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A33865 A collection of several treatises concerning the reasons and occasions of the penal laws Burghley, William Cecil, Baron, 1520-1598. Execution of justice in England.; Watson, William, 1559?-1603. Important considerations which ought to move all true and sound Catholikes. 1675 (1675) Wing C5192A; ESTC R11022 70,542 135

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the Laws of God and Man and nothing agreeable to a pastural Officer not only all the rabble of the foresaid Traitors that were before fled but also all other persons that had forsaken their Native Countries being of divers conditions and qualities some not able to live at home but in beggery some discontented for lack of preferments which they gaped for unworthily in Universities and other places some Bankrupt Merchants some in a sort learned to contentions being not contented to learn to obey the Laws of the Land have many years running up and down from Country to Country practised some in one Corner some in another some with seeking to gather Forces and money for Forces some with instigation of Princes by untruths to make War upon their natural Country some with inward practises to murder the Greatest some with seditious Writings and very many of late with publick infamous Libels full of despiteful vile terms and poisoned lies altogether to uphold the foresaid Antichristian and Tyrannous Warrant of the Popes Bull. And yet also by some other means to further these intentions because they could not readily prevail by way of Force finding Foreign Princes of better consideration and not readily inclined to their wicked purposes it was devised to erect up certain Schools which they called Seminaries to nourish and bring up persons disposed naturally to Sedition to continue their race and trade and to become Seedmen in their Tillage of Sedition and them to send secretly into these the Queens Majesties Realms of England and Ireland under secret Masks some of Priesthood some of other inferior Orders with Titles of Seminaries for some of the meaner sort and of Jesuits for the stagers and ranker sort and such like but yet so warily they crept into the Land as none brought the marks of their Priesthood with them but in divers Corners of her Majesties Dominions these Seminaries or Seedmen and Jesuits bringing with them certain Romish trash as of their hallowed Wax their Agnus Dei many kind of Beads and such like have as Tillage-men laboured secretly to perswade the people to allow of the Popes foresaid Bulls and Warrants and of his absolute Authority over all Princes and Countries and striking many with pricks of Conscience to obey the same whereby in Process of small time if this wicked and dangerous traitorous and crafty course had not been by Gods goodness espied and stayed there had followed imminent danger of horrible uprores in the Realms and a manifest bloody destruction of great multitudes of Christians For it cannot be denied but that so many as should have been induced and throughly perswaded to have obeyed that wicked Warrant of the Popes and the Contents thereof should have been forthwith in their hearts and Consciences secret Traitors and for to be indeed errant and open Traitors there should have wanted nothing but opportunity to feel their strength and to assemble themselves in such numbers with Armour and Weapons as they might have presumed to have been the greater part and so by open civil War to have come to their wicked purposes But Gods goodness by whom Kings do Rule and by whose blast Traitors are commonly wasted and confounded hath otherwise given to her Majesty as to his Handmaid and dear Servant ruling under him the spirit of Wisdom and Power whereby she hath caused some of these seditious Seedmen and Sowers of Rebellion to be discovered for all their secret lurkings and to be taken and charged with these former points of High Treason not being dealt withal upon questions of Religion but justly condemned as Traitors At which times notwithstanding all manner of gentle ways of perswasions used to move them to desist from such manifest traitorous courses and opinions yet was the Canker of their Rebellious humours so deeply entred and graven into the hearts of many of them as they would not be removed from their traiterous determinations And therefore as manifest Traitors in maintaining and adhearing to the capital Enemy of her Majesty and her Crown who hath not only been the cause of two Rebellions already passed in England and Ireland but in that of Ireland did manifestly wage and maintain his own people Captains and Souldiers under the Banner of Rome against her Majesty so as no Enemy could do more These I say have justly suffered Death not by force or form of any new Laws established either for Religion or against the Popes Supremacy as the slanderous Libellers would have it seem to be but by the antient temporal Laws of the Realm and namely by the Laws of Parliament made in King Edward the Thirds time about the year of our Lord 1330. which is above 200. years and more past when the Bishops of Rome and Popes were suffered to have their Authority Ecclesiastical in this Realm as they had in many other Countries But yet of this kind of Offenders as many of them as after their Condemnations were contented to renounce their former traiterous assertions so many were spared from Execution and do live still at this day such was the unwillingness in her Majesty to have any blood spilt without this very just and necessary cause proceeding from themselves And yet nevertheless such of the rest of the Traitors as remain in Foreign parts continuing still their Rebellious minds and craftily keeping themselves aloof off from dangers cease not to provoke sundry other inferiour seditious persons newly to steal secretly into the Realm to revive the former seditious practises to the Execution of the Popes foresaid Bulls against her Majesty and the Realm pretending when they are apprehended that they came only into the Realm by the commandment of their Superiours the Heads of the Jesuits to whom they are bound as they say by Oath against either King or Country and here to inform or reform Mens Consciences from errors in some points of Religion as they shall think meet but yet in very truth the whole scope of their secret labours is manifestly proved to be secretly to win all people with whom they dare deal so to allow of the Popes said Bulls and of his Authority without exception as in obeying thereof they take themselves fully discharged of their Allegiance and Obedience to their lawful Prince and Country yea and to be well warranted to take Arms to Rebell against her Majesty when they shall be thereunto called and to be ready secretly to join with any Foreign Force that can be procured to invade the Realm whereof also they have a long time given and yet do for their advantage no small comfort of success and so consequently the effect of their labours is to bring the Realm not only into a dangerous War against the Forces of Strangers from which it hath been free above 23. or 24. years a Case very memorable and hard to be matched with an example of the like but into a War Domestical and Civil wherein no blood is usually
Master the Emperour Henry and that in following their ungodly Counsels he had brought upon him Gods heavy and just Judgments And so Henry the Emperour prevailing by Gods power caused Gregory the Pope by a Synod in Italy to be deposed as in like times before him his Predecessor Otho the Emperour had deposed one Pope John for many hainous crimes and so were also within a short time three other Popes namely Sylvester Bennet and Gregory the Sixth used by the Emperour Henry the Third about the year of our Lord 1047. for their like presumptuous attempts in temporal actions against the said Emperours Many other examples might be shewed to the Emperours Majesty and the Princes of the holy Empire now being after the time of Henry the Fourth as of Henry the Fifth and after him of Frederick the First and Frederick the Second and then of Lewis of Bavar all Emperours cruelly and tyrannously persecuted by the Popes and by their Bulls Curses and by open Wars and likewise to many other the great Kings and Monarchs of Christendom of their noble Progenitors Kings of their several Dominions whereby they may see how this kind of tyrannous Authority in Popes to make Wars upon Emperours and Kings and to command them to be deprived took hold at the first by Pope Hildebrand though the same never had any lawful example or warrant from the Laws of God of the Old or New Testament but yet the successes of their tyrannies were by Gods goodness for the most part made frustrate as by Gods goodness there is no doubt but the like will follow to their confusions at all times to come And therefore as there is no doubt but the like violent tyrannous proceedings by any Pope in maintenance of Traiters and Rebels would be withstood by every Soveraign Prince in Christendom in defence of their Persons and Crowns and maintenance of their Subjects in Peace so is there at this present a like just cause that the Emperours Majesty with the Princes of the holy Empire and all other Soveraign Kings and Princes in Christendom should judge the same to be lawful for her Majesty being a Queen and holding the very place of a King and a Prince Soveraign over divers Kingdoms and Nations she being also most lawfully invested in her Crown and as for good governing of her People with such applause and general allowance loved and obeyed of them saving a few ragged Traiters or Rebels or persons discontented whereof no other Realm is free as continually for these twenty five years past hath been notably seen and so publickly marked even by strangers repairing into this Realm as it were no cause of disgrace to any Monarchy and King in Christendom to have her Majesties felicity compared with any of theirs whatsoever and it may be there are many Kings and Princes could be well contented with the fruition of some proportion of her felicity And though the Popes be now suffered by the Emperor in the Lands of his own peculiar Patrimony and by the two great Monarchs the French King and the King of Spain in their Dominions and Territories although by other Kings not so allowed to continue his Authority in sundry cases and his glorious Title to be the universal Bishop of the World which Title Gregory the Great above nine hundred years past called a profane Title full of Sacriledge and a Preamble of Antichrist yet in all their Dominions and Kingdoms as also in the Realm of England most notably by many ancient Laws it is well known how many ways the tyrannous Power of this his excessive Authority hath been and still is restrained checked and limited by Laws and Pragmatiques both ancient and new a very large field for the Lawyers of those Countries to walk in and discourse And howsoever the Popes Canonists being as his Bombarders do make his Excommunications and Curses appear fearful to the multitude and simple people yet all great Emperours and Kings aforetime in their own cases of their Rights and Royal Preheminences though the same concerned but a City or a poor Town and sometime but the not allowance of some unworthy Person to a Bishoprick or to an Abbey never refrained to despise all Popes Curses or Forces but attempted always either by their Swords to compel them to desist from their furious actions or without any fear of themselves in body soul or conscience stoutly to withstand their Curses and that sometime by force sometime by Ordinances and Laws the ancient Histories whereof are too many to be repeated and of none more frequent and effectual than of the Kings of France But leaving those that are ancient we may remember how in this our own present or late Age it hath been manifestly seen how the Army of the late noble Emperour Charles the Fifth Father to King Philip that now reigneth was not afraid of his Curses when in the year of our Lord 1527. Rome it self was besieged and sacked and the Pope then called Clement and his Cardinals to the number of about thirty three in his Mount Adrian or Castle S. Angelo taken Prisoners and detained seven months or more and after ransomed by Don Vgo di Moncada a Spaniard and the Marquess of Grasto at about four hundred M. Duckats besides the ransoms of his Cardinals which was very great having not long before-time been also notwithstanding his Curses besieged in the same Castle by the Family of the Colonesi and their Fautors his next Neighbours being then Imperialists and forced to yield to all their demands Neither did King Henry the Second of France Father to Henry now King of France about the year 1550. fear or regard the Pope or his Court of Rome when he made several straight Edicts against many parts of the Popes Claims in prejudice of the Crown and Clergy of France retracting the Authority of the Court of Rome greatly to the hinderance of the Popes former profits Neither was the Army of King Philip now of Spain whereof the Duke of Alva was General stricken with any fear of cursing when it was brought afore Rome against the Pope in the year of our Lord 1555. where great destruction was made by the said Army and all the delicate Buildings Gardens and Orchards next to Rome-Walls overthrown wherewith his Holiness was more terrified than he was able to remove with any his Curses Neither was Queen Mary the Queens Majesties late Sister a person not a little devoted to the Roman Religion so afraid of the Popes cursings but that both she and her whole Council and that with the assent of all the Judges of the Realm according to the ancient Laws in favour of Cardinal Pool her Kinsman did forbid the entry of his Bulls and of a Cardinal Hat at Callis that was sent from the Pope for one Fryer Peyto whom the Pope had assigned to be a Cardinal in disgrace of Cardinal Pool neither did Cardinal Pool himself at the same time
executed for their consciences as we hold although our Adversaries say for Treason and of those twelve some perhaps can hardly be drawn within our account having been tainted with matters of Rebellion The most of the said number were Seminary Priests who if they had come over into England with the like intents that some others have done might very worthily have been used as they were But in our consciences nay some of us do know it that they were far from those seditious humors being men that intended nothing else but simply the good of our Country and the conversion of Souls Marry to say the truth as we have confessed before how could either her Majesty or the State know so much They had great cause as Politick persons to suspect the worst Besides to the further honour of her Majesty we may not omit that the States of the whole Realm assembled in Parliament Anno 1576. were pleased to pass us over and made no Laws at that time against us The ancient Prisoners that had been restrained more narrowly in the year 1570. were notwithstanding the said enterprises in Ireland again restored to their former liberty to continue with their friends as they had done before Such as were not suspected to have been dealers or abettors in the said treasonable actions were used with that humanity which could well be expected But when the Jesuits were come and that the State had notice of the said Excommunication there was then within a while a great alteration For such were the Jesuits proceedings and with so great boldness as though all had been theirs and that the State should presently have been changed Her Majesty had seen what followed in her Kingdom upon the first Excommunication and was therefore in all worldly Policy to prevent the like by the second The jealousie also of the State was much increased by Mr. Sherwins answers upon his examination above eight months before the apprehension of Mr. Campion For being asked whether the Queen was his lawful Soveraign notwithstanding any sentence of the Popes he prayed that no such question might be demanded of him and would not further thereunto answer Two or three other questions much to the same effect were likewise propounded unto him which he also refused to answer Matters now sorting on this fashion there was a greater restraint of Catholicks than at any time before Many both Priests and Gentlemen were sent into the Isle of Ely and other places there to be more safely kept and looked unto In January following 1581. according to the general computation a Proclamation was made for the calling home of her Majesties Subjects beyond the Seas such especially as were trained up in the Seminaries pretending that they learned little there but disloyalty and that none after that time should harbor or relieve them with sundry other points of very hard intendment towards us The same month also a Parliament ensued wherein a Law was made agreeable in effect to the said Proclamation but with a more severe punishment annexed For it was a penalty of death for any Jesuit or Seminary Priest to repair into England and for any to receive and entertain them which fell out according to Bishop Watsons former speeches or prediction what inischief the Jesuits would bring upon us We could here as well as some others have done shew our dislike with some bitterness of the said Law and penalty But to what purpose should we do so It had been a good point of wisdom in two or three persons that have taken that course to have been silent and rather have sought by gentleness and sweet carriage of themselves to have prevented the more sharp execution of that Law than by exclaiming against it when it was too late to have provoked the State to a greater severity against us And to confess something to our own disadvantage and to excuse the said Parliament if all the Seminary Priests then in England or which should after that time have come hither had been of Mr. Mortons and Mr. Saunders mind before mentioned when the first Excommunication came out or of Mr. Saunders his second resolution being then in Arms against her Majesty in Ireland or of Mr. Parsons traiterous disposition both to our Queen and Country the said Law no doubt had carried with it a far greater shew of Justice But that was the error of the State and yet not altogether for ought they knew improbable those times being so full of many dangerous designments and Jesuitical practices In this year also divers other things fell out unhappily towards us poor Priests and other the graver sort of Catholicks who had all of us single hearts and disliked no men more of all such factious enterprises For notwithstanding the said Proclamation and Law Mr. Heywood a Jesuit came then into England and took so much upon him that Father Parsons fell out exceedingly with him and great troubles grew amongst Catholicks by their brablings and quarrels A Synod was held by him the said Mr. Heywood and sundry ancient Customs were therein abrogated to the offence of very many These courses being understood after a sort by the State the Catholicks and Priests in Norfolk felt the smart of it This Summer also in July Mr. Campion and other Priests were apprehended whose answers upon their examinations agreeing in effect with Mr. Sherwins before mentioned did greatly incense the State For amongst other questions that were propounded unto them this being one viz. If the Pope do by his Bull or Sentence pronounce her Majesty to be deprived and no lawful Queen and her Subjects to be discharged of their allegiance and obedience unto her and after the Pope or any other by his appointment and authority do invade this Realm which part would you take or which part ought a good Subject of England to take some answered that when the case should happen they would then take counsel what were best for them to do Another that when that case should happen he would answer and not before Another that for the present he was not resolved what to do in such a case Another that when the case happeneth then he will answer Another that if such deprivation and invasion should be made for any matter of his faith he thinketh he were then bound to take part with the Pope Now what King in the world being in doubt to be invaded by his enemies and fearing that some of his own Subjects were by indirect means drawn rather to adhere unto them than to himself would not make the best tryal of them he could for his better satisfaction whom he might trust to In which tryal if he found any that either should make doubtful answers or peremptorily affirm that as the case stood betwixt him and his enemies they would leave him their Prince and take part with them might he not justly repute them for Traitors and deal with them accordingly Sure we are that no King or Prince in
up Priests out of our own Universities and from among the Ministers themselves remain they as yet never so stiff or hard against us And thus commending both you and our cause to God and our selves to your good favours and charitable prayers we take our leaves and end this tedious discourse more profitable and pleasing to God we trust than acceptable or grateful to many which we can be but sorry for Your true Friends the secular Priests Whatsoever is written or contained in these Books we submit all to the censure and judgment of our holy Mother the Catholick Church FINIS THE JESUITS REASONS Unreasonable OR DOUBTS Proposed to the JESUITS Upon their Paper presented to divers Persons of Honour for Non-Exception from the Common Favour Voted to CATHOLICKS JON. 1. 12. Tollite me mitti●e in mare cessabit mare à vobis scio enim ego quoniam propter me tempestas haec grandis venit super vos LONDON Printed Anno Dom. M DC LXII REASONS why the Jesuits hope that they should partake of the favor shewed to other Priests in taking away the Sanguinary Laws THE same Reasons which moved the Peers to take away the Sanguinary Laws from other Priests may move them also to take them away in respect of the Jesuits for the Jesuits are free born Subjects as well as others they have been as faithful to His Majesty as others they are of tender Consciences as well as others The Jesuits all along have been furtherers of the King and Actors also as far as their Function beareth that is they were in the Camp where some of them were killed others imprisoned most of them lost their nearest Relations in the War and in a manner all had their Friends undone for the King All those that depended on the Jesuits stood constant for the King even to death amongst these were some signal persons as Sir Henry Gage Sir John Smith Sir John Digby and others who having been formerly Scholars of the Jesuits were actually when they dyed Penitents of the Jesuits and Mr. Peter Wright who was executed at Tyburn for a Jesuit was particularly maligned because he was Sir Henry Gage his Priest As for Noble persons who lost great Estates and endured much hardship for his Majesty the late Duchess of Buckingham the late Marquess of Worcester the late Earl of Shrewsbury were Penitents of the Society as other prime Nobility yet in being Now whereas two things are objected against the Jesuits they are both easily answered First it is objected that the Jesuits teach the Doctrine of the Pope deposing Kings It is answered That no Community can be less accused of that Doctrine than the Jesuits It 's true four or five Jesuits did many years ago teach that Doctrine as they had found it taught by others ancienter than their Order But since the first of January 1616. the General of the Jesuits forbade any of his to teach preach or dispute for that Doctrine or print any thing for it to take away the aspersion which the Writings of some few have brought upon the Society And now actually all Jesuits are obliged under pain of damnation not to teach that Doctrine either in word writing or print which none in the Church but they only are Secondly 'T is objected that the Jesuits do particularly depend on the Pope It is answered That they are obliged by a particular Vow to be ready to go even to the utmost bounds of the Earth to preach the Gospel to Infidels when the Pope shall think it fit to send them and they have no other Vow which doth particularly oblige them but this which can prejudice no Kingdom On the other side speaking of their dependence which may byass their affections they have the least dependence of the Pope of any Church-men for they are by special Vow excluded from all Benefices and Dignities by which the Pope may win the affection of other Church-men As for what is said of the Venetians and French banishing the Jesuits it is answered that both those Estates have repealed their Acts. Lastly That the Jesuits being willing to submit to whatsoever all other Catholick Priests shall agree to and offering all the security which others offer they hope they may be partakers of the same favours which shall be granted to others that so that mercy may extend to all and the World may see that the Sanguinary Laws are truly taken away PREFACE I Expect Censures and Clamours as loud as can be against me of uncharitable uncatholick unchristian c. for seeming to lay load upon the already oppressed and contribute to and even provoke a persecution against our Fellow Catholicks I think I have said my worst against my self let me see how I can justifie my action Premising therefore that the case of you Jesuits is apprehended by your selves and your Abettors already desperate and your Exclusion remediless and so cannot be said to spring from this paper of mine I address to my Defence and offer my Motives why I publish this little Treatise against you My first is To wipe off the aspersion laid upon Gods Church by some Tenets of yours and strongly fastened on it by your haughty calling only your selves the Catholick Church and all dissenters from your Tenets Hereticks My second Because I understand you are about to make the Common good stoop to the Particular one of your Order as is your constant practice contrary to the Law of Nature and Principles of Christianity For I have been informed that you in a boasting manner affirm the Parliament will proceed no farther about taking away the Sanguinary Laws and that some friends of yours endeavour to make it believed that it is not for his Majesties interest to make good his solemn promise from Breda of having regard to tender Consciences My third is Your stomachful frustrating my expectation For I was really glad when I heard you had published Apologetical Reasons why you should not be excepted hoping you would sincerely renounce the criminal Doctrines and Actions of your Predecessors and free Religion from scandal But finding no such thing per verba de praesenti but on the contrary a comparing and preferring your selves before others I thought my self obliged to do right to the Common Cause My fourth To oblige you to repentance and a hearty retractation of your unlawful Tenets and Practices that so you may deserve and have as much favour as others which is the worst I wish you and not to wrong your own Credits and Consciences and fool others with dissembling shews of loyalty which every one may see to be mere hypocrisie My fifth Because I owe that duty to the Civil Magistrate whose hearty Subject I am to resent a mockery put upon him as this your paper will appear to be under colour of offering satisfaction Every true hearted Subject owing his best endeavour to his King and Country that none lurk among them unless their faltring Principles of Aequivocation and
allowed in all other Catholick Kingdoms c Does this sound as if the Jesuits had changed their inclination to that Doctrine whilst one of their eminentest Writers strives thus to defend nay applaud even Suarez one of the most offensive and extragavant even Jesuits that ever medled with that Subject 7. My Seventh Doubt is about your dependence on the Pope which you gloriously explicate to consist in this that The Jesuits are obliged by a particular Vow to be ready to go even unto the utmost Bounds of the Earth to preach the Gospel to Infidels I desire to know by what virtue you explicate your Vow in these words the terms of your Vow are these In super promitto specialem Obedientiam summo Pontifici circa missiones which by the tenour of the words signifies to go whither he shall send you and do what he shall command you in your Missions First there 's never a word of preaching the Gospel nor of Infidels and your Missions may be as well to Catholicks as to Infidels as we see the Peres de la Mission in France for the most part are imployed among Catholicks and I would demand whether your Mission into England be not as well to Catholicks as to Protestants Wherefore by this Vow you are bound to do whatever the Pope commands you as for example if the Pope should excommunicate or depose the Prince and command you to move the Catholicks to take Arms you were bound by your Vow to do it And therefore 't is no wonder if you give the Pope a Catalogue of these men and their qualities for they are generally speaking those who are eminentest in your Order and brag to him how great an Army of Pens and Tongues you bring devoted to him to further any attempt or design he shall command Besides is it not well known that none of your Order go into Infidels Countries but such as desire it whereof no small part do it for discontentment they find in your Colledges and that the Pope may as well send one of the Pillars of St. Peter's Church in Rome to preach to Infidels as one of your professed Fathers if it be against your General 's and his own will Therefore this special obedience is but a flash of vanity above others by which the Pope has a Chimerical power over you such as your subtilty in Divinity will call potentiaremota which without your own wills shall never come into Act. Yet do I not think that His Majesty will quarrel with you for this Vow as you explicate it though to tell you my sence of it I do not know how it stands with His Prerogative that the Pope shall have power over his Subjects which may be useful to him to send them without his leave to Japan and China But this Authority you assume to your selves and further For you do not only oblige your Subjects to come in or go out of the Kingdom when you command them but play the Judges of life and death upon the Kings natural Subjects without his leave or any crime that according to Civil Laws deserves punishment You presume by your power to send them to Watten or some such place wherein either your selves have high Justice or the high Justice is at your Devotion there frame Process against them and execute them without making account to His Majesty of the life of his Subject for pretended crimes committed in England This taking the whole story together I conceive to be no less than making your selves Soveraigns over His Majesties Subjects that is to be an Act of high Treason Yet all parts of this Action are evidently in your hands in virtue of your obedience and your having such places of high Justice in your Command so that your Subjects have other Soveraigns than the King's Majesty whom by consequence they ought to fear more than him since their power is more immediate and pressing and pressed on their Consciences As for the practice 't is said to have been used upon one Thomas Barton an eminent Scholar among you who wrote a Book called The agreement of Faith and Reason How true it is I undertake not to justifie but if you 'l justifie your selves from High Treason it behoves you to produce the man And so you have my seventh Doubt 8. My Eighth Doubt is that you equivocate with us in this word Dependence for you turn it to be dependence by Vow whereas more likely it means dependence of Interest and signifies that 't is your interest to ingage the Pope to you by maintaining all height of Supreme Authority in him though it be never so irrational and against Gods Law For by so doing you also can use it all for your own Interest in procuring for your selves and friends whatever lies either in the Popes Authority or Grace as Exemptions Priviledges Benefices c. For men look not on your Body as on others whose Generals have no other power than according to their Rules to look to their Discipline But on you they look as on an Army managed by one man whose Weapons are Pens and Tongues and the Arts of Negotiation and all plausible means of commending your selves to the World Which you exercise in such a height as to have had the boldness to threaten the Pope with a Schism to tell the King of Spain your Tongues and Pens had gotten him more Dominions than his Armies to attempt breaking the Liberties of Venice to be able to raise Seditions in most Countries and to be dreadful to the very Kings and Princes And all this because as Christ proposed to his Disciples the love of one another for the Badge of Christianity so your Generals propose to you blind obedience for the Badge of a Jesuit that is by cooperating with them to make them powerful and great Lords and your selves invincible and terrible to all that oppose you For this end you exalt the Popes Infallibility that you may get your Opponents condemned in Rome and then cry them down for Hereticks For this reason you teach the Pope to have all Authority in the Church and other Bishops to be but his Deputies so joyning with your Brother-Presbyters in really destroying the Hierarchy that when you by Grace or surreption have purloyn'd a Command from that Court you may treat all that resist you as Schismaticks and Rebels to the Church Yet if we believe Mr. White acknowledged an able man they are both damnable Heresies and destructive of Faith and Church and many others also of our most learned dislike them though their courage c. reaches not to brand them so severely In this complication of Interests then and not in your glorious Vow consists the dependence you have so specially on the Pope in a matter not of Religion but of Temporal profit and greatness 9. My Ninth Doubt is about the comparison you make between your selves and others telling us how you are by special Vow excluded from all Benefices and