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A12472 The doctrine of praier in generall for all men, that is, vniuersally for all mankind: Proued 1. By the true sence of the words if the Apostle 1. Tim 2. 2. By the reasons, why all men in that since should be praid for. 3. By the doctrine establishing such praier. 4. By the practises of churches, concerning that kind of praier. 5. By the obiections, ansuered. Against the position of those that say and preach, that all men are not to be praid for. By I. Smith, minister of Gods word at Reading. Smith, John, minister at Reading.; Smith, John, 1563-1616. 1595 (1595) STC 22797; ESTC S102599 80,671 127

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such to worship him Again Ye know not of what spirit ye are The reason For the son of man is not come to destroy mens liues but to saue them c. Againe But there are some of you that beleeue not The reason For Iesus knew from the beginning which they were that beleeued not and who should betray him Wee see in these few as in many how notablie the spirit of the Lord doth suggest a reason proper to the thing that is handled for the further instruction comfort and edifying of his children As if he should say in plaine words search the scriptures For in them ye think to haue eternall life and they are they that testifie of me A reason most notably encouraging the seruants of the Lord to seeke for eternall life and to seeke to know Christ in the scriptures So here in hand at this time Pray for all men For it is acceptable to God who wil haue all men to be saued and to come to the knowledge of the truth A reason setting forth the pleasure of God that before him such a praier is accepted that he will the same too that they pray that is All men to be saued and to know the truth Then wee see euen from the instruction of the spirit of the Lord That these words yeeld a reason p●oper vnto the proposition which they confirme And therefore haue therein their owne proper sence which what it is I wil by the grace of God search forth after the mind of the best writers Neither will I goe to the right hand or to the left but will declare the truth herein And howsoeuer men haue iudged of me herein I esteeme not the cause is Gods Who will haue all men to be saued and to come to the knowledge of the truth In speaking concerning the will of God S. Augustine hath a good saying for vs to consider Ne● iniquè aliquid facit nèc nisi volens quicquam facit omnia quaecunque vult facit That is neither doth God any thing vniustly neither doth he any thing but of his good will and all things whatsoeuer he will that he doth And againe Omnipotentis voluntas dei semper inuicta est quae mala esse nunquam potest The wil of the almightie God is alwaies inuincible which neuer can bee amisse or euill To which purpose Caluin noteth vpon this place After that saith he the Apostle had taught that that thing was profitable which he commanded now he setteth downe a more forcible argument that is that it is pleasing vnto God Nam vbi constat de eius voluntate instar omnium rationum nobis esse debet That is For where the matter is knowne to be the certaine will of God that ought to be vnto vs in stead of all other reasons whatsoeuer Quia autem dei voluntas regula est ad quam exigenda sunt officianostra omnia Because indeed The will of God is a rule by which all our duties and doings are to be squared and tried God therefore doth nothing vniustly he doth what he will That his will is alwaies iust and true It is the rule of our actions It is in stead of all other reasons vnto vs that may be giuen Thus much being spoken of the constant will of God we will goe forward and come more neare vnto the matter First therefore Chrysostome vpon these wordes of Timothie thus writeth Hoc enim bonum acceptum est inquit coram saluatore nostro Deo Quid illud est orare prò omnibus hoc suscepit deus hoc iubet Qui omnes homines vult saluos fieri ad agnitionem veritatis venire Imitare Deum tuum Si omnes ille vult saluos fieri merito prò omnibus oportet orare Si omnes ipse saluos fieri cupit illius tu concorda voluntati c. For this is good and acceptable saith hee before our Sauiour God What is that To pray for all men This God warranteth This God commandeth who will haue all men to be saued and to come to the knowledge of the truth Imitate thou thy God If hee will All men to bee saued of right wee must pray for all men If he desire all men to be saued vnto his will also be thou conformable Thus he saith Imitate thy God desire as he desieth If he will haue all men to be saued pray thou for it This holy father seeketh not out anie strange sense anie other way He biddeth thee doe as God willeth Saint Ambrose thus writeth Si Deus vtique qui omnipotens dicitur omnes homines saluos vult fieri cur non impletur eius voluntas Sed in omni loq●utione sensus est Conditio latet vnde dicit Petrus Apostolus omnis scriptura indiget interpretatione vult enim Deus omnes saluos fieri sed si accedant ad eum Non enim sic vult vt nolentes saluentur sed vult illos saluari si ipsi velint Nam vtique qui legem omnibus dedit nullum excepit à salute Nunquid non Medicus idcircò proponit in publico vt omnes se ostendat velle saluare si tamen ab aegris requiratur c. If surely God who is called omnipotent will haue all men to be saued why is not his will fulfilled But in euerie speech there is his owne proper sense The condition lieth hid Wherevpon saith the Apostle Saint Peter Euerie Scripture hath need of his interpretation For God will haue all men to be saued but so that they draw neare vnto him For he so wil not That ill-willing and refusers be saued but will them to be saued if they themselues bee willing For sure hee that gaue a law for all hath excepted no man frō health and saluation Doth not the Phisition therefore make shew in publique place as that hee sheweth hee will heale all commers yet so as if he be sought for of the diseased c. This holy father respecteth the outward ministerie and the voice of the Gospell he derogateth nothing from the will of God God hath giuen health for all if they will come he is a Phisition for all if they will seeke him Saint Augustine hereof thus writeth Praeceperat enim Apostolus vt oraretur prò singulis hominibus specialiter addiderat prò regibus ijs qui in sublimitate sunt qui putari poterant fastu superbia seculari à fidei Christianae humilitate abhorrêre Proindè dicens Hoc enim bonum est coram saluatore nostro deo id est vt etiam prò talibus oretur statim vt desperationem tolleret addidit Qui omnes homines vuls saluos fieri in agnitionem veritatis venire Hoc quippe Deus bonum iudicauit vt orationibus humilium dignaretur salutem praestare sublimium For the Apostle had commanded that praier should bee made for euerie man and especially he added for Kings and such as
were in authoritie who might bee thought through pride and worldly pompe to abhorre from the humilitie of Christian faith Therefore saying For this thing is good before God our Sauiour That is that euen for such praiers be made Forthwith That he might take away desperation he addeth who will haue All men to bee saued and to come to the knowledge of the truth For this thing the Lord iudged to bee good That at the praiers of the humble hee might vouchsafe to giue health and saluation to such as were in authoritie And again the same Father Remota tamen ergò hac discretione quam diuina scientia intrà secretum iusticiae suae cōtinet sincerissimè credendum est atque profitendum Deum velle vt omnes homines salui fiant Yet therefore this discerning set apart which the wisdome of God containeth within the secret of his owne iustice we are most sincerely to beleeue and to professe that God would that All men should be saued Saith Saint Augustine After the Apostle had said and charged to pray for euerie man and all that are in authoritie That he might take away desperation hee added Who will haue All men to be saued This saith he he speaketh that none should despaire And againe leauing Gods secret discerning and iustice to himselfe we must sincerely beleeue That God would that all men should be saued So then these fathers diminish nothing of the Lords commission Pray saith one as God commaundeth If hee will saue all pray thou for all He will saue all saith an other but thou must keepe the condition and draw neere vnto him Lastly These wordes who is the Sauiour of all men c. are added to take away desperation So these fathers nothing diminish the nature of the wordes but make consideration how they bee applied concerning praier for all mankind in generall But let vs heare later writers and what they haue thought First therefore maister Caluine speaketh thus hereof Sequitur deinde huius secundi membri confirmatio Quia velit Deus omnes homines saluos facere Quid autē magis aquum quàm vt huic decreto vota nostra subseruiant Postremò autem deo cordi esse omnium salutem demonstrat quià omnes ad veritatis suae agnitionem vocat Argumentum est à posteriori nam si dei potentia est Euangelium in salutem omni credenti Rom. 1.16 certum est inuitari omnes ad spem vitae aeternae quibus Euangelium offertur Afterward followeth the confirmation of this second member because God will saue All men Then what is more right then that our praiers should readily serue at that our Lords decree Lastly he sheweth that the saluation of all men is well pleasing vnto God because he calleth all men to the acknowledging of his truth It is an argument Aposteriori For if the gospel be the power of God vnto saluation to all that beleeue Rom. 1.16 it is most certaine that all are inuited to the hope of eternall life vnto whom the Gospell is offered c. Master Caluin here inioyneth vs to pray as the Lord commaundeth That the saluation of all is pleasing vnto God That all are inuited to whom the Gospel is offered Also in his sermōs thus he writeth This is the reason why S. Paul vseth this argument that God would haue all the world to be saued to the end that as much as lieth in vs we should also seeke their saluation which seeme to bee as it were banished men out of the kingdome of God especially at such time as they are vnbeleeuers And againe a little following And indeed we see how holy writ doth greatly set forth this adoption that God had made of this people of the Iewes But S. Paul commandeth vs to pray for all the world and so not without cause addeth the reason which is here set downe to wit Because God will haue all men to be saued Also afterward For why are we in this world but onely to set forward the good will of God as much as we can Thus maister Caluin Wee must pray as the Lord decreeth The health of al is wel pleasing to God All are inuited to whom the gospell is offered We must seeke the saluation of all Wee must set forth Gods will We must pray for all the world And out of the Siriac the words are thus translated Qui vult vt omnes filij hominis seruentur sese conuertant ad cognitionem veritatis c. Who wil that all the sonnes of man be saued c. So translating all the sons of man for that which we say All men And master Bullinger hath thus Christianorum enim est imitari exemplum dei patris Iesu Christi filij sui Ille autem sinit solem suum oriri super bonos malos pluit super iustos iniustos Mat. 4.53 Hic vero etiam prò persequútoribus orauit Luk. 23.34 Gentiles in sacris suis deuouent Christo addictos at Christiani prò vniuersis hominibus etiā inimicis peccatoribus orare debent It is the part of Christians to imitate the example of God the father and of Iesus Christ his son For the one suffereth his sun to shine forth vpon the good and the euill and sendeth his raine vpon the iust and vniust and Christ also praied for his persecutors The Gentiles in their rites curse such as professe Christ but Christians must pray for All men vniuersally euen for their enemies and sinners And Erasmus thus interpreteth Last of all let thanks be rendred vnto him c. And let these be done not only for the Christians but for all manner of men also lest Christian loue should appeare to bee but a streit-laced loue as though it fauoured none but of his own sort but let it be extended abroad in most large manner after the example of God both to the good and to the bad like as he being perfectlie good and beneficiall to al as much as in him is bestoweth his sun to shine vnto the iust and also to the vniust And in as much as God giueth publike quietnes by means of Ethnick rulers it is reason that thanks be rendred also for them And it is vncertaine to vs whether that ruler being a wicked image worshipper shall in short space receiue the gospell for that cause Christian loue wisheth the saluation of all The Iew loueth the Iew the brother loueth the brother c. This is not a gospell-like loue but that is a gospell-like loue that loueth the godly for Christ and loueth the wicked that they may once repent and turne vnto Christ. And praier is to be made not only for the whole generall sort of men but also especially for kings c. Againe Christ is the Sauiour of all he excludeth none from saluation he bringeth the light of the gospell vnto all c. Also If the common father of al sent him to saue
that ouercommeth the world is euen our faith by this preaching saluation commeth for in doing this thou shalt both saue thy selfe and them that heare thee And againe Receiue with meeknesse the word which is graffed in you which is able to saue your soules Such is the effect and power of the Gospell and so pleaseth it God to crowne and blesse the labours of men both in preaching and hearing of the word and Gospell So then herein is most comfortable things laid vp for the children of men For wee are made partakers of Christ if we keepe sure vnto the end that beginning wherewith wee are vpholden Otherwise let vs know that herein is iudgement Condemnation also as it is said And this is the Condemn●tion That the light came into the world and m●n loued da●kenesse rather than light because their deedes were ●uill So as there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Iesus so on the other side to them that loue dark●n●sse that delight in sin that walke after the flesh this is their condemnation That the light is come and they haue not receiued nor b●l●eued in the same Lastly because faith is the ground of things hoped for and the euidence of things that are not seene wee shal in this calling and prea●hing of the Gospel behold the end of our f●ith the saluation of our soules For that a crowne of righteousnesse is laid vp for bel●euers For herein is also for them that haue run well Life eternall And this is Life eternal That they know thee to be the onely verie God and whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ This is then an vnderstanding and a knowledge that pass●th all knowledge and therefore wee must endeuour that our conuersation may be as becommeth the Gospell of our Sauiour Christ That in all things wee may be made rich in him in all kind of speech and in all knowledge till we all meete togither in the vnitie of faith and the acknowl●dging of the sonne of God vnto a perfect man and vnto the measure of the age of the fulnesse of Christ which God worke in vs for his great mercies sake To conclude then this point we behold here a briefe collection concerning that wonderfull husbandrie of the Lord our God towards his children in calling of them to repentance Hee inuiteth and calleth in loue The message is a message of peace and loue The ministers with the flocke doe walke and haue their conuersation not by sight but by faith and by loue Yea if any be cast out it is done in loue that his soule may bee saued in the day of the Lord Iesus and not for destruction or confusion In loue we doe good to all men wee pray for all men for loue hopeth all things indureth all things and loue couereth the multitude of sinnes and therefore the rule of the Apostle must be folowed Let all your things be done in loue Then beloued if God so loued vs we ought also to loue one another Concerning this loue the sonne of God giueth this precept Loue your enemies blesse them that curse you doe good to them that hate you pray for them which hurt you and persecute you that ye may bee the children of your Father which is in heauen c. Looke hereupon The commander is Christ the commaundement is to his Church and the end is That they may bee like God and his children which merciful God maketh his Sunne to rise on the euil and on the good The worke commaunded is Loue doing good blessing praier Towards whom towards the rifraffe the scum the off-scouring of the world enemies haters cursers persecuters of God and good men of his Church and his children This Gods Church and his children scattered vpon the face of the earth here and there at the good pleasure of God must doe towardes this sort of people throughout all ages to the end of the world hauing herein no exception of Iewe or Gentile of Christian or Infidel called or not called elect or reprobate and herein to follow the example of the heauenly father Whō shal we thinke amongst these in so many ages in so manie nations amongst so many infidels on the one side and false brethren on the other side without respect without naming without condition amongst enemies haters cursers persecters whom I say shall we thinke The Lord Iesus commaundeth vs to loue to blesse to pray for to doe good vnto amongst all these but vnto the righteous and vnrighteous that is no doubt amongst all these to pray for no small number which still were without and neuer belonged to the election of the Lord. But howsoeuer that matter did stand in the sight of the Lord the Church of the Lord is alway bound to shew her loue and her dutie Whom shall we thinke that Moses prai●d for when he said And now forgiue them their sinne or if thou wilt not wipe me I pray thee out of the booke which thou hast written Surely amongst these were many perillous rebels against Moses and against God How wisheth and praieth the Apostle Saint Paul For I haue wished my selfe to be accursed from Christ for my breethren my kinsmen as pertaining to the flesh which are the Israelites Again Brethren my hearts desire and praier to God for Israel is that they might be saued Surely hereof S. Augustin saith thus Numquid postremò Apostolum Paulum pro Iudaeis infidelibus habentem talia vota culpabis de quibus ●it B●na voluntas quidem cordis mei deprecatio ad Deum pro illis in salutem c. Lastly wilt thou blame the Apostle S. Paul hauing such praiers for the Iewes infidels concerning whom he saith My good will sure from the verie heart and praier to God for them is for their health and saluation Thus these entreat for the whole people without any distinguishing of them wishing themselues estranged from the Lord and accursed So that their people might know the Lord be restored vnto his fauour and worke his will So vnfainedly haue they loued and cared for the people of God and so little haue they esteemed th●mselues so they might further and promote the glorie and kingdome of the Almightie Also we read that Abraham praied for the Sodomits not being warned so to doe any way by the Lord. And Samuel against manifest prohibition praied for Saul The like also we reade of Ieremie that entreated for the citie They were repulsed by God they were not heard What then was their praier ●r●uolous was it superstitious was it not of a good mind was it not of faith If not of faith then of sinne It seemeth hard to condemne these wonderfull pillars and instruments of the Church of God of idle or impertinent praier And therfore I like master Caluins resolution herein who thus speaketh of it Quamuts repulsam pas●i suerint durum tamèn
vnto the going downe of the same He being the fountaine and fulnes of all good things hath prepared marriage for his son and inuited guests thereunto whereby is vnderstood That he tendreth vnto mankind the holy fellowship of his son Christ Iesus That he wil in him gather together his people his saints his church and lastly bestow vpon them the most comfortable and heauenly ioies eternall in his glorious kingdome For Christ is the end of the law for righteousnes to all that beleeue Neither tendeth the worke of the righteous God in his couenant to any other point but this That Christ should be their God his church married vnto him in faithfulnes that they might know the Lord. And that he might be as is written I will be a father vnto you and you shall be my sons and daughters saith the Lord God almightie To this end and for this holie calling and that it might be truely said as a iudgement against the wicked world and worldlings one day for contempt of the gospell What could I haue done any more to my vineyeard that I haue not done vnto it Therefore is God like vnto a certaine man that made a great supper and bad many and sent his seruant at supper time to say to them that were bidden Come for all things are now readie But they all with one mind began to make excuse c. Or as it is in S. Mathew they would not to come God extended towards the Iews a double grace or fauour First he preferred them before other nations that if they will heare his voice indeed and keepe his couenant then shall ye be my cheife treasure aboue all people though all the world be mine A kingdome priesthood a holie nation thus would the Lord build them vp and not lucke them downe Secondly by his prophets he opened to them his wil his fauour his adoption That he would be their God and the God of their seed but they made excuse but they would not come they would not know the day of their visitation most ingratefully reiecting the feast contemning God and contemning saluation Therefore now let vs heare what the Lord saith not onely to the Iew but to the Gentiles yea to all the world For through their fall saluation commeth to the Gentils to prouoke them to follow them and the f●l of them is the riches of the world This world vnto these riches thus the Lord inuiteth and calleth and sheweth forth his will vnto them Luk. 14.21 Then was the good man of the house angrie and said to his seruant Goe out quickly into the streets and lanes of the citie and bring in hether the poore and the maimed and the halt and the blind And the seruant said It is done as thou hast commanded and yet there is rome Then the maister said to the seruant Go out into the high waies and hedges and compell them to come in that mine house may be filled Esa. 25.9 And in this mountaine shall the Lord of hostes make vnto all people a feast of fat things euen a feast of fined wines and of fat things full of marrow of wines fined and purified Mat. 28.19 Go therefore and teach all nations babtising them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost Mar. 16.15 Go into al the world and preach the gospell to euery creature Esa. 53.6 All wee like sheepe haue gone astray wee haue turned euerie one to his owne way and the Lord hath laid vpon him the iniquitie of vs all Io. 1.29 Behold that lambe of God that taketh away the sins of the world Io. 3.16 God so loued the world that he gaue his only begotten sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life For God sent not his son into the world that he should cōdemn the world but that the world through him might bee saued 1. Iohn 2. vers 2. And he is the reconciliation for our sins And not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world Ro. 11.32 For God hath shut vp al in vnbeleefe that he might haue mercie on all Mat. 11.28 Come vnto me al ye that are weary and laden and I will ease you Ezech. 18.23 As I liue I will not the death of a sinner but rather that he conuert and liue 2. Pet. 3.9 The Lord of that promise is not slacke as some men count slacken●s●e but is patient towards vs and would haue no man to p●rish but would All men to come to repentance 1. Tim. 2. I exhort therefore that first of all praiers supplications intercessions and giuing of thankes bee made for all men For kinges and for all that are in authoritie c. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Sauiour who will that All men shall be saued and come to the acknowledging of the truth Vniuersall vocation or calling is a setting forth and manifest declaration of the good pleasure and will of God whereby he doth draw and bring vs to the knowledge of faith and saluation in him Or as an other saith When by the preaching of the Gospell wee are called out of the world That we should be a new creature or spirituall kings and priests vnto God For the manifestation wherof according to the scriptures set downe wee gather these circumstances to bee considered 1. Who calleth and what moueth him thereunto 2. The meanes of calling 3. Whom he calleth 4. The dutie of man to preach and to pray for the effecting thereof For the first The Creator louer of man euen God thy sauiour and redeemer which hath said Feare not for I haue redeemed thee I haue called thee by thy name Thou art my owne If thou goest through the water I will be with thee The strong flouds shall not ouerwhelme thee and if thou walkest through the fire it shall not burne thee and the flame shall not kindle vpon thee For I am thy Lord thy God thy holy one of Israel thy sauiour c. Feare not for I am with thee I will bring thy seed from the East and gather thee together from the West I wil say to the North Let go and to the South Keepe not backe but bring me my sonnes from farre and my daughters from the ends of the world Euen all these that bee called after my name For them haue I created fashioned and made for mine honour This Lord is that good man of the house that prepared all things readie that is the Lord of hoasts that inuiteth all nations that fetcheth his people from the endes of the world that prepareth the daintie feast that saieth Come to the waters All ye thirstie come buy wine and milke without any money that reioiceth if they come that is moued with zeale if they come not Which saith Incline your eares and come
the father giueth the son laieth downe his life for the sins of the world and the holy spirit of God sanctifieth our hearts For he performeth that washing inwardly in the soul which the water is said to do outwardly to the body Now after that our good and gracious God hath thus into his peculiar and family receiued vs as his children and sonnes as a louing father most carefull of his people and chosen ones he forsaketh vs not but cherisheth and feedeth vs in the whole and continual course of our life And therfore vnto his church he hath giuen by the hand of his only begotten son a spirituall and heauenly banket where our Sauiour Christ is vnto vs that bread of life wherewithal our soules should be fed to the true and blessed immortallitie and to haue the end euerlasting life And therfore at this holy supper being so called of the first institution thereof the Lord Christ promiseth and sealeth vnto the faithful That his bodie was broken and offered on the crosse and his bloud so surely and truly shead as with my eies I beheld the bread of the Lord to bee broken and the cup to be destributed and therefore so surely is the child of God fed to life euerlasting by his bodie crucified and his precious blood shead as my bodie is outwardlie fed by the hand of the minister by the bread and cup which are giuen vnto me as sure pledges of the same To this end saith the Apostle The cup of blessing which wee blesse is it not the communion of the blood of Christ The bread which we breake is it not the communion of the bodie of Christ For we that are many are one bread and one bodie because we all are partakers of one bread For as often as ye shal eat this bread and drinke this cup yee shew the Lords death till hee come In this holy institution of the Lord therefore we seeke the confirmation of our faith our vniting vnto Christ the testification of our obedience to the church of God our desire and loue that we haue to dwell togither in vnitie our gladnes when they come together to eat that we may confirme the peace vnitie and loue of brethren For that holy supper sheweth foorth vnto vs that vnder one head we are all made the members of Christ Iesus because we are all made partakers of one bread But herein I may say woe to the world because of offences yea the offences I say against this holy institution of the Lord who are desirous hereof to be partakers who applieth and vseth it as the remembrance of the death of Christ Iesus for his sinnes who doth oft resort thereunto to confirme the band of loue amongst brethren Or rather is it not in most places set downe for an ordinarie worke at Easter only and neuer thought vpon all the yeare following So that holy band of Christian vnitie of setting forth of the Lords death is reiected and contemned we desire the world and looke vpon the earth the things of God and the things that are aboue where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God we seeke not for nor hearken after them If we would iudge our selues wee should not be iudged of the Lord but hee iudgeth vs and calleth for a plague and it deuoureth hee iudgeth vs and calleth for a famine and that famine together with the adamant brassie and flintie hard hearts rangeth and rag●th ouer the poore of the land to eat vp my people as they would eat bread And lastly hee will call for a sword to make an end of vs if wee repent not O consider this ye that forget God least I plucke you away and there be none to deliuer you O let not the earth be your reioicing Christ calleth vs vp into heauen vnto the table of the great king Ascendamus cum domino in caenaculum magnum stratum atque mundatum accipiamus ab eo sursum calicem noui testamenti Let vs ascend vp with our Lord into that great dining chamber adorned and made cleane and there aboue let vs receiue the cup of the new testament Againe Vt terra nobis coelum sit facit hoc misterium Ascende igitur ad coeli portas diligentèr attende Imò non coeli sed coeli coelorum tunc quod dicimus iutueberis This mysterie causeth that vnto vs the earth is heauen Ascend vp therefore vnto the gates of heauen and marke diligently Nay I say not vnto the gates of heauen but vnto the gates of the heauen of heauens and so shalt thou see the things that I tell thee To conclude therefore this part which containeth the means whereby we are called that is the preaching of repentance and forgiuenesse of sinnes in the sweet promises of the Gospel and the ministration of the holie Sacraments it is set downe before in this effect That we feele our burthen that wee taste of his feast that we sit at his Supper that we be partakers of the Sacraments that hee stretcheth forth his mercie vnto all that wee might beleeue in him that wee might liue through him and enioy euerlasting life Now then it followeth by order that we shew whom he calleth vnder the name of Iew and Gentile is comprehended All mankind Now when it is said Goe into the High wayes and as many as ye find call them to the marriage Herein is described the calling of the Gentiles which might haue stirred vp the Iewes vnto zeale as we reade They haue prouoked me in them which are no gods I therefore will prouoke them to iealosie in them which are no people yea in a foolish nation will I prouoke them to anger The Iewes because they were chosen by God in the former place flattred themselues as though the grace of God should be addicted and onely shut vp in them euen as though God himself could not want or be without them by any means Nay saith God Seeke in the high waies in the lanes and streets of the cittie For the place for the degree for the person make no regard bee they halt lame blind maimed poore rich All which generality of places and persons sheweth the franck and free bountifull and liberall louing and vniuersall inuiting and calling of the Lord our God For the word witnesseth accordinglie The seruants went forth into the waies gathered all as many as they found both good and bad together so the wedding was furnished with guests both good and bad together these they gathered without making choise no man being shut out for the kingdom of heauen is like vnto a draw net cast into the sea that gathereth of all sorts Also to his feast in mount Sion hee inuiteth all people he sendeth his word the Gospell to be preached the Sacraments to be ministred to all nations to all the world to euery creature Amongst them he will not the death of a sinner vpon his sonne he hath laid