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law_n king_n realm_n statute_n 7,701 5 8.0873 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22665 A copie of a letter wyth articles sente from the Queenes Maiestie vnto the Bysshoppe of London, and by him and his officers at her graces commaundemente to be putte in spedye execution wyth effecte in the whole diocese, as wel in places exempt, as not exempte, whatsoeuer, accordinge to the tenour and forme of the same. Sent by the Queenes Maiesties commaundement, in the moneth of Marche, anno Domini. 1. 5. 5. 3. England and Wales. Sovereign (1553-1558 : Mary I); Mary I, Queen of England, 1516-1558.; Bonner, Edmund, 1500?-1569. 1554 (1554) STC 9182; ESTC S100693 3,403 10

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¶ A copie of a letter wyth articles sente from the Queenes Maiestie vnto the Bysshoppe of London and by him and his officers at her graces commaundemente to be putte in spedye execution wyth effecte in the whole diocese as wel in places exempt as not exempte whatsoeuer accordinge to the tenour and forme of the same Sent by the Queenes Maiesties commaundement in the Moneth of Marche Anno Domini 1. 5. 5. 3. I.C. ¶ By the Quene RIghte reuerende father in God righte trustie and welbeloued we grete you well And whereas heretofore in the time of the late reygne of our most deareste brother kinge Edwarde the sixte whose soule God pardone diuers notable crimes excesses and faultes with sondrie kindes of heresies simome aduoutrye and other enormities haue bene cōmitted within this oure realme and other our dominions the same continuing yet hitherto in like disorder since the beginning of oure reygne withoute any correction or reformation at all the people bothe of the layte also of the clergie and chieflye of the clergie haue bene giuen to mucheinsolencie and vngodlye rule greatlye to the displeasure of almightye God and very muche to our regrette and euill contentation and to no litle slaunder of other Christen realmes in manet to the subuersion and cleane defacing of this oure realme and remembring oure duetie to almightie god to be to forsee as muche as in vs may be that all vertue and godly liuing woulde be embraced flourishe and encrease And there with also that all vice and vngodlye behauiour shuld be vtterly bannished and put away or at the least wayes so nighe as might be so bridled and kept vnder that godlines and honestie might haue the ouerhande vnderstanding by very credible report and publique fame to our no smal heauines and discomfort that within youre diocese as well in not exempted as exempted places the like disorder and euill behauiour hath bene done and vsed like also to cōtinue encrease onlesse due prouision be hadde and made to reforme the same whiche earnestlye in very dede we do minde and intend to thuttermooste all the wayes we can possible trusting of Gods furtheraunce helpe in that behalfe For these causes and other most just considerations vs mouing we sende vnto you certayne articles of suche speciall matter as amonge other thinges be most necessarye to be now put in execution by you and youre officers extendinge to thende by vs desired and the reformation aforesayd wherein ye shalbe charged with oure speciall commaundement by these oure letters to thintent you and your officers may the more earnestly and boldely procede therunto without feare of any presumption to be noted on your parte or daunger to be incurred of any such our lawes as by your doinges of that is in the sayd articles contenyned mighte anye wise greue you whatsoeuer be threatned in anye suche case And therefore we strayghtlye charge and commaunde you your sayde officers to procede to the execution of the sayde articles without all tracte and delaye as ye wyll aunswere to the contrary Geuen vnder our Signet at our Palays of Westminster the fourth day of Marche the first yeare of our raygne ¶ Articles sent from the Queenes Maiestie vnto the ordinarie and by him and his officers by her graces commaundemente to be put in spe●ie execution with effecte in the whole Diocesse as well in places exempte as not exempte whatsoeuer 1 FIrst that euerye Bisshoppe and his officers with al other hauing Ecclesiastical Iurisdiction shal with all spede and diligence and al maner a wayes to thē possible put in execution all suche Canons and Ecclesiasticall lawes heretofore in the time of Kyng Henrye the eyght vsed within thys realme of England and the dominions of the same not beyng direct and expressely contrary to the lawes and statutes of this realme 2 ITem that no bisshoppe or any his officer or other person aforesayd hereafter in any of their Ecclesiasticall writinges in processe or other extraiudiciall actes do vse to put in this clause or sentence Regia auctoritate fulcitus 3 ITem that no Bisshop or any his officers or other person aforesaid do hereafter exacte or demaunde in thadmission of any person to any Ecclesiasticall promotion orders or office any othe touching the primacie or succession as of late in fewe yeres passed hath bene accustomed and vsed 4 ITem that euerye Bisshoppe and his officers with all other persons aforesayd haue a vigilant eye vse speciall diligence and foresight that no person be admitted or receaued to any Ecclesiastical function benefice or office beyng a Sacramentarye infected or defamed wyth anye notable kynde of heresye or other great cryme And that the sayde Bisshop do staye and cause to be stayed as muche as lyeth in him that benefices and Ecclesiasticall promotions do not notably decaye or take hinderaunce by passing or confirmynge of vnreasonable leases 5 ITem that euerye Bysshop and all other persons aforesayde do diligentlye trauayle for the repressyng of heresies and notable crimes especially in the clergie duely correcting and punishing the same 6 ITem that euery Bisshop and al the other persons aforesaid do likewise trauayle for the condemning and repressing of corrupt and naughtye opinions vnlawfull bookes ballades and other pernicious and hurtful deuises engendring hatred amonges the people and discorde amonges the same And that Scholemaysters Preachers and teachers do exercise and vse their offices and dueties without teaching preaching or setting furth any euil corrupt doctrine And that doing the contrarye they may be by the Bisshop and hys sayd officers punished and remoued 7 ITem that euery Bisshoppe and all the other persons aforesayd proceding summarely and with al celeritye and spede may and shall depriue or declare depriued and amoue according to their learning and discretion all suche persons from their benefices and ecclesiastical promotions who contrarye to the state of theyr order and the laudable custome of the churche haue married vsed weomen as their wiues or otherwise notablie and slaunderously disordered or abused them selfes sequestryng also duryng the sayde processe the fructes and profites of the sayd benefices and Ecclesiasticall promotions 8 ITem that the sayde Bisshop and all other persons aforesayde do vse more lenitie and clemencie wyth suche as haue married whose wiues be dead then with other whose weomen do yet remayne in life And likewyse suche priestes as with the consentes of theyr wiues or weomen openly in the presence of the Bisshop do professe to abstayne to be vsed the more fauourablye in which cace after penaunce effectuallye done the Bisshop according to his discretion and wisdom may vpon iuste consideration receaue and admitte them agayne to their former administration so it be not in the same place appoyncting them suche a porcion to liue vpon to be payde out of their benefice wherof they be depriued by discretion of y e sayd Bisshop or his officer shal thinke may be spared of the sayd benefice 9 ITem that euerye Bisshop and all other persons aforesayd do forsee that they suffer not anye religious man hauinge solemnely professed Chastitie to continue with his woman or wyfe but that al such persons after depriuation of their benefice or Ecclesiastical promotion be also deuorsed euery one frō his sayde woman and due punishment otherwise taken for the offēce therin 10 ITem that euery Bysshop and all other persons aforesayd do take order and direction with the parishioners of euerye benefice where Priestes doe wante to repayre to the next parishe for diuine seruice or to appoynt for a cōuenient time till other better prouision may be made one curate to serue Alternis uicibus in diuerse parisshes to allotte to the sayd curate for his labour some porcion of the benefice that he so serueth 11 ITem that al almaner of processions of the church be vsed frequented and continued after the olde order of the churche in the Laten tonge 12 ITem that al such holy dayes fasting dayes be obserued and kept as was obserued and kepte in the latter tyme of Kyng Henry theyght 13 ITem y t the laudable and honest ceremonies which were wonte to be vsed frequented obserued in the church be also hereafter frequented vsed and obserued 14 ITem that children be christened by the Priest and confirmed by the Bysshop as heretofore hath bene accustomed and vsed 15 ITem touchinge suche persons as were heretofore promoted to any orders after the new sort and fashion of order consideringe they were not ordered in very dede the Bisshop of the diocesse findinge otherwise sufficiencie habilitie in those men may supply that thinge whiche wanted in them before And then according to his discretion admitte them to ministre 16 ITem that by the Bisshoppe of the Diocesse a vniforme doctrine be set furth by Homilyes or otherwise for the good instruction and teachynge of all people And that the sayed Bysshopppe and other personnes aforesayde doe compell the parishioners to come to their seuerall churches and there deuoutly to heare diuine seruice as of reason they ought 17 ITem that they examine all Scholemaysters and teachers of children and finding them suspecte in any wise to remoue them and place catholike men in their comes with a special cōmaundement to instruct their children so as they maye be able to aunswere the priest at the masse so helpe the priest to masse as hathe bene accustomed 18 ITem that the sayd Bisshop and all other the persons aforesayd haue such regard respect and consideration of and for the settinge furth of the premisses with all kind of vertue godlye liuinge and good example with repressing also and keping vnder of vice and vnthriftines as they and eueryche of them maye besene to fauour the restitution of true religion and also to make an honest accompt and reckening of their office and cure to the honour of God our good contentation and the profite of this our realme and dominions of the same Excusum Londini in aedibus Iohannis Cawodi Typographi Reginae Mariae Anno. 1553. Mense Martio