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A26065 Evangelium armatum, A specimen, or short collection of several doctrines and positions destructive to our government, both civil and ecclesiastical preached and vented by the known leaders and abetters of the pretended reformation such as Mr. Calamy, Mr. Jenkins, Mr. Case, Mr. Baxter, Mr. Caryll, Mr. Marshall, and others, &c. Assheton, William, 1641-1711.; Calamy, Edmund, 1600-1666.; Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. 1663 (1663) Wing A4033; ESTC R4907 49,298 71

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Prince the hurt will be their own and they punish themselves but if it be necessarily to their well-fare it is no injury to him But a King that by war will seek reparations from the body of the People doth put himself into an hostile State and tells them actually that he looks to his own good more than theirs and bids them take him for their Enemy and so defend themselves if they can Pag. 424. XVII Though a Nation wrong their King and so quoad Meritum causa they are on the worser side yet may he not lawfully war against the publick good on that account nor any help him in such a war because propter finem he hath the worser cause Thes. 352. And yet as he tells us pag. 476. we were to believe the Parlaments Declarations and professions which they made that the war which they raised was not against the King either in respect of his Authority or of his Person but onely against the Delinquent Subjects and yet they actually fought against the King in person and we are to believe saith Mr. Baxter pag. 422. that men would kill them whom they fight against Mr. Baxter's Doctrine concerning the Government of England in particular HE denies the government of England to be Monarchical in these words I. The real Soveraignty here amongst was us in King Lords and Commons Pag. 72. II. As to them that argue from the Oath of Supremacy and the title given the King I refer them saith Mr. Baxter to Mr. Lawson's answer to Hobb's Politicks where he sheweth that the Title is often given to the single Person for the honour of the Common-wealth and his encouragement because he hath an eminent interest but will not prove the whole Soveraignty to be in him and the Oath excludeth all others from without not those whose interest is implied as conjunct with his The eminent dignity and interest of the King above others allowed the name of a Monarchy or Kingdom to the Common-wealth though indeed the Soveraignty was mix'd in the hands of the Lords and Commons Pag. 88. III. He calls it a false supposition 1. That the Soveraign power was onely in the King and so that it was an absolute Monarchy 2. That the Parlament had but onely the proposing of Laws and that they were Enacted onely by the Kings Authority upon their request 3. That the power of Arms and of War and Peace was in the King alone And therefore saith he those that argue from these false suppositions conclude that the Parlament being Subjects may not take up Arms without him and that it is Rebellion to resist him and most of this they gather from the Oath of Supremacy and from the Parlaments calling of themselves his Subjects but their grounds saith he are sandy and their superstructure false Pag. 459 460. And therefore Mr. Baxter tells u●… that though the Parlament are Subjects in one capacity yet have they their part in the Soveraignty also in their higher capacity Ibid. And upon this fa●…se and trayterous supposition he endeavours to justisie the late Rebellion and his own more than ordinary activeness in it For IV. Where the Soveraignty saith he is distributed into several hands as the Kings and Parlaments and the King invades the others part they may lawfully defend their own by war and the Subject lawfully assist them yea though the power of the Militia be expresly given to the King unless it be also exprest that it shall not be in the other Thes. 363. The conclusion saith he needs no proof because Soveraignty as such hath the power of Arms and of the Laws themselves The Law that saith the King shall have the Militia supposeth it to be against Enemies and not against the Common-wealth nor them that have part of the Soveraignty with him To resist him here is not to resist power but usurpation and private will in such a case the Parlament is no more to be resisted than he Ibid. V. If the King raise War against such a Parlament upon their Declaration of the dangers of the Common-wealth the people are to take it as raised against the Common-wealth Thes. 358. And in that case saith he the King may not only be resisted but ceaseth to be a King and entreth into a state of War with the people Thes. 368. VI. Again if a Prince that hath not the whole Soveraignty be conquered by a Senate that hath the other part and that in a just defensive War that Senate cannot assume the whole Soveraignty but supposeth that government in specie to remain and therefore another King must be chosen if the former be incapable Thes. 374. as he tells us he is by ceasing to be King in the immediately precedent Thes. VII And yet in the Preface to this Book he tells us that the King withdrawing so he call the murdering of one King and the casting off of another the Lords and Commons ruled alone was not this to change the species of the Government Which in the immediate words before he had affirmed to be in King Lords and Commons which constitution saith he we were sworn and sworn and sworn again to be faithful to and to defend And yet speaking of that Parlament which contrary to their Oaths changed this Government by ruling alone and taking upon them the Supremacy he tells us that they were the best Governours in all the world and such as it is forbidden to Subjects to depose upon pain of damnation VVhat then was he that deposed them one would think Mr. Baxter should have called him a Traytor but he calls h●…m in the same Preface the Lord Prorector adding That he did prudently piously faithfully and to his immortal honour exercise the Government which he left to his Son to whom as Mr. Baxter saith pag. 481. he is bound to submit as set over us by God and to obey for conscience sake and to behave himself as a Loyal Subject towards him because as he saith in the same place a sull and free Parlament had owned him thereby implying That a maimed and manacled House of Commons without King and Lords and notwithstanding the violent expulsion of the secluded Members were a full and free Parlament and consequently that if such a Parlament should have taken Arms against the King he must have sided with them Yea though they had been never so much in fault and though they had been the beginners of the VVar for he tells us in plain and express terms VIII That if he had known the Parlament had been the beginners of the War and in most fault yet the ruine of the Trustees and Representatives and so of all the security of the Nation being a punishment greater than any faults of theirs against the King could deserve from him their faults could not disoblige him meaning himself from defending the Common-wealth Pag. 480. And that he might do this lawfully and with a good Conscience he seems to be so
while been preserved by what hath been done Little cause have we to be discouraged for those we have to deal with their spirits are base and vile why should we fear those uncircumcised Philistines If you say Well but were it not better we bent all our forces to some Accommodation To that we answer you thus You have to deal not onely with his Majesty but with a Popish party that are about him and what security you can ever have of your peace as was worthily said before except the Scotish Nation comes in for to fasten it it is easie for any one to judge I will tell you but one story about that and because it is suitable unto you I will therefore relate it here It is a Story that I find in the Chronicles that in the days of King Edward the sixt King Edward sends to this City for assistance against the Lords and the Lords send to the City for their assistance likewise and the Common-Councel was called I suppose in this place and there stands up as the story saith a wise discreet Citizen in the Common-Councel and makes this speech unto them First he acknowledges that the cause was right for the Lords for the Kingdom though it were against the will of the King because the King would not then put in execution those Laws that should be but hindered them but yet saith he let me remind you of that that I have read in Fabians Chronicle it was one George Stadley that stood up let me remind you of that when there was a fight between the Lords and the King the Lords send for assistance to the City the City granted their assistance the Lords prevailed the King was taken and his Son a Prisoner afterwards they were both released upon Composition and amongst other things this was one that howsoever the City should be preserved that the City should suffer nothing for what they had done and this Composition was confirmed by Act of Parlament but saith this Citizen what came of it did the King forgive No nor forget for afterwards all our Liberties were taken away strangers were set over us for our Heads and Governours the bodies and the estates of the Citizens were given away and one misery followed after another and so we were most miserably persecuted and here was their Accommodation Have not many of you spent your blood in this Cause yea how many young ones in this City have lost their blood Me-thinks a spirit of indignation should rise in you to vindicate the loss of the blood of your Servants and Children many precious ones that might have lived many years to have done good service for the Lord. Know there shall come a day wherein you shall be calling and crying to God for mercy the success of this evenings work will be recorded against that day when you shall cry for mercy Out of Mr. Obadiah Sedgewick his speech in Guild-hall on Friday the sixt of October 1643. I Know many Objections might be made You have done much already and the sum is great I say no more There is nothing great to a mind that is great and the Cause is great and though the sum of money be great yet their love is greater than all you can lay out to answer their love And say not grumbling we have done often and often I say to you as Christ said to him that asked him How often must I forgive my brother Why seventy times seven times So will I say for this publique Cause you must do and you must do and yet you must do and yet you must do as long as there is a penny in thy purse as long as there is strength in thy hand as long as there is breath in thy body you must be all Servants to Christ and Servants to the Churches of Jesus Christ. The Independents Conclusions from the Presbyterian Principles Mr. John Dury's Considerations concerning the present Engagement with Mr. Caryl's Imprimatur An. Dom. 1649. THe Oath of Allegiance as you know did bind all men as Subjects in Law to be true and faithful to the Kings Person to his Heirs and Successors as they were invested with the authority which the Law did give them nor was it ever meant by the Parlament which Enacted the Oath of Allegiance that any should be absolutely bound to the King and his Heirs as they were men to be true and faithful to their Personal Wills but onely to them and their Wills as they had a Legal standing that is to the Authority conferred upon them by the consent of the People which was testified in and under a Law whereunto the King and his Heirs were bound for the Kingdoms good by Oath So that the Obligations of King and Subjects are mutual and must needs stand and fall together according as the condition by which they are begotten is kept or broken which is nothing else but the Law according to which he and his Subjects agree that he shall be their King and they shall be his Subjects For as you were sworn to the King so he was sworn to you as you were bound to be faithful to him so he was bound to be faithful to his trust nor is he your Liege further than he is faithful thereunto If then he be found unfaithful to his trust you are ipso facto absolved from your Allegiance unto him and if according to Law he receives not his Authority you are not in Law his Subjects at all Now the just and natural foundation of all Laws is the Reason of the Body of every Nation in their Parlament which hath the sole Right to propose and chuse the Laws by which they will be Ruled Where it hath been as I suppose a perpetual custom in this Nation for the Commons at all times to ask and propose the making of Laws and for the Lords and King to give their consent thereunto The Lords as the Judges in cases of transgression and the King as the Executor and publick Trustee for the administration of the common good and wealth thereby for in a Kingdom there is a Common-wealth as the intrinsical substance of the Being thereof for which all things are to be done by King and Lords as the publick servants thereof and Ministers not Masters of State therein If the King then should set himself wilfully to be above this Reason of the Nation which is the onely Original of the Law and refuse obstinately the Laws which they shall chuse to be setled he puts himself ipso facto out of the capacity of being a King any more unto them and if this can be made out to have been the way wherein the late King set himself and that it was the design of the House of Lords to uphold and enable him to follow that way it is evident that so far as he did by that means actually un-King himself as to this Nation so far also they that assisted him in that design did un-Lord themselves
Evangelium Armatum A Specimen or Short COLLECTION Of several Doctrines and Positions destructive to our GOVERNMENT BOTH CIVIL and ECCLESIASTICAL Preached and Vented By the known Leaders and Abetters of the pretended REFORMATION such as Mr. Calamy Mr. Jenkins Mr. Case Mr. Baxter Mr. Caryll Mr. Marshall And Others c. LONDON Printed for William Garret 1663. THE PREFACE TO THE READER AT this notable season and great crisis both of Church and State in which Parties are so high Factions so restless and Discontents so general I know none so likely a means to resettle and confirm our shaking Fabrick as to disabuse the People and to redeem their Understandings from a Captivity to those guides who have Preached and Lectured them into these miseries and confusions I have observed though it be true Piety alone that must save men yet it is the shew and pretence of Piety that governs them A maxim so verified by the late transactions among us that the great Basis and ground-work of all the Villany that has been acted upon the stage of these miserable Kingdoms has been to beget and fix in the People this Belief that the great Design drove on by the Actors of it was the advancement of the Purity of Religion and the Power of godliness So that the People were brought at length to digest Civil War the cutting of Throats wresting away Estates and the Murder and Banishment of Princes so long as all this was called Reformation But since it is not imaginable how men could quit the first infusions of honest education and debauch the known Principles of Nature and Religion so as not at first to tremble and start at these Villanies it follows that they must needs have been insensibly wrought up to them by some predominant Perswasion that by degrees lessened and at length totally subdued those preconceived Dictates of Nature and Religion to a compliance with such Practices And this was no other than a blind and Furious Opinion of the extraordinary Piety of those Teachers who pretending more intimate acquaintance with God and immediate possession by his Spirit as Plenipotentiary Commissioners and Embassadors from Almighty God animated the People to the late Rebellion And still they endeavour to captivate their Pity by a bold and impudent insinuation of these two things That they are the People of God and That they are persecuted For experience shews that the Opinion of Persecution naturally moves men to Pity and Pity presently turns into Love and whom men love they are easily brought to defend But I doubt not to any unprejudiced Reader so to divest them of these pretences and stripping them of their sheeps cloathing to represent them as naked as Truth as deformed as Error Seduction For the first of these Their being the People of God I demand whether true Piety is consistent with the known abetment of Principles and Practices directly contrary to the law of Nature and the word of God and then whether the Preaching taking up Arms and raising a War against our Lawfull Prince be not a sin deeply dyed with both these Qualifications That the latter of these is undeniable and the former justly chargeable upon them let the ensuing System of Principles speak which they vented from the Pulpit and their Auditors Commented upon by all the hideous massacres since acted by them in the strength of those Doctrines and assertions I say let men impartially read them over and see Whether that Religion can be called Pure that is so far from Peaceable And for a further Test of their Piety I demand Whether an Oath be not the most sacred and dreadfull Obligation that can be fastned upon the Conscience of man and whether their Oath of Allegiance were not such an one upon which Concessions I demand further what strain of Piety could warrant these Ministers to send their Congregations as the chief of them did with full discharge from the Bonds of that Oath to wage war against their King what Prerogative in Religion could authorise them to obtrude an Oath and Covenant contradictory to their former Oaths upon those Consciences that groaned with horror and reluctancy under the sense of their former Obligations Till they can here either deny the matter of Fact which has been writ in Characters of bloud legible to all the World or can reconcile these matters of Fact to Christianity I demand of them in the presence of God and man what account they will give before the great Tribunal of God for having with so much solemnity of Prayer shew of Piety and profession of Zeal deceived the People into these execrable practices enough to stink the Protestant name out of the World and what excuse the clear light of Reason and of the Word can leave to those who resigned themselves up to be deceived by them But as the Conscience being once broken up easily lyes open to any after Breach So they having deflowred it with the first perjury of the Covenant stuck not much at the Engagement a Promise as contradictory to the Covenant as the Covenant it self had been to their Oaths of Allegiance and Canonical obedience and lastly their recognising and doing homage to Cromwell who had setled himself with the Power though not the Title of King and with an House of Lords seemed no less to throw off and contradict their Engagement We see here the compass of their Religious swallow All oaths could down with them but none hold them out of all which they could with the greatest facility find a way to creep forth and interpret away the obligation of an Oath as easily as if it were an Act of Parliament But the only thing these thorough-paced swearers at length stick at is the Subscription lately required by Law made and enacted by Parliament and confirmed by the Royal assent that is by all the legislative Power this Nation owns This they cannot subscribe to why because they cannot renounce an Oath imposed by part of a Rebell Parliament without and against the Royal assent and by which they swore off all former lawfull Oaths binding themselves to prosecute that Rebellious War This they will not they cannot renounce and therefore desire only for a while to be dispenced with and Indulged till they come to be in a capacity once more to put it in Execution How far Persons owning such an obliga●…ion and venting such maxims and Doctrines as are here faithfully and truely represented out of their printed Sermons are like to advance or perhaps at all to comport with the Peace of the Kingdom is left to the serious Consideration of those with whom the preservation of that Peace is entrusted whose Prudence being alarm d with such spiritual fire-balls will we hope begin to look about to distinguish between Conscience Contempt If any should now plead their being instrumental to the reduction of his Majesty for their vindication from the charge of these assertions too notorious to be
Unbiast consciences to be just Pag. 15. We may answer all Queries about the Reign of Christ thus the blind begin to have their eyes unscal'd the lame do walk at liberty proud ones are ab●…s'd the mighty ones are put from their seats errors discountenanc'd ●…ruths inquir'd after Ceremonies and Superstitions are cast out monuments of Popery and Paganism cast down Pag. 35. Mr. Caryl on Luke 10. 20. Rejoyce not that the Spirits are made Subject unt●… you c. * THere is very little difference between Devils and wicked men I may say without breach of charity Devils Incarnate are made subject this day and their Subjection is the subject of this days rejoycing Pag. 22. Mr. Charles Herle before the House of Lords Jan. 15. 1643. on Psal. 95. 1. O come let us sing unto the Lord c. * IN vain shall you in your Fasts with Joshua lie on your faces unless you lay your Achans on their backs in vain are the high praises of God in your mouthes without a two edged Sword in your hand Pag. 31. The same again he has in Sermon on Gen. 22. vors 2. before the Lord Maior and Aldermen pag. 23. adding * the blood that Ahab spared in Benhad ad stuck as deep and heavily on him as that which he spilt in Naboth Mr. Herle in his Preface before his sermon on 2 Sam. 21. 16 17. Preach'd before the Commons Novemb. 5. 1644. HE is neither true Protestant nor true English-man that doth not with all thankfulness and admiration look upon the greatness of the contribution which the concurrent streams of our Sister Nation of Scotland brings to both those interests of Church and State Pag. 14. * Do justice to the greatest Sauls sons are not spared no nor may Agag or Benhadad though themselves Kings Zimri and Cosbi though Princes of the People must be pursu'd into their Tents This is the way to Consecrate your selves to God Pag. 16. Mr. Herle on 1 Kings 22. 22. I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all the Prophets Before the Commons 1644. * IF the Devil can but once get a Prophet to leave Gods Service for the Kings he hath taken a Blew already and is ready for as deep a Black as Hell can give him Pag. 28. * There can be nothing plainer than that the Houses of Parlament without the Kings personal concurrence are still a Court of Judgement Pag. 38. * The Houses are not onely requisite to the acting of this power of making Laws but co-ordinate with his Majesty in the very power of acting Pag. 42. Mr. Jerem. Burroughs on Isa. 66. vers 10. in a Thansgiving THere was corruption both in Church and Common-wealth Idols were set up in Dan and Bethel i. e. in the places of Judgement and in the House of God Pag. 37. * The greatest blow that ever was given to Anti-christian Government is that which now it hath had Babylon is fallen is sallen so fallen as it shall never rise again Pag. 44. This is the Curse of God on that party notwithstanding God sets himself against them yet they will not come in and repent for God takes no pleasure in them to give them repentance Pag. 58 59. Mr. Obed. Sedgewick on Esther 9. vers 1. in a Thanksgiving sermon Jan. 15. 1643. * NEver were there grosser Idols in Rome than those things as they were used by some and what is abus'd by superstition ought not to be retain'd Pag. 33. Mr. Alexander Henderson before the Lords and Commons Thursday 18. of July 1644. on Mat. 14. 21. In his preface to that sermon THe principal theam and matter of the Solemnity of the day we take for an answer of the prayers of the faithful in the three Kingdoms Mr. John Strickland of New Sarum in his Thanksgiving Novemb. 5. 1644. on Psal. 46. 7. * THe execution of Judgement is the Lords work and they shall be cursed that do it negligently and cursed shall they be that keep back their Sword from blood in this cause you know the story of Gods message unto Ahab for letting Benhadad go upon Composition Pag. 26. * Such a generation of men there were amongst us that by compliances with Idols and Idolatry went about to drive God away and what consistence can there be between the Ark and Dagon between God and Idols Pag. 32. Mr. Matthew Newcomen on Neh. 4. XI Novemb. 5. 1642. A Dam ●…ontzen a Jesuite has drawn a plot for cheating of a people of the true Religion by Art of Legerdemain the Method this be pleased to observe how exactly the late times have moved according to these Rules When Abbies were demolish'd they found in their vaults and ponds heaps of Sculs and bones monuments of their smother'd cruelty I doubt not but the abolishers of High Commission have found as manifest evidence of their cruel practices heaps of the blood of Innocents Pag. 30. Those Traytors of the fift of November laid their Fire-works in the Bowels of the earth these have laid theirs in the bosom of our Soveraign whereby they have Captivated not onely the multitude but the Throne it self Pag. 35. Mr. Joh. Ward before the House of Lords on Deut. 33. 16. 'T Is n●…w more than manifest that Rome and Hell had long since taken counsel by working to extirpate all Protestant Religion as for dissolving Our Laws the introducing Arbitrary Government it was but a design on the by to Cajole and hire the Court to their party Pag. 16. * The Scots were necessitated to take up Arms for their just defence and against Anti-christ and the Popish Priests Pag. 18. A Lamp hath been seen to walk between the divided pieces many Testimonies of the goodness of our God in the remembrance of his Covenant Pag. 21. Mr. John Bond Master of the Savoy before the House of Commons on Isaiah 25. 9. 1645. Octob. 8. * COme hither you malignant Atheists come hither g●…ash your teeth and let your eyes rot in their holes Pag. 5. My sute is concerning the Covenant that it may not be obtrude●… without due preparation as the Spaniards baptized the Americans b●… droves Pag. 36. Give them time first to disgorge themselves of their direful Anti-Covenant perjurious combinations Pag. 36. Let them ●…irst shave their heads and pair their nails as the strang●… Virgin of old was commanded to do and so let them enter into that sacred and dreadful Covenant Pag. 37. If hereafter the Tide of Victory shall turn again and you shall b●… brought low yet I beseech you remember this day in which you are to give thanks for five Victories that there was a day when God serv'd you in with five Pheasants in a dish with a feast of fat things Pag. 38. Mr. Francis Woodcock before the House of Commons Feb. 19. 1645. on Gen. 49. 23. In his Preface to the County and City of Chester aster the surrender of Chester THe Church in the foremost times was harrased by Rome heathen in these last
days by Rome Anti-christian Pag. 8. Have not we of this Kingdom been bought and sold hath it not been attempted yea effected in great measure to bring us as Joseph into Egyptian Slavery were they not English Prelates that conspired to sel●… their Brethren into Romish Slavery Pag. 12. Some of your Brethren have come in and submitted to you Stars of the first Magnitude and may it not be expected the Sun and Moon nill do so too if they do not they may do worse if they do not it will never be worse for you Pag. 20. Mr. Samuel Faircloth on Josh. 7. 25. before divers of the House of Commons MOses fell on his f●…ce as Joshua here and makes God cry out Let me alone will this Cure it no Moses sees for all his prayers Israel will not be cured without a full and total extirpation of all the accursed things and Persons also Pag. 25. * The Lord rent the Kingdom from Saul for sparing one Agag and for w●…nt of thorow extirpation of all the accursed things he lost both than●…s for what he had done and Kingdom also Pag. 27. 'T is not partial Reformation and execution of justice upon some offenders will afford us help except those in Authority extirpate all Achans with Baby lomsh Garments Orders Ceremonies Gestures be rooted out from among us Pag. 28. * To you of the Honourable House Up for the matter belongs to you We even all the Godly Ministers of the Country will be with you Pag. 29. Think of it in your Committees to save them and theirs from trouble by troubl●…ng them as Joshua to wit by a thorow abolishment and extirpation of them Pag. 29. The East wind did not sooner cure Egypt of the Frogs of Nilus than this course would England of all the Achans and Frogs of Tiber There being no vertue wherein men resemble the Lord more lively as in executing of justice and in extirpation of those Achans you will cut off the wicked and procure the felicity of the chosen Pag. 34. Trouble they will bring upon us for time to come if they be not now cut off all may see that an Universal destruction extirpation of Us our Religion Peace and Laws was intended by them and shall not Joshua justly extirpate Achans eye for eye tooth for tooth that justice may measure them the measure they would have measrr'd to us is not onely 〈◊〉 but necessary if ninety and nine were taken away and but on●… A●…han left he would trouble us Pag. 36. Consecrate your selves to day unto the Lord and if all Achans could be hang'd up coram isto sole let none remain until too morrow however Pag. 47. The Lord is persuing you if you execute not vengeance on them betimes Pag. 48. Why should life be further granted to them whose very life brings death to all about them Pag. 50. Mr. Will. Bridges on Revel 4. 8. BAbylon is fallen as Rome in her Latitude with all her Merchants and those that Symbolize with her is here to be understood Pag. 6. Worthies of Israel it lies on you to enquire out this Babylonish company and to repay them an eye for an eye tooth for tooth burning for burning ear for ear liberty for liberty and blood for blood Pag. 10. Though as little ones they call for pitty yet as Babylonish they call for justice even to blood Pag. XI If a thing be indifferent in it's own nature and the doing thereof offensive to a weak Brother Authority can not write jus divinum upon it for to offend a weak Brother is to destroy him Pag. 15. Whensoever you shall behold the hand of God in the fall of Babylon say True here is a Babylonish Priest crying out alas alas my living I have wife and children to maintain I but all this is to perform the judgement of the Lord. Pag. 30. There shall be who when the Vial shall be poured out on the beast shall gnaw their tongues and blaspheme the God of heaven Pag. 33. Nath. Homes Doctor in Divinity on 2 Pet. 3. vers 13. 1641. AN ill Scholar is not said to be gone from the University till he be gone eum pannis with his clothes no more is enormity gone from the Universality of Ecclesiasticks till it be gone cum pannis not a rag of Superstition left behind Pag. 31. This Position That humane honest Intention may devise forms of devotion hath brought all the Judaism Turcism and Papism into the Church Pag. 33. These Ecclesiastical Offices Ceremonies and Discipline are set up by the Pope and are an appendix or tail of Anti-christ Pag. 33. Now is the promised time of the Churches Reformation in Christendom P. 34. Mr. H. Burton in his Sermon on Psal. 53. 7 8. Jun 20. 1641. AFter the first-born of Egypt were slain the children of Israel were deliver'd and for the chiefest of these Incendiaries certainly the Primogenit being taken away we may well hope for a glorious deliverance Pag. XI * God 's people lie under bondage of Conscience in point of Liturgy Secondly In bondage of Conscience under Ceremonies Thirdly Of Conscience under Discipline Fourthly Of Conscience under Government Pag. 21. Mr. S. Sympson on Prov. 8 15 16. By me Kings Reign * LEt no Law hinder you si jus violandum and if Law be to be broken it is for a Crown and therefore for Religion Pag. 23. * You are set over Kingdoms to root out pull down destroy and throw down do it quickly do it thorowly Pag. 24. * That which is best though evil will be counted good after Reformation as he is counted innocent who scapes at trial Pag. 25. * Among the Jews all were in the Church that were fit to live now none must be but Saints Pag. 29. One thing that has hindred the Church hath been too much respect to Antiquity Pag. 30. An other thing that hinders the Church hath been a desire of Uniformity by this Judaism and Gentilism got into the Church that they might accord together Pag. 31. Mr. Case in his Sermon on 2 Chron. 19. 6 7. Concerning Jehosaphats Caveat to his Judges Preaching to a Court Martial YOu know said he how the Midianites the King and his Party with whom you have to do have vext you with their wiles and laboured to obstruct you yet to cut Us all off in our passage into the Land of Promise that blessed Reformation which the Parlament Consult for Assembly Dispute for Armies Fight for and all good Christians Pray for Oh! therefore do you honour God in avenging your Brethren upon these Midianites in doing execution on the enemies of Christ and the Kingdom Out of the Book called Scripture and Reason pleaded for Defensive Arms or the whole Controversie about Subjects taking up of Arms Published by divers of their learnedst Divines and ordered to be Printed by the Committee of the House of Commons April 14. 1643. Which Order is subscribed by John White TO Doctor Fern 's Objection That though it
be said they intend not to hurt the Kings Person yet might I not as well have hurt his Person in the day of Battel a●… any of them that were swept away from ab●…ut him by the fury of the Ordnance which put no difference twixt King and Common Souldiers Pag. 19. They answer by faying That though this is the hardest case that can be put against Defensive Armes yet first By what Rule of Conscience or God is a state bound to sacrifize Religion Laws and Liberties rather than endure that the Prince his Life should come into any possibilities of hazard by defending them against those that in his Name are bent to subdue them Pag. 18. Secondly If he wi●…l needs thrust himself upon the hazard when he needs not whose fault is that And a little after in the same Answer As if a King disguized should offer any private violence a watchman that would not or even might not hurt him being known were without blame if he knock'd him down or killed him as he might in like case a disorderly private person Now in Battel to many or most and especially to the Gunners that give fire to the Ordnance he is altogether disguised and so they are blameless in reference to his personal hurt that fault is wholly his own and those wicked Counsellors that have thrust him upon the fury of the Battel Pag. 20. To Doctor Ferne's saying It is a marvellous thing that among so many Prophets reprehending the Kings of Israel and Judah for their Idolatry cruelty and oppression none should call upon the Elders of the people for this duty of resistance They Answer That even in the reign of the best Kings not onely the Peoples hearts were usually unprepared and in their greatest seemings hypocritical and treacherous but also the Princes Elders and Nobles were exceedingly corrupt Now if they were so bad in good times who can marvel if they were stark naught where the King was naught and helpers forwarders of his Idolatries Cruelties and Oppressions And why should it then be expected that the Prophets should call upon them to resist the King being on their side and they on his Pag. 20. 21. It is not absolutely true that men are bound Universally as by an Ordinance of God to set up live under Government in the Doctors sense that is absolutely and without power to resist Pag. 31. Either all mankind are not bound to be under Government and all the Doctors te●…ts and reasons are alleged in vain or else Kings and Monarchs are also under some Government at least of the Representative Body of their people according to what was before alleged from our Lawyers Rex non habet superiorem praeter legem Curiam Comitum Baronum c. Pag. 32. We argue not that the people have power to recall that Regal Authority wholly upon any Case of Mal-administration All that we plead for is Power to administer a part of it upon Necessity which he will not administer for good but rather for evil And there are not many things that were altogether ours and in our disposing before we part with them but are still so far Ours to use them again in our Necessity for that turn at least Pag. 35. A Prince onely inherits what was given the first of the Nation or others since by consent of the people and by written Law or Custome he must claim any power he will exercise or else he cannot plead any right title to it and his qualification of power admits of Increase or Decrease as he and the people agree and consent His power is altogether derived by Election and Consent first and last whence I will infer no more but as before that therefore in Case of necessity the people may use so much of it as may suffice to save themselves from Ruine Pag. 39. The late Usurpers own'd as a Holy State set up by Almighty God MAster Sam. Slater in a Sermon Preached at S. Edmunds Bury in Suffolk upon the 13. of Octob. 1658. Being a day set apart for Solemn Fasting and Humiliation and seeking a blessing upon His Highness the Lord Protector This Sermon he intitles The Protectors Protection or the Pious Prince guarded by a Praying People In this Sermon Pag. 57 58. He hath these words Oh! pray for your Governours and in a more special manner for him whom God hath made chief over you and by his Providence called to the Supreme place of Magistracy in the Nation God hath been pleased of late to make a sad breach among Us taking away from Us our former Pilot the late Renowned Protector who when he had fought the Nations Battels carried us thorow the wilderness preserved us from the rage and fury of our Enemies and brought us within s●…ght of the promised Land gave up the Ghost laid down his leading Staff and his life together with whose fall the Nation was shaken his death covered all the faces of sober and considerate Persons with paleness and their hearts with sadness as if Peace Prosperity Resormation the Gospel all lay drawing on and would be buried in the same grave with him But b●…essed be God Divine Grace vouchsafed to cast an eye towards us and to visit us in our low estate there is another Pilot placed in his room VVhile he directs the Course let us fill the Sails with our Praying breath Moses it is true is dead but we have a Joshua succeeding him let us pray that what the other happily begun this may more happily finish and bring the accomplishment of all your right-bred hopes and what they said to Joshua let us say unto his Highness According as we hearkned unto Moses in all things so will we hearken unto thee onely the Lord they God be with thee as he was with Moses Jos. 1. 17. And pag. 60. Our Prince riseth gloriously pray that he might n●…t set in a cloud Our hopes concerning him are great pray that they may not be blasted Thus He. Mr. Baxter in his Five Disputations of Church-Government and Worship in the Epistle Dedicatory to Richard Cromwel He delivers the sense of his Party in these words MAny are perswaded you have been strangely kept from participating in any of our late bloody Contentions that God might make you a Healer of our Breaches and imploy you in that Temple-work which David Himself might not be Honour'd with And he adds This would be the way to lift you highest in the Esteem and love of all Your people and make them see that You are appointed by God to be an Healer and Restorer and to glory in You and to bless God for you as the Instrument of our chiefest good My earnest Prayers for your Higness shall be that you may rule us as One that is ruled by God c. The same Mr. Baxter in his Holy Common-wealth in the Epistle Dedicatory or Preface to the Army pag. 6. He call'd those Usurping Powers that
in the State thereof and if this was the guilt of the House of Lords by other practices and proceedings more than by an indifferencie and compliance with the Hamiltonian invasion to help the King to such a power I know not what to answer for them It is then undeniable that the third Article of that National Covenant was ●…ever meant by those that made it or that took ir to be opposite to the sense of the Oath of Allegiance but altogether agreeable thereunto What then the meaning of that Article is must needs also be the true sense of the Oath of Allegiance That Article then doth oblige you to preserve the Right and Privileges of the Parlament and the Liberties of the Kingdom in your Calling absolutely and without any limitation but as for the Kings person and Authority it doth oblige you onely thereunto conditionally and with a limitation Namely in the preservation and defence of the true Religion and Liberties of this Kingdom If then the King did not give to the Representatives of the Nation that assurance which was satisfactory and necessary that their Religion and Liberties should be preserved none of his Subjects were bound either by their Allegiance or Covenant to defend his person and the Authority which was conferred upon him The Oath of Allegiance therefore was bottomed upon the Laws which the Representatives of the Nation in Parlament had chosen to be observed concerning their Religion and the Liberties of the Kingdom which he refractorily either casting off or seeming to yield unto in such a way that no trust could be given him that he would keep what he yielded unto the Parlament did actually lay him aside and voted that no more Addresses should be made unto him from which time forward he was no more an object of your Oath of Allegiance but to be look'd upon as a Private man and your Oath by which you were engaged to be true and faithful to the Law by which the Religion and Liberty of the Kingdom was to be preserved did still remain in force which if it may be the true substantial sense of the present Engagement which you think is contradictory to this Oath and to the National Covenant then you are to look well to it that you be not mistaken for to an indifferent eye it may be thought so far from being opposite to the true sense of either that it may be rather a confirmation of the ground for which both the Oath of Allegiance and the third Article of the National Covenant was then binding And then also this I am confident of to be able to let you see further that although you may think that the effect of this Engagement is materially contrary to some intention which you had in the third Article of the Covenant yet that by the Act of the Engagement you are so far from breaking your Covenant that except you take it and observe it faithfully you will not onely materially but formally break that very Article of the Covenant for which you scruple the taking of the Engagement For the words must be taken in the sense which they can directly bear ●…nd which do impart the main end for which the Covenant was taken for the main end of this very Article whereof you make a scruple was evidently to preserve the Parlament and Common-wealth for it self and i●… need so required also without the King Now this is that which the Engagement doth directly also require for which cause I say that by vertue of this very promise you are bound to take the present Engagement and if you take it not that you make your self a transgressor of that very Article which you pretend to keep for if you refuse to be true and faithful to the Common-wealth as it is now established you do what in you lyeth to make the remaining Knights of Parlament and the beginnings of our settlement void which though at first it was not intended to be without a King yet it was cleerly presupposed in the Article it self as possible to be without him and consequently that although he should not be yet that the Common-wealth by the Rights of Parlament and the Liberties of the Nation should be preserved which is all that now is sought for by the Engagement Where you may take notice that although you and I as private men ought not to make our selves judges of the rights which superiors pretend to have in and to their places yet that they are not without a Judicature over them in those places for the subordinate Officers belonging to a State are bound to judge of the Rights of those that are over them both by which they stand in their places of Supremacy and by which they proceed in their actings toward Subjects lest they be made the instruments of Arbitrary power and tyranny and then also the law-making power which in all Nations resides by the Law of Nature in the convention of the Representatives of the whole body of the people whether it be made up of the heads of families or of chosen Deputies who are intrusted with a delegated power from all the rest doth make or unmake Rights in all places and persons within it self as it from time to time doth see cause HAving thus surveyed the dangerous Positions and Principles of the Presbyterians their brethren that it may be evident to the world that the enemies of our Church are equally enemies to our Monarchy it will not be amiss to lay down some of the Principles of the Papists and the Hobbians In which not to multiply citations we will for one of the first of these take father White who is counted the most moderate of them in his Book Intitled the Grounds of Obedience and Government And for the next Mr. Hobbs himself in his Books one called Leviathan and the other de Cive which he so magnifies that he affirms that part of Philosophy to which the handling of the Elements of Government and Civil Societies belongs is no older than that Book Of the dispossession of a Supreme former Governour and of his Right by Mr. White a Romanist pag. 132. c. in His Grounds of Obedience c. NOw our Question supposeth the Governour not to have come to that extremity but either to have been good or innocent or that it is doubtful whether his excesses deserved expulsion or at least if they did deserve it of themselves yet the circumstances were not fitting for it but the expulsion hapned either by the invasion of a stranger or the ambition of a Subject or some popular headless tumult for these three ways a Magistrate comes forcibly and unjustly to be outed of his power And first if the Magistrate have truly deserved to be dispossessed or it be rationally doubted that he hath deserved it and he be actually out of possession In the former case it is certain the Subject hath no obligation to hazard for his restitution but rather to hinder