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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06744 The displaying of the Popish masse vvherein thou shalt see, what a wicked idoll the masse is, and what great difference there is between the Lords Supper and the Popes Masse: againe, what Popes brought in every part of the masse, and counted it together in such monstrous sort, as it is now used in the Popes kingdome. Written by Thomas Becon; and published in the dayes of Queene Mary. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1637 (1637) STC 1719; ESTC S115076 56,616 332

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you would embrace some she saint After al these things as I may let passe your crossings and blessings your crouchings and noddings with many other apish toyes yee fall againe to your solemne prayers and among all other yee stand nodding and praying in your Memento for the soules departed which was put to the Masse by Pope Pelagius about the yeare of our Lord 560. And here in your minde and thought for now yee play mum-budget and silence glumme yee pray for Philip and Cheny more than a good many for the soules of your great grand Sire of your old Beldame Hurre for the soules of father Princhard and of mother Puddingwright for the soules of goodman Rinsepitcher and goodwife Pi●tepot for the soules of Sir Iohn Husgoose and Sir Simon Sweetlips and for the soules of all your Benefactors Founders Patrones Friends and well-willers which have given you either dirige groates confessionall pence trentals year services dinners suppers or any thing else that may maintaine you our Ladies Knights But I pray you how can you with an assured conscience and true faith pray for such as are departed out of this world If these your prayers bee of faith then doe your faith hang on Gods word If you have the Word of God for you so praying bring it forth of good fellowship and wee will heare you Have ye none Alasse silly soules Then put up your pipes and lay yee downe to sleepe Trudge with your Dirges and pack up your Masses of Requiem Doe yee alleage Pope Pelagius and old Fathers or ancient customes We have nothing to doe with them except they bring the Word of GOD in their mouth Prayer is a matter of faith and faith alwayes leaneth upon the Word of GOD solely and fully If ye have not the Word of God for your prayer then can ye not pray of faith If yee pray not of faith then are your prayers abhominable in the sight of God so farre it is off that they bee heard as the Apostle saith Whatsoever is not of faith is sinne Saint Iohn saith This is the trust that wee have in him that if wee aske any thing according to his will he heareth us But how doe you aske according to the will of God when yee have not one title of the holy Scripture to declare that yee ought to pray for the dead Thinke ye to be heard of God Even as Baals Priests were when they cried O Baal heare us O Baal heare us If yee would leape upon your Altars yea and cut your selves with knives till ye be all on a gore-blo●d as their manner was yet shall yee never be heard of God For yee pray without faith seeing ye have not the Word of God for you Doe yee alleage Charitie And say It is a charitable deed to pray for them that are departed I answer yee are very Antichrists that turne the rootes of trees upward Will yee have Charity before Faith Is not Faith the mother of all vertues Is not Charitie the daughter of Faith How dare the daughter move you to doe that whereof the mother knoweth nothing at all It is not charity that moveth you to pray for the departed but blinde affection corrupt zeale and cankered custome and hope of gaine After the departure from this life all go straight wayes either unto eternall glory or else unto everlasting pain as the history of the rich Glutton and of the poore man Lazarus evidently declareth Our Saviour Christ saith Hee that beleeveth on the Sonne hath everlasting life But hee that beleeveth not on the Sonne shall not see life but the wrath of GOD abid●th on him Here also are rekoned but two kindes of persons faithful and unfaithfull the one sort after their departure goe immediately unto everlasting life the other unto eternal dam●ation And the Preacher saith When the tree falleth whether it be toward the South or North in what place soever it ●all there it heth As we depart so shall we have our place If wee depart in faith heaven is appointed for us but if wee dye in infidelitie unfaithfulnesse or misbeleefe hell is readie at hand Therefore your prayers for the dead are in every condition frustrate and vaine superfluous and unprofitable Heaven needeth no prayer Hell refuseth all prayer Notable is this sentence of Saint Augustine Know ye saith Saint Augustine that so soone as the soule is departed from the body it is straightwaies either for the good merits placed in Paradise or else for the sinnes throwne headlong into the deepe dungeon of hell Againe in another place hee saith Brethren let no man deceive himselfe For there are but two places and there is no third place for any He that hath not deserved to raigne with Christ in this world shall without doubt in the world to come bee damned with the devill And Saint Cyprian saith when wee depart hence there is no place of repentance Life is either lost or gotten But I marvell much of this one thing concerning this matter that ye pray God the Father that hee will mercifully give to all such as rest in Christ a place of refreshing of light and peace As though those that rest in Christ could want any of them all Can any man that rests in Christ bee tormented in paines darkenesse and disquietnes trouble or griefe To rest in Christ after this life is not to be payned in Purgatory if there were such a place as the Papists feigned but to raigne with Christ in glory to possesse everlasting joy and to have the fruition of Gods glorious Majestie with the heavenly Angells and blessed Spirits as it is written Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. For the Spirit saith that from henceforth they rest from their labors And David calleth the death of the Saints pretious in the sight of the Lord. Doth not the Wise man also say that the soules of the righteous are in the hand of God and that no griefe paine nor torment shall touch them They are in peace saith hee If these things be true as nothing is more true what need ye then to stand nodding in your Memento praying for the dead Ye might as well pray for dead swine For yee have as good authority of the holy Scriptures for the one as for the other But this praying for the dead hath made your Kitchins warme your pots to seeth and your spits to turne merrily It hath fed your idle bellies with the fattest of the flocke and caused you to live in all joy pleasure and quietnesse without any labour paine or travaile Therefore no marevell though such things bee placed in your Masse Take away the praying for the dead and yee Purgatory-rakers may picke your meat upon Newmarket heath For your Dirige groats your Trentalls your Moneth mindes your Anniversaries your Bead-rowls your soul Masse-pence and all such other pelf falls to the
or such as are present at the ministration of Baptisme And so likewise may wee say of the Sacrament of Christs body and bloud Take away the word and what is Bread but Bread What is wine but wine that is to say Take away the preaching of the Lords death from the holy Cōmunion and what doth it profit to eat drinke the Sacramentall bread and wine seeing the mystery is not knowne nor understood But put the preaching of the word to the Elements water bread and wine and so are they made holy and honourable Sacraments full of singular joy and great comfort as Saint Augustine saith Let the word be added to the Element and it is made a Sacrament Therefore where the Lords Supper is rightly ministred there is declared the death and passion of Christ there is shewed forth the misery of man from the which hee could have beene no otherwise released but only by the death of Christ there is taught what the Sacrament is what it signifyeth and to what use Christ our Saviour did institute it there are the people exhorted not rashly nor with unwashed feet as they use to say to come unto the Lords Table but to prove trie and examin themselves whether they come with such faith and love unto that most worthy mystery as they ought least they eat and drinke their own damnation there are they stored up unto the workes of mercie toward the poore and unto hearty thankesgiving to God the Father for the death of his Son Christ there also are they put in remembrance that after they have tasted those heavenly mysteries have spiritually fed upon the body bloud of Christ which through faith are present and truly received in spirit of faithful Cōmunicants and are become one body with Christ they ought no more to returne unto their old sinfull wicked conversation but from henceforth to serve their Lord God in holines righteousnes all the daies of their life Is there any such thing done in the popish Masse Who preacheth Who maketh the exhortation Who moveth the people to repentance faith love and amendment of life mutuall recōciliation workes of mercie or unto thankesgiving to God the Father for the death of his Sonne Christ Who playeth the Schoolmaster and giveth the people such exhortations that they goe home from your Masses better learned than they came thither What theese ever lest his theft What false lawyer gave over his bribing what whore forsooke her whordome what wicked man at any time repented him of his wickednesse by comming unto your Masse Yea rather they goe from your Masse so well instructed that they thinke that now they have heard a Masse they may doe all the day after what they will Amends is made beforehand If they bribe poll pill steale lye slander blaspheme kill murder runne on whoring play the harlot fall to drunkennesse to dicing to carding and doe all other unlawfull things it maketh no matter for they have heard Masse They have satisfyed for the sinne before it be committed The hearing of masse hath dispatcht al the matter aforehand And what marvaile is it though such abomination followeth of your massing seeing the people heareth no goodnesse at it but rather are confirmed in all kind of ungodlinesse The chiefest jewell of all I meane the preaching of Gods word is utterly exiled from your Masse as all goodnesse is besides There is none of you all that stand up in the pulpit that lift up your voice to declare unto the people either their wickednesse or preach unto them the most joyfull pleasant and comfortable Gospel of our Saviour Christ. If there bee any preaching at all the Bells make it when the popish Clark ringeth to Masse The Bells being hanged up tell the people somewhat which they understand namely that there is a popish masse ready at hand come heare it who list and be never the better when yee have done But ye speake nothing at all that the people understand and so are yee worse than the Bells Oh how often have I seene here in England at the ministration of the holy Communion people sitting at the Lords table after they have heard the sermon or the godly exhortation set forth in the Booke of Common prayer read unto them by the minister bitterly weep heartily repent and sorrowfully lament their too much unkindnesse and unthankfulnesse toward the Lord God for the death of his Sonne Christ and for his other benefits againe their negligence in doing their duty toward their poore neighbours what free and large gifts also have I seene given to the poore mens boxe what laying aside of al enmity and renewing of unfained mutuall reconciliation what loving embracing and holy kissing of one another What assurance of heartytty friendship for ever to continue where immortall hatred was before what godlinesse also of life have I seen afterward practised by them that were the Communicants what alteration of manners What newnesse of conversation The covetous man to abhorre his covetousnesse the Adulterer to leave his adultery the Whore to defie her whoredom the Proud man to detest his pride the Vsurer to give over his usury and so forth by hearing the word of God preached and by the worthy receiving of the holy Communion hath full oft bin seen in England when the doctrine of the Gospell flourished among us Never saw I one point of like godlinesse practised of any man by hearing your popish Masses but as they have come thither wicked and ungodly so have they departed againe with the same ungodlines and wickednes rather being the worse than the better by hearing that your Idolatrous masse and yet Oh God be mercifull unto us and forgive us our sinnes the glorious and blessed Cōmunion is now through the craft and subtilty of the devil and through the wilinesse of his sturdy stout champions that filthy Synagogue of Sathan utterly banished out of this Realme unto the great dishonour of God and unspeakable sorrow of all true Christians and that most vile most stinking most pestiferous most abominable most wicked most devillish most idolatrous popish private Masse received again set up and magnifyed above the starres yea and above God and his holy ordinance when indeed of all Idols the Masse is most to be abhorred of such as feare and love God But though your Masse were never so good as indeed it is starke naught without comparison yet forasmuch as it is done without the preaching of the word and in a strange it is altogether unprofitable yea and abominable Notwithstanding behold the hypocrisie and counterfeit holinesse yea rather your double dissimulation and devillish deceiving of the simple people when yee have stood awhile pattering like a sort of asses yee know not what at the lower end of the Altar saying the Introite or office of the Masse as they call it the Kyrrys the Gloria in Excelsis the Collects