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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A50674 The touchstone of wills, testaments, and administrations being a compendium of cases & resolutions touching the same : carefully collected out of the ecclesiastical, civil and canon-laws, as also out of the customs, common laws, and statutes of this kingdom / by G. Meriton ... Meriton, George, 1634-1711. 1668 (1668) Wing M1811; ESTC R11357 81,710 267

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reason of incertainty because it is a Testament ad pias causas By the Poor therefore is understood the Poor of the Parish where the Testator did dwell and keep house and the Ordinary is to take care that the Poor have their due according to the meaning of the Testator Also if the Testator bequeath any goods or money to the Parishioners of any Parish to the use of the Church such a Bequest is good and the Legacie may be recovered by the Churchwardens who albeit in every respect they be not a lawful Corporation yet in this respect in favour of the Church they are accounted a lawful Corporation And where it is said that unlawful Colledges or Companies c. not Incorporated by the Kings Authority cannot be Executors yet in such case if the several and particular persons by name of an unlawful Colledge c. be appointed Executors they are not to be repelled Franc. Mantica deconject ult Volunt li. 8. tit 5. num 2. ●iraquel tract de privileg piae causae privileg 56. Lambert Tract de Officio Gardianarum fo 43. Bro. tit Corporation num 55 73 77 84. Fulb. li. 1. fo 42 43. Swin part 7. sect 8. 100. If the Testator make his own kin his Executors in this case those of kin who are nearest to him and should have had the Administration if the Testator had died Intestate shall be first admitted and enjoy the Executorship during their lives and after their deaths then the other next of kin to the Testator is to be admitted successively one after another and not all together but if the Testator make another mans kindred his Executors in such case they are all to be admitted together to the Executorship Simo. de Praetis de interp ult Volunt li 3. fo 91. num 28. Mich. Grass thesaur com opin sect Instit quaest 20. sect Fidei commiss quaestio 16. sect Legat. quaest 41. Swin part 7. sect 8. num 10. 101. Where the Testator makes the next of his kin his Executor and dies without issue of his body in this case the father or mother if living shall have the Executorship as next of kin to their son contrary to the Judgement given in the 5 E. 6. in the Duke of Sussolk's Case which Case is now over-ruled and not held for Law Co. 3. lib. fo 40. in Ratcliff s Case there Cowels Inst p. 40. Trin. 22 Car. 1. B. R. Styles Regestum practicale p. 21. Swin part 7. sect 8. in fine 102. If the Testator say I make A or B my Executors in this case it is all one as if he had said I make A and B my Executors unless it be where the Testator bears more affection to the one then to the other and then he which he bears most affection to shall be preferred as where the Testator makes his brother or John at Style his Executors in this case the brother shall be first admitted and after his death then John at Style if he be living shall be admitted Also where one of the persons so named is incapable then the dis-junctive standeth properly and the other shall be admitted alone to the Executorship Jul. Clar. sect Testament quaest 80. num 5. Swin part 7. sect 9. 103. An Excommunicate person so long as he standeth in the Sentence of Excommunication is not to be admitted to an Executorship by the Ordinary nor can he commence any Suit there for his Legacie Michael Grass thesaur com opin sect Institutio quaestio 4. Swin part 5. sect 6. 104. Bastards begotten and born in Adultery or Incest are not capable of any benefit by the Testament or Last Will of their Incestuous or Adulterous parents except there be onely so much bequeathed as will suffice for their competent Alimentation or Relief that is to say for their Food Clothing Lodging and other meet and convenient necessaries according to the degree and ability of their parents or that it be in case of Lands Tenements and Hereditaments for there a man may by his Testament or Will in writing devise to his Bastard all his Lands Tenements or ●ereditaments and such Bastard may sue for the same and recover them and so it was adjudged in the Lady Griffins Case upon the Testament of Sir Francis Wortly who devised all his Lands to his base daughter Mich. 18 Car. 2. B. R. Mich. G●●ss thesaur com opin sect Instit quaest 7. Gabr. com Conclus li. 6. tit de Aliment conclusio 1. num 5 31. Menoch praesump li. 4. praesumptio 157. num 3. 32 H. 8. c. 1. Brac. li. 2. c. 7. Swin part 2. sect 17. part 5. sect 7. 105. Note also that these incestuous or Adulterous Bastards may be Executor to any other person saving to their natural parents and are capable of a Legacie bequeathed to them from any other person yea even to their own Incestuous or Adulterous brethren they may be Executors or receive any other Testamentary benefit from them Jul. Clar. sect Testament quaestio 31. num 4. Swin part 5. sect 7. 106. Also where they are appointed but onely bare and nude Executors and receive no benefit by the Testament in such case they be admitted Executors to their own natural parents Simo● de Praeti● de interp ult Volunt● li. 5. fo 17. num 27. Swin part 5. sect 7. 107. The Adulterous Grandfather may bequeath any thing to the lawful children of his own unlawful sons or daughters or make them his Executors but so cannot the Incestuous Grandfather Covar in D. cap. 8. de Sponsal part 2. sect 5. num 13. Bald. C. de Incest Swin part 5. sect 7. 108. Several other persons there are who by the Civil and Ecclesiastical Laws are prohibited Testamentary benefits but being that I finde little or no mention made of them either in our Common or Statute-Laws which limit the power of those Spiritual Courts here in England I shall therefore pass them over in silence and proceed to the next Chapter CHAP. V. Of the several ways of appointing a● Executor 109. TO name or to appoint one as Executor is to place one in stead of the Testator who may enter to the Testators goods and chattels and have an Action against the Testators Debtors and may dispose of the same goods and chattels towards the payment of the Testators Debts and performance of his Will which if he neglect to do he may be sued by the Creditors or Legataries so long as he hath Assetts in his hands Noys Max. p. 101. Terms of the Law verb. Executor Swin 4. sect 2. 110. Now this naming or appointing an Executor is the head of the Testament and as the body is dead that lacketh an head so the Testament is as it were dead that lacketh an Executor for it is the foundation of the Testament and no Testament can stand without it or be called a Testament and though there be never so many Legacies or Devises given therein yet it is but a Codicil or Will and not
Goods in his hands of the first Testators the surviving Executor may have an Action against him for the same and if the surviving Executor do afterwards dye intestate yet cannot the Executor of the Executor meddle with the Goods of the first Testator but Administration thereof is to be committed to the next of Kin to the Testator and if the Executor of the Executor or who dyed first meddle with the Goods then he may be sued by the Creditors as Executor in his own wrong Bro. Exec. 92 99 149 160. Swin part 4. sect 20. 259. If one make another his Executor and dyeth and the Executor before he hath proved the Will maketh another his Executor and dyeth in this Case Administration of the first Testators Goods with the Will annexed shall be committed to the next of Kin of the first Testator and not to the Executor of the Executor unless the first Testator did bequeath his Goods as his Debts Funeral-expences and Legacies paid to the Executor named in the Testament and then in such case the Administration of the first Testators Goods is to be committed with the Will annexed to the Executor of the Executor Dyer fol. 372. num 42. M. 23 El. Isteds Ca. Swin part 6. sect 3 260. Note that if divers be appointed Executors and one of them doth sell some of the Testators Goods for a sum of money then that Executor which sold the Goods may sue alone for the money due for the same Swin part 4. sect 20. Bro. Exec. num 65. 261. Where divers persons are made Executors and the Testator gives them power to sell his Lands in this case though some of them dye or do refuse the Executorship yet the others who take upon them the charge and burden of the same Testament and Will may sell the Lands except in some Cases Perkins sect 545. Pasch 46 E. 3. Devise 8. 21 H. 8. cap. 4. 39 〈◊〉 pl. 17. Co. on Litt. fol. 113. Swin part 6. sect 3. Dyer fol. 371. See Howel and Barnes case Mich. 10 Car. 1. Cro. 1 part 262. As where the Testator Deviseth that after his death his Lands shall be sold by his Executors with the assent of A B maketh his Wife and a Stranger his Executors and dyeth and then the Wife dyeth and A B also in this Case the Authority of selling the Lands is extinct and gone by the death of A B without whose consent it cannot be sold and therefore if the surviving Executor should sell such sale is void Brownlowes part Rep. fol. 100. Mich. 5 Eliz. Dyer fol. 219. Fulb. fol. 41. Swin part 6. sect 3. 263. But if a man Devise by his Will that A B and C D whom he makes his Executors shall sell his Land for payment of his Debts and they refuse to be Executors yet notwithstanding they may sell the Lands because they are named by their proper names or if one of the Executors dyeth and the other taketh upon him the Executorship and afterwards selleth the Lands such sale is good 15 H. 7 12. Perkins sect 548. 19 H. 8 9. Swin part 6. sect 3. 264. But where a man by his Will maketh A B C and D his Executors Devises his Lands to the said A B C and D by their special names and to their Heirs and further deviseth that the Devisee shall sell his Lands for payment of his Debts and one of the Executor refuses to intermeddle in this case it hath been held that this being a special and joynt interest the other three Executors thereupon cannot sell without their Compa●ion Mich. 29 Eliz. B. R. Bonnisant and Sir Rich. Greenfields case Godbolts Rep. fol. 77. And sec 26 El. B. R. Vincent and Lees case Co. on Litt. fol. 113. 265. My Lord Cooks advice is to such who devise by their Wills their Lands to be sold that they make it as certain as they can as that the sale be made by his Executors or the Survivor or Survivors of them if his meaning be so or by such or so many of them as take upon them the Probat of the VVill c. and it is better to give them an Authority then an Estate unless his meaning be they should take the profits of the Lands in the mean time and then it is necessary that he deviseth that the mean profits be assets in their hands for otherwise they shall not be Assets Co. on Li●t fol. 113. 266. If a man devise his lands to be sold by his Executors and to distribute the profits to Pious uses yet after the death of the Testator the Inheritance shall descend to the Heir and shall remain in him until the Executors sell the same and the Heir ought to receive the profits thereof till the time of the sale but if the Testator devise his lands to his Executors which he willeth to be sold and the money to be distributed to Pious uses here the Executors after the Testators death shall receive the Profits and not the Heir for in the first case the Executors have only an Authority to sell and in the last case they have the frank-Tenement Brownl 2 part Rep. fol. 136. Noye● Max. pag. 100 101. 38. Ass Pl. 3. Perkins sect 541 and 543. Swin part 6. sect 3. num 7. Cowels Inst pag. 139. 267. Note that the Executor of an Executor cannot sell the land of the first Testator who by his Testament gave power to his Executor to sell the same but it shall go to the Heir unless the Will be otherwise Bro. Tit. Executor 3. Perkins sect 507 554. Swin part 6. sect 3. num 11. in fin 268. If a man willeth that his Executors shall joyntly sell his land or that his Executors and his Feoffees shall joyntly sell his land in such case if one Executor sell to one and the other to another or if the Executors sell to one and the Feoffees to another and afterwards they joyn in the sale to a third person in such case the last sale onely is good and the other voyd Perkins sect 546 and 553. 269. If a man willeth his lands shall be sold for the payment of his Debts and express not by whom it shall be sold then the Executors shall sell it but if he willeth his land to be sold and express not by whom nor for what in such case it hath been held that such Devise is void and the land shall not be sold but descend to the Heir Perkins sect 547. 15 H. 7. 12. 270. The Executors or Administrators of Tenants in Fee-simple Fee-Tayl and Tenants for term of life of Rent-services Rent-charges Rent-sects and Fee-farms by the Stat. of 32 H. 8. may either distrain or have an Action of Debt against such Tenant as is behind and in Arrear to the Testator at the same time of his Death for such Arrearages of Rent as ought to have been paid to the Testator in his life-time and if the Tenant who was in arrear be dead then they may