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A08779 Christs confession and complaint concering his kingdom and seruants; conuincing Iewes of obstinacie, Romish Catholickes of conspiracie, seducers of sedition, Arminians of apostacie, and diuers others of coldnes, schisme, treachery & hypocrisie. By J.P. I. P., fl. 1629. 1629 (1629) STC 19069; ESTC S102324 96,442 116

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Those are not such who for a while receiue the Word with ioy as the stonie ground doth the seede Mat. 13. but when persecution ariseth because of the Word by by they are offended Some with the verrie manifestation of the Word that the poore haue the Gospell preached vnto them the Truth manifested to them chap. 11.5.6 he therefore who is the Word who is the Truth saith Blessed is he whosoeuer shall not be offended in me And in another place If ye continue in my Word Ioh. 31. then are ye my Disciples indeede that is Christians of me Character of a Christian pag. 199. c. that am Christ the Truth for so he addeth And ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free * Act. 11.26 In Antioch the Disciples were first called Christians As a Disciple of Plato is called a Platonist of Arrius an Arrian and as the Disciples of Nicolas all that held his doctrine were by the holy Ghost called Nicolaitans Reu. 2.6.15 so the Disciples of Christ that in all things consent to his Word and continue therein are of him the Truth so called Christians One is youre Maister euen Christ. Wee must not be of Paul nor of Apollos nor of Cephas which is Peter much lesse of his supposed Successour or any other Heretick as those that will be called Latine or Romane Catholicks that is vniuersalls in theire relation to theire holding of him and his See after whome all the world wondreth and who is called the vniuersall Latine or Romane Bishop and so haue the name of the Beast and are more truly called Papists then Christians because they heare obey him more then Christ and against Christ Wee must not in matters of faith and saluation heare any mans voice Ephes 2.20 further then he commeth with the Truth of God to which Christ bare witnesse with his blood the Truth which is the foundation laide in the doctrine of Christ and his Apostles and Prophets and in building or seeming to build therevpon the same must not be wrested 1. Cor. 3.10.11 but euery man must take heede how he buildeth therevpon for other foundation can noe man lay then that is layde which is Iesus Christ Noe other word Saint Paul will haue vs to be of none but of God chap. 1.30 Of him are ye in Christ who of God is made vnto vs wisdom It is wisdom in a man to be of this wisdom of the Word of the Truth and so of God for it is Gods Truth Ye are Christs chap. 3.23 and Christ is Gods Therefore he saith here Euerie one that is of the Truth heareth my voice He therefore that will not in all matters of faith and saluation be truly a Disciple of Truth but teaches new or contrarie doctrine he becomes a Maister of errour and they that receiue it and abide in it are his not Christs His Seruants ye are to whome ye obey Rom. 6.16 whether Christ or Antichrist the true Shepbeard or a Seducer though it be but in one or two points as the followers of Nicolas though they held all the rest sound they presently loose the name of Christians and are called Nicolaitans for one stronge hold held against such a Kinge is enough to make the Captaine that holds it and all his followers to loose the name of Subiects and to be rightly called Traitours men can not serue two Maisters not God and Mammon much lesse Christ and Antichrist the Truth and errour if he cleaue to errour he despiseth and hateth the Truth which is not the fault of one sort of Hereticks and euill doers Ioh. 3.20 but of all Euery one that euill doth hateth the light neither commeth to the light Theese things me thinks should fill the Papists and our new Maisters the Arminians with horrour For though Christ say As Moses lift vp the Serpent in the wildernesse vers 14. see Charac of a Christian pag. 205. Ioh. 5.24 so must the Sonne of man be lifted vp That WHOSOEVER beleeueth on him should not perish but haue eternall life and of a beleeuer in the present tense He that beareth my word and beleeueth on him that sent me HATH euerlasting life and shall NOT come into condemnation but IS passed from death to life And by his Apostles Rom. 8.30 Whome he did predestinate them he also called and whom he called them he also iustified and whom he iustified them he also glorified For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance Whosoeuer is borne of God chap. 11.29 1. Ioh. 3.9 sinneth not viz. the sinne vnto death for his seede remaineth in him and he can not sinne because he is borne of God To shew that a true beleeuer called and iustified may be certaine of his saluation and can not fall away totally and finally Yet our Arminian Pelagians and the Papists feare not to maintaine that persons truly iustified can not be certaine of theire saluation and that they may neuertheles fall away totally and finally wherein many follow them and therein follow new Maisters and like rebels maintaine stronge holds of errour against the knowledge of God and obedience of Christ the Truth But they say that to preach theese doctrines of certainty of saluation perseuerance as also of election conuersion of grace and not of workes not of free will if they were true doctrines which they will not graunt yet they who teach thē to the people teach desperate doctrines and open a gap to all licentiousnes carelesnes prophanenes neglect of holy life and shew a greate wāt of wisdom and discretion or to the like effect Here I might tell them that theire owne broaching and maintaining of errours in theese points haue caused more preaching writing to defende the Truth and to keepe people from theire errours and apostacie then otherwise had beene requisite But I answer they see not or will not see that this is in effect to charge Christ with want of wisdom and discretion who in the infancie of the Church did himselfe and by his Apostles teach all theese things by preaching and writing vnto the people that whatsoeuer his Word be it still ministreth grace to those hearers that are his Sheepe * Tit. 2.11.12 teaching them to denie vngodlines and worldly lusts it softeneth molefieth theire hearts as the Sunne softeneth waxe that * 2. pet 2.20 they escape the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of Christ that those that are not Christs are as well hardened by other points as by theese euen as the sunne hardeneth clay and so it doth theese new Maisters and theire followers for the more the Truth is manifested the more they hate that light and Truth and would hinder the setting of it forth in Sermons and Bookes the more they despise Christ who is the Truth and rebell against him Is this theire wisdom and discretion I confesse they haue
man will I hope be so rash as to conceite that your Maiestie a Christian King should not ouercome a Pagan Prince in that much honoured vertue much lesse so far to forget the duty of a subiect as to infer from this example that we vnder the Gospell of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ haue liued to a time vvhen it should be accounted a crime in any Christian to confesse and defend the faith of Christ crucified Idē in orat ad C●rol 5. inter Epist Youre Maiestie by youre Roiall title is Defender of the faith and consequently of all those youre Maiesties subiects that professe and maintaine the same Then saith Gueuara is the Prince naturall of the Kingdom when he doth obserue and defend the Gospell of Christ I confesse right high and mightie Monarch youre Maiesties affaires are many important that amonge many things offered to youre Princely cōsideration some may be of greater consequence in the conceite of the preferrers then in true substance and may perhaps be therefore answered with parturiunt montes nascetur rediculus mus or with that Non vacat exiguis rebus adesse Ioui But this Confession amonge other things manifesteth that the successe and safety of temporall Kingdoms depende on the due receiuing and maintenance of Christs and extirpation of all the open secret enemies thereof Knowing then that in this Island Christ hath had a Kingdom theese seauenty yeares or vpwards that there is noe true Christian nor good subiect but would be loth to see it eaten out by Iesuiticall or Pelagian practises what honourable or loial Seruant is there in youre● Maiesties Court that if a man Ieh 9.1.30 as weake as he that was blinde from his birth should by Gods assistance pleade Christs cause to the Rulers with good proofes would not take that of our Sauiour into consideration chap. 12.48 He that reiecteth me and receiueth not my words bath one that iudgeth him the Word that I haue spoken the same shall iudge him in the last day The first part vvhich conuinceth the Iewes may seeme at first sight to make nothing for or against any here nor much to cōcerne Christs cause in this Island but as it like a greate wheele moueth all the lesser and like a Roote yealdeth sap and life to all the branches the worke it selfe is but litle and that subiect fills not a fifth part of it vouchsafe therefore greate Kinge youre Roiall and Princely patience and youre Maiestie shall soone see how reuiued heresies doe eate at the roote both of Church and State and that vvith noe ordinarie danger Yet doe I not strike at the Arminians but through the sides of the Pelagians nor soe much at theire tenets as at theire practises nor at them but as they are against the Kingdom of God the honour of youre Maiestie the peace safety and strength of youre Kingdoms Neither is that donne by me but by Christs owne Confession and Complaint and such consequences as necessarily follow frō the same the examples out of holy writ and other Histories here gathered beeing only Instances of the neuerfailing truth of that which Christ in his Confession denied or affirmed Now therefore the greate God of heauen and earth in whose hands are the hearts of Kings giue youre Maiestie to see embrace and establish the things that belonge to the peace of youre Kingdoms Luk 19 42. and now perplexed subiects which is the thinge herein desired and daily begd of God in continuall prayers by youre Maiesties most humble subiect and Vassall To the Christian Reader CHRISTIAN and Truth-louing Reader I offer here to thy most retired and serious considerations the Confession and Complaint of Christ Iesus our Sauiour with such vndeniable consequences as necessarily follow from the same that so thou maiest obserue from his mouth who is the best Pilote what course to steere in this troublesom and tempestious age to bringe that pretious Iewell Vessell of thine thy yet floting Soule vnto the Hauen of true happines that it may not be surprised by Seducers suffer shipwrack against the Rocks or late sunke Vessels of errour nor runne a ground in the shallowes of ignorance Ephes 4.14 That wee henceforth be noe more children tossed to and fro and carried aboute with euery winde of doctrine by the sleight of men and cunning craftinesse whereby they lie in waite to deceiue But following the Truth in loue may grow vp into him in all things which is the head euen Christ A worke that might haue beene vndertaken by one more experienced in such sacred mysteries and better qualified for them then I am Yet if a man that is but an ordinarie Passenger in a ship shall espie it to be neere a Rocke a Ship sunke or some other Sea marke set vp to discouer a danger who will blame him if while others that should watch are sleeping or otherwise buisied he giue notice thereof to them that are with him embarked in the same Ship or in any other within hearing that the dangers may be auoided Such as beare good will to Sion pray for truly seeke the peace of our Ierusalem will soone perceiue that my indeauours herein are only exercised in seeking the Kingdom of God the honour and safety of our Soueraigne Lord the Kinge the peace and happines of his Maiesties Kingdoms and of Gods Church in them together with the conuiction and amendment of such as haue donne euill offices to any of theese 2. Tim. 2.25 If God peraduenture will giue them repentance to the acknowledging of the Truth and that they may recouer themselues out of the snare of the Deuill who are taken captiue by him at his will But on the other side if any that haue exchanged theire best iudgments for such honours and other gifts of the World as blinde the eyes of the wise or for the hopes of them If any who are Iesuited or poisened with Romish or Pelagian errours finding themselues touched with theese lines shall make a worse construction of them to cleare themselues or theire adherents then can with good Conscience be giuen and framing a minde to me out of theire owne shall therevpon begin to inueigh against this litle tratise or the composer thereof the Booke it selfe will I hope say enough to stop such mens mouthes and if that doe not I know a longe Epistle can not doe it I will therefore leaue all further Apollogies and appealing from them to God to whome all hearts lie open implore his almightie protection In the meane time hopeing such things of thee as accompany saluation and beseeching thee to excuse and correct with thy pen such faults as not without wronge donne to me haue escaped the Printer in the printing I rest Thine in Christ Iesus I. P. CHRISTS CONFESSION AND COMPLAINT Ioh. 18.36.37 Iesus answered My Kingdom is not of this world If my Kingdom were of this wor●d then would my Servants fight that I should not
rapins murders alterations The Popes of Rome themselues after they began to keepe the people in ignorance and to make the Word of God of none effect with theire traditions Anastatius in Vigilio haue no● beene free from theire outrages and insolercies as wee may see in the liues of V●g●lius Leo the third * Zonar to 3. pag 79. Iohn the fourtenth Gregory the fift many others and indeede seeing they would not let them know the things ●hat belonged to theire peace how could it be otherwise Whereas here in England vnder the Gospell Gods Word makes the heaters luffer and be peaceable notwithstanding all those greiuances whereof the commons haue of late yeares complained soe much in Parliaments and now this last summer in theire remonstrance of diuers leuies and other things against theire priueleidges the lawes liberties and religion established of the increase of poperie the freinds that Papist Arminians haue had in court and the carriage of many things at home and abroade by the late Duke and his faction to the greate los●e and dishonour of this Kingdom and aduantage of the aduersaries yet blessed be God and to the honour of his Word preached it may be spoken noe man euer saw a sword drawen to remedie theese things but the commons and diuers of the Lords haue still sought redresse by humble petition and not as in time of poperie or as the Iesuits hoped and practised who loue to fish in troubled streames The Duke and others of his partie that for the most part defeated preuented the howse with whisperings and were soe greate freinds to Arminiaisme and poperie knew that the Gospell awed Protestants and kept them from armes reuenge and that they could not haue escaped with soe many iniuries donne to any other religion whatsoeuer soe vnkinde in the meane while were theese detractours to that religion by which cheifely vnder God they haue held theire liues honours without the least violence offered by such as groaned vnder thē And whereas of late there hath beene some vnrulines in Sallours and Souldiers If men consider that the remonstrance declareth the increase of poperie and Arminiaisme the fauour that those of theese religions haue found of courtiers as wel of Bishops as others that Schollars finde the latter the way to preferment that orthodoxe preachers though conformable in rites formerly commaunded are not preferred but rather molested opposed lectures bookes against theese aduersaries prohibited or hindred thē they will cōfesse that this vnrulines of Saylours others comes rather from hence that the preaching of Gods Truth which restraineth all sorts of people is not so much countenanced now as formerlie but insteade thereof contrarie doctrines finde the fauour The true knowledge and worship of God beeing failed in the dayes of Salomon Rehoboam then the people began to waxe stoute to mutinie and reuolt The preaching manifestation and knowledge of Gods Word are the * Psal 2.3 cords and bands of Christ which hould restraine men so that theese things when they are countenanced preuent such mutinies and sau● Magistrates much labour in gouernment The knowledge of Christ who is our wisdom maketh † Soli qui ejus doctrina imbuti sunt prudentes dicendi sunt Bern. de ordi vit Psal 18. Psal 66.7 Psal 76.10.12 men wise They are easely ruled by a few whome God ruleth It is God that subdueth the people vnder me saith Dauid and it is hard to gouerne them by many and wise whom the Lord doth not gouerne restraine who ruleth by his power for euer euen the rebellious who restraineth wrath stilleth the raging of the Sea and the madnes of the people * Psal 127.1 Except the Lord build the howse they labour in vaine that are builders of it Except the Lord keepe the Citie the watchman waketh but in vaine For if they heare not Moses and the Prophets nor Christ and his Apostles neither will they be perswaded though one rose from the dead Heb. 4. For the Word of God is mightie in operation c. † 2. Co. 10.5 Rom. 1. Bringing into captinitie euery thought to the obedience of Christ and consequently to the higher powers to whom he hath commaunded euery Soule to be subiect as to the powers ordained of God And that in euery ordinance that doth not resist ●he Word or the manifestation thereof Act. 4.19 but if they doe then whether it be right to hearken vnto you more then vnto God iudge ye If any say that preaching and writing aboute Predestination Free will perseuerance and the like cause discord and trouble I answer there may be a time when men may be to buisie and curious in disputing and writing on such points that is when in them the Church is at rest in the Truth But if Pelagians haue peruerted the truth in those points and infected people with the poisen of theire doctrines then it is noe time to forbid preaching or writing against them 1. Because Pelagian Arminian Prelates may presse such decrees with all power to suppresse Orthodoxe labours in that kinde and sparing theire owne mens works at pleasure may preuaile thereby and this were not to worke a right peace and vnion 2. Because the Truth of God must be vindicated least as a worthy Bishop inferred Bishop Carlton Examinat of the appeale pag. 126. the infection should spread further the greah mysteries of our salvation should be shakē by giueing libertie to theese beginings a more generall apostacie should follow that as much in other points as in theese 3. Luk. 19.41 And principally because Christ with teares sayde to Ierusalem of the mysteries he taught that they were the things that belonged to her peace wishes that she had therefore knowne and receiued thē because he knew they would worke peace and that when they were hid from her eyes sedition and ruin must needes follow and soe they did as ye may see in the Acts Iosephus and others Act. 21.29.30 Besides as the faithfull Bishop proueth they are the Appealers doctrines B. Carlton in Exam. p. 214. if not confuted that endanger the State though he say they are not ap●ae natae to breede dangers like a desperate man that sets a howse on fire and sayes there is noe danger The ignorance of Gods Word and Truth therein contained soe deepely concer uing Gods glory is able not only to breede danger but to cause destructions of Curches and States The Prophet complaineth that the people of the Iewes were destroud and led into Captiuity for want of knowledge Then the want of knowledge of God and of the holy doctrines of Gods Word is a thinge aptanata to throuw States and Kingdoms into destruction And the true knowledge thereof is a thinge apta nata to keepe States and people from destruction To preuent such ruins and the cause of them apostacie from God he saith I desired the
glorie wee may as it were here him againe againe complaining and resounding theese words against those Potentates and States that are cold in defending and maintaining his cause My Kingdom is not of this world for if my Kingdom were of this world then would my Seruants fight that I should not be deliuered in Garmanie Bohemia Silesia the Palatinate Denmarke Rochel and other parts to the Emperour the Duke of Bauaria the French King the King of Spaine and other Champions of the Romish religion who subiect all they can to the Romish Beast and his religion If my Kingdom were of this world that men might get Earldoms Dukedoms and other places of proffit or honour by fighting for me as the Duke of Bauaria Spinola Tillie and some others haue gotten by fighting on the contrarie part then would my Seruants truly fight for me that I should not be deliuered in my Gospel my Kingdom my Body my Church and members to the Pope and theese Popish Princes that fight feircely to subiect people to him as if I were euer to suffer and as if Princes had beene perswaded that they doe God seruice who doe not fight so earnestly and seriously for me but suffer me to be deliuered to mine aduersaries Antichrist and his Adherents If there haue beene any such perswaders in Princes Courts who to get money or preferment of some Popishly affected haue hindred timely supplies by casting in flattering scruples exclaiming against theese defensiue and aiding wars extolling peace or the like while the aduersaries haue proceded and preuailed they haue cause to feare that the iust Iudge of all the world will finde this litle better then plaine treacherie that howseuer it may also be saide to them by Christ my Kingdom is not of this world for if my Kingdom were of this world then would theese be my Seruants and fight for me at least by theire perswasions councels and purses that I should not be deliuered to Antichrist or his champions For wee may be sure Act. 9.4 that he that saide Saul Saul why persecutest thou me is sensible of all the miseries that his Church and euery member thereof haue of late suffered by trecherie officious flatterie want of supplies or the like and that he is yesterday and to day and the same also for euer in whose Word this is written Curse ye Meroz Iud. 5.23 saide the Angel of the Lord curse ye bitterly the inhabitants thereof because they came not to the helpe of the Lord to the helpe of the Lord against the mightie Secondly that Princes ought themselues to maintaime the truth of the Gospel and to suffer any of theire subiects to maintaine it against all Heriticks and seducers this is plaine by many places of Scripture by this that they are enioined to be nursing Fathers and nursing mothers Isa 49.23 Chap. 60.16 by this that Dauid Ieboshaphat Hezechia and Iosias did maintaine the truth of Gods Word putting downe false prophets and Idollators and commaunding others to instruct people in the true knowledge of Gods Word that those that put downe idollatrie and false Prophets are commended those that suffered them or but the high places are condemned by this that the Angels of the seauen Churches are blamed Reu. 2.14 one for suffering there some that taught the doctrine of Balaam ●ors 20. others to hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans another for suffering the woman Iezabel to seduce For if theese things were found faults in the Angels which were Pastors or Bishops how much more may Christ lay them or the like faults to Princes and States who are armed with more power to represse punish and helpe such things and who beeing ●ursing Fathers should striue to saue the Church and members thereof from Antichrist and all Herticks and seducers as parents and nurses doe theire children from beasts and wicked people that would bite deuoure and misleade them Neither ought they to hinder any of his Seruants from fighting for him with the sword of the spirit Ephes 6.17 which Sainct Paul commaunded the Ephesians to take saying also to the Philipians Philip. 1.7 In the defence and confirmation of the Gospell ye all are pertakers of my grace Therefore he willeth them to stand fast in one spirit with one minde striueing together for the faith of the Gospell Vers 27. And in nothing terrified by theire aduersaries Not to multiplie many proefes in a point so cleare Saint Iude in his generall Epistle saith vnto all It was needefull for me to write vnto you Iude 3. and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith that was once deliuered to the Saints that is against all new and contrarie doctrines Yet neither by theese nor by any other places doe I vnderstand with any Seperatists or other Sectaries that lay men may preach but that they or rather such only of them as God hath enabled may contest and write in defense of the faith against all aduersaries Those foolish weake things of the world 1. Cor. 1.27.28 Ioh. 3.8 haue of God a calling as they are Christians to confound the wise and mightie for the Corinthians had it The winde bloweth where it listeth so doth the Spirit * 1. Cor. 12.11 1. Pet. 4.10 diuiding to euery man seuerally as he will And thus Saint Peter saith in his generall Epistle to all As euery man hath receiued the gift euen soe minister the same to another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God If any man speake let him speake as the oracles of God At our Baptisme wee all when wee are receiued into the congregation of Christs flocke are obliged not to be ashamed to confesse the faith of Christ crucified and manfully to fight vnder his banner against sinne the world and the Deuil to continue Christs faithfull Souldiers and Seruants to our liues ende And if lay men espetially those to whome God hath giuen gifts fitting be thus obliged how much more are all Bishops Pastors and Ministers of the Church they are Souldiers so bound to it that they should not intangle themselues with the affaires of this life as the Apostle saith to Timothie 2. Tim. 2.3.4 Noe man that warreth intangleth himselfe with the affaires of this life They are blamed if they suffer any errour in doctrine as ye may see in the Epistles to the seauen Churches of Asia where perticular Pastors or Bishops are taxed of negligence herein Act. and in the charge Paul giues to the Elders to take heede to the flocke ouer which the holy Ghost had made them ouerseers or Bishops to feede the flocke and to keepe them from Wolues and speakers of pernerse things Also to Timothie and Titus 1. Tim. 1.18 chap 2.3.25 Tit. 1.9 2. Cor. 10. that they should warre a good warfare as good Souldiers of Iesus Christ instructing those that oppose themselues and conuincing the gainsayers such as Himeneus Philetus and others
theire Champions and come to that which now they seeme to haue of theire owne How many greate dignities and officies haue they in theire Church endowed with proportionable meanes for theite greate estates What a greate number of Cardinals are there who from a meane place * See the Apologie for the oath of allegiance also Tortura Torti pag. 2. office and begining are come to be held in dignitie equall to Kings besides a number of Arch-Bishopwricks Bishopwricks verrie rich and potent in this world as Cullen Ments Treuiere and others with an number of other places of proffit and honour in Cathedrall Churches Colledges Monasteries and orders of religious howses The hope of rising to some of theese makes a greate number of Preists Iesuits friars and others contest practise and striue to intrude propogate and increase in all contries the Popes Kingdom and prower with all the labour and might they can inuent or procure often venturing theire liues I might say theire Soules to worke his ends and bringe people to his obedience because they see he and his cheife prelates haue wherewithall to reward theire greatest seruices Noe Friar soe meane but he may hope for his deligence and seruice to be Prior of his Couent the Prior to be prouincial the prouincial to become General of that order And soe Preists and Iesuits may in like manner hope to come by degrees to be Bishops and Cardinals and some to clime to the verrie papall throne What will not fraile men doe for such rewards Which made many that were noe true Pastors but * Ioh. 10.12 Sunt enim nonnulli qui dum plus terranneam substantiam quam oues diligunt meritò nomen Pastor is perdunt non enim Pastor sed mer cenarius vocatur qui nō pro amore intimo oues dominicas sed ad tem porales mercedes pascit mercenarius quippe est qui Pastor is locu tenet sed lucrum animarū non quaerit terrenis commidis inhiat honore praelationis gaudet Gregori hom 14. Aquin in Ioa. 10. hirelings contest daube excuse practise by hooke or crooke maintaine points in the councell of Trent who were after rewarded according to theire seruice and some before hand as the historie sheweth For they followed the way of Balaam who loued the wages of vnrighteousnes 2. Pet. 2.15 And thus both before and since in theire diucrs cases causes Which hath made many venture far Wee haue seene also that those follewers of the Trent practises the Arminians haue had theire rewards for straining theire wits and consciences And true it is that both the one the other may rise in iudgment with many who professe themselues theire aduersaries and Christs Seruants against Antichrist and all opposers and yet doe not striue soe much nor with such true zeale to winne Princes people by all honest and lawfull meanes from Poperie and Arminiaisme to the obedience of the Word nor indeede to strengthen keepe and confirme such as doe yet embrace the Truth and not oppose it in those points nor in others but rather by theire slacknes and coldnes suffer them to preuaile daily and proceede further and further in conquests and practises which the Aduersaries doe prosecute with feruent zeale to aduance and propogate theire religion for theire Kingdom is of this world Luk. 16.8 it is from hence And as our Lord saith The children of this world are wiser in theire generation then the children of light more vigilant more zealous more circumspect and constant in the prosecution of theire ends and in perseuerance therein because thereby they attaine and keepe a little momentarie bubble of wealth and honour then Christs Seruants are for the seeking of that Kingdom and the righteousnes thereof which makes truly rich and honourable here and rewards those with euerlasting life and happines hereafter who fight the good fight of faith for Christ and his Kingdom for so inseperable are the worke and the reward that Saint Paul saith to Timothie Fight the good fight of faith 1. Tim. 6.12 lay hold on eternall life To shew that to fight this good fight is to lay hold of eternall life to make our calling and election sure and therefore he saith I haue fought a good fight I haue finished my course 2. Tim. 4.7 I haue kept the faith Hence forth there is laide vp for me a crowne of righteousnes which the Lord the righteous Iudge shall giue me at that day and not to me only but vnto them also that loue his appearing And so liue as those that loue it and looke for it But the children of this World that fight for other Kingdoms that giue them somwhat in present they will haue somwhat in hand they will haue wealth and honour heere And so they that will be honourable and haue commaund as they that will be rich 1. Tim. 6.9 fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtfull lusts which drowne men in destruction and perdition this also doth the loue of a money the roote of all euill which some coueting haue erred from the faith Amonge other lusts they fall into this of fighting for Antichrist or Hereticks for the present honeur or proffit they hope to haue by it the loue of theese makes Iesuits and others venture to disturbe Kingdoms and States to further the Popes Kingdom that rewards them And this is a maine reason that moues some Kings Ren. 17.14 free Princes States to hate the whore and make her desolate and naked and burne her with fire That is to take all from her and fire her that she may not haue to giue rewards to them that disturbe theire Kingdoms and hinder the Kingdom of God and his blessings from theire Kingdoms which they should be sure to enioy in all peace and plentie if in matters of faith and saluotion they were only gouerned by him who the more to animate them to those warrs hath giuen them all the riches that are hers and indeede her champions also for therefore they are also called to the Supper of the greate God Reu. 19. to eate the flesh of Kings and the flesh or Captaines c. That is to take theire wealth riches and honours and posesse them which besides the heauenly reward is a feast of fat things that God will then make them But in the meane while Christ while he is to suffer giueth noe such things and therefore saith But now my Kingdom is not from hence Pilate therefore saide vnto him Art thou a King then Pilate therfore asked this question because Christ in saying and thrice repeating theese words my Kingdom had confessed that he had a Kingdom and consequently that himselfe was a Kinge and yet not out of any ostentation or desire that he had to speake thereof here before Pilate where he was sure it would cost him his life but beeing vrged by theire examinations to tell them Isa 53.9 he would
in such danger seeing that if Princes be Hereticall and persecute the godly theire Ministers must follow them and afflict and punish them or loose theire places for when those that cleaue to Gods Word and contend for it are examined they must confesse the truth though it cost them theire liues as our Sauiour here did for when Pilate saide Art thou then a Kinge Iesus answered thou saiest that I am a Kinge af if he saide and I can not I must not d●nie it For To this ende was I borne and for this cause came I into the world that I should beare witnesse vnto the truth That is indeede to confirme the Truth and euery clause of it whereof this of his Kingdom and office is one with his blood to witnes and seale the truth of it with his blood for though he knew that to confesse this would cost him his life yet he considers that to this ende he was borne and for this cause he came in the world that he should beare witnesse to it with his blood 1. Tim. 6.13 and therefore Saint Paul saith that he witnessed a good confession before Pontius Pilate Sealed as ye see with his blood Tolet. in Ioan. VXIII Vt veritatem Dei oftenderet regnum Dei manifestarer ac tyrannidem Diaboli dolos ejus detegeret to make his witnesse the more effectuall Seeing indeede he came into the world as Tolet saith that he might shew the truth of God and manifest the Kingdom of God and discouer the tiranie of the deuil and his deceits whereby he deceiueth men whether by his owne suggestions or by his Ministers the teachers and maintainers of idollatrie errours For to this purpose the Sonne viz. the Word the Truth of God was manifested that he might destroy the workes of the deuill He came to confound all theese in this that he came to beare witnesse vnto Gods Kingdom vnto Gods Truth whereby all theese are confounded and those also that liue as if they were borne to noe other ende and for noe other cause came into the world then to flatter daube and temporise with sinnes and errours or which is as bad frowardly to contest against the truth with sophisticated arguments praeuaricating shifts for that they might all be sure of it and repenting receiue and confesse the Truth in all things he heere inforceth the certaintie of it with a kinde of ingemination or reinforcing of his asseueration to the Soules of men as if they could neuer enough marke remember this point saying to this ende was I borne and for this cause came I into the world that I should beare witnesse vnto the Truth O thou eternall and almightie Sonne of God Heb. 1.2 by whome he made the worlds thou heyre of all things the brightnes of thy Fathers glorie and the expresse Image of his person thou that thoughtest it noe roberie to be held equall with God surely it was for some greate ende that thou wast borne of a Woman for some greate cause that thou camest in the World Lord let vs know it let vs heare it ô thou Kinge of Saints that wee neither despise nor slight and neglect it thou tellest vs with a witnesse and a deere witnesse it was to thee for thou sealest it with thy most pretious blood shed in the greatest paines the greatest sufferings that euer any felt in this world to see if yet wee will receiue the truth and the loue thereof 2. Thess 2.10.11 that wee may be saued and not be giuen ouer to beleeue a lye for this cause was I borne and for this cause came I into the World that I should beare witnesse vnto the Truth Some man will say If it were to this ende that he came and thus sealed the truth what Christian is there that will not receiue the loue of the Truth that will not in all matters of faith and saluation heare his voice obey it and so receiue his testimonie I answer thou hearest him affirme it and reinforce it what then needes further witnes Luk. 19.10 for if thou say The Sonne of man came to seeke to saue that which was lost That is by shewing them Gods Truth and bearing witnesse to it and so loosing the prisnors bound and lost in the prison of sinne errour * Sedebas o homo in tenebrosis vmbra mortis per ignorantiam veritatis sedebas vinctus catenis delictorum Bernar. de ordine vitae Nos de Adam caeci nati sumus illo illuminate opus habemus Aug. in Ioan. trac 34. Act. 26.18 Mar. 10.46 Gal. 4.4 and ignorance Ioh. 12.48 He came a light into the world that whosoeuer beleeueth on him should not abide in darkenesse but should haue the light of life to make them children of the light God sent him for a light of the Gentiles Isa 42. but that was to open theire eyes and to turne them from darknesse to light and from the power of Satan vnto God that they may receiue forgiuenesse of sinnes and inheritance amonge them which are sanctified through faith that is in him Not otherwise The Sonne of man came to minister and giue his life a ransom for many but that was to minister the Word and to witnesse that his death was a ransom for many to seale that truth in his blood God sent his Sonne made of a Woman to redeeme them that were vnder the Law and thereby Seruants obnoxious to sinne death that they might receiue the adoption of sonnes but that is by receiuing the Word the Truth who to as many as receiue him Ioh. 1.12 giueth power to become the Sonnes of God euen to them that beleene on his Name viz. on the Word by letting them * Chap. Character of a Christian pag. 325. c. know the Truth that the truth might make them free and free indeede from sinne Satan errours snaring scruples c. There is noe true freedom but what the Truth giueth and it must needes be true if the Truth giue it As he there saith If the Sonne therefore shall make you free Ye shall be free indeede Thereby shewing himselfe to be the Truth as Augustine proueth on Ioh. 17.17 Sanctifie them in thy Truth thy Word is Truth August in 10. trac 108. To this Truth he bare witnesse and this Truth freeth beeing beleeued knowne and receiued with loue So was it with the Corinthians who beeing inriched in all knowledge Paul saith the testimonie of Christ was confirmed in them 1. Cor. 1.6 which that wee might so receiue and obey in all that it teacheth and euery part of it he bare witnesse to it with his blood Which therefore indeede is called the blood of the Testament sealed confirmed and dedicated in blood Heb. 9.18.19 Wherevpon neither was the first Testament dedicated without blood For when Moses had spoken euery precept he tooke the blood of Calues and sprinckled both the booke and the
people saying this is the blood of the Testament which God hath enioyned vnto you That was a type of this Testament sealed and dedicated to all mākinde in Christs blood which sprinckleth both the Testament as a witnesse and seale of it and the people as redeemed and sealed vnto therefore this blood of the euerlasting couenant is called a witnessing Heb. 12.24 a speaking blood The blood of sprinckling which speaketh better things then the blood of Abel It witnesseth the Truth of all things declared in the new Testament and so speaketh reconcilliation grace peace life to the consciences of all them that receiue the same Testament and the loue of the Truth therein manifested in all things necessary to saluation See that ye refuse not him that speaketh vers 25. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth much more shall not wee if wee turne away from him that speaketh from Heauen viz. by this blood and the representatiue signes thereof in his Sacraments therefore Saint Iohn saith 1. Ioh. 5.8 There are three that beare witnesse in Earth the Spirit and the Water and the Blood and theese three agree in one They all witnesse and seale the same thinge they agree in witnesse of one Truth one Testament Ioh. 14.26 chap. 16.13 The Spirit that is the holy Ghost that brought all things to the mindes of the Apostles that Christ had told them and that witnesseth the same Word and noe other vnto vs for he guided them into all Truth he was not to speake of himselfe but to take of Christs and shew vnto them nothing but that which Christ had * Ioh. 15.15 made knowne vnto them saue only that he should shew them things to come viz. touching the comming of the man of sinne his lying wonders him that letted Seducing Spirits that should forbid marriage and some meates the seauen seales the 7. Triumpets the 7. Vials the Dragon with tenne hornes the Beast his marke them that receiue it Babylons Ruin and the like Whereof our Lord speaketh when he saith I haue yet many things to say vnto you Ioh. 16.12 but ye can not beare them now theese can not be as the greate whore and her members most impudently affirme the traditions of the Church of Rome as inuocation of saints single life of Preists distinction of meates theire obserued fasts and feasts the Popes succession in Peters chaire as head of the Church priuate masses drawing Soules out of purgatorie c. For this is a bold diuination for thire owne proffit any other Hereticks may say as much for theire herefies if that would serue and to disproue them all our Sauiour speaking of things absolutely necessary to saluation saith All things that I haue heard of my Father haue I made knowne vnto you Ioh. 15.15 theese the Spirit brought to theire mindes and in theire writings * Act. 20.27 1. Ioh. 1.3 chap. 2.27 Charac of a Christian p. they manifested them to vs and to theese the Spirit beareth witnesse on earth And the water viz. in Baptisme it is a seale of that Couenant and Truth it exhibiteth and witnesseth the same things vissiblie and to the Soule in a sealing signe that the Testament doth And the blood this did Christs bloods shed on the Crosse and this doth the cup in the Sacrament for therefore Christ giueth to the signe the name and sealing virtue of the thinge signified saying This is my blood of the new Testament viz. that witnesseth and confirmeth the truth of it and of all that it offereth and teacheth to youre Soules This cup is the new Testament in my blood the Testament witnessed sealed confirmed and dedicated to you in my blood as the first Testament was in the blood of Calues of Goates c. and therefore Saint Iohn there addeth If wee receiue the witnesse of men 1. Ioh. 5.9 the witnesse of God is greater for this is the witnesse of God which he testifieth of his Sonne that is which he testifieth of the Word of the Truth which is his Sonne and which God witnessed and sealed vnto vs not only by voices from Heauen and myracles but also by the blood of his Sonne and now by his Spirit by the water of Baptisme and by the cup in the Lords Supper therefore it is saide Him hath God the Father sealed Ioh. 6.27 and therefore John Baptist saith of Christ Ioh. 3.33 He that receiued his testimonie hath set to his seale that God is true that is true in his Word and true in the sealing that he giues to it he iustifieth him in his sayings Rom. 3.4 He that beleeueth him not in euery thinge he hath saide but reiecteth the Testament the Truth in any point of faith and saluation he beleeueth not God but hath made him a liar vers 10. because he beleeueth not the record that God gaue of his Sonne He beleeueth not the witnesse of the Spirit of the water of the cup not the witnes which Christ bare vnto the Truth in his blood he refuseth him that speaketh by theese yea he reiecteth Christ the faithfull and true witnesse and the Seale or marke of God Reu. 1.5 euen the testimonie of Iesus * chap. 19.10 see Character of a Christian pag. 228. receiued by all them that are in a right and saueing manner of the true Church Wherein there is noe other Word receiued in matters of faith and saluation but Gods Testament Noe vaine brags of the spirit but by the Scriptures the * 1. Ioh. 4.1.6 Act. 17.11 1. Thes 5.21 Isa 8.20 Spirits are tried To the Law and to the testimonie if they speake not according to this word it is because there is noe light in them And consequently noe spirit of prophesie in them If a man be well skilled or mightie in the proofes power of the new Testament as Apollos was saide to be mightie in the Scriptures Act. 18.24 then he hath the spirit of prophesie otherwise not for that true member of the true church endued with such excellent knowledge that Iohn would haue worshipped him Reu. 12.9 chap. 19.10 saith I am of thy Brethren the Prophets of them that keepe the sayings of this booke Which expoundeth that I am of thy Brethren that haue the testimonie of Jesus he had nothing else but his Testament he came out from the Arke of his Testament out of that Temple wherein was noe other Word he was powerfull in that nor would he allow any doctrine which was not agreeable thereto to be of the Spirit therefore he saith for the testimonie of Iesus is the Spirit of prophesie noe other If therefore men bringe not that testimonie they vainly talke of the Spirit of prophesie as Papists for theire traditions Anabaptists for theire dreames and others for theire Heresies wherein they reiect the testimonie of Iesus doe despite to the Spirit of grace Wherefore the Apostle saith Heb.