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A09147 The Protestants theologie containing the true solutions, and groundes of religion, this daye mainteyned, and intreated, betwixt the Protestants, and Catholicks. Writen, by the R. F. F. VVilliame Patersoune religious priest, Conuentuall of Antwerpe, preacher of Gods word, and Vicar generall of the holy order of S. Augustin, through the kingdome of Scotland. The 1. Part. Paterson, F. William. 1620 (1620) STC 19461; ESTC S101863 199,694 338

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ANSVVER I Confesse we are called so of only Heretickes but not so of any nation vnder heauen no not of the Turkes neyther is that name of any particular man as Heretickes names be but ●f ●im who in the place of Chr●st gouerneth the Church of God and if all the Popes were nombred to th●s present day all the Protestants are not able to fynd one that is called by this name Pope or any of them to haue inuented any new religion or to haue left any disciple after thē who haue byn named after that name Therefore when we are called Papists I aske of the Heretickes was there euer any that was called Papa by his proper name or did euer any Heresie cōtin●e a thowsand yeare without a name giuen to it but how should the Church descrybe Heresies to vs but by naming them from their proper names for their names shewe who hath instituted and inuented that sect OBIECTION THe Church is belieued by faith but we belieue the holy Catholick Church Therefore it is not seene because saith is not a thing of appearence and seene ANSVVER THe conclusion is false because that which is seen may also be belieued in so far as it hath some thing that is not seene as Christ Iesus was seene wi●h mens eyes a man and was belieued by fa●th God and man as is said 10.20 to S Thomas because thow hast seen me Thomas thou hast beliued that is to say thou hast seen a man and thou hast belieued him to be thy God and Lord euen so we see men with our eyes who appertaine to the Church and those men we belieue to be the holy Apostolik and Catholick Church and in this Church to be only remission of sinnes grace iustification eternall lyfe and therefore out of this multitude of mortall men neyther Saluation nor the fauour of God is to be expected of any other societie or Church OBIECTION CHrist sayes that the Kingdome of God shall not come with obseruation ney●her shall they say behold here or there ●e is ergo the Church cannot be demonstrated and seen ANSVVER THe solution is made in the words following for he sayes behold the Kingdome of God is with yow but Christ denyeth not but the Kingdome his Church may be seen and demonstrated But he answers the folish question of the pharisie who had heard so oft the Kingdome of God preached of Christ who was desyrous to see it it is āswered that Christ is not to reygne in this world after their mynd as other Kinges doe with magnificence and pompe and to place the throne of Maiesty in a certaine place of the Kingdome but he sayes he dorh reygne as he hath begunne in the hartes of men which is his Kingdome whom he doth paint out with his finger saying Mat. 5. Blessed are the poore in spirit for theirs is the Kingdome of God to wit ye are citizens of Gods kingdome the Church from which the pharisies are farr of OBIECTION THe Church is belieued to be Holy and none except the holy appertayn to the Church but holines is not seen knowne with the eyes ergo the Church is inuisible the members of the Church are vnknowne ANSVVER THe conclusion is false for there are Sainctes and holy men in the Church albeit we see them not yet we belieue for to a lyuing tree there adhere many dead branches and in the body of man are many humors and excrementes without life resident in the body and yet notwithstāding all men belieue and say that a man is a lyuing man ergo OBIECTION IT is defended of the Fathers that the Church in this present lyfe is sayd to be beautifull and to be without spot cant 4 Ergo sinners and wicked men are not mēbers of his Church ANSVVER THe Scripture in that place speaketh of the Triumphant Church in Heauen notwithstanding if with S. Greg. cap. 86 Eccl. dogmat Thou cōpa●re it to be the m●litant Church in that sense it is called also beautifull and spotles because of the Sacrament of regeneration which makes her mēbers liuely by inherent righteousnes and grace are made glorious before God and are not obscured and hid as the Donatistes thought with the conuersation of the wicked And albeit as S. Greg. cap. 4. Gen. sayes no iust or holy man doth want sinne yet notwithstanding he fails not to be holy and iust if in affection he retayn holynes and righteousnes and by pennance doth wash away his sinnes carefull to keep himselfe from mortall synnes and is contrite for the venyall saying with the Psalm 50. Create in me a new hart o God OBIECTION THe Church of God is only in the spirit because it is belieued ergo it is inuisible ANSVVER IF the Church be inuisible how hath Christ cōmaunded Matth. 18. to tell the Church and if he heare not the Church let him be c. but if the Church be inuisible how shall she be told and how shall they hear her censure Lykewyse if the Church be the body of Christ and Christians members Rom. 12. 1. Cor. 1. 12. Ephes 15 Coll. 1. If the Chutch be inuisible and only mathematicall how hath the Apostle sayd ye are the body of Christ and members of his members It is true the Protestant Church is inuisible and mathematicall but the Catholick Church is a visible Church as a candell on a candelstick and as the sonne and moone in the firmament Luc. 11. ps 19. For if it had been mathematicall and hid S. Paul should not haue had the prayses of all the Churches 2. Cor. 8. Neyther Dauid would not haue sayd Ps 21. with thee my prayse is in the Church of the people and in the chaire of the elder they doe praise him What the moderne heresies do say about the inuisibility of the Church the same haue the former Heresies done lykewyse as S. Augustin is witnes against the Donatists who would haue included the vniuersall Church in that inuisibility and in a hid corner in Africk QVESTIO XIII Of the pretended reformation of the Protestantes WHerefore enuyously name the Papists our reformed Church deformed Seeing we haue reiected all papisticall doctrine and superstitions of Poperie out of it Bucherus Melan. Piscator Sarcer Caluin c. ANSVVER THat shall we declare friendly without enuy seeing that vnder the pretext of a sounde reformation The Protestāts reformation consistes in denying the article of our Faith ye haue introduced a most horrible deformation concerning the doctrine of fayth and in abolishing all ecclesiasticall discipline in reiecting the generall Counselles in condemning the ceremonies of the Church in dispysing the auncient Fathers and in giuing liberty to the flesh For what is more deformed or abominable in religion then to counfound deforme and deny the faith of Christ For what article of our faith is not deformed and denyed of the Protestantes as appeareth by the iudgement and doctrine of their owne Rabbies Against the 1. article of the
their merite is not mercenary not basse but honourable good and acceptable to God our Father whose sōnes we are if we inclyne our hart to doe his lawes for a reward and this is the good pleasure of God that concommināter we should worke good workes with his grace vnto lyfe eternall whose will is to remunerat gine that beatitude for a merit of good workes QVAEST 10. XXXIII Of Confidence conceaued of merites WHerefore doe the Papists conceaue such confidence of eteruall lyfe by their merites seing it sauours of presumption and in preiudice of the excellency of our redemer Calu. lib. 3. inst cap. 12. § 3.4 ANSVVER I Say it is not anough to confide and trust simpliciterly but also with assured faith we are bound to belieue good workes to merite lyfe eternall for we cannot obtayne lyfe eternall except we haue laboured to promerit the same with good works as is euidently discussed already notwithstanding no man can firmely determine and assuredely persuade him self in his merites to obtayne and haue lyfe eternall defacto The reason is because we are not certaine of our owne righteousnes that any man is iust absolutly and to haue meritorious workes and howbeit he might in some part repose confidently to haue notwithstanding it followeth that no man assuredly can assure himself of perseuerance and therefore seing no manner of way any man can be certayne in this lyfe without a speciall reuelation of God or els if we would precipitat our selues in the damnable golfe of the Caluinists only fayth We belieue vnder hope sub gratia giuing diligence to make our calling and election sure by good workes as the Apostle teaches 2. Peter 2. and so we may conceaue of our good workes some trust and confidence of eternall glory notwithstanding so that chiefly the same confidence and trust be placed dependently in the only mercies of God and merites of Christ and secoūdely in workes And therefore to the purpose the first part is proued Tob. 4. v. 12. Great confidence is with almesse before the most high-God to all them that doth the same Lykewyse 1. Tim. 3. v. 13. sayth who haue ministred weell purches to thēselues a good place much confidence in fayth And seing good works are the cause of our saluation already proued we may the more rightly trust and confide them to obtayne our saluation as for example when the Phisick is very good the patient may the more cōfide of his health and therefore in such manner I may confide that merites are the cause of which saluation may come and so consequently we may haue that confidence and trust of good vvorkes as an effect depending on the cause Secoūdly the posterior part is prouen of the for sayd introductiō because the chiefe cause of our saluation is the merites of Christ and Gods diuyne mercy therefore by the merites of Christ vertue is giuen vs to merite and to be perseuerand So that our merits are the workes of Christ which he worketh in vs by the spirit of his grace which no man is ignorant of forsomuch as in all our petitions prayers we remite them to be graunted for his diuine mercy saike and the merite of Christ And therefore the holy Church and euery member concludes their prayer saying by our Lord IESVS Christ c. And therefore here is neyther done nor inferred eyther presumption or preiudice to the excellency of our redeemer for whose fauou● and grace all helpe requisit is giuen vs to merite and so it is acknowledged of vs to be frō him as the principall cause and so we doe not trust and confide in our owne merites but seconda●ly and dependenterly for all that we haue receaued or worketh we affirme it to be by the merites of Christ and diuyne grace and whatsoeuer we worke or merite it is through the grace of God and merite of Christ and not of our selues absolutly as our aduersarie imagine Neyther doe we presumptuously any thing neyther with iniury to Christ As concerning their Scrupels for conclusion they are full of scrupelles to withstand the verity reuealed out of the word of God and make no Scrupell where Scruples should be obserued it is no Scrupell with there diuines to affirme God the author of sinne with predeterminat predestination without forseen causes the fall of man and the reprobates damnation of Christ disparing on the Crosse of mans freewill of the whole twelf articles of our Beliefe of the impossibility to keepe the Commandements in defending that all our actions are mortall sinnes in making all sinnes equall and in teaching that Christ hath fred vs from all Lawes in taking away all feare of conscience by only fayth in teaching necessity to be forced in the freewill of man in taking away vyce and vertue in mans actions merite demerite sinne and grace with others infinite numbers of assertions swallowed vp of them without any scrupell lyke another Leuiathan plunged in the weest Sees with a deuoring mouth Soe passe they without Scrupelles walking after their owne fantasies and not according to the word of God neyther the reason of morall knowledge The end of the first Part. THE TABLE OF THIS BOOKE TO whome properly the Catholick name appertayne Quaest I. pag. 2. Of the damnable and speciall Faith of the Heretikes Quaest II. pag. 23. Of the Article of the Creed I belieue the remission of sinnes Quaest III. pag. 44. Of the informall Faith of Synners Quaest IIII. pag. 49. Of the necessity of Myracles Quaest V. pag. 45. Of the verity of Myracles in the Catholicke Church Quaest VI. pag. 61. The Pope is taken of the reformed for Antichrist Quaest VII pag. 73. Of the Primacy of S. Peter Quaest VIII pag. 89. Of the Roman Sea of S. Peter Quaest IX pag. 107. Of Iohne the eight Pope a VVoman Quaest X. pag. 112. Of the infallible authority of Generall Counsells Quaest XI pag. 116. Of the verity of the Roman-Church and of her notes Quaest XII pag. 127. Of the pretended reformation of the Protestants Quaest XIII pag. 145. Of the stability of the visible Church Quaest XIIII pag. 169. Of the interdicting of Scripture Quaest XV. pag. 183. Of the adulterating the Byble Quaest XVI pag. 199. Of Traditions Quaest XVII pag. 206. Of the certitude of Hope Quaest XVIII pag. 214. Of publicts and priuate Prayers Quaest XIX pag. 218. Of the Aue Maria. Quaest XX. pag. 225. Of the Beades Quaest XXI pag. 228. Of Praying in the Churches Quaest XXII pag. 231. Of Predestination and Reprobation Quaest XXIII pag. 236. Of Free VVill. Quęst XXIIII pag. 251. Of Prescience Predestination and Free-will Quaest XXV pag. 259. Of the keeping of the Commandementes Quaest XXVI pag. 264. Of Reall Iustice Quaest XXVII pag. 269. Of good VVorkes Quaest XXVIII pag. 276. Of the incertitude of Righteousnes Quęst XXIX pag. 281. Of the Purenesse of Good VVorkes Quęst XXX pag. 289. Of the Merite of good VVorkes Quęst XXXI pag. 296. Of good VVorkes done in respect of an eternall reward Quęst XXXII pag. 304. Of Confidence conceaued of Merites Quęst XXXIII pag. 306. FINIS
errores That in one artikle of the communion of the one kynd or vnder both he is conuinced of 36. filthy errors as Cochlaeus Reherseth at length In this giddinesse laboures Caluin whill in his booke adu gentil in diuerse his epistles to the Polonians affirmes some tyme Christ the Sone of God to be equal to his father furth with in his 2. of instit cap. 14. § 3. the same aequalitie he retractes Caluin is also variable in his opinion concerning the equalitie of Christ with his father and subiectes it to the Father alswell the diuine nature as the humane for treating how Christ in the day of judgment is to delyuer vp the kingdome to God his father than sayes he the name it self and the croun of glory and what soeuer he receaued of his father he shall again subiect to the father that God may be all in all In conclusion of this their reformed faith is not vndouted nether which they propound to be beleued is of the giddinesse of Heretikes whose variablenes and inconstancy is lyke to the windes of the heauen and therefor no faith nether religion is the profession of the reformed The last reasone is trew faith doth declare and shew the trew God trew saluation Trew faith shewes the trew God saluation and a good life The Protestāts faith is cleane contrary the trew way to liue well as also to escheu all kynd of filthynes and vncleannesse and such is the Catholik Roman faith and not Luthers or Caluins which conteine many things contrary to right reasone against diuine and humane lawes and naturall good maneres As first that infantes belieue in Baptisme Luth Luther sayes that infantes belieue in Baptisme Caluin that yt was decreed of God the sinne of Adam Caluiu sayes that God hath ordened some to life some to death and this is called his predestination Caluin makes God author of sinne contr Cochl Anno 23. Secondly that it was decreted of God that Adam should sinne Calu. lib. instit 3. c. 23. § 7. Thirdly that God hath decreed some to eternal life and other some to eternall condemnation and this is his preordination for all is not created to a lyke condition therefor as each one is made to his own proper end wither to life or to death we say that he is predestinat of God Caluin lib. 3. institut cap. 21. § 5. Morouer he makes God the author of sinne and to work iniquitie For sayes he he moueed Absalon to commit incest in that sayes he that Absalon with an incestuous commixtion defiled his fathers bed and did commit a detestable crime not with standing God pronuncis this work to be his dede and not Absalones Calu. lib. 1. inst cap. 18. § 1. ibid. c. 17 § 8. Morouer in the same book and chapter he sayes that God not only vsed the workes of the wicked but also gouerned their counsell and effects and to be author of all their scelerous deedes Againe he goeth about to glosse and defende the maiestie of God from sinne and accusation whill in the same booke both he purgeth God and makes him author of sinne and now sayes he from whence are the euills of Iob and the disobedience of Helies children which immediatly befor he hath alledged and proued to be of God and in the end plainly declaires and affirmes God to be the author of sinne how soeuer these Censorists-Papists wold of lykelyhood haue these to happen by his ydle permission Calu. lib. 1. cap. 14. § 16 cap. 18. § 4. Caluin sayes man hath no freewill but doth of necessitie A man is justified by only faith and all good workes are sinne Likewise hath he not extinguished and robbed man of freewill but to be ruled by necessitie Calu. lib. 1. cap. 15. § 1. Morouer Caluin teaches a man to be justified by only faith and good workes not only to be vnprofitable but to be abominable and how soeuer they be done of the righteous man they are euer sinne and abominable in the sight of God Calu. lib. 3. instit cap. 11. § 19. in this maner and paradoxes playeth the reformed applying against the law of right reasone and all good manners The end that heresies intendes and for the teaching of the trew faith vnto the knowledge of God and saluation and to liue Godly and well but their new no faith and hereticall reformation makes an open way to all kynd of wickednesse and to damnatiō and by this way the reformed blindes and obscures the knowledge of God which is made known by trew faith in teaching strange doctrin not to saluation but to condemnation and auouching such damnable paradoxes and opinions to the libertie of the fleshe to the following of all sensualite and wikednes and for conclusion this is the prophane bragg of the protestantes to call them selfs which they ar not no more then an ape is a man so no more ar the reformed catholikes albeit they desyre to be so called Whose reformation is inuented by the priuate inuention of particular men Heresie is by tolleration of som particular man now allowed now disproued and manteined by priuat affection of som priuat prince som tymes for fourtie yeares or fyftie as new faithes ar accustomed to be receaued now allowed now disprowed now imbraced now disliked so that this priuat faith is farr from the catholik faith which from the begining hath ben receaued and without interruption hath continued this faith may no wayes be devysed of man or inuented by man or vpon affection allowed and approwed but it must be learned of the church for faith is by hearing Bot treue faith is by hearing of the church and not be reading or reuelation as we see in the vocation of S. Paul to be a chosen vessell of God he was sent to Ananias in Damascus to learne of him what he should do also Cornelius a godlie mā and fearing god although he might haue ben taught of the angell that appeared to him yet was he not but by that same angell was commanded to send to Ioppa for Simon Peter to com to him and he shall shew thee Sayes he what thow ougthest to do So that this treu Catholik faith which the Roman church holdes is of Gods ordinance and learned of our predecessors and not as the reformed fatth is It is ane euil thing not to beleue the church deuysed and fained of new inuentions for as S. Leo sayes to Eutichian What is more wicked than to haue vngodly opinions and no● to beleue the church and the holy fathers of the church whose wisdome and learning is in admiration to the world and therfore in the fight of all the world the reformed is condemned in vsurping their faith and name for Catholick whose entries and progress is nether of God nor for God nor sauor no point of the catholick faith nether of the catholick name for they ar allienat from this church and
how the reformed belieue this article of the creed to wit the remission of synnes Cal. doctrine can not agree accord with this article Good workes are synne seing that they say that all our workes ar mixed and defyled with synne and what soeuer good workes shal be done of the most holyest man by the vncleannes and the impuritie of the fleshe are polluted corrupt and putrifyed Man is not fre neither of originall nor actuall synne by any Sacrament Only faith by imputatiue iustice maketh man fre Lyckwise he teaches that we are not free of originall synne neither are we absolued or remitted from any other synnes howsoeuer confessed and satisfyed but only couered by the imputatiue righteousnes of Christ neither are these synnes imputed to the fault nor to the punishment as Rabbi-Caluin teaches lib. 3 inst cap. 14. § 9.10 11. lib. 4. inst cap. 15. § the which doctrine doth subuert and ouerthrow the very article of our creede to wit the remission of synnes Cal. reiectes the iudgment of S. Aug concerning synne in the regenerat He teaches that in the sainctes synne reignes All the regenerat ar in aid cleaue by imputatiue iustice which stoutlie he defendes by reiecting and casting of the opinion and iudgment of S. Austen de concupiscentia in renatis We teach sayes he in the holy Sainctes euer to be synne vntill they be freed and vnclothed of this mortall body lib. 3. inst cap. 3. § 10. and proceeding more deeplie to iustify his doctrine of only faith moues this doubte and solues it him self But how is it sayes he that God doth purge his Church of all synne and that he promiseth to hir the graces of fredome and puritie by baptisme and doth fulfill it in his elect It is referred and fulfilled in communicating his imputauiue iustice and this God performes and exhibites in regenerating his own that in them the kingdome of synne may be distroyed abolished by subministratinge to them vertue of the holy Spirit by which they are superior and victors in the fight lib. 3. instit cap. 3. § 11. Synne to reigne and not imputed for a faust is false doctrin And a litle after those reliques of synne which be in his sainctes we cōfesse them not to be imputed as if they were not of the which doctrine it followes synne absolutlie not to be remitted for it implicates a contradiction synne to reigne and not to be imputed for a fault for Caluin affirmes Cal. sayes synne reignes not but dwelles Synne failes to reigne in the sainctes but not to dwell as an other contradiction Contrariwise catholikes exhort all men firmely to belieue assured lie confide that there is remission of synnes in the holy Church and this remission is to vs and to yow and to Iudas the triator and to euery mortall synner and to those that now are and to those that shal be hereafter and to those that are in purgatorie for Christ hath promerited to all abundantlie who hanging in the crosse is made a propitiation for our synnes and not for ours only The Catholikes firmly belieue remissiō of synnes but for the synnes of the whole world But that we Catholikes belieue all men to haue receaued and obteined remission of their synnes de facto sola fide credendo not onely we Catholikes deny and gainstand but also the Scriptur for treuly Christ hath tasted the death for all But that all men haue remission of synnes de sacto is against the Scriptur and Christs death We belieue the remission of synnes by the power of the Church but all do not apply to them the fruite of his most pretious death for in deed he is made the cause of saluation to all but yet the Scriptur sayes Heb. 5. v. 9. He was made the author of eternall saluation vnto all them that obey him Therefore wee belieue most firmly the remission of synnes but not to be remitted in particular by onely faith but that power is giuen to the Church to remitt synne and to reteine synne Howbeit we admitt the heauenly promisses of the remission of synnes iustification and eternall lyfe Remission of synnes is not made to any in particulat The promises of God are to all a lyke are made with condition and such lyke which generally is denounced to perpeteyne to euery man to wit so farr as lyeth in God who without acception of persones promisseth and giueth to all men abundantly but with that condition that he do worthy pennance for his synnes and to keepe the commandementes of God as Ezech. cap. 18. v. 21. If the vngodly man shall do pennance for his synnes which he hath wrought and shall keep my preceptes and do iudgment and righteousnes he shall liue the lyfe and shall not die and lykwise Matth. cap. 10. v. 22. Yow shal be hated of all men for my name saks but who shall perseuer vnto the end shal be saued No mā is certaine of perseuerance in vertue But because a man is vncertaine of his owne righteousnes and perseuerance in virtue and lykwise vncertaine of his saluation therefore it is said in the holy Scripture Apocalyps 3. v. 11. Hold fast what thow hast that no man tak thy crown for there hath falne Saul Salomon Iscariotes Many haue falne those they stoode as of the Caluin som are made Turkes Paulus Alciatus Sartor Blandrata Socimus Lysmannus Luther Calu. and many more of the protestantes companious abiuringe their faith are falne to Turcisme Mahematisme and Atheisme as witnesseth Beza in the history of Valentine Gentill and Caluino-Turcismus lib 1. cap. 2. Wherevpon we may gather that the great maxime of the Caluinistes Theologie is falne and is conuniced of falsehood affirming that only faith once gotten neuer doth faile or decayes as stoutly Cudsemius in his Hyperaspisce declares but when we see their owne turned from their owne faith to infidelitie what iudgment is against them and what condemnation fall they into no lesse treuly than in the same iudgment and damnation of the heresiarches who by the doctrin of this only faith minister subiectes to Paganisme and Atheisme OBIECTION I. THerefor what Dost thow commande and bids vs dispaire ANSVVER GOd forbid for as we deny that any can firmly belieue certainlye persuade him self of the remission of his synnes euen so no lese we affirme cōstantlie that euery Christian man is bound to belieue and with faith to do what is in him to expect the effect of faith What Christiās ar bound to hope with firme and sure hope in this lyf of true remission of synnes by the Sacrament of baptisme and pennance and in the world to come to eternall lyf which hope except we haue it firme and constant in vaine we ar called Christians OBIECTION II. THow speakes a paradox and a contrary thing for firmly to belieue and assuredly to persuade thow denyes and yet thow commaundes and biddes euery one to be
that all his actions are sinne then wherefore it is sayd to sinners Iohn 1. v. 12. That he hath giuen them power to be the sonnes of God who belieue in his name if by sinne they rema●●e euer the children of the Diuell and of darkenesse as Caluin affirmes saying that the very elect are Guilts of sinne before the tribunal seat of God and subiect to he sentence of death whose bla●● he my and arogant mynd is damned of all Christian men who can iudge any thing equally in this subiect and matter OBIECTION THe Prophet Isai 64. v. 6. sayth We all are made as vncleane and our whole righteousnes is as a menstruouse cloath that is to say our whole workes which seeme iust vnto vs. are vnclean with sinne Therefore all our works are defaylled with vncleanesse and the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of sinne ANSVVER THe Prophet speakes according to the meaning of S Hiero. in the persone of the Iewes and yet notwithstanding not of all men amongst whome were many good men whom the Scripture commendes for their righteous workes but of the wicked whose legall workes Sacrifices Sabbothes and New moones were adiudged before the Lord pollured and vncleane to wit when they were done of them in the estate of sinne not that these effectes was sinne of themselues but because they profited nothing by reason of the actors who remayned in the estate of sinne Moreouer neyther doth the Prophet speake so extending his wordes absolutly against all tymes and all men but only to that tyme in which he speake these wordes when iniquity abounded in Israel for which iniquity God was to permit that they should be leade into captiuity as may be euidently gathered of all wordes following v. 10. saying The city of thy holynesse is desert Sion is made vast and Ierusalem is disolat c. OBIECTION ECcl. 7 v. 21. sayth There is not a iust man in the Earth who doth good and sinneth not Ergo all our workes are sinne ANSVVER IN the Hebrue text it is read that the iust man shall not sinne at all tymes But the true sense is that no man is so firme and constāt to doe good that he can neuer sinne and it is not needfull neyther of necessity that he shall sinn in all his works and labours ergo there is iust men in Earth that doth good and sinneth not OBIECTION IT is sayd in Gen. 6. v. 5. That God did see that the whole cogitations of the hart of man was bent to euill at all tyme But of euill cogitations of a will inclyned to euill no good workes can proceed ergo where there is no good thought there is farrelesse good workes ANSVVER THe true sense of these wordes after the interpretation of the auncient Father is that many cogitations of the hart of man were inclyned to euill for such sayings are common in the Scriptures as for exemple all are sayd to be absent whē almost all are present euen so in the same place v. 12. It is sayd that al flesh to haue corrupted his way and notwithstanding Noe and Enoch are praysed for righteous men Lykewyse S. Paul complaynes Phil 2. v. 2● That all sought that which was for their owne profyt and not which appertayned to Iesu Christ And yet in the contrary S. Paul himself and the other Apostles sought not their owne profyt but Christ Iesus Ergo all men neyther the thought of all men are not inclyned to euill but also to good and consequently to good workes OBIECTION IT is sayd an the Psalmist 142. v. 2. That all lyuing souls shall not be iustifyed in thy sight And Matth 7 v. 8. sayth That an euill tree cannot bring forth good fruict but where there is no iustification and good fruictes there can be no good workes Ergo c. ANSVVER THe true meaning of the Psalmist is saying that if God would doe with sinners in righteousnes and eq●●● there is none who absolutly and altogeather can be pronunced iust without some veniall sinnes by reason of which he is not altogeather iust to this effect is vnderstood that place of S. Iohn i. Epist Ioh. cap. 1. v. 8. If we say we haue no sinne we deceaue our solues and the verity is not in vs ●etnot with stāding desists not or failles to be iust for it is sayd that the righteous masinnes seatientymes in the day Prou. 24. v. 16. which sinnes are not iudged mortall to Robbe him of righteousnes but veniall inclyning and not effecting and so the holy man concludes that no man can be iustifyed in the presence of God innocent and pure of all sinne which veniall sinne doe not impedit righteousnes because as oft we say the Lords prayers as is presupposed of all learned men veniall sinnes are forgiuen And as concerning that place of S. Matth. That an euil tree cannot bring forth good fruict S. Augustin expoondes it of the intention to wit that so long as an euill intention is retayned in the mynd a mā cannot bring forth good workes for vnto an euill intention euil followeth Whereupon it followes that freewill is in our owne power vnderpropted with diuine help to turne it to Good and so to bring forth good fruictes OBIECTION AMongst other preceptes God hath two first that we loue God with our whole hart Deut. 6 v. 5. Secondly he sayth That we shall not couet Exod. 20. v. 17. But who fulfills not these two precepts inteirly sinnes ergo what righteousnes can we worke but it it sinne seing we cānot kept these two commandements ANSVVER IN the contrary S. Iohn Epist 1. cap. 2. v. 5. saith who kepes his worde in him is the loue of God parfect indeed as for the precept thow shall not Couet the consent of will is forbidden and not first motion and for that cause we consent not euer neyther sinne euer and consequently we may fulfill these two precepts in keeping his cōmandements when we consent not in will to Couet and so we worke righteousnes without sinne in keepting his Commandements as at more lenght is discouered in the twenthy-fyue question QVAESTIO XXXI Of the merites of good Workes WHerefore doe the Papists so arrogantly teach that a man properly may merite the augment and increase of grace in this lyfe and the rewarde of eternall lyfe seing this derogates the Maiesty of God For that cause the name of merite is as a thing full of arrogance which our reformed Church hath abhorred and detested Calu. lib. 3. inst cap. 15 § 12 alij ANSVVER IT is no maruell that good workes the name of merit be in hatred and detested of you who allowed none but all to be sinne Which affirmitiue make men to fle from the vertu of all good workes as chastity humility c. And other Christian Godly workes as from deadly poyson and to enter in the broode way which leadeth to perdition Matth. 7. v. 13. But the true verity is that a man standing in habituall grace may truely
properly of worth and right merite eternall lyfe without any preiudice of gods diuine Maiesty Which doctrine of fayth is valled with strōg reasons of holy Scriptures which no man will deny that is not preuented with a malicious mynd and carnall passion who hath the smalest taest in the diuine Scriptures shall easily defyne this argument so that Eccl 16 v. 15. sayth all mercy maketh a place to euery one according to the merite of his worke How euident is merite expressed to be a consequent of mercy what in this word is to be hated and abhorred of the Protestantes if they loue the Scripture for if they deteste the one they must detested the other and so the Scripture is as abominable to them as the word merite and goode workes are next to Ecclesiasticus S. Paul auouches the same saying Heb. 13. v. 16. doe good and to distribute forget not for with sacrifice God is promerited And lykewyse of these places in which it is sayd that God giueth to euery mā a rewarde wadges according to the measure condition and dignity of the worke which is nothing other then according to the good merite of the worke or the euill as it is sayd Psal 6. v. 13. That God giues to euery one according to his workes And lykewyse S. Matth. 16. v. 27. sayth That when the sonne of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his Angels then shall he giue to euery one according to his workes And lykewyse S. Paul 1. cor 3. v. 8. sayth That euery one shall receaue his proper wadges according to his labour What is else merit but wadges and a reward and a condigne recompensation of euery mans laboures workes But now if there be no mention of merit which word the Protestantes abhorreth how are wadges and rewards distributed and giuen and lykewyse punishements For doth not God punish man for euill according to the euill and remunerates man with eternall lyfe for good workes accord●ng as they are good workes and therefore seing euill workes of worth ex condigno merites this punishement which is eternall shall not good workes and welldoing merite eternall lyfe as a reward and a remuneration of good things for if we obserue peculiarly the name of wadges and rewarde alleadged of the Apostle it giueth vs to vnderstand that wadges hath no place but where is merite for they are correlatiues one with the other for there is due no wadges where there is no merite neyther followeth merite but where there is workes OBIECTION CAluin lib. 3. inst cap. 15. § 2. sayth that the Kingdome of God improperly is called wadges seing it is the inheritāce of the children ergo ANSVVER VVHerefore is it rather improperly sayd waidges then inheritance seing the same be waidges and inheritance and the same with diuerse titles may be debt to vs as appeareth euidently in Christ to whome the accidētall glory of his body was true waidges as sayth the Apostle Phil. 2. v. 8.9 He hath humbled himself and is made obedient to the death euen to the death of the Crosse for which God hath exalted him and hath giuen him a name which is aboue all name c. For that he promerited the same through his humility and passion for if he had not promerited this accidentall glory to his body as waidges the Apostle had not sayd this word propter quod which waidges was also in heritance due to him by reason of his hypostaticall vnion euen so lyfe eternall is inheritance to the iust and innocent for somuch as they are adopted sonnes of God by habituall grace which only title is dewe to baptised infantes And lykewyse lyfe eternall is waidges to the children of adoption forsomuch as they merit it with good workes done in the state of Grace And therfore it is not called improperly waidges more then inheritance seing both the inheritance and waidge depende on the merite of good vvorkes OBIECTION THe Lutherans argue that lyfe eternall is called waidges not that it is giuen or due for good workes but because it is anexed to the promises of God and therefore it is due to vs by promise and not of no merite ANSVVER I Say a man instructed confirmed with habituall grace of God may exhibet and doe a work condigne and worthy of eternall lyfe because he is moued with the spirit of God whose supernaturall motion intendes to lyfe eternall and therefore for that cause these good workes are so high and excellent as is the selfe life eternall And therfore with diuyne promise ioyned lyfe eternall shal be debtfull to that worke and for that cause that vvork shall merite truely and properly lyfe eternall as a merite and so our merites draw their owne condition which are done and wrought by the grace of God OBIECTION THe Apostle sayth Rom. 6. v. 23. That the grace of God is lyfe eternall but that which is of grace is not debtfull to vs by way of wadges of righteousnes And for this cause it is sayd Psal 102 v. 4 That God hath crowned vs vvith mercy and compassion ergo of grace and not of vvorkes is lyfe eternall ANSVVER WHo is so ignorāt that knoweth not that lyfe eternall is called grace because the cōd●gne merites of lyfe eternall are of the grace of God as sayth S. Aug. Epist 105. For if S. Paul calleth death the stipēd of sinne euē so the stipēd of righteousnes may be called lyfe eternal or the stipend of death stipend of lyfe is merite demerit as correlatiues are for in this the Apostle hath changed a kynd of speach that he might exclud ambition and pryd out of the hart of man and especially such as would that lyfe eternall should be due and properly giuen for their owne righteousnes without the grace of God as witnes S. Aug. in Epist 105. And therefore the Apostle calleth lyfe eternall the grace of God because it is giuen for the revvard of workes done in the state of grace and seing our vvorkes without grace as vnto the lyfe eternall it is attributed to grace as vnto the principall cause that our vvorks merits lyfe eternall And consequently is the exposition of the Psalme that he hath crovvned vs in mercy and compassion not that lyfe eternall is our true waidges of due righteousnes to our vvorkes but because the same vvorkes are done in the mercy of God albeit others expoundes this place so that God vvith his mercy and benefits compasses the iust man about as vvith a crovvne OBIECTION WHen we haue done all which is commanded say we are vnprofitable seruāds what we ought to haue done ●e haue done it Therfore to vnprofitable seruands wadges is not due of righteousnes ANSVVER OVr owne workes of themselues in a part to vs are vnprofitable and of no value without God because they draw all their dignity and worth of his grace notwithstāding good works layde and ioyned vvith diuine grace are very profitable according to that
saying 2. Tim. 2. v. 21. If any man therefore shall cleange himselfe of these he shall be an veshell sanctifyed in honour and profitable to the Lord and prepared to euery good worke Therefore when he sayes profitable the Apostle meanes that both he is for the honour of God and for perfection disposing him self to all good workes And therefore for that cause it is sayd behould good seruands and faithfull c. Matth. 25. v. 21. For a good and faithfull seruand is profitable when their vvorkes are done by the grace of God OBIECTION THe Apostle sayth that the sufferings of this tyme are not worthy to the futur glory which shal be reuealed vnto vs Rom. 8 v. 18. but o●r workes hath not that dignity with that reward of glory And therefore as Bern. serm de annunciat sayth neyther are the merits of man such that for them lyfe eternall is due of right neyther God doth iniury if he giue not the same vnto vs. ANSVVER I Confesse that our good workes is not worthy so much glory be Phisicall equallity for the rewarde is much more excellent nor the workes are if we consider them according to their substance trauails and continuance Yet notwihstanding they bring vvith them eternall glory as the Apostle sayth 2. cor 4. v. 17. For our light afflictions which is but for a moment causeth vnto vs a farre more excellent weight of glory Which workes as thy proceed from grace and the spirit of Christ is worthy of eternall lyfe with proportioned excellency of glory as such is betwixt the midst and the end the fight and the victory the race the vining for the workes of the righteous which truly we call worthy of eternall lyfe are midst and are most fitly ordayned to that end and of that same right ruell measured to wit in Gods diuine and supernaturall grace to which end such rewardes answers according to the right ruell of his prouidence Moreouer Bern saying That our merites according to themselue is not such that by them God by right is debter of lyfe eternall but to haue lyfe eternal through vvorkes is of his good grace and diuine promise therefore God hath obliged himself to recompense these good works done in grace if we consider togeather his ordination to worke good vvorkes and the promise of recompensation for good workes concludes that he is obliged himselfe to this recompensatiō to giue life eternal for ye working of good works and consequently man merites lyfe eternall and his vvorkes are such that doth merite and also receaues great iniury if God effectuat not his owne promisse in remuneration of his good workes OBIECTION YF we may merite any thing it redoundes to the iniury of Christs merites as thought it were not sufficient except they be helped of ours which is false And therefore vve reformed are scrupulous to graunt any merit and satisfactions to the Papists lest vve should seeme to doe iniury to Christ ANSVVER THe assumptiō is false because our merites absolutly hath power and vertue from the infinit merites of Christ and doth proceed come from him vvhich makes our merite acceptable yee also our merites are the workes of Christ which he himself vvorketh in vs by his spirit and according to the measure of his giftes giuen vs as teache S. Aug. Epist 105. And for that cause all their prayse worth redoundeth to the greater glory of Christ for that we affirme the merites of Christ to be of so great efficacy that not only they purchesse remission of sinnes and eternal lyfe but they haue merited vertue for vs to promerit and this promeriting maketh a place and redoundes to the prayse of Gods diuyne power vvho not ōly hath created all things and worketh in all things but also in all thing created hath giuen povver of vvorking how much more by the rest of his creatures hath he giuen power and frewill to man to merit eternall lyfe which is the end of his creation And therefore God requyres our merites for he would not apply to vs the merites of Christ yt by them vve might obtayne beatitude immediate of themselues for in so doing they shoul make vs slouthfull idle and the merites of Christ lesse famous and out of reputation but so they are applyed to vs that vve may obtayne immediate vertue to merit vvhich except vve vse the merites of Christ they should profite vs nothing to eternall lyfe As for your scruppels in the conclusion of this subiect they shal be discouered QVAESTIO XXXII Of Good workes done in respect of an eternall rewarde WHerefore doe the Papists teach that a man may doe and exhibet some good workes in respect of eternall reward seing this forme of doing is mercenary and ●●le Calu lib. 3. inst cap. 18. § 2. ANSVVER TO work good workes in respect of an eternall revvard it is both leesome honest and acceptable vnto God as is proued of the Psal 118. v. 112 saying I haue inclyned my hart to doe thy iustifications for euer for a revvard Therefore it is euident that Dauid in respect of a revvard had inclyned his hart to doe iustifications and to keepe the Lavv of God For the first principall cause of it selfe vvherefore the mynd of man is applyed and inclyned to follovv the commandenients of God is God and his will because God so willeth and commandes and this obedience and obseruance is due to his owne Maiesty but notwithstanding the second and lesse principall cause why they followed keeped the cōmādements is the hope of a reward or remuneration And albeit that Hereticks would make this subterfuge to turne ly for a reward vnto the end and to say for euer but this helpeth them not because immediatly ly goeth before whyle the Prophet sayth in aeternum for so in S. Hierome translation it is sayd inclinaui cor meum ad faciendas iustificationes tuas in aeternum propter reeributionem Moreouer Iohn Baptist and our Blessed Sauiour with his Apostles by his command for hope of eternall lyfe with this proposition beganne their preachings saying Doe pennance for the Kingdome of Heauen hath approced Matth. 3. vers 2. Lykewyse the Enuches are praysed of Christ Matth 19 vers 12. Who hath gelded themselues for the Kingdome of Heauen In which wordes most plainely Christ commendes pennance and purity of lyfe in respect of a more easy obteyning of beatitude for the end truely vnto which God hath created vs is eternall lyfe to which end as a mediat he hath commanded destinat and willed good workes to be done but who except he be more blockish nor a blocke and more stuped nor a stock will deny mediates which rightly Rulleth and directes his owne end that chiefly when a man is greatumly loued of God he will giue diligence in doing the same which he commandes for whome he vndergoeth his labours and paines cannot be frustrat of eternall lyfe for a merite and therefore to worke meritorious workes for
of firme and assured hope that they receaue in the present remission of synnes and in the futur eternall lyfe ANSVVER I Deny the assumption for nothing is to be belieued of vs rightly and Catholickly which may be any way false for faith is the substance of things hoped and an argument of no appearance because the reason of faith is placed in the veritie reuealed of God which for that cause may neither deceaue or be deceaued Yea also we hope these things rightly which otherwayes may happen for the cheifest reason of hope consists in the possibilitie of the acquiring and seeking of these things which we haue hoped according to the commandement and promise of God and for this cause we are exhorted after the exemple of Abr●ham that in hope against hope we should labuor and belieue to mak our caling and election sure 1 Pet. 2. The differēce betwixt hope and faith For many vnder pretence of this only faith being loaden with the weight of ther synnes and charged in conscience vnthankfull to their Creator and yet apeare externally to work the workes of the righteous and walk securely perswadinge them selfes to be in grace and fauour of God and at last to obteine eternall lyf when without hope they are condemned Because hope lookes to the promisses and cōmandement of God which only faith annulles And therefore we are more commanded and exhorted to hope then beleue because hope hath euer actuall rychteousnes adioyned with him and only faith is lyk an Irishmans in his trowses which is without any conformity to the habit of any other nation so for conclusion only faith is no faith and is playne opposit anu contrary to the article of our creed I beleeue the remission of sinnes QVESTIO IIII. Of the informall fayth of Synners WHerfore doe the Papistes affirme teach fayth to remaine in Synners seperated from loue contrary to the tenour of the Scriptures Fathers Caluin lib. 3. inst cap. 2. § 8.9.10 in Antid Con. Trid. ANSVVER IT is the vniuersal doctrine of holy Church that trew fayth which the Apostles defynes to be the substance of thinges which are hoped for Faith may be without loue aswell as with it and the euidence of things which are not seene may successiuely stand with loue and charity or without it soe that fayth may be in the same specie and nomber notwithstanding with diuersity of tyme formall or informall Faith is formall and informall Calu. Scornes all diuyne and humane sciences Howsoeuer to the contrary Caluin laboures but to no effect albeyt he goeth about to scorne this distinctiō of faith made in the Theologicall Schooles but if this scorner of diuyne and humane sciences would approach to the fountayne of holy wryt and gust with wholsome taste truely he should fynde the same habit of fayth and nomber to haue the place of merit and of demerit that the scorner may be at rest For first Christ Matth c. 7. vers 22. acknowledgeth fayth in Synners for in the day of iudgment or in the hour of death as in a particular iudgment many shall say to him Faith may be in great sinners to the working of myracles Lord we haue prophesied in thy name and in thy name we haue cast out diuels and haue wrought many miracles to whome he shall answer saying I neuer knew yow For this nunquam giues to vnderstand that euen then when they wrought miracles in fayth and by faith in my name euen then I knew you not because you lyued a wycked and deformed lyfe with your faith Sinne is opposite to the merit of faith and was so defyled in sinne lyke to the conditiō of a most expert Phisitian who is not ignorant of art and science which he professes and vnderstandes and yet notwithstanding by fragility of nature by intemperancy and bad liuing a similytude doth violate the science and medecyne albeit he doth not loose and quitte the science of medecine euen so a Christian man a Prophet Religious Faythfull or els whatsoeuer morall man instructed in the faith sinning in the precepts of fayth Fayth profits nothing without workes doth not loose or is destitute of his faith nether faithfulnes or ceases to be a Christian and yet notwithstanding is excluded from the Kingdome of God for onely want and defect of charity good workes The naughty banquetter had faith with out his garment Secondly he who entered to the banquet of the King not hauing his weddinge garmēt Matth. 25.15 was cast into vtter darckenes not because of his faith or of his baptisme by which he entered and abode in the Church but because of only the wāt of his wedding garment that is to say the want of charity So expoundes this place all the Fathers of the Church as S. Greg. in euang hom 78. Thirdly to conclud all doubtes the Apostle sayd if I should haue all faith so that I could remoue mountaynes and want charity I am nothing what it is to haue all faith without charity Calu. Glosse discouered to wit not to be in grace neyther auailles the glosse of Rabbi-Caluin in this place saying that the Apostle speakes not of the Catholyck faith but of the faith of miracles or the vertue of confidence to worck miracles but this euation is naught for when the Apostle sayes if he had all faith absolutly he concludeth all both intensiue and extensiue perfect and imperfect for in the end of the same chapter 1. cor 1 he concludeth that there doe remayne fayth hope and charity these three but the cheifest is charity only so out of doubt he speakes of that faith which before in the same chapter he made mention of Faith is compared with charity and charity to faith as he did speake of that same charity before therfore it followes that he hath compared the Catholicke faith with Charity Fourthly S. Iacob c. 2. v. 14. sayd Bretheren what helpeth it if a man say he hath fayth but hath no workes can his faith saue him Is any Christian so absurd of iudgment Faith may be without workes although it profit not that thinkes faith to iustify a man without workes to the defence of the verity the whole Fathers affirme and haue taught faith cannot iustify any man without workes as Iren. lib. 4. cap. 25. expounding the same saying of the Apostle sayth neyther knowledge nor wisdome towards God neyther the comprehension of diuyne mysteries neyther fayth neyther prophesie helpe without charity but are voide and of no merite before God And lykewyse S. Aug. lib. 15. de Trinit cap. 18. sayth without charity faith may be but not to profit What need we yet witnesses seying reason teaches that by true faith the faithfull are distinguished and discerned from Infidels Heretycks albeit defacto they are separated out of the Church yet in name and shew they are within yet damned and yet notwithstanding if synners fall from
Church and approued by authority for trew doctrine according to the iudgment of men and of them who haue authority to iudge in matters of Fayth Otherwayes their mission and doctrine cannot be receaued nor belieued who without this ordinary authoritie by thēselues approue doctrine to be sufficient or insufficient and must be moued thēselues by some other preacher and his authority to belieue and therfore if there want myracles I know not how they shall approue their doctrine discusse ambiguities resolue doubtes neuer I say by their owne reasoning and vnderstanding of their priuie spirit but their doctrine shall euer be held suspect No doctrine can be known trew without myracles zuing affi mes the same And for the verity of this assertion Zuing. Tom. 2. eccl sayes how many haue vsurped the function to Preach and teach or to worke myracles were called of God cōfirmed by eléctiō of the pastores of the Church Thus he I hope Zuingl hath sayd as much as I would say that ordinary vocation is necessaey that therby God workes often tymes myracles for the maitayning of the same and therefore both lawfull mission and myracles are of God The heretycks make themselues Pastors without ordination to their shame and ignominie who sitting in the Chayre of pestilence contemne and blaspheme all lawful succession and ecclesiasticall ordination calling themselues and presuming to gouerne vvithout lawfull ordination and taking the name of Byshop on them and no man gyuing it to them as sayth S. Cyp. de Simpl. prael They succeed to none but beginne at themselues Hereticks are prophane persones Calu. flyeth to extraordinary vocation and are prophane and enemies to our Lords peace and his diuyne vnity But Caluin teaches in his book de vera eccl reform That God rayseth vp pastores extraordinarily by the inspiration of his owne spirit who should restore his decaying and ruinous Church as long since he did in the Synagogue of the Prophets And so in our tyme by the ordinary vocation of man he hath raysed Prophets and Pastors for the building of his Church as Luther Zuingl c. Whose commendations of their owne Bretheren of the Gospel is wonderfull and first The commendation of the extraordinary Pastores Towit luth and zuingl Bez. to Sanctezij calles Luther the wonderfull instrument of God most heauenly inspyred and an admirable seruant of God in whom who acknowledgeth not the spirit of God knowes nothing Iewell calls him the most excellent man of God sent of him to lyghten the world Apoc. part 4. cap. 4. § 2. Mathesius calles him the Supreme Father of the Church con 8. de lut pag. 88. Amdorff sayes that there was none lyke in the world in spirit and faith vvisdome and profunde knowledge of the Scriptures Amdorff praef tom 1. Luther Albertus calls him a trew Paul and Elyas and a man sufficient to appease and diuerte the vvrath of God from men to whō Augustin myght think no shame to be his Scholler lib. cont Carollost lib. 7. Some other call him the Angell of God Austen might haue bene Luther Scholler flying throw the myddest of heauen hauing the eternall Ghospel in his hand Illiricus in apoc cap. 14. Schussinburge sayth that Elyas and Iohn Baptist vvere but figures of Luther Elias Iohn baptist were figures of Luther Luther vituperation and disprayse of his owne professors Theol. cal lib. 2. fol. 124. in the end this extraordinary Prophet is descrybed of his owne for Schulss lib. 2. art 12. de Theol. cal calles him proude furious intolerable full of errour impudent a forger and a deprauer of Gods word deceyptfull a seducer a false Prophet lunatyck presumptuous a crucifyer and a murtherer of Christ Lykewyse Zuing. calles him a drunken dreamer and a head full of lyes Moreouer Caluin vvould be numbred amongst these Prophets Caluin would be accounted a Prophet and extraordinaryly called as is obserued in diuerse of his sermons saying I am a Prophet I haue the spirit of God am sent of God I cannot erre if I erre it is God that deceaues me and puts me in errour for the synnes of the people His myracles and lyf his Propheticall extraordinary vocatiō is rehersed of Schlussinburge one of their owne professiō His myracles and vocatiō is commēded of the professors of the Gospel lib. 2. art 12. fol. 72. de Theol. Calu. who sayes that God would not be mocked by men hath shewed his iudgment in the world against Caluin visyting him in the scourge of his fury punishing him before the day of his death for he strok this sacramētal heretyck in such sorte that he dyed desperate swearing and inuocating the diuells to whom he randered his spirit vvhich isued out of his priuy members and out of his vlcerous soores and lay so stincking that the people was notable to endure the stinck and thus miserably ended his lyf Besides this he vvas infamous by sodomy Calu. dieth desperat cursing God and inuocating the diuels his bad lyfe The Catholyckes haue registred the myracles of the Sainctes for a memory all as S. Luc did the actes of the Apostles cruell bloody tyrannous deceytfull treacherous a babler a contemner a sophist an epicure and a tosser of the Scriptures as Quid in his metamorphosis thus he So that this way they haue made their extraordinary vocation conformable to their extraordinary myracles but for the Catholyck part all the holy Fathers haue accounted of myracles and haue written the admirable lyues of the Sanctes and haue them in regyster from Christ tyme imitating S. Luc admirable and miraculous relation of the actes of the Apostles and Dauid praysing God in his Sainctes as also to follow their deuotion and holynes of because the Prophet sayes Ps 14. He that glorisyeth them that fearour Lord shall dwell in his tabernacle and rest in his holy hill For their myracles done on earth haue made them glorious in heauen for Caluin confesseth In heb 2.4 2. cor v. 12. That myracles are seales of doctrine Calu. is contrary to himselfe for now he sayes that myracles are seales of trew doctrine The Heretyks wāt myracles Myracles The ouerthrow of Idolatrie Myracls were the cause of the conuersiō of Scotland and do establish faith and Scripture Wherupon all the Sectaries haue great cause to distrust their faith as a nouelty vnsealed and vnestablished by the vertue of God for they are knowne altogeather to want myracle as also good lyfe Far otherwayes was the conuersion of Scotland from Idolatry to the Catholycke fayth which was not only by the preaching of the vvord but also was in the working of myracles as trew faith reuealed and approued from heauen with admirable holynes of lyfe and modest conuersation both in clergie and lay persons that many ages after death and solution of mortality we see and read the lyuing Lord honoured and worshipped in them whose bodyes whilst they liued were the temples of the holy Ghost
S. Peter Seing Ioane the eight was a woman and incapable of this Byshoprick long since elected lawfull Pope and receaued in the Chayr of Sainct Peter ANSVVER WHen we sayd him to be a lawfull successor of S. Peter to haue receaued full power in the whole Church of Christ who by lawfull way is receaued of the Church The Pope of Rome is euer chosē capable and sett in the Seat of S. Peter This sense no otherway we vnderstand but that the Church lawfully electes receaues him who is capable of the high Priesthood of the which is neyther a woman nor an infidell nor an Heretick capable of nor can be Whatsoeuer be the cause in which a Pope may be chosen incapable of this byshoprick I iudge charitably with many godly and learned men that it came neuer to passe as yet that any was chosen incapable God of his owne goodnes and prouidence turning away the perill of such euentes from his Church who neyther in this manner of canonicall election of his owne Vicar is dead sleepeth or is careles who hath said Math. 28. v. 20. Behold all dayes I am with you to the consummation of the world But this assertion is a manifest and a falsely whatsoeuer they can produce concerning Pope Ioane to be a woman for first there is none of the greek latin historiographers and wryters who make mention of one sillable or word of this mater neyther Cedrinus nor Zonoras much more auncient then Martyn Pollon the first author of this fable who are wranglers and contemners of the Byshop of Rome and most willingly are glad to haue such an occasion to scoff at the Latine Secondly the same Martyn Pollonus doth not affirme this history as certaine The Author doubtes of the historie but sayeth it was spoken by report and of vulgar rumor for Sigibertus Marianus Scotus who were a liue before Martinus Polonus in their old hand written bookes make no mention of a woman Ingland and Moguntia are diuerse regiōs Thirdly Martinus Polonus reportes this woman Pope to be borne in Moguntia in Ingland which is a manifest lie seing Moguntia is not in Ingland but in Germany situat on the Rhyne Fourthly the same Martinus Pollonus doth leane to an other falshoode that this woman-pope was brought vp in Athens The history of Martinus Polonus is full of contradictions and lyes and studied there her course of morall sciences seing by all vniforme consent of all wryters that neyther then nor long before any studies was at Athens much lesse inhabited of any So that it is a manifest lie that euer this woman Pope were Far lesse credible that any woman of honesty or estate bygge with child and neare her tyme of deliurance to goe throughout the streates in publick processiō with so great perill of infamie and scandal to her self from which easely she might haue excused her selfe Last of all I shall euer persuade my selfe that God would neuer haue permitted such a base scādall to ryse in his Church As concerning the rest of the trifles that is obiected by our aduersaries as the hole in the chayr for his dimissorialles the image of a woman the declyning of the street and way all are sufficiētly answered of Bellarm. tom 1. cont Gen. lib. 3. c. 24. Therefore I counsell all Protestants to moderate their hatred and malice against the Pope and see of Rome A friendly exhortation to vse mederatiō in detracting the see of Rome Let them call to remembrance the hereticall mynd and ende of Wiritri Archdeane of Oxford in England who in the yeare of God 1571. expounding that place of Scripture Ephes 4. v. 11. He therefore gaue some to be Apostles and some Prophets and some Euangelists and some Pastors and teachers c. To serue the tyme Weretries fatall end in glossing the Scriptures against the Pope inferres the Pope you heare sayes he what offices are promised and giuen to his Church but amongst these vocatiōs you heare nothing of a Pope which when he had made his application immediatly he was stricken with a great sicknes and became dombe and was caryed out of the stoole to his bed not to his dinner as he presupposed to goe Thus Surius in chronicis de vita Veretri c. Who dyed miserably in raging and wrangling of consciēce to the fear of all that were about him Lykwise I cannot omit to rehearse as it was reported to me by faithfull men and beholderes of the truth of M. walter Makcanker one of the Puritane ministers in Edinburg in Scotland an 1614. expoūding the 13. chapter of the reuelation in his sermon speaking of the beast that had seauen heades Mackankers fatall and in applying Antichrist to the Pope and ten hornes vpon his hornes were ten crownes and vpon his head the name of blasphemy c. Applying these things to the Pope with such vehemence of gaping and gloaring calling him Antichrist as Puritans doe mentioned and discrybed vnder the name of the beast in the reuelation immediatly the hand of God was on him who although he dissembles long yet in the myddest of their iniquity punishes with equitie that his teeth fell into his throat and he fell downe in the stoole and from thence was caryed home to his house half dead the night following senseles ended his lyfe And in such lyke manner the sweet Sainctes so called of the Clouted Kirches-sisters of the new Ghospell make their finall ende for as they lyue in hatred and malice against the Pope so die they in the same malignity that we may rightly see that Luthers benediction hath efficacie and power for as the benedictions of Gods Sainctes was in efficacie towards men that belieued in God euen so Luthers maledictiō workes powerfully in the followers of his misbeliefe Which Vitus Theodoricus a Lutheran makes mentiō of Tom. 4. Operum Luth. Praef. in Ioell The which is worthy of memory saying when he came to the Synod to confirme the confession of Augustana by testimonies of Scriptures Fathers in the way he was wonderfull sicke and by stopping of his vryne nynes dayes almost dead sit vp in his bed and lifting vp his handes to blesse those that were about him vttered these wordes for his benediction saying The Lord replenish yow with his benedictiō and hatred to the Pope So that being almost dead he left them with hatred to the Pope as a right inheritance of his cursed mynd which malediction as from Cain discends linially to his successors so from Luther it passed in his successors as it took effect to worke in himself QVESTIO XI Of the infallible authority of Generall Counsells WHerfore doe the Papists esteeme so much of their Generall Counsells Seing their Byshops in them may erre as men And moreouer vniustly against all reason do exclude the power and voyce of Emperours and Kings in iudging matters of faith Luth. in varijs locis Calu. lib. 4. inst cap.
one keepes vnity in so far as the Roman Church was neuer corrupted defaced hid or distroyed but in all ages was euer extant and did represent a compagnie of men who haue professed and belieued the same faith which our Cath. -Church doth this day belieue and this compagnie was euer taken of all faithfull men for the Church Which one vnity the pretended reformed hath no place in who haue no head and an vnknowne doctrine neuer hard of before breeding discord questions and endles debates The 2. note of the Church is holynes which is seene both externally internaly to be in the mēbers of the Church for holynes and wickednes may easily be distinguished the workes of wickednes are manifest but in the acquiring of holynes is greater labour that the externall actiōs be disposed and gouerned with the intention Holynes in life conuersation is an other note of the true Church to the executiō of vertue for neyther fasting nor almes deedes nor many prayers makes any holy if they want the intention and that the vertue be done with meeknesse and in simplicity of mynd Moreouer we see also God by diuyne reuelation and apparitiōs approue the holynes of his Saincts God approueth the holynes of many by diuyne reuelation Lykewyse by them he workes miracles by his own diuyne power as a testimony of their holynes and seing this holynes hath byn and is foūd with those manifest tokens in many members of the Catholick Church it followes that they are the Church in regard they are the members of the Church which is Holy Where holynes abounds there is the Church and such is the romā Church for diuers reasons and such is the Roman Church because her doctrine containes nothing contrary to the rule of right reason and good maners Secondly because she hath almost conuerted the wholl world from Idolatry and hath shyned cleare in holynes of religion and all good maners Thirdly because she is increased and filled with holy men and in her they haue florished with wonderfull rare holynes Fourthly because in her hath shyned innumerable testimonies of true miracles Fifthly because in her very many of both sexes haue byn indewed with the gift of prophefie Sixtly because God oftentymes hath heauily punished the oppugners of the Roman Church Holynes can not be attributed to the Protestantes because they iudge prophanely of their owne and hath giuen temporall blessings as witnes Stanist Hossius Bellarm. Bozius alij to the defenders of the same But this note of holynes cannot be found in the Church of the reformed for the first builders of this reformation and new Ghospel were men of pryde intemperate luxurious lyke night theues following all wickednes seditiō ambitions bitter froward cruel as Caluin himself witnesseth lib. de scand pag. 118. 127. saying that the greatest part of them who haue betaken themselues to the Ghospell what other intent had they then hauing shaken of the yoake of superstition that they might plūge themselues with liberty to all ryot and lasciuiousnes Againe Simdalin reportes of the holynes of the Ghospellers cont 4. sup cap. 2 Luc. com 1. sup cap. 21. Luc. That the world may knowe saith he that they are no Papists nor haue any trust in their good workes neyther to haue freewill they practise in stead of fasting altogeather feasting and for being bountifull towards the power they vnflese them and flee them and for prayers their tongue and lyppes are turned to oathes Lykewyse Spangenb in sua vera nar benef D Mart. Luth. After the reuelation of the Ghospell and the casting of Papistry men are become so wylde that they acknowledge not God nor make any accoūt of him and make all to be right and lawfull which euery one liketh best Lykewyse Castalion apud Rescium pag. 54. speaking of the holynes of Geneua painteth them out with these coulores they are proud saith he puffed vp with vaine glorie and full of reuenge that without danger any man may rather offend Princes then exasperat or moue any of these feyrse Caluinistes whose lyues are infamous and vilanous They are maisters of art in reproches lyes crueltie and treason insupportable and arrogant they name their Geneua the holy City and their assembly Ierusalem but in very truth we should call it Babilon Babilon and Aegypt and the true frontiers of Aegypt and Babylonicall Inchantresse Infamous Sodome and the children of Ghomorra The great cōmendation that the Protestants speake of themselues Thus he To tonclude with Aurifab apud Ministromach pag. 7. After the Ghospell was reuealed vertue was slayne iustice oppressed temperance tyed truth rent with dogges honisty banished faith layme wickednes preuailned deuotion fled Heresie remayning and Sathan reygning And seing out of their owne maisters we learne the holynes of the reformed-Church who of honesty can not be called by any name of a church except we would say with the prophet I haue hated the Church of the wicked psal 25. and so name them Sainctes and members of the Synagogue of Sathan as in effect they are The third note of the true Church must be Catholick that is to say vniuersal through the world and such is the Roman Church The catholick Church hath possessed all nations because there is no part of the world knowne in which be not Christian Roman Catholiks For S. Cyp. libro de vnit Eccl. compares our Church to a most ample tree extending her branches through the world with aboundance of fruite Therefore vpon this extēsion she is called Catholick and vniuersall Moreouer Vine lyr cont proph heraet nouit Descrybing the Catholik Church least we should be deceaued by the circumuention of Hereticks exhortes vs what to obserue for a Catholik Church it is to be obserued sayth he the Catholick Church that we hold that which euery where alwayes which of all is beleeued For this is truely and properly Catholick And S. Aug. serm 13. de tempore This roman-Church saith he from the rysing of the sunne to the going downe of the same is illuminated all through the world with the splendor of one Catholik faith In the Dominions where Hereticks are there are good store of Catholicks but no great nomber of Hereticks where Catholikes rule So that our-Church hath this true name Moreouer whersoeuer there are Heretickes there are found good store of Roman Catholickes but in the contrary not so where there are catholiks here are not foūd such store of Heretiks or protestants as S. Aug. lib. de vnitat Eccl. cap. 3. sayes those Heresies which are in diuerse nations are not found wher the Catholick Church is which is euery where and euen where these Heresies are the catholik church is also foūd thus he Therefore as Cyril sayth cathech 18 The name Catholick is proper to this Church the mother of vs all But Cyrill doth not speake of any other Church then the Roman Church which of all antiquities was
Christ according to his persone should not be God or at least there should not equality of good-head be belieued And moreouer in his Comment in cap. 14. Gen. v. 18. and in 6. Ioh. v. 57 he sayes Christ our Lord to be but a second King next to God and a second cause of lyfe Hath this Arch-Rabbi had any respect to S. Paul Phil. 2. who iustifieth his equality with his Father to rob him so easily Moreouer the very deity it self could not retayne Caluin frō this abominable blasphemy Lykewyse Caluin affirmes That the word of the creation was imperfect for somuch that in Heauen he is not dutifully and sincerely serued without sinne committed euen by the Angells them selues Calu. in c. 1. col vers 20. Which doctrine is contrary to the Scriptures that witnes that in that Heauenly Citty is no vnclean thing or sinne Apoc. 21 Seing that all power and gouernement belongs to the Father all wisdome knowledge and doctrine belongs to the sonne all begnity liberaltty plenitude and sanctification is appropriated and imputed to the holy Ghost all good thinges are ascrybed to the three persones not excluding any good from any of them as being all three equall God and consequently not vnequally fountaynes of all good things as well in particular as in generall Morouer concerning this article which sayes and in Iesus Christ his only Sonne our Lord Against the 2. Article How the Protestants deny Christ in the Creed many of the Protestant Professors appeare to be against this article For some affirme that Christ is not the Messias others saye that the name of Christ is a filthy name Some other that he was a deceauer of the world and that he was not God Some other sayd that he had but a meane measure of Godhead Some lykewyse sayd that he was ignorant and his discourse absurde and himself no more God then Socrates and Trismegistus c. All these blaspemies are extant in the first and second article of the family of loue as wryteth Rogerus against the sect of the family of loue printed at Lōdon an 1579. Lykewyse Cartwright discentes nothing from his former false bretheren whyll he sayes in his 2. replic pag. 191. That he could not be persuaded that the Israelites was so madde as to belieue him to be the liuing God whom with their eyes they did behold to be a miserable and simple man And therefore all the world may see of themselues what distrust they haue of Ghrist to be God and our Lord. Morouer they impugne this Article who equal themselues in Gods fauour in right to Heauen vnto Iesus Christ the only begotten consubstantiall Sonne our Lord. Lykewyse they belieue not in Iesus Christ our Lord who distrust any part of his doctrine whether it be of the Sacramēts or whatsoeuer other point because they conceaue it not in their vnderstanding as Caluin affirmes in cap. 6. 7. Iob when the reason of any thing doth not appeare vnto vs such is our great Pryde that we esteeme it nothing Lykewyse they misbelieue this article who thereby haue made God the Father sometymes not to vnderstand which is his begetting For sayes Caluin it is foolishnes to think that God the Father doth continually begett his Sonne And so the sonne is abolished who is not otherwayes actually the Sonne of the Father but by determinating actualy the relation of the Father to himself Wherupon Luther disp de deo Thes 18. Tom. 2. VVittemb lat It is no marueil saies he if Arius if a Iew if Mahomet and all the wold denie Christ to be the Sonne of God And farlesse marueil if the Protestant be also thus persuaded to deny Christ cōsidering their principall Euangelistes teach the same Against the 3. Article Moreouer as concerning that Article Who was cōceaued of the holy Ghost borne of the Virgin Marie How the Protestants deny Christ to be conceaued of the holy Ghost and borne of the Virgin Mary in the creed It is impugned misbelieued by those who blasphemously affirme the holy Ghost to haue been Father to Christ in manner of other Fathers towards their children as reportes Maldonat in cap. 1. Mat. Lykewyse others misbelieue this Article who belieue Christ to haue byn only cōceaued but not borne of a Virgin Caluino-Turc pag. 530. 531. Greg. de Valent. de Virg. S. Mariae To which assertiō Caluin condiscendes saying That the blessed Virgin was in manner weakenned in trauail vpon Christ as other women in their trauail Lyckewyse they misbelieue this Article who equal or prefer themselues to be the B. V. M. and such are the Houling-Puritā-typling Sisters with Rachel Arnot the maistresse of the congregation with Smythes doughters besides these ring-leaders there is not a dyrtie hussy or drabbe in the I le of Britane but will auouch the same which the poore people would not so ignorantly doe if they were not teached of their high diuynes soe to say and belieue against the true grounds of Scripture that pronunceth her prerogatiue to be blessed aboue all women and to conceaue and beare a child and he to be the God of Heauen earth which no other women euer had or did Moreouer they misbelieue this Article who make Christs body as much in Abrahams tyme as when it was conceaued and borne by the Virgin Mary not only in efficacy but also in essence nature as Beza did lib. cont Hesbusium fol. 284. On this sam subiect is the colloq mompel gart saying Christs body was extant euen in the tyme of Abrahā Wherupon these absurdities followes that Christ was true man in essence and in existence before his conception birth so consequently the Angel sayd not true to the sheephearders that this day is borne to you a Sauiour and that the Blessed Virgin Marie was not his Mother c. Moreouer they make Christ to haue two bodies one deliuered in the supper another borne of the Virgin Mary because they forge another Christ thē was her Sōne as witnes aucto diallactici vide Bellarm. 5. Euang. pag. 98. Colon. 1595. Moreouer they misbelieue this Article who affirme that Christ was not eternally but began only at the tyme of his birth Symler in praef lib. de aeterno dei filio Against the 4. Article How the Protestants deny this article that he suffered and how they euacuate his passion Moreouer as concerning that Article That he suffered vnder Pontius Pilat was crucifyed dead and buryed many Protestants deny this Article by euacuating the Passion of Christ and that by saying that the blood is putrifyed in the earth and for that cause which is putrifyed and corrupt cānot redeeme vs but the Apostle defendes the contrary 1. Pet. 1. who sayes VVe were not redeemed by any corruptible pryce Morouer they euacuate the passion of Christ according to all other partes who with Molineus in Harm Euang. makes the merits of Christs of no effect saying they profit vs
of S. Iames for Apochripha to conuince him of this error it cannot be done by the Scripture neyther of himself because he is iudge in his own cause neyther is he to be belieued by the reuelation of his priuat spirit for all do make for confirmation of his opinion theref●re to conuince him rightly they must haue recourse to the tradition of the Church as sayes S. Aug. Serm. 191. de temp We receaue the new and ould testament in the nomber of bookes the which by authority of the Catholik Church is delyuered to vs. Moreouer this other argument is to be obserued for the Church from the beginning of the world till Moyses two thowsand yeares was without Scripture only ruled by traditions and rites of the sacrifice In the new testamēnt Christ hath written nothing neyther commaunded to wryte but well he sayth Marc. 16. vers 15. Preach you the Euangely to all creatures in which mission no precept is giuen of writing for saluation depends vpon the word of God and not vpon books neyther the written Scripture nor reuelation or prophesie c. For that cause Iraen lib. 3. cap. 4. wryteth that some nations in his tyme had the fayth of Christ and yet no Scripture Where is it found in the Scripture to reiect traditions But this is the cause why you withstand all traditiōs for these being banished easily you may peruert and glosse the Scriptures and apply them to your own myndes which traditions of the holy Church stād out against you for the clearing of the verity and will not suffer the Scriptures to be corrupted with your fansies which corrupt interpretations permitted and suffered we shall see you follow traditions and consequently your owne inuentions to be for holy Scripture for the first part is probable for Caluin himself approueth the traditions of the Iewes commenting in the 104 Psal sec 18. Many things remayned amōgst them by successiue tradition which were godly and necessary for them of the which no mention is made in the Scriptures Out of which place it followeth that Caluin willingly would Iudaize and as concerning the following of their owne senses in reiecting the traditiōs of the holy Ghost to erect their own traditions contrary to the written word I would most willingly be satiefyed by what reason eyther spirituall or morall why you Puritans vphold and set vp traditions as the pillar of repentance denigrate and made black and sinners to stand there to the spectacle of the whole Church with the showing of their heades at the crosse bound with yron chaynes in tyme of Market your sackcloth at the Church doore and carting of poor women thorow the city of whom haue you learned to punish fornicators by this ignominious punishement Others by the purse and to pardon some who are fatt and to execute rigor vpon the poor From whence haue you receaued that tradition in your prayers to hould your noses in others tailes and to ly groaning on the ground after the manner of the Iewes From vvhence is that tradition to fast on sondayes and feast on frydayes and to work on Christmas day and other Sainctes dayes and to obserue monday suter sonday for holy day These a thowsand more are the Puritanes traditions of their owne inuentiō vvithout any Scripture or vvrittē word and yet not vvithstanding they vvill abolishe and condemne all traditions and yet vvill set vp and authorize traditions of their owne authority contrary to the law of God and all Scripture and tradition of any age before passed OBIECTION THe Lord sayth Deut. 12. vers 32. What I cōmand thee do thow that vnto the Lord only neyther shalt thou add any thing neyther diminish Therefore traditions are superfluous and in vaine ANSVVER IF this argument were auaileable neyther the Prophets nor the Apostles ought to haue writtē any thing after Moyses for vvhat the Prophets haue vvritten are not conteyned in Moyses neyther vvhat the Euangelists Apostles haue wryten are contayeed in the old testament but generally and implicite In lyke sorte traditions are contayned in the Scripture implicite vvhē Christ sayd Luc. 10 v. 16. Who heareth you heareth me Therfore the sense of these vvordes vvhich sayth that thou shall add nothing nor diminish is that thou shalt add nothing repugnāt vnto those things vvhich are commaunded in the Scripture In this same sense sayth S. Paul Gal. 1. v. 8. Whether we or an Angel frō Heauen euangelise to you otherwise then that which we haue euangelized let him be accursed For that praeposition praeter is asmuch to say as cōtrary for otherwaies should he be contrary to himself who added many things as his epistles witnes And lykewyse S. Iohn after he had written the Apocalyps and Euangely who threateneth the same curse should fall in the same sentencē in adding to his Epistles in which are many precepts traditions which are not contayned in the Apocalyps and Euangely c. OBIECTION THE Scripture is a Rule to belieue therefore it ought to contayne all things which are to be belieued ANSVVER THe Scripture is a Rule to belieue but not adequat and a right Rule because the right Rule is the word of God whether written or delyuered by Tradition OBIECTION THese things are written that you may belieue that Iesus is the Sonne of God and that belieuing you may haue lyfe in his name But all things writen serue to belieue in Christ therefore all beliefe is written ANSVVER SAinct Paul sayes that Abel Enoch Noe Abraham Isac Iacob Heb. 11. had vndoubtedly true fayth yet they had no Scripture writen Againe the primitiue Church at least tenne yeares after Christ had no Scripture written who will say but that they had true faith Againe these are not conteyned in the written word to vvit the consubstantiality of the Trinity the procession of the holy Ghost the virginity of the most blessed Virgin Mary the baptising of children and the not rebaptising of them who are baptised of Heretickes the breaking of the Sabaoth keeping of Sonday the obseruing of Easter the receauing of the Sacraments fasting the eating of blood strangled meares prohibeted in the Law and Euāgely Act. 15 But I would know of the Protestātes what Scripture they haue for women to singe Psalmes and to glosse on the Scriptures in the Church at home and in the tauernes What Scripture haue you for your pillary crosse steeple repētance seat carting and showing of poore women for the sinne of fornication for these things you haue no Scripture but must build vpon traditiōs eyther true or false QVAESTIO XVIII Of the certitude of Hope WHerefore doe the Papists deny that our Hope is with certitude seing it is written that Hope maketh vs not ashamed but bringeth with it certitude and confidence Luth art 10 11. Caluin lib. 3. instit cap 2. § 16. ANSVVER WHat certitude assured hope can the Protestants haue in our Sauiour if they defend and abyde in the principall poincts of their
then beasts are the which God hath not created to misery farelesse to eternall condemnation Whereupon it followeth that God shall first be a reuenger before man be a sinner the which S. Austen euery where reclames that it doth repugne the infinit goodnes of God and in so doing God should be more cruell then the wyld bere and lyons for there is no beast so souadge who do intend to procread their birth and whelps to a extreame misery other is none that do not nourish and promote what in them lyeth to perfection And to the contrary God shal be more vnnaturall then the brut beasts after the doctrine of Caluins theology I cannot see by what reason men can promise assure ther soules whether to presume of their saluation or to dispayer in this doctrine of predestination How shall it be in our liberty and will to perseuer in good things and hope to be saued if predestination without frewill good workes and perseuerance make a consummation what hath Christ sayd in vayne Matth. 19. If thou wil● enter into lyfe kept the commandements Againe he that perseuereth to the end shal be saued But this Protestant predestination annihillate the wordes of Christ for it freeth vs of the commandements and of the vertu of perseuerance and sayth all good works are vnprofitable Moreouer there followeth another absurdity that if God of his own wil without forseen sinne What absurdiues follow the Protestāts doctrine of predestinatiō doth reprobate men there shal be fewer reprobat then elected which is false as Matth. 7. 22. by the consequent of the Scripture is probable for God is more propense and ready to haue mercy then to condemne therefore if predestination cōsist in his owne will it is to be supposed to be fare fewer reprobat to death then to haue been predestinat to lyfe wherein consisteth electiō and reprobation and of his distinctiō For it is an idle argument that you Gather of predestination to make the vindictiue iustice of God to shyne seing by reason it is rather obscured who will God first to be a reuenger before man or Angell be and to forsee and predestinat them sinners before they be creatures for by all reason it ought to be first produced what is to be punished before the punishmēt be decreed and secondly the decree of the punishmēt is to be measured according to the fact So that the difference in election and reprobation consisteth in this distinction to wit that immediat election in perfect yeares subsist in his prescience with preuision of following merites presupposing cooperating grace and mediat knowledge And in children by preuised application of the Sacraments against sinne originall Reprobation is by apositiue act of his diuyne will by which God hath decreed to condemne some to eternall punishements The cause is giuen meritorious of the part of the reprobate to wit perseuerance in mortall sinne or in originall For where there is a reason giuen wherefore the Kingdome of God is prepared for the elect before the beginning of the world is there good workes and merits for it is sayd Matth. 25. that Christ in the day of iudgemēt shall say Forseen merits and demerits are causes of election reprobation come ye blessed of my Father by predestination from eternity and by grace in the present possesse yow the Kingdome prepared for yow from the beginning of the world that is to say from eternity Adiecting the reason wherefore not only it is giuen to them to possesse but also was prepared frō the beginning because sayth he I was hungre thristie naked c. and you succoured me contrariwise to the reprobat Goe from me accursed into hell fyre which is prepared for the Diuell and his Angels for I was hungre thursty naked c. and you secoured me not so that the predestinat is elected to glory for their forseen merits and the reprobate are ordayned to Hell fyre for their forseen demerits Wherupon is the common maxime that the vulgares and idiots holde and is mantayned of all sectaries that a mā predestinat to eternall lyfe howbeit he doth euill cannot be a member of the Diueil The vulgars opinion of predestinatiō reprobatiō and contrariwyse the reprobat whatsoeuer good he doth or how well he liue cannot be a member of God By this doctrine righteous and good men are turned away from doing good workes and makes away for sinne and all vyces for hereby a man shall neyther merit nor demerite seing this Paradox teaches an infalibility that the predestinat cā do no euill and the reprobat can do good Which is false for it is not sayd to reprobat Cain disparing of the diuyne mercy of G●d for which he was damned and to preuent him of reprobation he sayes Genes 4. v. 6. VVherefore art thow angry and why is thy countenance cast downe if thow doest well thow shalt be rewarded In which wordes it is euident that God promisseth to a reprobate man the reward of good things if he will worke them But the Protestants cheife designe is to extinguish all power and will to work any good thing The Protestāts will is to extinguish all power to merit or demerit through predestinatiō so that the predestinat cannot sinne nor the reprobate cannot merit withstanding the holy Scripture which sayes that Peter was predestinat to eternall glory and yet committed a most haynous sinne by swearing denying our Lord Matth. 26. whome before he confessed the sonne of God and King of Israell Matth. 16 Lykewyse is not S. Paul predestinat yet he himselfe confesses that he had been a blasphemer a persecuter and a wicked liuer which is the workes of reprobatiō except you would say that a blasphemer is worthy of an eternall reward then was he a blasphemer of necessity or then was he a member of the diuel for all wickednes must be of the Diuell for as S. Gregor Hom. in domin 1 Quadrag The head of all the wicked is the Diuell and the members of this head are all the wicked Thus he Who would thinke S. Paul to be predestinate and S. Peter whose deeds are opposed or how did their concurre with predestination ensuing seing as they say the predestinate cannot sinne How then haue they others sinned lyke fooles assuring your selues of predestination and eternall lyfe who cannot faill no more then Christ himself with Caluin you are not ware of presumption lib. 4. inst cap. 17. § 2. Whilst you trust in your own suppositions concerning predestination and reprobation for many haue perished who haue thought to haue ben predestinat and many hath been saued vvhose lyfe appeared to others reprobate OBIECTION THe Scripture sayth Rom. 9. v. 11. when as yet they were not borne nor had done eyther good or euill that according to election the purpose of God should remayn sure not of works but by him that calleth it is sayd that the elder shall serue the younger as it is writen
shalt loue the Lord thy God withall thy hart c. cannot be fulfilled neyther obserued in this lyfe because it is of necessity that who liueth doth loue some other thing by God Therefore all the commandements are not possible to be kept ANSVVER THe Commandements absolutly may be kept in this lyfe of a man instructed and furnished with Gods grace for that precept of the loue of God intendes not that we should loue no other thing or that all the powers of our soule should be so sommerly and intensiuely impendit to his loue but rather he commandes to loue him apprehensiuely that we preferr no creature to God his loue and to loue nothing repugnant to his precepts in so doing in very truth he loueth God with all his hart who in louing God keipt the rest of his Commandements according to Christ saying Ioh. 14. if any man loue me he will kept my wordes OBIECTION IT is sayd in Exod. 20 v. 17. Thou shall not Couet but this commandement cannot be fulfilled in this lyfe seing the flesh is infected with such concupiscence and coueteousnes therefore the Commandements are not possible ANSVVER TO the minor I say a man with the help of Gods grace may fulfill that Cōmandemēdt because by that precept The first motions are not sinne the first motions of concupiscence or motious preuening reason is not inhibited but the interior consent of will For Dauid and S. Paul in conditions are lyke vnto other men subiect to concupiscences and motions of the flesh notwithstanding are sayd to haue keeped the Commandements of God for it is sayd of King Dauid that he walked after God with his wholl hart 3. Reg. 11. v. 34. And lykewyse it is sayd to S. Paul that Gods power is mad perfect through weaknesse 2. cor 12. v. 9. next with this power he atteanes to strenght saying What is able to separat vs from the loue of Christ c. Rom. 8. And by the grace of God I am that I am and his grace was not vaine in me therfore they haue keeped this Commandements But if the motions of coueteousnes and concupiscence had been forbidden by this precept they should haue been sinners but in the contrary they are no sinners except delectatiō cōsent had ben cōioyned therwith but wheras the Apostle sayth Rom. 7. v. 17. That he doth not the good that he would doe because of the sinne that duelleth in him Wherevpon Hereticks hath builded to call the first motions sinne which indeed are not the true names of sinne but rather an inclination or a defect in nature left for a punishement of originall sinne after baptisme in which signification no man is called a sinner absolutly for as S. Aug. com ad Gal. aliud est peccatum habere aliud peccare one thing is to haue finne and another it is to sinne for the one is an euill obiectiue which when delectation and consent is committed and willed doth fall a sinne and therefore S. Paul speaketh no wayes of a sinne to duell in man as a sinne which is by transgression of the Law and consequently with concupiscence and couteousnes as first motiones the Commandements may be keeped QVAESTIO XXVII Of Reall Iustice VVHerefore doth the Papists deny a man to be iustifyed be imputatiue iustice and apprehended righteousnes in the faith of Christ imputed to vs freely of God seeing this is much more to the confort of the consciences of man then inherent righteousnes Luth. serm de natiu Beatae Virginis Mariae Caluin lib. 3. institut cap. 11. § 11.12.13 ANSVVER I say in the iustification of the wicked from the estate of sinne to the estate of grace and adoption to be the sonnes of God by Iesus Christ is done by some gift really inherent in the soule True iustification is an inherent vertue in the soule The Scripture make a positiue signification by which a man for mally is iust by habituall grace and charity as it is proued by the Scripture foresomuch as men are sayd to be washen purged renewed and made whyt which wordes all signify a positiue splendore and comlynesse neyther can ther wordes be vnderstood without a reall quality following as Isai 1. v. 18. sayth If your sinnes were as crymsome they shal be made whyt as snow and if they were read as scarlet they shal be made whyt as wolne Lykewyse Ezech. 56. v. 25. sayth I shall pouer clean water on yow and yee shal be made cleane of all your filthynes and I shall giue you a new hart and a new spirit and I shall place it in the midst of you But this weshing and clenging of the hart cannot be otherwayes vnderstanded but that therby a reale mutation in the will and hart of man to be righteous Lykewyse it is sayd That we are translated frō death tolyf Sanctifyed in the verity and that we are called the sonnes of God 1. Epist Iohn 3. v. 1. are we so by extrinsecall fauour no but by internall vnction by which for mally we are the sonnes of God for the verification of this the Apostle Paul Rom. 5. sayth That the loue of God is poured in our hartes by the holy Ghost which is giuen vs. In which wordes is vnderstood the habitual loue of God towards vs in vs and by which againe we loue God is infused in vs so that by pouring or infusing is signifyed that the whole soule of man is penetrated furnished with Heauenly graces Things naturall supernaturall work their owne effectes The reason of this forsayd of S. Thom. 1.2 summae Quaest 110. art is deduced for if God to naturall operations works hath giuen granted naturall powers by which those functions may be connaturally accommodated to man euen so to supernatural functions God hath giuen such powers and falculties by which these may be as connaturally accommodated to the soule of man Neyther are we according to the Euangely iustifyed by the essentiall righteousnes of God imputed to vs after the opiniō of Osiāder For those places of Scripture teaches righteousnes and grace by which we are made iust to be some thing flowing coming from the grace and righte ousnes of Christ as witnes S. Iohn 1. v. 16. saying Of his fulnesse we all haue receaued grace for grace And likewyse Rom. 1. v. 5. sayth by whome we receaue grace And Eph. 4. v. 7. To eueryon of vs is giuen grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. And so that essentiall imputatiue iustice shall make way to fall into Pelagianisme Imputatiue iustice accordes with the Pelagians who denyed Christ grace necessary to iustification and righteousnes and hereupon the Protestants concludes that we are iustifyed and sanctifyed by the self same iustice wherewith Christ himself is iust which is inherent in him and imputed to vs and apprehended by vs with the reacheing hand of fayth and soe made our owne for in this manner of doing
v. 28. Where Christ asked of the two blind men saying belieue yee that I can doe this to yow In which wordes he demaundes the consent of their vnderstanding which assent or consent and S. Aug. lib. de praed Sanct. sayth he would haue them belieue vertue to be existant in the power of Christ by which he would haue them belieue there health and restauring of their sight not that foolish special iustifying fayth which you dreame of your own inuention Neyther this confent as S. Aug. sayth fuffices not to the conseruation of righteousnes neyther to saluation but besides these are requisit good workes and the obseruance of the Commandemēts of God Good workes is very requisit to fayth by which the iust man groweth in righteousnes and charity according to that saying of S. Iames cap. 2. v. 21. That Abraham our Father was iustifyed of workes that is to say by works he is made more righteous What els mean other places of Scripture in demāding good fruict and greater abondance of righteousnes aboue the Pharisaicall righteousnes to this effect the yongman asken what worke was to be done needfull for him to enter into the Kingdome of Heauē our Sauiour answeres not saying belieue and thou shal be iust as the Protestants presupposition is but he sayth to him If thow wilt enter into the lyfe kept the commandements Matth. 19. v. 17. which commandements was the Decalogue as Christ expones vnto him Workes are the fruict of faith To what end is this speciall fayth when the true fayth suffices not to doe absolutely right well but charity ioyned with fayth doth make men iust and the sonnes of God because the Apostle sayth 1. cor 13. v. 1. Without charity all to be insufficient to saluation what a man can doe so consequently fayth of it self suffices not without workes which proceed of charity Luther moekes good workes Therefore let Luther be ashamed in making this wicked skoffagainst good workes in his sermon saying I say to thee because the way is strait and narrow it behoweth thee to bethin small if thou wilt come be that way but it followeth who are charged with works as we see ye pilgrims of S. Iames to be loden with there clam-shelles can no way enter into Heauen To conclude the counsell of Luther is different frō the counsell of Christ who commendes the frutes of righteousnes proceeding from fayth and the other discomendes all good workes to establish his naked only fayth OBIECTION IVstification oft in the Scripture is attributed to only fayth as Luc. 7. v. 50. Thy fayth hath made the whole and lykewise Rome 5. v 50. VVe are iustifyed of faith Therefore in vaine are workes ANSVVER AS the Scripture hath attributed iustification to fayth euen so lykewyse to hope to feare to pennance and to Almesse As Rom. 8. v. 24. By hope we are saued and Tob. 4. v. 11. Almesse delyuere from sinne and death also Eccl. 1. v. 27. The feare of the Lord expelleth sinne ergo it followeth these to iustify as well as only fayth and if there be rightly vnderstood ioyned with fayth Workes ioyned with faith iustify a man make iustification for they are the fruicts of fayth and so it is not only fayth that maketh a man iust for that word is not found in the Scripture only but because faith is the foundament and root from whence other vertues groweth Therefore righteousnes and saluation is attributed to him although mention is not made so ample of the vertues as of the foundation for what pulchritude and beauty is in a tree all dependes of the roote euen so what vertue and righteousnes groweth with man all is commended to proceed of fayth as of the roote and foundation of others OBIECTION THe Scripture speaking of the Euangely and explicating what it is as it were by a Emthesis sayth the Euangely which is to say Gods word saueth vs as 1. cor 15. v 2. The Euangely sayth he by which yee are saued and lykewyse Iacob 1. v. 18. VVillingly hath he begotten vs by the word of verity Therefore by fayth and not by workes we are iustifyed and for this cause we Protestants giue our selues to preaching of the word to the reading of the Bybel that by the word of fayth we may be feede and saued ANSVVER MIserable Protestāts how art thou deceaued in hearing preachings and in profitable reading of the Byble when thou vnderstandes it not For if thou would vnderstand thy owne proposition thou shall well know that the word of God saueth not formally but by way of Gods proponed grace and our obedience and not be only fayth as S. Iames cap. 2. v. 24. sayth in expresse wordes See sayth he how a man is iustifyed of workes and not of fayth only OBIECTION BVt how sayth S. Paul Rom. 3. vers 20. Gall. 2. vers 16. That no man by the vvorkes of the Law can be iustifyed ANSVVER WEll agreeth S Paul and S. Iames by diuers reasons for S. Paul sayth that the workes of the Law without relation to Christ auailleth not to righteousnes which S. Paul so hyghly disputes and againe the workes of the Law with relation to Christ conioyned with faith to auaille much so that S. Iames and S. Paul denyeth not good works done by fayth but teaches expresly the vtility of them as Gal. 5. v. 6. saying in Christ Iesu neyther is circumcision any thing neyther the preputie● but faith which by charity is wrought and seing it is euident that the requyres demaundes good works which commeth of faith and charity that only fayth may be secluded OBIECTION YF Abraham is iustifyed of workes he hath wherein to reioyce but not with God Rom. 4. v. 2. Therefore we cannot reioyce and boost of our workes ANSVVER I Say that neyther Abraham nor any other man could glory and reioyce of their workes in the mynde and sense of S. Paul that is to say in the merites of their workes done without fayth as the Iewes did reioyce of to wit of righteousnes done without grace by the knowledge of the Law which obseruation was very imperfect in them for that they keeped the Law but in a part to wit concerning certaine externall things OBIECTION CHrist hanging on the Crosse hath sayd it is finished Iohn 19. v. 20. Therefore there remaine no workes for all are done by Christ and no more is required no fasting pennance and satisfaction c. ANSVVER THe true sense of these wordes are that Christ hath finished the work of our redemption on the Crosse For if otherwyse the Protestant vnderstand this they ought not to baptyse nor be baptised frequent the Lords Supper Preach sing-psalmes pray nor fast c. OBIECTION ONly Fayth suffices as sayth Thomas de Aquino ergo ANSVVER SO it is in the mynd of the Doctor to the vnderstanding and conception of the mystery of the Eucharist and not to the conseruation of righteousnes and to the