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A03949 Bromelion A discourse of the most substantial points of diuinitie, handled by diuers common places: vvith great studie, sinceritie, and perspicuitie. Whose titles you haue in the next page following. S. I., fl. 1595.; Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605. Summa totius Christianismi. English. 1595 (1595) STC 14057; ESTC S107410 412,250 588

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quarrelling Let vs rather reuerence y● which passeth the reach and compasse of our wits and turne our mindes wholy to praise his mercy who by his onely grace hath saued vs when we deserued the like punishment and damnation and were no lesse sinners and wicked thē they The chief matters with places of Scripture for proofe God hath appointed a way to his infinit wisdome and to the execution of his predestination shutting vp al vnder disobadience sinne and vnbeleefe Gall. 3. 22. But the Scripture hath concluded all vnder sinne that the promise by the faith of Iesus Christ should be giuen to them that beléeue Rom. 11. 32. God hath shut vp all in vnbeléefe that he might haue mercy vpon all that beléeue So that the way to the Godly to be partakers of mercy is to beleeue wherein we must vnderstand that faith is a gift of God peculiarly belonging to the elect and chosen children of God Acts. 13. 48. And when the Gentiles heard it they were glad and glorified the word of the Lord and as many as were ordained vnto eternal life beléeued Ephe. 2. 8. For by grace are ye saued through faith and that not of your selues it is the gift of God Titus 1. 1. Paule a seruant of God and an Apostle of Iesus Christ according to the faith of Gods elect which is proper and peculiar vnto them so that they that are partakers of faith may assure themselues y● they pertaine to god Philip. 1. 29. For vnto you it is giuen for Christ that not only ye should beléeue in him but also suffer for his sake Gal. 5. 22. The frute of the spirit is loue ioy peace long suffring gentlenes goodnes faith Iohn 6. 65. No man can come vnto me except it be giuen vnto him of my father As also they that doe not beleeue nor knowe God are iustly condemned 2. These 3. 2. Pray for vs that we may be deliuered from vnreasonable and euill men For all men haue not faith Mat. 13. 11. It is giuen vnto you saith Christ to knowe the secrets of the kingdome of heauen but to them it is not giuen For the gospell and meanes of saluation is hid to them that perish 2. Cor. 4. 3. 4. 2. Thes 2. 10. Ihon 12. 37. And though Iesus had done so many miracles before them yet beléeued they not on him That the saying of Esaias the Prophet might be fulfiled c. Man created in innocency puritie and holinesse Gene. 1. 27. Thus God created the man in his image in the image of God created he him he created them male and female And what vertuous and holy qualities were there which were not in the image of God according as it is at large set downe Ephe. 4. 24. Put on the new man which after God is created in righteousnes true holines and so forth to the end of the chapter Man fell not from God by constraint or necessitie but became seruant of sin through his owne will Gen. 3. 6. So the woman séeing that the trée was good for meat and that it was pleasant to the eies and a trée to be desired to get knowledge tooke of the frute thereof and did eate and gaue also to her husband with her and he did eate which thing was contrary to the commaundement of God and a penaltie of death set vpon them if they did eate as we reade chap. 2. 16. 17. And the Lord God commanded the man saying Thou shalt eate fréely of euery trée of the garden but as touching the trée of know●edge of good and euill thou shalt not eate of it For whensoeuer thou eatest thereof thou shalt die the death By which fall and and disobedience he did binde and drawe the whole nature of man to sin and so consequently to the death of body and soule Ro. 7. 20. Nowe if I doe that I would not it is no more I that do it but the sinne that dwelleth in me Ro. 5. 12. Wherefore as by one man sinne entred into the world and death by sinne and so death went ouer all men forasmuch as all men haue sinned This fall of man came not by chaunce or fortune because the prouidence of God reacheth euen to the smallest matters Mat. 10. 29. 30. Are not two sparrowes sold for a farthing and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your father yea and all the haires of your head are numbred Pro. 16. 33. The lot is cast into the lappe but the whole disposition thereof is of the Lord. What matter God hath so ordained to shewe his glory by mercy to the one and wrath to the other Ro. 9. 21. Hath not the potter power of the clay to make of the same lumpe on vessell to honour and an other vnto dishonour What and if God would to shewe his wrath and to make his power to be knowne suffer with long patience the vessels of wrath prepared to destruction And that he might declare the riches of his glorie vpon the vessels of mercy which he hath prepared vnto glorie Pet. 2. 6. 8. Behold I put in Sion a chiefe corner stone elect and precious and he that beleueth therein shall not be ashamed A stone to stumble at and a rocke of offence euen to them which stumble at the word being disobedient vnto the which thing they were euē ordained Neither saluation nor damnation is the finall end of Gods counsaile but his owne glory Ro. 9. 17. For the scripture saith vnto Pharaoh For this same purpose haue I stirred thée vp that I might shewe my power in thée and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth Pro. 16. 4. The Lord hath made all things for his owne sake yea euen the wicked for the day of euill For ere the children were borne and when they had neither done good nor euill that the purpose of God might remaine according to election not by workes but by him that calleth it was said vnto Rebecca their mother The elder shall serue the younger As it is written I haue loued Iacob and haue hated Esau Well in this cause may men pleade against God but it shall not preuaile Ro. 9. 19. 20. Thou wilt say then vnto me Why doth he yet complaine For who hath resisted his will But O mā who art thou which pleadest against God shal the thing formed say to him that formed it Why hast thou made me thus But rather we ought to reuerence that which is past our reach and turne our minds wholly to praise god in his workes especially for his mercy toward vs. Ro. 11. 33. O the déepenesse of the riches both of the wisdome and knowledge of God! howe vn searchable are his iudgements and his waies past finding out Ps 107. 8. O that men would therefore confesse before the Lord his louing kindnes and praise him for his wonderfull workes that he doeth for the children of men The fourth Chapter By what order God proceedeth to declare and
25. 26. Instructing them with méekenesse that are contrary minded shewing their faults out of the lawe of God prouing if God at any time will giue them repentance that they may know the trueth And that they may come to amendement out of the snare of the diuell which are taken of him at his will Acts 2. 37. Now when they heard it they were pricked in their heart and said vnto Peter the other Apostles Men and brethren what shall we do Not that they should remaine in feare but beholding their danger might flie to Christ 1. Ihon. 2. 1. 2. My babes these things write I vnto you that ye sinne not and if any man sinne we haue an aduocat with the father Iesus Christ the iust And he is the reconciliation for our sinnes Ihon. 2. 12. As many as receiued him to them he gaue power to be the sonnes of God euen to them that beléeue in his name Ihon. 3. 16. 17. 18. God so loued the world that he hath giuen his onely begotten sonne that whosoeuer beléeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life For God sent not his sonne into the world that he should condemne the world but that the world through him might be saued He that beléeueth in him shall not be condemned but he that beléeueth not is condemned alreadie Mat. 9. 13. I came not to call the righteous but the sinners vnto repentannce Ro. 1. 16. The gospel is the power of saluation to euery one that beléeueth And so almost in euery leafe of the whole scripture Called they are to comfort by the preaching of faith Ro. 8. 17. Then faith is by hearing and hearing by the word of God Ro. 8. 1. There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus Chap. 5. 1. Then being iustified by faith we haue peace towards God through our Lord Iesus Christ 2. Chor. 5. 18. All things are of God which hath reconciled vs vnto himself by Iesus Christ and hath giuen vnto vs the ministery of reconciliation For God was in Christ and reconciled the world to himselfe not imputing their sinne vnto them and hath committed to vs the word of reconciliation Now thē are we imbassadours for Christ although God did beséech you through vs we pray you in Christ his stéede that yée be reconciled to God For he hath made him to be in sinne for vs that knowe no sinne that we should be made the righteousnesse of God in him 1. Pet. 1. 23. Being borne anew not of mortall séede but of immortall by the worde of god who liueth and endureth for euer Coloss 1. 27. 28. God would make knowne which is the riches of his glorious ministerie among the Gentiles which riches is Christ in you the hope of glorie Whome we preach admonishing euery man in all wisedome that we may present euery man perfect in Christ Iesus Gene. 3. 8. Adam and Eue heard the voice of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the coole of the day So God chooseth his best time to winne vs not in the time of our offence when indéede he might iustly destroie vs but after we haue committed sinne in mercy he calleth vs that we shall remember and haue remorse for that which we haue done Iohn 6. 47. Verely verely I say vnto y●● He that beléeueth in me hath euerlasting life The outward preaching profiteth not vnlesse the inward working of Gods good spirit be ioyned vnto it Ihon. 6. 44. No man can come to me except the father which hath sent me drawe him by the power of his spirit ●●d v. 65. Iesus said no man can come vnto me except it be giuen vnto him of my father Mat. 13. 10. 11. His disciples said to him Why speakest thou to the people in parables And he said because it is giuen vnto you to know the secrets of the kingdome of god but to them it is not giuen Iohn 4 10 Iesus said vnto her If thou knowest the gift of god who it is that saieth to thée Giue me drinke thou wouldest haue asked of him and he would haue giuen thée water of life Iohn 3. 3. Iesus said vnto Nicodemus verely verely I say vnto thée except a man be borne againe he cannot sée the kingdome of god 1. Cor. 2. 11. 14. For what man knoweth the things of a man sauing the spirit of a man which is in him euen so the things of god knoweth no man but the spirit of god But the naturall man perceiueth not the things of the spirit of god For they are foolishnesse vnto him neither can he knowe them because they are spiritually discerned 2. Cor. 3. 5. Not that we are sufficient of our selues to thinke any thing as of our selues but our sufficiencie is of god Ezek. 11. 19. The spirit of god worketh in vs by altering our hearts And I will giue them one heart and I will put a new spirit within their bowels and I will take the stony heart out of their bodies and I will giue them a heart of flesh Chap. 36. 26. Iohn 16. 13. When the spirit of truth is come he will leade you into all truth Psal 119. 18. Open my heart that I may vnderstand the wondrous things of thy lawe Ephe. 1. 9. 16. 17. 18. Hee hath opened vnto vs the mistery of his will according to his good pleasure which hee had purposed in him I make mention of you in my prayers that the God of our Lorde Iesus Christ the father of glory might giue vnto you the spirit of wisedome and reuelation through the knowledge of him That the eyes of your vnderstanding may be lightened that ye may knowe what the hope is of his calling and what the riches of his glorious inheritance is in the saints And what is the excéeding greatnesse of his power toward vs which beléeue Esay 50. 5. The Lord God hath opened my eare and I was not rebellious neither turned I backe Psal 119. 73. Thine han●s haue made me and fashioned me O giue me vnderstanding therefore that I may learne thy commandements Collo 1. 9. We cease net to pray for you and to desire that ye might be fulfilled with knowledge of his will in all wisedome and spirituall vnderstanding Iere. 31. 34. And they shall teach no more euery man his neighbour and euery man his brother saying Knowe the Lord For they shall all know me from the least of them to the greatest of them saith the Lord for I wil forgiue their iniquitie and will remember their sinnes no more 2. Tim. 2. 25. Prouing if God at any time will giue them repentance and open their hearts Luke 24. 16. 45. When our Sauiour Christ talked with the two disciples that went to Emaus their eyes were holden that they could not know him Then opened he their vnderstanding that they might vnderstand the Scriptures Acts. 16. 14. And a certaine woman named Lydia a seller of purple of the citie of the Thyatirians which worshipped
Forasmuch as that which may be knowne of God is manifest in them For God hath shewed it vnto them For the inuisible things of him that is his eternall power and godhead are séene by creation of the world being considered in his workes to the intent that they should be without excuse Acts. 14. 16. 17. God in times past suffered all the gentiles to walke in their owne waies Neuerthelesse he left not himselfe without a witnesse in that he did good and gaue vs raine from heauen and frutefull seasons filling our hearts with foode and gladnesse And Chap. 17. 27. That they should séeke the Lord if so be they might haue groped after him Through there owne default Ro. 1. 21. Because that when they knewe God they glorified him not as God neither were thankfull but became vaine in theire imaginations and their foolish heart was full of darkenesse Iohn 15. 22. If I had not come and spoken vnto them they should not haue had sinne but nowe haue they no cloake for there sinne verse 24. If I had not done workes among them which none other man did they had not had sinne that is they had not bene so greatly in fault Ro. 2. 12. For as many as haue sinned without the law that is without the knowledge of the written lawe shall perish also without the lawe their conscience being a lawe vnto them Iohn 3. 19. And this is the condemnation that light is come into the world and men loued darknes rather then light because there déeds were euill And surely that which they can attaine vnto in knowing God by their light or rather naturall darkenesse albeit they neuer failed in the way but so cōtinued yet were it in no wise sufficient vnto saluation For it is necessary for vs that shall be saued that we know God not onely as God but as our father in Christ Iohn 17. 3. And this is life eternall that they know thée to be the onely very God and whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ And chapter 3. 26. He that beléeueth in the sonne hath euerlasting life and he that obeieth not the sonne shall not sée life but the wrath of GOD abideth on him The which misterie flesh and blood doth not reueale but the sonne himselfe to them whom his father hath giuen him Matt. 11. 27. All things are giuen to me of my father and no man knoweth the same but the father neither knoweth any man the father but the sonne and he to whom the sonne wll reueale him Mat. 16. 16. 17. Simon Peter answered and said Thou art that Christ the sonne of the liuing God And Iesus said vnto him Blessed art thou Simon the sonne of Ionas For flesh and blood hath not reuealed it to thée but my father which is in heauen Iohn 1. 10. He was in the world and the world knew him not But as many as receiued him to them he gaue power to be the sonnes of God euen of thē that beléeue in his name Which are borne not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of God And chap. 3. 5. 6. Iesus answered Nicodemus verily verily I say vnto thee except that a man be borne of water and of the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdome of God That which is borne of the flesh is flesh and that that is borne of the spirit is spirit Secondly they are called by the preaching of the Gospell but because they are not of the number of the elect being called they heare not Luke 12. 47. That seruant which knewe his masters will and prepared not himselfe neither did according to his will shall be beate wiih many stripes Matt. 22. 14. For many are called but few are chosen Luke 13. 34. O Ierusalem Ierusalem which killest the Prophets and stonest them that are sent to thée howe often would I haue gathered thy children togither as the henne gathereth her brood vnder her wings and ye would not Chap. 19. 44. They shall make thée euen with the ground because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation Iere. 7. 27. Therefore shalt thou speake all these wordes vnto them but they will not heare thée Thou shalt also cry vnto them but they will not aunswere thée Pro. 1. 24. 26. 28. 26. Because when I called yée refused I will laugh at your destruction and mocke when your feare commeth They shall call vppon mée but I will not answere they shall séeke mée earely but they shall not finde mée Because they hated knowledge and did not choose the feare of the Lord. And forasmuche as they are not able to receiue the spirit of truth Iohn 14. 16. 17. And I will pray the father and he shall giue you an other comforter that hée may abide with you for euer Euen the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receiue because it seeth him not neither knoweth it him but yée knowe him for he dwelleth with you and shall be in you Chap. 12. 39. 40. Therefore could they not beléeue because that Esaias saieth againe hée hath blinded their eyes and hardned their heart that they should not sée with their eyes nor vnderstand with their heart and should be conuerted and I should heale them 2. Thess 3. 2. All men haue not faith Mat. 13. 9. 11. He that hath eares to heare let him heare To you it is giuen to knowe the secrets of the kingdome of heauen but to them it is not giuen 1. Cor. 2. 14. The naturall man perceiueth not the things of the spirit of God for they are foolishnesse vnto him neither can he know thē because they are spiritually discerned The word of life is folly vnto them and an offence 1. Cor. 1. 18. The preaching of the crosse is to them that perish foolishnesse but vnto vs that are saued it is the power of God Verse 23. 24. We preach Christ crucified vnto the Iewes euen a stumbling blocke and vnto the Grecians foolishnesse But vnto them which are called both of Iewes and Grecians we preach Christ the power of God and the wisedome of God And finally the sauour of death vnto death to their destruction 2. Cor. 2. 16. To the one wee are the sauour of death vnto death and to the other the sauour of life vnto life Thirdly their hearts are opened but they beleeue generally Iam. 2. 19. Thou beléeuest that there is one God thou doest well the diuels beléeue it and tremble Fourthly they are most miserable of all who climbe a degree higher that their fall may be the more greeuous For they are raised by some gift of grace and yet fall away Heb. 6 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. For it is impossible that they which were once lightened and haue tasted of the heauenly gift and were made partakers of the holy Ghost and haue tasted of the good word of God and of the power of the world to come if they fall away should be renued againe by repentaunce séeing they crucifie
God for if righteousnesse be by the lawe then Christ died without a cause Rom. 10. 4. For Christ is the end of the lawe for righteousnesse vnto euery one that beléeueth And chapter 11. 5. 6. Euen so then at this present time is there a remnant through the election of grace And if it be of grace it is no more of workes or else were grace no more grace but if it be of workes it is no more grace or else were worke no more worke Ephe. 2. 4. 5. 8. 9. 10. But God which is rich in mercie through his great loue wherewith he loued vs euen when wee were dead by sinnes hath quickened vs togither in Christ by whose grace ye are saued For by grace are ye saued through faith and that not of your selues it is the gift of god Not of woorkes least any man should boast himselfe But that we should be carefull to shewe foorth good workes therefore hée speaketh in the next verse Verse 10. For we are his workemanship created in Christ Iesus vnto good workes which God hath ordained that we should walke in them 1. Tim. 1. 9. Who hath saued vs and called vs with an holy calling not according to our workes but according to his own purpose and grace which was giuen to vs through Christ Iesus before the world was 1. Pet. 2. 12. And haue your conuersation honest among the gentiles that they which speake euill of you as of euill doers may by your good workes which they shall sée glorifle god in the day of the visitation Perseuerance in faith is requisite vnto saluation Mat. 10. 22. And ye shall be hated of all men for my name But hee that endureth to to the ende shall be saued Mat. 24. 45. Blessed is that seruant whom his maister shall finde so doing Now we need not feare lest this doctrine make vs negligent or dissolute For this peace of conscience whereof we speake ought to be distinct and seperate from foolish securitie and he that is the sonne of God seeing he is moued and gouerned by the spirit of God wil neuer through the consideration of Gods benefit take occasion of negligence and dissolution Rom. 5. 1. 2. Then being iustified by faith we haue peace toward god through our Lord Iesus Christ By whom also we haue accesse through faith vnto this grace wherin we stand and reioyce vnder the hope of the glory of god Rom. 8. 12. 13. 14. 15. Therfore brethren we are debters not to the flesh to liue after the flesh For if ye liue after the flesh ye shall die but if ye mortifie the déeds of the body by the spirit ye shall liue For as many as are ledde by the spirit of God they are the sonnes of God Ephe. 1 4. A● he hath chosen vs in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in loue 2. Tim. 1. 7. For God hath not giuen to vs the spirit of feare but of power and of loue and of a sound mind 1. Iohn 3. 20. 21. 24. If our heart condemne vs God is greater then our hearts and knoweth all things Beloued if our heart condemne vs not then haue wée boldnesse towards God For he that kéepeth his commandements dwelleth in him and he in him And hereby wée know that he abideth in vs euen by the spirit which hée hath giuen vs. This matter of Predestination is obscure aboue all others vnto the wit of man but opened and reuealed vnto vs by the word of God The Scripture therfore witnesseth that they that are predestinate vnto saluation are first called and that so effectually that they heare and beleeue and fructifie then also are they iustified and sanctified and in the life to come glorified Iohn 6. 44 45. No man can come vnto me except the father which hath sent me drawe him by the force of gods word and by the secret working of his spirit And I will raise him vp at the last day As it is written in the Prophets And they shall be taught of God Euery man therefore that hath heard and hath learned of the father commeth to me Acts. 2. 47. And the Lord added to the Church by the Apostles preaching from day to day such as should be saued Iohn 10. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. ●ée beléeue not for ye are not of my shéepe as I said vnto you My shéepe heare my voice and I knowe them and they followe me And I giue vnto them eternall life and they shall ueuer perish neither shall any plucke them out of my hand My father which gaue them me is greater then all and none is able to take them out of my fathers hand Acts. 13. 48. And when the Gentiles heard it they were glad and glorified the word of the Lord and as many as were ordained vnto eternall life beléeued And chap. 16. 14. And a certaine woman named Lidia a celler of purple of the city of the Thyatirians which worshipped God heard vs whose heart the Lord opened that she attended vnto the things that Paul spake Hebr. 3. 7. 8. Wherefore as the holy Ghost saith To day if ye shall heare his voice harden not your hearts as in the prouocation according to the day of temptation in the wildernesse And. chapt 42. For vnto vs was the Gospell preached as also vnto them but the word that they heard profited not them because it was not mixed with faith in those that heard it Consider by litle and litle and try diligenly if thou be iustified and sanctified in Christ through faith For these two be the effects or ftuites whereby the faith is knowne which is their cause 2. Cor. 13. 5. Proue your selues whether ye are in the faith examine your selues knowe ye not your owne selues except ye be reprobates Rom. 8. 30. Moreouer whom he predestinate them also he called and whom he called them also he iustified and whom he iustified them he also glorified As for this thou shalt partly knowe by the spirit of Adopion which crieth within thee Abba father Gal. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. That hée might redéeme them which were vnder the lawe that we might receiue the adoption of sonnes And because ye are sonnes God hath sent foorth the spirit of his sonne into your hearts which crieth Abba father Wherefore thou art no more a seruant but a sonne Nowe if thou be a sonne thou art also the heire of GOD through Christ Rom. 8. 15. For ye haue not receiued the spirit of bondage to feare againe but ye haue receiued the spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba father And partly by the vertue and effect of the same spirit which is wrought in thee Rom. 16. 17. The same spirit beareth witnesse with our spirit that we are the children of God If we be children we are also heires euen the heires of god and heires annexed with Christ 1. Iohn 3. 24. For he that kéepeth his commandements dwelleth in him and he
from the secrete and malicious conspiracies treasons and trecheries of vnnaturall subiects and from the sauage cruelties of forraine foes doo giue sufficient cause not only to vs but euen to the enemie also to say That there is no God that can deliuer after this sorte but onely the Almightie that hath established her All these benefites O Lorde wée confesse doo procéede from thy goodnesse and from thy mercy toward vs. To thée belongeth praise and honour and power but to vs shame and confusion Yet grant vnto vs good Lord that we may both receiue these thy benifits thankfully and that we may performe our duties accordingly Increase her daies continue her gouernment defend her from her enemies keepe her in thy feare and after this life grant her all happinesse euen to rule and raigne with thée for euer among the blessed soules Grant also to vs that we may haue the benifit of thy truth and Gospell long among vs and that thy blessings of peace and prosperitie may be séene in this land So shall we be bound more and more to praise and magnifie thy name for thy great and infinit goodnesse towards vs For her Maiesrie and for vs thy seruants and her faithful subiects thus we conclude our praiers O Lord blesse and kéep vs O Lord make thy face to shine vpon vs and be mercifull vnto vs O Lord lift thou vp thy countenance vpon vs and giue vs thy peace All which benifits and blessings we begge of thée O heauenly Father for Iesus Christ his sake in that forme of prater which he himselfe hath taught vs saying Our Father c. A secret Meditation to God before the deliuery of the word LEt the words of my mouth O Lord and the meditation of my heart be alwaies acceptable in thy sight Set thou a watch before my mouth and so kéepe the doore of my lippes that speaking before this congregation assembled here in thy holy name I may specially intreat of those things which tend to thy glory the good of thy Church the discharge of my dutie the comfort of the afflicted conscience the euerthrow of sinne and the aduauncement of vertue through Iesus Christ our Lord. So be it I. D. A publque forme of Praier O Most mightie God most gracious and mercifull father we stand before thy maiestie defiled with the filthinesse of many and most gréeuous sinnes whereof we confesse we are not able to answere thée one of a thousand if thou O Lord shouldst enter into iudgement with vs. For in sinne were we conceaued and borne and therefore are guiltie of originall corruption and in sinne haue we liued and continued and therefore stand guiltie of actuall transgression which hath broken foorth vppon vs in thought word and déede from time to time continually euen vnto this present Wherefore we humbly craue thy mercy and the grace of forgiuenesse in Iesus Christ for therein we confesse standeth the only hope of our comfort and welfare And forasmuch as it hath pleased thée to giue thine owne sonne to be a flaine sacrifice for our sinnes and to offer the grace of reconciliation by the preaching of the Gospell to all them that repent and beléeue the same good Lord we beséech thée vouchsafe to make vs of that blessed number worke true repentance in our hearts increase our faith and giue vs grare to bring foorth the frutes thereof that so it may appeare that we haue not receiued thy holy grace in vaine And for this purpose good Lord we beséech thee blesse the Ministery of thy word at this present gius me grace to speak it as it ought to be spoken sincerely and boldly giue grace to this people to he are it attentiuely and reuerently giue grace to vs all to beléeue it stedfastly to follow it obediently and constantly to continue euen to the end That seruing thée faithfully in this life we may liue and raigne with thée for euer in the life to come through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen The Praier which M. Deering vsed before his Lectures O Lord God which hast left vnto vs thy holy word to be a lanterne vnto our féete and a light vnto our steppes giue vnto vs all thy holy spirite that out of the same word we may learne what is thy eternall will and frame our liues in all obedience to the same to thy honour and glorie and increase of our faith through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An excellent speech of M. Deering a little before his death whereby thou maist clearly see and learne that there is a sweete peace in death to all such as painfully serue the Lord in life For he being raised vp in bedde and his friend requesting him to speake the Sunne shone on his face and thereby tooke occasion thus to say THere is but one Sunne that giueth light to the world there is but one righteousnesse there is but one communion of Saints If I were the excellentest creature in the world If I were as righteous as Abraham Isaac and Sa●ob for they were excellent men in the world yet we must all confesse that we are great sinners and that there ●●●o saluation but in the righteousnesse of Iesus Christ And we haue all néed of the grace of God And for my part as concerning death I féele such ioy of spirit that if I should haue the sentence of life on the one side and the sentence of death on the other side I had rather choose a thousand times séeing God hath appointed the seperation the sentence of death then the sentence of life Soli Deo laus gloria gratia IN euery Sermon for the most part these points are to be vsed The declaration of the order of the text by opening the circumstances The diuision The doctrine The confutation The vse and application Exhortation or reprehension or both The Conclusion wherin the chéefest matters must be remembred and briefly collected that the auditorie may the better kéepe and carry away those things which are necessary and for their vse All which although I haue not vsed I haue left the matter to the discretion of them that shall haue knowledge better to handle their matters then I haue handled mine Let thy text be applied to thy auditorie and haue care to vtter those thinges that are most waightie to be touched and of thy auditorie to be remembred Be circumspect wise and discréete Endeuour to be briefe and pithie There is an other Methode as profitable which Maister Vdall vseth in his Commentary vpon the Lamentations of Ieremy Consisting on these thrée points the Doctrine Reason Vse Some only learne for knowledge sake but that is curiositie And some for praise great paines do take but that is foolish vanitie Some learne for gaine but lightly those do leaue the text and vse the gloze But learning ioynd with vertues lore doth leade to Christianitie The glory of God and people taught the way is to eternitie To the Right Worshipfull and one
the blessed hope c. Faith must giue vs assurance of greater glory frō god ere we can let go the hold we haue here beneath Therfore it is made a speciall note of gods childrē and necessarily toyned vnto his worship to be in expectation of the latter day and the glorie and of Christ his comming who shall bestow this benefite vpon the godly as to deliuer them from the wrath to come The Apostle going about to perswade the Thessalonians taketh his effectuall reason from that which was in most reuerence and regard with them and likewise to bring them into the earnest consideration of his words framing his speach thus 2. Thes 2. I beseech you brethren by the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ and our gathering togither and vniting vnto him So that the looking for of the last day séemeth to him to be in great reuerence regard and assured expectation among them And when hee laboureth to lift them off the earth commonly he reareth them vp with no other instrument then this that is the waiting for the glorie and hope of another life And in the third to the Phil. opening the meane of their stay from hunting after worldly and transitorie matters with the false Apostles which minded earthly thinges he saith thus But our conuersation is in heauen from whence we looke for a sauiour euen the Lord Iesus who shall change our vile bodie that it may be like his glorious bodie In the 11. to the Heb. the obedience of Abraham in leauing his own countrey not knowing whither he should go nor what should become of him is ascribed to this that he waited for a citie that had a foundation whose builder and maker is God For all thinges in the world are subiect to corruption and alteration The great thinges that are spoken of Moyses in accomp●ing the rebuke of Christ to be of more value than the treasures of Egypt and his not fearing the furie of the king is onely imputed to this that he was as if he had séene him that is inuisible The comming of the glory of the great God was alwaies before his eies The greatnesse of the thing and the excellency of it is noted in these wordes The glory of the great God our sauior Christ The same glory which the great God our sauior Christ inheriteth is that which we waite for and hepe in due time according to our measure to be partakers of Most worthie it is the waiting for and great cause there is why we should be moued to sanctification and holinesse of life hauing so great things in expectation We beséech you saith S. Paul 1. Thes 2. 12. that ye would walk worthie of God who vouchsafeth to call you vnto his owne kingdome and glory The glory of this world dazeleth our cies and therefore must we be drawne vp by meditation of greater things before we shal be able to let these be of smal reckning and account with vs. The greatnesse of the glorie once throughly digested would set these in a base and lowe place it would make the things of this life vanish as smoake from our presence While in minde and inwarde thought we behold and looke not on the things which are séene but on the things which are not séene For the things which are séene are temporall but the things which are not séene are eternall If it be but the expectation of a transitorie kingdome when it is once deuoured and digested by hope we sée it maketh men neglect liues goods landes friends wife and children and so to hazard all The Merchant that is in expectation of some great gaine we sée into what vnknowne countries into what dangers by sea he wil commit himselfe The great regard and care that is had euery where to the things here belowe the gréedie following after them the carefull pursuing of pleasures profits and honors doo plainly speake that the hope of another life is not yet setled in the hearts of a number and that is the cause that godlinesse and a holy life is so litle practised and performed Let vs call to remembrance how that in this life is our day to wait and this is our time to serue and we must assure our selues with the holy Apostle S. Paul 2. Tim. 4. that we haue fought a good fight against our ghostly enemies sinne the world and the diuel and that we haue led our liues in the feare of God before we can or shal truly say and our conscience witnesse vnto vs that from hencefoorth is laide vp for me the crowne of righteousnesse And if our consciences and the good spirite of God can warrant our hearts herein without all doubt and feare then when Christ which is our life shall appeare shall be glorious and appeare with him in glory There is no pleasure in this world which the Lord hath not matched with some griefe and paine to take away and remoue if it might be our delight and to place it in thinges of greater estimation and which shal be more sure vnto vs. If the glorie of God cannot preuaile against vs ●● it cannot change our taste and that the pleasures of this life be more swéete vnto vs this sweete shal not alwaies 〈◊〉 but as after a faire day commeth a foule and after a calme a tempest and so miserie in the world to come shall follow earthly delightes and this our transitorie worldly happinesse If so great hire as is Gods owne glory cannot allure vs brutish and sencelesse must then our nature néedes be what a greater argument and proofe can we haue of our blockishnesse then that so great thinges can get no more attendance of vs The truth is that we are too much perswaded of the excellencie of these worldly matters as pleasures honours riches and such like And therefore in all places that are alleadged and which speak of the waiting for of Christ his comming there the benefite is set sorth with it and the greatnesse thereof remembred which pointeth at our darknesse and vnbelief herein and telleth vs that the glory of this world standeth as a cloud betweene the great glory which is to come and our blinded sight Wherefore let ve inlarge our hope and by meditation and praier enter into some serious and waightie consideration of the length bredth depth of that glory So shall we sée such a portion of it as will comfort vs euen in our great afflictions and deepest extremities counting ●● a great honour that we are vouchsafed his seruice as the Apostles heretofore haue reioyced herein And if the waiting for of that glory be so great as shall swallow vp all griefe and sorrow which afflictions may bring with them how much more shall the same incourage vs to a holie and sanctified life and to all duties of godlinesse And now am I come to the last part of my text which I purpose God willing in a few words to end least ye should be 〈◊〉 much wearied and too
lawes of men as of the lawes of God The lawes of men haue respect but to the outward déed but the lawes of God to the hart and inward thoughts of the minde No doubt euery one thinketh it a worthy matter to them that can kéep themselues in that compasse but because they knowe not the happinesse that consisteth therein therefore they do not so greatly set their hearts and mindes vpon it Which happinesse and great commodities and aduantages that it bringeth being considered would make vs to haue it in high estimation and more to desire it then that happinesse which the world doth account off Therefore let vs hearken how the word of God doth set it foorth vnto vs that we may be fully assured and perfectly know the benefites thereof and that we may account all earthly and worldly delights in respect of this delight but vanitie that we may be throughly inamoured therewith as if wée did behold the glorious and glistering throne of the Maiestie of God and that we may be as they that are rauished with an excellent and excessiue desire who can neuer be at rest vntill they haue obtained it And because the heart of man is principally set vpon earthly commodities and temporall blessings therefore it pleased the spirit of God first to begin with that perswasion that so by little and little hée might draw their mindes from earthly commodities to heauenly matters of great waight and importance And to say the truth what profite is there or what blessing may bee reckoned which the feare of God dooth not bring The Prophet Moses in a briefe summe dooth set downe all worldly commodities which procéede from the feare of God which are named Deutro 28. These blessings saith he shall come vppon thee and ouertake thee Blessed shalt thou be in the Cittie and blessed also in the field Blessed shall be the frute of thy bodie and the frute of thy ground and the frute of thy cattle the increase of thy kine and the flockes of thy sheepe Blessed shalt thou bee when thou commest in and blessed also when thou goest out The Lord shall cause thy enemies that rise against thee to fall before thy face they shall come foorth against thee one way and shall flie before thee seuen wayes The Lord shall commaund the blessing to be with thee in thy store-houses and in all that thou settest thine hand vnto The Lord shall make thee plenteous in goods Hee shall open vnto thee his good treasure euen the heauen to giue raine vnto thy lande in due season and to blesse all the workes of thy handes so that thou shalt lend vnto many Nations but shalt not borrowe thy selfe And the Lorde shall make thee the heade and not the tayle and thou shalt be aboue onely and shall not bee beneath thou shalt be of the better and not of the baser sort of whom there is made small reckoning and account yea thou shalt liue in countenance and be well taken It is said of our sauiour Christ that hée encreased in wisedome and stature and in fauour with God and men so is it also with them that feare God whom it pleaseth God to account and accept for his children they shal increase in the fauour of God and men and they shall liue with credit and good report Good report whereas if thou liuest contrary and without the feare of God euery body shall be readie to speake ill of thée and as the Prouerbe is An ill name halfe hangd In consideration also of which prosperitie the Prophet Dauid doth breake forth into this spéech of wonder Psal 31. 19. How great is thy goodnes ô Lord which thou hast laid vp for them that feare thee And how hast thou done for them which trust in thee euen before the sonnes of men And as though the Prophet could not sufficiently satisfie himselfe with the commendation of the estate of them that feare God and liue in his obedience he vttereth yet more being plentifull in his spéeches as the sea is in his waues Psal 128. Blessed is euerie one that feareth the Lord and walketh in his waies When thou eatest the labours of thy handes thou shalt be blessed and it shall be well with thee Thy wife shall be as the fruitfull vine on the sides of thine house and thy children like the Oliue branches round about thy table Lo surely thus shall the man be blessed that feareth the Lord yea further he shall sée his childrens children to reioyce his heart and make his life the longer All this prosperitie the wicked sort shall sée and behold The wicked enuy at their prosperitie and be amazed they shall be angry in their heart and shall greatly enuy to sée the godly in such good state they shall gnash with their téeth and consume away For their own enuy shall eate them vp and bring them to their graue before their time God doth inrich the godly and them that feare him in such sort that it is past mans expectation and past that The straunge inriching of them that fear God which the godly themselues may hope for so that it séemeth straunge and wonderfull to the world both that the godly might haue the greater cause and that with moste chéerfull hearts to praise and magnifie the name of God and be thankfull vnto him and also that all other that sée it may acknowledge it to be Gods doing and as Iannes and Iambres the sorcerers of King Pharaoh said when they resisted Moses the seruant of God This is the finger of God and God hath done it and he onely hath brought it to passe who hath a care ouer his children more then the hen that flocketh her broode togither and couereth them with her wings As we read in the Psalmes When my father and mother forsake mee the Lord taketh mee vp According to that in the Prophecie of Esay Cap. 49. 15. Can a woman forget her childe and not haue compassion on the sonne of her wombe Though they should forget yet will not I forget saith the Lord. So true it is that the Prophet Dauid recordeth I haue bene yoong and now am old and yet sawe I neuer the righteous forsaken nor their seede begging their bread Which thing is manifestly séene in the examples of Abraham Isaack Iacob Ioseph and their posteritie which examples I cannot stand vpon but onely I referre you to their stories in the booke of Genesis where you shall sée the plentifull goodnes of God toward them being fed mainteined and inriched onely by Gods hand which stories are most worthie both the reading and meditation They that feare God want nothing whereas the Lyons want roare for hunger The earth is the Lords and all that therein is and he hath prepared the earth and all the blessings thereof principally and chiefly for them that liue in his obedience So that they may speake boldly and with assurance of confidence Quaeuis terra patria Euery place in the
VVisedome heauenly gifts and graces and see how by the feare of God we are furthered in them that we may fully and perfectly knowe that there is no happinesse that man can desire which the feare of God doth not reach vnto And first concerning that excellent gift of wisedom It is said that The feare of God is the beginning of wisedome and a good vnderstanding haue all they that do therafter And what greater commoditie can there be then wisedome For it maketh men gracious among Princes and great men And by daily experience we sée that they that excell in wisedome excell in credit also Whereas Kings and Princes haue bene despised of their subiects Nobles also mightie men haue bene little set by of their inferiours for want of wisedome applying themselues to their lusts and to the vanitie of their humours whereby they departed from the seare of God so that there was no wisdom found in them Wherby they became as the Prophet doth set them forth Psa 49. 20. Man being in honor hath no vnderstanding but is compared vnto the beasts that perish And againe as we read Pro. 3. 35. The wise shall inherit glory but fooles dishonour though they be exalted When king Saul saw that Dauid 1. Sa. 18. was very wise he was affraid of him and whē he vnderstood that the Lord was with him then was hee more and more affraid and Saul became alwaies Dauids enemy And when Ecc. 24. 11. the Princes of the Philistins went forth at their going forth Dauid behaued himselfe more wisely then all the seruants of Saul so that his name was much set by No other cause was there that brought Ioseph from a prisoner to the estate of a Prince but that the feare of God had planted wisedome in his heart for the which he was so highly honoured among straungers The feare of the Lord is the onely step to wisedome as we read Psal 25. 12. What man is hee that feareth the Lord him will hee teach the way that hee shall chuse Nay further The secret of the Lord is reuealed to them that feare him and his couenant to giue them vnderstanding All earthly secrets may be found out but as for The hidden mistery of saluation the wisedome of God and the secret of the Lord concerning the spirituall vnderstanding of his heauenly will and secret blessings Let the depth say It is not in me and the heigth say I cannot attaine vnto it Onely he that feareth God is partaker therof So saith that worthy seruant of god Iob. 28. Behold to man he said the feare of the Lord is wisedome The feare of God doth not onely leade vs to that wisedome which may serue for this present life but by steppes and degrées it dooth bring vs to that wisedome which maketh vs partakers of saluation which is a most principall benefit and blessing Ye men and brethren saith the Apostle Act. 13. 26. Children of the generation of Abraham and whosoeuer among you feareth God to you is the word of this saluation sent For the word of God may well be termed the word of saluation because it is the foode of our soules and sheweth vs the way to life and how wée should be partakers thereof Which heauenly wisedom no doubt the heathen people haue and as yet do want because they are such of whom the Prophet speaketh The feare of God is not before their eyes And as one saith Stultorū plena sunt omnia They all run after vanitie and such things that cannot profit whereby they can neuer attaine vnto true happinesse which ought to be their chéefest delight And that especially if they had the grace to cōsider what notable and worthy effects it hath to make them partakers of that happinesse which they would full gladly enioy For it worketh A remedie against sinne in the people of God thus much that it expelleth driueth out sinne it kéepeth the deadly poyson of the diuels temptations from our hearts and mindes It bringeth the quiet frute of peace and maketh a merry and chéerfull A quiet conscience Long life heart whereas the guiltinesse of sinne doth make the heart heauie and the countenance sadde It giueth long life and increaseth the dayes of man who so desireth to sée good dayes let him resort vnto her The treasures of wisedome are with her and shée raineth downe knowledge and vnderstanding Yea it greatly furthereth vs in that which is our excéeding comfort and that is That Our requests heard granted God will performe the lawfull requests and godly desires of them that thus feare him For it is no more with them but séeke and finde aske and haue Whereas all other are neuer partakers of their desires especially to their good For as they that were found without the Arke of Noe had no life So they whose hearts the feare of God doth not possesse reape and receiue no blessing from God Hée that possesseth her shall thus bee blessed in this life And furthermore also he shall be happie at his latter end A happie death Ecclesi 1. 13. 18. O well art thou and happie shalt thou be saith the wise man Whosoeuer feareth God it shall go well with him at the last and hee shall finde fauoure in the day of his death and in the end he shall be blessed What a great commoditie and aduantage is this that how troublesome soeuer the life of them that feare God shall bee in this worlde yet their latter ende shall bée blessed Happie is the man whiche feareth the Lorde For hée will place his minde vppon his Commaundements therein dooth the feare of God consist and in that feare there is our happie estate The feare of God is the fountaine of life the roote of wisedome the Crowne of ioy yea heauen it selfe to them that looke for heauen And these are the principall commodities which the feare of God dooth bring béeing sufficient and forcible inough to make vs in loue therwith and to set our whole mindes thereon Which being so furnished sheweth it selfe vnto us as it were crowned with a garland of all the blessings gifts and graces of God much like a Princes Diademe which is set out and garnished with precious stones of all sorts and those also of high account But who can sufficiently commend it and set foorth the praises thereof as it deserueth sitting as it were a Ladie and a Quéene about the throne of God whose commendations well we may admire and wonder at but who can reach so farre as fully to expresse them The feare of God is the beginning of wisedome and a The commēdation of the feare of God is that the praise thereof endureth for euer good vnderstanding haue all they that do thereafter The praise thereof endureth for euer Amongst the rest this séemeth to be the only commendation of the feare of God that the praise thereof endureth for euer All flesh is as grasse and fadeth the
and the defrauding of iudgement and iustice maruell not For so it is like to come to passe So that there are feares and cares inough and matters to make them guiltie and their soules heauie that haue set their hearts vppon honour howsoeuer at the first it haue a glorious shew in the sight of the world but as for delight to speake and say it truly there is none When the wise King had shewed me thus much what Pleasure flawes crackes and rents there were in the chéefest delights of worldly men it was a matter too easie to iudge of the rest and of the meaner sort Which could terme no otherwise but méere foolishnesse and madnesse toyes and trifle The viole and harpe and musicall instruments how do they delight the hart What a ioy is it to spend our time in minstrelcie and dancing But what if musicke haue his mourning and that such foolish mirth doo ende in heauinesse What is beautie but the prouoking of lust and the forgetfulnes of God which maketh vs with an impudent face to say when we are called to God from this and all other earthly vanities I am maried to bewtie haue set my hart on vanity therfore he saith not haue me excused but in plaine tearmes I cannot come And when we thinke of braue apparell and delicate fare as though that were a thing to be desired let vs remember the rich man which was cloathed in purple and fine linnen and fared well and delicately euerie day who though hée flaunted on the earth and made the worlde his chiefest heauen yet afterward fried in torments and found the dolefull hell to he his dwelling place for euer Now what purpose is it for vs to desire to liue long Long life when there are no true delights but shewes and shadowes thereof When all things in our life are vaine what pleasure is it to liue séeing that as it is most certaine the longer we liue the more sinfull wée are This life of ours must haue an ende and peraduenture a fearefull or an vngodly end which if we could but remember and thinke vpon it would abate and pull backe our reioycing hearts although all our delight were to liue How much better were it to prepare our selues against the day of death Séeing that a short life is sometime a great blessing of God when as the course of sinne shall be cut off in vs And againe when we are taken away from wofull times to come and from those miseries which fall vppon the world VVisedome 4. Enoch was taken away least wickednesse should alter his vnderstanding For wickednesse deceiueth and bewitcheth the minde and the vnstedfastnesse of concupiscence doth soone peruert the simple heart And because the soule of this holy man pleased God therefore hasted he to take him away from wickednesse Yet the people see vnderstand it and consider no such things in their hearts how the grace and mercy is vpon his Saints and his prouidence ouer the elect The wicked and vngodly although they liue long in great prosperitie and sée not the graue in many yeares yet is their estate accursed and they liue long to their greater vengeance and condemnation vntill the measure of their sinne be filled vp to the brim and that the iudgement of GOD wayt for them at the doore Séeing then that these delights which worldly minded men make so great account of come to nothing and are in themselues but méere vanities and as it were shaddowes without a bodie and therfore may fitly be compared to S●dome Apples which in outward sight and shewe are very faire and beautifull but when we come neare to touch them they fall to ashes Let vs returne to the true delight and only paradice of the soule I mean the word of God in VVord which paradice is the trée of the knowledge of good euil the trée also of life and immortalitie wherein are perfections to be found and such as may well content the heauenly Angels and blessed soules Which is the onely instruction of wisedome the guide of our life the light in darknesse which sheweth vs a way to enter into paradice although Cherubins and the blade of a sword shaken be set to kéepe the way of the trée of life I meane it sheweth vs the way into the highest heauens although there be many lets and hinderances to kéepe vs backe And the way that it onely Feare chaulketh out vnto vs is this The feare of the Lord and the especiall regard of his wil and commandements which hath the promises and blessings of this life and of that also which is to come By which direction of the feare of God we reade that the famous Patriarch Abraham was safe from the iniuries of straungers Lot deliuered from the deuouring fire that came downe from heauen and from those dreadfull iudgements Noah escaped the drowning flood and perished not with the vngodly Iob that worthie mirrour of all succéeding ages preserued from the rage wicked intent of the diuel Iacob set frée from the murthering hand of his brother Esau Ioseph from misery exalted to honour Enoch taken from the wicked world and translated into heauen By which examples and testimonies drawne out of the word of God we sée the high and great commendations of the feare of God and that there is no worldly delight to be compared vnto it In a word the chiefest commodities and blessings that the heart of a naturall man can desire and the greatest glory that he can wish to rise vnto all are included and comprehended within the feare of God Vnto the which that I may as I would exhort you let vs call to our remembrance the words that God spake vnto his people by his seruant Moses saying O that there were such a heart in them to seare mee and to keepe all my commandements alwayes that it might go well with them and with their children for euer O that they were wise then would they vnderstand this then would they know that the feare of God doth make a blessed life and a happie end That we may perceiue that the fear of God doth teach vs to be vpright and iust and to eschue euill as it did Iob that so God may grant our requests as he heard and granted the praiers of Cornelius that it may come to vs as it did vnto Iudeth that none be able to bring an euill report of vs because we feare God Finally that it may be said of vs as it was of King Dauid that hée was a man after Gods owne hart because that with all the power that was in him he did performe those things which God woulde haue him and that we may be minded as he was I had rather be a doore keeper saith he in the house of the Lord then to dwell in the Pallaces of Princes And so as people indued with wisedome and with an heauenly spirit let vs passe by these delights of the world which
to like of pleasure and opens the doore to one vanitie which he loues straight as many vanities flocke to him as Salomon had Concubines till the Temple of God be like a den of théeues Therefore when Salomon beheld such a pluralitie and Totquot of Vanities like surges comming one vpon another in pleats and folds he spake as though he would shew Vanitie hatching vanities Vanitie of vanities All is Vanitie The first saying doth passe without let but the last rubbes and sincks not into the hearts of men so easily as it is spoken Me thinks I heare some dispute for Baâll and bid Salomon stay before he come to All is Vanitie It may be that sinne is Vanitie and pleasure is Vanitie but shall we condemne all for sin and pleasure What say you to Beautie which is natures dowrie and cheareth the eye as swéet meate doth the tast Beautie is like a faire Picture take away the cullour and there is nothing left Beautie indéed is but a cullour and a temptation the cull●ur fadeth and the temptation snareth But what say you to Riches which make men Lords ouer the rest and allow them to go braue and lie soft and fare daintily and haue what they list Riches are like painted grapes which looke as though they would satisfie a man but do not slake hunger nor quench his thirst Riches indéed do make a man couet more and get enuie and kéepe the minde in care But what say you to Honour which sets a man aloft and makes the knée how and the tongue sooth and the head stand bare as though they were other kind of creatures aboue men Honour is like a King in a play when his part is done his ornaments are taken from him and he which held the bason to him is as good as he Honor indéed may command all but life he makes a faire shewe now but when death comes all is one But what say you to prosound Knowledge in déepe misteries which makes men sought vnto and called déepe Clarkes and great Doctors Knowledge is like the Letters which Vriah carried against himselfe so Knowledge draweth a greater iudgement and oftentimes condemnes the bearer Knowledge without Vertue leaues a man without excuse and is a witnesse against him because he vnderstands what is good and will not do it Yet there is another darling of account behinde what say you to long life which causeth a man to sée his childrens children and makes him reuerent vnto the people Long life is like a long night when a man cannot sléepe so Age is wearisome with sicknesse and striues with it selfe because it cannot walke nor talke nor heare nor sée nor sléepe nor taste as it was wont therfore wisheth often that night were gone that the pain were past Indéed he that sées many dayes sees many miseries and therefore what is not vaine in life sith life it selfe is vaine Shew me the light which will not darken shew me the floure which will not fade shew me the frute which will not corrupt shewe me the garment which will not weare shew me the beautie which will not wither shewe me the strength which will not weaken shew me the time which will not passe and I will reclaime that all is Vanitie yet this will not go for truth before men haue smarted for the triall Some are so vaine that they count nothing Vanitie but that which is vainer than the rest delights them most for there is as it were a common-weale of vain persons and he that can be vainest is like a King of the rest Some are of this mind that they thinke all is vaine but that which they loue and therfore they call them vaine and curious and phantasticall which speake against their vanities and say that it is necessary to be vaine for they cannot liue vnlesse they deceiue they cannot please vnlesse they flatter they cannot be beléeued vnlesse they sweare they cannot be estéemed vnlesse they royst as Demetrius thought hée should begge vnlesse hée should sell Images There is another sort lyke the buyer in Prouer. 20. which saith It is naught it is naught but when he is gone apart he boasteth It is naught before men and sweare that all is vanitie but when they are gone apart they reconcile themselues vnto it and kisse it and promise to be vaine still but they cannot abide to bee counted vaine the vainest man that is This shewes that the folly of the worlde is so open and shamefull that her louers must néedes condemne her You shall heare them say oftentimes It is a vaine worlde a wicked worlde a naughtie world yet they will not forsake it to dye lyke dastarde souldiers who raile against the enemy but dare not fight against him All is Vanitie but this is Vanitie of vanities that men will follow that which they condemne But this is that euery sinner might condemne himselfe for the conscience must iudge first and then God as our Sauiour saith Out of thy owne mouth and so out of thine owne heart I will condemne thee naughtie seruant shewing that the wicked condemne themselues before they are condemned of GOD. These are thewords of fooles which cares not what is their end so that their way be pleasant Oh that here were a full end or conclusion of Vanities but behold a greater vanitie is behind for our religion is Vanitie lyke the Scribes and Pharisies as Mathew saith in the 23. Chapter and 27. verse hauing a bare shew of holinesse as he saith he could call it but a shewe of holilinesse and scarce that Our Vanitie is vanitie but our holinesse is but a shewe of holinesse not worthie to bee called holinesse but lyke holinesse yet the most part haue not so much as the shew of holinesse as the Pharisics had but are vaine in shewe inside and outside too Thus wée finde nothing yet but Vanitie I cannot leade you from one vnto another to shewe you the seuerall vanities of euery person or euery thing because Salomon saith All is Vanitie How many then haue wée to condemne vs whose vanities are sprinkeled in euery thing which haue not onely so many vanities as there bee thinges but many vanities in euerie thing As in our fare howe many vanities are there whiche makes vs rise sometimes sicke sometimes sléepie sometimes drunke yet are there also more Vanities in our sportes our laughing and swearing and ieasting and scoffing and dallying and playing with the Scriptures which oftentimes leaues such a sting behind that we had rather haue lost our sport than feele the worme that gnawes vs for it And yet there be moe vanities in our apparell ruffe vpon ruffe lace vpon lace cut vpon cut 24. orders to the third and fourth degrée as though our apparell were apparelled vntil the woman be not worth so much as her attire that if we could sée Vanitie her selfe how she would goe if she did weare apparell she would goe euen almost lyke our women for she could not
goe nor speake nor looke vainer Who doth not know that these are vanities and that they might leaue them if they would But that ye may sée that there is a heart within vainer then apparell without Therefore when these vanities are worne out they will haue new and still new till all be spent vpon vanitie and when they begin lyke the prodigall childe to sée how vain they were when they haue bought wisdom with sorrow What would Salomon say if he should sée how vanitie is growne since his time what a height she is mounted what a traine followes her that there is no Prince in the world hath so many attendants as Vanitie She was but an Impe then but now shée is a mother and who can number her sonnes and daughters The childe is vaine in playing the mother vaine in dandling the father vaine in giuing the Courtier vain in spending the souldier vaine in boasting the suter vaine in striuing the traueller vaine in talking the merchant vaine in swearing the gentleman vain in building the husbandman vain in carking the old man vaine in coueting the seruingman vain in soothing the yoong man vaine in sporting the papist vaine in superstition the Protestant vaine in conuersation Euery vanitie is so pleasant to one or other that they cannot misse one So she gads by sea and by land and still moe disciples flock vnto her of gamsters and swearers and players and tiplers and hacsters and Courtiers as thick as flies of Egipt which buzzed in their eares and their eyes and their neckes before and behinde that a man cannot set his foote but vpon vanitie As the waters couered the earth when but eight persons were saued so vanitie couered it again a worse deluge than the first because it hath not suffered eight persons to escape but euery man is tainted with some vanitie or other which God séeing in that place and Citie which should be best in the world that all men in the Cittie were vaine ●alls it the Cittie of Vanitie So we may call it the world of Vanitie because she hath an interest in euery person of it she sits vpon the earth like a Serpent and hatcheth all the sinnes which ye sée amongst men As full as heauen is of blisse so the world is fraught with Vanitie Court Citie Country whither doth not Vanitie go but to Heauen Séeing then that Vanitie is extolled amongst men Salomon giues his sentence that All is Vanitie Christ like a Mediator concludes vpon it that there is but one necessarie therefore let our sentence bee lyke theirs For sin if we had Salomons repentance we should sée such an image of Vanitie before vs as would make vs crie againe and againe as often as Salomon Vanitie of vanities Vanitie of vanities and all is Vanitie What a swéet sentence is this from a King who may liue as they list by authoritie as to say that all is Vanitie Oh that we might heare Kings speake so againe for it is a speech which had néed of some to countenance it for none are counted vaine now but they that speake against vanitie Then Salomon cried it but now we must whisper it You may sée howe times are chaunged Once this was sound diuinitie now it is flat railing to say that all is vanitie is euen the vpshot of a disturber If ye aske the Atheist or the Epicure rogish Players what is a disturber you shall sée that they will make Salomon one because he speaketh against vanitie For this is their definition he which will not allow men to prophane the Sabaoth but saith that Cardes and Dice and stage Players and May games and May poles and May fooles and Morris-dauncers are Vanities is a pratler a disturber and an Archpuritan by the law which the Iewes had to kill Christ The reason is because men cannot abide to be controlled of their pleasures Therefore they hold it as an offence to speake against their sports or their customes or their follies or their pleasures or their titles or their toyes and they which would not be counted precise in these times must take héede that they goe not so farre as Salomon to terme all Vanitie But they must say that the vanities of great men are necessary recreations and the vanities of the people are meanes to make vnitie Greater bookes are written to maintaine this then Salomon made to refute it so they haue made their wit their learning vanitie and are vaine in print But they that would know now of what standing such precise reprouers are and how auncient this reproofe is may sée hére that if this be a crime to call Vanitie Vanitie the wisest man that euer was before Christ was herein crimminate Not whē he straied but when he repented in his best minde when he became like a Preacher he preached this first Vanitie of vanities All is Vanitie yet many had rather cry it with Salomon then beléeue it with Salomon And while they are wondring at him some are taken out of the way and cut short of the time which they set to repent from others God taketh away his grace so they neuer returne because their guide is gone This the holy Ghost pointed at when he saith They followed Vanitie and became vaine shewing that the thinges we follow will make vs like themselues and leade vs whither they belong to heauen or hell In Rom. 8. 20. Vanitie is put for destruction but it is neuer put for saluation If other creatures are subiect to a kinde of destruction for the sinne of man as Paul sheweth what destruction shall light vpon man for his owne sinne Therefore let our sentence runne with Salomon Vanitie of vanities All is vanitie We could affoord the world better words and fairer titles than Vanitie of Vanities but call what we wil Salomon shews what it is and what we will say in the end when we haue tried it then Vanitie of Vanities yet it is comfort of comforts glory of glories life of lifes But Laban shewed himselfe at parting so at parting you shall sée how it will serue you they séeme pleasant vanities and honest vanities and profitable vanities but Dauid calles them deceitfull vanities Ionas comes after and calles them lying Vanities that is which promise pleasure and profit and all but deceiue all when they should performe They play Laban which gaue Leah for Rachel If they be lying vanities and deceiful vanities then are théy wofull and miserable vanities therfore if we be not come to Salomons conclusion to think that All is vanitie it is because our owne vanitie will not suffer vs to sée the vanities of other things When we haue proued lyke Salomon as fast as euery man groweth in knowledge and experience so he begins to cry Vanitie and after Vanitie of Vanities and at last All is Vanitie so we contemne not all at once but one sin after another one pleasure after another till at last we count all is vanitie and then we are
tribulation reioycing in persecution reioycing in torments reioycing in death because they haue bin so well learned in gods schoole in gods booke that the loue of God is throughly shed abroad in their harts by the inward secret and most heauenly working of his holy spirit Triumphing against the world and the cruelties thereof being fully perswaded that neither life nor death nor any thing else shall be able to seperate them from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus We learne that we are the children and beloued of god and that we are heires euen the heires of god and fellow heires with Christ if so be that we suffer with him that we may also be glorified with him For the afflictions that may fall out vnto vs are not worthie of the glorie that shall be shewed vnto vs and that we shall receiue in the kingdome of heauen If it were not so saith the Apostle we were of all men the most miserable if our hope were ended in this life and if that persecution had not a ioyfull recompence He that striueth not shall neuer be crowned and he that doth not take vp Christ his crosse euen to the death shall neuer come where he is To them that thus endure trouble and are thus hated reuiled and slaine of the world they know and are assured by gods word that there is a crowne reserued for them which the Lord shall giue them at that day dreadfull to others but ioyfull to them When it shall be said vnto them Come ye blessed enioy the kingdome prepared of my father for you from the beginning of the world Search the scriptures for in them ye thinke to haue etrnall life And thus they do performe it It followeth in those words which I haue reade vnto They testifie of Christ you touching the effectuall reason that should moue vs to the reading of the scriptures And they are they which testifie of me In them ye thinke to haue euerlasting life because they direct vs vnto the knowledge of Christ wherein consisteth life According as he saith of himselfe I am the way the truth and the life To him saith the Apostle Act. 10. 43. giue all the Prophets witnesse that through his name all that beléeue in him shall receiue remission of sinnes This is life euerlasting saith the Euangelist S. Iohn 17. 3. that they know thée to be the onely very god and whome thou hast sent Iesus Christ And thus the word of god doth testifie of our Sauiour Christ Ioh. 3. 16. That God so loued the world that he hath giuen his onely begotten sonne for the redemption of the world that whosoeur beleeueth in him should not perish but haue life euerlasting They are they which testifie that I am the onely life to true repentant sinners to giue them ease and comfort that are swallowed vp and ouerwhelmed with heauie sorrowes and as it were vtterly cast away through griefe and distresse of minde for their sinnes According as the Apostle saith Christ came into the world to saue sinners Come vnto me saith Christ all ye that be heauily loaden with the burthen of your sinnes and I will ease you and I will refresh you For I came not to saue the righteous but to call the sinners to repentance They are they which testifie of his holie and vndefiled conception being conceiued by the holie Ghost and borne of a virgine and so being without all blot of sin to the intent that we might be freed from our vncleannes which we draw from our parents being born in sinne and conceiued in iniquitie being defiled by originall sinne and naturall corruption which testifie of his life and conuersation that it was altogither vnrebukable blamelesse and that in euery point he fulfilled the law of God y● his righteousnes perfect obediēce might be imputed vnto vs which are otherwise vnder the curse of the law that our sinne and disobedience might be couered and that we might not be called to account for the same which testifie that hée was condemned before an earthly iudge to acquite vs from the dreadfuil sentence of the heauenly iudge which testifie that in bodie soule he suffered gréeuous torments that the wrath of god might not take hold of vs which testifie of the wonderful worke of his resurrectiō of his triumphing ouer death sin hell and the diuel to make vs ioyful conquerers which testifie of his glorious ascention into heauen to giue vs assurance of y● heauenly possession which he hath purchased for vs which testifie y● he shal be y● iudge of quick dead to giue vs euerlasting comfort which haue put our whole trust in him when all other vnbeléeuers wicked vngodly people shal stand in his presence with great horror séeing his comming shall bee to be reuenged of their vnbeliefe and contempt Finally in an other consideration we may say that they They bring vs to the knowledge of God our selues are they that testifie of him For first and principally they teach vs the knowledge of God Secondarily and consequently the knowledge of our selues The knowledge of the Almightie power of God in the creation of all things of his infinit wisdom in disposing them in their due order of his great goodnes in doing al these things for the vse and benefit of mankinde Indéed the creation of the world and all the creatures therein do bring vs to the knowledge of God and this is onely the scripture of the heathen people but yet this doth not shew vnto vs sufficiently how God is our God and our father in Iesus Christ which knowledge we do only attain by reading the word of God And this is the scripture of the Christians Through which knowledge of God in respect of Christ we learn that God hath entred into a couenant with all faithful people that he would be their God and that they should be his people And that therfore they ought to performe vnto god his due scruice which especially consisteth in these thrée points First to worship the true God and to detest all idolatry and false gods to make our praiers to God alone and religiously and deuoutly to serue him Secondly that the worship of God doth cōsist in spirituall matters as faith hope charitie obedience righteousnes holines innocency patiēce truth and all godlines Thirdly to improue accuse and condemne all wickednesse and sinne infidelitie desperation disobedience impatience lying hipocrisie hatred slaunder iniurie and wrongfull dealing vncleannesse lust gluttony and all other vngodlinesse and iniquitie Furthermore that God doth in mercy and fauour reward the good and according to his iustice punish the offendors and that therefore he hath prepared ioyes and torments after this life For our soules are such that they neuer die and our bodies shall rise again to be ioyned to our soules at the latter day In respect of which knowledge of God the scriptures do perswade vs so to liue in this world that
a fearefull word that although they dreame of mercy yet they shall finde the contrary For God will neuer recken them to be innocent nor euer reserue his mercie for them And although they crie Lord Lord yet shall they not enter into his kingdome For when they thinke to enter into his rest it shall be said vnto them Depart from me I know you not Let vs alwaies remember that the Lorde is strong and that his anger is fearefull and that his punishments are intollerable and hell torments euerlasting that so the feare of the Lord may still be before our eyes and that we may be affraide to offend his maiestie Then shall his mercy stand vs instead when wée fall and haue offended whereas otherwise we shall be bolde to commit sin and flatter our selues that god wil be merciful when as indéed we do but deceiue our selues and shal surely find hell when we thinke to go to heauen God graunt that the knowledge of God may turne to our good and that through our defaulte in flattering of our selues and presuming too much of Gods mercy we fall not away from mercy To whose mercy I commende you desiring you not to forget his iustice For God is a consuming fire and wilfull and obstinate sinners shall neuer escape his euer-during wrath To God the Father God the Sonne and God the holy Ghost be all glory and praise both now and euer Amen Deo gratia solique gloria Of his Creation Genesis 1. 1. In the beginning God created the heauen and the earth AS I haue set downe vnto you the knowledge of God by his properties and qualities so also is he further knowne by the consideration of his workes As saith the Psalme The heauens declare the glorie of God and the firmament sheweth his handie worke Amongst the workes of God first in order most notable is the worke of his creation wherein his power and wisedome is manifestly séene giuing vs a larger and more delightfull knowledge of him then that we should busily occupie our studies in searching the secret and hidden nature of God The spirit of God beginneth first with the declarion of this most excellent worke bréeding the knowledge of God in our mindes as it were by a wonder In the beginning God made the heauen and the earth Which sentence dooth affoord vs these thrée instructions First the consideration of the creation of the world Diuision and the creatures thereof and whither the world and the creatures were made to endure and to continue for euer Secondly how the world and all the creatures therin conteined were made Thirdly the cause the ende and vse wherefore they were made The world it selfe how beautifull a pallace is it and as it were a heauen in respect of hell beneath as it selfe also is a thing of nothing in respect of heauen aboue The heauen glistereth with the glorious sight of the Sunne the Moone and the starres The Sunne reioyceth to runne his course euen his spéedie and hai●ie course and as it were the glory of all Gods creatures commeth forth with a maiestie forbidding the eyes of all earthly creatures to behold it which by his force dooth burne the mountaines seuen times more then doth the heat of a furnace God giueth light to the darknes it self and causeth the Moone to appear when the light the glorious beames of the Sun are gone down The infinit multitude of the stars shew forth his wonderfull wisdome and decketh the heauens much more then all the precious stones costly ornaments the are in princes courts Cast down your eies behold the creatures on the earth The mighty lion which is a figure of gods power at whose roaring all the beasts of the forrest do tremble the rauening beare the instrument of his wrath as the example of the mocking children that did disdain the Prophet Elisha doth testifie the nourishing cloathing creatures the cow the shéep and the goat to the praise of his goodnes Wherin also the trées do instruct vs the oliue trée with his fatnesse the figtrée with his swéetnesse the vine trée with his cherishing How do the hearbes set forth the wisedom of God In that he hath giuen to euery hearbe his propertie some for comfort some for delight some to continue life some to restore life as none know it better then the expert Phisitian to whō God hath opened his wonderfull works therin Besides these looke vpon the lilly of the field whom God hath so richly arraied that Salomon in all his roialty is not like to one of these A wōder it is to sée how he hath hid great treasure in the lower parts of the earth not only tin lead brasse and iron but siluer also gold precious stones The earth the world euery part therof giue manifest witnesse what God hath wrought Euery element is furnished with his creatures the aire with birds the earth with trées hearbs and inestimable treasure and as the waues of the sea are innumerable so are the creatures therein conteined euen as the stars of the skie which no man can terme call by their names but only God himself To euery beast of the field and to euery foule of the heauen Adam gaue names but the creatures of the sea as the hidden work of God Adam saw not man knoweth not neither cā they euer be searched out that we may wonder at Gods wonders Some haue said that there is no creature on the earth but the sea doth yéeld the like Among the creatures of the sea none setteth forth the work of Gods creation so much as the huge great whale which ouerturneth mightie ships and striketh a feare into the hart of man As saith the Psalm 104. 24. O Lord how manifold are thy works In wisdom hast thou made thē all The earth is full of thy riches so is the wide great sea also wherein are things creeping innumerable both small and great beastes There goe the ships and there is that Leuiathan whom thou hast made to take his pastime therein When the wise man had delighted himself with the remembrance of the works of Gods creatiō either being rauished with the delight or vnable to satisfie his mind he breaketh forth saith Who hath seen all the creatures of God that he might tell vs For when he hath searched to the vtmost of his power yet may he truly say There are hid yet greater things then these be and we haue séen but a fewe of his works He doth not measure the knowledge of man in this matter that he hath attained the one halfe but leaueth him in the very enterance as though he had had but a glimce of some and not a sight of all As Adam being placed in Paradice had not a full view of all the secretes thereof neither had he any vnderstanding of the trée of life but assoone as he had tasted of the trée of knowledge for his rebellion and disobedience
he had created them wondring as it were with himselfe that so great wickednesse should ouergrow and ouerwhelme his excellent goodnesse as though light had bene put out in vtter darkenesse and life for euer swallowed vp of death For after a while God sawe that the wickednesse of man was great in the earth and that all the imaginations of the thoughts of his heart were onely euil continually Then his mercy and his wrath did strine togither now for pittie he mourned and then in iustice he thought vpon punishment to destroy them from the face of the earth All the workes of God were verie good but let vs be hold y● works which are now brought into the world which being neuer made by God are crept in by the diuels malice and mans corruption as breaches and blots of Gods order and of his good creation Such are sinne deformitie confusion tyrannie calamitie death and destruction Which workes deserue hatred and lamentation and are farre from praise and commendation For they are the horrible deprauation of the order first made by god For god hath not made death neither hath he pleasure in the destruction of the liuing For he created all things that they might haue their being and the generations of the world are preserued and there is no poison of destruction in them Concupiscence is not of the father but of the world Sinne came of the diuell Death through sinne The Diuell the father Sinne the mother and Death the childe the childe of perdition and euerlasting condemnation 3 The third and last matter of waight which I gaue you The vse and end of Gods creation and of his creatures to consider of was the end and vse of Gods creation why and wherefore all his creatures were made Which is twosold First and principally herein God regarded his owne glory Secondarily and consequently the vse and benefit of mankind The Lord hath made all things for himselfe saith Salomon which the Prophet declareth in these words The heauens declare the glory of God and as yet is more plainly expressed in the wordes of the Apostle writing to the Romanes Chapter 1. 20. For the inuisible things of him that is his eternall power and Godhead are seene by the creation of the world being considered in his workes But so vaine are men by nature and ignorant of God that they cannot know him by the good thinges that are séene neither consider by the workes the morkemaister For they haue thought the fire or the winde swift aire or the course of the starres or the raging water or the lights of heauen to be gouernours of the worlde and gods Who though they had such pleasure in their beautie that they thought them gods yet should they haue knowne how much more excellent he is that made them For the first authour of beautie hath created these thinges Or if they maruelled at the power and operation of them for in his creatures God sheweth his power yet should they haue perceiued thereby howe much hée that made these thinges is mightier For by the beautie and greatnesse of the creatures the Creator being compared with them may bee considered Hée walketh vppon the cloudes and bringeth the windes out of his treasure hée ruleth the raging of the sea the Lorde God of hostes is his name hée is the Lorde of power Which is partly séene in the thunder and lightening whereat not only the cruell beastes of the forrest doo tremble but euen the hearts of wicked men which are giuen to dishonour and to blaspheme God doo quake Which is the feare of all creatures and the amazement and astonishment of the whole world The foolish gods of mortall men what power haue they in their woorkes or what glorie One hath a scepter and cannot rule an other hath a sword in his hand and cannot wounde his enemies or defend his friendes or saue himselfe but GOD sheweth his power and glorie heerein by destroying his enemies out of heauen and thundering vppon them For as the Prophet Samuell ●● Sa. 7. 10. offered the burnt offering the Philistines came to fight against Israell but the Lorde thundered with a great thunder that day vpon the Philistines and scattered them so they were slaine before Israell But more fearefully hée shewed his power by this meanes against the Egiptians Exodus 9. 23. For when Moses stretched out his rodde towardes heauen the Lord sent thunder and haile and lightning vppon the grounde and the Lorde caused haile to raine vpon the land of Egipt So there was haile and fire mingled with the haile so gréeuous as there was none the like throughout all the land of Egipt since it was a Nation And the haile smote throughout all the lande of Egipt all that was in the field both man and beast also the haile smote all the hearbes of the field and brake to pieces all the trées of the fielde This is not vsuall but then it was for his glorie Moreouer God shewed his glorie his power and his might to his owne people to strike a feare into their hearts and that they should not transgresse his lawe For at the deliuery of his lawe he shewed his terrible maiestie by thunder and lightning by fire by a cloude and darkenesse So that the people said Beholde the Lorde our GOD hath-shewed vs his glorie and his greatnesse and we haue heard his voyce out of the midst of the fire Yea when they sawe the thunders and the lightnings and the sound of the Trumpet and the mountaine smoaking they fledde and stood a farre off The Prophet Dauid prayeth that God would be reuenged of them Cast forth thy lightning saith hée and teare them shoote out thine arrowes and consume them And in an other place as hee speaketh of the thunder The Lorde thundred out of heauen and the highest gaue his thunder hailestones and coales of fire so hee speaketh also of his lightening Hee sent out his arrowes and scattered them hee cast foorth lightenings and destroyed them The heauens declare his Godhead by the creation of those beautifull creatures whiche the Heathens haue taken for Gods the Sunne the Moone and the starres his Godhead and his goodnesse in sending downe raine and showers and causing fruitfull seasons to fill our hearts with ioy and great gladnesse According to that of the Prophet Ieremy cap. 14. 22. Are there any among the vanities of the Gentiles meaning their idoles and silly gods that can giue raine or can the heauens themselues giue showers Is it not thou ô Lorde our God Therefore we will wayt vpon thee for thou hast made all these things The extraordinary course of Gods creatures when it pleaseth Almightie GOD so to worke dooth wonderfully set foorth his glorie How should the fire loose his strength and forget to burne as we reade of the thrée children that were cast into the firie furnace which was made excéedingly hotte and yet they were not hurt nor any smell of fire about their
the way much like to him that ranne after his shadow to catch it when it ranne away from him as fast as he followed it Where shal a man think sée fortune chance more then in drawing of lots but as we shall read Pro. 16. 33. This fortune matter is ruled by God The lot is cast into the lap but the whole disposition therof is of the Lord. Looke into all waightie matters which were commited vnto lots and you shall plainly sée and perceiue gods worke liuely set downe Especially in the historie of Ionas the Prophet and of Achan that sold the Babylonish garment Iosh 7. and of the choosing of Matthias vnto the Apostleship in which businesse after they had made their praiers vnto God that he would shew them out the man whom he had chosen they committed the matter to lots and the lot fell on Matthias So you sée what a follery the deuised spéech of fortune is and y● those matters which we think to be done by chance are brought to passe by gods appointment Yet some more wise thē the rest letting passe Destinie all spéeches of fortune and chance haue surely thought and stedfastly affirmed that the affaires of men and men themselues are ruled by destiny And herehence come those spéeches He was borne to this or to that he was marked to be of this or that condition his destinie was to die by such or such a death One dares not go such a way for théeues an other if he sée a swoorde drawne thinketh hée shall be thrust through with it an other feareth to dwell in rotten houses lest by this meanes they should come by their destinie and a thousand such like feares doo possesse their Multi fata vitantes in fata incider●nt hearts being readie to tremble at euery shaking of a leafe That which the wicked feareth doth often fall vnto them but the righteous is bolde as a Lyon and putteth his trust in God and is not amazed with such vaine feares and is fully perswaded that so long as he kéepeth himselfe in the feare of God and doing well no euill shall come vnto him Contrariwise they that thinke all is dispatched by destinie feare euery houre lest they be dispatched them selues and in stéed of a quiet heart and minde there is nothing but faintnesse and feare of trembling What carke and care to defende themselues and to preuent mischiefes and yet all in vaine if Gods prouidence bee otherwise whereunto we must haue speciall regarde in all our actions and endeuours and so to rest our selues contented with Gods will whatsoeuer falles out If any bee giuen to lewdenesse or any naughtie disposition if any hurt come or any gréeuous trouble or hazard of life surely will they say he was borne vnder an ill Planet and vnder an vnlucky signe Which indéed is not so but rather Gods punishment laide vppon him who oftentimes giueth ouer some to an euill mind and lets them runne on that their punishment might bee the greater and bringeth many to their death by his secret and most iust iudgements But suppose that the Plannets and the Starres the heauenly influences and celestiall bodies doo worke any inclinations in the mindes of men or foreshewe some gréeuous euents yet these leaude inclinations and fearefull euents cannot come nigh them nor touch them nor hurt them that frame their liues according to the rule of Gods word No better witnesses in this matter then they that haue beene more priuie hereunto then the common sort To the proofe whereof I will shewe two examples or euidences and instances Socrates a learned Philosopher being iudged by one that was skilfull to be dull sensuall and incline● to sundry foule vices They that were present knowi●g the wisedome and vertue of Socrates laughed him to scorne for his great iudgement and other of his frinds were verye muche agréeued and displeased with him to heare him say so Nay saith Socrates let his iudgement nothing mooue you For certainly such a one had I bene had not the instruction of Philosophy amended the corrupt inclination of my nature Well then if the instruction of Philosophy may so much preuaile as to alter our mindes and inclinations much more shall the word of God and the force of his holy spirit be effectuall in vs to the full performance of so good a purpose The other proofe to disprooue all matters of destiny taken out of one of the destiny writers is this Take no notable thing or any great matter in hand neither begin any long iourny in the houre of Mars if you can by any meanes know when it is Then followeth that which dasheth all by his own confession But saith he who so euer put their whole trust in God and do guide their liues by the rule of his holy word be they neuer so simple and vnlearned God will so direct them that they shall auoid all such daungers and perillous times And contrariwise the wicked being learned yea thogh they know the times shall not haue power to auoid them As I haue séene saith he in many which afterward they did well consider though too late It is not therefore blinde chaunce nor heauy destiny but Gods prouidence which in great wisedome ordereth all things and bringeth all things to passe and hath the times and seasons and all plagues and punishments in his hand to send them foorth or to keep them back All which he disposeth to the benefit and good of his chosen children as also to the destruction of the wicked and vngodly and to the greater manifestation of his owne glory partly by his mercy Haman the Agagite as we shall reade in the history of Ester hated Mordecay the Iewe vnto death the reason was onely this because Mordecay bowed not his knée vnto him One mans death could not satisfie his ●nger he thinketh in his mind to destroy a number euen th whole nation of the Iewes To bring his matters to pale what is his pollicy First he doth falsly and that gréeuou● accuse the Iewes to the king to procure his hatred and heauie displeasure against them and furthermore to make his purpose sure he offereth to bring into the kings treasury tenne thousand talents of siluer if so be the king woulde giue foorth commaundement that all the people of the Iewes might be destroyed The King yéedeth Haman maketh haste and being in iocund ioy foorthwith Haman causeth a gallowes to be made for Mordecay and all his minde runneth vppon sheading blood The king is requested in the Iewes behalfe Mordecay his good déed that that hee did for the king in opening treason that was practised against him is called to remembraunce and the cause of this pretended murther made manifest that it was onely the mallice that Haman had conceiued against Mordecay for no matter of waight God turneth the heart of the king and maketh him to call back his wicked decrée Mordecay is honoured as the onely man whom the king
would honour and Haman himselfe was hanged on the same trée which he had prepared for Mordecay Was this Hamans destiny or was it Gods prouidence to bring it so to passe for the benefit of his people and for the ouerthrow of this proude and wicked Haman King Darius because the spirit was excellent in Daniel preferred him aboue all other rulers and gouernours in his kingdome and further thought in his mind to set him ouer the whole realme And because the king had so preferred Daniel his enemies being moued with enuy they sought occasion against Daniel and preuailed so farre against him that he was cast among the lions to be deuoured of them God shutteth the mouthes of the lions the hungry lions that Daniel may be preserued The accusers of Daniel and they which sought his blood by the kings commandement they their wiues and their children are cast into the denne of lions and the lions had the maistry of them and brake all their bones a pieces ere euer they came at the ground of the denne The righteous escapeth out of trouble and the wicked shall come in his stéed saith Salomon in his Prouerbes Looke into the selfe same history of Daniel and there shal ye read of Susanna the wife of Ioachim a beautifull and that which is rare a chaste and godly woman also Through her beautie two wicked Iudges were inflamed and hauing gotten time and occasion to come priuily into her presence néedes she must yeeld vnto them or else no way but death She refuseth and committeth her cause to God and crieth out The wicked Iudges they beare witnesse against her that she would haue bene naught with a yoong man And when she was led to death God raised vp the spirit of a yoong child to trie out the matter and the Iudges being founde guiltie were stoned to death and Susanna deliuered Was this their destinie or or was it the manifestation of the iustice of God in his iudgement God knoweth by his wonderfull prouidence howe to bring the mischieuous intents of the wicked to naught turning all to the setting forth of his glory by shewing his iustice on the one sort and declaring his mercy vnto the other to the comfort of the godly and to the terrour of the wicked For as god hath a prouident and fatherly care ouer the godly not only prospering their estate of life by his manifold blessings and helping them in all their necessities but furthermore asswaging their griefes and easing comforting them in all their miseries distresses so also hath he a stroke in the practises of the wicked that they shal be able to do no more then that which he hath determined shall giue thē leaue to do As our Sauior Christ answered Pilat when he said vnto him Answerest thou nothing knowest thou not that I haue power to loose thée and power to condemne thée Iesus answered said vnto him Thou couldest haue no power vnlesse it were giuen thée frō aboue Which also is confirmed by the sayings of the Apostles Act. 4. 28. concerning the death of Christ Doubtlesse say they against thy holy son Iesus whom thou haddest annointed both Herod and Pontius Pilate with the gentiles and people of Israel gathered themselues togither to doo whatsoeuer thy hand and thy counsell had determined before to be done Diuers waies hath god to restraine the mallice of the wicked and to breake their mightie purposes Sometimes he casteth a dumpe into their mindes and taketh away their vnderstanding sometimes although their sences be fresh and and their mindes currant and marnellous readie as a lyon to the praie yet before they come to the déede God casteth a feare into their hearts or stoppeth them some way or other that they cannot do as they would Sometimes god giueth them leaue a degrée further as to beginne and to put their mischiefe in practise but before their matters come to an ende he crosseth all and they stand amazed to thinke what was done Absolon he laieth his plot to put his father out of his kingdom and vseth flattering means and stealeth away the hearts of the people his minde was currant and his sences fresh he taketh counsell of the matter and it goeth forward The trumpet is blowne and the people rebelliously are vp in armes against their lawfull king the matter beginneth now to be set on foote Achitophel he giues mischéeuous counsell but god turneth it into foolishnesse The armies méete but vpon a sodain Absolon and his army are discomfited and dismaid and before he can come to the victory and to enioy his fathers kingdome and his crowne he hangeth vpon an oake being caught by the long locks and haire of his head and thus taken vp betwéen the heauen and the earth he hangeth til Ioab one of the chief captaines of his fathers army came and thrust thrée darts through him and dispatched him of his life King Pharaoh he cannot away with the people of god that dwell in his land hee is affraide they will be more mightie than his people He taketh vppon him to be wise and to stop the increase of the people and giueth commandement to slaie the men children the midwiues fearing god they kéepe them aliue Yea he that afterwarde was moste against him was preserued aliue by his owne daughter and daintily kept as one of the kings stocke so long as he would himselfe When this deuice failed he laieth vpon them sore oppression and gréeuous burthens and taskes them to the death belike to make them flie his land God taketh such order in their behalfe that they should depart out of his kingdome I know not how but the king will not giue them leaue and when they were going out he pursued after them to destroy them and in the pusuit lost his owne life and many moe of his people The histories of France can tell that although their persecuting king be in his complet harnes and in his roialtie shall shew his valour among his friends and subiects yet while he is Iusting a splinter of Momorance his speare shall enter as the arrow did betwéene the ioynts of king Ahabs Brigandine that he died and shall strike him through the holes of his eyes into the braines that he dieth euen a little before that he ioyeth to sée and beholde the death of a fewe poore Christians Marke and wonder at the estate of our Soueraigne and gratious Quéene Elizabeth whom pray we that God may long continue among vs to his glory and our comfort What mallice and mischiefe against her One curseth an other reioyceth to performe treachery the third in a holy and deuout minde counteth it religion to murther her whome God hath annointed and established to rule and gouerne vs. Poysoning assaied Sorcery and witchcraft put in practise She taketh them to be her friends which are come to dispatch her of her life Either in her countenance they sée Gods presence or in their hearts is a fainting feare that
the loathsome end of the Emperour Arnolphus whose flesh and entrailes were eaten vp of lice and nothing left vneaten saue onlie his griftles and his bones although the phisitians did their best who can doe nothing when God saith nay and hindereth their working by not giuing effect to the same A king deuoured of rattes and an Emperour of lice mightie rulers and great gouernours and yet had no power ouer such weake creatures God did not vouchsafe them to end there liues by sickenesse or sword or famine or pestilence but that they might be more odious and detestable and of infamous memory to the world and all succéeding ages it was Gods wil that thus they should be deuoured and that their sin should not be vnpunished and that mightie men should be plagued by Gods hand who otherwise séeme to be lawlesse That Emperours and Kings Nobles and Magistrates and all the great ones of the world may not think that they shall escape scotfrée but as they are mightie so are their mightier then they Thus according to that small skill that it hath pleased God to graunt me I haue brieflly discoursed of those principall matters comprehended in the image of God in man being created in righteousnesse and holinesse hauing Fréewill at the first and furthermore crowned with immortalitie and fréedome from death and lastly the priuiledge soueraigntie and gouernment ouer all Gods creatures then being graunted vnto him of God And this is that happie estate wherein man was created and whiche for a time he did enioy but he did not long continus therein Who through his owne fault and disobedience fell away from so great giftes and graces and blessings God graunt that both our hearts and mindes may be so framed from day to day to the image of God in holinesse and righteousnesse and all good and vertuous quallities that God may bee glorified in vs and by vs and that our Frée will workes which are nothing else but inclinations to sinne may from time to time be redressed vntil that sinne and the corruption thereof which lieth hid in our hearts may at the last be rooted out that so we may be partakers of that immortalitie and fréedom from death which by reason of sin we haue lost and are now for the same cause hindered from Finally that we may obtaine that priuiledge rule and gouernment not ouer beastes which is but for a time but ouer our beastly affections and sinfull desires which are rise in vs and now preuaile and haue the vpper hand that they may be cut off for euer and that we may neuer displease God And that at length we may come to that place where we may continue alwaies in giuing thankes vnto him and setting foorth his praises where we may enioy the presence of God with the full fruition of all happinesse and where we shall sée and behold him as he is face to face To God the father God the sonne and God the holy Ghost c. Deo gratia solique gloria Of Iustification The knowledge of our miserie A comfort in our downfall The ftaie the happie estate and the life of a regenerate man taken out of the Epistle of Saint Paule to the Romanes THe righteousnesse of man is as a defiled polluted and menstruous cloth whereby we become hatefull vnto Our mindes are corrupt by Idolatry God For when we should glorifie God in his creatures perceiuing in them his eternall goodnesse wisedome and power yet we turne the truth of God into a lie worshipping the creature in steade of the Creator which is blessed for euer Then also are we vnrighteous and most wicked in our liues For there is none of vs that Our liues shamefull by our wicked behauiour vnderstandeth and séeketh after God yea willingly from whence floweth all wickednesse wee forget God none that dooth good contemning God and admiring our selues béeing puft vp with vaine cogitations farre from the obedience of God Our féete are swift to shead blood and our throate is an open sepulchre we are deceitfull and our tongues are filled therewith wee are giuen to all crueltie and oppression destruction and calamitie are in our waies and the way of peace haue we not knowne the feare of God is not before our eyes Yea wée doo not only commit those thinges our selues which we knowe are woorthie death and are condemned by the lawe of GOD but also fauoure them that doo them And this is the state of man being left vnto himselfe in which estate euen the regenerate should be inwrapped if god All subiect to condemnation and so vnder the mercy of God did not correct ther wickednes So that by nature being without Christ we are shut from the kingdome of God as obstinate stubburne and rebellious persons a people that cannot repent but goe on still in our wickednesse and are aliaunts and straungers from the common-weale of Israel and depriued of the blessings of God and are all as condemned personnes vnlesse it please God to drawe vs vnto him and for our stonie heart to giue vs a fleshly heart that may resolue it self into teares and vnlesse it please God to forgiue vs our sinnes and to renue our corrupt hearts Most true therefore is that generall proposition of S. Paule For there is no difference for all haue sinned and are depriued of the glory of god euen of eternall life and happinesse whereat all of vs doe aime Now séeing the heart of man is deceitfull and who can knowe it Séeing there lurketh many starting holes therein and that the braunches are indued with the selfe-same sappe that commeth Although we be not iust by nature yet we would seeme to be iust by condemning other from the roote I meane séeing we are readie to excuse our selues in our owne wickednesse by accusing of others as did our forefather and our first roote Adam and that the nature of man is to cleare himselfe and to hide his sinnes from god being giuen to all hipocrisie and that he is ready to iustifie himselfe by condemning other albeit he commit not hainous sinnes such as are mentioned Those that might otherwise thinke themselues iust being compared to the lawe are wicked in the latter end of the first chapter nor giue consent vnto them yea although he shewe himselfe a professed enemie to those vices yet because he is not altogither frée from them or at leastwise tainted with some of them if he consider his estate he cannot shewe any defence for himselfe So that by his fained and hipocriticall kind of righteousnesse first he is in excusable secondlie he incurreth the iudgement of God which is according to truth against them which commit such things thirdly he despiseth the riches of his bountfulnesse patience and long suffering not knowing that the bountifulnesse of God leadeth him to repentaunce The effect of which his hipocrisie is this that after his hardnesse and heart that cannot repent hée heapeth vp as a treasure vnto
through him that loued vs. For I am perswaded that neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things pr●sent nor things to come nor heigth nor depth nor any other creature shal be able to seperate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. The s●●●ne of all is this that the righteousnesse of man by reason of idolatry and wickednes procéeding from his corrupt nature is abhominable in the sight of god and that by no excuse or deuise he may acquit himselfe before the iudgement seate of God but hée is subiect both Iewe and Gentile to the condemnation which the iustice of God doth require Therefore lieth it not in mans power by the lawe of the workes thereof to attaine vnto righteousnesse because in his hart hée hateth the lawe he being carnall and the lawe spirituall As hée desireth to hide his sinne so by the lawe is the knowledge of sinne and as he séemeth to himselfe to be iust before he examine his life by the lawe not but that by the lawe hée is condemned but he putteth his condemnation farre from him and thinketh not of it so is the lawe the cause of transgression of sinne and of death Yea the regenerate man is stained with sin therefore neither can he be iustified by the lawe So that the righteousnesse of man is that which is from God by faithe in Christ vnto all that beleeue Of which righteousnesse there are thrée braunches Remission of sinnes which is not frée from correction though there be deliueraunce from eternal punishment and damnation The second braunch is the Conclusion Imputation of Christ his righteousnes whereby the filthy garments of our sinnes are taken from vs and we arraied in a vesture and garment of broydered gold I meane hauing not only our sinnes forgiuen vs but the righteousnes and holines of God also imputed vnto vs. The third branch is sanctification and holines of life by the which we are made fit to fulfill the lawe Yea séeing that while we are cloathed with this body of flesh sinne remaineth and that the flesh fighteth against the spirit we are to meditate and practise the mortification of our sinfull flesh Hauing this aduantage that we are vnder grace and that also by Christ we obtaine victory And not only to practise mortification but to bring forth the frutes of the spirite and of the inner man euen the loue which we do owe vnto God and that charitable duty which we are bound to extend to our neighbour And at all times we offer vp our selues as an acceptable sacrifice vnto God séeking the glory of his name as well by our death as by our life knowing this that in afflictions whatsoeuer if so be it we endure with patience we shall not be destitute of comfort and consolation Yea such that may swallow vp the bitternesse of all torments beside that rich reward that is reserued for them in the life to come who with all confidence and boldnesse willingly and readily confesse Christ before men standing to the triall of their faith and the assurednesse of their vndoubted hope euen to the sheading of their blood Now the God of all comfort and consolation euen the God of peace which brought againe from the dead our Lord Iesus Christ the great shepheard of the shéepe through the blood of the euerlasting couenant make vs perfect in all good workes to doo his will working in vs that which is pleasant in his sight through Iesus Christ To whom with the Father and the holy Ghost be all praise dominion and power both now and for euer Amen Deo soli laus gloria Of Predestination A briefe declaration of Predestination set forth by that learned man and principall member in Christs Church M. Theodore Beza A waightie and most necessary matter for euery true Christian to know containing the very ground and principall scope of religion which the more we read the more we may both for the sweetnesse and singular profit that it yeeldeth to them whose harts it pleaseth God to open and whose mindes are lightned by Gods good spirit He that hath eares to heare let him heare Mat. 13. 9. They which pertaine to the kingdome of God to them it is giuen to know this and all other secrets and misteries belonging to saluation and euerlasting life As for the rest and them which are without all things are spoken in parables there is a vaile before them that they seeing should not see and hearing should not heare and hauing hearts to perceiue should not vnderstand Mat. 13. 11. Act. 28. 25. 26. 27. The first Chapter The question of Gods eternall Predestination is not curious or vnprofitable but of great importance and very necessary in the Church of God SAint Augustine in his booke of Perseuerance De bono perseuerantiae Obiection chap. 14. saith that they which were against him as aduersaries in this question did alledge that this doctrine of Predestination did hinder the preaching of Gods word and caused that it could not profit As if saith he Answere this doctrine had hindred the Apostle Saint Paul to do his dutie who so oftentimes doth commend vnto vs and teach Predestination and yet neuer ceaseth to preach the word of God Also saith moreouer As he that hath receiued the gift can better exhort and preach so he that hath receiued this gift doth hear the preacher more obediently and with greater reuerence c. We do therefore exhort and preach but they only which haue eares to heare do heare vs quietly and to their comfort and in those that haue them not this sentence is fulfilled That hearing with their eares they do not heare for they heare with outward sence but not with the inward consent Now why some men haue these eares and others not it is because it is giuen to some to come and to others not Who knew Gods counsell must that be denied which is plaine and euident because that cannot be knowne which is hid and secret Againe in the 15. Chapter I pray you saith he if some vnder the shadow of Predestination giue themselues to slothful negligence and as they are bent to flatter their flesh to follow their owne lusts must we therefore iudge that this which is written of the foreknowledge of God is false Now surely this is verie handsome and to the purpose that we shall not speake that which by the scripture is lawfull to speake Oh we feare say you least he should be offended which is not able to vnderstand and take it And shall we not feare say I lest while we do hold our tongues he that is able to take the truth be taken and snared with falshood and error Also in the twentie chapter of the same booke he writeth in this sort If the Apostles and Doctors of the Church which came after them did the one and the other both teaching the eternall election of God purely and truly and
also retaining the faithfull in godly life and manners what moueth these our aduersaries séeing they are ouercome with the manifest and inuincible trueth to thinke they speake well saying Although this doctrine of Predestination be true yet it ought not to be preached vnto the people Nay so much the rather it is good to be throughly preached that he that hath eares to heare may heare And who hath them But he that hath receiued them of God who promiseth to giue them And as for him that doth receiue it let him refuse it if he will so that he that doth receiue it may take it drinke it be sufficed and haue life For as we must preach the feare of God to the end that God may be truly serued so must wée preach predestination that he which hath eares to heare may heare and reioyce in God not in himselfe for the grace of God towards him This is the mind of that excellent Doctor as touching this point Which notwithstanding bindeth vs to two conditions The one is that we speake no farther héerein then Gods worde doth limit vs. The other that we set forth the same thing which the scripture teacheth accordingly and to edification Wherefore we will briefly speake of both these partes first of the doctrine it selfe and next of the vse and applying of the same The second chapter Of the eternall counsell of God hidde in himselfe the which afterwards is knowen by the effects thereof GOD whose iudgements no man can comprehend The councell purpose will of God is the fountaine and originall of all causes whose waies cannot be found out and whose will ought to stop all mens mouthes according to the determinate and vnchaungeable purpose of his will by the vertue whereof all things aremade yea those things which are euill and execrable not in that they be wrought by his diuine counsell but forasmuch as they procéed of the prince of the aire and that spirit which worketh in the childrē of disobedience hath determined from before al beginning with himselfe to create all things in their time for his glory and namely men whome hée hath made after two sorts cleane contrary one to the other Whereof hée maketh the one sort which it pleased him to choose by his secret will and purpose partakers of his glory through his mercie Vessels of honor and these we call according to the word of God the vessels of honour the elect the children of promise predestinate to saluation And the other whom likewise it pleased him to ordaine to damnation that hée might shewe foorth his wrath and power to bée glorified also in them wée doe Vessels of dishonor call the vessels of dishonour and wrath the reprobate and cast off from all good workes This election or predestination to euerlasting life being Our election is hid in the secret purpose of God considered in the will of God that is to say this selfe same determination or purpose to elect is the first fountaine and chief originall of the saluation of Gods children neither is it theron grounded as some say because god did foresée their faith or good workes But only of his owne good will from whence afterwards the election the faith and the good workes spring foorth Therefore when the scripture will confirme the children of God in full and perfect hope it doth not stay in alledging the testimonies of the second causes that is to say in the frutes of faith nor in the second causes themselues as faith calling by the Gospell neither yet sometimes in Christ himselfe in whom notwithstanding we are as in our head elected adopted but ascendeth higher euen vnto that eternal purpose which god hath determined only in himselfe Likewise when mention is made of the damnation of the reprobate although the whole fault thereof be in thēmselues Reprobation is hidde in the secret purpose of God yet notwithstanding sometimes when néede requireth the scripture to make more manifest by this comparison the greate power of Gods patience and the riches of his glory towards the vessels of mercy leadeth vs vnto this high secret which by order is the first cause of their damnation Of the which secrete no other cause is knowen to men but only his iust will which we must with all reuerence obey as comming from him who is onely iust and cannot by any meanes nor of any man in any sort be comprehended For wée must put difference betwixt the purpose or ordinance of reprobation and reprobation it selfe The secret purpose to elect or reproue only appertaineth to God but the causes of election reprobation are manifest in the Scriptures because God would that the secrete of this his purpose should be kept close trom vs and againe wée haue the causes of Reprobation and Damnation which dependeth thereof expressed in Gods word that is to say corruption lacke of faith and iniquity which as they bée necessary so are they also voluntary in the vessels made to dishonor like as on the other part when wée describe orderly the causes of the saluation of the elect wée put difference betwixt the purpose of the electing which God hath determined in himselfe and the election which is appointed in Christ In such sort that this his purpose or ordinance doth not only go before election in the degrée of causes but also before all other things that followe the same The chiefe matters gathered out of this second chapter with places of proofe taken out of the worde of God ioyned thereunto God disposeth all according to his will and hath created all things for his glory and namely man Concerning whome first hée challengeth the ordering of all affaires as also the hardening of hearts Secondly hée hath made them after two sorts the one contrary to the other That God disposeth all according to his will Esay 46. 9. 10. 11. 12. Remember the former things of old For I am God and there is no other God and there is nothing like me Which declare the last thing from the beginning and from of old the things that were not done saying My counsaile shall stand and I will do whatsoeuer I wil. I call a bird from the East Cyrus which shal come as swift as a bird and the man of my counsel who shal execute that which I haue determined from farre As I haue spoken so will I bring it to passe I haue purposed and I will do it Esa 14 26. The Lord of hostes hath determined it and who shal disanull it and his hand is stretched out and who shall turne it away Dan. 4. 32. All the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing and according to his will he worketh in the army of heauen and in the inhabitants of the earth and none can stay his hand nor say vnto him What doest thou Ephe. 1. 9. 11. And he hath opened vnto vs the mistery of his will according to his good pleasure which
God heard vs whose hart the Lord opened that she attended vnto the things that Paul spake Our election is made sure vnto vs by the testimony of the spirit 1. Cor. 2. 12. Now we haue receiued not the Spirit of the world but the Spirit which is of God that we might know the things that are giuen to vs of God 1. Ihon. 3. 24. Hereby we knowe that he abideth in vs euen by the spirit which he hath giuen vs. 1. Ihon. 5. 20. We knowe that the Sonne of God is come and hath giuen vs a mind to know him And by the testimony of our conscience Ro. 8. 15. 16. For ye haue not receiued the spirit of bondage to feare againe but ye haue receiued the spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba father The same spirit beareth witnesse with our spirit that we are the children of God Pal. 4. 6. And because ye are sonnes God hath sent forth the spirit of his sonne into your harts which crieth Abba Father Ko 8. 14. For as many as are led by the spirit of God they are the sonnes of God By the vertue of Gods spirit the elect are deliuered from the slauerie of sinne and it doth perswade and conduct them to will and worke the things which please God Phil. 2. 12. 13. Wherefore my beloued as ye haue alwaies obeied not as in my presence onely but now much more in my absence so make an end of your owne saluation with feare and trembling For it is God which worketh in you both the will and the déed euen of his good pleasure Ihon. 8. 36. If the sonne therfore shall make you frée by his spirit ye shall be frée indéed Rom. 6. 18. Being then made frée from sin ye are made the seruants of righteousnesse But because this faith is but weake and only begun in in this life that we may not only perseuere in it but also profit by it it is sealed in our hearts by the vse of the Sacraments Mar. 16. 16. He that shall beléeue and be baptised shall be saued but he that will not beléeue shall be damned Act. 2. 38. Then Peter said vnto them Amend your liues and bee baptised euerie one of you in the name of Iesus Christ for the remission of sinnes and ye shall receiue the gift of the holy Ghost Rom. 6. 3. 4. Know ye not that all we which haue bene baptised into Iesus Christ haue bin baptized into his death We are buried then with him by baptisme into his death that like as Christ was raised vp from the dead by the glory of the father so we also should walke in newnesse of life Gal. 3. 26. 27. Ye are all the sonnes of God by faith in Christ Iesus For all ye that are baptised into Christ haue put on Christ verse 29. And if ye be Christs then are ye Abrahams séed and heires by promise Gal. 2. 11. 12. In whom also ye are circumcised with circumcision made without hands by putting off the sinful bodie of the flesh through the circumcision of Christ In that ye are buried with him through baptisme in whom ye are also raised vp togither through the faith of the operation of God which raised him from the dead Ephe. 5. 26. 27. 28. Christ so loued the church that he gaue himselfe for it that he might sanctifie it and cleanse it by the washing of water through the word that he might make vnto himself a glorious church not hauing spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it shuld be holy without blame The note thereupon Baptisme is a token that God hath consecrated the church to himselfe and made it holy by his word that is his promise of frée righteousnesse and holinesse in Christ 1. Pet. 3. 21. Noahs flood To the which also the figure that now saueth vs euen Baptisme agreeth not the putting away of the filth of the flesh but in that a good conscience maketh request to God by the resurrection of Iesus Christ 1. Cor. 10. 16. 17. The cup of blessing which we blesse is it not the communion of the blood of Christ The bread which we breake is it not the communion of the bodie of Christ For we that are many are one bread and one bodie because we all are partakers of one bread Rom. 4. 11. After he receiued the signe of circumcision as the seale of the righteousnesse of the faith which he had For this occasion it is mentioned that we being iustified by faith haue peace with God Rom. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. Then being iustified by faith we haue peace toward God through our Lord Iesus Christ By whō also we haue accesse through faith vnto this grace wherein we stand and reioyce vnder the hope of the glory of GOD. Neither do we so only but also we reioyce in tribulations Where faith is there is also perseuerance and a stedfast purpose to continue Phil. 1. 6. And I am perswaded of this same thing that he that hath begun this good worke in you will performe it vntill the day of Iesus Christ Nomb. 23. 19. God is not as man that he should lie neither as the sonne of man that he should repent Hath hée said and shall he not do it And hath he spoken and shall he not accomplish it Psal 23. 6. Doubtlesse kindnesse and mercy shall follow me all the daies of my life and I shall remaine a long season in the house of the Lord. Psal 27. 4. One thing haue I desired of the Lord that I will require euen that I may dwell in the house of the Lorde all the daies of my life to beholde the beautie of the Lord and to visit his Temple Mat. 24. 24. And except those daies should bee shortened there should no flesh be saued but for the elects sake those daies shall be shortned Lest they should fall away as it is said of Enoch that he was taken away lest he shuld be deceiued by wickednesse and sinne Iohn 6. 37. All that the father giueth men shall come to me and him that commeth to me I cast not away Iohn 17. 15. I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world but that thou kéepe them from euil Iohn 10. 27. 28 My shéepe heare my voyce and I know them and they follow me And I giue vnto them eternall life and they shall neuer perish neither shall any plucke them out of mine hand Iohn 13. 1. As he loued his owne which were in the world vnto the end he loued them Hebr. 10. 23. 24. c. Let vs kéep the profession of our hope without wauering For he is faithfull that promised And let vs cōsider one an other to prouoke vnto loue and to good workes Not sorsaking the fellowship that we haue among our selues as the manner of some is but let vs exhort one an other and that so much the more because ye sée that the day draweth neare For if we sinne willingly there remaineth a fearefull
looking for of iudgement Vppon this gift of faith and perseuerance the godly doubt not to call vpon God in all afflictions Rom. 8 38. 39. For I am perswaded that neither death nor life nor Angels nor any creature shall be able to seperate mée from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. 2. Cor. 1. 21. 22. It is God which stablisheth vs with you in Christ and hath annointed vs who hath also sealed vs and hath giuen the earnest of the spirit in our hearts Iom 1. 6. 7. 8. 9. He that wauereth is like a waue of the sea tost of the winde and carried away Neither let that man thinke that he shall receiue any thing of the Lord. A wauering minded man is vnstable in all his waies Hebr. 4. 16. Let vs therefore go boldly vnto the throne of grace that we may receiue mercy and find grace to help in time of néed Hehr. 10. 21. 22. Séeing we haue a high Priest which is ouer the house of God let vs drawe neare with a true heart in assurance of faith sprinckeled in our hearts from an euill conscience and washed in our bedies with pure water 1. Iohn 4. 17. Herein is the loue perfect in vs that we should haue boldnesse in the day of iudgement by reason of this perseuerance wherewith he hath inabled vs. Yet the godly may swarue and fall as did Moses Aaron Dauid Peter but at length by Gods grace they returne againe 1. Iohn 3. 9. Whosoeuer is borne of God sinneth not finally For his séed remaineth in him neither can he sin because he is borne of God Through the power of his word and the operation of his holy spirit 2. Pet. 1. 10. Wherfore brethren giue diligence to make your calling and election sure For if ye do these things ye shall neuer fall No man is made righreous but hee that is made holie and framed to good workes Ephe. 2. 10. For we are his workemanship created in Christ Iesus to good workes which God hath ordained that we should walke in them Ephe. 1. 4. He hath chosen vs in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy without blame before him in loue The way whereby God by his mercy doth prepare his elect to his kingdome is by the mediation of our sauiour Christ while they stedfastly beleeue not onely that he is their perfect sacrifice but their aduocate and intercessor to God for them Heb. 9. 13. 14. 15. 16. For if the blood of Bulls Goates and the ashes of an heifer sprinckling them that are vncleane sanctifieth as touching the purifieng of the flesh How much more shall the blood of Christ which through the eternall spirit offered himselfe without spot to God purge your conscience from dead workes to serue the liuing God And for this cause is he the mediatour of the newe Testament that through death which was for the redemption of the transgressions that were in the former Testament they which were called might receiue the promise of eternall inheritance 1. Tim. 2. 5. For there is one God and one Mediator betwéene God and man which is the man Christ Iesus As concerning infants which die assoone as they are borne who are elected and chosen vnto life by Gods secret purpose the way is more speedie For they are presently in the hands of God Because he accepteth the children of the faithfull Gene. 17. 7. Moreouer I will establish my couenant betwene me and thée and thy seede after thée in their generations for an euerlasting couenant to be god vnto thée and to thy seede after thée Exo. 20. 6. Shewing mercy vnto thousands to them that loue me and kéepe my commandements 1. Cor. 7. 14. For the vnbeléeuing husband is sanctified by the wife and the vnbeléeuing wife is sanctified by the husband else were your children vncleane but nowe are they holy Chap. 5. After what sort almightie God doth execute and effectually declare his counsaile touching Reprobation BY these things whereof we haue spoken it may easily The old Adam is the foundation of the reprobation which mans iudgement can attaine vnto appeare howe God maketh them to goe to their owne place whom he created to that end that he might be glorified in their iust condemnation For as Christ the second heauenly Adam is the foundation very substance and effect of the elects saluation so also the first earthly Adam because he fell is the first author of the hate and so consequently of the damnation of the reproued For whē god moued with these causes which he onely knoweth had determined to create thē to this end to shewe foorth in them his iust wrath power he did likewise orderly dispose the causes and meanes whereby it might come to passe that the whole cause of their damnation might be of themselues as hath bin declared before in the third chapter Whē man then The iudgement of God towards infants that are reprobate was fallen willingly into that misrable estate whereof we haue spoken in the chapter before God who hateth iustly the Reprobate because they are corrupt in part of thē he doth execute his iust wrath assoone as they are borne and towards the rest that be of age whō he reserueth to a more sharpe iudgement he obserueth two waies cleane contrary one to the other For as concerning some he sheweth How Reprobaton is first manifested No calling to the Cospell them not so much fauour as once to heare of Iesus Christ in whome onely is saluation but suffereth them to walke in their owne waies and runne headlong to their perdition And as for the testimonies that God hath left to thē of his diuinitie serue them to no other vse but to make thē without all excuse yet through their owne default séeing their ignoraunce and lacke of capacitie is the iust punishment of the corruption wherein they are borne And surely as touching that they can attaine vnto in knowing God by their light or rather naturall darkenesse albeit they neuer failed in the way but so continued yet were it not in any wise sufficient for their saluation For it is necessary for vs that shall be saued that we know God not onely as God but as our father in Christ The which misterie flesh and bloud doth not reueale but the sonne himselfe to them whome his father hath giuen him As An vnprofitable calling or of none effect concerning others their fall is more terrible For he causeth them to heare by preaching the outward worde of the gospell but because they are not of the number of the elect being called they are not And forasmuch as they are not able to receiue the spirit of truth therefore they cannot beléeue because it is not giuen vnto them Wherefore when they are called to the feast thy refuse to come so that the worde of life is folly vnto them and an offence finally the sauour of death to their destruction There
God hath raised vs vp togither and made vs sit togither in the heauenly places in Christ Iesus Philip. 1. 23. For I am greatly in doubt on both sides destring to be loosed and to be with Christ which is best of all Luke 23. 43. Iesus said to the théefe that repented Verily I say vnto thée To day shalt thou be with me in Paradice And chapter 16. 22. And it was so that the begger died and was carried by the Angels into Abrahams bosome Wis● 3. 1. But the soules of the righteous are in the hands of God and no torment shall touch them Eccle. 12. 7. And dust return to the earth as it was and the spirit returne to God that gaue it Then shall they enioy fully that vnspeakeable comfort prepared Rom. 8. 18. For I account that the affictions of this present time are not worthie of the glory which shall be shewed vnto vs. Mat. 25. 34. Then shall the king say to them on his right hand Come ye blessed of my father inherit ye the kingdome prepared for you from the foundations of the world 1. Cor. 15. 42. 43. 53. The bodie is sowne in corruption and is raised in corruption It is sowne in dishonour and is raised in glory it is sowne in weakenesse and is raised in power For this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortall must put on immortalitie 1. Cor. 2. 9. The things which eye hath not séene neither eare hath heard neither came into mans heart are which God hath prepared for them that loue him By whose vertue and spirit they haue proceeded and gone forward from faith to faith as shall manifestly appeare by the whole course of their life and good workes Rom. 1. 17. The righteousnesse of God is reuealed from faith to faith ●● 2. Re● 1. 2●1 2. Grace and peace be multiplied to you by the knowledge of God of Iesns our Lord. According as his godly power hath giuen vnto vs all things that pertaine vnto life and godlinesse through the knowkledge of him that hath called vs vnto glory and vertue Whereby most great and precious promises are giuen vnto vs that by them ye should be partakers of the godly nature in that ye flie the corruption which is in the world through lust Therefore giue euen all diligence thereunto Ioine moreoner vertue with your faith and with vertue knowledge and with knowledge temperaunce and with temperaunce patience and with patience godlinesse and with godlinesse brotherly kindenesse and with brotherly kindnesse loue For if these things be among you and abound they wil make you that ye neither shal be idle nor vnfruitfull in the knowledge of our Lord Iesus Christ For he that hath not these things is blinde and cannot sée farre off and hath forgotten that hee was purged frōm his olde sinnes Wherefore brethren giue rather diligence to make your calling and election sure For if ye do these things ye shall neuer fall For by these meanes an entering shall be ministred vnto you aboundantly into the cuerlasting kingdom of out Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ Whereas altogither contrary the Reprobate conceiued borne and brought vp in sin death and the wrath of God when they depart out of this world they fall into another gulfe of destruction and their soules are plunged in that endlesse paine vntill the day come that their bodies and solues being ioined again they shall enter into euerlasting fire which is prepared for the diuel and his angels 〈◊〉 Psal 5 ●●●5 Behold I was borne in iniquitle and in sinne hath my mother conceaued me Ephe. 2. 3. And were by nature the children of wrath as well as others Rom. 7. 14. sold vnder sinne Rom. 5. 14. Wherefore as by one man sinne entred into the world and death by sinne and so death went ouer all men forasmuch as all men haue sinned Dani. 12. 2. And many of them that sléepe in the dust of the earth shall awake some to euerlasting life and some to shame and perpetuall contempt Iohn 5. 28 29. Maruell not at this for the houre shall come in the which all that are in the graues shall heare his voyce And they shall come forth that haue done good vnto the resurrection of life but they that haue done cuill to the resurrection of condemnation Luke 16. 22. 23. 24. The rich man also died and was buried and being in hell torments he lift vp his yes and sawe Abraham a farre off and Lazarus in his hosome Then he cried and said Father Abraham haue merry on me and send Lazarus that he may dippe the tippe of his singer in water and coole my tongue for I am tormented in this flame But Abraham said Sonne remember that thou in thy life time receiuedst thy pleasures and likewise Lazarus paines now therefore is he comforted and thou art tormented Mat. 25. 41. Then shall he say to them on the left hand Depart from me ye cursed into euerlasting fire which is prepared for the diuel and his angels The seuenth Chapter After what sort this doctrine may be preached with most profit SInte wee haue nowe declared the effect of this doctrine VVhat discretion the matter requireth it remaineth also that wee shewe what order we thinke best to be obseru●● in preaching and applying the same to euery particular man Whereas many find this matter so sharp and strange that they flie from it as from a dangerous rocke it is partly to be attributed to the malice and arrogancy of men And partly to the rashnesse and lacke of discretion of them that teach it and thirdly it is to be imputed to their ignoraunce which cannot orderly apply the same to themselues which faithfully and truly hath bin taught of others Concerning them which sinne of malice it onely appertaineth to GOD to amend them Which surely he hath done alwaies in his reason and likewise will do from time to time to whom he hath appointed to shewe mercy But for others which remain● obstinate in their sinne and wickednesse there is no cause why we should be moued either for their number or authority to dissemble Gods truth And as touching the second sorte I haue thought these things principally to be obserued in preaching this misterie First as in all other things so chiefly in this matter of predestination they ought to take diligent héede that in stéede of Gods pure and simple truth they bring not soorth vaine and curious speculations or dreames Which thing they cannot choose but do which goe about to compasse and accord these secret iudgments of God with mans wisdome so do not onely put difference betwirt predstinatiō and the purpose of god which thing they must néedes do but seperate the one frō the other For they either imagine a certaine naked and idle permition or else make a double purpose and counsell in God From the which errors they must néeds fall into many and greate absurdities For sometimes they are constrained to diuide
children of God that is euidently proued which wée tooke in hand to shewe that is forasmuch as we were predestinate by the eternall counsell and decrée of God the which he had determined in himselfe to be adopted in his sonne therefore we were giuen to him Whereof the conclusion The confidence to perseuere and to be saued is sure and certaine followeth that since by the most constant will of God which onely is grounded on it selfe and dependeth on none other thing we are predestinate and no man can take vs out of the hand of the sonne Also séeing that to continue and perseuere in the faith is necessary it followeth I say that the hope of our perseueraunce is certaine and so consequently our saluation so that to doubte any more of it is euill and wicked So farre then it is against reason to say that this doctrine maketh men negligent or dissolute that contrariwise this alone doth open vs the way search out and vnderstand by the power of the holy Ghost Gods déepe secrets as the Apostle plainly teacheth to the end that when we know them albeit wée knowe them here in this world but after a sort so that wée must daily fight with the spiritual armour against distrust we may learne to behaue our selues not idely but rather to perseuere valiantly to serue and honour God to loue him to feare him to call vpon him that daily more and more as saith Saint Peter asmuch as in vs lieth we may make our vocation and election certaine Moreouer how shall he stand sure and constant against so many gréeuous temptations both within and without and against so many assaults of fortune as the world doth terme it that is not well resolued in this point which is most true That is that God according to his goodwill doeth all things whatsoeuer they be and what instruments and meanes soeuer he vseth in working of the same for the commodity of his elect Of the which number he is that findeth himselfe The election only dooth comfort vs in all afflictions in this daunger and trouble As touching the other point which concerneth Reprobation because no man can call to mind the determinate purpose of election but at the same inistant the contrary will come to remembraunce besides that in the holie scripture these two are oftentimes ioyned togither it must néedes be that such as estéeme this part curious or vnprofitable and therefore not to be talked off The doctrine of Reprobation cught not to be suppressed neither applied to any particular company but wisely handled doo great iniury to the spirit of God Therefore this part is to be waied and considered but with such modestie that the height of gods iudgements may at all times bridle our curious fancies in such sort that we doo not apply it particularly to any man nor to any certaine company For in this also it differeth from election because election as hath bene said is reuealed to vs by the spirit of God within our selues not in others whose hearts wee cannot know And Reprobatiou is euer hid from men except it be disclosed by God contrary to the common course of thinges For who can tell if god haue determined to shewe mercy at the last houre of death to him which hath spent all his life past lewdely and wickedly But this trust ought not to incourage any man to maintaine and continue in his sinne and vngodlinesse For I speake of those things which we ought to consider in others for the examples of such mercy of god are very rare neither any man that is wise will promise to himselfe through a vaine securitie and trust that thing which is not in his owne power It is therefore sufficient if we vnderstand generally that there be vessels prepared to perdition The which séeing God doth not reueale vnto vs who they are we ought both in example of life and praier diligently endeuour to winne and recouer to their saluation yea euen very such of whom by séeing their horrible vices we almost VVe must labour to winne all men dispaire And if we obserue this order we shall receiue greate fruite of this doctrine For First by the knowledge héereof we shall learne humbly The doctrine of Reprobation maketh men humble to submitte our selues to the maiestie of God so that the more we shall feare and reuerence him the more we ought to labour to confirme in our selues the testimonie of our election in Christ It maketh the grace of God to be better knowen of the Elect. Secondly when we shalldiligently consider the difference which through the mercy of God is betwixt men which are all a like subiect to the selfe same course and malediction it cannot be but we must acknowledge and imbrace more earnestly the singular goodnesse of GOD then if we did make this grace common to all men indifferenly or else referred the cause of the inequalitie of this grace to men It bringeth a Godly care Thirdly when we knowe that faith is an especiall gift of God shall we not receiue it more willingly when it is offered and be more carefull to haue the same to increase then if we should imagine as some do that it is in euerie mans power to turne and repent when he will because they say the Lord would that all men should be saued and will not the death of a sinner Fourthly when we sée the doctrine of the Gospell not only despised of all the world but also cruelly persecuted It doth confirme vs against all offēces and when we sée so great falshood rebellion among men what thing can better confirme and fortifie vs then to be assured that nothing chaunceth by fortune that God knoweth his and that they which commit these things except GOD turne their hearts are those which are destinate not by chaunce but by the sure and eternall counsell of God to be as it were a glasse wherein the anger and power of God doth appeare Truth it is these things can neuer be so commodiously and perfectly treated of that mans reason and witte cannot finde out some thing to reply alwaies to the contrary yea and so kindleth with desire of contradiction that it is readie to bring an action against god and to accuse and blame him as chiefe author of all things But let the diuel roare and discontent himselfe and the wicked kicke and winse yet their owne conscience shall reprooue and condemne them when as ours being confirmed in the truth by the grace and mercy of god shall deliuer and frée vs in the day of Christ To whom with the father and the holy ghost praise glory and honour be giuen for euer So be it Notes and proofes To ground our righteousnesse vpon workes destroieth the foundation of the Gospel but the sure foundation is to be grounded on faith if faith be builded vpon the eternall counsell of God Gal. 2. 21. I doo not abrogate the grace of
11. 12. According to the eternall purpose which he wrought in Christ Iesus our Lord. By whom we haue boldnesse and entraunce with confidence by faith in him 1. Thes 5. 24. Faithfull is he which calleth you which will also do it Hebr. 10. 23. Let vs kéepe the profession of our hope without wauering for he is faithfull that promised Rom. 8. 38. 39. For I am perswaded that neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor thinges present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to seperate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. And therefore I cannot nor I may not doubt of my saluation So farre then it is against reason to say that this doctrine maketh men negligent or dissolute that contrariwise this alone dooth open vs the way to search out and vnderstand by the power of the holy Ghost Gods deepe secrets 1. Cor. 2. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. The things which eye hath not séene neither eare hath heard neither came into mans hart are which God hath prepared for them that loue him But God hath reuealed them vnto vs by his spirit For the spirit searcheth all things yea the déepe things of God For what man knoweth the things of a man saue the spirit of a man which is in him Euen so the things of God knoweth no man but the spirit of God Now we haue receiued not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of God that we might know the things that are giuen to vs of God It maketh vs painfull in good workes Ephe. 2. 10. For we are his workemanship created in Christ Iesus vnto good workes which God hath ordained that we should walke in them 1. Iohn 3. 24. For he that kéepeth his commandements dwelleth in him and he in him and thereby we know that he abideth in vs euen by the spirit that he hath giuen vs. Gal. 5. 17. For the flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh and these are contrary one to the other so that we cannot do the same things that we would Knowing this infirmitie to be in vs it stirreth vs to good workes And chap. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Be not deceined God is not mocked For whatsoeuer a man soweth that also shall he reape For he that soweth to the flesh shall of the flesh reape corruption And he that soweth to the spirit shal of the spirit reape life euerlasting Rom. 6. 1. What shall we say then Shall we continue stil in sin that grace may abound God forbid Hebr. 10. 24. And let vsconsider one an other to prouoke vnto loue and to good workes Iam. 3. 17. The wisedome that is from aboue is first pure then pe●●eable gentle easie to bee intreated full of mercy and good workes without iudging and without hipocrisie It maketh vs inuincible against all temptations and vexations For how shall he stand sure and constant against so many grieuous temptations both within and without against so many assaults of fortune as the world doth terme it that is not well resolued in this point of Gods predestination toward him and of his election in Christ Iob. 13. 15. Loe though hée slaie me yet will I trust in him Rom. 8. 28. Also we know that all things worke togither for the best vnto them that loue God euen to them that are called of his purpose Verse 31. What shall we then say to these things If God be on our side who can be against vs Verse 35. 37. Who shall seperate vs from the loue of Christ Shall tribulation or anguish or persecution or famine or nakednesse or peril or sword In all which things we are more then conquerours through him that loued vs. Iohn 16. 33. Maruell not though the world hate you In the world ye shall haue affliction but in me ye shall haue peace Be of good comfort I haue chosen you out of the world and none shall take you out of my hands Rom. 15. 3. Through Christ we reioyce in tribulations that we may say with the Apostle We are persecuted but not forsaken cast downe but we perish not Ia. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. My brethren count it exceeding ioy when ye fall into diuerse temptations knowing that the trying of your faith bringeth forth patience And let patience haue her perfect work that ye may be perfect and intire lacking nothing Of the which number of the elect he is that findeth himselfe in this daunger and trouble Rom. 8. 16. 17. 18. The same spirit beareth witnesse with our spirit that we are the children of God If we be children we are also heires euen the heires of God and heires annexed with Christ if so be that we suffer with him that we may also be glorified with him For I count that the afflictions of this present time are not worthie of the glorie which shall be shewed vnto vs. Luke 23. 43. Iesus said to the théefe on the crosse Verily I say vnto thée To day shalt thou be with me in Paradice This part is to be considered and weighed and that with great modestie principally in these two considerations First that the height of Gods iudgements may at all times bridle our curious fancies Secondly that we doo not apply it to any man particularly or any certaine company For the first let it be sufficient that we vnderstand generally that there be vessels prepared by Gods iudgement and appointed to destruction The which séeing God doth not reueale vnto vs who they are we ought both in example of life and praier diligently to endeuour to winne and recouer to their saluation yea euen very such of whom by séeing their horible vices we almost dispaire Mat. 5. 16. Let your light so shine before men that they may sée your good workes and glorifie your father which is in heauen 1. Pet. 2. 12. Haue your conuersation honest among the Gentiles that they which speake euil of you as of euill dooers may by your good workes which they shall sée glorifie God in the day of the visitation And chap. 3. 15. 16. Sanctifie the Lord God in your hearts and be readie alwaies to giue an answere to euery man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you And that with méekenesse and reuerence hauing a good conscience that when they speake euill of you as of euill dooers they may be ashamed which blame your good conuersation in Christ 1. Cor. 9. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. For though I be frée from all men yet haue I made my selfe seruant vnto all men that I might winne the moe And vnto the Iewes I become as a Iewe that I may winne the Iewes to them that are vnder the lawe as though I were vnder the lawe that I may win them that are vnder the lawe to them that are without the lawe as though I were without the lawe when I am not without the
lawe as pertaining to God but am in the lawe through Christ that I may winne them that are without the lawe to the weake I become as weake that I may winne the weake I am made all things to all men that I might by all meanes saue some And this I doo for the Gospell sake Rom. 1. 14. I am debter both to the Grecians and to the Barbarians both to the wise men and vnto the vnwise Philip. 2. 12. 13. Make an end of your owne saluation with feare and trembling lest that through the deceit of sinne ye should fall away or else lest ye be any offence to the weake For it is God that worketh in you both the will the déed euen of his good pleasure Concerning the second that we do not apply this doctrine to any man particularly or to any certaine company For in this also it differeth from election Because election as hath beene said is reuealed to vs by the spirit of God within our selues not in others whose hearts we cannot know And Reprobation is euer hid from men except it bee disclosed by God contrary to the common course of things For who can tell if God haue determined to shewe mercy at the last houre of death to him which hath spent all his life past lewdly wickedly But this trust ought not to incourage any man to maintaine and continue in his sinne vngodlinesse For I speake of those things which we ought to consider in others For the examples of such mercy of God are very rare Neither any man that is wise will promise to himselfe through a vaine securitie and trust that thing which is not in his owne power Iam. 4. 13. 14. 15. 16. Goe too now yée that say To day or to morrow we will go into such a citie continue there a yeare and buy and sell and get gaine And yet ye cannot tell what shall be to morrowe For what is your life It is euen a vapour that appeareth for a litle time and afterward vanish away For that yée ought to say If the Lord will and if we liue we will do this or that Now if we cannot promise the continuance of life vnto our selues how much lesse may we assure our selues of Gods mercie at our pleasure Luke 12. 19. 20. The rich man said vnto his soule Soule thou hast much good lain vp for many yéeres liue take ease eate drinke and take thy pastime But God said vnto him O foole this night will they setch away thy soule from thée 2. Tim. 2. 25. The minister is willed to instruct the euill disposed with méeknesse and such as are contrary minded prouing if GOD at any time will giue them repentance Therefore repentance is not at our pleasure or leasure 1. Pe. 1. 14. 15. 16 17. 18. 19. Fashioning not your selues vnto the former lusts of your ignorance But as he which hath called you is holy so be yée holy in all manner of conuersation And if yée call him father which without respect of persons iudgeth according to euery mans worke passe the time of your dwelling heere in feare Knowing that yée were not redeemed with siluer and gold and such corruptible things Hebr. 12. 14. Follow peace with all men and holinesse without the which no man shall sée the Lord. And if we obserue this order wee shall receiue great fruite of this doctrine especially in these foure considerations First it maketh men humble and to submit themselues to God Secondly it maketh the grace of God to be better knowne of the elect seeing it is not common to all Thirdly it bringeth a godly care to receiue faith when it is offered and to labour to increase it Fourthly it doth confirme vs against all offences All which reasons are more plainly set downe in the last part of this eight chapter Deo gratia A Praier for the Queenes most excellent Maiestie O Most gracious God and heauenly Father by whose disposition Kingdomes and Kealmes are gouerned and by whose power Kings Princes raigne we giue thée hartie thanks that in thy great mercy thou hast set such a Prince and Quéene ouer vs vnder whose godly and peaceable gouernment we enioy glad tidings of thy Gospell and the truth of thy word in manifest sort deliuered vnto vs with peace and quietnesse and other worldly great blessings of thine in a plentifull measure Endue her so with heauenly gifts that her heart may be alwaies framed to the obedience of thy will that by her godly and gracious gouernment thy name may be glorified thy Church edified the poore members of Christ relieued vertue aduanced and vice beaten downe and punished that so in wealth she may surpasse that prosperitie y● was in the daies of King Salomon and that in life and health she may so be preserued long among vs to thy glorie and our comfort that the yeares of her royall fathers gouernment may bee doubled vpon her And although we for our parts haue and doo daily prouoke thy wrath against vs and haue worthily in respect of thy blessings deserued the contrary as for the heauenly vlessings of thy Gospell and truth ignorance idolatry and superstition for wealth and prosperitie penury and scarcitie for peace and quietnesse troubles and warres for our health and the continuance of our life diseases and death yet in thy mercy be fauourable vnto vs mollifie our hard and stonie hearts that we may repent mortifie sinne in vs that there may be séene amendment in our liues and conuersation that we may yéeld our soules and bodies to the obedience of thy blessed will and commaundements whereby thy manifold and good blessings and benefits may be both increased and continued toward vs. That the heauens may send downe their raine that the earth may giue forth her plentifull encrease that our garners may be full and plenteous with all maner of store that our shéepe may bring forth thousandes that our oxen may be strong to labour that there be no decaie no leading into captiuitie and no complaining in our stréets wherein we shall be blessed who haue the Lord for our God As for her enemies who séeke her destruction let them fall into the pitte that they haue digged for others and let their owne shame light vpon them And let thy crowne florish vpon her head whom thou hast annointed that in the maintenance of thy truth and of thy people it may be knowne that though the heathen rage so furiously togither and the Kings of the earth stand vp in armes against thée and against thine annointed that thou breakest the bowe and knappest the speare in pieces that thou art able to turne the swordes of her enemies to murther themselues And though the horse bee prepared vnto the battaile yet the victorie is from thée who can mightily confounde her foes and put a hooke in their nosthrilles and turne them backe the same way they came The straunge deliuerances which thou hast wrought in her behalfe both
of great account Maister Rowland Barker Esquire Iustice of peace and quorum in the Countie of Salop S. I. wisheth the blessings of God in this life and the ioyes of that which is to come RIght Worshipfull I cannot write vnto you but as vnto a stranger yet such a stranger in whome I haue perceiued great good wil kindnesse toward me So that I may resolue with my selfe to make account of you as of my friende whereof I haue some triall in that you haue giuen a great token in the preferment of my sister for the which both she and I am bound to giue you hartie thankes And yet great reason there is that you should be strange because as yet I haue shewed no dutie wherby I might in some sort warrant my selfe of your fauoure and friendship The godly minde wherewith Gods spirit no doubt hath indued you may be some cause to procure your fauour toward me if it were but for my profession sake And so much the more because you carry a name in Shropshire to be a great fauourer of the Gospell and if I should adde the peoples report of a good Iusticer I might be iudged to flatter And yet there is no cause For where the word of God hath taken deep roote there of necessitie followeth all vprightnesse both in life and office To procure your Worships good will toward me I haue at this time though boldly offered vnto your view some part of my laboure which as you like it so I hope you will accept it and your good liking shal giue it both countenance and credit inough And seeing your credit is great in the furtherance of the Gospell so I would humbly request you to promote and further the same more and more to the vtmost of your power Though it bee my request yet is it Gods cause and his glorie which may both stirre you vp and also incourage you who need not my perswasion being forward inough of your owne disposition and good nature Doubtlesse God woorketh excellently in notable men at whose handes hee requireth woorthie matters euen at the handes of famous men and men of renowme Whome hee hath greatly aduaunced furthered and furnished vnto suche woorkes And vnto whome much is giuen of them also shall much bee required King Dauid woulde haue built a Temple vnto the Lord God of Israel but God appointed his sonne King Salomon to doo it Manie Kinges in Iuda yet none but Hezekiah caused the brasen Serpent to be pulled downe and GOD wrought with him and hee prospered and flourished and God sent him a miraculous and famous deliuerance from the handes of his enemies Iosiah was famous for Religion and none more zealous the solemne keeping of the Passeouer that was in his daies doth declare it King Cyrus hee is appointed of God to deliuer the Iewes from their captiuitie and thraldome Many Heathen Kings there were in the worlde yet it pleased God that his glorie should bee set forth by none so much as by King Nabuchodonosor who wondrously set foorth the praises of God was a notable meane to deface idolatrie that God onelie might bee truly serued And although notable men bee not all Kings yet vnder Kinges great matters are committed vnto them and they are rulers vnder Princes and in the places where GOD hath seated them hee dooth giue them honour as is meete for them and agreeable to their estate Especially hee crowneth them with honour which honour him What worke more notable then the preaching of the Gospell and that the Nobilitie and also Gentlemen of good calling and credit might see it performed in the places where they dwell and about them I would to God the reuerend Fathers of the land of whome the Prince maketh choyce as of notable men and men of renowme had that care as Bishop Hooper and Bishop Latimer had to see the people taught and instructed in euerie parish throughout their Diocesse and I doubt not but that they haue the selfesame care howsoeuer oftentimes it falleth out otherwise contrarie to their willes Most gentlemē are set against it because they know not the worthinesse of it as also the glittering shew of this deceiueable world hath vtterly blinded thē togither with their corrupt affections which are so far from correctiō or amendment that they cannot abide to heare any reproofe or counsell or so much as to acknowledge their fault therfore cōsequētly notable men they must needs bee that fauour it Who in so dooing procure vnto themselues the fauour of God and the hearts and good reportes of men whis is a great honour that God doth crowne them withall May I not write vnto your Worship as I reade in the Reuelation chapter 3. 11. is written to euery Christiā Behold I come shortly hold that which thou hast that no man take thy Crowne And again verse 21. To him that ouercommeth and continueth will I grant to sit with me in my throne I haue bene too tedious and here I must staie and so I humbly take my leaue praying your Woorship to remember my humblesute I haue made vnto you not long since so farre forth as conueniently you may neither is it reason we should presse vpon you too farre Wherin if you vouchsafe to pleasure vs wee shall all of vs bee bounde to pray to God for your prosperous estate and that you may liue long to Gods glorie your owne comfort and contentment to the ioy of your friends and admiration of your enemies Your VVorships in his praiers to God for you and yours S. I. A Patterne of Sanctification Titus 2. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. For the grace of God that bringeth saluation vnto all men hath appeared And teacheth vs that we should deny vngodlinesse and wordly lusts a●d that we should liue soberly and righteously and godly in this present world Looking for the blessed hope and appearing of the glory of the mightie God and of our Sauiour Iesus Christ. Who gaue himselfe for vs that he might redeeme vs from all iniquitie and purge vs to be a peculiar people vnto himselfe zealous of goodworkes This text standeth on foure parts 1 A generall proposition The grace of God hath appeared vnto all 2 The effect of this grace consisting in Sanctificatiō which hath two parts Mortification And teacheth vs to denie vngodlinesse and worldly lusts Viuification And that we shuld liue soberly and righteously godly 3 A perswasion vnto this Sanctificatiō Looking for the blessed hope and appearing of our Lord and Sauiour 4 The cause of this Sanctification which is Christ Who gaue himselfe for vs that he might redeeme vs. THe Apostle writing to the Corinthians of this grace of God which is nothing else but his fauour his mercy and louing kindnesse wherby we are fréely beloued by the meanes of Iesus Christ calleth this grace the wisedome of God and calleth it also a misterie Well may it be called the wisedome of God both in respect of God himselfe who intendeth
and performeth nothing but that which is wondrous wise and also in respect of vs who cannot enter into the depth of Gods counsailes nor any way of our selues can we attane vnto the knowledge of his workes it may also well be termed a misterie For flesh and blood cannot conceaue the things which are of God which onely are knowen and perceiued by the spirit of God We speake wisdome among them that are perfect not the wisdome of this world neither of the princes of this world which come to naught But we speake the wisdom of God in a mistery euen the hid wisdome which God had determined before the world vnto our glory Which none of the princes of this world hath knowne For had they knowne it they would not haue crucified the Lord of glory When our first parents had offended thy hid themselues from God because this grace and mercy was hid from thē vntil God reuealed it vnto them saying The séed of the woman should breake the serpents head This grace of God is hid frō the wise who maketh account to be saued by their workes and who also are puffed vp with the same conceipt of their owne wisdome For the Scribes and the Pharisées and the Doctors of the lawe refused yea and condemned the grace of God to them offered From whom the grace of God was hid who had eyes to sée would not sée it According as we read in the 9. tha of the gospel after S. Ioh. V. 41. If ye were blind saith our Sauiour Christ to the Pharises ye should not haue sinne but now ye say we sée therefore your sinne remaineth Which is the iust iudgment of God vpon those the are wilfully blind wil not be partaker either of the grace of god or of their owne saluatiō Ioh. 9. 39. I am come saith Christ vnto iudgement into this world the they which sée not might sée that they which sée might be made blind Indeed this grace of god is offered vnto al but few there be y● do receiue it therefore few shall be saued Yet so the this matter commeth to passe through their owne fault and the whole world is left without excuse they especially who haue eies to see and sée not or rather wil not sée whose damnation in time to come wil be most iust But how hath this grace of God appeared It hath appeared not only whē men least looked for it but also in such a time when it might doo most good whē it might best be accepted As if Christians being vnder the Turkish slauery might be set frée when as they looked for nothing but perpetuall misery in the time of most cruel extremitie or as if one lying in a dangerous sicknes looking for nothing but death should haue remedie euē then whē al hope were past or as one being taken of the enemy presētly to be slain yet shuld be rescued set frée And what greater slauery then the thraldom of the diuill and what greater death then the death of y● soule and what greaenemy then he whose hatred neuer endeth Yet such is the mercy of god y● when we haue deserued death damnation he commeth with these glad tidings Repent amend for the kingdom of God is at hand The Angels sing it Luk. 2. 14. Glory be to God in the high heauens and peace in earth and toward men good will Hereunto do all the prophets witnesse as saith the Apostle S. Peter preaching vnto Cornelius Act. 10. That through the name of Christ all that beleeue in him shuld receiue forgiuenesse of sins Yea our sauior Christ appeared vnto the Apostle S Paul from heauen as we reade Act. 26. Sending hun forth to open the eies of the people y● they might return frō darknes to light and from y● power of satan vnto god y● they might receiue forgiuenes of sins inheritance amōg them y● are sanctified by faith Which thing he witnessed most earnestly vnto the Ephesians Act. 20. 18. Ye know saith he from the first day that I came into Asia after what maner I haue bin with you at all seasons seruing the Lord with all modesty and with many teares tentations which came vnto me by the laying await of the Iewes And how I kept back nothing that was profitable but haue shewed you taught you openly throughout euery house Witnessing both to the Iewes to the Grecians meaning therby all sorts of people repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Iesus Christ Yea he is very carefull y● this grace of God might bee preached vnto all to their bettering and to their profit in that he warneth Timothie and by him all other ministers preachers and teachers counsailing him and them to instruct with méekenesse them that are contrary minded prouing if at any time they may receiue this grace And that they may come to amendment out of the snare of the deuill which are taken of him at his will Tit 3. 3. We our selues also saith the Apostle were in times past vnwise disobedient deceiued seruing the lusts and diuers pleasures liuing in maliciousnesse and enuie hatefull hating one an other But when the bountifulnesse and loue of God our Sauiour toward man apreared not by the workes of righteousnesse which we haue done but according to his mercy he saued vs by the washing of the newe birth a●d the renuing of the holy Ghost Which he shead on vs abundantly through Iesus Christ our sauiour that we being iustified by his grace should be made heires according to the hope of eternall life Without controuersie greate is the misterie of godlinesse which is God is manifested in the flesh iustified in the Spirit séene of Angels preached vnto the Gentiles beléeued on in the world and receiued vp in glory Which misterie although it lay in the beginning of the world as hid and vnknowne yet nowe is reuealed hath appeared and this sauing health hath nowe shewed it selfe the grace of God which bringeth saluation vnto all hath bene made manifest vnto all That which was foretold by the prophets and holy men and was reuealed but to a fewe hath appeared as glorious as the sunne in his brightnesse whose beames are spread ouer the world this great grace hath béene and must be preached to all nations and to the end of the world is like to be offered vnto all It appeareth vnto all yet all ●● not receiue it Christ came to saue sinners and his mer●●●● preached vnto them they are negligent wilfull and 〈◊〉 they make litle or no account and onely the repentent they are partakers of this grace For this is the condemnation of the world that light being come into the world men loued darknesse rather then light because in the workes of darkenesse all their delight was set And howe can this grace being offered take any place in our hearts before we haue remorce of our wicked waies before we féele and
hearts our affections and dispositions the bodie all the actions thereof now are chaunged the whole man is nowe framed to a new man as though he were cast in a new mould Worldly lusts haue their warning to be packing and to goe into exile and banishment and now are good and godly waies imbraced The féeling of sinne and their former euill life bréedes a hatred thereof and the loue of God of vertue and goodnesse which are arguments and tokens of Gods good grace begin to haue the vpper hand And howe ioyfull a thing is it for him that by sicknesse was almost brought to his death to come to health and enioy life A life in sinne is but a sicke life a languishing life and death it selfe so that when we leaue it and the custome thereof we rise againe as it were from the nethermost pit clap our hands for ioy that we sée life before we were vtterly dead And herehence followeth a true amendment of our life whereby we dedicate giue our selues to the seruice of God as in time past we gaue our selues to the seruice of the diuel now righteousnesse holinesse is our delight where before we serued sinne iniquitie They who by the grace of God are brought so farre as to deny their worldly lusts they do daily more and more hate and flie from their sinnes as from a serpent which would sting thē to death Yea there is also a sorrow in their mindes that they haue so highly displeased offended god Which their sorrow the Apostle doth liuely expresse 1. Cor. 7. 11. For behold saith he this thing that ye haue bene godly sorry what great care it hath wrought in you yea what indignation yea what feare yea howe greate desire yea what zeale yea what punishment Yea then shall we knowe and féele also the working of Gods grace in denying our worldly lusts when there is a true sorrow according to God in our hearts consciences for euery thing which we know to be forbidden by God yea the least matters as all light oathes idle wordes profitable lies or vaine actions and when we féele a study and an endeuour in our selues to auoid the first motions that créepe in our mindes When there is a clearing of ourselues from all suspition by auoiding all appearance of euil when there is an indignation and anger for al such things past and a fear lest through our corruption they should fal out again when there is a great desire to preuēt them a zeale against them and a punishing of them by exercising all due authoritie which God hath giuen vs against sinne and finally when there is a great desire in vs to spende all the rest of our time not according to the will and commaundements of God The denying of our worldly lustes is nothing but the hatred of our sinfull waies which by these thrée reasons will growe to bee moste forcible and effectuall in vs. As first if wee consider that it is the greatest pleasure that can be to the diuel to sée men and women who were created to the image of God to delight more in the workes of darknesse then of light and so with might and maine as they say to make spéede to their owne destruction Secondly if we consider what harme sinne bringeth and how much it hurteth not our selues only but others also through our example According to that saying Mat. 18. 7. Woe be to the world because of offences necessary it is that offences fall out but woe to them by whome they fall out and better it were that a milstone were hanged about their neckes and they throwne into the bottome of the sca The third and last reason by the which the hatred of sin shall grow effectuall in vs is when we call to minde howe foule and horrible a thing it is to gréeue the holy spirit who dwelleth as a guest within vs and by the which we are sealed as it were with a sure pledge against the day of Redemption and of the accomplishment of our saluation 1. Iohn 3. 24. Hereby we know that god by his grace dwelleth in vs euen by his sanctifying spirit which he hath giuen which teacheth vs to deny vngodlinesse and worldly lustes and to liue Soberly Righteously and Godly in this present world Thrée good effects and apparant tokens of Gods good Soberl● grace sobrietie righteousnesse and godlinesse For whereas before we were giuen to all excesse and riot following our desires in drunkennesse gluttonie lecherie in pride and braue apparell in gathering heaping and couetting other mens goods in carrying a mind altogither not contented with our estate when the grace of God hath fully perswaded our mindes to deny all worldly lusts then wée beginne to frame our mindes to a meane and to a measure knowing that as Gods blessing is in the vse of his creatures so in the abuse and sinfull vsing of them they turne to our curse and vnlesse we amend to our condemnation The propertie of our sinnefull lusts is in all excesse and Lusts therefore it is well said that they that are bewitched with the diuels temptations follow their lusts with gréedinesse but they whose mindes are renued frame themselus to a godly meane and as we say to a golden meane that is wondrous well and in good sort soberly For Sobrietie is nothing else but the right vse of Gods creatures Nature is content with a litle sobrietie asketh no more and when we excéede nature is ouerpressed sobrietie is disgraced and we in so doing by the iudgements of all contemned and despised Great difference there is betwixt necessitie and superfluitie euen as much as betwixt life and death Who knowes it not that of drunkennesse gouts dropsies and such diseases grow which make a man loathsom to other yea to himselfe and he is aweary of his life and so at last his painefull and languishing daies are cut off who might haue liued longer many a faire day What doth gluttonie bring but surfettings and oftentimes a spéedy riddance Therefore it was well said of a wise man Plures gula quā gladio periere That is more die by surfetting and distemperature then by the sword and by violent death What séeking there is to the phisitian in such cases whereas sobrietie might be our phisitian if we would followe the rule thereof which is nothing else but to vse a me●ne Who liues longer then the ploughman and the countrey man whose diet and fare is but to serue his turne and no more Bibbing and bowling carousing and gurmundizing this is the diuels vadge and the messenger of death Sobrietie teacheth vs that meate and drinke was ordained of God for the sustenaunce of our bodies that we may bee the better able to performe those duties which God hath appointed to euery one of vs in our vocation and not to the satisfying of our pleasures And therefore we are commanded to pray O Lord giue vs our daily
forgetfull This third part setteth downe the cause of our sanctification in these wordes Who gaue himselfe for vs that hee might redeeme vs from all iniquitie and purge vs to bee a peculiar people zealous of good workes The cause of our sanctification lieth The cause of sanctification partly in the death and passion of Christ and partly in the power of his holie spirite who is his vicegerent and deputie here on earth Before it pleased our sauiour to die for vs and by the shedding of his pretious bloud to clense vs from our sinnes we were altogither polluted and as the Prophet saith lying in our bloud Gréeuous sinnes in the sight of God miserable wretches appointed to death because through our iust desertes we were to looke for nothing els but eternall tormentes In which miserable and wofull estate our pitifull Sauiour séeing vs to be in gaue himselfe and offered himselfe most willingly to doe vs all the good he could and to make vs of a defiled and vnclean● people cleane and holy And because in the lawe of Moses sacrifices were offered vp for the sinnes of the people and beastes slaine and bloud shed as we reade Heb. 9. 22. All thinges were by the lawe purged with bloud and without shedding of bloud is no remission and forgiuenesse therefore it pleased our Sauior Christ to shed his dearest bloud that as the Prophet Esay ca. 53. saith by his stripes we were healed so by his bloud we might be clensed Which thing the Prophet Dauid meaneth in his 51. Psal which is the Psalme of his repentance wherein he sheweth his heartie griefe and his vnfeigned sorrow for those hainous sinnes whereby he had prouoked Gods wrath against him Haue mercie vpon me O God according to thy louing kindnesse according to thy compassions put away mine iniquities Wash me throughly from mine iniquitie and cleanse me from my sinne Purge me with hisope and I shal be cleane wash me and I shal be whiter then snowe Now if the bloud of bulles and goates and heiffers in the time of Moses lawe which law God ordained though Moses was the minister if the bloud of these beastes in Moses lawe sprinckling them that were vncleane did sanctifie and clense them by an outward kinde of clensing and sanctification Howe much more saith the Apostle Heb. 9. 14. shall the bloud of Christ that most perfect and absolute sacrifice who through the eternall spirit offered himselfe without spot to God purge your consciences from dead workes to serue the liuing God At the time of his death and passion this matter was most notably declared when as his side being pierced through with a speare there issued out from thence both water and bloud to giue out a most effectuall signification that hée was the cause of our sanctification and cleansing from our sinnes Which is prooued by that which we reade I. Corinth 6. Knowe ye not saith the Apostle that the vnrighteous shall not inherite the kingdome of God Be not deceiued neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor wantons nor buggerers nor theeues nor couetous nor drunkardes nor railers nor extortioners shall inherite the kingdome of God And such were some of you and who can say my heart is cleare But ye are washed but ye are sanctified and made cleane in the name of the Lord Iesus that is by the shedding of his bloud and also we are sanctified and made cleane saith hée by the spirite of our God According to that of the Prophet Dauid in the Psalme aforesaide Wash me throughly and cleanse me from my sinne and establish me with thy frée spirit which may assure me that I am drawne out of the slauery of sin and that my guiltinesse shall be no more laid to my charge The law entred thereupon that the offence should abound that is the it might be known to be notorious neuerthelesse where sinne abounded there grace abounded much more That as sinne had raigned vnto death so might grace also raign by righteousnesse and sanctification vnto eternal life through Iesus Christ our Lord. The which grace that is the forgiuenesse of our sinnes through the blood of Christ the good spirit of God the holy Ghost doth certifie vnto our hearts And therefore it is well said to be the comfortor as our Sauiour Christ promised that after his ascention vp into heauen hée would send the comfortour Ib. 14. 16. and 16. 7. By the vertue of which spirite the power of sinne is beaten downe and our hearts are renued our mindes altered our liues chaunged and we become new creatures which before were foule and filthie ougly and loathsome through the deformitie of sinne and now are we sanctified and made holy But wherefore hath Christ redéemed vs from all our 〈◊〉 of good workes iniquitie and purged vs that we might be a peculiar people vnto himselfe if it bee not to this intent and purpose that wee should bee zealous of good workes A thankfull minde would aske how so great benefits might be requited and if no recompence could be made as certainly it cannot it would be desirous to know how part of a mends might be made and would be maruellous readie to put in practise any dutie which might shewe the thankfulnesse thereof Thou néedest not in this matter to go farre to enquire and search it out only this is required of thée that thou maiest shewe thy thankfulnesse bee zealous of good workes For we are the workmanship of God esperially by grace created anew in Christ Iesus vnto good workes which God hath ordained that wee should walke in them Heere are all carnall gospellers condemned who liue in hope that vnder the countenance of their profession all libertie of life will be borne out well inough Who turne the grace of God into wantonnesse and make their profession their shame making Christ his death to bee nothing else but as it were a boude vnto their lewde life Here may we sée that the Lord hath not laide downe his life to purchase no other thing at our hands besides a profession of the truth but that he bought with his bloud a zealous addicting of our selues to Christian conuersation It is a wonder to sée how the wicked will boast of the benefite of Christ his blood how mightie it is to merite how sufficient to saue from sinne But for all that they will not giue ouer any libertie of life that before they haue enioyed whereas the life of Christ was giuen to purchase a new conuersation as well as a new profession For he gaue himselfe for vs that we might giue our selues vnto him being a peculiar people zealous of good workes Let vs marke it then my brethren that he gaue himselfe for vs that our life might be let out to honour him He made not so slender a purchase with so great a price as if he had a déep and sorrowfull sigh or a good word at our last breath that would suffice him no his life was
of God and taking scorne of all good counsaile and friendly admonition Worke forth your saluation with feare and trembling still standing in doubt that thou hast not performed thy dutie as thou ●ughtest Fearing also least we should fall into such foule faults as in the time of our ignorance and sinfull course of 〈◊〉 we did please our selues highly offended god And so much the more because we shal be void of all excuse knowing what is well pleasing to God and also what is detestable in his sight and yet forsaking the right hand and taking the left I meane refusing that which is good and taking the way which leadeth to destruction We which by nature were the grafts of the wilde oliue trée I meane the children of Gods wrath are by a supernaturall working and most wonderfull fauour grafted into the right and true oliue and by adoption and grace made and accounted the children of God And séeing by grace and fauour thou standest art accepted be not high minded but feare boast not thy self of Gods gift which is giuen vnto thée through faith in Iesus Christ but rather shewe thy selfe mindfull carefull for his benefit hauing the feare of God alwaies before thy eies to kéep thée frō all euil waies Why thou wilt say if God hath made me his childe and adopted me through faith in Christ I shall neuer do amisse But know that our life in this world is but a triall and that it is as a castle beset besieged with many enemies and if in this life al thy life thou do not hold on a good course and perseuere continue therin vnto thy end thy great perswasion of the dignitie as to be called accounted the child of God may faile and all thy safetie and all thy reioycing may be nothing else but as the prouerbe is A ●astle come downe For if God spared not the Angels which kept not their first estate but hath reserued them in euerlasting chaines vnder darknesse vnto the iudgement of the great day how shall we think to be spared if we abuse Gods blessing of adoption turning the grace of God into wantonnesse and instéed of obedient children making our selues wilfull wantons for whome there is nothing so fit as is the rod and correction and punishment But if we wil néeds boast that we are the adopted children of God let our boasting and reioycing be séene in this as to reioice of our infirmities and to reioice that by Gods grace we are rid from many foule faultes whereunto in former times we were inclined and before we were the adopted children of God and that by the force and effect and power of Gods good spirit such matters are ouercome in vs. If we will reioyce of our adoption let vs reioyce that through the meanes of our redéemer we are deliuered and freed from Gods displeasure from damnation and from the diuel from hell and from hell torments According to that we reade Hebr. 2. 14. 15. Forasmuch then as the children were partakers of flesh and blood he also himselfe likewise tooke part with them that he might destroy through death him that had the power of death that is the diuell And that hee might deliuer all them which for feare of death were all their life time subiect to bondage But now by Gods grace hauing receiued so great a priuiledge as to be his adopted children although it be good for vs to feare yet our feare is not such as may procéed from the spirit of bondage Neither let vs be dismaid séeing that our consciences are quieted and we throughly perswaded of the forgiuenesse of our sinnes but rather let vs reioyce with the excéeding comfort of the holie Ghost which powreth foorth swéet ioyes into the hearts of Gods children and filleth them with ioy let vs I say reioyce that we may with boldnesse approach to the throne of grace and with méekenesse and chéerfulnesse of spirit call God our louing and mercifull father For we haue not receiued the spirit of bondage to feare againe but we haue receiued the spirit of Adoption whereby we cry Abba that is to say Father Where by the way it may not séeme impertinent or beside How we are adopted the purpose to know the order and maner how we are made and adopted the children of God to put a difference betwixt that adoption which is vsed in this world and the heauenly adoption which commeth from God That adoption which is vsed among vs is in respect of alliance and kindred as hauing no children of our owne we take their children to be ours which are next of kindred or sometimes if we fancie any of our friends children or peraduenture straungers we endowe them with goods and landes and call them by our names Againe for some consideration which we sée to be in them whom we adopt and make our childrē whereby we think them in some sort worthie of fauour as beautie comely personage wisdom courage and manlinesse eloquence sobrietie decent ciuil behauior and such like which matters are admired highly estéemed among men which win their harts and make them shew fauor But in this our heauenly adoptiō there is no such matter it is not flesh blood which God respecteth no although they procéed from the loines and linage of Abraham and his posteritie vnto whom the promises were made but they onely that are of the faith of Abraham For as the circumcisition of the heart is estéemed of God then that which is outward so are they the sonnes and children of God not which appeare to the world for the world knoweth them not but who by the mercie and fauour of God are drawen from the filth of the world and are purified and clensed by the bloud of Iesus Christ Which are borne not of bloud nor of the will of the flesh nor of the wil of man but of God who by the preaching of his word are begotten vnto him and who by a liuely faith haue receiued him to such hath God giuen power to be his adopted children euen to them which beléeue in his name Among vs lightly we make our kindred or friendes or peraduenture strangers our adopted children but who is it that will make that choice of his enemies But such is the pitie and compassion of our mercifull God who maketh vs his children who by nature would be none of his children and who are giuen rather to hate then to loue God What is it therefore that God can sée in vs wherefore he should adopt vs surely nothing but that which may make a seperation but that God is so carefull of vs that he sendeth vs his word euen the word of reconciliation that we might be partakers of his adoption It is not our good works which are too light in the ballance it is not any desert of ours whereby we should be receiued into fauour Inough there is in vs and rather too much to make vs
brother be it that he be a gentleman and of a good house yet he may be farre both from the title and from the possession of an heire Which makes yonger brothers oftentimes to come to hard miserable ends while they séeke euill waies to maintaine their gentry and theire state to hold vp their port and countenance which by their pride commeth to a fall and which by humilitie would haue bin both increased and exalted The humble in soule cōscience god regardeth he maketh thē heires who thinke full basely of themselues God oftentimes taketh the poore out of the mire and placeth him among the princes And the poore and sorrowfull spirite the repentant and sanctified minde is royally furnished euen as Mordecay was cloathed in royall apparell because hee had the fauour of the king and had the crowne royall set on his head who looked to haue his head smitten from his shoulders The whip and stripes belong to a seruaunt and yoonger gracelesse brethren come neuer to inheritance So we being seruantes to sinne and gracelesse in the sight of God should neuer haue come to the royaltie of heires if god by his mercy had not graunted vs repentance vnto life and sowed the séede of his grace in our heartes establishing our weake spirites with a sound faith and confirming the same with the certaintie of this hope that we shall be heires Heires not one or two but euen all heires as many as are his sonnes and children heires of that inheritance which cannot be taken from vs vnlesse through our owne fault and negligence we fall away from it before we come to the full possession thereof Father I haue sinned against heauen and before thée and am no more worthy to be called thy sonne The father accepting his repentance caused the best robe to be brought forth and put vpon him a ring to be put on his finger and shooes on his féete and killed the Yoongest fatted calfe and reioyced and was merry What could he haue done more for his sonne euen the eldest sonne the heire making the yoongest sonne an heire too as well as his eldest brother Indéede the eldest in euery common weale doth carry away inheritance neither is the yoonger pertaker with him But as the Prophet saith God seeth not as man neither is his iudgement as mans is The first borne in earth hath the honour and the wealth but in Gods account it falleth not out so alwaies It is not impossible for the rich to be saued and for the eldest to be heires euen Gods heires yet the yoongest haue often preuailed with God and béen most accounted Iacob haue I loued and Esa● haue I hated Ismael the heire in fight but Isaac was the true heire euen the heire of promise by gods appointment Dispised Ioseph came to honour and to a kingdome although the youngest of all his brethren when as it was said to Reuben the eldest brother thou shalt not be excellent thy dignitie is gone The woman of Canaan receiued and strangers honoured and they that thought themselues to be the only children of God debarred and they that thought themselues nothing else but heires shut out from the kingdome of heauen Promotion commeth neither from the East nor from the West but God pulleth downe one and setteth vp an other Yea there shall come many from the East and from the West and from the North and from the South and shall sit at table in the kingdom of heauen And behold there are last which shal be first and there are first which shal be last None think you but the children of Zebedeus to be heires whose mother made request for them vnto Christ that her sonnes might sit the one at his right hand and the other at his left hand in the kingdome Nay saith Christ that may not be granted but it shal be ginen to them for whome it is prepared of my father He is not a true Israelite which is one outward neither is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh but he is the true Israelite which is one within and the circumcision is of the heart in the spirit not in the letter whose praise is not of men but of God So not all are heires which séeme to be heires but happy are they whosoeuer that haue the seale of Gods spirit within them and warranting their harts that they are heires heires by promise and heires of al Gods precious promises The worldlings which carry a faire shewe may be far from this inheritance because what through pleasures and what through cares of worldlie desires they are hindred from séeking after this inheritance The rich they made excuses when as the poore the halt the maimed and the blind yea the beggers in the stréete were made partakers of the marriage feast God calleth by his word and by his grace from day to day from time to time such as are despised in the world and such as are reckoned to be the offscouring of all such as make least account of themselues euen such and so manie as shal be saued so many as shal be heires Go saith Christ to Iohns disciples Math. 11. and shewe Iohn what thinges ye haue heard and séen The blind receiue their sight and the halt go the leapers are clensed and the deaf heare the dead are raised vp and the poore receiue the gospel The poore and humble in spirite receiue the inheritance which no man thought should euer haue béen heires This is Gods doing and it is maruellous in our sight Hearken my beloued brethren saith the Apostle S. Iames. cap. 2. 5. Hath not God chosen the poore of the world that they should be rich in faith and heires of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that loue him Let not the poorest be dismaied who though they haue no inheritance in this world yet if they be rich in god rich in faith rich in all holy obedience to Gods will if here they haue none inheritance no not so much as the breadth of a foote yet shall their lot and portion fall out in a large roome in the kingdome of heauen so that they may say with ioy that they haue a large inheritance Their ragges and poore estatehere shal be requited with roial robes elswhere and they shal be heires in heauen which shall farre surmount the estate and dignitie of a king here on earth although it be as glorious and glistering as euer was that of Salomon Whose estate séemeth to be expressed by the words of the Prophet Although ye haue lien among the pots yet shall ye be as the winges of a doue that is couered with siluer winges and her fethers like gold Againe they that thinke themselues the heires of God and the eldest in holinesse of life shall come farre short such as hypocrites are and whose holinesse is but counterfeite and publicanes and harlots shall go before them into the kingdome of God because repentance is séene in the
so certaine that it is prepared for vs before the beginning of the world and before the foundations of the world were laid The elder brother to forgo his inheritaunce and to giue it to straungers wée should hardly beléeue it were it not that he had giuen so manifest a triall in that hée gaue his life for vs which is more then his inheritance Howe then shall hée not therewith giue vs all thinges also Hée that hath made vs Lordes ouer all his creatures here on earth should we doubt that he will not vouchsafe vs an heauenly dignitie The Angels are they not all ministring spirites sent foorth to minister for their sakes which shall be heires of saluation Hebr. 1. 14. Hée that hath appointed the Angels in this life to watch to our good to guide and to guard vs shall hée not also in the life to come make vs fellowes and companions with the Angels The Angels are seruaunts and we are brethren ●rethren nay crowned Kings because the kingdome of heauen shall bee our inheritaunce According as the Apostle Saint Peter 1. Epistle 2. 9. informeth vs Yee are saith he a chosen generation a royall priesthood an holie nation a peculiar people graced foorth with a singular excellencie and preheminence in that wee are said to bee the thrones of God and that wee shall fit vppon throanes What comfort then is it for vs all that of the sonnes of darknesse we are made the sonnes of light of the enemies of God reconciled friends of the seruants and children of the diuell of Gods wrath being altogither fearfull and doubtfull of the children of this world and of euerlasting perdition that wee are made the seruants of God fully partakers of his grace and certainly staied and confirmed therein citizens of heauen and heires of euerlasting consolation Which serueth mightily and standeth vs greatly in stéede to raise vp our weake mindes and faint heartes which are cast downe through the remembraunce of our gréeuous sinnes and which shall kéepe vs from falling into dispaire that when Sathan togither with our owne guiltie consciences shall perswade vs that wée are none of Gods children euen then that the spirite of God shall certifie our hearts that we be heires of the kingdome of God This that we are heires hath two profitable lessons to lift vp our mindes and also to humble vs lest we be too much exalted For this inheritance commeth not vnto vs by desert but through grace and mercy that we may rather giue God the praise and thankes then boast in our selues who haue nothing but that which is giuen granted nothing but that whereof we be vouchsafed To humble vs being put in minde of our dutie as the Apostle warneth vs. 1. Peter 1. 17. And if wee call him father which without respect of persons iudgeth according to euerie mans worke let vs passe the time of our dwelling heere in feare And séeing God hath made vs his sonnes by adoption so much the more are we bound to feare and obedience because he hath adopted vs of his only fauour when he might worthily haue cast vs off and put vs by for our vnthankfulnesse Vnto these two profitable lessons we may adde two singular comfortes the one concerning our afflictions and troubles and distresses in this transitorie life the other concerning our blottes and blemishes our sinnes and offences And therefore verie fitly and very well saith a godly writer in this respect All thinges yea gréeuous afflictions and sin it selfe turne to their good and bettering who are chosen to be heires Afflictions sinne death are very profitable vnto them howe hurtfull soeuer they be in their owne nature Death which séemeth to be the worst of all yea most terrible is not an entrance into hell as it is to the worst sort and to the vngodly but to them it is a narrow gate to let them in into euerlasting life and therfore most ioyfully and most chéerefully they vndertooke it being glad that the time of their dissolution doth approach and that their miseries shall haue an end and that the course of sinne shal be cut off As for afflictions vnlesse they did tend to the good of the godly and the adopted children of God God would not lay them vpon them and put them to such hazardes and distresses Yea the godly are so affected that with Iob they can say If God doe kill me yet will I put my trust in him And because his loue is shead abroad in our hearts therefore shall no discomfort vtterly dismay vs. Wherein also this comforteth our heartes that God wil lay no more vpon vs then that he will make vs able to beare and further that he will giue a ioyfull issue to all our troubles and vexations and temptations For in that he suffered and was tempted he is able to succour and to helpe them that suffer affliction and are tempted So that we may looke for comfort at Gods hand euen such as shal be grounded vpon the certaine and infallible promises of God and such as shal be answerable to the measure of our afflictions troubles vexations and temptations If we be children we are also heires euen the heires of God and heires annexed with Christ if so be that we suffer with him that we may also be glorified with him For I count saith the Apostle that the afflictions of this present time and of this present transitorie life are not worthy y● glorie which shal be reuealed and shewed vnto vs whereof in due time we shal be partakers Now as for our sinnes it is so farre off that they shall The remembrance of sins no hurt to the adopted to dismay them and to put them beside their hope bréed any trouble vnquietnesse or vexation of minde to remooue vs from the hope of our inheritance that the remembrance thereof shal be as a goade or a spurre to hasten vs on to persorme all good workes And as we haue giuen our members as weapons of vnrighteousnesse to sinne so shall we with all readinesse giue our selues vnto God as they that are aliue from the dead and as they who by the power of Christ their sauior haue fully triumphed ouer the world and the flesh and the deuill ouer sinne and death and hell For behold this thing that we haue béen great offenders what care it will worke in vs least we should fall into sin againe what holy anger and indignation against our selues for our sinnes past what a desire to please God what a zeale and forwardnesse in all goodnesse and greatly indeuouring also the contrary to those sinnes wherein we haue greatly offended If in drunkennesse auoiding all occasions and vsing all sobrietie if in filthinesse and vncleanesse in whoredome and wantonnesse hating the sin auoiding the meanes of our fall and framing our selues to all holinesse and christian conuersation and so likewise in all other sinnes After king Dauid had committed adulterie and murder how did he repent him how zealous
was he in all goodnesse after that God had giuen him a newe heart insomuch that the scripture testifieth of him that he was a man after Gods owne heart The Apostle S. Paul the remembrance of his earnest and cruell persecution made him most earnest in his office and profession I thank God saith he which hath made me valiant to fight vnder his banner and strong to indure all trouble and persecution when as before I was a blasphemer and a persecutor and an oppressor And againe 1. Cor. 19. 9. 10. I am the least of the Apostles which am not meete to be called an Apostle because I persecuted the church of God But yet by the grace of God I am that I am and his grace which is in me was not in vaine for I laboured more aboundantly then they all yet not I but the grace of God which is with me The remembrance of our sinnes is no hinderance to godlinesse but it maketh vs the more forward If I haue done any wrong to any man saith Zacheus I restore him fourefold This effect also had the remembrance of sinne in that sinnefull woman Marie Magdalene out of whom our Sauiour Christ cast seuen diuels euen she that was notorious for her lewde and light behauiour Who as by repentance she died vnto sinne so the memory of her sinne is dead and buried vnto her in this respect because she liueth still in the glorious remembrance of that righteousnesse which penitent sinners obtaine by faith She is honorably mentioned wheresoeuer the gospell of Christ is read and heard of all men speake of her teares of her sins no one is mentioned and knowne But touching the remembrance of her former sinnes sée what it wrought The precious oile wherewith she was wont to annoint her selfe y● she might be more pleasant to the sences of her louers she nowe poureth out and for loues sake bestoweth it vppon her Sauiour The eies which were wont to cast wanton lookes vpon the dissolute did now gush out with water serued as conduits at the féete of Christ The haire which before had béene wrapt in gold had bene coloured pleated broidered laid out and beset with pearles was now imploied to a farre other vse that the honour receiued from the féete of Iesus might put out the shame which before it had taken from the eies of leaud amorous beholders Hauing washed and dried she could not satisfie her selfe till she had also kissed her sauiours féete whose mercy now had eased her heart of that deadly sting which the lippes of wantons had imprinted and left behinde them The remembrance of sinnes past is gréeuous that vertue practised in stéede thereof may be more comfortable The one burthensome the other ioyfull Yea what is it that should procure our trouble séeing we are vouchsafed so great a priuiledge as to be accounted of God to be his children What ioy should it be vnto vs that wee are lifted vp vnto this high dignitie as to be the saints of God temples of the holy ghost members of Christ Lordes ouer all the Angels of God to bee our friendes our helpers and aiders the watchmen appointed of God to watch ouer vs that no hurt should come vnto vs otherwise then it pleaseth our good and gracious God who as we may fully perswade our selues doth all for our good and all for the best citizens of heauen thrones of God heires of God brethren and sisters of Christ and fellow heires with him in the kingdome of heauen Finally whether it be the world or life or death whether it be Angels principalities or powers whether they be things present or things to come euen all ours and we Christs and Christ Gods And yet beholde this is not the one halfe of that dignitie the one halfe of that excellent glorie whereunto hereafter we shall attaine being heires with Christ and members of his bodie For where the head is there shall the members be And as we haue receiued of the fulnesse of his grace so shall wée also be partakers of the fulnesse of his glorie Hauing giuen vs an assuraunce thereof alreadie because hée is gone to prepare vs euerlasting dwelling places in such sort that in time to come when all things are prepared for vs he will come againe Iohn 14. 3. to receiue vs vnto himselfe and to entertaine vs most friendly most bountifully most honourably most roially Dearely beloued saith Saint Iohn 1. Epistle 3. 2. now are wee the sonnes of God but yet it doth not appeare what we shall be And we knowe that when hée shall appeare we shall be like him being glorious members of a glorious head The certaintie of our adoption and this dignitie that wee are heires in hope and shall be hereafter in sure possession is a steppe to our glorification The full fruition and enioying wherof wée shall not receiue till this life bee ended For by death wee must bee translated to the possession of so great and waighty matters and of such a wonderfull glory Our life is hid with Christ and vntill we come to Christ as the Apostle S. Paul desired to haue his bodie dissolued and to be with Christ our life and our glorie shall not appeare And euery one that hath this hope in himselfe purgeth himselfe euen as hée is pure Touch none vncleane thing and I will receiue you and I will be a father vnto you and ye shall be my sonnes and daughters sath the Lord Almightie Séeing then we haue these promises dearly beloued let vs cleanse our selues from all filthinesse both of the flesh and spirit and grow vp vnto full holinesse in the feare of God remembring that we are heires let nothing hinder or barre vs from our inheritance which is so glorious that it shall excéed in glory Being heires of that saluation which is most precious of that kingdom which is most glorious of those ioyes which euer shall be endlesse Vnto the which the Lord in his good time bring vs and whereof in his sauing gracious mercies it may please him to make vs partakers To God the Father God the sonne and God the holy Ghost thrée persons and one euerliuing God be rendred all praise dominion and power now and for euermore Amen Gratia Deo solique gloria TO THE RIGHT REVEREND AND venerable Minister of Gods Church Maister Alexander Nowell Deane of Paules S. I. wisheth all the blessings of God in this life and in the life to come perpetuall ioyes WEake meates are fittest for weake stomakes and strong meat for valiant people and bitter potions are most welcome to them that knowe and vnderstand what their effect and operation is To write of the remedie of sorrow and to perswade to the bearing and enduring of bitter sorrow might seeme a paradoxe in most mens mindes were it not that your Worship knew these matters better then I am able to set them downe and expresse them But I thought good to direct these vnskilfull Treatises vnto
sores of bodie and sundry diseases some suffer in themselues some are afflicted in their friends in their wiues in their children som in their goods some in their bodies some in their credits som by sea some by land some at home ome abroad some by open enemies some by counterfait friends some by cruell oppression some by manifest iniuries some by force some by fraud some afflicted by one meanes some by an other So many kinds of sorrowes there are Man neuer continueth in one state to day in his princely throne to morrow in his dustie graue to day placed in great authority to morrow cast out of countenance to day in high fauour to morrow in high displeasure now rich now poore now in wealth now in woe now sound now sicke now ioyfull now full of sorrow to day a man to morrow nothing O how short how chaungeable and how miserable is the state of mortall men And happy are they who can make this lesson of the sorrowes of this world as by meditation thereof to long after heauen Sorrowe there is inough because no ioy in respect and if the world affoord any ioy it is not true sound and certaine For what ioy or pleasure soeuer there is in the world it is mingled with some sorrow To teach vs to withdrawe our minds from the things of this world and to long after those pleasures those ioyes which are in an other world which only are stedfast and without chaunge without wearisomenesse bitternesse or any sorrow In this life nothing sure nothing stedfast nothing swéete but hath his soure The latine verse serueth well to this purpose Postimbres fructus post maxima gaudia luctus Being Englished is this in effect Raine brings flouds and ioy brings wo Sorrow followes comfort Too oft we find it so When Iacob was frée from Esau then his vncle Laban vsed him hardly when Laban could do him no more hurt then Esau met him who had vowed his death In whom we may sée the life of a faithfull and godly man Feare after comfort and comfort after feare ebbings and flowings risings and fallings so we go along and so we shall end Your riches your honours friends picasures wife children and such like are taken from you in part or in all You maruell at it and thinke peraduenture you are quite out of the Lords fauour for else this great chaunge in your estate would not be Here you sée a sorrow marke also a secret and a mistery and let euery one laie it to their heart For the reason why the Lord doth so is because we should not perish While we euioyed them we forgot our selues and God by this means doth put vs in minde that we should not forget him God draweth vs away from these matters lest his iudgements should ouertake vs as well as others Yea he draweth vs forcibly by want of these benefites Let vs not be dismaied or hang downe the head for sorrow knowing for what end God worketh these sorrowes all to our good and all for the best Ye shall wéepe and lament and the world in these masters shall reioyce but their ioy shall be turned into sorrow For all these worldly comforts shall perish and they with them because they rather abused them then vsed them as they ought Your sorrowes also in these matters shall haue some recompence when God seeth good and if it be also for your good and you shall be comforted with riches honours friends pleasures wife children and euery néedfull thing Then shall ye finde it true which the Prophet Dauid assureth you Psal 84. No good thing shall he withhold from them that leade a godly life Therefore wéepe as Sorrow of slāder though ye wept not Yet is the losse of good name and fame by slaunder and euill reports more bitter then these losses and more heauily taken and the sorrowe sinketh déeper Some are frée from it but not all and this is a knowne trueth that the more that euerie one dooth excell in vertue and goodnesse the more they are hated enuied and slaundered Because ye followe not excesse and riot saith Saint Peter therefore the world hateth you But this is a comfort as the same Apostle saith 2. Epistle 4. 5. They shall giue account to him that is readie to iudge quicke and dead the Iudge standeth at the doore and his iudgement is neare The best of all Christ our Sauiour was worst spoken off They are not the best that bring vp slaunders but the worser sort whose good reports are but little woorth as also their slaunders are not to be regarded It is a thing worthie a Prince saith a famous Monarch of the worlde being slaundered and euill spoken off when thou haste done well to heare ill They that are famous and of renowme haue péeuish pesaunts to disgrace them whose tongues were neuer exercised in saying well This is a sorrowe which must bee endured and furthermore thou must pray for them and blesse them which bring this sorrowe vpon thée and so ouercome them which by no other meanes The perticuler sorrow of Persecution which is especially meant in this text can be wonne But aboue all sorrowes on the earth there séemeth none to be compared to the losse of life for life is swéet Yet this is the sorrow which here is meant and in this place commanded and which we must endure if we looke to be the heires of heauen As the Apostle witnesseth writing to the Romanes who putting them in minde of great priuiledges dooth also perswade them to the patient enduring of all troubles and persecutions If yee be children yee are heires if heires the heires of God and fellowe heires with Christ if so be ye suffer with him that ye may also be gloried with him Ye shall wéepe and lament because that gréeuous persecution is your lot and the losse of life the thing that you must looke for And how can it but make fraile flesh to wéepe and lament séeing that to liue is the greatest ioy in the worlde and nothing more against our nature then to heare of persecution and of death And no meruaile though the Disciples and the godly shead teares when this matter caused our Sauiour Christ Iesus through anguish of minde to sweate bloud and How backward by nature we are in this businesse how readie wee should be to desire that this cuppe might passe from him In the Apostle S. Peter we may perceiue the mind of a naturall man loth to vndertake so great a matter who when hee heard Christ our Sauiour to foretell of his persecution and death saying that he must go to Ierusalem and suffer many things of the Elders and of the high Priests Scribes and be slaine then did he take him aside and beganne to rebuke him saying Maister pittie thy selfe this thing shall not be vnto thee But so farre off is it that we should be loth and tardie that we should be most forward
the second death Sathan hath a throne in this worlde but Hell is his seate and euerlasting death is his due Be not deceiued for the amitie of the world is the enmitie of God The worlde loueth his owne and they that will stand to the triall of the truth in despight of the world they shall be excommunicated and in vtter disgrace with the world yea it shall so come to passe that the sheading of innocent blood shall be thought a thing of nothing in their sight Behold saith Christ Mat. 23. 34. I sende vnto you Prophets and wise men and Scribes and of them ye shall kill and crucifie and of them shall you scourge in your Synagogues and persecute from citie to citie That vpon you may come all the righteous blood Beware of men Mat. 10. for they wil deliuer you vp to the councels and will scourge you in their Synagogues And yee shall be marke this word ye shall be brought to the gouernours and kings for my sake in witnesse to them and to the Gentiles If any man come to me saith Christ Luk. 14. 26. and hate not his father and mother and wife and children and brethren and sisters yea and his owne life also hee cannot be my disciple Christ and the crosse I meane persecution and trouble are so néerly ioyned togither that nothing must part them And therefore Christ saith Hee that will follow me must take vp his crosse and follow mee and if any looke for a seate in heauen they must taste of a bitter cup here on earth The Apostle knowing how neare the loue of God and the crosse and persecution were ioyned togither sheweth vs how we should put foorth our selues vnto the triall Rom. 8. Who shall seperate vs from the loue of Christ Shall tribulation or anguish or persecution and so forth The diuel that hath but a short time on earth wil raise vs vp innumerable troubles and we are subiect to the same so long as we liue in this world Ye shall wéepe and lament therfore settle your selues to abide it and to endure it For ye shall be betraied of your parents and of your brethren Acts. 14. 22. 23. 11. Act. 9. 16. 1. Th●s 3. 3. 4. and kinsmen and frends som of you shal they put to death And looke to be hated euery where Yet comfort your selues for a hair of your hed shal not perish By your patiēce possesse your soules And lay vp these things in your harts prouide for thē Behold I haue told you before Cā the childrē of the mariage chamber mourne as long as the bridegroome is with them But the daies will come when the bridegroome shall be taken from them and then shall they fast and then shall they mourne When Christ slept in the ship then waues and tempests and scourges It pleaseth God to absent himselfe and God leaueth vs awhile to sée what account we will make of him to sée whether we can finde in our hearts to leaue and forsake parents and kinsfolke and friends wife and children and that which we hold dearest in this world our owne life for his sake and whether there be courage patience strength and constancie to fight vnder the banner of persecution Well here we sée what Gods commandement is and how he hath laid trouble and persecution vpō our loines and put adnesse into our harts and heauinesse into our mindes and happie is he yea happie are all they that can finde in their hearts willingly to fulfill his will and to performe his commandement and patiently to submit themselues to whatsoeuer shall fal out if God sée it good for his glorie and our profit Yet doubtlesse we shal perceiue a mightie striuing within The second reason is drawne from the punishment that may insue our selues before we shall finde in our hearts to obey If God appoint trouble shall we séeke case If God aske our life shall we deny it If his blessed truth be called in hazard and like to bee defaced vnlesse thou offer thy selfe to stand to the maintenance and in the defence thereof before kings and rulers and against their vnlawfull decrées and wicked statutes wilt thou shrinke Thou must yéeld to the one or to the other either thou must deny God his truth for the countenance of the world and the enioying of this life and the comfortes of this world or else thou must forsake yea and hate the world and the comforts thereof and despise thy life in this respect Choose which thou wilt take fire and water is set before thée life and death good euill stretch out thy hand to whether thou wilt leaue the one imbrace the other Now deceiue not thy selfe and thinke thou hast the choice for thou art not at thy libertie God hath commanded to endure all trouble yea and death it self rather then to forsake his truth and the maintenance of the same If we must passe through the fire shall we looke for water If we be commaunded not to feare the sword shall we bee desirous to sléepe in a whole skinne That which séemes to be good to vs is euill and that which we thinke to be life we shall finde to bee death Séeke not to saue thy life for thou must loose it and better to loose it in this world then in the world to come If thou refuse thou shalt be refused if thou deny thou shalt be denied Mat. 16. 26. Alas what shal it profit a man or any of vs all though we should be Kings and Emperours and though we should winne the whole world if wee léese our owne soules Or what what shall a man giue for the recompence of his soule Thē farewell life lest death follow and kéepe thy soule lest it be plunged in hell torments For whosoeuer shall be ashamed of me and of my words among this adulterous and sinfull generation of him shall the sonne of man bee ashamed also when he commeth in the glory of his father with all his holie Angels Mar. 8. 38. Mat. 10. 33. And whosoeuer shall deny mee saith Christ him will I deny before my father which is in heauen and when hee thinkes to haue euerlasting comfort hee shall haue euerlasting sorrowe and in steede of heauen hee shall finde hell Marke therefore the punishment that will follow if Gods commaundement in this behalfe bee not performed on thy part and tremble A heauie sentence there is if thou refuse to beare this burthen Set before thy eies the comfortable presence of a Sauiour The third reason is drawne from the reward and the fearefull countenance of a iudge And let the holy martyr S. Steuens comfort fill thy heart who in the midst of his persecution sawe the glory of God and Iesus standing at the right hand of God the heauens being open to receiue him into his inheritance the Angels being at hand to carry his soule into heauen And most certaine it is that there is no way more readie to
lament Which although we ought not to wish for yet being laide on our shoulders wee must both patiently and thankfully beare it According to the answeres of Ely the Priest and Hezekiah the King though in an other case It is the Lord let him doo what seemeth him good The Iere. 10. 19. word of the Lord is good which thou hast spoken The will of the Lord be done Act. 21. 14. 2. The next thing mentioned in the text is the difference betwixt the godly and the wicked concerning ioy and sorrow in these wordes And the world shall reioyce and ye shall sorrow Wherein it is worthy the consideration to know and vnderstand what is meant by this word world VVhat is meant by this word world Which generally is taken for the heauen the earth the sea and all thinges therein contained Yet more néerely it is taken for the people that dwell in the world Also the customes and fashions of the people are meant by this word world According to our prouerbe and vsuall phrase This is the world that is this is the dealing of the men in the world and this is practised now adaies Againe it is taken for a spéech of woonder It is a world to sée that is it is a maruellous matter Also for those chiefe desires wherwith men are much led and ouertaken in the world as honour dignitie and promotion riches pleasures All which are of chiefest account and doe most raigne in the world Confirmed by S. Iohn 1. Ep. cap. 2. ver 15. Loue not the world neither the thinges that are in the world If any man loue the world the loue of the father is not in him For all that is in the world as the lust of the flesh the lust of the eies and the pride of life that is ambition promotion and honour is not of the father but is of the world And the world passeth away and the lust thereof but hee that fulfilleth the will of God abideth for euer Elswhere it signifieth the wisdome of worldly minded men 1. Cor. 1. 21. For seeing the world by wisedome knew not God in the wisdome of God it pleased God by the foolishnesse of preaching to saue them that beleeue ca. 26. And we speake wisedome among them that are perfect not the wisedome of this world neither of the Princes and great men of this world which come to nought Sometimes it is taken for the elect people of God according to that we reade Iohn 3. 16. God so loued the world that he hath giuen his only begotten sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue life euerlasting And although it be manifest that Christ his death is sufficient for all yet this benefite of his death doth rather properly pertaine to the elect that is to them that truely and vnfainedly haue repented them of their sinnes applying the mercies of God in Ieus Christ to the comfort of their distressed soules and relying and depending wholly vpon Gods promises But most commonly it is taken for the worser sort of the people in the world As it is said that Sathan is the prince of this world 2. Cor. 4. 4. Nay the God of the world because the most part serue him more then then God and in whose heartes and mindes and consciences he doth both rule and raigne The godly are against him and against his procéedinges and therefore by this word world the godly in the world are not meant but rather opposed against them that liue in the world Which is confirmed by the spéech of our Sauiour in his praier to God for the elect and godly Iohn 17. I pray for them which haue knowne me beleeued in me I pray not for the world The world hath hated them because they are not of the world as I am not of the world And in the fiftéenth chapter of the same Gospell verse 19. If ye were of the world the world would loue his owne but because yee are not of the worlde but I haue chosen you out of the world therefore the world hateth you And in this last sence this word World is taken for wicked and naughtie men for the haters and persecutors of Gods truth and his Gospell We know we are of God saith Saint Iohn 1. Epist cap. 5. 19. and the whole world lieth buried in wickednesse and is giuen ouer to euill doing In the world saith Christ ye shall haue trouble afflictiō persecutiō ye shal be hated of al men for my sake the Gospels be of good comfort I haue ouercom the world Hauing opened vnto you what is meant by the world The ioy of the world and of the wicked it followeth that I should shew you the difference concerning ioy sorrow betwixt them that are of the world and them that are not of the worlde The worlde hath many things wherein it reioyceth but it is an vsurped and a cou●erfeit ioy no true and sound ioy For the kingdome of God is not meate or drinke or any thing that the world yéeldeth but righteousnesse and peace and ioy in the holy Ghost Ro. 14. VVorldly matters 17. As they are of the worlde so are worldly matters the chéefest cause of their ioy as to be in honour and high promotion with Haman and Absolon although they know not how neare they are to the fall to swimme in wealth and riches to fare deliciously euery day and to go in purple fine silke with the rich glutton spoken of in the Gospell to enioy large dominions and great possessions faire houses and pleasaunt orchiards swéete gardens with all things that may satisfie the eie and fill the soule with pleasure like to King Nabuchodonosor that b●sted of his beautiful pallace Yea they imagine such continuance that they call their houses lands after their owne names as though they should endure for euer The viole tabret singing and dancing feasting banquetting riot and brauery this is the life the ioy of the world while the troubles of Ioseph are not remembred and the poore altogither forgotten in their sight This was the sinne of Sodom Pride idlenesse fulnes of bread contempt of the poore and néedie So that although the people of Sodome be consumed with fire and brimstone from heauen yet it séemeth that their posteritie remaineth and will remaine vntill the wordes ende till fire come downe from heauen the second time and make a wofull and finall destruction The iestures also and dispositions of the world are giuen vp to foolish reioycing and if any be sober and sadde they are not for their company Childish and péeuish gigling prophane laughter dissolute mirth wanton striking out disordered lifting vp the voice and mirth with incontinencie in euerie place All their life is spent in meriment and pastime as though God had not called euery one to painfulnesse and labour in that course of life wherein he hath placed them In time of diuine seruice when we should
the wicked rise vp men hide themselues but when they perish the righteous increase Prou. 28. 28. When the righteous are in authoritie the people reioyce but when the wicked beareth rule the people sigh If it vexe thy minde to sée the wicked in great prosperitie The godly to be oppressed and to flourish much more ought it to grieue thée to sée the good oppressed troden vnder foote despised yea and destroyed Which made the Prophet Abacuc to crie out and say O Lord how long shall I crie and thou wilt not heare euen crie out vnto thee for violence and thou wilt not helpe Why doest thou shewe mee iniquitie and cause me to behold sorrow for spoyling and violence are before mee and there are that raise vp strife and contention Therefore the lawe is dissolued and iudgement doth neuer goe foorth For the wicked doth compasse about the righteous therfore wrong iudgement proceedeth The oppression of the poore and of the godly is a crying sinne and pierceth the cloudes and howe can it but pierce thy heart to heare of it much more to behold it This made Quéene Hester when shée heard of the cruell decrée against the Iewes to be so sadde and heauie yea furthermore to venture her life for the safegard of her people If I perish saith she I perish Alasse how can I suffer and sée the euill that shall come vpon my people So she spake for them vnto the King and preuailed The Prophet Ieremiah being cast into the dungeon and like to perish it gréeued Ebedmelech the blackmore and hee pittied his case and spake for him vnto the King and did himselfe helpe him out of the prison My Lord the King saith he these men haue done euill in all that they haue done to Ieremiah the Prophet whom they haue cast into the dungeon and he dieth for hunger in the place where he is for there is no more bread in the citie W●e is me saith Mattathias the Priest wherefore was I borne to sée this distruction of my people Macc. 2. 7. 13. 14. What helpeth it vs to liue any longer And hee rent his cloathes and put on sackcloth and mourned verie sore If in a countrey saith the wise man Eccle. 5. 7. thou seest the oppression of the poore and the defrauding of iudgement and iustice be not astonied at the matter For he that is higher then the highest regardeth and there be higher then they He doth not forbid them to grieue and mourn at it but willeth them not to be dismaid nor vtterly to be discouraged and discomforted because that God did regard it And in the fourth chap. ver 1. So I turned considered all the oppressions y● are wrought vnder the sun and behold the tears of y● oppressed and none comforteth them And ●o the strength is of the hand of them that oppresse them and none comforteth thē And if the world do not regard it should not y● godly pitie it and pray for the comfort of the afflicted and put to their helping hands to relieue them If one member of the body reioyce al the members reioyce with it and likewise is it so in grief and pain Now if we be members of Christ his bodie why should not the miserable estate of others grieue vs as if it were our own Again what more apparant cause may there be of griefe Sinne to be so rife and vnpunished and sorrow in the godly then to sée sinne so rife and vnpunished Mine eies gush out with teares saith Dauid because Psal 119. 158. the vngodly keepe not thy lawe When we not only heare but sée and behold the cruell dealings of the world their intollerable pride their filthinesse of the flesh and riotousnesse of life their great falshood lying deceit vndermining one of an other their enuie hatred mallice their slanders reproaches backbiting and all iniquitie which nowe raigneth Ez● 9. 4. 2. Kin 22. 19. Esd 8. 70. 71. in our whole life mercifull God what fountaines and what wells of teares should it cause in vs Hos 4. 1. Heare the word of the Lord saith the prophet ye children of Israel for the Lord hath a controuersie with the inhabitants of the land By swearing and lying and killing and stealing and whoring they breake out and blood toucheth blood therefore shal the land mourne And if the sence lesse creaturres be so affected howe should not we be moued They that endeuour to liue well are a pray vnto others and wicked men are countenanced out and mighty sinnes are borne withall theft robbery adultery murder O Lord that a murderer shuld find any one friend in a christian common weale But of nobles of Iudges of magistrates it were too intollerable A poore thiefe packs to tiburne but a manqueller and a murtherer can shift his legs out of the shackles and his necke out of the haulter Oh that the chiefest were not guiltie in all the trespasses aforesaid The multitude of offendoures doth proue them to be guilty And a fearefull thing it is and a lamentable for want of due punishment and due execution of lawes will pull downe gods vengeance on the land All which doe moue vs not only to be sorry and agréeued but to pray that God would turne his wrath from vs because of those grieuous sinnes wherewith the whole land is ouerflowne Where hence ariseth another great sorrow to sée that Gods threatnings not to be regarded nor his mercies accepted Gods threatnings are not regarded neither are his mercies accepted For if they were our liues should not be vnreformed and sinnes should not goe vnpunished This made the prophet Ionas aweary of the ministry prouoked Christ himselfe to shed forth teares for Ierusalem O Ierusalem Ierusalem howe oft would I haue gathered thee together as a henne gathereth her chickens vnder her wings and ye would not Oh if thou hadst knowne at the least in this thy day those things which belong vnto thy peace but now are they hid from thy eies For where Gods mercy patience and long sufferance can take no place neither yet the threatnings of his iudgements preuaile then doe gréeuous punishments hang ouer the heads of that people and it is to be feared and doubted howsoone God will powre downe his wrath vpon them A prudent man seeth the plague and hideth himself but the foolish goe on still and Ezek. 11. 13. are punished The pitiful man the godly minded foreséeth heauie punishments and praieth for the offendours Oh that my head were full of water saith the prophet Ieremy chap. Iere. 14. 17. 9. 1. and mine eies a fountaine of teares that I might weepe day and night for the slaine of the daughter of my people This destruction was not yet come but the Prophet foresawe that it would come and therfore he wept for sorrow But one of the greatest griefs and sorrowes is to sée religion Religion and the feare of god to be scorned mockt at and them
to be scorned whose desire is to liue according to Gods will and commandements And this is a greate cause of the fall of many that otherwise would doe well let them that vse it refraine it they knowe not what hurt they doe The least of vs are readie to fall away and therfore the Apostle willeth vs to exhort and Esd 10. 50. prouoke one another vnto good workes daily This mocking and taunting the Apostle doubteth not to call by the name of persecution wherewith Isaac was vexed by Ismael In consideration whereof it gréeueth the godly that they are aliue among the wicked whose reproachfull spéeches and vngodly behauiour haue bin pricks in their sides and thorns in their eies if not knines to their throats and as grieuous as the point of a dagger to their hearts For if they looke into the world and take a viewe of the fashion of men amongst whome they must liue they shall sée the mallice of Caine reuiued the hatred of Esau set on foote flattering tongues like Ioab but murdering minds Some as proud and as diuellish as Haman some as trecherous as Iudas some as cruel as Iezabel as incroching and gréedily hunting after other mens mainteuance and liuings if not their liues withall as euer was wicked Achab Naboths vineard litle kindnesse and much churlishnesse as bad or worse then that of Nabal many dissemblers as Ananias and where is the man that speaketh the truth from his heart For the most part all the conuersation of the wicked stanvpon Vncleannesse to beare so greate asway baudry and vncleannes Iust Lot was vexed with the vncleanly conuersation of the wicked For he being righteous and dwelling among them in séeing hearing vexed his righteous soule from day to day with their vnlawfull déeds In respect of all which snares and incombrances the godly are vexed with sorrow euē to the death I am aweary of my life for the daughters of Heth saith Rebeccay Abrahams wife It is inough now O Lord take my soule for I am no better then my fathers séeing I only am aliue and the rest hath forsaken thée saith Elias Woe is me saith the Prophet Dauid Ps 120. 5. that I must dwell with Mesech and haue mine habitation among the tents of Cedar My soule hath too long dwelt among them Yet hath God so appointed that we should shine as glistring starres amongst a naughty generation Whose behauiour shall make vs more wary and circumspect as also our good workes which they shall sée and behold shall turn either to their happy conuersion or most iust confusion and endlesse condemnation The weake minds which are not as yet throughly strengthned wish daily continually although it be godly and wel with the Apostle I desire to be dissolued and to be with Christ which is best of all Hitherto of the sorrowes of the godly And y● I may make perfect this part touching the difference betwixt the godly and the wicked concerning ioy and sorrow as also that ye may be the better comforted and encouraged to vndertake and endure sorrow I will let you vnderstand howe that the world hath his sorrow also And séeing I haue begun to be tedious beare with mee a while I hope you will not thinke your labour altogither lost in reading which may be at your leisure though it cost mee some studie to gather it Who would thinke that the wicked should haue any sorrow in this world howsoeuer they are like to spéed in the world to come séeing they haue the world at will and as the Prophet saith they come in no misfortune like other men And yet it falleth out sometimes that they haue sorrow but what is the cause of their sorrow No other but for worldly matters for temporall losses and that their transitorie ioyes are abated and diminished As for example when their goods are taken by pirates their wealth consumed by shipwracke their houses burnt with fire their landes taken from them by violent oppression their riches wasted by vsurie their libertie restrained by imprisonment their children to miscarry suddeinly their friends either to die or to fall away from them daily as the wise man saith In prosperitie a friend cannot bee knowne and in aduersitie and calamitie a mans verie friend will fall away from him and forsake him Now when these miseries and these worldly calamities come vppon them what crying what wringing of hands what lamenting what wéeping is there among them But that God by their wickednesse is offended his name through them blasphemed his lawe and holy word contemned his patience and long sufferance daily prouoked and abused his threatnings his admonitions his counsels neglected his louing mercies forgotten and his great benefits not remembred that many good things pertaining to our dutie haue bin through our follies omitted and many wickednesses whereof we should haue bene cleare committed by vs who wéepeth for these matters who lamenteth for these causes The world reioyceth in hurting the godly and if their mischiefe and their mallice be preuented then are they sorry for nothing more then that they can do no more hurt nor any more mischief where the godly pray for them their cōuersion How do they enuy maligne those persons in whō they sée Gods gifts graces This was the cause y● Iosephs brethren hated him that Core Dathan and Abiram did set themselues against Moses that king Saul did enuy and séeke the destruction of Dauid Whereat the godly are not to take any discomfort for their enuie shall not hurt them no more then Ioseph and Moses and Dauid was hurt For God shal turn all to his glorie and their good as is in his good pleasure determined of them And as they cannot abide the godly so secretly in their hearts they hate God as their déedes and workes declare for if the loue of God were in them the fruites therof would also appeare For who are more backward to heare Gods word to be present at his diuine seruice who make lesse accompt of christian profession yea they hate it they scoffe and scorne it and they that counsell them to religion goodnesse are their chiefest enemies King Dauid bearing the person of the godly was otherwise minded who counted it his great sorow that he was debarred for a time from Gods seruice Ps 48. 3. O Lord of hostes how amiable are thy tabernacles my soule longeth yea and fainteth for the courts of the Lord for my heart my flesh reioyce in the liuing God Yea the sparrow hath found her an house and the swallow a neast for her where she may lay her yoong ones euen by the altars ô Lord of hostes my king and my God But because the wicked are so set against God good men therefore the Prophet said truely of them Many are the sorrowes and great are the plagues that remaine for the wicked Psa 32. 10. Which is most effectually set downe Eccles 40. Great trauell is created for all men
and an heauie yoke vpon the sonnes of Adam from the day that they go out of their mothers wombe til the day they returne to the mother of all things Namely their thoughtes and feare of the heart and the imagination of the thinges they waite for and the day of death From him that fitteth vpon the glorious throne vnto him that is beneath in the earth and ashes Wrath and enuy trouble and vnquietnes and feare of death rigor and strife And in the time of rest the sléepe in the night vpon his bed change his knowledge A little or nothing is his rest afterward in sléeping he is as in a watch-tower in the day He is troubled with the visions of his heart as one that runneth out of a battell And when all is safe he awaketh and maruelleth that the feare was nothing Such things come vnto all flesh but seuenfold to the vngodly There is no peace saith the Lord vnto the wicked Yea though they séeke peace and rest by many meanes indeuour to cast al troublesome feare from them now by instruments of musicke now by merrinesse of company now by diuersitle of repastes and pastimes nowe by drinking of wine and banquetting yea though they shoote out feare as by a double canon and séeme to remooue all disquietnesse farre from them and as it were send it into banishment yet it reconcileth and furneth backe vppon them So that in their mirth there is sorrowe in their laughter there is griefe and in their ioy there is heauinesse which vexeth their heartes continually This toucheth the inward sorrowe of their heartes and mindes and as for any outward sorrow they had rather be cut off by present death then to indure it King Zedekiah being told by the Prophet Ieremie that if hée went into captiuitie and would endure some sorrowe he should saue his life the thought of sorrow was so intollerable vnto him that he had rather suffer present death then to abide the least taste thereof Iere. 8. 3. And death saith the Prophet shall rather be desired then life of all the residue that remaineth of this wicked familie because of the afflictions that God would send vpon them Furthermore their sorrowes are expressed in the scripture by this word Woe Christ saith to the godly Ye shall VVoe weepe and lament but hee saith not vnto them any where Woe be vnto you And I beheld saith S Iohn in his Reu. 8. 13. and heard an angel flying through the midst of heauen saying with a loud voice Woe woe woe vnto the inhabitanies of the earth Which he said not concerning the good and godly who as he saith were sealed in their foreheades and whose names were written in the booke of life but of the wicked world whose sorrowes should be mightily increased Blessed are ye saith Christ when men reuile ye and speake euill of ye for my names sake But vnto them of the world he saith Woe bee vnto you when all men speake well of you That is because they fauour the wicked of the world and goe after the world and séeke friendship of the world therefore the friendship of the world departeth from them So true is that which Saint Iames saith The amitie of the world is the enmitie of God Woe bee to you that now laugh for you shall waile and weepe The wéeping of the godly is with comfort but the world and the wicked wéep without hope thinking of Gods iudgements to come which driue them to dispaire because they are fully perswaded the wofull and euerlasting wéeping and gnashing of téeth shall come vppon them and shall be their portion The Prophet Esay 24. speaketh of them of his time The mirth of the world is gone away because they did not vse Gods benefits aright And after a while the liues of the world went away Then what a sorrow is it to leaue their lusts and their pleasures to leaue the world their friends their wife and children their lands and possessions And yet behold this is but the beginning of their sorrowes In the midst of all their iolitie the very thought of death doth strike such a dumpe into their mindes that makes their excessiue ioy to vanish into wo●ull sorrow and mourning Oh how bitter is the remembrance of death to him that liueth at rest in his possessions that hath nothing to vexe him and that hath prosperitie in all things When the sorrowe of death commeth in place all our ioyes are gone which endured but for a moment of time and were as a thing of nothing but the thing is farre worse For after these ioyes come sorrowes and neuer ioy againe And this is one of the ●●●fest sorrowes of worldly minded men whose minds and hearts had neuer any taste and féeling of heauen and heauenly ioyes that when death beginnes to looke them in the face whom they would auoyd if possibly they could this I say is their sorrow that they shall depart from their earthly happinesse that they shall neuer sée the face of their ioyes pleasures and vanities any more The paine of the bodie the feare of death the sight of thildren the weeping of the wife the flattery of the world the temptation of the diuell the dissembling phisitian who for gaine dooth put him in hope of life Sée how his ioyes are turned into sorrow and yet this is but the beginning of his sorrow For at the point of death these worldly griefes doo not so much vexe his minde as the fearefull remembraunce of an euill life past the day of iudgement and that they shall be called to an account the ougly sight of hell in their consciences and the intollerable paines and torments which they shall hereafter suffer The sorrow of these things at the very instant of their death dooth ouercome the griefe of their disease and all other sorrowes yea and hasteneth on their death which otherwise might be prolonged Whereas the godly as it is in the Psal 142. reioyce and sing loud in their beds hauing a quiet conscience and that they shal passe vnto vnspeakable ioyes from this vale of misery and troublesome persecuting world Greatly reioycing that neither sinne nor sathan nor hell nor the torments thereof shall preuaile against them shall touch them or come néere them to hurt them So much for the sorrow of the worldly which may be some ioy to the godly to ease their heart to sée and know that the world hath also sorrowe to soure their ioyes withall These two matters of the ioy of the godly and the sorrow of the wicked may séeme impertinent for this text which may be read or passed ouer at thy discretion 3. The third part of this text is taken out of these words But your sorrow shal be turned into ioy Which words containe a remedie full of all comfort and may be diuided into two parts A proposition Your sorrow shal be turned into ioy Secondly a cōfirmation by way of illustration drawne from a
similitude and comparison of a woman in childbirth respecting her Throes and her ioye A woman when shee trauelleth c. Which confirmation by a similitude is more apparant in the application which is the second part of the similitude being furnished with thrée proofes Wherof the first is That he would see them againe The second That their hearts should reioyce The third That their ioy should no man take away from them Ye shall weep and lament But the Apostles counsell is Proposition comfortable Weepe as though ye wept not And Christ his words are heauenly Your sortow shal be turned into ioy He speaketh not of the sorrow of the wicked that their sorrow shall be turned into ioy for their sorrowes shall remaine Many shall be their sorrowes and great shall be their plagues And although they haue bene young and lustie as an heifer of thrée yeares old which neuer felt sorrow but liued in pleasure yet when their sorrow and mourning shall come it shall be so gréeuous that they shall be giuen to skritch and crie out yea it shall pittie the harts of others and they shall moue others to wéepe for them Their gladnesse and ioy shall be taken away saith the Prophet Esay 16. 9. 10. there shall be no singing nor shouting for ioy for I haue caused their reioycing to cease So likewise the prophet Ieremy 48. 33. speaketh of the ioy of the Moabites Ioy and gladnesse is taken from the beautifull field and from the land of Moab and I haue caused wine to faile from the wine-presse none shall tread with shouting My heart shall sound saith the prophet for Moab like a shamne As the custome was to play heauie and graue tunes at burialls Those euils and sorrowes which happen to the godly The worldly sorrowes of the godly turned into ioyes in this life God turneth to our good and as the Apostle saith All things fall out to the best to them that loue God so that we may reioyce though for a season we be in heauinesse This is God able to do because he is almightie and most readie and willing because he is most gracious vnto his people How long was patient Iob troubled yet his troubles and sorrowes had a happie end and his losses recompenced to his great contentment and ioy of heart The people of Israel how gréeuous was their affliction in Egipt and that for the space of many yeares vntill that the crie of their sore oppression came vp into the presence of God And God heard their crie and sent them reliefe For it pleased God to remember his holy promise so that in his due time he brought foorth his people with ioy and his chosen with gladnesse and he gaue them the landes of the heathen and they tooke the labours of the people in possession The portion of the godly is to haue many troubles and so to passe along this life toward the kingdome of rest and ioy After vexation some rest after trouble peace after paine pleasure doth ensue to the praise of Gods mercy who in time shall moderat what is amisse send vs some comfort for our recreation For as he seeth our griefes noteth our wrongs so when most néed is he will comfort vs and send vs ioy in our heauinesse Through the féeling whereof the Prophet Dauid vttereth these words The Lord is my strength and my shield my hart hath trusted in him and I am helped therfore my heart daunceth for ioy and in my song will I praise him True obediēce wants no crosses in this world to wait vpon it yet crosses haue their crownes Ioseph a iust man and one that feared God from his youth beeing subiect to sorrow and misery vpon false accusation was cast into prison whose féete they hurt in the stockes the iron entred into his soule Vntil the time came y● this cause was knowne when as the word of the Lord tried him The king sent and deliuered him the prince of the people let him goe frée He made him Lord also of his house ruler of all his substance That he might informe his princes and teach his senators wisedome Ioseph had honour and great wealth as well as libertie when God his time was come to turne his sorrow into ioy Whose posteritie when they were in a manner tired through slauerie and bondage and pinched with extréeme pouertie in a time vnlooked for God brought them forth With greate substaunce and gaue them fauour in the sight of their enemies so that they caried away from them their iewels of siluer and gold Sée and consider the end of the troubles of the godly when God will not only had his oppressed people libertie but also great substaunce happy passage mighty deliueraunce infinite good turnes if they had had eies to sée his miraculous and bountifull working in their behalfe that in their songs they might haue praised him and in their hearts they might haue giuen sufficient credit to all his promises But to their great hurt they gaue no credit vnto his word but thought scorne of that pleasaunt land Shadrake Meshake and Abednago because they would not worship the golden image which Nabuchodonozor the King had set vp they were cast into the firy furnace But behold in their extreme sorrow the comfortable presence of Gods Angel then followed the fauour of the King who before did so greatly hate them and after that promotion and dignitie and the chiefest offices in the realme Ioy vpon ioy to make sorrow to be forgotten Feare not the issue then of your woe whatsoeuer it is if you cleaue to God and hold fast by the word of his promise So true is that in 126. ps v. 6. 7. They that sow in teares shall reape in ioy And he y● now goeth on his way weping beareth forth good séed shal doubtlesse come again with ioy and bring his sheaues with him Bondage in Egipt a wearisome pilgrimage in the desert after the bondage but after their wearisome pilgrimage followed y● ioyful possession of y● plentiful land of of Canaan Then was their mouth filled with laughter and their toong with ioy Then said they among the heathen the Lord hath done great thinges for them The Lorde hath done great things for vs whereof we reioyce Such as their bondage in Egipt was so gréeuous also was their captiuitie vnder king Nabuchodonozor and the Chaldeans yet it pleased God to remember his poore afflicted and beloued remnant Go ye out of Babel flie ye from the Chaldeans with a voice of ioy Baruc. 4. I sent you out with wéeping mourning but with ioy and perpetuall gladnesse will I bring you againe And like as the neighbours of Sion saw your captiuity so also shall they shortly see your saluation frō God which shall come with greate glorie brightnesse from the euerlasting and they shall gather them from the East to the West to the praise of his honor O Ierusalem behold the ioy that commeth
hath many dumps and amidst their ioyes doe often wéepe but the sorrowes of the godly are such that neither make them to breake their sléep nor yet to be heauy hearted For Paul Silas being in prison in fetters and cold iron Act. 16. Sung a Psalme and praised God The reason that may mooue them both so to do is great waightie the one remembring that their ioyes shall end in perpetual sorrowes the other reioyce knowing that their sorrowes shal not alwaies last and y● their crosse and their crowne are ioyned both togither as matters inseparable For of all other they were the most miserable if their hope were onely in this life Mat. 5. 4. Blessed are they that mourne for they shall be comforted Luke 6. 21. Blessed are they that weepe now for they shall laugh Looke vpon Lazarus wéeping on earth and reioycing in heauen In the midst and in the multitude of my sorrowes that I had in my heart saith the Prophet Psal 44. 19. Thy comfortes haue refreshed and reioyced my soule In the Lords word will I comfort me which is so full of heauenly promises Phil. 4. 4. Reioyce in the Lord alway and againe I say reioyce The sorrowes of persecution turned into ioyes let your patient minde be knowue vnto all men The Lord is at hand to succor you to giue you ioy What bréedeth patience in troubles so much as that when they know that their sorrowes shal be turned into ioy Ye sorrowed with me for my bandes saith the Apostle Heb. 10. 34. and suffered also with ioy the spoiling of your owne goodes knowing in your selues how that ye haue in heauen a better and induring substance Whosoeuer shall forsake houses or brethrē or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands and possessions for my names sake he shal receiue a hundred f●●d more and shall inherite euerlasting life And who would not be patient in trouble and persecution seeing it shal be requited with such icy No trouble so bitter as the trouble of persecution yet this is the comfort that it is but short though it séeme vnto vs long Else the Apostle would not haue vsed this spéech Yet a while and that a very little while and that shall come will come and will not tarry yea and bring his rewardes with him The flesh is fraile and rebellious the world is cruel persecution is most gréeuous and therefore ye haue great néede of patience that after ye haue done the will of God yée might receine the promise Through which and other like waightie causes and considerations the same Apostle being mooued praied for the Collossians that they might be strengthened with all might through the glorious power of God vnto all patience and long sufferance and that with ioyfulnesse Which ioyfulnesse hée himselfe expressed in his owne person most liuely speaking thereof more then once and twice To the Collossians chapter 1. 24. Now reioyce in my suffrings and to the Cor 2. epist 7. he writeth thus Ye are in our hearts to die and liue togither I vse great boldnesse of speech toward you I reioyce greatly in you I am filled with comfort and am exceeding ioyous in all our tribulation For if there be any bitternesse in persecution as certaine it is that it is most great it is altogither swallowed vp of spirituall ioy for worldly ioy cannot attaine to that strength as to endure it Through faith we haue accesse vnto this grace wherein we stand and reioyce vnder the hope of the glory of God neither doo we so only but also we reioyce in tribulations For whē we are most weake then is God most strong and able to giue vs strength to endure our triall 2. Cor. 4. 8. We are afflicted on euery side yet are we not in distresse in pouertie but not ouercome of pouertie We are persecuted but not forsaken cast downe but we perish not Neither do wee faint though our inward man perish because our inward man is renewed daily and strengthned comforted in hope which maketh vs not ashamed although the world would laie shame inogh vpon vs. And in an other place he speaketh of himselfe and of all the faithful 2. Cor. 6. 8. We must approue our selues as those that haue hope in God by honor and dishonor by euil report good report as deceiuers yet true as vnknowne and yet knowne as dying and behold we liue as chastened and yet not killed as sorrowing and yet alwaies reioycing The vine the more it is pressed the more it riseth the spice y● more it is beaten the swéeter it smelleth the fire y● more it is kept vnder the more it bursteth out the Israelites the more they were oppressed the more they multiplied and so is it with the godly the more their outward sorrowes be the more are their inward ioyes In this matter the Apostle S. Iames is of the same mind with the Apostle S. Paul who in the beginning of his epist maketh persecutiō one of his chéefest matters to speak of giuing it a great cōmendatiō encouraging other therein by shewing them what shall ensue My brethren count it excéeding ioy when ye fall into this especiall temptation of affliction and persecution Excéeding ioy he termeth it because no earthly ioy may be compared to that which they that are afflicted and persecuted both féele and shall also be partakers of As in the same chapter is declared Blessed is the man that suffereth temptation that is affliction and persecution for when he is is tried he shall receiue the crowne of life because the Lord hath promised That he may be bold to say I haue runne my race I haue fought a good fight and henceforth is laid vp for me the crowne of righteousnesse And because of this ioy which was fully setled in their mindes and hearts Saint Peter and the rest of the Apostles as we shall reade Actes 5. 41. when they were reuiled threatened and beaten departed reioycing that they were counted worthie to suffer rebuke for his name The world saith Christ shall hate and excommunicate you and thinke they please God highly in killing you And because I haue saide these thinges vnto you your hearts are full of sorrow But marke againe another spéech of his and sée howe hee dooth raise vs vp in comfort and in ioy Hee that will follow mee must take vp his crosse and follow mee and whosoeuer shall forsake houses or brethren or sisters father mother wife children landes possessions yea bid farwell to the world and hate and despise his owne life for my sake hee shall receiue an hundreth folde more and shall inherite euerlasting life For the ioy of conscience which Gods children féele euen in their afflictions is a thousand fold more worth then all worldly treasure These things saith Christ haue I spoken vnto you that my ioy might remaine in you and that your ioy might be full The prince of our peace and saluation was consecrated
vnto God through affliction and persecution Whereby the Apostle signifieth that there could be no worke more acceptable in the sight of God then that The captaine in war sheweth himselfe most venterously and if he die he is resolued What is his comfort and his ioy this that he cannot please his prince and countrey better The souldiers likewise through the captains valiant exploits are incouraged hauing the selfesame comfort and ioy with their captaine And a valiant souldier aimes at nothing more then at honour and renowme How should the extremitie of sorrow or the dint and horror of death pull vs backe séeing the recompence is so glorious honour renowme and ioy But many are loth to venture fearing their own frailty weaknesse Good it is to be aduised and to cast al circumstances to pray to God for strength and when thou art resolued doubt not that God will laie more vpon thée then thou art able to beare neither will God suffer vs to be afflicted aboue our power but in the bitter hest of persecution and in the smarting sorrow of death approching he wil giue a comfortable issue and fill thy heart with swéet ioyes Comfort in warre makes death séeme nothing so sorrowfull and séeing in affliction and persecution many haue suffered before thée and thou art not like to bee the last bee not faint-harted yea althogh thou mightst escape knowing that thou shalt receiue a better resurrection Moreouer it is not the least comfort that the faithfull and the godly yea and Christ himself doth help vs with their praiers wherby the extremitie of paine is mitigated vnto vs or sufficient strength courage granted vs to endure euen to the end and in the end For this cause saith the Apostle to the Colloss cap. 1. We cease not to pray for you that ye might be strengthened with all might through his glorious power and addeth this comfortable clause Giuing thankes vnto the father which hath made vs meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light And if as yet thou desirest greater comfort● more abundant ioy if thou mightest haue thy choice thou canst not make a better choice then the quietnesse of conscience and ioy of the holy Ghost Can a mother forget her children if she could or would yet the Lord wil not forget vs being vnto him as the signet vpon his right hand and therfore in cōtinual remembrance and as the apple of his eie and therfore most tender So that the prophet Dauid had great cause to say to the great comfort and ioy of the godly Right deare in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints Psal 116. 15. Knowing therfore that the cause is Gods cause and his glorie and that it is his wil we should suffer in fulfilling his wil let vs commit our soules vnto him in weldooing as vnto a faithfull creator Let me adde a constant Martir his exhortation in verse who neither feared nor doubted but most willingly and ioyfully was to giue vp his life for the profession of the truth and maintenance of the Gospell Cotent thy selfe with patience with Christ to beare the crosse of paine Who can and will thee recompence A thousand fold with ioyes againe Let nothing cause thy heart to quaile Launch out thy boate haul vp thy saile Put from the shore And at the length thou shalt attaine Vnto the port that shall remaine For euermore Thus if it please God that they shall be put to the shedding of their blood and the losse of their liues for the testimony of a good conscience for the profession of his truth and maintenance of his Gospell ye sée that it is a matter that brings heapes of ioyes so that although there be great sorrowes yet this persecution and triall of their faith makes them in a maner not to appeare Else how could it haue bin true which the Apostle reporteth of the churches of Macedonia 2. Cor. 8. 2. that in the great trial of affliction their ioy abounded As though in their extremitie they had felt no sorrow nor perceiued any discomfort In token whereof the Apostle willeth the Philippians to be so bold that in nothing they shuld fear their aduersaries which is saith he to them a tokē of perditiō but to you a tokē of saluatiō and the of god And that which furthereth ●ur saluation with what ioy is it vndertaken and performed Neuerthelesse God séeing our heartes and knowing our readinesse doth not alwaies put vs to the triall and yet accepteth our readinesse as though we had béen tried doth send vs comfort ioy and that after such a sort as we least looked for That we might praise him in his iudgementes and woonder at his mercies and giue him thankes for his goodnesse that worketh so great deliuerances for his people And to increase our ioy the more God worketh our deliuerance Ioy by deliuerance Their enemies being destroied by the destruction of our enemies The Israelites being deliuered saw the Egyptians their enemies drowned in the red Sea and their dead careases lying on the Sea shore Then sung Moses and the children of Israel When the Iewes were deliuered from the cruel massacre Eze. 38. 16. 21. 22. 23. and bloudie slaughter which was deuised and pretended and purposed against them and almost put in mischieuous execution through the meanes of that proud and wicked Haman Haman himselfe was destroied and hanged and fell into the pit that he had made for others Then had the Iewes rest and ioy and they remembred it for euer This also is plainly set downe in the storie of godly Tobit chap. 1. If king Senacharib had slaine any when he fled from Iudea I buried them priuily but the bodies were not found when they were sought for of the king Therefore when a certain Niniuite had accused me to the king because I did burie them I hid my self and because I knew that I was sought to be s●aine I withdrew my selfe for feare Then all my goodes were spoiled neither was there any thing left me besides my wife Anna and my sonne Tobias Neuertheles within fiue and fiftie dayes two of his sennes killed him and another of his sonnes reigning in his stéed appointed Achiacharus my brothers sonne to be the ouerseer of his accountes who made request for me and I came againe to Niniuie When Herod was dead who sought Christ his death then he being a babe and infant was brought againe into the land of Israe● Presently after the death of King Herode mentioned Actes 12. the bloody tyrant being punished by Gods iudgement and that after a strange sort then the word of God grewe and multiplied and flourished and God gaue his seruants libertie If we aske an example in our owne realme Quéene Mary and mischieuous Gardiner bishop of Winchester being taken away and strooken by the hand of God our gracions Soueraign whom God long preserue to his glory and our comfort came then to her
could neuer swimme before how do they catch hold of boords and practise labour to swim the cowardly souldier when he is in his enemies danger and like to be murthered how dooth he bestir himselfe and in necessitie shewe himselfe valiant and all for feare of death So is life swéete to the woman in trauell and she striues and takes great paines in hope that in time she shall be deliuered and auoyd death But when at last she sées all her paines taking in vaine and that she cannot be deliuered but of force must yéeld her last breath alasse what lamentation and griefe she makes for death approaching Againe as some take great paines so some of them either dare not or wil not put to their strength to endure it and for lacke of courage fall away In sorrow and especially in distresse of persecution let vs plaie the men and be as painfull as the woman in trauell if it be no more but for this to saue our liues I meane the life to come which is wonne by painfulnesse and courage and also lost by faintnesse For the nearer the trauell the greater is the womans griefe and feare and the nearer the triall of our death is the more the flesh is fraile The children are come to the birth saith the Prophet and there is no strength to bring forth vnlesse God giue strength So we when we are brought to triall by death then a hundreth to one but we faint and are féeble till God giue constancie courage which through fearefulnesse and faintnesse of courage we reuolt then death approacheth yea a fearfull kind of death For they saith Christ that séeke to saue their life shall loose it and they that are desirous to enioy this world shall perish in an other And then what pittious outcries shall we make wéeping and woe and great lamentation The woman that must néeds die through the sore anguish that she hath endured yet if she be deliuered and sée her childe liue it is her great ioy but through faintnesse of courage and for lack of paines taking oftentimes it faileth out that the childe dieth within her and with her The constant Martyres that are deliuered by death in the sorest anguish and agony of death this comforteth them and that out of measure that their hope is with God their good report with the faithfull and that their labours shall follow them and nothing shall be lost But if either the loue of the world lands possessions wife and children kinsfolke friends acquaintance hinder vs or life it selfe and feare of death let vs then assure our selues that we haue lost all All the glory of our christian profession our confident boasting that we made to endure persecution the good report and ioy of the godly which by our constancie might haue béene so much the more comforted and confirmed and especially our hope with God I would I could not say that all these excellent matters fall to the ground are void decaied and that they all die together within them and with them Let none take away thy crowne from thée let nothing kéepe thée from thy excéeding reioycing knowing that God hath promised vnto thée to be thy excéeding great reward This is y● sorrow that God hath laied vpon women persecutions are the burden that God would haue men and all sorts and al degrées yea and manly couragious women also to beare in no sort to refuse in paine of death let them take héede of damnation An office she weth y● inward qualities of a man bringeth Ioyes that to proofe which lay hid in him long before whether he were giuen to oppression and corruption or to innocency and vprightnesse whether he haue more regard of his owne priuate estate and gaine then of the publike commoditie and welfare of the people The one endeth in shame and contempt the other is crowned with glory Persecution is the office that the godly and faithfull are called and promoted vnto and nowe it shall be knowne whether they loue God more thē themselues or whether the glory of God be of more account with them then their owne estimation although they might liue in the highest roomes in the world with Shadrake Meshake Abednago be set ouer the chiefest prouinces in any Emperours large dominions God hath ordained persecution to bring forth patience constancy courage and all the vertues and graces of the godly and that to their great praise commendation which otherwise would lie hid and altogither vnknowne When the man is exalted he is tried saith Solomon but wée being tried by persecution are exalted euen to the highest heauens Blessed is he that endureth temptation and trial and sorrow and trouble and persecution For when he is tried he shall receiue the crowne of life In the fight and combat there is sorrow and hazard but after the victorie triumph and reioycing And certainly after persecution and death commeth life and ioy And now let vs a litle behold the ioyes of a trauelling woman One ioy is the hope that she shall be deliuered which maketh her the more patiently to endure her trouble stil looking when her houre will come and waiting for the good houre that God shall send For they that put their trust in the Lord shall surely haue helpe and deliuerance so far as he seeth good for his glory and their comfort Wait thou the Lords leisure and he shall giue thée thy hearts desire And because of impatiencie God often turneth away his face and leaueth vs to our selues and to our troubles to sinke or to swimme get out how we can But the patient abiding of Gods promises maketh things impossible most comfortable and distressed cases to haue gladsome issues It was a great persecution for the thrée children that they should be cast into a hot firie furnance but howe great was their hope that God would bid them come foorth either out of the furnace or out of this troublesome life to receiue ioy either by credit and fame among men or which was more méete by receiuing ioy from God The hope of Iosephs deliueraunce was with ioy Which fell out according to his hope being brought from the dungeon to the seate of honour The Israelites that groned long vnder their oppression s●aied themselues vpon Gods promises that they should be deliuered Being in the desert and waste wildernesse and the time of their enteraunce into Canaan long delaied through their fault of impatiencie God caused many to die there but they that rested vpon the hope of Gods promises God made them partakers of their desire They that wait on the Lord sée what comfort the Prophet Esay giueth them chap. 66. 8. 9. Shall I cause to trauell and not to bring foorth As if he had said Shall I laie sorrow and take away ioy yea I wil comfort you and that to your contentment and y● hand of the Lord shal be knowne among his seruants God hath
thy sonnes take heed to their way that they walke before me in truth with al their hearts and with all their soules thou shalt not said he want one of thy posteritie vpon the throne of Israel So also because the Rechabites kept the commaundement of their father their continuance by posteritie was their blessing as we reade Iere 35. 18. 19. which God caused to be pronounced vnto them by the mouth of the Prophet Ieremiah Thus saith the Lord of hostes the God of Israel Because ye haue obeied the commandemēt of Ionadab your father and kept all his precepts and done according to all that he hath commanded you Therefore saith the Lord of hostes the God of Israel Ionadab the sonne of Rachab shall not want a man to stand before me for euer but his posteritie shal continue and be continually in my fauour What greater preserment can come to the godly to requi●e their sorrowes withall then that it pleased God to make them all men-children and also heires of his heauenly kingdome if so be they can frame themselues to be content to suffer with him else are they in no sort worthie to be glorified with him For all the sorrowes and afflictions of this life are nothing to the glorie that shall be reuealed They may also be well said to be heires of the crown which is not so lightly obteined for oftentimes such a matter costeth many a man his life And how many dangers are vndertaken before we may be capable of this royaltie or thought worthie to be princes fellowes All things that are excellent haue a deare price and he that would be a prince must perswade himselfe it shall cost him full deare Yet a worthie mind thinkes no labour too painfull no danger impossible and all sorrowes to be swéete which haue so swéete a recompence Reu. 4. 4. I sawe round about the throne foure and twentie seates and vppon the seates foure and twentie elders sitting cloathed in white raiment and had on their heads crownes of gold Reu. 3. 11. Behold I come shortly hold that which thou hast that no man take thy crowne To the preferment of the godly this also may be added N●me that their name and good report shall liue for euer wheras 〈◊〉 39. 13. the remembrance of the wicked rot Many things are done by the wicked for a name but it turnes cleane contrary For the credite of their name shall be but shame and discredite shall be their glorie They that built the tower of Babel got themselues a name but with d●risition of their follie and as good haue no name as such a name But the name that the godly leaue after their death is precious and the constant Martirs that gaue vp their liues for the profession of Christ his truth are remembred with reuerence Their bodies although they haue bene put to extremities and gréeuous punishments yet shall their names liue for euermore The congregation shall talke of their praise and although they be dead they shall leaue a greater fame then a thousand The doating foolishnesse of the world is such euer to neglect heauen and to séeke for a name in earth where nothing is firme nothing continueth but sadeth away and perisheth as a thought What is a name of great wisedome of great wealth of great eloquence of warlike prowesse yea of the princes fauour In the world they are obtained in the world they are enioyed and to the world they must be left Besides this the name of the godly is more durable and of longer continuance he that will loose his life shall saue it he that estéemeth more of the fauour of God then the fauour of the world shall in this life haue sorrowes and persecutions but in the life come ioyes Their names are defaced on Re● 2. ●7 earth among the wicked but they are written in heauen and registred in euerlasting remembrance Reioyce saith Christ that your names are written in heauen Yea let them reioyce with ioy vnspeakeable because that none shall be saued at the dreadfull day of iudgement but they whose names are sounde in the writing of Israel and recorded in the booke of life For whosoeuer was not founde written in the booke of life Reuelat. 20. 15. was cast into the lake of fire where is nothing else but burning and brimstone wéeping and gnashing of téeth and wofull lamentation without any compassion The former part of the similitude and comparison being Application I will see you againe ended now followeth the second consisting in application set downe in these words And ye now are in sorrow but I will see you againe and your hearts shall reioyce and your ioy shall no man take from you This application Iohn 1. 51. 14. 19. as you sée is furnished with thrée proofes whereof the first is I will see you againe The woman when she trauelleth hath sorrow but when she is deliuered of a manchild her sorrow is turned yea and swallowed vp of ioy I will see you againe So still he performeth his word and promise Your sorrow shall bee turned into ioy When the Apostle Saint Paule tooke his leaue and his last farwell of the Church of Ephesus knéeling downe and praying with them they wept all aboundantly and fel on Pauls necite and ●●●ssed him Being sorrie for nothing so much as for the words which he spake That they should sée his face no more How then could the Apostles choose but be sorrie and wéep aboundantly at the departure of our Sauiour Christ which was so deare a friend vnto them and whose presence they had so long enioyed to their great comfort and contentment Departure of louing friendes bréeds paine and taking of leaue is often with great heauinesse As we sée when one is to depart from his friends and to take his iourney into some farre country this griefe of departing is ioyned with sheading of teares But when there is departure by death thē what wéeping what wringing of hands what outcries and lamentation The reason of this their excessius sorrow for the departure of their friends is that they are without hope Who although they sh●l ●ée their face no more yet ought they to be assured that their soules shal be at rest and in the hands of God and that no torments shall touch them They that are thus perswaded leaue their sorrow and are contented with Gods will and are also thankful that it hath pleased God to take them to his mercy and that he hath released them out of the troubles of this miserable world Yet are there some that are of opiniō that euen in heauen also they shal haue knowledge and sée their friends again which are departed in the Lord which is a matter to abate all sorrow Neuerthelesse we may not imagine any worldly knowledge For greater things are reserued for the saints of God According to that we reade 2. Cor. 5. 16. Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh
he staid not long there Let vs therfore satisfie our selues with the knowledge of Gods creatures if it be but in a measure be contented though we sée not all but by and in them that we doo know let vs praise honor him who in such comely bewtifull vnsearchable sort hath made all Timantes a cunning Painter taking in hand to expresse the sorow of Agamemnō for the death of his daughter Iphigenia perceiuing his skill wold not reach so far couered the prince his face with a vaile leauing his sorrow to be cōceiued by the mind of the beholders whose eyes in this respect he could not satisfie In like sort finding my self vnable to fulfill thy desire and to set downe the consideration of all Gods creatures thinke it good to leaue the rest to thy studie and labour and take that to be sufficient for this present purpose which I haue said vsing silence where much may be spared thy studie eased and minde delighted For breuitie bringeth attention and a long discourse tediousnes The learned Philosophers and searchers of gods works perceiuing the excellency of gods creatures and the bewtifull frame of the world gaue it a a name agréeable thereunto and called it Bewtie it selfe For if the works of men deserue great commendation and that the Carpenter in the frame of his house the Mason in his stoneworke the Painter in his pictures may excel how much more excellent and passing bewtifull shall the frame of the whole world be and the workmanship of euery creature made and ordeined and created of God Who as he is in all respects worthie praise so doubtlesse must the works be which procéed from him infinit incomprehensible only good only almightie only wise only excellent in whatsoeuer may be said to be his When the Disciples of our Sauiour Christ shewed VVhether to endure him the faire building of the Temple and the garnished worke Maruell ye at these things saith he The time shall come that there shall not be a stone left vpon a stone which shall not be throwne downe The Temple it selfe yea euen the bewtifull gate of the Temple shall come to hauocke and ruine There is nothing excellent in the world that is of long continuance and the world it self hath but his time and shall passe away as though it had neuer bene nor euer created not through the default of the workemanship but through their procurement for whose benefit it was made and created Shewe me the light which will not darken shewe me the flower which will not fade shewe me the frute which will not corrupt shewe me the garment which will not weare shewe me the strength which wil not weaken shewe me the bewtie which will not wither shewe me the time which will not passe and tell me if thou canst whether that the worlde bee of the continuance but of an houre The ende whereof is compared to the trauaile of a woman the comming of a théefe in the night the flashing of lightning sodaine and vnlooked for in a moment in the turning of a hand in the twinkling of an eye before a man can say what is done or what is towardes For as GOD said It repenteth mee that euer I made man so not long after he vttered his voyce to Noah and sayd An end is come He created man and he fell he made the world and it shall not alwayes endure Man was made out of the dust and to dust he shall returne the world was made of nothing and to nothing shall it vanish it shall ware olde as a garment and at length be consumed with fire The goodnesse of the Lorde is great in the continuance of the worlde and longer should the time be if the wickednesse of men did not abounde Which time if it were not shortned no flesh should be saued but for the Elects sake for the benefit of the good and godly the dayes of the world shall be cut off Let mee alone saith God to Moses that I may consume this people vtterly Now come many miseries losses extremities and plagues vppon the world but for the sin that is practised in the world Which doubtlesse will be the cause of the ende of the world and of the destruction of gods bewtiful frame fire and brimstone fell vpon Sodom and Gomorrha a part of the world wheras if it had pleased God it might haue lighted on all the world The windowes aboue and the depthes beneath were opened and the whole earth was ouerwhelmed with water A token of a greater iudgement and of a greater destruction when not a part of the earth shall bee consumed with fire but the whole earth yea euen the heauens also and the whole world it selfe The glorious Sun shall be turned into darknesse and the Moone into blood the starres shall fall from heauen and the powers of the heauen shall be shaken the earth shall be dissolued the sea and the waters shall roare And if the wordes of the Apostle Saint Peter bee true as without all peraduenture they are moste certaine because the spirite of God hath set them downe which cannot lie neither can be deceiued as the world of old perished being ouerflowne with water so the heauens and the earth which are now are kept by the power of God in store and reserued vnto fire against the day of iudgement and of the destruction of vngodly men This latter day the end of the world shall come as a theefe in the night in the which the heauens shal passe away with a noise and the elements shal melt with heat and the earth with the workes that are therin shall be burnt vp Sin iniquitie and wickednes saith the wise man hath cast downe the thrones of the mightie and brought the earth to a wildernes and so it shal fal out the therby all things shal be brought to desolation and not only the earth but the whole world shal come to nothing Yet thrée daies and Niniue shal be destroied yet but a while and y● a litle while and the time of the world shal be expired For the end of all things is at hand Plentifull Sodom bewtiful Gomorrha are defaced their beastly lustes and the abusing of Gods benefits was the cause Man should neuer haue died if he had neuer disobeied and the bewtie of the world should still haue continued if the inhabitants of the world had giuen no other cause But now all things tend to their decay the heauenly powers do faile in their operations and the hearbes haue not their former force and the Phisitian is driuen to vncertainties The bodie of man is not so perfect and healthfull as in the beginning but subiect to manifold diseases his time holdeth not out to hundreths as heretofore it hath done but fewe are his daies because his daies are euill Death to man destruction to the world yea all the creatures of the earth do grone vnder the burthen of that misterie whereunto they