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A60436 The fruits of unrighteousnes and injustice Brought forth by John Bulkley, and Thomas Bowrman, and the rest of the rulers in Hampshire, against the innocent people of God called Quakers. Who in words and writings have often declared their unjust sufferings; as also at two sessions, and two general assizes holden at Winchester, requiring justice and equity, and their right and liberty in the nation; of the which being still most unjustly deprived, it is now publiquely declared, that they and others seeing their deeds of darknesse brought to light, may be warned, and learn to do justice, and to relieve the oppressed. Also the sounding voyce of the dread of Gods mighty power to all the judges and rulers of the earth, who rise up aginst the Lamb, and to all the host of powers of darknesse who fight against God. By the servants of Christ ... called Humphry Smith. Anthony Melledg. George Henderson. James Potter. Will: Baily. Daniel Baker. John Day. Winifred Newman. Smith, Humphrey, d. 1663. 1658 (1658) Wing S4061; ESTC R216933 45,374 58

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sin and evill which also doth appear by their envy and persecution which is of the Devill James Pottar Imprisoned without the breach of any law and fined at the following Assizes 5 l. because he could not transgresse the Law of God by respecting of persons to satisfie the lusts and corrupt wills of men in not putting off his hat when he was brought to the said Assizes of whom also is demanded 3 l. for fees who have been kept a close prisoner under these cruell oppressions 59 weeks and some dayes From them who are not onely ready to suffer bonds and long unjust imprisonments but also death it self if the Lord require it of us in testimony against all Deceivers and all manner of unrighteousnesse and oppressions and we are friends to the Common-wealth and to equity and true judgement having true love to the souls of all mankinde who for the testimony of a pure conscience are Prisoners by the corrupt wills of men in the Common Gaol and house of Correction at Winton At this last Sessions D. B. G. H. I. D. were committed to the House of Correction being prisoners before the which them set to do justice would not have done if they had not looked out more at the unrighteous hireling Priests vain customes and the glory of the world which shall all perish then to the light of Christ which endureth for ever in their consciences which did then much judge them for what they did against the servants of God and let them see their evill therein the which Light they are to love obey and follow From the servant of God in Prison to the Judge of the Assize at Winchester A Copie of a Paper to the Assizes THe righteous Judge of heaven and earth who respecteth not the persons of the mighty who tryeth the hearts of Kings who is the mighty God of Abraham Isaac Jacob and their seed who wandred up and down some having no certain dwelling place even he who seeth the secret intents of the hearts of the sons of men whose judgements are just and true who rewardeth the proud in his judgements and heareth the cry of the oppressed who will reprove Kings for the sake of the simple and forsaketh not his faithfull afflicted ones who by the man Christ Jesus will judge the secrets of all mens hearts according to his light in them whereby every man shall receive a just recompence of reward according to all their words and actions whether for or against him and his people Wherefore this O man thou art to know that true ●ight and sound judgement is to be by thee performed according to the righteous Law of God which is written in the heart that corrupt judgement cruelty persecution nor receiving of gifts nor entertaining false witness may not be found in thee nor in any of them that Joine with thee whether they are called Sheriffs Justices Jury men Clarks or any other but that according to the Law of God in his fear thou may perform that which the Lord God of hosts certainly will require of thee in the day when all the arme of flesh and honour of the world will not prevent the true everlasting judgments of the most high with fierce wrath and indignation upon all them who pervert true judgment and transgress the righteous Law of God written in the heart The which that thou may not do nor see done before thine eys when thou may prevent it and that thou may escape the wrath of the Almighty which will certainly come upon all who pervert judgment and that in the councell of God thou may come to stand in meeknesse and godly fear to judge for God not for man that his will by thee may be performed that when thou come to stand before the Throne of his eternal judgments thou may not be turned to the left hand with them that forget God and turn his Law behind their backs and oppress his servants and neither visit relieve nor set at liberty the members of Christ in Prison who in these your dayes are in most Prisons where thou come and in Prison have been sick and deprived of that liberty which Thieves and Murtherers have that thou may come to be joyned to Gods witness with it in thee to see rightly to understand the ground and cause of things of which thou art to judge Therefore art thou to be guided by the light in thee which comes from Christ who is the sure foundation and was before-transgression by which the transgression is seen and with it is to be judged which light in thee will let thee see the ground of all transgression by the same out of transgression thou art to be led and then to judge over that which is in the transgression that so those who dare not transgress the righteous law of God thou mayst be a praise unto and all such who reprove sin in the gate market places publick assemblies or els-where and that all who transgress the law of God with that of God in thy conscience thou may be a terrour unto executing true judgment upon that head wch goeth forth from the light into the transgression for that is it for which the Law is added which by the Law which is perfect is to be judged that out of the transgression man may be kept Therefore hear with meekness and in patience understand and consider my words for all the holy men of God who ruled for God and not for men were therein guided by that which is holy pure just and right whereby they were guided in his fear to execute his judgments only upon the transgressor according to the will of him by whom otherwise they themselves were to be judged and they were guided by that spirit in them which gave forth the Law and with that joyned to execute the Law upon them that did transgress the law of God with whom in so doing they were said to be a help-government and such were called Gods who bore not the sword in vain standing in the higher power to which their souls were subject to bring the transgressor in obedience thereunto but such who did not transgress the righteous law of God their souls were already subject to that higher power but when man who should rule for God stood not in his councel but went themselves into the transgression out of the power and judged for reward such the light in them was darkned that they could not see the transgressor but let him go free and punish the just as Pilate and many others did even in the dayes of the Prophets who then cryed out against them because they were become as ravening wolves and then of such it is written I said ye were gods but ye shall dye like men and fall as one of the Princes and because of wrong judgment and the want of true exercise in the perfect law of God have many fallen and been overturned even Kings Princes Parliaments Bishops
you think you have done your duty I shall do mine said he and so the Devil by his Ministers to wit the false Prophet and the beast who cast us into prison where we found the same unclean spirit but could not bow to it in submitting to extortion oppression and cruelty and therefore were cast into a stinking dungeon among thieves fellons and transgressors dung piss fleas and lice in abundance and without straw to lie upon but the servant is not greater then his Lord who had not where on to lay his head though the foxes have holes And let such who fear the Lord consider if it be not the unclean spirit of the Devil which rules in these blind hired Priests who take councel together in the darkness with the beast reviling threatning preaching against and persecuting even unto bonds and imprisonments whipping stocking and stoning thrusting into holes and dungeons the innocent servants of the Lord whose pure consciences are exercised toward him in love to all people for the seeds sake for wch they suffer all things and love not their lives unto the death who follow the Lamb the Light of the World in this mighty day of battel between the two seeds and let all such who love Truth and honestly desire to come to the knowledge thereof in the inward parts for that which may be known of God is manifest within the people may feel alter him and finde him who saves from sin and reconciles to God in the Light Consider I say wether ever any of the holy men of God Christ his Apostles or Ministers did persecute rule threaten or murther the innocent in them or cast any into prison as Robert Dingley and Thomas Bowrman hath done but on the contrary suffered under such an evil adulterous gainsaying and persecuting generation the seed of the Serpent even as the servants of the most high his Children of Light have and doth grievously suffer at this day for bearing testimony for the Lord and against the beast and false Prophet wicked Rulers Priests and People without respect of persons who with their cruel tyranny and oppression smite the guiltles with the fist of wickedness to uphold the Devils dark Dominion and Babylons Marchants the unclean Hireling Priests Sermons and Prayer-sellers who raven like Wolves have wearied the Lord of hosts with their words speaking peace to the wicked who put into their mouths and such who dare not for Conscience sake they prepare war in their hearts and cast them into prisons where sundry have suffered until death * * Read a Book titled a Record of sufferings for tythes a testimony against them for ever who have robbed spoyld and made a Prey of mens goods so that the Scripture is fulfilled upon their heads which said Hosea 6. 9. as troopes of robbers wait for a man so a Company of Priests murther in the way by consent see Micha 3. 11. Jerem 23. Ezek. 34. Esa 56. Math. 23. So that the holy men of God Christ and his Apostles and Ministers did witnesse and pronounced woes against such who did profess and preach the good words who were strangers and persecuted the life from whence the good word came forth freely even as Robert Dingley Thomas Bowrman and the rest of their generation do and have done who walk in the very foot steps of the Scribes and Pharisees and of the false Prophets in Cain Cores and Balaams way Cursed Children that cannot cease from sin 2 Pet. 2. 14. Let such who desire to fear the Lord our God be faithful to the eternal witness the Light of Christ in their Consciences and with a single eye search the Scriptures and see if it be not even so Thus far have I cleard my Conscience for the simples sake as a testimony against the seed of evil doers by whom I suffer with the rest of my Brethren by them known in that which is hid from the eyes which are full of Adultery and cannot cease from sin and to such my flesh is known by the name of Daniel Baker Winchester Bridewel this 2. of the 6. Moneth 58. BY what was last written it may appear who was in the Truth he that was willing to have all things proved and brought to the Light in publick before the people in soberness and plainess or Priest Dingly who unto a reasonable offer did not give a reasonable but an unreasonable answer saying I shall send thee to Prison and then whether he was in the Truth that did cast into Prison without any offence or he that was imprisoned And moreover the fruits of their fasts doth appear who live in pride envy and coveteousness in haling two of the Servants of Christ the same day out of their Synagague and before a Magistrate and cast them into prison and so fulfil the Scripture not knowing the Father nor the Son John 16. 2. 3. and so it 's plain their dayes of fasting is for strife and debate and to smite with the fist of wickedness and such God heareth not for they are according to their fathers of old Esa 58. Again those Priests in the dayes of the King did keep dayes of fasting and praying for their King but was not their murther in their hearts and their sacrifice like Cains for did not they stir up the people to rise and if possible cut off all them that then sought for Truth and liberty and do not the same Priests now even upon their dayes of humiliation stir up the people against us they then called Round heads and now called Quakers if possible to have us all cut off from being a people among them to bear witness against their tyranny and coveteousness and John Hodder Priest of Haychurch in Dorsetshire whose most bloody persecution against me and others have exceeded many he said if his Lord Protector would raise an Army to cut off all the Quakers he would be the first man that would draw the sword Oh! when did ever any man thirst more for blood and are not the Priests always stiring up strife and did not they still pray for the upholding of that which they saw was going down and that which indeed the Lord was overturning looke back and see what an out-cry there was amongst them for their Fathers the Bishops and for their King and see if God did not overturn those that they prayed for and set up those that they prayed against as Hereticks and Rebels to their King and breakers of their Laws and see whether they that prayed for the King and for the King of Scots do not now pray for their Protector who with others was instrumental for the overturning of their Bishops and their King the hand of God being then with him who now hath turned his hand for the Priests whom God is against and hath made a Law for them far exeeding any that was made for them by any King or Queen and therefore now they boast much of their Protector and pray
Judges and Rulers as also in these your days even whole Nations turned up side down Therefore O man let thy heart be opened to receive instruction from the Lord and let thy mind be enlightned with the light of his Son which light is it that giveth the knowledg of God the right understanding of the perfect law of life that in the light which comes from Christ thy minde may be exercised towards God that his enemies in his fear and dread thou may rule over and unto the friends of Christ who do well to be a praise and a Minister of the law for good that in thy place thou may be just fearing God and hating covetousness doing that which is good that in the end of thy dayes thou may have the praise of the same and receive that honour which man cannot keep from thee that thy soul may rest in peace which is the desire of the members of Christ in bonds at Winchester H. S. A Copie of a warning to the Rulers HEarken and hear ye men that shall dye is it not for you O yee Judges and Rulers of the earth to know believe in and be subject to the higher power even the eternall light of the Son of God in your consciences wherein true and sound judgment is placed thereby should you be guided in the fear and councel of God to minister true sound justice and judgment to all what soever Causes comes before you with patience meekness to hear the poor as well as the rich for you are not to have respect of persons in judgement neither to take bribes receive gifts or rewards or receive or give honour one to another or compell any to give it to you who seek and live not in the honour of God onely your Judgement being corrupted the eye being blinded by the God of the world who with his subjects or servaats would be honoured above all that is called God and so the just suffers the sword is laid upon the innocent the guiltless smitten with the fist of wickednesse which sword should slay the transgressor Take heed you be not suddenly destroyed by the hand of the great and mighty God and so you bring eternall Iudgement and condemnation upon your heads which most assuredly will be executed upon all that forget God who shall be cursed from his presence and turned into hell Wherefore know that there is no iniquity neither repect of persons with the Lord God of hosts who hath shaken his hand at dishonest gain and despiseth the gain of oppression even he then will be with you in the Judgment when as you to his power become subject and so you will be a good savour to the upright in heart answer that of God in all consciences and becom a terror to evil doers and a praise to them that do well when you with a single eye see know and lay the Sword in its due place as men of truth fearing God hating covetousness meek and mercifull The mighty day of Gods wonderfull power is come and of your visitation and time of tryall O ye rebellious Children of Darkness who know not at what you stumble yea this day of the Lord is and will be the life of all the meek of the earth though it is will be a day of howling trembling and astonishment of fury blackness darkness and of eternall condemnation to all the proud and lofty workers of iniquity yea the day of breaking down laying low the pride and loftiness of men that shall dye is come and the mighty God the Lord of hosts alone is and shall be exalted Wherefore woe from his dreadfull presence to all the proud and lofty and all that do wickedly who are as stubble for the unquenchable fire which is the portion of all that forget God who put the day of the Lord afar off which is darkness not light unto such who are strong mighty to do evill calling light darkness and darkness light turning judgment backward laying the sword which should be upon the head of the transgressor upon the innocent whose pure consciences are exercised towards God so that truth cannot enter equity is fallen in the streets justice standeth afar off and as it was in the dayes of old so it is now He that departeth from iniquity makes himself a prey becomes a signe and a wonder to this evil rebellious adulterous generation And thus the guiltless is smitten with the fist of wickedness and the transgressor goes free but he in whose sight all the Nations are but as the drop of a bucket whose name is dreadful among the heathen even he is risen to plead the cause of the innocent confound overturn and break in pieces as a potters vessel his enemies with an utter overthrow to set his poore prisoners and captivated suffering seed at liberty from such who oppress persecute scorn and make a prey and puff at them Woe be to you by whom we suffer Wherefore this is a warning from a true Lover of your souls to every one of you O ye Judges and Rulers for this County of Hampshire to repent and let this day of Gods love and of your visitation be precious ' in your sight who sit in darkness under the shadow of death and let this my Councel in the fear of the Lord be acceptable and break off your mighty sins by righteousness do justly love mercy relieve the oppressed and let fruits meet for repentance be brought forth therefore I say repent and turn to the Lord God who is Light a measure of which is in every of your Consciences a free gift the grace of God which is to and will lead to the God of the Spiris of all flesh as to it you become obedient I say again let fruits meet for repentance be brought forth least you be cut down as fruitles trees and dye in your sins Wo be to you who are found among the unprofitable Servants persecuting and making a prey upon the innocent who are faithful witnesses for the Lord God of life which made the world against all cursed practises and deeds of darkness whether in Priests Rulers or People without respect of Persons Remember you are warned in your life time and so far he hath cleared his Conscience in the fight of God whether you hear or forbear who am a Friend to that which exalts a Nation a Lover of Soules a Sufferer for the Testimony of a pure Conscience known to the World by the name of his flesh Daniel Baker Winchester Prison this 13. of the 5. moneth 58. Now this may be observed that no Wanderer nor Transgressor was kept in this prison nor house of correction because they would not promise to go home but only we who do not transgresse and many persons hath been committed to the house of correction since we and soon released again as them Irish wandring men who had not any habitation in England as we heare of were soon