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A11651 Acts made in the first Parliament of our most high and dread soveraign Charles, by the grace of God King of Great Britane, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. Holden by himself, present in person, with his three estates, at Edinburgh, upon the 28 day of June, 1633.; Laws, etc. Scotland.; Hay, John, Sir, 1578-1654. 1650 (1650) STC 21902.5; Wing S1168A; ESTC S122278 68,062 76

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Letters of horning and poynding in favour of the said Ministers conforme thereto upon one simple charge of ten daies allennerly And also upon all other Acts to be made for plantation of Kirks by the commissioners appointed by his Majestie Estates for that effect And it is declared that these presents shall be without prejudice to the titulars and others having interest to pursue for rectifying of such valuations as are or shall be enormely undervalued and also without prejudice of the ministers maintenance and augmentation proportionally effeiring to the true and just worth of the Teind c. ACT IX THE KINGS GENERALL REVOCATION FORSOMUCH As our Soveraigne Lord the Kings Majestie shortly after the decease of his Majesties umwhile dearest Father King JAMES the sixt of ever blessed memorie for preserving of the libertie and priviledge due to his Majestie by the common law and by the acts and statutes of the Kingdome And following the laudable custome used before by his Majesties Predecessours in making of their Revocations Did upon the twelfth of October 1625. make and give forth his generall revocation under his privie Seale as the same in the selfe at more length beares AND HIS MAJESTIE being now present in his Royall person within this Kingdome and having by Gods grace favour and blessing and with the generall acclamation joy and comfort of his Subjects acccepted the Crowne thereof wherein he is gloriously inaugurate and now holding the first Parliament of his whole Estates of the said kingdome with whom his Majestie hath advised and resolved anent the said Revocation Therefore his Majestie with consent of the three Estates and whole body of this present Parliament Hath statute enacted and ordained and by these presents statutes enacts and ordaines in manner following IN the first His Majestie and whole Estates of Parliament revokes casses and annuls all Infeftments Charters Precepts Confirmations Alienations Gifts Donations Rights Securities and other Dispositions whatsoever of any rents lands Lordships Baronies Heritages Teinds Patronages of kirks offices priviledges and others whatsoever annexed to the Principality or to the Prince who is second person of the Realme made convoyed signed or consented unto by his Mties selfe in his minoritie and lesle age or by his Mties umwhile dearest Father for himselfe as Prince of Scotland or as Father and lawfull administratior to his Majestie or to umwhile Prince Henrie his Majesties Brother of worthie memorie or by the said umwhile Prince Henrie himselfe or made and granted by his Majesties said umwhile dearest Father or any other his Mies Predecessors kings of Scotland in their times to whatsoever person or persons in hurt and prejudice of the Prince second person foresaid or made and granted by his Majestie at any time preceding the date hereof unlawfully and against the lawes of the kingdome the same being tried and found to be so ITEM His Majestie with consent of the said Estates revokes casses annuls retreats rescinds all sundrie Infeftments grants dispositions confirmations and other rights whatsoever made by his Majestie induring his minorie and lesse age to whatsoever person or persons in fee frank-tenement or otherwise of the lands kirkes teinds patronages offices and others pertaining to the Lordship of Dumfermeling to the which his Majestie succeeded as onely Sonne and Heire to his Majesties umwhile dearest Mother Queene Anna who was heritably infeft in the said Lordship of Dumfermeling And sicklike revokes all gifts alienations dispositions and other rights whatsoever made by his Majestie or his said dearest Mother unlawfully and against the lawes of the kingdome of the said Lordship or of any lands teinds offices kirks patronages and others pertaining to the said Lordship at any time preceding the date hereof the same being so found and verified before the ordinary Judge ITEM His Majestie Estates foresaid revokes casses annuls retreats and rescinds all sundrie infeftments charters gifts donations confirmations alienations pensions and other dispositions whatsoever made convoyed signed or consented unto by his Majestie or by his Majesties umwhile dearest Father or by any other his Majesties Predecessours in their severall times to whatsoever person or persons in any manner of way in fee few-ferme frank-tenement or otherwise whatsoever of any lands rents Lordships Baronies Patronages of kirks customes annuals fishings liberties of fishings burrow-mails other rents castle-wards or other whatsoever annext to the crowne offices of justitiary stewartrie and bailliarie within the same appertaining thereunto contrarie to the Acts of annexation made thereupon of before And where lawfull dissolution of the said annexation was not made by his Majestie his said umwhile dearest Father and his said Predecessors kings of Scotland in their majoritie with consent of the three Estates of Parliament in their severall times for setting of the same in few-ferme with augmentation of the rentall To the effect the same may be of none availe in time comming after the date hereof by way of action exception or reply ITEM His Majestie with consent foresaid revokes annuls retreats and rescinds all infeftments donations alienations and other dispositions whatsoever made by his Majestie or his said umwhile dearest Father either in their minoritie to their hurt and lesion or in their majoritie against the Lawes and Acts of Parliament to whatsoever person or persons of whatsoever lands rents annuals and revenews not annext to the crown whereof his Majesties umwhile dearest Grandmother Queen Mary was in possession before the coronation of his Majesties umwhile dearest Father of happy memore And of all offices such as Chamberlaneries bailliaries office of customarie made for moe yeares but from the Exchequer till the compt be made in the Exchequer following constableries bailliaries takes and rentals of his Majesties proper lands and rents above the space of five yeares made granted contrary against the Lawes and Acts of Parliament of the Kingdome the same being so found and tryed ITEM His Majestie with consent of the Estates revokes casses annuls retreats and rescinds all and whatsoever Infeftments rentals and other rights whatsoever of any part of the annext property or of the few-fermes of whatsoever proper lands annext to his Majesties Crowne made to whatsoever person by his Majestie or his umwhile dearest Father or any other his Majesties Predecessors which are made in diminution of the rentall and hurt of the Patrimonie of the Crowne where the diminution may be proved and verified ITEM His Majestie revokes casses annuls retreats and rescinds all and whatsoever Infeftments alienations and dispositions made by his Majestie or by his umwhile dearest Father or any other his Majesties noble Progenitors of the few-ferme victuall of any lands pertaining to the Crowne which were lawfully set in few of before for payment of the few-ferme victuall and the same few-ferme victuall is set thereafter in few or otherwise for silver payment because such a set or few-ferme being so found and tryed is clearly understood to be to the great abuse hurt and diminution of his
the generall submission made to his Majestie And his Majesties determination given thereupon and that alennarly in so farre as concernes a competent maintenance to be locally payed forth of each Church to the Minister and his successors And anent the teinds of other mens lands And anent the annuitie to be payed to his Majestie forth of the teinds of the said kirk And as to the remanent teinds the same to pertaine to laick patrons in price or rate thereof in all cases where the foresaid laick patrons were in possession of the teinds thereof by the space of seven yeares within the fifteen yeares immediately preceding the date of the said generall submission With this declaration that where the titulars or Ministers provided to the said laick patronages and kirks thereof were in possession of the benefices foresaid and fruits and rents thereof either by leading of the teinds or by up-lifting and intrometting with the whole rents thereof by the space of seven yeares of fifteene yeares immediately preceding the said submission in these cases the difference betwixt the said laick Patrons and the Titulars and Ministers shall be referred to his sacred Majestie and to his Royall declaration to be given there-anent and ordaines all former commissions anent the premisses to cease in time coming and this onely to stand in force in time to come ACT XX ANENT THE KING HIS DESIGNATION OF The Names to be insert in the Commissions anent the Tithes and Lawes OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD And Estates of Parliament considering that the Designation of the particular persons necessarie to bee ingrost in the two severall commissions granted in this present Parliament the one anent the teinds and the other anent the survay of the Laws which was by the said Estates referred to his sacred Majestie THEREFORE the said Estates appoint and ordaine the clerke of his Highnesse Register to insert in the said two severall commissions such particular persons names as his Majestie by his warrant signed with his hand shall appoint and ordaine to be insert thereunto For doing whereof declares this present act to bee als sufficient a warrant to the clerke of Register as if the said commissioners names had been now presently insert in the said two severall commissions by his Majestie and estates of Parliament ACT XXI ANENT THE ANWELL OF EIGHT TO BE Taken of ilk hundred in time to come alennerly suspending the same for three yeares and in the interim two of ten to be payed for the said space to his MAIESTIE IN THE PARLIAMENT Holden at Edin burgh upon the twentie eight day of June the yeare of God 1633. For so much as his Majesties Lieges and good Subjects are heavily opprest and burdened with exorbitant annual-rents and interest taken for the use of money far exceeding the rate and proportion taken in England France and other neighbour countries THEREFORE His Majestie with advise of the Estates statutes and ordains that notwithstanding of any former Act of Parliament allowing ten pounds to bee taken for each hundreth pounds in a yeare yet that no person after the date hereof take more than eight pounds for the use of the hundreth pounds in a yeare and so proportionally in lesser or greater sums under the paines contained in the former Acts of Parliament made against usurers AND forsomuch as his Majestie out of his gracious goodnesse with consent of the Estates hath reduced the interest and profit of money from ten of the hundred to eight conforme to this present Act. Therefore the Estates of Parliament presently conveened being sensible of the great good ensuing thereby to this whole Kingdome in all times to come make a voluntary and humble offer to his Majestie that of the said ten payed by borrowers for each hundreth during the space of three yeares next ensuing two shall be payed to his Majestie during the said space by and attour the twentieth penny presently payed to his Majestie in this present running taxation and that for the tearms of Martinmasse next 1633 yeares and Whitsunday 1634 yeares And by and attour the sixteenth penny of the extraordinary Taxation now presently granted to his Majestie in this Parliament to begin at Martinmas 1634 years And hereby it is declared that those who formerly borrowed moneys for eight of the hundred shall be free of payment of the said two of ten for such and the same quantities as they have formerly borrowed and are presently adebted by them for payment of eight of the hundred allenerly and those who formerly borrowed for nine of the hundred and are presently owing by them shall be only lyable to pay one to his Majestie of nine during the said space for such and the same quantitie of summes as were formerly borrowed at nine for the hundred And it is further declared that those who never borrowed moneys before the date of this Act and shall happen to borrow any summes of money hereafter they being equally participant of the benefit of the said Act and his Majesties gracious favour thereby extended to them with his other Subjects shall be subject in payment of the said proportion of two of ten during the space of three years as said is And ordains the lenners to pay the same yearly and termly during the said space of three years together and in one summe with the twentieth penny of this present running extraordinary taxation for the said terme of Martinmasse next 1633 years and Whitsunday 1634 yeares and together and in one summe with the sixteenth penny granted in this present Parliament for the tearms of Martinmasse 1634. Whitsunday and Martinmasse 1635. Whitsunday 1636. beginning the first tearms payment of the said two of ten at Martinmasse next and so tearmly thereafter during the said space of three yeares and six termes And the said Estates have agreed all in one voice to suspend like as by these presents they suspend the execution of the said act for the space of three years after the date hereof and by these presents declare that it shall be lawfull notwithstanding of the said act to all subjects within this Realme to take ten markes for each hundred markes of their lent moneys put out or to be put out upon annuall-rent conforme to the preceding acts of Parliament during the said space of three yeares next after the date hereof And for inbringing of the said taxation of two marks of ten ordain letters to be direct in the same forme and manner as is direct for collecting the foresaid extraordinary taxations of the twentieth and sixteenth penny And the same to be payed together and in one sum to his Majesties Collector generall to bee appointed or to his Doputes in his name having his power to receive the same ACT XXII ANENT THE LORDS OF SESSION THEIR Taxation of ten shillings to be imposed upon everie pound land of old extent IN THE PARLIAMENT Holden at Edinburgh upon the twentie eighth of June the yeare of God 1633. OUR SOVERAIGNE Lord the Kings
and his deputes and the Provests and Bayliffes of the Burrowes there The Earles of Errole Montros Athol Perth Tullibairdin Sea-fort Vicount of Stormonth Lord Ogilvie The Lairds of Glenurquhy Lawers Garntullie Weymes Glenlyon Glenfalloch Edinampill Grant or any of them his Majesties Justices in that part for setting trying and doing Justice upon the said rebels of Clan-Gregour or any of them and their complices who shall be apprehended by any of his Highnesse good subjects for theft sorning or slaughter with power to them to hold Courts proceed and minister Justice upon the said rebels apprehended as said is as accords And where ever his Majesties good subjects shall happen to apprehend any of the said rebels sorning commiting theft or slaughter and shall present them to the said Lords of Councell Justice or Justice generall or Commissioners above-specified or either of them the doer of that service shall have for his reward the moveable goods and geare of the offender taken and presented by him in manner foresaid ACT XXXI IN FAVOUR OF HIS MAJESTIE AND Lieges Intitulate Salvo jure cujuslibet OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD and Estates of Parliament declare that no particular Acts made in favour of any of his Majesties subjects at this present Parliament nor no acts of ratification made in their favour shall prejudge his Majestie nor his successours of the acts and statutes under written made in favour of his Majestie in this same Parliament viz. The act of his Majesties revocation The act anent the superiorities of erections The act anent regalities of erections and the acts made or ratified anent his Majesties annexed properties And his Majestie and Estates finde and declare the said particular acts and acts of ratification made in favour of any of his Majesties subjects in so far as the same or any of them may prejudge his Majestie or his successours of the said acts statutes made in his Majesties favour or of the benefit thereof in whole or in part to bee null and of none avail force nor effect by way of exception or reply And siclike statute and ordaine that the said particular acts and acts of ratification shall not prejudge any third party of their lawfull rights nor of their actions and defences competent thereupon before the making of the said particular acts and acts of ratification But that the Lords of Session and all other Judges shall bee obliged to judge betwixt the parties according to their rights standing in their person before the making of the said particular acts And that in respect the said particular acts and acts of ratification are made without hearing of parties having interest and therefore are made Salvo jure cujuslibet Like as his Majestie and Estates declare That this is was the true meaning of all the acts made in the preceding parliaments Intitulate Acts salvo jure cujuslibet Excepting alwayes forth of this present act a ratification of the mortification of the Abbacie of Dundrenan to the Chappell-royall in favour of the Bishop of Dunblane The act of ratification of the benefice of Failfuird with the pertinents granted to Master Walter Quytfuird with the act of dissolution of the Abbacies of Holy-rude-house and New-Abby all past in this present Parliament excepting also forth of this present act The act of ratification and dissolution made in favour of the Marquesse of Hamiltoun anent his right to the impost of the Wines new and old gifted by his Majestie to him for the space of sixteene yeares specified in his gifts and grants made to him thereupon and also excepting forth hereof the ratification of the contract past betwixt his Majestie and the Lord Lorne Anent the heritable office of Justiciarie within the bounds therein mentioned dated the third and twentie third day of April 1628 yeares And of the Charter under the great Seal precept and instrument of seizing following thereupon together with libertie of creation of Clerks members of court directing of precepts and letters of horning and power to denounce and with all other priviledges therein contained And siclike of the three severall acts of Councell and an act of Exchequer all relative to his rights of the said office of justiciarie and in favour of the said Lord Lorne Page 51 line 18. for respected read repeated Collected visied and extracted forth of the Book and Register of the Acts of Parliament by me Sir John Hay of Lands Knight Clerke of his Majesties Councell Register and Rolls Vnder my Signe and Subscription manuall JOHANNES HAY Clericus Registri FINIS A TABLE OF The Particular Acts and others exped and past in this first Parliament of our Soveraigne Lord Charles By the grace of God King of Scotland England France and Ireland Defender of the Faith Holden at Edinburgh the twentie eight day of June 1633 yeares not imprinted 1 COmmission for serveying the Lawes 2 Commission anent the admiralitie and chamberlanry 3 Commission to the Lords of secret Councell for deciding the question betwixt the Shires of Perth Forfar and Fyfe and the burgh of Dundie anent the Ladle full of corne brought to their markets Anent the petition given in by the Tanners against the Lord Erskeine Anent Master David Wedderburnes Grammer Anent freedom of foggage pasturage c. to Ministers Anent reforming the malt-mens price betwixt the boll of beir and malt Anent establishing of correction houses Anent the mutuall interchange of forbidden goods betwixt Scotland and England Anent inbringing of manufactories Anent reformation of abuses in presenting playding to faires and markets Anent discharge of Robert Buchanes patent of the pearle and all otheir monopolies Anent reformation of bleatching of linen cloath Anent discharge of impositions upon victuall brought from forraine parts 4 Commission to the Lords of secret Councell anent the scarsitie of coyne of gold and silver within this Kingdome Anent the frequent course of Dollors and base copper money Anent the penaltie of the breakers of cthe Act of Parliament anent metts and measures Anent addition to the booke of rates of the prices to be taken by the Clerke of the bills for allowance of comprisings 5 Protestation by his Majestie anent the coyne 6 Commission to the Lords of secret Councell anent the petition presented by John Lord Torphichen in Parliament 7 Commission to the Lords of secret Councell anent the Lord Spynies gift of being Generall muster-master and Collonel within this Kingdome 8 Commission to the Councell anent the exchange of Moneys betwixt Scotland and England 9 Commission to the Councell anent the criminall judicatorie 10 Commission to the Commissioners of surrenders anent the disjoyning of meikle and little Daliouns from the Kirke of Mouswald and planting of the new Kirke of Beith 11 Commission to the Lords of Exchequer anent Robert Young printer his gift Anent the petition of Ionet Keine and the heires of Andrew Hart. Anent Master Robert Craiges pension of five hundreth pound Anent the mean Vassalls of Kirke-lands their enterie Anent upholding of the cathedrall Kirke
Balhagradie 141 Act in favour of the Laird of Makclachin 142 Act in favour of the Kirke of Pittinwyme 143 Act in favour of the Kirke of Eymouth 144 Act in favour of the Minister of Coldinghame 145 Act in favour of the Minister of Bruntiland 146 Act of dissolution of Lugtoun and Melvill from the Parish of Saint Andros and union thereof to Dalkeith and Laswade 147 Act anent the Parsonage of Dalkeith and payment of the taxation thereof 148 Act in favour of sir Richard Murray of Cokpull 149 Act in favour of the Minister of Colbrandspeth 150 Act in favour of sir Iohn Charters of Aimisfield 151 Act in favour of sir Patrick Hamiltoun ef little Prestoun 152 Act in favour of the Laird of Balvaird 153 Protestation Earle Annandail 154 Act in favour of Iohn Hamiltoun of Boghall and his spouse 155 Act in favour of William Lockhart of Carstairs 156 Protestation Marques of Hamiltoun 157 Protestation Marques of Dowglas 158 Protestation Archbishop of Glasgow 159 Act in favour of Master Robert Gordoun of Strealoch 160 Act disuniting the Kirkes of Ebdie and Newburgh 161 Act anent the erection of the Parish Kirke of Strechine 162 Protestation Lord Lundors 163 Act in favour of sir George Hamiltoun 164 Act uniting certaine lands to the Kirkes of Corstorphine and Hails 165 Act in favour of Iames Hay of Smithfield 166 Act in favour of sir Iames Balfour 167 Act in favour of Alexander Cuningham of Barnes 168 Protestation Archbishop of Saint Andrews 169 Act in favour of the Master of Elphingstoun 170 Act in favour of Master Alexander Keith of Benholme 171 Act dissolving foure prebendaries from the parish Kirke of Corstorphine to the Colledge Kirke thereof 172 Act in favour of sir Iohn Achmootie of Gosfuird 173 Act in favour of sir George Ogilvie of Bamffe 174 Protestation Doctor Philip contrary the act of erection of the Kirk of Kingsbarnes in favour of the Lord Lindesay 175 Protestation Earle Lauderdaill contra Iames Livingstoun of Beill 176 Act in favour of sir Thomas Hope of Craig-hall Knight Baronet A TABLE OF THE PRINTED ACTES AND Lawes past in this first PARLIAMENT of our Soveraigne Lord King CHARLES c. and in what leafe and page the same is to be found 1 ANent the taxation granted to his Majestie of thirtie shillings termly upon the pound land and the sixteenth pennie of all annuall-rents pag. 3. 2 Anent the collecting and inbringing of the taxation and reliefe to prelates 9. 3 Anent his Majesties royall Prerogative and Apparell of Kirkemen 18. 4 Ratification of the Acts touching Religion ibid. 5 Ratification of the act of Councell anent the plantation of schools 19. 6 Anent the inverting of pious donations ibid. 7 Anent invading of Ministers 20. 8 Ratification of the act of Commission anent the Ministers provisions 21. 9 The Kings generall Revocation 22. 10 Anent annexation of his Majesties propertie 28. 11 Act of Dissolution 30. 12 Ratification of the act of Interruption 31. 13 Anent Regalities of erections 36. 14 Anent superiorities of Kirkelands 38. 15 Anent his Majesties annuitie of teinds 39. 16 Anent Vassals holding Ward 41. 17 Anent the rate and price of teinds 42. 18 Anent the Exchequer 44. 19 Commission for valuation of teinds not valued rectifying the valuation of the same already made and other particulars therein contained 45. 20 Anent the King his designation of the names to be insert in the Commissions anent the tithes and lawes 52. 21 Anent the annuall of eight to bee taken of ilk hundred in time to come alannerly suspending the same for three yeares and in the interim two of ten to bee payed for the said space to his Majestie ibid. 22 Anent the Lords of session their taxation of ten shillings to be imposed upon everie pound land of old extent 53. 23 Ratification of the liberties of the Colledge of Iustice pag. 56. 24 Ratification of the priviledges of the free royall burrows 57. 25 Ratification of the acts made in favour of the Iustices of peace and their Constables and Commission to the Lords of secret Councell thereanent 58. 26 Explanation of the Acts of Parliament made in favour of the Lords of session anent twelve pennies of the pound to be payed in decreets given by the said Lords hereafter 59. 27 Act pardon penall statutes ibid. 28 Ratification in favour of the Vicount of Sterling of the infeftments and signature granted to him of the Dominions of new Scotland Canada in America priviledges therein contained and of the dignitie and order of knight baronets and act of convention of Estates made thereanent 60. 29 Act in favour of the Earle of Mortoun and the Lord Dalkeith his son anent the Loch of Levin preservation of the fishings thereof 61. 30 Act anent the Clan-Gregour 62. 31 Act in favour of his Majestie and Lieges intitulate Iure salvo cujuslibet 56. FINIS
Majesties Patrimony and rent ITEM His Majestie revokes casses annuls retreats and rescinds all Infeftments alienations dispositions with all takes assedations and any other sort of conveyances whatsoever made by his Majestie or his Majesties dearest Father or any other his Majesties Predecessors Kings of Scotland against the lawes of the kingdome to whatsoever persons of his Majesties Castles and Houses or Places and Roomes whereupon the said Castles and houses were situat although now demolished by injurie done to his Majestie and the said Crowne And sicklike all infeftments alienations and dispositions and all other sort of conveyances whatsoever of any of his Majesties medowes woods and parks with all takes assedations and other dispositions thereof made by his Majestie or his predecessors foresaid against the lawes of the kingdome The same being so found and tryed ITEM His Majestie revokes retreats and rescinds all and sundrie Infeftments alienations gifts dispositions or any other conveyances whatsoever made by his Majesties said umwhile dearest Father or any other his Majesties predecessors kings of Scotland induring their minoritie and lesse age and not thereafter confirmed in their majoritie to whatsoever person or persons in few-ferme or life-rent of all lands and annual-rents which be come in their hands as propertie by right of the crowne through bastardrie or being last heire by recognition or forfaulture or otherwise with all confirmations if any be granted in Parliament thereupon providing that presentation to tennandries fallen by occasion foresaid shall in no wayes come under this present Revocation because the same being casualities could not remaine in his Majestie or his said predecessors hands in prejudice of the Superior of the said tennandries but of necessitie it behoved them to present heritable Tenants to the said Superiours ITEM His Majestie with consent foresaid revokes casses annuls all new Infeftments confirmations and other conveyances whatsoever given by his Majesties said umwhile dearest Father or any other his Majesties Predecessors kings of Scotland to whatsoever person or persons of any lands baronies Lordships or other heritages whatsomever To be holden in blensh ferme which were holden of his Majestie or his Predecessors of before by service of ward and relief And that in so farre as the same is or may be found and verified to have been granted against the lawes and Acts of Parliament of the Kingdome without prejudice alwayes to the heritable possessers incase of reduction of their changed renors to brooke and hold their said lands heritable as they were holden before the alteration of the said holding ITEM His Majestie with consent foresaid revokes casses annuls retreats and rescinds all Regalities and gifts of Regalities and all confirmations and ratifications of the said gifts and regalities made given or granted or consented to by his Majestie or his said umwhile dearest Father or any other his Majesties Predecessors Kings of Scotland against the Acts and statutes that no Regalities should be given in heritage without advice and deliberation of the whole Parliament together with all charters infeftments confirmations gifts de novo damus and other rights whatsomever made by his Majestie or his Predecessors above-named of whatsomever heritable offices against the lawes and Acts of Parliament of the Kingdome ITEM His Majestie with consent foresaid revokes casses annuls retreats and rescinds all new creation of lands baronies and annexations and unions of divers lands in free which are made by his Majesty or his said umwhile dearest Father or any other of his Majesties predecessors Kings of Scotland in prejudice of their due service owing of before Together with all discharges given of the said service and sutes of court due of old and that in so farre as the same is or may be found to be unlawfully made or against the lawes of the Kingdome ITEM His Majestie with consent foresaid revokes casses annuls retreats rescinds all new Infeftments made and given by his Majestie or his said umwhile dearest Father or any other his Majesties Predecessors Kings of Scotland of Creation of Baronies and Lordships annext to the Crowne foresaid in favour of whatsomever person in so farre as the same is or many be verified to have been made and granted unlawfullie and against the Lawes of the Kingdome ITEM His Majestie with consent foresaid revokes casses annuls retreats and rescinds all Infeftments gifts and disposions whatsomever set given and granted by his Majestie or his said umwhile dearest Father or any other his Majesties Predecessors Kings of Scotland to whatsomever person or persons in fee few-ferme or life-rent of whatsomever Hospitals Masondieus lands or rents appertaining thereto in hurt or prejudice of consciences and against the lawes and acts of Parliament of the kingdome to the end that the said Hospitalls may be reduced to the first institution for upholding of the poor so farre as may be done by the lawes of the Kingdome Providing alwayes that the rents of the Trinitie Colledge beside the Burgh of Edinburgh and other rents assigned to the Hospitall and colledge erected by the Provest Baysiffes and Councell of the Burgh of Edinburgh be no wayes comprehended under this present Revocation ITEM His Majestie with consent foresaid revokes casses annuls retreats and rescinds all and whatsoever gifts pensions gifts of sees wages liveries and dispositions out of his Majesties casualities and coffers given by his Majestie or by any of his Majesties noble Progenitors except such as shall be of new granted by his Majestie again together with all Presentations to offices and places which by the laws of the Realme fall under his Majesties Revocation excepting alwayes the presentations fees and pensions given to the ordinary officers of the Crown after specified their Deputes and Clerks and to the other persons after mentioned which are declared no wayes to fall within this present Revocation They are to say The fees and pensions given and assigned to the Thesaurer Comptroller and Collector principall and to his Majesties depute Thesaurer and to their Deputes and Clerks to the Secretary principall and his Deputes To the Clerk of Registery to his Majesties Advocate and the Justice Iustice Clerke and their Deputes and to the Master of Requests and to the proctor for the poore director of the Chancellarie and dictator of the Rolls And also declares the pensions and others underwritten no wayes to fall under his Majesties Revocation viz. The pension of the Duke of Lennox his umwhile Father or Uncle The pension to the Earle of Morton with the tak and assedation of Orknay and Zetland The pension to sir Robert Ker of Ancrum the pension to M. Iohn Sandelands the pension to Sir Iames Lockhart the pension to sir Iames Levingston the pension to sir William Balfour the pension to Halbart Maxwell the pension to sir Iames Carmichaell the pension to sir Iames Ramsay and the pension to sir Iohn Murray of Revilrige which his Majestie and Estates declare shall stand in effect notwithstanding of this present Revocation ITEM His Majestie
with consent foresaid revokes casses annuls retreats rescinds all gifts pensions and free discharges of the thirds of benefices granted by his Majestie or his said umwhile dearest Father or any other his Majesties Predecessors Kings of Scotland to whatsomever person or persons against the lawes and Acts of Parliament of the Kingdome with all taks of thirds of benefices whereby the rentalled dutie is diminished or where the whole benefice is set and disponed in diminution of the third thereof in so farre as the same is contratrie to the lawes of the Kingdome as said is ITEM His Majestie with consent foresaid revokes casses annuls retreates and rescinds all and whatsoever Infeftments made by his Majestie or his said umwhile dearest Father or any other his Majesties predecessors of any Church-lands Fryer-lands Monk-lands or common-lands which any wayes fell and became in their hands as propertie and that in so far as the same is or may be verified to be made contrarie and against the lawes and acts of Parliaments of the Kingdom reserving alwayes the infeftment made for erection sustentation of Hospitals and Ministers within Burrows where there is no assignation nor stipend allowed forth of the thirds of benefices for sustentation of the ministers thereof And declares that all such infeftments of Church-lands as is before exprimed falls under this revocation if the person or persons their successors to whom the same have been disponed have not answered performed the cause and ends expressed in the said Infeftments and for the which the said Infeftments was granted by his Majestie and his Predecessors as said is ITEM His Majestie with consent foresaid revokes casses annulls rereats and rescinds all takes asledations whatsoever of any common Churches within the Realme of Scotland made by his Majestie or his said umwhile darrest Father or any other his Majesties predecessors Kings of Scotland in so far as the same is or may be found and verified to be made against the Lawes and Acts of Parliament of the Kingdome Providing alwaies that there shall be sufficient Ministers appointed to serve the said Churches who shall make residence and shall be sufficiently sustained of the readiest fruits of the said common Kirkes according to the generall order taken thereanent ITEM His Majestie with consent foresaid revokes casses annuls retreats and rescinds all gifts of Monkes portions first fruits or fift penny of any benefices whereunto his Majestie hath right by the Acts of Parliament made before to that end And that in so farre as the said gifts are or may be found to be granted against the Lawes of the Kingdome ITEM His Majestie with consent foresaid revokes casses annulls retreats and rescinds all gifts and infeftments made done and consented unto to whatsoever person or persons by his Majestie or his Majesties said umwhile darrest father or any other his Majesties predecessors Kings of Scotland of whatsoever advocation donation and right of patronage given or annexed to any Lordships Lands or Baronie where the said Patronage advocation and donation of benefice pertained not before of right but which taketh the beginning and ground from any gift and infeftment thereof made with this clause de novo damus where the purchaser of the said infeftment had no right to the said Patronage advocation and donation of before And that in so farre as the same is or may be found to be granted against the Lawes and acts of Parliament of the Kingdome ITEM His Majestie with consent foresaid revokes casses annuls retreats and rescinds all gifts dispositions of superplus omitted of the fruits of benefice given by his Majestie his said umwhile darrest Father or any other his Majesties Predecessors Kings and Queens of Scotland in so far as the same is or may bee found and verified to bee granted against the Lawes and Acts of Parliament of the Kingdome ITEM His Majestie with consent of the Estates revokes casses annuls retreats and rescinds all grants and infeftments of erections of whatsoever abbacie or other prelacie in whole or in part temporalitie or spiritualitie thereof made and granted or consented unto by his Majestie at any time preceding the date hereof To and in favour of whatsoever person or persons and declares the same null and of none avail by way of action exception or reply And al 's his Majestie and Estates revoke all infeftments of Erections made and granted by his Majesties said umwhile darrest Father or any his Majesties Predecessors Kings or Queens of Scotland of whatsoever Abbacie Priorie Nunnerie Preceptorie or any other Erected benefice whatsoever of whatsoever nature qualitie or condition whereof the presentation should pertaine to his Majestie if the same were not erected in a temporall Baronie Lordship or Living or of any part or pendicle thereof either spiritualitie or temporalitie of the same to and in favour of whatsoever person or persons And that in so far as the same is or may be verified to be granted against the generall Lawes and Acts of Parliament of the Kingdome And to that effect revokes casses annuls retreats and rescinds all acts statutes and dissolutions of any of the said erected benefices lands or teynds of the same whereupon the said infeftments of erections are or have been founded And that in so far as the same is or may be found and verified to be contrary to the generall Lawes Acts of Parliament and Statutes of the Kingdome as said is AND generally his Majestie with consent foresaid revokes casses annuls retreats and rescinds all acts constitutions dispositions graunts conveyances ratifications and all other things whatsoever done or consented unto by his Majestie at any time preceding the date hereof or by his umwhile dearest Father or any other his Majesties Predecessors Kings and Queenes of Scotland in detriment of their soule and conscience in hurt and detriment of the Crowne and Church and contrarie to the Lawes and Acts of Parliament of the Kingdome And wills and declares that these presents shall be al 's amply extended and to bee of als great effect in generall and speciall as any revocation made by any of his Majesties royall Predecessors before the date hereof contained in the bookes of Parliament Which in all heads clauses and circumstances thereof are holden as here repeated AND also his Majestie with consent of the Estates ordaines and decernes that albeit it shall happen his Majestie for any respect or consideration to suffer any person or persons to use or possesse any priviledges or possessions lands rents offices which are fallen under the compasse hereof That it shall make no right to the users and holders thereof but it shall be lawfull to his Majestie and his successors to intromit therewith when ever it shall please them by vertue of these present acts and consuetudes of the realme made before without any obstacle impediment or contradiction ACT X. ANENT ANNEXATION OF HIS MAIESTIES Propertie OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD With advice and consent of the Estates of this present Parliament ratifies
of a law statute and act of Parliament in favour of his Majestie and his successors in all time coming Followeth the tenor of the Act of Councell and Session AT EDINBVRGH The penult day of March the yeare of God 1630 yeers The which day in presence of the Lords of Councell and Session compeered personally sir Thomas Hope of Craige-hall Knight Baronet his Majesties Advocate and presented a letter directed from his sacred Majestie whereof the tenor followeth REX Right trustie and right welbeloved Cousin Counceller and trusty welbelowed We greet you well Whereas by Act of Parliament made in the moneth June 1617 yeers all heritable rights cled with fourtie years possession are declared to be irreduceable in all time coming except the same be quarrelled within the space of fortie years And by the same Act their is libertie granted to all persons who might be prejudged by the said prescription of fourtie yeers already run and expired before the date of the said Act. To intend their actions within the space of thirteen yeers after theate of the said act And whereas we shortly after the decease of our dearest Father or eternall memorie made our generall revocation in the moneth of October 1625 years Which revocation we by two speciall letters of declaration one of the date at White-hall the twentie sixth day of Januarie 1626 years And registrate in the bookes of secret Councell the ninth of February 1626 yeares And an other of the date at Wainsteed the eleventh of July 1626 yeers And registrate in the bookes of secret Councell upon the twentie one of July 1626 years Have restricted to the annulling of rights of the propertie of the Crowne as well annaxed as unannexed whereof accompt hath been made in Exchequer and of the principalitie unlawfully disponed by our Predecessors against the lawes and Acts then standing and to the annuling of erections and other dispositions of whatsoever lands teinds partronages and benefices formerly belonging to the Kirk and since annext to the Crowne And of any other lands and benefices mortified and devoted to pious uses And of Regalities and heritable offices and of the change from the ancient holdings of ward and reliefe to blensh or taxt ward since the yeer of God 1540 yeeres And because We were unwilling to enter in processe with our Subjects anent the premisses but rather desired to take a faire course with all such as would voluntarily treat with Us or our Commissioners there-anent THEREFORE We were pleased by our Commission of the date at White-hall the seventeenth day of January 1627 yeeres to appoint certaine of our Nobilitie Clergie Gentrie Barons and Burrowes to be commissioners to treat and deal betwixt Us and our Subjects anent the premisses And albeit the said Commission hath made a good progresse in the said matter of erection and teinds and that a great number of our subjects having interest therein have subscribed to us generall submissions whereupon We have given forth our severall determinations for the good of our Subjects and establishing of the perpetuall quietnesse and peace of that our ancient Kingdome Yet it is certaine that many of these who have interest in erections and teinds lye forth and have not subscribed the said generall submissions Like as also the remanant points of our said Commission anent the patronage of Kirks rights and infeftments of our Propertie and Principalitie Regalities Heritable offices and Changed tenours of holding in blensh or taxt Wards are not as yet begun to be handled and treated and cannot be possibly finished and closed before the expiring of the time and yeers of interruption allowed by the said Act. And because We will not suffer our selfe or our Successors to be prejudged by delay of the execution of the said commission of the lawfull actions competent to us and them for reducing of such rights of the premisses to the which We have undoubted interest And seeing a multitude cannot be commodiously summoned and warned personally or at their dwelling places in so short time as is to run of the said time of prescription Therefore and for preservation of our rights and actions competent to us and our Successors anent the premisses Necessary it is that some solemne Act be done by us to testifie our will and resolution to prosecute our said actions in the owne time if the same be not taken away and removed by the said commission which we thinke cannot be more properly and conveniently done nor by inserting of this our declaration in your Bookes of Session and directing of Letters of publication thereupon certifying all our Lieges who have interest in the premisses by open proclamation at the market crosse of our Burgh of Edinburgh other places needfull of this our pleasure will and declaration And that the same be declared by you to have the strength force vertue and power of a legall and perfect interruption And therefore We require you immediately after the sight hereof to cause insert these presents in your Bookes of Session and to declare the same to have the force of a legall and lawfull interruption and to direct Letters of publication thereupon in forme as effeires Which not doubting you will doe We bid you farewell From our Court at White-hall the twenty ninth day of November 1629 years with the which letter tenor contents desire thereof after that the same with the act of parliament wheruno it is relative was read in their whole presence The said Lords being well ripely advised having considered the justice and equitie of his Majesties will pleasure therein contained they have ordained ordaine the said letter declaration therein contained to be insert and registrate in their bookes of Sederunt and ordaine Letters of publication to be direct and passe thereupon certifying all his Majesties Lieges who have interest by open proclamation at the market crosse of Edinburgh and other market crosses of the Kingdome where the lands Baronies and others under written lye or where the persons and subjects dwell and remaine against whom the said declaration is to have the effect of a legall interruption in manner following And by open proclamation at the said market crosse of Edinburgh Pier and shore of Leith for all such of his Majesties Lieges who are forth of this Realme Of his Majesties pleasure will and declaration and of the said Lords their decrete and authoritie interponed thereto Like as the said Lords declare That the said declaration registrate as said is and to be published in manner foresaid shall have the strength force and power of a legall and perfect interruption against all persons having interest and that in so farre alennerly as may be extended to the particulars followings To wit To his Majesties annexed propertie and his Majesties propertie unannexed whereof the fermes duties or few-fermes have been compted in his Majesties Exchequer since the moneth of August 1455 yeares unlawfully disponed by his Majesties predecessors against
the acts of Parliament and lawes of the Kingdome and to the principalitie unlawfully disponed by his Majesties predecessors against the acts of Parliament and lawes of this Kingdome and to the reduction of whatsoever erections of whatsoever benefices spirituality or temporality thereof against the lawes acts of Parliament to the reduction of whatsoever patronages of kirkes pertaining to his Majestie and his predecessors unlawfully disponed by them against the acts of Parliament and against unlawfull dispositions of whatsoever lands teinds or rents doted to Hospitalities or mason-dieus and unlawfullie disponed against the acts of Parliament and against Regalities and heritable offices unlawfullie disponed contrarie the acts of Parliament and against all changed tenors of holding from ward to blensh or taxt ward granted by the Kings and Princes in their minorities and not granted or ratified by any king or prince being major with this declaration like as the said Lords declare that the same shall not prejudge any person whatsoever of their lawfull defence competent to them against any action to be intended hereafter at his Majesties instance and his successors except in so far as concerne the said act of prescription whereupon the said Lords declare that no exception shall be founded in prejudice of his Majestie and his successors concerning the premisses Followeth the tenor of the Act of Secret Councell Apud Holy-rude-house vicesimo sexto die mensis Maii anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo tricesimo THE which day in presence of the Lords of Secret Councell compeared personally Sir Thomas Hope of Craige-hall Knight Baronet his Majesties Advocate and gave in the act of Session underwritten made in favour of his Majestie anent the Interruption of the act of prescription and desired the same to be insert and registrate in the bookes of privie Councell and the Lords authoritie to be interponed thereto which act of Session being read heard and considered by the said Lords and they being there-with and with the desire of the said Advocate well advised the Lords of Secret Councell thinke the course and order taken by the said Lords of Session for interrupting of the said act of prescription to be just and reasonable And therefore they ordaine the said act of Session to be insert and registrate in the bookes of privie Councell whereof the tenor followeth At Edinburgh the penult day of March the yeare of God 1630 years The which day in presence of the Lords of Councell compeared personally Sir Thomas Hope of Craige-hall Knight Baronet his Majesties Advocate and presented a Letter direct from his sacred Majestie whereof the tenor followeth CHARLES REX Right trustie and right well-beloved Cousin and Counceller and right trustie and well-beloved We greet you well Whereas by act of Parliament made in the moneth of June 1617 yeares All heritable rights cled with fourtie yeares possession are declared to be irreduceable in all time coming except the same be quarrelled within the space of fourtie yeares and by the same act there is libertie granted to all persons who might be prejudged by the said prescription of fourtie yeares already run and expired before the date of the said act To intend their actions within the space of thirteene yeares after the date of the said act And whereas We shortly after the decease of our dearest Father of eternall memorie made our generall revocation in the moneth of October 1625. Which revocation we by two speciall Letters of declaration one of the date at White-hall the twenty sixth day of January 1626 yeares And registrate in the bookes of our secret Councell the ninth day of February 1626 yeares And another of the date at Wainsteed the eleventh day of July 1626 yeares and registrate in the bookes of our secret Councell upon the twentie one day of July 1626 yeares Have restricted to the annulling of rights of the propertie of our Crowne as well annexed as unannexed whereof accompt hath beene made in our Exchequer and of the Principality unlawfully disponed by our predecessors against the lawes and acts then standing and to the annulling of erections other dispositions of whatsoever lands teinds patronages and benefices formerly belonging to the kirke and since annexed to the crowne And of any other lands and patronages which any wayes should justly belong to the kirke or crown and of whatsoever lands and benefices mortified and devoted to pious uses and of Regalities heritable offices and of the change of holdings from the ancient holding of ward and reliefe to blensh and taxt ward since the yeare of God 1540 yeares And because we were unwilling to enter in processe with our Subjects anent the premisses but rather desired to take a faire course with all such as would voluntarily treat with Us or our commssioners there-anent THEREFORE We were pleased by our commission of the date at White-hall the seventeenth day of Januarie 1627 yeares To appoint certain of our Nobilitie Clergie Gentrie Barons and Burrowes to be commssioners to treat and deal betwixt Us and our Subjects in the premisses And albeit the said commission hath made a good progresse in the said matter of erections and teinds and that a great number of our subjects having interest therein have subscribed unto us generall submissions whereupon We have given forth our severall determinations for the good of our subjects and establishing the perpetuall quietnesse and peace of that our ancient Kingdome Yet it is certaine that many of these who have interest in erections and teinds lye forth and have not subscribed the said generall submissions Like as also the remanent points of our said commission anent the patronage of kirks rights infeftments of our Propertie and Principalitie Regalities Heritable office and Changed tenour of holdings in blensh or taxt Wards are not as yet begun to be handled and treated and cannot possibly be finished and closed before the expiring of the time and yeares of the interruption allowed by the said act And because we will not suffer our self nor our successors to be prejudged by delay of the execution of the said commission of the lawfull actions competent to Us them for reducing such rights of the premisses unto the which we have undoubted interest And seeing a multitude cannot be commodiously summoned and warned personally and at their dwelling places in so short time as is to run of the said time of prescription Therefore and for preservation of our rights and actions competent of Us and our successors anent the premisses necessarie it is that some solemne Act be done by Us to testifie our will and resolution to prosecute our said actions in the owne time if the same be not taken away and removed by the said commission which we thinke cannot be more properly and conveniently done nor by inserting of that our declaration in your bookes of Session and directing of Letters of publication thereupon certifying all our Lieges who have interest in the premisses by open proclamation at the
market crosse of Edinburgh and other places needfull of that our pleasure and declaration and that the same be declared by you to have the strength force power and vertue of a legall and perfect interruption And therefore We require you immediately after the sight hereof to cause insert these presents in your bookes of Session and to declare the same to have the force of a legall and lawfull interruption and to direct Letters of publication thereupon in forme as effeir is Which not doubting you will doe We bid you farewell From our court at White-hall the twentie ninth day of November 1629 yeares With the which Letter tenor contents and desire thereof after that the same with the act of Parliament whereunto it is relative were read in their whole presence The said Lords being well and ripely advised and having considered the justice and equitie of his Majesties will and declaration contained therein They have ordained and ordaine the said letter and declaration therein contained to be insert and registrate in their bookes of Sederunt and ordaine letters of publication to be direct and passe thereupon certifying all his Majesties Lieges who have interest by open proclamation at the market crosse of Edinburgh and other market crosses of the Kingdome where the lands Baronies and others lye or where the persons subjects dwell and remaine against whom the said declaration to have effect of a legall interruption in manner following And by open Proclamation at the said Market crosse of Edinburgh Pier and Shore of Leith for all such of his Majesties subjects as are forth of this Realme Of his Majesties pleasure will and declaration and of the said Lords their decrete and authoritie interponed thereto Like as the said Lords declare That the said declaration registrate as said is and to bee published in manner foresaid Shall have the strength force and power of a legall and perfect interruption against all partles having interest and that in so farre alennerly as may be extended to the particulars following viz. To his Majesties annexed propertie and his Majesties propertie unannexed whereof the ferme duties or few-fermes have beene compted in his Majesties Exchequer since the moneth of August 1455. yeares and unlawfully disponed by his Majesties Predecessors against the Acts of Parliament and Lawes of the Kingdome And to the principalitie unlawfully disponed against the Acts of Parliament and Lawes of this Kingdome And to the reduction of whatsoever erections of whatsoever benefices spiritualitie and temporalitie thereof unlawfully disponed against the Laws and Acts of Parliament And to the reduction of whatsoever patronages of Kirks pertaining to his Majestie and his Predecessors and unlawfully disponed by them against the Acts of Parliament And against unlawfull dispositions of whatsoever teynds lands and rents doted to hospitalls and masondieus and unlawfully disponed against the acts of Parliament And against regalities heritable offices unlawfully disponed contrary to the Acts of Parliament And against all changed tenours of holdings from ward to blensh or taxt ward granted by the Kings and Princes in their minorities and not granted or ratified by any King or Prince being major With this declaration like as the said Lords declare that the same shall not prejudge any person whatsoever of their lawfull defences competent to them against any action to be intended hereafter at his Majesties instance and his successors except in so far as concernes the said act of prescription whereupon the said Lords declare that no exception shall be founded in prejudice of his Majestie and his Successors concerning the premisses ACT XIII ANENT REGALITIES OF ERECTIONS OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD With advice and consent of the Estates of Parliament ratifies and approves that head and article of the act of Parliament made in the month of July 1587 years cap. 29. anent the annexation of the temporalitie of benefices to the crown whereby the right priviledge of regality which pertained to whatsoever Abbacie Priorie Prioresse or other benefice whatsoever is annexed to the crown with this declaration That the heirs of the vassals of the heritable tenants shal be entred by briefes forth of his Majesties Chancellarie to bee direct to the Provest and Bayliffs of the burrows of the said regalicies But prejudice alwaies to heritable Bayliffs and Stewarts of the said regalities their heires and successors Of their rights and infeftments granted to them of the said Baylieries and Stewartries of regalitie which shall remaine with them in the same condition they were before the same act of annexation except in the change of their superiour viz. in the Kings Majestie and his Successors who in all times thereafter shall be their superiour as in the said act of Parliament of the date foresaid at more length is contained AND farther His Majestie with consent of the Estates of Parliament casses annuls retreats and rescinds all rights and titles made and granted by his Majestie or his Majesties umwhile Father or by umwhile Queene Marie his grandmother to whatsoever person or persons of the right and priviledge of regalitie pertaining to whatsoever Abbot Pryor Prioresse Preceptor or other beneficed person whatsoever at any time preceding the date hereof And declares the right and title of all and whatsoever regalities within the Kingdome which pertained to whatsoever benefice particularly or generally above specified at any time preceding the generall annexation of Kirke-lands without respect to any exception mentioned in the said act of annexation To pertaine to his Majestie and his Successors in all time comming Reserving alwaies to all heritable Bayliffs and Stewarts of the said Regalities their rights and infeftments of the said Baylieries Stewartries granted to them by the said beneficed persons at any time preceding the date of the erections of the said Abbacies Priories and others fore-said in temporall Lordships And it is declared that these presents shall no waies be extended to the right of Regalitie of whatsoever lands and superiorities pertaining to the Archbishops and Bishops of this Kingdome by vertue of their gifts and provisions granted to them or their predecessors thereupon which shall remaine with them unhurt or prejudged by this present act AND also it is declared decerned and ordained that the lands and Baronie of Broughtown comprehending the townes lands burgh in baronie milnes and others mentioned in the infeftments granted by his Majestie under his Highnesse great Seale To his Highnesse right trustie Cousin and Counseller Robert Earle of Roxburgh of the date the day of one thousand six hundred thirtie years shall not be comprehended herein excluding the same all utterly therefrom To remaine with the said Earle his heires and Successors after the forme and tenor of the infeftments made to him and his authors of the same ACT XIIII ANENT SUPERIORITIES OF Kirke-Lands OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD With advice and consent of the Estates of Parliament findes declares and ordaines that his Majestie and his Successors have and shall have good and undoubted right to the
the victuall in ilk part of the Country compting for ilk hundred markes of the prices of the said victuallbeing redacted in money six markes for his Majesties annuitie Which Act is thereafter upon the twentieth of December 1631. ratified by the Lords of secret Councell And letters of horning and poynding ordained to be direct thereupon and thereafter ratified by the Lords of Exchequer upon the twentie third of the said moneth of December And his Majestie and Estates statute and ordaine the said annuitie forth of the teinds to be payed to his Majestie and his Successors of the said crop and year of God 1628. and of all yeares sensine and in time comming And that aswell out of the unvalued as valued teinds conforme to the tenours of the said Acts of convention secret Councell and Exchequer And ordaines letters of horning and poynding to be direct by the Lords of his Majesties Exchequer at the instance of his Majesties Thesaurer principall and depute for payment of the said annuitie of all years by-gone and in time comming And ordaines the Lords of his Majesties Exchequer to sit at all convenient times for granting and discussing of suspensions touching the said annuitie of teinds It is alwaies declared that the last clause and article contained in the said Act of annuitie whereby the Commissioners thinke fit that the said annuitie of teinds shall bee annexed to the crown is no waies ratified by this present act nor no clause thereof And that his Mie takes to his own gratious consideration what to do thereanent in whole or in part as his Mty in his royall wisdome shall think most expedient And whatever his Mtie shal do now or hereafter thereanent shal be as valid and effectual as if the same had been particularly exprest in this present act ACT XVI ANENT VASSALS HOLDING WARD OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD And Estates of this present Parliament ratifie and approve the Act of Parliament made by his Majesties um while Father of eternall memorie 18. Parliament cap. 12. Intitulate Act anent setting of fewes to sub-vassals of ward lands in the whole heads and articles thereof And farther his Majestie with consent of the said Estates hath extended and doth extend the said act of Parliament and benefit thereof in favour of his sacred Majestie and of the Prince of Scotland and their Successors in all time coming And statutes and ordaines that it shall no wayes bee lawfull to whatsoever Vassals holding lands of his Majestie or of the Prince of Scotland or of any Duke Marquesse Earl Vicount Lord Prelate Baron or any other person whatsoever holding their land of their Superiour by service of war and relief to set their said lands baronies milnes fishings or any other lands or haritages whatsomever holding ward as said is To any other person or persons in Few for payment of a Few-ferme dutie or in any manner of holding in prejudice of the said ward holding without speciall advice and consent of their superious of whom they hold the same respective And rescinds and annuls all former acts of Parliament of whatsomever date or tenor which may in any sort derogate to this present act And findes and declares that all and whatsomever infeftments to be granted otherwise without consent of the said superiours respective or their confirmation abtained thereto doth no wayes stop the ward of the said lands nor hinders the curse of recognition vacand or which shall happen to vake in the superiours hands incase of altenation of the same either of the whole or of the most part thereof according to the curse of the common Law without consent of their superiours but prejudice to their said superiours respective and their successors of the benefit of the said act of Parliament 1606 whereby all such infeftments and grants without consent as said is are declared to be null by way of action exception or reply Which clause shall stand in favour of his Majestie and in favour of the Prince and their Successors and other superious respective foresaid sicklike and in the same manner as if the said clause were insert in this present act and this act shall not be extended to deeds lawfull done in time by-gone before the date of this present act but onely ad futura ACT XVII ANENT THE RATE AND PRICE OF Teinds FOR SO MUCH As our Soveraigne LORD out of his Royall and Fatherly care tendering the publique good of this his ancient Kingdome did immediatly after his happie attaining to the Crown publish and give forth his Royall declaration anent the reforming of the abuses used in leading of teinds wherein his Majesties umwhile Father of eternall and blessed memorie laboured so much in his time and for provision and maintenance of Kirks and another pious uses forth of the said teinds And now his Majestie being by Gods gracious providence present in his Royall Person within this his Majesties ancient Kingdome and holding this his first Parliament of his whole Estates of the same with whom his Majestie hath advised and resolved to put that glorious worke anent the teinds to a full perfection THEREFORE His Majestie with consent of the three Estates by these presents statutes ordaines and declares that there shall be no teind-sheaves or other teinds Personage or Vicarage led and drawn within the Kingdome but that each heretor and life-renter of lands shall have the leading and drawing of their owne teind the same being first truely and lawfully valued and they paying therefore the price after-specified incase they be willing to buy the same or otherwise paying therefore the rate of teinde after specified Like as his Majestie and Estates find and declare that the just and true rate of teinds is and shall be the fift part of the constant rent which each land payeth in stock and teind where the same are valued joyntly and where the teinds are valued apart and severally that the just rate thereof is and shall be such as the same is already or shall be hereafter valued and proved before the said commissioners or subcommissioners deducing the fift part thereof for the ease of the heritors reserving alwayes liberty to such as shall finde themselves enormly hurt by the leading of the said valuations to persue for rectifying of the same before the commissioners appointed by his Majestie and Estates for that effect And also his Majestie with consent of the three Estates finds and declares that the price of all teinds which may be sold and annalied consisting either in money victuall or other bodies of goods is and shall be ruled and estimate according to nine yeers purchase the prices of victuall and other bodies of goods whereof the teind consists being redacted in money according to the worth and price of victuall and goods in each part of the countrey to the which the same is and shall be prized and estimate by his Majesties commissioners already appointed or to be appointed to that effect And findes and declares that each heritor in