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A65260 Memoires of the family of Stuarts and the remarkable providences of God towards them in an historical account of the lives of those His Majesty's progenitors of that name that were kings of Scotland. Watson, John, b. 1597? 1683 (1683) Wing W1081; ESTC R35236 83,515 202

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Dowglas Earl of Angus Heads of a contrary Faction Oppose her great Justling between the two Factions even unto Blood had not the Wisdom of the Bishops interposed In fine It was agreed that two of each Faction should be intrusted with the Tuition of the young King and the Government of the whole Kingdom of the Queens Faction were James Groham and Robert Boid then Lord Chancellor of the other Robert Earl of Orkney and John Kennedy chief of that Clan To these were added the Bishops of Glasco and Dunkell Men of great Learning and Integrity the Queen her self only permitted to have some inspection into the King's Education without medling in the publick Administration The younger Children are wholly committed to her Tuiton which were Alexander Duke of Albany John Earl of Marre and two Daughters These things happily Established in Parliament Audience is given to the English Ambassadors their business was for Peace and accordingly a Peace for Fifteen Years is concluded Next Year after the Queen Mother dieth Alexander the King's Brother returning from France is taken Prisoner by the English The Scots complaining of it as a breach of Peace the Child is immediately set at Liberty Things now quiet abroad new Stirs arise at home by the restless and rebellious Spirit of Donald Lord of the Isles who falleth down into the lower Countries with an Army surpriseth Ennerness and Proclaimeth himself King of the Isles and advanceth into Athol with a very powerful Army The Earl of Athol not prepared to oppose so great a Power flyeth to the Sanctuary of St. Brigit never at any time Violated before by the most barbarous of Men The rich Booty of the place was of more price to that barbarous Raven than the esteem of its Sanctity he barbarously entereth into the Sanctuary taking the Earl and his Lady and divers others Prisoners putteth most of the Priests to the Sword and having Pillaged what he could sets the Sacred place on Fire and making much hast home with his Booty the wrath of God pursueth him his Ships are cast away his Men most of them drowned himself reserved to a greater Judgment runneth Mad and remaineth so in a great height to his dying-day Such of his Fellows as escaped the present Judgment are stricken with such Inward Horrour that they voluntarily performed Penance with very great expressions of Remorse going Bare-footed in Sackcloath to the place they so much Contemned satisfying to the utmost of their power for the Expiation of their Offence This Storm over a Calm continued for a Season but all is soon overclouded by the malignant Spirit of Ambition and Envy The Boids labour to get all into their hands to which end Thomas Brother to the Lord Boyd appointed to Instruct the King in Martial Discipline and Exercises endeavoureth by evil Counsel to Alienate his Majesty's affections from all those Nobles to whose Tuition he was committed and watching his opportunity the King following his Sport with a small Retinue nigh Luilithquo is forcibly snatched out of the hands of Kennedie Earl Casles by the foresaid Thomas not without some Violence offered to the Person of the old Earl And now begins the Devil of Deadly Fewd to work the Boydes bring the King to Edenburgh Kennedie and divers others repair to their several homes watching opportunity of revenge the Boyds observing the Nobility to keep from Court procure a Parliament to be called in which Robert the Chief of the Boydes upon his bended knees complaineth of the hard Construction put upon the King's remove from Linligtheuo beseeching his Majesty to declare his sense and pleasure in that business whether he or any of his had therein offended his Highness the young King what through the fear of their Power and afraid of their flattering words with which they had seasoned him declareth that What they did was good Service done deserving rather a Reward than any Punishment this Declaration was Recorded in the Books of Parliament and an instrument to this effect given the Lord Boyd under the Broad-Seal and the same day he is declared Vice-Roy until his Majesty should happily arrive at the age of One and Twenty and as an addition to all his Greatness Mary the King 's eldest Sister is given in Marriage to Thomas Son to the said Robert Lord Boyd And now such Foundations being laid they promise themselves security in this great Pomp and Prosperity But behold the vanity of the World the envy of the People the emulation of the Peers and the alienation of the King's mind suddenly overthrow all About this time the Lord Chancellor is sent to Denmark to demand Margaret Daughter to the Danish King in Marriage to James King of Scotland he safely arrived is honourably entertained and the Marriage immediately concluded Denmark's Interest in Shitland and Orkney given in lieu of her Dower The happy Issue of this Embassage being signified to the King an Ambassadour with a Train of young Noble Men and Gentlemen is appointed to be sent over into Denmark to attend the young Queen into Scotland the young Lord Boyd Earl of Aran and now Brother in Law to the King is on all hands thought the fittest Man for this Service the young Lord accepts of his Honourable Imployment and with a very stately Train sets Sail about the end of August no sooner is he gone than a Parliament is called to Assemble November 22d in which the Boydes are all accused of High-Treason Robert the Chief flyeth into England Alexander his Brother appeareth and Pleadeth for himself is adjudged Guilty Condemned and Beheaded the Treason charged on both was Violence offered to the King's Person when they forcibly pulled him out of the Arms of the old Earl of Kennedy Miclinlithquo Behold the Uncertainty of humane Judgments the same Fact declared Good Service in one Parliament is in another judged High-Treason The next Spring the Danish Fleet arriveth with the young Queen after her Reception with very great expressions of Joy the Marriage is Solemnized in a great Concourse of the Nobility The Lord Boyd hearing of the Disasters of his Family dares not Land to partake of this Solemnity but goeth a solitary Man beyond the Seas and is entertained by the Duke of Burgundy by whom he was Honoured above all others for his gallant Service in War but in Scotland another account is made of him where he is declared Traitor and his Lands confiscated and to add to his Calamity the King recalleth His Sister Married to the Earl and being encouraged by some of the Nobility with hopes of a Reconciliation between the King and her Lord by her presence to intercede over she comes in obedience to the King's Command being arrived a Divorce from her Husband is presently propounded in order whereunto publick Summons are given at his House in Kilmernock and at the chief Sea-ports in the Kingdom requiring his return within Sixty days according to the Law which he not performing not daring indeed to perform
afterwards apprehended the Widdow repaireth to his Majesty reporteth and proveth this Insolent Trick Mr. Donald is called for out of Prison Horse-shooes are clap'd on himself and twelve of his Companions and commanded to march through the Streets of Edenburgh an Officer publishing the Cause of this strange Punishment their tedious Journey ended all of them are put to Death as before mentioned King James hearing that Maloc was under the Power of an Irish Lord sendeth a Messenger to Ireland to require the Lord to deliver him the Irish Lord fearing his Escape and the Anger of so War-like a Prince resolveth to make all sure by cutting off the Rebel's Head which was accordingly done and sent over to the King The publick Robberies thus Suppressed many good Laws are Established for the good and to the Joy of all the People And as an addition to the Joy two Popular Lords of the Nobility Dowglas and Cassils are enlarged from Prison and received into his Majesty's favour And for the Complement of all their Joy the Queen is safely brought to Bed of two Sons October 14th 1430. The Civil Estate thus happily regulated his Majesty thinketh of a Reformation of the Clergy but to small purpose they being then and in those days within the Verge of the Pope his Jurisdiction Secular Princes durst not exercise their Regal Power over them all this good King could do was to plant the Schools and Universities Seminaries of good Learning with Pious and Learned men to whom he gave so many Encouragements that the fruits of so good a Project were soon seen and perceived by all to the great Joy of all good Men and the immortal Praise of so good a Prince Neither did this good King rest in the encouragement of the Liberal Sciences but resolving to advance all Mechanick Trades wholly decayed by the tediousness misery of an 150 Years War sendeth over to Flanders and from thence conduceth most exquisite Artificers of all sorts to whom he gave great Rewards and large Immunities by which Princely Munificence Trades of all sorts thrive and flourish the Poor set to Work and many Enriched every man acknowledging the happiness of that People who live under the sweet and liberal Dews of a vertuous and munificent Prince Soon after arrived Ambassadors from France to demand the young Lady formerly Espoused to the Dauphine to be sent over for the Consummation of the Marriage Ambassadors likewise come at the same time from England with full purpose at once to break not only this Matrimonial but also that Antient National League between the two Kingdoms of France and Scotland to which end they propound a League Offensive and Defensive with a Tender of Berwick and Roxborrow to be Restored forthwith many other things likewise were Tendered promising very fairly to the Good of both Kingdoms if as fully performed as freely promised King James remitteth this great Business to the Advice of his Parliament The Parliament after much Debate resolve to keep unviolably their Antient League with France and according to the desire of the French Ambassador to send over the young Lady without further delay The English Ambassadors resent this Denial as a Dishonour and immediately denounce War against the Scots threatning withal by their Navy to Way-lay the Princess in her passage to France The Princess is sent over forthwith under the guard of a very stately Navy the English Navy attempting nothing her Highness safely Arriveth and her Marriage to the Dauphine with the greatest expressions of Joy solemnized at Turon About the same time Earl Percy entreth into Scotland with 4000 rather to spoil than fight Dowglass Earl of Anyus is sent against him with the like number Percy is overthrown a few slain on either side of the English 1500 taken Prisoners King James thus provoked by Way-laying the young Lady by Sea and by this Inroad by Land raiseth a great Army with purpose to Invade Northumberland in this way he layeth Siege to Roxborrow then in the hands of the English expecting in few days the Delivering of it into his hands In the mean while cometh the Queen into his Camp discovering to him a most horrid Treason intended by his own nighest Kindred against both his Person and Posterity His Majesty perceiving that her Relation proceeded not from Womanish fear but from such real Grounds as were not to be slighted raiseth his Siege and without Advice of any Disbandeth his Army to the no less Astonishment than Discontent of most about him being Strangers to the cause of this sudden and unexpected Change His Majesty posteth to St. John's Town as a Bird into a Snare of purpose to make a fuller Discovery of that horrible Plot. The Treason being ripe and ready for Execution the Traitors privately repair thither with a small hand of Conspirators The Captains of that Traiterous Band Athol and his Cousin Graham knowing the Weakness of the King's Guard enter privately into the Monastery where his Majesty lay and by Conduct of one of his Houshold Servants debauched into the Conspiracy they come to the Stairs which led to the Royal Chamber The Cup-bearer at the same time coming down perceiving them in Arms Crieth out with a loud Voice Treason him they forthwith Murder and make hast to the Door made fast by no stronger bar the Iron Bolt being stolen away by the Traiterous Servant in Conspiracy with them than the Tender wrest of a young Gentleman which quickly broke the Assassinates furiously rush in and run towards his Majesty which the Queen perceiving casteth her self upon the King endeavouring poor Lady to preserve him they drag her from him not without some dangerous Wounds and forgetting all fear of God and Man thrust their Swords above Forty times through the Heart and Body of the most Excellent Prince The cause of this horrid Assassination was that old Mother of much Mischief Ambition Athold the King 's old Uncle having already by his Hellish Subtlety brought some of his nighest Kinsmen who lay in his way to the Crown to untimely Ends resolveth at last to strike at the main Rub the King himself for accomplishing whereof he snatcheth the advantage of the Discontent of Robert Graham Tutor of Straherne to whom he propoundeth his Design craveth his Conjunction therein with assurance not only of Protection but of ample Rewards and great Preferments when he comes to his Kingdom Graham graspes at all and joyneth in the Traiterous Design with him To this Combination Athol calleth his own Grandchild Robert a Youth nimble both in Head and Hand whom he likewise debaucheth into this Treasonable Plot. The Treason thus Craftily contrived is Cunningly carried on and at last cruelly Executed as before This was a sad Day in Scotland a day of Mourning and great Lamentation for the loss of such an Incomparable Prince the Nobility filled with Grief and Indignation breath out Revenge post out Parties into every Corner of the Kingdom to apprehend the Assassinates and their Complices
last the English obtain the Victory 4000 French and Scots killed amongst whom were John Earl of Buchan Archibald Earl Dowglas his Son the Earl Wigton and divers other eminent Persons the Duke of Alenson and many great ones are taken Prisoners a great Victory and bought at a great price the lives of above 2000 English lost on the place The Scottish Parliament thinketh it now more than high time to endeavour the Liberty of their King Ambasladors are sent to that end and are honourably Entertained by the Duke of Glocester then Governing all in England in the Non-age of his Nephew The Scots demand their King the Duke adviseth the English Council to Treat with them A great Ransom is demanded The Scots having no other remedy consent to Engage for it in lieu of one Moiety the Dowry of the Scottish Queen Joan Daughter to the Earl of Somerset a woman of singular Vertue and Beauty taken to Wife by the Scottish King at the earnest desire of the Duke of Glocester was detained and for the other certain Noble Men are sent Pledges an hard measure to an Infant Prisoner who it seems paid Dear for his Schoolgate And thus after his Years Imprisonment King James returneth Anno 1423 a Parliament is immediately called the King and Queen Crowned an Act passed for the payment of the 20th part of every man's Personal Estate for discharging the other Moiety of the King's Ransom Commissioners appointed to Collect it the People every where repine against it as unaccustomed to such Impositions some Great ones hunting after the vanity of Popular Applause cherish their Discontent which the good King perceiving remitted the Tax finding out another Expedient to discharge his Ransom In the same Parliament divers of the Nobility are Imprisoned for high Misdemeanors The King immediately releaseth them only Mordake Duke of Albany his two Sons and his Father in Law the Earl of Lenox remained under restraint and by Sentence of their Peers the usual manner of Trying Great ones in that Nation are adjudged to Death for their manifold Treasons and were accordingly not without the vigorous influence of Atholl their Uncle Beheaded on the Castle hill at Sterlin The same Year came Ambassadors from France to renew the Antient League and to crave in Marriage Margaret Daughter to King James for the Dauphine of France Lodovick Son to Charles the 7th both propositions are chearfully assented unto and the Ambassadors after much honourable Entertainment return satisfied the King forthwith bendeth himself to a Reformation and great need there was for as once in Israel so now in Scotland when there was no King every man did what seemed good in his own Eyes whereby the Kingdom groaned under the greatest Confusions and Disorders that could be the Civil Estate after much pain and trouble is at last reduced into some tolerable Condition Heads of Rebellious Factions men some taken off some Imprisoned some in hope of amendment pardoned Oppressions suppressed Roberies restrained and promising foundations laid to prevent such Insolence in time to come Amongst those pardoned in hope of Amendment Alexander Lord of the Isles was one a Great man and of a restless Spirit no sooner enlarged than he beginneth to meditate Revenge for his Imprisonment as short as it was He raiseth an Army of 10000 men falleth down to Ennerness burneth the Town to the ground and layeth Seige to the Castle the King sendeth an Army against him he raiseth his Siege flyeth to the Mountains maketh a stand about Lough Aber resolving to run the hazard of a Battel in those places of advantage two great Clanns Clan-Chaton and Clan-Chameron revolt from him many others are suspected by him in this fear he disbandeth his Army and with a few Attendants he flyeth into the Isles from thence he sendeth his Orators to the King to implore his Pardon nothing could be obtained though the Messengers were gracious enough to their Sovereign Alexander himself is required to appear in Person before the King committing himself wholly to his Majesty's mercy the Rebel conscious of his own Guilt is much perplexed nevertheless considering his present condition how desperate it was resolveth to fly to Mercy and privately repaireth to Edenburg where then his Majesty was On Easter-day Morning he Addresseth himself to Court covered with a Flaxen Frock he prostrateth himself before the King as he past to Divine Service with a most humble and penitent Oration he beggeth Pardon and Restoration to his Majesty's Favour and that for his sake whose restoring to Life they that day Celebrated The Time the Place the Habit his mournful Oration move at present to Compassion especially the Queen who became a most earnest Mediatrix on his behalf the King delayeth his Answer to the end of Divine Service which being performed his Majesty resolving neither absolutely to Pardon nor condignly to Punish for security of the Peace Alexander is sent Prisoner to Tamtalion and his Mother as the great Instrument of all his Pernicious ways is sent to St. Colmes In revenge of this Imprisonment Donald Maloc a Great man in the Isles breaketh out in a new Rebellion for Suppressing of whom the Earls of Marre and Caithnes are sent Donald Surpriseth them and putteth Caithnes and most of his Army to the Sword Marre happily escaping puft up with this Success Donald marcheth to Loughaber the King goeth out in Person against him Donald having done much Mischief in the Countrey flyeth into the Isles Divers Heads of Clannes undertake to Suppress him notice whereof being given to that Arch-Rebel he privately conveyeth himself into Ireland many of his Associates are killed 300 of them taken Prisoners are sent to the King all without exception of any deservedly Hanged which exemplary Justice proved happily to preserve those Barbarous places in Peace for a longer time than could be expected As his Majesty shewed his Justice in the Case I now mentioned about the same time he gave a manifest of his Mercy in enlarging two notable Robbers Duffe and Murray being enlarged they quarrel one with another Cull together their Retainers maintained on the Spoils of the People and being 1200 on each side furiously Engage in a bloody Conflict such Execution done on both sides that not above to on the one and 9 on the other side escape alive Notwithstanding all which Disasters Mr. Donald a notorious Robber breaketh out into an open Rebellion after some Mischief done Mr. Donald is apprehended himself Beheaded and twelve of his Associates Hanged Before his Execution the Law of Retaliation is by the King 's special Command executed upon him A poor Widdow pillaged by him threateneth him with resolution to repair to the King for Redress and I will fit thee for thy Journey said the Rogue he calleth for a Black-Smith and commands him to Nail to her Feet two Horse-Shooes go on saith he now these will preserve thy Feet from bruising the poor Woman dissembleth her resolution and is dismissed Mr. Donald being
oppressions not to be so stupid as to endure the Usurped Power of those Men who breaking through all the Laws of God and Man Murthered the last King detaining upon the matter this present King under the bondage of their own Wills which tyranny was so much the rather not to be endured because they arrogated to themselves to be called the Restorers and Preservers of the Scottish Liberties when indeed they exercised a most cruel and unsupportable Tyranny keeping their fellow Subjects in Slavery and abusing the King's Authority to the final destruction of all those who were faithful to his Father and to inflame the affections of the People the more Alexander Forbese chief of that Family carrieth on the point of a Spear through Aberdeen and all the cheif Towns and Cities in the North the King's Shirt torn in divers pieces and all bloody by the Wounds his Majesty received inviting all Men who had any sense of Humanity or Religion to avenge that horrid Murther the Earl of Lennox bestirring himself on this side Forth to the same purpose an Army in this Popular fury rolleth together as in a moment marcheth to Sterlin where finding the Bridge Fortified resolve to Foard over some Miles above where they that night Encamped without Order or Watch or any persons designed for the exercise of Military Discipline This looseness is bewrayed to the Enemy who advanceth Surpriseth all Killeth many and Imprisoneth more some of whom were afterwards put to death Thus was this tumultuary Army as suddenly ruined as raised This Tumult over King Henry of England inraged at the disaster of his five Ships and looking upon it as a publick dishonour propoundeth great Rewards to all such as would undertake to bring to him Wood the Scotch Captain dead or alive Sir Stephen Bull undertaketh the Service and with three choice Ships of the English Navy setteth Sail casts Anchor at the May where he attends Captain Wood then returning from Holland in few days Wood appeareth the Ships draw up and give Fire Fighting bitterly all that day next day morning the Conflict is renewed they Grapple and fasten by Iron Hooks their Ships one to another fighting with that eagerness that none of them perceiving the motion of the Tide all are carried over to the Mouth of Tay where the Water being shallow and the English Ships great and in danger of the Sands the English are forced to yield the Ships are brought to Dundee 10. August 1490. Sir Stephen Bull and other the most eminent Officers and Gentlemen are brought to King James by whom they were Nobly entertained after much commendation of their Valour he grants them their Liberty desiring them to return with their Ships with a tender of his Royal Respects to their Master King Henry King Henry much pleased returneth thanks to King James declaring the great Esteem and honourable Respect he bare to him for his Royal and extraordinary Munificence By this time a Parliament is called in Edenburgh where his Majesty endeavoured by all possible means a Composure of the grand Divisions of the Kingdom some Laws are enacted for preservation of the Peace and the late unhappy Battel nigh Sterlin where the King was Slain is so hudled up that the business of that Day should never after be remembred to the Prejudice of either Parties a very strange Close considering that this Convention was composed most of such as opposed the former King The moderation and discretion of the young King not yet arrived at the Fifteenth Year of his Age was such that a Concord is made up far above all means hope or expectation every man had a dutiful regard to so hopeful a Prince Being thus setled the reflections of his Grace appear daily more evidently towards his Fathers Friends two of his own Cousins Daughters to his Aunt Mary he bestows in Marriage to two Eminent Men amongst them the one Daughter to the Lord Boyd to the Lord Forbese the other Daughter to Earl Hamilton to Mathew Earl of Lennox And to Manifest the deep sense he had of his Father's Fall he begirt himself with an Iron Chain as I have mentioned before which galled the hearts of the Rebellious Faction his pretended Friends more than it did his own Flesh though it made impressions therein deep enough insomuch that Fear more than Love restrained them from breaking out against him About this time a strange Monster was born in Scotland a Male Child which from the Navel downward differed nothing from the common form of other Men but from the Navel upward there were two distinct Truncks of the Body with Head Arms and all other Members as to two several individual Persons the Faces were one towards another what the one did was by the advice and consent of the other and if either transgress'd this Rule Strife arose between them and peradventure Blows oftentimes Scratching Nipping and Pricking one another if they received a Punch or Blow below the Navel both were sensible but if above where their Members were distinct only he was sensible whose parts were touched This Monster King James carefully educated and caused them to be instituted in the knowledg of Letters wherein they marvellously profited especially in the knowledge of diverse Tongues they were most exquisite in Musick and both admired for the sweetness of their voices they lived some twenty eight years the one died before the other some three or four Months by the smell of the defunct body the survivor was much annoyed and daily languished until the hour of his death And about the same time too a Monstrous Cheat came into Scotland and much cherished by the King too Peter Werbeck who pretending himself to be Son to King Edward the Fourth of England happily escaped from the cruel Claws of his Uncle Richard had admittance to King James his presence who behaved himself with a behaviour so beseeming his condition and in a most elocuent Oration did so pathetically deliver himself touching the distress of his Family and his own marvellous preservation that the King and most of his Council though not without the reluctancy of some of the wiser took compassion of him and resenting his condition as the common interest of all Princes with incredible in consideration promise him assistance towards the regaining of his just Rights provoked the rather as was pretended to satisfie such as opposed Peter's design by the breach of Truce made by the English Ships whilst Scotland was gasping under the confusion of a Civil War indeed the late horrid Rebellion in which James the Third perished Peter is highly honoured and exposed to the People by the Title of the Duke of York a most vertuous and beautiful Lady Katherine Daughter to Earl Huntley one of the chief Peers of that Nation is given to him in Marriage an Army is likewise levied and marcheth into England passeth quietly through Northumberland no adverse Army appearing nay nor any one Man coming in to own Peter the pretended
necessary if possible to prevent the Conjunction of Dowglas and Hammilton to that end he advanceth to Linlithquo where the Hammiltons were drawn together Dowglas then at Edenburgh marcheth with all possible expedition bringing along with him to countenance his affairs the person of the King who all along retardeth the journey accounting Lennox more his Friend than those with him pretending indisposition of Body ever and anon dismounteth making shew to pay some necessary office to Nature Dowglas frets and in vain spending many entreaties for expedition at length George Dowglas Brother to the Earl is so peremptory with him as in most Rebellious terms to tell him That rather than their Enemies should get possession of his Person they would rend him in pieces and divide him in halves between them This Traiterous word made an indelible impression on the heart of the King though at present silence was his best and only return At last the Armies joyn Lennox and his Patty are put to the rout many slain the Earl himself killed bewailed of all Hammilton and Dowglas both mourn for him above all the King is afflicted the remnant of his Party with sorrow and grief enough submit and are all forced to compound for their Treasons as was pretended in bearing Arms against the King the Earl of Cassils refusing to submit was way-laid and killed by one Hugh Campbell Lennox his Death divulged maketh a very deep impression in the hearts of most men especially his own Retainers one of his Servants resolveth with himself to avenge his Lord's death on the Person of the Bastard Hammilton by whom Lennox was killed To that end he repairs to Edenburgh and on his way meeting with one of his Fellow-servants he asked him saying Didst thou see Hammilton the Bastard Yea said he I saw him and hast thou not killed him unthankful Wretch who murthered our Dear Lord and Master said the Fellow Go and be hang'd thou art not worthy to live and with these words he pass'd on in his way and came streight to Holyrude House where in the Pallace-Yard stood Two thousand Armed men all Retainers to Dowglas and Hammilton there the Fellow walks full of Revenge and waiting the opportunity to execute the desire of his heart Hammilton unawares comes in his way without Arms the Fellow falls upon him in the Penthouse under the Porters-Lodge and wounds him in six several places of his Body the Armed men are all presently in confusion and well nigh in one anothers blood The Hammiltons suspecting this bold attempt to be done by the Dowglasses newly only reconciled to them to avenge some old Quarrels The Fellow is at last apprehended who had opportunity fair enough had he attempted it to escape with his Sword in his hand still smoaking with Hammilton's blood he is forthwith hurried to Tolbnith boldly professing that what he did was to revenge the death of his Dear Lord declaring with inexpressible confidence that he was sorry for nothing but that he was disappointed of his design so bravely begun by him he is put to Torture for the discovery of such as animated him to that bold attempt his Flesh is seared with burning Irons which he endured with such courage and resolution as no man could spy either by his words or by his countenance or otherwise any the least sense of pain in him at last his Right Hand was cut off which he endured without shrinking calling out to such as stood by That unhappy Hand well deserved this punishment which executed not the design of a Resolute mind The Dowglasses think themselves now secure enough no man daring to oppose them in any thing But in the midst of their security the King makes an escape from Faulkland to Sterlin there the Nobility from most parts of the Kingdom fly to him by whose advice his Majesty issueth out an Edict inhibiting the Dowglasses any further medling in publick Affairs discharging them or any of their retainers under pain of Death to come within Twelve Miles of the Court this Edict being served on the Earl in his Journey towards Sterlin he retreats to Edenburgh and prepareth Forces for his defence A Proclamation issueth from the King to call a Parliament to Assemble November the 3d. in the interim his Army advanceth towards the City Dowlas withdraws The King peaceably entreth the City Terms of Peace are offered to the Dowlasses viz. That the Earl himself should confine himself on the North of Tay his Brother George and his Vncle Archibald to the Castle of Edenburgh The Conditions are refused they are Summoned to appear before the Parliament they disobey the Earl himself his Brother George his Uncle Archibald and his dear Friend Alexander Drumond of Carnock all by sentence of Parliament Banished all People charged under pain of Treason not to relieve them the Dowlasses break out into open Violence Arguile is sent to reduce them to order whose advance they prevented by flight into England The King spendeth some time with great care and charge in suppressing the Depredations then very great on the Borders which Expedition over he establisheth the Court of Sessions formerly indeed set on foot by the Vice-Roy the Duke of Albany Constituted of Fifteen Judges of the most learned of the Law impowred to hear and determine all Civil Causes a very grave Court continuing in great Honour and deserved Respect in that Nation to this day About this time King Henry of England prepareth for War against the Scots irritated thereunto by the Scotch Exiles and Refuges in England King James having Constituted the Earl of Murray his Vice-Roy prepareth for Defence by Mediation of the French then a common Friend to both Peace is concluded King James sends Ambassadors to France to treat concerning his Marriage to a Daughter of France The King of England to prevent it sends the Bishop of St. Davids and William Hrward Brother to the Duke of Norfolk Ambassadors into Scotland to invite King James to a Personal Conference with himself whereunto he is soon persuaded by the great Promises they made of Marriage to Mary the King 's eldest Daughter if all other things succeeded well in the Treaty The Scotch Council especially the Clergy fearing Innovations in Religion then set on foot by King Henry are much troubled that his Majesty had consented to this Conference they ply him with continual surmises of Ruine to Himself to the State to Religion should this Conference hold the King is over-ruled and observeth not the day appointed but forthwith Saileth into France and is immediately espoused to Magdalen Daughter to Francis King of France the Marriage solemnized on New-years Day 1537 and both arrive in Scotland about the end of May following within six Weeks after the young Queen Dyeth to the inexpressible grief of all the Nobles put on Mourning Apparel not before that time in use in that Kingdom Immediately after David Beton Cardinal and Robert Maxwel are sent to France to demand Mary of the
Arch-Bishop scarce escaping to Faulkland where the Queen Regents Army lay but the Queen understanding their approach sendeth from Faulkland where her self lay and requireth Hammilton Duke of Casteaulroy the Commander in chief to send Commission to Treat Three of the most Popular Nobility are sent yet could not prevail for any terms of Peace all that would be granted was the agreement to a Truce for eight Days Provided that the Queens Army remove into Louthian Whilst another Treaty may be had at St. Andrews which accordingly her Army did and immediately Hammilton and James Stuart advance to St. Johnston lay Siege to the Town which in few days yielded to them They proceed to Scone which they consume with Fire and from thence to Sterlin where all the Religious houses are pillaged and laid level to the ground then advancing to Lithquo the like is done there then entring Edenburgh they find business enough there to stay them for some days to demolish Religious houses to purge the Churches from Images and beautiful Sculptures and to establish Zealous Preachers of the Reformation in them The Queen having retreated to Dunbar returned towards Edenburgh when the Armies were ready to engage by the Negotiation of the Duke of Casteaulroy and the Earl of Morton a Cessation of Arms was at last agreed on from July the 24th to January the 10th next following In the mean time there was an universal toleration of Religion and no Man compelled to the use of any Rites or Ceremonies therein there was no Garrison to be placed at Edenburgh the Priests were peaceably to enjoy the Tithes of the Church for that Year no more Religious Houses were to be demolished or alienated the Pallace-Royal at Holyrude House with all there belonging to the Crown were to be restored to the Regent This Truce was firmly enough observed on both sides But about this time Henry the Second of France being forewarn'd of the Danger of that Day was strangely killed in a Tilt by the Earl of Montgomerry the now French King and the Queen of Scots advertised of the design of James Stuart Prior of St. Andrews to aspire to the Crown writ Letters to him adjuring him not only by common Duty but likewise by the special Favours received to return to his Obedience by deserting the Faction in which he had engaged himself whereunto James Stuart returned his Protestations of all due respects to the King and Queen but withal peremptorily declaring to adhere to those of the Congregation in despite of all Opposition This Answer is highly resented and a Garison of French is forthwith sent into Leith the Earl of Aran Son to Hammilton privately withdraweth from the French Court and comes into Scotland where he joyns with those of the Congregation with whom he likewise persuades his Father the Duke forthwith to joyn and they immediately attempt the Besiege of Leith which the French reinforce with Two Thousand Men sent over under Monsieur de la Broche with whom came the Bishop of Ameans and three Doctors of Sorbon to dispute if Occasion offered the Points of Religion then in controversie De la Broche in capacity of an Ambassador designed a Conference with the Lords of the Congregation which they refused requiring the return of the French into France and the dismantling of Leith otherwise no Treaty could be admitted The Queen Regent sendeth Forman the King at Arms to them adjuring them to return to their former Obedience to their King and Queen and to the known Laws of the Land assuring them that if they will promise to Disband their Army then at Edenburgh her Forces at Leith who had never been sent over but that their repeated Insurrections necessitated their Majesties to do it should soon be returned notwithstanding the great Contempt offered to the French Ambassadors to whom they would not so much as vouchsafe a Conference Protesting withal that nothing should be wanting in her to condescend to any thing not inconsistent with Piety towards God and Loyalty towards their Majesties In fine She requires the Duke his Son and all others of the Nobility and Gentry forthwith to withdraw from all such as were resolved still to disturb the Peace under the pain of High Treason The Lords receiving this Message are enraged and in answered thereunto return her a Suspension from her Government and in the King and Queens Name require her to forbear all exercise of Power under the pretence of any Title of Regent assuring her that against all Hazards they resolved to regain the Town of Leith out of the hands of the French and therefore out of the respect they had to her as their Queens Mother they requested her to withdraw out of the Town during the time of the Siege the like request they sent to the French Ambassadors and all their Souldiers out of the respect they bare to the French the day following they send their Commands requiring all Scotch Men then in Leith to forsake the Town then the Besiege or rather Blocking up of the Town began some Skirmishes there were in which the Besiegers had still the worst of it and in all Attempts were repulsed with loss and what added to their Calamity they begin to be jealous one of another the common Souldiers began to Mutiny for want of Pay whereupon they intended to mint their Plate but wanted Tools to do it in their streights they address to the English to whom John Cockhurne is dispatched to Sir Ralph Sadler and Sir James Crofts Governors of Barwick and the places adjacent to supply their present necessity with relief some Money is granted but Cockburne in his return is surprised by the Earl of Bothwell and sent Prisoner to the Queen The Besieged frequently make their Sallies out of the Town to the great prejudice of the Besiegers in so much that at last they are forced to retire to Sterlin where a Council was called to consider what was to be done in this Exigency John Knox Preached before the Council and persuading to a further action and a constant prosecution of the work begun be assures them of Success The result of the Meeting was to send a Message to Queen Elizabeth and crave her Assistance William Mettelane is dispatched and finds Friendly entertainment in the English Court He solicites her Majesty's aid in the common cause of Religion and Liberty Many of the Queen's Council dislike the Proposal and declare That help in this cause of Subjects against Sovereign Authority would be a President of most pernicious and dangerous consequence others of her Council think and speak more favourably of it At length the Queen's Zeal for Religion and Enmity against the French prevail with her and hopes of Assistance is given at Barwick Commissioners meet to sign Articles of Agreement which was That in case any Foreigner should Invade either Kingdoms mutual assistance is promised the Queen to pay the English Auxiliaries in Scotland and the Scottish Auxiliaries in England and
Inricheth many and admitteth others into his most Secret Counsels But all this cannot serve his turn their Guilt they thought was greater than could be forgiven this Gangreen'd in their thoughts every day so deadly an enemy is Guilt and Fear being always companions and come to that height that the King's Life and their Safety cannot consist his Ruine is therefore contrived and resolved on the want of a Popular Leader is a main Rub in their way The Prince himself is thought the fittest to countenance this horrid Design His Keepers are corrupted The young and unwary Prince seduced and to their Proposition he must yeild otherwise they deal plainly with him to tell him that he and the Regal Power both must be delivered into the Hands of King Henry of England Thus the young Prince is frighted from all Duty and Loyalty to his Dearest Father to countenance as Commander in chief a most Traiterous Combination of perverse and seditious Men An Army is forthwith raised in pursuance of their Design The King prepareth for Defence useth all honourable means for Peace and by mediation of the Earl of Athol his Uncle soliciteth for it the Rebels return an Answer telling him That unless he resign his Crown to his Son and depart the Kingdom there could be no Peace This Answer the King dispatcheth to his Ambasladors in France and England requiring them to request the Assistance of both King 's in this common cause wherein all Kings are concerned who accordingly send their Ambassadors to the Scots declaring their proceedings against their King to be Wicked and Pernicious and not to be endured by Christian Princes so much concerned in such a dangerous Example The Pope is likewise sent to to interpose his Ghostly and Paternal Power who accordingly sendeth to his Legate Adrian de Castello an Italian the great Restorer of the Latine Tongue then in England forthwith to apply himself to Compose the Scottish troubles but all in vain as being too late the Rebels Army presseth towards the King's Incamped by Blackness and to make all sure they Assail him as well by Fraud as Force Some of his Council about him are corrupted so are likewise some of his Commanders in Martial Affairs especially the Governor of Sterlin the Key of the Kingdom the corrupt Council about him with fair pretences perswade him to appear on the head of his Army and to forsake the Castle of Edenburgh where he resolved to secure himself until he heard the result of Foreign Counsels assuring him that Sterlin then in the Rere of his Army and in the hands of Faithful Men was a place of no less security for his Person than was Edenburgh Castle and of far greater advantage to receive Recruits and all other accommodations for his Army having the benefit of the Countrey behind him and his Navy not far from him This Counsel was so fair and promising that even such as were faithful to him perswade him to it and according to this advice the King repaireth to Sterlin the Governor Sey perceiving the Rebels Army pressing after the King 's Traiterously refuseth Entrance to him The poor King is now in a Pound and with his small Army is forced to Fight his Majesty behaveth himself very gallantly and routeth the Van of his Enemies but their Reserve regains all the King's Army is overthrown himself dismounted and wounded privately flyeth into a Mill hoping to get into his Navy but the fatal hour approacheth some of the Rebels discovering him pursue after him and impiously Murther him and all the faithful remnant of his Servants about him Thus died King James the Third a good and peaceable Man every way well disposed but plagued by the Ambition of restless and unquiet Spirits who Traiterously sought and wrought his Ruine The Battel over and no news of the King the Rebels supposing that he had gained his Navy send to Sir Andrew Wood chief Captain of the Ships Seton and Fleming being left Hostages in the Navy Sir Andrew appeareth before the Chief of them called the Prince his Council being demanded whether his Majesty was aboard the Navy and what those Boats were that passed to and fro before and after the Battel Stoutly replyed that his Majesty was not aboard for which he was the more sorrowful and as to the Boats they transported himself and other faithful Subjects to the King's assistance conformable to the duty of their Allegeance whom alone they were resolved to serve were he alive to be benefited by their service but now being Slain in Battel by some barbarous Rebels they resolved to avenge his Death to the last drop of their Blood having sufficiently declaimed against the wickedness of that horrid Rebellion and all engaged in it he is remitted safely to his Navy by reason of the Hostages given in pledge for him The Rebels retreat to Edenburgh where notice is given to them of the King's death the news whereof pierces the heart and soul of the young Prince now when too late sensible of his Error and sadly resenting his great unhappiness and above that his deadly sin in being accessary to the misfortune of his dearest Father causeth a stately Funeral to be solemnized for him at Kammiskeneth an Abby nigh Sterlin where his Corps were Interred and for himself he prepared an Iron Chain with which he begirt himself wearing it all the days of his Life about his middle close to his Skin in testimony of the deep sense he had of his sin adding yearly one Ring thereunto not so much to enlarge it as to remember the sad occasion of it THE LIFE OF JAMES IV. JAMES the Third thus unhappily fallen under the hands of merciless Men his Son James Succeedeth and entreth his Reign Anno 1488 who sorrowful enough if in such a case any sorrow can be enough for his Father's Fall which could not be recovered laboureth to compose all Differences and to reunite the two grand Factions in order to a peaceable Reign to which end having the Castles of Edenburgh and Sterlin Surrendered to him a Messenger is sent to Sir Andrew Wood Captain of the Ships to call him to attend his Majesty's pleasure the publick Faith being pledged for his safety the Captain repaireth to Court the King with inexpressible sorrow and immoderate grief regretting what was past and representing the present dangers of the State by the unhappy Divisions of the Kingdom he prevaileth with the Captain to submit to him and to take Commission from him to reduce five English Ships roving and robbing all along the Coast which with small loss and trouble he performed assisted only with two Ships the English Ships are brought from Dunbar where the Conflict was to Leith and their Captain presented to King James who munificently rewarded Sir Andrew for this gallant piece of Service In the mean while the Nobility who were Loyal to the late King send their Messengers to their Friends adjuring all such as had any sense of their present