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A08304 A progresse of pietie. Or the harbour of heauenly harts ease to recreate the afflicted soules of all such as are shut vp in anye inward or outward affliction. By Iohn Norden. Norden, John, 1548-1625? 1596 (1596) STC 18633; ESTC S103531 73,609 218

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And heerein it is required that we be poore in spirit to hunger thirst for righteousnes to be meke to be mercifull to be pure in hart and gladly Suffer persecution for righteousnes sake We must be louing liberall pittifull patient in troubles and in all thinges wee must frame and conforme our wordes workes and thoughts to doe the will of our heauenly father To him we must fall downe to be strengthened in faith without which we cannot reteine this kingdome the liuely and effectuall word which that it may bee purely preached without fraud deliue●● without vaine glory receiued and practised without faltring or fear we must pray vnto our God who hath promised and will perfourme to send vs his ayde to keepe vs vpright in this glorious path to eternall life And wee must pray vnto him that hee will make our vnderstandinges capable of the trueth of his will and what hee requireth at our handes in seekinge of this hys kingdome That he wil frame our liues in all simplicity of faith submitting our selues wholy vnto his word casting downe our own imaginations and euerie proude conceit of our selues that through meekenesse in true knowledge and obedience we may be made meete partakers of the euerlasting kingdome of God Hauing obtained this spirituall feeling of the will of God in his word and being sealed vp through faith in a longing desire for al spirituall perfection let vs proceede to the execution of our callinges which may aunsweare the commaundement of God heerein Let vs continually seeke new and dayly meanes by hearing the woorde preached by stirring vp one of an other and by giuing sacred examples of vertue and godlynesse that our callings may bee made sure to be founded and established in this kingdome Then may wee freely approach vnto our God and he will receiue vs we may cal on him and he wil heare vs we may beg of him and he wil giue vs al things necessary for body and soule Hee is our almighty king and he will defende vs he is our mercifull God and he will relieue vs and hee is our mercifull father and he will feede vs cloath vs and teach vs. And at last he wil crowne vs with the glorie of his sonne hee will make vs as the saintes in heauen and we shall receiue the inheritance of euerlasting blisse And therefore let vs seeke and praie vnto him that wee may obtaine this principall and chiefe foundation of all true comfortes in this life the kingdome of his Sonne Christ Jesus The prayer for the kingdome of God O Most gracious God and louing father it hath pleased thee to commaund vs first before all things to seeke thy kingdome and the riches righteousnes thereof with promise that then al things necessary for body and soule shal be giuen vs wherfore good father sith that our vnablenes is such that we cannot attaine vnto this high matter of our selues vouchsafe to prepare our heartes that at this time and alwaies wee may aboue all things hunger and thirst for this righteousnesse the absolute meane of our true comfort without which all our comfort is but care our wisdome but foolishnes our glory but shame our riches but pouertie our godlines impietie and all our praiers sin Wherefore good father I humbly praye thee in the behalfe of all thy children that thou wilt poure into our hearts a godly consideration of our imperfections not being endued with this absolute integrity that we may see our pouerty nakednes not being enriched cloathed with this riches weedes of sanctitie that wee may feele how ready we are to pine for want of this foode of our soules thy sacred woord the glorious Gospell of Christ wherein consisteth this heauenly kingdome which kingdome O Lord teach vs to find Endue vs with thy holy spirit poure into our harts that sacred gift which thou hast left for our comfort to leade vs to this kingdome that may direct vs in all truth that may manifest in vs the knowledge and exercise of thy word wherein resteth that spirituall happinesse which heere by faith we see as a shadow farre off which one day shall be manifest to our absolute ioy and saluation In the meane time good Father sanctifie our hearts with heauenly contemplations and sanctified meditations that our ioye which now is but in part may be dayly enlarged through the diuine fruites of loue to thy law faith in thy promises and of hope that our ioy shall be full at the appearinge of thy sonne So shall the kingdome of thy sonne appeare in vs and wee which wander in the darknesse of this polluted worlde shall appeare manifestly to bee the heires of thy kingdome through faith testified by the fruites of a sanctified life And to the end good father that thy kingdome may dayly more and more appeare and increase graunt free and comfortable passage to thy word and Gospell of Christ that it may be plainely purely and plentifully preached And vouchsafe to increase the number of the laborers in this worke who may faithfully and diligently worke therein That through the same thy people which now sit in darknes may be enlightened that such as are farre off may come neere and they that are without at thy good pleasure may be brought into this kingdome ●hat wee may all put on that sanctif●ed garment of a new life and sincere conuersation which may approoue vs to bee thy children and Citizens of thy kingdome and that as bec●mmeth thy sonnes we may be reformed in our liues Giue vs thine holy Spirite that wee may beleeue thy worde and therby so direct our liues that we in all vertuousnes godlines of conuersation may finish our course vpon earth And afterward liue with thy Sonne in eternall blisse And seeing thy kingdome is not meat and drink neither consisteth in ceremonies and traditions deuised by man neither commeth it with obseruations neither is it in word but in righteousnesse and peace and ioy in the holy Ghost and in power Graunt that wee all may bee truely regenerate and borne new by the holy spirite and may no longer spend the dayes of our liues in the lusts of the flesh in the vanities of the mind and in pride of life But may eleuate and raise vpwarde all our affections euen vnto thy holy hill from whence commeth the life wherein we liue the helpe whereby wee stand and the power wherby we are defended And be thou present good Father in al readines to support vs being weak to releeue vs being poore and to traine vs vp in all heauenly knowledge being altogether ignorant And let euerie of thy children that thirst after that righteousnes bee filled with all good thinges within and without that wee may goe forwarde in dayly exercise of pietie and godlines in knowledge in faith in loue in hope and in true zeale that we may liue within the compasse of thy fatherly protection die in thy loue
aduersarie that shee thy seruant and we thy people her subiects may still shew our selues thankefull vnto thee for thy protection and couet more and more to serue thee in all truth and holy zeale as becōmeth vs in al things graunt these things good Father in the merites of Jesus Christ our sauiour in whom as thou art well pleased bee pleased to blesse preserue and direct our Queene to comfort defend support vs and either to bring our enemies to a perfect peace in imbracing thy truth with vs or to confound their deuises and power for euer Amen Oh Lord increase our faith A short Confession of our Sinnes MOst gracio●s God and louing Father in Jesus Christ pure and holye I Confesse vnto thee mine vnrighteousnes which maketh mee vnworthie to come before thee not onely in regard of mine originall corruption which I traduced from disobedient Adam But in regard of my continuall sinnes and actuall euils which I daylye commit against thee whereby I can not but become offensiue vnto thee and euer lo●●●●me in thy sacred eyes But a ●s such is mine estate being considered as it is in and of my selfe that I can bring forth no better fruites then the tree of Adams disobedience whose rootes as they are sinne so beare they sinne in me and consequently procure death and destruction But deare Father as by Adam sinne entred and tooke hold of him selfe and all his posteritie So by thy Sonne we are all Justified by our adoption into his righteousnesse of thy free loue If wee take hold of thy promises in him and become obedient as hee is obedient vnto thee And therefore deare Father howsoeuer our corruptions as they are in vs of our selues haue be wrapped vs in bondage to sinne and death let thy Sonnes merites bee vnto vs a sufficient ransome for our euerlasting libertie not onely to come freely vnto the throne of thy grace but in the ende to obtaine the ioyes eternal with him in heauen Amen O Lord increase our faith A motion to a Prayer for the forgiuenes of our sinnes HAuing thus cast our selues downe before our God in true humilitie wherein wee haue acknowledged that we are so polluted with sins and so tyed with the chaines of death that there is no euasion or meane in our selues or by our selues to escape the snares of Sathan that lurketh lik a roaring Lyon seeking whō he may deuoure We must now endeuor to findout the meane how to be made at one with and be reconciled vnto our God againe Wherin thus much we are first to consider that as by Adam all men haue sinned and haue deserued death by sinne euen so by Christ we are clensed from sinne and stand againe in the fauour of God the father by faith in him Whom also we haue to be an Advocat to God our heauenly father and he it is that obtaineth pardon for all our sinnes It is the passion and most innocent death of Iesus Christ the immaculate Lambe which is a sufficient reconciliation for our offences And therfore he saith If any man sinne he hath an Advocate with the father euen Iesus Christ the righteous That is if any man acknowledge his offences truely before God and that he is sinfull impure and corrupt and doeth faithfullie submit himselfe vnto the fauour of God in Christ without standing to iustifie himself righteous Such a one hath the benifite of Christes death and such a one shal be partaker of the deserts of Christ wherin he shall obtaine pardon for all his sinnes But he that will not thus throw himselfe downe before the Lorde and crie out against his owne vnworthynes and say that he is a sinner and vnable of himselfe to obtaine remission of sins there is no place of mercy for such a one For Christ came to call not y e righteous such as were in their owne conceit holy pure iust and without sinne but sinners such as did so confesse acknowledge thē selues to repentance Such sinners as are sorie for their sinnes repent them of their euils such Christ himselfe calleth saying Come vnto me Al ye that labour and are heauy laden and I wil ease you Our God is patient and wold haue no man perish but woulde that al men shuld come to repentance And therefore hee sent his sonne Christ Jesus to giue himselfe a ransome for all that repent and truely beleeue in him We were in bondage and captiuitie and he most franckly tooke vpon him to ransome vs with a great price euen his bloud which bloud he shed for many for the remission of sinnes not for all but for such as truly repent amend their liues for they that runne on still in their sinnes howsoeuer they flatter themselues they are left vnto themselues and the merits of Christ worke not for them his death to them is none aduantage And we therefore must take heed left that we deceiue our selues with this that he is the Lambe of God that taketh away the sins of the world And that thereby euery man in the world is so included euery mans sins by him so taken away without repentance that we haue scope to sinne because hee taketh it away But wee must take hold of his merits by faith which faith will worke in vs a detestation of sinne and ade●●re to reforme euill in our selues and to be reconciled vnto God in amendment of lyfe For it appeareth that the whole world was polluted and defiled with sinne and that the whol world naeded a meane to be cured of that great miserie and to that end came Christ men to saue all that repent and beleeue the Gospel to such is the glad tidyinges of saluation sent as well vnto the Gentile as to the Jewe to the bond as to the free to all people and nations of the world Wherein appered the vnspeakeable loue of God not that we loued him first but that he loued vs and sent his sonne to be a reconciliation for our sinnes It was he that bare our sins in his body on the tree that being dead to sinne should liue in righteousnesse by whose stripes wee are healed Being then healed of this deadlie euil euen of death it selfe let vs speedily repent vnto our good God in hartie repentance casting aside and g●uing ouer all the deceitfull workes of darkenesse and let vs pray that he will vouchsafe vs forgiuenes of our sins wherein of long time we haue liued Let vs be earnestlie sorrie that wee haue spent the time past of our liues after the lusts of the Gentiles licentiously and wickedly in wantonnes in lusts drunkenesse gluttony couetousnes in abhominable I do latrie To day if we will heare his voice let vs not harden our hearts But hauing laid open our weaknesse and infirmities with an ardent desire to reforme our liues let vs boldly approch vnto our mercifull God who seeing
their owne perdition all their plots snares and pittes to catch themselues is not this maruelous in our eyes But the truth is great and it preuaileth It is the Lord that hath doone this great thing It is hee that driueth backe the heauen and that planteth his church it is he that destroyeth the aduersaries maketh his own people to grow it is he that giueth strength vnto his people blesseth vs with peace Why then doe the foolish heathen thus rage why do these peeuish people murmure against the church of Christ in vaine When their hope was to haue preuailed with their peeuishly tearmed inuincible armie they stumbled and fell the hande of the iust God was against them and his mighty hand cast them into the bottome of the sea and with his power he confounded their deuise and howsoeuer they seeme to continue malicious and in a deepe desire to cut vs off and to dispeople vs let vs not feare but duely call vpon the name of God our head and husbande and hee will breake their bowes hee will shiuer their speares in sunder their owne swordes shall pearce themselues and their owne bullets shal rent themselues in peeces Let vs therefore continually fal downe before him in prayer and in due obedience vnto his worde submit our selues vnto his will and if hee will that wee suffer for his name and truethes sake let vs glorifie him in our sufferinges knowing this that a crowne of life is laide vp in store for as many as take his yoke with patience and faithfully endure vnto the ende If it please him hee can make warres to cease from one ende of the world to the other but if it be his pleasure to raise vp new euils against vs for our sinnes let vs acknowledge his iudgementes to be iust and our deserts to be vile And let vs serue him continually without feare of them that can but kill the body and can not annoy the soule then shall nothing seperate vs from this our Christ nor from the vnity of his Church neither tribulation nor anguish nor persecution nor famine nor nakednesse nor peril of the sword nor death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any creature neither Pope Spaniard Turke nor Infidell nothing shall seperate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Let euerie member then of this true Church with all power and diligence endeuour to approoue himselfe by knowledge by faith by praier by humilitie and patient abiding the Lordes leasure in all thinges so will our louing God keepe vs vnder the shadowe of his winges and preserue vs as the apple of his eye that wee may grow vp bring forth fruite a thousand fold to the glorie of his name and whether by life or by death he hath decreed to glorifie vs let vs take either in all godlie obedience vnto his will and present our continuall praiers vnto his Maiestie for the comfort and preseruation of the vniuersall Church The Praier for the church of God to bee saide at all times and especially in daungers O Almightie God and euerliuing Father who hast vouchsafed to gather vnto thy self an holy companie out of all nations of the world whom thou hast most gloriously entituled with the names of thy Church thy spouse and thy members and whome also thou teachest louest and feedest whome also thou so tenderly considerest that howsoeuer the wicked euen thine enemies doe seeke to annoy it thou so defendest gardest blessest it that no haire of the head or the least member thereof falleth much lesse any one of that cōpanie perisheth or is troden down without thy prouidence Yet good father such is thy pleasure that while this companie shall dwell in earthly vessels it is as a ship tossed and tumbled with the cruel storms and dangerous waues of the sea of continuall persecutions subiect to often assaults of the enemie dashed sometime against the sword sometime beaten with slaunders backbitings reproches somtime to beatings buffettings crossings and sometime to massacres murthers and most cruell death It is neuer free from perill it is alwaies and by all meanes tryed There is no comfort no ioy no rest as long as it is in this life but in hope wayting patiently the comfortes and consolations in heauen It continually depainteth out the sufferings the crosses and ignominious course which Christ himselfe was forced to suffer here in earth In so much as it is made knowne to be thy Church by the continuall calamities which here in this life it endureth Good father thou seest how the heathen do rage and how the froward people of the earth do murmure against thee in these thy members how the Kinges of the earth band themselues the princes assemble and consult together against thee thy Christ and against his Church But make thy people strong in faith that we may breake their bands and cast their cordes from vs For saluation belongeth vnto thee and thy blessing is vpon thy people Thou seest O Lord thou seest how the wicked bende their bowes and make ready their arrowes that they may secretely shoote at thy children and to hit them that feare not But thou righteous Lord louest righteousnes thy countenance doth behold the iust and thine hand shal hold them vp Withdraw not therfore thy tender mercies from thy Church let thy mercie and thy trueth alway preserue it for thou seest that innumerable trobles are raised against it but send thou thy light and thy truth and let knowledge faith and true obedience in lowlines zeale lead it and by thy mightie hande preserue it in thy holy mountaine and let it alwaies rest in thy tabernacles furnish it with all ioye and gladnes gird it about with strēgth Let it through thee be able to thrust back her aduersaries and in thy name tread downe such as rise vp against her Let thy church continually sing The Lord is my light my saluation whom shall I feare the Lord is the strength of my life of whom shal I be afraid In the time of trouble and daunger hide thy people in thy tabernacle in the secret place of thy pauilion hide them O Lord and set them vpon a sure rocke that when the wicked euen their enemies and their foes come vpon them to deuoure them let them stumble and fal Be thou our strength shield Thou giuest strength to thy people and blessest them with peace But good Father thou seest that the wicked furiously rage and endeuour to rush in vpon thy sanctuarie they imagine mischief against thy church and seeke by all meanes to deuour thine inheritance They lay snares O Lord to entrap thy spouse to dismember thy Christ. They take wicked counsaile and in deceit doe they worke all their diuises they ●●y wait for the righteous companie and seeke to destroye them But they
which shall approue their heartes By whose doctrine also we shall bee able to find out all the false Prophets that endeuour to miscarry vs. The aptest mean to bring men into the captiuity of errours and erronious teachers is ignorance of the word which would God it were meerly banished the Church of God that through knowledge we might wade in the true worde and by the same distinguish and ●ull out the poyson of all peruerse teachers and cast it in the fire of vtter obliuion That the hearts of true Christians might be comforted all the congregation of God knit together in loue And that all the ministers of God might proceed in one rule and might al mind one thing in the lord that nothing be done of contention or vain glorie but that in meeknesse of minde euerie man esteeme other better than himselfe What mooued these two Gentlemen Ardington and Coppinger to run that course but vaine glorie and ignorance of the word without the knowledge whereof the intricate and hidden subtiltie of that wicked monster Hacket could not be descried who bewitched them with forgetfulnes of their duties to God their most gracious Queene for that they searched not the counsell of God neither builded their proceeding vpon his word but pricked on by the fling of singularitie and vaine glorie brake out into desperate and irreligious terms laying open as it were before all the world their own corruptions and the deuilish affections of that wicked man that counterfeit Christ that forged king who was deseruedly crowned with a halter in Cheap according to the words of Paule that the ende of these men shall be according to their works It is time for the Children of God to take warning and bee watchfull considering these daungerous times wherin swarmes of falfe prophets do euerie where fly to and fro to disquiet the godly as papists Brownists Anabaptists the Familie of lust and leudnesse termed the family of loue many other dangerous sects who seeke to quench the ardent zeale of sincere Christianitie striuing about words which is to no profit but to the peruerting of the hearers But let vs pray that our Ministry may shew it selfe approued vnto God and that our Ministers neede not to be ashamed but may diuide the word of trueth aright that they may stay prophane and vaine bablings which increase to more vngodlines And that they may keepe the pattern of the wholsome word which they haue learned in faith which they may teach in loue in Christ Jesus For such is the subtilty of this wicked workmaster who hath sent foorth these hellish haruest-men that some one of these his subtil sectes in showe meeteth as it were matcheth euery godly endeuour and sincere course that the children of God doe practise in deed only to unpaire the credit of a right Christian life in Gods sincere children by the opposition of science falsly so called We know that it is the duty of euery childe of God to ●oe good workes to approoue his faith by which faith he is iustified And we see that the deuill hath stirred vp a doctrine of workes that by them men are iustified and therfore such as stand vpon their own iustification carry themselues in shew answerable in mortall sincerity to the most godly when yet they hang in the Spiders web of sinne because they imagine that God wil thanke them because they doe that which he hath commaunded them And yet by the mouth of God himselfe they are condemned for vnprofitable seruants We know that true Christians do thirst after the word and desire to be fedde with the foode of the Gospel And therefore desire to repaire vnto sermons and to be studious in the word And wee may see how the Deuill prouideth to blemish this Christian vertue by stirring vp euen of his wicked ministers to perform the same as did the southsayers of Pharao and at length to breake out into grosse and most palpable euils to the end that the fal of them that stoode not should blemish the zeale of right godly affected Againe we know that it is the dutie of Christians to shun swearing and blasphemie to giue continuall thanks for Gods benefites to instruct their families and to pray for and with them And wee see that the deuill hauing emulation hereat endeuoureth either to draw such as exercise this sincere course of life into some action to discredite their profession or else stirreth vp some counterfeit of his in some shew to performe this integritie that at the last by some notable fall he may bring all other sincere professors into ignominie Therefore brethren stand fast and keepe the instructions which yee haue bene taught either by words or by the examples of the apostles For aboue the rest of his daungerous practises marke how hee endeuoureth to blemish the profession of the Gospel euen in the Ministerie in the sound preachers of the word by drawing them into some grosse euill or other to the end that he may bring all the godly and zealous workemen of the Lord into contempt blinding the eyes of the world and therby raiseth a false opinion of the verie sacred truth By this we see that euen now is come the time of triall and now it wil be found out who are Gods children in shew and who in deed it will appeare who will continue vnto the end for if wee giue consent to strange doctrine to newe deuises to false and counterfeite waies whereunto wee are dayly mooued then shall wee bee vagabonds from the Church of God howsoeuer we seeme to dwell in the same and to be members of it in outward shew then wil God in the last day say I know you not howsoeuer we say we haue prophecied and preached in his name Oh let vs therefore pray that we may hold on a true course and keepe the line of the truth without going to the right or left hand howsoeuer subiect wee shall then be to slaunders to scoffes to reproches to imprisonmentes and sometime to death it selfe Happie are wee that haue the booke of life laide open before vs wherein is contained the way to Gods kingdome and whereby we may take the path to our heauenly hearts case and that without reproofe whereof we may reioyce And for a farther cause to moue vs to go vnto god in praier let vs somewhat consider the controuersies which of late haue risen by the work and instigation of the deuill euen in our own Church amongst our own guides in our own natiue land how it hath raised a scruple and doubt in some that are not altogether grounded in the knowledge of the word Whether they should obey the Maiestrate in Ecclesiasticall causes And whether there should be a superiority or equalitie in the Church gouernors These and many other cauils hath hee raised to hinder the preaching of the Gospell which is greatly to be
trauel and go to the play house bowling Allyes Beare gardens Ale houses Tauernes and gaming where they lose their time cōsume their thrift and offende the lawes of God and her Maiesty And the Sabboth day which shoulde bee sanctified with prayer and hearing of the worde is prophaned with these accustomed euils which if they were cast out as vnprofitable in this our earthly abiding place wee should the more sweetely passe on the way to our heauenly harts ease For out of these euils of idlenesse and loytering spring many noysome thinges that blemish our body here as filthines of the flesh drunkennes gluttony swearing and blasphemy forgetfulnes of God and contempt of Magistrates wherewith our abode here being grossely defiled such will be our vnsauery dwelling that our spiritual guest the holy Ghost wil refuse to abide with vs. I herefore O yee men of God whom the spirit of God directeth flie these things and followe after righteousnes godlines faith patience and meekenesse fight the good fight of faith lay holde of eternal life wherunto ye are called haue professed a good profession before many witnesses Keepe on the course ye haue begun without spot vnrebukeable vntil the appearing of our Lorde Iesus Christ who only hath immortalitie and dwelleth in the light that none can attaine vnto whome neuer man saw neither can see Vnto whome be honour and power euerlasting Amen A short praier against errours scismes WE humbly pray thee most merciful father in mercy to looke down vpō the dangerous estate of thy Church which is much pestered infected w t the suds of errour insomuch as it seemeth to be swallowed vp of the perilous inundations of sectes and scismes coined by the subtilties of that wicked one Sathan whose practise is euer from y e fall of Adam to stop the pure proceedinge of the Gospell by the peruerse workes of darkenesse Sanctifie therefore thy children with thine especiall grace and manifest thy truth vnto them that by the light therof they may know how to shape the way to the true seruice of thee And let them be able to discerne betweene truth and errour y t they may be alwaies free from heresies and not be intangled with false doctrine nor defiled w e the lothsome pitch of mans inuentions but being indued with the purity of heauenly knowledge wee may all ioyne together in one truth wherein we may liue and dye and so in Christ thy Sons merites liue with thee in heauen eternally Amen Oh Lord increase my faith A short Prayer in crosses troubles and afflictions OH Father full of mercie and loue in Jesus Christ haue compassion vpon me whome thou hast touched with thy hand of correction Thou hast found me out in my sinnes and beaten me thy hand lyeth heauie vpon me I am not able to sustaine the burden of my miseries I can not but faint in my distresses and run too and fro for help but loe oh Lord my crosses increase and thy anger I can not beare wherefore good Father in Christ haue compassion vpon me recomfort me againe be pleased with me and take thy heauie displeasure from mee and though my sinnes haue deserued more then I can beare the merites of thy Sonne are greater then my sinns And therefore for his sake come againe in loue and by thy mercie and power repayre my decayes relieue my wants and cure my diseases speake the word and it shall be done all things obey thy voyce wherefore blesse thy creatures all to my vse that I may haue them all in this life blessed vnto me and I blessed by thee in Christ Amen O Lord increase our faith A short Prayer that all men may liue vprightly in their calling LOrd God Almightie mercifull pure be pleased in fauour to consider the weaknes of man and so sanctifie vs with thy grace that we may all confesse our sinnes and cry to thee for pardon all acknowledge our weakenes and cry to thee for strength all see our ignorance and come to thee for knowledge how to behaue vs in this mortall life in our seuerall callings that thereby both thou mayst be glorified our bretheren comforted and our selues relieued that when we shall be called by thee to render accompt of our stewardships we may be able to stand before thee acquitted from all that eyther sinne the deuill or our corrupt flesh may charge vs with not through our owne deseruings which in our best endeuours are euill euermore but in the merites of thy Sonne Christ Amen O Lord increase our faith The conclusion wherein is exhorted vnto watchfulnes for the appearance of our Lord Iesus Christ in whome and by whome we shall enter after this progresse ended into our euerlasting hearts ease HAuing attained thorough the diuine assistance of my good God vnto the ende of this my poore trauaile I can not but conclude with an earnest intreatie of all such as couet this eternall hearts ease that they wil in this standinghouse of the body call continually to minde the absolute end of this Progresse of pietic which principally tendeth vnto the finishing of the iourney and pilgrimage of this life in all godlines faith zeale and ardent loue of that heauenly mansion which so farre excelleth this earthly tabernacle as the purest gold exceedeth the filthiest and most lothsome dirt dung of the earth and the hearts ease thereof is much farre sweeter then the hearts ease of this world as the sweetest honey passeth in sweetnes the most bitter gall and happy is that man that soonest atteineth to the enioying thereof but in part that is eyther in this life through the quietnesse of conscience in our Christ or being departed hence hath the fruition thereof in spirit expecting the comming of that great Judge when soule and body shall enioy the same at full Oh let vs all therefore in all godly watchfulnesse in this our pilgrimage which shortly shall haue ende haue due regard vnto our walking that we walke not awry Let vs dayly examine our selues consider with iudgement that we shall all appeare before that high Judge frō whome no step of our progresse shall be hidden and whome soeuer he shall finde halting or walking awry he will bereaue of that most sweete hearts ease in heauen and will giue most sowre and vnsauery hearts sore in hell If I should discourse of the comforts which shal be shewed vnto such as walke this progresse and end the same as they ought as they are cōmaunded alas I am as vnable nay there is no toong of man or angell can neerer declare y e deapth of the sweetnes therof then I am able to number y e starres in the firmamēt the excellencie thereof is such so vnspeakeable as no hart is able to comprehend or conceiue the same but let this satisfie all curious conceits that that our heauenly mansion our euerlasting tabernacle that our spirituall inheritance is such and so full fraught with such variety