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A84731 The sounding of the last trumpet or, Several visions, declaring the universall overturning and rooting up of all earthly powers in England. With many other things foretold, which shall come to passe in this year, 1650. / Lately shewed unto George Foster, who was commanded to print them. Foster, George. 1650 (1650) Wing F1624; Thomason E616_4; ESTC R215474 58,245 63

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that burned her cloathes and she was not hurt in her body brought her cloathes again to put on her all white without spot and she to my thinking was then far more glorious then she was before and I said Lord what woman is this And my eternal King said it was his Church and as she was in white it did shew that she did apprehend her self to be clean by Christ as she had black spots it doth shew that she is not so pure as to be free from imperfection and as she had knots of several ribons on her breast it doth shew that she the Church hath several outward ordinances or dispensations formes by which she doth worship me saith the Lord of Hosts but as you saw one came with fire and burnt all her cloathes and all her ribons and yet did not hurt her body it shews that I the Lord of host who am a consuming fire will burn all her dross or consume all fleshliness and dross from my people or Church and so will strip her naked of all her administrations and outward ordinances and Church-fellowships and pastors and teachers and of all though it seems never so glorious And as you saw he that burned up her cloaths bring her new cloaths to put on all white without spot or wrinkle it shews that I the Lord of hosts after I have burned up and consumed all the flesh and fleshliness of my Church as all her outward ordinances and dispensations as formes of worships and all her pastors and teachers and Church-fellow-ships and so they striped her naked of all that then I will new cloath her that she shall the Church appear far more glorious then ever she was before for when she is thus striped of all and is naked in her own apprehensions she shall be cloathed with the Sunne mentioned in the Revelations and the Moon shall be under her feet this Son is my righteousness which will make her the Church all in white as you see the woman after she had lost all was cloathed in white and all outward Ordinances represented by the Moon under her feet that when my church is stripped of all outward excellencies then shall I appear to be excellent as to be her pastor and teacher and ordinances and so her all and in all and then shall she be more free and at more liberty when these shall be taken from her then she hath been yet for then my Church shall not run after men and so go gadding about for food but shall quickly rest her self contented with me the bread of life and so shall worship me in spirit and in truth and so my Church shall be compacted of living stones that the prophesie may be fulfilled there shall not be a Cananite in the house of the Lord any more but she shal now wholly throw away that which shee hath highly esteemed of as outward means which hath been but streams which have flown from me who am the fulness of all things and shall now wait onely to hear the voice within her saying this is the way walk in it and so heard this voice which voice is I the Lord of hosts speaking in her she shall have more satisfaction and rest in her spirit then ever she has had as yet for she thus waiting upon me shall speak the pure language which none shall have but those my sons and daughters that I make out my self unto for the effect of this language which is the spirit of me will cause all difference and confusion to end that some shall no longer worship me the Lord of hosts one way and some another way but being possest of me and hearing me teaching in them I will make them all to serve me with one consent which cannot be so long as they worship me in several forms therefore do I this saith the Lord of hosts to strip my people of all forms that some might not run one way and some another but that all may serve me in one way which way is onely to wait on me saith the Lord of hosts who wil bring it suddenly to pass And as thou sawest one bring a book and it was sealed and he that brought it opened it and gave it her in her hand this book is the mistery of mee which is now to be finished and as you see it was sealed up it shews that this mistery which is I the Lord of hosts in my people have been hid and none hath been able to look into it but as he that opened it and gave it to her doth shew that though it hath been hid yet I the Lord of hosts will now open it and make it known to all my sons and daughters as the woman doth represent by having it open in her hand and when they shall see this mistery I the Lord of hosts to be in them then shall they know how to worship me which will be without ordinances or forms only waiting for me to teach them and no longer to wait upon the teaching of man for man hath teached them to look for me in heaven or that I do dwell in heaven in a place above the skies but they know not where not teaching them to look for me within them where they now in waiting upon me shall know that I do dwell saith the Lord of hosts And again the word of the Lord came unto me saying behold behold what doest thou now see and loe I beheld a beast that had upon his head one horn and he continied pushing until there came one and cut him down and burned his body and I said Lord what beast is this And my eternal Majesty the King of eternal glory within me said this beast is that beast with one horn mentioned in Daniel and yet is the same beast mentioned in the Revelations That made an Image like unto the former beast that had a wound and did live which caused all both small and great bond and free to receive a mark in their foreheads or in their right hand that they might live and have a being amongst them but here is wisdom let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast for it is the number of man and his number is six hundred threescore and six And I said Lord what doth this Beast represent That proceedeth from the Kings and doth think to change laws and times and had power given him until a time and times and dividing of times And my eternal God within me said that this beast is the Parliament who have their poewr by reason the 10 horns are cut down that is by reason Kingly power as the name of it is cut off with the late King that was beheaded and likewise these formes of worships as the Episcopal Government for matter of rules of worships to walk by as to do as the Bishops was pleased to have people do they are all cut down by the Parliament which the beast as thou sawest did set forth
shall no longer have any power over them but God will be their all and in all they shal now se it and know it too which will occasion them to crie time shall be no longer And thus by the strength of me who am the Alpha and omega they overcome all things so all things are become new so my sons daughters shall inherit all things for the Angel after he had cried all things are become new so he cried they shall inherit all things for my sons and daughters saith my God shall now see me to be all and in all and so shall see and inherit all things by the injoyment of me for the mysterie being finished in you and all things become new it is such a change in you that those things that you thought were unlawfull before will now appear to be lawfull for this is the new thing you will now see and know that all things are Gods and so will see and know that as God is yours so all riches as houses or Lands are as much yours as any mans for saith God time shall be no longer You shall know this saith God that sinne and transgression being finished with you and everlasting righteousnesse brought into you and so swallowed up with righteousnesse living in God and God in you you shall know that my worke my strange work which I wil do is now to break in pieces al things and to make all things become new which change is to restore the whole creation from bondage and slaverie into the glorious libertie of the sons of G●d and so to take off the curse that is upon all crearures and to restore the creation to the first estate as Adam was set in that as I made Adam Lord over all creatures and all creatures were for the use of Adam saith the Lord so now shall all the creatures men and women have that priviledge which by reason of the curse have a l●ng time bin deprived of as to have the injoyment of the outward creatures which now they shall have for as the appearing of me in one single person Jesus Christ my anoyted Son did cause a communion to be among my Saints in those dayes so at the appearing of me in my sons and daughters now I will cause union and fellowship to increase first amongst my sons and daughters and then will burne up some by my spirit in them and will confound others by might and power and will make such a strange worke that I will make all sorts and degrees some for feare of me and some from the injoyment of me give up give up and relieve one another that there may be universal love peace and freedome all enjoying the worke of my hands without let or hindrance And being carried above my self or taken out of my self with joy I burst forth crying Halelujah Halelujah the Lord omnipotent reignes but could not rest my self contented until I did burst forth with singing because of the abundance of joy I was in And on the 5. day of the second moneth in the morning came the word of the Lord unto me and said I come which made my flesh to tremble and at length I heard these words within me behold I come to reveale unto thee things that must shortly come to passe therefore behold what thou now seest And lo I beheld a great water for the bignesse of it I could see no earth or ground and in the midst of it a woman gloriously araied sitting on a throne with a Crowne upon her head and presently there came one with a sword in his hand and cut off her head and she and her head tumbled into the sea and I said Lord what meaneth these waters and this woman that sitteth thereon And the man that came with a sword in his hand and cut off her head and my eternall God within me said that the waters and multitudes of people and the woman is the Queen or the whore of Babylon mentioned in the Revelations that hath made all nations drunk with her fornication and this Queen or lady that saith she should see no sorrow is Governments and worships and lawes which men have made and set up and the man that came with a sword in his hand and cut off her head is my messenger which J have sent or my self appearing in my sons and daughtera which will cut off all power as Kingly and Parliament powers and so will destroy all Governments and forms of worships And when her head was cut off I heard a lamentation men and women weeping and grieving and some I saw were laughing and singing crying Halelujab Halelujah for thou art worthie to receive Glory and Honour and praise for thou hast Judged the great whore and taken vengeance on her for shedding the blood of the Saintt And I said Lord who are these that weep And who are these that rejoyce and the Lord said that these are the Priests and those that have bin made rich by her fornications that weep and howle as the Priests that have made merchandise of souls of men but now their trade is destroyed and they shall no longer preach as to receive money for it therefore they weep but these are my sons that sing and rejoyce and indeed they have now great cause for to sing and rejoyce because that which hath troubled them as formes and worships are now destroyed and I said Lord wilt thou destroy the Parliament and the Lord said I will begin first in this nation and will by my bright appearing burn up some and destroy others that there shall to mens apprehension be nothing but confusion for I will make great and mighty men run into the holes of the rocks and throw away their Idols of gold and silver for fear of me that there may be universal love and freedome And I will be such a terror to the great men they shall hide themselves for fear of me And I said Lord wilt thou do this by thy own power without making use of any Instruments and the Lord said no but I will harden the hearts of the Parliament and they shall raise an armie for to fight with the Generall whom I will stir up to oppose their crueltie and their actions and so will destroy their power by my Instruments and I said Lord shall I go and declare this to the Generall as yet or no and the Lord said wait upon me as yet and thou shalt know more for I have somethings else to reveal unto thee And at night about eight of the clock on the same day being in my chamber the word of the Lord came unto me saying behold behold what dost thou now see And I looked and loe a white horse and one upon him with a sword in his hand ready drawn and he rid from East to West and from North to South cutting down all men and women that he met with that were higher then the middle sort and raised up
thing in his hand which I did not know till I asked God And then it was told me it was a vial and he poured it forth upon great men As Kings and Parliaments and all sorts of men and on the beast that comes out of the bottomlesse pit and on the Locust and on the scarlet colloured whore that is decked with all manner of precious things and they all became dead and the remnant were affrighted and gave glory to God and I said Lord what is the meaning that but one of them powred forth his vial and the Lord said that the rest had powred forth their vials had tormented the men of the earth already but this one that powres forth his vial now doth not onely torment but destroy the men of the earth and I said Lord wilt thou take their lives from them that they shall be no longer and my God said I I will take from them that which hath bin their life but yet I will not take from all of them their natural life but from Kings and Parliaments great men I will take from them their power which they have had and they shall instead of haveing power become humble and submissive and be as lowly as the poor for this vial is my wrath that shal burne and consume all fleshly powers and as he that powres it forth is more glorious then the rest it shewes my sons daughters shall have more glorious discoveries and manifestations of me their God dweling in them saith Lord of host and through the fulnesse they have of me I being in them they shall now say time shall be no longer and I said Lord what is the meaning of the bottomlesse pit and the Lord said by the bottomlesse pit is meant the heart of man and by the beast that riseth out of it is not meant the Pope and Emperours but is meant all the wisedome of the proud flesh that hath and doth stil invent all the wicked actions of men that have murdered the Saints as formes and governments and from this bottomlesse pit ariseth threatnings and malicious words even such there is hatcht within it as a man is never able to know from whence they come or whether they go For the putting to death of Saints is first contrived here in this pit which I the Lord of host doth say is the heart of man and then according as they have invented how and after what manner they shall put them to death they put their power in execution to do it and by the Locusts is meant the Priests for as Locucts destroyes and devours the fruits of the earth so have these Priests from time to time been the chief actors and setters on of the Kings and great men of the earth for to make Lawes for them to worship God by as they call it and so poor creatures have been deluded by them to worship something but they nor the Priests knew not what instead of me saith the Lord of host and so haue destroyed the earth tha● is their bodies and being Spiritual Merchants they have not onely destroyed the bodies of men but have also made Merchandize of the souls of nem and all this they have done pretending they did preach to bring them to heaven when indeed they rather did the things that was a cause of ignorance and darkness by telling them they were the ministers of God sent to Preach and that none was to preach but they and so did keep them from the enjoyment of me saith the Lord of hosts and to throw them into hell so their preaching of me was more for their fat Benefices then to bring souls to me as they made it appear to bee for if at any time any did out-strip them or did doe something tending to the setting forth the glory of me or had some discoveries of me and so would teach for nothing they must be heriticks and so must he cut off and thus these priest-like Locust have devoured men and kept them in bondage by their philosophy and cuning craftinesse but time shall be no more And the woman which thou faw'st arayed with all manner of precious things is the whore of Babylon and her Scarlet Colloured cloathes and precious things sets forth her formes and wayes of worships decked with outward zeale of professions so that they seem to the eye of men to be my way saith the Lord of host for she being so gloriously arayed sets forth all outward administrations of what sort soever but time shall be no longer for the vials of my wrath is now powered forth upon them all and they shal all be consumed and brought to nothing and all these outward administrations which seem'd before to have life shal now be slaine and appeare to be dead that I alone may be all and in all such is the worke that I wil now do that those that shall be left alive shall be affrighted and give glory to me for the remnant were affrighted and they gave glory to God these of the earthly powers as Kings and Lords and of all sorts of men that doth escape with their lives as they be not taken away shal give glory to me some of them by being purified and my sons and some of them by bringing their riches to my sons and daughters for those that know not me I will be a terror to them and will make them throw away their Idols of Gold and Silver and in so doing they shall glorifie mee and I said are these that powred forth thy vials Angels that are invisible or be there no Angels but thy servants and sons here below and the Lord said that they that power forth my vials are my sons and my sons are Angels and ministring spirits they are Angels and the Angels mentioned in Scriptures are no other but my sons and daughters and those two Angels that came to Lot in Sodome where two men but because I made them my messengers they were called Angels and the Angel that smote the Assyrians and slew so many thousands Was a man whom I appointed to do that work and so was called an Angel of the Lord because he did my will saith the Lord of hosts and for those that think Angels are invisible spirits and so cannot be seen and so doth likewise think that I am in a place above the skies called heaven and so think I have invisible Angels to keep me company are out of the way and have missed of the mistery which I will now make manifest saith the Lord of host The word of the Lord came unto me saying behold behold what seest thou now And loe I beheld a woman cloathed with white and black spots upon her Gown and I beheld and there came one with fire and laid it upon her cloathes and the fire burned all her cloathes and upon her brest were knots of several ribons but they were all consumed and so I saw her naked stript of all but presently he
for as the beast that was to rise after the Kings should be diverse from the rest even so hath the Parliament been diverse from King Charles for though King Charles did oppress the people with ship money which he should not have done and so did shew his cruelty and tyranny yet the Parliament hath exercised as much cruelty upon the people as he did for as Charles laid his little finger upon the people the Parliament have laid their loynes and for matter of oppression to the people have been far more cruel then Charles that was before and so have been Divers from Charles which word Divers shews more then one though called by one as the Parliament are more then one yet being compacted together they are but one in respect that what is done is done by consent of all or most of them and not by some few And as the beast did think to change Times and Lawes they being given into his hands so the Parliament hath pretended to change times that is to take off the oppression of people and Lawes that is to alter the Lawes of the Land for the Parliament have had power to do so and the Parliament have done these in some sence as the taking away the high Commission Court and Star Chamber instead of being Governed or having Bishops we must have classes and Presbyters or at least they have declared that we should have but though the first beast in the Revelations had a wound with a sword and did live though high Commission Court and Star Chamber I mean the oppression that was used by them though the name be taken away yet in regard of oppression they live for the Image of the beast is nothing but the same oppression as to have a new name as not to be the same but by this new name and so under this new name exercising cruelty and oppression is to make an Image and so to represent the former and though the Parliament have given themselves a new name by stiling themselves a Free State yet they are but the Image of the former beast in regard as the former exercised cruelty upon the people and the Parliament doth the same and as the beast mentioned in Daniel had power and likewise in the Revelations for to cause all both great and small to worship the Image of the beast that they might live Even so the Parliament by the setting forth their Engagement as they call it and by forcing all to take it which was their intents when they set it forth and so to deprive them of the benefit of the Law for denying submission to this power or Image which they have set up and so the mark which the Image of the beast hath set forth and caused all to receive doth represent the Parliament who have set forth their mark the Engagement as they call it for people to receive it in their fore-heads that is to profess them to be the supreame power and that they ought to worship them and submit to their Lawes and on their right-hand is meant the aiding and assisting of them with power and with money that the former which was Kingly power might not rise again but that they might be now adorned and have the honour even the Parliament seems to be the Image of the Beast and the Engament the marke of the Beast but the Beast or Image of other is but for a time times and dividing of times mentioned in Daniel and also in the Revelations to be the forty and two moneths which is a set time that this Image of the Beast shall have power and when that set time is at an end which I have appointed this Beast shall be destroyed and burned to nothing all their powers and all their Laws and formes and wayes of governments and worships and shall never rise more nor any like it saith the Lord of host here is wisdome this wisdome is I the Lord and let him that hath understanding count the number of the Beast and let him that hath my spirit and this wisdom revealed from me to him count for the number of the Beast is the number of a man the number of a man is his continuance or abiding here in this earthly body before it returnes to the earth which number is set forth or appointed by me the Lord of host for his time here before he be brought to the dust of the earth which number being accomplished and come to an end man must come to the grave so the Beast is numbered his daies are set down how long he shall have Power or how long he shall continue By the Beast that is numbered here is meant the Parliament or powers of the earth which I tel you is the Beast that must be burned or destroyed so soone as his time which I have let him shall come to an end for his number is six hundred threescore and six which I the Lord of host tell you they are so many dayes that this beast shall have the whole power to himselfe that the Parliament shall have for their time to raigne from the day that they beheaded Charles six hundred and threescore and six dayes and I said Lord shall I take them to be litteral dayes as fivescore to and hundred and so seven of them to make a week as we call it and my God said you shall take them to be litteral dayes and so count them from the day that Charles was beheaded for that is and shall be the time of their power and before these six hundred and sixty and six come to an end the Parliament shall be consumed and destroyed and brought to nothing and I the Lord of host that hath revealed this vision to thee will surely bring it to passe and that thou maist know that it is I the Lord of host that have revealed this to thee and that this is truth I will presently shake thee in a strange manner more then ever I did at once as a token to satisfie thee that these shall come to passe and as soone as the voice which spake these words ceased I fell a shaking and was so shooke that I made the bed I lay in tatter and was lifted up as if some body had tooke me up and threw me down again which one that lay with me can tell for I told him before I shook I had received words that I should be shaken which proved true and I am satisfied in my self that that which I now write will to the terrour of Great men and to the amasement of all sorts prove very true and that it is the pleasure of the Lord of host to bring to nothing all earthly powers that the Lord may be all and in all and who shall hinder him from doing his pleasure for he will worke and who can let And the word of the Lord came again unto me saying what seest thou now and lo I beheld a house by a great mountain and there came