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life_n animal_n atom_n vegetable_n 49 3 15.9141 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A53061 Poems, and fancies written by the Right Honourable, the Lady Margaret Newcastle. Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of, 1624?-1674. 1653 (1653) Wing N869; ESTC R17512 154,101 257

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severall tempers make But what is mixt doth of the Four partake Of Aiery Atomes THE Atomes long which streaming Aire makes Are hollow from which Forme Aire softnesse takes This makes that Aire and water neer agree Because in hollownesse alike they be For Aiery Atomes made are like a Pipe And watry Atomes Round and Cimball like Although the one is Long the other Round Yet in the midst a hollownesse is found This makes us thinke water turnes into Aire And Aire often runs into water faire And like two Twins mistaken they are oft Because their hollownesse makes both them soft Of Aire THE reason why Aire doth so equall spred Is Atomes long at each end ballanced For being long and each end both alike Are like to Weights which keep it steddy right For howsoere it moves to what Forme joyne Yet still that Figure lies in every line For Atomes long their 〈◊〉 are like a Thread Which interweaves like to a Spiders Web And thus being thin it so subtle growes That into every empty place it goes Of Earth WHY Earth's not apt to move but slow and dull Is Atomes flat no Vacuum hath ' butfull That Forme admits no empty place to bide All parts are fil'd having no hollow side And where no Vacuum is Motion is slow Having no empty places for to go Though Atomes all are small as small may bee Yet by their Formes Motion doth disagree For Atomes sharp do make themselves a Way Cutting through other Atomes as they stray But Atomes flat will dull and lazy lay Having no Edge or point to make a Way The weight of Atomes IF Atomes are as small as small can bee They must in quantity of Matter all agree And if consisting Matter of the same be right Then every Atome must weigh just alike Thus Quantity Quality and Weight all Together meets in every Atome small The bignesse of Atomes MHEN I say Atomes small as small can bee I mean Quantity quality and Weight agree Not in the Figure for some may shew Much bigger and some lesser so Take Water fluid and Ice that 's firme Though the Weight be just the Bulke is not the same So Atomes are some soft others more knit According as each Atome's Figured Round and Long Atomes hollow are more slacke Then Flat or Sharpe for they are more compact And being hollow they are spread more thin Then other Atomes which are close within And Atomes which are thin more tender far For those that are more close they harder are The joyning of severall Figur'd Atomes make other Figures SEverall Figur'd Atomes well agreeing When joyn'd do give another Figure being For as those Figures joyned severall waies The Fabrick of each severall Creature raise What Atomes make Change T IS severall Figur'd Atomes that make Change When severall Bodies meet as they do range For if they sympathise and do agree They joyne 〈◊〉 as one Body bee But if they joyne like to a Rabble-rout Without all order running in and out Then disproportionable things they make Because they did not their right places take All things last or dissolve according to the Composure of Atomes THose Atomes loosely joyn'd do not remaine So long as those which Closenesse do maintaine Those make all things i' th 〈◊〉 ebb and flow According as the moving Atomes go Others in Bodies they do joyne so close As in long time they never stir nor loose And some will joyne so close and knit so fast As if unstir'd they would for ever last In smallest Vegetables loosest Atomes lye Which is the reason they so quickly dye In Animals much closer they are laid Which is the cause Life is the longer staid Some Vegetables and Animals do joyne In equall strength if Atomes so combine But Animals where Atomes close lay in Are stronger then some Vegetables thin But in Vegetables where Atomes do stick fast As in strong Trees the longer they do last In Minerals they are so hard wedg'd in No space they leave for Motion to get in Being Pointed all the closer they do lye Which make them not like Vegetables dye Those Bodies where loose Atomes most move in Are Soft and Porous and many times thin Those 〈◊〉 Bodies never do live long For why loose Atomes never can be strong There Motion having power tosses them about Keeps them from their right places so Life goes out Of Loose Atomes IN every Braine loose Atomes there do lye Those which are Sharpe from them do Fancies flye Those that are long and Aiery nimble be But Atomes Round and Square are dull and sleepie Change is made by several-figur'd Atomes and Motion IF Atomes all are of the selfe same Matter As Fire Aire Earth and Water Then must their severall Figures make all Change By Motions helpe which orders as they range Of Sharpe Atomes THen Atomes Sharpe Motion doth mount up high Like Arrowes sharpe Motion doth make them flye And being sharpe and swift they peirce so deep As they passe through all Atomes as they meet By their swift motion they to bright Fire turne And being Sharpe they peirce which we call Burne What Atomes make Flame THose Atomes which are Long sharp at each end Stream forth like Aire in Flame which Light doth seem For Flame doth flow as if it fluid were Which shewes part of that Figure is like Aire Thus Flame is joyn'd two Figures into one But Fire without Flame is sharpe alone Of Fire and Flame ALthough we at a distance stand if great The Fire be the Body through will heat Yet those sharpe Atomes we do not perceive How they flye out nor how to us 〈◊〉 cleave Nor do they flame nor shine they cleare and bright When they 〈◊〉 out and on our Bodies strike The reason is they loose and scattered flye And not in Troupes nor do they on 〈◊〉 Like small dust 〈◊〉 which scatter'd all about We see it not nor doth it keep Light out When gathered thick up to a Mountaine high We see them then in solid Earth to lye Just so do Atomes sharpe looke cleere and bright When in heaps lye or in a streaming flight Of Fire in the Flint THE reason Fire lies in Flint unseene Is other Figur'd Atomes lye betweene For being bound and overpowred by A Multitude they do in Prison lye Unlesse that Motion doth release them out With as strong power which make them flye about But if that Flint be beat to powder small To sep'rate the grossest releas'd are all But when they once are out do not returne But seeke about to make another Forme Of the Sympathy of Atomes BY Sympathy Atomes are fixed so As past some Principles they do not go For count the Principles of all their workes You 'le finde there are not many severall sorts For when they do dissolve and new Formes make They still to their first Principles do take As Animals Vegetables Minerals So Aire Fire Earth Water falls Of the Sympathy of their Figures SUch Sympathy there is
attracts much like the Sun Is Atomes sharpe out from the Earth do come From the Circumference those like Bees arise As from a Swarm dispers'd sevr'ally flyes And as they wander meet with duller Formes Wherein they sticke their point then backe returnes Yet like a Bee which loaded is each Thigh Their weight is great they cannot nimbly flye So when their points are loaded heavy grow Can peirce no further backward must they go And as their Hives to Earth returne againe Thus by their travell they the Earth maintaine The Attraction of the Sun WHen all those Atomes which in Rayes do spread And ranged long like to a slender thread They do not seatter'd flye but joyne in length And being joyn'd though small add to their strength The further forth they streame more weake 〈◊〉 Although those Beames are fastened to the 〈◊〉 For all those Rayes which Motion sends downe low Are loose sharp Atomes from the Sun do flow And as they flow in severall Streames and Rayes They sticke their points in all that stop their waies Like Needle points whereon doth something sticke No passage make having no points to pricke Thus being stop'd strait-waies they backe do run Drawing those Bodies with them to the Sun The cause of the breaking of the Suns Beames IF Porous Atomes by the Sharpe are found They 're borne on points away as Prisoners bound But as they mount Atomes of their owne kinde If chance to meet strait helpe them to unbinde For Porous Atomes being soft and wet When Numbers meet they close together get And being glut they joyne together all By one consent they pull so backe do fall If they be round in showring Drops returne Like Beads that are upon a long thread strunge But if their Figures different be from those Then like a thicke and foggy mist it shewes Of the Rayes of the Sun THE Rayes are not so hot as is the Sun Because they are united strong to 〈◊〉 But with a Glasse those scatter'd Beames draw in When they 're united peirce through every thing But being separate they weake become And then like Cowards sev'rall waies they run Of the Beames of the Sun THose Splendent Beames which forth the Sun doth spread Are loose sharpe Atomes ranged long like Thread And as they streame if Porous bodies meet Sticke in their Points to us that 〈◊〉 is heat The Sun doth set the Aire on a light as some Opinions hold IF that the Sun so like a Candle is That all the Aire doth take a Light from his Not from Reflexion but by kindling all That part which we our Hemispheare do call Then should that Aire whereon his Light takes place Be never out unlesse that Substance waste Unlesse the Sun Extinguishers should throw Upon the Aire so out the Light doth go But sure the Suns reflexion gives the Light For when he 's gone to us it is darke Night For why the Sun is Atomes sharpe entire Being close wedg'd round is like a wheele of Fire And round that Wheele continually do flow Sharpe streaming Atomes which like Flame do shew And in this Flame the Earth its face doth see As in a Glasse as cleere as cleere may bee And when the Earth doth turne aside his face It is not seene but Darknesse in that place Or when the Moone doth come betwixt that Light Then is the Earth shut up as in darke Night What Atomes the Sun is made of THE Sun is of the sharpest Atomes made Close knit together and exactly laid The Fabricke like a Wheele is just made round And in the midst of all the Planets found And as the Planets move about the Sun Their Motions make the loose sharpe Atomes run Of Vapour LOose Atomes sharpe which Motion shoots about Sticke on loose Porous Atomes those draw out From those more close for these do highest lye Thus Vapour 's drawne toward the Region high But being their weight is equall with their owne They let them fall to Earth so backe returne Of Dewes and Mists from the Earth SOme Atomes sharpe thrust from the Earth some Round And then a Pearled dew lies on the ground But if they beare them on their sharpe points high Those being rais'd a Mist seemes to the Eye On the Circumference of the Earth there lies The loosest Atomes which are apt to rise Yet not to mount so high as to the Sun For being dull they becke to Earth returne As water which is shov'd with force of strength Is not so apt to move as run at length The Attraction of the Poles and of Frost THE North and South Attracts Contracts are like the Sun They freeze as hard as he with Heate doth burne For Atomes there are like to Pincers small By which they draw and others pull withall When Motion from the Poles shoots them about Mixing with Porous bodies when they 're out And with those Pincers small those Bodies nip So close and hard they cannot from them get Unlesse that fiery Atomes sharpe do peirce Betwixt those Pincers small so do release Those Porous Atomes like an Aule that bores Or like a Picklocke which doth open doors For when they 're opened by those fiery Aules Let go their holds which Men a Thaw strait calls If not they pinch those Bodies close together Then men do say it is hard Frosty weather Quenching out of Fire THE Atomes round t is not their Numbers great That put out Fire quenching both Light and Heate But being wet they loosen and unbinde Those sharpe dry Atomes which together joyn'd For when they are dispers'd their power 's but small Nor give they Light nor Heate if single all Besides those Atomes sharpe will smother'd be Having no vent nor yet Vacuity For if that Fire in a place lies close Having no vent but stop'd it strait out goes There is no better Argument to prove That Vacuum is then to see Fire move For if that Fire had not Liberty To run about how quickly would it dye Quenching and Smothering out of Heat and Light doth not change the Property nor Shape of sharpe Atomes T IS not that Atomes sharpe do change their Forme When Heat and Flame is out but Motion 's gone When Motion 's gone sharpe Atomes cannot pricke Having no force in any thing to sticke For if the Sun quicke Motion mov'd it not T' would neither shine nor be to us so hot Just so when Creatures dye change not their Forme That kinde of Motion which made Life is gone For Animall Spirits which we Life do call Are onely of the sharpest Atomes small Thus Life is Atomes sharpe which we call Fire When those are stopt or quench'd Life doth expire Of a Sparke of Fire A Sparke of Fire is like a Mouse doth eate Into a Cheese although both hard and great Just so a Sparke although it be but small If once those Points can fasten peirce through all Of a Coale