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A64961 A funeral sermon occasioned by the death of Mr. George Baker first preached and then published, at the earnest desire of his relations, by Nathanael Vincent ... Vincent, Nathanael, 1639?-1697. 1679 (1679) Wing V407; ESTC R34724 16,769 28

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fruitfull in every good work and increase in the knowledge of God then we are making meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light Col. 1. 10 11 12 13. Now follows the Application Vse I. Is time afforded us Let us be thankfull for 't is a talent of great value Oh how much may be gain'd in time So much as may cause praises and rejoycing to Eternity Peace may be now made with God Sanctifying grace may be now wrought and a title unto and assurance of Glory may be now obtained The triumphant Saints what improvement did they make of time when they were in the world and what bright Crowns do they now wear God hath dealt otherwise with Man then he did with the Apostate Angels no time at all between their Sin and Punishment He spared not the Angels that sinned but immediately cast them down to Hell and delivered them into chains and darkness to be reserved unto the Judgment of the great day 2 Pet. 2. 4. There was no door of hope opened to them no offer of grace no reprieve granted no time or season of mercy allowed them but they fell like lightning suddenly remarkably and by such a force that they could not withstand and that from the highest Heaven to the lowest Hell The Devil envies sinfull man his time and would fain steal it from him therefore Man should be the more thankfull for it and be the better Husband of it Vse II. If time be afforded us here in this world then we should be the more vigilant least it be stolen away from us A great many theives of time there are which we should watch against The works of darkness require time to do them in Ungodly company how much time do they consume Impertinent and corrupt communication causes hours to pass away unsensibly which can never be recalled Sinfull thoughts unruly passions wicked projects worldly cares speculative filthiness and uncleanness ambitious and covetous designes oh what insatiable cormorants are all these of precious time Most lose both time and souls by such things as these therefore Watch and Pray that your time may be better employed then to be wasted all of it so contrary unto the end for which it was vouchsafed namely unto Gods dishonour and your own destruction Vse III. If time only be afforded here in this world then surely we have enough to do with it The Favour of God is to be intreated The Nature is to be changed innumerable lusts are to be mortified Satan is to be resisted who is subtle powerful and unwearied in his assaults The World is to be Conquered Self is to be denied and overcome The Heart is to be watch'd and kept with all diligence because so Treacherous and Deceitfull Many Ordinances are to be engaged in and in every ordinance we should be sincere and spiritual The Commands of God are exceeding broad and yet we must have respect unto them all Every Relation calls for Duty and every Duty should be filled with Grace We have Souls that are of great worth and in great danger to save We have Hell to escape Heaven to secure and Eternity to provide for Surely Here 's work enough to do Hippocrates of old complained in the beginning of his Aphorisms 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that Art was long but Life was short but much more to the purpose may it be said that a Christians work is long and great but his time is short to do it in Where is loytering then it is excluded Surely foolish as well as cursed is he that wasts his time and neglects to do his main work or does it negligently Doct. 2. The second Doctrine follows which is this A Christians time is a time of Sojourning David lookt upon himself as no other then a Sojourner and confesses that all his Fathers were so before him Psal 39. 12. Hear my prayer O Lord give ear unto my cry hold not thy peace at my tears for I am a stranger with thee and a sojourner as all my Fathers were A Christians time may well be called a time of Sojourning For while he is in this World He is absent from his own Country His heart is upon his Country He is going towards his Country And it will not be long ere he be arrived safe in his Country 1. While the Christian lives here he is absent from his Country The time of Sojourning is in the Original 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Now they are said 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to sojourn who are Strangers in another country and are not yet come to their desired home Christians are not of this World but in regard of their new Nature they are born 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 from above Joh. 3. 3. Christ speaks thus concerning his Disciples They are not of the World even as I am not of the World Sanctifie them through thy truth thy word is truth Joh. 17. 16 17. The Christian before his Conversion is a stranger to God and a forreigner but assoon as ever he is regenerated he is chosen out of the World and becomes a stranger in it and is made a Fellow-citizen with the Saints and of the houshold of God Eph. 2. 19. In regard of his new Birth he is of Heavenly extraction God is his Father the Heavenly Jerusalem his Mother his Inheritance and Mansion is above and while at home in the body he is absent from the Lord and from his Mansion and can never be at rest till he has left the body and is present with the Lord in those Mansions which he is gone to prepare 2. While the Christian lives in this World his Heart is upon his Country His Treasure is there no wonder if his heart be there also Mat. 6. 21. There are many indeed who walk as Enemies to the cross of Christ whose end is Destruction whose God is their Belly whose glory is in their shame and who mind earthly things But the sincere Christian his Conversation is in Heaven Phil. 3. 18 19 20. His Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen and by the eye of Faith he looks within the Vail and rejoyceth in hope of the Glory of God He sees his Salvation approaching nearer and nearer every day under all his heaviness he comforts himself with that joy which is set before him and he patiently labours and is unwearied though he abounds in the work of the Lord knowing that his labour will not be in vain for all his pains will be fully and for ever recompenced by that rest that remains for the People of God Heb. 4. 9. 3. The Christian is continually going towards his Country This World is the Inn where he lodges the way where he passes but his face is towards Zion Just like our Lord who though he passed through a Village of the Samaritanes yet set his face stedfastly towards Jerusalem Luk. 9. 51 52 53. All the good actions of a
Christian are steps towards Heaven all the holy Duties which he performs seriously do mightily advance him in his way thither his holy and heavenly Meditations Desires and Affections do strangely speed him towards home The Christian growes in Grace and so becomes riper for Glory he adds to his faith virtue and to virtue knowledge and to knowledge temperance and to temperance patience and to patience godliness c. and these things being in him and abounding an abundant entrance is administred to him into the everlasting Kingdom 2 Pet. 1. 4. It will not be long ere the Christian be arrived safe in his Country Hark to the Apostle Heb. 10. 37. Yet a little while and he that shall come will come and will not tarry This Earthly house of Believers Tabernacle cannot stand long and assoon as ever it is dissolved they have a building of God an house not made with hands Eternal in the Heavens 2 Cor. 5. 1. The Believers time of Warfare is short and then he is discharged but his Triumph will be Eternal He has a short cut to a long nay an Eternal but a Blessed home Application Vse I. Of Reproof to the Ungodly whose time is as short as the time of Believers and yet they live as if they were to live here alwaies How many Covetous and Voluptuous Ones are there who are so eager after Wealth and Pleasures that they could hardly be more earnest suppose their Wealth and Pleasures could be enjoyed to Eternity It was a just complaint of Seneca lib. de Brevitate vitae cap. 4. Tanquam semper victuri vivitis nunquam vobis fragilitas vestra succurrit non observatis quantum temporis transierit velut ex pleno abundanti perditis Omnia tanquam mortales timetis omnia tanquam immortalis concupiscitis You live as if you were to live alwaies you make no good use of your own frailty you observe not how much time is past already but still lose more as out of a full Stock and as if all would never be done and your desires are eager after Earthly things as if your selves were Immortal and were never to be parted from them Let those who professe Christianity blush and mend when they hear an Heathen talk at such a rate Let sinners learn the art of Holy Arithmetick and so number their dayes as to apply their hearts unto Wisdom Satan is the great Cheat who endeavours to make you lose your time he has cheated you of much already if he gets all he will get you and all for after Death their is no getting out of his snare Vse II. Since wicked men are to live but a short time as well as Believers surely their good things cannot be enjoyed long The Rich man in the Gospel was clothed in Purple and fine linnen and fared sumptuously every day while he lived But death stript him of his gay clothing took him away from his well-spread Table and 't was said to him Son remember thou in thy life-time no longer than Life-time receivedst thy good things and Lazarus evil things but now he is Comforted and thou art tormented Luk. 16. 25. 'T was true in general that Zophar spake though he made a wrong Application of it to Job who was more righteous then himself Job 20. 4 5. Knowest thou not this of old since man was placed upon Earth that the Triumphing of the wicked is short and the joy of the Hypocrite but for a moment How should it terrifie wicked men to consider that their pleasures can be but for a season but their pains and torment will be endless Their Honour is fading but their Contempt and Shame will be everlasting Dan. 12. 2. their gains are inconsiderable and will quickly be gone but their loss will be of no less then of their Souls and Heaven and can never be repaired Vse III. Since a Christians time is a time of sojourning it may comfort him that as himself is not so neither can his troubles be very long lived Afflictions are therefore the lighter because they are but for a moment 2 Cor. 4. 17. Now Believers are in their minority and consequently under the Discipline of the Rod but after Death they will be perfect and then correction will be needless Now they are assaulted with Satans Temptations he is liberall of his fiery darts and they have much ado with the Shield of Faith and the Armour of God to defend themselves but within a little while they shall be quite out of his reach and a man may as easily with an Arrow shoot and hit the Sun in the Firmament as the Devil with any Dart hit a Saint in the third Heaven Now Believers groan because of a body of sin and death that they carry about with them but when they put of their earthly Tabernacle this body of sin shall be put off for ever and through the natural body shall be raised a spiritual one yet the body of sin shall never have resurrection Within a little while God shall wipe away all tears from his Peoples Eyes which implies that both sin and suffering which are the causes of sorrow will be at an end The Believer when he dies he dies in the Lord and Christ who has the Key of Hell keeps that shut against him as for Purgatory he did before believe and he now finds to be a meer fiction for the spirit sayth that from thenceforth they rest from their labours and their works follow them Rev. 14. 13. Vse IV. Of Counsel unto all Since your time is but as a time of sojourning let my advice in these Scripture-particulars be acceptable 1. You that have Wives be as though you had none 1 Cor. 7. 29. and by a parity of reason you that have Husbands be as though ye had none and you that have Children be as if you had them not Sit loose from your very Relations Love them indeed you ought and especially to their souls express your love but remember your happiness does not lye in the enjoyment of them but in the enjoyment of God who loves infinitely better then the tenderest relations can and who lives infinitely longer 2. You that weep be as though you wept not 1 Cor. 7. 30. let not your tears run waste If you spend them upon sin God has a bottle to put them in but if you mourn immoderately for losses crosses and afflictions as common water they are spilt upon the Ground That which you so lament the loss of be it Friend Estate or any other outward comfort it could not have been enjoyed long because Life it self is but a time of sojourning How vain are those things we are so fond of while we have them and when by their being taken away they further discover their vanity why should our eyes be so full of tears and our hearts ready to break with sorrow at parting 3. You that rejoyce be as though ye rejoyced not The absence of the creature should not cast you
down the presence of the creature should not lift you up 'T was observed concerning an Heathen that being banished by an ungratefull Country and afterwards recalled he went and came back with the same countenance neither was his sorrow excessive when he went nor his joy when he returned but there was an unchanged evenness in his spirit though there was so great a change in his condition It was a notable saying of Seneca Res severa est gaudium Joy is a very serious thing therefore 't is unreasonable to rejoyce in a thing of nought Worldly joy is madness and carnal mirth what doth it If you rejoyce barely because you prosper in the world and increase in Riches and have sensual delights at command of how little a matter makes fools merry Many that are despairing in Hell were once thus merry as well as you Oh let your joy be turned into a right Channel Reioyce in God and his great goodness rejoyce and work righteousness rejoyce in Christ Jesus here 's no danger of excess though joy be unspeakable and full of Glory 1 Pet. 1. 8. 4. You that buy be as though you possessed not Why should your hearts be glued to an estate why should you stick fast in the thick clay Riches are not for ever neither doth a Crown endure to every Generation You brought nothing into this world and 't is certain you can carry nothing out 1. Tim. 6. 7. You present substance is not enduring and therefore though you have it in your hands let it not get into your heart David Cautions If Riches increase set not your hearts upon them Psal 62. 10. they are uncertain Riches at the best That is a Scripture which should wean the heart from an estate and draw it unto God Psal 39. 6 7. Surely every man walketh in a vain shew surely they are disquieted in vain he heepeth up Riches and knoweth not who shall gather them And now Lord what wait I for my hope is in thee 5. You that use this world should take heed of abusing it for the fashion of this world passeth away 1 Cor. 7. 31. Licitus perimus omnes Take heed of perishing by the abuse of those things the use of which is lawfull It is said concerning the Old World before the Flood came and concerning Sodom and Gomorrha before there overthrow by Fire and Brimstone they eat they drank they bought they sould they planted they builded they married and were given in marriage Luke 17. 26. 30. None of these things were in themselves unlawfull but they were to eager after them their hearts were so set upon them that God and Duty and Heaven were neglected and they grew secure in their Earthliness and Wickedness and then followed sudden and signal ruine and destruction 6. Since your time is short and but a time of sojourning by your serious diligence declare plainly that you seek a better Country than is to be found on earth By your pains and striving convince a careless world tha● Heaven does not deserve to be neglected Imitate those worthy and believing Strangers and Pilgrims of old whom the Apostle speaks of Heb. 11. 14 15 16. For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a Country and truly if they had been mindfull of that Country from whence they came out they might have had opportunity to have returned but now they desire a better Country that is an Heavenly wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God for he hath prepared for them a City Be not slothfull but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises A Crown an Eternal Inheritance a Kingdom is before you Be not weary in well doing Fight the good Fight of Faith lay hold on Eternal life hold fast and hold out unto the end that no man take your crown from you Rev. 3. 11. Doct. 3. I come unto the third and last Doctrine which is this our time of sojourning is to be past in fear Fear is a grace of so great necessity and usefulness that sometimes it is put for the whole of Religion Job 28. 28. Vnto man he saith behold the fear of the Lord that is Wisdom Religion is the truest wisdom in the World and to depart from evil is understanding As nothing can be done acceptably without faith so nothing can be done seriously without fear We must feed our selves in fear we must worship in fear and pass our time in fear In the handling of this Doctrine I shall first speak concerning this fear and secondly give you good reasons why our time is to be past in fear and then conclude with the Uses In the first place I am to speak concerning this fear And 1. Fear may relate unto God We ought to sanctifie him in our hearts by making him our fear and by making him our dread 'T is excellent counsel of Solomon Prov. 23. 17 Be thou in the fear of the Lord all the day long We should set God alwaies before us and stand in awe of him perpetually this would make us to walk exactly and look better to our wayes and hearts At all times believe that you are observed by an allseeing eye believe that God is all powerfull as well as allseeing and that he is infinitely pure and holy and righteous as well as powerfull so that he can take no pleasure in wickedness but hates all the workers of iniquity Remember that God is Testis Judex Vindex a witness of all that 's done at present He will judge the world in righteousness and he will take vengeance on them that know not God and who disobey the Gospel Nay let his very goodness stirr up fear in you lest you miss of that goodness and least slighted goodness end in the sorest and greatest severity Let that Prophecy be accomplished in you Hos 3. 5. They shall fear the Lord and his goodness in the latter dayes 2. Fear may relate unto Satan We ought to be jealous and afraid lest that evil One rob us of this Treasure of Precious Time He had never any time of Mercy granted to him therefore he envies ours and indeavours to hinder our Repentance though we have space to Repent in We that have such an Adversary to deal with who has so many Wiles and Devices to bring about our ruine and who if he can but make us trifle out our present time will compass his end which is our Eternal Destruction it certainly concens us to have our eyes in our heads to be sober and vigilant and to resist him being stedfast in the Faith and there should be a continual fear lest we be beguiled through his subtlety 1 Pet. 5. 8 9. 2 Cor. 11. 3. 3. Fear may relate unto this World The World is so suitable unto the senses and fancies of men that 't is the great Engine which the Prince of the Power of the Air uses to batter Souls with with this bait he catches them By