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life_n abide_v depart_v unmarried_a 16 3 15.8641 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07802 The dovvnefall of poperie proposed by way of a new challenge to all English Iesuits and Iesuited or Italianized papists: daring them all iointly, and euery one of them seuerally, to make answere thereunto if they can, or haue any truth on their side; knowing for a truth that otherwise all the world will crie with open mouths, fie vpon them, and their patched hotch-potch religion. Bell, Thomas, fl. 1593-1610. 1604 (1604) STC 1818; ESTC S113800 116,542 172

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yet consummate for the safegard of souls which by likelyhood would otherwise haue perished And another famous popish Canonist Couarruvias affirmeth that Pope Paulus the fourth and Iulius the third dispensed in like manner These are his words Necme latet Paulum quartum summum ecclesiae pontificem anno 1558. hac vsum fuisse dispensatione quibusdam excausis quas iustissimas esse idem summus ecclesiae praesul existimauit Idem Paulo ante Iulius tertius fecerat in eodem matrimonio cum ecclesiae vniuersali praesiderit Neither am I ignorant that the Pope Paul the fourth put this dispensation in practise for certaine causes which the same Pope thought to be most iust Iulius the third when he was Pope in the like case graunted the like dispensation Thus we see the former part of mine assertion to be most sufficiently prooued viz. that Pope taketh vpon him to dissolue lawfull and perfect matrimony Now for proofe of the latter viz. that wedlocke before consummation or copulation is firme and perfect and cannot be dissolued by the power of man Christs owne words are a sufficient ground Quod deus coniunxit homo non separet That which God hath conioyned let not man put asunder And in another place Christ hath these words Omnis qui dimittit vxorem suam alteram ducit moechatur Euery one that putteth away his wife and marrieth another committeth adulterie S. Paule vpon the same argument deliuereth the like doctrine in these words His autem qui matrimonio iuncti sunt precipio non ego sed dominus vxorem à viro non discedere quod si discesserit manere innuptam aut viro suo reconciliari vir vxorem non dimittat Those that are married commaund not I but the Lord that the wife depart not from her husband but if she shall depart then to abide vnmarried or to be reconciled to her husband Thus saith S. Paul and thus saith Christ himselfe that man and wife ioyned by Christ must abide during life together or liue vnmarried and not be seuered by the Popes dispensation And it will not helpe the Pope to say as the Iesuit Bellarmine doth and others with him That Christ only speaketh de matrimonio consummato and that matrimonium ratum with which the Pope dispenseth is not de iure diuino For first if matrimonium ratum were not de iure diuino the greatest popish doctors would not denie the Popes dispensation therein Secondly Christ speaketh absolutely and maketh no mention of copulation or popish consummation at all Thirdly matrimonie with papists is a diuine sacrament and consequently it both is perfect without carnall copulation and also indispensable by the power of man For as their owne famous doctor Melchior Canus saith Sanctus spiritus sacramenti gratia per coitum non datur The holy ghost and the grace of sacrament is not giuen by copulation Fourthly it followeth hereupon that matrimonie is not fully perfect in the popish church because copulation followeth a good while after Fiftly because it is absurd to say that it beginneth to be a sacrament by carnall copulation and was not a sacrament by the priests action Sixtly it followeth hereupon that there was not perfect matrimonie betweene Adam and Eue for their matrimonie was in the state of innocencie and before all carnall copulation Seuenthly because if matrimonie be not de iure diuino euen before copulation there is no cause why both parties agreeing together may not release the bargaine and quite dissolue the contract For as the law saith Quisque potest suo iuri cedere Euery man may yeeld vp his right which thing all as well Canonists as Diuines admit for good in sponsalibus Eightly it followeth hereupon that the marriage betweene the blessed virgin and S. Ioseph was not perfect matrimonie for there doubtlesse wanted carnall copulation but the angell of God feared not to call her Iosephs wife S. Ambrose hath these words Non enim defloratio virginitatis facit coniugium sed pactio coniugalis For not the deflouring of virginitie maketh wedlocke but the coniugall couenant S. Austens iudgement herein is most cleere and euident These are his words Cum igitur ipse narret non ex concubitu Ioseph sed ex Maria virgine natum Christum vnde eum patrem eius appellat nisi quia virum Mariae rectè intelligimus sine commixtione carnis ipsa copulatione coniugij VVhen therefore he telleth vs that Christ is not borne of Iosephs copulation but of the virgine Marie vpon what ground doth he call him his father but onely for that we doe rightly conceiue him to be Maries husband without the commixtion of flesh by the very copulation of wedlocke The same father writing to Valerius discourseth of this matter at large and among many other notable sentences setteth downe these words Quibus vero placuit ex consensu ab vsu carnalis concupiscentiae in perpetuum continer absit vt inter illos vinculum coniugale rumpatur Secquitar neque enim fallaciter ab angelo dictum est ad Ioseph noli timere accipere Mariam coniugem tuam They that were content by mutuall consent to abstaine for euer from the vse of carnall copulation God forbid that betweene them should be dissolued the bond of wedlocke For the Angell did not speak deceitfully to Ioseph when he willed him not to feare to take Marie his wife vnto him Thus we see it cleare that the pope taketh vpon him that power and authoritie which is proper to God alone for he practically auoucheth as I haue prooued by his owne deere doctors that his dispensations are of force to vnmarrie and put asunder those persons whom God himselfe hath ioyned together in holy wedlocke And contrariwise as I shall prooue vnto you he practically hath taken vpon him to ioyne in wedlocke those persons to whom God himselfe hath forbidden marriage I will omit knowne examples and alledge one only not knowne to many which as it is rare and notorious so is it able to prouoke all that heare it to exclaime against the execrable practise of the Pope Antoninus a man of no small credit for he was an archbishop of the popish stampe and by the Pope reported for a saint hath these very wordes Reperitur tamen papa Martinus quintus dispensasse cum quodam qui contraxerat consummauerat matrimonium cum quadam cius germana Neuerthelesse it is knowne that Pope Martin the fift did dispense with one who had contracted and consummate matrimomonie with his owne naturall and full sister of the same father and same mother for so much the word Germana doth import Behold here gentle reader the excellencie of holy poperie and if thou desirest more of such melodie thou mayest find it in my booke of Motiues But this here is a sufficient antepast for all our English Iesuits and Iesuited popelings None are so ignorant but they know that onely God can