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A26774 The regall apology, or, The declaration of the Commons, Feb. 11, 1647, canvassed wherein every objection and their whole charge against His Majesty is cleared, and for the most part, retorted. Bate, George, 1608-1669. 1648 (1648) Wing B1090; ESTC R17396 65,011 98

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onely to put them in a posture for his Service 2. This was limited according to the Fundamentall Laws of the Kingdome and the Liberty of the Subject 3. It amounted but to a Petition which is printed and may be read in the first Vol. of the Decl 4. This came from the Officers unto the King and those Members of Parliament Now in that conjuncture of Affaires wherein was the King too blame when the Soldiers were discontented the Parliament grew high there were visible Symptomes of an intention to model the State anew to cast out the Government of the Church If the King did so far comply with them as to allow nay to countenance them by an humble Petition to represent their sense of the Innovations they feared and of a Breach of the Laws of the Land How happy had it been for us if it had proceeded and taken place Is it not the same which this Army hath accomplished to the destruction of the Law and dissolution of all legall Authority The Raising of War against them Answered The raising of the War will be Answered in another place As for the Aggravation a thing never done but by King Charls it is no wonder since never King needed before to deale with a Parliament by Armes One Breath of his mouth was enough to dissolve them The Mock-Parl at Oxford Answerd and retorted The mock-Mock-Parliament was not to be so slightly thought of Themselves and their owne men the Army appeale to the equitable construction of the Law And if so pray what equity would justifie this Parliament about That The King is confessedly one Estate The Lords with him were two for one twenty or more Earles as many Barous when two Lords made up a House here often and Ten were thought a goodly number Nay the House of Commons there were neer upon the number with those that staied here Did the wals at Westminster make a Parliament surely in the equitable construction those Gentlemen made it much rather who were called together by the Kings Writ and sent by their respective Counties and Burroughs But why do we dispute that Did not many of these men that talke thus flee themselves Did they not eat up an Engagement with the Army Was there not an intention at least of another Mock-Parliament If their Returne to Westminster had not been so quick and easie we cannot forbear to thinke they would actually have done the selfe-same thing themselves which they thus condemn in others The Mungrell Parliament Answered The King hath sufficiently explained himself for that matter that he used that Expression in reference to the Earle of Sussex and his faction who had made a breach in that fair Correspondence that was maintained between them formerly The Charge of Crimes done by his Ministers We proceed from the pretended faults which relate immediately to the Kings owne person before this Rupture with the Parliament unto those done by his Ministers and those especially under this Classis concerne Oppression of us in our Estates Of which sort are the Enforced leaues Privy-Seales Coat-and-Conduct-money Enlarging Forests Enclosing Commons Ingrossing Patents Monopolies c. The Answer to these in generall To these in generall 1. That they were put in execution in times of great necessity The King was engaged in a bloody war and by the incitement encouragement and promise of this faction of men and deserted as soone as he was well entered the best Revenue of the Crown questioned if not with-held The King of Denmarke beaten for want of supply Germany over-run the Protestant cause all over Christendome in a precipice great Preparations made round about Hanibal ad portas What Irregularities might not be excused in such exigencies by that Supreame Law of Necessity which bears out all transgressions 2. None of these were contrived by Himself many of them were by his Counsell at Law many were suggested by Mr. Noy in particular his Attorney a man well versed in the Laws and ancient Records of the Kingdome one who could have given a good accompt of his Actions and was once thought a great Champion of the Laws against Arbitrary Incroachments 3. There was a Redresse offered upon the first Complaint and the Subject fenced by wholsome Laws against any such future Attempts 4. The Instruments who first contrived or abetted and put then in execution are many of them in both Houses more of them in Places of eminent trust None of them all ever punished upon this score but for some other fault In Particular The Privy-Seales Answered His Majesty was so carefull to satisfie his Subjects for what they had lent him this way that he sold unto the City of London Land at 12000. l. rent of Assise and out of the money due thereupon left and secured in the Chamberlain of Londons hand the summe of 216000. l. 15. s. 4. d. to the end that out of this such might be paid as had formerly lent unto the King either by Privy-Seale or otherwise which the City made this advantage of not contented with such a bargain though they paid for the purchase by the very Wood and Timber upon the ground as the King was informed They sent their Emissaries into all Countries where they knew there were any of the Kings Creditors who were ignorant of this Assignment and agreed with them at under-rates nay for little or nothing for the debt they accounted as desperate and by that meanes at once deceived the people of their repayment and the King of the reputation of his Justice Forrests Answered 1. The King herein used and followed the advice of his Counsell at Law and of the Lord of Holland yet was his Lordship their Confident untill this quarrell divided them 2. What was done herein was upon Oath and by due process at Law 3. His Majesty remitted his clear Right where the people were troubled for instance a great part of the County of Essex 4. He allowed them to be bounded by the Countries themselves Enclosing of Commons Answered and retorted 1. It was done by vertue of Law which investeth him with that power 2. It might have been for the benefit not of the Kingdome onely but of the very particular Inhabitants of those respective places if Instruments had done their duty 3. The Parliament keeps those in their possessions still without refunding any Compensation to those they pretend were injured 4. Nay at this time they set upon a worke of Enclosure of more then all the Commons in England which have been enclosed these 100. years I mean the Draining of the Fennes in Lincoln-shire whereby thousands of poor people are bereft of their subsistence The adjacent parts are endammaged by the Torrent of the waters turned upon them to their vast prejudice Engrossing of Patents and Monopolies Answered That I may Answer these I shall lay for a Ground That all Graunts and Letters-Patents of the King of England are not Monopolies though concerning Trade or Manufacture or the labour of the
therein against the King they might somewhat stroake the Levellers by taking up their Principles in a recompence for devesting them of their power and so pave their way as much as was possible to a perfect soveraignty for themselves THE REGALL APOLOGY The generall ANSWER to the DECLARATION in Grosse 1. THis Declaration imports very little or nothing but what hath been either by the Parliament in their Remonstrances Declarations and Messages or by their Instruments and Emissaries inculcated ad ravim usque and so often repeated that they do even nauseate the Reader And surely it yeilds a shrewd Suspition of Penury of Matter when they are faine so often to take up the Old and to harp thus continually upon the same Strings 2. Many of the Charges are not of his owne faults some being of the Courts of Justice his Judges and other Ministers of State for some of which there hath been satisfaction given either by a totall abolition of the Judicature as of the Star-chamber High Commission c. or by abridgement of their Jurisdiction as of the Privy Counsell or by exposing those Instruments to the rigour of the Law nay to the very will of their mortall Enemies the Parliament It would go but hard with his Accusers if they would take upon themselves all the Mis-carriages all the Cruelties and Oppressions of their Committes or of their Soldiers and yet have they many Eyes to see many Eares to hear withall nay if they would owne but the personall faults of their own Members which would fill up many Volumes if all were set in array against them If we will not admit of that old Law-maxime The King can do no wrong nor be so Court-like as the Persians whose fashion it was to beat the Cloaths onely of their young Princes and Noblemen when they had committed an offence me-thinks we might at least be so just as to lay the saddle upon the right Horse and charge every man but with his owne Crimes 3. Many of those against himselfe have been abundantly for to satisfie the people acknowledged and amended offered to be so at least With God Almighty Confession goes for good Satisfaction And what Patterne should we rather follow then that of our heavenly Father Be ye mercifull as your heavenly Father also is mercifull Mat. 5. Even in the Iudgment of a Heathen man Repentance is above half way to Innocence And surely when a King shall please to stoop so low to his own Subjects as upon their Admonition to recall himself and cry Peccavi his high Place sets a higher price upon his Repentance and he richly deserves to heare no more of his former Over-sights 4. The fowlest of these Charges is not backt with any proof but insinuated and that sometimes upon no manner of Ground at all as that of the Spanish Fleet sometimes upon lamentable weak Surmises bare Hear-say's flying Reports perhaps started on purpose against such a time But what Is this Iustice to a King to our own King By the mouth of two or three witnesses saith the word of God shall every word be established Not under two saith the civil-Civil-law and those contemporary to the fact not successive Indeed by the Law of this land One single Witness for the King is enough But shall his Honour bleed his Authority be snatch'd away his very Life struck at upon Suggestions from one from none upon Surmises and Conjectures How miserable then beyond compare were the condition of a King How true was that saying of Demetrius That if men knew the Thornes it was beset withall they would not stoop to take up a Crown even from the Channell 5. Notwithstanding all this There is a strong Presumption that this is farced with whatsoever Malice could prompt or the Wit of Men and Devils could contrive Consider the multitude in both Houses their severall Relations and Dependences some of them being of the Bed-chamber to the King It is impossible any fault could escape them their Eyes being more then those of Argus for number of Lynceus for Perspicacity nothing so quick-sighted as Malice Againe do but take a Survey of the Committee entrusted with this Affaire Lisle Martin Mildmay Challoner c. Some of them covetous and cunning such as desired to keep the waters troubled still that they might fish the better for another Master-ship of St. Crosse's or some such like Advantage Others of them broken in their Estates and crackt in their Credit could wish the whole Kingdome like themselves All of them of an Anti-monarchicall spirit whose Hearts are brim-full of Gall and venome against the Crowne and whose Tongues drop continually with the poison of Aspes against the Person of the King It was the Boast of a French Promoter That he desired no other advantage to break any mans neck then that he might be imployed in an Office of State but for a twelve moneth So hard he deemed it for such a one to execute his place free from Exception fo easie for those that stand on Battlements and Pinacles to catch a fall And if the faults of Kings as Q. Elizabeth was wont to say who was much delighted in wearing of white were like spots in such Garments easily discovered and though small in themselves borrowed greatnesse of their great Authors Iudge you how it must fare with the King when so many slie Promoters crafty Lawyers malicious Enemies doe joyntly set their wits on the Tenter-hooks to find out matter of Accusation when they go nosing and smelling after faults and have done for seven years together throughout the Spacious field of his whole Reigne nay of his private life too and pry into every nook every Corner for an Imputation whereby they may with some Colour bespatter him and lay his Honour in the dust 6. These Articles were never presented to him that he might make his defence a Priviledge never yet denied any man save by the Parliament but thrust abroad into the world for to empoison the inconsiderate part of the people an everlasting Objection against this sinister way of proceeding Many things at Court appear but on the Dark-side It were no wisdome to lay open the Arcana Imperii The designe might be good though attended with ill Successe Things are not alwaies as they appeare some are worse some are better and therefore the Iudge of all forbids us to to judge after the appearance that being no righteous Judgement How easie is it this way to blast and pervert both words and deeds of a true Saints to make any Speech Treason any Action Villany 7. Divers of their owne Members such as have gone hand in hand with them and resigned up their judgments and understandings in a willing Captivity to their Sense have fail'd them in this Transaction Many of whom with-drew during the Debate and some doe cry Shame upon 't ever since We know more then one or two who were tutoured at their first Accesse unto the House never to desert their
away if they durst Their Trades decayed threatned to be quite ruined Their late Lord Major and Aldermen some of which were their fastest friends and Zelots impeached for their lives upon no ground Their whole Common Councell menaced Divers of their Ablest Members marked out already for destruction Nay the whole City kept in continuall feares of fire or sword or other violence by them The Assembly-men and Ministry give no better accompt of their faith toward them neither How did they tickle them at the beginning of these troubles with Engagements and Covenants for a Church-Government to their content making them a glorious Clergy establishing a free and full maintenance for Preaching Ministers Yet their Persons are now more vilified then ever Their Function exposed to contempt and scorn Their maintenance abridged and that by the connivance of the Houses nay the example private encouragement if not the project of their Members We will not twit them with their deceitfull Ordinances of self-deniall which onely broke the ice to ingrossement of all Places and Offices of profit into Members hands or their Confidents to Distribution of at least 300000l of our Estates amongst themselves Of Accompts of the Kingdom by which they have encreased their expences many thousands without mention to perfect or call any man to refund Of hearing complaints against bribery and injustice of their Members whereby they may take notice of the Person that dares question any of their Houses and after they have worried him there by a fruitlesse and chargeable attendance find some advantage to break his back nor many such like Nor yet stop they there in falsifications of their owne but they compell others to break their Oaths and Promises I say nothing now of those Oaths they force upon the Consciences of such men as had rather trust God with their Soules then them with their Bodies and Estates They have compelled their owne side to break those Articles and Engagements which they had struck up witnesse the Cessations in York-shire made by the late Lord Fairfax and that in Cheshire Nay themselves entertain'd and by their Ministers perswaded some Hundreds of Men taken Prisoners at Brainceford and dismiss'd by the King upon their Oath to beare no more Armes against him within very few daies to vomit those up again as unlawfull Obligations Last of all Is it not a great part of their Quarrell against the King that they cannot enforce him to forget his Oath whereby he stands obliged to defend the Church in her Rights and Priviledges that he will not yeild up the Laws of the Land to be new-modell'd according to their Lusts and the Power to protect his Subjects which he is bound by Oath to do into their hands that they may oppress them at their pleasure how infinite is this Argument I pray God they have not halted even with him also We are strongly tempted to believe that their Fastings their Prayings their zealous and solemne Executions of Pictures and Crosses were but Pageantry to deceive the People rather then true Devotions to make an Atonement with the Almighty and perhaps we could prove it upon many But God is the only Searcher of Hearts and to him we refer them for that matter The Charge of Popery upon the King This Charge hath two Branches the One of his Inclination to Popery and favour of that Religion the Other of a Concurrence with the Papists to destroy all the Protestants in England and Ireland For the former they offer these proofs 1. His Letter to the Pope when he was in Spaine 2. The Articles of Marriage both with the Spanish and French 3. That he had an Agent in Rome 4. That by the Queen and the Earl of Ormond he offered a Toleration unto the Irish Papists though he had formerly vowed against it as also to take off the Penall Laws 5. His entertaining of a Nuncio here 6. His leaving of Blanks with Secretary Windebank a notorious favourer of Papists when he went to Scotland when he denied a Commission to the Parliament as they desired Letters of the said Secretary whereupon he durst not endure the Examination but fled The latter is confirmed many ways as 1. By a pious Designe the Queen had in hand helped forward by a Fast 2. An Information given upon Oath to the Arch-bishop 3. An Attestation of a Servant of the Queen-Mother 4. Speeches of the Rebels in Ireland 5. Vnusuall Preparations of Armes and Ammunition Mounting Guns on the Tower Nay 6. Found in Papists houses 7. Commissions given them to rise c. The King clear'd from the Aspersion of Popery Indeed it was necessary to rake together so many Circumstances whereby to pin this vizard on again which was even fallen off when the Kings owne strict and plous Life continuall defence of the true Protestant Religion against all Opposition and his highest and publick solemn Protestations even upon the receiving of the Holy Sacrament being added to divers strong Presumptions doe assoile him It is not unknown to us now that his Father of blessed Memory sending some Ministers into Spaine after him charged them to have a care of Buckingham as for his Son Charles he durst trust him for perseverance in his Religion What a sleight advantage did the King take to rid his hands of the Queen's Priests What strict Commands did he give that none should be permitted to enter into her Chappell who was not her Meniall Servant We know that nor the Queen 's owne power with him nor the Mediation of her friends about him could extend to dis-place a poore Porter at Saint James's who for keeping out a Citizen that under pretence of being her Servant would have pressed in for to go to the Chappell and for such other strict performances of His Majesties commands had much incens'd her We remember also his severe Edicts and Proclamations against those of that Religion in generall his Instructions to his Ministers for their prosecution his Banishment of Doctor Smith Bishop of Calcedon If his under Officers failed of their duties it is but justice to set the Saddle upon the right horse What Law did he ever refuse nay hath he not called on them to offer for the Education of Popish Children in the Protestant Religion for their better Conviction or further Punishment and that even at times of his dis-advantage and danger to dis-oblige any of his Subjects I have heard many of the Papists revile him under that notion that he would give them all up as a sacrifice for to compasse a peace with his Parliament though they have remained loyall to him in his extremity They themselves have published such Letters of his never intended for their view written in private to his Queen with whom if with any one alive he would be free sure in that point wherein he declares himself to be different in judgement from her What need we say more Though at the first when the war was commenc'd Master Hampden being asked
spent their Powder Poor King Charles How is he burdened and even pressed downe upon whom not his own Actions onely are charged but those of his Servants those of his Courts those of Strangers nay and those of meer fortune and Contingency If this expedition of the Spaniard were by the Kings contrivance or privity why did he sit still permitting them to be assaulted within his own Harbours why did he suffer his owne Ships to be idle Spectators of their Ruine How comes it that there never followed thereupon the least expostulation for so great a losse from the King of Spaine It is well knowne the Spaniards were wasted in Flanders the Natives began to know their owne strength and were in hand with a Machination to shake off the Spanish yoake from their necks in emulation of their Brethren of the Vnited Provinces There was but need then of a recruit which could not be compassed without sending a strong Fleet to convey men into Flanders And this was the Fleet which we quietly beheld beaten and scatterd Mean time what miserable shifts are these men at home put unto when they are glad to catch after such shadows thereby to bring an envy and hate upon their King The whole Charge of Tyrannicall Government made good upon Themselves 1. If it be exemption from Accompt which constitutes a Tyrannicall Government the two Houses cannot wash their hands of it by their owne Rules no men pretending to higher Priviledge therein no men seeking to fortifie themselves more against all possibility of being reckoned withall 2. If the Characters which Aristotle in the 4. of his Politicks chap. 10. assigneth and most other States-men unto Tyrannicall Rule be true the Parliament have out-done all Tyrants in all Ages The Badges are these First To acknowledge no Boundary of Law to their Actions besides their own will 2. To rule by violence over their Equals and Superiors 3. To regard mainly their owne private Vtility not the Publick Examine their Proceedings by these Marks and you shall find them sutable to a hairs breadth Is not much of this quarrell for the repeal of Lawes formerly established Doth not the King continually invite provoke them to this Touch-stone Nay what law that stood in their way have they not suspended or annulled Their whole Ecclesiasticall Government is besides nay against clear law Their Secular hath been altogether Arbitrary for what law warrants their Militia their dealing thus with His Majesty their Imprisonments Oppressions Extortions And what law had they for alienating the Bishops lands not only from the Bishops but from the whole Clergy for ever Lastly that I be not infinite what Law to cut off Canterbury's Head to murther Tomkins Challoner c. 2. How could they possibly maintaine their Power without an Army do they not trample and revel it over their Lords and Masters we will say nothing now of His Majesty their Soveraigne whom they insult upon Have not they set their feet upon the Nobility and Gentry of the Kingdome ruin'd and undone them whereas themselves for a great part are of the basest among the people Among whom except what they can reckon their Places at a hundred cannot make one thousand pounds by the yeare 3. What have they done for the Publick Though it be a bold I feare it is a true Challenge John Lilburne makes which I am tempted once more to observe I here challenge them to shew me one deed they have done from the beginning of their Convention for the benefit of the people We are sure they have not been wanting to themselves All Places of profit are distributed among their Members Our monies to the summe of 3 or 400000l are put up in their bags Our Persons are at their devotion Their Priviledges are what they list The truth is All the evidences of tyranny against all the Kings of England untill this present age could not amount unto so much as the two Houses have bin guilty of within these very few years Nay it was impossible for all the Kings of England ever to attaine unto it so true a Prophet was even Master Hampden who when some expressed much Impatience at the want of a Parliament wished them to pray for a good one for nothing could undoe England but a Parliament The fourth Personall Charge That he hated Parliaments That he was a Hater of Parliaments they do back with these Proofs 1. That he never called any in twelve years 2. Prohibited all speech of any 3. Dissolved them at his pleasure 4. Searched the Closets and Pockets of the Members after Dissolution 5. Imprisoned others which prov'd the occasion of their death 6. Even in Parliament charged 5 of their Members 7. Offered them violence in his owne Person attended by a Train of Papists and others 8. Endevoured to over-awe them by bringing the Northern Army to London and that when he had declared against it 9. Called a Mock-Parliament at Oxford 10. Raised War against this Parliament which never King did against any but He. 11. Vpbraided his owne at Oxford with the Name of a Mungrell-Parliament The Improbability of this Charge 1. This cannot be easily admitted for a truth That the King should hate a Parliament if you consider 1. That he was an Advocate for them in his Fathers time and by his Endevour procured many good Laws for them in his days which was confessed in the Parliament as you may find in the Journall thereof 2. That to give them satisfaction he pressed his Father against his Resolution and Reason to begin a War with the House of Austria and obtained it though King James like a Prophet told him That it was not their Hate toward the House of Austria nor their Zeale to the Protestant Cause which moved them to put him upon that suit But a designe to bring him into a Noose that being in distresse by reason of it they might desert him and then make their Markets of the Crowne And he did particularly acquaint him with the steps and Gradations which they would proceed in first question and strip him of his Tonnage and Poundage then bind his hands from making other Provision for himself afterwards bring him upon his knees to them 3. Since his Reigne never any King called more Parliaments then He for so short a space notwithstanding those twelve years Intermission 4. All the Kings of England never offered more compliance or performed more Acts of Grace then He did 5. Lastly few Kings have testified a greater desire of correspondence with or of condescention to a Parliament then His Majesty hath done by this 1. In resigning up his faithfull Servants to be disposed of according to their will even against his Conscience 2. In offering them as it were a Blanke Jan. 20. 1640. which is to be seen in their own Book of Declarations 3. In giving up so many Bishops whose Votes for the most part were at his devotion to be expelled the House of Lords 4. Lastly In
the establishment of this Parliament by a Law during their owne Arbitrement 1. The Charge from the dis-use of Parliament for twelve years Answered To the first particular I answer 1. By way of Concession that Parliaments were under long dis-use But 2. that it might be out of some fore-sight and sense of this tumultuous Spirit in its secret workings of which the King might think by abstinence and diet to correct their Luxuriancy It argues no hate to a Parliament to desire it might contain it self in the bounds of its ancient moderation and so a fair correspondence be maintained between the Crowne and the People And this Judge Hutton in his Argument could not chuse but touch upon if you please to peruse him 3. Notwithstanding this reason for it His Majesty had made an acknowledgement hereof as of an Errour engaging himself to redresse it for the future Nay 4. did apply himself to that particular way which themselves proposed a Trienniall Parliament 5. Further yet when that gave not satisfaction by a law confirmed this present Parliament to the length of their own desires 2.3 That for Breaking up of Parliaments and forbidding all Speech thereof Answered 1. Herein His Majesty did no more then all his Predecessors Look upward and you will find it practised If it were against the words of a law yet usage makes the law of the Kingdome and supersedes the Letter Suppose it an Errour why should it be a Charge upon the King and never objected unto His Father Qu. Elizabeth Qu. Mary K. Edward K. Henry 8. and so upward 2. The King did never Dissolve any but upon their own distempers and for mutinous deportment and then it was providence to cure an evill in the beginning and crush a serpent in the shell 3. This very House of Commons doth at this time entertaine within their walls one Instrument of the dissolution of the last before this I mean Sir Henry Vane whose false suggestions were the occasion of the Kings Breaking it up If you have not heard the story then take here the plain truth of it The Parliament was willing to give the King a summe in consideration of Ship-money and an offer was made so the King would relinquish his title thereunto of six Subsidies His Majesty was willing to comply and in order thereunto gave Sir Hen. Vane and others a command to signifie so much unto the House But Sir Henry contrary to the directions demands and insists on Twelve Whereupon the House is put into some distemper which Sir Henry represents unto His Majesty with the utmost Aggravation and some Addition too whereupon His Majesty Dissolves it Searching of Pockets and afterwards Imprisoning Answered To this we give this accompt 1. That it was no Breach of Priviledge when the Parliament was dissolv'd The Elements are but of ordinary use extra rationem Sacramenti by that time they were reduced to their proper sphear and why may not the King upon reasons of State send to search the Pockets and Closets of any private man when he found the correspondence between his Kingdom and himself to be shaken who could blame him to search the cause of it to the bottome that he might prevent it for the future Though the King did imprison them it was in an Honourable way he made them such an Allowance that Master Long hath professed he spent the King 1500l there after which rate perhaps it might be of a Surfet that those died who are objected 3. Themselves never made dainty of it to imprison their own Members during their Session without any cause exprest in their Warrants and without any Allowance for their subsistance What was Commissary General Coply imprison'd for these six months Some say for nothing but telling what a clock it was at a Committee Others have been for as long a time and for as little reason The Kings charging of the 5 Members answered and retorted 1. This is true indeed that the King did charge or impeach so many of the House but then 2. His Majesty had some reason sure Whosoever reads the Articles and compares the Consequences will find them high enough and be convinced of their truth 3. If you consider the Kings proceedings thereupon his Retractation of his own way and error in the processe if it justled with any unknown Priviledge his desire of their direction and when nothing else would give Content his utter with-drawing of the Charge and if you reflect withall upon what other Princes have done what the Law gives out to wit There is no Protection for Treason you cannot chuse but admire his lenity 4. This is no more then they have suffered if not encouraged the Army their own Servants to doe unto double that number of their Houses and some of the same Members that had been charged by the King and this too upon lesse ground if any at all 5. I could tell them of Doct. Parry a Member of that House in Q. Elizab. time who was not onely charged but taken thence condemned at the Kings-bench for Treason against the Queens Person drawn and hanged before Westminster-Hall-gate at the very time the Members repaired to the House I could tell them of more then this but I passe it over The Kings going to the House answered and retorted 1. Though His Majesty went unto the House there was no assault made or intended by him as far as can appear without their Comment It had been a desperate attempt with so few to set upon so many and those backt by so great a power and had seru'd themselves so far into the affections of the City If any wild expression fell from the mouth of one or two of his retinue why were they not seized on and questioned 2. This hath been so often acknowledged for an Errour by him yet still objected by them that me-thinks they might blush at this mention of it 3. What did he doe therein which themselves had not been guilty of before it and much out-done since We remember the robustious Petition of the Porters and we know at what rates some of them were hired by what devices others were cheated thereinto it being told them it was a Petition that Water-men should be prohibited to carry Burdens The Poasting of Names exposing the Members of different judgment to the fury of the madding Multitude was a kind of Force sure So were the Shoals of Citizens who came upon their Invitation and encouragement to cry for Justice If those were not we are certaine the Reformado's were for many of them smelt ill then and Horrour was seen in the faces of most which the Army taxeth some Members withall And the Petitions Remonstrances Declarations Advance of this Army with their Interposition since are a violence beyond dispute Bringing the Army to London answered and retorted 1. None of those Examinations which we have read over all of them doe hold out clearly that the King did intend to bring them up to London
in his Mouth when he was but crost or disturb'd in his sports and recreations I have heard the King of Sweden us'd to make himself merry with that Expression of King James upon an accidentall cut of his finger by his Carver 9. That the Disease was in the declination was uncertaine Sometimes one fit flatters and the next kills Physicians love to speak Placentia especially to Great Patients We have lately had an Experiment of that in the L. Fairfax who died of a Corn in his Toe and that presently after his Physician had made his Attendants and Friends secure of his recovery Nor is it sometimes amisse in reference to the Cure to feed them with hopes and to cherish their conceit which is though but of small reality yet of no small Consequence Besides at that time it was given out by them so One of the ablest told the rest and divers others That the Kings disease was mortall and would surely speed him giving this reason That he had twenty Patients that year and none of them recover'd under sixteen fits but the King had not strength enough to endure twelve Besides that was the year which preceded the great Sicknes before which usually diseases have much Malignancy and oftentimes put tricks upon the best Physicians 4. As to his Majesty that now is Those who were conversant about him both Physicians and others give this account that they are confident he knew not any of those Passages In that he brought off the Duke he might think himself bound by a three-fold Cord of Honour Justice and Friendship of Honour because that which was the ground of the Accusation was his owne service at least pretended so to be Of Justice because he had done King James no hurt did it in obedience to King James his owne command intended him all good and was prosecuted by his Adversaries upon another Score and Spite Of Friendship also it being well known how deeply the Duke had wound himself into the Kings favour I dispute not how justly the very laws of friendship call'd for relief at his hands when he saw the Duke in danger to be opprest H. Martin himselfe the most professed enemy unto the King thought so meanly of this Accusation that he onely made sport of it when in some company it was spoken of told them if it were true It was the onely good action he had ever done in his life and therefore desired he might not be alwaies twitted with that And now let all the world judge of the abominable Iniquity of these men that lay to the charge of their owne Prince things that he knew not things of that ugly Stamp that a loyall Subject dares not put them into words We may adde unto all that hath bin said in defence of his Majesty 1. The singular observance and dutifulnesse of his owne Children towards himself a comfort seldome vouchsafed but as a reward of former obedience God observes for the most part a proportion in all his Retributions and punisheth as it were in Specie according to the nature of our Offences in their own kind 2. His Majesties composednes and equality of Spirit in the midst of his dangers and afflictions When his Chamber hath been beset with Armed men I cannot learne that he lost one hours Rest for that which might have been a cause of Terrour even to a cleare Conscience Nor can I understand that he made scruple at any of those Cates which were cook'd by a Hand that had been armed and held up against him in the field Whatsoever his troubles and distresses were he was himself still Mediis tranquillus in undis But Murder especially Parricide is a Fury which keeps the Conscience in a continuall Alarme and presents unto all the Senses objects of horrour and approaching vengeance The History is known of Nero who never could endure a clap of Thunder after the murder of his own Mother but crept even under his Bed or into the closest Corner he could possibly find at the noise of it And I need not enlarge that story of a Prince who hearing Swallows singing in his Palace fancied they sung it clearly That he was his Fathers murderer and therefore caused them to be pursued and beaten downe Many more such Arguments we might insist upon if we would make use of such Topicks as passe with the House of Commons for excellent strength of reason when it may serve their Occasions I must acknowledge that I expected with this His Majesty should have been charged with the Death of his elder Brother Prince Henry also for I know That had a place in the first rude draught of the Catalogue of his Crimes which was compos'd in the Army But the House remembred his Majesty was but twelve years of Age and so that was expung'd A Collection of the Crimination they make against His Majesty from the time of His comming to the Crown untill the present Rupture Those Aspersions which they cast upon the King from his entrance upon the Crown untill this Breach between Him and them are reducible to 3 Heads The first to such as more immediately relate unto his own Person The second to such as were done by his Ministers and did originally flow from them as the Lords of the Privy Councell his Councell at Law and his Servants The third to such as were done by his Courts of Justice either Civill or Ecclesiasticall Under the first of these we may marshall 1. Perjury and Breach of Trust 2. Popery and a Conspiracy with Papists to massacre all the Protestants in England and Ireland 3. Tyranny 4. Hate of Parliaments Their Charge of Perjury and Breach of Trust This deserves the first place as the greatest Crime in a Prince if true and the fowlest Calumny if false which they tax His Majesty withall in these generall words page 11. He hath broken his Coronation-Oath severall Vows Protestations and Imprecations through His whole Reign and so oft renued before God and the world a little after They accuse him of a continued Track of Breach of trust since he wore the Crown That Charge answered and retorted 1. These are but barely asserted and I appeal to their own Breasts whether it be fit to take their word in this Case I am confident I may to the Kingdome 2. This is onely a Generall Accusation no particular Instance given Indeed afterwards there is an Imputation of Breach of Articles with the Scots denying of any Commission to have been granted to Cockram which they took with other Papers and some such things there are which amount to no more then Tergiversation if all were true as they relate and shall have a full Satisfaction in their proper places If they had held forth any proof of any particular we should have joyn'd Issue and made no question to vindicate His Majesty They may remember Generalities afford a shrewd suspition of jugling fraudulence and we have some aime at their Intents by their audacious
Imputations to make something stick upon His Majesty whether true or false 3. With what Confidence can they accuse his Majesty if he had been guilty of that wherein they themselves lie so grosly open to Exception Quis tulerit Gracchos c. Their whole Practise hath been Prevarication Breach of Oath and Trust both with God and Man Have but a little patience to eye their deportment towards all men they have had to deal with In relation to the King Have they not broke the Oath of Allegiance wherein they have sworne to beare faith and true Allegiance to His Majesties person and to defend the same against all Conspiracies c Have they not broke the Oath too of Supremacy wherein they have professed testified and declared him the onely supream Head and Governour over all Persons in all Causes within these His Dominions both which Oaths they must and doe take before they can legally sit and Vote in that House Have they kept the Protestation better which provided for the Kings honour Power and Safety before their Priviledges And have they kept their owne solemne Covenant either in this or any Branch thereof Nay hath it not been resembled to an Almanack out of date by one of their own Members Martin in his Answer to the Scots Declaration and that without a check How have they deceived and abused this poor Nation in reference to the King when they conjur'd us up to rescue the Kings Person among other things out of the hands of his Evill Counsellours and to fetch him home gloriously to his Greatest and most faithfull Counsell Themselves How well have they answer'd that very great Trust the King reposed in them when to please them if possible he tied up his owne hands from the dissolving this Session of Parliament without their Consent the greatest Breach of Trust that ever the King made if we may believe John Lilburne How have they acquitted their Engagements to the Scots as touching the King Nay have they not disclaimed their owne Declarations as Obligatory and told the Scots since That they were framed published and made use of as Affaires then stood and that they may alter them now and in another place that they are alterable at pieasure although they were Promissory and that upon the most sacred Invocation possible as you may see in the Scots Papers We professe in the sight of Almighty God which is the strongest obligation that any Christian and the most solemne Publick Faith that any State can give Husbands Book of Decl. p. 587. 663. the like That no trouble nor successe should change their resolutions ib. And how they have made good these following Expressions of the Army for now I must charge the Parliament with the Doublings of the Army who rule the roast there Whereas there is a scandalous Information presented to the Houses importing as if His Majesty were kept a Prisoner amongst us and barbarously and uncivilly used We cannot but declare that the same and all other Suggestions of that nature are most false scandalous and absolutely contrary not onely to our declared desires but also to our Principles c. and a while after We clearly professe we doe not see how there can be any Peace to the Kingdome firme and lasting without a due consideration of and provision for the Rights Quiet and Immunity of His Majesty His Royall Family c. Remonst from Ex. and A. Jun. 23. 1647. in another place That untill the settlement His Majesty may find all personall Civility and Respects with all reasonable Freedome in the Letter from Sir Tho Fairfax besides many more which applied to their present practice doe lowdly proclaime their odious Prevarication toward His Majesty In relation to the Kingdome How strangely have they falne short of their Trust Can their Consciences flatter them that they were entrusted by us with the least thought that they should enthrone themselves during life in those Chairs and entaile their Places on their Posterity yet many of them being put to it have intimated thus much nay in the House it hath often dropt from them That it was dangerous to pitch upon a time of Dissolution though within these ten or twenty yeares Some of them have been so ingenuous as to say If they give way Another Parliament must be call ' within these three years and the Kingdome is so totally corrupted that it is Ten to one but That would attaint the Members of This. Many of them who are Fathers have by their Power and Interest already brought in not onely their eldest Children some in their Nonage and Children indeed but two or three as the Lord Say who hath three of his owne Sons in the House of Commons They were entrusted by the people I trow to ease them of their Grievances establish the liberty of their Persons settle the propriety in their Estates yet let me bespeak them in the words of one that hath lost his bloud in their service Mr. Lilburne by name I challenge them to shew one Act they have done for the benefit of the people We feel their little finger heavier then the Loynes of the King with all his Predecessours They have brought us from the Government of one King who was bound up by law to the Tyranny of 5 or 600 of themselves nay every petty Committe-man every insolent Officer whose Will and Lust is their Law so into an Aegyptian Vassalage a condition worse then that of the Peasants of France of the Boores in Flanders of the Slaves in Turkie to use a mans word of their owne side What can we call our owne if one of the Grandees or his Friends mouth waters after it If they Vote to pocket up our Estates to take away our Wives our liberties our very lives who can stand before their Omnipotency Let their Officers and Army's be heard what measure hath bin meted out to them They were promised Golden Mountains The Parliament would stand and fall live and die with them Yet when the first Army had set them up and broke the ice for them how dis-honourably was the Lord Generall how unthankfully were the rest laid aside even without their wages which they could never obtaine to this day This last Army had the same doome but they tooke better Courage and knew their owne strength The Scots however stroakt with the name of Brethren to this day were serv'd with the self-same sauce and put to retreat faster then was for their Ease from Newarke toward their own Confines with a great Body of Horse at their heels The City unto whose bloud and treasure they owe their beeing and whatever they have rings again of their breach of Trust and faith with them Instead of Signall marks of the Enlargement of their Priviledges Recompences for all their offices of love Their Works are demolished The Tower is wrested from their hands Themselves besieged in a manner A Garrison threatned to be put upon them their armes to be taken
and the Tower Answered Vnusuall Provision of Ammunition fire-workes c. about the Tower and White-Hall mounting Ordinance upon the White-Tower c. was made indeed but only in Order to security at that seditious and tumultuous time Would these good men think it a just Challenge against them Now that they have mann'd White-Hall with ten times the number and the Mewes to boote Now that they have raised Batteries in the Tower mounted Canon cleansed the ditches brought in a Garrison of strangers and laid aside or over-sized the ordinary Guard That therefore they intend to destroy the Presbyterians or the rest of the Kingdome 6. That of Commissions to Papists Answered Commissions were indeed given to the Papists but since the war was begun and I would faine learne what Priviledge the Papists have from being imployed in defence of their King and whether it had been wisdome in us to hazard our selves and that the Protestants should spend their Mettle one upon another while they sate still and looked on Yet I cannot compute upon the most severe survey that the hundredth Commission was issued unto Papists What danger could there be in that disproportion 7. The Charge against His Majesty of Tyranny The third Charge against His Person is of Tyranny and an Endeavour to enslave us which is proved 1. By His Principles in regard he holds forth to us in his Declarations That he is liable to Account for nothing he doth to any man and that nor one nor both Houses of Parliament can make or declare a Law 2. By his Practises as 1. In attempting to enslave us by the German-Horse 2. By the Spanish fleet That Charge Answered To the first The Principle which the King holds out was ever taken for Truth heretofore 1. All his Predecessors in this all Soveraigne Princes in other States have made claime hereto and for ought I have heard were never questioned before for it To passe by King James and all others which might admit exception Hear what Queen Elizabeth saith Although Kings and Princes Soveraigne owing their Homage and service only unto Almighty God the King of all Kings and in that respect not bound to yeild account or render a reason of their Actions to any other but God their Soveraigne yet though among the most ancient and Christian Monarchs the same Lord God hath committed unto us the Soveraignty of this Kingdome of England and other Dominions which we hold immediately of the same Almighty God and so thereby accompt only to his Divine Majesty We are notwithstanding this our Prerogative moved to declare c. In a Declaration of the causes moving her to give assistance to the Netherlands printed by her own Printer 1585. 2. The Lawyers of the Kingdome have constantly taught us the same who call the King Caput Principium Parliamenti Pater Patriae the Head and beginning of his Parliament the father of his Country who also tell us expressely Omnis sub Rege Ipse sub nullo nisi Deo Non est inferior sibi subjectis and Rex non habet superiorem nisi Deum satis habet ad panam quòd Deum expectat ultorem The King hath no Peere in this Land and he cannot be judged The Regality of the Crown of England is immediately subject to God and to none other 3. This very Parliament hath made a tacite acknowledgment hereof as well as all others by taking the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance by making their Addresses to the King under the notion of his leige men and most humble subjects and by their very Petitions 4. It hath been the practise of all Ages and was of this present Parliament to decline the King even in those things which had been acted by his Commands and to fall upon the Ministers according to the sense of that Law Maxime The King can do no wrong It were strange now that the Children might call the Father to an account The Hee le lift it self against or the Members question the Head The Subject over-top the Soveraigne The Fable hath a good Morall and I doubt is verified in our times The Taile of the Dragon once made that pretence of Governing against the Head but having obtained the liberty to Lead after a great deale of toyle led all the Body into a ditch But this being granted and proved how will the consequence ensue It is not the exemption from Accompt which makes a Tyrant but owning no Law making his Will and Pleasure to be the standard of all his Actions There is no State wherein there is not an ultimate Judicature which is not to be Accomptable By this rule all Government should be Tyrannous 2. That both Houses can make no Law they themselves confesse I am sure the Lord Cooke in his fourth booke Printed by their own speciall Command doth often That they can declare a Law is against reason If the King be necessary to the making doubtlesse he is also to concur in the Interpretation otherwise to what purpose doth his Councell serve But to arrogate a Power to declare a Law contrary to the evident sense or interpretation received ever since it was made even though a hundred or a thousand years is a monstrous usurpation and the greatest evidence of a Tyrannicall spirit that is possible If they have a power to interpret only according to the evidence of the letter or former acceptation where then is the Priviledge and what need there be a quarrell That of the German Horse Answered 1. The Horse out of Germany was but in Proposall never resolved on much lesse put in execution Now an Embrio is no perfect man nor a Designe to be esteemed a Fact much lesse is a bare Proposall 2. It appears to be rather the Duke's doing who at that time took upon him the managery of most affaires in this Kingdome And why should they make the King black with the Dukes faults if that were one But 3. the true designe of those Horse was onely to discipline our English and make them more expert for forraigne Imployments as it may be remembred we had divers old Foot-soldiers and Officers out of Holland for a while to that purpose and how unskilfull our Nation was therein as also of what Consequence it was Our Army in the Isle of Ree was a fatall evidence and since that their owne Armies have felt at Worcester Edge-hill and other Fights untill by frequent Experience and the great pains of some Dutch and Scotch Officers they were made formidable 4. The Instruments whose Counsels were used in this great pretended Crime who made the first offer to raise and conduct those Horse have been harbour'd in the bosome of the Houses and imployed in Places of signall trust as Sir William Balfours Dalbiere c. That of the Spanish Fleet Answered Rather then they will want a Charge the Spanish fleet shall furnish them with one though brought into our Havens by meer necessity being pursued by the Hollanders and having
Subject or be appropriated to one man or more as Charters Priviledges to Cities to Townes Corporate to Corporations Companies of Trade Custome-house-officers the Registers-office in Chancery now enjoyed by Mr. Miles Corbet and Goodwin two Members the Clerks of the Parliament and many such like which were unquestionably used to be granted by the Kings of this Land in order to the governing and well-being thereof But those onely which are notoriously evil before or discovered to be so after and are not for the manner of granting them but for the matter accounted invalid And therefore many great things of high Concernment to the Common-wealth have justly merited and to this day do enjoy the warrant of Law and Authority which were never confirmed by Act of Parliament whilst others of lesse moment have troubled all the three Estates for an Act of Parliamnet as Hunting the Hare Paving of certaine Streets in London c. Now we Answer 1. That these were suggested by Citizens or men skilfull in those wayes and Advantages which might accrew to the respective Trades or Manufactures and so redound to the benefit of the Kingdome 2. That His Majesty did alwayes make reference of these to his Counsell and to others learned in the Law as his Attorney Sollicitor general and Masters of Requests as divers yet alive can testifie and Judge Jenkins hath testified to the view of all the world that they might examine the justice of them and their proportion to the established Laws and that His Majesty hath often given strict charge of great Caution even unto them in their determinations by which meanes multitudes of Monopolies which were by Citizens and others daily represented and pressed on were rejected and the Authors received a Check 3. That even those Grants wherein there was no discoverable Inconvenience but much benefit pretended to the Kingdome were for the most part made but Probationers by him whereas either in the Patent it self there was limitation expressed and a Proviso for their revocation if they appeared contrary to Law or of damage to the Kingdome or there was a Bond entred into by the Parties entrusted unto that purpose 4. That upon any complaint made against them he caused it to be heard sometimes did it Personally at the Councell-Table where the Lord Keeper and the rest of the Judges of his Privy Councell assisted him and about the beginning of the year 1640. when he found the Complaints to multiply against them instead of hearing the Patentees he disanulled their Patents by Proclamation 5. That divers of them are continued untill this day as the Post-office upon Mr. Prideaux of the House The Lord of Warwick The Merchant Adventurers The Greenland trade and many more 6. That this was done in all Kings Reignes and Errours of this nature have been committed from Ed. 4 Hen. 6. to Queen Elizabeths time when they multiplied to a great excesse and King James and they may be pardoned a Prince as well as the Inconveniencies of sundry Acts of Parliament which have been afterward found a Grievance and so repealed the three Estates 7. That many of those who either sit in the Houses or are in great Offices of trust about them and are their Favourites were the Contrivers and Instruments hereof yet were never under question as Sir John Evelin who had the first Monopoly of Powder Sir H. Vane sen who wip'd him of it and settled it upon his own servant when it was the greatest grievance Sir John Trevor who perswaded the King to the Imposition upon Coales Mr. Saint Johns and Cromwell who represented and drove on the Draining of the Fennes the Earle of Holland Mildmay Alderman Woollaston who managed the Monopoly of Gold-and-Silver thread Smith once Secretary to the Earle of Northumberland now in a great Office I must omit Mr. Whitaker Alderman Gibbs Mr. Ralph Farmer Sollicitour for Sequestrations in London Mr. Reading the Lord Majors Passe-maker Mr. Jackson Solliciter for Sequestrations in Westminster and multitudes of others to whom they have offered signall favours since that time never questioning any of them for their Patents or Monopolies Ship-money Answered 1. This was first suggested by Mr. Noy for Law who had few equals in the knowledge thereof 2. Examined and approved by the Lord Keeper Coventry a man of great learning 3. Subscribed by all the Judges of England 4. When it was questioned by Mr. Hamden a free debate was allowed before all the Judges who give Judgement upon Oath and the Businesse disputed Seriatim for many dayes together and at last determined for the King In which debate by the way His Majesty suffered the great Arcanum of Government His High-Prerogative to be banded by their Lawyers at a Bar which these men would never permit to be done by their Priviledges though they do Petition for them in the beginning of every Parliament What fairer course could have been taken What better confirmation could the best Right any man hath to his land of Inheritance have then this 5. If themselves had not been convinced of the justice of the sentence why did they once offer six Subsidies to purchase the abolishment of it Why did they not punish those Judges which we find they have been ready to advance as particularly Trevor who hath nor Law nor Learning whom they have sent at this time upon the Circuit Judge Bramstone whom they proposed unto His Majesty for Chiefe Justice nay and Bankes who was a great Instrument therein yet one they pitched upon for a place of Eminent employment in their first Propositions c. 6. Lastly the King condescended to abolish this Ship-money by an Act of Parliament and why should this be conjur'd up against him This Charge of Oppression upon our Estates by His Ministers and Officers retorted If these were Oppressions O what have we suffered since by those who would make us beleeve they are our Saviours I dare confidently aver and can fully prove it That neither Daneguelt Taxes Loanes Privy-Seals Ship-money c. Nor all the Impositions and grievous Burdens laid upon the Subjects by all the Kings since the Conquest and equalize that Masse of Treasure which themselves have either in their own persons and to their use or by their Instruments under pretence of the publike service squeez'd out of the Subjects of this Kingdome within these five or six years and that for to make good their bound lesse Priviledges to establish them eternally in their Tyrannous usurpation and to make our selves with our Posterity vassals for ever unto their vaine and shuttle Humours In particular to take the blame upon our selves of what we willingly parted withall and what by their Cheates were smoothly invited out of our Purses Have they not constrained us under the notion of Loanes and voluntary Contributions to give the twentieth and fift parts of our Estates unto them at other times 60000. l. 100000. l. 50. Subsidies c. which we should much rather have kept but that the rest
ambition might have tempted them to demand without any provision for His owne Honour or His owne and his peoples safety For every man can tell himself this plain truth That who so wears the Sword by right Investiture needs no other Law or Logick and as the Wiseman answered Craesus He that brings the better Steel will quickly be Master of the Gold and Silver 5. The Treaty was not promised to be Personall but by Commissioners and that at the Isle of Wight who should have been coopt up within such Rules and Instructions that they should not dare transgresse in a word or tittle without recourse to their Masters at Westminster and His Majesty treated withall as in a Prison which must have invalidated the Conclusions between them and given his Posterity an advantage which the King himself was not willing to that he might establish the peace of the Kingdome upon the surer Basis and foundation 6. The Persons most likely to have been designed for this Imployment were engaged perhaps to represent the worst sense of the Transactions to make it their chief work to incense the Parliament and to infuse into them a new Quarrell against the King as those did who being to account for the Passages at the delivery of the Propositions at Hampton-Court the King having importuned them to intercede for a Personall Treaty and in his earnestnesse letting fall this Expression If I may obtain that with my Parliament all the Devils in Hell shal not hinder a good Agreement did thus mis-report his words If I cannot obtain a Personall Treaty with my Parliament all the Devils in Hell shall not defeat me of my Resolutions I forbear to tell how the Passages were clipt and the worst part only related in the House of Commons by the major part of those to whom that charge was given from the Isle of Wight The Charge in reference to the Scots Their Charge against the King in reference to the Scots is the first of those that relate to foraine Estates and this is it 1. That there was a new book of Common-Prayer and Canons imposed on them 2. An Army was raised to force them to receive these Innovations 3. The Articles of Pacification were broken and burnt by the hand of the Hang-man 4. A new War was leavied c. The Answer to that Our Answer is 1. This was ever before the Impeachment of Strafford and Canterbury and others esteemed the Action of Evill Counsellours about His Majesty 2. If it were a crime those men have expiated it by their death it being a great part of that burden that sunk them even to the Block 3. The Scots themselves are satisfied and why we in England should be so officious as to take up their Quarrell when they sit down themselves I know not 4. These Passages are buried by an Act of Oblivion which although these men break thus for their own ends we shall better observe And though the King might be acquitted from what they tax him with herein yet we had rather suffer those sparks to die of themselves then kindle the flame a-new or blow abroad the ashes The Charge concerning Ireland In their Charge concerning Ireland we find they are Industrious omitting nothing that can be imagined whereby to fasten on His Majesty an Allowance at least if not a positive command of the Rebellion there and because they set so much of their Rest upon that you shall have most of it and in their own words It is well known 1. what Letters the King sent into Ireland by the Lord Dillon immediately before the Rebellion 2. Where the Great Seal of Scotland was and in whose hands when that Commission was sealed at Edenburgh to the Irish Rebels who dispersed Copies thereof with Letters and Proclamations And we have a Copy thereof attested by Oath with Depositions of those who have seen it under the Seal 3. Which was promised by the confession of some of the chiefest of the Rebels to the Irish Committee at London being most part Papists which was thought a good Omen and since most active Rebels 4. Vpon whose private mediation the King gave away more then 5 Counties saying he expected they should recompence him This answered To wipe off this Calumny 1. It is clear by their own Testimonies and by the confession of divers among the Rebels That this Rebellion hath been upon the Anvill these many years some of their Priests acknowledging themselves had travailed therein above seven years others six c. which you may learn from Sir Jo. Temple in his discourse of the Irish Rebellion p. 67. which Book I shall often and the more chearfully urge because he was a Privy-Counsellour in Ireland present there at the time of the Insurrection and long after a person dis-obliged by the King a Parliament-man here and one that hath given up his name to their Faction that run most at randome Now how can this be admitted by any prudent man that the King should be so infatuated as to conjure up such Devils to disturbe his Kingdome when it was in peace to destroy his Subjects who had no thought of Dis-loyalty toward him of whom those that are yet left for the greatest part continue firm still to ruinate the wealth of that people which afforded him a considerable Revenue which also was to be improved 2. The same Author is confident that though their Intentions in Ireland might be to set up the Popish Government yet their prime Aime in this Rebellion was to shake off the English yoake to settle the power wholly in the hands of the Natives the other they made use of only to draw in poor ignorant people to sacrifice their lives for them p. 83. 66. And he gives one reason for their Encouragement hereunto That the Scots had by their Armes and wise management drawn His Majesty to condescend unto their entire satisfaction both in Discipline of the Church and the Liberties of the Kingdome And these things are attested on Oath by divers As in the Examination of one Cooke who deposed that Tirlogh Brady should say All the Irish were risen against the King and the Counsell That the Irish would within a fortnight have a King of their own the Examination of Alice Tibbs p. 50. The same deposed by Avis Bradshaw that they had a new King by R. Bartar p. 51. Of the like nature were many other Examinations taken That they had the Scots for a president They would have the Kingdome in their own hands Laws of their own Deputy of their own without molestation from another Nation this was sworn by J. Bigar that he heard one Eustace a Commander professe p. 19. with many other of like importment in a Book called a Remonstrance of Passages in Ireland presented to the Commons of England and recommended by the Justices and Councell of that Kingdome Now they that can think the King should concur in a design to devest himself of one of his own
King Parliament c. And we have read of an old Stratagem of Hannibal to plunder and ravage all other mens Lands and Estates except those of Fabius whom he most hated that he might by that meanes nurse up a Jealousie in the people against him 5. The suspence of the Proclamations Answered That it was long ere the Proclamations were issued and but 40 neither against them 1. 'T was the advice of His Councell there who knew the state of that Kingdome better then our Parliament and who hoped as Sir Jo. Temple intimates that they might have been reclaimed by gentle means whilst rough and hard usage might have made them desperately persist in and grow to a greater head of violence 2. Besides that They thought it wisdome to doe more themselves by giving Armes even to the Papists of the pale by dissembling their knowledge that they had been of the Conspiracy from the beginning by forbearing Acts of Hostility even against professed Rebels in their Country by kind Invitations of them when they had actually imbrued their hands in the Massacre 6. The Earle of Leicester's Delay Answered 1. The Delay of the E. of Leicester was not His Majesties fault but the Parliaments for when His Majesty had given him Commission and Instructions which the Houses called for examined and could not quarrell at yet was his Lordship kept here six weeks after without any dispatch or supply answerable to that imployment Afterwards going from hence to Chester upon promise that necessary supply should be speeded after him he staid there five or six weeks without any In which time this unhappy war brake out and occasioned the King to send for him for some time 2. It would have been disadvantagious to the Conquest while his single Person not attended with a power answerable would have rendered the Condition of this Kingdome despicable and have encouraged the Rebels to more impetuous Resistence whereas being in suspence and expectation of a greater supply against them then he could have brought they went on with more Caution and a slower pace 3. At least it could be no more dammage to the service then it was to supersede his son the Lord Lisle from execution of his Commission and voyage thither untill the time of it was neer expir'd as themselves did 7. Divers officers going over by the Kings Passe Answered That divers Officers and Papists of quality went over into Ireland by help of the Kings owne hand-writing who there proved active Rebels 1. Hath been often answered by the King 2. Might be done to a good purpose many of them being publike Persons and making great protestations of Loyalty might have done good service in moderating the rest The Lords of the Councell gave to Papists not onely Commissions but Armes as you may read in Sir John Temple that so they might engage them 3. Might be done by misprision or be counterfeited I have been credibly informed that more then 40 Priests and desperate Rebels went over in one Regiment of their own sending from Chester and I am deceived if some Booke printed by Licence from themselves doe not declare as much Nay we know at this very present that Colonell J. Barry besides others a notable Adjutant and Papist is lately allowed by a Passe from their Generall to goe over into Ireland These times have taught us that any Hand or Passe may be so handsomely dissembled that it will prove a hard taske to discover the Cheat. 8. The Kings refusing to give Commissions to the Lorn Wharton and Brookes Answered That the King refused to give Commissions to the Lord Wharton and Brookes as also that he intercepted Cloathes and Ammunition sent thitherward may have good satisfaction As 1. The War was on foot here Those two Lords were his avowed Enemies and of the Junto against him There were divers Regiments raised under that pretence which were intended imployed against him He had been really as weake as once they would have made us believe he was if he had cut his own throat with his own hands enabled his Enemies to ruine him under what pretence soever 2. It was neatly contrived to assigne Cloaths and Ammunition for Ireland if they were surpriz'd but to imploy them against him if they could arive in safety to their strengths Lastly there was order given to release them by His Majesty 9. Letters to Muskery Answered 1. The Letters from Court to Muskery were from Taaff and they might be without Commission 2. If they were allowed was it not good Policy to court them into divisions or rather back againe into their Duties The Earle of Ormond a thing notoriously knowne by that meanes blew Coales between the Rebels when they had encircled and distressed Dublin wherein he prevailed more by putting on the Fox's skin then he could have done by that of the Lyon and preserved the English interest in all that Province which of necessity must otherwise have been lost 10. The With-drawing of the Ships Answered The King did indeed with-draw some Ships from those Coasts but 1. It was for his owne necessary defence against them when they had seiz'd upon the rest of his Navy 2. The Posts assign'd to the Ships were not so obnoxious for importation from Spaine and other forraine places 3. It was not so great an advantage to the Rebels as their with-drawing contrary to Articles the Ships appointed to prevent the landing of Irish in Scotland which they make a shift to answer their Brethren 4. Besides we see they can receive Ammunition and other supplies even now too 11. The Commission to Glamorgan Answered The greatest Objction of a Commission to the Earle of Glamorgan and Antrim to raise Armies for the service of the King To which we Answer 1. That it is not well cleared the King did give any such Commission 2. That if he did it was but the imploying of his owne Subjects in his service to which they were obliged by their Allegiance and he was bound by the very law of Nature to make use of 3. It was upon a desperate pinch that he was put unto by the two Houses Men will catch at the very Nailes of a Planke to save themselves from being ingulph'd in the Waves hold even by Thornes to keepe above water He were a weake man sure that would make conscience of quenching a great fire in his Roofe by the hands of Thieves or Murderers 4. We have often heard and many too of these great Accusers professe as much that they would cast themselves upon any Nation I have heard Colonell Morley and others should say upon the Turke rather then let the King subdue them And yet their Case was different The whole Charge retorted Let 's now see whether all this may not be retorted upon the House of Commons and their Confidents Whosoever will seriously consider 1. The quarrell which the Irish made namely their Liberty and Religion and Redresse of Grievances the very same which our Parliament