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A77726 An answer, or confutation of divers errors broached, and maintained by the seven churches of Anabaptists contained in those articles of their confession of faith propounded to the Parliament, and other grosse opinions held by them against the cleare light of the gospell. By Thomas Bakewell. Imprimatur John Downham. Bakewell, Thomas, b. 1618 or 19. 1646 (1646) Wing B526; Thomason E336_10; ESTC R200810 49,330 53

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and further I say that our positive laws binde our Magistrates and people as strongly being grounded on the morall law being the law of nature as the Jews positive laws bound them although theirs was written in the Word and ours are not Thirdly He would know whether the matter and forme of the worship of God under the Gospel lies not in as plain precepts and commandements as the matter and forme of the Jews worship and whether to urge and compell men to any other be not sin Here I shall first grant that the matter and forme now is in as plain precepts and commandements as the Jewes was and to compell men to any other is sin But here lies not our controversie for our Magistrates neither command other things then CHRIST hath appointed to bee the subject matter of the Church although themselves most abominably brought a Cat to the Sacrament Neither doe wee admit Infidels or Turks unlesse they leave their Religion and become Christians neither doe wee take away the bread or the wine or change them or add any thing else to them not doe we take away or change any other ordinance but themselves have cast away much of the subject matter of the Church being esteemed of them but as reprobates although many of them be the deare children of GOD unlesse they please then humours and they have cast away the Ordinance of singing of Psalmes and all family instructions admonitions prayers watchings over one another in love and building up one another in faith Thus they have almost cast a●●y both matter and forme of the true visible Church when as they cannot ta●e us as wanting any Ordinance nor of having any supersluous of our own devising Then if Magistrates should command any other matter or forme they would sinne in to doing yet it will not follow that when Magistrates command the same that CHRIST hath set up that then they should sinne The Lord said to Moses ' The Magistrate gather the people together both men women and children and the stranger that is within the gates that they may heare and that they may learne and feare the LORD thy GOD and observe to doe all the words of this Law Deut. 31.12 and saith Christ compell them to come in that my house may be filled Luke 14.23 then I hope it will not trouble your consciences to be compelled to heare the word which is the onely way to know the Covenant between God and Christ in our nature and when it is known it will bereceived They that know thy name will trust in thee Psal 9.10 yet the Magistrates will not command you to believe they are not Lords of your faith but they may be helpers of your joy but saith is the gift of GOD the Magistrate onely commands to come to the paths of wisdoms doors that we may be blessed Prov. 8.33 this is the way to come in to the Covenant of Christ the Lord of the Church and when this is done we need not make another Covenant with the members as they d●e at New England and if they were in Covenant with Christ as they pretend the members neede not make such soldering for a Christian hath right to all Churches as well as to one Church and needs not way● for the members ad●mttance although their Lordly pride besuch while they pretend humility that they will not allow of it Lastly he would know whether any people under heaven have power to frame the outward government of the Church so perfectly that it shall neither have sin nor failing in it i● not then saith he where is there power to command obedience to that which is sinful I answer It is true none have power to frame such a government that hath neither sin nor failings in it therefore the Parliament doth not take upon them to frame any government for the Church because as I said before their power is not in the Church nor over the Church but in relation to the Church as lending their power to assist it therefore they have called the assembly of Divines to search the Scripture to see what government Christ hath appointed for his Church who is the Lord and King of it then there businesse is onely to search this our and then the Parlinment by a positive Law of the Land will command that this government shall be observed and no other but when all the Assembly or the greatest part shall conclude upon one way of government and the Parliament hath established that Government by a Law of the Kingdom then I say although there shall be some failings in it yet it being as neer the rule as all our Divines upon diligent search can finde out and the Parlian●ent hath made it a Statute to bee observed it must bee obeyed and all those Scriptures and Reasons before alledged serve to confirme it and those that will not doe the Law of GOD and the Law of the King let judgement be executed speedily upon him whether it be to death or banishment confiscation of goods or imprisonment Ezra 7.25 26. and then it will be but a weake excuse to renounce a positive Law of the Land upon this ground saying It is not perfect without sin or failing therefore I will not obey it by this argument they may renounce all our Laws and Magistrates for no humane Ordinance nor Magistrate can be without sin or failing then by their argument both must be cast away and so live like sons of Belial without any government but this shews how unsufferable that faction is to be among Christians But suppose they should have free leave to frame their own government what they would have upon condition it should be confirmed by an act of Parliament I am confident they would not agree to have it done because they all seeke to have a gap open to turne to what Heresie they please This also shews how unsufferable they be amongst us But suppose they were willing to have such a government established as they should like of then I would know why a whole assembly of faithfull learned wise godly and pious men should be denyed that which they will grant to a few and some of them factious and others hereticall nay why will they not grant our Assembly so much as they grant to one single man who setteth up what government he pleaseth and they all freely obey him when he aymes at his own ends to gather Churches that he may vent his Heresie and faction which is a thing to be abhorred of all godly Christians being more enslaved to him then ever they were to the Prelates if they had but eyes ●o see it The meane time all may see how these men despise the Magistrates power in relation to the Church when they command obedience to it or punish the opposers of it FINIS
whole body of the Congregation but I doubt you meane the execution of it which is to be inflicted not by all but by many 1 Cor. 5.3 2 Cor. 2.6 and so they are to admit of Infidels when they become Christians but those that are already baptized neede not such admittance The three and fortieth article You beleeve that a particular Church must trie their Officers gifts and then they may preach publickely and take upon them the charge of a Pastor but I doubt of it your answer is that when Christ gives ability to any they ought to improve it for their Masters advantage but I say it must be also in that place where their Master sets them or else they doe it for their owne advantage and not for his but you say if they be found false your Churches will not be corrupted by them but I say if children be left fatherlesse and have none to take care of them they will soone be corrupted and to say that you will not be corrupted and yet use no meanes to preserve your selves is but presumption like Peter who said that he would not deny his Master and yet tarried in the High Priests hall so your Church will not be corrupted and yet you take away those that are appointed to keepe you from corruption The sixe and fortieth article you beleeve that none must separate from a Church rightly constituted for corruptions that are in it but if you doe not dissemble you make it an article of your faith to beleeve your selves to be Schismatickes The nine and fortieth article You beleeve that you are bound to yeelde subjection to all civill Lawes made by the King and Parliament and yet you daily oppose Government The two and fiftieth article you beleeve that you have a conscience voyde of offence both towards God and towards man when as you cast off Gods Law in the worke of conversion Article 25 and mans law in Ecclesiasticall things Witnesse your setting up Churches without their authority these be your articles of faith then you saide you would beleeve all that is written by the Prophets and Apostles desiring to disclaime all heresies and opinions which are not after Christ But I charged you upon this promise of your owne and upon your generall promise together with your seven Churches to be as good as your word and not to dissemble in the very articles of your faith but when I had waited the full time appointed and saw no answer come I went to know the cause of it and he told me flatly that he would never write more unto me CHAP. II. Behold greater Abominations the Anabaptists maintained against me That the bodies of men consisting of flesh and bones is their Soules and that they have no other Secondly that the breath of men and beasts is their spirits and that it is immortall and liveth when their bodies are dead Thirdly They hold that in the resurrection the bodies both of men and beasts shall rise againe and their breath shall be infused againe into them TO these things I answer First That man hath two natures the one a Divine or spirituall substance like that of Angels adorned with divine faculties as the Understanding Judgement Reason Will Affection and Conscience the other part of man is humane being made of the foure Elements as all mortall creatures are and what casualties befall a beast may befall a man and man hath no preheminence above a beast for all is vanity Eccle. 3.19 but the soule spirit or heart of a Man that divine thing may be bound in the bundle of life 1 Sam. 25.29 being uncorruptible 1 Pet. 3.4 so then when the corruptible body dies the spirit depart from it and returnes to God that gave it Eccl. 12.7 Therefore when the Scripture calls this divine thing a Spirit distinctly it is for the most part to be understood of those principall faculties of it as the Understanding Reason and Judgement This is the spirit of your mind Ephes 4.23 because the Spirit searcheth all things yea the deepe things of God 1 Cor. 2.10 And when the Scripture distinctly calleth this divine thing the Heart it is to be understood the Conscience If thy heart condemne thee God is greater 1 Joh. 3.2 Davids heart smote him 2 Sam. 24.10 The Law written in the Heart or Conscience Rom. 2.15 And when that divine thing is called the Soule distinctly it is to be understood the Will and all the affections saith Paul We were willing to have parted unto you our owne soules because you were deare unto us 1 Thes 2.8 Hannah powred out her soule before the Lord 1 Sam. 1.15 Yet when that divine thing is called by any of those names it is to be understood the whole inward man although sometimes Spirit signifies the principall ruling faculties and by Soule is meant the Will and Affections that are to be regulated by them and so here is meant the Conscience as an officer in trust to see that this divine order be kept within us yet for substance it is the same thing although declared by severall faculties of it Now I shall prove that this divine thing the soule spirit or heart of man is not the body consisting of flesh and bones first from the immediate causes from whence they came and they differ thus we have fathers of the flesh and we give them reverence but God alone is the father of spirits Heb. 12.9 Numb then although the fathers of our flesh begot our bodies yet saith the Lord all soules are mine Ezek. 18.4 for he formed the spirit of man within him Za●h 12.1 and he gave it Eccles 12.7 then the soule is not the body Secondly the soule and body differ when they returne out of the world then the body returnes to dust from whence it came Gen. 3.19 and the spirit or soule returnes to God that gave it Thirdly when the separation is made the body dyes for it is appointed for all men once to dye Heb. 9.27 We must needes dye all and be as water spilt upon the ground 2 Sam. 14.14 but after death to Judgement When the body is dead the spirit of man goes upward Ecces 3.20 21. to a particular Judgement Then this living soule Gen. 2.7 this incorruptible heart of man goes before the Judge and receives either the sentence of absolution or of condemnation while the body is dead and at the resurrection when the bodies of all are raised and made capable to receive their finall estate then they shall be brought before the Judge to have the sentence passed upon them for it then if the soule can live and receive judgement when the body is dead then the soule is not the body Fourthly the body lives no longer then the soule is in it for when the soule of the childe was gone the body lay dead but when the soule came into him againe the Prophet said see thy sonne liveth 1 King 17.20 21 22 23. but to
that it was unlawfull to use this prayer of Christ at all as a prayer and now they seem to argue that all other are unlawfull but this prayer of Christ because it is so perfect and sufficient that there is neither want nor superfluity in it and yet before they said there was so much superfluity in it that neither man nor Churches case could reach it and therefore they said it was not lawfull to say it for a prayer and another time they said it was too short to reach all mens conditions and occasions and therefore unlawfull to use it as a prayer Thus wee see their arguing is meere caviling and not to be regarded of those that love the truth and those words of Christ may be blessed as a prayer notwithstanding all their cavils made against it CHAP. V. This Chapter contains a Disputation with the Anabaptists about the Magistrates power in commanding those of a contrary judgment to conforme with us in our publike worship or to punish them in case of refusall THey say if a Magistrate command those of a contrary judgment to conforme with them this would make them sin against their conscience as Hypocrites I answered that to come to the publike Assemblies is from the Magistrate but to be Hypocrites is from themselves as when a man spurs his horse if he go it is from the man but if he halt it is from himselfe then the cause of hypocrisie is in your selves and not in our godly Magistrates for commanding you to come to our publike Assemblies Again they command but the outward man as his words and actions and his bodily presence there but they have no law can reach their conscience to command it nor to inflict any punishment upon it in case of refusall it is God that requires truth in the inward parts Psal 51.6 and to obey from the heart Rom. 6.17 For he sees not as man sees he looks on the heart 1 Sam. 16.7 if they be hypocrites it is for want of syncere obedience to God from the heart but if they bring those excuses to the Assembly they have done all that the Magistrate commands them then they do not make some Hypocrites but suppose they commanding these of a contrary judgment should accidentally make them hypocrites yet so far as they obey they shall lose nothing by it if they obey outwardly they may by that receiv blessings as Ahab did 1 King 21.29 The judgment was removed from his days and the Pharisees had a reward Mat. 6 5. But those that obey from the heart shall receive spirituall and eternall blessings For every one shall receive according to his works Psal 62.12 Job 34.11 though not meritorious for it yet according to it whether it be done in hypocrisie or in truth then is it not better to conforme in outward obedience to obtain outward blessings then to be both miserable here and hereafter and shall we blame them that seek to pull us out of any danger and to procure for us although but outward blessings Again it is better to sin in using the meanes tending to salvation then to sin in that way that takes Lold on hell Prov. 7. For if you cast off Magistrates authority you will in time kill the Saints of God and thinke in your conscience that you doe God good service John 16.2 then bring your conscienc to the word and not the word to your conscience lest you exalt your conscience above the word Again when all are brought to the means of salvation it may please God to make those means effectuall comming to the posts of wisdomes doores they shall be blessed and to the poole they shall be cured Now I shall prove that Magistrates have power to command those of a contrary judgment to conforme with us in publike worship or to punish in 〈◊〉 refuse to obey such lawes as shall be made for the preserving of peace both in Church and State this they have good warrant from Scripture for King Ass comanded Judah to seek the Lord God of their Pathers to doe the Law and Co●mandement and Jehoshaphat sent Princes and with them Levits to teach in Judah reformed government in matiers of the Lord 2 Chron. 8 9. 19.11 And Manasses commanded Judah to serve the Lord and they kept the Passeover according to the comandement of King Josias Chap. Here then it is plain that Magistrates have power to command obedience to the publike worship of God in relation to the Church now we shall see their power to punish those that are disobedient the Lord said to Moses Take the heads of the people and hang them up before the Sun that bowed down to the gods of Moab Numb 25.2 3.4 And Ioash ordained that if any man did plead for Ba● he should be put to death Iudg. 6.31 And Asa punished his own mother for having an Idoll in a Grove 1 Kings 1● 13. And when Iehu destroyed Baal out of Israel with all his priests and worshippers the Lord said Thou hest done well in executing that which was right in 〈◊〉 own eyes 2 Kings 10.28 30. And Iosiash put down the Idol 〈…〉 yea bee slue all the priests of the high places and burnt their bones upon their 〈◊〉 2 Kings 23.5 20. Thus they may see that Magistrates had this power to command obedience to the publike worship of God and to punish the disobedient and if they have lost this power let them prove when and how they come to lose it Secondly the Iews had the same Law of God contained in the ten Commandements as we have and they had the same Gospel as we for saith Paul the Gospell was preached to Abraham Gal. 3.8 and Peter saith For this cause war the Gospell peached to them that are dead 1 Pet. 4.6 onely it was to them in 〈◊〉 types and shadows and to us more clcerly manifested yet they were 〈◊〉 by the same Christ as we for there is but one way to heaven Ier. 32.39 Then why 〈◊〉 not our Magistrates have the same authority in relation to the Church as they had but this man denied that the Iews had the Gospel or that faith was of absolute necessity for salvation flat against the Scripture Ioh. 3.16 19 36. Heb. 11.6 but they having found out some new way contrary to the old and good way in which our fathers walked and were not confounded Psal 22. They must 〈◊〉 have new Magistrates with lesse authority in relation to the Church to command obedience to the publike worship of God or to punish the opposers of it Thirdly if Magistrates under the olde Testament had this power then much more now under the New because now they have greater obligation to command obedience and to punish the opposers of it then they had because The Covenant of grace is now more manifest then it was to the Jews and if our Magistrates had not that power which the Magistrates in the old Testament had our
church would not be in so safe a condition now as it was under the Old Testament Fourthly Kings and Queens must be as nursing fathers and mothers to the Church Esay 49.22 but shall Kings and Queens have no authority about the Church when they lend their power to assist it and shall fathers and mothers have no command in relation to the Church and shall nurses have no power to feed their children Jehoshophat sent Ministers to teach in Judah and sayth the Lord Cyrus is my sheepherd then shall not he defend the Church as a sheepherd doth his flock David fed them according to the integrity of his heart and guided them by the skilfulnesse of his hands Psal 78.72 but while the Lord looks for a man to make up the hedge Ezek. 22.30 and saith he shall be called the repairer of the breach Esay 58.12 In the meane time these men throw open the gap to the ravening lyon which shews how insufferable they are in any Christian Church yea they be but like vipers both to Church and State Fifthly Princes in Scripture are called Saviours to Sion and such are foretold to be in our dayes Obad. 21. But how can they be Saviours to our Church when they must neither command obedience nor punish those that oppose it but God commands to punish those that intise others to Idolatry Deut. 13.6 if they doe not they are guilty of other mens sins 1 Tim. 5.22 and they carry the Sword in vain Rom. 13.4 and God will have somthing against them for suffering Jezabel to seduce the servants of God and for suffering the doctrine of Baalam and the doctrine of the Nicolaitans which God hates Revel 2.14 15 20. The very Heathens will punish those that oppose their Religion and shall not Christian Magistrates doe as much for the true Religion as they doe for a false Religion Sixthly We are commanded to pray for Kings and all those in authority that we may leade a quiet and a peaceable life in all godlinesse 1 Tim. 2.3 But if they have no power in relation to the Church to command obedience and to punish the opposers of it then what a vain prayer would this be but hee that rules over men must bee just and not onely so but ruling in the feare of God 2 Sam. 23.3 I know sayth the Lord that Abraham my friend will command his houshold to doe judgment and justice Gen. 18. And we must obey for conscience sake Rom. 13.7 but not bringing the conscience in obedience to mans precepts but we must obey men in conscience of obedience unto God that commands it Tit. 3.1 Then let them take heed how they despise government But then because the Magistrates power is a burthen to this man and he would fain ease himselfe of it therefore he propounded some Queries 1 Hee would know whether the whole ground of the Jews worship for matter and forme was not in plain precepts and commandements and taught them by the Prophets as they had immediately received it of the Lord to this I grant affirmatively that it was so but then hee would know whether any Ruler Governour or King of Judah either did or lawfully might set up alter or change either matter or forme of that worship and to compel the people to obey it or to inflict a penalty upon any in case of disobedience I answer negatively that no King of Judah did or ought to set up alter or change either matter or forme of Gods publike worship yet the Kings of Judah both did and ought to command obedience to that matter and to that forme of publike worship that was set up and received from the Prophets as they received it from the Lord and also they both did and ought to punish those that were disobedient to that forme that was set up by the Lord as all those Scriptures before quoted witnesse and so our Magistrates may and ought to compell obedience to the outward forme of the worship of God in relation to the Church although their power be not in the Church or over the Church but onely assistant to the Church then they may command obedience to it and punish those that despise or abuse it yet I grant they never had nor shall have power to alter the forme or matter or to add any new matter to it nor take any matter from it this belongs to Christ alone the head and King of the Church but I say again that Magistrates have power to command outward obedience to that forme that Christ hath set up neither may the matter of any ordinance be taken away or changed or new inventions of our own added to them and so for the matter of the Sacraments wee must neither take away the bread nor the wine nor add any thing else and so likewise for the persons the subject matter of the Church they must be the seed of Abraham neither may a Turke be admitted unlesse hee will leave his Turkish Religion he is not fit matter for it yet all this hinders not but Christian Magistrates may command Christians being already in the Church to obedience and to punish those that are disobedient to the Church 2 He would know whether the Jews government now under the Gospel pertain to Gentiles any more then the matter and forme of the worship and if their government why not all both the Church and State and if all whether the neglect of any be not under the curse especially so much as is under the letter of the Law I answer the Jews Government both in Church and State as it was the Judiciall Law it ought to be obeyed of none but Jews onely and as much as their Law was but ceremoniall the matter was calves and lambs and the Altar and Temple and the forme was sacrifices and divers washings c. But now Christ the King of the Church is come hee ●ath taken away much of the matter and forme of their publike worship and now all Kings and Rulers being his deputies ●●●st give their power to the Church to defend that matter and forme that Christ the King of it hath set up and appointed to be thematter and forme of it but while hee pleads for the Jews matter and forme hee smells rank of Judaisme yet it is like the Jews when they are called may have their own positive Laws for their own Common-wealth as our positive Law is the Law of England But wee are no more bound to the Jews positive laws then they are bound to our positive Laws although those are written in the Word and ours are not but besides the ceremoniall law that ended by Christ and the Judiciall law that was made particularly for Jews they had also the eternall morall law and what their Magistrates did in obedience to that our Kings and Magistrates are bound to the same as well as they and it was in obedience to that law that they commanded uniformity in publike worship and punished the disobedient