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A92862 The leaves of the tree of life: for the healing of the nations. Opening all the wounds of this kingdome, and of every party, and applying a remedy to them: by which we come to a right understanding between King and Parliament. A universal agreement and peace on all sides, and the kingdom restored and setled upon a sure and unmoveable foundation: by the light of God shining upon William Sedgwick. Sedgwick, William, 1609 or 10-1669? 1648 (1648) Wing S2386; Thomason E460_40; ESTC R204719 74,614 130

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to the People they are fild with indignation against them If to the Army that 's misery enough to have the sword to be their Lord they know they then must be their slaves t were well they could not be but that 's dreadfull too and therefore they must continue in the great wrath of an angry God who hath left them given them up to this wretched state blasted accursed in every thing they take in hand setting a stamp and marke of dispeasure upon all their undertakings every thing that come forth from them sign'd with vengeance that we may reade vanity and death upon all that passes from them and so cold and ineffectuall that it s buried in neglect as soon as t is brought forth In great shame and confusion fallen from great honour and Majesty to be the scorne and contempt of the meanest People utterly spoyld of all renown and laid open to the revilings of the basest And in hideous confusion not knowing where they are how they come in or which way to get out not knowing the state of the Kingdome or their own affairs fallen into a vast wildernesse of numberlesse evils not knowing how to settle King People Army or any on peece in his right place In perpetuall distraction and division continually griped and paind with the rending of their own bowels being tormentors to themselves they need not others to mischiefe them if they were alone they would continually mischiefe themselves they are in perfect hatred and deadly feare one of another and broke and shattered into such variety of factions that they can't handsomly side but every side hath his subdivisions and so his owne side when he hath joyned to ruin others will ruin him There is this of hel too They are restlesse perpetually agitated and tossed about from side to side from party to party from one thing to another full of contradiction to themselves drunke with the wine of the wrath of God they reele and stagger to and fro from one thing to another condemn a thing for Treason one while justify it another a King and no King Vote and un-vote and that not in triviall but in the weightiest things of the Kingdome childishly and miserably uncertain Thus are you of a remedy become a wofull disease of Saviours destroyers of Church and Common-wealth Our great fence against tyranny and oppression become the strength of tyranny and opression Mighty and strong in nothing but to keep misery and destruction together that it leave us not Evil imbodied ruine form'd into a state wickednesse in a Law all folly and confusion inthroning it selfe securing it felse and sitting in the great Councell of Parliament to contrive for the People new vexations This is your doom For leaving the light and wisdome of the Lord Jesus and for exalting your selves above him left in wrath cast off and become the Kings your own and the peoples hell Chap. VII Shewing the sin and punishment of the people of both parties HAving seen the sin judgement of these two great earthly powers let us descend lower and view the People of England as they are divided by these two heads King and Parliament into two streames Round-heads and Cavailiers You are both deeply guilty of the evil of both your heads and therefore justly fall into the same condemnation look upon your King and in him see your transgressions and proportionably your sufferings from a righteous God Look you upon your Parliament and in them behold your wickednesse and your just afflictions you have joynd your selves to them or leand upon them and are fallen with them or you upheld them and supported them in their wicked waies and they are fallen with al the burthen of Gods wrath upon you and so breake you to peeces But particularly and besides theirs you are guilty First of the same things in a lesser way You are tyrants and oppressors in your estates in your families as husband wife father and children and do all live not in the light of God and Christ but in the darknes of Satan and this world if you had not a generall you would be devoured with private vexations the same evils being broken forth upon the world in families trades bargains deceits cosonage suites strife warrs jarres differences if the light of God appear not for your deliverance you will bee utterly ruined and the joy and comfort of these things utterly wasted for the whole frame of things is out of course and there is secret curses stolne into all relations and things which much shakes and distracts though not quite over-throwes their peace There is in your taking of parts blinde zeale ignorance of God and of the Kingdomes constitution and grosse Idolizing man Every one hurrying on in his way without judgement or consideration forgetting God and making flesh your arme mad of your particular Idols KING and Parliament which now you see are empty vaine and helplesse things In taking sides you are carried much by sinister and by respects each seeking to make himselfe something by the warre and to advance themselves whil'st they seeke to advance their party all aiming at a worldly and carnall ease prosperity and preferment and while you strived to exalt your selves you have lost the ground and foundation of all your hopes and every one seeking to make himselfe something hath made the whole nothing in seeking to adde to what you had you have lost the whole There was also much revenge bloudy malice against your neighbours and malignancy against each other thirsty after the ruine of each other and glad of oppertunities of doing mischief one against another And for these wicked things are become partners in the misery of the King and Parliament as you have their and your owne sinnes so you suffer their and your owne plagues Their destruction is yours you can't but be miserable in their misery in their divisions your very hearts are divided The very foundations are out of course and you are left in a state of calamity without meanes or hopes of recovery Besides The wrath of God is daily wasting of you and you are wasting one another the Nation becoming such a hel of confusion that men are Divels one to another maligning and hating each other to death These waies would utterly waste you if you had ten thousand times more then you have The fruit of all your long labours sweept away from you in a moment by mischievous villains to have your bread taken from you and your selves and wives and children tirannized over by free quarterers Honest industry quite discouraged being almost use-less most men that have estates betrayed by one side or other plundered sequestered Trading the life and subsistance of thousands decaying eaten up with taxes your poor ready to famish or to rise to pull reliefe from the rich mens hands by violence the heavens and earth jarring in unseasonable weather and summer and winter fighting together and invading each others
with God God with him drink of this health freely and the whole Kingdome shall PLEDGE be bound to fill it again and drink down this heavenly liquor of the Majesty of God in the King into them and the whole people shall say and see it performed GOD SAVE THE KING The King is saved in God and God the salvation of the king This restoration fully satisfies the Parliaments Interest gives her high PRIVILEDGES She is called to an honourable state to live in the Lord Christ to sit with Christ in heavenly places to be one with the Son the body of God to be Jerusalem above the mother of us all and therefore FREE free with God and in God with the King freedome to enter into his heart and bosome to lye there continually The king shall greatly desire thy beauty Thou now hast POWER as well as liberty to make Righteous Lawes in perfect Righteousnesse that shall stand for ever such a King and such a Parliament as we have long beg'd to agree together in just things and in both we shall reap the fruit of our prayers which though they were sowed in weaknesse and now seem dead and rotting in the earth yet shall rise in power The great Interest of the Parliament the COVENANT is here fully satisfied The end that we looked upon HAVING THE GLORY OF GOD IN OUR EYES that glory is now manifest God in glory All Popery c. rooted out and the root of it Satan a thorow and perfect REFORMATION God once formed the Kingdome after himself in his owne likenesse in which it corrupted he hath taken down the old forme and sets up a new reformes us in State and Church now we shall have doctrin and disciplin according to the WORD OF GOD the true and eternall Word the Word it self brought forth and according to the example of the BEST REFORMED CHURCH The generall assembly in heaven c. We have the KING in honour the KINGDOMES heavenly and earthly UNITED and a strong bond that will binde these three and all the Kingdomes of the earth in one life law and peace By this THE POWER OF GODLINES is set up Godlines likenesse of God in Spirit in Power or God himselfe all things else being but a forme We have here PROPRIETY God our own God we restored to him and hee to us his own Vineyard Every one shall enjoy what he hath in peace and coveteousnesse the root of oppression destroyed every one shall have enough every one shall bee satisfied have so much as hee hath ability to beare and others shall freely part with that which hath been burthensome to them selves none have more then they want and all that they want all in such a condition place office as they are fit for as they are capable of Every one having a minde to his condition and a condition to his minde every one by Divine wisdome so disposed as he shall rest in it and not move after others there being no discontent but in hel which is in perpetuall motion after every thing and attains to nothing THE LORD SHALL BE ONE AND HIS NAME ONE in both Kingdomes There is now but one LORD all gathered into Christ hee is LORD indeed and his name written upon every thing in Church and State nothing but the Lord spoken and done amongst us in heaven and earth in England and Scotland The Spirit of the Lord running through these Kingdomes and through all persons in it ruling over all in and by himself the whole shall be called by this Name The Lord and so not only one man but one Lord there being nothing but the glory and righteousnesse of the Lord amongst us This is that which we have desired and attempted to set up THE KINGDOME OF CHRIST THE REIGN OE THE SAINTS The holy God holy Christ holy Spirit with holy men and Angels Reigning together This rich LO RD filling all Magistracy with justice all People with love our Ministry with truth our hearts with heavenly joy all our Laws with life and light our Cities with unity and wealth our Villages with plenty our Families with content our Persons with happinesse our King especially with honour glory safety ease of heart clearness of understanding a sweet injoyment of his Queen and Children the Parliament LORDS and COMMONS with perfect agreement majesty goodnesse love of the King and peoples prosperity This is a true PERSONAL TREATY wherein King and Parliament and all the people are together one person one body living in one Spirit Thus the Lord is Englands desire and Englands joy him we sought for him we finde God gives us all that we desir'd and more then we could ask or think of and that too in a more excellent way then we could imagine T is the Lords doing and t is marvellous in our eies T is the day of the Lord we will rejoyce and be glad in it T is thy self O God Englands life and soul and England is thy delight thy first-borne of all the Nations of the earth T is thy self out saviour and salvation T is thy justice hath took vengeance upon our inventions and saved in that vengeance T is thy power triumphing in our weaknesse thy mercy rejoyces in our deliverance thy wisdome shines forth that brings light out of darknesse turnes mourning into rejoycing makes our Tragedy end in a Comedy a seasonable deliverance now when all miseries and destructions are met together in our bowels a cleare Sun to break forth of a suddain out of such blackensse of darknesse as covered us Thou hast carried us through death to life yea through thy own death to thy own life T is by blood wee are saved by the blood of Christ Thou hast done all things well thy workes are all excellent and perfect Let the People praise thee O God yea let all the People praise THEE FINIS Poscript THese are the Leaves of the tree of Life that will give a new life to this Nation and will heale all her deadly maladies but the leaves not the fruit yet effectuall It 's written here weakely it shall be mighty in operation imperfectly expressed now but fully and accurately will it write forth it self in action T is death to resist them The rebellious do dwell in a dry land in hel Particular persons may be confounded the Nation is the Lords and shall be recovered hee that opposeth all the evils of the Kingdome shall gather into his heart and hee shall bee the common shore into which the Nation shall empty forth all ber plagues wrath and destruction leave the Kingdome and dwell there thou shalt cease tormenting the Nation and torment them that resist You see the Leaves I know you desire the Fruit that is indeeed the life of all you shall speedily injoy it all the glory and happinesse of this Nation beer expressed and of all the Nations of the earth and heaven too shall in its highest perfection dwell in every particular soul This and every peece of it and more ten thousand times then this shall in the purest and fullest glory of Father Son and Spirit Grown every Saint and fill his soul body relations calling businesse recreation and all with the Righteousnesse and Light of Heaven and the Face of God Errata Page 2. line 21. for were read weare p. 16. l. 25. for Mame r. Name p. 45. l. 2. for see their r. see their p. 55. l. 16. for Mation r. Nation l. 22. for them selves and families r. himself and family p. 57. for Chap. 11. r. Chap. 13. p. 81. l. last for a second r. as a second p. 82. l. 29. for dody r. body p. 88. 13. for stall r. shall The Contents CHAPTER I. SHewing the happy and flourishing condition in which the kingdome of England once stood and the ground of it pag. 1. CHAP. II. Shewing the kingdome of England in its corrupt and declining estate pag. 6. CHAP. III. Shewing the kings errours pag. 10 CHAP. V. Shewing the Parliaments errours pag. 18 CHAP. VI. Shewing the judgement upon the Parliament pag. 26 CHAP. VII Shewing the sinne and punishment of the People of both partyes pag. 29 CHAP. VIII Shewing the wickdnesse of the Ministery or Clergy and their judgement pag. 32 CHAP. IX Shewing the iniquity of the Army and its judgement pag. 39 CHAP. X. Shewing the state of the Levellers pag. 45 CHAP. XI Shewing the judgment of the City of London pag. 47 CHAP. XII Shewing the irrecoverablenesse of Englands ruine by humane wayes pag. 50 CHAP. XIII Shewing the method of God in curing the Nation viz. first to take our sinne upon himself pag. 57 CHAP. XIV Of the second thing in saving of the Nation The death of Christ and our fellowship in it pag. 62 CHAP. XV. Of the compleat cure of the Nation shewing it in its raised state and particularly the king pag. 69 CHAP. XVI Of the Parliament in its raised estate pag. 74 CHAP. XVII Of the perfect union betwixt king and Parliament and by them with his People in this new and raised estate pag. 76 CHAP XVIII Of the cure of the people of the Land by this death and resurrection pag. 87 CHAP. XIX The restoration of the Ministrie by Christs bearing their sin and by his death and resurrection pag. 90 CHAP. XX. Of the restoration of the Army Levellers and City of London pag. 97 CHAP. XXI Of the admirable fulnesse of this restoration satisfying all Interests FINIS
of his Christ Above all the Nations this of England with her two sisters Scotland and Ireland is with peculiar favour seperated from the World Being an Island imbraced with armes and Seas of righteousnesse peace safety and the knowledge of God The bosome of the earth where the divine glory chuseth to treasure up his richest Jewels His private lodging whereinto he delights to retire himself and out of which he pleases first to arise and thence to proceed to visit the whole World Nothing heer but is spoken by God made by the Word of God and doth again speak God A fruitfull and beautifull Earth meeting with and married unto a pleasant and powerfull Heaven in a healthfull and temperate Spirit and Ayre doe bring forth abundance of excellent fruit Especially those rich Flocks of Sheep that cover the Earth shewes the Soyle to be the Lambs and to were his Livery and so to be his Store-house from whence he will cloath the world with garments of Salvation In the disposition of the People of England shine many sparkes and beames of divine majesty ingenuity and freedome gentlenesse and mildnes zeal and devotion gravity and wisdome stoutnes and courage noblenes and greatnes of spirit aptnes for generall and high undertakings which renders them feard honored and beloved abroad and fit instruments of good to the Vniverse As other Nations are furnisht with mines of Gold and silver England with rich minds full of true worth indeed a Race and seed of heavenly Lords obscured under earthly infirmities yet so as their luster doth discover it selfe and shine out But that which indeed exalted us to Heaven was this That this excellent People in a happy Country were by the Ministry of mighty Angels moulded into a government after the pattern of the highest and perfectest glory of God in Father Son and Spirit Or to make England a happy Canaan Father Son and Spirit agree together to dwell in it and to bestow themselves upon it in their severall fulnes and doe themselves vail'd and covered over with fleshly formes unite and govern us in righteousnesse and peace First the Father advances the King in his own likenesse and by living in him makes him to be Pater patriae the Father of his Country the Head and Supreme The Husband and Lord of the Kingdome In him as in God the Father is all the Majesty Honour Justice and Riches of the Kingdome 1. In unity bound up close in one Person all in its Center hence it comes and hither it returnes 2. In Head and Fountain the originall from whence honour and justice flowes 3. In Priority or prerogative in him as highest and Supreme 4. But more hid and deeply conceald not so outward and visible as in others Hence is the King the Anointed of God God eminently I said ye are Gods in nearest conjunction unto God The greatest representative of God His Vicegerent Next under God in immediate fellowship with God God and the King Secondly The Sonne appears in the People especially as they are form'd in one Representative the Parliament and by his fulnesse makes them the Body of the Head The Wife the Spouse And so gives them all the Majesty Honour justice and Riches of the Kingdome and that that is in the King to be in them 1. Divided and multiplied not bound up in center but drawn forth into circumference and come forth in many 2. In stream and flowing forth for the use and benefit of others 3. In second place in subordination to the first 4. Imbodied and drawn forth into open view more visible and manifest unto others Thus are they the Kings yoak-fellows a meet help have what ever he hath his Son and heire And being raised into a Parliament by the Kings Writ are then fit mediators tween the King and the People by whom the People offer up gifts to the King and the King gives favours pardons and priviledges to them Thirdly The Spirit the third Person he by the Law and by mutuall Covenants bindes these two together and is the marriage that joynes them or the house of love in which they both live in peace and happines with each other and disposes both into a just and equall distance yet a perfect agreement or give them both to subsist in proper and distinct Rights and both in union together that they both fully have what is due to them and both have what each other have the same and that equally without robbery without injury or wrong to each other The Law gives to the King his Prerogative his authority in unity in Fountain c. And diversifying or multiplying give the same in another way to the body and yet takes nothing from the King So gives it to the King as is most advantagious to the body and so to the body as is most advantagious to the head The body hath it best in the Kings having of it with that honour safety and union as shee cannot have it in her self And the head hath it best in the bodies having of it with that fruitfulnes and strength that he cannot have it out of them Yea in this Spirit and Law in this bond of perfection they both have it in each other and could not nor cannot have it long nor well if they have it not together The Royalty of a King as a fountain freely giving it self into the Authority of Parliament as a husband giving himself to his wife and the Parliament only being what shee receives from the King so they mutually nourish support uphold each other and being divided and seperated they presently wither away and dye They both have it and both give it the body gives it to the head and receives it from the head in severall waies and this is its life and perfection that it passes by vines and arteries from one to another and are knit together by nerves and sinewes so that what honour the King hath he gives to his People and what riches and substance the People had they gave it to the King the People honorable in the Prince and the prince mighty and strong in the People The body breaths sees tasts c. in the head the head workes walkes and digests in the body Thus the Trinity are truly The foundamentall Lawe constitution of the Kingdom which is the cause of ability strength and peace of the Kingdom the Pillars that kept it upright the health and soundne of it where by it was able to subsist in prosperity and florish in it self and to defend and maintain it self against enemies from abroad In this estate we for a while flourished and enjoyed a heaven upon earth or an earthly heaven a sweet figure or shadow of the Kingdome of glory and but a shadow yet such a shadow as was in union with the substance King and People being knit together by the Spirit and by the same spirit knit to God Christ Such a figure as had the original living in
of Christ or his People Paul in case of greater difference then these outward formes of Government wish'd himself accursed for his brethren but you in the spirit of Satan blaspheme and curse one another Both upon false and alike hipocriticall grounds The Bishops pretending tending the peace of the Church conformity Oath subscreption obedience to the Kings Lawes And the Presbyters Reformation Covenant uniformity and obedience to the Parliaments Ordinances but mainly t is your intolerable pride that cannot bear any to dissent from you a conscience guilty of your own weak foundation that makes you fear that every one will supplant you and earnest contending for self-honour self-security and wicked malice against your Brethren They are but fellow servants not judgess as they presume though they beat their fellows Both servants living at a distance from God in the World not upon the Throne in Heaven and but fellowes set each to do their severall works in their severall waies and that much upon equall tearmes though they admire themselves and think highly of themselves and despise others as of no use But of the two it s most strange to see the Presbyterian who the other day was opprest by the Bishop for his conscience in point of Sabbath c. who could not long since live without the favour of the Bishop should now thrust out those under whom he lived for not taking the Covenant which is contrary to their conscience and shew lesse favour to them then he received from them and doe that which he condemned in others and this upon weak and fleshly grounds admiring his own way which is to pray and preach longer and more then another to be strict in repetitions on Sabbath daies and some such poor formall things To set up this as the power of godlinesse and reformation to the ruine of another who it may be is a man of more justice ability and wisdome more sobriety more stability more patience and constancy in suffering The persecution of the Bishop was wicked and abominable but this being now acting and the other part and almost blotted out and forgotten by their sufferings is especially to be noted Did these men live in the largnesse of heavenly love that comprehends all these parties and in the light and wisdom of God who brings forth all these out of himself and for his own holy purpose manages all in order The Bishops and the Presbyters might agree as well as Christ and the Apostles and be so far from destroying as they would support each other did they know that heavenly order that is in divine things they might live in as sweet a fellowship as the one throne of Christ and twenty four Thrones of the Elders or Presbyters Rev. 4. All three might live in one Family as elder and yonger brethren as Fathers children and grand-children who while they live in Satan the accuser and in the darknesse of the World they oppose and destroy each other You are worldly live in the World and suffer the calamities of the World and are partners great sharers in the misery of the Nation being publick persons are of publick concernment these evils doe lie in a large and more generall way upon you in these desolations the Prophet that teaches lies he is the tayle The lower and baser kinde of judgements fall upon you the deep scorne of the People you are cast out by God from your honour and glory as an abominable branch as salt wanting savour to the Dunghill What 's become of the Episcopall glorious Church his lordly Palaces stately worship adorn'd Temples great Revenues Made desolate torne in peecs left to the Satire Schrich-owle to Zim Gim under what a hideous curse do they lie What 's become of the great Reformation of the other party that promised such glorious daies pure Ordinances power of godlines become a breach in a wall a rotten and putrifid sore abotch a filthy issue nothing appears in it but wretched disorder their eyes sinke in their heads while they look for salvation they inwardly cut themselves as Baals Priests crying to God to deliver them and finde no reliefe but scorne tormented with feares to be torne in peeces by the people Palenesse and blacknesse fills your faces and horrour and confusion you spirits on both sides To see your worldly glory burning in the fire of Divine jelousy your Idols broken to pouder cast into a Sea of confusion your fleshly beauty eaten up with worms of rottennesse and putrefaction To see your confidences in your Idols rejected your prophesying lyes of a glorious time by Gods hand confuted your fastings and multitude af solemne prayers cast as dung in your faces not regarded your zealous covenants wherby you thought to save your selves broken in peeces and trampled under foot your much admired worships of Directory and Service-booke Creeds Confessions Articles of no profit use-lesse and helplesse things laid by the wals scornd and despised your Churches and People taken from you scattered severall waies your gifts dying in you or dying in their use and ineffectuall The Church which is heaven shining in the light and presence of God in unity peace and order in holinesse majesty and righteousnesse through your dark and wicked government through your weaknes worldlines and want of Divine power and wisdome become a cursed field over-run with thistles briers and thornes a wildernes full of wild beasts a hel full of blasphemies malice revilings scornings derision railing errors mistakes herisies of all sorts the greatest pillars of truth Trinity Father Son and Spirit Christ his death c. defaced with foule errors so many so various so abundant as it is a confused heape of folly and madnes and coming in upon you in such a torrent that they drown you and are so high and prevalent that not a man of you dares or can appeare in any power or strength against them but are forced to lye-down and expose the truth your crown if ever you had any to be stamped in the dirt by them Chap. IX Shewing the iniquity of the Army and its judgement THE Army though but a branch of the Kingdome and a particular part yet in these civill warres the power of the sword hath been great and got the upper hand of the Civill The Army descended from the Parliament as its Childe but the Parliament growing old and weake and leand so long upon the tressels of the Army that its power at last sunk into the Army manifest in the Members flying to the Army in its approach to London The power or the King the head fell into the breast and shoulders the Parliament and thence descended into the legs the Army but there they make a swelling disease quickly and shew themselves to be in an un-naturall course The Army a company of honest and active men fitted excellently by a strong Angell for the work they were called to under whose conduct they dispatcsht their businesse speedily and honourably walking
contempt cast upon KING or Parliament upon one side or other is flung at Christ and he that opprosseth poor England in her miseries or addes one dram of sorrowes more reproacheth his maker Yea If thou doest mock poor King Charles poor Parliament poor Cavaliers or poor Round-heads thou reproachest God in all these if thou doest goe one foot farther It is to make long furrows upon the back of Christ If men or devils should bee obdurate our God is now tender will not still go on to smite his own flesh and blood As God died so are we dead with him England is dead and all her glory greatnesse and justice is slain We departing from God who is our life cannot live and 't is well wee can't live in Gods absence If we could have saved this life we had lost it and losing it we save it For if we had kept it we had kept it against God and now it 's dead it dyes into God It returnes to him from whence it came dying with Christ being offered up by this Priest-hood it goes with Christ dead with him and he saies I go to my Father so that we are fallen indeed into God and there is nothing now but God This is our peace by this the wall of partition 'twixt God and us is broken down and of twain made one new man destroying the enmity that honour power dominion that stood at enmity against God is abolisht slaine in the slaying the earthly creature That which could not endure GOD is brought downe and wee are hereby brought into God By death is destroyed him that had the power of death the Devill his power and interest in the Nation is utterly destroyed his kingdome of darknesse and wrath is broken downe he is cast out and shall no longer destroy the Earth nor deceive the Nation into these mad fightings one against another it is now taken from him that ruled with cruelty envy wrath folly and given to Christ who will Reign in Peace and Righteousnesse in Mercy and Goodnesse And as there is a Union wrought by this death betwixt God and the Kingdome so betwixt KING and Parliament betwen all parties and of two or many we by death are made one man as truly united as head and body as a man to himself And all Ordinances Covenants c. are abolisht Prerogative Kinglinesse is slain lyes in the dust no KING a Prisoner a Captive no Parliament a Rout a Scuffle a confused heap What can you demand of the King He hath nothing to give you mock your selves and him Why are you jealous of him He can't do good or hurt Why do you labour to save your selves from his power or revenge fear a dead power Do you think he shal returne from the grave to vex you Alas it is not he but Devils that trouble you you need not fortify your Parliament with a Militia with Acts against a dead power Or Why should the King contend for a dead Crowne or the People raise Authority from the dust How foolish and vaine are the attempts of his party Being dead on both sides in the grave Heer the wicked cease from troubling The weary Be at rest The prisoners rest together they hear not the voyce of the oppressor The small and great are heer the servant is free from his Master How is it that you vex one another It 's a hel sure and you are Devils one to another Is not the grave enough to swallow up enmity Why should the Parliament insist upon Covenants Promises Ingagements Or the King upon his Honour Prerogative Friends The Law hath power over a man so long as he lived no longer There is no bands now upon you neither party can require any thing of you You have stood it out for your principles for your parties Cavaliers for KING Rounds-heads for Parliament till you and they are all lost together All your engagements for and against each other are taken away Law is slain right property righteousnesse and truth hath forsaken the Earth it is in neither side you may lye stil and be at peace for all is dead for which you contend There doth nothing live but shame sorrow folly and madnesse and that is dead too in your death The King is dead his Majesty is slain crucified and lies in the bowels of the earth that is in his Parliament and People he is descended into us dyed into the Kingdome And hence it is that Parliament men Committee men Army City and Citizens are all become petty Kings Kinglinesse being sow'd in the earth And so though we have lost our King yet we have him in us The King is dead and our life of Majesty our Kingdome died with him we cease to be a Kingdome when our head ceased to rule and are become a herd of wilde Beasts He took us all into himself and so made a rich Sacrifice of al the glory of the Kingdome in one He dyes for us they are our iniquities that denies us the blessing of government we have the benefit of his suffering it is for us By this he comes down into the meanest subject into the worst condition of a subject bonds hee empties himself into us and fills us with Royalty and gives the lowest to have fellowship with the highest by his descending from the Throne into the Prison and his ascending from the Prison to the Throne there is an open way and passage from misery to greatnesse by this the poorest creature in England shal have accesse to the Throne for mercy and justice And the KING shal acknowledge this is my fellow subject my fellow prisoner I am and was as low as meane as he This shall fill punishments with grace and make paines and judgements acceptable from a Prince that is a Brother a fellow-sufferer This is that which onely can fit a KING for Reigning to goe by the Crosse to suffer first by which trialls and temptations he is for ever able to pitty such as are tempted and doe suffer The Parliament is dead also cannot will not out-live the KING puts off her glory with the Kings and sits downe in the dust dyes into the King as the King into the Parliament goes down into his grave follows him and there lyes wrapt up in him the life union and Majesty of the Parliament and as the King arises out of the Parliament so the Parliament out of and with the King The Parliament dyes for the People so constantly adheres to the Peoples rights that She perisheth in the obtaining of them and because She cannot by life She doth and wil by death free us The Cause that She undertook though sensibly be lost yet by her shamfull suffering is confirmed and a Testimony of blood given to a work of Reformation which is more effectual then twenty Bills And so our Parliament doth us most right not being able to help us to lye downe and bear our curse her self She dyes into the Army gives up
two without this subordination would not be so safe so profitable nor so delightfull But being two subordinate one to another without offending each other yea to the advantage of each other is exceeding delightfull the King the Father hath all retained People the Son al dispenced in the first its absolute and intire in the second it s propagated enlarged spread-forth The Husband gives the Wife receives hee hath all and bestowes it she hath all and receives it The King saies ask what you will and it shall be given unto you so GOD saies to Christ chuse what Laws and Priviledges you will I le grant it That 's my word and Oath I have no negative voice I can't deny you But this is no wrong to the King for the Parliament being one spirit with him can ask nothing but what he is minded to give as prayers in the Church though GOD bee bound to give yet it s no losse to him because his own Spirit asks for we know not what to ask So the KING is the originall of asking and gives the desire of the thing that which moves the inferiour to desire is most excellent in the superiour and in this is the fulnesse of the King hee shall still call ask of ME and shall still out-goe the desires of the Petitioners and give more then they can ask his heart being more large towards his Spouse or Childe then his Spouse or Childe can bee to it selfe and that minde that is in the Spouse or Childe of good to it selfe is in the Father before it was in the Son and more excellently Neither can the Sonne ask any thing in this spirit that can derogate from the Father for thereby he should prejudice himself and weaken or lessen that power that conveighs good to him and so wrong himself most to wrong his head or fountaine from whence he is supplyed Neither is it any wrong to the Son to have it this way but t is the most perfect way of having it by asking it of another for thus there is a stock and treasure in which is store layd up that is the Sonnes riches the surest and sweetest way of having is by the easy way of asking T is the excellency of it that it 's a gift and that t is free or that it hath the Royall stamp of love and Authority upon it by which it is not a stolne and forced but lawfull and pleasant favour T is a free and ingenious subordination where the inferiour hath power to chuse what it will and chuses to have it in that way and not in another and hath that freedome in asking that is powerfull The woman hath power over the head to command by love and to say as Christ I will have it so and then t is most acceptable to the Father when it is most boldly and freely ask'd it being the great joy of the head to have the wife confident in his love And in this way there is and shal be a river of pleasure running betwen King and people or from King and Parliament and People wherein they shal do nothing but please one another The fulnes of the one compleatly answering the largenesse of the other And the KING having to give what ever the Parliament or People can desire and desiring them to receive as much as they desire him to give and taking more pleasure in creating greatnesse and freedome in them then in possessing of it himself it being his nature and place to give forth and without their receiving honour from him he were not a King and it being as pleasant to the People to receive it from a King it would not content them to have it in themselves but their Kings gift sets the price upon all favours they doe enjoy it s therefore sweet because their Lord bestowes it upon them This is the florishing estate of King and Parliament in their restored life living now in the glory of the Spirit and in union As God and Christ are of themselves are in each other and neither without each other but the Kingdome of both is compleated in their dwelling together in the third the Spirit where they doe continually delight in each other in bestowing themselves upon each other and are most happy in fellowship so 't is a heavenly blessednesse for Head and Body to be thus united and to give and take largely and openly to communicate themselves to each other The King in prosperity in health strength and pleasure is in breaking forth his Majesty upon his Nobles that have affinity to his greatnesse thence to derive it to the People this is a full King in hight bredth and a People ascending through the Lords into the bosome of the King is a People in hight and depth the body in prosperity and pleasure three states in one and one in three in perfect agreement and in compleat unity all make up but one fulnesse one Kingdome Thus each is a Heaven to himself and a Heaven to the other and this conjunction by this righteous law of Spirit the highest Heavens being all in the light and face of the eternall majestty This is the great and main pillar of Englands happinesse the foundation of our comfort which as its most excellent in its self so it will effectually change the whole Kingdome into its forme all parts must follow the condition of King and Parliament yea all are included in it in this our whole happinesse lies The body being thus in health it cannot but send forth nourishment into every part not a man in England but shall presently finde a reviving upon this agreement a new spirit of love joy comfort trade and prosperity is immediatly dispersed into the whole Nation every one leaping for joy in the goodnesse of God and the happinesse of the Nation Chap. XVIII Of the Cure of the People of the Land by this Death and Resurrection THE God of the whole Earth delights to doe great things and to fill the whole earth with his glory The great favour of divine presence of love and peace is not reserved for Princes alone but to be communicated generally to all People That all the ends of the earth may see the salvation of our God You the People of England have sinned Wee have all like sheep gon astray but God laies on him the iniquities of us all Wee see the zeale of Christ under your blinde rage one against another Christ in you in weaknesse and infirmity The Lord saith of you You are my People all my children your families relations comforts and persons are the Lords not one English man or woman but carries the Lord with him and in him The Land-Lord is the Lord of the Earth the Tennant is the Son holding of the Father all he hath The buyer the seller the rich the poor Master and Servant Father and Son Husband and Wife are all but various breakings forth of God and Christ and the severall enjoyments they have
seven times have passed over you you shal returne to your Throne and true Majesty shall be given to you and your Nobles and Kingdomes shall honour you all shall freely bow to you and you shall command and Reign againe to the terrour of your adversaries and joy of your friends now the prison doors stand open to you and you shall returne to your Royall Parliament and City after seaven yeares banishment We have now a King in whom we can confide as in God now the LORD lives in him t is impiety and wickednesse to have a thought of distrust concerning him the sure justice and righteousnesse of God inhabits in the Throne as its proper place We have a King according to our own hearts hee lives in our hearts arises out of our hearts and our hearts give him his dominion hee hath all we have and hath not too much because he hath us too and nothing but what we freely give one higher by the head then all the People having the wisdome of the whole in him of the largest understanding and therefore King because he doth in true worth excell any in the Nation and is of all men fittest to reign fitted by his great suffering and Gods fulnesse dwelling in him This is the QVEENS interest she may return to the King there is no fear now she cannot hurt either Parliament or Religion both being in such a condition as cannot be hurt besides living in this light of all she shall most love the Parliament it being the same with her self the Kings Consort and she being the same with it concurring together in severall wayes to help and honour the King if she should attempt any thing against it it would be against the King and her self The Parliament administring about the affairs of the kingdom that the King may enjoy his Queen and Family with greatest plenty honour ease and pleasure and the Queen administring in the domesticall affairs of the King about his Person that the king may enjoy his Parliament and people in greatest content and freedom The Parliament in businesse of State a Queen lying in the bosome of the king and the Queen in private and personall affairs a Parliament and so Parliament and Queen interested joynd in one interest And for her religion we are now so far from being afraid of it that we rejoyce in it and in her great interest in the Papacie For as the Papists had by her designs upon us so now the streame being turned we shall by her design upon them and over-runne the whole Papacie with light and truth she shall be the doore by which we shall enter into all the riches and honours of the Papacie and without injury to them we shal spoyle them of all their glory or rather bring a glorious fire amongst them that shall out-shine theirs and burn up theirs into it self The PRINCE his Interest is here satisfied he is indeed one with the Parliament they he are brethren descended both from the loyns of the king and are one in various forms each being the glory of the king the staffe of his age Christened at the same Font the Spirit of Christ both the hope and joy of England both being the glory of the King propagated unto eternity a never failing off-spring and flourishing in the vigour and youthfulnesse of the Son of God both interested into Christ or the interest of Christ and so of each other The LORDS who have lost their Nobility sunck in disgrace scattered and almost buried in dishonour by this shall be restored not to airy empty Titles but to true Nobility The Lord doth appear Lord of Lords your Lord owning Lordlinesse and filling of it with himself as well as king of kings and as he sets a Crown of pure gold upon the head of the King so Coronets of pure Gold upon yours you shall shine as stars in this Firmament in wisdome holinesse justice and goodnesse and be in affinity to the King that head ennobled with heavenly Majesty fit to be about the Throne and advanced to be the shoulders and brest of the Nation next the head The Kings party are here fully satisfied to see their King restored to the honour and greatnesse of his Ancestors his Progenitors which is into the glory of God the great king the Kings true Father They that contend for KNOWNE LAWES by this the Laws are known by God brought out of the dust of the earth in which they were trampled upon and restored into the brightnesse and life of God And now we shall see the whole body of the English Lawes interpreted and opened to us by the wisdome of God and all drawn forth into life and power by the Spirit of God as we see the fundament all Law of King and Parliament written in the face of God and Christ by the Spirit You shall have Religion in the OLD WAY in the good old way DIVINE SERVICE wherein every part of it shall be irradiated with the Beams of Divinity and in every thing you shall see the Face of God and have fellowship with the Divine Nature Religion shall be adorned with Solemnity State Pomp Glory Ease Musick all Heavenly and Earthly together such as may allure and please the mindes of men and there shall be nothing harsh or rude in it yea rudenesse it self shal have its comlinesse You shall have your sports pleasures we will sing together in the hight of Zion young men maids daunce together without offence or iniquity all in the innocency holinesse and joy of God your whole life a course of pleasure all things yea labour and pains shall be recreations God recreating all things or making all things new they shall be sweet and delightfull you shall have your Holy-dayes yea your whole life shall be spent in holy-daies a continuall rest the great Jubile You the more civil and solid of that party that sincke into a retired condition in these tempestuous times that lie quietly and patiently in your graves of your owne and the Kindomes sufferings your resurrection is come and you shall revive and in a new spirit act for and in the prosperity of the Nation And you mad Lads shall SWEARE Now the Lord lives in truth righteousnesse and judgement and know him present with you sweare by the eternall God the Spirit filling every oath with truth you shall curse your enemy the Devil with all plagues to the pit of hell and so dam him and ram him in that he shal no more come forth to trouble you you shall eate and drink freely and forget your selves and your sorrow and in it be filled with the Spirit of the Lord be raisd into high mirth and jollity drink so freely of this new wine of the kingdome till you are drunk out of your own wits into the Princely Spirit of God and then ever speak and act things of love worth bravery and excellency This is the KINGS HEALTH his saving health his union
Parliament appeares at first assisted by a lovely and sweet Angell as the tender Mother of all our liberties as the womb in whom our Civil rights lay as Jerusalem that is from above the Mother of us all having the face of Jesus a saviour from all our troubles speaking nothing but a generall and universall love and a care of all as a rich treasury full of all blessings that might make us happy But that Angell leaving her she quickly discovers her weaknesse and inability and sinks into confusion under her sins and Divine displeasure Your evils are against Christ against the King and against the People Chiefly against your Fundamentall Law Christ the Sonne of God who is in you and with you and you know him not yea deny him and in expresse words scorne his Spirit You some times profess for the Kingdome of Christ but do indeed put him to open shame burying the Wisdome Beauty Righteousnesse of Christ and holding forth visibly nothing but an abominable heap of folly disorder and unrighteousnesse you are indeed the seat of all the fullnesse of Christ the house of God where God would dwell and so a body of Heavenly wisdome religion justice goodnesse and everything that is Excellent But you have departed from this principle yea wholly kild it and walk after the imaginations of your owne hearts after the customes of men yea worse after the will and minde of others not following the stable rule The Lord you are become subject to People City Scots Army any And having lost the true life and spirit of a Parliament the presence and Majesty of God you are become a dead Idol standing in the power of darknesse in direct opposition to God This poor empty name this vanity do you with all your might maintain zealous for your Priviledges as if all happinesse lay in them and while you labour to uphold them you doe most destroy them selling your selves for relief in any danger to any that can but seeme to help you making your selves cheap and common mercenary and so the great betrayers of your own rights In your rebellions against the holy God you have trodden in the steps of your Father the King and in his may see your own iniquities But particularly You are guilty of hipocrisy and deceit in that great pretence of Reformation seeing such a spirit acting in the People to keep them sure to you and by that to gaine advantage against your adversaries you assume this title The Cause of God and Reformation without either love to it or judgement to know how to go about it T is known you are men your selves unreformed men of corupt and loose lives and that whereupon yon insist most you are most guilty of Arbitrary power every one being in dispose of his estate a Tirant and wracking Tennants according to his own will which is the generall sin of the Nation every one labouring to oppresse others to advance himselfe And since you came together walking in a continuall course of illegall and arbitrary power You are grosly ignorant of the Heavenly Kingdome The true Patterne out of which the Kingdome was taken and form'd and into which it must bee Reformd As you want judgement so want you power having trampled under your feet the power and Spirit of Christ your Ordinances are all spiritlesse weake and despicable But having layd this Egge of Reformation you make this use of it When you want an Army to help you you carry it to Scotland to bee hatched there and thence it brings forth an imperfect earthy crawling Cockatrice Presbytery which never yet did any good but vex the Nation and help your friends to get into fat livings And because you want the help of active men heer of different judgements they sit upon the Egge and bring forth liberty of conscience and with it a monstrous heap of mis-shapen errors and opinions which you cannot suppresse by conviction nor dare restrain by power The Church t is true was extreamly corrupted full of tyranny darknesse worldly pride and great disorder But you have brought nothing to it but utter ruine and defacement Not having that Spirit of judgement and burning to seperate twixt the precious and the vile in Episcopacy c. you have in a blinde conformity with Scotland and to supply your own needs of their lands untterly demolisht all Your errors against the King are not following your foundamentall constitution He a Husband you his body he a Father you a Son Hee being plunged in his government and in necessity he cals you together and seeks your help which was a fair opportunity for you by fair carriage and dutifulnesse to regain his restranged heart but you grow upon his necessities and in stead of insinuating into him by love you at first rigidly and harshly capitulate for priority and priviledge and fell into a violent and illegall forcing the sword the Militia out of his hands a strange and un-naturall contest having no other bottom but jealousy and feare of suffering for the Wife or Sonne to disarme the Husband or Father You have unkindly unjustly requited his error who would have Reigned without you made you ciphers and kept the substance of Government from you You deal so with him would take all power from him and leave him to be a state ceremony a great nothing a gaudy thing set out with Titles for pomp and fashion sake to be looked upon a servant having power to doe neither good nor hurt And that which every man as a man contends for to be Arbitrary or to have the exercise of his will without which we are the greatest slaves in the World that is wholly denied him in Government Your endeavours is to imprison the Throne to infeeble your Lord and disable him from doing the Kingdome any good such an empty weak thing would be a heavy curse to the Nation a dishonour and shame to you and that which you would quickly be weary of T is most true you have Royalty in you in the second place being bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh the expresse image of his person but to set up this above the head or by this to thrust out the other is falshood and disloyalty to your head That any thing in you should live in distinction from or opposition to your head and Father t is to commit Adultry with your selves or shadow of your Lord to fashion up a notionall King amongst your selves When he was departed from you you should even to death have followed him and not rejoyced in his absence and shut the door upon him all jollity mirth and confidence in his going was un-naturall Then your civill life and glory went and it had been your way to have lost your selves with him or to have sat as widow till you had recovered him When there was in him a minde of returning as at Notingham you should then have opened your hosomes to him but having possession of all in
the mutuall health and welfare of each other The KING it he could ruine the Parliament should but destroy his own body himself in another his own flesh and the Parliament in destroying the KING destroy themselves in their head The Parliament have conquered the King but have gotten onely this by it to be a confused head-lesse heap and put off their naturall head to put on another to be headed by an Army a faction and if the King should doe as much and conquer the Parliament he would be unhappy in it and he would be the head not of a body but a confused rabble not a King indeed but a friend his party would Levell with him and expect to be Kings with him he would be in as great a confusion without a Parliament as the Parliament without the King As they are broken divided set in enmity and malignancy one against another so are the parts disordered The head the King laid in the bottom the Parliament upon him the Army hath been and when occasion serves can be uppermost The Kingdome stands upon his head The Parliament came forth of the King and Army forth of Parliament now the King can't come forth but it must bee from the Parliament as the Parliament comes forth of the Army Divided and subdivided broken into King and Parliament Parliament and Army Army and City City and Parliament England and Scotland Scotland their divisions Ireland divided from both and subdivided amongst themselves But the destroyer hath most shewed his cunning in our divisions so perfectly and artificially are we intangled and perplext in distractions as there is no escaping The KINGS party divided and some fallen in with the Scotch and Presbyterian which they perfectly hate and yet are joyned to them Others rather chuse to sit stil or have better love to the Independent interest ther 's another conjunction in dislike dis-junction The Parliament is divided some look back to the KING others had rather stand against him both jealous of him yet forced to looke towards him The Presbyterian joyning part to the Cavaliers and part to the Independent and both hating those they joyne too The City falling to peeces too Thus doth God shake the Nations jumbles their principles together scatters them as dried bones that none knows whether to go to joyne The King is shut up in his pit in his prison under the Army and Parliament he must make his way through their blood to come to the Crown and when he hath done that he must again ruine those by whom he riseth the Scots and when he hath done that he is yet but miserable and is worse then where he is The Parliament must goe through the Kings party to their end by the Army and when they have done that they must ruine the Army and Independent intolerable to them and then they arrive but at confusion The Army must destroy the Kings party first and then the Parliament and at last it gains nothing but to be a wretched nothing The City must ruine the Kings party or else wo be to them and the Independent too or else they can have no settlement and then the Parliament and they may have leasure to fight alone Hambletons Scots have the English Nation wholly to destroy before they can come to his end both Army Parliament and KING and their own Nation at home And what then Then there will be roome to fight with the Irish so that wee are involved in destruction shut up under severall locks and bolts and to get out of one is but to be out of a lesse into a greater or larger hell Therefore its impossible to recover your selves by force you may wrastle and tug with your fates and weary your selves with toyling but by all you will but sink your selves deeper and by your false hipocritical and unnaturall conjunctions of heterogeneous bodies make new matter of difference and increase your own misery Neither can a Treaty compose you in the condition in which you are you are in death and under the curse and all your actions are and shall be accursed The Nation is not only broken but as dried bones have lost their marrow of Vnion their spirit of Love it hath neither flesh of softnesse and gentlenesse nor sinews of agreement Neither doth there appeare that wisdome and skill to binde up these breaches King lost disabled Nobles scattered weake inconsiderable things Commons distracted hurried after their vaine imaginations Of all the sonnes that the kingdome hath brought forth there is none to guide her to take her by the hand to lead her out of this pit The end of Treating at best is but to settle the Kingdome in its former worldly estate T is looking back to Aegypt we are in the wildernesse and must on to Canaan It were woefull if wee should lose the fruit of all our blood and misery that we have suffered and only be where we were which will quickly fall back into the condition we are now in No the Divine purpose is of some higher favour to us and short of it we must not sit down Besides This Treaty is not voluntary but forced not open and plaine but false each seeking to catch advantages and in darknesse and jealousie fearfull and unblieving which will blast them sin and iniquity unpardoned the wrath of God still flaming against the Nation unquenchable by all the art of man that will render all humane attempts vaine and fruitlesse Heer lies England as Sodom burning in the displeasure of God in Civil bloody warres in madnesse and folly The Majesty and honour of the Mation confounded and lost in the KING the liberty and justice of it in the Parliament the power and might of it in the Armies the religion and truth of it in the Church the wealth and trade in the City the fruits of the earth by warre and unseasonable weather and ALL in the losse of Gods favour Heer is the Kings curses of his people and imprecations of judgements upon themselves and families brought forth to the life That mad party that cry Dam me and Ram me that drink healths to the confusion of the Parliament t is done you live to see it The other side that have Covenanted the exterpation of Episcopacy root and branch t is finished fully The Parliament and the KING their root or the Laws of the Land out of which they grew the Nation her self the Church all rooted out And all sects and schismes Presbytery it self for one pul'd up by the rootes Your fears have brought forth the thing you feard is upon you The removing of the Candlestick the losse of the Gospell The whole Kingdome is left in Hideous darknesse And the glory of it is gon from you That persecution feared by Independents is come Satan the destroyer is upon you wasting killing imprisoning all true glory light righteousnesse peace And the answer of your many prayers for destruction upon the enemies of Christ your selves and
her Ghost into the Armies bosome and leaves the Army Executor of her wil dies into the People and al dying together and tumbled into one grave of confusion By this death there is a perfect Remission of sinne here is a true Act of oblivion on all sides a blotting out of transgressions Hath the King transgrest hee lyes in the dust for it he is in your own bowels devoured by you if you accuse him you accuse your selves look upon him now as pierced by you and you can't think of his sins but of your own shame with self-piercing self-wounding hearts Neither can the King remember the Parliaments injuries but he must in those thoughts be oppressed they are in him and if he should think of revenge he must be revenged upon himself death wholly overcomes and spoiles revenge and leaves it nothing at all to feed upon Or if any party do look back they see all these mutuall violences in the Divine wisdome and goodnesse the sting of them being taken away with pleasure and content and glory in these marks not of hatred but love glory in the Crosse and rejoyce in your mutuall sufferings together and one for another all bitterness and envy being slain thereby Every one as now in the accuser you see your own good and your adversaries weaknesse and sin so shall you by this change of death see all the evill as your own and be able to beare it every one accusing himself and acquitting others so that the greatest enmity will be against your selves or any thing that makes a division and nothing remaining to be hated but enmity or hatred it selfe There cannot a thought of strife or enmity arise now but it must appear in blood in the blood of Kings Queenes Princes Parliaments enmity being slaine at first look you do see death in it and so abhorre to change a word with it look upon it as a murtherer and immediatly fly from it into each others bosomes Here is away too to pay all debts to cancell all obligations on both sides in this pit of death must all be swallowed up Debts are forgiven a dead man Here is a death of the Old man The old Quarel the old termes of enmity the old man and his lusts The lustings of the KINGS party after honour greatnesse preferment the Parliament after places Bishops Lands c. the Armies lustings after arreares the lusts of envy malice tyranny oppression coveteousnes desiring each others goods the fuell of this flame in all is buried Thus as before our remedies were our diseases so now our diseases our miseries become our remedy in saving we lost now in losing we save Our gain was losse and our losse is become gain through the riches of the wisdome and mercy of the Lord our GOD Now we must say we had perisht if we had not perisht Chap. XV. Of the compleat cure of the Nation shewing it in its Raised state and parrticularly the King NOw through the tender mercy of our God doth the day sparing from on high visit us To give light to them that sit in darknes in the shadow of death to guid our feet in the way of peace The bright day of Englands Redemption is come the sweet morning of our Resurrection A rise let us go from this pit of misery Let us wrap up all our grave cloaths of shame sin and sorrow and leave them with their Father the destroyer in this dark night of hell and death The Lord saith it and in the power of the Lord we doe break open Iron gates of death and let goe these poor prisoners of hope and before we goe we will spoile the spoyler trample Satan under foot laugh and mock at thy power ruine thy Kingdom of darknes take away from thee thy power to vex wholly destroy thy destruction Oh thou enemy destruction is come to a perpetuall end We smite thee upon the cheek-bone thou canst bite no more Now we lead captivity captive we were under thee now thou thy selfe art a prisoner and a servant thou hast not hurt us but done us good in destroying us thy curses are turned to blessings to our infinite advantage Thou thy self shall be under the burden of divine wrath We are escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowler your snare is broken and we are delivered and thou fallest into the pit thou diggest for others by thy wounding us wee are healed thou hast bruised our heel but we have broak thy head thy whole design of Englands ruine and thy plots are discovered and turned against thy selfe upon thee and thy wrath as a foot-stoole doe we ascend into the blessed throne of God We lock thee up in chaines of darknesse and throw thee under the earth get thee hence and all thy darknesse with thee that keeps Englishmen from seeing God in one another take with thee all thy bitternesse rage madnesse oppression tyranny all thy lies and falshood thy false Oaths and breach of Covenant all thy disorder and confusion thy mischievous plots and all thy scorne and reproach and all thy false accusing Father to Son and Son to Father c. Thy rayling and revilings blasphemies with every thing that is cursed and goe headlong into the deep Sea of thy perdition we wil live in heavenly peace love and righteousnesse in the light and glory of our own God Shake thy self from thy dust captive daughter this cloud of dust that darkens thee from divisions emptinesse barrennesse vanity instability and ascend into the light majesty union and strength of God England is become the Kingdome of the Lord and of his Christ God reigns in her she is become a holy Nation a heavenly Kingdome God is in her and none else The tabernacle of God is with men he now takes his great reign upon earth he is come he is come to judge the People righteously and to govern the Nation upon Earth The majesty of the Trinity dwelling before in weaknes that is sowed dyed it s raised in power before in flesh now in Spirit before covered and vailed hiding himselfe now in open and naked face We are now a new creature a new Kingdome of righteousnesse living in the immediate brightnesse of the face of God God is with us with all his host of power and goodnesse mercy and wisdome to establish us in peace and justice there is nothing amongst us but God who is exalted alone and saith I am and there is none besides me and hath taken the Kingdome into himself and every thing is what it is in the glory of God now indeed the soyl is the Lambs he is English Earth The people the Lords and shall be filled with the excellency of God in himself The Lord is King God himself reigns God is upon his throne and saith openly to the whole Kingdome I am your King you are my People I le rule you with a pure golden Scepter of righteousnesse and peace you shall submit to me and
receive law honour justice and protection from my selfe you shall now see the beauty sweetnesse and goodness of my government I le be a King to and in every one of you And I le reign over you in and by King Charles I will take him out of the prison of Satans darknesse out of the pit of the world from all his vilenesse of lusts of oppression coveteousnesse folly fiercnesse wrath and from all his shame and dishonour from his evill counsellers wicked spirits that have seduced him to evil into my bosome and turne his heart as a river of water It shal no longer be mudded with evill counsellers nor with pride coveteousnesse cruelty but run in a pure stream of Divine justice and goodnesse and so largely and plentifully that it shall flow forth freely upon you Righteousnesse shall run down your streets A fountain of honour as wel as justice that shal give reall true not titular honour to his People that shal stream forth Majesty and greatnesse as freely into the whole Nation as the Sun doth beames he shall freely communicate Royalty that it shal be every ones and every one shal live in the view and enjoyment of it and fully satisfied with it it being truly his own A King enlarged with the largenesse of God that comprehends all his People as the sands on the Sea shore and is an Ocean of goodnesse and righteousnesse to cover those sands whose Armes of love can at Once imbrace the whole Kingdome every party and person that carries every English man in his bosome That impartially wil communicate favour to every one according to his true worth and ability to receive it of large wisdome fil'd with the wisdome of God of quick and piercing understanding to execute judgement in all causes one living in the light of GOD shin'd upon with the Majesty of God that he shal not be deceiv'd by flatterers but shal scatter all such mists from before the Throne that of all places wicked men and wicked things shal fly from the Court and presence of the King Of such tendernes that he shall really bear the burthens of all his subjects and every mans trouble shal make him restlesse that cannot be fully content til he hath fully satisfied all the wants of his People That is all mildnesse and gentlenesse to his own People as a Father and terrible only to your adversaries whose indignation is bent continually against the enemies of his People and his childrens peace a Lion to them but a Lambe a Shepherd to you A Prince Mighty with the Mightinesse of God able to do you good mighty in word and deed able to save you and to destroy them that hate you A King that hath no joy or delight but the good and prosperity of his People T is your happynesse only that is his Crowne that knows no glory but a loyall and loving People that is King only to make you happy and your happinesse is his Kingdome or health and prosperity in the People grows up into a lively flower of glory a King or breaths out it selfe in his Majesty So the KING is the breath of our nostrils That is indeed a King Anointed by God by and in the grace of God that is covered over with Divine grace that is nothing but what God is and hath all the Kinglines of God shining in him With whom and in whom you shal nakedly see the face of Divine justice and in whom the glory of God doth take pleasure to shew it self and not as another from him but in perfect Vnion in truth and righteousnesse where there is nothing to seperate nor part the earthly from the heavenly King but the earthly is in agreement in covenant with the heavenly living together in the same Spirit The heavenly God being intire himself and the King intire himself yet both but one in true marriage and conjunction for ever a bond and covenant that never shall be broken the King in God God in the King The King is what God is and God is what the King is neither alone God all in him he all in God He that opposeth one opposth both hee that loveth one loveth both exclude one you exclude both deny one you deny both disobey one you disobey both This is heaven and earth married together in harmony and agreement and the King that once appeared an Image of God a shadow in which he was weak and which he hath dyed to and the evill and corrupt part left in the grave hee is raised up in the very substance in Vnion in Spirit in Truth in Eternall fellowship with GOD. Chap. XVI Of the Parliament in its Raised estate ALL things are made new a new King and a new Parliament a new Head and a new Body a Heavenly body a Host of Divine excellencies in which all the perfections of the Son of GOD shines An assembly or body of Christ The fullnes of him who fills all in all not only a company of weak men But this is thy new name The LORD is there GOD is with us Christ in glory in Majesty Highly exalted Thou in whom are hid The treasures of wisdome thou sittest in Councell to draw forth excellent Laws for us and to rule in the midst of us One chosen out of the People in which meet in one the life spirit and wisdome of heaven The LORD is here challenging the Kingdome to be his here is gathered the heads of the Tribes a congregation of the first borne the chief and choisest Saints and Angels collected and imbodied into one Son of God The LORDS Christ he saith I am here your flesh and blood one of you I 'le provide and constitute wholsome Laws for you in this Parliament And this Parliament taken out of all its filth and guilt out of all its madnesse and disfraction folly and confusion out of the hands of the envious man that divides destroies from under cursed darknesse violence and oppression from the Peoples woe and curse I 'le wash it and cleanse it and fill it with Majesty and goodnesse make it a mountain of holinesse a City of Righteousnesse Arise shine for thy light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee Thou shalt no longer sit in darknesse Thy Sun shall go down no more thou shalt not stumble nor fall for want of light thou shalt not dash thy foot against a stone The Lord shall be unto thee an everlasting light and thy God thy glory The Sun of righteousnesse is Risen in thee with healing under his wings Thou now art Divine justice A habitation of justice where justice it selfe shal delight to dwell No unclean thing shall be found in thee living alwaies in the righteousnesse of Christ thou shalt be seperated from sinners blamelesse live in a hight of righteousnesse above accusation The Lord Our Righteousnesse The Saviour of the People thy walls shall be called salvation and thy gates praise sending forth saving health
to the whole Nation into every part that is pained or diseased a universal remedy for all malladies a skilfull Physition richly furnisht with the fullnesse of the Spirit of Christ to apply a plaster to every sore Thou now art all bowels a heap of compassions rowlling together of most exquisit sense of any burthen that lies upon us The Mother of England as the KING is the Father in whose womb our freedomes rights peace lyes from whose brests we shal suck milke of comfort riches ease quietnesse justice happynesse as tender of every one of your children as of your selves Thou art beautified with garments of salvation honourable glorious the joy of the whole earth Adorned now with such excellency that thou art a Queene indeed a compleat Second for such a First This thou art in perfect conjunction with the Divine nature in one Spirit with the LORD taken into the Nature and Being of the eternal Law-giver being one with the great Court or Councell of heaven Really truly being in the LORD and the LORD really and truly in you not in shadow that is destroyed but in substance not a naturall but a spirituall body not a earthly but a heavenly The Lord from heaven Now a holy and incorruptible body that cannot faile Christ is compleatly himself in you you are compleatly in him and compleatly one Lord one man one body one Assembly or Congregation having the same Nature and Person Chap. XVII Of the perfect Vnion betwixt King and Parliament and by them with his People in this new and raised estate THESE Two KING and Parliament by flesh and Satan were divided from God made un-like God set at distance from and enmity to GOD and at enmity one from another So now that flesh and Devill being destroyed the Spirit unites them truly to God in truth and substance and as to God so one to another This law oft he Spirit knits them and marries them both waies In this raised estate King and Parliament are in most excellent union joyned together in nearest bonds of felowship as Husband and Wife as Father and Son God and Christ In the greatest distance of these unnaturall breaches there hath been still a secret tendency towards each other your union was never so much slaine but it acted out towards an agreement And now there is a thirst in both after your selves in each other and a restlesnes of spirit attends you till you meet in that dark way in which you are in hel you are groping one after another in a feeble way of Treating and framing a net of spiders web to catch one another in in severall formes These are too weak to hold or binde you together you are both pittied that long for each other and can't enjoy each other especially the poor Parliament whose desires are after her Husband lusting for him and knows not which way to compasse him through fear and ignorance I shall but draw a vail a curtaine aside and shew you both imbracing each other The Vnion betwixt King and Parliament and by the mediation of Parliament with the People whom they Represent is strong and Inviolable It is admirable and delightfull They are one in Nature and Being and can never be divided As Christ saies of the Father so the Parliament may say The Father in me and in the Father Where ever the King is the Parliament is and the King can't bee without his parliament and People and where ever the Parliament is or People are the King is They are one and together in the greatest distance the Vnion is such that distance is swallowed up by it and comprehended in it The Son comes forth of Heaven and is in Heaven is in Heaven while out of Heaven and when alone yet not alone The Father is with me So the King and Parliament are asunder yet together and by their parting their union is enlarged not broken Their fleshly outward union broken but by that the inward and true union appeares and is brought forth In truth the Parliament is in the King and acts not moves not but in the King hath not cannot doe and the King is in the Parlament and naturally doth what the Parliament doth The King retires and carries the life and spirit of the Parliament with him and it is in perfection in him the Parliament withdraws and keeps close the King with her The King takes the spirit of the Parliament the Parliament keeps the body of the King and to narrow poor sense they are divided but such is the largenesse of the Spirit that delights to extend union into distinction and there they are and alwaies were more one in truth then they have yet appeared to be The former union was too weak and strait and therefore it s snapt asunder and the LORD now shews such a union as disjunction doth confirme and multiply while they are parted they are doubly one each upholding union in their being distinct and so manifests that they are so one as they are two likwise and in being two they are twice one each carrying the other along with him The King carries with him the power and spirit of the Parliament it being his and the Parliament the matter and body of kinglynesse that being hers the King hath the Parliament in night and eminency of forme the Parliament hath the King in lownesse and grosnesse of matter yea the Parliament hath the KING in his hight and spirit but covered over and hid under unity and lownesse of the matter so the King hath the matter in the excellency and unity of the forme And they so are in one another as manifests their union both languishing in desire after each other in such an absolute necessity of being together that the King can't act the busines of a King will not assume the work of a King but with his Parliament and the Parliament can't act in the power of a Parliament til they have the King Which shews that the union is still good so strong that they cannot bee but together in affection though parted in place and will not bee happy til they are fully together Their love lives at distance and distance is slain by unions being in distance their distance opening the foundation of their union and awakning the strength of love to shew it selfe in re-union so by a temporary division comes an eternall and inseperable conjunction as that parting of Christ from his Disciples It is expedient that I goe from you that the Comforter may come and he shall abide with you for ever Thus doth the Sea of the spirits love drown al your divisions and it abundantly triumphs over your breaches flowing in upon and in your breaches to the utter destruction of that plague of enmity You are one in originall in one Cause yea you are the cause of each other you are descended and derived from the same Father from the same Heaven and are again taken into the same Heaven joynt heires of the same
in glory and all pleasant and usefull one to another And in union with the State or Kingdome You were divided you kept them from medling with Spirituall things and they in requitall and revenge excluded you from Civill things you both in your dark and worldly state made lawes against each other The heavenly or spirituall men must not medle with earthly affaires they defile them nor earthly men act in heavenly or spirituall Thus were you cruell and unkinde to your selves and to each other one setting up an Heaven without an earth the other an earth without a heaven These in the Lord are married together in perfect union the same Lord being by the same spirit King and Priest and administring his Church and Kingdome together they are joynd in the King and must run down in fellowship together into the lower parts Now truth springs out of the earth You shall have God and Christ in the truth of the Spirit springing up in all your civill affaires in all your Lawes Statutes customes nothing else but heavenly truth and all your businesse civill and naturall shall be holy to the Lord blessed Ordinances of Heaven you shall be in all of them in the light of God and minister in Gods presence Vpon the horse bridles upon the pots upon all things written holinesse to the Lord And righteousnesse shall look down from Heaven Heaven shall shine forth to you righteous lawes You shall see the same things done in Heaven that are done in the earth looking in each others face and answering one another heer in THIS world earth will be no burden to Heaven being new and Heaven no trouble to earth no stranger when shee shewes her face and looks out she is the same thing and both joyning together salvation springs forth of them the Earth by her fellowship with Heaven brings forth good fruit peace righteousnesse and justice for the Land and the Earth without Heaven brings forth nothing but cold dead Lawes and Heaven without Earth but airy phansies both in conjunction make a compleat happinesse Now shall we meet together all Sorts in a generall assembly in the light of Heaven as golden candlesticks The holy one walkes in the midest of us emptying the golden Oyle by golden pipes from his golden self into his golden vessels his ministers And in this holy assembly sitting in the light of God all things shall be manifest to us wee shall see the whole forme of the house of God all the doors windows and pillars of it nothing of its statutes and ordinances shall be hid from us no error shal go undiscovered unrefuted all that have gon astray shall be brought back the ignorant shall be instructed the opposing and dissenting convinced and the obstinate rejected and cast out such a harmony and consent of hearts and mindes in this love and light must needs bring forth blessed fruit What ever is true in any religion we shall owne what is false we shall judge The darkness of Popery shall fall before our light we shall undermine the Kingdome of darknesse and set up truth in that beauty and majesty as shall gain all hearts upon such firme pillars as none can move her Wee feare not Papists nor all their strength we shall need no Lawes against them but The Law of the Spirit of life which wee know will over-come them The Gates of our Heavenly Jerusalem shall be open night and day let who will come in or go out No Vncleane thing shall enter into us But all the KINGS of the Earth all the wisdome state pompe and glory of Rome and all the World must bring their glory to this City this New Jerusalem And all the Nations upon Earth that shall be saved shall walke in the light of it Chap. XX. Of the restoration of the Army Levellers and City of London THE Army is but a particular part and that temporary and occasionall and is by this bright shining of the Sun of Righteousnes meltted into a generall peace and unity but lying under a particular condemnation it shall receive a particular discharge And we know thy imployment is so irksome and unpleasant to thee To be the kingdomes Gaoler to keep war in and peace out or to stand in the way to the Tree of life with a flaming sword to keep men from the injoyment of their liberty KING peace though thou art commanded to it by God these things being yet forbidden the people yet thou wilt be glad to be released from it that thou and all other may come into the Paradise of God and feed together upon the fruit of Divine peace and love There is under thy assuming power over the Kingdome King and Parliament and all and in thy maintaining thy Military power above and against the Civill in thy seeking thy owne subsisting and attempting to bee the Kingdomes Lord and restorer The Lord cloathing himself with zeal as with a garment incompassing himself about with flames of fire A Man of War a Lord of Hosts Casting away his Fatherly Government because of the Nations rebellion in all parts against himselfe and ruling us with a Rod of Iron God marching before us out of Egypts slavery into a Wildernesse turning us from a Civil Government into a Wildernesse and incamping in the midest of us and administering Laws to us as at sinai in thundering and lightning clouds and darknensse so terrible that makes all tremble A yoke that neither we nor our Fathers are able to beare And so we see Gods severity under mans iniquities And because it is the Lords Rod we kisse the Rod and love you for it Death is proper for this administration The Lord our Husband the Law dies wee were bound to honour you so long as you lived in the power and goodnes of God The whole Kingdome bowed before you while you led us safely through the Wildernes But Moses cannot bring us into Canaan but must only have a view of it and dye at mount Nebo This power is weak through the flesh and cannot do it if you contend now to effect any thing it is but the Devil striving for the body of Moses you are labouring to set up an honourable carcasse or to call back life into a dead body Christ did come into it and hath offered it up in his owne body and naild this power fast to the Tree you are dead fixt to the tree of shame by the curse with your Lord and by death you shall over come more then ever you overcame by life submitting to death your wils reasons lusts your seeking a worldly Kingdome your desire of lording it over others by force of armes with all your projects are slaine and all enmity in you against others and others against you Death hath disbanded you easd you of your hellish and wrathfull imployment Reconciled you to all and all to you brought you from being Turkish Janisaries to bee English men You are disolved into a body of love into GOD