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A66465 Poetical piety, or, Poetry made pious by rendering into its method observations arising from various divine subjects, useful for these prophane and enormous times : to which is added, a brief alphabetical expositor, explaining the most intricate words made use of in this book, to the conception of a mean reader, and may serve as a remembrancer to the imperfect memory / by William Williams ... Williams, William, of Cardigan. 1677 (1677) Wing W2785; ESTC R8078 64,141 220

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sate upon his Throne Till Lucifer their Prince he thron'd in Hell To be the Prince of Devils that 's his name The Prince of darkness does imply the same X. * The names ascribed to the Devil and the distinction of Devils Pluto old Serpent Belzebub imply No more than what by Lucifer is meant These noted names do only fignifie The Prince of Devils or their President Those that Inferior are to his degree His Devilish Angels Imps and Fiends must be XI * None called Angels in Hell but those that fell with Lucifer As I conceive his Angels are no more Than those with him at first from Heaven fell The name of Angels they enjoy'd before Confer'd by Heaven not impos'd by Hell And since that Heaven canoniz'd the name Of Angels Hell cannot Create the same XII Tho Hell cannot Create it can confound Those Angel Spirits that have fallen therein Whil'st they in their ambition did abound Foresaw not this the consequence of sin Until experience did by wo convince Them of their doom with Lucifer their Prince XIII Dismall their case that from so happy state Were Damn'd Eternal to Infernall flame Kindl'd in wrath as their deserved fate That through presumption thus accurst became Objects of hatred Captives chain'd to wo In Hells Dark Region with those flames below XIV Proud Lucifer fell to the lowest pit Of sorrow from the highest place of Joy 'T was loftiness made him descend to it Where consternation does the damn'd annoy When they conceive how endless is their grief And how remediless is their relief XV. * Lucifers Court His subterranean and sub-marine Court Is Hell's Infernall fiery liquid Lake Th'admitted Subjects there to him resort Are those that Heavens Monarch do forsake Where all do envy men on Earth and hate Angels that still keep their Caelestiall state XVI * Lucifer tempted Adam and Eve in Paradice Prince Lucifer it was that cast a rape On Adams Innocence and that of Eve This Satan did assume the Serpents shape In Paradice both parties to deceive Perswading them that they should gain the skil Of God as Gods to know both good and ill XVII I steadfastly believe he cannot err Who sayes that Adam tempted was to fall And that his Tempter was this Lucifer God demoniz'd whom we a Devil call His fraud through Envy Treachery and Spite Rob'd Adam of his Innocence and right XVIII * Since the Devil must remain in Hell he would have all be in his condition This Angel now infernall envies those Caelestiall Angels that remain in bliss He can no comfort to himself propose But misery since mercy he did miss Which adds unto his malice so that he In his condition covets all to be XIX Nor is his malice towards these alone But as unlimited it do's abound To Adams Race of mankind every one Should God permit he would then all confound For like a Roaring Lion seeking prey The world he ranges duly night and day XX. But to conclude and to encourage man The Devils chain'd by Gods Immortall might His force and power overcome none can Unless to do his will they take delight Which some attempt as if of reason void Dread no destruction till they are destroy'd A brief Appendix to the fall of Angels AS for these damned Spirits that have fell Through Sin from Heaven or from Earth to Hell They are confin'd for ever there to dwell There Lucifer can never more regain A place in Heaven him to free from pain He 's bound there Captive by Eternal chain To manifest a real truth in brief Hell shall deliver all not for relief But at the Judgement to augment their grief Pride and ambition did the Angels sway Unto Rebellion ' gainst their God and they Gain'd condemnation vengeance was their pay Though these from Heaven unto Hell did fall Their case did caution Adam not at all He through presumption throw's himself in thrall When God made Adam Innocent and free From sin almost an Angel in degree Like Lucifer this man a God would be * The difference betwixt Lucifer and Adams ambition But here the difference lies betwixt these twain Proud Lucifer Gods power sought to gain Fond Adam aim'd Gods knowledge to obtain One did the other tempt this that bewray'd 'T was Lucifer alone his lewres display'd For Adam and his Innocence betray'd And since that both did thus alike transgress God executes on both his righteousness Both sin'd both suffer'd Justice to express SUBJECT IX A Brief narration of the Second Adam Intimated by the Womans Seed in Genesis 3.15 as in repaying the loss of the first Adam and purchasing Heaven for his posterity who in the Loins of Adam had forfeited the same by his Prevarication in Paradice The first man Adam sin'd in him men fell The Second Adam men redeem'd from Hell ADam's destroy'ds the Woman him mis-led The Serpent poyson'd Eve his Seed are dead But yet her Seed shall bruise the Serpents head Of all Gods promises this is the prime Of mans Redemption in the space of time From death and Hell incur'd by Adams crime Though death from this first Adam did derive To all his Seed and all of Life deprive The Second Adam can make all alive In case that any should of me demand Do I mean those who are already damn'd I answer no all that on Earth shall stand Believ'd I not this Doctrine then too blame I were since under Heaven found no name Save Jesus and salvation by the same * Every Soul alive may be capable of Salvation I Question not but every Soul alive Might gain Salvation that will truly strive To know his Saviour and in grace to thrive * Christ di'd for every Soul alive The Universe so great so large so wide Can in no secret place obscure or hide One single Soul for which Christ has not di'd But yet it follows not because that he Thus di'd for all that all should saved be Faith and Repentance must to this agree On this condition Christ saves all from wo He saves not whether that we will or no To save he 's all-sufficient saves none so Salvation then was render'd on this-wise Christ made himself an humble Sacrifice That humble sinners might his Saints arise When the offender has through his offence To the offended offer'd violence He shall be freed through Faith and Penitence That freely sin'd as freely should confess All his offences be they more or less If he be Righteous by Christs Righteousness A Christian man himself learns to deny That Christ is all in all for him did die Is his profession and Christianity A Christiain is a man that 's full awake His eyes do see the care that God did take To find a Saviour him should not forsake This Saviour lacks no power to save all If all repent they all be saved shall Presumption leads through Justice unto thrall Acknowledge Justice we sincerely must And of a truth confess
it is but just To punish those Christ's merits do distrust He has repair'd our loss by Adans sin Through his obedience mankind Heaven win Or Adams race had ever wretched been When Adam dy'd his seed in him did die Death was his Portion to posterity Till Christ from death brought life and liberty If all did die all may be made alive By him that did our life from death retrive The Second Adam Adams seed revive All shall be made alive this all is meant An all so wide and large in its extent As Adams all shall die since Christ was sent Christ was Gods word incarnated decreed T' assume mans flesh conceiv'd a womans seed To suffer both for mans and womans deed This God and man or this Emanuel Did conquer death likewise the Grave and Hell That all true Christians might in safety dwell But to explain what I have said before All shall be made alive implies far more Than these true Christians that this Christ adore This all imports the men that ever were Since Christ on Earth that are or shall be here But not the damn'd in Hell confined there * The damned might be saved could they but repent They should come thence if they could but repent There grace is wanting this does prevent Their freedom makes them more impenitent * This side the grave the vilest wretch may be freed from sin This side the grave the vilest wretch may be By true repentance Friends with God and he From all offences quitted fully free * Mans Election considered Which brings me to consider what 's impli'd By mans Election since Gods Son ha's di'd And how mans reprobation to decide Election then I understand by those Whom God in Christ unto Salvation chose Before the world when neither Friends nor Foes * Predestination and Gods Rigorous decree qualified Predestination seems t' have this event To save the just and unjust that repent Else to what end was Christ Mans Saviour sent If God did limit by a strict decree A certain number that should saved be What are the merits then of Christ to me * The arguments drawn from the strictness of Election and Reprobation If I am found but one of Gods Elect For his names sake his mercy will accept Of me my Soul and body to protect Again if I am found a reprobate For my repentance 't will be found too late Unto Eternity God will me hate And neither of these cases do rely On Christ his merits since that misery And mercy God decreed Eternally * An objection arising from the position of Gods decree Suppose that God by positive decree Ordained men both sav'd and damn'd to be What Souls are they Christ from defaults do free To answer this objection thus I say God Christ design'd to save men Souls that stray I mean those Souls out of Salvations way But first I shall be cautious and take care For to enquire and know whose Souls they are In Adams sin that had and have their share As foremost then with Adam I begin Who was the fountain source and origin Of that distemper Epidemick Sin This root was rotten we the branches all Did fade our leaves of Holiness did fall Because our Bud and Blossom brought forth thrall * All mankind fell in Adam We all alike in Adams fall have fell The best and worst did equally rebel Gainst God in him that all deserved Hell In sin's and tresspasses by nature dead Is every man since Adam forfeited His Innocence for which Christs blood was shed * The Elect are siners by nature as well as others for all sined without exception If dead without exception every man Through Adams sin by nature who is' t can Prove Gods elect free from all mankinds ban From sin originall they were not free If that from actuall they so could be Therefore not righteous by divine decree Elections limit doubtless does include All persons with Gods grace should be endu'd Before and since Christianity ensu'd As well the Penitent that has transgrest As he that legally his life exprest To be religious and therefore was blest And this depending by divine decree On Christ his merrits which God did foresee On mans account most needfull things to be Let us make man sayes God Christ was in place Though not incarnate yet as God the case Of Uncreated man foresaw most base He who beheld the matter and the frame Of Adams substance did assume the same And so a man like other men became Mankind's election doubtless did relate To Christ before God Adam did Create Else why should Christ in wo participate All Adams seed God of a truth design'd Unto Salvation thus was he enclin'd Or who Christ's mission could have right defin'd Since Adam sin'd the Scriptures say that none Of Adams Race are Righteous no not one Save Christ according to the flesh alone The sacred Records give out this Report Of Adams seed they sin'd in such a sort That of Gods glory all mankind came short Since all thus sin'd in Adam all have need Of Christ his merits if they would be freed From that destruction due to Adams deed * An opinion of the Heathen world as how judged and how Saved But of the Heathen world some thus might say These know no Christ in what a case are they That have no Faith nor Gospel to obey * God stampt a Law in mans heart which is the Law of nature This query I thus briefly answer then God stampt a Law within the hearts of men Commands in nature not the moral Ten. In Adams heart God did create a Law To keep his Soul and conscience in such aw That from his God he might dread to withdraw And this the Law of nature we do name Whereby some shall be judg'd to suffer shame Some justifi'd that have omitted blame 1 God made a Law of works and delivered it to Moses writ in Tables of Stone Another Law deliver'd God alone To Moses hand in Tables made of stone A Law of works fulfill'd entire by none 2 Faith the Tenuer of the Gospel Mercy to many God did freely give According to this Law do this and live But now thou shalt be sav'd if thou believe E're God to men the Gospel tidings sent Not many knew who the Messiah meant Patriarks and Prophets these knew Gods intent Abram rejoy'd Messiah's day to see And Job foreknew who should his Saviour be Whereto the Prophets by consent agree 1 Gods Covenant with Abraham With Abraham God made a Covenant And with his Seed that none of them should want Through Faith Salvation that from sin recant The Angel of this Covenant is he Whom Abrahams seed their only Saviour see Through that belief requir'd in them to be For to comprise the Gospel scope in brief Repentance from all sin and true belief In Christ his merits are mens Souls relief 2 Whom the Law
And thus the Evening and the Morn again Compleats that work the Fourth Day did explain And now this Scene so splendid and so bright God drew behind the Curtain of the Night A Scene of the Fifth Days Creation GOd spake whose words the Thunder do's out-vie Let th' waters now bring forth aboudantly The moving Creatures that have life to move And Fowl which may take flight and soar above The Globe of Earth in the ope firmament Of Heaven as the place of their Assent With these great Whales Created God and all Live Creatures that have motion great and small Which by the waters were abundantly After their kind brought forth to multiply And every winged Fowl in his own kind Obey'd his Maker sought to please his mind Wherefore he every Creature had design'd When he renew'd his works we find that he Affirmed the sight was good which he did see By reason good we find him recommend To them his blessings which did then descend Upon these Creatures unto which said he Replenish Multiply and Fruitful be With plenteousness the waters of the Seas Ye Fishes fill and on the Earth increase Ye winged Fowls that for a full supply Your species may produce most plentiously At your Creation this was my intent Then gender in your liquid Element Be still increasing to a greater store You had Creation to supply the shore Thus to be Fruitful seems to intimate That Creature Man whom God was to Create The Inhabitants of the great Ocean God did Create to serve the Creature man Without dispute 't was only for Mans use He caus'd the Seas so flush Fish to produce In these productions aid the God of might Rejoyce they were his raptures of delight Deriving from his Wisdom and his Might The Evening and the Morning now display The Sun of Gods Creation the Fifth Day This Evenings darkness dims its Mornings dawn And thus the Curtain o're the Scene is drawn A Scene of the Sixth Days Creation THe great commander speaks and constitutes The Earth for to bring forth all living Brutes Each one according to his species and The groveling thing that creepeth on the Land The Beast of the Earth and Cattel he confin'd To be brought forth according to their kind And so it was which words do here attest The verity of what God hath exprest Again we find by powerful command The Beasts the Cattel what creeps on the Land Each after his own kind he made and lo All this was good for God did find it so Which Epithete he us'd his mind to show He gave the word once more and spake it thus As in Plurality sayes God let us * Man was made the Image of God Make man according to our Image he After our likeness shall Created be And let them have Dominion where I find The Plurall Number note what God design'd E're this Dominion was conferr'd on Man Over the Fish in the great Ocean Or o're the Fowl i' th Air or had command O're Cattel or what creeps upon the Land We find the blessed Trinity consult Here Mans Creation what could the result Of this so wise a consultation be But to make Man next Angels in degree Thus in his likeness God Created Man Both Male and Female Metropolitan And Universal Potentate to Reign O're all in Earth in Air or in the Main To whom his Blessing he did not deny That they should Fruitful be and multiply Replenish all the Earth herein be abound That plenteousness in it for Man found The which unto Gods Glory should redound Again to speak we find the Lord began And say behold unto this formed Man I give you every Herb that beareth seed Which on the surface of the Earth do breed Likewise the Fruit of every seeding Tree To you for meat appoint I it to be To every Beast of th' Earth each Fowl that flies Up in the Air beneath the lofty skies To every thing that on the Earth doth crawl Wherein is life are given even all Green Herbs and these to be their proper meat For them to feed themselves therewith and eat So God looks back on every thing which he Created and of nothing made to be And when he these review'd he understood And said that all his works was very good Again the Evening and the Morn attest What God the Sixth day fram'd that he might rest * The Epilogue This Sixth and last Scene now I do present And hope herein spectators to content Expert the Actor is it was but Play With him to Act Creation every day Doubtless delightful this had been to view When every day God did this Play renew Six dayes the Lord his pleasure did ingage To Act Creation on Time's transient Stage God had a certain Scene for every day Or new additonals unto the Play Which was but his command and all obey Creation Recreation needs must be To him that had design'd it by decree But God to clear the Stage did not refrain To draw the Curtain o're the Scene again And thus the Evening darkness did allay The Morning Light and Lustre of the day Three persons Acting every Act I 've shown And yet no Act was Acted save by one SUBJECT VI. A Reflection on the wonderful Creation With the Formation of Adam and Eve Their happiness in the state of Inocency As also the Institution of Marriage This pleasant story plainly do's relate In Paradice how happy was Mans state THus were the Heav'ns the Earth compleated And all their Hosts in their right stations seated And on the Seventh day from the Creation God fix'd a Period and a termination Unto the Six dayes works and for a closure Upon the Seventh took his blest reposure From all the things that he before Created And from all Creatures which he animated Thus-wise the Heavens had their generation And thus the Earth when all had their Creation The very day when they of God were fram'd The Heavens and the Earth they then were nam'd Of him by these for ever shall be fam'd To every Plant God Planted in the Fields And every Herb its flower and Seed that yields He gave production that thereby might grow And appellation by which men all know Though when God planted these their growth was slow To nourish which his wisdom found away Whereby to moisten Earths obdurate clay Cause these to root afterwards to spring Their gendring Seeds and gay flowers forth to bring This means God us'd the Lord caus'd it to rain The which these Vegetables would sustain And make them to increase and grow amain But yet one thing most needful was not found And that was Man for to manure the ground Yet God Almighty would not form the same Without a liquid matter in his frame He from the Earth a mist made to ascend The which dssiolv'd in Dew and for this end The Superficies of the ground to wet That God the mould to make this man might get And now methinks we easily
that nakedness Was now my cloathing and no other dress * Adams excuse Therefore I from thy presence went to hide My self for fear thou should'st me smartly chide † God Who told thee Adam that thou naked-wast Didst eat the Fruit forbidden tell me hast The man repli'd again repli'd so large That with his sin he God himself did charge * Adam For thus unto the Lord his God said he The woman thou thy self didst give to me Gave me to tast thereof and I did eat The same in Innocence she was the cheat * God What hast thou done thus God his mind displaid Unto the woman and the woman said That Creature which the Serpent thou dost stile † Eve Gave me to eat and so did me beguile 'T was its Temptation did us both defile * None knew but God which was worst Adam Eve or the Serpent As for the Serpent God the same accurst None knew but God which of these three were worst The Serpent in beguiling or the twain By it beguil'd their maker to disdain However God did first his wrath display Upon the Serpent cause it did betray This man and woman to degenerate And thus relapse from this their happy state Gods curse upon the Serpent fell out so That on the Belly it should ever go And by the Lords appointment also must During its life each day eat of the dust Betwixt thee and the woman Enmity I 'l place sayes God for this thy Treachery * The Seed of the Woman should bruise the head of the Serpent And so betwixt your seed thus God did speak Such envy as the Serpents head may break For truth thou Serpent shalt this hatred seel To bruise thy head when thou dost bruise mans heel † The Womanmust conceive in sorrow God said unto the woman now will I Thy sorrow and conception multiply Henceforth with grief thou shalt thy children bear And of him that 's thy Husband stand in fear Though thy desire be towards him yet he Shall notwithstanding bear rule over thee Obedient to thy Husband thou shalt be Again to Adam his Creator said Because that my command was disobey'd By thee and thou dids't listen to the voice Of her that is thy wife and hast made choice To take and taste of the forbidden Tree The which even I my self commanded thee Thou shouldest not therefore the ground I make To be accurst for thy Rebellion sake In sorrow thou shalt eat thereof always And in laborious grief wear out thy days Thistles and Thorns these shall it bear to thee And th' Herb o' th field likewise thy food shall be * Adam must eat Bread in the sweat of his face till he returns to the ground For such O man is now thy wretched case Thou shalt eat Bread but with a sweaty face And thus to do by my command art bound Until thou do'st return unto the ground Earth is thy Origin thence taken wast Art dust shalt unto dust return at last Thus-wise was sinful Adam doom'd to die And in his loyns all his posterity Death to himself and his this was the all That Adam purchas'd by his wilful fall He made all Satans slaves to undergo The warth of God in misery and wo Destruction was the Portion of us all Had not the womans seed us freed from thrall He interposing did Gods wrath abate Reduc'd our cursed to a blessed state How we possess a better for a worse I leave until a following discourse And will fall back to Adams state till I First period his unhappy History Again this is observ'd in Adams life How he impos'd a name upon his wife His wife by name he did call Eve ' cause she The mother of all living was to be And unto Adam and his wife did God Make coats of skins with which they both were clad And to the Councel of his will speaks thus Behold the man 's become as one of us Both good and evil he doth understand And now least that he should put forth his hand To take from the Tree of life and taste Its fruit and live for ever God made hast To send him forth from Paradice to till The ground from whence he came for doing ill Thus-wise from Edens garden God exil'd Adam and Eve because by sin defil'd And at the East Edens pleasant land Caelestiall Cherubins he plac'd to stand Gave these a flaming Sword all times to sway The Tree of life defending every way Thus wretched Adam never could regain His Paradice but must exil'd remain SUBJECT VIII On the fall of Lucifer and the Apostate Angels Declare how Angels fell in brief I shall From Heavens bliss to Hell 's infernal thrall * on Lucifer CReated Creature what can I suppose Blew thy Ambition great as God to be Thy wise Creator thought it were to lose The orb Caelestiall which he fram'd for thee Unless thy Glory Puft thy fond conceat Greater to be though none but God so great II. In thy Creation thou did'st far excell All Creatures thy Creator did Create His goodness plac'd thee with himself to dwell In Heavens bliss this glorious happy state Was thy endowment where thou might'st remain For evermore did'st thou from pride abstain III. I wonder since such glory was enjoy'd By thee thou should'st ambitious be for more Thy avarice of glory made thee void Of that too much thou did'st enjoy before Which ornament of thy Angellick name God took away cloath'd thee with thy shame IV. What Lucifer could'st thou like no degree Save that comparative with God alone Wa' st not enough superlative to be Above all Creatures when like thee not one This did afford thy loftiness the ground Of arrogance and thereby thee confound V. * On Lucifer and his confederate Angels Thou Lucifer to wo did'st find a way For thy rebellion like witchcraft sin More Angels did delude and them betray To thy confusion and thy shame wherein Both thou and they for ever must remain Wailing and Howling in uncessant pain VI. Caelestiall Spirits what Infernall Ghosts Are ye become since Heaven you forsook The habitation of the Lord of Hosts With your disorder could not justly brook Ye sin'd against a Justice could not spare For your destruction Tophet to prepare VII When God Created Heaven he design'd The best of Creatures should the same possess Which Angels were of nature more refin'd Than Earthly Man as touching holiness But having freedom some of them have fell To bondage in the horrid place of Hell VIII I question not but the supernatural Realm Was fram'd of God as large as it had need For lack of Room he did not overwhelm From thence the Angels with so swift a speed To be all Gods through Pride they did aspire For which God made them Devils in his Iro IX * Their Ambition They aim'd for Heaven either all or none As Governours therein to rule and dwell They envi'd God who