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A22507 A commentarie vpon the fourth booke of Moses, called Numbers Containing, the foundation of the church and common-wealth of the Israelites, while they walked and wandered in the vvildernesse. Laying before vs the vnchangeable loue of God promised and exhibited to this people ... Heerein also the reader shall finde more then fiue hundred theologicall questions, decided and determined by William Attersoll, minister of the word. Attersoll, William, d. 1640.; Attersoll, William, d. 1640. Pathway to Canaan.; Attersoll, William, d. 1640. Continuation of the exposition of the booke of Numbers. 1618 (1618) STC 893; ESTC S106852 2,762,938 1,336

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reiect Hereby then we see that a man is not to be excommunicated and put out of the Church for euery trifle or for euery sinne but for scandals and offences that are notorious A master will not discharge out of his house a seruant that hath serued him for euery trespas neither doth the Magistrate draw the sword for euery breach of the law So ought it to be with the officers of the Church Again excommunication must not be vsed at the first but as the last remedy A Chirurgeon accounteth lancing searing cutting a desperate cure When he commeth to his patient and findeth swelling and soares in the body he doth not by and by proceede to cutting off an arme or legge he vseth first purging and other gentle meanes to try whether he can do any good that way or not So should it be with vs according to the counsel and commandement of Christ he requireth priuate admonitions exhortations priuate reproofes and rebukes and then two or three with vs Mat. 18 1● that in the mouth of two or three witnesses euery word may be established There is required of vs patience and much lenity waiting whether he will by this meanes be amended Lastly we may gather from hence that whiles sinne is secret and vnknowne no man can bee excommunicated but then onely when it is made publike and manifest vnto all Now then it is made publike when the Church is acquainted with it The fourth point in excommunication The fourth part of the description is this that it stretcheth to him only that cannot otherwise be brought to repētance The cause then why the church is compelled to proceed so farre against some of her children is obstinacy impenitēcy For when there is in such offenders both open wickednes whereby the Church is offended notable stubbornenes wherby the church is contemned so that they can by no meanes of the word publikely of the admonitiō priuatly be reformed excommunication must follow of necessity that hereby if it be possible some good may be wrought in them Hereupon Christ himselfe saith If he neglect to heare the Church let him be vnto thee as an heathen or a Publican Mat. 18 17. Such therfore as haue offended and truly repent of their sins giuing euident testimonies of their vnfained conuersion ought to be spared not censured to be comforted not terrified to bee retained in the church not reiected cast out of the Church Secondly this sheweth that impenitency is a most greeuous sin and next to infidelity the greatest For as faith is the mother of repentance so is an vnbeleeuing heart the cause of impenitency Of all iudgements that God bringeth vpon the sonnes of men none is greater then the want of repentance to haue an heart that cannot repent To fall into whoredome drunkennes are greeuous sins and wound the conscience weaken our comfort and assurance howbeit to continue in them without feeling of them and turning from them is worse then the committing of the sins themselues This made the Apostle say Rom. 2 4● Despisest thou the riches of his goodnes and forbearing and long suffering not knowing that the goodnesse of God leadeth thee to repentance But after thine hardnesse and impenitent heart thou treasurest vp vnto thy selfe wrath against the day of wrath and reuelation of the righteous iudgment of God Among all the blessings of God giuen vnto vs wee must make great account of a soft and tender heart which the Prophet calleth an heart of flesh opposed and set against the stony heart Such are soone checked and controlled Lastly wee learne from hence to make a difference betweene sin and sin and betweene sinner and sinner All men fall into sin and if we say we haue no sin we deceiue our selues and make God a lyar Neuerthelesse some are penitent sinners they hate their sins and doe with might and maine striue against them They fight against them as against their enemies Others cherish sinne in themselues and are resolued to continue in them They make no conscience of them and cannot be brought to repent for them Such are not fit to be held members of Christ and Citizens of the kingdome of heauen therefore iustly deserue to be cast out of the church ●fth ●f the de●on The fift point containeth and includeth in it the substance of excommunication namely that it driueth impenitent offenders from the visible and outward communion of the Saints from whence also it hath his name Open sinners and scandalous liuers are not worthy to liue among the faithfull nor to come to publike prayers nor to be partakers of the Sacraments nor to be admitted to the assemblies of the Church forasmuch as they would prophane all they touch as Adam the tree of life and therefore was driuen out of the garden Hence it is that Christ would haue vs account them as heathen and Publicanes The Gentiles for religions sake were enemies to the church and therfore in religion the Iewes were to abstaine from their society fellowship whereas in common affaires of this life they were not so restrained ●t the ●icanes 〈◊〉 The Publicanes were such as had receiued an office from the Romanes to whom the Iewes were subiect to gathet tribute being as it were Collecters of subsidies taskes and tallages impoled vpon the Iewes who thought it vnfit and vniust that they beeing the Lords people should pay tribute and custome to the Gentiles as appeareth in the history of Hezekiah and of Ioachim in the bookes of the Kings and by the question propounded vnto Christ in the Gospel ●h 22 17. Is it lawfull to giue tribute vnto Cesar or not Wherfore they were accounted the enemies of the people and the betraiers of their owne Nation they coupled them with sinners and hated thē vnto the death albeit they professed the same religion and oftentimes met together in the place of Gods worship They abhorred these and could by no meanes brook abide these men who for the most part were extreme couetous and catch-polles ●e 19 8. exacting more then was due for them to receiue or the people to pay howbeit they hated them not as the enemies of their religion but as men of a wicked offensiue life The Apostle likewise decreeing and determining what should bee done with the incestuous person willeth the church to deliuer him to Satan 〈◊〉 5 5 7 13 to purge out the old leauē and to put away from among themselues that wicked person Heereby then we see that these obstinate offenders are to be separated frō those good things which the Lord commandeth communicateth in his church as the word sacraments praiers These are holy things for holy and sanctified persons but they are as filthy swine to whom holy things may not bee cast and as dogs to whom the childrens bread doth not belong Now one of the cheefest ends of the censures of the Church is
holy groūd Exod. 3.5 Iosh 5.15 This we shold al consider whē we meet together in one place and carefully remember that the place in which we assemble is holy ground and therefore we should take heed we doe not abuse it Obiect But is that ground wherupon Temples or Churches stand more holy then other I answer Answ no it is not in it self there is no more holinesse in it then in other but in respect of the assembly therein gathered together and of the exercises of religion therein performed it is for that present more holy and better to be accounted and esteemed then all other places and peeces of ground whatsoeuer This made the Prophet say Psal 84.10 A day in thy Courts is better then a thousand I had rather bee a doore-keeper in the house of my God then to dwell in the tents of wickednesse We see how carefull all men are whensoeuer they goe abroad and come into any publike place and presence of men to adorne the outward man decently lest being seene in an vnseemely manner they be condemned and despised especially if they be to appeare before some great person as we see in Ioseph Gen. 41.14 When they brought him before the presence of Pharaoh he shaued himselfe and hee changed his raiment and so came vnto him How much more then should wee looke to our selues to the inward man to the heart that we come not carelesly contemptuously before him that searcheth the hearts and reines If any aske how we may prepare our selues and behaue our selues Obiect that we may be accounted fit to come before Gods presence I answere Answer we must practise three duties first wee must embrace true godlinesse and righteousnesse and cast out of our hearts as filthinesse out of our houses all impiety and vnrighteousnesse The gates of Gods house into which hee will enter are the gates of righteousnes and none shall enter into them but the righteous Psal 118.16 Open to me the gates of righteousnesse I will goe into them and I will praise the Lord this gate is the Lords into which the righteous shal enter When Iacob went to Bethel to build for God an altar and to worship him first he clensed his house of idols and commanded his houshold to be cleane Gen. 35.2 ● therby shadowing out the purity of their harts To this purpose doth Dauid testifie Psal 26.6 that he would wash his hands in innocency and then afterward he would compasse his altar So then so often as we intend to come to the house of God we must rid our hearts of wickednesse as it were our ground of weedes and so sanctifie them that they may be fit vessels to receiue heauenly graces They that doe otherwise shall neuer reape any benefit by the holy assemblies of the Saints let them resort thither neuer so often Secondly we must not onely shunne and shake off things vngodly and vnlawfull in themselues but euen such things that in time and place may be followed and are commanded to be done of vs to wit the care of earthly things and thoughts vpon the matters of this world These haue their time but their time is out of time when the time serueth to serue the Lord and we are to sanctifie a Sabboth vnto him These indeed haue their place but they haue no place in the place of Gods worship and therefore must be displaced out of our hearts before we come to the house of God A vessell full of myre and puddle cannot receiue any sweet and wholesome liquor though ye powre it vpon it all the day long and if our minds and hearts be forestalled with the cares of this life and the cogitations of earthly things they are no way capable of heauenly things they are full fraught and stuffed already and so leaue no roome or receit for better things These are ranke thornes that choke the word Lastly we must consider that we haue to deale with God and not with man and be ready to receiue without contradiction or resisting without mincing and mangling whatsoeuer is deliuered vnto vs by the Ministers of God and from the warrant of Scriptures This must be the end that we aime at when we come into the Church Ant●m Fa●●● comment 〈◊〉 Eccle. 4. to heare the word of life to learne the way of saluation and to embrace the doctrine of trueth and saluation It was the manner of the Priestes and Leuites to interprete the Law and the Prophets were wont to preach their Sermons to the people gathered together in great multitudes in the Temple Ierem. chap. 7. verse 2. where Ieremy is commanded to stand in the gate of the Lords house 〈◊〉 2 7. and proclaime there this word Let vs therefore prepare our hearts to obedience by setting before vs the presence of God present by his word present by his grace present by his Sacraments present by all his ordinances and by his blessing vpon his ordinances Thus doth the Prophet prophesie that the people call one to another and say Come ye and let vs goe vp to the Mountaine of the Lord ●●y 1 3. to the house of the God of Iacob and he will teach vs he doth not say the Ministers but the Lord himselfe will teach vs his waies and we will walke in his paths A notable meanes to worke much good in vs and the cheefest way to touch our hearts with feare and reuerence knowing that we haue to do with Gods word nay with God himselfe Thus did Cornelius consider Acts 10 33. when he saide to Peter We are all heere present before GOD to heare all things that are commanded thee of God Let vs examine our selues by these few rules and by them we shall know whether we come aright or not to the house of God with due reuerence and preparation Let not the Minister sowe among thornes but grub them out of the ground of your hearts that so yee may bring foorth fruites with patience Secondly obserue from the law of contraries Vse 2 that Satan is present in all places of Idolatry wickednesse impiety and prophanenes For as God is present where he is worshipped so is the Prince of this world that ●u●eth in all the children of disobedience present also where he is serued Thus speaketh Christ our Sauiour to the Church of Pergamus Reuel 2 13. I know thy workes where thou dwellest euen where Satans throne is So then where vngodlinesse is set vp and maintained there is Satan present nay there he is president there is Satans seat and there he keepeth ●esidence O that all wicked and vngodly persons were throghly perswaded of the truth of this point and that they would diligently weigh with themselues that Satan is oftentimes neere thē euen at their elbowes when they thinke him to be farre from them and th●mselues out of gunshot as we vse to speake and free from all danger For if he will intrude himselfe and winde in himselfe among
day And if the voice of Christ in the daies of his humility were so fearefull and auailable in the hearts of his persecuters what a dreadfull thunderbolt will hee cast downe against all his enemies and vpon all the reprobate being in glory and sitting at the right hand of his Father when he shall vtter this finall and fearefull sentence Goe ye cursed into euerlasting fire prepared for the diuell and his angels Math. chapter 25 verse 41. Againe wee are all put in minde that his death is meritorious and the full price of our redemption Thirdly we see that he is Lord of life and death for he raised himselfe by his eternall Spirit and as he had power to lay it downe so he had power to take it vp as appeared euidently at his resurrection Let vs serue him that is able to redeeme from death such as beleeue in him and rest vpon him for their saluation He that restored himselfe to life is able to giue vs life and he that brake the sorrowes of death is able to destroy him that hath the power of death Lastly let vs also endure the crosse willingly following his steps and shewing our selues to be like vnto him remembring that the losse of life for his sake is indeed not a losse of life but a finding of it or a changing of it a temporall life with an eternall Fourthly the heiffer heere mentioned was brought out of the hoast as also other sacrifices were Leuit 4 12 21. this signified Christs suffering out of the gates of the City as Heb. 13 11 12. Iohn 19 16 17 20. This circumstance is not without profite for first it sheweth and signifieth the abolishing of the types and figures of the Law the truth standing in place of the ceremonies and the body instead of the shadowes and therefore such as still serue at the Altar cannot bee partakers of our Altar that is of Christ Hebr. 13 10. Wee haue an Altar whereof they haue no right to eate which serue the Tabernacle The false Apostles taught that the ceremonies were to be mingled with the Gospel but these two cannot stand togegether because the seruice performed in the tabernacle was but a shadow of better things to come Col. 2 verse 17. But the body is Christ Wherefore to obserue them was to deny Iesus Christ and to keep them still in force was as much as to ouerthrow his sacrifice once offered vpon the Crosse They are therfore much deceiued that goe about to bring into vse againe Altars of wood or of stone in the churches of Christians For the Apostle speaketh not of Altars as of many but of the Altar as of one There is but one Altar in all the Church not infinite Altars and by that one Altar hee vnderstandeth the offering vpon the Altar which is no other then Christ himselfe So then wee may as well bring in the Leuiticall sacrifices as the Leuiticall Altars into the Church of Christ forasmuch as these depend one vpon another the sacrifice hauing relation to the Altar and the Altar to the sacrifice Math. 23 verses 19 20. whereas now we haue no more need either of the one or of the other For we haue an Altar and an offering which by offering of himselfe once vp a full and sufficient price for our redemption hath perfected all that are sanctified Againe as Christ was led out of the gates by the Iewes as though he were vnworthy of the society of men and afterward was crucified betweene two theeues as if he were the greatest malefactour of all hauing before preferred a wretched murtherer before him so let it not seeme strange vnto vs if the world cannot abide vs and if wee bee often made a gazing stocke to men and Angels and accounted as the off-scouring of the world and the filth of the earth 1 Corinth 4 verse 9. But howsoeuer the world do iudge of vs let vs appeale from their corrupt iudgement to the righteous iudgement of God saying with Iob Behold my Witnesse is in heauen and my Record is on high Iob 16 verse 19. Hee accepteth of vs as of his children and will admit vs as heires of his kingdome with his Sonne Lastly Christ was turned out of the City to teach vs what wee must account of our selues in this life that we haue heere no place to rest and repose our selues our hope is concerning things that are not seene Hebr. 13 verses 13 14. Let vs goe foorth vnto him without the Campe bearing his reproach for wee haue heere no continuing City but we seeke one to come As then we must bee content to beare part of the Crosse of Christ and to bee reproched as he was reproched for if we wil not beare part of his crosse wee shall not weare part of his Crowne so also wee must account our selues as Pilgrims and strangers in this world that we may enioy his kingdome in the world to come We must bee content to leaue father and mother lands and liues for his sake knowing that we shall finde all againe with a good aduantage Such as refuse to goe out of the Campe of this world to Christ and begin to nestle themselues as if they had heere a sure certaine habitation what other thing remaineth for them but vtterly to perish in the Camp of this world together with the wicked Our hope is in heauē our ankre is fixed fast aboue not in this world but in the next wee seeke not a kingdome vpon the earth for then wee should deceiue our selues God hath not called vs heere to reigne but to suffer Thus it was with all the fathers Gen. chapter 47 ver 9. Hebrewes chapter 11 verses 13 14. The Heathen people accounted this life as it were an Inne to lodge at for a short season Cicero de s●● not an house to dwell in and continue for euer yet those poore soules knew not whither they went but we know whither we goe and the way we know Iohn 14 4. We looke for a City which hath foundations whose builder maker is God Heb. 11 10. Vse 4 Lastly this purging and purifying water sprinkling the vncleane mentioned in this place is a figure of the blood of Christ fit and sufficient as a well of springing water to purge vs from all our sinnes Leuit. 1 13. Zach. 13 1. In that day there shall bee a fountaine opened vnto the house of Dauid and to the inhabitants of Ierusalem and for separation from vncleannesse so the words are in the originall in which the Prophet alludeth to these waters of separation in this place Christ is this fountaine flowing of it selfe open and ready vnto euery one that will drinke of it for the cleansing of sinnes And we heard before out of the Apostle that the blood of Christ which through the eternall Spirit offered himselfe without spot to God purgeth our consciences from dead works to serue the liuing God Now the blood of Christ purgeth our consciences two