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law_n king_n lord_n parliament_n 20,596 5 6.9552 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68068 A discou[rse] of the ciuile warres [and] late troubles in Fraunce, drawn into Englishe by Geffray Fenton, and deuided into three bookes ... Seene and allowed Serres, Jean de, 1540?-1598.; Fenton, Geoffrey, Sir, 1539?-1608. rans. 1570 (1570) STC 11271; ESTC S100266 87,061 236

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honour and that of the rest of the sayd Marshals bretherne there should not remaine one Finally the rather to allure him to such an horrible acte they sealed their last offer with a dampnable promise of xxx thousand crownes in recompence and xxx thousand Frankes of perpettritie out of the towne of Paris besides the fauourable good wil all days of his life as wel of the Quéene mother Duke d'Aniow as Cardinal of Loraine and the whole courte Dalbe yelded so farre to their murderous enticements as he gaue his worde and promise to kil the Admirall Wherupon was deliuered him by the sayd la Riuiere certaine white pouder which was known afterwardes to be either Reagar or Arsinicke with a large pasport from the sayd kinges brother wherwith he departed and came to the lord Admirall his maister at the siege of Poictiers his long abode in the Catholikes campe together with other suspicious circumstaunces appearing at hys arriual persuaded a ielous iudgement of his dealing therupon was committed to prison his processe pursued ended sentēce lastly pronoūced in these terms Judgement pronounced the xx of September 1569. in the councell established by the princes of Nauarre and Conde present and assisted with the Prince of Orange the Counte Wolrard de Mansfelde lieuetenaunt generall of the Almaignes vnder the sayd princes the Countes Lodouike and Henry de Nassau bretherne Menard de Chomber Marshall of the Almaignes campe Hans Boucq Renard Gracco Henry Destain Hans de There 's Colonels of the Reistres Guieryn Gangolf Baron of Grelesee Colonell of a regiment of Launceknightes Theodore Wegger professor of the law and Embassadour from the Duke de Deux ponts with many other lordes knightes colonels and Reistremaisters of Almaigne the lord of Corras councellour to the king in the parliament of Tholouse and chaunceller to the Quéene of Nauarre and the army the lord of Francourt Bricquemau de Mouy de la Nouē de Renty de Soubize de Mirambeau de la Caze de Puch-perdillan de Biron de Lestrange with many other lordes gentlemen and captaines of Fraunce Seing the processe made by the cōmissaries deputed by the said princes of Nauarre Conde against Dominique Dalbe groome of the chāber to the L. Gaspard Coūte de Coligny lord of Chastillon Admiral of France the iij. examinations of the sayd Dalbe afore the Prouost generall of the camp two other afore the cōmissioners assigned for the purpose lastly the confessiōs of the said Dalbe reiterated v .iij. seueral times wherin he acknowledgeth to haue bene instantly sollicited vrged pressed by la Riuiere captain of the garde and one Laurence de Ruze secretary to the kings brother to practise procure the death of the sayd L. Admiral either by sword or poison which he promised to the said la Riuiere to effect with poison only receiuing to that end of the said la Riuiere certaine mony poison in forme of white powder which he hath shewed since to the sayd Prouost and commissioners seing also the verification and proofe of the said poyson tried by Phisicions and Apothecaries assembled at la Haye in Touraine the xiij of this moneth together with a very large pasport graunted to the sayd Dalbe the 30. of the last month by the kings brother lying then at Plessis les Tours and now for due punishment and reuenge to such a traiterous and detestable attempt so often acknowledged as wel in his priuate cōfessions as publike assembly the sayde councell hath and doth condempne the sayd Dalbe to be deliuered into the handes of the executioner of high iustice who tieng him vpon a hurdels with a halter about his necke shall drawe him thorow the stréetes and corners accustomed of this town de Fay la Vineuse with this inscription in parchment about his bodye This is Dominike Dalbe traitoure to the cause of God his Countrey and Maister trailing him first to the lodgyng gate of the sayd Lord Admirall and there with no other garmentes than his shirte ▪ the halter remaining stil about his neck holding in his hand a torch of burning wax shal demaund pardon of God the king the law the lord Admiral confessing there the wickedly disloyally traiterously he had professed promised practised to kill by poyson the sayd L. admiral his maister at the same instant in his presence the said poison which he confessed to be geuē vnto him by the said la Riuiere to be cast into the fire and burned All which being done he shall be led keping still the inscription about his body to the place of publike execution and there to be hāged and strangled on a gallowes set vp for that purpose And that also humble sute be made to the king to do iustice vpō the said la Riuiere and Laurence with their complices and with all if his maiestie be of minde to verifie more ample their sayd conspiracie with the sayd Dalbe the same not withstāding resembling a sufficient truth against them by his voluntary confession to proceede against them with punishemente due to so horrible a facte and the same both to terrifie hereafter others of like villanous humor and also to remaine to all nacions as a President of the noble nature and disposition of Fraunce in abhoryng suche trayterous attemptes declaryng the said la Riuiere Lawrence with all other sectes sortes of traytours keping schoole and open shop to poyson persons of name and vertue to bee traytours villaines and men vnworthy of honor either in themselues or their posteritie to the iiij generacion Lastly it is iudged that afore the execution of iudgement the said Dalbe shal be put on the racke to the end to confesse further practises with his said confederates with other things contained in interregatories geuē to the Pronost This sentence thus pronounced the morrowe after being the xxj of September the racke was vsed accordingly where he confirmed his former confessions and so the same day the sentēce was put in execution Whilest the kinges brother kepte at Chynon in the country of Touraine whether he was retired as is said great nūbers of men of war flocked to him from many partes of the realm together with the horsmen to whom he gaue liberty for recreacion and the xx ensignes of footmen Parisiens whereof we spake before these forces assembled hee made marche hys Vauntegarde out of Chynon the sixe and twenty of thys moneth vnder the conducte of the Lorde Mont-pensier hymselfe followyng wyth the battaile lodgyng neare Lodune the Princes campe drue towardes Partney the .xxix. of this moneth whome the Catholikes followed neere to prouoke them to battail as in respect of the aduauntage and fauor of certaine townes which they held thereabout either campe was within the view of other and both of equall desire to gain Mont-gontour vsing like diligence the rather to obtaine it For which cause the admirall made his footemen aduaunce all night his horssmen being in point of battell the