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A40457 The vnkinde desertor of loyall men and true frinds [sic] French, Nicholas, 1604-1678. 1676 (1676) Wing F2183; ESTC R18403 96,064 260

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offence given by the Bishops but through his owne heightie mind which in all matters and in all occasions must rule and domineere or will have peace nor quietness with any man this matter comprehending many parts arguments and circumstances I shal be forced to bestow more time about it It fell out soe that the confederat Catholicks appointed certain persons of qualitie as Commissioners of treaty they appointed others for preparing instructions for those that were to treat whom they named commissioners of instructions to treat and conclude a peace with Ormond then lord Leutenant this was done in the yeare 1644. the names of those appointed were Richard lord viscount of Mongaret Donogh lord viscount of Musgrie Sr. Robert Talbot Barronet Dermot ô Brien Patrick Darcy Geffery Brouwne and Iohn Dillon Esquires After a long debate vpon neare two yeares a peace was at lenght concluded between them and his Excellency the lord Leutenant consisting of thirty articles which articles after being perfected duely and maturely examined by vnderstanding and learned men were suspected vnsafe for the Chatholicks this is the subject the mentioned divine handled and soundly Proved and vpon the same occasion learnedly justified the rejection of that peace out of the arguments and decrees of the Ecclesiastical congregation CHAP V. The rejection of the peace of 1646 made by the Bishops and Cleargy at Waterford maintained and justified which peace was alsoe voyd for being perfected without authoritie of Ormond ' s part THis author sayes the Bishops and Cleargy allarmed at the publication of the said peace in Dublin and Kilkenme and obedience the Citizens and other natives gave therunto they saw the Gouverment was devolved the supreme Councell of the Nation dissolved and the forces and armies and all to be put into the hands of said Ormond lord Leutenant the peace as above was said being not secure for the cheefest concernements of the Catholicks convened and came togither at VVaterford a noble and Catholick Cittie the sixt of August 1466. the zeale of Gods house and of theyr flocks soe requiring to consider seriously the contents of the Articles of said peace and ackordingly to determine as pietie and the saftye of Religion and thir flocks would require at their hands The method said the Author the Eishops and Cleargy observed in rejecting said Peace and the order of their consultations was grave and yet free giving every divine licence to argue discourse and deliver his opinion as to the question proposed the Chancelour of the congregation taking in the meane time his notes in writing of every mans sense and sentence of the question ventilated and after a full debate repeting viva voce the substance of the arguments they voted with much tranquilitie a result or conclusion and indeed soe much was said to every of these articles that came vnder debate as nothing was left vnsaid that could be pertinent A love Principium was the begining of this Congregation they publickly sacrificed and prayed with flamming Charitie and profound humilitie demanding from God light and wisedom in this most important affaire that soe touched holy Religion and his divine worship that he would be pleased to give a blessing to their worke there and for the better guiding their Consciences they seriously perused First the oath of association the rule of warr and peace with the confederat Catholicks which could not be contravened by any without perfidiousness and impietie 2. The model of Gouvernement 3. Several remonst rances printed in France the yeare 1642. Fourthly our grevances presented at Tryme March the 17. 1642. Fifthly the several acts and protestations made by the Kingdom in open assembly at Kilkennie in the mounths Iuli● and August 1645. for the liberties and splendour of Religion and for the Churches Sixtly the 17. propositions exhibited to his Maiestie yeare 1644. Seaventhly the further addition and propositions after propounded to the lord Marques of Ormond All these things 〈◊〉 examened with great deliberation and attention being the rules laid downe by the whole Kingdom for regulating the committie of treaty as alsoe the committie of instructions for the said treaty and all others to whom any charge was intrusted They began with the important propositions the committie of treaty for the peace were to present vnto the Lord Marquez of Ormond Leutenant Generael of Irland sor and in behalfe of the confederat Catholicks of Irland for concluding a peace those propositions were the cheefe rules they were bound to observe in that treaty 1. One proposition was ●that the Roman Catholicks both Cleargy and Laity haue and enjoy the free and publick exercise of the Roman Catholick Religion through out that Kingdom as it was in the raigne of Henry the 7. or any other Catholick King his ptedecessours Kings of England and Lords of Irland had either in England or Irland 2. That the secular roman Cleargy of irland viz Primats Arch-bishops Bishops Ordinaries Deans and Chapters Archideakens and other dignitaries Persons Vicars and all other Pastors of the secular Cleargy and their respective successours shall have and enjoy all and every of them all manner of jurisdictions priviledges and immunites in as full and ample manner as the Roman Catholick Cleargy had or enjoyed within this Realme at any time during the raigne of the late King Henry the 7. of England and Lord of Irland any declaration of law laws statute power or any authoritie to the contrarie not with standing 3. That all laws and statutes made since the time of King Henry the 8. whereby any restreinght penaltie mulct or incapacitie or other restriction what-soever is or may be laid vpon any of the Roman Catholicks either of the Cleargy or laity for such the said exercise of the Roman Catholick Religion within this Kingdom and of their several functions jurisdictions and Priviledges may be repealed revoked and declared voyd in the next Parlament by one or more acts of parlament to be passed therin 4. That the Primats Bishops Archbishops Ordinaries Deans and Chapters Archdeakens Chancelours Treasurers Chanters prevosts Guardians of Collegial Churches Prebendaries and other dignitaries Persons Vicars and other Pastors of the Roman Catholick Cleargy and their respective ●uccessours shall have hould and enjoy all the Churches and Church liuings ●as large and ample manner as the late Potestant Cleargy respectively enjoyed the same in the first day of Septem 1641 togither with all their rights profits emoluments perquisits liberties to their respective Seas and Churches belonging as well in all places now in the possession of the confederat Catholicks as alsoe all other places that shall be recovered by the confederat Catholicks from the adverse partie within this Kingdom saving to the Roman Catholick Laity and their respective rights ackording to the lawes of the land The Roman Catholick Regular Cleargy of the Kingdom were to have and hould the Bodyes sites and precincts of their Abbeys Monasteries and churches c. These foure propositions were sworne by the Confederat Catholicks
of Irland at that tyme. Theire spirituall fathers the Bishops and theire Lower Past●rs and the Religious men assisting them in the vyn-yard were many of them sent into exile in one yeare fourten Bishops the Noblemen and all the Catholick gentry haled violently out of theire owne houses and lands and shutt vp in a corner of a Province naked and disarmed either to be all murthered in one day there was a consultation of officers to that purpose but they agree'd not God would not have soe many Innocents Massacred at one tyme or to perish in many dayes in famin miseries and servitude as many of them ended afterwards The lawes prescrib'd to them were cruell and Barbarous if-any of them went to a sea-port or to any other Province without express order and licence it was lawfull to kill them whersoever they were found to keep a Musquett sword or any other weapon or powder in a Catholicks house was present death to receive or harbor a priest was alsoe death and there was a nother thing as yet more bloody They framed an ingagement to be taken by all sorts of men vpon oath to obey the Parlament and renounce the King and the family of the Stuarts for ever and all tooke a ticket of having taken that ingagement and poor men that had not theire tickets about them were killd vpon the high way by the souldiers for not having it these were the execrable Lawes the Catholicks then liu'd vnder The Lord of Ormond had governed the Catholicks as the Kings Lord Lieutenant about those tymes but when Crumwell came over and like a lightning passed through the Land taking in Provinces wall'd Townes and Cittys hee never appear'd never fought the Enemy nor releeved any place beseeged truly wee found nothing in him of Counsell or fortitude and when all was lost but two Townes and one Province which were soon after taken hee past into France and left the Catholicks to the butchery The counsell by this meanes destroy'd the contract And were not these Counsellors well affected to Catholicks that vpon a serious deliberation would not have the Catholicks preserved and protected by a Catholick Prince but left to the mercy of Crumwell a bloody tyrant The forwardest of all in doeing this Mischief was Ormond this was the Kindness to vs of that man ever fatall to Catholicks An Italian gave to a great person whose qualitys hee knew well this Character Inimicus gravissimus amicus levissimus Which may be well apply'd to Ormond in relation to Catholicks his anger to them was still inplacable and his Kindness sleight and vncertaine his frindship was a Court frindship much like those druggs of Apothicaries that are hott in the mouth and cold in operation what good and faire words did this Nobleman give to the Catholicks of Irland when hee came from the Queen and Prince in the yeare 1648. To conclude a peace with them the words in his mouth then were hott and comfortable but when they came to operation they were indeed but rotten druggs After this feat hee had don in Paris the casting a way the Duke of Lora●●s Protection hee was with the King in the low countrys and there hee dilsembled and tampered with the good plaine Irish and gave them good words and frindly promises of doing them great good if God restor'd the King the King was restored and Ormond turn'd his sailes and playd another game and stuck close to Clarindon that studied our Ruin hee then made a stepp further and closed in great Kindness with Orery the Crumwelians the Catholicks claiming theire owne landes and estates produced good Evidences Iustice and theire Innocency but those were of little value with Ormond and Clarindon Orrery with his band of Crumwelians show'd gold and pretio●s gifts and those proved strong Evidences Ormond then fell of clearly from vs and injured vs without all seare and commonly where there is noe feare of revenge ill given men have noe conscience or feare of offending others with Clarindon all things were vendible and with Ormond all was lawfull that was not vnprofitable I present you with a wise fable and I think to my purpose * Aesop says Aesop says He●●●h● inquit vulpes rubo conf●gi ad te tanquam ad a●xiliatorem sed tu pejus me tract●sti heus tu inquit rubus errasti quae me apprehendere voluist● qui omnes apprehendere soleo A lass said the fox to the great bramble I come flying to the as to a shelter and frind but thou hast handled mee worss then I was before but the bramble said a lass poor fox thou art a stray in taking gripe of mee for thou knowest I scrarch all that Handels mee My courteous reader that Ormond hath allways been a great bramble cruelly scratching and tormenting the Catholicks of Irland this little booke I put in your hand will show evidently I have spent some houres of Leasure God was pleas'd to afford mee about this little worke wherin I set downe sincerly the malice craft luglings and slights of those that have contriu'd our ruine noe man will appeare vpon the stage soe often and frequently as Ormond in acting his part in our Tragedy this is the best account I can give to my Countrimen of my longe silence in my solitude I know my owne weakness and the flowness of my tallent but I had tyme at will for helping this the sncile coms to the topp of the hill in her due tyme as well as the Eagle and with tyme and straw as they vse to speake men ripen medlers and soe doe men theire affaires with leasure and meanes and who will doe a thing well must have patience to tarry till it may be well don I had patience and leasure enough and at length I have brought my designe to an end whether it be well don or noe I leave to the judgment of the impartiall reader I gave notice of what was don to a Doctor of devinity a person of Emminent Learning and to other frinds in Paris they vrg'd mee with stronge lynes to print all was don without delay I alsoe writt to a venerable Prelate then living in Flanders whose judgment I much esteemed and the inviolable Amity between vs of a bove 45. yeares hee quite beyond my expectation disswaded the printing and gave reasons that seemed sound hee would not blame those pressed mee to the printing nor judge ill of theire intentions but was of opinion they had not rightly considered the more substantiall circumstances of the matter and sayd deare frind my advice in this point is Festina Lente hee suggested that regard should be had of Ormonas noble Catholick Ancestors and specially of his Grand-father Walter Earle of Ormond and of his owne pious parents and of his Brother Mr. Richard Butler a Chavaliere of great devotion and yet valliant in the face of his Enemy and of his sisters all of them vertuous Catholick Ladys hee knew them all and was well knowne
Lynch knight whom I doe instance for a thousandmore not for any acquaintance with him what right I say had he to this knight's estate vpon what accompt did he invade the islands of Aaron this gentleman's inheritance and had his son Richard created earle of that place and estate it is manifestly known that Domimum perfectum plenum of said estate was in Sr. Robert Lynch and his heires and yet my lord tooke those lands from him quo titulo quo iure is the question deffend F. VVailsh if you can in this place your great patron ipsa synderesis tould Ormond that he was doeing wrong and robbery the lands appertaning to Sr Robert that judicium naturale quo as S. Basil speakes ab iniquis bona facile discernere postumus clearly convinced Ormond that he was doeing a robbery that law of nature quod tibi non vis fieri alteri ne feceris that light of which holy David speakes signatum est super nos lumen vultus tui domine all those sacred lawes cryed out the depriving of Sr. Robert Lynch of his estate was factum contra legem dei aternam all those lights of God and nature condemnes this fact soe that finis operis finis operantis objecctum circumstantiae omma qua agebat Ormonius erant contralegem Dei what then can he say or plead for himselfe or you for him he cannot alleage that he acquired that Dominium by any pact stipulation donation permutation or prescription what then will men say in this case noe other then that Ormonds invading that gentlemans lands was apertum latr●cin●um Likely you may tell me the King made a grant to Ormond of the said knights estate you know well that in lege naturae noe human power can di●pense and it is certaine that the law of nature doth bind all kind of men and that none can pretend exemption from the force of that law the impression therof being a light made in every mans haert soe that this law binds as well the prince as the lowest man legi naturae saith lactantius net praerogari fas est nec derogare ex hoc aliquid licet neque tota abrogari potest nec vero aut per senatum aut per populum hac lege liberari possumus shall I say more probable it is that God himself cannot dispense in the law of nature take S. Thomas his authority for it quia id sapientiae divinae omnino repugnat proendeque fieri non potest 1. 2. quaest 100. ar 8. ratio est saith the saint quia lex naturalis nihil aliud est vt docet S. Aug quam ipsius aternae legis incommut abilis rattonis ipsius divinae sapientiae in mentibus hominum facta transcriptio Now it is evidently cleare a man's life liberty fame lands estates and fortunes are his owne by the law of nature and that by force of the same law quisuis potest se defendendo sua vine vi repelsere and soe could Sr. Robert against Ormond invading his estate had he beene able to doe soe But you will say the landsand estates of subjects forfeited to the king for treason rebellion and other like crimes by way of attaindeur may be disposed of by the king I grant that but this authority for taking away from such men their lands and estates the prince hath from the law of nature which doth not protect any privat man to doe against the publick good wherefore the commonwealth can take away the life of a man and his estate though both are his by the law of nature when he transgresses against the prince or publick good to whom by pact or law of nature he should oboy this the prince can doe for justice sake but not for convenience or at his will and pleasure for the bonds prescribed to the jurisdiction of a prince are justice law and reason and not to doe his owne pleasure Now I would know from you what crime hath Sr. Robert committed was he convinced of any crime against the king before any bench of justice what hath he don who charged him the law of England a good law sayes noe man can be condemned but by course of law that is the subjects birth-right and to that effect are lawes made that justice may be don to all men princes are obliged in conscience to administer justice ackording the law I demand againe what hath Sr. Robert Lynch don you will say he was ingaged in the ●rish rebellion for soe you still call that just war which you could never as yet prove nor never shall but grant it hath been a rebellion Sr. Robert Lynch as all the confederat catholicks had an act of oblivion from the king in the peace of 48. ergo your rebellion was pardonned ergo Sr. Robert Lynch cannot loose his estate for that nor hath he since that time entred into a new rebellion or committed any act of ●reason Ormond cannot say he broake the Articles of peace of 48. for he still observed them and adhered to the gouverment and to Ormond and had nothinh to doe with the congregation of Iamestowne whose acts were by Ormond esteemed or reputed treasonable ● tell me then what right had Ormond to that noble gentlemans estate you see the King's grant if any he gave being against the law of nature and the law of the land is voyd and cannot excuse Ormond's consc●ience and if the king by a wrong information had granted one mans estate to an other that other cannot prescribe quia numquam erat in bona fide and consequently in conscience he is bound to restore the said estate because he houlds it malafide and the prince himselfe rightly informed is obliged in conscience to have the estate restored to the right owner But now let u● returne to the other part of the F letter wherin he vseth a christian freedom of minding the king and Ormond how dangerous a thing is the violation of publick faith and how such transgressors have beene severly punished in all ages but above all he brings downe a formidable example of publick faith broken with the Gabionites and how King David fir appeasing the great famin and the anger of God come vpon the people delivered to said Gabionits seaven children and nephews of Saul who crucifyed them alive vpon a montaine to expiat this publick horrid sin even in the face of sun Lib. 2. Reg. c. 21. he ends his letter to Ormond thus My lord conclude here but with my harty wil●es that in the house and at the Counsells of our great king your Excellency may both appeere and prove your selfe hereafter what you are in part already an other Ioseph that by the best advises you may preserve the best of Princes and all his people of soe many different n●tions of the british monarchy may it be soe my lord and may the catholicks of Irland in particular owne you a great deliverance as I can not but confidently
an accommodation with the Confederate Catholicks as the King had commaunded and the Queen and Prince ordered by theire express instructions sent to him by Mr. Wintergrant can b● excus'd from treason let any indifferent man Iudge Soe much I thought fitt to mention of Mr. Wintergrant his Imployment of the Queen and Princes orders and instructions for concluding a peace with the Irish Catholicks and of the Kings express commaunds to Ormond to the same purpose of the dilligence of Monsieur la Monnerie and Monsieur Tallone to that effect in the mame of the French King theire Master as alsoe of the Articles of the aforesaid accomodation most advantagious to the Kings intrest offered by his subjects the Confederate Catholicks Put all these together my gentle reader and then Iudge if Ormond hath not shewed himselfe transacting with the Parliment disobedient to the Kings Commaunds and to those of the Queen and Prince an Enemie to the Catholicks of Irland and a frind to the vsurping Parliment I now pass to a great and Irreparable Injury don to the whole Nation by his Grace a graceless action the excluding of all the Catholicks of Irland from the benefitt of the generall pardon and indemnity granted to all his other subjects of what Religion soever CHAPTER 18'th How and by whome were the Catholicks of Irland excluded from the benefitt of generall pardon CErtaine it is that the King intended the pardon and act of Indemnity as well for the Catholicks of Irland as for those of England and thee rest of his subjects which is made cleare and evident by his Majestys speech in favour of the Irish Catholicks in the house of Peeres Iuly the 27'th 1660. I hope said the King I need not put you in minde of Irland and that they alone shall not be without the benefitt of my merey they have showne much affection to mee a broad and you will have a care of my honour and what I have promised to them Could the Kings intention of the benefitt of pardon and his mercy to the Irish Catholicks be spooken in more cleare and noble expressions But this Ormond to his Eternall infamy be it said hath cruelly opposed in propounding a wicked and cunning prouizo in the house of Peeres which theire Lordships thought would have satisfy'd vs and soe have past it by by this perfidious fraud of Ormond wee have been exempted from the benefitt of the Indemnity This is the grace Ormond Peter Walsh his saviour of the Irish Nation hath don vs for which the Mallediction of God will likely fall vpon him and his posterity After being excluded from the generall pardon Ormond Clarindon Orrery Cloathworthy and the rest of that holy Synagog put theire heads together for drawing vp a Bill of Settlement of the Kingdoms of Irland soe powerfull they weare in Cheating his Majesty as hee gave them his ordinance for conceiving said Bill of Settlement and theire owne Secretary had the penning of it By the artifice of those great men and force of that Bill wee have lost for ever our Lands Estates and the liberty of free borne subjects This Bill is of an Immens Bulck fraght with faire Language and barbarous contents and proceedings They call it the Kings most gratious Declaration for the settlement of Irland This monstrous Bulck with all the substance therin hath bine reduced into few heads by a learned Laeyer as followeth The substance and sens of the vast bill of settlement 1. BY the late act of Parliment made for the settlement of Irland all that might pretend to be free from the guilt of the late Commotion are concluded from being heard and theire estates disposed for the most part to such of the English as served the Vsurper Crumwell against his late and now Majesty 2. Those who submitted to the peace concluded by his late Majestys Authority in the yevre 1648. are by the said act debarred from the benefitt of the articles concluded in and by the same peace and the publick faith then given denyed them as hath bine already decree'd 3. Innocents are secluded from being restored to theire houses in Corporations a few excepted whoe were restored to theire houses by his Majestyes Letters 4. Catholicks are not suffered to have theire freedom in Corporations or liberty of traficke 5. The Lords ad other Catholicks whoe had presentations of benefices are secluded from the benefit of theire said Privileges except they becom Protestants 6 All the Nobility and gentry that submitted to said Peace of 48. and put themselves to vast charges and expences in raising troopes and Regiments of Horss and foote to serve his Majesty against the Vsurper have lost theire Estates and theire Lands settled vpon those who made the Vsurpers quarell theire owne and fought vnder him against the King and his Catholick subjects of Irland and not only that but are alsoe excluded from all Imployments in the Kings service or Common wealth except they renounce theire Faith By these meanes they are brought to great distress want of Creditt Livelyhood and reliefe Nil nisi vota supersunt A short Ponderation vpon these Branches 1. NEver was pronounced from the begining of Christianity to this day a more vnjust and wicked sentence against Christians then have been by this act which beares the name of the Kings most gratious Declaration for the settlement of Irland 2. What can there be more cruell mor vnjust more Impious then to hinder one to answer for himselfe and prove himselfe Innocent what more against the law of nature What can there be more iniquous and vnworthy of kingly piety then to conferre the loyall subjects Estates vpon open knowne Rebells What more sacred then publick Faith What more infamous then the violation of the same For which in all tymes dreadfull punishments have befalne the Violatours 3. Can there be any thing more Barbarous and against Iustice then to turne an Innocent out of his owne house and right Inheritance 4. The Christians in Constantinople and other the Dominions of the Turck are dealt with farre better and with more moderation then the Catholicks of Irland whome those Statsmen have excluded from all Commerte which the very Turcks doe grant vnto theire Christians 5. Men must renounce theire Religion the Basis of salvation or loose theire Advousins a cruell Impious Tye vpon Catholick patrons but each of them will answer Non Emam tanti panitere 6 Heer you see Rebellion rewarded and Loyalty punished a preposterous and monstrous kinde of Iustice Behold O bountifull God this theire portentous and Impious iniquity Now I see afflicted Countrimen you may ramble vp and downe the world and loudly raise your voyce and say Spectaculum facti sumus mundo Angelis hominibus Wee are made a spectacle to the world to Angels and to men Could there be more formal Iniquity then to devest Innocent true subjects of theire estates and liberty and conferre the same vpon those fought against the King and Crowne was
this Noble-man grant I begg by the pretious Bloud and Sacred wounds of thy deare Sonne Iesus that wee may in Humility in Teares and true Contrition of hart returne to the whose greatness and goodness wee have soe often and grivously offended our great misery falls prostrate at the feet of thy great mercy Grant to vs I beseech thee going out of this miserable and wicked world a Happy and Holy houre and that when the Vaile of the Temple shall be lifted vp wee may see you face to face for all Eternity Amen FINIS The contents of this little book And. First those of the Preface which Containes 19. pag. FIRST THe Author banished for Religion and Loyalty pag. 1. The Land possessed by Philistime and the Arck Captive Catholicks beaten with Scourges with scorpions pag. 2. An Irish Bishops answer to Cardinall Secretary pag. 3. Charles Duke of Loraine hee that offered fairest Ad rem Catholicorum in Hybernia restituendam His highness advanced thirty thousand pistols in the Irish quarrell pag. 5. Greatness of the house of Guise pag. 6. Our Kings Counsell at Paris would not have Irland recovered by a Catholick Prince p. 7. The Dukes answer to our Kings new Commissioners pag. 8. Bloody barbarous Lawes of Crumwelians against Catholicks pag. 9. A horrible ingagemēt of Crumwelians against the familie of Stuarts pag. 10 When Crumwell took in citties and townes Ormond shewed nothing of fortitude or counsell Ormond the forwardest of the Kings Counce● in Paris in doeing mischief to Catholicks pag. 11. His Frindship to Catholicks like a Kinde of Dr●gges hott in the mouth cold in operation With Clarindon all was vendible and with Ormond all was lawfull that was not vnprofitable pag. 12. A wise fable of the Fox and great bramble pag. 13. Ormond a bramble allways scratching Catholicks Ormond a hard harted man and vnplacable enemie to Catholicks pag. 16. A high figg-tree bearing leaves of vanity and noe fruicte sucking the sapp of the earth and starving all the plants round a bout him pag. 17. Little books in defence of Catholicks and the Nation as a Narative of Clarindons settlement and sale of Irland the bleeding Iphigenia c. pag. 18. Clarindon and Ormond two monsters of Avarice and Cruelty pag. 19. Great Cyrus his Judgment what man ● King should bee An excellent oath taken by the Kings of the Mexicans The Contents of the worke it selfe as followeth I. CHAP. LOnge silence Catholicks had with Ormond a great prejudice to the Nation pag. 22. The Bishops of Irland Clergie men Canes muti non valentes Latrare pag. 25. Ormond poysoned the hart of the people the King with Ill Counsell pag. 30. II. CHAP. A search of Ormonds motives for deserting Catholicks and adhering to Crumwelians pag. 31. III. CHAP. The Catholicks vpon making a sessatiō with Ormond gave thirty thousand and eight hundred pound starling an argument of harty Loyalty pag. 41. IV. CHAP. Clamorgans peace made voyd with the Kings declaration the Catholicks therby deluded pag. 42. 44. 45. 46. 47. V. CHAP. The rejection of the peace of 1646 with Ormond fully Iustifyed pag. 49. The same was voyd for want of Authority of Ormonds part at the tyme of contracting How the Committie of treaty for the peace demeaned themselves pag 56. Committie of treaty in a Laberinth pag. 59. VI CHAP. Opinions of two famons Laeyers vpon Clamorgans peace and that of Ormond pag. 61. Result of the Waterfords congregation vpon the peace of 1646. pag. 68. A Letter of the Congregation to the late Suprem Counsell pag. 73. Ormonds Suddaine departure from Ki●kenni● pag. 76. Ormond vncivilly called all the Bishops Clergie a stinking Crew pag. 79. VII CHAP. Calumnies and aspertions cast by Father Peter walsh vpon the congregation of Iamesstone pag. 80. Rattes by an instinct of nature forsake veslells that are to be drown'd pag. 84. Those Ormond trusted in Limmerick proved knaves and those that stuck to the Clergie proved true to the King Ierton that murther'd the Kings Father murthered alsoe the Kings frinds in that Cittie and Spared those of Ormonds faction pag. 87. Those betray'd that Cittie were of Ormonds faction pag. 89. The Letter of Congregation of Iames-stone to Ormond pag. 91. VIII CHAP. Peter walsh his letter to Ormond pag. 97. The words of the Earle Clancarty dying to Ormond pag. 102. IX CHAP. Ormonds wrongfull invations of Catholick estates pag. 104. The King can for Iustice but not for conuenience take a way the life and estate of a subject pag. 107 Lawes are made that Iustice may be don to men and Princes are oblig'd to administer Iustice according to law pag. 108. A Rebellion once pardoned cannot be punished A Grant made by the King of another mans estate against the law of nature and of the land is voyd Clarindon sold the Irish nation and Ormond betrayd them in trust pag. 112. The Fryars dreame that Ormond hath been a Ioseph and Saviour to the Catholicks hee was in deed the ruin and looser of his b●etheren Country and all the people pag. 113. Ioseph sedd the Egyptians in the tyme of famine Ormond staru'd thousands of the Irish. pag. 114. Mercy was Iosephs Chiefest vertue Ormonds sinn to forgive noe man pag. 115. X. CHAP. Ormonds infamous Letter to Or●ery pag. 116. XI CHAP. A paraphras vpon that letter pag. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. Cynias good Counsell to Pirbus of Epire p. 130 XII CHAP. Ormonds good fortune in exile himselfe being gratious with the King and his Lady at the same tyme respected by Crumwell pag. 139. His Lady 's good prayers to the King against widowes and Orphans to have Harry Crumwells son favoured pag. 140. XIII CHAP. The moderation and sobriety of ancient Heroes very commendable pag. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. Noe house in Rome would receive gold from Cyneas Per●us Ambassador pag. 147. XIV CHAP. Sir Thomas Moores in tegrity pag. 148. What rewards had Horatius Chocles and Cajus Mutius from the Senat for preserving and saving the Cittie and people of Rome P. 156. What reward had George Lane a low man for his service pag. 158. XV. CHAP. What reward had Ormond for his atending on the King in tyme of his exile pag. 161. The queries pag. 162. And the queries pag. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. Ormond received in gifts grants above six hundred sixty thousand pound sterling 171 The Frayer gave Ormond good Documents and hee kept none of them pag. 175. Peter Walsh as blinde in his vnderstanding as Harpastes in her bodily sight pag. 176. XVI CHAP. A Relation of particular Injuries Ormond hath don the Catholicks of Irland pag. 177. Hee Let fall the venimous Apple of discord a mong them before that they were Co● vnum anima vna pag. 178. Ormonds frinds in the Goverment and Counsel of the confederate Catholicks p. 181 182. The Kings Letter to Ormond from Oxford to make peace with the Catholicks p. 184 185. Hee yielded vp the Castle of Dubblin sword and all notwithstanding the Queen Princes orders to him to the contrary by Mr. Wintergrant pag. 186. Said Wintersgrants message to Ormond from Queen Prince and his instructions publick and private pag. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. Relation of Wintergrants negotiation p. 192. 193. 194. 195. The Kings letter to Ormond pag. 196. Ormonds words to Wintergrant to what Rebels hee would deliver the Castle of Dubblin if necessity should force him to give it vp pag. 200. Consequently Ormonds discourse with himselfe resolving to give vp the Castle of Dubblin to the Parlament and not to the Catholicks XVII CHAP. The accomodation sent by the confederate Catholicks to Ormond rejected by him and the reasons given for such rejection XVIII CHAP. How and by whome were the Catholicks of Irland excluded from the benefitt of generall pardon Substance of the vast bill of settlement A short ponderation vpon the branches of that bill XIX CHAP. Who vsed most artifice and persidie against the Catholicks of Irland Clarindon sold them a way for Gold Ortery his Companions payd the gold and Ormond in trust deceived them XX. CHAP. The Author speaks to Ormond alone and tells him the house of Ormond bred magnanimous Lyons what Kinde of Lyon hee is himselfe and how hee hath made the house of Ormond an infamous denn and Couch of Rapine Hee tells him further the speech of sir Ralph Fan dying by the practices of the Duke of Northumberland XXI CHAP. The Author seriously advises Ormond to think of longe Eternitie and especially desires him to consider well two passages of the Prophet Isae in the third thirty eight Chapter And a sentence of Iob in the 21. Chapter and concludes this little book with a harty prayer for the Duke himselfe FINIS