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A01262 Certaine fruitfull instructions and necessary doctrines meete to edify in the feare of God faithfully gathered together by Iohn Frewen ... ; whereunto is added a table, wherein the reader may easily find out the principall matters conteined in this booke. Frewen, John, 1558-1628. 1587 (1587) STC 11379.5; ESTC S4308 159,556 432

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beare If a poore silly sparrow as Christ assureth thē falleth not to the grounde without their father that is in heauen 1. Cor. 10.13 Mat. 10.29 they are perswaded that they are far more pretious in the sight of god thē all the sparrowes in the worlde and therefore that an haire shall not fall from their head without his wil and pleasure The example hereof euidently appeareth in Iob and in the Apostles of Christ The deuel could● not vexe Iob vntil it was graunted him by God Sathan desired to sifte the Apostles as men vse to sifte corne but Christ prayde for them that their faith might not fayle Yea a legion of deuils were not able to hurte a heard of hogges Luk. 12.32 but by the permission of Christ This comfort neuer faileth and when the faithfull betake themselues to this defence they maye be truely sayd to rest vnder the shadowe of the most highest Mat. 19.29 They which refuse persecution offered for Christ his sake cannot be his true disciples but shewe them selues to haue been hypocrites and dissemblers 147 The fauour of God the onelye foundation of consolation EXcept God be gratious vnto vs although all thinges looke pleasantly vpon vs yet no certaine trust can be conceaued And on the contrarie part his onely fauour is a sufficient solace in all sorrowe and a strong defence against all tempestes of aduersities And hereunto appertaine many testimonies of the scriptures where the Sainctes trusting to the only power of God dare despise what soeuer thing commeth againste them in this world Though I should walke through the valley of the shadowe of death I will feare no euill saith the prophet for thou art with me In the Lorde put I my trust Ps 11.1 how say yee then to my soule flye to your mountaine as a byrde I will not saith hee be afrayde of ten thousand of people that shoulde beset mee rounde about Ps 3.6 For there is no power vnder heauen or aboue heauen that can resiste the arme of the Lord therefore he being our defender noe harme at all is to be feared 148 The will of God is alwaye iuste although we see not the reason thereof THe wil of God although the reason therof be vnknowne vnto vs is to be counted iust For the Lord hath his right takē from him if he be not at liberty to doe with his creatures as he seemeth best This seemeth hard to the eares of many And there are also some who alleadge that God is put to great reproch if such libertie be geuen vnto him as though they with their disdainefulnes were better diuines then the holy Ghost who hath appointed this rule of humility to the faithfull that they shoulde wonder at the power of God and not esteme it after their own iudgement The Apostle Paule represseth this arrogancie of striuing with God in his Epistle to the Ro. by a most fiue similitude wherein he seemeth rather to haue alluded vnto Esay then Ieremie Ro. 9.20 Esay 5.9 Ier. 18.9 6. For nothing else is taught in Ieremie then that Israel is in the hand of the lord so that for his sinnes he may breake him in peeces as a potter may his earthen vessell But Esay goeth higher saying wo bee to him the gainesayeth his maker namely to the pot that striueth with the potter shall the clay say to the potter what makest thou c. And surely there is no cause why a mortall man shoulde preferre himselfe before an earthen vessel whē he compareth himselfe with God 149 Through faith our sinnes are forgiuen WHo soeuer beleeueth in Christ is not iudged that is to saye by the grace and mercy of God he is saued the sentence of deserued condemnation also being taken awaye So the Apostle sayth there is noe condemnation to those that are in Christe Iesus Ro. 8.1 Mar. 16.16 And whereas our sauiour Christe affirmeth that al the faithfull are out of perill of death we may therby gather howe necessarie the certainety and stability of faith is to take away the trembling and oppressing feare of conscience Hee pronounceth that there is no condemnation Io. 3.18 so soone as we beleeue and therfore if for faithes sake a man is not iudged as the truth it selfe plainely affirmeth where is then indulgences and pardons Where are the Romish satisfactions And where is the fayned fyre of purgatorie and such like humaine imaginations and deuises Surely they are vanished away and perished for euer For the truth hath said which ought neuer to be forgotten that who soeuer beleeueth in him hath euerlasting life Io. 6.47 150 Of the true knowledge of God THere is but one God in essence or nature which is the father of whom are all thinges and we in him Ier. 23.33 The same God is inuisible and immartall 1. Tim. 17. He is in al places seeth all thinges and filleth the heauen and the earth He is almightie infinite and eternall he is the maker and preseruer of all thinges He is onely wise gentle iust true merciful The Lorde Exo. 34.6 the Lorde sayeth Moses is stronge mercifull and gracious flowe to anger and aboundaunt in goodnesse and trueth In this deuine essence three persons doe subsist Mat. 3.16 28.9 being truely distinguished from euerlasting in their seuerall properties the Father the Sonne and the holye Ghost But the comforter which is the holy Ghost whome the Father will sende in my name hee shall teach you all thinges and bring all thinges to your remembraunce which I haue tolde you Io. 14.26 These three persons are not three Gods but they are coeternall and coequall 1. Io. 5.7 Act. 17.23 distinct concerning their properties and yet without any manner of inequalitie being by nature so vnited togeather that they be but one God eternall infinite and most perfect in it selfe 151 The power and godhead of God are seene and howe AMongest the properties and persons which are in God which is one there is such distinction that to the Father we must attribute the beginning of working and creating we must holde him for the fountaine and spring of all things To the son we must attribute wisedome coūsell Ps 33.6 the gouernment of things that are made To the holy Ghost we must attribute the power and efficacie of working executing And although that the eternitie of the Father is also the eternity of the sonne and of the holy Ghost for God could neuer be without his wisedome power and in the eternitye there ought neither first nor last to be sought yet is it not a vaine thing nor superfluous to obserue this order in the eternitie ●● namely that we set the Father first in order and in the second place the sonne which commeth of him in the third place the holy ghost which proceedeth from them both For also the mind of euery one inclineth to consider first God afterwards his wisdome which springeth
the true foode of life when it is spiritually eaten by the soule thorough the operation of the holy Ghost maketh vs apt to resurrection and in due time transformeth our mortall bodies to the likenesse of his glorious bodie Ro. 8.11 If the spirite of him that raysed Christ from the dead dwell in vs hee that raysed Christ from the dead shall also quicken our mortall bodies because that his spirite through Christ dwelleth in vs. Furthermore as the bodie is sayde to eate when it receaueth that sustenance wherewith the hunger therof is stayde and satisfied and as it is sayde to drinke when it receaueth that liquor wherewith the thirst is quenched euen so our soule is said to eate and to drinke when it receaueth that heauēly blessed foode of Christ Iesus crucified wherewith the hungry and thirstie appetite thereof that is the vehement desire of the fauour of God and saluation is fully satisfied and appeased 228 The right vse and meaning of the Lordes supper WHen we see the bread and the wine in the Lords supper we knowe that they be creatures whereof wee haue beene wont to take nourishment and sustenaunce for our bodies but the same doe leade vs to the life of our soules and giue vs to vnderstande that we haue no life but in our Lord Iesus Christ The cause why the wine is added is to shewe that hee hath such vertue in him as wee need not to seeke any part of the things that we want any otherwhere but that he serueth vs for meate and drinke all Furthermore in comming to the Lordes supper we must not thinke to get any thing of god by our owne deserts but to cōfesse that we be like wretched dead mē which come to seke our life out of our selues therfore must be fayne to haue the flesh of our Lord Iesus Christ for our meate Io. 6.55 and his bloud for our drinke and all thinges in him which we want in our selues And the Sacramentes serue not to puffe vp with any presumption but to make vs walke in humblenesse our cōming to them is that God should warne vs of our sinnes to be touched with them in good earnest And wee must not acknowledge our selues sinners with the mouth onely or slightly and by way of ceremonies but we must haue our heartes wounded inwardly with greife that we haue offended and feele how dreadfull gods wrath is to the end we may be sorry in our selues and not haue any rest til he haue shewed vs where we shal find it that is to say in our Lorde Iesus Christ And when we come to the table of our Lorde we must take heede that we be so grounded in our Sauiour Iesus Christ 1. Cor. 11.27.28 as that forsaking all the fonde illusions of Sathan and all the deceites that he setteth before vs to turne vs away from the grace of god we may embrace our Lord Iesus Christ with the merits of his death and passion assuring our selues that it is he in whom wee haue the full performance of righteousnes and saluation 229 How we ought to be prepared to the table of the Lorde WE must not come vnreuerently to the table of the Lord nor thrust in our selues for such sacriledge shal not escape free But so oft as the holy supper is prepared for vs we must know that we are put in minde of our weaknesse and that God will helpe our infirmities And although this is done when the Gospel is preached vnto vs when we pray make supplications when we reade at home in our houses or heare anie matter for our saluation yet the supper is a speciall witnesse to vs that our God helpeth vs and when wee are as it were in the midd waye it serueth to make vs goe on forwarde to driue vs still to our God The Supper of the Lorde is also to correct and make an ende of such thinges as are yet out of frame For it were nothing to beginne in vs 2. Cor 3.5 vnlesse God continued to make vs feele his grace of the which wee haue a good certaintie in the supper and therefore woe will be vnto vs if wee come and pollute this holy Supper which is giuen for vs for an ayde of our saluation For the which cause we haue neede to bee well grounded in faith 1. Cor. 11.28 repentaunce and loue that we may be partakers thereof And because we cannot chuse but knowe well ynough what weakenesse and feeblenesse there is in vs and that wee haue not all that were requisite for vs Io. 15.5 let vs pray to God to strengthen vs and to aduance vs and increase our faith and hope which we haue to euerlasting life let vs go thitherwarde as fast as may be and although we are not able to do it of our selues Io. 16.23 yet if we pray vnto God in the name of his sonne hee will not fayle to helpe vs. 230 Faith is the mouth of the soule whereby Christ is eaten THat faith is the mouth means whereby onely wee receaue and eate Christ to saluation it may easily bee prooued by Christes owne wordes in the holy Scripture For our Sauiour Christe vseth these wordes indifferently and as of one force and signification To beleeue in him to eate him to drinke him to come vnto him and doth attribute to euerie of these Io. one and the same effect To beleeue in Christ is the proper worde to eate Christ or to come vnto him are Metaphores and figuratiue speeches but all of one force I am the bread of life sayeth Christ he that commeth to me shall not hunger vers 33. and he that beleeueth in mee shall neuer thirst He saith hee that commeth to mee shall not hunger therefore to come vnto Christ is to eat Christ Againe he saith he that beleeueth in mee shall neuer thirst therefore to beleeue in Christe is to drinke Christ To eate and to drink are meanes to take away hunger and thirst but to come vnto Christ and to beleeue in Christ as Christ himselfe saith doth take away hunger thirst therfore to come vnto him to beleeue in him is to eate him drink him Christ attributeth the same effects fruits to thē which beleeue in him that he doth to them that eate his bodie and drinke his bloud therefore by eating and drinking he meaneth nothing but beleeuing His wordes be these vers 54. Io 6. He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my bloud hath eternall life and I will rayse him vp at the last day Againe he saieth in the same chapter This is the will of my Father that sent me vers 40. that euery one that seeth the Sonne and beleeueth on him should haue eternall life and I will raise him vppe at the last daye Who seeth not heere that Christ attributeth the same force to beleeuing that in the other verse hee did to eating and drinking and
CERTAINE FRVITFVLL INstructions and necessary doctrines meete to edify in the feare of God Faithfully gathered together by Iohn Frewen Minister of the word of God Whereunto is added a Table wherein the reader may easily find out the principall matters conteined in this booke 1. Pet. 4.10 Let euery man as he hath receaued the gift minister the same one to an other as good disposers of the manifold grace of God 1. Io. 4.1 c. Dearelie beloued beleeue not euery spirit but trye the spirits whether they are of God for many false Prophets are gone into the world AT LONDON Printed by Iohn Winder for Thomas Chard 1587. To the right worshipfull and his approued good freindes M. Tho. Couentry and M. Leonard Iefferis of Hill and Earles Crome within the county of Worcester and to the vertuous Gentlewomen their wiues I.F. wisheth earnest zeale to the glorious Gospel of Iesus Christ perseuerance and practise thereof vnto the end and in the end health in this life and in the life to come euerlasting ioy felicity through the same our only sauiour the sonne of God OVR Lord Iesus Christ right worshipfull and right deare in the Lord hauing no small experience of the malice and subtle practises of the enemy of our saluation I meane the diuell and knowing that he would leaue nothing vnattempted whereby his disciples might be seduced from the truth of his doctrine he carefully in his gospell geueth them this forwarning Mat. 7 1● that they should take heed and bewarre of false Prophets which shoulde come to deceaue them and as rauening wolues to deuoure their soules The which warning was neuer more necessary then in these our daies For as there is nothing more pretious in this world then the blessed and heauenly doctrine of the word of GOD and as there are no persons more worthy to be accomp●ed of then such to whom the Lorde doth geue the spirite of wisdome to open and impart this treasure vnto vs So on the other side there is nothing more daungerous and infectious to the children of God then corrupt false doctrine and no persons more to be hated and speedily auoyded then wicked and lying teachers whom Sathan thrusteth into the Church to blemishe that pretious pearle and means of our saluation Heare not saith God by Ieremy the woordes of the Prophets Ier. 23.16 that prophecy vnto you teach you vanity They speake the vision of their owne heart and not out of the mouth of the Lorde Verse 26. And againe howe long doe the Prophets delight to prophecy lyes euen prophecying the deceit of their owne heart Sathan himselfe the father and founder of al lying and false teaching vsed the same course in Paradice For when God had said vnto Adam Gen. 2.17 3.4 In what hower soeuer thou shalt eate of the fruite of this tree thou shalt dy the death the olde crafty serpent seeking to seduce man from God said nay you shall not die the death but you shal be like vnto God By which glose false interpretation of gods word he pulled them cleane from the obedience of Gods holy will and commaundement to their own vtter ouerthrow heauy iudgement By such like falsehood hee tempted Christ himselfe to make him conceaue ouer great confidence of the prouidence of God towardes him Mat. 4.6 Ps 91.11.12 It is written saith he that he will giue his Aungelles charge ouer thee and with their handes they shall lift thee vp least at any tyme thou shouldst dash thy foot against a stone By like craft of lying and by false sence peruerting the word of God he from time to time instructeth his Messengers and false Proph. to abuse deceaue the simple people of god that be not wel taught by his holy spirit how to withstand them The which false proph to the end they may be discouered and taken heed of it greatly behoueth all Christians that looke to be saued by the death of Christ to bewar whō they beleue to haue recours to the rule touchstone of the holy scriptures which is the perfect directory wherby all truth of doctrin is examined wherby we may try and proue the spirits whether they bee of 1. Io. 4.1 2. Pe. 1.20 god For why the whole scripture as saint Paule saith is giuen by inspiration of God is profitable to teach to cōuince to correct and to instruct in righteousnes that the man of God may be absolute being made perfect to al good works Search the scriptures saith our sauiour Christ for in them ye thinke to haue eternal life and they are these that testify of me Io. 5.39 Thy worde is a lantern vnto my feete sayeth the Prophet Ps 119 i05 Pro. 30.5 and a light vnto my paths Euery word of God is pure saith Salomō he is a sheeld to those that trust in him We find not any thing in this world how pretious soeuer it bee that is worthy to haue the word of God compared vnto it for it surmounteth infinitely and beyond reason all things which are and may bee imagined to be excellent and pretious also there is nothing in this world how pretious soeuer it be but doth participat with earth and needeth to be purged clēsed frō his drosse superfluities before it cā be pure but the word of God is clean of it selfe neither hath nor cā haue any dros for it procedeth not frō a furnace but frō the mouth of God which neither cānor will bring forth any woorke but it shal be so perfect as it ought to bee and wherein nothing may bee amended Hee that is of God saith our sauiour heareth Gods word And again Io. 8.47 Io. 10.27 My sheepe heare my voice I know them they will follow me a stranger they will not follow Now if the aduersaries of the gospel I meane the Papistes would willingly as becommeth Christians submit themselues to this tryer of all truth of faith holinesse which is the worde of God If they would as Christes sheepe heare the voyce of their shephearde Then should they know that nothing is to be added or taken away from the word of God Deu. 4.2 31 Io. 20.51 Then would they say with S. Iohn so much is written that if we beleue we haue saluation by the name of Christ Then woulde they say with S. Paule that the scriptures can make vs wise to saluation 2. Tim. 3. Ambrose And then would they with Ambrose condēne all newe doctrine which Christ hath not taught because Christ is life to all beleeuers But because they haue eares hear not eyes see not hearts and yet cannot vnderstand the truth nor find the way of saluation therefore they keepe the scripture in an vnknowen tongue from the cōmon people make it little lesse thē heresy to haue it in their tongue therefore they so greatly disgrace discredite the Scriptures as vnsufficient
of the lawe as do the hypocrites the superstitious and Idolaters but to th' end we may receaue and learne wisedome of God through his grace and goodnesse whereby we knowing him maye walke in his feare 95 The scripture must be read with reuerence THe readers of the scriptures must be searchers and not corrupters wresters dreamers or superstitious murmurers For the Scriptures do not require anye searching but that which is godlye humble and desirous to knowe and embrace one trueth onelye otherwyse a man maye fynde some whiche reade the Scriptures but not to searche out Gods trueth but rather to hinder the same Euen soe Herode inquired out the trueth out of the scriptures concerninge the place where Christ should be borne Mat. 2.4 not to the end he might worship him but rather to destroy him Also the Pharesies said not to Nicodemus beholde what is writē in the scripture cōcerning christ but they said search looke for out of Gallilye riseth no Prophet So in like manner wicked and vngodlye Io. 7.52 men do search the scriptures to corrupt the same to their owne destruction 96 Faith in Christ IT is very necessarie for christians to know first wherof faith in christ doth come what wee must beleeue concerning Christ and in what faith in Christ is to be continued and confirmed Ro. 10.17 Faith the Apostle saith commeth by hearing and hearing by the word of God Secondly if so be faith commeth by hearing of the worde of the Lord and if it be our parte to abide in the same and that wee ought not to beleeue anye other thing then the verye same which is set before vs by the worde whereby wee conceaue faith and beleeuing in the which wee abide very foolish are they which at this day say they knowe not what to beleue and what not for if so be they were abiding in the word of the Lord they shoulde knowe what to beleeue but because they haue already applyed their eares and minde to humaine doctrine it commeth to passe that they being ignorant of Gods trueth are carried about with euery winde of doctrine the which is forbidden by the holy ghost Eph. 4.14 Thirdly this also is manifest in what christian fayth ought to bee maintained and confirmed Io. 8.31 when our sauiour Christ saith that they which continue in his worde are his true disciples So that we must abide in that from which wee haue conceaued our faith We are begotten by the worde of truth thorough faith Iam. 1.18 by the same we are strengthned and confirmed 97 Christ hath freed vs from the lawe OVr Lorde Iesus Christ was sent to redeeme them that were vnder the lawe that wee might receaue the adoption of sonnes Hee was moreouer our peace when hee shedde his bloud to wype out all our sinnes Gal. 4.5 to deliuer vs from all our debtes when he became a curse for vs and was become subiect to all reproch to couer all the faultes which we had committed And whereas God was our enemie as also we on our partes were enemies to him in Christ may wee beholde our agreement Eph. and so likewise the attonement which was made and accomplished 98 There is no chaunge in God WHereas it pleased God to hide the witnesse of his Gospel for a season from the Gentilles and afterwarde to haue it preached throughout all the worlde and chuse such a fitte time for it as hee had determined in his secrete Coun●●● we must not saye that he is chaungeable therefore Iam. 1.17 but wee must learne to worshippe and reuerence him in his prouidence with all humblenesse confessing that nothing proceedeth from him but most iustly and most wisely 1. Tim. 1.17 and that whatsoeuer hee hath once determined and whatsoeuer he doth cannot be controlled 99 The will of God must be our rule WE must not giue our selues too much to our lustes as by nature we are prouoked thereunto but alwayes wayte vpon God to see what his good will and pleasure is and with patience and quietnesse wayte for the same and although manie thinges fall not out as wee would haue them but wee thinke to our foolish reason that God shoulde haue doone other wise yet must we bridle our selues and shewe that obedience vnto God that his counsell may be a sufficient rule for vs 1. Ti. 2.7 remembring also that God hath his due time and it is not for vs to appoint him a time when hee shall doe what he hath to doe this authoritie and office of commaunding is not in our handes Act. 1.7 neither is it in vs to knowe the times and seasons which the father hath put in his power 100 Howe the way is opened for vs to pray AS often as the goodnesse of God is witnessed vnto vs and be promiseth vs his grace although we be wretched sinners As oft also as wee heare that our sinnes were forgiuen vs by the death and passion of our Lorde Iesus Christ and that then payement was made for all our debtes Col. 2.14 and the obligation that was against vs dispatched and rent in peeces and God made at one with vs. We haue the way opened vnto vs to pray vnto God as also the Lorde sayeth I will saye vnto them which were not my people Hos 2.23 thou art my people and they shall say thou art my God therefore so soone as our Lorde GOD maketh vs to taste his goodnesse and promiseth vs that euen as he sent once his onely sonne vnto vs so nowe he will accept vs in his name wee neede not doubt to come vnto him for it is asmuch as if he commaunded vs to praye and the one hangeth vppon the other 101 The drift of the Scripture THe whole course of the scripture teacheth vs especially and aboue all thinges that wee shoulde not doubt but assure our selues and vndoubtedly beleeue that God is mercifull louing and patient Iam. 1.6 that he is neither dissembler nor deceauer but that he is faithfull and true and keepeth his promise yea and hath performed that he promised in deliuering his onely begotten sonne to death for our sinnes Luk. 1.69 that euerye one that beleeueth in him might not perishe but haue euerlasting life Io. 3.16 Here we cannot doubt but GOD is pleased with vs that hee loueth vs in deede that the hatred and wrath is taken away Ro. 4.25 seeing hee suffered his sonne to die for vs wretched sinners 102 We are assured of the fauour of God GReat cause haue wee to yeelde most heartye thankes vnto our good God forasmuch as it hath pleased him to deliuer vs from this monstrous doctrine of doubting wherein we were noussed in the time of ignorance so that wee can nowe assure our selues that the holy ghost cryeth bringeth foorth in our harts groninges that cannot bee expressed Ro. 8.26 We are commanded in the gospell to beholde not our owne
entrance then a way out except it be to his euerlasting destruction for his horrible presumption 113. Sinne is not of God IN the beginning of all thinges god made man not in such sorte as hee now is in miserable a bond slaue of sinne and death but excellent holye iust and good but through his owne fault and transgression of gods laws he fell into sinne punishment death hell and into the verie power of the diuel And hereby it is manifest that sinne was neither created nor commaunded by God but forbidden because god gaue vnto man a good and holy commaundement wherewith he forbadde him that fruit which being eaten woulde bring sinne death and damnation We must not now busily dispute and curiously search why god gaue this commaundement of not eating vnto man when notwithstanding he was not ignorant of the euent or of that which would come to passe or for what cause he gaue the deuill power to tempt and deceaue man Or wherfore God did not mightily keepe man from falling c. For the holye Ghost by the mouth of Paule reiecteth such kinde of questions and findeth great fault with them 1. Tim. 4.7 6.20 2. Tim. 2.16 Tit. 3.9 sharpely reproueth and condemneth them Wherefore the best and wisest waye is to beleeue that God is iust and to confesse that he willeth not that which is euil much lesse doth euill 114 The first steppe to the grace of God is to confesse our sinnes THey are incurable who hauing n● feeling of their sinnes despise the grace of God Therfore it is horrible blindnes to be ignorant of our blindnes euen as not to knowe our sicknesse is almoste a disease vncurable And as the firste steppe to recouer health is to acknowledge our infirmitye euen so the firste steppe to the grace of God is to know our vngodlines and ignorance To this effect appertayneth that which S. Iohn sayth 1. Io. 1.8 If we confesse our sinnes he is faithfull and iust to forgiue vs our sinnes and the bloude of Iesus Christe his sonne shall clense vs from all iniquitie In the verye chosen and deare children of God there surely is much sinne But it is taken awaye it is not imputed neither doth it remaine in the wicked onely there remaineth sinne and damnation There is therefore a passing sinne and a remaining sinne To this effect pertaineth this saying he that beleeueth in the sonne hath euerlasting life and he that obeyeth not the sonne shall not see life Io. 3.36 but the wrath of God abydeth on him Let vs therefore beleeue in the sonne of God let vs confesse vnto him our sinnes that we being illuminated by him and absolued from our sinnes may come at the last to that light which no man can attayne vnto 115 Sinne is not of Gods creation in man but of the diuels procurement WHereas sinne is in mans nature it is not of Gods putting in by creation but by reason that Sathan did spread his naughtinesse further abroad at such time as man was beguiled by his wilines to disapoint the benefyte of God And thus it appeareth that the Deuils became accursed of them selues and that their being cruell full of rebellion full of lying and full of wickednes came altogether of their turning awaye from their creator as the scripture teacheth vs. 2. Pet. 2.4 Yet for all that they cease not to be alwaies vnder the hand of God And therefore what a thinge were this if we had not the knowlege therof For whē it is said that the diuel is the prince of this world it were inought to make vs afrayd if so be we knewe not that there is a bridle alofte which reineth him backe and hindereth him of doing that which he would For if Sathans power were not limited he would out of hand haue his full fling at vs Wee know he desireth nothing but our destruction according also as he is our deadly enemy so that he goeth about like a roring lyon seeking to deuour vs. 1. Pet 5.8 So then one of the necessariest articles that we haue is to knowe that the diuel is helde shorte and that howsoeuer he play the cruel enimie against our saluation yet can he do nothing further then is permitted him from aboue 116 What ought to be considered in originall sinne IN the consideration of originall sinne the corruption of sinne it selfe is firste to be considered the strength whereof is so great that through the corruption thereof the image of God is destroyed in vs and in stead of righteousnesse and holinesse there is placed vnrighteousnesse and vncleannesse secondly the guilt is to be considered whereby God if he would might haue counted them for sinnes vnto death but God was reconciled vnto Adam yet not in such wise notwithstanding that he tooke from him all sinne and corruption that afterwarde hee shoulde not be sinnefull corrupt and mortall for hee left him in the same case of nature wherein he was then sette but hee was so reconciled vnto God that he doeth not followe his accusation nor pursue his right but rather doth not impute vnto him his vices and corruption to condemnation There remayneth then in Adam corruption and floweth into vs his children by corruption gotten by inheritaunce Gen. 8.21 The Lorde sayeth Genesis 8. that the imagination of mans heart is euill euen from his youth Who can make that cleane sayeth Iob which is conceaued of vncleane seede Iob. 14.4 Beholde I was borne in iniquitie sayeth the Prophet and in sinne hath my mother conceaued me Ps 51.5 Euerlasting death Gen. 3.15 whereunto all men through sinne remaine subiect remayneth in the vnfaithfull Heb. 2.15 but from the beleeuers it is taken awaye by the blessed seede 117 Three degrees of faultinesse in sinne without the act THere are three degrees of faultinesse in sinne although it come not to the outwarde acte The first is a fleeting imagination or thought which a man conceaueth by the beholding of any thing for thereupon some one toye or other wil come into his head Or else although he see nothinge yet notwithstanding his minde is so tickle vnto euill Gen. 8.21 as it carieth him hither and thither and maketh manye fancies to runne into his head And without doubt the same is a faultinesse but yet it is not imputed to the beleeuers for sinne The seconde degree is that vppon the conceiuing of such a fancie we be somewhat tickled and feele that our will swayeth that waye and although there be no consent or agreeing vnto it yet notwithstanding there is some inwarde pricking to prouoke vs vnto it Nowe this is a wicked sinne and as it were alreadie conceaued afterwarde followeth consent when wee settle our will vppon it so as there is no lett in vs for the performaunce of the euill but the want of occasion and opportunitie and this is the thirde degree For then is the sinne fully shaped in vs although there be
grauen image Ex. 20.4 neither shalt thou bow downe to worship it The church of Rome saith it is godly to haue the church ful of images and to kneele downe before them to sette vp candels vnto them and with incense to honor them The scriptures teach vs that Christ by once offering himselfe on the crosse made perfecte for euer all them that be sanctified He. i0 i4 yet by the Church of Roome are they horrible heritickes that say there is not dayly sacrifice propitiatory for our sinnes in their Masse The scripture saith in the vse of the Lords supper Ma. 26.27 Drinke yee all of this The Papists say it is heresie to affirme that the laye people shoulde drinke of the Lords cuppe Moreouer our Sauiour Christ instituted a sacramente of thankesgiuing as he saieth doe this in remembraunce of me They make it a sacrifice propitiatorye for the quicke and the dead hauing not one sillable of Gods word for the same Christe gaue breade they say there is no breade Christ gaue wyne they saye the substance of the wine is cleane vanished away Christ sayd when he gaue bread this is my body and when he gaue wine this is my bloud they say when the one or the other is giuen that it is both the bodie bloud I omit their mixing of diuerse corrupt doctrines their vnfruitefull and dangerous ceremonies I omit that they haue made it a common marchandice to buy● soules out of purgatorie and how● they haue made of this heauenly mysterie a perpetuall matter of idolatrie by leading the people in their eleuations to worship the creature in steede of the creator For if it should be throughly declared how they haue wrested and wroung the wordes of Christes institution it might seeme to al men that haue the feare of God very maruelous but this which hath beene spoken may suffice 247 The keyes of the kingdome of heauen are all one with the power of binding and loosing of remitting and reteining sinnes AS God to teach Pharao what he would doe in Egypt by 7. yeeres of plentie 7. yeeres of famine did vse two sundry dreames of kine and eares of corne the surer to resolue him of his purpose in the same so Christ to teach vs what he doth for mankind in ordeyning the ministerie of the worde and Sacramentes vseth two similitudes the one of keies the other of binding and loosing that we may knowe the better the fruite and force of it Touching the keyes he speaketh of heauen as of a house whereinto there is no entraunce for men vnlesse the doore be opened Mat. 16.19 Nowe we all of Adams race are shut out of heauen as Adam our progenitor was out of Paradice through our offences and sinnes For no vncleane thing shall enter into it Reu. 21.27 Io. 3.16 But God of his loue and fauour towardes vs hath giuen vs his Sonne his onely begotten Sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue eternall life which is the inheritance reserued in heauē for vs. 1. Pet. 1.4 Ro. 10.14 We cannot beleeue vnlesse wee heare his word We heare not his word vnlesse it be preached Wherefore when God the father sent his sonne Christ and Christ sent his Apostles Luk. 4.18 Esay 61.1 Mar. 16.15 Lu. 24.27 as his father sent him to preach his worde to men that they who repented and beleeued in Christ should haue their sinnes forgiuen them the faithlesse and vnrepentant should not be forgiuen then he gaue authoritie as it were to open heauen to the faithfull and to shutte it against the wicked Which office to shut and open because in mens houses it is exercised by keyes 2. Kin. 18.18 Esa 22.22 the stewarde of the house is said to haue the keye of it to open it to shut it therefore Christ the principall steward of Gods house is said to haue the keye of Dauid Reu. 3.7 he gaue his Apostles the keyes as it were of the kingdom of heauē when he made thē his stewardes to shut out to let in 1. Co. 4.1 Ro. 5.12 Ro. 6.23 Pro. 5.22 The other similitude of binding loosing is to like effect For we are al by nature the children of sin therfore of death Nowe sins are in a manner the same to the soule that cordes to the bodie the endlesse paynes of death that is 2. Pet. 2.4 1. Pet. 3.19 the wages of sinne are like to chaines wherewith the wicked are bound in hell as in prison Frō these cordes of sin chaynes of death eternal mē are loosed by christ whē their sins be remitted their sins are remitted if they beleeue in him If they beleue not their sins are reteined whose sins are reteined they cōtinue bound For he that beleeueth not shal be condemned Io. 3.18 he that beleeueth shal be saued None shal be cōdemned but they whose sins are reteined to bind them with the chaynes of darknes none saued but they whose sins are remitted and the cordes vnlosed by which they were holden 2. Co. 2.16 Wherefore sith the gospell is preached to this end a sauour of life to life vnto beleeuers Esay 61.1 vnto the vnbeleeuers a sauor of death to doth as we reade of Christ that the Lord sent him to preach deliuerance to the captiues and opening of prison to them that are bounde in like sort his ministers whom he sent to preach it are saide to binde and loose Mat. 16.19 18.18 Io. 20.23 to retain and remit sinnes So that both these kinds of speech import the same that is signified by keyes For to bind and to reteyne sinnes is to shut to loose and to remit sinnes is to open the kingdome of heauen 248 There dwelleth no goodnesse at all in our flesh IT is the part of a good Christian and a wise man to know himselfe and to knowe the nature of this flesh which we beare about with vs which fighteth alwayes so mightely against the spirite to know the waywardnes of our heart and the weakenes of our minde But many which neither knowe God nor thēselues are so far frō this that they thinke al their ability is of thēselues that they haue iudgemēt the light of reason and the ordering of their owne ways c. But we must humble our selues vnder the mightie hande of God and acknowledge that we are nothing Ro. 7.18 We must confesse with S. Paule I knowe that in me that is to say in my flesh dweleth no good Our Sauiour Christ sayth Io. 3.6 that which is borne of the flesh is flesh and that which is borne of the spirite Gen. 8.21 is spirite And God sayth The imaginatiō of mans hart is euill from his youth He hath made vs not we our selues he knoweth vs and not we our selues This is his saying and his iudgement of vs and this wee finde true For our will is froward and our
to saluation and not conteining al necessary truth but that there are many articles of necessitye to be beleeued which are not conteined in the scriptures For so saith one of their champions Lindan li. 1. c. 10. The Apostles saith he would not commit certaine principall pointes of our religion to paper and inke thereby to perish and to be forgotten but they committed them to the faithful harts of christians As though those things remained more sure which be cōmitted to the fraile memory of feble men in this sinful world then those things that by the spirit of god are put in writing This is the cause why they blasphemously cal the sacred written word of God The Papists blasphemy a dead writing a dumbe Maister doubtfull and vncertaine A black gospell dead inke inkie diuinitye A nose of waxe a leaden rule c. This is the cause why they say that the scriptures take authoritye of the church Frier Soto and that without the authority of the Church the scriptures haue no authority As though the Maiesty of Gods wisedome and his trueth conteined in the scriptures depended vppon the authority of man For though the Church bee neuer so holie yet it consisteth of men which oftentimes haue and do erre when they leane not to the word of God Petrus de palude de potestate Papae Art 4. Herueus de potest Papae If they would hearken to Gods worde then would they not say that the Popes onely power passeth all the power of the whole Church besides And that the Pope by vertue and power is the whole church and so conclude theruppon that there is neither holy ghost nor interpretation or sense of the scriptures but onely in the Pope Indeed it is true that as the Scriptures were written by the spirit of GOD 2. Pet. 1.20 So must they be expounded by the same For without that Spirit we haue neither eyes to see nor eares to heare It is that spirit that openeth and no man shutteth the same shutteth Ma. 11.15 Reu. 3 7 and no man openeth The same spirit prepared and opened the heart of Lidia Act. 16.14 Io. 6.45 that she should geue eare to and consider the things that were spoken by S. Paule And in respect of this spirit the Prophet Esay saith Esa 53.13 Ier. 31 33. They shal be all taught of God But God hath not bound himself that this spirit should euermore of necessitie dwell in Roome Esay 62.2 but vpon the lowly and humble hearted that tremble at the word of God Chrisostome saith they that speake of themselues Chrisost de sancto ado spi falsly pretend the holy ghost And againe if any thing be brought vnto vs saith he vnder the name of the holy ghost besides the gospell let vs not beleeue it For as Christ is the fulfilling of the law and the proph so is the holy ghost the fulfilling of the gospel Now with what spirit the Bishops of Rome haue expounded vnto vs the holy scriptures it is so manifest and apparantly knowne that we need go no further but to their owne writings canons sufficiently to proue that the Pope is Antichrist 1. Io. 2.22 and that his prelats and disciples are the spirituall wolues of whom Christ in his gospell geueth warning Mat. 7.15 though they couer themselues neuer so closely vnder the clothing of Christes true sheepe Christ was humble and lowly The prophet in his owne person speaketh of him I am a worme and not a man ashame of men and the contempt of the people And S. Paule saith he humbled himselfe Ps 22.6 Phil. 2.8 and became obedient vnto the death euen the death of the crosse Behold his parents his birth his cradle beholde his life his disciples his doctrine and his death All were witnesses to his humility He saith of himself the son of man hath not whereon to rest his head And to his disciples he saith Mat. 8.20 The Kings of the Gentils raigne ouer them they that beare rule ouer them are called gratious Lordes but you shall not be so Luk. 25.22 Ma. 11.29 And againe Learne of me that I am meek lowly in heart and ye shall finde rest vnto your soules Now on the other side if wee consider the condition of Antichrist beholde his birth his place his chaire his estate his doctrine his disciples and al his life there shal nothing be seene but pomp and vaine glory he is proud in life The image of Antichrist proud in doctrine proud in word and proude in deedes He is like vnto Lucifer and setteth himselfe before his brethren and ouer nations and kingdomes He maketh kings and princes to kisse his feete to cary his traine to hold his stirrop c. He claimeth power ouer heauen and earth Hee saith he is Lord ouer all the worlde the Lord of Lords and King of Kings that his authority reacheth vp into heauen down into hell that whosoeuer he blesseth is blessed and that it is cursed whatsoeuer he curseth He selleth merits the forgiuenesse of sinnes the sacrifice for the quicke and the dead He maketh marchandise of the soules of men He remoueth Kings deposeth the stats princes of the world He taketh vpon him the authority and name of the liuing GOD which made heauen and earth Extrauag Io. 22. euen the name of GOD the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ And in this pride hee exceedeth all others that haue bene wicked But some will peraduenture reply that the Pope at this daye is not called GOD but that hee abaceth and writeth himselfe by a title of humility and is called so the seruant of seruaunts Thus indeede he is written but marke how much the matter is amended Extra de Maior obedien This seruaunt saith I doe make holy the vnholy I do iustifie the wicked I doe forgiue sins I open and no man shutteth This seruaunt can say that whosoeuer obeyeth not him shall be rooted out and that he may dispence for any commaundement of the old or new testament 9 Que. 3. cuncta pet de pal de pot pa. Art 4. No man may iudge this seruant For they say the Pope is exempted from all law of man again neither all the clergy nor all the wholeworld may either iudge or depose the Pope Such a power this seruant of seruāts claimeth to himself what greater power may be geuen vnto God And this power the Pope at this day challēgeth as proper to his seat that he hath the authority which is due vnto Christ ouer his Church none may say he doth erre or aske why hee doth so Now the first Sheepes clothing wherewithall the false Prophetes and members of Antichristes schoole doe vse to hide and couer their deuelish hypocrisie is fasting prayer almes deedes The first sheeps clothing wherwith the false Prophets doe hide thēselues and outwarde holinesse of life The which things
against his law For in asmuch as the Lord hateth the euill it selfe he cannot but abhorre it wheresoeuer he shall find it whether in heart hand or tongue Whosoeuer hateth his brother saith S. Iohn is a mansteare We see hereby that not onely grosse euils come into reckoning before the Lord but euen hatred setled in the heart although the hand hath neuer beene stretched foorth to execute the same Neither commeth it before him as a trifling toye but it appeareth monstrous hauing no other shape vpon it nor other account made of it then of murther This was the cause why the Lord forbidding hatefull and malitious thoughtes in this commaundement woulde giue it no other name then murther teaching vs that howsoeuer wee nourish such thoughtes and make small account of them yet his iudgemēt is plaine that they be no better then murther when the hart of man is setled in them We may see in the Gospell how our Lord Iesus Christ hateth wordes which proceede from malice and anger and pronounceth that whosoeuer shall say foole to his brother shall bee worthy to be punished Mat. 5.22 Hatred towardes our brother is so greeuous in his sight that it stayneth and defileth what soeuer it toucheth bee it thought or word maketh it so heauie that the Lord can no longer beare it 55 We must absteine from wrong and iniurie THe Lorde in declaring that hee is displeased when one man doth iniurie to another sheweth vs thereby that this ought to withholde vs from doing wrong except we be bereaued of all sence And to the end we mighte better aduise our selues in this thing he declareth further Ex. 20.13 that there cannot be a murther committed but the earth therewith muste needes be polluted and defiled And as it appeareth in the booke of Numbers The effusion of mans blood in it selfe importeth a filth such a blot Num. 35.43 as scarse can be wiped out When mention is made of killing euen in a battle approued and allowed it appeareth 1. Chro. 22. that a man therby is become vncleane because wee mighte learn therebie to haue in greater horror and detestation the effusion of blood 1. Chro. 22 8. If an enemie be killed in open battell althoughe God pardon this because he which killeth him hath iust and lawfull cause and doth it for ne-nessitie yet notwithstanding it is said that the man which hath slaine him is polluted and made vncleane to the end we might knowe that God hath created vs to liue together in peace and that wee can giue neuer so little a blowe in anger to our brother but that we defile our selues and become by and by vncleane before the face of God Io 13.35 The persons of men must be accounted deare and pretious in our sight for vntill we be come vnto such perfection God will alwaies accoūt vs for murtherers If one strike his neighbour and kill him not yet is he alreadie a murtherer before God to the end God might declare vnto vs that howe euer wee esteeme them as light and little faults to bee the occasion of tumults and sedition Deu. 5.17 that hee notwithstanding shall not so account of them because they are al as weighty as murther 56 Of Anger and the effects thereof THe sonnes of Adam are of such a nature that they wil be feared doubted and cannot suffer to bee despised nor to receaue any signe of contempt If it seeme vnto anye one that any do labour to trouble him he is straightwaye moued with anger wrath and sodainly doth shewe it by contentions debates strifes and in outragious words and violent deeds He boyleth so vehemently with impatiencie and furie he hath so great desire to be reuenged for the iniury that he perswadeth himselfe to be done vnto him that he looseth al boldnes and cannot dissemble his naughtie stomacke and yet it seemeth vnto him that he is mightie and strong and that he behaueth himselfe in good order and that his heart is vpright because he suffereth none to hurt or bite him neither to tread him vnder foote But the holy Ghost by the mouth of Solomon pronounceth him to bee a foole Pr. 12.16 Mat. 5.25 A foole saith he in a day shal be knowne by his anger His meaning is not that the foole is satisfied to haue shewed his anger and wrath for a litle space and afterward returneth to be reconciled and to bee freindes againe with them with whom he was angry as euery one of vs must doe in following the goodnes of our heauenly father For he endureth but a while in his anger but in his fauour is life And for to follow him we must obey the exhortation of S. Paule Be angry saith hee but sinne not c. And againe let all bitternes anger and wrath crying and euill speaking bee put away from you with all maliciousnesse Eph. 4.29.31 c. We must not dwell long and abide in the company of the contentious for to knowe the wickednesse of his hart For for euery little thing done contrary to his will hee wil shewe by iniuries raging violences what he is within As Cain against Abell Corach Dathan and Abiram against Moses Gen. 4. Num. 16. 1. Sam. 27. Saul against Dauid the enemies of the trueth against the children of God Not onely among the Papists but also there where they boste of the reformation of the Gospell 57 The exposition of the seauenth commaundement IN the third commaundement of the second table the Lord our God doth not onely forbid all adultery fornication and al other vncleannesse in our bodies but also all impure thoughts and lustes of the heart He forbiddeth vs vnchast behauiour gluttony drunkennesse and all other things whatsoeuer may entice allure vs vnto vncleannesse He commandeth vs to kepe our bodies and soules chast and pure or if the gift of chastity bee not geuen vs then to vse the lawfull remedy appointed by God whiche is mariage for inasmuch as our bodies and souls are the temples of the holy spirit Deu. 5.18 Leu. 18.20 Deut. 23.17 Mat. 5.25 Esay 3.16 Ro. 13.13 Eph. 5.18 1. Th. 4. Heb. 13.4 wee ought to keepe them in all purenesse and not onely to absteine from the carnall act but also to be chast in heart wordes and behauiour The Lorde doth not only forbid adultery but also all vncourteous wrongful and intollerable liuing together he wil haue the life of maried persons to be ruled with charity How great a fault God iudgeth adultery may here be known in that hee hath condemned it with death the which maye more at large bee seene in Iob the thirtie and one chapter and Prouerbs the fift and six chapters 58 Fornication is forbidden Adultery is not onelye condemned and forbidden in this commandemēt but also fornication when both the offendors are single persons Fornication is forbidden in expres words in Deut. There shal be no whore saith the L. of the daughters
filthinesse and vncleannesse and that al the vertue which we dreame vppon is but vanity and leasing yet can hee not compasse to humble vs vntill we our selues perceaue our owne neede and haue proued it to our faces The holy Ghoste by Saint Paule doth pronounce that all they which are of the Law are accursed Gal. 3.10 Whereby he meaneth that so long as men rest muse vppon their owne workes and thinke to obtayne grace by that meane before God they be accursed For like as he that forsaketh himselfe and renounceth all that he hath of his owne and groundeth himselfe vppon the onely mercye of God is of faith so contrariwise he that thinketh to bring any seruice wherwith to bind God vnto him or imagineth to recompence him with his merits is of the Lawe Deu. 27.26 And nowe seeing that the law curseth all them that performeth it not to the full it is certaine that all men from the greatest to the least are guiltie For the summe of the Law is that we loue God with all our hearte with all our soule and with all our minde Deu. 6.5 Ma 22.37 Luk. 10.27 Mar. 12.30 Ro. 13.9 and our neighbour as our selfe That is to say We should loue we should hate we should feare wee should hope for nothing but in GOD and to his glory Wee shoulde thinke or muse vppon nothing in our minde vnderstanding but that may make to the honor and glory of God Wee should do nothing to any other which we would not willingly be contented should be done vnto vs. If we examine our selues by this rule wee shall neede no other iudge then our selues to condemne vs. For certaine it is that no man can keepe the Lawe that is to saye no man can discharge himselfe throughlye of all thinges that the Lawe commaundeth For it is not in vaine that it is called an intollerable burthen Act. i5 10 Also wee see our owne infirmity and there God sheweth vs an Angelicall holinesse And how then is it possible for vs to attaine vnto it Neuerthelesse the faithfull being guided and gouerned by Gods spirit do keepe the Law that is to say they walk according to the rule that is geuen them in the same 83 No man shal be iustified by the deedes of the Lawe ALthough wee endeuor to keepe a cleare conscience towards GOD and to leade a blamelesse life through charitie towards men according to the prescript rule of Gods Lawe yet our so doing must not be with intent to purchase grace fauour or righteousnesse thereby at Gods hand for that belongeth onely vnto Christ and no man liuing shal be iustified by the deedes of the Lawe nor to glorifie our selues to the worldward For whosoeuer seeketh the glorye of men is destitute of the glorye of GOD Ma. 5.16 c. 1. Pet. 2.12 hath receaued his reward alreadye but onelye to glorifie GOD by shewing forth the mighty working of his spirit in vs to the benefite of our neighbors to the stablishing of our owne consciences in the faith and to the confusion and shame of the aduersaries which do slanderously misreport the doctrin of saluatiō which we profes If we deale after this manner then doeth Gods woorde put vs out of all doubt that sinne shall not get the vpper hand of vs because we be not vnder the Law but vnder grace And this continuall renewing maintayning of the battell against Sathan the worlde Ro. 6.14 and our owne flesh assureth vs that although we be neuer so full of infirmities yet are we grafted into Christ and growne into him by resembling his death in that we are crucified and dayly labour to crucifie the old man with him by means wherof we grow vp again into the liknes of his resurrection through newnes of life to the glory of God for euer Finallye it warranteth vs that wee bee firmlye setled and grounded in Gods election so as we cannot in any wise perish for sathan is not deuyded against him self Ro. 6.4 5.6 Ma. 12.2 6 the wor●●lings hate not the world nor the things therein flesh and blood mislike not the corruption of old Adā neither can any man come vnto Christ except the father drawe him Iob. 6.44 84 The dignitie of the Gospell THe Gospell is not a common doctrine nor a doctrine lightlye to be regarded And although it hath pleased God that it should be preached by the meanes of men which are but fraile creatures and oftentimes of small accompt 1. Tim. 1.11 yet is it not therefore to be said that the doctrine which they pronounce through the spirite of God is therefore the worse or to bee esteemed of lesse value for the gospell is a gospell of glory that is to say a glorious doctrine wherein the Maiestie of God appeareth Ro. 1.16 If the power of God ought to bee in estimation with vs that power shineth in the gospell If the goodnesse of GOD bee worthy to be sought for and loued of vs The gospell is an instrument of that goodnesse Worthy therefore it is to be reuerenced and embraced if the goodnesse of God be to be reuerenced and as it is an instrument of our saluation so is it to bee looued of vs. 85 The Gospell encourageth to godlinesse AS there is nothing cā keep good children so much in obedience then to know their fathers good will towardes them so nothing can more pithyly moue good Christians to the seruice of God and keeping of his Law then in his gospel to learne his vnspeakable goodnesse and mercy towardes them Moreouer the same Gospell that teacheth vs by Christs bloode onelye to attaine remission of our sinns Eph. 2.10 Luk. 1.73 Tit. 2.11 doth teach vs also that the ende of our redemption is to liue in the feare of God and no more to be subiect vnto sinne God the Father by his sonne Iesus Christ hath deliuered vs from sinne and sathan and therefore muste we nowe forsake them and liue in the obedience of him that hath so mercifully and so freely redeemed vs. For this cause doe wee professe to forsake the Deuill and all his workes Ro. 6.4 and as the Apostle saith binde our selues to rise with Christ in newnesse of life Ro. 13.12 that seeing we be nowe made by him the children of light we shoulde haue no more to doe with the woorkes of darkenesse 86 The will of God must bee our direction IF we will praye rightly vnto God We must knowe what his will is and to vnderstand the same wee must knowe what hee sheweth vs in his woorde wee muste compasse all our requestes according to his holy will and rest our selues vppon his promises And whereas the scripture speaketh of the will of GOD after two sortes 1. Tim. 2.4 Gen. 6.6 it is not as though hee had a double will but it is because of our grosnes and rudenesse And whereas it is also said that GOD is sometimes angrye
good workes or our owne perfection Ro. 3 22. but God the promiser and Christe the Mediator Contrariwise the Pope commandeth vs to looke Eph. 2.8.9 not onely vnto GOD the promiser nor vnto Christ our high priest but vnto our workes merits Here on the one side doubting and desperation must needes follow but on the other side assurāce of gods fauour and ioy of the spirite if wee cleaue vnto God who cannot lye For as he promised so hath hee deliuered his sonne to deth the through his bloud he might redeeme vs from our sinnes and from eternall death Tit. 1.2 In this case we cannot doubt vnlesse we will vtterly denye God 103 The libertie of a true Christian A True Christian is the childe of grace and remission of sinnes because he is vnder no lawe but is aboue the lawe sinne death and hell And euen as Christ is free from the graue and Peter from the prison Mat. 28.6 so is a Christian free from the lawe And such a respect there is betweene the iustified conscience and the lawe as is between Christ raysed vp from the graue and the graue it selfe and as is betweene Peter deliuered from the pryson Act. 12.9 and the pryson it selfe And like as Christe by his death and resurrection is dead to the graue so that it hath nowe no power ouer him nor is able any longer to holde him but the stone beeing rolled awaye the seales broaken and the keepers astonished hee ryseth agayne and goeth awaye without anye lette and as Peter by his deliueraunce is freed from the pryson and goeth whyther hee will euen so the conscience by grace is deliuered from the lawe Heb. 13.9 and so is euerye one that is borne of the spirite 104 The first point of a true Christian THE kingdome of Christ is not earthly but a spirituall kingdome by the power of the holy ghost raigning and florishing in the hearts of men and setting it selfe against the workes of the Diuell and of the worlde and therefore looketh for no other thing in the worlde Io. 18.36 but miserie and trouble Wherefore the first point of a true Christian is so farre as mans frailty can suffer 1. Io. 2.15 to renounce the worlde and the affections and pleasures thereof and with the comfort of Gods mercie in Christ Iesu to arme himselfe with patience against all the mischiefes that the Deuil or the world can raise against him A true professor of Christ his gospell maketh this account before hand and looketh for no other and because he knoweth that life of a Christiā is a warfare vpon the earth he vnderstandeth also that Christs souldiers which wil professe to fight vnder his banner may not in this life looke for wealth Io. 15.18 prosperitye and quietnesse especially whē he seeth the Diuell the world and the flesh ready prepared to ouerthrow him and to bring him to confusion Whosoeuer therefore dallieth with the worlde sheweth himselfe more then half a traytor against Christe much more they that for the worlde revolte from Christ 105 A note to knowe a true Christian THere is a most certaine note whereby the true children of God are knowne and discerned from the children of the worlde if by the spirit of God they be regenerate vnto innocency and holinesse Ro 8.9 For as GOD by his spirit consecrateth vs for temples to himself so by the same spirite he dwelleth in vs Io. 14.17 1. Cor. 3.16.17 and so the sonnes of God are counted spirituall not in respect of a full and absolute perfection but only for the newnesse of life begunne in them and because they haue the spirite of God abiding in them howesoeuer they feele some reliques of the flesh remaining Ro. 8.10 The kingdome of the spirite is the abolishing of the flesh and in whō the spirit of Christ raigneth not they doe not appertaine vnto Christ They are not Christians that serue the flesh for by plucking him away from his spirit they make him like to a deade image or carcasse 106 A true Christian is partly vnder the Lawe and partlye vnder grace A True christian is deuided into two times In that hee is fleshe he is vnder the Law in that he is spirite he is vnder grace Concupiscence Gal. 5.19 couetousnes ambition pride and such like vices do alwaies cleaue to the flesh Also ignorance contempt of God impaciency murmuring and grudging against God because he hindereth and breaketh of our counsells our deuises and enterprises and beecause hee spedilye punisheth not suche as are wicked rebellious and contemptuous persons c. Such manner of sinnes are rooted in the fleshe of the faithfull wherefore if wee beholde nothing but the flesh wee shall abide alwaies vnder the time of the Lawe but these dayes must be shortned or no flesh shall bee saued The Lawe must haue his time appointed wherein it muste haue his ende the time thereof is not perpetual but hath his end Ma. 24.22 Ro. 12.4 Ro. 6.9 which end is Christ but the time of grace is eternall For Christ being dead dieth no more He is eternall therefore the time of grace is also eternall 107 The spirit of Christ dwelleth in Christians VVEE must always remember that free remission of sins cannot be seperated from the spirit of regeneration for that were asmuch as for to rent Christ in peeces Which thing if it be true as indeede it is most true then are the aduersaries of the gospel void of the true sence of the holy Ghoste 2. Cor. 5.5 when they charge vs with arrogancy in that we dare acknowledge the spirit of Christ dwelling in vs. For either wee must denie Christ or confesse that we are Christians by his spirit It is pitifull to consider their horrible falling from the word of God forasmuch as they doe not only boaste themselues to be Christians without the spirit of God but also scorne and scoff at the faith of others bring surely grounded vpon the rocke but such is the philosophy of the Papistes the spirit is indifferently sometimes called the spirit of God the father sometime of Christ not onely because all the fulnesse thereof is shedd vppon Christ Col. 2.9 as he is our mediatour and head that from thence might redoūd to euery one of vs his portion but also because the same spirite is common to the father and the sonne who haue one essence and the same eternall Deity 108 Christians must be constant BY constancy and perseuerance in faith how many cruell persecutions soeuer are exercised against vs what greeuous offences soeuer are obiected against vs by them that fal although the deceitfull error of false Prophets doe resist our faith 1. Pet. 1.9 yet notwithstanding at the length wee shall receaue the saluation of our soules which is the ende of our Faith Christ therefore acquireth this fortitude of those that are his Ma. 24.13 that they persist and abide
no outwarde deede at all 118 The blasphemy of the Papistes concerning sinne THE Papistes can say well ynough that if a man consent vnto euill that is to say if be lust after it in such wise as he would faine doe it if occasion serued they graunt that such a consent is a damnable sinne But if a man haue anie euill liking so hee consent not throughly to it the Papistes saye it is no sinne at all which is false It is sayde thou shalt loue the Lorde thy GOD Deut. 6.5 Mat. 21.37 Mar 12.30 Luk. 10.27 with all thy heart and with all thy strength What is meant by minde and strength God hath not limited the loue that wee owe vnto him that it should be onely in our heartes and mindes but he sayeth that our witt reason and vnderstanding and all our strength that is to saye all our powers and abilities that wee haue in our nature must bee also thoroughly applyed thereunto Nowe then if a man conceaue anye euill although he consent not to it nor yeelde his affection fully thereunto can he bee sayde to loue God with all his mind No if a man haue neuer so little a peece of himselfe inclyning to corruption although with all the rest hee endeuour himselfe to accomplish the lawe yet doeth hee loue GOD as he ought to doe No vndoubtedly for sinne is nothing else but a transgressing of Gods lawe Therefore wee may conclude that all the vayne thoughtes which prouoke vs vnto euill are sinne and that we are guiltie of them to God warde vnlesse he beare with vs of his infinite goodnesse But he forgiueth them to those that are his Neuerthelesse it be hooueth them to acknowledg it for sinne and whosoeuer doth flatter himselfe hee doeth but prouoke Gods wrath and couer the mischiefe to his owne damnation For in the ende his hypocrisie must be discouered and made manifest to be punished with all the rest 119 Sinne doth bring death with it WHere sinne raigneth we shall finde nothing but the wrath of God which bringeth with it death Therefore it is only mercie which reconcileth vs vnto God that therewithall we might be restored to life God so loueth the worlde that he gaue his only begotten sonne Io. 3.16 that all that beleeue in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life Ro. 5.10 If any demand in whom this loue is founded the Apostle Paule answereth that it is founded in the purpose of his will Notwtstanding this maner of speech seemeth to be contrarie to many places of the scriptures Eph. 1.5 which place the first principall foundation of Gods loue towardes vs in Christ and doe shewe that without him we are displeasing and hatefull vnto God But we must remember that the hidden secret loue with which God hath loued vs because it springeth from his eternall purpose is aboue all other causes but that his grace which hee would haue to be made manifest vnto vs and by which we haue assurance of saluation beginneth at the reconciliation made by Christ For seeing we must needes graunt that hee hateth all sinne and wickednesse howe can we assure our selues to be in his loue and fauour vntill our sinnes are cleane put awaye for the which he is iustly angrie with vs Thus the bloud of Christ must be the meane to make God fauourable vnto vs before wee can haue any maner of feeling of his fatherly loue and clemency 120 We must confesse our sinnes vnto God GOd it is alone whom wee haue and do offende who knoweth our hearts deedes and determinations remitteth or punisheth sinnes and hath giuen his sonne vnto vs an high priest and one eternal sacrifice Therefore must we come to God the Father through Christ and that with the same wordes which hee hath giuen vs teaching vs to confesse our sinnes saying Mat. 6.12 Luk. 11.4 Forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs. And after this sorte may all the faithfull in all their trobles and at all times and in euery place confesse themselues to God both secretly and openly Secretly when ech man prayeth alone and confesseth his sins to God Openly when anye man in the Church togeather with the whole congregation prayeth and confesseth the same And there are manye examples in the holye Scriptures of those who confessed themselues vnto God and not onely craued but also obteyned of him forgiuenesse of their sinnes But on the contrary part there are no examples of anye which confessed themselues to Laye men or Priestes for this honour belongeth to GOD alone whiche hath giuen vs his sonne to bee our highe Priest who heareth sufficiently the confession of all the faithfull so that there is no neede to substitute any in his roome to heare them For who so euer with a true fayth from the bottome of his heart confesseth his sinnes in this manner to God the Father and to his sonne our only chiefe Priest Christ Iesus crauing his grace and mercye they vndoubtedly receaue ful remission of all their sinnes If wee confesse our sins 1. Io. 1.9 sayeth S. Iohn he is mercifull to forgiue vs our sinnes Wherefore seeing it is thus as by the truth it is confirmed they then which confesse their sinnes to God and to his sonne our Lorde haue obteyned full remission of the same so there is no neede to vse the Popish confession of the romish Synagogue 121 Faith is the meanes whereby remission of sinne is promised FOrasmuch as God hath promised remission of sinnes to the repentant sinner by no other meanes nor condition but only faith in christ therfore excluding al other meanes conditions of mans working we saye that what repenting sinner soeuer beleueth in Christ hath already to himselfe and needeth not to seeke to any preist perpetuall assurance of remission not for this time or that time onely but for euer Ro 8.1 For the promise saith not he that beleeueth in Christ shal be pardoned this time so he sin no more neither doth say that the law is staied or the sentence repriued but saith plainly that the lawe with the condemnation thereof and sentence is condemned shall neuer ryse again to them that be in C. Iesus Act. i0 43 and promiseth indeterminatly without limitation forgiuenes of sins to all that beleeue in his name And likewise in an other place the scripture speaking absolutelye saieth sin shal not haue dominion ouer you and addeth the reason why saying Ro. 6.14 for ye are not vnder the lawe but vnder grace Adding this lesson withall as it followeth in the same place not that sinners shoulde sin more therefore beecause they are vnder grace but onely that weake infirmity might bee relieued broken censciences conforted and repenting sinners holpen from desperation to the praise of Gods glory for as God forgeueth not sinners because they should sin so neither doeth infirmity of falling diminish the grace of Christ but rather
vnpossible for vs to be made aliue by being dead that death should be the meanes of our life furthermore that we must bee despised in the world and suffer vile reproches if we will raigne with Iesus Christ and yet the spirit of God telleth vs that it is most certain and therefore will haue vs beat downe al disputations and not reste our selues vpon our owne thoughtes and imaginations for seeing God hath appointed it soe 2. Tim. 2.11 Ro. 6.5 if wee will be his seruants we must staye our selues vpon his counsell and suffer our selues to be guided by him If we bee dead with Iesus Christ saith S. Paule we also shall liue with him By the word death the Apostle meaneth not onely the death of men when God taketh them from the earth 2. Cor. 4.10.11 Col. 3.3 but that we must beare the mortification of Iesus Christ in our bodies to the ende that his life may appeare in vs. For ye are dead saith he in an other place your life is hid with Christe in God euen as the life of trees is hid in the winter The trees in the winter are drie they seeme to be but dead wood without strength but yet their strength sheweth it selfe in the spring time Euen so the case standeth with the faithfull for while they are in this worlde their life is shutte vp in hope Ro. 8.24 Nowe that which we hope for as Saint Paule sayth is not seene the eye of man cannot attaine vnto it It followeth then that in dying wee must liue and liuing wee must dye not onely with one kinde of death but wee must die dayly wee must decay as touching the outward man for sicknesses pouertie afflictions and such like thinges are messengers of death which doe or ought to put vs in minde that our life is but a shadow that it is nothing and that therefore we should renounce the worlde and vtterly banish and reiect all the lustes and vanities of the same 133 All thinges must be forsaken for Gods sake A Faithfull man must alwayes more esteeme and loue God and his kingdome then his own life body wife children friendes and kinred and all thinges else which are in this worlde so that whensoeuer God shal cal vs away from these thinges we must willingly leaue all and followe God after the example of our father Abraham Heb. 11.17 Ge. 22 10. Mat. 10.37 For the Lord sayth in his gospell he that loueth father or mother more then mee is not worthy of me And he that loueth son or daughter more thē me is not worthy of me Wherefore al mē must cast away the care of temporall things consider that God in vs while we were sound and in health prouided sufficiently for vs and ours And that therfore nowe Ps 68.5 146.9 when as he hath appointed to call vs away from hence hee will not forsake our family especially seeing he is a father of the widows and fatherlesse but will prouide for them some other waye Io. 19.27 Christ on the crosse was cōtent to haue cōmitted his mother vnto Iohn So we also must cōmend vnto God vnto faithful men those that are cōmitted to our charge 1. Pet. 5.7 ought to be no further careful for thē but care for think on things eternal 134 Tribulation bringeth foorth patience IF we will shewe our selues to bee the sonnes of God then must our afflictions practise vs in patience except they do so the worke of god thorough our corruptiō is made voyd of none effect Ro. 5.3 Aduersities hinder not the glorie of the godly because in bearing them patiently they feele the helpe of God which nourisheth and confirmeth their hope therefore it is sure that they profitte but ill which learne not patience Neither doeth this let that there are extant in the Scriptures certaine complaintes of the godly full of desperation for God sometimes for a while doeth so vrge and represse those that are his that scarcely they can breath or thinke vppon consolation but straightwaies he bringeth againe to life those whom he had almost ouerwhelmed in the middest of death So that is alwaye fulfilled in them which the Apostle sayth 2. Cor. 4.8 9. we are afflicted on euery side yet are we not in distresse in pouertie but not ouercome of pouertie we are persecuted but not forsakē cast down but we perish not Patience cōmeth not of the nature of tribulation wherby we see some are prouoked to murmur against god yea euē to curse God but whē as the inwarde meeknes which is infused by the spirit of god cōsolatiō which is suggested by the same spirite hath succeeded in the place of stubbornenes frowardnes tribulations are instrumentes to beget patience which tribulation can procure nothing in the wicked and obstinate but indignation and murmuring 135 Patience is a great vertue THe greatest part of men will easily grant that patience is a great vertue as it is in deede and yet there be verie fewe that knowe what it meaneth whereby it may soone be gathered that wee be not very hasty to be patient and to haue the vertue that we esteeme so much God therefore perceiuing such carelesnesse in men hath in diuers places namely in patient Iob set before our eies the thing that is so needefull for vs Iob. 1.20 for if wee bee not patient our faith must needs vanish away for it is not able to continue without the same Iam. 1.3.4 For the which cause it is the will of God that in the midst of the miseries of this worlde wee shoulde alwayes haue a quiet heart and be so well assured of his goodnesse as the same may make vs merrie and contented so that wee may boast our selues against Sathan and against all our enemies But howe were that possible if wee did not looke higher then the worlde and considered not that although our estate bee miserable in the opinion of the flesh yet ought we to bee contented with it seeing our God loueth vs. 136 True patience what it is WE commonly say that a man is patient although hee haue no point of true patience in him For whosoeuer suffreth aduersitie him do men call patient but let vs with all marke that to be patient it behooueth vs to moderate our sorrowe Rom. 5.3 If there be any aduersitie it must be asswaged by considering that God ceaseth not to procure our welfare continually Deu. 30.8 and that wee ought to be subiect to him and that it is good reason he should gouern vs according to his good pleasure Herein doth patience make it selfe to be knowen 137 The prouidence of God encr●●●eth the patience of the godly BY gods only sufferance it is that Tyrantes persecute that they spoyle men of their goods that they cast them into banishment into pryson and bandes and that they exercise all kinde of crueltie against them It is
hardened against the grace of God yet let him heare this worde of God and let it often fall into his eares Ier. 3.29 for it is as the Prophet saith a hammer which breaketh the stone in peeces and is able in the power of God to mollifie his heart or if the sinner be suncken downe so deepe that he will not rise it will crush him downe deeper that he may perish in sinne and so God saith to his Prophet Ieremie I will put my words into thy mouth and it shall be as fire Ier. 5.14 and this people shall be as wood and it shall deuour them And this is it S. Paule expresly witnesseth to be the onely meanes to glorifie God to preach the truth of his word vnto all for so saith hee we are alwaies a sweet smelling sauour of Christ vnto God as well in those that perishe as in those that be saued 2. Cor. 2.16 to the one a sauour of life vnto life to the other of death vnto death 237 The cause why the worde of God is despised BEcause the word of God is simple and teacheth vs not high and excellent thinges in the opinion of the world for this cause it is despised and men make no accompt to follow the way which it teacheth thinking it a great dishonour to be conformable to the same and that they should be scarce woorthy to liue Likewise men persecute at all times those that followe it as wicked and esteeme them vnworthy of life But those which despising the worde seeke out thinges which are in price with the worlde and follow them are reputed honest men and are placed alwayes in the most honorable place amonge worldlinges Which is the cause that they thinke themselues to be in good estate and of such force as they shall neuer perish Wherein they deceaue themselues Deu. 4.6 Leu. 18.5 Mat. 22.32 Mar. 12.27 for seeing the worde of God is our wisedome and vnderstanding and that he which doeth the thinges appointed by the same shal liue it foloweth that without this wisedome there is nothing but death 238 It is not for vs to knowe the times and seasons which the father hath put in his owne power BY the woorde of God wee are taught and instructed that the day of the Lorde shall come vpon vs as a theefe in the night When the light of the trueth is taken away when the heart of the good man of the house is at rest and his eyes are darkened that they cannot see and all his sences drowned in worldlye pleasures When wee care for nothing that is godly when we saye peace and rest then will the sonne of man come to iudgement then shall destruction sodainely fall vppon vs. Act. 1.7 1. Thes 5.2 Therefore let vs be readie for in the houre that wee thinke not will the Sonne of man come Of that daye and houre knoweth no man sayeth our Sauiour Christ no not the Angelles which are in heauen Mar. 13.32 neither the sonne himselfe but the Father What may wee thinke then of them that write Bookes and Almanackes and say and teach expresly that such a yeare and at such a time Christe shall come and with these speeches fraye and mocke the worlde Let men know that they are but mortall and that by nature they are vtterly blinde God hath giuen vs knowledge in measure we can not know asmuch as we would Let vs know that which is fitte for vs and speake that that is lawfull to be spoken Let vs thinke vpon the commandements of God to followe them and not search into his workes Luke 21.25 Esa 13.10 Eze. 32.7 Ioel. 2.31 3.15 to be curious in them for he that is curious in searching the maiestie of God otherwise then he hath reuealed in his word shall be oppressed and confounded by his glory Thus much we may well know that the Lorde will come that all fleshe shall appeare before him that the worlde the heauen and the earth the Sunne and the Moone shall haue an end Math. 24.29 42. that the day of the Lord shall come sodenly as a theife in the night This warning God hath giuen vs that we should not be taken vnawares but that we repent and stand in readinesse continually watching and praying euery minute of an houre that we may be caught vp into the cloudes to meete our Redeemer 239 Of the second comming of Christ THe Sonne of God shall come downe with maiesty from heauen the Trumpet of God shal sonnde and be hearde from the one end of the heauen to the other Then shall he be the iudge ouer al flesh Then shall hee shewe himselfe to be king of kinges Lord of Lordes Then shall he not come in humilitie meekenesse and mercye but with dread terror of iudgement and iustice Not with 12. poore Apostles but with so many thousande Angelles to attende vpon him Not in the preaching of the gospel and calling sinners to repentance but in the sound of a trumpet wherwith all the corners of the earth shall be amazed Then shall hee not saye Come vnto me all ye that labour and are heauie loaden Mat. 11.28 Mat. 15.24 and I will refresh you I am sent to the lost sheepe of the house of Israell He shall not say Father forgiue them for they know not what they doe but he will saye you haue beene ashamed of mee and my worde before men therefore now wil I be ashamed of you before my heauenly Father Then shall they that despised the woorde of God knowe what they despised and the blasphemers shall reape the fruite of their blasphemy Then the carelesse Shepheard and idle Minister which hath not to his power fedde the Lordes sheepe but neglected them and left them at al aduentures which folowing the lustes of his owne heart hath betrayed his flocke and giuen them to be a pray vnto the wolfe shall receaue a iust recompence for his treason Then the aduterer oppressour and vsurer shall haue their life layde open before them They shall see him whome they pearced thorough Reu. 1.7 They shall see his sworde readie drawne to slaye all his enemyes and shall fall downe for feare of him that sitteth vpon the throne But the hearts of the righteous shall reioyce They shall lift vp their heades see him in whom they haue trusted Then shall they say This is the day which the Lorde hath made Ps 118.24 let vs reioyce be glad in it Let vs reioyce vnto the Lorde let vs come before his face with praise let vs sing loud vnto him with Psalmes Such shal be the state and countenance honor maiestie of our God when he shal come down from heauen for our deliuerance 240 Christ is the Apostle and high Priest of our profession IF we be Christians we must learn to professe no other teacher nor no other Sauiour but Iesus Christ onely 1. Cor. 1.30 We must beleeue and