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A41509 The epistle and preface to the book against the blasphemous Socinian heresie vindicated, and the charge therein against Socinianism, made good in answer to two letters / by J. Gailhard ... Gailhard, J. (Jean) 1698 (1698) Wing G121; ESTC R40436 75,155 92

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Mr. Toland and his Book him he calls the Learned and Ingenious Author and of the Book he saith I do not perceive to speak truly but that Book still stands in its full strength and not only so but if we believe him it hath also acquired a farther reputation by what hath been written against it which that great Master of Learning doth despisingly call an unsuccessful nibling at it But this kind of comparison between two so highly different Persons is odious for it carries along with it a great disparagement to one of them against whom is given the preference and is an invincible proof of want of judgment in such Men as pretend to make it but the commendation or discommendation of that sort of People being so misapply'd are insignificant and it would be no Credit rather the contrary for an Orthodox Person to be commended by them But to carry on their Confidence to the utmost they challenge the Lord Bishop to answer the Reasons in their own Books against the Trinity Yet for all this and after their great Commendation of Mr. T 's Book those wise and cautious Men being afraid of any thing that smells of the Fire as that Book doth they declare about it in which and for which we are not in the least concern'd But I think they were for one which somewhile ago was burnt whilst many more of theirs which now are abroad deserve the same Fate But as we must not expect they will follow the Example of those who brought in their Books among which we may well think were no worse than some of the Socinians are and burnt them which these will not themselves do of theirs for indeed 't is the proper work of the common Executioner far from it they set them out and commend as much as they can nay they are so bold as to let the World know there were such Books of theirs abroad and we find it many times witness Mr. T 's Apology among the Advertisements in the Post-Boy and such printed Papers and this in defiance of Laws and Parliaments whose Authority in Matters of Religion as observed before they deny So that it were but fit that on this occasion that Illustrious Body would be pleased to assert and vindicate their Right For that sort of Men if they had Power would in the denial of this Authority soon pass from Religious to Civil Matters wherefore 't is the Interest of Church and State to support one another for they are like the Twain Children born and bred together between which was such a sympathy that when one was Well Sick or Strong the other was so too and as they were born so they died together He who but a little before said that the Socinians will agree to the disputed Article if they may explain it meant after their own way is such a stranger to Scripture that if it be not the Printer's fault I am apt to believe because in the Margin I quoted not the place he knew not whom I meant when to Socinians I apply'd the Character which Scripture gives of Ishmael whose hand was against every man and every man's hand against him for instead of Ishmaels the word Infidels is in Tho' I do not mind the nauseous stuff wherewith he hath fill'd up the rest of that Page and the following yet I well know and take notice how he is not satisfied to misrepresent me to the Lords Bishops but most maliciously would traduce me as one who makes impudent Reflections on the King and Parliament thereby to make me obnoxious To be Impudent were an invasion upon his Property which I never was nor shall be guilty of Here I might claim the Law of Retaliation he cannot defend his Cause therefore he would throw his Venom upon me Si non marte tamen arte Now this Calumny of his he doth ground upon these words of mine That to the Toleration of those two transcendent Wickednesses Blasphemy and Idolatry we may chiefly attribute the cause of the Chastisements which make the Nation uneasie I hope none will deny that Sins bring God's Judgements upon Nations and when we feel them 't is our duty to speak the Truth our Sins are the cause of this Afflictions do not arise out of the Dust but if we must believe Scripture Chastisements or Punishments of Nations Families and Persons come from the hand of God for as he is most Just so leaves nothing unrewarded if in the World there was any Person free from Sin that very same should also be free from all manner of Pains but Punishment is tyed to the tail of Sin and when we feel God's Chastisements and we know they are inflicted for Sin then the most notorious the greatest and most frequent Sins are obvious to our Eyes as the two in question must needs be and thereupon we should say Lord we have sinned against Heaven and against thee About this Point I shall out of Scripture bring a Precedent of what must be done in such Cases The Israelites are smitten at Ai whereupon Joshua rent his Cloths and fell upon his Face and God said unto him Israel hath sinned I will be no more with you except ye destroy the accursed from among you the Accursed both Person and Thing at that time were destroyed and now if not the Persons at least the Thing should be if we will have God among us and what things in the World more accursed than Blasphemy and Idolatry wherefore I then did and now do conclude that all Christian and prudent care ought to be used to remove Blasphemy and Idolatry out of the Kingdom but how to effect it 't is to be left to those whom it belongs to but still the thing ought to be done Now I ask Is this to make an impudent Reflection against King and Parliament But they make a real one for under the notion that he is no Persecutor they would proclaim his Majesty and the Parliament to favour and protect Blasphemy and Heresie that is Socinianism But this Gentleman according to the Spirit which they all are originally acted by would profanely ridicule the dispensations of God's special Providence and divest that infinite Majesty of his being the just Judge of the World who doth execute Justice and Judgment After this rate the Old World was Drowned by Chance tho' the Flood had been foretold 120 Years before Thus Sodom and Gomorrah were consumed by Accident and without God's special Appointment tho' he out of Heaven rained Fire and Brimstone So by Hazard Nadah and Abihu were consumed tho' Scripture saith There went out Fire from the Lord and devoured them Likewise without a special Providence the Earth opened her mouth and swallowed up Korah Dathan and Abiram tho' it was a special Judgment of God as was that of the 14700 Men who for their murmuring against Moses and Aaron as we read in the same Chapter died of the Plague In the like manner after their
therefore they despise all Antient Doctors of the Primitive Church and I think in Tertullian's Words against Montanus we may say it to be the Socinians opinion Truth waited for their Coming without which it had been quite lost yet according to their Principles we must all be Scepticks and Pyrhonians always doubting of every thing and never sure of any then in the Word of God is no Truth that we can be certain of we know no Man hath dominion over the Faith of another nor ought to impose his Opinion upon others neither could they who went before us be Masters of our Faith nor we of the Faith of those who are to come after You see I make use of your own Expressions but withal I must tell you that if any one would in former or present times offer to force things of their own upon us to believe we would reject it by their own we mean any thing different from or contrary to the Word of God 't is not their offering to us or of us to others can bind the Consciences but the things offered do if they be the Word of God no human Authority doth per se and of it self tye my Conscience but God's Word doth therefore if any thing be proposed as an Article of Faith we must see whether it be contained in the Word of God which bears Record of it self and so stands in no need of the Testimony of Man 't is not the hand that gives Alms which can make Gold to be Gold or Silver to be Silver nor the Lawyers quoting the Law that can make it to be Law 't is so in it self so is Gospel Gospel in it self without any human help or else you make the Gloss and Interpretation more than the Text and as according to your Principles you may alter your Interpretation one to day and another different from it the next what a Confusion would you leave us in when you are so sickle and cannot agree with your own selves as indeed you make an Alteration in the Questions from what they were in Socinus's days By what they say of Doctrines which according to circumstance of times may be convenient or inconvenient I find them inclined to blame the times to excuse themselves but the Faults which too often are committed the Times are not to be accused of but the Malice or Weakness of Men there being no Season so troublesome as can keep a good Judge from doing Justice or a good Divine from giving a good Interpretation of Scripture so Mens Faults ought to be chastised and not the Times which are as Men govern themselves to be complained of but good and holy Laws ought to be enacted by those whom it belongs to having the Glory of God and the Good of the People before their Eyes new Distempers require new Remedies and new Laws are necessary against new Crimes wherefore I lay hold on this new occasion and once more make bold to both Houses of Parliament humbly to commend the Cause of God and of his Son the Lord Jesus according as I formerly besought them in my Epistle in earnest to mind it or else with David I say Arise O God plead thine own Cause However as to Faith and Practice they give a good Character of themselves as to the first they believe all the Articles of the Apostles Creed but still they reserve unto themselves to give what Interpretation they please but sure we are 't is not that contained in the Nicene and Athanasian Creeds Still there is a Jesuitical Jugling Equivocation and Mental Reservation Ask them which is the true sense of the Words in Jesus Christ his only Son they will not say 't is of his own Nature and Substance and from Eternity which Creed say they was heretofore thought a full and sufficient Summary of Faith till some Men perverted the true and Orthodox Meaning and brought false Glosses upon 't contrary to the plain and natural Interpretation received by the Universal Church then indeed to refute unsound and Anti-scriptural Expositions and wresting of the true Sense to explain and enlarge was found necessary 'T is their Principle thankfully to lay hold on the Message of Redemption by Jesus Christ This seems fair but is very defective for according to them Christ came into the World as a bare Messenger a meer Man to declare the Will of God unto us which others tho not so fully and plainly had done before to die only for our good but not in our stead nor to purchase us by the Merits of his Death So they say the Lord Jesus is God by Favour not by Nature robbing him thus of his Divinity When we seriously come to the matter they are full of Quiblings and Cavils As to the receiving the Message of Redemption 't is according to them by strength of Reason and not of Faith for no true Faith in Christ except Men believe him to be true God as well as true Man As to Practice this Character they give of themselves They fear God walk humbly before him hold no Correspondence with any known Sin c. This is well but not enough for the moral Virtues of the Heathen carryed some of them as far as this But a sound Knowledg in the Mind is required and no sound saving Knowledg of Christ except one knows him for such as he is that is God and Man or else he is but half a Christ an imperfect Mediatour whole Christ is the true Object of Faith These things are written that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God as well as the Son of Man I am glad to find something like the Matters in question in the first Letter we are told what ground they go upon concerning their Opinions Scripture they own to be the Rule of Faith but unto themselves they reserve the Interpretation which is as bad as what they condemn in Papists to depend upon the Authority of their own Interpretation and so can turn it which way they please so may every Socinian as well as every Quaker have their private Interpretation but to say that Protestants for the interpretation of Scripture do rely upon their own Reason is without warrant and doth not consist with Truth except by Protestants they mean Socinians if this were a fit place I could shew that they have not the same regard as we for Scriptures tho they assert it for they dispute the Truth and Authority thereof but I must come to human Reason which in one page is twice asserted to be the onely Guide God hath given us in matters of Religion for under that head I reduce the three he there mentioneth about Revelation but this is not the Judgment of true Protestants if a Man hath no other Guide but his own Reason 't is a blind one and very defective 't is but one part of three and the least too for to the end that human Reason may be a fit
Rhetorick sallying into sundry Metaphors as he speaks of and he adds One or two now and then with wondrous Confidence and manly Resolution would bolt out upon the open Plains of Natural Reason but they were quickly forced to shelter not being able to bear the brightness and warmth of the Meridian Sun which illuminates and gives light to those Plains these are high Fancies and true Bombast if any thing be so surely the Man hath read Don Quixot This People who condemn in others something of Metaphors allow it to the full themselves as being privileged Persons who may say and do what they please and all is well But alas all these opposers of Socinianism were but Fools for their pains especially those who would talk of Reason with them who are the great Masters of it and could not stand before them but-were sent to School with a Rod upon their Back and all this depth of Learning height of Fancy closeness of Reasoning brightness of Eloquence and clearness of Stile are set in form of a Triumphal Cant yet for all this for greater security he still runs under the shelter for after he hath talk'd of some of our old School Terms of which we had no great opinion our selves whether we will or not this Man is always among us and kept them only because we could get no better but then the wisest of our Doctors explained them to a very honest Sense Speak said one formerly that I may know thee so this People are known by their talk but still I say our Man runs to the shelter when he saith Oxthodox with us who are the majority of the Church which if it was true as 't is not would be but to follow the Multitude to believe and do Evil. Something he would be picking out against my Citation out of the Book of The Reformation of Ecclesiastical Laws wherein without passing Sentence as he pretends I do I humbly offer a Precedent of what was formerly done in like cases And suppose the Book had been written before Socinus was born yet it may reach him and his Opinions as for instance when a Law is enacted it doth reach those who break it tho' born never so long after and we know a Law can be broken in several ways nay sometimes Laws are made not only to restrain present Crimes but also to prevent others to come for 't is the prudence of the Law-giver not only to punish Evils in being but also to prepare a remedy against those which may happen therefore if Socinians in the Land do any thing forbidden by some Law tho' never so old if unrepealed they are liable to the Penalty of it The Law doth more directly regard Things than Persons When the Law makes a thing to be Treason which was not so before yet whosoever hereafter tho' unborn when the Law was enacted commits it is no doubt by that Law guilty of Treason this truth one may know without Prophetick Inspiration As to what I add out of King Edward's Letter to Archbishop Cranmer c. how according to the Power Form and Effect of a certain Act of Parliament in the Third Year of his Reign he had appointed them to compile his Ecclesiastical Laws his wresting and unfaithfully representing the thing is clear and palpable for he would make my Observation thereupon how in those Laws there is something of a Parliamentary Authority because he saith he hath chosen them by virtue of an Act of Parliament in the Third Year of his Reign to be gainsaid by my next words by him misquoted thus That something wants a Parliamentary Stamp when they are thus and if there be any thing wanting it lieth in your power to set a Parliamentary Stamp upon 't he relates them Absolutely and I Conditionally with an if I take it to be good Sense to say There is already something of a Parliaments Authority and in case there be any thing wanting this present Parliament may supply it if they please It is great pity that this spoils his Witty Jest in that place of a Something that 's just as good as Nothing I shall have a farther tryal of their misrepresenting things I find they are not so much concerned as to what the Gospel saith about Matters in dispute as they are about what the Law saith when it reaches their Persons threaten them with a Parliament and they are more concern'd than if you would set the whole Bible in order against them Therefore they are nettled with the Fourth Canon directly pointed at them by name of the Ecclesiastical Constitutions by both Convocations in 1640 and by King Charles the First straightly enjoyned and commanded to be diligently observed and executed The King is Supreme Head of the Church within his Dominions by virtue of that Supremacy King Charles of his own voluntary Act and without any violence or compulsion set upon them his Royal Authority and his Memory is not become so odious and contemptible and in that particular so slighted that no regard at all should be had for it and tho' Socinians despise the Authority of those who went before I dare say in the Nation there be some who are not of their mind and as we know the Legislative Power to be lodged in Kings Lords and Commons so we hope they will agree in things which tend to the Glory of God the good of the Nation and that upon occasion none of the three through God's influence will as I said before give the Convocation any Repulse about things within their Sphere when represented in Parliament But I find you are as Angry Hot and Fiery I make use of your own words against Convocations as against Calvinism for you speak of the Ceremonial or Sanguinary Rules and Orders Canons and Constitutions of the Convocational Clergy and let me say how in the same Page you give the Clergy some other Lashes which is not Brotherly done but I hope you will give me leave to think if not to say that you or your Partner may be of the Tribe if so then in Moses's Words let me tell you Ye take too much upon you ye Sons of Levi. The Man seeing he is unable to defend his own Cause would be suing for help in order to 't he maliciously and fasly would suggest that I have slurred the Honour of my Lords the Bishops when I no where have named or so much as pointed at them only in a place of my Epistle where it was unavoidable 't is upon the occasion of a Quotation out a Book call'd The Reformation of the Ecclesiastical Laws my words are these According to this Bishops are to take cognizance inquire into and declare whether or not the Person or Persons be guilty of Blasphemy which being clear he or they according to that Law are to be delivered into the Civil Magistrate's hand but if through neglect or otherwise any of the Bishops happen not to act their
With an idle and ridiculous Fancy of an Apology they would bring me under a necessity of making my own Fervency of Zeal for the Glory of God is the first thing and in the first Line laid to my charge but this Paul brings me off when he said It is good to be zealously affected always in a good thing And that the thing in question which I appear for is Good very Good I appeal not only to Scripture but also to the Testimony of the whole Primitive Church of all Christian Protestant Churches specially of our Church in this Kingdom and if according to their Principles of a private Judge I must have it within me I want it not for in my Conscience I am so fully satisfied it is Good that thorough God's Grace strengthning me I am ready to lay down my Life and that 's for the same Cause for which my blessed Saviour laid down his and so many more after him namely that he was truly that is in a true and proper sense God's own and only begotten Son and when upon this Cause of his Men are neither cold nor hot he spueth them out of his mouth After this out comes a volley of Trash the product of an elevated Fancy and inflamed Imagination whereby things of Moment are wrested and ridiculed tho' may be the Party takes it for a great piece of Wit and whether I will or not he would make me to say that which I never so much as thought upon and because he would make of it a Stage-Play tho' very insipid and profane he brings me in as Postponing the Glory of God as he saith to Temporal Concerns how this can agree with what he said just before of my fervent Zeal for that Glory let him declare I think by means of the word Postpone I may understand something of the Writers meaning and I believe some among them could tell News how it came to pass that my Book which was intended to have been published by Candlemas Term for all the endeavours used to hasten it out came forth only the day before the Prorogation I have cause to suspect there was some tampering by a sort of Men diligent in their Concerns and of unwearied Endeavours to promote their Cause for the Children of this World are in their generation wiser than the Children of Light I doubt some of them plowed with my Heifer however let none boast before the time for thorough God's direction that which last Year was not done as indeed for that reason it could not be may happen to be done this however to God we leave the Success Yet as in my Preface I gave an account of the effectual Care which the Parliament of Scotland had taken to put a stop to your damnable Heresies in that Kingdom so now I must tell that which ye know well enough but may be every one else doth not how in Ireland about the beginning of September last the Committee for Religion having examined the Carriage of one of your Gang M. Toland who no doubt was gone over to promote the Cause and made their Report to the House immediately they passed a Vote that his Book should be burnt by the hand of the Executioner and his Person taken into Custody to be proceeded against but he finding the Place too hot for him made a shift to escape and come over or else he had been laid up but we hope here he shall either be followed by divine Mercy or meet with human Justice for we have ground to think that the Parliament of England with as much Zeal as those of Scotland and of Ireland will appear for the Cause and Honour of God and as one of the Wolves hath been unkennel'd in Ireland so that same and others shall here be so too and 't is but what all obstinate Leaders of such miserable wretches who deny the Lord that bought them do justly deserve to be branded with B that every one might know them for Blasphemers by reason of the blasphemous heretical and impious Opinions which those despisers of God with impunity whereat they grow bolder do daily publish and spread abroad and that in so bold and licentious a manner as was hardly ever allowed in any Christian State The Emperor Theodosius left a Precedent in such cases for by a Law he ordered the fifteen Volumes which impious Porphiry had written against the Christian Religion every where to be burnt and destroyed And indeed 't is but what the Anti-Christian Writings of such Miscreants as were Celsus Porphyrius Julian the Apostate and the like deserve to be their Works were levelled against the true God in the most Holy Trinity and against the Person and Divinity chiefly of our blessed Lord and Saviour and are not the Socinian Books so too The like Crime deserves the like Punishment this I speak in commendation of the Zeal and Justice of the House of Commons in Ireland Something more I must say and tho' I am sure to be disowned by Socinians and Socinianizers yet I hope not so by those who are really concern'd for the Honour of the glorious Trinity and for their Religion 't is this It were but Justice and Christian Prudence if the Pen-men of the Antitrinitarian and Antichristian Doctrines were burnt at the Fingers end to disable them from dropping their Poison upon Paper if only paring their Nails could do 't it would be well but I am of opinion that alone will not do 't nor Gospel-Arguments but the Authority of the Law must and this the Parliament of Ireland in their Wisdom have found necessary and being satisfied how things of that nature come within the compass of their Jurisdiction tho' M. Toland in his Letter to a Member of the House of Commons there pag. 32. declares he is a perfect stranger to any such Power claim'd by that Honourable Body tho' in himself he was conscious he might not say so in the Original Copy and his Apologist is of the same opinion tho' he more cunningly meddles with it and brings it in as the Judgment as he saith of several Members of the Committee pag. 23. Which are but Reflections insinuated against the Right of Parliaments in general and so reaches every Parliament wheresover But there are several Flaws in that Apology Here I meet with some Apologist whom I know well by the Stile tho' others of the kind make use of the same Ink such are in jest Apologists for Parliaments but in earnest against indeed I think that to study that common place and to erect themselves into Apologists consists with their own Interest for on their side there is more need of Apologies than of Panegyricks But I must speak of other things Both Writers come upon me with a Charge indeed I am a Sanguinary Man a Brother to Papists a Bonner a Persecutor a bloody-minded Believer and such other words to the same purpose I shall not say this is much Dust but
already setled by Law you thereby introduce Confusion into the Church which may soon become Anarchy in the Government which to prevent in my humble Address to the Parliament I thought the Laws now in being about such things might be executed and if in their Wisdom they thought fit new ones be enacted What Papists believe or do as to Authority about Interpretation of Scriptures is no Rule nor Precedent for us there is a sad Experience in the World of the nature of the Spirit which they are acted by and of the Methods they have taken to support their spiritual Tyranny over the Consciences and Souls yea Lives of Men they made themselves Parties and Judges and would admit or hear of no Reasons contrary to theirs which were grounded not upon God's Word tho' in some things they pretend it but their own Traditions and Practice to their Church Now among us you find no such thing the Law is open for you if you take Scripture to be it whereof you sadly wrest the Words contrary to their natural Sense without giving any good Reason for it and you stand by your selves in defiance and opposition of the general Consent of the Universal Church which condemned those unsound Men when they appeared against the Person of our Saviour and Lord. And here I must say we no more than you receive the Authority of Antiquity or of Fathers upon their own bottom for we agree they were fallible when they said so and so but whether in so saying they spake truth is well worth enquiry into I will compare them with Scripture and if they agree with it I will agree with them And this is to me a strengthning Evidence that I am not singular seeing others as well as I could in the Word of God find those Truths which I do believe Wo be to him that is alone abounds in his own Sense and thinks he knows more than all the World besides for the application of Scripture Truths it may be every ones Right to direct himself by his own Reason enlightned by the Spirit as to the Explication a very great care ought to be had and still according to the Rule of God's Word with all the help he can get besides but when they have Opinions which they find are generally opposed People so modest so quiet and of the Character they give of themselves not to disturb others should keep it within themselves and not be so servent as ye are to spread it abroad whether your Zeal be without or against Knowledg And if every one who pretends to be a Member of the Church be so busie as ye are to promote their Opinions and no Curb be put upon Interpretations then no end of Heresie Blasphemy or of all sorts of the worst Opinions But before I proceed I think fit to pull down that Strong-hold of theirs as they take it to be tho' rather Sandy Foundation of a free liberty for every one to make what interpretations they please and that I shall the more willingly do tho' as briefly as I can because 't is a Matter controverted between them and us which I had no occasion to meddle with in my Book To begin I say as there is a Right so there is a false Interpretation of Scripture The Right is that which gives the true sense and meaning the False on the contrary Now if every private Man might Interpret Scripture what monstrous Interpretations would there be as we see it too much in the World and this is the ground of Heresy Blasphemy and Fanaticism which to prevent the Lord Jesus as St. Paul saith in those two places where he mentions the Offices in the Church hath settled Prophets and Teachers Every private Man may Read but not Interpret Scripture which in this Case is the first thing to be known For saith the Apostle knowing this first that no Prophecy of the Scripture is of any private Interpretation so the Interpretation must come from whence the Revelation came 't is but one and the same Spring therefore in the next Verse he clears the Matter For Prophecy came not in old time by the Will of Man but holy Men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost which doth exclude as humane private Revelation so also humane private Interpretation And herein Paul joineth with Peter when he puts this Question Do all Interpret Which contains an Exclusive how all do not no more than all are no workers of Miracles Furthermore we must know how Scripture hath a binding Power not only directive but also decisive over the Conscience so that thereby the Conscience far from having that free liberty is tied and bound to the determination of the Word or else no Man that believes an Opinion contrary to sound Doctrine and never so heretical and blasphemous could be guilty of Sin But we are assured of the contrary for they who wrest the Scriptures do so unto their own destruction tho' a man must be very cautious not to go against his Conscience yet where there is a Competition between God and Man the Word of God and the Judgment of Man when each challenge of us a Consent we must give it the Word which certainly is true and infallible preferably before the Conscience which may be seduced and erroneous which happens often when 't is guided by humane Reason In Scripture is in matters of Faith a convincing and constraining Power which in Conscience we are bound to submit to in Humane things the Judge is not properly Judge except he Judges according to the Law for he hath no power to alter or corrupt but to declare the true sense of it The Interpretation of the Divine Law which the Question is now about may happen to be mistaken but the Law never for 't is Infallible as being the Word of the True and Infallible God hence is derived its Divine and Undisputable Authority beyond that of any thing else and it should work upon men more than Miracles even than raising from the Dead which may be called the greatest of all for they that hear not Moses and the Prophets will not be perswaded tho' one rose from the Dead The reason is because therein the Spirit of God speaks and thereby leads us into all Truth And indeed if Scripture was not the end of Debates in matters of Religion our Conscience could never be settled nor quiet for that same thing no Humane Reason Power or Judgment is able to effect but we aquiesce to rest and depend upon the Word of the God of Truth and if at the Bar of Conscience there was no such binding Rule but men were left to their own private Judgment none would be bound to believe Scripture but always live amidst Doubts Difficulties and Conjectures not to say singular Notions Fancies and Dreams and so we could never be at a certainty Besides that after this there were no Sin in any man to receive any
sense of Scripture tho' never so contrary to the intention of God's Spirit therein and as said before never so Erroneous and Heretical only because it is according to a man 's own private Opinion and deluded Imagination which is to take away the Obligation whereby Conscience and the whole Soul are bound to believe the Truth of Scripture only and not false Interpretations Besides there is in Scripture some matters of Faith which are not so obvious to the Soul and to Reason as matters of Fact are to the Eye and Ear as also there are others not to be Interpreted according to the plain and literal sense as they seem to be Out of the number and variety of such afforded in the Word I shall bring only two Instances Can they think that this Consequence by our Saviour God is the God of the living and not of the dead therefore there shall be a resurrection of the dead is plain and obvious to any man or that this is true Paul is a robber of Churches because he said I robbed other Churches Hence appeareth the danger and inconvenience of allowing of such a particular free liberty of Interpreting Scripture seeing it can be and is so much abused We are taught in the word that we have received the Spirit of God that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God and which the Holy Ghost teacheth if human Reason were a sufficient Light for a Man to enable him to interpret Scriptures then Paul's Prayer that God would give the Ephesians the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledg of him the eyes of their understanding being enlightned c. The like for the Colossians were in vain for 't is frivolous to ask what one hath already and wants not at all this Liberty which they allow themselves every day to search and find out new Interpretations whereby the Minds of Men are tossed and never to be setled cannot consist with the true Faith revealed in the Word of God which we are commanded to be stedfast in and to be rooted and built up in Christ and stablished in the Faith and not carried about with divers and strange Doctrines Certainly that freedom of interpreting is herein forbidden and so are we forbidden to believe those false Glosses and Interpretations for saith the Apostle Beloved believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they are of God the reason is this Because many false Prophets are gone out into the world who allow themselves a freedom of interpreting Scrpiture according to their own humour and fancy no ways allowed by the Laws of God and should not be by the Laws of Men a Curb ought to be put upon such wandering profane Thoughts at least upon the publishing of them The Adversaries who are so fond and conceited of their human Reason Learning and Wisdom might take notice how the Apostle hits them when he calls those who give false interpretations of and wrest Scriptures both unstable and unlearned certainly those Men are unstable who make use of a pretended Liberty ever to give Scripture new interpretations as suggested by their Reason so to day they may give one and the next another different from and contrary to it and is not this Change a Fickleness and Unstableness These unstable Men would make those different interpretations to be a part and proof of their Learning but far from that for Peter calls them unlearned whereby he gives a great blow to that Diana-Idol of theirs But as I hope hereafter by the Grace of God to have an occasion of enlarging upon this I shall for the present forbear saying any more to it What he brings in of Bonner and Latimer about the Interpretation of the Words This is my Body cannot answer his purpose that Instance indeed can shew how a Text may differently be interpreted and that one may happen wrongfully to suffer for a good Cause and how the strongest side and most supported is not always the best But this cannot prove that because one has unjustly suffered the other may not justly suffer that sort of Men who are always wholly bent to provide for their safety would infinuate how no Man should be called to account for any wresting of or putting false interpretations upon Scripture tho never so false blasphemous impious and heretical because he who doth so believeth them not to be such which is their own case it doth not follow that a Truth tho made doubtful because to day 't is supported and to morrow shall be oppressed must not be owned and a Restraint put upon those who oppose it The Merit of the Cause is impartially to be enquired into and when Truth is found out not only it must be exalted but also its contrary is to be kept under Tho Queen Mary supported a bad Cause and suppressed a good one it doth not follow but that Queen Elizabeth did well to suppress a bad Cause and support a good one Tho an innocent be brought to suffer yet the guilty must not go free for all that Because formerly innocent Blood was shed must not Justice now be executed upon Criminals 'T is not the Opinion of Men but the Truth of the Thing which makes any one guilty or innocent the Law is judge of it So in Matters of Religion 't is not the Interpretation of the Text nor the Opinion which the Interpreter hath of the Soundness of his Interpretation that makes it Orthodox and sound but the Word which explains it self for what in one place is dark is plain in some other and when some Men contrary to those Lights will set up heretical and blasphemous Opinions and therein grow obstinate only because they think to be in the right upon such account the Word of God authoriseth Men to enact such penal Laws as they shall think most conducing for the glory of God and to have them put in execution chiefly when the Parties against the known Laws of the Land do publish and in defiance of all at the Parliament Doors offer their heretical Books with words to this purpose I put a most excellent Book into your hand pray read it with attention and when you are Converted strengthen your Brethren thus profanely abusing God's most holy Word They are by no means pleased with my way of Writing but I like it the better for their disliking it They find fault first with the Matter Order and Expression secondly with my often using Scripture thirdly with my Sallying as they call it into sundry Metaphors The first of the two ironically talks of depth of Learning height of Fancy c. which is proper to Fantastical Men who would transform Fancy yea all Religion into Reason The other calls it A World of School Cant which now adays goes for deep Learning So both tho' in a different way talk of depth of Learning that People would have others like themselves to build upon
the first Oecumenick Council and others following the Arminians not so I mean not Worstius and the like but such as in comparison of others are Moderate But still I say that the Cause against Socinians cannot so effectually be handled upon Arminian Principles for in some things their Bounds are so near and undiscernable that sometimes a Man cannot fall upon one but he must tread upon the other and one blow sometimes hits them both so sometimes the Arminian doth not strike home upon the Socinian for fear of hurting himself However to shew you what a difference we ought to make between Adversaries and Adversaries we have some Disputes both against Lutherans and Papists yet much more and greater against the last than against the first certainly we will not carry our selves equally towards both for there is cause to make a great distinction between them which to shew upon occasion we keep Communion with Lutherans when we may not with Papists yet the former are in a gross errour to think the Substance of the glorified Body of Christ which is now in Heaven and shall be until he comes to Judge the Quick and the Dead to be included in with and under the Bread and Wine yet because they declare they adore not the Bread nor the Wine we do not look upon them as Idolaters as we take Papists to be for they adore a Wafer under the notion that it is turned into the Substance of the Body of Christ and we are forbidden to have Communion with Idolaters Thus we ought to make a difference between Lutherans and Papists so we must between those who would destroy the Grace of God in Christ which is very ill and those who impiously fly against his Person as ye do nay I say Socinians in some things are worse than Papists who own the Article of the Trinity of Persons in the Unity of Divine Nature and the Divinity of the Son and of the Holy Ghost which ye deny Ye are the worst of all Christian Societies which Name ye are unworthy of because ye reject despise and undervalue the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ from whom we are called Christians and will not take his Word nor God the Father's when he is by him and by himself called Son of God This Man as well as his Partner will make use of his Arithmetick and because I complain'd of the increase and number of Socinians he makes a pother about almost all the Church a moiety of the Presbyterians Nine parts in Ten of the Quakers like a Squirrel in a Cage which turns again and again but never the farther on in his way always within the Circle so he which way soever he turns himself is ever upon his Dunghil As to the Number of Socinians tho' it was never so inconsiderable comparatively yet 't is ever too great tho' never so few yet still too many One Wolf in a Sheepfold can do Havock enough only one that hath the Plague can infect a whole Town always Vermin multiplieth too fast wherefore to prevent the Growth and Increase of it 't is necessary a sufficient care be taken by those who are concern'd especially those whose Diocess is much infected with and made the center of that Vermine whom David a great King and Judge of Israel and a Prophet too gives this Charge unto Be Wise now therefore O ye Kings be instructed ye Judges of the Earth Psal 2. Dignity calls for and commands Duty and to whom much is given of them much shall be required Not only a Disposition but also a Resolution in Magistrates is necessary for 't is that which helps to put Life into those Laws which otherwise languish for want of due and discreet Execution wherein one is to go to the root of the Evil if he will extirpate it In some Distempers the Dose must not be weak else it will but stir the Humours and not remove them But what is it that David would have Kings and Judges of the Earth to learn and be instructed in in the next Verse he saith it to serve the Lord with fear in their station to defend his Cause and maintain his Concerns is part of the Service required here But whom is this Service due to to Christ the Messiah to whom the Lord hath said Thou art my Son this day have I begotten thee to whom the Heathen are given for his inheritance and the uttermost parts of the Earth for his possession whom he shall break with a Rod of Iron and dash them in pieces like a Potters Vessel Certainly such a Potent Lord Son of God deserves to be served with fear by all Kings and Judges of the Earth and 't is his Cause not Man's which now is under debate his Right and Title being questioned which if Men in Places and Power do not as they are bound Assert and Vindicate to speak in Mordecai's words to Esther Deliverance shall arise from another place some others will do God's Work but thou and thy Father's House shall be destroyed For the Lord Jesus himself will in his due time not only do 't but also require it at the hands of those who neglected it which is a most abominable Crime no less than as much as in them lieth to set their hands to his Condemnation and suffer him again to be Crucified for pretended Blasphemy for affirming himself to be the Son of God which the Jews did well call making himself God For the Names God Son of God simply properly and absolutely taken imply Divine Nature as Man Son of Man do Humane therefore said the Jews to Pilate By our Law that is of Blasphemy he ought to die for he made himself the Son of God which if he was not then without Blasphemy let it be spoken and the thoughts make my Hair stand on end he had been a Blasphemer a Lyar and an Impostor and such the Socinian Principles impiously make him to be And because I said it had been well if at first that necessary care had been taken especially by those that are most concern'd to prevent it thence he doth infer that tho' not indeed in plain words but intelligibly enough I said it had not been done which after his usual calm and Christian-spirited way he calls a meer Story my own pure Invention and a notorious Slander and to prove it so in his Head he frames an Idea of an Hurly burly and Confusion in opposing of Socinianism and this he would make a Play of and without any distinction ridicule all that appear'd against it The Opposers saith he did but scuffle tumultuously with they knew not whom nor what and in the event it appeared they were more afraid than hurt and to ridicule it the more he saith This zealous Leader would scower through the dark Vales of Antient Fathers and General Councils that learned Author would bustle in the thorny Thickets of the School-men here indeed is to be found the flourish of wild
Principles the Famine in David's days of three Years Year after Year came meerly according to a general course of Nature without a particular Cause and special Providence certainly when David inquired about it the Lord assigned the particul Cause and answered It is for Saul and his bloody House because he slew the Gibeonites The Sin with the Punishment and by whom inflicted were all named and expressed yet against all Right and Reason they would not have this Case to be a special Providence for they say there is no such thing in the World But why should I bring a Candle to light the Sun and in a thing which God's Word doth so plainly and fully demonstrate how to punish National Family and Personal Sins God sends the Plague Famine the Sword venomous Beasts the Locust the Canker-Worm the Catterpillar and the Palmer-Worm which the Lord calls his great Army which I sent among you Did the Plagues of Egypt come at a venture or were they inflicted by God to punish that Nation for their Sins God threatned the Children of Israel for their Disobedience to send upon them Cursing Vexation and Rebuke the Pestilence a Consumption a Fever an Inflamation an extreme Burning the Sword Blasting Mildew the both of Egypt the Emerods with Scabs and Itch Madness Blindness Astonishment of heart c. as expressed in Deut. 28. Are not all these Judgments of God upon Men for their Sins Have I then spoken any harm that you should Cavil at what I say that to the Toleration of Blasphemy and Idolatry we may chiefly attribute the cause of the Chastisments which make the Nation uneasie through losses by Sea by Land by Fire or any other way you named or can name Blasphemy and Idolatry 't is a sad truth do abound in the Land and a flood of all Evil in Doctrine and Practise hath overflowed it and tho' it be against Gospel and Law yet no visible effectual care is taken to suppress it Can we be unconcerned when we hear God by his Prophet speaking thus Shall I not visit for these things saith the Lord shall not I be avenged on such a Nation as this Jer. 5. 29. With such a Warrant in my hand I am neither ashamed nor afraid openly to declare that winking at Blasphemy and Idolatry we may well reckon among the chief Causes which have drawn God's Rod upon the back of the Nation and the more because the Sins which there move God to speak by his Prophet are against Men but these we now complain against are directly against God And if God be angry for their not judging for Men will he not be so if Men neglect to Judge for him Do but read the last Verse of the same Chapter where mention is made of Distempers if not exactly the same in relation to Persons yet in Nature much like ours and take notice of God's Expostulation there What will ye do in the end thereof Now the Misdemeanour they would wrongfully charge me with I may justly retort upon them With all due Respect I addressed to both Houses and humbly represented things as 't is usual in points of Grievances whereof some are of a Spiritual as others of a Temporal nature I then said and now say it again that according to Divine and Humane Laws Blasphemy should be rooted out and Blasphemers punished To ask for Justice is not to prescribe the Judges any thing what they ought to do and there is nothing like this in my whole Epistle as these words of mine which the Author of the Letter hath taken notice of do evidence Thus having laid open the Disease I leave it for your Piety and Christian Wisdom to find out and apply the true and proper Remedy We know 't is for the Supreme Judges to do Justice in what manner and degree they please no Man of sense will deny it to be in the power of and to belong to the Magistrates Office to punish Delinquents against God as well as those against Men of the first as well as of the second Table Blasphemers Idolaters Profaners of God's Holy Name as well as Murtherers Adulterers and Thieves S. Paul was no sanguinary Man yet in one place after an enumeration of several things whereof some are less grievous than Blasphemy concludeth That they which commit such things are worthy of death For my part I neither in my Epistle nor in the Preface have said or designed to say so yet if I had without being a Sanguinary Man I here have a Warrant for it But having spoken of my self I now must come to you and say Ye both have been much wanting in your due respect for that Illustrious Assembly of Parliament For one humbly to Address or Petition the Supreme Judges to redress things which are amiss is no disrespect but to pretend to be their Apologist and make use of their Name in an Ironical way as ye I may say saucily have done in the Title of your Pamphlet is certainly to want a due respect and to deserve Punishment To call a Libel against the Doctrine of the Religion by Law established by the name of An Apology for the Parliament most humbly representing c. is a great Abuse and a piece of high Impudence in you which hangs together with your whole Carriage for contrary to the known Laws of the Land and in defiance of the Civil and Ecclesiastical Jurisdictions you do print publish and most insolently go about to Vindicate your Heretical and Blasphemous Opinions in opposition to and the disturbance of the Church by Law established And when ye are not able to defend your bad Cause to give the thing a wrong side the Superior Power to be your drudges must by you be brought in but 't is in you a high presumption to think you can impose upon them Now for my part I must tell you that when I am engaged in any Controversie I stick to the Point beg for no Foreign help and Answer not with Injuries but with good Arguments ye do the contrary But over and above what I have said to shew how with humbly Addressing my self to the Parliament to ask Justice against you and towards preventing the growth of Socinianism I did nothing but what is according to Law I here lay down an undeniable proof of it with a Copy of the Presentment of the Grand Jury of Middlesex on the last day of the last Easter Term 1697 and this according to directions given by the Judges who must know the Law The Names of the worthy Persons that were of it do for their Piety and Zeal deserve to be recorded in Letters of Gold and 't is hoped this may be a Precedent for others to do the like in other parts of the Kingdom A Copy of the Presentment of the Grand Jury of Middlesex the last day of the Term at Westminster viz. WE the Jurors sworn to enquire on the behalf of our Sovereign Lord the King