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A38742 Europe's chains broke, or, A sure and speedy project to rescue her from the present usurpations of the tyrant of France 1692 (1692) Wing E3418; ESTC R27969 49,318 170

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it is not to be doubted extremly surpriz'd to see himself stopp'd on the sudden by that surprizing Change which has so lately happen'd in England and who can doubt but that this change of Soveraigns has been a Mortal Blow to him seeing that by that means he not only sees his Great and Ambitious Desig●●s overturn'd and in lieu of a near Ally and intimate Friend he finds on the Throne none but an unrecon-cilable Enemy burning with Zeal for the Preservation of Europe and with a desire of Punishing th● Usurper and that which is ye● more sensible to France is tha● this New Monarch will not fail o● being Seconded by all the Christian Princes We have seen England in changing of Master to make the face of the Affairs o● Europe change also especially in the Low-Countries the decree of their Ruine having been determined between the Two Kings Lewis the XIV and James the II. after that France had long consider'd the United Provinces a● the only Obstacle that could prevent it from Conquering the rest of Europe well knowing that those States would at all times Oppose themselves to the Ruine of their Neighbours push'd on by a Motive of Generosity of Equity and of Interest also Therefore the King of France could not perceive which way he should go about to overcome his Opponents but in mining and in destroying totally those Provinces thereby shutting them out of the power of hindring him or of opposing his Design and that he could not do without England's consent Wherefore after the death of Charles the Second he so dextrously did embark King James in his Design and set him at variance with his Parliament through Religious Motives by ridiculous demands of the abolishing of the Test and Penal Laws which had been established for the support of the Kingdom and the preservation of the Establish'd Religion France was assur'd that by that means it should set the King and Parliament out of power or reuniting again and that by those means Lewis the XIV should oblige that Prince whom he led by the Nose to apply himself to him for Mony which he certainly knew the Parliament would refuse him that in case they should grant it to him it should be on such conditions which the King would not accept And thus that ill advis'd P●●nce would not fail to turn himself towards France as he has done and to let himself be obseded and won by fair but false Promises to render him absolute Master over his People and his Parliament with which Lewis the XIV has so long fed and entertain'd with dexterity the weak Imagination of his Ally that he has lull'd him asleep into a Lethargy very opposite to his right Interest to that of his People and even to that of all Europe of which it may be said That England holds the Scales In the year 1672. France was already working on her project against the United States through the means of England if we consider with what weakness Charles the Second permitted himself to be ty'd up by those Treaties he made contrary to so many Obligations which he had to the said States and of his particular Interest feeding himself with hopes of a share in those said Provinces before they were taken With what weakness did the same Prince sell to France the Town of Dunkirk and behold with his Arms folded Lewis the XIV take the principal places of the Spanish Netherlands not only Cambray Valencienne S. Omers Erre but so many others al-also which were as so many bulwarks to stay the fury of Lewis the XIV And ever after the Peace of Nimeguen have not whole Provinces submitted to the French Yoke And while that under the shelter of that Peace other Soveraigns had disbanded their Forces France alone kept his Arms because it knew what it was hatching and what it design'd to do The Town of Luxembourg was a Thorn in its side and it would be Master of it and Charles the Second was as little mov'd or it as if he had been pay'd to let him do and say nothing and behold unconcern'd that place taken from the Spaniard Free Europe which little by little saw one Province after another and one Town after another submitted to France did frequently cast its Eye towards the Parliament of England in hopes to receive some relief from that part but France had so well taken its measures there that before that Illustrious Body was assembled divers Lords at the sound of Louis d'Ors were become deaf to the Complaints of the generality and some amongst them had even lost the use of Speech and were become motionless for the publick good and that of the Nation and so soon as the House of Commons began to harp on that string the King made use of his Authority to prorogue them to another time and so business run in the same course again and gave leave to France to continue its way to gain Conquest on Conquest In the mean time the true English men who are the most jealous of their Liberties of any Nation were forc'd to be silent and quietly behold themselves hedg'd in on all sides without opposing it nor daring to complain Those that were lukewarm would frequently ask Why the Spaniards and the Imperialists who had most interest in it did not oppose themselves to that T●rrent and to those French Conquests I confess that if they could have done it alone they ought to have gone about it and they can never be excus'd for having neglected it but those who know a little the Affairs of the World are not ignorant of the misery Spain is fallen into during the minority of a King and that the Netherlands are far remote from the Empire which has many Heads and which of truth cannot assist them without its Allyes that are nearest to those Provinces who are the King of England and the States of the United Provinces The Emperor has continually the Turks at his doors over which he is to keep a strict watch at all times Besides as I have already mentioned the Empire 's compos'd of divers Members who have each their Soveraign and their different Interests and therefore a long time is required and divers Springs must play to set so great a Machine going and frequently before the resolution of it be taken France has done its do and then it speaks of Peace and of Accommodation by which means Lewis XIV has for the most part kept his Conquests if they deserve that Name after which every one retires home disbands France makes shew to do the same and if it acquiesces so far to disband some Troops in one part of the Kingdom it raises others in another and thus remains still in the same posture to do mischief ready to attempt some new thing so soon as it finds any favourable opportunity In that interval France did not remain quiet it had its Emissaries in all the Courts of Germany who using the slight of
know their own Interest as do those States ●hould permit Lewis the XIV to ●dvance one Foot of Ground more ●han he is already being but too ●orwards all that Monarchs fair Promises and his kind assurances of Friendship remaining without ●ffect not being able to win them to be deceiv'd And perceiving that his Credit was at an end in those Provinces that all the Propositions of the Count d'Avaux his Ambassador were suspected and that he was still entertain'd with much Circumspection as Lions are fed still pulling the hand back finding himself discover'd and cried down not to lose any more time to flatter and amuse ●●e said States being not able to accomplish his ends that way he ●esolv'd to ruine them at the same time that King James the II. go● on the Throne he knowing we● his Genius was satisfied that there wanted nothing but a Golden Apple to amuse him and to follow that itching desire which tha● Prince had to render himself Absolute Master over all his Kingdom to alter the Laws and th● Religion of it and to feed hi●● before hand with the hopes of th●● Spanish Indies that he might n●● longer find himself oblig'd to Assemble his Parliament who approv'd not of his Proceeding no● of that great Alliance he had wit● France which under what shap● soever it was represented to them did always appear hiddeous D●ring all that long Interval an● till there were a fair occasion 〈◊〉 perform that great Design th● French Emissaries did continuall● pour their cold Poison in the English Court which was quaff'd 〈◊〉 in large Draughts by some of th● Grandees which they endeavour'd to Digest without noise seeing that at the same time they thus under-hand set forward their Masters Interest others who were not at such a distance provided themselves with an Apple against draught as did many others in all the Courts of Christendom It was in this contagious time so infected with the French Lewis D'Ors that Europe was to tremble and that all honest people that concern'd themselves in the common Cause of the good of Christendom were to shake at the very sight of that weight which was going to crush Europe to pieces seeing that its general loss had immediately follow'd that of the Seventeen United Provinces the Emperor nor the King of Spain not being then able to prevent nor put a stop to that Torrent which had chang'd it self into a Deluge from which not England it self had been Exempted in its time if afterward it would not have danc'd to the French Flutes and obey'd the Orders of its Ambitious Monarch I am willing to make use of these Terms seeing that all those that are Pensioners of France are so● but to Execute his Orders and to Work to increase the Grandeu● of Lewis the XIV not to oppose his Interests but on the contrary Sacrifice their Honour and their Lives to them so oft as the Good and the Interest of France should require it If ever Lewis the XIV had obtain'd his end and had made himself Master of the Forces of the Seventeen Provinces as he plotted it in his greedy Imagination through the King of England's Means there had then been no ways left for this last to retire though he should perceive his Error as Charles the II. had done and he must either by fair or fou● means have gone on with that he had begun through a weak Complacency and then the Most Christian King had rais'd his Voice and Arm at the same time and had spoken in Magisterial Terms to all the Princes of Europe neither had that of England been left for the last but had been oblig'd to submit to the same Fate with all the others as a Reward for all the good Services that he should have render'd him I once again repeat that the Designs of France were not new that long since Lewis the XIV had had them before him even before that James the II. had got on the Throne and during his Brother's Reign he luckily made use of the Dutchess of Orlean's Management who was Sister to both the Kings Charles and James But the First of them who had continually before his Eyes the Tragical end of his Father and who was still very sensible 〈◊〉 the sufferings and troubles of his Exile had much to do to resolve upon it and the Apprehensions which he had of his People did retain him and hindred him from Assisting France in all things as he was solicited to do and he at last did abandon it as we did see by the Peace which he had made with the States of the United Provinces and then he seemingly did relinquish the Interests of his Ally not to Prorogue his Parliament who very plainly did forsee the danger in which the Nation was going to fall had France continued its Progress as it had began in 1672. and the years following After the Peace of Nimeguen the Kings great Design against the United Provinces remain'd as buried during the remnant of King Charles his Reign but he soon rais'd it again for at King James's Ascending the Throne France gather'd new Vigour and beholding there so good a Friend with whom he was tied in Religion and Inclination Lewis the XIV fail'd not to strike the Iron while it was hot and during the Three or Four Years of his Reign the French Emissaries gave divers Assaults and set all Hands to work the French Ambassador Barillon made great Largesses to all those whom he thought propper to do his Master Service the Curtisans tasted of the Cake as well as divers Ministers at Court thus all unanimously did labour to perswade James the II. so soon as he was King to second Lewis the XIV in his Designs divers not knowing them there needed no great Perswasion to attain it because that Prince was already sufficiently inclin'd to it of himself and at that time of all Employs that of Messenger was the most necessary there was nothing seen but such kind of Persons on the Road from London to Paris and from Paris to London till the Treaty was finish'd of which the chief matter and knot of the Business was the ruine and destruction of the United Provinces All the Religious Orders and above all the Jesuits did take a great Interest in that Business and already cried out The Town was their own there was a perpetual motion among them the Ships that cross'd the Seas on both Parties were throng'd with those Zealots and Apostolick Postilions thus were all things in motion for the Good of France and for the Advancement of its Monarchs Designs some through Interest some through Zeal and others through meer Ignorance This Business thus built up with Lime and Stone concluded and resolv'd on betwixt the Two Kings Lewis the XIV the better to compass all things was desirous to strengthen himself towards the North but having lost the friendship of the Sweeds for having fail'd in keeping those Treaties which had formerly pass'd
between the Two Crowns France having no Prospect of patching them up again it took the Party of Denmark though it was nothing near so advantageous to it as was the other To render it capable of employing it on all occasions he sent thither the Count of Roy there to Command with many Officers and Men but after the Siege of Hambourg that General being retir'd the French Party did much diminish besides France could not Unite it self with that Crown in so streight an Alliance as it wish'd for and that it were necessary because of those Measures which Denmark was to keep with the United Provinces on the account of Trade without which it cannot do well neither can it turn it to so good an account with France it having at home all that it could draw from thence so that all that France can at present draw from that Alliance can but at the most come but to a Neutrality provided the Emperor and his Allies will give their consent Lewis the XIV was reckoning upon that when he assur'd James the Second that the King of Denmark would not disturb but on the contrary favour them in case that the Swede should join with their Enemies It was on that Pillow Lewis le Grand did gently lull asleep the King of England together with an imaginary shower of Gold which was to drop from the Spanish Indies But how great soever a Corruption is at Court there are still some good and the soundest part of the Kingdom of England could not relish that streight Union which was betwixt their Prince and France it clearly did see that on its side the design was to Change the Religion to Subvert the Laws Establish an Arbitrary Power and a Despotick Government which tended to the loss of their Liberties and Priviledges and to depend one Day on France which gave them suspicion of every step which the Ambassador Barillon and the Queen did make in that respect but their Zeal did so far transport them that at last the People the Lords the Protestant Clergy open'd their Eyes and thought of delivering themselves and with them all Europe from those shackles which were forging for them and the Heavens granting the Petition of all Christendom and in particular of the English Nation it sent them a Deliverer of whom Providence hath so miraculously seconded the Enterprise so as to prevent them from falling under an hard Bondage and under the Government of a suppos'd Prince a Foundling whose Father and Mother remain still unknown which was to be preferr'd to the Lawful Heirs of the Crown such a black and unheard of Supplanting did oblige the Princess of Orange as the next Heir to the Kingdom to intreat the Prince her Husband to second the just Request of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and of the most sound part of the Kingdom Thus the Prince by an Admirable Conduct and a Divine Dispensation did bring things about according to the Hearts desire of the Nation without effusion of Blood and set Succession in its due and right Channel which was to have been interrupted by the means of that suppos'd Child for the Princess having been Crown'd Queen by Succession and the Prince King by Acknowledgment after the Throne had been declar'd Vacant through King James the Il's Desertion it happen'd very luckily for the Deliverance of Europe which I shall prove in what follows as being the Subject of this small Book In the first place I lay down for an indisputable Truth That if Lewis the XIV and James the II. had compass'd their Designs and Ends the United Provinces had been entirely lost through the breaking down of their Banks for that way did he design to begin to take away all means from the Inhabitants of ever recovering from that Dissolution in which he design'd to Reduce them after they had made themselves Masters of the Spanish Netherlands after which I cannot perceive how Europe could have prevented falling under the Yoak of the French Dominion having had the King of England for Second and Invading the 17 United Provinces and rendring Tributary in imitation of the Grand Seignior the most remote of those Provinces which he could not conveniently Govern I have already given to observe that the Empire alone could not hinder him by reason of the great number of heads all of different and distinct Interests of those Princes that Compose it On the other hand Spain being not in a Condition to raise Forces sufficient to oppose it nor all of them together capable to resist the rapid motion with which France would invade them after its First Conquests For to represent to us what France can do and what it has been able to do in all times we need but to frame to our selves a right Idea of things from Francis the First to Charles the Fifth we shall easily judge that it has alwaies been dreaded this last was both Emperor and King of Spain together he was Master of the 17 United Provinces while they were entire he had Burgundy and the French County as well as Alsatia he had an absolute power over the Princes of Germany and of Italy This Monarch was without dispute one of the Greatest Princes not only of his Time but of his Age a Great Commander undaunted in all his Enterprises daring Perils and Dangers in which he had frequently been and add to all that his Personal Valour a good Head-Piece and fit for Counsel encouraging his Armies by his Presence having under him the most Experienc'd Captains and the best Generals of his Time and such Armies that had been tried in all parts of Germany Italy and in the Low-Countries besides Fleets on the Mediterranian and on the Ocean With all those Forces his Courage and his Treasures though he had to do but with Francis the First who alone was his Capital Enemy and who was nothing near so powerful as his Successors have been and as Lewis the XIVth is at this time or at least as he has been of late years having no other Revenue but about thirty or thirty five French Millions whereas this present has four times as much Mean time with all this disproportion of Forces and of Wealth this Emperor durst not attack him 'till first he had joyn'd himself with Henry the VIIIth of England and with the most considerable Princes of Italy By this we find that even from that time the Emperoor did highly consider the Kings o● England and that if Francis the First King of France had first secur'd Henry the VIIIth's Alliance Charles the Fifth had not dar'd to attack him and with all the advantages that the Emperor had of his side Francis the first stood out against him and without the Misfortune that befell him at the Seige of Pavia where he was made Prisoner he had given work enough to his Enemy I pass from Francis the First to Lewis the XIVth much more powerful in Forces in Treasures and in Demains than his Predecessors
our of the danger he is in He has address'd himself to the Elector of Brandenburg the King of Spain and to the Pope but at this present knowing of no better shift and finding that all the Christian Princes do abandon him he has apply'd himself to the Turk And finding that no Christians will any longer confide in him be covers himself with a false M●sk of Hypoceisie he demonstrates to the House of Austria that the Roman Catholick Religion is in danger and that it perishes with him that it has been ●hrough his Care and Zeal so many Conversions have been made in his Kingdom and that he was ready to have done as much in England if there had not been a League made against him But with all these sugar'd words he at the same time Leagues himself with the Enemy of Christendom at that very time he enters the Palatinate and puts all to the Fire and Sword he offers to the Grand Seignior to joyn himself with him on the defensive part and not to lay down his Arms 'till the Sultan has recover'd Hungary At the same time he offers to the Pope that if the Emperor will agree with him he will lend him forty Gallies to aid him to Conquer Constantinople and offers to Re-establish King James in his Kingdoms provided that the Emperor and the Empire will Conclude a Peace with him All these are fair Flowers that conceal a Serpent under them who will certainly sting the hand of him that will but touch them These are the French King's Deceits which he has Inherited from Mazarine to trye whether by such fair Offers he might not break the Union of the Empire But Flanders the Palatinate the Countries of Juliers and of Ments Treves and Colen remain unreprochable Testimonies of his Breaches of Faith and of his Hypocrisie he having nothing less in his thoughts than the Christian Religion For those Offers which his Ambassador Guichardin has made to the Port ought once for all to undeceive all Christendom of that Catholick Faith of which he makes so great a shew But not to rest any longer on the Illusions and Deceitful Offer● of France which ought to be suspicious to all the Princes of Europe I say that the Emperor and the Empire ought not to stop in the very beginning of so fair an Opportunity which England offers them nor lay down their Arms 'till they have recover'd Burgundy the French County Alsace but particulary Strasbourg Philip●burg Fribourg Brisack and all that France has Usurp'd on that side of Europe Moreover Reseated the Electors Palatine of Mentz Treves and Colen in their Territories and Rights with an entire reparation of all those Wrongs and Damages which he has done them by his Forces and Incendiaries Resign Cardinal Fustenberg into the hands of the Emperor or of the Pope to answer to those things that shall be alledg'd against him and that he is already accus'd of But that which is most just and necessary is to restore the Duke of Lorain to his Dukedom which ought to be restituted in the same Condition that it was in the time of his Predecessors Policy requires that this Dukedom should be separated from France because that would be a means to weaken France It would be to fix a Thorn in its foot thus to Re-establish the Successor of the Ancient Soveraigns to support and uphold it that it might no longer be liable to fall under the Forces of France nor to acquiesce to any Treaty prejudiciable to it nor so much as to have any great Communication with them because that the Duke of Lorain being once restor'd to his Estates neither he nor his Sucessors ought nevermore to trust to the French Kings but ought daily to set before their Eyes with what perfideousness his Predecessor has been Treated Those Great Victories which that Prince has gain'd with such great Success and Glory over the Turks the re-union of Hungary to the Empire which is due to his sole Valour does well deserve that all Christian Princes should Conserve themselves for this Great Heroe Joyn to that the Obligation which his Imperial Majesty has with that Duke by his Mariage with the Queen of Poland It is not to be doubted but that William the IIId King of Great Brittain will Contribute with all his Power to so Just and Laudable an Enterprise even necessary for the quiet of Europe and that his Britanick Majesty will impose it as a Law on Himself to bring it about if he once undertakes it But to Compass this with more ease The Duke of Lorain ought before all things else to propose a Liberty of Conscience in all his Dominion and free Exercise to all Protestants in all the Cities and Borroughs where there are any That will be a means to draw on his side the Assistance of all those of that Religion as well as that of the Allies and of their Subjects in laying aside the Counsels of a Company of Monks which continually beat over and over in divers Catholick Princes Ears to make them act the contrary and to push them forward to a Persecution which will ever prove hurtful to their Persons and Sates The Duke of Lorrain ought not to let slip so fair and so favourable an occasion which perhaps will never offer it self again in all his Life time nor that of his Successors his Interest and that of his Family obliges him to embrace it and to soliciate the King of England as well as the Emperor and those Princes who Compose the Diet of Ratisbone who are already inclin'd to it by the barbarous Proceedings of the French they doubtless will not fall to espouse the Interest of that Prince in consideration of those Services which he has render'd to Christendom and to labour in his Re-establishment as well as in that of others the rather because that Lorrain being in that Duke's Hands will serve as a Bar to the Empire but as I have already said that Prince ought to Labour particularly to bring the Emperor and his Council to grant a Truce to the Grand Seignior without which I cannot see his own Concerns can have any good Success This he ought to consider before sending back the Turks Envoy lest he should slip the Occasion for after that every one will take new Measures The Emperor never had nor never will have a fairer Occasion to entirely Master France than that which at this present he is furnished with by the coming of William the III. to the Crown of England which seems as if God had produc'd that Effect during the time of that great Union of the Princes of the Empire to give an Opportunity to his Imperial Majesty to Subdue France being thereunto excited by the ill Usage they have all receiv'd from the French King and the barbarous Proceeding which he has us'd of late in Germany which has been but a continuation of those Cruelties which his Dragoons have exercis'd in his own Kingdom which
France Henry the VIIIth did compare Spain and France to the two boles of a pair of Scales that that side weigh'd it down on which he lean'd He spoke justly f●r the Monarchs of that Kingdom being well united with their Parliaments may stile themselves the Arbitrators of Christendom It is not without reason then that France has flatter'd them during the two Reigns that have preceded this and Lewis the XIVth thought himself at the top of all his De●●gns when he did see James the ●●d on the Throne making open p●ofession of the Roman-Catholick Beligion perhaps with a little more passion than became a King but that was the weak side by which the French King would catch him and detain him in his Bonds for that Prince ever subtle and crafty did hit him on that side on which he was most sensible to 〈◊〉 prejudice of his Honour and against the inclination of the Nation and the Parliaments expectations Mean time Lewis the XIVth had so well manag'd his Allie that it may be said he already Triumph'd over him and that through all his Managements Intreagues and Lewis D'Ors he was become Master of King James his Fortune by the subtlety of his Ministers who lull'd him asleep on specious Offers of Sixty Millions and of 60000 Men to support him against his Enemies and even against his own People if they would have resisted and set themselves free France little caring for the evil consequences that this Commerce could not but produce so it did its own Business and render'd that Prince odious to his Allies and to his Neighbours as well as to his own Subjects who began to feel the smart of a pernicious Council either in their Liberties Laws or Religion and seeing themselves press'd down by a Tirannical Authority and Despotick Power of an obseded and gained King by France and wholly devoted to its Interests the English have found themselves constrain'd to prevent their falling into the same Predicament their Neighbours were in to have recourse to their Liberator that in being themselves deliver'd they might delive●● all Europe also from that slavery in which it w●● going to fall and to that pu●●ose ●●er the Throne to the Prince o● Orange and to the Princess his Spouse as the lawful Heirs to the Three Kingdoms and God having granted the Nations Vows and Petition he has so well conducted that Great Prince's Enterprise that it may be said he has led him by the Hand and seated him on that Throne that was designed for him without any effusion of Blood This Miracle we have seen but our Off-springs will scarce believe it it is an happy and more than happy change seeing that it will render a calm and quiet to all Christendom and that he restores to Europe its Liberty It was William the III. that Providence had design'd through the Assistance of the States of th● U●●ted Provinces to be the glorious Instrument of so great a Work capable to cause once more the dumb Son of Cr●ssus to speak if he were yet living But in the place of that Prince Europe that was become in a manner Dumb through those great Evils that it suffer'd before-hand has set up the Standard of Liberty and of Deliverance Since that Prince and Princess of Orange have been Seated on the Throne all Christendom begins as it were to revive again Catholicks and Protestants all raise up their Heads against their Oppressor as when a Tree is fallen every body runs to take their share of the Bows But to accomplish the Work Two Things are requir'd First a good and firm League amongst the Christian Princes who have under-gone and who still fear to fall under the French Kings Usurpation should he get off of this present danger so that nothing may be able to dissolve that Union and that no private Interest nor Eldership should prevail over the general Good and that he who shall separate from that Union so necessary to Christendom should be look'd upon as a Perturbator and a common Enemy and set in the number of the Turks and the French to be set upon as a Deserter and Traitor to the general Good of Europe That Neutrality have no Place in Christendom that he who is not for us is against us Assuredly that League being so well Cemented all the offers of France nor the satisfaction that it might give to some of the Pretenders nor being able to break the Union it is most certain that all will bow to the Allies that they shall enter Drums beating and Colours flying into their Enemies Country where they ought by all means to take up their Winter Quarters the next Season to prevent Lewis the XIV's Forces from entring into the Country of the Allies as he designs and to give him at Home so much Business that he may not go seek for some elsewhere For if they enter not into France but that the Allies content themselves with taking some Places which he has formerly seiz'd on with a design to amuser them to get time as Mentz Bonn Keiserwaert and others that are about his Kingdom that would be doing nothing at all seeing the King has still his end and that he holds those Places but to busie the Allies during this first Campaign either to tire them or to drain them through length of time or to Alienate some That is Lewis the XIV's chief end and the best Advice that he could take in such a pressing juncture in which he finds himself at present But if that for his good and for the ill of Europe he can break down the Dike though the Breach be never so small he will drown all Christendom and the last evil would be worse than the first To avoid this mischief no Prince of the League ought to suffer any French Emissary in his Territories they ought to be Banish'd as Infected Persons and not Pardon the very first that shall be found not sparing even the Church Men those are flying Plagues who like stinking flesh Flies infect all places they light on it is a dangerous Seed which is to be rooted quite up The Allies ought not to be concern'd at the great number of Men there is in France they are young Vipers that will eat a Passage through their Mothers Belly to get at Liberty Not the Tenth Part of that great People have cause to be contented and the most sound part waits but for its Deliverance on what Side soever and it may be said that Lewis the XIV is not better belov'd in his Kingdom than James the 〈◊〉 was in his It is certain that when the Prince of Lorrain shall appear before his own Subjects they will receive him with the same Joy that the English have receiv'd the Prince of Orange I say the same of Burgundy and of the French County and of divers other People who wait but for the happy Moment of their Liberty The Second thing to be done is a powerful Fleet which the King of
England is to keep continually at Sea that in conjunction with that of the States General he may be Master of the Sea and not only give an Allarm on the Coasts of France but make a descent also in Two different places so soon as possible it can be done then will that Kingdom be in a Combustion and the King of it will lose the North not knowing what place first to Succour as a City that the Fire seizes in all Places and those that shall Land there may be assur'd to be Seconded by a great number of the Inhabitants all along that Coast and from the Neighbouring Provinces William the III. now Reigning ought to be certain that his Predecessors have not for nothing preserv'd that Title of King of France the Rights of Kings never grow out of Date they are always Pupils and at liberty to claim what has wrongfully been taken from them So long as England shall subsist the Kings will have a double Right to France which will never be lost so long as Henry the V. shall have any Successors to the Crown of England he was Son to Margarite of France and she Daughter to Philip le Bell whose Sons deceas'd without Successors to the Crown of France and that Henry as a further Right Married the Daughter of Charles the VI. Being come to France it was decreed by the States of the Kindom that he should be their King after the Death of Charles the VI. and in that Quality the Queen his Mother in Law made him Heir of all her Means and of the Crown of France I am perswaded that there would not need any thing near so much to Lewis the XIV to frame an irrevocable Pretension on England and that the Royal Chamber of Metz would very readily confirm it without the least trouble but there is no such thing on the contrary there has happen'd a time in which all the deceits and subtleties of France begin very much to unstitch and to be thread-bare William the III. has overturn'd the Bankers Tables which the French King's Emissaries had set up in all places their false Coin is no longer currant their Money is cry'd down their Lewis D'Ors which were Worshipped as the Heathen do their Puppets are grown odious to honest People at least the occasion of their Distribution and they are no more capable to corrupt at this time than is the Copper of Sweede Thus France beginning to be cried down by all Christendom and to be slighted in all the Courts of the Princes of Europe it has chang'd its Game and endeavours to imitate those ancient Curtisans who being grown old and wither'd are cast off and abandon'd by every body who alter the Passion once had for them which obliges them also to an alteration in turning Biggots and Superstitious endeavouring to counterfeit Mary-Magdalen thereby to regain that esteem of the People which they had lost by their debauched Lives Thus Lewis the XIV to draw on new Friends and Allies the better to oppose himself to the King of Great Britain and perceiving that all his Credit with the Catholick Princes is at an end that none will any longer confide in him and that his Maxims are cried down he has taken in hand other Means much more subtle than the precedent were he no longer speaks to them of his own Interests but he now Proclaims to them That they must come to the Assistance of the Catholick Religion That it was aimed at when King James his Ally was Attack'd and that he has no other design of making War but for the support of that dear Religion especially by the re-establishment of that Prince on his Throne that if all the Catholicks would but join with him or remain Neuter that he alone will undertake to Re-establish him and at the same time the Catholick Religion in England and Scotland and after ●hat beat down Heresie in its very Center But all this while Lewis the XIV is far from telling what he conceals under those specious Pretences which would be that after he had pull'd down William the III. overcome the Protestant Princes he would do the like to all the Roman Catholicks one after another and thus become Master of Europe 〈◊〉 ●er●ain that the diversity of Religion has always been as a large and vast Abiss betwixt the Catholick and the Protestant Princes but the Cruelty and Perfidiousness of the French has fill'd up that Abiss and levell'd the way between them and all difficulties are at present laid aside Even the French King himself unknowingly has given a help in hand to the Business with all his Power for while he endeavours to perswade all the World that he has no other aim than to promote the Catholick Faith and that he Preaches in all places his Conversions that he importunes the Pope to join with him for the Defence of the Church and just in the height of such a fair Mission in all appearance he orders his Troops to enter into the Territories of the Catholick Princes to Attack those of the Prelates of the Church and even to insult the Pope though Head of that Religion which he protests he would defend burning and destroying all over Germany where his Troops but set their Foot without exception of Religion nor of Persons Sacrificing to their Rage the most Sacred Places their Insolence not sparing so much as the Monasteries of the Virgins devoted to the Service of God nor their impiety the Image of our Saviour and that of the holy Virgin his Mother which they have Treated with the greatest Indignation and irreverence that any Atheist could have been guilty of acting in all places like Men that had no Faith and that acknowledg'd no God and all this too as the whole World knows against the promis'd Faith of Treaties and Capitulations which they own they have agreed to but to enter the further and with more ease into Places and to put in Execution their Wicked and Pernicious Designs the King threatning to Cashier those Officers that should not execute with all barbarousness and exactly with the last extremity the Orders of the Court as if they had been sent to put an end to the Would by Fire before the appointed time by Divine Providence After all this how can so cruel and so inhumane a Prince take upon him the Title of Most Christian and while that by an over-plus of Crimes he joyns with the Turks to exterminate and ruine Christendom assuring those Infidels that he has not taken up Arms but to come to their Assistance and to procure them t●● 〈◊〉 to recover what they have lost in Hungary and to return before Vienna It is no small trouble to that Most Christian King to have mist his oportunity during the last Siege of Vienna not to have advanc'd with his Army which was ready at hand into Germany without expecting as he did the taking of Vienna but he then believing the loss of it inevitable he thought