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A96399 The real Quaker a real Protestant, and the spirit of popery directly struck at in answer to a most malicious and scandalous book, entituled, The papists younger brother, by a disguised author under the titles Misoplanes and Philalethes, but on the contrary proved Philoplanes, Misalethes / by a servant of Christ, G. Whitehead. Whitehead, George, 1636?-1723. 1679 (1679) Wing W1952; ESTC R42838 97,690 135

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Answ Here the Priest makes an Objection against all the King's Subjects which he himself cannot Answer but only askes If it be not rare Quaking stuff He argues neither as a Christian nor like a rational or sober Man as if he would bear us down from a Practice or Custom among many of the King's Subjects and thereupon Argue That because many of the Kings Subjects Swear by a Law of Man therefore Christ's prohibition is thereby abolisht and Whatsoever is more than Yea Yea Nay Nay comes not of the Evil one it s but Quaking stuff to say as Christ says that it so cometh of Evil or of the Evil one as the Priest himself has given the Interpretation of Christ's words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And yet opposeth and derides the thing where conscientiously obeyed by us not with Disrespect to King or Government but with respect to Christs Command not to Swear Pr. Ibid. St. Paul might have known this new Light Doctrine that Christ ended the Dispensation of Oaths where Strife was if this be not Abominable Doctrine delivered by this Quaker let the wise Readers ●udge Answ What knows he but Paul knew this Doctrine that Christ ended the Dispensation of Oaths among his Followers the true Christians He does not say that an Oath for Confirmation is an End of Strife among Christians but among MEN and such Men were the Jews under the Law that were in the Strife which was the occasion of Oaths and Swearing And however where Strife and the Nature of it is removed and ended by Christ Jesus there need no Swearing to end it among such Men a●d Christians But that Solemn Oaths as he calls them are as bad now as Vain Oaths are none of our words but the Priests unnatural Inferrence for there is a difference between an Oath taken solemnly though under a misguided Conscience or Judgement Oaths used vainly and frequently by Prophane Persons who therein often sin against manifest Conviction of Conscience Yet that Swearing was lawful under the old Dispensation but unlawful now as is inferr'd upon us I grant and this the Priest has not removed he has made more Objections for us in this case than he either doth or is able to Answer And seeing he has handled the point so very shallowly against us I refer him and the Reader to a Book Entituled The Case of the Quakers concerning Oaths Defended as Evangolical and another Book more large and full Entituled A Treatise of Oaths wherein both by Scripture Reason Authorities of many Authors our Case is defended in our not Swearing § XX. Qr. p. 46 57. If thou observest a Day observe it to the Lord The Name Sunday is from the Heathens who Celebrated that Day to the Sun and called it Sunday Pr. p. 57. When the King and Parliament made the late Act for the better Observation of the Lord's Day then they did nothing but make a Law to establish Will-Worship according to this Quaker Answ We do not Reflect upon King or Parliament for making such an Act nor judge their Intention or Design to be to establish Will-Worship therein Here the Priest still persists in his old Course of Hectoring to incense the Powers against us which is no Rational Argument nor Christian Confutation but still shews that his Religion and Worship have their Dependence upon men He is for that Way Method and Religion that is the uppermost imposed by the Magistrate and that 's his chief Argument But what 's this to Confute our Friend's saying The Name Sunday is from the Heathens who Celebrated that Day to the Sun And dare he deny this or say that the Name Sunday Munday Tuesday Wednesday c. did not spring from the Heathen in Relation to their Gods whom they Worshipped And did not the Primitive Christians call that the first day of the Week which you professed Christians call Sunday after the Heathens Example And in our Meeting on the First Day of the Week as the Primitive Christians did we do not superstitiously observe the Day or place an Esteem or Sanctity upon that day simply consider'd more than others but observe it to the Lord. The Apostle did not impose the Observation of Days upon the Primitive Christians nor were they to judge one another in that matter One man esteemeth one day above another another esteemeth every day alike Let every man be fully perswaded in his own mind He that regardeth the day regardeth it unto the Lord c. see Rom. 14.4 5 6. Pr. p. 58. Doth not this Quaker's Ignorance in effect count all holy Dayes Apostatical Are not these the Festival Days c P. 59. Real Quakers do not observe holy dayes as this Church appoints Answ The Real Quaker owns the Apostle's Doctrine Col. 2.16 Let no man judge you in Meat or in Drink or in respect of an holy Day or of the New Moon or Sabboth Days which are a Shadow of things to come but the Body is of Christ Certainly Christ is the Substance and End of the Shadow But this Priest is now for Festival Days and Holy Days as the Church appoints Observe how like a Church-man of Rome he here talks as if he were directly steering his Course to Rome The Church is his Rule here and not Christ nor the Scriptures he is for Festivals and Holy Days as the Church commands that is He is for the Observation of Saints and Angels Days and doubtless for Mass-Days too which if he would have us observe he should plainly tell us whence the Observation of such dayes sprung and whether they are not enjoyned in the Mass-Book and from Rome Pr. Ibid. Whither do the Quakers come when they are gotten over the Observation of Days for my part I cannot tell Answ Seeing he cannot tell whither we are or do come he should have let us alone and not revil'd nor abus'd us as men in such deep Ignorance because we can neither keep up the Names of Heathen Gods in Dayes nor Popishly observe Festival Days Holy Days Mass Days c. So here I must leave him in this point with his Face towards Rome not towards Zion nor New Jerusalem § XXI The Priest's next Quarrel is against James Parnel on the Collection of his Writings He is offended to hear That they are given forth from the Spirit of the Lord or that James Parnel should be counted a Servant of God as in the Title of the said Collection and therefore proceeds as followeth Pr. Ibid. This Quaking holy Man of God was in the Quakers Account no less inspired by the holy Ghost than the holy Pen-men of Scripture Answ We make no such Comparison of his being inspired yet though we do not equalize him with those holy Pen-men he was in some degree inspired by the same holy Spirit and bore a Faithful Testimony in his Day and in his Suffering against the Corruptions of those Times both of the then Persecuting Priests Rulers and People Pr. Ibid. The Quakers are
of England assembl'd in the late long Parliament and in the last Parliament received and had concerning the People called Quakers as when Motion was made in the House of Commons for their Relief from those Laws made in Q. Elizabeth's dayes against Popish Reousants and the Case committed and publickly examin'd and heard and our Declaration against Popery accepted in a Great and Publick Committee assembled in the Commons House as a sufficient Test to distinguish us the People called Quakers from Popish Recusants Thus far in the late long Parliament And in the last Parliament the Remembrance of that Resentment of the former was so much alive that the House of Commons past a Bill against Popery wherein there was a Clause provided for our Relief with other Dissenting Protestants from Laws made against Popish Recusants the Copy of our Declaration aforesaid that was delivered to the Committee of Parliament only a little more briefly contracted and as it was delivered in Print to the Member of the last Parliament is as follows A Protestation or Declaration to Distinguish Protestant-Dissenters from Popish Recusants I A. B. do in the Presence of Almighty God solemnly profess and in good Conscience declare It is my real Judgment That the Church of Rome is not the Church of Christ nor the Pope or Bishop of Rome Christ's Vicar and that his or her Doctrines Of Deposing Heretical Princes and Absolving their Subjects of their Obedience of Purgatory and Prayers for the Dead Of Indulgences and Worshipping of Images Of Adoring and Praying to the Virgin Mary and other Saints deceased And of Transubstantiation or changing the Elements of Bread and Wine into the Body and Blood of Christ at or after the Consecration thereof by any Person whatsoever are False Erroneous and Contrary to the Truth of God declared in the Holy Scriptures And therefore the Communion of the said Church is Superstitious and Idolatrous And I do likewise sincerely testifie and declare that I do from the bottom of my Heart detest and abhor all Plots and Conspiracies that are or may be contrived against the King Parliament or People of this Realm And I do hereby Faithfully Promise with God's Help to live a Sober and Peaceable Life as becometh a good Christian and Protestant to do And all this I do Acknowledge Intend Declare Subscribe without any Equivocation or mental Reservation according to the true Plainness Simplicity and usual signification of the Words Witness my Hand Thus serious Reader I have plainly Introduced our Case in order to manifest our Clearness from our Adversary's unjust Imputations and Calumnies as 't is more fully evinced in the ensuing Treatise Dated London the 22d of the 9th Moneth 1679 G. W. THE Real Quaker A Real Protestant OUR Adversary having appeared so very gross and shameful in his Abuses I shall cite his own words in Paragraphs that most concern us to answer and then our Vindication in Answer to each particular Abuse and Falshood will be the more evident and the Method plain as in the ensuing Controversie § I. Priest page 1. My present Design is not to trouble this delicate People to prevent this I shall only give them their own Meat cook't by themselves in their own Dish Pag. 3. I shall only transcribe their own Books to serve as a Looking-Glass Ibid. I shall not Wyr-draw one Line in their Books to speak more than their own words will bear Answer Now if it appear that this Adversary has done more against us than only giving us our own Meat as he calls it cook't by our selves in our own Dish and than only transcribing our own Books and that he has made false Constructions upon them then he is an apparent Breaker of his own Promise perfidious and false to his own Words and Engagement before cited But that it will so appear and that to his Shame take a view of some of his own Gross and Vilifying Reflections Abuses Aspersions and Revilings Scoffing and Railery against us and Blasphemous Expressions against the Light within in his own Terms as followeth viz. The Quakers lamentable Brats My Design is only to remedy that Flatus or Windy Spirit that troubles them Their Enthusiastick Follies Their silly Quakerism Epist to the Reader The Quakers Fondling the Light within pag. 7 34. The Quakers Light within burnt dim in his Sockot pag. 8. The Light within is at unawares singing the old Cuckoes Song pag. 14. The Quakers Ignis Fatuus pag. 14. What a blind pitiful Elf is the Quakers Light within pag. 14. Quakers Ill-fighted Light within pag. 18 Quaking Lines frequently Socinianizing Quaker Papal Quaker pag. 17. Canting Quaker pag. 21. Brain-sick Quakers pag. 22. A Pope in their Bellies This pitiful Quaker pag. 22. Quaking Ramble pag. 25. Wants a Dose for his Perecranium pag. 27. The Quakers Idol the Light within pag. 33. Babel Quakers pag. 51. Rare Quaking stuff pag. 56. This Quaking Holy Man of God pag. 59. Another Quaker Atheist pag. 61. Hath not this Man Quaked to purpose pag. 65. Melancholly Quakers pag. 73. Lawless Quakers pag. 93. More of this Quakers stinking stuff pag. 98. Quaking Freedom from Sin pag. 102. O Quaking Perfection pag. 104. A great Quaking Heat pag. 114. Quakeriz'd Vnity pag. 117. These Quaking Vnities pag. 117. Quaking Inspiration pag. 127. Quaking Zelote pag. 132. Quaking Bishop pag. 137. Rebel and Traiterous Quaker pag. 138. Traiterly Quaker pag. 140. Much more of such like Scurrility Blasphemous and False Aspersions both against the Light within and against us hath our Adversary stufft his Large Pamphlet and Libellous Book withal From all which it follows directly that he has broke his own Promise and violated his Engagement For this Impious Atheistical Stuff before cited is his own Cookery not ours he hath herein done more than only transcribed our Books See what an unconscionable Antagonist we have to deal withal This is the Man that promised only to Transcribe our own Books only to give us our own Meat cook't by our selves c. Contrary whereunto he hath here taught People to Scoff Traduce give Names of Reproach and Vilifie both us as a People and the Light within profest by us which is no other than that True Light which lighteth every man coming into the World testified of in John 1.4 9. And this Adversary is the man that hath pretended Kindness of Love to undeceive the Quakers p. 3. But the Kindness he shews and Course he has taken to undeceive us is to Rail Scoff Jeer Vilify and Reproach us as his Language bespeaks Whereby also his gross Hypocrisie in pretending such Kindness to us is very obvious and his Abominable Malice and Envy as well as Falshood will further appear on many Particulars before we have done Pr. Page 1. Their Quakerism is a Compound of False Doctrine newly brought to Light several Old Errors new vamp't Antichristian Popery put forth in a New Dress Answ What he calls Quakerism is no such Compound of either
live upon Tythes and Forced Maintenance Imprison and Spoil many Innocent Subjects that the Lofty Domineering Priests may live in Pride and Fulness which thing doubtless can be no Delight nor Advantage to the King that the Priests should thus harrass and destroy his Subjects considering his divers Declarations for Liberty of Conscience and Toleration But if the King should grant and cause a Law to be made to leave People free to their Consciences and Perswasions in that Case of Payment or Non-payment of Tythes then I suppose this Priest would not so readily cry up the King as the Churches Nursing-Father What the Prophet saith That Kings shall be thy Nursing-Fathers and their Queens thy Nursing-Mothers relates not at all to any Persecuting Church or Priest-hood but to God's own afflicted People Zion or Church of Christ in the Restoration and Gathering of the Gentiles thereunto to whom he saith Thy Destroyers and they that made thee Waste shall go forth of thee Isa 49.17 So that when such Persecutors and Destroyers as many of the Priests are come to be removed and the Hearts of Kings and Princesses come to be made tender by the Invisible Power of God they shall be a Comfort as Nourishers and Relievers of God's afflicted People from their Oppressions when the Beast shall hate the Whore and lay her Desolate that she may no longer persecute nor drink the Blood of the Saints So that this Prophecy of Isaiah Chap. 49.23 does not appertain to a Persecuting and Oppressing Priest-hood or Church but to the Afflicted and Oppressed Zion and People of God in the Day of his Churches Restoration and encrease even among the Gentiles Pr. p. 39. Our Singing of Psalms in the Time of Divine Service is as bad as our Preaching and Praying Answ Praises are not comely in the Mouth of the Wicked their Prayers and Sacrifices God regards not If I regard Iniquity in mine Heart God will not regard my Prayers You sing what you experience not in David's Psalms Prayers Complaints Lamentations c. You falsly personate David in Conditions that are none of your own Pr. Ibid. The Quakers to the shame of true Christianity are they only who sing with the Spirit and Vnderstanding Answ We do not say that Quakers only sing with the Spirit and Understanding but that the true singing is therewith If this Priest pretends to sing with the Spirit then I hope he will own the Spirit 's Guidance in this point and so to sing and pray without Book by the Spirit 's Motion and Guidance if he owns this to be concern'd in true Christianity then why does he Revile the Quakers so called for owning the Spirit 's Rule and Guidance If he owns it not then no Injury to tell him his Defect wherein his Brethren are generally concerned Pr. p. 39 40. To mount the Baseness of Quakerism aloft the singing of Psalms at Court in the King's Chappel in the City and Country in Cathedrals and Parish Churches is a very prophane piece of Service Answ Their being sung at Court in the King's Chappel and in Cathedrals c. does not make the Service one bit better 't is not the Places but the Hearts of men that God looks at if the Hearts be bad and wicked at Court in the City or Country in Cathedrals or Parish Churches so called God will never a whit regard their pretended Services for the sake of the Places for he is no Respecter of Persons he regards not the Face of Princes It is not the Kings Palace that will excuse men in offering Prayers or Praises from a poluted Heart Iniquity at Court is Reproveable in God's sight as well as in City or Country 't is Truth in the inward parts God requires Pr. Qr. Prim. p. 36. Christ did not ordain sprinkling Water in a Child's Face Answ If he did let 's have Scripture proof for it where-ever Christ did ordain or command Infants to be sprinkled or called that the Baptism I am apt to be more than confident that he has no Scripture to be his Rule in this Practice Pr. Priest answers pag. 40. We have quite lost Baptism and the Lord's Supper in the Church of England This Quaker doth buldly say They rose from the Pope's Invention Answ The true and real Baptism and Lord's Supper both in the Type and Antitype did not rise from the Pope's Invention but dipping or sprinkling Infants and calling that Baptism was imposed by Popes I challenge him to produce plain Scripture-proof for sprinkling Infants if he can Pr. pag. 41. Who can but laugh this Baal 's Prophet to Scorn or rather who can but pity his great Ignorance Answ This Person is given more to Laughter and Scorn than he is to Pity but his Laughter and Scorn are but like the Crackling of Thorns under a Pot for he laughs and scorns at such as truly own the Light and Spirit of Christ within to be their Guide and Teacher Pr. Ibid. Let this be noted that the Quakers own no other Baptism but that which is in the Spirit which certainly is NO SCRIPTURE-BAPTISM Answ The One Baptism which the Quakers own is the Baptism of the Spirit testified of in Scripture There is one Faith one Baptism Ephes 4. We are all Baptized by one Spirit into one Body and As many as are Baptized into Christ have put on Christ For this man to say This is no Scripture-Baptism shews his great Ignorance as well as Error Pr. pag. 42. Alas poor despised Church of England What 's become of thy Two Sacraments which are generally necessary to Salvation Answ Where is his Scripture for this Passage for the word Sacraments and for the Two Sacraments necessary to Salvation If he cannot produce plain Scripture-proof herein then the Scripture is not his Rule but the Church is his Rule as the Papists say His Railing and crying out The Vgly Face of these Quaking Lines is no Proof for his Positions but Reviling still Pr. pag. 4 3. Who knows not that a Material Church is a Place made by Men and not by Angels Answ Where is his Scripture for a Material Church made by Men or that a Steeple-house or old Mass-house is the Church He distinguishes not between Ecclesia and Templum here Pr. Ibid. As for that Church which this Quaker calls a Living Thing it is an Vnlawful Conventicle Eccles●a Malignantium the Congregation of Evil-doers with which this Church and Kingdom is too much pestered Answ That Church which the Quakers call a living Church is built up of Living Stones whereof Christ is the Head and Chief Corner-Stone no Unlawful Conventicle He now talk like a Malicious and Popish Informer that would incense the Magistrates to Persecution against us Pr. Pag. 44. Not the King's Majesty on the Throne nor the Peers of this Realm do escape this Quaker 's Lash Answ Neither the King on the Throne nor the Peers of the Realm will be able to excuse this Priest in the great Day of God
not a little Flie-blown with Spiritual Pride Answ That 's thy own state Proud and Scornful Man Spiritual Pride and Conceit puffs thee up Qr. J. P's Tryal of Faith You believe you shall never overcome your sins so long as you are here Here you shew your Faith is not built upon Christ who came to destroy the Works of the Devil and to cleanse from all sins Pag. 60. Priest Answers This is the Corrupt Testimony of this Quaking Martyr that they are no sound Believers whose Faith doth not cleanse them from all their Sins that the Faith of Christians is not built upon Christ if it doth not make them free from their Sins Answ That which the Priest calls the Corrupt Testimony is according to Christ and his holy Apostles Testimony Christ came to Wash and Cleanse true Believers from Sin that they might be Clean every whit he gave himself for his Church that he might Wash it by Water through the Word that he might present it holy without Spot c. By Faith he purifies their Hearts he destroys the Work of the Devil the Blood of Christ cleanseth them that walk in the Light from all Sin And Faith in him overcomes the World it was and is the Saints Victory These are plain and Scriptural Testimonies how ignorant soever this unsanctified Priest shews himself wholly a stranger to the washing of Regeneration Pr. Ibid. A sinless state reserved for the Kingdom of Heaven is no true Divinity in the Quakers School Answ How is a sinless state reserved for that Kingdom if not attainable in this Life Pr. Ibid. If we say that we have no sin which the Quakers usually do we deceive our selves and the Truth is not in us Answ An Untruth against the Quakers where or when do they usually or ever say they have no sin but that though there is a time of having sin there 's a time of confessing and forsaking sin and if we walk in the Light as he is in the Light we have fellowship one with another and the Blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from ALL SIN 1 John 1.7 9. And saith he My little Children these things write I unto you that you SIN NOT Chap. 2.1 What John writes relates to several states Pr. Ibid. This Quaker is certainly for a more holy Faith than God himself did ever require It s not the Ruling Power but the being of sin which this Quaker's Faith makes free from without doubt this is to be Righteous over much in this World Answ The Priest is grosly Erroneous here the Quaker is for that holy Faith which is the Gift of God whereby he purifies the Heart and which Faith overcomes and is the Saints Victory over the World And to have the being of sin destroyed by Christ is not to be Righteous over-much in this World for 't is for this End that Christ is made manifest to take away our sins and to destroy the Works of the Devil 1 Joh. 3. Christ destroying the Works of the Devil is to destroy the being of Sin that it may neither Rule nor be in true Believers And this work of Christ is effected by degrees as he is obeyed and truly followed whose Work of destroying Sin this Priest has apparently opposed lest he should be Righteous over much in this World so that his Faith will carry his sins with him into the next World if he relinquish it not and where he will get rid of them there he tells us not but by his Opinion he must expect a Purgatory or place of Purgation after Death seeing he confesseth A sinless state is reserved for the Kingdom of Heaven Observe here how near of Kin he is to the Papists and how nearly he has border'd upon the Doctrine of Purgatory only they exceed him in believing that their Canonized Saints and Martyrs shall escape Purgatory and go directly to Heaven Pr. Ibid. If the Ill Spirit of the old Catheri was not gotten into this Young Quaker The Quakers Idolized Perfection Answ If by his word Catheri he means the Puritans or those called Old Puritans 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ì i. e. Puri then I must tell him that many of the Old Puritans were more Conscientious Sincere and Religious to what they knew then himself is or ever was Hist Eccl. Euseb Pam. Lib. 6. C. 42. for they were not such Temporizers and Opposers of the Light and Work of Christ they durst not call either an Idol as he has done And whatever Novatus was who called his Sect Cartharous that is Puritans I matter not there were many Honest people in England and other parts of those called Puritans Pr. p. 61. By this false Doctrine he hath concluded the Church of England at home all Reformed Churches abroad under Vnbelief for being of this right sound Mind that they shall never be made free from all their sins as long as they are here Answ Here he counts it a right sound Mind that they shall never be made free from all their sins so long as they are here but when and where they shall be freed he tells us not I am sure it is not the Mind of Christ that men should live in sin all their days And I think this Priest has wrong'd the Church of England if the Church of England means as she speaks and professeth viz. in promising to forsake the Devil and all his Works c. And in praying O God make clean our Hearts within us and take not thine holy Spirit from us Vouchsafe O Lord to keep us this Day without Sin with many other passages to this purpose in the Morning-Prayer and Service-Book And what has this Priest done less then charged the Church of England with Dissimulation and Hypocrisie as being of a contrary mind then what 's here exprest As also Edw. Stillingfleet in his Sermon preached before the King March 13. 1666. he strongly argues and pleads against that Opinion of God's laying Impossible Laws upon the Sons of Men and puts the Question thus * Ed. Still 6. Serm. 1669. pag. 69 70. For what is it that God requires of men as the Condition of their future Happiness which in its own nature is judged impossible Is it for men to live Soberly Righteously and Godly in this World For that was the End of Christian Religion to perswade men to do so § XXII Qr. The Scripture was spoken from the Light but is not the Light the Word the Life the Judge the Rule the Guide nor the Tryer of Spirits for all this belongs to Christ Pr. p. 61. I must truly say this is none of Abel his Language nor a faithful Testimony for God except another Qr. Atheist or Anti-scripturist none would have laid such base things to the charge of the holy Scriptures Answ Here is one of his base Abuses For to say The Scripture was spoken from the Light but is not the Light the Life the Judge c. is only as much as to
thus viz. Pr. There are neither Heads of England nor Ministers whom the Quakers own both the Magistrates and known Ministry of England are absolutely denied by all through-paced Quakers p. 81. And that this Quaker gives us plainly to understand that the real Quakers are none of the Kings Loyal Subjects for they own no Magistrates but such as are Quakers like themselves Answ All which are invective malicious and abominable Slanders and false Inferences shewing a very Cruel and Bloody mind in this Priest Be it noted still that J. Parn plainly testified against the Corruption Partiallity and Persecution that was among the then Rulers and Heads in England who were highly guilty of Persecuting the Innocent in those days and that this was in the time of the former Powers in Cromwell's time before the King's Return For 't is above Twenty Years ago since J. Parnel dyed in Prison in Colchester Castle for his Conscience and Testimony Therefore be it now observ'd that this Malicious Priest shews himself mad against those Testimonies which were really given forth in Reproof to those Corrupt Persecuting Rulers who acted in O. Cromwel's Name and by his Authority As also that this Priest has perverted those Testimonies to render the Qrs. none of the King 's Loyal Subjects and Denyers of Magistrates except such as are Qrs. Which are foul Aspersions and gross Untruths How like a Revengeful Temporizer has this Priest shewn himself to incense the Present Government against us for such plain Testimonies against the Corruption of O. Cromwel's Government and Magistrates as if the King and present Government must be stirred up to persecute us to avenge their Enemies Quarrel upon us for our Plainness and Sincerity in Testifying against their Persecutions and Oppressions Thus the Priest has over-shot himself in his Envy Cruelty and Out-rage But I would yet ask him If it be not possible for Princes and Rulers to commit any Offences against God And if his Servants may not be called to Reprehend and Warn them And therefore seeing he has argued so meanly and pitifully against us and has used so many Citations abusively instead of giving us any Christian or Rational Answer I shall here present the Reader with a Catalogue of some more of his Lyes most Malicious and Devilish Slanders and Falshoods being Thirty Five in Number for brevity's sake as followeth viz. § XXVI 1. That no Magistrates no Government no Laws without Quakerism stampt on them are either owned or honoured by any Qrs. p. 92. This is a Malicious Lye 2. That the Qrs. are Lawless as well as none of the King 's Loyal Subjects p. 92 93. A Persecuting Slander 3. That King and Parliament Magistrates Laws Government of this Kingdom are very little either owned or honoured by any Qrs. p. 93. A Lye also 4. That they proclaim our Magistrates to be men of Blood Bloody Magistrates p. 93. A Gross Lye 5. That it s no Qrs. Duty to be Subject to the Higher Powers p. 85. A Lying Forgery 6. That all Qrs. with their false Christ the Light within them are in Print a Lawless Generation of People professed Opposers of the Government of this Kingdom Ibid. A Blasphemous and Malicious Lye and Slander 7. That Vnquakerized Magistrates are no Terror to Evil doers p. 86. A Gross Lye still 8. That the King's Majesty upon the Throne the Peers with their Nobility and high Honour the Knights with their Worship the Gentlemen c. are as bad and miserable as the Devil p. 89. A Most Abominable and Shameful Slander 9. That any Peasant Qr. is more Honourable than the King 's Sacred Majesty A Ridiculous Lye 10. That the Qr. is boldly base saith in Print there is no Honour belongs to the Kings of England who are born Heirs of the Crown p. 91. A Lye still 11. That the Qrs. are basely Destructive to the King's Majesty to all Superiority Nobility and Honour c. A base Falshood 12. That the Qrs. do not give unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's nor Fear unto whom Fear Honour to whom Honour is due c. p. 93. A Falshood also 13. That he looks upon them that do not Thou one another or are You 'd by others as so many Tyrants worse then Turks p. 95. A Shameful Lye 14. That according to this Qr. the King as Supream Head of this Kingdom hath that degree of Honour above all his Subjects which is made by the Devil p. 99 100. Observe Those Cruel Slanders and Devouring Words appear to be designedly forged to render us Odious to the King Parliament and Rulers to incense them against us to destroy us Thus like a Raging Wave and one of Cain's Race has this Priest attempted Mischief against the Innocent plainly evincing how he serves the Devil who is the Father of Lyes and Lyars 15. That Gospel-Truths are by this Qr. said to be told men by the Devil and God's Ministers the Devil's Mouth p. 102. Evident Lyes also 16. That Qrs. dare affirm that all those Ministers of the Cospel are the Devils Mouth in saying that Christ dyed for all Ibid. A Notorious Lye 17. That the Belief or Pleading for a Perfect Freedom from sin in this Life makes the Qrs. miserably Proud in their own Eyes and is an Haughty Over-holy Dotage of this Qr. p. 103. These are Lyes also 18. That according to this Qr. there hath been no true Christianity nothing but Ant-christianism cruel Darkness and Ignorance and Estrangedness from the Lord in all Ages of the Christian Church ever since the Apostles Dayes p. 107. A Lying Inferrence 19. That according to the Qrs. Mind ever since the Apostles Dayes they were only vain Believers who said they believed that that was the Christ that dyed at Jerusalem rose again sits at the right hand of God c. Ibid. A Perverse Lye 20. That by this Qr. believing in Christ that dyed is slighted Ibid. A Notorious Lye 21. That there hath not been one jot of Christianity in any part of the World for many Hundreds of Years last past ever since the Apostles Dayes all Christians in the World have not known the Lord Jesus Christ their Redeemer p. 111. Shameful Lyes 22. That as for this Church and Kingdom there is nothing but Anti-christ and what is Anti-christian to be found in them p. 112. A Manifest and Gross Lye 23. That like G. Fox the old Qr. they are all equal with God himself p. 116. A Horrid Lye 24. That Parnel affirms That all Qrs. are Partakers of Christs Divine Nature and hence that Women as well as Men Qrs are no less the Eternal Sons of God than Christ himself is p. 116. Notorious Lyes 25. That all Real Qrs. are in their own vain Imaginations Godded with God and Christed with Christ no less God incarnate than our Saviour p. 117. Malicious and Shameful Lyes 26. That the Leaven of that little Book Theologia Germanica hath sowred the Qrs. whole Lump Ibid. A Falshood 27. That for