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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14046 The huntyng & fyndyng out of the Romishe fox whiche more then seuen yeares hath bene hyd among the bisshoppes of Englong [sic] after that the Kynges hyghnes had comma[n]ded hym to be dryuen out of hys realme. Whosoeuer happeneth upon thys book, if he loue god beter than man, et the Kynges hyghnes better then the bysshopes fals hypocrisi, let hym gyue it to the Kyng, that he may rede it before the bysshopes condemn it. Turner, William, d. 1568.; Wraghton, William, pseud. aut 1543 (1543) STC 24353; ESTC S104959 47,430 90

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let the best lerned of yow proue the contrari if he can Then will i go forward with mi argument / They that hold still the popes doctrine hold still the pope / ye hold still the pope doctrine whils ye hold still hys ordinances and hys law / Therfor ye hold still the pope / euen that pope that the kyng commāded yow to preache agaynst and to dryue out of Englond Now i repart me vnto yow that ar lordes of the tempalti and to yow burgesses of the parlament / whether i haue found out the fox in the chirche or no. If he be found out it is your deuti all theyr deutes / that loue god and the kyng to folow after hym to catche hym and to dryue hym out of thys realm But lest ye shuld go by hym know hym not from a tame beste he is couered with thes ij tame bestes skinnes sum tyme with the law of the chirche / and other whyles with the kynges ceremonies for so call the bisshoppes of Englōd / the popes canō law the ceremonies whiche the pope hathe made I besech yow noble mē that haue bene brought vp in huntyng and ar nō of the foxes fautores help at thys tyme to catch thys fox / i shall once let yow haue a syght of hym shall let yow se how that they that wear the same mark in theyr crownes that he wereth / do defend hym and hold hym still in the chirche What say ye gentle men of the clargi / to thys for sayd argument / Whosoeuer holdeth still the popes doctrine holdeth stil the pope but ye hold still the popes doctrine whils ye hold still the popes canō law the popes decretalles decrees and the ordinances aboue rehersed that the pope made / Therfore ye hold still the Pope What answer ye to thys Whosoeuer holdeth still the popes doctrine holdeth still the pope If ye graūt thys / what say ye to thys / But ye hold still the popes doctrine whils / ye hold still hys canon law / and hys ordinances / If ye answer say we hold not stil the popes canō law / for we say that the law thatt ye call rhe popes canon law / is the law of the chirche / and so we take it and use it / if ye say then that the canon law is the law of the chirche so did doctor glin call it in Cambridge euery man may wel se how that ye couer the fox with a tame bestes skin Then when ye say that the cannon law is the law of the chirche / answer of what chirch is the cannon law / the law of Is it the law of the chirche of Englond If ye say that it is the law of the chirche of Englond / then thys foloweth of your saynge The popes chirche of Rome is gouerned with the ordinances aboue rehersed / the canon law is the law of the Popes chirche / euen at thys houre then if the canō law be the law of the chirche of Englōd / the popis chirch and the English chirch ar all on concernyng theyr ceremonies and law / and then in what thyng do they differ Then if the chirch of Rome be a popishe / chirche because it is rueled bithe popes canon / law and by hys ordinances / then must the chirch of Englond also be a popishe chirche when as it is gouerned by the sam selflawe and ordinances whiche make the chirch of Rome a popish chirche / But the Pope is the hede of euery popishe chirche / and by your sayng the chirch of Englond is a popish chirche / therfor the Pope by your saying is the hede of the chirche of Englond Now seing that thes in conueniences folowe of sayng that the canon law is the law of the chirch of Englond / say no more that the canō law is the law of the chirche of Englōd / but of / the chirch of rome / for the law of Cristes chirche of whiche englōd is on part is the new testamēt the old / that is to wit the doctrine that the Prophetes / the Apostelles Christ taught and not the canon lauw with the decrees and decretalles the ordinances whiche popes of Rome haue made But if doctor glin commissari of Cimbridge with hys other canonisticall canaanites will for all the inconueniences aboue rehersed hold still stifly that the canon law with the decrees decretalles ar the law of the chirche of Englond / let them answer to a question or ij that i will propound / whether was the chirch beforthe law of the chirche / or the law of the chirche / before the chirche / if ye say that the chirch was befor the law of the chirche was / then was theyr a tyme when the chirche was lawles / But that is an vncōuenient / therfore ye cānot say so / ye must theyr fore fo say that ether the law of the chirche was made be fore the chirche / or at the first tyme that the chirche was It folowethe then that when and whersoeuer the most perfite chirche was / that theyr was the most perfit law of the chirche But in Christes tyme and the Apostelles tyme and in the tymes of the holy martyres was the most perfit chirch / therfore then was the perfitest law of the chirche / then the law of Christes chirche / was in the Apostelles tyme all redy made so perfit that no man could make any thyng more perfite / But the canon law was not yit made in the apoststelles tyme / theyr for the canon law was not the law of Christes chirche in the tyme of the apostelles / The word of god which is the law of the chirch lasteth for euer is not changed / so that the chirche of Crist at all tymes hathe no other law but Christes word ye say that the canon law is the law of the chirche of Englond therfore ye say that the chirch of Englond is non of Christes chirche / in as myche as ye say that the law of the chirch of englond is an other law then was the law of the chirche of Christ the apostelles tyme whiche was the true Christen chirche But if ye masters cōmunemissaries / will nedes call still the canon law the law of the chirche / what mean ye by the chirche whether mean ye the congregation of all them that archosen to be saued or no if ye mean so ye lie / for many that ar in heuen neuer knew the canon law / if ye mean by the chirche the Prophetes the Apostelles / and the Euangelistes / ye lye for the canon law was neuer of theyr makyng / if ye mean by the chirche the pop and them that ar sworn vnto hyme / it is true that the canō law is the law of the chirche Will ye now comunemissaries that the law of the chirche that is of the pope hys shauelynges shall beholden still
in Englond if ye will so thē i nede to reson nomore to proue that ye hold still the pope in Englond If the chirche signifi a nother sort of men then i haue made mention of / tell me in your answere to thes my questiones and tell me who made the canon law if the popes of Rome haue not made it Then thys solution will not serue / that the canon law / is the law of the chirche / seing that it cannot be the law of any chirche but of a popish chirch for it is of the popes makyng But if it wer granted that the canon law wer the law of the chirche / yit ye can not deny but the traditiones ordinances and ceremōies before rehersed ar of the popes makyng Then thys argument standeth vn solutede / whosoeuer holdeth still the popes doctine holdeth still the pope / But ye hold still the popes doctrine / ergo ye hold still the pope / If ye answer we tak them not as the popes ceremonies ordināces all thoghe we know that the pope hathe taught them and made them but as the kynges ceremonies ordinances / for the kyng hath cōmanded in a certayn proclamatiō that no man schuld from the tyme of that proclamation be so hardy as to call the ceremonies ordinances that wer in the chirche of Englond at that tyme / the popes ordinances and ceremonies but the kynges ceremonies and ordininances all thogh it wer out of all dout that the pope had mad them taught them / But now ye gentle men of the clergi which was the caus of thys proclamatiō / answer me if it pleas yow to a question or ij If Francis the kyng of France shuld make a proclamation that all the noble actes and dedes of kyng Alexander the conquerour / all the actes of Sardanapali shuld be no more called and taken for Alexanders and Sardanapali actes and dedes but for hys dedes shuld all the actes and dedes of Alexander and Sardanapali be therfore the kyng of Frances dedes and actes i thynk no. For if by proclamation men myght make other mennes dedes and actes theyr oun actes / then myght Sardanopalus haue robbed Alexander of hys noble actes and made them hys / and so a uery cowhert myght haue as many noble actes as the best warrier in al the world If the kyng of Portugale shuld command in a proclamation that Aristotel Platoes workes shuld no mor be called Aristoteles workes and Platoes but hys workes / shuld Aristotel Platoes workes by thes meanes be cum hys workes I thynk nay / for if the kynge of Portugagal myght take Aristotoles workes frō Aristotel then myght Menius becū Maro and the most vnlerned in a cūtre might haue as noble workes as the best leaned man in the world / If the kyng of denmark shuld set out a proclamation that all the ceremonies of Moses law as offering up of calues and frankincens shuld nomore be called taken for Moses ceremonies but for hys shuld not Moses ceremonies cōtinue Moses ceremonies still for all the proclamatiō I think so Thē is theyr no proclamatiō that can disposses the the pope of hys ceremonies and constitutiones but the ceremonies ordināces whiche was hys xij yere ago shall be hys ceremonies and ordinances still thoge a thousand proclamationes shuld command the cōtrari / Ye must fyndde out an other hole to hyde your father the fox in for here he can lurk no lenger Neuertheless lyke faythfull foxy childer ye haue don the best that lay in yow to couer hym For about seuen yere ago when men preched ernestly agaynst the pope / and he with all hys ordinances was lyke to bedryuen out of Englōd / a certain mā to set hym forward gathered together out of platina and such other writers / what popes had made all the ceremōies that ar now in the chirche / and to euery ceremoni he assygned on pope or other / whiche thyng made the ceremonies begin to be less regarded then they wer before / Then ye feryng that they shuld be dryuē out of the realm with theyr father if they were taken for the popes ordinances / by your frendes ye procured broght to pass / that the ceremonies whiche the pope made shuld no more be called the popes ceremonies / but the kynges ceremonies And thys was sett vp and proclāed in euery marketh town In doyng of whiche thyng as myche as lay in yow ye made the kyng pope / for if the popes actes and the kynges be all on / then is the kyng the pope or ellis partner with the pope / Whether say ye maketh the name of the pope / the pope / or the popes actes and dedes If ye say that the name of the pope maketh a pope then haue ye many popes in Englond for theyr ar many that ar called popes in Englond which neuer the less hate the pope more then ye do / The name of the Pope maketh not thē the pop / but the actes and dedes / of the pope / As not euery man that is accused of theft and called a thefe / is a thief / but he alon is a thief that dothe the actes dedes of a thief / so it is not the name of the pope that maketh the pope but the popes actes dedes Then it folowethe well / lykewys as he that layeth assygneth to a tru man the dedes and actes of a thief maketh a tru man as myche as lyeth in hym / a thiefe / so ye gyuyng layng to the kyng the actes dedes of the pope / as myche as lay in yow made the kyng the pope / Call ye theyr for no more the popes canon law / the law of the chirch of Englōd / call no more from henceforward the popes ordināces the kynges ordinances for fere of it that foloweth It is playn then that ye hold still the popes canō law and thoghe ye haue banisshed hys name for a face / that ye hold still hys bookes and hys ceremonies Then answer me to a questiō / Ar theyr not many thinges in Iohan frithes bokes / that ar both good and godly and agreyng withe the word of god And then tell me why haue ye cōdemned all hys bokes for heresi and the reders of them and hauers of them for heretykes for not mo then ij or thre hereses euen after your iudgment / seing theyr ar so many other godly thynges that ar no heresi / If ye say thoghe ther be many good thynges in hys bokes what nede Christen men to sek our good thynges out of an heretikes book / seing theyr ar bokes i now be syde and therfor / we burn the heretikes bokes wih the heretikes / lest the heresi that the heretikes taught shuld sprede by the meanes of the bokes / for as the voice of an heretike hearde maketh heretikes so the bokes of an heretik red make heretikes / therfor we burn the on with