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A10405 The Byble in Englyshe that is to saye, the content of all the holye scrypture, bothe of the olde and newe Testament, truly translated after the veryte of the Hebrue and Greke textes, by the diligent studye of dyuers excellent lerned [men e]xperte in the fore[saide] tongues.; Bible. English. Great Bible. 1540 (1540) STC 2069; ESTC S121497 1,995,822 1,050

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the circumsised but vnto them also that walke in the steppes of the fayth that was in our father Abraham before the tyme of circumcisyon For the promes that he shuld be the heyre of the worlde happened not to Abraham or to his seed thorowe the lawe but thorow the ryghtewesnes of fayth For yf they which are of the law be heyres thē is fayth but vayne and the promes of none effecte Because the lawe causeth wrath For where no lawe is there is no transgressyon Therfore by fayth is the inheritaunce geuen that it myght come of fauoure that the promes myght be sure ☞ to all the seed Nor to thē onely whiche are of the lawe but to them also whiche are of the fayth of Abraham which is y ● father of vs al ▪ As it is wrytten I haue made the a father of many nacyōs euen before God whom he beleued whiche restored the deed vnto lyfe calleth those thynges which be not as though they were Whiche Abraham contrary to hope beleued in hope that he shulde be the father of many nacyons accordyng to that which was spoken ‡ euen so shall thy sede be ⚜ as the starres of heauen and the sande of the see And he faynted not in the fayth nor yet consydered his owne bodye whiche was nowe deed euen when he was almoste an hundred yeare olde nether yet that Sata was paste chyldeberynge He stackered not at the promes of God thorow vnbelefe but became stronge in fayth and gaue God the prayse beynge full certyfyed that he which had promysed was able also to make it good And therfore was it reckened to hym for ryghtewesnes Neuertheles it is not wrytten for hym onely that it was reckened to him for ryghtewesnes but also for vs to whom it shal be coūted for ryghtewesnes so y ● we beleue on him that rayseth vp Iesus our Lorde from deeth whiche was delyuered for oure synnes and rose agayne for to iustifye vs. ¶ The power of fayth hope and loue and howe death raygned from Adam vnto Chryst by whom onely we haue forgeuenesse of synnes CAPI V. BEcause therfore that we are iustyfyed by fayth we are at peace with God thorowe oure Lorde Iesus Christ by whom also it chaunsed vnto vs to be brought in thorowe fayth vnto this grace wherin we stande and ☞ reioyce in hope of the glory ⚜ of the chyldren of God Not that onely but also we reioyce in tribulacyons knowynge that tribulacyon bringeth paciēce bryngeth experience experience bryngeth hope And hope maketh not ashamed for the loue of God is shed abrode in oure hertes by the holy goost whiche is geuen vnto vs. For whē we were yet weake accordynge to the tyme Christe dyed for vs whiche were vngodly Yet scace wyll any man dye for a ryghtewis man Parauēture for a good man durste a man dye ✚ But God setteth out his loue towarde vs seyng that whyle we were yet synners ⚜ according to the tyme Christ dyed for vs. Much more thē now seyng we are iustifyed by hꝭ blode shall we be saued frō wrath thorowe hym For yf when we were enemyes we were reconcyled to God by the deeth of his sonne moche more seynge we are reconcyled we shal be preserued by his lyfe Not only this but we also ioye in God by the meanes of our Lorde Iesus Chryst by whom we haue nowe optayned the attonment Wherfore as by one man synne entred into the worlde and deeth by the meanes of synne Euen so deeth also wente ouer all men in so muche as all men synned For euen vnto the lawe was sinne in the worlde but synne is not imputed whan there is no lawe neuerthelesse deeth raygned from Adam to Moyses euen ouer them also that had not synned with lyke transgressyon as dyd Adam which ☞ beareth the similitude of hym that was to come But the gyfte is not lyke as the synne For yf thorowe the synne of one many be deed much more plenteous vpon many was the grace of God and gyfte by grace ☞ which was geuen by one man Iesus Christ. And the gyfte is not ouer one synne as deeth came thorowe one synne of one that synned For damnacyon came of oue synne vnto condemnacyon but the gyfte came to iustify frō many sinnes For yf by the synne of one deeth raygned by the meanes of one much more they whiche receaue aboundāce of grace and of the gyfte of ryghtewesnes shal raygne in lyfe by y ● meanes of one that is to saye Iesus Christe ✚ Lyke wyse then as by the synne of one there sprange vp euell on all men to condemnacyon euen so by the ryghteousnes of one spryngeth good vpon all men to the ryghteousnes of lyfe For as by one mannes dysobedience many became synners so by the obedience of one shal many be made ryghteous But the lawe in the meane tyme entred in that synne shulde encreace Neuerthelater where aboundaunce of synne was there was more plenteousnes of of grace That as synne had raygned vnto deeth euen so myght grace raygne thorowe ryghtewesnes vnto eternal lyfe by the help of Iesu Chryste ⊢ ¶ For so muche as we be delyuered thorowe Christe from synne we muste fassy on our selues to lyue as the serua●tes of God not after our owne iustes The vnlykely rewarde of ryghteousnesse and synne CAPI VI. WHat shall we saye then shall we contynue in sinne that there maye be aboundaunce of grace God forbyd Howe shall we that are deed as touchynge synne lyue any longer therin ✚ Knowe ye not that all we whiche are baptysed into Iesu Chryste are baptysed to dye with hym We are buryed then wyth him by baptime for to dye that lykewyse as Chryst was raysed vp from death by the glorye of the father euen so we also shuld walke in a newe lyfe For yf we be graft in death lyke vnto hym euen so shal we be partakers of the resurreccyon knowynge this that our olde man is crucyfyed with hym also that the bodye of synne myght vtterly be destroyed that hence forth we shulde not be seruauntes vnto synne For he that is deade is iustyfyed from synne Wherfore yf we be deade w t Christ we beleue that we shall also lyue with hym knowyng that Chryste beynge raysed from death dyeth no more Death hath no more power ouer hym For as touchynge that he dyed he dyed concernynge synne once And as touchynge that he lyueth he lyueth vnto God Lykewyse consydre ye also that ye are deade as touchynge synne but are alyue vnto God thorowe Iesus Christe our Lord. ⊢ Let not synne raygne therfore in youre mortall bodye that ye shulde therunto obey by the lustes of it Neyther geue ye your membres as instrumētes of vnryghtuousnes vnto synne but gyue ouer your selues vnto God as they that of deade are alyue And geue ouer your members as instrumentes of ryghtuousnes vnto God Let not synne haue
as feare God shall returne thyther the Heathen also shall forsake theyr Idols and come to Ierusalem and dwel there al the kynges of the earth shal be glad of her and worshyp the Lorde God of Israel And therfore my chyldren heare your father Serue the Lorde in the trueth seke a● his wyll and do the thynge that pleaseth hym Commaunde youre chyldren that they do ryght geue almes be myndeful of God and euer to be thankful vnto hym in trueth and with all theyr power Heare me nowe therfore my chyldren abyde not here but in what daye soeuer ye haue buryed youre mother besyde me get you from hence For I se that the wyckednes of it shall brynge it to destruccyon and ende After the death of his mother Tobyas departed awaye frō Niniue with his wyfe and chyldren and with his childers childrē and came agayne to hys father mother in lawe and founde them whole and in a good age and toke the care of them And he closed theyr eyes and was heyre vnto al Raguels goodes and sawe the fyfth generacyon and his chylders childrē And whē he was x●ix yeare of age he dyed in y ● feare the Lorde and his kynsfolkes buryed him And all his posteryte continued in a good lyfe and holy conuersacyon so that they were loued and accepted bothe of God and men and of all the people of the lande ¶ The ende of the booke of Tobias ❧ The booke of Iudith ¶ The buyidynge of Egbathanis The vyctory of Nabuchodonosor agaynste Arphaxat The messengers of Nabuchodonosor are dyspysed CAPI I. ARphaxat the Kyng of the Medes subdued many people vnto his dominyon buylded a noble stronge cytie which he called Egbathanis The walles of it made he offre stone foure squared seuentye cubytes hye and thrytye cubytes brode He made towres there vpon an hundreth cubites hye But vpon the foure corners euery syde was twentye fote brode He made the portes in the heygth lyke as the towres This Kynge trusted in his mightye host and in his glorious charettes So in the twelfth yeare of his raygne it happened y ● Nabuchodonosor the kynge of y ● Assirians which raygned in y ● great cytye of Niniue fought agaynste Arphaxat and ouercame hym in the great felde called Ragau beside Euphrates Tigris Iadason in y ● felde of Erioth y ● kynge of the Elykes Then was y ● Kyngdome of Nabuchodonosor exalted his herte was lyfte vp he sente vnto all them y ● dwelt in Celicea in Damascus in Libanus vnto y ● Heathen that dwelt in Carmel Cedar to such as dwelt in Galtle in y e great felde of Esdrelon to all them y ● were in Samaria beyonde the water of Iordane vnto Ierusalem and the whole lande of Iesse vnto y ● moūtaynes of Ethiopia Unto all these dyd Nabuchodonosor the Kynge of the Assirians sende messaūgers But they all with one consent wolde nat agre vnto him sent y ● messaungers agayne empty put them awaye with out honour Thē Nabuchodonosor y ● kynge toke indignacyon at those landes sware by his troue and by his Kyngdome that he wolde be auenged of all those countres ¶ Holoferne● is sent of Nabuchodonosor to sub due al the worlde The preparacyon and pursute of Holofernes CAPI II. IN the thyrtenth yeare of Kynge Nabuchodonosor vpon the. xxii daye of the fyrst moneth it was deuysed in the courte of Nabuchodonosor y ● Kynge of the Assirians that he wolde detende hym selfe So he called vnto hym all the elders all his captaynes and mē of warre and shewed them hys secrete coūsel tolde them that his purpose was to brynge the whole earth vnder his domynyon Nowe when they were all content with this sayenge Nabuchodonosor the kynge called Holofernes the chefe captayne of his warres sayde vnto hym Go thy waye forth agaynste all the Kyngdomes of the west and specially agaynst those that haue despised my cōmaundemēt Thou shalt spare no realme all strōge cyties shalt thou brynge in subteccyon vnto me Then Holofernes called together al the captaynes rulers of all the power in Assiria mustred the soudyers vnto the hoste lyke as y ● Kyng commaunded him namely an hundred twentye thousande fightynge men vpon fote twelue thousande archers vpon horsebacke All his ordinaūce sent he before w t an inunmerable multytude of camels so that y ● hoost was well prouyded for wyth oxen and smal catell that wythout nombre He caused corne to be prepared out of al Siria for his host Much gold siluer also toke he out of the Kynges house So he toke his iourneye he and all his hoost with charettes horsmen archers of whō there were so many that they couered the grounde of the lande lyke the greshopers And when he was gone past the borders of the Assyrians he came towarde the great mountaynes of Ange which lye vpon y ● left syde of Celicia so he went vp into al theyr castels and wanne euery stronge holde As for the welthy cytie of Melothus he brake it downe spoyled all the chyldrē of Tharsis and the Ismaelites which laye towarde the wyldernes vpon the South syde of y ● lande of Chelon He wente ouer Euphrates also came into Mesopotamia and brake downe all the hye cyties that were there frō the broke of Mambre tyl a man come to the see and he toke the borders in from Celicia vnto y ● coastes of Iaphet towarde y ● South He caryed awaye all the Madiates spoyled all theyr goddes whosoeuer withstode hym he slewe them with the swerde After thys he wente downe into the felde of Damascus in the tyme of haruest brente vp all the corne all the trees and caused the vynes to be cut downe And the feare of him fell vpon all them that dwelt in the earth ¶ Kynges become wyllyngly subiect to Holofernes The ▪ tyrannye and crueltye ▪ of hym CAPI III. SO the Kynges and Prynces of al cyties and landes sent theyr Embassytoures namely they of Syrya and Mesopotamia Syria Sobal and Lybia Celicia which came to Holofernes sayde Let thy wrath ceasse towarde vs It is better for vs to serue y ● great kyng Nabuchdoonosor with our lyues and to be subiecte vnto the then y ● we shulde dye be slayne and receaue greater hurte All our cyties possessions al mountaynes hylles all feldes great small catel shepe goates horses camels all oure goodes housholdes be in thy power vnder thy subieccyon be it al together We our selues also and oure chyldren wylbe thyneowne come vnto vs a peaceable Lorde and vse oure seruyce at thy pleasure Then came Holofernes downe from the mountaynes with horsmen great power and conquered all stronge fensed cities and all that dwelt in the lande And out of all cyties he toke stronge men suche as were mete for y ● warre to
mountaynes in the naro we place and kepte the waye day and nyght But whyle Holofernes was goynge aboute he founde the water sprynge whiche from the South syde was conueyed into y e cytie by a cōdite this cōmaunded he to be directe another waye to cut their cōdite in sunder There were welles also not farre from the walles whiche they vsed secretely more for pleasure then for necessyte Then wente the Ammonites y ● Moabytes vnto Holofernes sayd The chyldrē of Israell trust neyther in speare nor arowe but kepe and defende the mountaynes and hylles That thou mayest ouercome thē therfore without y ● strykynge of any batayle set men to kepe the welles that they drawe no water out of them so shalt thou destroy them without swearde or at the least they shall be so feble that they must be fayne to geue ouer the cytye Whiche they thynke not able to be wonne for so muche as it lyeth in the mountaynes These wordes pleased Holofernes well all his mē of warre and he set an hundreth at euery well rounde aboute And when this watch had endured twentye dayes the Cisternes all that had water fayled them that dwelt in the cyte of Bethulia so that in the whole cyte they had not dryncke ynough for one daye for the people had water geuen them daylye in a measure Then came the men and wemen yonge personnes and chyldren all vnto Osias sayde all with one voyce God be●udge betwyxte vs and the for thou hast dealt euyl with vs thou woldest not speake peaceably with the Kynge of the Assyrians therfore hathe God solde vs in theyr handes and there is no mā to helpe vs where as we are brought downe before theyr eyes in thirst and great destruccyon Therfore gather nowe together al the people that be in the cytie that we maye all yelde our selues wyllyngely vnto the people of Holofernes for better it is that we be captyue and prayse the Lorde with oure lyues then to be slayne and peryshe and to be laughed to scorne shamed of euery man when we se our wyues and children dye before our eyes We take heauen and earth this daye to recorde and the God of oure fathers whiche punysshed vs accordynge to the deseruyng of our synnes and gaue you warning that ye geue vp the cyte nowe into the power of Holofernes hoste that our ende maye be shorte with the swearde whiche els shall endure long for want of water and for thyrste When they had spoken out these wordes there was a great wepyng howlyng in the whole cōgregacion and y t of euery man and they cried an whole hour long vnto God w t one voyce saying we haue synned w t our fathers we haue done amyse we haue dealte wyckedly Thou y ● art gracious haue mercy vpon vs punysh our vnryghtuousnes with thyne owne scourge geue not those ouer y ● knowledge the vnto a people which knowe the not least they say amonge the Heythen where is their God And when they were so wery with thys cryenge and wepynge that they helde theyr tonges Osias stode vp with watrye eyes and sayde O take good hertes vnto you deare brethren and be of good cheare and let vs wayte yet these fyue dayes for mercye of the Lorde peraduenture he shal cut away his indignacyon and geue glorye vnto hys name But yf he helpe vs not when these fyue dayes are paste we shall do as ye haue sayde ¶ Of the vertuous woman Iudith whiche reproueth the aunci●●t●s because they tempted the Lorde She also moueth them to encorage and hertē the people and sheweth her councel agaynst the enemyes of the Iewes CAPI VIII AND it happened when these wordes came to the eares of Iudith a wyddow whiche was the daughter of Merari the sonne of Idox the sonne of Ioseph the sōne of Osia the sonne of Elai the sonne of Iammor the sonne of Iedeon the sonne of Raphoim the sonne of Achitob the sōne of Melchia the sonne of Euam the sonne of Nathania the sonne of Salathiel the sonne of Simeon the sonne of Ruben And her husband was called Manasses whyche dyed in the dayes of the barlye harueste For whyle he was byndynge the sheues together in the felde the heate came vpon his heade and he dyed at Bethulia his cytye and there was he buryed besyde his fathers Nowe was Iudyth hys desolate wyddowe thre yeares and syxe monethes And in the hygher partes of her house she made her selfe a preuye chambre where she dwelt beyinge closed in with her maydens She ware a smocke of hearre and fasted al the dayes of her lyfe excepte the Sabbathes and newe mones and the solempne daies that the people of Israel kepte She was a very fayre and beautifull persone Her husband also had left her great ryches a plentuous housholde great vnmouable possessiōs and many catell This Iudith was a woman of a very good reporte with euery one for she feared y ● Lorde greatly and there was no body that spake an euel worde of her Whē this Iudith herde how Osias had promysed the people y t after the fyfte day he wolde giue vp the cyte vnto the Assiriās she sent for the elders Chābri Charmy when they came to her she sayde what thynge is this wherin Osias hath cōsented that if god helpe not wtin fyue dayes he wyll geue ouer the cytie to the Assirians What are ye y ● ye tempte the Lord This deuice optayneth no mercy of God but prouoketh hi vnto wrath and displeasure Wyll ye set the mercy of the Lorde a tyme and appoyute hym a day after your wyll Neuerthelesse for so muche as the Lord is pacyente let vs rather repent pouryng out teares and beseching him of grace For God threateneth not as a man neyther wyll he be prouoked vnto wrath as the chyldren of men And therfore let vs hertely fall downe before him and serue him with a meke sprete and with wepynge eyes say vnto the Lorde that he deale with vs accordyng to his owne wyll and mercy that lyke as our hert is now vexed and brought lowe thorowe the pryde of them it maye so be conforted thorowe hys grace in so muche as we folowe not the synnes of our fathers which forsoke theyr God and worshypped other Goddes for the whiche synne they peryshed with the swearde were spoyled brought to shame of all theyr ennemyes As for vs we knowe none other God but onely hym for whose comforte let vs tary with mekenesse He shal requyre and make inquysicion for our bloude frome the vexacions of our enemyes he shall brynge downe all the Heythen that ryse vp against vs and put them to dyshonoure euen the Lorde our God Therfore deare brethren seynge ye are the honorable elders in the people of God vnto whom all the people haue respecte and vpon whom the lyfe of the people standeth lyft vp theyr hertes with your exhortacyon that they maye call
she may eate and drincke wine and be mery with him Unto whome Iudith answered Who am I that I shulde saye my Lorde naye whatsoeuer is good before his eyes I shall do it and loke what is hys pleasure that shall I thyncke well done as longe as I lyue So she stode vp and deckte her self with her apparell and wente in and stode before him And Holofernes herte was whole moued so that he brent in desyre towarde her And Holofernes sayd vnto her dryncke now and syt downe and be mery for thou haste founde fauoure before me Then sayde Iudith Syr I wyll dryncke for my mynde is meryer to daye then euer it was in all my lyfe And she toke and dyd eate and drancke before him y ● thinges y ● her mayden had prepared for her And Holofernes was mery w t her and drancke more wine then euer he did afore in his lyfe ¶ Holofernes slepet●● for very dronckēne● and Iudith cut ●eth of his heade ●nd goeth ther with to her owne people of who●● she is r●●●yued with ●oy They geue thākes vnto God 〈◊〉 theyr deliueraunce Iudith speaketh vnto Achior Which maru●leth at her fe●●e done to Holofernes CAPI XIII NOwe when it was late in the nyght his seruauntes made haste euery man to his lodgynge And Uagao shut the Chambre dores and wente his waye for they were all ouerladen with wyne So was Iudith alone in the chambre As for Holofernes he laye vpon the bed all droncken and of verye dronckēnes fel a slepe Then commaunced Iudith her mayden to stande without before the dore to waite And Iudith stode before the bed makynge her prayer with tearess moued her lyppes secretely sayde Strengthen me O Lorde God of Israel haue respecte vnto the workes of my hādes in this houre y ● thou mayest set vp thy cyte of Ierusalem lyke as y ● haste promysed O graūte that by the I may perfourme y ● thyng which I haue deuysed thorowe the beleue that I haue in the. And when she had spokē thys she went to the bedsteade lowsed the swerde that hanged vpon it drew it out Thē toke she holde of the hearrye lockes of hys heade and sayd Strengthen me O Lorde God in this hour with that she gaue him two strokes vpon the necke and smote of his head Then toke she the canapy away rolled the deed body asyde Immediatly she gather forth delyuered y e head of Holofernes vnto her maidē bad her put it in her wallet And so these two wente forth together after theyr custome as though they wolde pray so passed by the host came thorow the valey vnto the porte of the cytye And Iudyth cryed a farre of vnto the watchemē vpon the walles Opē the gates sayde she for God is w t vs which hath shewed his power ● Israel And when they hearde her voyce they called the elders of the cite together And they came a● to mete her lytle great yonge olde for they thoughte not y ● she shulde haue come so sone So they lyghted candels gathered a boute her euery ●hone but she wente vp into an hye place and caused sylence to be proclamed When euery man now helde hys tonge Iudith sayde O prayse the Lord our God for he hath not despysed nor forsaken them that put their trust in him in me his handmaidē he hath perfourmed his mercy which he promysed vnto the house of Israel yee in my hand thys same nyght hath he slayne the enemye of hys people And with that she toke forth the head of Holofernes out of the wallet and shewed it them sayinge Beholde the heade of Holofernes the captayne of the Assyryans and thys is the canapy wherin he laye in his dronckēnes where the Lord our God hath slayne h● by the hande of a woman But as truly as the Lorde liueth his Angell hath kepte me goynge thyther remaynyng there cōmynge hyther agayne frome thence And the Lord hath not suffred me his hand mayden to be defyled but without any fylthines of sine hath he brought me agayne vnto you that with great vyctorye so y ● I am escaped and ye delyuered O geue thankes vnto him euerychone for he is gracious and his mercy endureth for euer So they praysed the Lorde al together gaue thākes vnto him And to her they said The Lorde hath blessed the in his power for thorow the he hath brought our enemyes to naught And Ozias the chefe ruler of y ● people of Israel said vnto her Blessed art thou daughter of the Lord the hye God aboue all wemen vpon earth Blessed be y ● Lord the maker of heauen earth which hath gyded y ● a ryght to woūde and to smyte of the head of the Captayne of oure enemyes For this daye he hath made thy name so honourable y e thy prayse shal neuer come out of the mouth of mē which shal alwaye remembre the power of the Lorde seying thou hast not spared thyne owne self but put the in ●eopardy consideryng the anguysh and trouble of thy people and so hast helped theyr fall before God our Lorde And all the people sayd Amen Amen Achior also was called he came Then sayde Iudith vnto hym The God of Israel vnto whō y u gauest witnes y ● he wolde be auēged of his enemyes euen he hath this nyght thorow my hand smytten of y ● head of all the vnfaythfull And that y u mayest se y e it so is beholde this is y ● head of Holofernes which in his presumptuous pryde despysed y ● God of the people of Israell threatened the w t destruceyō saying whē y ● people of Israel is taken I shall cause y ● also to be styck●e with the swerde When Achior sawe Holofernes head he fell downe vpō his face to y ● groūde for very anguyshe feare so y ● he sowned w t all But after y ● he was come agayne to hym self he fel downe before her and praysed her saying Blessed art thou of thy God in al the tabernacles of Iacob for all the people that here of thy name shall prayse the God of Israel because of the. ¶ The councel of Iudith Achior beynge an Heathen man turneth to God The Assirians are afrayed of the Iewes CAPI XIIII IUdith sayde vnto all the people ▪ Brethrē heare me Styck vp this heade vpon our walles when the Sūne ariseth take euery man his weapē fall out vyolently not as though ye wolde go besyde thē but to rēne vpon thē with vyo●ēce When the spyes ● the ●entes se thys they shall of necessyte be compelled to ●le backward and to rayse vp their captayne to the batayle So when their captaynes come into Holofernes pa●ylyon and fynde y ● dead body wrapped in y ● bloude fearfulnes shall fall vpon them and whē ye perceyue that they flye folow thē without al care for God shal