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A08812 Meditations of death wherein a Christian is taught how to remember and prepare for his latter end: by the late able & faithfull minister of the Gospel, Iohn Paget. Paget, John, d. 1640.; Paget, Robert. 1639 (1639) STC 19099; ESTC S113906 110,470 273

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of Christian life we are taught every day continually to remēber this our latter end All dueties both of doing good through faith hope and love or of suffering evill for doing good through patience are so many memorials thereof The end of faith is the salvation of our soules which it beleeveth 1. Pet. 1.9 the object of hope is life eternall which it embraceth Tit. 1.2 3.7 2.13 the comfort of love is translation from death unto life whereof it assureth us 1. Ioh. the reward of patience is rest in the kingdome of heaven and an eternall weight of glory which it looketh for Matth. 5 10-12 2. Cor. 4.17 And thus the comfort of this blessed end is ever carried in the eye of faith in the armes of hope in the bosome of love borne as it were upon the shoulders of patience And as all that is done by mē being well considered should bring this latter end to their remembrāce so all the works of speciall grace that are wrought by God for his children before this world in this world or after this world if we looke upō them with a right eye they doe every one carry in them a remembrance of this glorious end provoke us to thinke thereof We cannot be assured of our election but we see it as a booke of life wherein we reade our happy end Phil. 4.3 and behold the kingdome prepared for us before the foundation of the world Mat. 25.34 We cannot rightly thinke of our calling unles we behold that marvellous light glory where unto we are called 1. Pet. 2.9 5.10 2. Pet. 1.3 We doe not conceive sufficiently the cōfort of our justificatiō by faith ūles eye on this end and for the joy that was set before him endured the crosse and finished his course the work committed unto him Heb. 12.2 Oh let us not breake the band that drew on Christ himselfe Oh forgive us Lord that we have bene so profane carnall to forget this end so often from henceforth keep it in our mindes fix it in our memories that it never slip away CHAP. VI. The latter end of the faithfull compared vvith the primitive estate of the old vvorld Of the communion which man had with God being created after his likenesse a The image of God in the soule though perfectly beautifull excellent b yet inferiour to the image of Christ in the faithfull the perfection perpetuity thereof in the world to come c The body at first though naked yet without shame pain erect upright in all the senses fitted for communion with God d but hereafter endued with more noble heavenly qualities spirituall transparent light agile ever vigilant in feeing communicating with God e The dominion over the creatures given at first illustrated by the remnants thereof yet apparent f not to be compared with that which shall be in regard of heaven earth all that is therein Of their mutuall fellowship with one another g Marriage the first band of society ground of all other to that end instituted honoured of God for their mutual comfort h yet nothing like the glorious bands of communion with Saints Angels in heaven i What blessed communion Adam Evah might have had with their posterity living to this day if neither had sinned k In a right line descendent viewing the long race of their progeny with great joy to themselves l and no lesse happines to their childrē who though living at greatest distance might then with ease abundance of comfort have visited them and communicated with them m In the collaterall line extended on each side to brethren sisters all rejoycing in one another in their loving easy pleasant visitations n Yet all this comes short of the heavenly communion in the world to come the love of Christ the manifold rivolets of sweet fellowship the free glorious motions in the kingdome of heaven THat we may the better comprehend that happy communion wherewith the latter end of the faythfull shall be glorifyed let us somewhile leave our speech of the world to come as also of this present world and let us looke back into the world that is gone past let us behold the glory that is lost that by the greatnes thereof first considered in it selfe then compared with this to come the glory hereof may more evidently appeare That we may the better observe the difference we are to set ourselves as it were in a middle gate betwixt two worlds the old and the new where we may have an open and free prospect into them both and from thence we are to cast a look first into the old world then into the new with one eye to behold the first paradise in Eden and with another the second paradise in the third heavens with one look to view the first Adam his gifts his children and with an other look to behold the second Adam Christ Iesus his gifts his children and so to compare the glory of their estates together In such a middle gate or tower of prospect into these two worlds the Prophets Apostles did often set themselves when they compared them together as appeareth in those texts Old things are past away behold all things are become new 2. Cor. 5.17 Behold I create new heavens a new earth and the former shall not be remembred nor come into my minde Esa 65.17 The first man Adam vvas made a living soule the last Adam vvas made a quickening spirit 1. Cor. 15.45 so v. 49. c. a The glory of the old world in the primitive estate thereof consisted also in a blessed fellowship with God and fellowship with men This blessed fellowship of God with man appeared first in that he communicated his image and similitude with man the beauty of which image shined especially in that wisedome holines righteousnes which God imprinted in the soule Gen. 1.26.27 with Eph. 4.24 Coll. 3.10 Eccl. 7.29 By that wisedome he knew God saw his glory by that holines he did cleave unto him embrace him with love reverence confidence and so in both communicated with God At the bestowing of this image each Person in the holy Trinity did work together each gave precious excellent gifts unto man for the beautifying of his soule with variety of graces such as might make him a lovely creature in whom the Lord himselfe might take delight Rev. 4.10.11 with Ioh. 1.3 Coll. 1.16 Iob 33.4 and therefore is the Trinity described consulting about this work Let us make man in our image after our likenes all are noted with the title of creatours or makers Eccl. 12.1 boreêcha Iob. 35.10 ghnosai As upon the losse of this image when Adam begate a sonne in his owne likenes Gen. 5.3 all hatefull ugly deformity of sin succeeded every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was onely evill continually Gen. 6.5 so
of the Sabbath Psa 92. title wherein the exercises of the Sabbath are described there God calleth teacheth his people to remēber the latter ends both the end of all the workers of iniquity who though they spring as grasse flourish for a season shall yet in the end be destroyed perish for ever ibid. vers 7.9 and againe the latter end of the godly whose horne though it be abased to the dust for a while yet in the end shall be exalted like the horne of an unicorne their heads anoynted with fresh oyle c. vers 10. c. On the Sabbath therefore are we called of God to sit downe consider talke sing of our latter end and mutually to exhort and comfort ourselves with the remembrance of it e Now for the place where we live this whole world and every part thereof doth fitly represent unto us our transitory estate for the fashion of this world passeth away 1. Cor. 7.31 and we passe away with it The mooveable heavens that are above us are tossed and swong round about the world every day both the firmament of the fixed starres the spheres of the sevē planets one under another are rolled about with their manifold variety of motions The Sunne in the middest of them goeth forth as a giant to runne his race from one end of heaven to an other Psa 19.5.6 Eccl. 1.5 the circle of the earth which he dayly compasseth f And as the heavens so all under the heavens runnes on wheeles also The comets fiery meteores in the highest regiōs of the ayre are caryed about the earth according to the motion of the Sunne The wind whirleth about continually returneth according to his circuits Eccl. 1.6 The waters of sea rivers run their courses as in a circle from land to sea from sea to their springs againe vers 7. the sea in it self is tossed up downe ebbing flowing according to the course of the Moone or violence of the windes The earth though it remaine in her station change not her place yet is it changed in estate more then the rest insomuch that God hath made the sundry rankes of the creatures therein to be so many mappes of mortality pictures of our vanity similitudes of our transitory estate that by the sight of ech of them he might call us to remēber our latter end And which way so ever we turne us the monuments of our vanity are presented unto us of God g Stay we in the house sit by the fire side the sparkes that fly up are presently extinct Iob 18 5. 2. Sam. 14 7. the smoke that goes out of the chimney suddenly vanisheth Hos 13.3 the ashes that remaine are streightway cast out on the dunghill Iob. 13.12 Gen. 18.27 are ech of them appoynted of God to shew us what we are how soone we come to our end while he hath compared our lives to ech of these The candle that is set upon the table to give light unto them that are in the house is also ordained of God to represent our life that shines for a time untill it have cōsumed our native moysture and then goeth out of it selfe Iob 18.6 And as we see the oyle of this lamp decaying the more are we to seek that oyle of grace that will not decay before the comming of the Bridegroome Matt. 25.4 The earthen pots wherein our meat is sod prepared at the fire the earthē pots dishes out of which we eat drink at the table for preservation of our life are noted by the holy Ghost to be types and similitudes of our brittle fraile life Ier 19.1.11 Lam. 4.2 that so oft as we use them eat drink out of thē we might remember our end The shelfs or benches wheron women for ornament of their kitchin do set up these pots dishes are like faire pourtraiturs of humane fragility the whole houshold it self all the persons Esa 37.27 hath thereby bound them as in a bundle for a wholesome posie or nosegay that from thence we might learne to smell our mortality Go we forth againe from the garden into the corne-fields looke upon the corne every part of it by the roote that comes of seede which is not quickened except it dye God teacheth us to thinke of death to looke for death before true life be found 1. Cor. 15.36 Ioh 12.14 By the top of the eares of corne cut downe with sickles the Lord calles us to consider of Death by whose sickle we are all cut downe in like manner Iob 24.24 Rev. 14.15 By the stubble which is the middle of the stalke betwixt the roote the eare of corne as being a most vaine thing easily scattered by the winde Ier. 13.24 Esa 40.24 and devoured by fire whereunto it is reserved Ioel. 2.5 Esa 5.24 the vanity of man perishing as stubble is often described unto us And above the rest when the Lord calles sinners to thinke of their end he takes the light chaffe upon the graines of corne in the eare shewes that unto thē affirming that they also are but as chaffe before the whirlewind or the fire Psa 1.4 Iob 21.18 Esa 17.13 yea the multitude of them their princes as the chaffe of the summer threshing-floores where it most aboūdeth Da. 2.35 i From the lesser plants let us go to the greater from herbes to trees The trees of the orchyard those in speciall that were in election above others to reigne as kings over the rest Iudg. 9.8 c. are called of God to call us to think of our latter end In them by them the Lord teacheth us how we passe away as the vine shakes of his unripe grape as the olive casts of his flower Iob 15.33 as the figtree casteth her untimely figs being shaken of a mighty winde Rev. 6 13. as the bramble or thornes in the hedge of the orchyard greene or dry are taken away by force Psa 58.9 as the crackling of thornes under the pot a flash and presently out Eccl. 7.6 Psa 118.12 so is the life and glory of sinners suddenly at an end and these plants are memorialles thereof unto us From the trees of the orchyard proceed we on to the trees of the forrest and by the way consider the mists and morning cloudes above our heads and the morning dew under our feet both suddenly vanishing away Hose 13.3 by them the swift when she hasteth to the prey serves by the counsell of God herein to represēt the swiftnes of our dayes how we hast to our end to be a prey for the grave Iob 9.26 The Moth as little weake as the Eagle is great strong serves yet to teach us the same lesson as well as the king of birds Though the moth be so fraile that by touching it is cōsumed the substāce left behinde upon the fingers yet mortall mē are crushed before
state of mans owne person calling and condition calles him by the sight of himselfe to remember his latter end And first the Lord having made man of the dust of the earth Gen. 2.7 and thereupon after his fall shewed him his readines to return to dust Gen. 3.19 Eccl. 12.7 doth yet further call us to consider our frailety by ordaining that this house of clay is to be held upright by a puffe of the ayre continually breathed in and out and that this being stopt the house must presently fall downe Hereby our life hangs as it were loose before us going in and out every moment therefore is it called the breath of life Gen. 2.7 7.15.22 our life being carried in out upon the breath depending upon it And as God tyed life to our body by such a slender weake thread so he calles us oft to mark it think on it to remember our mortall estate by the breath of our nostrils so easily departing Esa 2.22 Psa 146.4 104.29 a An other fraile band of life like unto our breathing is the pulse which ariseth from the heart the arteries or beating veines this by a double motion of contraction dilatation whereby they are drawne in out both for the expelling of noxious fumes through the insensible pores of the flesh for the drawing in of coole ayre to refresh the heart to feed the vitall spirits From the variety of the pulse are taken many signes of health sicknes life death it is the character of our strength or weaknes are we provoked to watchfulnes And as in the necessity of food so in the quality thereof is our corruptible estate made evident unto us Our food before it come into the body is diversly prepared and the principall fruits for nourishment of man comfort of his life as corne wine figges the like are ripened made to grow more abundantly by the dung and excrements of beasts cast upon them Luke 13.8 from the juyce of the dung is the fatnes and sweetnes of the fruits increased And from hence is the strength of our corruptible life hence we may say to corruption Thou art my father As once the meat of the miserable Iewes in their distresse was prepared with dung Ezek. 4.12 13.15 so is our food dayly in the growth of it as it were seasoned baked and concocted with dung The earth accursed for our sinne is brought to this base condition that the fattest increase thereof is from excrements and it yeeldeth fruit unto the mouth of mā from the tayle of the beasts After it is in the body a great part of it by the alteration there is turned into corruption and receyved into divers lothsome sinkes and channels within the body till it be againe expelled By this perishing food Ioh. 6.27 God doth admonish us of our perishing estate shewes unto us that meats are for the belly and the belly for meats that he wlll destroy both it them 1. Cor. 6.13 Thus the staffe of our strength the very pillars of our life do carry in them the remembrance of destruction corruption for our warning c But this is not all Our food is not onely of corruption but we feed even of death it selfe that by the allowance of God Gen. 9.3 in taking away the life of other creatures to maintaine our owne especially in these last times when he hath said unto us of them all Rise kill eat Act. 10.13 Whatsoever is sold in the shābles that eat asking no questiō for conscience sake 1 Cor. 10.25 herein we see death dayly presēted to us set before us on our tables This is seriously to be thought upō as a wonderfull work of God by the death of other creatures our life is preserved our living bodies are sustaind by their dead carcasses in their blood swimmes our life and from their pangs of death spring the pleasures of our life our feasts ordinary food As the savage Cāniballes eat the flesh of men so we eat the flesh of beasts that that which any creature may serve to be a witnesse of for convincing of sinners that doth the Lord declare to be their cry a denunciation of woe from them Habac. 2.11 Iob. 31.38 Iam. 5.2.3 and in like manner that misery which the creature enthralled by sinne doth endure for man that doth the Apostle expressely call their groaning and travelling together in paine vvith us c. Rom. 8.22 These groanes cryes are then especially to sound in our eares while we are eating of them as the Hare newly taken cries in the mouth of the greyhound so should we be affected as if the same cry were made when we eat thereof have their flesh betwixt our teeth The Gentleman that sits at his table above in his dining chamber and was not present in the kitchin or butchery to see the execution the convulsions of death the sprinting gasping of the slaughtered creatures is yet by remembrance to represent the same and to make it present againe in his eating for eating burying of them in our bellies is more then killing of them a further meanes to strike the heart with thought of death procured for the eater Our stupidity blockishnes must needs be very great if we consider not this fearfull wonderfull providence of God and we shall be worse then the beasts themselves if we hearken not unto the call which God by them gives us to awaken us out of our security to make us remember our fraile condition d An other helpe to preserve our fraile bodies is our rayment and apparell which God hath given to cover and defend the body without as food within And from hence we have a double or treble memoriall of Death considering that our apparell was then first given unto us when by our sinne we first came into the state of death not before Gen. 2.25 with c. 3.7 And then when God first gave our garments unto us he tooke them out of Deaths wardrobe they being made with the death of the creatures from whence they were taken God made coates of skinnes for Adam his wife his posterity Gen. 3.21 Heb. 11.37 The skins of the poore creatures were pluckt over their eares torne from their backes to cover the shame of our skinnes to hide the nakednes of our hydes And what was sayd of Ioab in another case are swifter then a post Iob. 9.25 that we ride post as on dromedaries that runne by the way in all hast to their journeyes end And the travell that men have by sea in the most swift ships is mentioned of God to represent the swiftnes of our time that carries us night and day sleeping or waking to the haven of death Iob 9.26 And according to this wisedome of God and his example should men make right use of other trades and their labours therein to set
the Apostles time Act. 2.29 having bene preserved in the time of the Babylonian captivity even then when both city temple were destroyed with many the like These monuments are in Scripture called Memorialles Mnemeia Matth. 23.29 Iohn 11.38 and 19.41 and 20 1. by which whatsoever others intended the godly are taught to remember their latter end The garnished tombes and the sumptuous sepulchers are but so many scaffolds stages theaters of humane frailety and so many pulpits out of which our mortality is preached and all the common graves of the people are the coffers of death the sight whereof should teach us to lay up our treasure in heaven And thus though the touch of a grave defiled the body with a ceremoniall pollution in the time of the Law Numb 19.16 yet the sight of a grave may serve to cleanse the soule by a spirituall consideration of our end even as the sight of the Leviathan raised up did bring men to purify themselves fearing lest the whale might be their grave Iob. 41.25 with Iob 3.8 m The grave being prepared for the dead corps then men proceed with their may obtaine n Having bene at the grave performed the last duety to the person of the dead we then returne come from the dead to the living to the friends of the dead to mourne with them to comfort them and as the kinred speciall friends of old used to eat drink with them give them the cup of consolation Rom. 12.15 Ier. 16.7.8 Gen. 37.35 1. Chro. 7.22 Ioh. 11.19 and in this action we have an other call to remember our end While we minister consolation to others we are to take an exhortation to our selves The house of mourning is the schoole of mortification and therefore better to enter into it then into the house of feasting for there is the end of all men which the living will lay unto his heart so be made better in his heart by the consideration of the dead by the sadnes of the countenances waiting on that consideration Eccles o When the comforters of them that mourne are departed from the mourning house gone every one to his owne yet still the friends of the dead even while they live on earth so often as they misse their friends departed want the help benefit which they were wont to enjoy from them so often are they called to remember death that makes such separatiōs La. 4 18-20 The widowes orphanes desolate parents oppressed subjects scattered sheep that are deprived of their loving husbands parents children rulers pastours or any friend neighbour that misseth the company of an other are by this want called to remember both that death past which took away their friends that death to come which shall againe restore them bring them together 1. Thess 4.13.14 2. Sam. 12.23 And in this remembrance they are withal warned to make themselves ready for death not to be glewed unto this world from whence their comforts are taken away When the shepheard takes up the young lamb the ewe followes him of her selfe and needs no more calling or driving when the great shepheard of the sheep takes away the soules of young old of dearest friends from one another it is to make them runne after the Lord to long after his presence in whom they shall finde all more then all that ever they lost in this world So often as we thinke of a mother a father or other intire serve to make a deeper impressiō into the soule and to keep the memory of it self in the minde more then a thousand other memorials beside A strange thing it were if a man that were to be judged the next day of life death and to receive sentence eitheir of a most cruell shamefull death or of a rich honourable estate during his life if this man could not keep in minde the judgment approching untill the next morrow without tying stringes about his fingers for remembrance or writing some caveats upon the posts of the prison or procuring some watchmen to come every houre whispering in his eare to tell him of the danger imminent of life or death And as strange or more is it that these great maine matters of Eternall Salvation or Eternall Condemnation should not by their owne greatnes presse the heart of man with the weight thereof unto a continuall remembrance of them without other warnings when as we know not whether we shall have one dayes respite before they come a The last end of the godly is eternall life This life consists especially in fellowship with God the Saints By fellowship with God men come to see God Matt. 5.8 even to see him as he is 1. Ioh. 3.2 to see his face which living man was never able to see on earth Exo. 33.20 to see him before whom the glorious Seraphims doe cover their faces with their wings Esa 6.2 to see the holy Trinity the blessed Father Sonne H. Ghost clothed with the sacred robes of their severall beauty and majesty shining distinctly as the pure Iasper the carnation Sardine the greene Emerald Rev. 4.3 Then the Sonne will shew himselfe unto his elect Ioh. 14.21 and they shall see his glory Ioh. 17.24 and the Father shall be seene in him Ioh. 14.9.10 and with them both the seven Spirits which are before the throne even that one and the same Spirit enlightning with his sevenfold graces and gifts that bright sevenfold lamp of his Church Rev. 1.4 with 4.5 1. Cor. 12.11 With this vision shall the soule be satisfyed whē they awake Psal 17.15 The pleasure of this surmounts the joy of all pleasant things seene by any eye If all the pleasure that all the most ardent lovers receyved at any or at all times from all the most beauteous amiable countenances of their dearest spouses fairest loves in the like promises Therefore is that end ever to be remēbred longed after Thē especially shal it appeare how the elect remaine as lambs in the bosome of the Lord their shepheard Esa 40.11 Thē will it be further revealed how God dwelleth in thē they in him 1. Ioh. 4.15.16 therefore need not feare being kept far off as mē on earth that were kept from the bodily presence of Christ being in the house because of the thrōg at the doore Mar. 2.2.4 The incomprehensible Lord filling heaven earth Ier. 23.24 is himself a house where they shall dwel and they a mansiō wherein he will make his abode Ioh. 14.23 By this heavenly conjunction cohabitation with God shall the elect be one even as the Father the Sonne are one Christ in them and the Father in him that they may be perfect in one Ioh. 17.22.23 This thrise blessed most glorious union is that greene bed of Christ his Spouse Sol. song 1.16 an eternall paradise of comfort and garden of pure delights Oh
what madnes is it to forsake that greene bed for any bed of pleasure in the world By this communion the Lord embraceth his elect with both armes of his love putteth them in his bosome Sol. song 2.6 8.3 and in this divine embracement there is felt more happines heavenly joy then all the love fruits of love or whatsoever went under the name of the tēdrest and strōgest affection in this world could ever yeeld unto the heart of man For if the first fruits of spirituall joy now at this present in the middes of tribulation be an hundred fold more then all the pleasure of houses lands fathers mothers wife children the most desirable things of this world Mark 10.29.30 then how can it be but more then an hundred thousand fold pleasure to enjoy the beauty face of God in heavē to inherit the fulnes of joy in his presence pleasures for evermore at his right hand If the infinite blessednes of the glorious persons in the holy Trinity doth appeare in their mutuall union so that they were an allsufficient eternall delight unto themselves in enjoying one an other continually before the world was before men or angels were made Prov. 8.30 then may we well think how our vessels shall be filled and overflow with heavenly comfort 1. Ioh. 1.4 when we come to drinke of that divine fountaine and enter into our Masters able to bring to passe And therefore as in the transfiguration of Christ his face did shine as the Sunne Matt. 17.2 even so shall the righteous shine forth as the Sunne in the Kingdome of their Father Matt. 13.43 As the raiment of Christ through the brightnes of his body did shine as the transparent light Matt. 17.2 was exceeding white as snow Mark 9.3 and withall white glistering Luk. 9.29 so the whole person of the elect made whiter then snow in their transfiguration shall shine glister sparkle with a radiant beauty heavenly brightnes yea then shall the Moone be abashed the Sunne ashamed before the Lord his ancients when the Lord shall reigne in Zion Esa 24.23 when he shall be glorifyed in the Saints and made marvellous in all them that beleeve 2. Thes 1.10 If the face of Moses while he was yet clothed with corruption when he had seene but the back parts of the Lord and that but for a moment in one vision did yet shine so gloriously that men fled away amazed from him durst not behold the brightnes of his countenance Exo. 34.30 with c. 33.23 what then shall be the glory of the faithfull when being clothed with immortality they shall see God face to face and that in a perpetuall vision for evermore d From this transfiguration of the Saints made so glorious by the sight of God fellowship with him ariseth the glory of their fellowship one with another which is also an unspeakable felicity of the second life to enjoy all the beauty all the love of all the glorified soules bodies in heaven As Ionathan seing the grace of God in David his worthines was knit unto him loved him as his owne soule 1. Sam. 18.1 so here the Saints beholding the glory of God revealed in each other shall be linked together in the neerest bonds of intire affection They that first give themselves to God doe then give themselves unto one an other by the will of God 2. Cor. 8.5 They are all one in Christ Iesus Gal. 3.28 There is one body one spirit Eph. 4.4 all are gathered together in one under one head whether things in heaven or in earth men Angels whether they be thrones or principalities or powers Eph. 1.10.22 All things are the Saints whether it be Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death or things present of her and embraced in her armes for ever The loving society of godly men even in their present weaknes is magnifyed as a good pleasant thing as a precious oyntment as the dew of Hermon Zion Psal how good pleasant then is the heavenly conversation and cohabitation of the Saints even as the dew of Paradise where God hath appointed the blessing for ever to make those beauteous blossomes therein to flourish eternally As oyntment perfume rejoyce the heart so doth the sweetnes of a mans friend by hearty counsell Prov. 27.9 and what then is the sweetnes and joy of that communion where every heart is a severall closet replenished with al store variety of divine oyntments perfumes for the mutuall delight of the Saints The consolation of Christ is there most perfect the comfort of love fellowship of the spirit are compleate full and so the joy of every one is fulfilled in being like minded having the same love being of one accord of one judgment Phil. 2. 1.2 there is no crying nor complayning Rev. 21.4 no curse no angry word no countenance of dislike or disdaine no evill no occasion of evill no appearance of evill no suspicion of evill no want of good in themselves no envy of good in others but every mans joy doubled for anothers salvation and glorifyed in anothers glory The principall delight is that God is found in them all each being the temple of God and his love the fire burning upon the altar of every heart in each of them there is a vision of God an image of his glory he is seene in each shines in them and so at every turne they meet with God who is all in all in every one of them 1. Cor. 15.28 And they never powre out their hearts to one another but withall they powre out prayse unto God with streames of pleasure to themselves And how infinitely manifold are their pleasures where there are so many spirits of just perfect men Heb. 12.22.23 so many millions of Angels thousand thousands ten thousand times ten thousand standing before the Lord Dan. 7.10 Rev. 5.11 If Peter thought it so good to be there where but two of the Saints Moses Elias appeared in glory with Christ Luk. 9 30-33 how good is it to be there where all appeare together in glory with Christ where the glory of every one shall appeare more clearely and be better discerned where every one shall be the precious jewell and treasure of another O who are they which remembring this end will not be content to make an end of their sinfull courses to enjoy this communion How unworthy a thing is it that the thoughts of vanity should thrust out of our mindes these pleasant remembrances of our latter end and the comforts therein If I forget thee O Ierusalem let my right hand forget it selfe if I doe not remember thee let my tongue cleave to the roofe of my mouth if I prefer not Ierusalem above my chiefe joy Psalm 137.5.6 e It is further to be considered that in all the maine parts acts
had he reteyned the image of God every imagination of the thoughts of his heart should have bene onely good and gracious continually without any inclination to evill or the least looking awry to any thing that might have bene displeasant in the sight of God And this image of God had bene such a beauty as the eye of man never saw in this corrupt world such a perfect beauty such a symmetry harmony of grace as that Gods owne judicious eye should have found no fault or dislike in it b And yet even this perfect beauty given at the first creation was farre inferiour and not to be compared with the glory of the world to come even that which was made glorious had no glory in this respect by reason of that which excelleth 2. Cor. 3.10 The first man is of the earth earthly though made perfect yet in a lower degree of perfection the second man is the Lord from heaven As is the earthly such are they that be earthly and as is the heavenly such are they that be heavenly As we have borne the image of the earthly we shall also beare the image of the heavenly 1. Cor. and shall be made conforme to the image of the Sonne of God Rom. 8.29 and that pleasant image of Christ is the highest degree of perfection the sweetest mirrour of beauty in heaven or earth stayning the glory of the former image The innocency of Adam was a white robe a glorious ornament unto him but the righteousnes of God in Christ is a white robe more pure precious of a finer threed of a brighter white of a more divine fashion to adorne the soule and by that righteousnes put on the Lord himselfe becomes a diademe of beauty unto his people Esa 28.5 62.3 Kings use to give gifts according to the state of kings great royall Esth 2.18 and so did the heavenly King at the first creation but the have bene no distemperature of the ayre as is felt now adayes no afflicting stormes or tempests no excesse of cold or heat but that the naked body unclothed without any paine or trouble might well have endured the same Now both the shame paine of nakednes is very great Esa 20.4 2. Sam. 10.4.5 Reu. 3.18 16.15 1. Cor. 4.11 2. Cor. 11.27 and such that men strive to cover the whole body so farre as necessity will permit the hands face being therefore excepted the face left uncovered lest the eyes should be blindfold the breath stopt the hands lest the manifold works of man in his divers callings should be hindered and yet even they also so muffled sometimes with maskes muffes mittens that with great cumber trouble they are often in the day covered uncovered covered againe to avoyd the injury of the weather A great freedome it was to have bene without care what to put on when as they needed no such exhortations as are since given to us thereabout Matth. 6.25.31 Againe the speciall forme of mans body erect upright with his face upward whereas other creatures are made with their heads hanging downward with their faces prone to the earth doth shew that man is called to fellowship with the Lord dwelling on high As the Lord when he still exhorts us to lift up our eyes looke up toward God doth in that phrase call us to communion with him to trust in him to love him to aspire unto him Psal 123.2 Esa 17.7 45.22 so when he made Adam in such a forme with his head and eyes lift up even in that manner of work the Lord called him to looke to his Creatour and to embrace him the author of all his good Besides this what are all the senses of the body but so many instruments of our communion with God or so many doores of the soule by which both the Lord enters in to shew himselfe and the soule goes out to behold him By them his praise is heard his glory is seene his goodnes gifts are tasted his sweetnes smelled yea groaped or handled of us Actes 17.27 By them both faith love feare of God is learned As by the senses of the body God communicated his goodnes with Adam so by the members of his body he was to communicate his heart with God to serve the Lord to render thanks unto him to glorify him at first could not without a change have inherited the kingdome of God 1. Cor. 15.50.51 His eyes had never seene nor could have seene that face of God which is in the light unapproachable 1. Tim. 6.16 with Exo. 33.20 If the eyes of holy men have fayled in waiting for the comforts and deliverances promised in this life Psa 119.82.123 how much more should our eyes wait our flesh long for that end where even in our flesh we shall see God so as Adam in paradise could not doe Iob. 19.26.27 Oh that the remembrance of this end were printed deeply in our hearts that it might ever be retained as the words that are written or plowed and the furrowes engraven with an yron pen filled with lead in stead of inke in the stony rocke in stead of paper all firme to endure so as Iob wished that his hope of this same glorious end might be recorded Iob. 19.23.24 c. e Looke we back againe into the old world behold how God further communicated his image with the whole person of man in that dominion lordship which he gave unto man over the earth all the creatures in it Gen. 1.28 Thereby Adam was crowned with honour and dignity set over the works of Gods hand all things being put under his feet sheepe oxen beasts of the field fowles of the aire fish of the sea Psal God brought them all before Adam as it were to doe homage unto him as unto their king in signe of subjection to receive their names from him Gen. 2.19.20 Even after the fall since the rebellion of the creatures thereupon the service which they yet performe unto man is very great The oxe knowes his owner and the asse his masters crib Esa 1.3 The husbandman hath taught the strong horse to be obedient unto him to draw his plow his cart if he say goe he goeth if he say come he cometh at one word the horse goeth right forward at another he stands still and stirrs not at one word he turnes to the right hand at another he turnes to the left hand The silly sheepe are taught to know the voyce of their owne shepheard to follow him to distinguish betwixt his voyce the voyce of a stranger which they will not follow Iohn Experience shewes how the doves are taught to carry letters for men The birds great small are tamed taught to come at the call of man evē the ravenous hawkes at the voyce and call of the faulconer The dogs are taught many
of the earth on every side to tremble at this judgment to awake out of the snares of the devill to seeke a redeemer by whom the workes of the devill may be loosed they delivered from the tyranny of these wicked spirits in the everlasting Hell If in this life there be such torments for sinners then what is that woefull distresse anguish which in the world to come waites for them In this Torrid Zone though their miseries be great yet have they many comforts for the body they have sweet springs of water to refresh them goodly rivers to bath in great pleasant trees for shade fruitfull trees that yeeld both meat drinke they have spices sugar-canes the cordiall joyce of limons to quench their thirst the coolest fruits in the hottest countries and for their soules their case is not desperate while there is a time of repentance afforded yea seas they have huge mountaines of yce which dashing together make a fearfull noyse like the roaring of an hell to the astonishment of strangers that heare the same As the black Zone aboundeth with serpents so these snow-white regions doe abound with horrible fierce white beares that roare about the country for their prey and for a shield against the cold the inhabitants covering their skins with the beare-skinnes muffled with other furres doe appeare as if they were all Beares The Sunne every yeare hideth it selfe from them for divers moneths together then have they no day but continuall night their land is like that which Iob speakes of a land of darknes of the shadow of death a land of darknes as darknes it selfe Iob 10 21.2● But that which darkens it most of all makes it to be a more lively image of Hell is the great rudenes ignorance of God that is among them in speciall their familiarity with the Devils abundance of witches wizards that by generall testimony are sayd to be among them Oh that those which are frozen in the dregges of their sin Zeph. 1.12 could duely consider the unsearchable judgments of God in this frozen Zone Extremity of cold doth sometimes rotte off the flesh outer parts of the body extinguish the sparkle of naturall life as well as fire As in Island the mount Hecla Helga are at the same time oft covered with frost snow on the outside yet burne within casting out cynders flames of fire many miles from the place or as in the same Ague God sometimes afflicteth men both with a cold fit that crusheth the bones maketh the teeth to gnash that first makes the body to quake shiver then kindles a burning heat therein that first makes the lips the fingers ends to be blew with cold afterwards red with an hote inflammation so God can as well torment sinners with an intollerable cold with a freezing Hell as with a hote frying Hell It is no more wonder to see men live a painefull life being frozen in the midst of an yce then to see men live ever in the midst of a flaming fire If Hell be described by the gnashing of teeth Matt. 13.42.50 then this frozen climate where there is such continuall cause of the teeth hacking in the head for cold may well serve for remembrāce of the latter end of reprobates Devils the cup of Devils 1. Cor. 10.21 seeing every habitation of the Devill is a kinde of Hell it follows that their Churches Temples are mere Helles houses of Devils As it is with the places of their worship so is it with the places of their jurisdiction governement the spirituall courts of their Popes Cardinals Bishops Deanes Chancellours Commissaries Officials with their Doctours Proctours being so many swarmes of locusts that oppresse persecute vexe sting men to make them weary of their lives Rev. And when the power of the seduced civill Magistrate is assumed unto them like Pilate joyned with Cajaphas then their authority becomes as the Throne of Satan Rev. 2.13 who by these instruments casteth mē into prison killeth them vers 10. Hereby the Harlot becomes druncken with the blood of the Saints with the blood of the Martyrs of Iesus Rev. 17.6 thus their glorious Cathedrall Churches and holy places Courts Consistories are made Hellish Slaughter-houses of Satan Babylon becomes the habitation of Devils the hold of every foule spirit a cage of every uncleane hatefull bird Rev. 18.2 so are to be esteemed of all that passe by looke upon them Thus also are all the assemblies meeting-houses of Mahometists Arrians Anabaptists other Heretickes to be accounted of in respect of their pernicious errours that by the verdict of Christ himselfe who pronounceth such to be the Synagogue of Satan Rev. 2.9 Hence may we conceive how many thousand intemperate Helles are to be found in this our Temperate Zone k After these more publick Helles if we search into private houses we may there finde many habitations of Devils Some houses as experience shewes and rhe Lord hath threatned are haunted with evill spirits that affright those that dwell therein Ohim Zijm doe lodge there the Satyres or devils doe dance there Esa 13.21.22 with Lev. 17.7 orig Hereby God calles men to thinke of the future Hell of the terrours that shall come upon the wicked in their end Another worse Hell then this is to be observed in the houses of witches wisards which have familiar spirits doe willingly entertayne them call for them make a covenant with them Levit. 20.27 1. Sam. 28.7 c. for whereas the other were haunted with them against their will to their great greef these voluntarily eagerly seeke them keepe them so their houses become like the Oracles of the Devill that men sought unto in old time 2. Kin. 1.2.4 Such houses were and are wheresoever they be like so many porches portalles of Hell or mouthes of the infernall pit which how abominable soever they be yet doe they serve for a conviction of atheists desperate wretches which either thinke or live as if they did thinke there were no Devill no Hell With these devilish houses are to be joyned the disordered Innes Tavernes that are the nurseries of all impietie wickednes the very staires trappes by which men descend into Hell For though there be a lawfull use of Innes for the commodity of strangers passengers for the necessity of some others yet the disordered Harbours inordinate ordinaries which are the ordinary Rendevouz of drunkards of blasphemers swearers receptacles of skorners mockers of gamesters of riotours of wantons of idle persons unthrifts of theevish robbers of their owne families the like of these is verifyed the common saying that Ale-houses are Hell-houses There haunt the clamorous Ohim Zijm there doe the lascivious Satyres daunce together thither
doe the Gobbelines resort the schrich-owles the night-ravēs night-walkers together make a cage of uncleane birds When men passe by such houses they are to looke upon them as the very Types of Hell the dennes of destruction where many are dayly overthrowne They are as deep pits that swallow up soule body goods good name of their bewitched guests both health of body wealth of estate credit of name salvation of soule doe there consume perish together And therefore with many pluckes doth the Lord seeke to divert men from such places Enter not into the path of the vvicked goe not in the way of evill men Avoyd it passe not by it turne from it passe away Prov. 4.14.15 l From private houses come we to private particular persons to see how many Helles may be found among them If we looke upon Gods judgments for sinne we see some possessed with Devils persons that procure these judgements of God in them also there are many Hells to be seene Their thoughts their words their deeds practises doe represent the same unto us The large heart of man his capacious thoughts are like unto a huge vessel wide deep greater thē the whole Globe of the earth which cānot fill the same The eye is not satisfyed with seeing nor the eare filled with hearing Eccles 1.8 Though a moate in the eye doe trouble it yet the world cannot fill it The reason is because the minde of man is an immeasurable gulfe the outward senses are but tunnels or conduits leading into it Immoderate desire whether it be the lust of the eyes the lust of the flesh or the pride of life is an insatiable whirlpoole that is still gaping devouring but never satisfyed Eccles 5.9.10 Hab. 2.5 Esa 56.11 The ignorance that is in the minde makes it to be as darke a dungeon as it is deep Eph 4.18 Matt. 6.23 wherein the thoughts doe blindely range roame up downe with pernicious wandrings The violence fervency of inordinate lust inflames the heart makes it to burne Rom. 1.27 like the bakers oven that is overheated till it burne as a flaming fire Hos 7.6.7 And to shew that the wicked heart is a more compleat Hell it is sayd that Satan enters into it Ioh. 13.27 filles the heart Act. 5.3 dwelles in it Matt. 12.45 reignes in it as a prince over his subjects Ioh. 14.30 or as a God over his people 2. Cor. 4.4 The mouth of a wicked man is like the mouth of Hell whiles the envy hatred lust that is kindled in the heart doth breake out in the words as it were flame out at the mouth The slanderous evill tongue is a fire is set on fire of Hell setteth on fire the whole course of nature Iam. 3.6 The body the whole person of wicked men is as it were the shop work-house of Satan wherein the uncleane spirits doe worke in the children of disobedience Eph. 2.2 all their members are the instruments tooles of the devils to worke all manner of sin unrighteousnes therewith Rom. 6.13.19 And now seeing the Lord hath set so many visions of Hell before us in this life whereby he calles men to remember the latter end let him that hath an eare to heare hearken to the call of God let him that hath an eye to see come open his 〈…〉 the godly would sometimes have him to be more severe He is more desirous of the salvation of them that are saved then they themselves AS God calles us many wayes to remember our latter end so the due remembrance of our end calles us to remember God the thought of death serves to urge admonish us of seeking the way of life True life is to be found with God alone He is the living God Iosh 3.10 Ier. 10.10 Hos 1.10 He giveth unto all life breath all things Act. 17.25 With him is the well of life Psa 36.9 From this well doe flow a thousand rivers of life of life naturall of life spirituall of life eternall in the heavens a With him is the fountaine of naturall vegetation the rivers of vegetative life are all propagated from him In every plāt in every least seed of tree or herb God hath planted a vitall juyce digged a welspring of life from which spring life floweth out flourisheth is spread abroad Gen. 1.11.12 Psa 104.14 the living things are multiplied according to their kinde in such unspeakable abundance that the increase thereof throughout the world might in few yeares serve to replenish an hundred worlds The seeds that one garden in one yeare affordeth are so many as might in short time serve to fill an hundred garden-plots while some one herb oft yeeldeth more then a thousand seedes at once So a thousand akehornes that fall from one Oake might serve to plant a whole grove of oakes The apples of some one tree yeeld more then a thousand kirnels therfore the kirnels together with the rootes graffes or shootes that one orchard affordeth in one yeare might well serve to be the seminary of an hūdred more Thus have we yearely the matter of many worlds layd before us though more new worlds be not dayly formed yet the living God shewes us hereby how easily he could doe it The glory of this well of life is to be considered not onely in the abundance of life which gusheth out floweth from it but likewise in the excellency thereof while the living things the herbs fruits that are thence produced doe not onely live themselves but serve to sustaine uphold the life of other creatures both man beast both in the maine dayly Gen. 1.22.28 as by a seed of seeds hath multiplyed life as from a well of life hath made the streames of naturall life to flow forth with a continuall current of succession to runne freshly from the beginning of the world unto this day Hereby we see how the Lord powres life out of his treasure at his word life swimmes in the waters flyes in the aire walkes on the earth scralles in the dust turned into living creatures at his command Exo. ● 16.17 A cleare vision of this power of life that is in God is shewed unto us even in the least sort of creatures in the Bees the Flyes and in speciall in the manifold swarmes of innumerable Gnattes in summer-time suddainly produced in some countries as if they were so many drops of life flying abroad round about us as if the whole aire were dissolved into living creatures not onely living but all endued with a most lively life all nimble active mounting above our heads and every one of them carrying with them a Trumpet wherewith they humme aloud sound an Alarum to us to awaken us unto the praise of their Creatour the living God And because we are so
blinde dull to discerne acknowledge the living God the author of this life therefore they approach neere unto us bite us though it cost them their life for it they will have us by the face or hands sleeping or waking night day they will tast of our blood this by divine providence that by these little monitors we might be rowsed up out of our senseles behaviour to looke unto that welspring of life from whence they come Though these creatures be small contemptible in the eyes of many yet doe these small things carry in them the glorious evidences of the living God and as effectuall for our instruction as are to be found in the great Oxe Elephant or Leviathan Psa 104.25 Exo. 8.18.19 He that rayseth these living soules out of the ditches rotten ground sometimes maketh many of these lives to spring from one dead carcasse how easily can he rayse our dead bodies out of the grave restore one life to one body yea quickē the soule from the mire of sinne He that longeth after life let him looke to this fountaine c Besides this ordinary flood of life flowing from that generall word com mall spirits with them the faculty both of sense motion over all To preserve our being he hath made the liver a fountaine of blood from thence drawne the veines dispersed them over the whole body to carry abroad the blood the naturall spirits therein to the nourishment of every part With these living threeds more precious then any golden wires thē fine twined linnen blue purple scarlet the ornaments of the Tabernacle hath God beautifyed the body of man which is also compared to a Tabernacle 2. Cor. 5.1.4 2. Pet. 1.13.14 With these feeling mooving nourishing strings hath the Lord covered embroydered curiously wrought the vaile of our flesh Psal 139.15 Iob 10.11 And each of these life-strings doth the living God still hold in his hand maintaining their faculties inspiring life quickening vertue into them And besides this in the very tunicles or coates of each of these hollow strings hath the Lord wrought a curious network woven together another sort of subtile threeds thousands of them more fine small then haires some of them drawne right along of an attractive power some round circular crossing the other with right angles of an expulsive vertue others drawne athwart both the other with oblique angles of a retentive faculty all for the service of life in great variety some draw some hold some drive out superfluities of nature all these held and upheld in their severall functions by the finger of God extending his quickening power unto every one of thē Neither are these particular streames and waves of the river of life flowing from God to be neglected of us the workes of God are to be sought out of all them that have pleasure therein Psal 111.2 Distinct knowledge and consideration hereof brings clearer comfort and it is great sinne unthankfulnes and contempt of Gods glorious wisedome to looke cōfusedly over those things that God propounds distinctly in many severall formes and particular acts To proceed therefore from these faculties and functions of life sensitive common to the brute creatures with man we are to behold another well of life in that reasonable soule which God hath placed in men when as he formed the spirit of man within him Zacch 12.1 The stirrings motions and acts of life flowing with vers 30. the Lord even then offered unto him to have opened his well of life as wide for him to have made of him a greater mightier nation then Israel was Num. 14.12 Oh how great are the treasures of life which God hath in store for them that love him even worlds of life to give to every one of them Well might the Psalmist say of this God With him is the vvell of life and in his light we shall see light Psa 36.9 In which words David pointeth at two glorious workes gifts of God specially noted in the six dayes of the creation In three dayes God beautifyed the world with light the first day he created light the second day he created a pure transparent firmament or an expansion through which the beames of the heavenly light being diffused spread forth might so come to us without such a meane or middle passage our sight the light could not have met together the fourth day God created heavenly lights the Sunne Moone starres gathering abundance of light into them by their motion distributed that light unto the divers parts of the world successively for the greater benefit thereof Gen. 1.3.6 c. In three other dayes God created life in the divers degrees thereof the third day God opened a box of life powred out that vegetative life which appeareth in the growing plants herbes trees the fift day God opened another box powred out a streame of sensitive life such as appeared in the foules fishes the sixt day God opened againe another box beside the sensitive life in the beasts cattell powred out the treasure of an intellectuall life which appeared in the reasonable soule of man which he then created Gen. c. And from that first week unto this day both the beames of light the streames of life have flowed out incessantly to his praise the comfort of man f And yet all this is but the little finger of God in respect of his mighty arme all this is but the power of life naturall vouchsafed even to his enimies to the reprobats There is a new life a more high precious life to be found in God even a well of spirituall life opened by him immediately after the fall Then was made the promise of this life of victory over death by breaking the serpents head Gen. 3.15 that word was the Gospell of Salvation preached instantly to Adam upon the kindes of life natural are made to serve as shadowes of the life spirituall which God giveth to his elect See it in the plants that doe live a vegetative life As the earth bringeth forth her bud as the garden causeth the things that are sowne therein to spring forth so the Lord God will cause righteousnes praise to spring forth before all the nations Esa 61.11 The Lord doth as easily make men to be trees of righteousnes as he maketh thorns or briers to grow Esa 61.3 with ch 55.13 Yea the plants that exceed others in growth the tall cedars the flourishing palme Psa 92.12 the greene olive the fruitfull lillies Hos 14.5 6. the willowes by the water-courses Esa 44.4 the flovving spices Sol. song 4.16 the trees that bring forth new fruit according to their moneths Ezek. 47.12 are all but shadowes of this grace of life flowing from the Lord. See it in the creatures that live a sensitive life The sheep that are
sayd to bring forth thousands in our streets Psa 144.13 doe cloth the pastures with their multitude Psa 65.13 are made types of the flock of God that multiply by his blessing Ezek. 34.11.31 doe every one bring forth twinnes none being barren among them Sol. song 4.2 They are also likened to the doves that bring forth almost every moneth come by flights unto their windowes Esa 60.8 See this also in the shadow of mankinde endued with a reasonable life As the fathers mothers are called the fountaines of life from whence the children doe flow Psa 68.26 Esa 48.1 so the Lord communicating spirituall life to his children is sayd to beget them againe Iam. 1.18 they are the dew of his youth Psa 110.3 he is the living father of many children Ioh. 6.57 Heb. 2.10 Yea God is able even of stones to raise up children to Abraham Matt. 3.9 as once of old at first he hewed them out of the dry hard rock of Abrahams decayed body Sarahs dead wombe Esa 51.1.2 Rom. 4.18.19 after that againe tooke the stony heart out of their bodies Ezek. 11.19 as in time to come he is yet once more of the stony-hearted obstinate Iewes to raise up a new holy generation Rom. 11.7.8 24.25.26 And hereby it is evident what a power of life is in God that the well of life is not elswhere to be sought or found then in him alone be with men he will dwell with them God himselfe shall be with them be their God Rev. 21.3 He will rejoyce over them with joy quiet or rest himselfe in his love he will joy over them with singing or shouting as the word also signifies Zeph. 3.17 And what cause have they to sing shout clap their hands for joy eternally for whom the Lord doth sing shout joyfully Esa 12.6 Psa 47.1 how honourable are they whom the Father doth honour Ioh. 12.26 whom the Sonne doth confesse before the Angels for ever Luk. 12.8 And if these promises have their beginning here be made unto men in their pilgrimage be in part enjoyed in this life what shall their complement full performance be when they come to the wel-head of all this life glory hereafter which for the present is hidden with God Coll. 3.3 i What then remaines for us to be done what doth the Lord require of us but that we come to this well of life It is therefore shewed unto us that we might desire it in desiring seeke it in seeking finde it to our everlasting happines And before we come unto it even in the meane time by dayly comfortable meditation we may behold looke upon it yea tast it walking upon the bankes of this river of life sometimes as it were sayling upon these waters being carried with the Spirit of God blowing upon us by faith If any despise this call of God contemne the infinite felicity that is herein revealed unto them if any will forsake the Lord the fountaine of living waters dig unto themselves cisternes even broken cisternes that can hold no water if they will rather runne to the stinking puddles of sinful pleasures marke what the Lord sayth concerning their madnes O ye heavens be astonished at this be horribly afraid utterly confounded or very desolate sayth the Lord. Ier. 2.12.13 And what then is that unspeakable astonishment horrour confusion that shall come upon the despisers of this grace when heaven earth together shall be so affected at the sight of their miserable folly And if any fearefull hearts doe either despaire or doubt they can never obtaine such a divine glorious estate in respect of their basenes unworthines if they k If any fainting spirits be still afraid though they will not speake it out yet think thus within themselves Not our poore meane estate but our wickednes our sinnes that are both great many doe deprive us of hope take away our heart that we cannot looke for a portion in that grace of life that is so great for many others Let these consider how great pernicious an errour hath ensnared them let them labour with all care speedy diligence to have this black cloud of death infidelity hanging over their heads remooved from them It is indeed the uncomfortable estate of the greatest part of the world even of those licentious persons that seeme to boast often of the mercy of God yet not to beleeve his mercy Esa 53.1 Luk. 18.8 Psa they feele it not in their hearts when they glory outwardly of it for had they faith it would soone have purifyed their hearts changed ther lives filled them with peace joy unspeakable glorious Act. 15.9 Rom. 5.1 1. Pet. 1.8 Let such consider that through unbeleefe men are broken off from God Rom. 11.20 they doe him the greatest dishonour that may be in not beleeving 1. Ioh. 5.10 for the healing of this sore let them set before them the rich precious promises of God by the meditation whereof they may be quickened have faith wrought in their hearts Psa Though their sins be many that they cannot answer for one of a thousand Iob 9.3 there is mercy with God to blot out their sinnes as a thick cloud to take away their transgressions as a mist Esa 44.22 When the Lord proclaimed his glorious name he manifested himselfe by this mercy used twise so many titles to expresse it rather then his justice saying The Lord the Lord God mercifull and gracious long-suffering and abundant in goodnes and truth keeping mercy for thousands forgiving iniquity and transgression and sinne that surely will not cleare the wicked visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and upon the childrens children unto the third and fourth generation Exod. For though the Lord in regard of himselfe be equally infinite in respect of all his attributes yet is it harder for men to beleeve his mercy then his justice as the event shewes it is a work more above the power of nature by true faith to apply the mercy of God with spirituall fornicatiō being carried away to dumbe Idoles 1. Cor. 12.2 when they turned from Idoles to serve the living God 1. Thes 1. 9 presently of most foule harlots they became the fairest among women even the Churches of God his most beauteous spouses Sol. song 5.9 They found mercy for all their sins which they confessed being baptised into the name of the Lord they arose up out of the water looked forth as the morning faire as the Moone pure as the Sunne Sol. song 6.9.10 they shone in glory as the great wonder in heaven like the woman cloathed with the Sunne treading upon the Moone with her feet crowned upon her head with the twelve starres Rev. 12.1 Manasses
him drink of the river of his pleasures To him be praise for evermore CHAP. II. Of the sure onely way to the Well of life No way to life but onely by Christ In the knowledge of Christ we are to consider a His calling unto the whole work of Redemptiō the gifts wherewith he was abundantly furnished for this calling b The offices laid upon him for this work when he became our Prophet to teach instruct both in his owne person by his ministers c Our Priest in his sufferings obedience on earth intercession for us in heaven d Our King to bring us unto the possession of life subduing all his our enimies e The visible signes seales of his grace Baptisme the Supper of the Lord f The dignity of his person being both very God true man requisite unto the discharge of each of his three offices g The comforts arising from these considerations specially when men thirst after life are carefull to have in store a select number of the promises of salvation h A direction how to apply the promises unto ourselves by the due consideration of Christ his natures offices I Am the way the trueth the life no man commeth unto the Father but by me saith Christ Ioh. 14.6 He is the Lambe that leades unto the living fountaines Rev. 7.17 the good shepheard that gathers the lambes with his arme carries was called thereunto of his Father Christ is the signet of his Fathers right hand him hath God the Father sealed by designing appointing him to be the Mediatour Ioh. 6.27 He is the elect of God Esa 42.1 fore ordained before the foundation of the world 1. Pet. 1.20 and againe manifestly called in time chiefely at his Baptisme Transfiguration when that glorious voyce came from heaven This is my beloved Sonne in whom I am well pleased heare him Matt. 3.17 17.5 This calling of Christ is especially noted in the Gospell of Iohn more thē fourty times in exact number under the phrase of sending him Ioh. ●6 37.38 c. yet fourty times againe in other equivalent phrases of being sealed given comming downe from heaven come in the Fathers name the like Our Saviour himselfe doth ever anon repeat this calling rejoyce in it teach others to comfort themselves in it therefore the afflicted conscience that seekes to be strengthened in faith should often remember this calling of Christ yea fourty fourty times to runne unto it after the example of Christ never to have done with it that so the meditation thereof may lead them to the well of life Christ being thus called of his Father is thereupon also furnished with all gifts meet for his calling anoynted with the oyle of joy gladnes above his fellowes H●b 1.9 with the spirit above measure Ioh. 3.34 that of his fullnes we all might receive even grace for grace or grace over against grace grace renewed in us according to his image grace according to our need of grace according to his abundance able to supply all our wants Ioh. 1.16 All his garmēts smel of myrrhe aloes cassia out of his yvory palaces whereby they have made him glad whereby he hath made us glad giving the oyle of joy for mourning the garment of praise for the spirit of heavinesse Psa 45.8 Esa 61.3 His name is an oyntment powred out therefore the virgines love him Sol. song 1.3 and they sing lovesongs of him and their heart boyleth out his praise Psal 45. title vers 1. Being thus anointed called of his Father he comes promptly at his call Lo I come to doe thy will O God Heb. 10.7 with Psa 40.7.8 he is as willing as he is able to be a ver have found the well of life for there is none that understandeth Psa 53.1.2 but he is the light of them that sit in darkenes in the shadow of death he maketh the eyes of the blinde to see out of obscurity darknes Esa 29.18 In his breast is that Vrim Thummim by which the counsell of God was made knowne unto men Exod. 28.30 Num. 27.21 for he is the substance of the shadowes that went before Coll. 2.17 As from the Oracle debir 1. Kin. 6.19.20 the inmost place of the Sanctuary God was wont to speak of old to send forth a voyce Exo. 25.22 Num. 7.8.9 so now hath he spoken unto us in his Sonne that is in his bosome Heb. 1.1 Ioh. 1.18 There is no labyrinth of errour but he gives a threed of direction to come out of it There is no perplexity or difficult case of conscience but he resolveth it God hath given him the tongue of the learned to know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary Esa 50.4 He leades the simple in a way that the fooles shall not erre therein Esa 35.8 Many complaine of the many religions and opinions in the world that they know not which to take but such are not acquainted with this Prophet who teacheth the humble revealeth his secret to them that feare him Psal 25.9.14 Christ is not like a sterne austere master of whom the poore schollers dare not aske a question but he is gentle loving calles them to learne of him perswades them to come to him because he is meek lowly shewes them how to finde rest unto their soules in all their doubts difficulties Matt. 11.29 And further as in the dayes of his flesh he was a minister of the circumcision Rom. 15.8 going about all Galilee teaching in their Synagogues preaching the Gospell of the kingdome Matt. 4.23 so now by his ministers servants Eph. 4.11.12 the maidens of his wisedome Prov. 9.3.4 he calles all nations to the knowledge fellowship of his grace Mat. 28.19 As of old he preached to the spirits now in prison by Noah a preacher of righteousnes 1. Pet. 3.19 so still at this day he preacheth peace to thē that are afarre of Eph. 2.17 Hereby his voyce is as the sound of many waters Rev. 1.15 a souud that is gone out into all the earth unto the ends of the world Rom. 10.18 And thus the spirit even in the waters of the great deep Exod. 14. Esa 51.10 so there being a burning lake a red sea of wrath prepared for sinners our holy high Priest hath made a way for us he wading first through the same the waters therof entring into his soule and overwhelming him that we might be delivered Psal 69.1 2. His suffering satisfaction is become a strong bridge of translation to carry us out of the state of wrath and condemnation into the state of grace and salvation and to transport us safely over this gulfe of destruction and curse in which for our sinnes we had deserved to have bene plunged drowned for ever Gal. 3.13 Col. 1.13.14 To
the servants of my Lord 1. Sam. 25.41 David himselfe of his marriage with Sauls daughter Seemeth it to you to be a light thing to be a kings sonne in law seeing that I am a poore man and lightly esteemed 1. Sam. 18.23 then what may we say of our exaltation and of the divine benefits bestowed upon us All the mercies and blessings which we receive from God if we compare them with our sinfull nature are like so many coales of mortification coales of indignatiō heaped on our heads Rom. 12.20 and therefore doth God let us know how good he hath bene unto us even when we were his enimies that by that meanes we might be mortifyed and burne in just hatred and indignation against ourselves Rom. 5.10 with 2. Sam. 12.7.8 Esa 5.1.2 Deut. 32 6-15 And in summe even the least good done to us should make us thinke how little we are and ever lesse then the least of Gods mercies farre unworthy of them Gen. 32.10 so take occasion thereby of being humbled before the Lord. As all the good that by divine providence is done to us so all the good done by us should ever give us occasion of further mortification of abasing ourselves in the sight of God Thus it was with David in his free offerings for the Temple 1. Chron. 29.14 Solomon when the Temple was built 1. Kin. 8.27 Such is the greatnes of the Lord above our works that in respect of the infinite reward we may say as Barzillai to David Thy servant will goe a little way with the King why should the King recompense it me with such a reward 2. Sam. 19.36 All that we have and doe for God is of his owne that he hath first given us 1. Chron. 29.14.16 these gifts of his in our best use of them in the best workes we doe are still so polluted that we have ever cause to acknowledge with shame the filthines of our righteousnesses Esa 64.6 Phi. 3.8.9 ever have a gracious respect unto them that sigh cry for the abominations committed by other men Ezek. 9.4 This was observed by Lot 2. Pet. 2.7.8 by Moses Exod. 32 19-32 Num. 16.4 and others with him Num. 14.5.6 by David Psal by Ezra chap. 9.2.3 by Nehemiah ch 13.7.8 by Paul Rom. 2. Cor. 11.29 12.21 by Christ Iesus Mark 3.5 Luk. 19.41.42 And the contrary is made a signe of a wicked man no man is truely greeved for his owne sinne that is not touched with greefe for the sins of others for seeing God is dishonoured our neighbour wounded thereby it must needes be a signe that such have neither love of God nor pity of their neighbour Ier. Prov. 14.9 k Thus doe the evils of sinne call for greefe and sorrow besides these the evils of punishment the afflictions calamities tribulations in the world doe also lead unto mortification Thereby God breakes the pride of man withdraweth him from his evill course Iob 33.16.17 by his chastisements God humbles the heart of men makes them submit unto his yoke Ier. 31.18.19 thē is the case most miserable when they are least regarded Prov. 27.22 Men are warned of God to mortify sin not onely by greater afflictions but even by the lesser sort also for there are two kindes of them a light touch a heavy hand Esa 9.1 There is a wonderfull variety in Gods dealings this way sometimes the touch is so easy gentle that it is scarse felt men are scarse able to say whether there be a paine in it or no they have such light aches of the head the belly the bones such small reproches and losses that they are hardly sensible of them As a loving mothersmites her child sometimes so softly gently that it doth not appeare whether she be angry or not even so doth our most loving God deale oftentimes with his children Iob 33.14.15 with ch 7.14 Mat. 10.30 but though the stroke be most milde gentle yet they that are wise will make use of it Prov. 17.10 Though there be an hundred degrees of difference in Gods visitations some of them like a fillop onely or a lifting up of the hand yet no stroke a striking but yet no smart or easy to be borne as it were with a rod of rushes yet all of them are a push or thrusting with the finger for our admonition and at every such thrusting or pinching we are called unto the acts of pride of life Looke upon death see how it layes the heads of the proudest men in the world they that were before as starres the sonnes of the morning have then the wormes spread under thē over them become like broken vessels in the land of oblivion Esa 14.11.12 What availeth it to be praysed a while by the stinking breath of flatterers when afterwards their names shall rotte among men Pro. 10.7 like those bones of the great mē in Israel that should be for dung upon the face of the earth Ier. 8.1.2 or if they be praysed by men after their death in their writings chronicles what will this profit them when their sins are written with a pen of iron with the point of a diamond Ier. 17.1 when those bookes shall be opened in the secōd death Rev. 20.12 what though their sepulchers be paynted covered with golden letters when at the second death their soules shall be cast into the bottomlesse pit into the oven of hell where the proud they that doe wickedly shall be burned up consumed Mal. 4.1 CHAP. VI. Touching Vivification or quickening of the new man The nature necessity thereof in generall a Six degrees of vivification 1. A new disposition or habit of quickening grace 2. Motions of spirituall life in the understanding judgment memory 3. Affections of love joy desire c. 4. Renewing of the will 5. Workes of righteousnes true holines 6. Ioyful thanksgiving in the apprehension of all the former graces of life b The inward meanes of vivification The Spirit of God bringing us unto Christ working in us the graces of Faith Hope Love c The outward meanes The primary ordinances the Word Prayer Sacraments Discipline d The secondary a holy Feast and a holy Watch e Ordinances of a third degree Vowes and Covenants f The workes of Creation Providence FRom the Mortification of the old man come we now to the Vivification of the new man It is not possible that these two can be severed if any man be in Christ he must be a new creature 2. Cor. 5.17 Gal. 6.15 borne againe of the Spirit by this new birth made partaker of a new spirituall life Ioh. 3.3.5 The Lord that is rich in mercy through his great love wherewith he loveth his elect quickeneth them together in Christ Eph. 2.4.5 The feeling of this new life is a preparative unto death and a preservative against all the terrours thereof and