communion of Christes members with him and among themselues The Vnion of the Church with Christ and of his members among themselues 2. The communion or participation of all Christs benefites For all the Saints haue the same reconciliation redemption righteousnes saluation sanctification by and for Christ All the Saints haue the same benefits common which are necessarie to saluation Eph. 4.4 There is one bodie and one spirit euen as ye are called in one hope of your vocation one Lord one Faith one Baptisme 3. Jt signifieth the distribution of speciall giftes These particular giftes also are common to the whole Church as which are bestowed on some members of the Church for the saluation of the whole bodie euen For the gathering together of the Saints Eph 4.12 for the worke of the ministerie and for the edification of the bodie of Christ But they are so distributed vnto euerie member as that some excell and goe before othersome in gifts and graces in the Church For the gifts of the holy Ghost are diuers and to euerie one of vs is giuen grace
soeuer sins ye retein they are reteined Therefore not God onely remitteth sinnes Answere The Apostles remit sinnes in that they are the signifiers and declarers of Gods remission Likewise also the Church remitteth sinnes when according to the commandement of God shee denounceth remission of sinnes to the repentant Againe one neighbour remitteth sinnes and trespasses vnto another as concerning the pardoning of the offence But God onely freeth vs from the gilt of sinne by his owne authoritie God onely washeth vs clea●e from sinne In a worde God onely remitteth vnto vs all sinnes that is originall and actuall whether they bee of omission or of ignorance Psal 103.3 Which heal●th all thine infirmities Rom. 8 1. There is no con●emnation to them that are in Christ Iesus 3 For what remission of sins is granted REmission of sinnes is granted not verily of any lenitie which is repugnant to iustice but of the free mercy of God Remission of sinne granted for Christs intercession and merit of meere grace and Gods free loue for the intercession merit of Christ applied by faith 1. Pet 3.18 Christ hath once suffered for sinnes ●he iust for the vniust that he might bring vs to God 1. Iohn 1.7 The blood of Jesus Christ clenseth vs from all sinne Colos 1.19 Jt pleased the Father that in Christ should all fulnesse dwell and by him to reconcile all thinges to himselfe and to set at peace through the blood of his Crosse both the thinges in earth the thinges in heauen Heb. 12.24 Yee are come to Iesus the Mediatour of the new Testament and to the bl●ud of sprinkeling that speaketh better thinges than that of Abel Eph 1.7 By Christ wee haue redemption through his bloud euen forgiuenesse of sinnes according to his rich grace For entreatie can not bee made whithout satisfaction because that were to desire that God would yeeld s●me-what of his iustice 4 Whether remission of sinnes agreeth with Gods iustice IT is true indeed that it behoueth god as a iust iudge Gods iustice satisfied for sinne by christ though it bee remitted vnto vs. not to leaue sin vnpunished and therefore not to remit it except some satisfaction bee interposed But neither doth God leaue it vnpunished for he punisheth sinnes in Christ or in the sinners themselues most sufficientlie God pronounceth vs in such sort iust as hee pronounceth vs not to be obnoxious to punishment because of the most perfect satisfaction of christ this doth not contrarie or crosse the iustice and trueth of God Obiect The iustice of God requireth that they be punished who sinne Therefore such a remission of sinnes as is granted without sufficient punishment of the party sinning is vnpossible or doth contrary crosse the iustice of god Ans It is contrary to gods iustice not to punish sin at al that is neither in him that sinneth nor in any other who vndergoeth the punishment for him that sinneth Reply To punish one that is innocēt in place of him that hath offended is repugnant also to Gods iustice Ans True if the innocent partie be such a one who 1. wil not vndergo the punishment 2. Is not of the same nature with the offender 3. Is not able to suffer sufficient punishment 4. Is not able to recouer out of it for God will not haue him that is innocent to perish for an offender 5. Js not able to restore and conuert the offender that hee maie thence forwarde cease to offend and further to giue him faith which maie embrace and receiue this his benefite But all these conditions are in Christ as clearly appeareth by the testimonies following Ephes 5.2 Christ hath loued vs and hath giuen himselfe for vs to bee an offering and a sacrifice of a sweete smelling sauour to god Iohn 10.15 I laie downe my selfe for my sheep Isai 53.5 He was wounded for our transgression 2. Cor. 5.15 Christ died for all that they which liue should not henceforth liue vnto themselues but vnto him which died for them and rose againe Iohn 2.19 Destroie this temple and in three daies J will raise it vp againe Iohn 10.17 I laie downe my life that J might take it againe Ephe. 5.25 Christ loued the Church and gaue himselfe for it that he might sanctifie it Tit. 2.14 He gaue himselfe for vs ●hat he might redeeme vs from all iniquitie and purge vs to be a peculiar people vnto himselfe zealous of good woorkes 5. Whether remission of sinnes bee freelie giuen Our sins ●ted freely in respect of vs thou●h they cost Ch●●st ●ul dee●ly ALbeit God remitteth not our sinnes vnto vs except a most sufficient punishment be first paied for them yet he remitteth them freely vnto vs for Christes sake whom our debts cost inough Obiect If he pardoneth them for christs satisfaction then doth he not remit them freelie Ans He remitteth them freely in respect of vs that is without any satisfaction of ours and pardoneth them for the satisfaction made by another Replie And he that after this sort pardoneth dooth not freelie pardon for this is a rule what a man doth by another that he seemeth to doe by himselfe Wherefore we our selues paie it in paying it by Christ Answ God also giueth vs freely this price and raunsome that is this satisfier and Mediatour Christ who is not bought of vs. Joh. 3.16 So God loued the world that he gaue his onelie begotten sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him ●hould not perish but haue life euerlasting It is all one t● h●●e remiss●on of sinnes and to be iust Replie The 〈◊〉 th● 〈…〉 vs to auoide sinne but to doe good also Ther●fore 〈…〉 that our sinne be forgiuen but also good w●●rkes 〈…〉 and necessarie that wee may bee iust Answ T●e om●sion of good is also sinne But this also is remitted He that can doe good and doth it not is a sinner and accu●sed But God doth not hate vs neither hath he a will to punish vs for those sinnes for which Christ hath sufficiently satisfied in whom also we haue perfect remission of all our sinnes so that by his onely merit we are reputed iust before God 6 To whom remission of sinnes is giuen REmission of sinnes is giuen to all the elect and to them alone Remission of sinne● giuen vnto all the Elect and to them onely because it is giuen to them all and alone who beleeue and none beleeue but the elect onely for the reprobate neuer haue true faith and beliefe Yet all the elect haue not alwaies remission of sinnes but all beleeuers haue it alwaies because they onely haue remission of sinnes who beleeue that they haue it But this the elect do not alwaies beleeue but then first when they are conuerted and endued with faith yet in respect of the secret and fore-determined purpose of God they haue alwaies remission of sinnes Now Infants haue remission of sinnes because they haue faith and conuersion in aptitude and inclination though not actually 7. How
is grasse But if they vrge the verie woorde in these speeches it will followe that not onely after death there is nothing remaining but that there is not any resurrection when hee saith a wind that passeth and commeth not againe as also flowers and shadowes whereunto man is compared doe so perish that they are not recouered Psalm 88.5 I am counted as the slain lying in the graue whom thou remembrest no more In these wordes the Prophet doth not signifie either himselfe or the dead to bee exempted from Gods prouidence but he complaineth that he is forsaken of God euen as the deade seeme to men not to bee cared for of him and therefore he speaketh not according to the sense of faith but of his owne opinion and weaknes miserie who iudgeth those to be forsaken and neglected of God whose deliuerie for a while he dooth differre But what faith in the meane season suggesteth and telleth the godly euen when they wrestle with temptation he sheweth Psalm 11.2 when hee saith The iust shall bee in euerlasting memorie Psal 146.4 His spirit departeth and he returneth to his earth thē his thoughts perish Here he saith not the spirit or soul of men perisheth or vanisheth or dieth or is bereaued of sense but that it departeth to wit from the bodie wherein it dwelleth and that not the spirit but the man returneth to his earth that is as concerning his bodie which was made of earth as is written Gen. 3 and Eccles 12. And lastly he saith that his thoughtes perish which is not that the soule is after this life bereaued of reason iudgement and sense of the mercy or wrath of God but that his purposes and counsels are made frustrate which man in this life had setled with him-selfe to bring to passe in which sense it is said Psalm 112.10 The desire of the wicked shal perish They gather also other sayings which take away all praising and worshipping of God from the dead As Psal 88.10 Wilt thou shew a miracle vnto the dead Or shall the dead rise and praise thee But in such speeches death and hell or the graue haue two significations They who are spiritually dead whether before or after the death of the bodie that is they who are depriued of gods grace forsaken and reiected of god and are in hell that is in the place torments of the damned or else in this life despairing and destitute of comfort shall not praise god at all neither in this life nor in the life to come But they who are dead not spiritually but corporally onely albeit they shall not praise god in this life while their bodies are in hell that is in the graue yet in soul they shal not cease to acknowledge and praise god in the other life vntill when receiuing their bodies againe they shall magnifie him in both in the celestial eternity But in the meane season because god will also be agnised and magnified of men in this life therefore both the whole Church and euerie one of the faithfull not only pray that they may not fall into that forsaking into that sense of gods wrath wherewith the wicked are oppressed but also desire that they may bee in this mortall life preserued and defended vntill the end thereof by god appointed be expired For the Saints doe not simply stand in feare of the bodily death and graue but that they may not be forsaken of god neither fall into desperation and destruction or their enimies insult against god when they are ouerthrowen this with daily and ardent praiers and petitions they beg and craue continually Nowe that which the aduersaries ad farther out of the Psal 146.2 I will praise the Lord during my life as long as J haue anie beeing I will sing vnto my God this maketh nothing with thē For he restraineth not the praising of God to the time of his mortal life but only he saith that he wil spēd all that time in Gods praises which notwithstanding in manie other places he extendeth to continue al eternity as Psal 34. I wil praise the Lord continually But oftentimes this particle vntill or as long as signifieth a continuance of the time going before some euent without any excluding of the time following as 1. Cor. 15.25 He must raign vntil he hath put al his enemies vnder his feete Iob. 10.20 Let him cease and leaue off from mee that I maie take a little comfort before I goe and shal not returne Hee denieth in these wordes that he shall returne into this mortall life and to conuerse among men in this woorlde but hee denieth not that hee in the meane season hath his beeing and doth liue vntil againe he see God in his flesh euen the same Iob who thē was afflicted As himself saith ca. 19.26 Iob 3.11 Why died I not when I came out of the womb Here also Iob dooth not denie the soules after death to bee liue feele and vnderstand but only he saith the miseries of this present life are not felt If they vrge that neither the euils of the life to come are felt because then Job shoulde wish for a bad chaunge we aunswere that Iob wisheth not for the death of the wicked but of the godly But if they ad furder That Job dooth make Kings and Princes also which gather gold vnto them smal and great that is al men good and bad partakers of this rest our aunswere is out of the processe and course of his whole speech that Iob dooth not teach here what is the state of men after this life but onely desireth to bee rid of his present miserie and therefore through humane infirmity and impatiency doth compare the sense and feeling of his present miseries with the death and state of the dead whatsoeuer it be as they who are grieuously tormented with present distresses and calamities prefer any thing whatsoeuer before that which they suffer So also chapter 7. hee speaketh as one despairing of deliuerie in this life Remember that my life is but a wind and that mine eie shal not returne to see pleasure For so hee expoundeth himselfe when he addeth He shal returne no more to his house neither shall his place knowe him anie more So likewise cap. 17. My breath is corrupt and the graue is readie for me They are woords of one despairing of life and saluation god being wrath and angry But chapter 34.14 when it is said If he set his hart vpon man and gather vnto him selfe his spirit and his breath Al flesh shal perish together it is not saide that the soule dooth sleepe or perish but that by the departure thereof the body dieth and is dissolued Further they adde Jf presently after death the godlie were blessed then iniurie was doone vnto them who were called againe into this mortall life But to this we aunswere That neither god can be iniurious to any man whereas he is in no mans debt neither can any thing happen better
of Christ imputed vnto vs. Christ is in respect of our iustification 1. As the subiect matter wherein our iustice is 2. As the impellent cause because he obtaineth it 3. As the chief efficient because he together with his Father dooth iustifie vs and 4. Because he giueth vs faith whereby we beleeue and apprehend it The mercy of god is as the impellent cause thereof in GOD. Christes satisfaction is the formal cause of our iustification giuing the very life and being vnto it 7 Why Christes satisfaction is made ours by faith onelie Faith the apprehensiue instrument of Christs satisfaction CHRISTES satisfaction is made ours by faith alone 1. Because faith is the onely instrument which apprehendeth Christs satisfaction 2. Because the proper act operation of faith and not any other act of vertue is the application or apprehension of Christes merite yea faith is nothing else than the acceptation it selfe or apprehension of anothers iustice and of the merit of Christ 3. It is done by faith onely because we are iustified by the obiect of faith onely to wit by the merite of Christ alone besides which there is no iustice of ours nor any part thereof For wee are iustified freely for Christes sake without woorkes There is nothing which is our iustice and righteousnes before God neither in whole nor in part besides Christes merite onely by receiuing and beleeuing anothers iustice and not by working wee are iustified Not by working nor by meriting but by apprehension and acceptation only we are iust and righteous Wherefore we are iustified by faith onely by faith as Saint Paul speaketh as by a mean and instrument but not for faith as the Papistes say who wil admit both these maners of speaking as if faith were indeede the application whereby we apply vnto our selues Christes iustice but were also besides a certaine work or merite whereby we merite to bee iust Nowe the exclusiue particle onely is added that whatsoeuer merit of ours may bee excluded and faith vnderstoode with relation and respect to Christes merit which is our iustice That so the sense may be Christes merite iustifieth vs and not faith it selfe that which is apprehended dooth iustifie vs and not the instrument which doth apprehend Neuerthelesse this proposition Wee are iustified by faith may bee vnderstoode also without relation to wit wee are iustified by faith as by a meane But this proposition of the Apostle Faith was imputed to him for righteousnesse and other the like are necessarilie to bee vnderstoode with a relation vnto Christes merite and iustice Faith was imputed vnto him for righteousnes as faith is the apprehending instrument of righteousnes apprehended faith beeing as it were the hande wherewith the Iustice of Christ is receiued and by this means faith is wholy excluded frō that which is receiued by faith vnto which nature notwithstanding of faith it were repugnaunt That For faith we should be iust and righteous For if for faith then faith were nowe no longer an acceptation of anothers righteousnesse but were a merit and cause of our owne iustice neither should receiue anothers satisfaction which now it should haue no neede of Obiections against this Doctrine of Iustification 1 OBiection Wee are iustified by faith Faith is a woorke Therefore we are iustified by the woorkes thereof that is by the merite of faith Aunswere First the consequence of this reason is denied because more is in the conclusion than in the premisses of which premisses this onely followeth That by that worke wee are iustified as by an instrument or meane not as an impellent cause Nowe it is one thing to be iustified by faith that is to be iustified faith only being the meane to receiue it by the bloode of Christ and it is another thing to be iustified for faith that is for the merite of faith 2. The kinde of affirmation is diuerse for in the Maior faith is vnderstoode with relation to Christes merite in the Minor it is taken absolutelie and properlie 2 Obiection Justice is that whereby wee are formallie or essentiallie iust Faith is iustice Therefore we are by faith formallie and essentiallie iust Aunswere The consequence of this reason is to bee denied because the kinde of affirmation is diuers For the Maior is meant properly but the Minor * Per Metalepsin figuratiuely one thing being taken for another faith for the obiect of faith which is Christs merite and iustice 3 Obiection Faith is imputed for righteousnes as Paul saith Therefore for faith we are righteous Aunswere This is also figuratiuely vnderstood because by faith which is imputed for righteousnes is correlatiuely vnderstood the obiect of faith vnto which faith hath relation For Christs merite which is apprehended by faith is properly our iustice and this merite of Christ is the formall cause of our iustice The efficient of our iustice is God applying that merite of Christ vnto vs. The instrumental cause of our iustice is faith And therefore this proposition We are iustified by faith being legallie vnderstoode with the Papists is not true but blasphemous but being taken correlatiuely that is Euangelically with relation to Christs merit it is true For the correlatiue of faith is the merit of Christ which faith also as a ioint-relatiue or correlatiue respecteth and as an instrument apprehendeth 4 Obiection That which is not alone dooth not iustifie alone Faith is not alone Therefore faith dooth not iustifie alone Aunswere Here is a fallacie of composition the reason beeing deceitfully composed For the woorde alone is composed and ioined in the conclusion with the predicate which is the woorde iustifie but in the premisses or antecedent it is ioined with the verbe is The Argument is true if in the conclusion alone bee not sundred from the verbe is or from being which is the participle of is but bee ioined with it on this wise Faith therefore doth not iustifie alone that is being alone For if it be so vnderstood the argument is of force for faith is neuer without workes as her effects Faith iustifieth alone but is not alone when it iustifieth hauing workes accompanying it as effects of it but not as ioint-causes with it of iustification 5 Obiect That which is required in those who are to be iustified without the same faith doth not iustifie Good works are required in those who are to be iustified Therefore without good workes faith doth not iustifie Auns The particle without is ambiguously doubtfully taken for in the Maior it is taken thus Faith without it that is being without it doth not iustifie So that the same fallacie is in this obiection which was in the former The Minor also of this obiection is more at large to be explaned In them who are to be iustified moe things are required but not after the same maner Faith is required in them who are to be iustified as an instrumēt apprehending anothers iustice Good works are required in them not as a cause of
posteritie Vnto other Nations but not vnto the Iewes it was free to be circumcised or not to be circumcised Wee must here obserue that they of the olde testament were of three sorts 1. Jsraelites which were of Abrahams posteritie and were necessarily bound by the Lawe to obserue circumcision the ceremonies 2. Proselytes who of the Gentiles were conuerted vnto the Iewes did more more for cōfirming of their faith submit thē selues vnto circumcision and the whole ceremonial lawe 3. Those of the gentiles who were conuerted vnto the Iewes but did not obserue the ceremonies For vnto the gentiles and Prosylites it was free to keepe or not to keepe circumcision and the ceremonies These latter were called also Religious men who embraced onely the doctrine and promises of god Obiect The males onelie were circumcised therefore the women were shut out from the couenant of grace Aunswere The women were comprehended in the circumcision of the males And God spared the weaker sex And it sufficed for them to come of godly progenitors 2 What are the ends of circumcision CIrcumcision was instituted 1. That it might bee a signe of the grace of God towardes Abrahams posteritie and that doubly First that God woulde receiue the beleeuers by the Messias who was to come Secondly that he would giue them the land of Canaan and graunt his church a certaine place there vntill the comming of the Messias 2. That it might be a bond to bind Abraham and his seede vnto thankefulnes or to faith and repentance and so to keepe the whole law 3. That it might bee a marke to distinguish the Iewes from other Nations and Sects 4. That it might bee a sacrament of initiating and receiuing them into the church 5. That it might bee an accusation and a signification of vncleannes For that rite did shewe that all men were subiect to sinnes and vnclean 6. That it might bee a signe which shoulde shewe and signifie that the meanes of their deliuerance through Christ which was to come shoulde not come elsewhence than from the bloud of Abraham 3 Why circumcision is abolished CIrcumcision is abolished 1. Because the thing signified is exhibited For among other things it signified that the Messias promised vnto the Fathers should come at length in his appointed time and should in our behalfe take our nature 2. Because circumcision was instituted for the seuering of the Iewes from all other Nations but now the church that difference being abolished is collected and gathered out of al Nations And now the sacrament of baptisme performerth the same vnto vs which circumcision did vnto them Moreouer as circumcision was a signe vnto them of their receiuing into the people of God So is baptisme vnto vs the first mark which seuereth the church from the wicked 4 Why Christ was circumcised CHrist was circumcised 1. That hee might signifie that hee was also a member of that circumcised people 2. That hee might shew that he receiued and tooke our sinnes on himselfe that he might satisfie for them 3. That he might testifie that he did entirelie and fullie fulfill the law in our behalfe 4. The circumcision of Christ was a part also of his humiliation and Ransome OF THE LORDS SVPPER THE chiefe questions 1 What the Supper of the Lord is 2 What are the ends thereof or wherefore it was instituted 3 What is differeth from Baptisme 4 What is the sense and meaning of the words of the institution 5 What is the difference betweene the Lords Supper and the Papists Masse 6 What is the right vse of the Supper 7 What the wicked receiue in the Supper 8 Who are to come and to be admitted vnto the Supper 1 WHAT THE SVPPER OF THE LORD IS FIrst we wil see by what names the Supper of the Lorde is called then wee wil in few woordes define what it is This action or ceremony or rite instituted by a Christ a little before his death is called A supper Why it is called a Supper from the first institution of it that is in respect of the originall or first beginning of this rite or in respect of the time wherein this ceremony was instituted which circumstance of time the church hath chaunged Jt is likewise called Synaxis that is Why a conuent a conuent in respect of the assembly and conuent of the church because some either few or many assemble and meete together in celebrating of the supper For in the first celebration the Disciples were present Take this and diuide it among you Wherefore it must needs be that there was some number there which also appeareth by the Apostle repeating the first institution 1. Cor. 11. where in the end he addeth When ye come together to eat tarry one for another And further that moe ought to come together to celebrate the supper this end of the supper doth euidently enough shew in that it was instituted to be a token and euen a bond of loue For we that are many are one bread and one bodie It is called also the Eucharist Why the Eucharist Why a sacrifice Why Missa because it is a rite and ceremony of thankesgiuing Last of all it is called also a sacrifice because it is the commemoration of christs propitiatory benefit And at length it was also called Missa frō the offering or from the dimissing of the rest who might not communicate after the sermō which went before the celebration was finished Now let vs come to define the Lords Supper The definition of the Lordes Supper THE Lords supper is a ceremonie or sacrament instituted and appointed of christ vnto the faithfull for a memorial of him whereby christ dooth certainly promise and seale vnto mee and all the faithfull first that his body was offered and broken on the crosse for mee and his bloode shed for me as truely as I see with my eies the bread of the Lord to be broken vnto me and his cup distributed and moreouer that hee doth as certainlie with his body crucified and his blood shed feed and nourish my soul vnto euerlasting life as my body is fed with the bread the cup of the lord receiued from the hand of the minister which are offered to me as certaine seales of the body blood of Christ It may be also more briefly defined on this wise The lords supper is a distributing receiuing of bread and wine commaunded of Christ vnto the faithfull that by these signes he might testifie that hee hath deliuered and yeelded his body vnto death and hath shedde his bloode for them and dooth giue them those thinges to eate and drinke that they might be vnto them the meate and drink of eternall life and that thereby also he might testifie that he would dwel in them for euer And againe that of the otherside hee might by the same signe bind them to mutuall dilection and loue seeing Christ spareth not to giue his body and bloode for vs. This
are receiued of vs namelie earthly externall and visible signs as are bread and wine and besides these also heauenlie internall and inuisible gifts as are the true bodie of Iesus Christ together with al his gifts and benefits and heauenlie treasures Thirdly that in the supper we are made partakers not onlie of the spirit of Christ and his satisfaction iustice vertue and operation but also of the verie substaunce and essence of his true-bodie and bloud which was giuen for vs to death on the crosse and which was shed for vs and are trulie fed with the selfe-same vnto eternal life and that this verie thing christ should teach vs and make knowen vnto vs by this visible receiuing of this bread and wine in his supper Fourthly That the bread and wine are not changed into the flesh and bloud of Christ but remaine true and natural bread and wine that also the bodie and bloud of christ are not shut vp into the bread and wine and therefore the bread and wine are called of christ his bodie and bloud in this sense for that his bodie and bloud are not onlie signified by these and set before our eies but also because as often as we eat and drink this bread and wine in the true and right vse Christ himselfe giueth vs his body and bloud indeed to be the meat and drink of eternal life Fiftly That without the right vse this receiuing of bread and wine is no sacrament neither anie thing but an emptie and vaine ceremonie and spectacle and such as men abuse to their own damnation Sixtly That there is no other true and lawful vse of the supper besides that which Christ himselfe hath instituted and commaunded to be kept namelie this that this bread and this wine be eaten and drunken in remembrance of him and to shew forth his death Seuenthly that Christ in his supper dooth not commaund and require a dissembled and hypocritical remembraunce of him and publishing of his death but such as embraceth his passion and death and all his benefites obtained by these for vs by a true and liuelie faith and with earnest and ardent thankefulnesse and applieth them vnto those which eate and drink as proper vnto them Eightly that Christ will dwell in beleeuers onelie and in them who not through contempt but through necessitie cannot come to the Lords supper yea in al beleeuers euē from the beginning of the woorld to all eternitie euen as well and after the same manner as hee will dwell in them who came vnto the Lords Supper They disagree in these pointes FIRST that one part contendeth that these woordes of Christ This is my bodie must be vnderstood as the words sound which yet that part it selfe doth not but the other part that those words must be vnderstoode sacramentallie according to the declaration of Christ and Paul according to the most certaine and vnfallible rule and leuil of the articles of our christian faith Secōdly that one part wil haue the bodie bloud of christ to be essentiallie Jn or With the bread wine so to be eaten as that together with the bread the wine out of the hād of the minister it entereth by the mouth of the receiuers into their bodies but the other part wil haue the body of christ which in the first supper sate at the table by the disciples now to be cōtinue not here on earth but aboue in the heauens aboue and without this visible world and heauen vntill hee descend thence againe to iudgement and yet that we notwithstanding here on earth as oft as wee eate this bread with a true faith are so fed with his bodie and made to drink of his bloud that not onlie through his Passion and bloudshed we are cleansed from our sinnes but are also in such sort coupled knit and incorporated into his true essential humane bodie by his spirit dwelling both in him and vs as that we are flesh of his flesh and bone of his bones and are more neerly and firmlie knit and vnited with him than the members of our bodie are vnited with our head and so wee drawe and haue in him and from him euerlasting life Thirdly That one part will haue all whosoeuer come to the Lordes supper and eate and drinke that breade and wine whether they bee beleeuers or vnbeleeuers to eate and drinke corporallie and with their bodilie mouth the flesh and bloud of Christ beleeuers to life and saluation vnbeleeuers to damnation and death the other holdeth that vnbeleeuers abuse indeede the outwarde signs bread and wine to their own damnation but that the faithful onelie can eate and drinke by a true faith and the fore alleaged working of ●he holie Ghost the bodie and bloud of Christ vnto eternal life OF THE KEIES OF THE KINGDOME OF HEAVEN AND OF EXCOMMVNICATION SEEING it hath beene shewed in the treatise next going before who are to bee admitted by the church vnto the Lords Supper very commodiously and fitly shall this doctrine follow concerning the power of the keies wherein besides other things this chiefly is taught How they who are not to be admitted must bee restrained and excluded from the Sacraments least approching vnto them they prophane them The chiefe questions 1 What the power is of the keies giuen vnto the church 2 Vnto whom that power is committed 3 Why the power of the keies is necessarie 4 What that power of the keies committed vnto the church differeth from the ciuil power 5 What order ought to be obserued in exercising the power of the keies 1 WHAT THE POWER OF THE KEIES GIVEN VNTO THE CHVRCH IS THE power of the keies of the kingdome of heauen which CHRIST gaue vnto his church is the office or charge imposed on the church by Christ of denouncing by the preaching of the gospel and church-discipline Gods will and euen of declaring the grace of God and remission of sinnes vnto the penitent that is to them who liue in true faith and repentance but of denouncing vnto the wicked the wrath of God and exclusion or banishment from the kingdome of christ and of casting such out of the church as long as they shall shew themselues in doctrine and life estranged from christ and of receiuing them againe into the church when afterwardes they shall repent Hereby it appeareth that the chiefe and principall parts of this power of the keies giuen vnto the Saints are the preaching of the gospel or ministerie of the word and church-iudgement which is called also spirituall Discipline or iurisdiction And verily necessarilie is Ecclesiasticall Discipline ioined and linked with the ministerie of Gods word Of the ministerie of the word there is no doubt but all the Prophets Christ and the Apostles haue preached Of the iurisdiction of the church likewise it is not to be doubted in as much as Christ himselfe and the Apostle haue both by precepts and practise confirmed and established it Now in both is conteined that power
Therefore that iudgement is not committed vnto the church whereby the godlie maie be distinguished from the vngodlie Aunswere The church doth not iudge of such as are hidden or secrete but of those that are manifest namely of those who shew them selues in outward life profession and this she doth when concerning such she subscribeth to the iudgement of god that is when shee iudgeth of them according to the prescript of Gods word as when out of the woord of God shee pronounceth the obstinate to be condemned as long as they continue such when out of the word of God she absolueth them which shew repentance But to discerne from others such as are close hidden as the church is not able so neither doth she take it vpon her 3 Obiection Christ saith in the Parable of the tares let both grow together vntil the haruest Therefore none ought to bee excluded Aunswere 1. Christ speaketh there of hypocrits who cannot be discerned alwaies from the true seruers of God Therefore his meaning is that hypocrites ought not to be cut off or separated frō the church as whom we know not to be such but that the Angels shall doe this at the last daie 2. Christ distinguisheth there the office of the Magistrate and of ministers Let them grow that is put not to death any which are estrāged from the church For the Ministers may not vse corporal force against any man as may the Magistrate Now if this difference be put the difference which is between the church and the kingdome of the Diuell shal not be taken awaie 4 Obiection Men are to bee forced and compelled vnto good workes The vse of the sacraments is a good worke Therefore they are to be forced and compelled to the vse of the sacraments Aunswere 1. The Minor is not true except it be vnderstoode of that vse which is celebrated by the faithfull otherwise when vnbeleeuers vse the sacraments their vse is no good work The vse of the sacraments is a good work when good moral works goe before this vse And then is it truly called the vse of the sacramentes otherwise it is rather an abuse and prophaning of the sacramentes For when the wicked take the sacramentes they abuse them whence it is that Christ expressely dehorteth the wicked from this good work when he saith Leaue there thine offring before the Altar and goe thy waie 2. The Maior proposition is to be distinguished Men are to bee compelled vnto good woorkes but in their order so that there goe before an enforcing to moral woorks and then follow after an enforcing to ceremoniall works and so is that to bee vnderstood which Christ saith Luk. 14 23. Compel them to come in 5 Obiection We haue no examples of this excluding The Prophets Apostles and Iohn excluded none nay Iohn Baptised a generation of vipers Aunswere The Prophets albeit they could not exclude the wicked from the sacrifices sacraments yet they condemned that wickednesse of theirs in approching thither and made oftentimes long sermons both against the wicked who did approch and against the Church which admitted them vnto the sacrifices But that the Apostles did exclude Paul alone doth sufficiently shew by his example as we saw before and John Baptised them onlie who promised faith and repentaunce he baptized a generation of vipers when now they did repent Wherefore although they were a vipers broode whome Iohn baptised yet were they not any longer vipers when they were baptised For Iohn baptised none but such as confessed their sinnes As also he preached the Baptisme of repentance for the remission of sinnes 6 Obiection Jf they are to bee admitted vnto the sacraments which professe faith and repentance the vnbeleeuers and wicked are to be excluded the same shall bee doone after the same manner as it was done by Iohn But John by himselfe alone admitted them who professed faith and repentance vnto baptism and he alone also reiected he impenitēt Therefore it shall be lawful for one minister alone either to admit them who professe the Doctrine and repentance or to reiect the obstinate Aunswere The reason is not like For Iohn was endued with a Propheticall and Apostolicke authoritie Againe at that time the gathering of the new Church was respected and not the excluding of them who were in the Church and had reuolted from it Certaine argumentes assoiled whereby some haue endeuoured to abolish excommunication 1 WHERE the woorde and Sacraments are rightly to be administred there must the authorite of discipline be established But in the primitiue Church and at this day in well ordered Churches the authoritie of discipline is not established Therefore the woord and Sacraments are not rightly there administred But absurd were it so to say therefore absurd also to impose a necessity of discipline on the Church Aunswere These wordes To be rightly administred are doubtfull and haue a diuerse meaning 1. To administer rightlie signifieth so to administer as that the administration wholy agree with the prescript of the Lorde 2 It signifieth to administer not according to the right perfect and exact obseruing of it but so that the administration be pleasing to God profitable for the saluation of the Church In this whole world the Sacramentes are not rightly administred according to the former signification but according to the latter signification they are For albeit there be some blemishes which by reasō of the churches weaknes imbecillity cannot be corrected amended on a sodain yet the administration may please God and profit the Church Albeit wee are neuerthelesse to acknowledge bewail the defects For blessed are they which hungre and thirst after righteousnesse Except these thinges be graunted there will be no pure church in the world We may seeme now to haue sufficiently assoiled this obiection but yet furder also we deny the Minor For the autority of discipline was cōtinued in the Primitiue church shal also continu in an il ordred church but with great abuse as amongst the Papists Reply Jn our Churches in the Heluetian churches Excommunication is not in force Therfore the Minor of the former obiectiō is true Ans Although in some Churches it be not exercised yet is it not then ill exercised but the Minor is neuerthelesse infringed Because in those churches the woord the Sacraments are rightly administred according to the other signification whereof we spake before Chrysostome saith If any wicked person come vnto the Lords table giue not vnto him the Lordes Sacrament the body bloud of the Lord if he wil not beleue signifie it vnto me I will rather leese my life than I will admitte him Excommunication therefore was in force many yeares after Christ 2 That Doctrine which hath neither Gods woorde nor examples is not to be thrust vpon the church But this doctrine hath neither of these Therfore it is not to be thrust vpō the church Ans It hath the word for it Mat. 18.17
anie means and for the creatures although it be lawful to expesse them yet god forbiddeth notwithstanding their images to be made or had as thereby to woorship or d Exo. 23.24 34.13.14 17. Num. 33.52 Deut. 7.5 12.3 16.22 2. Reg. 18.4 honour either them or god by them c 1. Sam. 15.23 Deu. 12.30 c. Mat. 15.9 98 But maie not images be tolerated in Churches which may serue for bookes vnto the common people No. For it is not seemly that we should be wiser than god who will haue his church to bee e 2 Tim. 3.16.17 2. Pet. 1.19 taught with the liuely preaching of his worde and not with dumb f Iere. 10 8. c. Hab. 2.18 19. images 99 What doth God decree in the third Commaundement That not only by cursing or g Leuic 24.11 c. Leuit. 19.12 forswearing but also by h Mat 5 37. Iac. 5.12 rash swearing wee shoulde not vse his name despitefully or vnreuerently neither shuld by silence or conniuence bee partakers of these horrible sinnes in others But that wee i Jes 45.23 vse the sacred and holie name of God euer with great deuotion and reuerence that he may be k 1. Tim. 2.8 worshipped and honoured by vs with a true and stedfast l Rom. 2.24 1. Tim. 6.1 Col. 3.16.17 confession and m Mat. 10.32 inuocation of his name lastly in al our woords and actions whatsoeuer 100 Is it then so grieuous a sinne by swearing or banning to take the name of God in vaine as that God is also angrie with them who as much as in them lieth doe not forbid or hinder it Surely most a Leuit. 5.1 grieuous For neither is there any sinne greater or more offending God than the dispiting of his sacred name Wherefore also hee b Leuit. 24.15.16 would haue this sinne to bee punished with death 101 May a man sweare also religiously and lawfully by the name of God He may when as either the magistrate exacteth it or otherwise necessitie requireth by this meanes the faith and truth of any man or thing to be ratified and established whereby both the glorie of God may bee aduanced and the safetie of others procured For this kinde of swearing is c Deut. 6.13 10.20 Is 48.1 Heb. 6.16 ordained by Gods word and therefore was wel d Gen. 21.24 31.53 Jos 9.15.19 1. Sam. 24.22 2. Sam. 3.35 1. Reg. 1.29 Rom. 1.9 vsed of the Fathers both in the olde and newe Testament 102 Is it lawfull to sweare by Saints or other creatures No For a lawefull oth is an inuocation of God whereby we desire that he as the onely searcher of hearts beare witnesse vnto the trueth and punish the swearer if hee wittingly e 2. Cor. 1.23 sweare falsely But this honour f Mat. Iac. 5.12 agreeth to no creature 103 What doth God commaunde in the fourth commandement First that the ministery of the gospel and the schooles of learning should be g Tit. 1.5 1. Tim. 3.14.15 1. Cor. 9.11 13.14 2. Tim. 1.2 3.15 1. Tim. 5.17 maintained and that I both at other times and especially on holy daies should h Psal 68.26 40.9.10 Act. 2.42.46 frequent studiouslie diuine assemblies i 1. Cor. 14 19.29.31 heare the word of God diligently vse the k 1. Cor. 11.33 Sacraments l 1. Tim. 1. Cor. 14.16 ioine my praiers with the common praiers of the assemblie and bestowe some thing according to my abilitie m 1. Cor 16.2 on the poore And further that all my life-time I bee free from misdeeds or euil actions yeelding vnto the lord that he may by his holy spirit woorke in mee his worke and so I may n Js 66.23 begin in this life that euerlasting Sabboth 104 What doth God inioyne vs in the fift commandement That we yeelde due honor loue faithfulnes to our Parentes and so to all who bear rule ouer vs a Eph. c. Col. Eph. 5.22 Prou. 15.20 20.20 Exo. 21.17 Rom. 13.1 submit our selues with such obedience as is meete to their faithful commaundements and chastisementes And further also that by our patience wee b Prou. 23. ●● Gen. 9.25 1. Pet. 2.18 beare and suffer their vices and maners ●uer thinking with our selues that god will c Eph. 6.4.9 Col. 3.19 21. Rom. 13. Mat. 22.21 gouerne and guide vs by their hand 105 What dooth God exact in the sixt commaundement That neither in thought nor in gesture muchlesse in deede I reproch or hate or harme or d Mat. 5.12.22 Gen. 9.6 Mat. 26.52 kil my neighbour either by my selfe or by another but e Eph. 4 26. Rom. 12.19 Mat. 5.25 18.35 cast away al desire of reuenge Furthermore that I hurt not my selfe or cast my selfe wittinglie into anie daunger Wherefore also that murthers might not be committed f Rom. 13.14 Col. 2.23 Syra● 3.27 Mat. 4.7 hee hath g Gen. 9.6 Exod. 21.14 Mat. 26.52 Rom. 13.4 armed the Magistrate with the sword 106 But this commaundement seemeth to forbid murther only But in forbidding murther god dooth further teach that he hateth the roote and cause of murther to wit h Iac. 1.20 Gal. 5.20 anger i Rom. 1.29 enuy k 1. Joh. 2.9.11 hatred and desire of reuenge and doth l 1. Ioh. 3.15 account them al for murther 107 Is it enough then that we kil no man in such sort as hath beene said It is not enough For when god condemneth anger enuy hatred he requireth that wee m Mat. 22.39 7.12 loue our neighbour as our selues and that he vse n Rom. 12.10 humanity lenitie curtesie o Eph. 4.2 Gal. 6.1.2 Mat. 5.5 Rom. 12.18 Mat. 57. Luc. 6.3.6 patience and p Exod. 23.5 mercie towards him q Mat. 5.45 turne awaie from him as much as we may whatsoeuer maie be hurtful vnto him In a word that we be so affected in mind as that we r Rom. 12 20.2● stick not to do good also vnto our enemies 108 What is the meaning of the seuenth commandement That god hath in ſ Leu. 18.27.28 execrational turpitude and filthines therefore we also must Iud. 22.23 vtterly hate and detest it and contrariwise liue temperately modestly and a 1. Thes chastly whether we b Heb. 13.4 1. Cor. 7.4 liue in holy wedlock or in single life 109 Forbiddeth God nothing else in this commandement but adulterie and such kinds of vnclearnes Seeing both our bodie and soule are the temples of the holy ghost god wil haue vs to possesse both in puritie holines And therefore deeds gestures c Eph. 5 3. 1. Cor. 6.18.9 20. woordes thoughtes d Mat. 5.27.28 filthie lustes and whatsoeuer entiseth a man vnto these al that hee wholy e Eph. 5.18.19
of conuersio or conuersion For repentaunce dooth not comprehend both that from which wee reclaime our selues and that whereunto we are changed But conuersion comprehendeth the whole because it addeth that mutation and chaunge on which ensueth a beginning of newe life Nowe repentaunce signifieth onelie the griefe which is conceiued after the fact or sinne Moreouer the name of repentaunce is of a larger compasse than the name of conuersion For conuersion is spoken onlie of the godly who alone are conuerted vnto God and in like manner is the Greeke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and the Latine Resipiscentia spoken of the godly only because by these three names is signified the new life of the godly But repentaunce is spoken of the wicked also as of Iud●s who indeede repented of his wickednes but was not conuerted because the wicked when they sorrowe or are grieued are not afterwardes conuerted or corrected Whereby also it appeareth how necessarie conuersion is vnto the godlie or those who are to be iustified therefore that mo●● exhortatiōs to amendment of life or conuersion the foundation or ground is to be laid concerning the absolute and simple necessity of conuersion it selfe in al those which are to be iustified Nowe let vs see then what conuersion is Conuersion is 1. A griefe for sinne knowen 2. An hatred and flieng of sin 3. A ioy in respect that God is pacified and pleased by our Mediatour and an earnest purpose and desire to obey God in all thinges This definition is proposed by his seuerall partes and the same is wholy and iointly set downe in the Actes of the Apostles To open their eies saith Christ that they maie turne from darknesse to light Act. 26.18 and from the power of Satan vnto God that they maie receiue forgiuenesse of sinnes and inheritaunce among them which are sanctified by faith in mee It is also defined on this wise Conuersion is a mortifieng of the old man and a quickning of the new Or It is a change or mutation of a corrupt mind life and wil into a good stirred vp by the holy Ghost through the preaching of the Gospel in the chosen on which ensue good woorkes or a life directed according to all the commaundementes of God This definition conteineth the verie causes and essence of conuersion and is confirmed by diuerse testimonies of Scripture As Isai 1.16 Wash you make you cleane 1. Cor. 6.11 But ye are washed but yee are sanctified Psal 34.14 Eschue euil and doe good 2 In what the conuersion of the godly differeth from the repentaunce of the wicked THE difference betweene the conuersion of the godly The wicked and godly repent after a diuers sort 1 Their griefe diuers Gen. 4.13 and the repentaunce of the wicked consisteth 1. In their griefe The wicked are greeued only for the punishmēt torment ensuing not for that they offend displease God So was Caine grieued onely in respect of his torment My iniquitie the punishment of my iniquity is greater than J can beare Behold thou hast cast me out this daie from the earth Now the godly hate indeed the punishment but they are greeued especially for that God is offended and for their sinne So Dauid Against thee Psal 51.4 against thee onlie haue I sinned my sin is euer before mee The good hate to sin for the loue they beare to vertue the wicked for the feare they stand in of punishment So in Peter was a sorrow and griefe for that hee had offended God In Iudas for his torment ensuing not for the sinne it selfe 2 Jn the cause which breedeth repentaunce in both 2 The cause of their griefe diuers The wicked repent by reason of a despaire distrust and dissidencie so that they runne more and more into desperation murmuring and hatred against God But the godlie repent by reason of faith and a confidence which they haue of the grace of God and reconciliation and so comfort and erect themselues againe in the Mediatour they trust in God and relie on him with Dauid Psal 51. Purge mee with Hyssope and J shal be cleane 3 Jn the effect 3 The effect of their griefe diuers which their repentaunce woo●●●eth in them In the wicked newe obedience dooth not follow repentaunce but they goe forward in their sinnes they are mortified indeed themselues and quite destroied but the old corruption of their nature that is sin is not mortified in them and how much the more they giue themselues to repentāce so much the more is in them an hatred of God murmuring flying and turning away from God and an approching vnto the Diuel But in the godly newe obedience followeth accompanieth repentance and how much the more they repent so much the more dieth the old man in them and the studie and desire of righteousnes liuing well is in them so much the more encreased For the conuersion of the godly is a reuersiō or returning vnto God from the Diuel from sins and from their old nature 3 What are the parts of Conuersion THE parts of Conuersion are in number two The 2. parts of conuersion 1 Mortification 2 Quickening as the Apostle sheweth The mortifieng of the old man and the quickening of the new man So speak we better with the Apostle than if wee should follow them who make Contrition and Faith the parts of conuersion Nowe by contrition they vnderstand also mortification by faith they vnderstand the ioy which followeth the studie of righteousnesse newe obedience which are indeede effects of saith but not faith it selfe and co●●ition goeth before conuersion neither is conuersion it selfe nor any p●rt thereof but only a preparing of men vnto conuersion and that in the Liect only not in others And this is the reason why they beginne the preaching of Repentance from the Law then come vnto the gospell so come backe againe vnto the Law The Old man which is mortified is a meere sinner onely namely our corrupt nature The New man which is quickned is he who beginneth to cease from sinnes namely as our nature is regenerated Mortification Mortification conteineth 1 A knowledge of sinne 2 A griefe for sin and for the offending of God 3 The flieng and shunning of sinne By this appeareth that conuersion or mortification is verie vnproperly attributed vnto the wicked because in them is not any hatred or shunning of sin neither any griefe for sinne all which mortification doth comprehend Furdermore The knowledge of sinne goeth before that griefe which is vnfained proceeding from the hart which mortification conteineth because the affections of the hart folow knowledge Wherefore knowledge or acknowledgement shall be a part or at least a cause of the other two partes in both parts of conuersion The griefe which is in the wicked when they repent is a griefe for the euill either to come or present which is punishment But the griefe which is in the godlie when they repent is
therefore neither doe we so cheerfullie and perfectlie as we ought perfourme these workes vnto God and our neighbour J see another Law in my members rebelling against the Lawe of my minde And this is the cause why the works of the godly cannot stand in iudgement 4 How our workes though not perfectlie good please God ALbeit our works be not done according vnto the Law but are contrariwise manie waies defiled they please God notwithstanding through faith and for the merit and intercession of Christ our Mediatour remaining now also intercessour for vs with his Father Whence Christ is called our High-Priest by whom our woorks are offered hee is called also the Altar wheron our works being put are pleasing to God whereas otherwise they would stincke in the sight of God The works of the person which pleaseth god so please God as the person himselfe doth Nowe the person pleaseth God by the imputation of the righteousnesse and sanctification or satisfaction of Christ beeing clad namelie with the righteousnes puritie and sanctification of Christ that is the person pleaseth God for the Mediatours sake and therefore the woorks also of the person are for the Mediatours sake pleasing and acceptable vnto god God doth not examine our vnperfect iustice our works as they are in themselues according to the rigour of the Law according to which he should rather condemn them but he regardeth and considereth them in his son Whereof it foloweth that we do as it were supplie and repaire our want defect with the perfection of Christs satisfaction 5 Why we are to doe good works OVT of the doctrine of free satisfaction humane reason reasoneth on this wise He is not bound himselfe to satisfie for whom another hath alreadie satisfied Christ hath satisfied for vs. Therefore there is no neede for vs to doe good woorks Aunswere There is more in the conclusion of this reason than in the premisses For this onely should follow be concluded Therefore we our selues are not bound to satisfie and this wee grant 1 In respect of Gods iustice which doth not exact a double paiment 2 In respect of our own saluation which otherwise should be none at all Reply Satisfaction is perfect obedience we are not bound to satisfaction Therefore neither are we bound to perfect obedience no not in the life to come For whō another hath satisfied for he himselfe is not enforced to satisfie But the obedience of Christ is not a ful satisfaction for our sinnes Therefore the fomer consequence is true Aunswere There is yet more concluded than the premisses would afford For this should followe that obedience is neuer at any time to bee performed of vs as thereby to satisfie for our sins already cōmitted or which shall be committed vntill the end of our life But it followeth not hereof that wee must not bee perfect in the life to come For then also wee shall bee bound to perfect obedience we shall be like vnto the Angels and our worke shall be perfectly good although that perfect obedience then due neither shall nor can be a satisfaction or ransome for our sinnes to wit for that obedience which we omitted in this life and yet was due to be performed of vs. For he that oweth twenty florens doth not pay his debt if he repay ten florens Wherefore the Maior proposition hath a double meaning and is true if it be taken in this sense whom an other hath satisfied for hee himselfe is not bound to satisfie to wit for those thinges for which satisfaction was made before So we are not bound to satisfie for our sinnes which we now commit For Christ hath fully perfectly satisfied his Father for all our sinnes and hath performed perfect obedience vnto the Lawe in our behalfe which otherwise wee shoulde haue performed in this life vnto the lawe and which we in this life omit and are no way able to perfourme Now for this end hath Christ satisfied for vs and redeemed vs by his bloud that at length we might in the life to come cease from sinne and performe that obedience vnto him which then we are to performe Neither dooth it for all this hereof followe that God requireth a double obedience or satisfaction of vs. For God excteth obedience hence-forward of vs as thereby to shewe our thankefulnesse and not to satisfie for those sins which we commit in this life For wee are neuer able to satisfie by that obedience which we owe for that obedience which we doe not performe neither is there any other besides Christs satisfaction required for that obedience which is not performed by vs in this life this satisfaction of christ is sufficient to expiate and doe away all our sinnes God notwithstanding doth in this life also require of vs this our obedience though yet it be but begun and vnperfect For seeing God so greatly hated sinne that satisfaction could not be made vnto him for sinne but by the death of his only begotten Sonne wee verily must also hate it euen as himselfe also cōmandeth vs to fly abhor it from our hart and soule And Christ hath not therefore freely redeemed vs that it might hence forwarde be lawful for vs to giue our selues ouer vnto sinne but that being freed from sinne wee should hereafter begin to liue to him onely This end of our redemption which Christ himselfe respected is cause sufficient for which al of vs should necessarily doe good workes because namelie they are testimonies and effectes of that new life which is at length after this life to be accōplished Besides this cause there are manie others also in like sort most weightie which we wil in few words declare We are to doe good woorkes in respect of God our selues and our neighbour In respect of God 1. Because of the commandement of God Let your light so shine before men that they maie see your good workes and glorifie your Father which is in heauen God requireth the beginning of obedience in this life and the perfection thereof in the life to come Wherefore we are necessarilie to giue our selues to good workes that wee maie perfourme due obedience vnto God who requireth it of vs. Joh. 15·12 This is my commaundement that yee loue one another Rom. 6.18 Beeing made free from sinne yee are made the seruantes of righteousnes 1. Thess 4.3 This is the wil of God euen your sanctification 2. For the glorie of God The setting foorth of Gods glorie is the chiefe end why God commaundeth and wil haue good works to be don of vs that both by them we maie worship and magnifie god and others seeing the same maie glorifie our heauenly father like as that saying of christ before alleadged out of S. Matthew doth teach vs. 3 Because of that thankefulnes which the regenerat ow. It is right and iust that by whom we are redeemed and from whom we receiue exceeding great benefites and those of al sorts we should also loue magnifie worship
doubtfulnesse and corrupt inclination in the Saintes they stand in neede not only of the continuall conduct of gods word but also of the spurres and prouokements of exhortations and of meditation on gods will least either they er in their purpose and counsail or also seeing that which is good be neuerthelesse carried the quite contrary way Psalm 1.2 His delight is in the Law of the Lord and in his Law doth he meditate day and night Psal 19.7 The Law of the Lord is perfect cōuerting the soul the testimony of the Lord is sure giueth wisdome to the simple The statutes of the Lord are right reioice the heart the commandement of the Lorde is pure giueth light vnto the eies Moreouer by them is thy seruant made circumspect and in keepeing of them there is great reward Psalm 119.50 Thy worde is a lanterne vnto my feete and a light vnto my path Ier. 31.33 J will put my Law in their inward partes and write it in their hartes Wherefore wee see also that Christ and the Apostles propound the commaundementes and explication of the law not so much to prophane and wicked men as to the regenerate godly Against this vse of the Law some obiect that place Rom. 7. Ye are dead to the law by the body of Christ that yee should be vnto another euen vnto him that is raised vp from the dead that ye should bring forth fruite vnto God And Gal. 2 I through the lawe am dead to the lawe and that I might liue vnto God I am crucified with Christ Thus I liue yet not I now but Christ liueth in me and in that that J nowe liue in the flesh I liue by the faith in the Sonne of God Hence they conclude If we be dead to the law and are Christs who now liueth in vs then is not our life nowe schooled and ruled by the direction of the lawe but by Christ only But seeing the Apostle himselfe saith Rom. 3.31 That the lawe is not made voide but established by faith this phrase to die vnto the law dooth not signifie to bee exempted from the obedience of the Lawe but to bee freed from condemnation and from the prouokement of sin which the Lawe worketh in the vnregenerate whereas we beeing engraffed into Christ enioy in him both a full satisfaction for our sinnes for which the Lawe condemned vs and the spirit of regeneration bending inclining our heartes not to an hatred of the Lawe wherewith they first did burne but to the studie and desire of obedience and righteousnesse Therefore he addeth Rom. 7.4 That yee should bee vnto another who is raised vp from the dead that wee should bring forth fruite vnto God Againe wee are deliuered from the Law beeing dead vnto it wherein we were holden that we should serue in newnesse of spirit and not in the oldnesse of the letter In the other place Gal. 2. this is the Apostles meaning J through the Law to wit which accuseth sinnes and terrifieth the consciences of men am dead to the Lawe that is cease to seeke for righteousnesse in the Lawe and begin to seeke for it in Christ For this is it which he addeth J am crucified with Christ namely by the participation of Christs merit and the mortification of sinne that J might liue to God according to the will of God expressed in the Lawe For he liueth to God who obeieth God and honoreth him through his obedience But this the doctrine of the Lawe doth not woorke in nature nowe corrupted except wee passe from the Lawe to Christ by faith that hee maie liue in vs and wee in him that is that he may be effectual in vs through the working of his holy spirit first by suggesting speaking cōfort in our hearts of the remission of our sins then by making vs like vnto himselfe by regeneration that the Law may no longer condemne vs and cause wrath but wee may dilight in the law of God concerning the inner man Rom. 7. So then are wee deliuered from the Lawe and die to the Law so Christ liueth in vs that wee beginne to delight in the Law and to order our life according to the prescript thereof For Christ doth not restore any other righteousnesse or any other image of God in vs by his spirite than which was created by our nature darkened and ecclipsed by sinne and described in the law neither is there another spirite author of Gods lawe and worker of our conformity with God in our nature vncorrupted and restored They alleadge also that which is said Ier. 31.31 I wil make a new couenant with the house of Israel not according to the couenaunt that I made with their Fathers Heere they saie That God promiseth not to renue the old couenaunt which is the Law but to make a new which is the gospell Wherefore not the Law but the gospel onelie is to be taught in the church of Christ But it is manifest that the new couenant is not diuerse from the ould as touching the substantiall but onely as touching the accidental partes or conditions and circumstances thereof For although the old shadowes and darke types are taken awaie and a most cleare Doctrine of the prophecie and figures fulfilled by Christ hath succeeded the grace of the holy ghost is shed more plentifully on men in the new Testament than in the old yet notwithstanding there was one and the same manner and waie both of obtaining saluation and of gods spirituall worship in times past that now is Vnto this beare witnesse the wordes themselues of the Prophet Ier I will write in their hearts my Lawe hee saith not another Lawe but the same which in times past I gaue them I wil be their God and they shal be my people J wil forgiue their iniquitie and wil remember their sinnes no more For these conditions of the couenaunt are found as well in the ould as in the new The difference only is that these are not the proper benefits of the Lawe but of the gospel which two parts of the old and new Testament the Prophet here opposeth one to the other calling the lawe the oulde couenaunt and the Gospel the new couenant as beeing the principal part of the couenant and therefore he ascribeth these blessings vnto the newe couenaunt because thereon depended whatsoeuer grace of God befel vnto the olde church and therein are those things more fully manifested exhibited by Christ which were also promised graunted in the old for Christ If then God will write the Law which was first written in tables of stone in the hearts of men in his new couenaunt he doth not abolish but establish the Law by the preaching of the Gospel whereby the harts of men are regenerated that they may begin to obey the Law and therefore hee deliuering heere a difference betweene the Law the Gospel doth so substitute the new couenant vnto the old as that he saith that that part of
the couenaunt which is the Moral Law must bee reteined and written in our harts Now if they vrge those words which the prophet addeth They shall teach no more euerie man his neighbour for they shal al know me That hereby they may conclude That men are not in the newe Testament to bee willed to knowe God for that they shal of themselues know him and obey him they er too grossely going aboue to remooue the instrumentall cause by reason that the effect in the new Testament is greater and more plentifull For that men may know God and of their own accord obey him the holy Ghost worketh by the doctrine of the Lawe and the Gospell Neither doth it follow that they are not bound neither are to bee vrged by incitements of exhortation because they doe their dutie of themselues For binding and exhorting is a far other thing than constraining Wherfore in two respectes hath the law place in instructing the regenerate namely that they maie learne of the Lawe the will of God and may also by the Lawe bee more and more incited willinglie to obey God 4 The Moral Law is a testimonie of God that there is a god and likewise who and what he is This is a lesse principall vse of the Lawe as also those that followe but the former are principal vses of the Lawe 5. Jt is a testimonie of the church For seeing in the Church onely the doctrine of the Lawe hath beene preserued pure and vncorrupt which all other sects haue by assenting to manifest errours and impieties diuerslie corrupted the voice of the Lawe which soundeth in the church is an euident testimonie disciphring and declaring which is the people of God and which is true religion in the world 6. Jt is a testimonie of the excellencie of mans nature which was before the fall and which shall bee in the life to come that is it remembreth vs of the Image of god in man which was created in him and which is restored in him by Christ 7. Jt is a testimonie of eternal life For the Law must be obserued by vs because it was not in vaine giuen vs. And seeing in this life the Lawe hath not his ende in vs there must needs be therefore remaining yet another life wherin we are to liue according to the prescript of the law that so at length the Lawe may be fulfilled of vs. Wherefore in respect of al these causes and vses let vs conclude and resolue that the Law of god is to be inculcated in the church of Christ both after and before the doctrine of the gospel and is continually and diligently to be meditated on by all men according to the doctrin deliuered in the first Psalm His delight is in the Lawe of God and in his Lawe doth he meditate both day and night 4 Jn what the Law differeth from the Gospel THIS question hath been already handled in the second part Of mans deliuerie Pag. 264. and therefore needeth here no long discourse The Lawe differeth from the Gospell 1. Jn the manner of their manifestation The Lawe is knowen by nature the gospel was manifested from aboue 2. Jn their matter or doctrine The Lawe teacheth what wee ought to bee and what to perfourme The gospell teacheth how we may be such namely in Christ 3. In their promises The Law promiseth eternal life and al good things with a condition of our owne proper and perfect righteousnesse and obedience remaining in vs The gospel promiseth the same with a condition of faith and beliefe in christ whereby we embrace an others obediēce performed for vs to wit the obedience of Christ Now with this condition of faith is ioined by an indissoluble knot and bond the condition of new obedience 5 How far the Law is abrogated THE whole Law is abrogated vnto beleeuers 1. As touching iustification because iudgement is not giuen according to the Law for that iudgement would condemne and cast vs away but according to the gospel 2. As touching constraint We are vnder grace and therefore are we stirred vp by the spirite of Christ to yeelde voluntary obedience vnto the Law For seeing the whole Law is abrogated vnto beleeuers then verily the Moral Law is also abrogated vnto them in the same respect namely as touching iustification or condemnation and as touching violent constraint For now the Law doth not any more expresse and wrest obedience frō vs as a tyrant or as a master enforcing constraining a lewd seruant vnto obedience The reason is because Christ beginneth voluntarie and free obedience in vs by his spirit Obiection The Law and the Prophetes continue vntil John the Baptist came If therefore then first the Moral Law was abrogated as touching condemnation when Christ was manifested in the flesh it followeth that those were vnder condemnation who liued before the comming of Christ Answer The Law was abrogated as touching condemnation as wel vnto the beleeuers in the old Testament as to them who are beleeuers in the new To them who liued in the old as touching the power and efficacy of Christ to these in the new as touching his fulfilling and exhibiting The Ceremonial ciuil or Judicial Lawes are wholie abrogated as touching obedience so that there is no necessitie anie more of obseruing them 1. Because they were to continue onlie vnto the cōming of the Messias Gen. 49.10 The scepter shal not depart from Iuda nor a Law-giuer from betweene his feete vntill Siloh come And Dan. 9.26 After threescore and two weekes shall Messias be slain and shal haue nothing the people of the prince that shal come shal destroie the cittie and the Sanctuarie and the end thereof shall bee with a floode and vnto the ende of the battell it shall bee destroied by desolations Ephes 2.14 Hee is our peace which hath made of both one and hath broken the stop of the partition wal Jn abrogating through his flesh the hatred that is the Law of commaundementes which standeth in ordinances The Ceremonial Lawes then are taken awaie by Christ a type of whome they were that which also Stephen declareth in his Sermon Actes 7.7 Likewise the author of the Epistle to the Hebrues 2. Because the Messias beeing exhibited the types cease such as were the ceremonial Lawes Coloss 2.17 which are but a shadow of things to come but the body is in Christ But the Ceremoniall are said neuerthelesse to be perpetual because they were to last vntill the comming of the Messias As also because the things signified by them are eternall Against the abrogating of the ciuill or iudiciall lawes this is obiected The best and most iust forme of gouernment is to be followed But there can bee none better or iuster than that which God himselfe settled among his people Therefore that is to be followed and reteined Aunswere Either the Maior of this reason may bee distinguished or the Minor denied with an exposition For that which in positiue lawes that is
or Decalogue is to bee vnderstoode according to the interpretation of the Scripture that is according to the exposition and declaration of the Prophets Christ his Apostles and not according to the sense and iudgement of man only or Philosophy We must ioine together the explication scattered euery where thoroughout the Scriptures and not stick onely vpon those short commandementes Neither doth Morall Philosophie suffice for interpretation thereof because it conteineth but a little part of the Lawe and this is one difference betweene Philosophie and the doctrine of the gospel which is deliuered in the church 2 The Decalog requireth in al the commaundementes obedience both external internal perfect not in parts onlie but also in degrees that is that we obey God not onely in al the duties prescribed but in the degrees also of those duties Cursed be he that abideth not in al. 3 The first commandement must be included and vnderstoode in al the rest that is the obedience of the first commandement must be the motiue and final cause of our obedience towardes the rest of the commaundementes otherwise it is not the worship of God but hypocrisie whatsoeuer we doe For we must doe al thinges which are deliuered and prescribed in the other commaundementes euen for the loue we beare to God and for the desire we haue to woorship him For except wee so doe them we doe them not according to the sentence and prescript of the Law neither doe we please God therein Wherefore the first commaundement of the Decalogue must sinne before and giue light as it were vnto all the other commaundementes both of the second and the first table bee included in them This rule is deliuered by the Apostle 1. Corinth 10.31 Whether therefore yee eate or drink or whatsoeuer yee doe doe al to the glorie of God By these two former rules many things are made more cleare and manifest namely That no man in this life perfourmeth entire and perfect obedience vnto the Lawe that the vertues of the vnregenerate are sins in the sight of God because they are neither ioined with inward obedience nor come from the obedience of the first commaundement neither are referred vnto it seeing they do not know the true God and therefore they are but a shadow of obedience and are hypocrisie which God most seuerely condemneth Isai 29.13 Because this people come neere vnto me with their mouth and honour me with their lips but haue remoued their heart far from me J wil again doe a marueilous work in this people Roman 14. Whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne Moreouer by the these rules it is manifest that true obedience cannot be begunne but by faith through the knowledge of the Mediatour and the gift of the holie Ghost Acts. 15. Purifieng their harts by faith Galat 2. In that that I nowe liue in the flesh I liue by faith in the Sonne of God For God is not truely knowen or loued without faith in Christ Joh. 5. He that honoureth not the Sonne honoureth not the Father which hath sent him Againe by these rules it is declared that our obedience in this life seeing it is but begunne onelie cannot please God but through for the satisfaction of Christ imputed vnto vs. Eph. 1. He hath freelie made vs accepted in his beloued Lastly by them it is manifest that in true conuersion obedience is begunne according to al the commaundementes For who truly loueth god he submitteth himselfe without exception to al his commandements 1. Joh. 3.9 He that is born of God sinneth not 4 That wee maie iudge aright of the meaning of euerie commaundement or Law we must aboue al thinges consider the drift or end thereof For the end of the Law sheweth the meaning thereof and by the end we shall iudge aright and easilie of the meanes This rule also is of force in humane Lawes But we are to vnderstand it of the next and neerest end of the Law For not those thinges which are necessarie to the attaining of such endes as are remoued and a far off but those which are necessary to the attaining of the neerest and subordinate ends are to be comprised in the sentence and prescript of one Law which except it be obserued the sentence and substance of al or many Laws wil be brought al into one The furthest end and therefore the end of the whole Law is the worshippe of god It requireth therefore the whole obedience of the Law The end of the second table is the preseruation of the society of mankinde this requireth al the duties of the second table The end of the fift commaundement is the preseruation of ciuill order it compriseth therefore the duties of superiors towards inferiors and of inferiors towards superiours because without these ciuil order cannot be preserued 5 The same vertue is often in a diuerse respect commaunded in diuerse commandementes that is the same vertue is required for the performing of obedience vnto many commandementes This wee are to know least we in vaine trouble and vex our selues in distinguishing and placing the vertues As fortitude is a vertue both of the sixt and fift commaundement because it is required in a Magistrate who is to take vpon him the defence of others 6 The Lawe-giuer dooth in an affirmative commaundement comprehend the negatiue and contrariwise in a negatiue hee comprehendeth the affirmatiue that is in the commanding of vertues the forbidding of the contrary vices is conteined and so contrariwise 7 We must take heede that we restraine not the commandementes too much and take them too streitlie For they are so to be taken and vnderstoode as that in the generall all the specials be conteined and in the chiefe special the next allied specials and in the effect the causes and in one of the correlatiues the other also So when chastity is commaunded temperancy is also commaunded without which this effect is not When subiection which is the one relatiue is commaunded Magistracie also which is his correlatiue is commanded 8 The obedience or commaundementes of the second table yeeld vnto the obedience or commandements of the first table Obiection But the second commandement is like vnto the first Ans Jt is like 1. as concerning the kind of Moral worship 2. As concerning the kinde of punishment to wit euerlasting punishment whereunto they are subiect who breake the second as well as they who break the first 1. Ioh. 3. Lastly they are like as concerning their coherence and connexion because neither can bee kept without other For God is not loued except our neighbour be loued neither is our neighbour trulie loued except God be loued 1. Joh. 4. Hence also aunswere may be made to this obiection The second table must yeelde vnto the first Therefore ceremonies which are duties of the first table must be preferred before the duties of loue and charitie towardes our neighbour For the second table yeeldeth vnto the first in moral duties not in ceremonial
Decalogue in speciall that is of the meaning of euery particular commaundement THE FIRST COMMANDEMENT I AM Iehoua the Lord thy god which haue brought thee out of the land of Aegypt out of the house of bondage Thou shalt haue no other gods before me This commandement hath two parts a preface and a commandement The preface goeth before being comprehended in these words I am Iehouah the Lord thy god which haue brought thee out of the land of Aegypt out of the house of bondage This preface belongeth vnto the whole Decalogue because it describeth and discerneth God the Lawe-giuer from all creatures Law-giuers and false gods and farder it conteineth three seuerall reasons why the obedience both of this first commaundement and of the rest which followe is to be perfourmed vnto God First he saith that he is Iehouah whereby he distinguisheth himselfe the true god from all creatures that he may shew himselfe to haue the chiefe right of ruling I am Iehouah That is I whom thou hearest speaking giuing this Law vnto thee am the true God who is and existeth from himselfe and by himselfe giueth vnto other things their being Creator of al things eternall omnipotent author and preseruer of all that are good Therefore obay me Secondly he saith that he is the god of his people that through the promise of his bountifulnesse he might allure vs to obay him God verilie is the God of all creatures as touching both the creating and preseruing and the gouerning of them al but he is the God of his Church by the participation and manifestation of himselfe God then is our God when we acknowledge him to be such as he hath manifested himselfe in his word namely who emploieth his omnipotency iustice wisdome and mercy vnto our saluation or who tendereth vs with an especiall peculiar fauour in his Son For God is saide to be their god whom he loueth fauoureth aboue al others Psal 33.12 Whereupon also the Prophet Dauid affirmeth that nation to bee blessed whose God is the Lord euen the people that hee hath chosen for his inheritance Thirdly he saith Which haue brought thee out of the land of Aegypt as if he should say I am hee who haue manifested my selfe vnto thee and bestowed all these blessings vpon thee This he addeth that by the mentioning of his late and notable benefit he might declare vnto them and admonish them that they were bound therfore to shew thankfulnesse and obedience vnto him This also belongeth vnto vs because it dooth figuratiuelie comprehend implie all the deliueraunces of the church by the mentioning of so famous and noble a benefit And further also this was a type of our woonderful deliuerance atchieued by Christ Nowe when hee saith that hee Iehoua is this god and deliuerer of the Church he opposeth himselfe both to all creatures to Idols challenging all diuine honour obedience vnto himselfe alone according to the exposition hereof deliuered Deut. 6. Jsa 43. and in other places Wherefore it followeth not only that this Iehoua is to be worshipped but that he alone is to be worshipped to be accounted for our God Next enseweth the commaundement Thou shalt haue none other Gods before me The end of this commaundement is the inward or internal woorship of God that is that due honour may bee giuen vnto God in the minde will and heart of man Moreouer this commaundement is in such wise a negatiue and denieth others as that it conteineth also an affirmation Thou shalt haue none other gods Therefore thou shalt haue me that Jehoua which haue manifested my selfe in my Church thy god alone Now to haue god is 1. To know and acknowledge God namelie that there is a god that he is one god that hee is such a god as hee hath manifested himselfe first in himselfe and then towardes vs. 2. To trust in god onelie 3. With great humilitie and patience to subiect and submit our selues vnto god 4. To expect and looke for all good thinges from god onelie 5. To loue god 6. To reuerence and worship god Thou shalt then haue none other gods that is besides me the onely true god And thou shalt not haue them before mee that is in my sight therefore neither shalt thou haue straunge gods in the closet of thy heart which is not close or hidden in my sight but lieth wholy open is altogether manifest vnto me the searcher of the hearts reines The most ready and easie way of explicating each commaundement is to distribute the obedience of euery commandemēt into his vertues as parts adioining afterwards those vices which are opposite vnto the same vertues Here then in the first commandement are signified seuen vertues The knowledge of god Faith Humilitie Patience Hope the loue of god the feare of god These vertues as beeing the partes of the obedience of the first commaundement wee will brieflie and in few wordes vnfolde and declare 1 The knowledge of god is so to iudge of God as hee hath manifested himselfe in his worde and workes and to bee mooued and stirred vp by that knowledge to a confidence loue feare and woorship of the true God Rom. 10.14 How shall they beleeue in him of whom they haue not heard Ioh. 17.3 This is life eternal that they know thee to be the onelie verie god and whom thou hast sent Jesus Christ 2 Faith is a sure and certaine persuasion whereby wee assent vnto euerie woorde of God deliuered vnto vs and whereby we are resolued that the promise of the free mercy of God for Christes sake dooth belong vnto vs and further also it is a confidence receiuing this benefite of God and resting therein being kindled of the hole ghost by the word in our mindes will and hearts and working in them a reioicing in God inuocation and praying vnto God and obedience according to all his commaundements 2. Chron. 20.20 Put your trust in the Lord your god and ye shall be assured 3 Humilitie is to acknowledge all those good thinges which are in vs are doone by vs not to come from any worthines or abilitie of our owne but from the free goodnes of god so by the acknowledging of gods diuine Maiestie our infirmitie vnworthines to subiect submit our selues vnto god to giue the glorie of all good thinges which are in vs to him alone truely to feare god to acknowledge bewaile our owne defects vices not to couet any higher place or condition neither trusting in our owne gifts but in the helpe and assistance of God to hold our selues contented with our owne vocation and calling not to despise others in comparison of our selues neither to let or hinder them in the discharging of their duety but to acknowledge that others also are and may bee made profitable instruments of god and therefore to giue place and honour vnto them not to attribute vnto our selues thinges aboue our force and power not to
is agreeing vnto the true god only This kind of Idolatry is especially forbidden in the first commandement and furder also in some part in the third commandement 2 When mē er in the kind of woorshippe that is when worship or honour is imagined to be doone vnto the true god by some such woorke which himselfe hath not commanded This kind is properly condemned in this second commandement and is called will-worshippe or superstition They are saide to be superstitious whosoeuer ad humane inuētions to the commandements of God 2 Hypocrisie which is a pretending or faining true godlinesse and worship of God doing the external works commaunded by god whether morall or ceremoniall without true faith and conuersion This vice is depainted and described in these woordes by the Prophet Isaias This people come neere vnto me with their mouth and honour mee with their lips but haue remooued their heart far from me and their fear toward me was taught by the preceptes of men In the same words and those that followe and also euery where thoroughout the whole Scripture is hypocrisie condemned of the Lord. 3 Prophanenes which is a voluntary letting goe or contempt of all religion and of the whole worship of God both internal external or else of some part of diuine worship This prophanenes is repugnant also to the whole worship of God in the first and second table Now let vs entreate a little more at large of superstition That Wil-worship whereof we before made mention is reprehended of the Lord in many places of holy Scripture So by Moses it is forbidden Deut. 12.8 Yee shall not doe after al these things that we do here this daie that is euerie mā whatsoeuer seeemeth good in his owne eies And in the end of the same chapter he saith Whatsoeuer I commaund you take heede you doe it thou shalt put nothing thereto nor take ought there-from It is also reprehended by Isaias whose woords before recited are alleadged by Christ himselfe Matth. 15.8 for the condemning of superstition or Wil-woorshippe The same is condemned also by Paul Col. 2.8 Beware least there be any man that spoile you through Philosophy and vaine deceite through the traditions of men according to the rudimentes of the world and not after Christ Obiection Such places and saiengs speak of the wicked and vngodlie commaundementes of men and of Mosaical and Jewish ceremonies Aunswere That this is false which is replied some demonstrances which are added vnto certaine places declare which also reiect those humane Lawes and ordinaunces that commaund any thing in regard of diuine worshippe which is not commaunded by God although the same be a thing in his own kind not forbidden of God So Christ reiecteth the Iewes tradition of washing of handes whereof he saith Matth. 15.11 That which goeth into the mouth defileth not the man but that which commeth out of the mouth that defileth the man Hither also may that be referred which Christ speaketh 23.25 Wo be to you Scribes Pharisees Hypocrites for ye make cleane the vtter side of the cup and of the platter but within they are ful of briberie and excesse Now that these and the like thinges are lawful setting aside of an opinion of superstition in them the Apostle in sundry places doth shew Roman 14.6 He that obserueth the daie obserueth it to the Lord and he that obserueth not the daie obserueth it not to the Lord Hee that eateth eateth to the Lord for hee giueth god thanks and he that eateth not eateth not to the Lord and giueth God thankes Againe 1. Corinth 10.25 Whatsoeuer is sold in the shamble eate yee and aske no question for conscience sake For the earth is the Lords and al that therein is Wherefore they are not simplie so condemned but onely so far as they are prescribed for diuine worship In the same respect is single life also condemned especially seeing the same is not a thing indifferent but to those only who haue the gift of continēcy according as it is said of Christ Matth. 19 12. He that is able to receiue this let him receiue it For al men as in the same place Christ saith cannot receiue this thing saue they to whom it is giuen And this is the difference between things indifferent or of middle qualitie and those things which are properly the worshippe of god Which difference we must diligently obserue 1. Bicause when men faigne other worships of god in them they faigne another wil of god which is to faigne another god 2. Because by confounding of the true worshippe with false worships the true god is confounded with Idoles Rom. 14.23 which are worshipped with those worships inuēted by men 3. Because whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne And when any man doth a thing as thereby to worship God his conscience not knowing whether God wil be worshipped after this manner or no he doth it not of faith but is ignoraunt and doubteth whether God be pleased or displeased with his work and therefore he presumeth to do that albeit it may displease god Wherefore hee dooth not thereby worship but contemne god OF TRADITIONS MOreouer that wee may make that difference of diuine worship and of things indifferent fully and wholy manifest and answere to an obiection of theirs who defend worshippes inuented by men with such places of Scripture as where god willeth vs to obey the commandements of mē we wil note and obserue that there are foure sorts of those things which men commaund 1. The ordinaunces of god which god wil that men propose vnto others to be obserued but not in their own name but in the name of god himselfe as being themselues the ministers and messengers not the autors thereof So the ministers of the church propound the heauenly doctrin of god to the church parents to their children Maisters to their scholers so Magistrates propound the commaundements of the Decalogue vnto their subects The obedince of these commaundementes is and is called Gods woorship because they are not humane ordinances but diuine which are necessarily to bee obeied although no autoritie or commaundement of any creature came thereto yea although all creatures should commaund the contrary Hither appertaine many places of Scripture As Prouer. 6.20 My Sonne keepe thy Fathers commaundement and forsake not thy Mothers instruction 1. Thessal 4.2 Yee know what commaundementes we gaue you by the Lord Iesus He therefore that despiseth these despiseth not man but god Matth. 23.2 The Scribes and Pharisees sit in Moses seate Al therefore whatsoeuer they bid you obserue that obserue and doe These and the like sayinges will vs to obey men as the ministers of god in these thinges which belong vnto the ministery that is which god by expresse commaundement hath testified that hee will haue published and commaunded by them but they graunt not authority vnto any to institute newe worshippes of god at their owne pleasure according as it is said Prouer. 36. Put
which persecute the church are swine and dogs And therefore wee according to Christs commaundment are not to make aunswere vnto them if they demaund our religion wee aunswere that this reason is a fallacy of the accident For if the Magistrates demaund our religion or any other by their commission and in their name we are necessarily to make aunswere of our confession vnto them both in respect of their office wherunto we owe obediēce also in respect of gods glory according as it is said of Christ Mark 8.38 Whosoeuer shal be ashamed of me and of my words among this adulterous and sinfull generation of him shal the Sonne of man be ashamed also when he commeth in the glorie of his Father with the holie Angels And Mat. 10. Luk. 12. When they shal bring you vnto the Synagogs and vnto the rulers and Princes take no thought howe or what thing ye shal aunswere or what yee shall speak For the holie Ghost shal teach you in the same houre what ye ought to say Fourthlie vnto lawfull confession is opposed the abusing of christian liberty or giuing of offence in things indifferent which is by the vsing of thinges indifferent to confirme errours in the mindes of the aduersaries or in their minds that are weake or to alienate them from true religion or by our example to prouoke them to an imitation accompanied with an euill conscience Rom. 14.15 Jf thy brother be grieued for the meat now walkest thou not charitablie destroie not him with thy meat for whom Christ died 21. Cor. 8.9 Take heede least by anie meanes this power of yours be an occasion of falling to them that are weake And Acts. 24. Paul maketh a vow that he might free himselfe from the suspicion of reuolting from Moses Fiftly vnto true confession are opposed all scandals and offences giuen in manners when as namely they which professe true religion lead a lewde and wicked life For thereby they giue occasion vnto the aduersaries those that are weake to iudge and speake ill of that religion whose followers they see to liue ill and therefore this is reputed and numbered among the chiefe contumelies and abuses of Gods name Rom. 2.24 The name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you Psal 50.16 Vnto the wicked said god What hast thou to doe to declare mine ordinances that thou shouldest take my couenant in thy mouth 2. Tim. 3.5 Hauing a shew of godlinesse but haue denied the power thereof Vnto zeale for the glorie of God is opposed 1 In the defect Cowardnesse or lithernesse in maintaining Gods glorie which is either not to be stroken with a griefe when god is reproched and so neglect gods glory or not to haue and shew in words and deeds a desire to hinder according to his place calling the reproching of gods name or to faigne and pretend zeale for gods glorie They runne into this vice who forbidde not rashe oathes and blasphemies because they are not led with a zeale for the glorie of God whereby they should be mooued to reproue and forbid yet so as it bee according to their degrees and callinges that which God reprooueth and forbiddeth 2. In the excesse is opposed an erring and ignoraunt zeale or a zeale of errour which Paul Rom. 10. calleth a zeale not according to knowledge which is to bee displeased with woordes and deeds whereby Gods glory is falsly thought to be impaired Now this is done when as either wee take that to bee the glorie of God and endeuour to defend it which is not the glorie of God neither ought to be defended or when we take that to be an impairing or defacing of gods glorie and labor to repell it which is no impairing of gods glorie neither ought by anie meanes to be repelled and againe when either gods glorie is otherwise defended than it ought to be defended or the impairing of gods glorie is preuented and repelled otherwise then it ought to be repelled Vnto giuing of thanks is opposed 1. The omitting of thanksgiuing or ingratitude which doth either neuer or seldom times think of and magnifie Gods benefites or if hee thinke of them he doth it coldly 2. Hypocritical thankefulnes whereby we dissemble the greatnes of Gods benefits neither esteeme them to be so great as they indeede are 3. A deniall or extenuating and lessening of gods benefites or to make himselfe and others authors thereof 1. Corinth 4.7 What hast thou that thou hast not receiued If thou hast receiued it why gloriest thou as though thou hadst not receiued it 4. The neglect of Gods gifts when as they are imploied not to gods glory but vnto abuses and the reproch of God Vnto right and lawful swearing is opposed 1. The refusing of a lawful oath when one auoideth to take an oath which tendeth to gods glory and to the safety of his neighbour 2. Forswearing when wittinglie and willinglie a man deceiueth by an oath either in bearing witnesse or in promise made concerning his owne wil and purpose 3. An idolatrous oath which is taken by another besides the true God 4. An oath made of an vnlawful thing as was Herodes to perfourme whatsoeeuer Herodias daughter should aske 5. A rash oath made of a lightnes that is without any necessity or vpon no great cause Hither belong those places which forbid swearing Mat. 5. and 23. and Iames. 5. Vnto inuocation is opposed first a neglect or omitting of inuocation which is required as being the fountain of al vngodlinesse This is neither to craue of God nor to wish for benefites blessings necessary for vs. Ps 14. They cal not vpon the Lord. Hither belong those places which forbid vs to giue ouer or bee weary of praieng if wee haue not helpe at the same time and after the same manner which we would as Luk. 18. The parable of the widow the wicked iudge Rom. 12. Continuing in praier 1. Thes 5.17 Praie continually Secondly vnto vocation is opposed all vnlawfull inuocation that is wherin is wanting some necessary circumstance of those which are required to the lawful and true inuocation of God The chiefe kindes of this vnlawfull inuocation are idle babling and vaine repetitions and praieng vnto God for such things as are repugnaunt vnto his wil and Law Thirdly Liplabour or praiers made without anie true motion of the heart without a desire of Gods bountifulnesse only in woords or outwarde motion of the body or without a submitting of our wil vnto Gods wil without true repentance without faith beleeuing to be heard without the knowledge of gods promises without confidence and trust in the Mediatour only and without acknowledgement of our owne weaknesse infirmity Fourthly Jdolatrous inuocation which either is directed vnto false Gods or creatures or tieth Gods hearing of vs and his presence to a certain place or thing that is without the commaundement or promise of God For as in the first commandement God forbiddeth that honor which is due
necessities of al men 6 Christ saith Luk. 15.10 That the Angels of God reioice for one sinner that conuerteth Therefore the Angels beholde the hearts of men The same is likewise prooued of the Angels out of Daniel cap. 9. and 10. Therefore the Angels beeing in heauen beholde repentaunce in mens heartes which are on earth Aunswere A cause is ill gathered and concluded of an effect when that effect may come of other causes For it is not necessary that Angels should know those things by the beholding of mens harts which they may know either by effects or by signes tokens or by diuine testimony reuelation For it agreeth not to the Angels onely but vnto all the godly also on earth to reioice for the conuersion of one sinner neither yet do they behold the hearts of men 7 The soule of the rich glutton sawe from hell Abraham and Lazarus being in heauen implored Abrahams help and knew the state of his brethren in this life and Abrahams soule likewise did heare and see the soule of the rich man Therefore the soules of the Saintes in heauen see and heare the state and praiers of them that conuerse here on earth Ans First they do amisse to take that properly which Christ spake allegoricallie and by way of parable in translating his speech from corporall thinges vnto spiritual things not thereby to shewe that these are like vnto them but by applying his speech as might best fit our capacity to aduertise vs of the state of the godlie and wicked after this life For soules haue not either bosomes wherein to receiue one another or eies to lift vp or tonges to be dried with thirst or fingers to dip into water neither doe they vse any mutual parly or conference from hell and heauen Christes purpose therefore is by these figures of words to expresse the thoughts affections tormēts state of the wicked abiding in paines after this life Moreouer were it so that these things had been in such wise done as they are reported against which yet the very words themselues are yet could nought be hence prooued for the beholding of minds neither yet for the knowledge of all external things For neither Abraham nor the glutton is said to haue vnderstoode the secret thoughts and cogitations of each other but to haue knowledge of them by speech And Stephen also being on earth saw Christ being in heauen and Paul heard Christ speaking from heauen neither yet doe al the Saintes see or hear what is done in heauen neither did Stephen and Paul see or heare these things at al times 8 Christ according to his humanity maketh request vnto the Father for vs all and therefore according to his humanitie hee knoweth the desire necessities of them that cal vpon him in all places at al times Wherefore the saints also haue communicated vnto them from God the beholding of harts the hearing of praiers Ans The example is vnlike For the humane vnderstanding and mind of Christ vnderstandeth and knoweth and his bodilie eares and eies also heare and see al things whatsoeuer according to his humane nature he should or would behold either with his minde or with his outward senses by reason of his godhead which sheweth them vnto his humanitie vnited thereunto or also giueth vnto his senses a vertue and force of perceiuing of thinges which are fardest distant Neither yet is the force or wisedome of his humane nature infinite as is the power and wisedome of the God-head neither doth he know by any transfused vertue into him the thoughts of mindes and hearts For of the measure of knowledge conuenient for his manhood it is said Mar. 13.32 Of that day and houre knoweth no man no not the Angels which are in heauen neither the Sonne himselfe saue the Father Of the reueiling of the secrets of men vnto him by his diuinity it is said Mar. 2.8 When Jesus perceiued in his spirit that thus they thought with themselues c. But nowe that all things are reueiled vnto Angels and Saints which are reueiled vnto the humane vnderstanding of Christ by his God-head they will neuer be able to prooue out of the Scripture For Christs humane nature dooth excell and surpasse in wisedome all Angels and men both in respect of the personall vnion thereof because it is vnited to his God-head and also by reason of his Mediatourship which office his humanity beareth executeth together with his diuinity yet so that there is still kept in the administratiō thereof the difference of both natures Wherefore this example of Christ doth not proue that the Saints know al things either by beholding the things themselues or by diuine reuelation from God 9 Jn the diuine essence shine all the Jmages and formes of things But the Angels and Saints departed behold the essence of God Mat. 5 18. Therefore they behold in God al thinges which we doe suffer and thinke Aunswere First the Maior proposition which they put is doubtfull and vncertaine For it is manifest that God knoweth all thinges and doth in his wisedome comprehend the most perfect and perpetuall knowledge of all thinges but whether that vnderstanding of things doth so shine in God that it may bee also beheld of creatures this verilie they haue not as yet prooued out of Scripture Secondly neither is the Minor true namely That the blessed behold the essence of God whereof it is saide No man hath seene God at any time Iohn 1. Lastly albeit there is no doubt but the holy Angels and men in the heauenly life enioy a cleare knowledge an immediate manifestation of God whatsoeuer it is yet wee are not to imagine that they naturally know all things that are in God For then should their wisedome be infinite that is equal vnto Gods wisedome which is absurd and flat against the testimonies of Scripture whereas Angels also are said not to know the day of iudgement Likewise 1. Pet. 1. Jnto which the Angels desire to looke And Ephes 3.10 To the intent that now vnto principalities and powers in heauenly places might be knowen by the Church the manifold wisedome of God They profit therefore and encrease in the knowledge of wisedome and of the counsels of God by the very exequution and contemplation of Gods woorkes Nowe seeing that which they speake of is no naturall but a voluntarie glasse or rather a diuine manifestation or illightening that is the Angels and blessed men haue not this in their own nature to view and see in God his whole wisedome but God according to his good wil and pleasure doth manifest communicate vnto euery one such a part thereof as seemeth good vnto him as it is said No man knoweth the Father but the Sonne Mat. 11.27 and he to whom the Sonne wil reueile him we affirme therefore the inuocation of Saints so long to want a ground and foundation so to be superstitious and idolatrous vntill they shewe out of
and ouerthrow of the Citie Aunswere They er that restraine Christs benefit to those things or promises only without the performance whereof the promise made vnto Dauid concerning the Messias could not haue beene kept For all the benefits blessings of god both corporall and spirituall both before and after the Messias was exhibited as well those without which the promise of the Messias could as those without which it could not be fulfilled are all perfourmed vnto the Church for the Messias sake 2. Cor. 1.20 For all the promises of god in him are Yea are in him Amen And so doth the Scripture expound the like kinds of speaking as 2. Kings 13. Deut. 7. Lastly the benefits which god also performeth vnto the wicked posterity of the godly are attributed vnto the godlinesse of their godly parents not of merit but of mercy for the truth of gods promises As Exod. 20. 32. Deut. 4.16 Gen. 48.16 Iacob saith of Iosephs sons Let my name be named vpon them and the name of my fathers Abraham and Jsaacke Here Iacob willeth himselfe and his fathers to be called vpon after his death Therefore it is lawfull to call vpon the Saints departed Aunsw It is an Hebrue phrase which signifieth an adopting of Sons so that the sense is let them be called by my name or let them take their name from mee that is let them be called my Sonnes hauing the dignitie title of Patriarks that two tribes of Israell may come therein The like phrase is in Isaiah Cap. 4.1 In that daie shal seuen weomen saie to one man * According to the old Latin LET THY NAME BE CALLED VPON VS Let vs be called by thy name that is let vs bee called thy wiues 17 Iob 5. Call now if anie will aunswere thee and to which of the Saints wilt thou turne Heere Elephas exhorteth Iob to craue the aid of some Saint Aunswere The words which go before doe shewe that these wordes belong to a comparison of men with Angels whom he saith so farre to excell men in purity that they doe not so much as make aunswere or appeare being called by men Wherefore this place doth more make against than pleade for the inuocation of Angels 18 * This is translated according to the old Latin translation the words whereof the Papists vrge Iob 33. Jf there be an Angel one of a thousand to speake for him to declare mans righteousnesse He will haue mercie vpon him and will saie Deliuer him that he go not downe into the pit J haue found one in whom I am reconciled vnto him Ans Here the old translation speaketh vnproperly For the woordes are thus Jf there be an Angel with him or an interpreter one of a thousand to declare vnto man his righteousnesse Then will hee haue mercy vpon him and will say Deliuer him that hee go not downe into the pit for I haue found a reconciliation Now then albeit this were the sense that Angels pray for men distressed and in affliction yet this made nothing for their inuocation But it is manifest that this is the sense If a man diseased or afflicted be in his calamitie instructed of the will iustice and goodnesse of god either by an Angell or by a Prophet or by some teacher for these also are called Angels and repenteth him of his sinnes and assenteth vnto the Doctrine and comfort ministred vnto him him will God deliuer by their ministerie by whom he doth instruct him 19 Matth. 25.40 Jn as much as saith Christ ye haue done it vnto one of the least of these my brethren yee haue done it to me Therefore what honour of inuocation we giue vnto the Saints the same is also giuen vnto Christ himselfe Answere That honour of the creature maie and ought to bee referred vnto God which God willeth to bee done vnto him but that honour of the creature which God forbiddeth to bee giuen vnto the creature is not honourable but reprochful and contumelious vnto god Now the reason is sottish whereas they wil seem to draw it from the words of Christ when Christ speaketh of the duties of charitie which god willeth vs to perfourme in this life towardes those that stand in neede of our aide and help 20 Jf the Angels vnderstanding our necessities praie for vs and so are to be praied vnto it is lawful also to praie vnto Saints But that the Angels pray for vs is confirmed by the woords of Zacharie 1.12 The Angel of the Lord aunswered and said O Lorde of hostes how long wilt thou be vnmerciful to Ierusalem and to the citties of Judah Aunswere The Maior is not wholy to bee graunted namely that all the Angels vnderstand all the wantes and necessities of al men For the calamities of Iurie were open not onely to the sight of Angels but also to the sight of men 2. We denie the consequence which they frame from the Angels vnto the Saintes departed For vnto the Angels god committeth the care and protection of his Church in this life Therefore they beeing also here on earth see and know our miseries which the Saints see not vnto whom this charge is not committed they pray particularly for many which we cannot affirme of the Saints by any testimonies of Scripture 3. There is another fault in the consequence in concluding that wee must pray to them because they pray for vs because not euerie one who praieth for vs is straight waies to be inuocated as was before declared The same is to be answered of the dreame of Iudas Maccabeus 2. Macab 15. Wherein hee sawe Onias the High-Priest and Ieremias the Prophet praying for the people As for that which is said in the booke of Baruch cap. 3.4 Hear now the praier of the dead Israelites the Israelites are there said to be dead which were yet liuing and inuocating on god in this life but by reason of their calamities like vnto those that are deade Wherefore this sentence standeth true and certaine that the inuocation of whatsoeuer thing besides the true God manifested in the church is idolatrous and is repugnaunt vnto the honour of Gods name which God in true inuocation will haue exhibited and done vnto him THE FOVRTH COMMANDEMENT REmember thou keepe holy the sabboth day six daies shalt thou labour and doe all that thou hast to do but the seuenth daie is the sabboth of the Lorde thy God in it shalt thou doe no manner of work thou and thy Sonne and thy daughter thy man-seruaunt and thy maide-seruaunt thy cattel and the straunger that is within thy gate For in six daies the Lord made heauen and earth the sea and al that is in them and rested the seuenth day wherefore the Lord blessed the seuenth day and hallowed it The parts of this fourth commaundement are in number two A commaundement and a reason of the commaundement The parts of the commandement are also two The first is Moral That the sabboth be sanctified that
concupiscence Therefore it is no sinne Aunswere An Inclination whether it bee according to Gods lawe or inordinate which is mooued towardes such thinges as displease God is sinne To desire the fruit of a tree is naturall but as it was desired of Eue beeing forbidden of God it was sinne But originall sinne and concupiscence differ For concupiscence is a propension to those things which are forbidden by the lawe Originall sinne is the guilt of all mankind the want of the knowledge and will of God 2 Obiection That which is not in our power to cause either to bee in vs or not to be in vs is no sinne Concupiscence is not in our power Therefore it is no sinne Aunswere The Maior is true except wee haue lost that power through our owne fault otherwise it is false For God requiring of vs vnpossible things doth not iniurie vs because hee commaunded them when they were possible Neither hath he nowe lost his right of requiring that of vs which hee left with vs. 3 Obiection In Baptisme sinne is taken away Therefore concupiscence is not sinne in those that are baptized Aunswere The guilt of sinne is taken awaie in baptisme but not the corruption or inclination to sinne 4 Obiection Sinne maketh men obnoxious to the wrath of God Concupiscence doth not make the regenerate obnoxious to Gods wrath Therefore concupiscence is no sinne Aunswere Concupiscence dooth not make the regenerate obnoxious to the wrath of God that is by reason of the grace of God but this commeth not thereof as if concupiscence were no sinne For neither doe other sinnes condemne the regenerate And this is it that the School-men say The Formal of sinne is taken away and the Material remaineth 5 Obiect Where the formall of sinne is taken away there also the thing it selfe is taken awaie that is the material of sinne or sinne it selfe But in baptisme the formal of sinne is taken awaie Therefore sin it selfe is taken away in Baptisme Answere There is a double formal of sinne 1. The guilt that is the appointing of it to punishment which guilt is taken awaie 2. The repugnancie with the Law and an inclination to sin which abideth NOW we haue expounded the Decalogue or Ten cōmaundements there are two Questions as yet remaining concerning the Lawe which haue beene heretofore handled and now are brieflie to be run ouer againe 1. Howe the Law is possible or How men may keepe it 2. What is the vse of the Lawe since in this life we are not able to fulfill it S. Ierome saith Let him be accursed who saith the Lawe is vnpossible to wit with grace in Christ And againe Let him be accursed who saith the Law is possible that is without grace 1 How the Law is possible THAT this Question maie the better be vnderstoode we are to distinguish the nature of mā as it was first entire vncorrupt and afterwardes fallen and againe restored Vnto nature entire and vncorrupt the whole Lawe as touching al parts and degrees thereof is possible as vnto Angels Vnto the regenerate who haue nature restored againe the Lawe is possible 1. As concerning outward order and discipline 2. By the benefite of iustification and regeneration both which benefites wee obtaine by faith 3. As touching the beginning of inwarde and outward obedience in this life 1. Ioh. 5.3 Likewise as concerning the imputation of Christes iustice in whom is our victorie Hee that without the beginning of obedience that is without regeneration glorieth that hee knoweth and worshippeth God is a lier But the Law is vnpossible to the regenerate in respect of God that is as touching the perfect inward and outwarde obedience of the Law For they fulfil not the Lawe perfectly because they doe many things contrary to the Lawe And those things also which they doe according to the Law are vnperfect For in the regenerate are many sinnes yet remaining as original sinne many actual sinnes ignoraunces omissions infirmities which their sins thēselues notwithstāding acknowledge and bewaile Therefore regenerate sinners differ much from vnregenerate sinners And this difference is threefolde 1. The purpose in God himselfe of sauing the regenerat 2. The certaine final repentaunce of the regenerat 3. Euen in the very sinnes of the regenerate there remaineth some beginning of true faith conuersion The wicked and vnregenerate in whom is nature fallen but not restored haue neither whole obedience nor the beginning of obedience 2 What is the vse of the Law SAINT Paul teacheth two vses of the Law in his Epistle to the Galathians 1. The knowledge of sinne 2. That it is a Schoole-Master vnto Christ In nature vncorrupted the vses of the Law were 1. Conformitie with God 2. A good conscience In nature corrupted the vses or endes of the Lawe are 1. Mainteinaunce of order and discipline as wel in the regenerate as vnregenerate 2. That we maie know that God is and what he is 3. The knowledge of sinne 4. A preparing to despaire in the reprobate 5. A meane whereby repentance maie be kindled and encreased in Gods chosen 6. A leuil or rule of liuing vnto the faithful and that whereunto we must tend and shoot as vnto our mark The Law then hath his vse both before and after conuersion It is profitable for the acknowledgement of sinne and repentaunce because it is a rule vnto vs whereunto we are to frame our life and thankefulnes Likewise it is a glasse vnto vs wherein wee maie see our wantes that so our renuing encreasing our praieng also maie encrease whereby we desire more more to be conformed vnto God and his Law The obiections whereby the aduersaries endeuor to prooue that there is no vse of the lawe vnto christians are these 1 That which cannot be kept ought not to bee taught because it profiteth nothing The Law cannot be kept Therefore the Lawe ought not to be taught Aunswere The Maior is false For the Law is to be taught that we maie striue and endeuour to come as neere as we can vnto it Obiection 2. Hee that commaundeth vnpossible things commaundeth vnprofitable thinges God commaundeth the Lawe which is vnpossible Therefore God commaundeth vnprofitable things Aunswere He commaundeth vnprofitable thinges who commandeth vnpossible thinges that is 1. Jf they be simply vnpossible 2. Jf they be alwaies vnpossible 3. If there be no other vses of this commaunding but that those things be done which are commaunded Now we haue heard before which are the endes of the Lawe for which ends of the law before declared God wil haue both the Law to be commanded and vs to be taught the same Obiection 3. What God wil not giue vs and so what wee are not able to attaine vnto that wee maie not desire God wil not giue vs perfect fulfilling of the Law in this life Therefore we ought not to desire perfectly to fulfil the Lawe Aunswere Wee ought not to craue or desire that which God will not giue vs that is except God
excluded that coined deuise of good intentions when as namely men doe euill things that good things may come thereof likewise when they deuise and imagine woorkes which they thrust vpon God insteed of worship Neither doth it suffice if a woorke be not forbidden but it must also be commaunded if it shall serue for Gods worship 2 That the worke haue his original from a true faith which faith must be grounded and depending on the merite and intercession of the Mediatour and by which he may know both the person and the worke to be accepted of god for the mediatours sake For without faith it is vnpossible for anie man to please God Neither is such a faith ●●ere sufficient which assureth thee that God will this ●r that this worke is commaunded of God For then the wicked also should doe that which God will but not with a true faith A true or iustifieng faith therefore stretcheth surder as both cōprehending historicall faith and also which is the chiefest thing applieng the promise of the gospell vnto vs. Of this true faith are these things spoken Whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne Without faith it is vnpossible to please God And the reasons of both these sayings are not obscure because without faith there is no loue of God and so consequently no loue of our neighbour And whatsoeuer woorke ariseth not from the loue of God is hypocrisie 3 It is required that this woorke be referred principally i● the glorie of God onely Otherwise it shal proceed frō the loue of thy selfe not from the loue of God Whenas thou doest any thing thou must not heede or care what men speake whether they praise thee or no so that thou knowe that it pleaseth God But yet true glorie we may lawfully desire seeke for according to that Mat. 5.16 Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good woorkes By these former conditions all these woorkes are excluded 1 Which are sins in themselues and repugnant vnto Gods Lawe and his will reuelled in the word 2 Which are not repugnant vnto the Law neither in themselues good or euill but which may yet by an accident be made good or euil Workes not repugnant vnto the Lawe are made euill or sinnes by an accident when as they beeing not commaunded of God but imposed by men are done with an opinion of worshipping God therein 3 Which are good in themselues and commanded by God but yet are made sinnes by an accident in that they are vnlawfully doone as not arising from those lawfull causes by which the doers of them should be moued to do them and which in doing them they should respect that is they are not done by faith neither to this end chiefly that God might therein be honored 2 The woorkes of the regenerate and vnregenerate differ because the workes of the vnregenerate First Proceed not of faith Secondly Are not ioined with an inward obedience and therefore are doone dissemblingly and are meere hypocrisie Thirdly As they proceed not of the right cause so are they not referred to the chiefe end which is Gods glory 3 This difference which appeareth in the workes of the godly the wicked cōfirmeth also that the very morall works of the wicked are sins though yet not such sins as those are which in their owne nature are repugnant vnto Gods Lawe For these are sinnes by themselues and in their own kind but those either are sins onely by an accident namely by reason of defect because neither they come of faith neither are doone for Gods glorie Wherefore this consequence is not of force Al the workes of the wicked and of Paynims are sins Therefore they are al to be eschued For the defects only are to be eschued not the worke 2 How good workes may bee doone GOod workes may be done through the grace or assistance of the Holy Ghost onely and that by the regenerate onely whose heart is regenerated of the holy ghost by the gospel and that not onely in their first conuersion and regeneration but also by the perpetual and continual gouernment of the holy ghost who both worketh in them an acknoweledgement of sinne faith new obedience and also doth daily more and more encrease and confirme the same gifts in them Vnto this doctrine Saint Ierome also consenteth Let him be accursed saith hee who affirmeth the Lawe to be possible without the grace of the holy Ghost Wherefore out of this doctrine wee learne that men not as yet regenerated are able to doe no good and that euen the holi●st men sinne also except the benefite and blessing of regeneration bee continued This wee maie see in Peter and Dauid Without regeneration no one part of a good work can bee so much as begunne because All our righteousnesse is as the cloth of a menstruous womā In which saying also the Prophet comprehendeth himselfe and euen the holiest among men If in the Saintes themselues nought else is found before God what then in the vnregenerate What these are able to perfourme wee see in the Epistle to the Romanes in the two first Chapters Now as by our selues we are not able to beginne good workes So neither are we our selues able to accomplish anie good worke For it is God which worketh in you both the will and the deede euen of his good pleasure Without imputed righteousnes we are all in the sight God abomination filth and dung But the righteousnes of christ is not imputed vnto vs before our conuersion Therefore it is vnpossible before our conuersion that either our selues or our worke should please God Faith is the cause of good woorkes Faith commeth from God Therefore the effect also shall come from God neither shall it goe before the cause therfore good works cānot be before conuersion 3 Whether the workes of the Saintes be perfectly good THE woorks of the Saintes are not perfectly good or pure 1. Because the Saints which doe good workes doe many things which are sinnes in themselues for which they deserue to be cast out into euerlasting paines Cursed be he that abideth not in al. Deut. 27.26 Yea the holiest men doe many euil works commit many sins and acts which are euill in themselues Such was the sinne of Peter thrise denying Christ and of Dauid murthering Vrias committing adulterie willing to couer it and numbering the people 2. Because there is not that degree of goodnesse in those good woorkes that proceede from the Saintes which ought to be For their good workes are not so pure and good as God requireth Yea when the Saintes perfourme most holy workes yet are they not perfect but haue alwaies in this life defectes and are stained with sins For faith and the loue of God and our neighbour whence good workes flow are imperfect in vs in this life The effect then shall not bee perfect because the cause is not perfect For we do not perfectly know and loue God and our neighbour and