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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09183 The piththy [sic] and moost notable sayinges of al scripture, gathered by Thomas Paynell: after the manner of common places, very necessary for al those that delite in the consolacions of the scriptures Paynell, Thomas. 1550 (1550) STC 19494.3; ESTC S122454 195,516 370

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Ye knowe well that these handes haue ministred vnto my necessities and to them that were with me The .xxiii. Chapter THou shalt not course the ruler of the people The Saduces saye that there is no resurrection neither angell nor spirite But the phariseis graunt bothe The .xxv. Chapter IT is not the maner of the Romaynes to deliuer any man that he should perishe before that he which is accused haue the accusars before him and haue licence to aunswer for himselfe concerning the crime layde agaynst him My thinketh it vnreasonable for to sende a prisoner not to shewe the causes which are laide againste him The .xxvi. Chapter I Shewed fyrste vnto them of Damasco and at Ierusalem and through out all the coastes of Iewry to the Gentiles that they shoulde repent and turne to god and do the righte workes of repentaunce ¶ Here endeth the Actes of the Apostles ¶ The Epistle of S. Paule to the Romaynes the .i. Chap. FOr I am detter bothe to the Grekes and to them whiche are no Grekes vnto the learned and also vnto the vnlearned Likewise as muche as in me is I am redy to preache the gospel to you of Rome also For I am not ashamed of the gospell of Christ because it is the power of God vnto saluacion to all that beleue namely to the Iewe and also to the gētile The iust shall lyue by faithe His inuisible thinges that is to saye his eternall power and godhead are vnderstond and sene by the workes from the creation of the worlde When they counted themselues wise they became fooles And as it semed not good vnto them to be knowen of god euen so god deliuered them vp vnto a leude mynde that they should do the thinges whiche were not comely The .ii. Chapter THinkest thou this O thou man that iudgest them whiche do suche thynges and yet doest euen the very same that thou shalt escape the iudgement of god Either despisest thou the ryches of his goodnes pacience and lōg sufferaūce● and remembreste not howe that the kyndenes of god leadeth the to repentaunce But thou after thine harde harte that cannot repent heapest together the treasure of wrathe against the daye of vengeaunce when shall be opened the righteous iudgement of god whiche will rewarde euery mā according to his dedes that is to saye prayse honoure and immortalitie to them which continue in good doynge and seke eternall life But to them that are rebellions and disobeye the trueth and folowe the iniquitie shall indignacion and wrath tribulacion and anguishe vpon the soule of euerye man that doth euill of the Iewe fyrst and also of the Gentile To euery man that doth good shall come prayse honoure and peace to the Iewe fyrst and also to the gentrie Before god they are not righteous whiche heare the lawe but the doers of the lawe shal be iustified Their conscience beareth witnes vnto them and also theyr thoughtes accusing one another or excusing at the daye when god shall iudge the secretes of mē by Iesus christ according to my gospell The name of god is euell spoken of amonge the gentiles thorowe you He is a Iewe whiche is hid within and the circumcision of the harte is the true circumcision which is in the spirite and not in the letter Whose prayse is not of men but of god The .iii. Chapter THere is none righteous no not one there is none that vnderstandeth there is none that seketh after God they all are gone oute of the waye they are all made vnprofitable there are none that doothe good no not one By the dedes of the lawe shall no fleshe be iustifyed in the sighte of god The righteousnes no doubt whiche is good before god commeth by the faith of Iesus Christ vnto all and vpon all that beleue All haue sinned and lacke the prayse that is of valure before god but we are iustified trely by his grace throughe the redemption that is in Christ Iesu whom god hath made a seate of mercy thorow faithe in his bloude to shewe the righteousnesse whiche before him is of valour in that he forgeueth the sinnes that are passed which god dyd suffer to shewe at this tyme the righteousenes that is alowed of hym that he mighte be contented iuste and a iustifier of him which beleueth in Iesus We suppose that a man is iustified by faithe without the dedes of the lawe The .iiii. Chapter ABraham beleued god and it was counted vnto hym for rightewisenes To him that worketh is the reward not reckened of fauoure but of duetie To him that worketh not but beleued on him that iustifieth the vngodly is fayth counted for rightwisenes Blessed are they whose vnrighteousnesse are forgeuen and whose synnes are couered Blessed is that man to whom the lorde imputeth no sinne Where is no lawe there is no transgression Christ was deliuered for our sinnes and rose agayne for to iustifie vs. The .v. Chapter WE also reioyce in tribulacion for we knowe that tribulacion bringeth pacience paciēce bringeth experience and experience bringeth hope and hope maketh not ashamed for the loue of god is shead abrode in oure heartes by the holy ghost whiche is geuen vnto vs. Seyng that while we were yet sinners Christ dyed for vs muche more then now seyng we are iustified in his bloud shal we be saued from wrath thorow him Lykewise as by the sinne of one condemnatxion came on all men euen so by the iustifying of one commeth the righteousnesse that bringeth lyfe vpon all men For as by one mannes disobedience many became synners so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous The .vi. Chapter WE are buried with hym by baptime for to d●e that lykewyse as Christ was raysed vp from death by the glory of the father euen so we also shoulde walke in a newe lyfe For yf we be grafte in death lyke vnto hym euen so muste we be in the resurrection Let not sinne raigne in your mortall bodies that ye shoulde therunto obey in the iustes of it Neither geue your membres as instrumentes of vnrighteousenes vnto sinne but geue your selues to god as they that are alyue from death Let not sinne haue power ouer you For ye are not vnder the lawe but vnder grace Remember ye not how that to whomsoeuer ye commit your selues as seruauntes to obey his seruauntes ye are to whome ye obeye whether it be of synne vnto death or of obedience vnto righteousenes As ye haue geuen your membres seruauntes to vnclennes and to iniquitie from iniquitie to iniquitie euen so nowe geue youre members seruauntes vnto righteousnes that ye maye be sanctified The reward of sinne is death but eternal lyfe is the gyft of god through Iesus Christ our lord The .vii. Chapter THe woman which is in subiection to a man is bounde by the lawe to the man as longe as he liueth Yf the man be dead she is losed from the lawe of the man So then yf while the manne lyueth she
Iob .ix. Heauens are not cleane in gods sight Iob .xv. Heuinesse syrach .xxx. He that wyll not heare shall not be hearde za .vii. Hyered seruauntes muste dayelye be payde theyr wages To .iiii. Hyde not thy synnes prouer .xxviii. Honour thy mother To .iiii. Hoorders of corne prouer .xi. Honour thy father and howe syrach .iii. Howe a man shall vse hymselfe with a manne of might syrach .xiii Howe we shall fynde grace in the sight of god Syrach .xviii. Howe Elephantes maye be prouoked to fighte Macha vi Hunger of the worde of god Amos .viii. I. Iabell gene .iiii. Iacob and it significacion gen xxvii Iacob wrestleth with an aungell gene .xxxii. Iacobs dreame gene .xxviii. Iacobs dowe gen .xxviii. Iacobs loue to Rahell gene .xxix. Iacobs pollici gene .xxx. Iacobs humilitie gene .xxxii. Iacobs name is chaunged gene .xxxii. Iacob blesseth his chyldren gene .xlviii. Iacob helde Esau by the hele and what it meaneth .iiii. E. dras .vi Ose .xii. Iacob was troden vnder foote and why esa xiii Iabel slewe Sychara Iudg .iiii. I am that I am Exo iii. Ieremye was sanctifyed in his mothers wombe Ieremye .i. Ieremye prayeth for the people .ii. Mach .xv. Ieroboams hande .iii. Reg .xiii. Images grauen Deut .iiii. Innocent bloude cryeth vnto god gene .iiii. Imaginacion of man gene .viii. Innocente tongue Prouer .x. Iniquitie shall haue the vpper hande .iiii. Esd .v. Inheritaunce and to whome it shall descende for sacke of heyres nume .xxvii. Ioseph the dremer gene .xxvii. Iosephs fidelitie to his master gene .xxxix. Ioseph be mourneth his father gene .xlix. Ioseph commaunded that his father shoulde be enbaumed gene .l. Ioseph commaunded his bones to be taken out of Egipte gene l Iohn the Baptiste Esay .xl. Iosua fighteth agaynst Amalech Exo xvil Iosua as long as Moses helde vp his handes gat the victory Exo .xvii. Iosuas yeares Iosu .xxiiii. Ionathas bewe .ii. Reg .i. Ionas is caste into the sea Ionas .i. Ionas was .iii. dayes in the fishes bellye Iona .ii. Israell robbeth the Egiptians Exod .iii. Israelites neuer iourneye but at goddes commaundement nume .ix. Israell knoweth not god Esaye .i. Israel is s●yffe harted Ezechi .iii. Iust man lyueth be his faythe Aba .ii. Iudith fasted all he lyfe Iudith .viii. K. Keke thy mouth and keps thy lyfe prouer .xiii. Kepe thy owne counsell syra .xxxvii. Keye of the house of Dauid Esa .xxii. kyng O● and his bed of yron Deut .iii. kyng Dauids reigne .ii. Reg .v. kynges shoulde be wyse and learned Psal .ii. kynges displeature prouer .xvi. kynges harte prouer .xxi. kynges shoulde drinke no wyne proue .xxxi. kyng Zedechias eyes are put out Ieremi .xxxix. kynge Nabuchodonozor Dan .iiij. kynge Antiochus .ii. Macha .v. knowledge of wysedome prouer .xxiiii. knowledge engendereth care Preach .i. L Laban and his two wyues gene .xxix. Lamech and his two wyues gene .iiii. Lawe of god shoulde be soughte at the Priestes mouthe Mala .ii. Leper must be presented to the priest leui .xiii. Leper must dwell alone leui .xiii. Leper and howe the house that is infected with the Leper must be ordered leui .xiiii. Lefte handed men maruelous slyngers i●dg .xx. Lende vnto the poore Deut .xv. Lende not to the mightie syrach .viii. Leuites are goddes nume .iii. Liberalitie bryngeth plenty prouer .xi. Liberalitie bryngeth a man to honoure pro .xviii. Lyers with beastes Exo .xxii. leui .xviii. xx Lye with mankinde leui .xviii. Lyfe of man is but wynde Iob .vii. Lyfe of man is full of misery Iob .xiiii. Lyfe vncorrupt wisd .vi. Lyghtes two gene .i. Lyppes of a staunderer prouer .iiii. Lyppes of a harlot prouer .iiii. Let is taken prisoner and reskued gene xiii Lot receyued aungels gene ix Lot offereth his two doughte is to the Sodomites gene .xix. Loties wyfe gene .xix. Lottes psal .xxii. Louers of moneye preacher .v. Luci●er and his fall Esay .xiiii. M. Man hath the dominion of all thynges gene .i. Man is shaped of dust gene .ii. Iob .x. Man gaue euery beast his name gene .ii. Manne to be ioyned to his wyfe shall leaue father and mother gene .ii. Man hath the rule of the woman gene .iii. Man shall returne into duste gene .iii. Man mare rule synne gene .iiii. Man that gatherd stickes vpon the saboth day nu xxv Man ●yueth by the worde of god Deut .ii. Man that is fearefull or betrout hed to a wyfe shall not go to battayle Deut .xx. xxiiii Man with xxiiii fyngers and toes i. Chro .xx. Man neuer continueth in one slate Iob .xiiii. Man at the later daye shall receaue his bodye agayne Iob .xix. Man in the sighte of god is vncleane Iob .xxv. Man caryeth nothynge of his ryches with hym Iob .xxvii. Man hath all thynge in subiection psall .viii. Man shall he recompenst and how psal .xviii. Man is altogether vanitie psa .xxxix. Man is conceaued in synne psalm .li. Manne fadeth awaye lyke grasse Syrach .xiiii. Esaye .xiiii. Man hath frewyll syrach .xv. Man shall be knowen be his face syrach .xix. Man cannot rule hymselfe Iere .x. Man of Inde Ieremy .xiii. Mannes meate Mannes dayes are appoynted Iob .xiiii. Mans tyme commeth sodenly prea .ix. Malice of man gene .vi. Mandragora gene .xxx. Manna his tast and lykenes Exo .xvi. Nu .xi. Manna was eaten .xl. yeares Exo .xvi. Manna ceased Iosue .v. Manasses returned agayn to Ierusalē .ii. Cro. 33 Mary thy daughter syrach .vii. Makers of vnrighteous lawes Esay .x. Meke spirited psal .xxxvii. Mane Thetell Phares Daniel .v. Melchisedech the hye priest gene .xiiii. Many be created and fewe preserued .iiii. Es viii Mercy delyuereth from death Tob .iiii. xii Mercy and faythfulnes muste be wrytten in mās heart pro .iii. Men vnmete for the warres macha .iii Mynstrell .iiii. Reg .iii. Mont syon Aba .i. Moses and why he was so called Exo .ii. Moses brake the tables Erod .xxxii. Moses prayeth for the people Exo .xxxii. Moses fasted .xl. dayes and .xl. nightes ex 34. de 9 Moses full of mekenes Nume .xii. Moses with his rod smote the rocke Nume .xx. Moses yeares Deut .xxxiiii. Murder requireth murder Exod .xxi. Musyke garuisheth the feaste Syra xxxii N. Nadab and Abihu for censynge before the Lorde were consumed with fyre Leui .x. Nahas aunswer to the menne of Iabes .i. of the kyng .xi. Nathans aunswer to Dauid .ii. of the kynges .xii. Naked we came and naked we shall departe Iob .i. Preach .v. Name of god prouer .xviii. Newe frendes syrach .ix. Names of Christe Esaye .ix. Nimrod a mightye hunter gene .x. Niniuites and theyr repentaunce Ionas .ii. Noah and his three sonnes gene .vi. Noah was a husbande man gene .ix. Noah planted wynes gene .ix. Noah was dronken gene .ix. Noah two sonnes couerd his priuities gene .ix. No man maye se god and lyue Exo .xxxiii. No man shoulde be compelde to drynke Esther .i. None good on the earthe Myche .vii. Nothyng can be hidden from god Amos .ix. Number of all those that came with Iacob into Egipte gene .xlvi. Number of the Israelites that went to the wattes