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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00630 The artes of logike and rethorike [sic] plainelie set foorth in the English tounge, easie to be learned and practised : togither vvith examples for the practise of the same for methode, in the gouernement of the familie, prescribed in the word of God, and for the whole in the resolution or opening of certayne partes of Scripture, according to the same. Fenner, Dudley, 1558?-1587. 1584 (1584) STC 10765.5; ESTC S2665 74,477 73

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togither maketh the thing caused As The Lorde God also made man of the duste of the ground and breathed in his face the breathe of life and the man was a liuing soule Here wee see that God which is of him selfe without Man is the making cause of man and did make him by breathing the breath of life which was the forme into that of the duste which was the matter Nowe where more then one doo the proper worke of the making cause all working togither are the making cause The partes whereof are the chiefe workers called the principall and the helpes called the instrumentes and the ende which moueth the making cause to sette the matter and forme togither is no other cause then this seeing it bringeth no other force for the being of the thing then to moue the making cause to worke As Of his owne will begatte he vs with the worde of trueth that we should be the firste fruites of his creatures Where the ende that we should be the firste fruites of his creatures moued Gods owne will Gods owne will being the principall worker to begette vs with the worde of trueth being the instrumentall And thus much for the efficient or making cause The causes that are within the thing are those causes which are alwayes inseparablie remayning togither for the being of the thing They are twoo The matter The forme The matter is a cause of the which the thing caused is made So the Lorde made woman of the ribbe of man Noah the Arke of pine trees The forme is a cause by the which a thing is that which it is and so differeth frō all other things as in the example of man before mencioned But the naturall forme of thinges though they may be conceyued by reason yet they can not well be vttered by speache The artificiall forme of thinges is much more easie to bee conceyued in reason and vttered in wordes and therefore of such speaches there be many as in all writers so in the Scriptures especiallie So God set downe the artificiall forme of the Arke and of the Arke of couenaunt the Table the Candelsticke the Tabernacle the mercie Seate the Altar of burnte offeringes the Court of the Tabernacle and all the furniture and appurtenances therevnto by which artificial forme they be that they be and differ from all other things Thus much of the cause Now followeth the thing caused The thing caused is that which is by the whole force of all the causes As So GOD loued the worlde as he gaue his onlie begotten Sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perishe but haue eternall life Where our happines is the thing caused the loue of God and faith the efficient cause Christ the materiall cause and eternall life the formal cause So also euerie worke or mouing of anie thing is the effecte or thinge caused by the worker or mouer Hitherto of more agreeable reasons Of both which relatiues are a most excellent example they are those which are so of and by one another that they are the mutuall causes and effectes one of another As The Father and the Sonne to giue and receyue to teache and to learne Nowe of the lesse agreeable argumentes Lesse agreeable reasons are such in whose agreement lesse is giuen and receyued to and from one another as appeareth in the example of more agreeable reasons The subiect is of two sortes Which receyueth the adioynt That wherein the adioint is is occupied As in this example Wheresoeuer the carkasse is thither will the eagles resorte Where we see in the firste parte the worde Where noting out a place whiche is the subiecte of the thing that is in it is the subiecte which receyueth the carkas is the subiect wherein the Eagles which are the adiointes occupie them selues by resorting So Husbandrie is the subiect of an Husbandman Ruling the Church is the subiect of the Bishop because in these things they are occupied The subiect which receyueth also is double That which receyueth into it selfe That which receyueth to it selfe So Iob was the subiect in which was soundnes vprightnes and the feare of God and the minde is the subiect in which are all euill qualities So Iob and other menne were and are the subiectes which receyue to themselues ritches houses landes c. An adiointe is that which is adioyned vnto anie thing as in all the former examples the things referred vnto their subiectes were the adiointes so what soeuer is referred vnto anie thing not being cause or effecte of the same it is the adiointe Agayne adiointes are eyther Common or Proper Eyther of them separable or inseparable which for the most part arise of the causes or being of the things and are therefore called essentiall or of the being Common are those which are adioyned vnto diuers subiectes as the power of eating drinking sleeping c. are common adiointes to men and beastes and can not be separated So ritches pouertie sicknes and health are common adiointes to good and euill men and may be separated from them A proper adiointe is that which is alwayes ioyned to one and the same subiect So righteousnes faith ioye in the holy Ghost are the proper adiointes to the children of God so to be seene and felte are the proper adiointes of a bodie and the●e are inseparable And it was proper to Adam and Ehauah to enioye paradise and yet separable Also Paule to be rapte vp into the thirde heauen and yet separable Hitherto of an agreeable argument whereby only those things that differ in themselues may yet be saide to be one So Christe sayeth I and my Father are ont meaninge in nature or cause So Iohn saith There are three which beare witnesse in heauen the Father the Worde and the Spirite and these three are one meaning in their witnesse whiche is their effecte So Paule saith He that planteth and he that watereth are one that is in office and function which is the adiuncte The thirde Chapter Of disagreeable argumentes DIsagreeable reasons are those reasons which disagree beeing referred one vnto another Disagreeable reasons are of two sortes Diuers or somewhat differing Such as can not stande togither commonly called opposites Diuers reasons are those which disagree onely in respect or after a certaine manner the notes whereof are commonly these Not this but that albeit neuerthelesse notwithstanding and such like As I knowe thy workes thy labour thy pacience neuerthelesse I haue somewhat against thee because thou haste lefte thy firste loue Where wee see that although these were disagreeing in respect of this Church yet they may agree for Christ may both knowe their pacience and workes and yet haue nothinge against them And these reasons and all such answering the one to the other whiche haue notes are sometimes set downe fully by their partes answering one vnto another sometimes by their notes onely Reasons which can not stande togither are reasons which differ not onely in respecte but also
you for your sakes Mat. 26. And when they had song a Psalme they went out into the moun● Oliue● 1. Thes 5. 20. Quenche not the spirite Set not light by preaching Trie all things Holde faste that which is good For obedience of life it behoueth them to teache them call on them and see thē doo this which they learne that the publike ministerie and priuate vse of the worde be not contemned neglected vnprofitable vnto them and so god prouoked not only against their familie but also the Church of which they are Cōtrarie to this is that men both themselues and their families go to the publike ministerie as to a common matter let it fall after to the grounde without anie lookinge into the certaintie of doctrine the power and practise of it and some with the ministerie of the worde become worse both they and their housholdes then those which neuer hearde it Exod. 13. 1. And declare vnto thy sonne in that day saying For this hath the Lorde done these thinges vnto mee when I wente out of Egipte 9 So shall it be vnto thee for a signe vppon thine hande and for a monun●ente betweene thine eyes that the doctrine of the Lorde may be in thy mouth to witt that the Lorde with a strong hande brought thee out of Egipt Which with the reste of the Lawe sheweth that a● those times this must be done and that so throughlie that this worke by this meanes may be a liuelie signe and the doctrine be so vnderstood that it may more fruitefullie and liuelie be communicated by conference one to another Also Act. 10. 24. And the other day after they entred into Caesarea And Cornelius wayted for them hauinge gathered togither his kinsemen and speciall friendes Nehe. 8. 13. And all the people came to eate and to drinke and to sende por●ions and to make great ioye because they vnderstoode those wordes whiche they had made knowen vnto them 1. King 13. 31. And i● came to passe after they had buried him that he gaue cōmandement vnto his sonnes saying When I shalbe dead burie me likewise in this se●ulchre in the which that man of God is buried place my bones besides his bones 33 For surelie the things whiche he hath foreshewed by the worde of the Lorde against the altar which is in Bethel and againste all the highe places whiche are in the Cities of Schom●m shall come to passe Iob the first chap. v. 5. After it came to passe when they had fnished the dayes of the banket that Iob sent and fanctisyed them and rising earelie he offered a sacrifice according to the number of them all For Iob sayde Peraduenture my sonnes haue sinned or cursed God in their harte So Iob did euerie of those dayes Which sheweth he called on them to do their dueties in sanctifyinge them selues and their families and preparing them according to the manner prescribed The dueties in reforming are those dueties whereby they must laboure to reforme euery thing amisse which is espied for Gods glorie and their good and least it creepe further Contrarie to this is that many corruptions are not accompted of that they are winked at Iob. 1. 5. Psal 101. 3. 4. 5. I Will not set before mine eyes a wicked thinge I hate the workes of those that decline it shall not cleaue vnto mee A frowarde minde shall departe from mee I will not acknowledge euill That tounge that priuelie hurteth his neighbour I will cutte out Him that is proude in looke and swelling in minde I can not suffer The rule of this must be the meaning of the tenne commaundementes whiche because it is necessarie for the simple though not so proper for this place it is brieflie set downe They shall suffer none in their house vnreformed whiche A eyther in iudgement is knowen to erre from the trueth of the worde of God or in manners from the practise of the same But if any B delighte in the ignorance of God be carelesse to approue him selfe as one that C wholy dependeth on him loueth him feareth him feareth him reuerenceth him laboureth to approue all his wayes before him D If anie be giuen to Idolatrie snperstition c. and careth not in euery parte of the worship of God to followe his reuealed will or if in the partes commaunded he appeare negligent and colde E Or to put them to anie other vse then is commaunded or be giuen to images superstitiouse monumentes customes occasions or such like If anie dishonour the Name of God eyther F in the vnreuerent vsing or abusing or peruerting and not vsing with that preparation before feeling at the present time fruite after which is prescribed his citles G worde H Sacramēts I works And if any K prophane his Sabboth by vayne pastimes going to playes or giue L not him selfe to the exercises appointed on that daye out of the worde M If anye neglecte especiall dueties towardes their equalles N superiour or inferiour in yeares giftes authoritie as Maisters Parentes Magistrates Ministers seruantes children or people If any declare not a conscience to flee O euill anger malice contention quareling fighting or anie hurting of the person of a man eyther in soule or bodie not being carefull to succour the same accordinge to his calling P If anie be founde vnchaste in bodie wordes countenance or gesture vntemperate in dyet in apparell dissolute not caringe to maintayne the contrarie holynes in him selfe and others Q If any care not for the goods of another man but by falsehoode fllatterie oppression c. diminishe the same R If he be negligent in increasing of his owne by honeste and lawful meanes if he mispende it in cardes dice gaming c. S If any care not to mayntayne the good name of others but be giuen vnto vnnecessarie blasing of other mens infirmities by lying slaundering backebiting taunting c. T V If any shew him selfe carelesse to restrayne the motions and entisementes vnto sinne and the Iustes of the same Then they shall vse the meanes following to redresse them The dueties which are to be applied to this rule are these Those which they must do by themselues Those which they must procure to be done by others Iam. 5. 15. And the prayer of fayth shall saue the sicke and the Lord shall rayse him vp and if he haue committed sinne they shalbe forgiuen him As this must be done for him in sicknes so in health and as in this cause so in any other of the like nature The dueties they must doo by them selues must haue two properties They must be done with wisedome fitte for those dueties Pacientie fitte Wisedome is that the causes may be throughlie sifted and soundlie reproted out of the worde of God According vnto this wisedome also vntill a fitter occasion this duetie may be let passe and with keeping the authoritie of the chiefe of the familie be winked at for a time Eccles 7. 21. Applie not thy minde vnto all the wordes that are
spoken seeing thou oughtest not to heare thy seruaunte curfinge thee 22 For also many times thy minde is priuie that thou hast cursed others Prou. 20. 21. He which bringeth vp his seruaunte deltcatelie shall in the ende be depriued of his children Patience fitte for it is with keeping the authoritie of the chieefe of the familie to heare what can be alledged and by equitie also to allowe or disallowe the same Contrarie to which is hastines without discretion and making the matter playne that the conscience may be touched for the faulte Also pride not to heare any excuse or defence deliuered in duetie submission and obedience of childe or seruaunt Finallie bitternes which may prouoke wrath rather then cause amendement Colos 3. 21. Fathers prouoke not your children to wrath least they be discouraged Iob. 31. 13. If I contemned the cause of my seruaunt or mine handmayde when they pleade with mee 14 For what should I doo if the stronge God should rise or if he should visite what should I answere him Nomb 22. 26. After the Aungell of the Lorde went forwarde and floode in a na●●●we place where there was no waye to decline eyther to the right hande or to the leste 27 And when the asseseeing the Aungell of the Lorde God layee downe vnder Baalam Balaam being kindled with wrathe smote the Asse with his floffe 28 And the Lorde opened the mouth of the Asse whiche saide vnto Baalam what haue I done vnto thee that thou hast smitten mee newe three tymes Paalam sayde vnto the Asse because thou haste meeked mee I would there were a sworde in mine hande for euen n●we would I kill thee Ephe. 6. And ye Maisters doo the same things towardes them letting passe threatninges knowing also that your maister is in heauen neyther that there is respect of persons with him And these are the properties of those dueties The diuers sortes are Rebuke Correction Pro. 22. 15 The foolishnes which is bounde vnto the harte of a childe the rodde of instruction will remooue farre from him Pro. 23. 13. Withdrawr not correction from thy sonne when as thou shalt strike him with the rodde he shall not dye thereof 14 Strike him with the rodde and thou shalt deliuer his soule from the graue Pro. 20. 30. Horse-combes are for the euill man blewenes woundes and stripes pearcing through the inner partes of the bellie Pro 29. 15. The rodde and rebuke giueth wisedome but the childe let alone to him selfe shameth his mother Rebuke is a sharpe admonition to take heede of the euill reproued aright as is gathered out of that before Correction is when with a sharpe rebuke of instruction punishment is inflicted or layde vpon the offendor according to their discretion consideration being had of the faulte and all circūstances of the same Yet if this at any time for some causes be omitted a greater is to be threatened and performed when they shall nexte deserue the same Pro. 19. 19 Be thou great in the seruencie of anger in forgiuing the faulte saying that if thou shalt deliuer him thou wilt further punishe him afterwarde Contrarie to this is to much lenitie also immoderate correction Pro. 19. The rodde and rebuke giueth wisedome but a sonne permitted to him selfe shamed his mother Pro. 29. 16. Chastise thy childe and he shall bring thee rest he shall delight thy soule Pro 29. 19. A seruant is not chastised with wordes c. That which they must procure to be done by other is that when the former meanes will not serue they doo according to S. Iames his rule sende for the Elders of the Church that they may by newe admonitions rebukes and censures of the Church drawe them to repentance and if that serue not to bringe them to the Magistrate and so those which they may to discharge thē from the familie vnlesse they amende and those which they may not to kepe them in such order till God or the common wealth cutt them off Iam. 5. 15. And the prayer of faith shall saue the sicke and the Lord shall rayse him vp and if he haue committed sinnes they shall be forgiuen him Mat. 18. 16. But if he shall not heare thee take yet with thee one or two that of the mouth of twoo or three witnesses the whole matter may be confirmed Deut. 21. 18. If any man shall haue a stubburne and rebellious sonne which hearkeneth not vnto the voyce of his father nor to the voyce of his mother although● they haue chastised him yet hee hearkeneth not vnto them 19 At length his father his mother taking him lette them bringe him to the Elders of their Citie and to the gate of their place 20 And let them saye vnto the Elders of their Citie This our sonne is stubburne and rebellious hee hearkeneth not vnto our voyce hee is a ryotous person and a drunkarde 21 Then lette all the citizens ouerwhelme him with stones that he may die and take awaye that euill out of the middest of thee that all the Izraelites may heare and feare Psal 101. 7. He that worketh deceypte shall not dwell within myne house hee that speaketh lyes shall not be established before mine eyes And hitherto of the firste sorte of dueties concerning Christian holynes in the familie The other concerning the things of this life is conuenientlie to prouide the necessarie things of this life as that they haue cōuenient clothing foode reste and if on certayne causes neede be recreation 1. Tim. 5. ● But if any man prouide not for his and especially those of his house hath denied the faith and is wors● then an infidell Pro. 31. 21. Shee feareth not for her familie because of the snowe for all her familie is cloathed with double clokes Pro. 12. 9. The iuste man regardeth the life of his beaste but the compassions of the wicked are the compassions of the cruell And then much more the maister must care for the seruauntes that they may haue euen that refreshing ease which is meete And thus much for the generall dueties and of their speciall dueties towardes those which shalbe cōtinuallie or ordinarilie vnder their gouernement in the familie Nowe followeth the other which is the intertaynement of strangers whose propertie is the loue of intertayning of Ghestes 1. Tim. 3. 2. Therefore a Bishop must be vnreproueable the husbande of one wife watchinge sober modest giuen to hospitalitie c. Heb. 13. 2. Be not vnmindefull of intertayning Chestes for hereby certayne vnawares haue intertayned Aungells 1. Pet. Be hailcicus one towardes another without grudging The first duetie required of this worke is a liberall chearefull ministring of protection and all things which serue for the necessitie and comfort of this life as is meete for the abilitie of them which receiue and the cōdicion of those who are receyued Gen. 18. 2. For when lifting vp his eyes he had looked beholde three men stoode before him whom whilest he sawe he runneth to meete them from the