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A14146 The parable of the wycked mammon Compiled in the yere of our lorde .M.d.xxxvi. W.T. Tyndale, William, d. 1536. 1547 (1547) STC 24457; ESTC S104878 71,387 139

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in the syght of God bryngeth lyfe health and the fauoure of God maketh vs the heyres of God powreth y e spirite of God into our soules and fylleth vs with al godlynes in Christe it were to great a shame rebuke and wronge vnto the fayth yea to Christes bloude yf a mā would worke any thynge to purchase that wherwith fayth hath endued him already and God hath geuen hym surely Euen as Christe had done a rebuke and shame vnto hym selfe yf he woulde haue done good workes and wrought to haue ben made ther by Gods sonne and heyre ouer all which thynge he was alredy Now doth faith make vs the sonnes or children of God Iohn i. he gaue them myght or power to be the sōnes of God in that they beleued in his name If we be sonnes so are wee also heyres Roma viii and Gala. iiii Howe can or ought wee then to worke for to purches that enherytaunce wyth all where of wee are heyres all redye by fayth What shall we saye then to those scriptures which sod̄e as though a man shoulde do good workes and lyue well for heauens sake or eternall rewarde As these are make you frendes of the vnrihgtuous mammon And Math. vii Ga ther you treasure together in heauen Also Math. xix If thou wilt enter in to life kepe the commaundementes and suche lyke This saye I that they which vnder stāde not nether fele in their herts what fayth meaneth talke and thynke of the re warde euen as they do of the worke nether suppose they that a man oughte to worke but in a respecte to the rewarde For they ymagen that it is in the kyng dome of Christe as it is in the worlde amonge men that they must deserue heauē with theyr good workes How be it their thoughtes are but dreams and false imaginacions Of these men speaketh Mala. Chap. i. who is it amonge you that shutteth a dore for my pleasure for nought that is wythout respecte of rewarde These are seruauntes that seke gaynes and auauntage hyrelynges and daye labourers which here on earth receyue their rewardes as the pharyses with ther prayers and fastinges Matth. v. But on this wise goeth it with heauē with euerlastyng lyfe eternal rewarde lykewyse as good workes naturally folowe faythe as it is aboue rehersed so that thou nedest not to commaūde a true beleuer to worke or to compel hym wyth any lawe for it is impossible y t he should not worke he taryeth but for an occasion he is euer disposed of hym selfe thou needest but to put hym in remembraunce and that to knowe the faulse fayth from the true Euen so naturally doth eternall lyfe folowe fayth and good lyuing with out sekynge for and is impossible that it should not cōe thought no man thought there on Yet is it rehearsed in the scripture alleged and promysed to knowe the difference betwene a false beleuer and a true beleuer and that euery man maye knowe what foloweth good lyuinge naturally and of it selfe wythout takynge thought for it Take agrosse ensampel Hel that is euerlastinge death is threatened vnto synners and yet foloweth it synne naturalli without sekyng for For no man doth euell to be damned therfore but had leuer auoid it Yet the one foloweth the other naturally and thought no man tolde or warned hym of it yet should the synner fynde it and fele it Ne uerthelesse it is therfore threatened that men maye knowe what foloweth euyll lyuynge Now then as after euell lyuing foloweth his rewarde vnsought for euē so after good liuing foloweth his rewad naturally vnsoughte for or vnthoughte vpon euen as when thou drynkest wyne be it good or badde the tayst foloweth of it selfe thought thou therfore drinke it not Yet testifieth the scripture and it is true that we are by enheritaunce heires of dānacion and that before we be borne we are vessels of the wrath of God and full of that poyson whence naturally all synnes sprynge and where with we can not but synne whyche thynge the dedes that folowe when we behold our selues in the glasse of the lawe of God do declare and vtter kyll our consciences and shewe vs what we were and wist not of it and certifie vs that wee are heyres of damnacion For yf we were of God we should cleaue to God and lust after y e wil of God But now oure dedes compared to the lawe declare the contrarye and by oure dedes wee se oure selfe both what we be and what oure ende shalbe So nowe thou seyst that lyfe eternall and all good thynges are promised vnto fayth and belefe so that he that beleueth on Christe shalbe safe Christes bloude hath purchased life for vs and hath made vs the heyres of God so that heauen cōmeth by Christes bloude Yf thou wouldest obtayne heauē with the merytes and deseruynges of thyne owne workes thā dyddest thou wronge ye and shamedest the bloude of Christe and vnto the were Christ deade in vayne Nowe is the true beleuer heyre of God by Christes deseruinge ye and in Christe was predestinate and ordened vnto eternal lyfe before the worlde beganne And when the Gospell is preached vnto vs we beleue the mercye of God and in beleuynge we receyue the spirite of God whiche is the arneste of eternal lyfe and we ar in eternal lyfe already and fele al ready in oure hertes the swetnes therof and are ouercome wyth the kindnes of God and Christ and therfore loue the wyl of God and of loue are ready to worke ferly and not to optayne that whiche is geuen vs frely and wherof we are heyres alredy Now when Christe sayeth Make you frendes of vnryghtuous Mammon Ga ther you treasure together in heauen and such lyke Thou seyst that the meanynge and entent is none other but that thou shouldes do good and so wyll it folowe of it selfe naturally without sekyng and takinge of thought that thou shalt fynde frendes treasure in heauen and receyue a rewarde So let thyne eye be syngle and loke vnto good lyuynge onely take no thought for the rewarde But be content For as muche as thou knoweste and arte sure that the rewarde and all thynge contayned in Goddes promyses folowe good lyuinge naturally thy good workes do but testifye onely and certifye the that the spirite of God is in the whō thou hast receiued for an ernest of gods trueth and that thou art heyre of all the goodnesse of God and that all good thynges are thyne all ready purchased by Christe bloude and layed vp in stoare agaynste that day when euery man shal receyue accordyng to hys dedes that is accordynge as his dedes declare and testifye what he is or was For they that loke vnto the rewarde are slow false subtel and crafty workers and loue the rewarde more then the worke yea hate the laboure ▪ yea hate God whyche commaundeth the laboure and are w●ry both of the commaundement and also of the cōmaunder worke wyth tedyousnes But he
Christ. Neither do oure workes iustifie vs. For except we were iustifyed by fayth whiche is oure rightuousnes and had the spirite of God in vs to teach vs we could do no good worke frely without respecte of some profit other in this world or in y e worlde to come neither coulde we haue spiritual Ioye in oure hertes in tyme of afflicition and mortyfyinge of the fleshe Good workes are called y e fruites of the spirit Galt v. Cha. for y e spirit worketh them in vs and some tyme frutes of righ tuousnes as in the seconde epistle to the Corhinthians ix Chapter ▪ before al workes therfore we muste haue a rightuousnes wythin in the herte the mother of all workes and from whence they springe The rightuousnes of the scribes and Pharises and of thē that haue the spirit of this worlde is the glorious showe and outward shinyng of workes And Christ sayth to vs Mat. v. except your rightuousnes excede the ryghtuousnes of the scribes and pharises ye can not enter in to the kyngdome of heauen It is rightuousnes in the worlde if a man kyll not But a Christen perceyueth rightuousnes if he loue his enemye euen when he suffeth persecuciō and formente of hym and the paynes of death and morneth more for his aduersaries blindnes than for his owne payne and prayeth God to open his eyes and to forgeue him hys synnes as dyd ▪ Steuen in the Actes of the Apostles the. vii Chap. and Christ Luc. xxiii A christen considereth hym selfe in the lawe of God and ther putteth of hym al maner rightuosnes For y e lawe suffereth no merites no deseruinges no rightuous nes nether any man to be iustified in the syght of God The lawe is spirytuall and requireth the herte and commaundementes to be fullfillyd with suche loue and obedience as was in Christe If any fulfil al that is the wil of god with such loue and obedience the same may be bold to sel pardons of his merites and els not A Christen therfore whē he beholdeth him selfe in the law putteth of al maner rightuousnes deserueuinges and merites and mekely vnfaynedly knoweledgeth his sinne and mysery his captyuite and bondage in the flesh hys trespasse and gylte and is there by blessede wythe the poore in spirite Math. v. Cha. Then he morneth in hys herte be cause he is in such bondage that he can not do the will of God and is an hongred and a thrust after rightuousnes For rightuousnes I meane which springeth out of Christes bloud for strength to do the wil of God And turneth hym selfe to the promyses of God and desyreth hym for hys greate mercye and trueth and for the bloude of his sonne Christe to fulfil his promyses and to geue hym strength And thus hys spirite euer prayeth within hym He fasteth also not one day for a weke or a lente for and whole yeare but professeth in his herte a perpetuall sobre●es to tame the fleshe to subdue y e body to the spirite vntyll he wax stron̄ge in the spirite and growe rype in to a full ryghtuousnes after the fulnes of Christe And because this fulnes happeneth not tyl the body be slayne by death a Christē is euer a synner in the lawe and therfore fasteth and prayeth to God in the spirite the world seing it not Yet in y e promises he is euer rightuous thorowe fayth in Christe and is sure that he is heyre of all goddes promyses the spirite whiche he hath receyued in exnest beringe hym witnes hys herte also and his deades testifiinge the same Marke this then To se in wardlye that the lawe of God is so spirituall that no fleshe can fulfyll it And then for to morne and sorowe and to desyre yee to honger thurst aftir strength to do the will of God from the groūde of the herte and not wythstandyng all the soutelty of the deuils weknes and feblenes of the fleshe and wondringe of the worlde to cleue yet to y e promises of god and to beleue y t for Christes bloude sake thou art receyued to the enherytaunce of eternall lyfe is a wonderfull thinge and a thinge that the world knoweth not of but who so euer fealeth that thought he fall a thousande tymes and is sure that the mercye of God is vpon hym If ye forgeue other men theyr trespasses your heauenlye father shall forgeue you yours Math. in the. vi Chapt. If I forgeue God shall forgeue me not for my dedes sake but for his promises sake for his mercie and truth for the bloude of his sonne Christe oure Lorde And my forgeuing certifieth my spirite that God shall forgeue me ye that he hath forgeuen me all redye For if I consent to the wyll of God in my herte thought thorowe infirmitie and wekeanes I can not do the wil of god at al tymes more ouer though I can not do the will of God so purelye as the lawe requireth it of me yet if I se my faute and mekely knowledge m● sinne we●inge in mine herte because I can not do the wil of God thruste after strēgth I am sure that the spirit of God is in me and his fauoure vpon me For the world lusteth not to do the wil of God neither soroweth because he can not thoughe he sorowe some time for feare of the payne that he beleueth shall folowe He that hath the spirit of this worlde can not forgeue wyth out a mendes makinge or agreater vaūtage If I forgeue now how cometh it verily because I feale the mer cye of God in me For as a man fealeth God to hym selfe so is he to hys neyghboure I knowe by myne one experience that all fleshe is in bondage vnder sinne and can not but sinne therfore am I mer cyfull and desyre God to loose the bōdes of synne euen in myne enimye GAther not treasure to gether in earth cet Math. vi But gather you treasure in heauen cet Let not your herts be glued to world ly thynges studie not to heape treasure vpon treasure and riches vpō riches but studie to bestowe well that whiche is goten all ready and let your abundaūce suc core the lacke and neade of y e pore which haue not ▪ Haue an eye to good workes whiche if ye haue luste and also powre to do them then are ye sure that the spirite of God is in you ▪ and ye in Christ electe to the rewarde of eternal lyfe whiche foloweth good workes But loke that thine eye be syngle and robbe not Christe of his honoure ascribe not that to the deseruinge of thy workes whiche is geuen the frely by the merites of his bloude In Christe we are sonnes In Christ we are heires In Christ God chose vs and elected vs before the beginynge of the worlde created anew by the worde of the Gospell and put his spirit in vs for because wee shoulde dooe good workes A Christen man worketh
for Christes sake and y e Gospels forsaketh house brethern or systers etc. He shall receyue an hūdrede folde houses bretherne etc That is spiritually For Christ shalbe all thinges vn to the. The angels all Christen and who so euer doth the will of the father shalbe father mother syster and brother vnto the and all theirs shal be thyne And God shall take the cure of the and minister all thinges vnto the ▪ as longe as thou ●ekyft but his honour only More ouer if thou were Lorde ouer all the world yea of ten worldes before thou knewiste God yet was not thine appetite quenched thou thurstedeste for more But if thou seke his honoure only then shall he slake thy thurste and thou shalt haue all that thou desyrest and shal be con●ēte if thou dwel amonge infydeles and amonge the moste eruelest nacion of the worlde yet shall he be a father vnto the and shal defende the as he dyd Abraham Isaac and Iacob and all sayntes whos lyues thou readest in the scripture For all that are past and gone before are but ensamples to strēgth oure fayth truste in the worde of God It is the same God and hath sworne to vs all that he sware vnto them and is as true as euer he was and therfore can not but fulfyll hys promyses to vs as well as he dyd to them if we beleue as thi did The hour shal come when al they that are in the garues shall heare hys voyce that is to saye Christes voyce and shall come forth they that haue done good in to the resurcection of lyfe and they that haue done euill in to the resurrection of damnacion Jhon v. Thys al lyke textes declare what foloweth good workes that our dedes shal testifie wyth vs or agaynste vs at that daye and putteth vs in remembraūce to be diligente and feruēte in doinge good Here by mayste thou not vnderstande that we obtayne the fauour of God and the enheritaunce of life thorowe the meri tes of good workes as hirelinges theyr wages For then shouldest thou robbe Christ of whose fulnes we haue receiued fauoure for fauoure as affirmeth also Paule Ephe. i. he loued vs in his beloued by whome we haue sayeth Paule redēcion thorowe his bloude and forgeuenes of sinnes The forgeuenes of sinnes then is oure redemcion in Christe ▪ and not the rewarde of workes In whom sayth he in the same place he chose vs before the makynge of the worlde that is longe before we dyd good workes Thorow fayth in Christ are we Also the sonnes of God as thou readest Jo. i. in that they beleued on his name he gaue thē powere to be the sōnes of God God with al his fulnes and ryches dwel leth in Christ and out of Christ must we feach all thinges Thou readest also Jo. iii. he that beleueth on the sōne hath eternall lyfe And he that beleueth not shal se no lyfe but the wrath of God abideth vpon him Here seeste thou y t the wrath and vengeaunce of God possesseth euery man tyll fayth come Faith and truste in Christe expelleth the wrath of God and bringeth fauoure the spirite power to do good and the euerlasting lyfe Moreouer vntyll Christe haue geuen the light thou knowest not where in standeth the goodnes of thy workes and tyl his spirit hath loosed thyne herte thou canste not cōsente vnto good workes All that is good in vs both wyl and workes cometh of the fauoure of God thorow Christ to whom be the laude and thankes Amen IF any man wyll do hys wyll he meaneth the wyll of the doctryne whether it be of God or whether I speak of myselfe Jo. vii This text meaneth not y t any man of his owne strength power and fre wil as they call it can do the wyl of God before he hath receyued y e spirite and strength of Christ thorow faith But here is ment y t which is spoken in the third of Jhon when Nicodemus maruayled howe it were possyble that a man shoulde be borne agayne Christ answered that which is borne of the fleshe is fleshe that whyche is borne of the spirite is spirite as who shoulde saye he that hath y e spirite thorow faith and is borne agayne and made a new in Christ vnderstandeth the thynges of the spirite and what he that is spiritual mea neth But he that is fleshe and as Paule sayeth i. Cor. ii a natural man and led of his blynde reason onely can neuer ascēde to the capacite of the spirite And he geueth and ensample sayenge The wynd bloweth where he listeth and thou herest his voyce and wottest not whence he cōeth nor whyder he wyll So is euery mā that is borne of the spirite he that speaketh of y e spirite can neuer be vnderstāde of the naturall man whiche is but fleshe and sauereth no more then thinges of the fleshe So here meaneth Christ if any mā haue the spirite and consenteth vnto the wyll of God the same at ones wotteth what I meane IF ye vnderstande thes thynges happie are ye if ye do them John xiii A christen mans herte is with the wil of God wyth the law and commaundementes of God and hōgreth and thursteth after strength to fulfyl thē and morneth daye and nyght desyringe God accordinge to hys promyses for to geue him power to fulfyl the wil of God with loue luste then testifieth his deade that he is blessed that the spirite whiche blesseth vs in Christ is in hym and ministreth such strength The outwarde dede testifieth what is with in vs as thou rea dest John v. The deades whiche I do testifyeth of me sayth Christ. And John xiii hereby shal al men knowe that ye are my disciples if ye loue one an other And John xiiii he that hath my commaundemētes and keapeth thē the same it is that loueth me And agayne he that loueth me kepeth my cōmaundementes and he that loueth me not kepeth not my commaūdementes the outwarde deade testifiynge of the inwarde herte And John xv Yf ye shal kepe my cōmaundementes ye shal cōtinue in my loue as I kepe my fathers commaundemente ▪ and continue in hys loue That is as ye se the loue y t I haue to my father in that I kepe his commaū dementes so shall ye se the loue that yee haue to me in that ye kepe my commaundementes Thou mayst not thinke that oure deades blesse vs fyrst and that wee preuent God and his grace in Christe as thought we in oure naturall gyftes and beinge as we were borne in Adam loked on the lawe of God and of oure owne strēgth fulfylled it so became ryghtuos thē with that rightuousnes obtained y e fauour of God As philosophers writ of rightuousnes as the rytuousnes of tēporal law is wher y e lawe is satisfied w t y e ypocrisie of the outward dede For con trary to y e readest thou Ye haue not
The Iewes loke for Christe and he is come xv hundred yeares a go and they not ware we also haue loked for Antichrist and he hath raygned as longe and we not ware and because eyther of vs loke carnally for him and not in the places where wee ought to haue soughte The Jewes had founde Christe verely yf thei had sought hym in the lawe and the prophetes whither Christe sendeth them to seke Jhon v. We also had spied out Antichrist lōge a go yf we hade loked in the doctryne of Christe and his Apostles where because the beast seeth himself now to be sought for he roareth and seketh new holes to hyde him selfe in and chaungeth himself in to athousande fashions with al ma●●●r wilines falshed subteltie and crafte Because that his excommunications ar com to lyght he maketh it treason vnto the kinge to be acquainted with Christe If Christ and thei may not rainge together one hope we haue that Christe shall lyue euer ¶ The olde Antichristes broughte Christ vnto Pylate saiynge by oure law he ought to dye when Pylate bad thē iudge him after youre law they answred it is not law full for vs to kyll any man which thei dyd to the entēt y t thei which regarded not the shame of theyr fause ex comunicacions shoulde yet feare to confesse Christe because that the temporall swearde had condemned hym They do all thynge of a good zele they saye they loue you so wel that they had leuer burne you then that you shoulde haue feloweshyppe with Christe They are gelous ouer you a mysse as sayeth saynt ●aule Gala. iiii They would deuyde you ●rō Christ and his holy testament and ioyne you to the pope to beleue hys testament and promyses Some man wyl aske peraduenture why I take y e laboure to mak this worke in as much as thei wyl burne it seyenge they burnt the Gospell I answere in burnyng ▪ the newe testament they dyd none other thynge then that I loked for no more shall they do yt they burne me also yf it be Gods wyll it shall so be Neuertheles in transslatyng y e new testament I dyd my d●utye and so do I now and wyll do as much more as God hath ordeined me to do And as I offered that to all men to correcte it whosoeuer coulde euen so do I this Who so euer therfore readeth this compare it vnto the scripture If Gods worde beare recorde vnto it thou also feleste in thyne h●●●e that it is so be of good comfort and gene God thankes If gods worde condēne it the● hold it accurssed and so do al other doctrins As Paul counceleth his Galathians Beleue not euerye spryte sodenly but iudge them by the worde of God which is the trial of al doctryne and last teth for euer Amen ¶ The parable of the wycked Mammon Luke xvi Cha. THere was a certain rich mā whyche had a steward that was acused vn to hym that he had wasted his goodes And he called hym and sayd vnto hym Howe is it that I heare this of the Geue accomptes of thy stewardshyp For thou mayst bee no longer my steward The steward said w t in himselfe what shal I doo for my master wil take away from me my stewardshyp I cannot dygge and to begge I am ashamed I wot what to do that whan I am put out of my stewardshyp thei may receyue me into their houses ¶ Thē called he al his masters detters and said vnto the fyrst how much owest thou vnto my master And he said an C. tonnes of oyle And he sayde vnto hym take thy byl and syt downe quickly and wryte l. Then sayd he to another what owest y u And he saied an C. quarters of wheat He sayd vnto hym Take thy byl and write lxxx And the Lord commended the vniust steward because he had doone wysely For the chyldren of thys worlde are in theyr kynd wiser then the chyldren of lyght And I say also vnto you make you fryndes of the wycked Mammon that whan ye shall haue neede they maye receyue you into euerlastyng habitatiōs FOr asmuche as with this and diuers such other textes many haue enforced to drawe the people from the true fayth and from puttynge theyr trust in the truthe of Gods promyses and in the merites and deseruynge of his Chryst our Lord haue also brought it to passe for many false prophetes shall aryse and deceyue many and much wyckednes must also be sayth Christ. Mat. xxiiii And Paul sayth Ti. iii. Fuyl men deceiuers shal preuaile in euil while thei deceiue are deceiued them selues haue taught thē to put trust in their own merites and brought thē in belefe that they shalbe iustified in the sighte of God by the goodnes of theyr owne workes and haue corrupt the pure worde of God to confyrme theyr Aristotle w tal For thoughe that the phylosophers and worldlye wyse men wer enimyes aboue al enemyes to the Gospel of God and though the worldly wysedome cannot comprehende the wysedome of God as thou mayst se i. Corin. i. ii And though worldly ryghtuousnes cannot bee obediente vnto the ryghtuousnes of God Ro. x. Yet whatsoeuer they read in Aristo that must fyrst be true And to mayntayn that they rent and teare the scriptures with theyr distin ctions and expound them violently contrary to the meanyng of the texte and to the circumstances that go before and after and to a thousand clere and euidente textes Wherfore I haue taken in hand to expound this Gospel and certayne oter places of the newe testament and as farfurth as God shall lende me grace to bryng the scripture vnto the ryght sence and to dygge agayne the wels of Abrahā and to purdge and clēse them of the erth of worldly wysedome wherwyth these Philistians haue stopped them Whyche grace graūt me God for the loue that he hath vnto his sonne Jesus our Lord vn to the glory of his name Amen THat fayth only before alworkes and without al merites but Chri stes onely iustifieth and sette●h vs at peace with God is proued by Paule Roman i. I am not a shamed sayth he of the Gospel that is to say of the glad tydynges and promyses whyche God hath made sworne to vs in Christ For it that is the Gospell is the power of God vnto saluation to al that beleue And it foloweth in the forsayd Chapter the iust or ryghtous must lyue by fayth ¶ For in the fayth whiche we haue in Chryst and in Gods promyses fynde we mercy lyfe fauoure peace In the law we fynde deathe damnation and wrath ▪ moreouer the cursse and vengeaunce of God vpon vs. And it that is to saye the law is called of Paule ii Cor. iii. the ministration of death and dampnation In the lawe we are proued the enemyes of God and that we hate hym For how cā we be at peace wyth God and loue hym seyng we
are conceiued and borne vnder the power of the Deuyl and are his possessyon and kyngdome his captiues and bondmen and led at his wyll and he holdeth oure her●es so that it is impossible for vs to cōsent to the wyl of God much more is it impossible for a man to fulfyll the law of his owne strength and power seyng that we are by byrth and of nature the heyres of eternal damnation As saith s. Paule Ephe ii We saythe he are by nature the chyldren of wrathe Whyche thyng the lawe doth but vtter onely and helpeth vs not yea she requireth impossi ble thynges of vs The law when it com maundeth that thou shalt not lust geueth the not power so to do but damneth the because thou canst not so do IF thou wylt therfore bee at peace wyth God loue hym thou muste turne to the promyses of God and to the Gospel whiche is called of Paule in the place before rehersed and to the Corin. the ministration of rightuous nes and of the spirit For fayth bryngeth pardon and forgeuenes freely purchased by Christes bloude and bringeth also the spiryte the spyrite loseth the bondes of the deuyll and setteth vs at lybertye For where the spirit of the Lorde is ther is lybertye sayeth Paule in the same place to the Corinthians that is to saye ther the herte is free and hath power to loue the wyll of God and ther the hert mourneth that he cā not loue ynough Now is that consēt of the hert vnto the lawe of God eternal lyfe yee though ther be no power yet in the membres to fulfyll it Let euery man therfore accordyng to Pauls councel in the. vi Cha. to the Ephe. arme hymselfe wyth the armour of God that is to vnderstāde with Goddes promyses and aboue al thyng sayeth he take vnto you the shylde of fayth wherwith ye maye be able to quenche all the fyry dartes of the wicked that ye maye be able to resiste in the euell daye of temptacyon and namely at the houre of death Se therfore thou haue Goddes promy ses in thyn hert and that thou beleue thē without wauerynge when temptacyon aryseth the deuel layth the law and thy dedes agaynst the answer hym with the promyses and turne to God and confesse thy selfe to hym and saye it is euen so or els howe coulde he be mercyfull but remembre that he is the God of mercy and of trueth and can not but fulfyl his promyses Also remembre that his sonnes bloude is stronger then al the synnes and wyckednesses of the whole worlde and therwyth quyet thy selfe and ther vnto commyt ' thy selfe and blesse thy selfe in all temptacyon namely at the houre of death with that holy candel Or els perishest thou though thou hast a thousande holy candels about the a hundred tonne of holy water a shipfull of pardons aclothsacke ful of freers coates and al the ceremonies in the world and all the good workes deseruinges and merytes of all men in the world be they or were they ne uer so holy Goddes worde onely lasteth for euer and that whiche he hath sworne doth abyde when all other thynges peryshe So longe as thou findest any con sent in thyne hert vnto y e lawe of God y t it is righteous and good and also disple sure that thou canst not fulfyl it dispayr not nether dout but that Gods sprite is in the that thou art chosē for Christes sake to the enheritaunce of eternall lyfe And agayne Ro. iii. We suppose that a manne is iustified thorow fayth without the dedes of the lawe And lykewyse Ro. iii. We saye that faith was rekened to Abraham for righteousnes Item Ro. v. Seyng that wee are iustified thorow fayth wee are at one with God Itē Ro. x. With the herte doth a man beleue to be made ryghteous Item Gal. iii. Receyued ye the spirit by the dedes of the lawe or by hearyng of the fayth He whiche ministreth the spirit vnto you and workeh miracles amonge you doeth he it by the deades of the Lawe or by hearynge of faythe Euen as Abraham beleued God and it was tekened to him for ryghteous nes Understāde therfore sayeth he that the chyldren of Abrahā For the scripture sawe before that God woulde iustifi the heythen or gentyls by fayth and shewed before glad tydynges vnto Abraham in thy sede shal al nacious be blessed Wher fore they which are of fayth shalbe blessed that is to saye made ryghteous with the righteous Abraham For as many as are of the dedes of the law are vnder the curse For it is written sayth he curssed is euerye man that contynueth not in all thynges whiche are written in the boke of the lawe to fulfil them Item Gal. ii where he resisteth Peter in the face he sayeth We whiche are Iewes by nacion and not synners of the gentyls knowe that a man is not iustified by the dedes of the lawe but by the fayth of Iesus Christ and haue therfore beleued on Iesus Christe that we myght be iustfied by the faith of Christ and not by the dedes of the lawe for by the dedes of the lawe shall no fleshe be iustified Item in y e same place he sayth Toutchyng that Inow lyue I leue in y e fayth of the sonne of God whiche loued me and gaue hym ●elfe for me I despyse not the grace of God For yf ryghteousnes com by the lawe then is Christe dead in vayne And of such lyke ensamples are al the epistles of Paul full Marke how Paule laboureth with hym selfe to expresse the exceadyng mysteryes of fayth in the epistle to the Ephesians and in the Gpistle to the Collossians By this and many such like textes are we sure that the forgeuenes of sinnes and iustifienge is appropriate vnto faith onely with out the adding of the workes Take for the also the lykenes that Christ maketh Mat. vii A good tree bringeth forth good fruite And a bad tre bringeth forth bad fruit Ther seyst thou that y e fruite maketh not the tre good but the tre the fruit and that the tree must afore hande bee good or be made good e● it can bryng forth good fruite As he also sayeth Mat. xii ether make the tree good and his fruyte good also et her make the tree bad and his fruit bad also How can ye speake well whyle ye youre selues are euill So lykewyse is this true and nothinge more true that a man before all good workes must fyrst be good and that it is impossible that workes should make hym good yf he were not good before e● he dyd good workes For this is Christes prynciple and as we saye a general rule Howe can ye speake well whyle ye are euel So lykewise howe can ye do good whyle ye are euel Thys is therfore a playne and a sure couclusion not to be dowted of that ther must be firste in the hert of a man before he doeth any good workes greater
becaus it is the will of his father only If we do no good worke nor be mercyfull howe is our lust therin If we haue no luste to do good workes how is gods spirite in vs If the spirite of God be not in vs howe are wee hys sonnes Howe are wee hys heyres and heyres annexed with Christe of the eternall lyfe which is promysed to all them that beleue in him Now do our workes testifie and witnes what we are what treasure is leade vp for vs in heauen so that our eye be single and loke vppon the commaūdemēt with out respecte of any thynge saue because it is Gods wyll and that God desireth it of vs and Christe hath deserued that w● do it Math. vii Not all they that saye vnto me Lorde Lorde shall enter in to y e kingedome of heauen but he that doth the will of my father which is in heauē Though thou canste laude God wyth thy lippes and call Christ Lord and canst bable and talke of the scripture and knowest al the storyes of the byble Yet shalt thou there by neuer knowe thine election or whether thy fayth be right But and if thou feale lust in thine herte to the will of God and bringest forth the fruits therof then hast thou confidence and hope and thy dedes and also the spirite whence thy deades spring certyfye thine hert that thou shalt enter yea art all ready entred in to the kingdome of heauen For it foloweth he that heareth the word and doth it bildeth his howse vpon a rocke and no tempest of temptacions can ouer thorowe it For the spirit of God is in his herte and com forteth him and holdeth hym faste to the rocke of the merites of Christes bloude ▪ in whom he is electe Nothing is able to pluck hym out of the hādes of God God is stronger then all thinges And contrary wise he that heareth the worde and doth it not byldeth on sande of his owne imaginacion and euery tēpest ouer throweth his byldinge The cause is he hath not Gods spirite in hym and therfore vnder standeth it not a right nother worketh a ryght For no man knoweth the thinges of God sayeth Paul in the .i. pistle to the Corinthyans in the seconde Chap saue the spirite of God as no man knoweth what is a man but a mans spirite which is in hym So then if the spirite be not in a man he worketh not the wil of God nether vnderstandeth it though he bable neuer so moche of the scriptures Neuerthelesse soch a man maye worke after his owne ymaginacion but Gods will can he not wor●ke he may offer sacrifyce but to do mercye knoweth he not It is easye to saye vnto Christe Lorde Lorde but therby shalt thou neuer feale or be sure of the kingdome of heauen But and if thou do the wil of God then art thou sure that Christ is thy lord in deade and that thou in him art also a lord in that thou fealest thy selfe loosed and fere from the bōdage of synne and lusty and of power to do the wyll of God Wher the spirit is ther is fealynge For the spirite makethe vs feale all thinges Wher the spryte is not ther is no fealynge but a vayne opinion or ymaginacion A phisician serueth but for sycke men and that for such sycke men as feale ther sekeneses morne ther fore and lōge for health Christ lyke wise serueth but for such sinners only as feale ther synne and that for suche synners as sorowe and morne in theyr hertes for health Health is power or strēgth to fulfyll the lawe or to kepe the commaundementes Nowe he that longeth for that health that is to saye for to do the lawe of God is blessed in Christe and hath a promyse that his lust shalbe fulfylled and that he shalbe made hole Math. v blessed are they which honger thurst for rightwesnes sake that is to fulfyll the lawe for ther lust shalbe fulfylled This longyng and consent of the herte vnto the lawe of God is the workynge of the spirite which God hath poured in to thine hert in ernest that thou myghtyst be sure that God wyll fulfyll all his promyses that he hath made the. It is also the seale and marke whiche God putteth on al men that he choseth vnto euerlastinge lyfe So lōge as thou seest thy sinne and mornest and consentest to the lawe and lōgest though y u be neuer so weake yet the spirite shall kepe the in all tempta cions from desperacion and certifie thine herte that God for his trouth shall delyuer y e and saue the yea and by thy good deades shallt thou be saued not whyche thou hast done but whiche Christe hath done for the. For Christe is thine and all his deades are thy deads Christ is in the and thou in hym knyt to gether insepara bly Neither canst thou be damned except Christe be damned with the. Neither can Christe be saued excepte y u be saued with hym More ouer thy hert is good ryght holy and Iust. For thy herte is no enimie to the lawe but a frend and a louer The lawe and thy hert are agreed and at one and therfore is God at one with the. The consent of the hert vnto the law is vnite and peace betwene God and man For he is not myne enemy whiche woulde fayne do me pleasure and morneth be cause he hath not where with Nowe he that opened thy dysease vnto the and made the longe for health shal as he hath promised heale the and he that hath loesed thy hert shall at his Godly pleasur loese thy mem bres ▪ He that hath not the spirite hath no fealyng nether lusteth or longeth after power to fulfyl the lawe neither abhorteth the pleasures of synne nether hath any man more certentie of the promyses of God than I haue of a tale of Robyn hode or of some iest that a mā telleth me was done at Rome Another man maye lightely make me doute or beleue the contrary seing I haue no experience ther of mi selfe So is it of them that feale not the working of the spirite and therfor in tyme of temptaciō the byldinges of ther ymaginacions fall MAthei x. He that receyueth a pro phete in the name of a prophete that is because he is a prophete shall receyue the rewarde of a prophete and he that geueth one of thes li●leons a cuppe of colde water to drinke in the name of a dysciple shal not lose his rewarde Note this that a prophete singnifieth as well him that enterpreteth the harde places of scripture as him that pro phisies thinges to come Nowe he that re ceyueth a prophete a iust man or a disciple shall haue the same or lyke rewarde that's to saye shal haue the same eternal lyfe whiche is appoynted for thē in Chri stes bloude and merytes For except thou were electe to the same eternall lyfe and haddest the same faith and trust in God
and the same spirite thou cowldest neuer consent to their deades and healpe them But thy deades testifye what thow art and certyfye thy conscience that thou art receyued to mercy sātyfied in Christes passions and sufferynges and shallt here after wythe all them that folowe God receyue the reward of eternall lyfe ▪ Of thy wordes thou shalt be iustified and of thy wordes thou shalt be condemned Math. xii That is thy wordes as wel as other deades shall testifye with the or agaynst y e at the daye of iudgemente Many ther are which abstaine from the vtte warde deades of fornicaciō and adulteri neuer the lasse reioice to talke ther of and laugh their wordes and laughter testifie agaynste them that theyr herte is vnpur and they Adulterers and Fornicatours in the syght of God The tonge other signes oft times vtter y e malice of y e hert though a man for many causes abstayne his hāde frō the outwarde deade or acte IF thou wylt enter in to lyfe kepe the commaundementes Ma●hei xix Fyrste remēbre that whē God cōmaundeth vs to do anie thinge he dothe it not therfore because that wee of oure selues are able to do that he com maūdeth but that by the lawe we myght se and knowe oure horryble damnacion and captiuite vnder sinne and shoulde repent and come to Christe receyue mercye and the scripture of God to loose vs strengh vs to make vs able to do gods wil which is the law Now when he say eth if thou wylt enter in to lyfe kepe the conmaundementes is as much to say as he that kepeth the commaundementes is intred in to life for except a mā haue first the spirit of life in him by Christes pourcheasinge it is impossible for him to kepe the commaundementes or that his herte shoulde be loose or at libertie to lust after thē ▪ for of nature wee are enemyes to the lawe of God As toutchinge that Christe saieth after ward if thou wilt be perfect goe and sell thy substance and geue it to the pore he saieth it not as who shoulde saye that ther were any greater perfectiō then to kepe the lawe of God for that is all perfection but to showe the other his blindnes which saw ●not that the law is spiritual and requireth the herte But because he was not knowinge that he hade hurt any man with the outwarde deade he supposed that he loued his neyghbour as hym selfe But when he was bade to shewe the deades of loue and geue of his abundance to them that neaded he depar ted morninge Whiche is an euident tokē that he loued not his neyboure as well as hym selfe For if he had nede him selfe it woulde not haue greaued him to haue receyued succour of an other man Moreduer he sawe not ▪ that it was morder and thefte that a man shoulde haue obōdaūce of ryches lyinge by him and not succoure hys neiboures neade God hath geuē one mā riches to healpe an other at neade Yf thi neighbour neade and thou healpe him not beinge able y u with holdist hys dutye from him and art a thefe before God That also that Christ saieth how that it is harder for a rich man whiche loueth his riches so y t he can not find in his hert liberally and frely to healpe the pore and nedy to enter in to the kingdō of heauē then a camell to go thorowe the eye of an nedle declareth that he was not intred in to the kingdō of heauē that is to saye eternall life But he that kepeth the commaū demētes is intred in to life yea hath life and the spirite of life in him THis kinde of deuils goth not out but by prayere fastinge Math. xxvii Not that the deuill is caste out by merites of fasting or pray inge For he sayeth before that for there vnbelefes sake they coulde not cast hym out It is fayeth no doute that casteth out the deuils and fayth it is that fasteth and praieth Fayth hath the promyses of God where vnto she cleaueth and in all thinges thristeth the honour of god She fasteth subdueth y e body vnto y e spirite y t the prayer be not let and that the spirite maye quietly talke wyth God she also when so euer oportunitie is geuē prayeth god to fulfil his promises vnto his praise and glorye And God whiche is mercyful in promysinge and true to fulfyll ' them casteth out the deuils doth all that faith desyreth and satisfieth hyr thurst COme ye blessed of my father enherete the kyngdome prepared for you from the begynnynge of the world For I was a thurst and ye gaue me drinke c. Mat. xxv Not that a man with workes deserueth eternall lyfe as a worke man or labourer his hyre or wages Thou readest in the text that the kingdome was prepared for vs from the beginnge of the worlde And we are blessed and sanctified In Christes bloude are we blessed from that bitter cruse and damnable captiuite vnder synne where in we were borne and conceyued And Christes spirit is poured into vs to bring forth good workes and oure workes are the fruites of the spirit and the kingdom is thr deseruinge of Christes bloude and so is fayth and the spiryte and good wor kes also Not withstandinge the kingdōe foloweth good workes good workes testifie that we are heyres therof and at the daye of Iudgement shall they testifie for y e electe vnto theyr comforth and glorye And to the confucion of the vngod●ie vnbeleuynge faythlesse synners whiche had not truste in the worde of Goddes promyses nor lust to the wil of God but were caryed of the spirite of theyr father the deuill vnto al ab hominaciō to worke wyckednes with all luste delectacion and gred●nes MAny sinnes are forgeuen hir for she loueth moche Lu. vii Not y t loue was cause of forgeuenes of sinnes But cō trary wise the forgeuenes of synnes caused loue as it foloueth to whom lesse was forgeuē the same loueth lesse And afore he cōmended the iudgement of Symon whiche answered that he loueth most to whō moste was forgeuen and also sayde at the last thy fayth hath saued the or made y e safe go in peace We can not loue except wee se some benefite and kyndnes As longe as we loke on the law of god only where we se but sinne and damnacion and the wrath of God vpon vs yea where wee were damned afore we were borne wee can not loue God No wee can not but hate him as a ryrante vnrightuous and vniust and fle from hym as dyd Cayn But when the Gospel that glad tidinges and io●full promises are preached howe that in Christe God loueth vs fyrst forgeueth vs and hath mercye on vs then loue we again and the deades of our loue declare oure fayth This is the maner of speakyng As we saye Somer is nye for the trees blosome Nowe is the blosome
is he to other and as greatly as he fealeth his owne miseri so grate cōpassiō hath he on other Hys neibours is no lesse care to hym then hym selfe He fealeth hys neybours grieffe no lesse then his owne And when so euer he seeth occa siō he can not but pray for his neibour as well as for him selfe his nature is to seke the honour of god in al men and to draw as much as in him is all men vnto God This is the lawe of loue whiche spring eth out of Christes bloude in to y e hertes of al thē that haue their trust in hym No man nedeth to byd a christen man to pray if he se his neybours neade if he se it not put hym in remembraunce only and then he can not but do his dutye Nowe as toutchynge y t we desier one a nother to pray for vs that do wee to put oure neybour in remēbraunce of his dutie and not that we truste in his holynes Oure truste is in God in Christe and in the trueth of goddes promyses we haue also a promise that when .ii. or ▪ iii. or moe agre togethere in any thynge accordynge to the wil of God God heareth vs. Not wythstandynge as God hearethe many so heareth he few ●nd so heareth he one if he pray after the wyl of god and desire the honour of God He that desireth mer cye the same fealeth hys ow●e mysery and sinne and morneth in his hert for to be delyuered that he might honour God and God for hys trueth must heare hym which saieth by y e mouth of christ Mat. v. Blessed are they that hōger and thurst after rightousnes for they shalbe fulfyllled God for hys truethes sake muste put the rightuousnes of Christe in him and washe his vnrightuousnes awaye in the bloude of Christ. And be the sinner neuer so weke neuer so feable and frayle syne he neuer so oft so areuousli yet so long as this lust desire and morninge to be deliuered remaineth in hym God seeth not hys sinnes rekeneth them not for hys truethes sake and loue to Christe He is not a sinner in the sight of God y e would be no sinner He that would be del●uered hath his hert loose already His hert sinneth not but morneth repenteth and cōsenteth vnto the lawe and wyll of God and iustifith God that is beareth record that God whiche made the law is rightu ous and iustc And such an hert trustinge in Christes bloude is accepted for full rightuous And hys weaknes infirmitie and frayltie is pardoned and hys synnes not lokede vpon vntyll God put more strength in hym and fulfyll his lust When the weake in the fayth and vnexpert in the misterites of Christe desire vs to pray for thē thē ought we to leade then to the trueth and promises of God and teach them to put their truste in the promises of God in y e loue y t God hath to Christe and to vs for his sake and to strength ther weke consciēces shewing● and prouinge by the scripture that as longe as they folowe the spirite resyste sinne it is impossible they shoulde faule so depe that God shal not pulle them vp agayne if they hold fast by the anker of fayth hauinge truste and confydence in Christe The loue that God hath to Christe is infinite and Christe dyd and suffered all thynges not for hym selfe to optaine fauouer or ought else for he had euer the full fauoure of God and was euer Lorde ouer all thinges but to rec●nsile vs to God and to make vs heyres with him of his fathers kyngdome And God hath promised that whosoeuer calleth on his name shall neuer be confūded or a shamed Ro. ii Yf the ryghtwis fall saith the scriptur he shal not be broised the Lorde shall put his hande vnder him Who is rightuous but he that trusteth in Christes bloude be he neuer so weak Christe is our ryghtuousnes and in hym ought we to teach all men to truste and to expounde vnto al mē y e testament that God hath made to vs sinners in Christes bloude Thys ought wee to do and not make a praye of them to leade them captyue to sitte in ther conscyences and to teach them to truste in our holynes good deades and prayers to the entēt that we woulde fede oure ydle and slowe belyes of their great labour and sweate and so to make our selues Christes sauiours For if I take on me to saue other by mi merites make I not my selfe a Christ and a sauioure and am in deade a false prophete and a true antichrist and exalt my selfe and sytte in the temple of God that is to wyt the consciences of men A mōg Christē men loue maketh al thinges commune eueri man is others detter and euery man is bōūde minister to his neigh boure and to supplye hys neyghbours lacke of that where wyth God hath endued hym As thou seeest in the worlde howe the Lordes and offycers minister peace in the commune wealth punyshe murderers theues and euyll doers and to maynteine ther ordre and estate do the communes minister to them agayne rēt trybute tolle and custome So in y e Gospell the curates whyche in euery paryshe preach the Gospel ought of dutie to receyue an honest lyuing for them and theyr how sholdes and euen so ought the other officers whiche are necessarilye repu●ed in the commune wealth of Christ. Wee neade not to vse fylthy lucre in the Gospell to chope and chaunge and to playe the tauernars altering y e word of God as they do their wynes to theyr moste a vauntage and to fascion Goddes word after euery mans mouth or to abse the name of Christe to optayne therby autorite power to feede oure slowe bealies Now seest thou what prayer is the ende therof and wherfore it serueth If thou giue me a thousand pownde to praye for the I am no more boūde thē I was before Mans ymaginacion can make the commaundement of God nether greater nor smaller nether can it eyther adde to the lawe of God or minishe ● Goddes commaundement is as grater as hym selfe I am bownde to loue the Turke wyth all my myght and power yea and aboue my power euen from the grounde of my hert after the ensample that Christ loued me nether to spare god des bodye or life to win him to Christe And what can I do more for the if thou gaueste me all the worlde Where I see neade ther can I not but pray if Godes spirite be in me Almes is a greake worde and sygnifyeth mercy One Christen is detter to a nother at hys neade of all that he is able to do for him vntill his neade be suffised E uery Christen man ought to haue Christ all ways before his eyes as an ensample to counterfaite and folowe and to do to his neyboure as Christ hath done to him as Paule teacheth in all his
for consciēce to God and of compassion and hertie loue whiche compassion and loue springe of the loue wee haue to God in Christ for the pure mercye and loue that he hath showed on vs then haue wee a sure token that wee are be loued of God and washed in Christes bloud and electe by Christes deseruing vnto eternall lyfe The scripture speaketh as a father doeth to his younge sonne do this or that and then wil I loue the yet the father loueth his sonne fyrst and studieth with all hys power and witte to ouercome hys childe with loue and with kindnes to make him do that which is comly honeste and good for it selfe A kynde father and mother loue ther chylder euen whē they are euyl that they would shede there owne bloude to make thē better and to brynge them in to the ryght waye And a naturall chylde studieth not to obtayne hys fathers loue with workes but considereth with what loue his father loueth hym wyth all and therfor loueth agayne is glade to do hys fathers wil. And stu●ith to be thank●ull The spirite of the worlde vnderstandeth not the speaking of God nether the spirite of the wyse of this worlde nether the spirite of Philosophers nether y e spi rite of Socrates of Plato or of Aristoles Ethikes as thou maist se in the fyrste and seconde Chapter of the fyrste to the Corint Thoughe that many are not ashamed to rayle and blaspheme saynge how shoulde he vnderstande the scripture seynge he is no phylosopher nether hath sene hys metaphisike More ouer they blaspheme sayenge howe can he be a deuine and wotteth not what is subiec tum in theologia Neuer y e lesse as a man wyth out the spirite of Aristotell or philosophie maye by the spirite of God vnderstand scripture Euen so by the spirit of God vnderstandeth he that God is to be sought in all the scripture and in all thinges and yet wotteth not what meaneth Subiectum in theologia because it is a terme of ther own makinge If thou shouldest saie to him that hath the spirite of God the loue of God is the kepinge of the commaundementes and to loue a mans neyboure ▪ is to showe mercye be woulde with out arguinge or disputinge vnderstāde how that of the loue of God springeth the kepinge of his commaunde mentes and of the loue to thy neyboure springeth mercie Nowe woulde Aristotell denye suche spakynge and a Duns man would make xx distinctiōs If thou shouldest say as sayeth saynte Iohn in the fourth of his epistle how can he that loueth not his neyboure whome he seeth loue God whom he seeth not Aristotell wolde saye lo a man must fyrst loue hys neyboure and then God and out of the loue to thy neyboure sprinketh the loue to God But he that fealeth the working of the spirite of God also from what vengeaunce the bloude of Christe hath delyuerid hym vnderstandeth how that it is impossible to loue othere fathere or mother syster brother neyboure or his owne selfe a rygh except it springe out of the loue to God and perceyuethe that the loue to a mans neyboure is a signe of the loue to God as good frute declareth a good tre and that the loue to a mans neyboure accōpanieth and foloweth the loue of God as heate accompaneth and foloweth fire Lyke wise when the scripture sayeth Christ shall rewarde euery man at the resurrection or vprising againe accordinge to his deades the scripture of Aristoles Ethikes woulde saye lo with the multitude of good workes mayst thou muste thou obtayne euerlastinge lyfe and also a place in heauē hye or lowe acordinge as thou hast many or few good workes and yet wotteth not what a good worke mea neth as Christ speaketh of good workes as he y t saieth not the hert ▪ but out warde thinges only But he that hath gods spirite vnderstādeth it He fealeth that good workes are no thinge but frutes of loue compassion mercifulnes and of a tender nes of hert which a Christen hath to his neiboure and that loue springeth of that loue whiche he hath to God to his wyll and commaundementes and vnderstandeth also that the loue whiche man hath to God springeth of that infinite loue and botōlesse mercy which god in Christ shewed fyrst to vs as saieth Iohn in the pistle and Chap. aboue rehersed In this sayeth he appered the loue of God to vs warde bycause that God sent his only begoten sonne in to the worlde that we might lyue thorow hym Here in is loue not that we loued God but that he loued vs and sent his sonne to make a grement for oure sinnes In conclusion a Christē man fealeth that that vnspeakeable loue and mercy whiche God hath to vs and that spirite whyche worketh all thynges are wroughte accordinge to the wyll of God and that loue where wy the wee loue God and that loue whiche we haue to oure neybour and that mercy and com passion whiche wee showe on hym and also that eternalll lyfe whiche is layd by in store for vs in Christe are all together the gift of God thorowe Christes purchasinge If the scripture sayde alwaies Christe shall rewarde the accordinge to thy fayth or accordnge to thy hope and truste thou hast in God or accordinge to the loue thou haste to God and thy neyboure so were it true also as thou seyst i. Pe. i. receiuinge the ende or rewarde of youre fayth the health or saluaciou of your soules But the spirituall thinges coulde not be knowen saue by theyr wor kes as a tre can not be knowen but by hir frute How coulde I knowe that I lo ued my neyboure if neuer occasiou were giuen me to showe mercy vnto him how shoulde I knowe that I loued God if I neuer suffered for his sake how shoulde I know that God loued me if ther were no infirmite temptacion perell and Ieop●rdye whence God shoulde delyuer me THere is no man that forsaketh house other father or mother ▪ other brethern or sisterne or wife or childerne for the kingdome of hauēs sake which shal not receyue much more in this worlde and in the worlde to come euerlastinge lyfe Luc. xviii Here seest thou that a Christen man in all hys workes hath respecte to nothinge but vnto the glorye of God only and to the maynteinynge of the trueth of God and doth and leaueth vndone all thinges of loue to y e glorie and honor of God only as Christ teacheth in the pater noster More ouer when he sayeth he shall receiue much more in this world of a truth yea he hath receiued muche more al redi For excepte he had felte the infinite mercy goodnes loue and kyndnes of God and the feloweshyppe of the bloude of Christe and the comfort of the spirite of Christ in hys herte he coulde neuer haue forsaken any thinge for Gods sake Not withstādinge as sayth Marke in the. x. Chapter Who soeuer
wee knowledge our synnes he is faithfull and rightuous to forgeue vs our synnes Now if we be all synners none fulfyleth the lawe For he that fulfileth the lawe is no sinner In the lawe maye nother Peter nor Paul ner any other creature saue Christ only reioise In the bloude of Christ which fulfilled the lawe for vs maye euery parsone that repenteth beleueth loueth the lawe and morneth for strengh to fulfyll it reioyse be he neuer so weake a sinner The two pence therfore and the credens that he left behind him to bestowe more if neade were signifith that he was euery where mercyfull both present and absent with out fayninge cloking complayninge or excusinge and forsoke not his neyboure as lōge as he had neade Which exemple I praye God men maye folowe and let opera superrogationis a lone MAry hath chosen a good parte whiche shall not be taken from her Lucc x. She was fyrst chosen of God and called by grace both to knowe hir sinne also to heare the worde of fayth health gladtidiges of mercy in Christe and faith was gyuen hyr to beleue and the spirite of God losed hyr hert from the boundage of sinne Then consented she to the will of God agayne and agayne and a boue all thinges had delectaciō to heare that worde wherin she had obtayned euerlastinge health and namly of his mouth whiche hade purchased so grate mercy for hyr God choseth vs first and loued vs fyrst and optneth our eyes to se his exceadinge abundaunt loue to vs in Christ and thē loue we againe and accepte hys wyll aboue all thynges and serue him that office where vnto he hath chosen vs. Selle that ye haue and giue almes And make you bagges whyche wax not old and treasure which faileth not in heauē Lu. xii This and souch lyke are not spoken that we shoulde worke as hyrelinges in respecte of reward and as though we should obtayne heauen with merite For he saith a litle afore feare not litel flocke for it is youre fathers pleasure to geue you a kingdome The kingdome cometh then of the good will of Almyghty God thorowe Christ. And souche thinges are spoken partlye to put vs in remenbraūce of our dutye to be kinde agayne As is that sainge let your light so shine before men that they se your good workes and gloryefye your father which is in heauē As who shoulde saye if God haue geuen you so greate gyftes bee not vnthankefull but bestowe them vnto hys prayse Some thinges are spoken to moue vs to put our trust in God as are thes Beholde the bryddes of the ayre If youre childerne aske you bred will ye profer thē a stoon and many souch lyke Some are spoken to put vs in remembraunce to be sober to whatche and praye and to prepare our selfes against temptacions and that we shoulde vnderstande and know howe that tentacions and occasion of euil come then most when they are lest loked for lest we shoulde be carelesse and sure of oure selues necligent and vnprepared Some thinges ar spoken that we shoulde feare the wonderfull and incōpre hē●ible iudgmētes of God lest we should presume Some to confort vs y t we despayre not And for lyke causes are all the ensamples of the olde testament ▪ In conclusiō y e scripture speaketh mani thinges as the worlde speaketh But they maye not be worldly vnderstande but goostlye and spirituallie yea the spirite of God only vnderstandeth them and where he is not ther is not the vnderstandinge of the scripture But vnfrutefull disputynge and braulinge about wordes The scripture saith God seeth God heareth God smelleth God walketh God is with thē God is not with them God is angrie God is pleased God sendeth his spirite God taketh his spirite a way and a thousande suche like And yet is none of them true after the wordly ma ner and as y e words sowne Rede the secound Chapter of Paul to the Corinthi ans the naturall man vnderstandeth not the thinges of God but y e spirite of god only and we saieth he haue receyued the spirite which is of God to vnderstande the thinges which are geuen vs of God For without the spirite it is inpossible to vnderstande them Rede also the. viii to the Romains They that are led with the spirite of God are the sōnes of God Now the sōne knoweth his fathers wil● and the seruant not He that hath not the spirite of Christ saieth Paul is none of his Likewise he that hath not the spirite of God is none of Gods for it is bothe one spirite as thou mayste se the same place Now he that is of God hereth the worde of God Io. viii who is of God but he that hath the spirite of God For ther more saieth he ye here it not because ye are not of God that is ye haue no lust in the worde of God for ye vnderstāde it not and that because his spirite is not in you For as muche then as the scripture is no thinge els but that whiche the spirite of God hath spoken by the Prophetes and Apostls and can not be vnderstande but of the same spirite Let euery man praye to God to send him his spirit to loose vs from oure naturall blindnes and ignoraunce and to geue vs vnderstā ding and fealinge of the thinges of God and of y e speakinge of y e spirite of God And marke this processe First we are dāned of nature so conceyued and borne as a serpēt is a serpēt and a tode a tode a snake a snake bi nature And as thou seest a yonge chylde which hath pleasure in mani thinges wherin is present death as in fire water and so forth wolde sle● hym selfe with a thowsande deathes if he were not wayted opon and kept therfroe Euen so we if we shoulde lyue this thousand yeares coulde in all that tyme delite in no other thinge nor yet seke any other thinge but that where in is death of the soule Secundarily of the hole multitude of the nature of man whom God hath electe and chosen and to whom he hath apointed mercy and grace in Christe to them sendeth he his spirit whiche openeth their eies showeth thē theyr meserye and bringeth them vnto the knoledge of thē selues so that they hate and abhorre thē selues are astonyed and amased and at ther wittes endes nether wote what to do or where to seke health Then le●t they shoulde ●●ie from God by despetacion he conforteth them agayne with his swete promises in Christe and certifieth ther hertes that for Christes sake they are receyued to mercye theyr sinnes for geuen and they electe and made y e sonnes of God and heyres with Christe of eternal lyfe and thys thorowe fayth are they set at peace with God Now maye not we are why God choseth one and not another other thynke that God is vniust to dāme vs afore we do any actuall deade
seing that god hath power ouer all hys creatures of right to do with them what he lyst or to make of eueri one of thē as he lysteth Our darknes can not perceyue his lyght God wilbe feared not haue his secret iudgemēts knowen More ouer we by the light of fayth se a thousande thynges whiche are impossible to an infidle to se. So lyke wise no doute in the light of the clear vis●on of God we shall se thynges whyche now God will not haue knowen For pryde euer accompanieth hye knowledge but grace accompanieth mekenes Let vs therfore gyue diligence rather to do the will of God then to search his secrettes which are not profitable for vs to know When we are thus recōsyled to God made the frendes of God and heyres of eternal lyfe y e spirite that god hath powred in to vs testifyeth that we maye not lyue after our olde deades of ignorance For how is it possible that we shoulde repente and abhorre them and yet haue lust to lyue in thē Wee are sure therfore that God hath created and made vs new in Christe and put hys spirite in vs that we shoulde lyue a newe lyfe whiche is y e lyfe of good workes That thou maist know what are good workes or what workes are good and the ende and entente of good workes or wherfore good workes serue marke this that foloweth The lyfe of a Christen man is inward betwene hym and God and properly is the consente of ▪ the spirite to the will of God and to y e honour of god And godes honour is the finall ende of al good workes Good workes all thynges that are done wyth in y e lawes of God in whych God is honoured and for whiche thākes are geuen to God Fastinge is to absteine from sur●eting or ouer much ca●inge frō dronkenes and care of the worlde as thou mayste reede Lu. xxi and the ende of fastynge is to tame the bodie that the spirite may haue a free course to God and maye quyetly talke with God For ouer much eatynge and drinkinge and care of worldly busynes persse downe the spiryte choeke hyr and tāgle hyr that she can not lift vp hyr selfe to God Now he that fasteth for any other entente than to subdue the bodye that the spirite may wayte on God and frely exersice hyr selfe in the thinges of God y e same is blinde and woteth not what he doth er reth shoteth at a wrōge marke and his entente and ymaginacion is abhomynable in y e sight of God Whē thou fastest from meate and drinkest all day is that a Christen fast either to eate at one meale that wer sufficiēt for foure A man at foure tymes maye beare that he can not at ones Some fast from meat and drinke and yet so tangle them selues in worldli busines that thei can not ones thinke on God Some abstayne from butter some from egges some from all manner witte meate some this day some that dai sōe in the honoure of this saint some of that and euery man for a sondr● purpose Some for the tothache sōe for the hed ache for feuers pestilence for soden death for hanginge drounding and to be deliuered from the paynes of hell Some ar so mad that thei fast one of the thursdayes betwene ▪ the two saynt marye dayes in the worshippe of that saynt whos day is halowed betwne cristēmas and candelmas and that to be delyuered from the pestilence All those men fast without conscience of God and without knowledge of the true entēte of fastinge and do no other thā honoure sayntes as the gentels and heathen worshiped their ydolles and are drowned in blindnes and know not of the testamēt that God hath made to manward in Christes bloud In God haue thei nother hope nor cōfidēce nether beleue his promyses nether know hys wyll but are yet in captyuyte vnder they prince of the darkenes Watche is not only to absteyne from slepe but also to be circūspect and to cast al pereles as a mā should watch a toure or a castell We muste remembre that the snares of the deuill are infinite and innumerable and that eueri moment aryse new temptations and that in al places mete vs fresh occasiōs Against whiche we must prepare our selues and turne to God and complaine to him and make oure mone and desyre hym of hys mercye to be our shylde our toure oure castell and defence from all euill to put his strength in vs for wy thout hym wee can do nought and aboue all thinges we must call to mynde what promises God hath made what he hath sworne that he wyll doo to vs for Christes sake and with stronge fayth cleue vnto them and desire hym of his mercye and for the loue that he hath to Christe for hys truthes sake to fulfyll his promyses If we thus cleue to God wyth stronge fayth and be leue his wores then as sayth Paule i. Corint x. God is faythfull that he wyll not suffer vs to be tēpted aboue that we are able or aboue oure myght that is to say if we cleaue to his promyses and not to oure fantasyes and ymaginacions he will put might and power in to vs that shal be strōger then al the tentaciō which he shal suffer to be against vs. PRayer is amorninge a longinge and a desire of the spirite to god ward for that which she lacketh as a sick morneth and soroweth in his hert longinge for health Fayth euer praieth For after that by fayth wee are recōsiled to God and haue receyued mercie and forgiuenes of God the spirite longeth and trusteth for strengeth to do the will of God and that God maye be honoured hys name halowede and hys pleasure and wyll fulfilles The spiryte waiteth and watcheth on the will of god and euer hath hir owne fragilite weaknes before hyr eyes and when she seeth tentacion and perell drawe nye she torneth to God to the testamente that God hath made to all that beleue and truste in Christes bloud and desireth God for his mercy trueth and for the loue he hath to Christe that he wyl fulfill hys promyse that he shall soccur and helpe and giue vs strength and that he wyll sanctifie hys name in vs and fulfill hys godly wyll in vs and y t he wil not loke on our sin and iniq●ite but on his mercy on his trueth and on the loue that he oweth to his sone Christ and for hys sake to kepe vs from tentacion that we be not ouercome and that he delyuer vs from euyll and what so euer moueth vs contrary to hys Godly wyll More ouer of hys owne experience he fealeth other mens neade and no lesse commendeth to God the infirmites of other then hys owne knowynge that ther is no strength no helpe no succure but of God only And as mercyfull as he fealeth god in his hert to him selfe warde so mercyfull