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A00452 The sacrifice of a contrite heart in teares, meditations, and prayers. Penned by Iohn Euans minister of Gods word. Evans, John, minister of Gods word. 1630 (1630) STC 10586; ESTC S120845 111,350 374

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my carelesse and negligent receiuing by the suddaine hand of sicknesse be struck vnto death but as the faithfull Iewes in their constant and conscionable celebration of their feast of Passeouer by them kept a perpetuall remembrance of their Egyptian deliuerrnce from Pharaohs bondage were exceedingly edified confirmed in the promises of thy loue that thou wouldest be their God and they should be thy people which they sawe fulfilled in their Fathers and still continued vnto themselues through the hope of the Messiah by whom they expected their greatest safety and deliuerance Graunt vnto mee O heauenly Father that as the Minister of thy Word and Sacraments setteth a part the Bread and Wine so I may remember the eternall loue by which in the beginning thou diddest set a part thy Sonne through faith in him to be my saluation promising that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life And as I see the Wine powred out and the Bread broken so I may remember thy patient enduring the breaking of thy body and shedding of thy blood whereby thou hast payed the price and satisfied the punishment that was due vnto me and as the Bread Wine doe presently comfort and refresh my body so most sweet Sauiour let me feele my soule so comforted and edified this day and so often as I shall thinke of thee and thy mercies hereby promised and assured yea graunt that being made one with thee by spirituall vnion I may liue in thee and thou in me in the encrease of a godly life to the honour of thee my Sauiour To whom with the Father and the holy Ghost be giuen by me and all thine both present and eternall praise Amen Amen Another godly Meditation before the receiuing of the holy Communion O Almighty God and mercifull Father I am a secret sinner and my heart is a bottomlesse pit of all corruptions wilfully and foolishly ignorantly and obstinately haue I sinned against thee vnto whose eye all the secrets of my soule lye open but now I come vnto thee as the sick man vnto the Physitian as an vncleane man vnto the Well of mercy and grace offered in the pretious blood-shedding of Iesus Christ and represented to my soule in this blessed Sacrament Haue mercy vpon mee O Lord haue mercy vpon mee and forgiue mee all the euills that I am guilty of Giue mee grace that I may discerne the Lords body and so receiue it in this Sacrament with such chastity of body humblenesse of minde thankfulnesse of soule hearty contrition dread and reuerence as is meete for such a mysterie O Lord Iesus it is truly said of thee that thou didst receiue sinners and eate with them and I verily beleeue that thou art the same still full of goodnesse and mercy wherefore I beseech thee leaue me not to my selfe reiect me not from thy Table come into my heart and purge me from all filthinesse of the flesh and of the spirit Enter into my soule seale and sanctifie me both within and without Inflame me with loue and charity towards all men to forgiue and forget to doe good to pray for them that I may follow the steps of my blessed Sauiour Open the eyes of my vnderstanding and helpe mee to examine my selfe concerning my knowledge faith and repentance Send mee the hunger and thirst after this righteousnesse satisfie me with this heauenly foode make mee verily partaker of all the benefits of his Passion Oh deare Lord Iesus since thou hast suffered so many things for my sake and hast commanded mee not to dispaire nor distrust thy goodnesse graunt me grace to eate of this bread and to drinke of this Cup worthily that I may continually remaine in thy grace and fauour O Lord God the Father giue mee the full consolation of this mysterie and commemoration that my faith may be encreased my hope confirmed my charity enflamed my weake conscience comforted all dangers repelled and my soule assured of her saluation in the blood of Christ let no profanenesse enter into my heart so long as I am about this holy action but giue mee grace to receiue with purity of heart and cleanenesse of soule with loue dread and stedfast faith haue mercy vpon me good Lord that by vnworthy receiuing I be not guilty of his pretious body and blood who came downe from heauen liued with men and swamme through a red sea of blood in his agony and passion to bee my Redeemer Haue mercy vpon the whole Church and to this purpose haue mercy vpon this place and this companie that they may serue and please thee in this holy seruice and all other actions of their life O Lord be not angry with mee a barren and dry tree a creature with a face of brasse and heart of flint I haue not so many teares as are sufficient to wash thy feete with Mary Magdalen but thou hast shed as much of thine owne blood as surficeth to wash away all the sinnes of mee and all the world then be not angry with mee O Lord but let thy grace supply my wants let thy mercy pardon my sinnes let thy holy spirit prepare my soule thy merits enrich my pouerty and thy most pretious blood wash away all the spots of my life that I may worthily receiue this heauenly Sacrament so that I may bee strengthened thereby throughly filled with the heauenly foode of thy body and blood for the mortification of the old man the confirmation of my faith and the finall saluation of my soule O Lord heare my prayers graunt my requests I beseech thee Amen Godly Meditations vpon the loue and mercy of God in bestowing together with his Sonne these holy Mysteries vpon vs the commemoration whereof may moue vs to an awefull reuerence in the participation of the same O Father of mercy and God of all consolation seeing all creatures doe confesse thee to bee their Gouernour and Lord it becommeth vs the workmanship of thine owne hands to reuerence and magnifie thy godly Maiestie First for that thou hast created vs to thine owne image and similitude but chiefely because thou ●ast deliuered vs from that euerlasting death and damnation into which Sathan drew mankinde by the meanes of sinne from the ●ondage whereof neither man nor Angell was able to make vs free But thou O Lord rich in mercy and infinite in goodnesse hast prouided our redemption to stand in thine onely and welbeleued Sonne whom of very loue thou didst giue to bee made man perfect in all things freely exempted and excepted from sinne that in his body he might receiue the punishment of our transgression by his death to make satisfaction to thy Iustice and by his resurrection to destroy him that was the Author of death and so bring againe life vnto the world from which the whole off-spring of Adam was most iustly exiled O Lord we acknowledge that no creature was able to comprehend the length and breadth the deepenesse and height of that
whether in the Kings chamber or in the Lyons den with Daniel or with Moses in the wildernesse the blessed children prayed in the fiery furnace King Hezekias in his bed Ionahs in the whales belley and our Sauiour Christ in the fields in the gardens on the mountaine euen vpon the Crosse at the time of his victorious passion pray with Dauid either seauen times a day and in the night let thine eyes like his gush out riuers of teares or with Daniel thrice in the day or with Paul continually be exercised with holy sighes and sacred meditations let not oh let not the dulnesse of thine heart nor the greatnesse or grieuousnesse of thy sinnes hinder thee from this holy exercise suffer not the Spirit of God to bee quenched in thee To thee that art heauy laden with sin and pressed with afflictions for sinne doth thy sweet Sauiour call to thee doth his promise most properly appertaine none asketh but he that wanteth none seeketh but he that hath lost remember that our Sauiour came to call sinners to repentance and to heale the sicke and to cure the wounded to ease and refresh all such as are laden with the insupportable burthen of their sinnes oh bee of good comfort striue against thy dulnes heare what is written for thy consolation whosoeuer shall faithfully call vpon the Lord shall be saued Let not thy afflictions hinder thee but rather follow the exhortation of the Apostle if any bee afflicted let him pray let thine afflictions encourage thee and enflame thine heart to call vpon thy mercifull God who promiseth by his Prophet to heare thee and to deliuer thee You shall seeke mee saith the Lord and finde mee because you shall seeke mee with all your heart and I will bee found of you will deliuer you from captiuity Aske therefore and you shall haue seeke and you shall finde knocke and it shall bee opened vnto you oh marke firmely beleeue the gracious promise of him that is the truth and the life whatsoeuer you shall aske the Father in my name you shall receiue it who was euer denied that faithfully called vpon the Lord The Lord is true and faithfull of his promise both able and willing to performe and will regard the supplications and accept the prayers of his children did not the Lord heare the prayers of the Israelites and did not hee with a mighty arme plague their enemies and deliuer them out of captiuity and bondage did not the red sea recoyle backe at the prayer of Moses yea the waters saw thee ô Lord and were afraid and at thy appointment made a way for the safety and deliuerance of thy people was not the plague in the wildernesse stayed at the prayer of Moses was not Miriam by prayer cleansed from his leprosie was not Hanna by prayer of a barren woman made fruitfull did not Dauid by his faithfull prayer and repentance obtaine remission and forgiuenesse for man-slaughter and adulterie did not Elias by prayer open the windowes of heauen and brought downe plentie of raine was it not by prayer that Sennacherib his innumerable hoast were slaine discomfited by the Angel of the Lord. By prayer Susanna was deliuered frō death the blessed children from the scorching heat of the Ouen Queen Hester and her people were deliuered from death Ionas out of the belley of the Whale by prayer Leapers were cleansed the blind were restored to sight the Palsies were cured many men womē obtained health fortheir children seruants By prayer the lame haue beene restored to their limbs the deafe to hearing the blind to their sight and the dumbe to their speech by prayer remission of sinnes was obtained and the holy Ghost was sent downe vpon the Apostles What should I saye more by prayer Kingdomes haue beene subdued miracles haue beene wrought the promises were obtained the mouthes of Lyons were stopped the violence of fire hath beene quenched the heauens haue beene shut and opened the dead hath beene raised to life the Sunne and Moone haue beene commanded and stood still O faithfull messenger oh diuine prayer thou wilt striue and preuaile euen with the Lord of heauen and obtaine the blessing Wherefore good Christian and faithfull Reader be feruent and constant in this holy exercise Remember that when Moses hands failed the enemies of Gods children preuailed and that Sampson lost his strength and glory when he lost his haire by the treachery of Dalilah so when thou sufferest Gods Spirit to be quenched thou art depriued of thy spirituall strength and heauenly glory and her soule despoiled of her beauty and comelinesse and thou exiled from the protection of the most glorious Angels which are ready with all chearefull willingnesse to administer their aide and comfort vnto thee and to beare thee safe from all thy enemies and dangers while thou by faithfull prayer doest in the name of the Angel of the Couenant that doeth sweetely and acceptably incense all thy oblations call vpon the name of the most mighty and most glorious God of all Archangels and men And for that experience of my long afflictions and sorrowes haue made mee apprehensiue of the hardnes of our hearts and our dulnesse and vnaptnesse to call vpon God in the time of our troubles I haue composed these sorrowfull sighes prayers and meditations which I may well call the exercises of my sad affections to the end that if through Sathans buffets the distemperature or weakenes of my corrupt nature or the snares of euill men my poore heart should be ouerwhelmed yet I might haue alwayes presented to mine eye how to make my moane vnto my God And intending to publicke my labour herein I haue endeauoured by varietie of meditations and prayers to make it profitably vsefull for all men Most humbly beseeching the God of mercy to accept and blesse my endeauoure herein and grant that some glory to his holy name and some benefite to his ch●ldren and comfort and consolation to all that groane vnder the burden of sinne may redound hereby and that for the alone merits and mediation of Iesus Christ the righteous To whom with the father and the most holy Spirit as by the most glorious Angels in heauen so by vs men be rendred Halleluiah all the glory the praise and the honour for euer more Amen Amen John Euans THE. CONSIDEration of our miseries moueth sorrowfull sighes for our enlargement from the thraledome of our sinnes O Wretched man involu'd in crimson sin Repent with speede thy sinfull life Begin Before the vials of Gods wrath whose wine is red Be fiercely powred down vpon thy head The Lord is milde and wils not sinners death Preuent his wrath while thou hast time and breath If hee for sinne doe strike with dreadfull hand Who can his fury stay or wrath withstand Conceiu'd condemn'd for Adams ill To God arch-traitors we continue still Sinne lu●●'d secure by Sathans charme and guile Who watchfull is to kill our soules that while
From head to foote so leprous be our staines That in our selues not one good thought remaines But if we doe or thinke ought that is good It is in vs the effect of Christ his blood Our bloody sinnes are numberlesse and daily call That thou in iudgement should condemne vs all But Lord our God be hold vs in thy Sonne Forgiue forget remit what wee haue done Corruption made vs sonnes of wrath and fire-brands of hell Thy grace in Christ made vs thy sonnes and heires to dwell In heauen where thy kingdome is most glorious be thy name Which hast in Christ elected vs before all worlds frame In glory thou in heauen art in mercy heere with vs below In iudgements with the damned crew the seas thy wonders know Yet sea nor earth nor heauens high thy essence can containe Thou art hast bin and euer shalt I AM of might remaine Seeing thou art to vs a Father deare of heauenly might Giue vs obedience to thy will and in thy lawes delight Humilitie with godly feare heauenly thoughts diuine And whatsoeuer graces else may signe and scale vs thine Most glorious sacred sanctified acknowledg'd be thy name Amongst vs all thy children deare that doe professe the same Although none hallowing we can adde vnto thy essence pure Grant that our liues our thoughts our words thy glory may procure E●due vs with such godly zeale thy honour to maintaine With reuerence due to vse thy name and not in ieast or vaine Seeing that thy wisedome greatnesse cleare and piercing eye Beholds what 's done or thought both farre and nye From swearing lying and blaspheming thee Good Lord in mercy still deliuer me By all we thinke shall doe or act indeed Grant that some glory to thy name proceede Let not our sinnes nor Sathans strong temptation Nor our fraile flesh gaine sinfull approbation Come thou Lord Iesus quickly cleanse and garnish Our sinfull hearts and thine kingdome establish O Sonne of God ô Lambe pure vndefiled The ioy solace which all Saints desired Inflame our hearts let vs not quench thy Spirit Make good to vs what thy owne death did merit God hath ordain'd and thou hast dearely bought A glorious Kingdome by vs seldome sought Lest from that Kingdome we excluded be O work in vs such works as pleaseth thee Thy will is holy perfect right and iust Our wils peruerse possest with sinfull lust O grant vs willing hearts for to perfome Whatsoeuer thy good will shal vs informe Our will 's peruerse corrupted full of sin No good in act or thought we can begin If any thing we doe that please thee may It is thy grace that doth direct our way O Lord my God doe thou so rule my mind That to thy will my will be still inclin'd Let me not thinke nor will nor wish to doe But what thy wil doth wel con●ent th●rto Thy holy words to feed our soules and natures wants supply For all our base vnthankefull hearts good Lord doe not deny Thy blessings Lord continue still and prouidence diuine And when we daily call on thee ô Lord to vs incline It is not wealth nor ophire gold that can enrich our neede Nor pleasant dainties that wee take that can our bodies feede It is thy blessing mighty Lord thy strong protecting arme That feeds defends thy children dears from penury and harme No desert wild nor person 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 famine sore Shall long oppress● thy children deare or quite cosume thei●●…re The Rock the Rauen. Asses jaw and eke the Lyon strong Shall comfort yeeld vnto all those that to thy grace belong The little birds the dainty flowers are fed and cloth'd most gay And euery creature in his kind feeles thee most kind alway But we for whom this vniuerse all things in 't were sign'd Doe take thy gracious benefits and proue to thee vnkind For sinfull debts to Iustice due no payment can we make Eternall death our payment is vnlesse thou mercy take Compassion Lord haue thou on vs be thou a Father kind And seal'd to vs in Christ his blood let vs thy mercie find The blind the lame the dumb and they possest with deuils The leaprous sinfull stained soules were cured of their euils They sinned had thy counsell was they should not sinne againe O soules sole cleanser Sauiour deare our hearts from sinne restraine Small is the wrong that 's done to vs in body goods or name By friends or foes we them forgiue good Lord doe thou the same If comfort any we can yeeld when they be● in distresse Grant we for thee our loue to them may willingly expresse Although our many grieuous sinnes deserue thy ragefull ire Repenting hearts with mournefull soules and mercy we desire O let that precious blood of thine to vs be of such force That nothing from the loue of thee may euer vs diuorce Withdraw not Lord thy grace from vs when strong temptations are Lest grosse notorious shamelesse sinnes how fraile we be declare Make vs strong pillars in thine house thy name on vs engraue That neither Sathan sinne nor hell of vs the conquest haue Though sometime Sathan suffered is to try thy children all Defend them Lord succour them when they on thee shall call So shall the glory be thine owne the conquest be their gaine And Sathan with his engins all shall know he wrought in vaine The more assaults the Dragon makes in conscience or in mind The more that man if constant bee the strength of God sh●ll finde That soule that sacrificed is by sharpe afflictions knife By faithfull sufferance to the end doth gaine a Crowne of life Most mighty and victorious Lord that hast the conquest gain'd Of all the foes of thee and thine that in the world remaine Let no temptations though full strong a captiue make of me But by thy strength and powerfull grace good Lord deliuer me O holy sacred Trinitie that art of ●…ll might Instrust direct inspire our hearts to pray to thee aright And whatsoeuer may aduance or glorifie thy name By gracious will and powerfull might co●…erre on vs the same Eternall King immortall God all kingdomes are thine owne Thy power wisedome and thy might to vs doth make thee knowne All honour glory praise and laude be rendered by all men Vnto thy sacred Maiestie for euermore Amen A Morning Meditation ALmighty God which hast me brought in safety to this present day Keepe me from sinne in heart and thought and teach me what to d●● and say Prosper me Lord in all my workes helpe me with thy continuall grace K●… 〈◊〉 from Sathan vile that lurkes ●… soule in euery place Almighty Lord and God of loue dir●ct mine heart and guide my wayes Amend my misse my minde remooue from all that from thy glory strayes Thou that of wisedome art true spring and fountaine of felicitie Let mercy meere my prayers bring by Faith in Christ to sight of thee Thou which art authour of all peace and the true louer of concord
hands and liues by which wee haue this day offended thee iniured and oppressed others but that thou mightest as on Iobs children suffer the deuill by his instigation of wicked men to robbe and spoyle vs not onely of our goods and cattell and other our personall estates but also of our liues But ô our good God wee are confident that through thy mercy and loue in Christ no euill shall come vnto vs for thou hast promised that thou wilt bee a refuge and fortresse to keepe safe all those that trust in thee not onely from the arrow of the day but from the terror of the night which thou at thy will and pleasure sendest for the punishmēt and correction of our sinnes as thou ●iddest Shem●i with his rayling ●ongue to a●●●ict Dauid O Lord for the w●rthinesse of thy Sonne our Sauiour in whom onely wee lay down our bodies to rest turne backe this night and at all other times of our sleepe all the euill and wicked purposes of those that intend vs any hurt in our bodies or goods and send thy holy Angels to protect vs with their hands as they did thee our Sauiour against the prince of darkenesse when he had ended on thee his three temptations in the wildernesse And as they fought against the Assirans hoaste that proudely boasted themselues against thy seruant Hezekiah So ô Lord let thine Angels fight against all our enemies and the enemies of thy church not of flesh but of Spirit which resolue our hurt whether walking in the day or sleeping in the night And though our sinnes in which wee so much abound haue deserued that thou shouldest send those ministring Spirits as on Egypts first borne in the night to take away this our dying life or life full of death yet for thy mercies sake let them be our gardians not ouely this night but all the dayes and nights of this life for euer to further our soules and bodies in thy obedience and in and after death to conduct them to Abrahams bosome to rest in ioy and blisse with thee for euermore yea let thine Angels of light that continually behold thy face in heauen bee about our bodies night and day and with louing and kind assistance keeping euill from vs and vs from euill not onely of sinne but of temptation with which that worldly Gouernour and Prince of the Ayre neuer cea●eth millions of wayes to withdraw vs from thee if he cannot through couetousnesse as Iudas ●or through the world as De●as and Achan yet through pleasure as into our first mother Eue Dauid Solomon Sampson hee will a thousand to one craftely enter and seate himselfe in our hearts O Lord if by thy holy Spirit we happen to be so strong as by none of these baites to bee caught then hee laboureth by temporall crosses and afflictions of body and minde as on Iob to draw vs to distrust and dispaire in thy mercie and loue in all which assaults let thy grace and our faith keepe vs that we may not bee ouercome but as valiant souldiers in Christ and through the Armory of God in which by our holy calling we are girt we may leade captiuitie captiue and bee more then Conquerours through him that loueth vs. So that neither the feares of the day nor the terrours of the night of death and hell should separate vs from the assured guard of thee and thy Angels the conductors and furtherers of our saluation This thy great helpe and especiall assistance wee are continually enforced to craue not for our owne sakes but for thy Sonne his sake and that as hee himselfe hath taught vs in his most holy word saving Our Father which art in heauen c. To the Lord of Hoastes and God of glory our Creatour to thee ô Christ Iesus our Mediator thee most holy Spirit proceeding from the Father and the Sonne bee ascribed all praise and glory this night and for euermore Amen Amen Another for the Euening O Eternall God and most mercifull Father wee acknowledge and confesse against our selues that our hearts and hands are full of all filthinesse and sinnes whatsoeuer and we are altogether vnworthy to speake vnto thee or to come neere thy presence Neuertheles being so much boūd vnto thee as this day past and all other times of our liues doe witnesse we most humbly offer vnto thy holinesse by the hands of Iesus Christ our Mediatour our humble duties of praise thanksgiuing for our Creation Election Redemption Vocation and Sanctification with all other good graces appertaining to this life or that which is to come And namely ô Lord our tongues and lippes shall glorifie thee sitting aboue the Cherubims for preseruing vs this day past from so many miseries and casualties whereunto wee might iustly haue fallen if thou wouldest haue entered into iudgement with vs but Lord thou art mercifull and passest by our manifold offences to winne vs by thy long sufferance we beseech thee make vs thankefull for thy mercies and carefull to doethy will O Lord pardon and forgiue v● all our sinnes and grant vs euery day more and more the sight o● them true vnfained sorrow an● repentance for the same Giue vs faith and grace to beleeue all the sweete promises that thou hast made to vs in Christ Iesus both for the remission of our sins and the hope of a better life strengthē vs from aboue with thy mighty hand to walke in euery good way and to bring forth the fruits of a true liuely faith in our liues and conuersation all the daies of our pilgrimage here Arme vs ô Lord with thy grace and holy Spirit against all the corruptions of the world the temptations of the deuill the allurements of the flesh and settle our mindes to the continuall exercise of deuout prayer with the hearing of thy sacred word watching for thy comming both publicke and priuate Continue thy goodnes towards vs in prouiding for vs such things as are necessary for the maintenance of this present life blesse the same vnder our hands that the little which wee haue by thy goodnesse may be encreased and the encrease may serue as well to furnish our necessary vses as to minister vnto the necessitie of others according to our abilities Keepe vs Lord this night from all euils which may happen either to our bodies or soules Extend thy goodnesse towards all those that depend vpon vs or wee on them Giue vs quiet sleepe and rest and when we shall awake let all our thoughts and cogitations be holy meditations on thee and thy law Blesse vs ô Lord all the nights and dayes of our liues and at the end thereof send vs a blessed departure and afterward a ioyfull resurrection vnto life eternall grant vs these good things most mercifull Father and all other needefull graces for Iesus Christ his sake in whose name wee further call vpon thee as our Lord and Sauiour hath taught vs in his Gospell saying Our Father which are in heauen
these present profits and delights of this life and with what vnwearied paines wee prosecute the winning of this worlds vanities that in the end are nothing worth but to pamper the body and make it vpon euery slight occasion most willing to deny thee O Lord when I consider the pleasure of this world and the abundance of content I haue in this life wanting nothing for my bodie Oh what a Coward doth it make mee that with the young man that was most ready to follow thee yet when thou biddest him sell all his worldly riches and follow thee O simple man hee neuer came at thee more So me thinkes I feele Sathan to say vnto me What a foole art thou to leaue father or m●ther wife and children houses lands goo●s a certainty for an vncertainty to follow thee O Lord how am I tempted by the Papists the Enemies of the Gospell to think this way foolishnesse a Sect and heresie lately risen and seperated from the Church meaning themselues Oh how they doe tempt mee by the examples of my ●ore-fathers that for many gen●rations time out of minde haue liued and died in the Romish Religion and why should I thinke my selfe wiser then they O heauenly Father see and behold these subtill instruments of Sathan and keepe me that these crafty baytes of Sathan arising from the flesh and the world preuaile not ouer me that like Peter in the water or the young man I let goe my true faith not to beleeue in lyes and errours and so finally forsake thee who hath so dearely loued me and bought me But O God my Sauiour strengthen my faith that I be not moued to let goe my first loue with which I haue been so much comforted in thee O strengthen me that neither Sathan by himselfe nor by his Antichristian Instruments which hee ruleth at his pleasure preuaile against me either to doubt of my faith much lesse to denie thee my Lord and Sauiour but as thou for my sake didst not contemne nor despise the reproach of the wicked nor yet the cursed death of the Cross but for the ioy that was set before thee and which thou hadst with the Father before the world was endured the same and though thou wert reuiled yet thou reuilest not againe but with infinite patience committed thy cause to thy Father So O Lord graunt that by my faith in thy power I may bee no lesse assured of patience in the greatest torment that shall be inflicted vpon my body For I know that although they kill my body yet they cannot touch my soule but that it shall liue with thee for euer And in despight of their malice while they thinke to destroy my soule with death they shall extract my spirit into glorious life with God the Father and his Christ for euermore Sweet Sauiour as Sampson in his death triumphed most gloriously ouer his enemies so graunt to me that they seeing my patience and beholding my vnmoueable hope may be so ashamed and in their conscience so affrighted that they may like Saul at the death of Stephen be conuerted and after their change of minde magnifie as most pretious the death of thy Saints and by preaching the truth strengthen the brethren and stand fast in the Faith vnto the end O Lord strengthen mee that I may not faint vnder the crosse because thou hast appointed vs thereunto that in thy crosse wee should be more then conquerours and by his example whose steps we should onely follow account our selues most happy that thou wilt call vs and grace vs to lay downe our liues for his name sake as thou hast layd downe thy life for our sakes O God if the righteous scarcely be saued as it seemeth vnto the world through these bitter torments with which wee are to be scourged and made cleane vessels to serue thee in thy Kingdome where shall the wicked and sinners which regard not thy crosse appeare O Lord being confident of thy mercy in the merits of thy Sonne doe I submit my selfe in soule and body to doe seruice and sacrifice vnto thee as vnto a faithfull Creatour knowing that a crowne of glory remaineth for mee Father into thy hands doe I commend my spirit Lord Jesus after death receiue my soule as thou hast all those braue champions that were slaine with the sword that wandered about in Sheepe-skins and Goat-skins and thought it better to liue with beasts in woods and dennes to enioy thee then to liue among men Gentiles and Antichristians and denie thee being destitute afflicted and tormented wandering in Desarts mountaines and dens and holes of the earth to auoyde the beastly and cruell enemies of thy word O Lord as thou hast made thy wrath smoke against the Heathens the Assirians the Egyptians the Moabites the Ammonites that first trampled vnder foote the blood of thy Saints by labouring an vtter consuming of them So O Lord either graunt the conuersion or else let thine indignation appeare in these our dayes against the Turkes Heretikes Athiests and all Antichristian enemies that like Herod and Iulian obstinately persecute and scorne thy name And this though a most vnworthy Suppliant I beseech thee to graunt and that for the honour of thy great name in which thy true Church doth onely trust Amen Amen A thanksgiuing for Gods temporall and spirituall blessings O Most bountifull and kinde Creatour vnto thee in Christ Iesus doe I come and returne most humble and heartie thankes not onely for the generall goodnesse which thou hast extended vnto all mankinde but for that especiall part which thou hadst diuided vnto mee in more speciall manner O Lord I giue thee most humble thankes and praise for that portion of thy blessings set forth vnto mee to my present vse and comfort in this life as for thy daily preseruations of mee not onely in the wombe of my parents but for my safety in my birth that I was not mishapen in breeding nor in comming forth into this world and that after my birth in the time of my swadling bands infancie childhood and youth no mishap nor mishape befell me to the defacing of that perfect shape in which at first thou broughtest me forth O Lord how many children and youth haue beene maymed at nurse and through the carelesnesse of those vnto whom they haue beene committed vnto trust how many haue fallen into the fire and beene burned no● onely in some part but in th● whole body vnto death and by other chances whereof thi● world is full as drowned bruised broken in the body armes backe legges thighes feet in the eyes nose and face O Lord how innumerable ar● the perils and dangers of this life vnto which euery man is subiect and doth continually run throug● in euery state and degree of thi● present age and life and yet re ceiue no dammage O Lord fo● these deliuerances from dangers through which I haue passed an● receiued no hurt and for whic● I haue neuer giuen thee thanks 〈◊〉
pardoned my sinne through thee in the life to come eternally to be saued Amen Amen Another Prayer after the receiuing of the holy Communion O Iesus the Sonne of God my Lord and Sauiour with all humble and hearty thanks I praise thee for suffering death vpon the Crosse for my sinnes and admitting me a miserable sinner to the participation of this blessed Sacrament the memoriall of my Redemption Let mee O Lord finde and feele in my heart the inuisible power of thy heauenly grace effectually working the transformation of mee into thee the wonderfull vnion of me with thee and the spirituall habitation and aboade in me Apply all thy merits and good things vnto my soule let me neuer doubt the forgiuenesse of my sinnes but euer open the doore of this Sanctuarie vnto me that I may runne thither in my greatest neede and apprehend thy gracious pardon ratified by this scale of thy couenant Quicken me O Lord in this life r●●●ue and renue mee that I may disclaime my olde conuersation and become a new man keepe mee that I slippe not cut of this building nor become as a branch cut off and good for nothing but as thou hast seuered mee from the wicked in calling mee to the knowledge of thee so keepe mee from all their corruptions giue me a perfect loue towards thee that I may not delight in any thing but in thee nor seeke any other honour but thine O Lord Iesus I meekely beseech thee let thy holy Spirit strengthen mee against my frailty thy power and strength defend me against worldly troubles and aduersities thy merits purchase my needefull pardon and thy blood be the medicine for all my sores euen for thy truth and for thy names sake Amen O Iesus Christ the Lambe of God which hast so loued mankinde that thou hast beene contented not on ly to become one with him but also mea●e vnto him and to dye for him vpon the Cr●sse graunt I bese●ch thee that this my receiuing of this Sacrament may be a true testimony vnto my conscience that I hau● through faith in thee receiued full remission of all that is past and am become as it were a new creature in thy sight O sweet Iesus which hast vouchsafed mee such fauour and honour as to come to thy Table and feede vpon thee graunt mee grace I humbly entre●te thee so to performe and fulfill my duty as this honour which thou hast done mee requireth Linke mee vnto thee and giue mee power and strength to beleeue thy promises without distrust and to shew my religion by my good life and conuersation Ass●st mee with thy grace that I may walke worthy this blessed Sacrament to loue thee and thy children vnfai●●dly and vtterly to forsake all va●ity idolatry carnall desires and all the workes of the deuill O Lord God so moderate and ord●r all my affections that I may be ioyned with the brethren together in holy loue which is the bend of peace and truly fastned vnto thee my Head for euer Stirre vp my minde that I may alwayes consider the bitternesse of thy death the greatnesse of thy loue neuer forget to be thankfull vnto thee O blessed Lord preserue and maintaine this ordinance amongst vs that it may be alwayes a note and a badge of our publique profession and giue vs all one heart and one minde in the vnity of the Spirit for the reuerent and worthy receiuing of the same whensoeuer we shall come to thy holy Table againe Amen A Prayer for the Catholique Church and all the estates thereof O Most glorious euer liuing and euer louing Lord God the iust Master of the Vineyard and louing Head of the Church send thy holy Spirit into the hearts of all them that teach o● professe thy most holy truth al● men religious or secular Yea men and women Princes and subiects rich and poore euen all the people beleeuing in thy name and depending vpon thy grace and mercy Giue vnto them all O Lord one law one baptisme one hope one spirit that there may be but one voyce among all that professe the Catholique faith Keepe backe the famine of thy word and send such labourers into thy haruest as be sound in doctrine faithfull in their worke and godly in their conuersation that they may be in number many and in power wonderfull Open we beseech thee the hearts and eares of the people for the receiuing of thy Word that it may dwell in them plentifully in all wisedome and bring forth fruit against all the cares crosses and courses of this wr●tched world O Lord thou hast found iniquity in thy Saints and the heauens are not cleare in thy sight Oh then correct vs in thy iudgement not in thy fury lest wee should be consumed and brought to nothing Purge the garden of the Church and let no weedes ouergrowe the flowers suffer neither sinne nor superstition to choake the good growth of faith or manners in thy people bu● keepe them from all heresies phanaticall opinions se ●ucing spirits deadly contentions Keep● our neckes from the grieuou● yoke of Antichristian bondage● whose Religion is rebelli●n● whose faith is faction and whos● practise is the murthering o● soules and bodies good Lord re presse the fur●ousnesse of all Tyrants which labour nothing bu● the spoile of the Church and th● abolishment of true doctrine prayer and true Religion O Lor● Iesus amend all that is amisse an● graunt vs thy grace all the daye● of our life euen for thy truth an● for thy names sake Amen A Prayer for the Kings Maiestie O Almighty God King of all Kings the fountaine rule ●nd stay of all soueraignty wee most humbly thanke thee that ●hou hast not left vs vnto our ●elues to doe what seemeth best ●nto vs in our owne eyes but ●ast set ouer vs a noble wise and ●racious-King thy seruant Charles ●ame head next vnder ●hee Lord make all thy good to ●oe before him day and night ●phold his Crowne maintaine ●is estate giue him continuall ●eace long life and much happi●esse Endue him with such wis●ome and vnderstanding to doe ●ch things both in the Church ●d C●mmon-wealth as may be ●ceptable in thy sight profitable 〈◊〉 his Subiects and hurtfull to ●one that loue thy truth merci●ly heare him in all his petitions and effectually work for him in all dangers in the day of battell in his greatest consultations in the time of his recreations from all plots of Treason and in phe houre of death Make vs thankfull for all thy preseruations of him both ●t home and abroad in this Kingdome and else-where Blesse preserue and keepe his Royall Consort Queene Mary● Frederick the Prince Elector Pa●atine the Lady Elizabeth his wife with all their Prin●… Let our noble King still embrace the truth and manfully maintaine it against all treacherous plot● and 〈◊〉 perswasions distasti●● as he hath alwayes done both alteration of true Religion and to leration of any other Let thy po wer alwayes
goe forth with hi● Armies and giue them gloriou● victories banish from his Cou● all priuie foes forraigue and do mesticall graunt that hee ma● with vprightnesse and true since rity both with heart and minde obserue and keepe thy lawes and that his Highnesse and all his subordinate Magistrates may indifferently and faithfully minister iudgement and iustice to all his people Wee bese●ch thee O Lord preserue his body in health his minde in quietnesse and both in ●ll sincerity and godlinesse that ●y his good example hee may both stop the mouthes of his ad●ersaries and winne the hearts ●f all those that beleeue Make his ●ayes O Lord as the dayes of ●eauen that he may raigne many ●cares ouer vs and wee his Sub●ts may long liue a peaceable ●nd qui●t life in all godlinesse and ●onesty vnder his happy gouern●●nt Graunt vnto him wife and ●●ithfull Coun●ellours louing and ●bedient Subiects dutifull and ●ue seruants Deliuer him O ●ord from all conspiraci●s trea●s and other dangers graunt him alwayes a glorious victory ouer all his enemies pardon and forgiue him all his sinnes make him walke all the dayes of his life in the way of thy commandements that hee may liue in thy feare and dye in thy fauour and that in the resurrection of all flesh he may receiue a crowne of righteousnesse through the merits and mercy of Iesus Christ our onely Lord and Sauiour Amen Amen LACHRIM 2. Herein the distressed expresseth his hope and confidence to be in God alone and not in man nor in any other externall meanes I Cannot Lord excuse my sinne most infinite before mine eyes And many more are me within I haue forget which secret lyes of life am weakened in beliefe Our Fathers pray'd with trust in thee in dangers out of troubles all Being deliuered and set free and were rais'd vp when they did fall Thou hearest them when they thee sought and didst them lend thy ayding hands When they almost to death were brought and them deliuered out of bands Great was thy fauour Lord to all them that tooke hold on thee by faith But what am I that am so small a worme no man as Dauid saith Yet I beleeue helpe vnbeliefe Lord I am couered with shame Be thou my glory ease my griefe that I may magnifie thy name The wicked worldlings me contemne because thou hid'st thy face from me Deriding grace and me condemne because of imbecility My neighbours that should me assist disdaine me my familiars all That should me comfort doe desist their helpe to raise me from my fall They say of me my hopes are vaine my kinsfolkes who should yeeld me ayde In my necessities refraine to come to me they are afraide And tauntingly they scoffe and say deseruedly he thus doth suffer Is iust he wrought his owne decay none other kindnesse they me offer I know 't is thou that sitt'st on hie doest send and suffer maladies And therefore I on thee relie to remedie my miseries My woes O Lord by such encrease as should in friendly wise relieue me They that should seeke to make my peace they are the men that most doe gritue me But I that taste the Cup will say 't is thou hast don 't and I will beare it When 't is thy will who can say nay 't is out of loue why should I feare it Relieue my soule with timely dewe and comfort me restore Restore my soule vnto those ioyes the which I felt to fore Now after stormes Lord send a calme and graunt me peace yet now at last And I will praise thee with a Psalme with thankes for all thy fauour past I le magnifie thy name for aye that bring'st such wonderous things to passe That worldlings neither thinke nor say nor know why 't is or how it was The iust shall heare and Saints be glad when wicked men shall faint and quaile To see what fauour I haue had and all their hope doth quench and quaile Whom they so long haue scorn'd and deem'd euen through afflictions cast away For thy name sake Lord me esteem'd their night is past they haue their day Respect my meditation helpe me in time conuenient Lord graunt my supplication thou know'st and tri'st my hearts intent Let not the righteous be dismaide nor wicked triumph in my fall Nor yet let sinners be afraide in time of neede to thee to call And let me put my confidence direct my faith erect my hope Vnto thy gracious prouidence this of my prayers is the scope A Prayer for the calling of the Iewes and the continuall encrease of Christs Kingdome among all Nations ALmighty euerliuing God who after the floud didst preserue Noah and our Fathers Sem Iapheth Terah Abraham Isaac and Iacob from the perishing waters and from the continued deluge of sinne which remained in the families of Ham and Canan his wicked posterity and of thy abundant mercies pittied the blind ignorance in which they had plunged themselues through Idolatrous superstition and didst seperate our Father Abraham and made of him a peculiar people a royall Nation and chosen generation that for euermore should serue thee And that they might neuer forget thy great goodnesse it pleased thee to bring them into Egypt that after the fauour of Pharaoh was expired they should suffer hard and cruell bondage the space of foure hundred yeeres and then in the power of God with a mighty hand and out-stretched arme in the sight of King Pharaoh thou wouldest bring them to their Fathers promised inheritance through the red Sea and waste Wildernesse to the mount Syon the hill of God where thou diddest appeare vnto them in a glorious manner to renue and continue the couenant made vnto their Father Abraham that thou wouldest be their God and the God of their seede for euermore Wherefore thou diddest out of the midst of the flames of fire so speake vnto them that they might liue and know that thou louedst them as thou hadst done their Fathers that first came into Egypt that thou wert the same Lord and that there was no other God besides thee in heauen or in earth Yet for all this great loue of which the like was neuer heard thou didst onely require them to keepe thy statutes thy lawes and thy commandements promising it should goe well with them for euermore but they started aside like a broken bowe and cast thy promises and law behind their backes and forsooke thee the guide of their youth and in their olde age euen when they were growne fat and full fed with the abundance of thy blessings they still spurned kicked against thee and though thou didst early and late in the time of the Iudges and Kings which they so much desired send them Prophets yet they cast thee off and forgot the Lord that made them and serued other gods of the Heathen whom their Fathers neuer knew Yet at last when they had killed thy Prophets and stoned thy seruants thou in infinite loue sent thy Sonne
Father and doest me foster What words or works can daunt my heart I am in thee become a boaster These men thy might and power disable or else thy loue to man diminish Or else they thinke thou art vnstable and doest begin and wilt not finish Or that the poore wilt not support nor helpe the needie in distresse But as thou knowest what they report so make them feele their wickednesse But I doe know thou failest neuer them that in thee their trust repose If they be constant and perseuer all things are for the best to those Thou art indeede a iealous God and first thy children thou doest monish Thou bear'st with loue and beat'st with rod if they mend not wilt further punish Yet call'st thy chosen children backe by gentle stroakes from running ryot And sufferest them to suffer lacke and doest prescribe to them their diet We may condignely then deride the iudgement of such foolish men That vnto thee Lord will prescribe the measure what and the time when Such fleshly men by wealth and woe censure thy loue or thy displeasure As Natures friend or Graces foe by humane reason all things measure They thinke thou lou'st whom thou feed'st fat with plenty pleasures worldly riches And that all others thou doest hate these world flesh and deuill bewitches And great is this temptation vnlesse our natures thou assist Infeebled with affliction whose helpe doth rest in Iesus Christ. When thou therefore do'st me correct with one hold hold me with the other Let fasth in thee make thee accept me for thy Sonne by Christ my brother Lay not vpon me greater loade then I poore wretch can well endure If I doe sinke stay my aboade and if I fall then keepe me sure Thou know'st Lord whereof I am made I am a silly simple man A worme a flea a puffe a shade that no good doe nor no good can Try by the Crosse true to the Crowne that we may proue by want and losses But to dispaire pull me not downe but vnto comforts turne my crosses I am not able to beare thy yoake vnlesse Christ thy Sonne doe with me draw I am not able to fend thy stroke vnlesse he O Lord doth ward the blow Lord with thy mercies compasse me protection draw out of despaire O let me thy saluation see and all things fit obtaine by Prayer Thou shewest mercy to the meeke that trust in thee in all mens sight There children shall finde what they seeke thou shalt to Sunne-shine turne their night A place whence worldlings are excluded and all the hellish rable out Though here on earth they haue intruded to roote Gods faithfull children out And such as haue with hate pursu'd and trusted in the arme of flesh And haue their hands in bloud imbru'd shall say in iudgement they were rash God's on my side who can ouerthrowe me Christ pleades my cause can God refuse me As iust in Christ the Lord doth know me he doth acquite who can accuse me We thought that this mans life was madnesse then shall the wicked worldlings say But see his words are turn'd to gladnesse whom we haue deem'd a cast-away His hand hath wrought what he would haue yea I my selfe shall say I err'd That thought thou wouldest me not saue because my ioyes were then deferr'd I thought my cries thou would'st not heare when I thee sought thy selfe did'st hide When I complain'd thou cam'st not neere as though thou could'st me not abide But now I knowledge and confesse thy wisedome great in humbling me Thy loue sustain'd me in distresse thy prouidence releeuing me This pass'd all iudgement and conceit of learnedst grauest wisest men Therefore deere Father I will waite take thine owne time how where and when I will not with thy will indent nor thee direct the manner how Thou should'st me helpe 't is mine intent vnto thy will to bend and bowe Hereafter I will hold my peace though men shall say yet still of me And though their tongues will neuer cease there is for me no helpe from thee 〈◊〉 Prayer for a Merchant that God would blesse his Sea aduentures O Almighty God the Creator of heauen and earth and that ●ath made the round world and 〈◊〉 that is therein that stretcheth ●t the North ouer the empty ●aces and hangeth the earth vp● nothing that hath set the Sea ●s bounds vntill night and day ●me to an end that diuideth ●e Sea and bindeth the floods ●om ouerflowing that looketh 〈◊〉 the ends of the earth and seeth ●e whole fabrick of heauen and ●e earth and all things therein ●t maketh the waight for the windes and knoweth the measures of the waters that hath since the dayes of Noah shut vp the Sea with barres and dores saying hitherto shalt thou come and no further and heere shall thy proud waues be stayed yet fo● the families of Jacob at their departure from Egypt and Pharaoh Court thou didst once againe interrupt the boundes of the Seas and made them to stand on heaps that Israel might escape from their cruell and bloody pursuer● The waters saw thee O God th● waters saw thee were afraid a● the presence of the Lord God A● mighty vnto thee most might Jehouah doe I come beseechin● thee to prosper my aduentures a● the Sea thou art the same Lor● that didst prosper the ancient a● uentures that thy seruant Salomo made to Opher in the land of Hau● lah toward the East O Lord beseech thee that when the wi● shall arise the Seas roare t● flouds raise them vp into heauen and cast them downe againe into the bottome of the deepe threatning nothing but death and destruction keepe them that they perish not in the proud waues thereof by falling into sands nor by running against the hard rock Keepe them safe in their persons ●nd goods as thou didst Salomons Marriners and the rich treasures 〈◊〉 their vessels O Lord let no ●obbers nor Pirates at Sea attach ●heir persons or goods but pro●ect them safe out of their hands ●hat I and they being made well 〈◊〉 liue may returne thankes and ●●sse thee all our dayes both pri●ately and publiquely in thy holy ●ongregation for they that goe ●to the deepe see the wonders 〈◊〉 the Lord thereby are taught ●w to praise thee Sweet Sauiour as thy Disci●s with thee in the Shippe in ●eir extreamities called vpon ●ee to helpe them that they might not perish So O Lord I● cail vpō thee beseeching thee to heare me for them and them for themselues and say vnto the Seas peace and be still for they are at thy command to obay thee and therefore subiect at thy rebuke to be still O Lord as thou didst reach forth thy hand vnto thy Disciples and to Peter at midnight when they were in distresse in the raging waues and by calling vnto thee were comforted So O Lord put into their hearts such a reuerend feare of thee that in any danger or extreamity by sea or land they may call vpon
beare children that my husband may be wise graue and sober and one that knoweth how to gouerne and rule his houshold children and seruants in faith and good conscience O Lord let him be one that is stedfast in the faith of Christ following righteousnesse loue faith patience and meekenesse and one delighted in good workes and hospitality courteous vnto all men O Lord make him a louer of good men and make him iust holy and in all things temperate euer walking in grace abounding in the fruits of the Spirit O good God send mee such a yoke-fellow that knoweth how to loue me not onely by the guide of carnall affection as for beauty comelinesse of person money goods which thou hast giuen me or for that I haue good friends and kindred whereby he hopeth of this worlds preferment and ability for if all these faile for the which he onely loueth then will his pretended loue be gone and I shall be exposed to the necessity of this world and for want of meanes be tempted to dishonest courses but most sweet Father as thou hast promised to be a Father vnto the fatherlesse vnto the Widdowes and Orphanes So be a Father vnto mee thy silly Handmayd whose trust is alwayes in thee And send mee such an one as knoweth how to loue mee in thee and for conscience sake yea that will striue to loue me as Christ hath doeth and euer will doe his Church to loue me as his owne body This fie●h yea as himselfe And keepe mee that I may doe nothing to hinder this his loue or to make him bitter vnto mee but that I may obay him ●care him and loue him in all things that are comely in the Lord and according as thou hast commanded mee in thy holy word and that for Christ Iesus sake to whom with thee and the holy Ghost bee giuen by mee all praise glory both now and for euermore Amen Amen The Prayer of a Woman with child that defireth safe deliuerance O Almighty God that after the floud didst command Noah and his posterity liuing in chast matrimony to replenish and fill the earth I thy poore and most weake seruant haue as thou didst ordaine by the will of my parents embraced the holy and honourable estate of married life and now by thy blessing am made a mother of the liuing through that hopefull ●ruit which after much sorrow and paine in breeding thou hast caused to spring in my wombe by which I am assured it is a liuing soule for which worke of thine I giue thee most hearty thanks still beseeching thee that as thou hast begun this good worke in mee that thou wilt goe on and finish it vnto a perfect birth in all right shape and comelinesse not onely in the outward feature of the body but in the inward parts of the minde that it may growe on vnto such a perfect man as may occasion honour and praise vnto thy great name so long as it shall please thee to giue it life and being And seeing O Lord thou hast for our first sinne in Paradise so wofully afflicted vs with many sorrowes in conception and with farre greater in bringing forth of our posterity in this life I beseech thee for Christ his sake to pardon my sinnes and to asswage those violent and raging paines that they neither deface deforme destroy mee nor yet that which is in my wombe O Lord let the power of the most high euen thy holy Spirit enter into me to strengthen and to vphold me that I faint not in my paines nor in my faith but that if I dye in this my child-bearing yet thy goodnesse supporting me in faith charity and sobriety I may as thou hast promised bee assured of my saluation O Lord if thou please to spare the tree and take the fruit which I beleeue by faith in Christ that thou hast made holy yet I will giue thee thankes because by reason of my sinnes thou mightest most iustly curse mee and my fruit as thou didst the figge tree to perpetual death But most high heauenly Father I thanke thee that thou hast made thy promise so stable that not onely we of ripe yeares that doe beleeue but euen our children as they are our seede are included in the couenant of grace that if they dye yet being borne of holy parents who are ingraffed through faith into the body of Christ they are saued not onely as being a part of vs in Christ but as true and reall members of Christ vnto whō through faith into which they are baptized with vs made one with Christ that with his comming they may bee raised at the last day Yet O Lord notwithstanding this assurance I entreate thee to graunt me ioy and comfort of them that trayning them vp in their youth in thy feare they may bee as a staffe in olde age in this life to comfort me an● their Father as the children of Noah and Iacob did yea Lord if it be thy will I desire to liue to bee a fruitfull vine on thy house side thy Church to breede to beare and bring forth children to multiply and accomplish thy glorious Kingdome visible and inuisible in earth and in heauen for euermore O Lord hauing taken away from mee the reproach of a barren wombe so much lamented by holy women graunt that after my dissolution my children may continue like oliue plants and flourish a seede mighty on earth not as the Giants in the olde world strong in sinne but valiant and bold in the profession and confession and practise of righteousnesse and good conuersation yea let them be a generation of vpright men and women and such as may remaine an heritage of the Lord as Isaac to Rebecka a blessed fruit of my wombe O Lord thou art my God heare the voyce of thine handmayd in thee is my trust heare my supplications and let not my soule faile of these her desires and that for Iesus Christes sake which was borne of the virgine Mary for my saluation Amen Amen LACHRIM 8. The penitent acknowledgeth mans vildnesse and Gods mercies by faith and example of Gods prouidence relieth on his goodnes O Lord thy name 's most excellent in all the world thy glory is spread Through heauens and the firmament and by all creatures vttered In vniuersall harmonie extoll'd in heauen and in earth Exprest in song and melodie with all alacritie and mirth What thou bestowest what man can number vpon vs slaues and sonnes of men Who by our sinnes are put asunder from thy deare loue by acts vncleane Forgetfull and so capeable of sinne as powder is of fire In all our workes and words vnstable and know not what we should desire Aboue all creatures we forget thy grace are proue to disobay And if thy mercy did not let all Adams broode thou shouldst destroy And I for my part me confesse guilty of all sinnes and all euills And that I haue deseru'd no lesse then to be damn'd