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A79649 A collection of articles injunctions, canons, orders, ordinances, and constitutions ecclesiastical with other publick records of the Church of England; chiefly in the times of K. Edward. VIth. Q. Elizabeth. and K. James. Published to vindicate the Church of England and to promote uniformity and peace in the same. And humbly presented to the Convocation. Church of England.; Sparrow, Anthony, 1612-1685.; Hollar, Wenceslaus, 1607-1677, engraver. 1661 (1661) Wing C4093A; ESTC R211415 186,414 341

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should receive the blessed Sacrament of the Altar and admonish them to learn the said necessary things more perfectly or else they ought not to presume to come to Gods board without a perfect knowledge and will to observe the same and if they do it is to the great peril of their souls and also to the worldly rebuke that they might incur hereafter by the same Also that they shall admit no man to preach within any their Cures but such as shall appear unto them to be sufficiently licensed thereunto by the Kings Majeste the Lord Protectors grace the Archbishop of Canterbury the Archbishop of York in his Province or the Bishop of the Diocesse and such as shall be so licensed they shall gladly receive to declare the word of God without any resistence or contradiction Also if they have heretofore declared to their parishioners any thing to the extolling or setting forth of pilgrimages relicks or Images or lighting of Candels kissing kneeling decking of the same Images or any such superstition they shall now openly before the same recant and reprove the same shewing them as the truth is that they did the same upon no ground of scripture but were led and seduced by a common errour and abuse crept into the Church through the sufference and avarice of such as felt profit by the same Also if they do or shall know any man within their parish or elsewhere that is a letter of the word of God to be read in English or sincerely preached or of the execution of these the Kings Majesties Injunctions or a fautor of the Bishop of Romes pretensed power now by the laws of this Realm justly reiected extirpated and taken away utterly they shall detect and present the same to the King or his Council or to the Iustice of peace next adjoyning Also that the Parson Vicar or Curate and parishioners of every parish within this Realm shall in their Churches and Chapels keep one Book or Register wherein they shall write the day and year of every wedding Christning and Burial made within their Parish for their time and so every man succeeding them likewise And therein shall write every persons name that shall be so Wedded Christned or Buried And for the safe keeping of the same book the parish shall be bound to provide of their common charges one sure cofer with two locks and keyes whereof the one to remain with the Parson Vicar or Curate the other with the Wardens of every Parish church or chapel wherein the said book shall be laid up which book they shall every Sunday take forth and in the presence of the said Wardens or one of them write and record in the same all the Weddings Christnings and Burials made the whole week before and that done to lay up the book in the said cofer as afore And for every time that the same shall be omitted the party that shall be in the fault thereof shall forfeit to the said Church iii. s. iiii d. to be employed to the poor mens box of that parish Furthermore because the goods of the Church are called the goods of the poor and at these dayes nothing is less seen then the poor to be sustained with the same all Parsons Vicars Pencionaries Prebendaries and other beneficed men within this Deanery not being resident upon their benefices which may dispend yearly xx.l. or above either within this Deanery or elsewhere shall distribute hereafter among their poor parishioners or other inhabitants there in the presence of the Church-wardens or some other honest men of the parish the xl part of the fruits and revenues of their said benefices lest they be worthily noted of ingratitude which reserving so many parts to themselves cannot vouchsafe to impart the xl portion thereof among the poor people of that parish that is so fruitful and profitable unto them And to the intent that learned men may hereafter spring the more for the execution of the premisses ever Parson Vicar Clerk or beneficed man within this Deanery having yearly to dispend in benefices and other promotions of the Church an C.l. shall give competent exhibition to one Scholar and for so many C.l. more as he may dispend to so many Scholars more shall he give like exhibition in the Vniversity of Oxford or Cambridge or some Grammar schole which after they have profited in good learning may be partners of their patrons cure and charge as well in preaching as otherwise in the execution of their offices or may when need shall be otherwise profit the Common weale with their counsail and wisdom Also that the proprietaries Parsons Vicars and Clerks having Churches Chapels or Mansions within this Deanery shall bestow yearly hereafter upon the same Mansions or Chancels of their Churches being in decay the fift part of that their benefices till they be fully repaired and the same so repaired shall alwayes keep and maintain in good estate Also that the said Parsons Vicars and Clerks shall once every quarter of the year read these Injunctions given unto them openly and deliberately before all their parishioners to the intent that both they may be the better admonished of their duty and their said Parishioners the more moved to follow the same for their part Also for as much as by a law established every man is bound to pay his tithes no man shall by colour of duty omitted by their Curates detain their tithes and so redubbe and requite one wrong with another or be his own judge but shall truely pay the same as he hath been accustomed to their Parsons Vicars and Curates without any restraint or diminution And such lack and default as they can justly finde in their Parsons and Curates to call for reformation thereof at their ordinaries and other superiours hands who upon complaint and due proof thereof shall reform the same accordingly Also that no person shall from hence forth alter or change the order and manner of any fasting day that is commanded or of Common prayer or divine service otherwise then is specified in these Injunctions until such time as the same shall be otherwise ordered and transposed by the Kings authority Also that every Parson Vicar Curate Chauntery priest and Stipendary being under the degree of a Bacheler of Divinity shall provide and have of his own within three moneths after this visitation the New Testament both in Latine and in English with the Paraphrase upon the same of Erasmus and diligently study the same conferring the one with the other And the Bishops and other ordinaries by themselves or their officers in their Synods and visitations shall examine the said Ecclesiastical persons how they have profited in the studie of holy Scripture Also in the time of high Masse within every Church he that saith or singeth the same shall read or cause to be read the Epistle and Gospel of that Masse in English and not in Latine in the Pulpit or in such convenient place as the people
also of the Churches determining controversies of doctrines and matters of belief in a full Council Act. 15. and requiring submission to those determinations from inferiour members The like did the Church afterwards in her general Councils of NICE CONSTANTINOPLE EPHESUS and CHALCEDON And not onely the General Councils have exercised this Authority but particular Churches also in National Councils in the Council of ORANGE MILEVIS and others have used the same power over their children whom they were bound to teach and govern and for whose souls they were to account to God and they did no more then was their right so long as they did it with submission to the general Church to whom they are subject Christ said to the Apostles and by this to all the guides of soules that should succeed them in a lawful Ordination He that heares you heares me and he that despises you despises me St. Cypr. ep 69 From these premises it plainly follows that our dear Mother the Church of England in making these Canons and Articles for determining of controversies in matters of belief which you may see in the ensuing Collection did no more then what was both her right and her duty to do both for the preservation of her peace and the guidance and conduct of the souls committed to her charge and what her care hath been in the exercise of this power for the good of her members ever since the Reformation will evidently to her honour appear by this following Collection made up not without great care and industry of the Publisher By which he hath done our Mother this farther right that now whosoever will may easily see the notorious slander which some of the Roman perswasion have endeavourd to cast upon her That her Reformation hath been altogether Lay and Parliamentary for by the Canons and articles following which were formerly scattered and hard to be seen by every one now gathered together into a body it easily appears to any that will but open their eyes and read that the Reformation of this Church was orderly and Synodical by the Guides and Governours of souls and confirmed by Supream Authority and so in every particular as legal as any reformation could or ought to be Anth. Sparrow Books sold by T. Garthwait THe Works of that Profound Divine Dr. Tho. Jackson president of Corp. Chr. Coll. Oxon. in Folio 3. Volumes The Scholastical History of the Canon of the Scripture by Dr. Cofin Ld. Bp. Duresme in 4o. An Introduction to the Oriental Languages by Dr. Walton Ld. Bp. of Chester in 12o. The English Case exactly set down by Hezekiahs Reformation in a Serm. at Paris before His Majesty by Dr. Steward Dean of Westminster in 12o. A Rationale upon the Book of Com. Prayer by Dr. Sparrow in 12o. A Defence of the Liturgy in answer to the Exceptions of divers Ministers in 12o. The Form of Consecration of a Church by Bp. Andrews Golden Remains of Mr. John Hales of Eton Colledge with His Letters touching rhe Synod of Dort in 4o. Dr. Pierce of the Positive being of sin with a Postscript touching Mr. Baxter in 4o. A Sermon of Lent preacht before his Majesty by Dr. Gunning c. in 4o. Bp. Andrews his Sermons in fol. INJUNCTIONS given by the most excellent Prince EDWARD the Sixt By the grace of God King of England France and Ireland Defender of the Faith and in earth under Christ of the Church of England and Ireland the supreme head To all and singular his loving subjects as well of the Clergy as of the Laitie Imprinted at LONDON by Richard Grafton 1547. Injunctions given by the most excellent Prince Edward the sixt by the grace of God King of England France and Ireland defender of the Faith and in earth under Christ of the Church of England and of Ireland the supreme head To all and singular his loving subjects as well of the Clergy as of the Laity THE Kings most Royal Majestie by the advice of his most dear uncle the Duke of Somerset Lord Protector of all his Realms Dominions and Subiects and Governour of his most royal person and the residue of his most honourable counsel intending the advancement of the true honour of almighty God the suppression of Idolatry and Superstition throughout all his Realms and Dominions and to plant true Religion to the extirpation of all hypocrisy enormities and abuses as to his duty appertaineth doth minister unto his loving subjects these godly Injunctions hereafter following Whereof part were given unto them heretofore by the authority of his most dear beloved father King Henry the viii of most famous memory and part are now ministred and given by his Majesty All which Injunctions his highnesse willeth and commandeth his said loving subjects by his supreme authority obediently to receive and truely to observe and keep every man in their offices degrees and states as they will avoyd his displeasure and the pains in the same Injunctions hereafter expressed 1. The first is that all Deans Archdeacons Parsons Vicars and other Ecclesiastical persons shall faithfully keep and observe and as far as in them may lye shall cause to be observed and kept of other all and singular laws and statutes made as well for the abolishing and extirpation of the Bishop of Rome his pretensed and usurped power and jurisdiction as for the establishment and confirmation of the Kings authority jurisdiction and supremacy of the Church of England and Ireland And furthermore all Ecclesiasticall persons having cure of souls shall to the uttermost of their wit knowledge and learning purely sincerely and without any colour or dissimulation declare manifest and open iiii times every year at the least in their Sermons ond other collations that the Bishop of Romes usurped power and jurisdiction having no establishment nor ground by the laws of God was of most just causes taken away and abolished and that therefore no manner of obedience or subjection whithin his Realms and Dominions is due unto him And that the Kings power within his Realms and Dominions is the highest power under God to whom all men within the same Realms and Dominions by Gods laws owe most loyalty and obedience afore and above all other powers and Potentates in earth Besides this to the intent that all superstition and hypocrisy crept into divers mens hearts may vanish away They shall not set forth or extol any Images Relicks or Miracles for any superstition or lucre nor allure the people by any inticements to the Pilgrimage of any Saint or Image but reproving the same they shall teach that all goodness health and grace ought to be both asked and looked for onely of God as of the very author and giver of the same and of none other Item that they the persons above rehersed shall make or cause to be made in their Churches and every other Cure they have one Sermon every quarter of the year at the least wherein they shall purely and sincerely declare the word
the rod of Discipline 1 Cor. 4. ult By vertue of this Power Commission S. Paul delivers the incestuous Corinthian to Satan and casts him out of the Churches Communion 1 Cor. 5. and the same St. Paul not only exercises this Jurisdiction himself but also directs his son Bishop Timothy how to behave himself in the ordering of these Church censures 1 Tim. 5.19 not to receive an accusation against a Presbyter under two or three witnesses and when he hath heard to rebuke or censure as the cause requires without partiality or leaning to either side all which speak plainly a Tribunal erected in the Church and acknowledged by the Apostle enough to prove the power of Jurisdiction Then the Legislative of making Laws and Constitutions for regulating manners and determining doubts and controversies it cannot with reason be denied to be granted in that large Commission forecited St. John 20. As my father sent me so send I you For here committing the Government of the Church to his Apostles our Lord Commissions them with the same Power that was committed to him for that purpose when he was on earth with the same necessary standing power that he had and exercised as Man for the good of the Church Less cannot in reason be thought to be here granted then all power necessary for the well and peaceable government of the Church and such a power is this of making lawes this is a Commission in general for making lawes then in particular for making Articles and decisions of doctrines controverted the power is more explicit and expresse S. Matth. 28. All power is given to me Go therefore and teach all nations that is with authority and by vertue of that power that is given to me and what is it to teach the truth with authority but to command and oblige all people to receive the truth so taught and this power was not given to the Apostles persons only for Christ there promised to be with them in that Office to the end of the world that is to them and their successors in that Pastoral Office to the Apostles or Bishops that should succeed them to the end of the world This will appear still more clear by S. Paul Heb. 13. where after he had commanded them not to be carried about with divers and strange doctrines he prescribes this as the preservative against such errours and inconstancy Obey them that have the oversight over you and watch for your souls obey them in the guidance and conduct of your souls in their determinations and decisions about such divers and strange Doctrine all which supposes in those Guides a power to govern and rule us in such doubts and controversies about doctrines and matters of belief an authority to determine in controversies of faith as our Church teaches in her 20. Article adde to this that St. Paul tells us 1 Tim. 3.15 that the Church is the ground and pillar of truth And whither then should we go in doubts and controversies for the determination of what is truth but to the ground and pillar of truth For the clearer understanding of this power in the Church know that to this one holy Church our Lord committed in trust the most holy faith and the whole stock of necessary Christian truth therefore called the ground and pillar of truth This truth she must endeavour to preserve as by stopping the mouthes of obstinate gainsaiers so by guiding and governing the meek but weak doubters into the truth by determining their doubts and controversies Not that the Church can make Articles of faith and obtrude them upon the members but that she may and must if the true sense of faith and holy Scriptures be called in question declare and determine what that sense is which she hath received in trust from Christ and his Apostles commanding under penalties and censures all her children to receive that sense and to profess it in such expressive words and form as may directly determine the doubt Thus she did in the great NICENE Council venerable over all the Christian world when the Arrians had perverted by subtil controversies and questions the true sense of the Creed concerning our Saviours Divinity she first declared what sense of the Creed she had received by constant tradition from the Apostles and then enjoyned all Christians to profess that sense by the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of the same substance with the Father a word directly determining the controversie in hand Nor did the Christian world ever question her Authority in this particular And in controversies about doctrines where she hath received no such clear determination of either part from Christ and his Apostles she hath power to declare her own sense in the controversie and to determine which part shall be received and profest for truth by her members and that too under Ecclesiastical penalty and censure which they accordingly are bound to submit to not as an infallible verity but as a probable truth and rest in her determination till it be made plain by as great or a greater authority that this her determination 〈…〉 our and if it shall appear to any of the members to be an errour or if they shall think it so to be by the weight of such reasons as are privately suggested to them yet are they still obliged to silence and peace where the Decision of a particular Church is against the Doctrine of the Universal not to profess in this case against the Churches determination because the professing of such a controverted truth is not necessary but the preservation of the peace and unity of the Church is This is not to assert infallibility in the Church but authority The sentence shall binde to submission though the Superiors may erre in the sentence Thus God ordered it Deut. 17. that in doubts the inferior were to stand to the decision and sentence of the Priests and the Judge and yet their judgement was not infallible 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the whole assembly the chiefest Senate might erre sin through ignorance a sacrifice is appointed for the expiation of their error Lev. 4.13 Better that inferiours be bound to stand to such fallible judgement as to quiet submission in such kind of controversies as afore mentioned then that every man be suffered to interpret Laws determine controversies which will bring into the Church certain confusion Nor wil such submission in the Inferiors be damnable seeing in this submission to authority they follow Gods method obeying them that have the oversight over them Heb. 13. and keep order of which God is the Author 1 Cor. 14.33 God is not the Author of confusion but of order and peace as in all Churches of the Saints This Authority in determining doubts and controversies the Church hath practised in all Ages and her constant practice is the best interpreter of her right We read not onely of St. Pauls determining controversies about rites and circumstances 1 Cor. 14. but
Peter doth testifie The Resurrection of Christ CHrist did truely rise again from death and took again his body with flesh bones and all things appertaining to the perfection of mans nature wherewith he ascended into Heaven and there sitteth untill he return to judge men at the last day The Doctrine of holy Scripture is sufficient to salvation HOly Scripture containeth all things necessary to salvation so that whatsoever is neither read therein nor may be proved thereby although it be some time received of the Faithful as godly and profitable for an order and comlinesse yet no man ought to be constrained to believe it as an Article of Faith or reputed requisite to the necessity of salvation The old Testament is not to be refused THe old Testament is not to be put away as though it were contrary to the New but to be kept still for both in the Old and new Testaments everlasting life is offered to mankinde by Christ who is the onely Mediator between God and man being both God and man Wherefore they are not to be heard which feign that the old fathers did look onely for transitory promises The three Creeds THe three Creeds Nicene Creed Athanasius 's Creed and that which is commonly called the Apostles Creed ought thorowly to be received for they may be proved by most certain warrants of holy Scripture Of Original or Birth sin ORiginal sin staudeth not in the following of Adam as the Pelagians do vainly talk which allso the Anabaptists do now adayes renew but it is the fault and corruption of the nature of every man that naturally is ingendred of the off-spring of Adam whereby man is very far gone from his former righteousness which he had at his creation and is of his own nature given to evil so that the flesh desireth alwayes contrary to the spirit and therefore in every person born into this world it deserveth Gods wrath and damnation and this infection of nature doth remain yea in them that are baptized whereby the lust of the flesh called in Greek 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which some do expound the wisdom some the sensuality some the affection some the desire of the flesh is not subject to the Law of God And although there is no condemnation for them that believe and are baptized yet the Apostle doth confesse that concupiscence and lust hath of it self the nature of sin Of Free-will WE have no power to do good works pleasant and acceptable to God without the grace of God by Christ preventing us that we may have a good will and working in us when we have that will Of Grace THe Grace of Christ or the holy Ghost by him given doth take away the stony heart and giveth an heart of flesh and although those that have no will to good things he maketh them to will and those that would evil things he maketh them not to will the same yet neverthelesse he enforceth not the will and therefore no man when he sinneth can excuse himself as not worthy to be blamed or condemned by alledging that he sinned unwillingly or by compulsion Of the Justification of Man JVstification by onely Faith in Iesus Christ in that sense as it is declared in the Homily of Iustification is a most certain and wholsome Doctrine for Christian men Works before Justification WOrks done before the grace of Christ and the inspiration of his Spirit are not pleasant to God forasmuch as they spring not of faith in Iesu Christ neither do they make men meet to receive grace or as the School-authors say deserve grace of cong●uity but because they are not done as God hath willed and commanded them to be done we doubt not but they have the nature of sin Works of Supererogation VOluntary works besides over and above Gods commandments which they call works of supererogation cannot be caught without arrogancy and iniquity For by them men do declare that they do not onely render to God as much as they are bound to do but that they do more for his sake then of bounden duty is required Whereas Christ saith plainly When ye have done all that are commanded you say We be unprofitable servants No man is without sin but Christ alone CHrist in the truth of our nature was made like unto us in all things sin onely except from which he was clearly void both in his flesh and in his Spirit He came to be the Lamb without spot who by sacrifice of himself made once forever should take away the sins of the world and sin as S John saith was not in him But the rest yea although we be baptized and born again in Christ yet we offend in many things and if we say we have no sin we deceive our selves and the truth is not in us Of sin against the holy Ghost Every deadly sin willingly committed after Baptisme is not sin against the holy Ghost and unpardonable Wherefore the place for penitents is not to be denied to such as fall into sin after Baptisme After we have received the holy Ghost we may depart from grace given and fall into sin and by the grace of God we may arise again and amend our lives And therefore they are to be condemned which say they can no more sin as long as they live here or deny the place for penitents to such as truely repent and amend their lives Blasphemy against the holy Ghost BLasphemy against the holy ghost is when a man of malice and stubborness of minde doth rail upon the truth of Gods word manifestly perceived and being enemy thereunto persecuteth that same and because such be guilty of Gods curse they intangle themselves with a most grievous and hainous crime whereupon this kinde of sin is called and affirmed of the Lord unpardonable Of Predestination and Election PRedestination to life is the everlasting purpose of God whereby before the foundations of the world were laid he hath constantly decreed by his own judgement secret to us to deliver from curse and damnation those whom he hath chosen out of mankinde and to bring them to everlasting salvation by Christ as vessels made to honour Whereupon such as have so excellent a benefit of God given unto them be called according to Gods purpose by his Spirit working in due season they through grace obey the calling they be justified freely they be made sons by adoption they be made like the Image of Gods only begotten Son Iesu Christ they walk religiously in good works and at length by Gods mercy they attain to everlasting felicity As the godly consideration of Predestination and our Election in Christ is full of sweet pleasant and unspeakable comfort to godly persons and such as feel in themselves the working of the Spirit of Christ mortifying the works of the flesh and their earthly members and drawing up their minde to high and heavenly things as well because it doth greatly establish and confirm their faith of eternal salvation to be enjoyed
Soveraign Lady Queen ELIZABETH London Printed 1559. INJUNCTIONS Given by the QUEENS MAJESTY Aswell To the Clergy as to the Laity of this Realm The QUEENS most Royal Majesty by the advice of her most honourable Councel intending the advancement of the true honour of Almighty God the suppression of superstition throughout all her Highness Realms and Dominions and to plant true Religion to the extirpation of all Hypocrisie enormities and abuses as to her duty appertaineth doth minister unto her loving Subjects these Godly Injunctions hereafter following All which Injunctions her Highness willeth and commandeth her loving Subjects obediently to receive and truly to observe and keep every man in their Offices degrees and states as they will avoid her Highnesse displeasure and the pains of the same hereafter expressed 1. THe first is That all Deans Archdeacons Usurped and forraign authority Parsons Vicars and all other Ecclesiastical persons shall faithfully keep and observe and as far as in them may lye shall cause to be observed and kept of other All and singular Lawes and Statutes made for the restoring of the Crown the antient jurisdiction over the state Ecclesiastical and abolishing of all forraigne power repugnant to the same And furthermore all Ecclesiastical persons having cure of Souls shall to the uttermost of their wit knowledge and learning purely and sincerely and without any colour or dissimulation declare manifest and open foure times every year at the least in their Sermons and other Collations that all usurped and forraigne power having no establishment nor ground by the law of God is for most just causes taken away and abolished and that therefore no manner of obedience and subjection within her Highnesse Realms and Dominions is due unto any such forraigne power And that the Queens power within her Realms and Dominions is the highest power under God to whom all men within the same Realms and Dominions by Gods laws owe most loyalty and obedience afore and above all other powers and Potentates in earth 2. Besides this to the intent that all superstition and Hypocrisie crept into divers mens hearts Images may vanish away they shall not set forth or extol the dignity of any Images Relicks or Miracles but declaring the abuse of the same they shall teach that all goodness health and grace ought to be both asked and looked for only of God as of the very author and giver of the same and of none other 3. Item That they the Parsons above rehearsed shall preach in their Churches A Sermon every Moneth and every other cure they have one Sermon every moneth of the year at the least wherein they shall purely and sincerely declare the word of God and in the same exhort their hearers to the works of faith Works of faith as mercy and charity especially prescribed and commanded in Scripture and that the works devised by mans fantasies besides Scripture as wandring of Pilgrimages setting up of Candles Works of mans device praying upon Beads or such like superstition have not only no promise of reward in Scripture for doing of them but contrariwise great threatnings and maledictions of God for that they be things tending to Idolatry and Superstition which of all other offences God Almighty doth most detest and abhor for that the same diminish most his honour and glory Quarter Sermon or Homily 4. Item That they the Parsons above rehearsed shall preach in their own persons once in every quarter of the year at least one Sermon being licenced especially thereunto as is specified hereafter or else shall read some Homily prescribed to be used by the Queens authority every Sunday at the least unless some other Preacher sufficiently licenced as hereafter chance to come to the Parish for the same purpose of Preaching 5. Item That every Holiday through the year when they have no Sermon The Pater Noster they shall immediately after the Gospel openly and plainly recite to their Parishioners in the Pulpit the Pater Noster the Creed and the Ten Commandements in English Creed and Ten Commandements to the intent the people may learn the same by heart exhorting all Parents and Housholders to teach their Children and Servants the same as they are bound by the Law of God and conscience to do Also that they shall provide within three moneths next after this visitation at the charges of the Parish one book of the whole Bible of the largest volume in English and within one twelve moneths next after the said visitation the Paraphrases of Erasmus also in English upon the gospel and the same set up in some convenient place within the said Church that they have cure of whereas the Parishioners may most commodiously resort unto the same and read the same out of the time of common Service The charges of the Paraphrases shall be by the Parson or Propriatory and Parishioners born by equal portions and they shall discourage no man from the reading of any part of the Bible either in Latine or in English but shall rather exhort every person to read the same with great humility and reverence as the very lively word of God and the especial food of mans Soul which all Christian persons are bound to embrace believe and follow if they look to be saved whereby they may the better know their duties to God to their Soveraign Lady the Queen and their neighbour ever gently and charitably exhorting them and in her Majesties name straightly charging and commanding them that in the reading thereof no man to reason or contend but quietly to hear the Reader 7. Also Haunting of Ale houses by Ecclesiastical persons the said Ecclesiastical persons shall in no wise at any unlawful time nor for any other cause then for their honest necessities haunt or resort to any Taverns or Ale-houses And after their meats they shall not give themselues to drinking or ryot spending their time idly by day and by night at Dice Cards or Tables-playing or any other unlawful game but at all times as they shall have leasure they shall hear or read somewhat of the holy Scripture or shall busie themselues with some other honest study or exercise and that they alwayes do the things which appertain to honesty and endeavour to profit the Commonwealth having alwayes in minde that they ought to excell all other in purity of life and should be examples to the people to live well and christianly 8. Also Preachers not licenced that they shall admit no man to preach within any their cures but such as shall appear unto them to be sufficiently liceaced thereunto by the Queens Majesty or the Archbishop of Canterbury or the Archbishop of York in either their Provinces or the Bishop of the Diocess or by the Queens Majesties Visitors And such as shall be so licensed they shall gladly receive to declare the word of God at convenient times without any resistence or contradiction And that no other be
used to be kept as holy dayes and then and there to abide orderly and soberly during the time of the Common Prayer Preaching or other service of God there to be used and ministred The forfeiture for not coming to Church 32. Eliz. 1. upon pain of punishment by the censures of the Church And also upon pain that every person so offending shall forfeit for such offence twelvepence to be levied by the Church-wardens of the Parish where such offence shall be done to the use of the poor of the same Parish of the goods lands and tenements of such offender by way of distresse And for due Execution hereof the Queens most excellent Majesty the Lords Spiritual and all the Commons in this present Parliament assembled do in Gods name earnestly require and charge all the Archbishops Bishops and other Ordinaries that they shall endeavour themselves to the uttermost of their knowledges that the due and true Execution hereof may be had throughout their Diocesse and Charges as they will answer before God for such evils and plagues wherewith Almighty God may justly punish his people for neglecting this good and wholsome Law And for their Authority in this behalf The Ordinary may punish Offenders by the Censures of the Church be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all and singular the said Archbishops Bishops and all other their Officers exercising Ecclesiastical Iurisdiction as well in place exempt as not exempt within their Diocesse shall have full power and authority by this Act to reform correct and punish by Censures of the Church all and singular persons which shall offend within any their Iurisdictions or Diocesse after the said Feast of the Nativity of St. John Baptist next coming against this Act and Statute any other Law Statute Privilege Liberty or Provision heretofore made had or suffered to the contrary notwithstanding And it is Ordained and enacted by the Authority aforesaid Which Justices may punish their offences That all and every Iustices of Oyer and Determiner or Iustices of Assize shall have full power and Authority in every of their Open and general Sessions to enquire hear and determine all and all manner offences that shall be committed or done contrary to any Article contained in this present Act within the limits of the Commission to them directed and to make Processe for the Execution of the same as they may do against any person being indicted before them of trespasse or lawfully convicted thereof A Bishop may joyn with the Iustices to enquire of offenders Provided alwayes and be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid that all and every Archbishop and Bishop shall or may at all time and times at his liberty and pleasure joyn and associate himself by vertue of this Act to the said Iustices of Oyer and Determiner or to the said Iustices of Assize at every of the said open and General Sessions to be holden in any place within his Diocesse for and to the enquiry hearing and determining of the offences aforesaid At whose charges the books of Common prayer shall be gotten Provided also and be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the books concerning the said Services shall at the Costs and charges of the Parishioners of every Parish and Cathedral Church be attained and gotten before the said Feast of the Nativity of St. Iohn Baptist next following and that all such Parishes and Cathedral Churches or other places where the said books shall be attained and gotten before the said Feast of the Nativity of Saint Iohn Baptist shall within three weeks next after the said books so attained and gotten use the said Service and put the same in Vre according to this Act. And be it further enacted by authority aforesaid That no person or persons shall be at any time hereafter Impeached Within what time offenders shall be Impeached or otherwise molested of or for any of the offences above-mentioned hereafter to be committed or done contrary to this Act unlesse he or they so offending be thereof Indicted at the next General Sessions to be holden before any such Iustices of Oyer and Determiner or Iustices of Assize next after any offence committed or done contrary to the tenour of this Act Trial of Peers Provided alwayes and be it ordained and enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all and singular Lords of the Parliament for the third offence above mentioned shall be tryed by their Peers Chief Officers of Cities and Boroughs shall enquire of offenders Provided also and be it Ordained and Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the Major of London and all the Majors Bayliffs and other head Officers of all and singular Cities Boroughs and Towns Corporate within this Realm Wales and the Marches of the same to the which Iustices of Assize do not commonly repaire shall have full power and authority by vertue of this Act to enquire hear and determine the offences abovefaid and every of them yearly within fifteen dayes after Easter and St. Michael the Archangel in like manner and form as Iustices of Assize and Oyer and Determiner may do The Ordinaries Iurisdiction in their Cases Provided alwayes and be it Ordained and Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that all and singular Arch-bishops and Bishops and every of their Chancellours Commissaries Archdeacons and other Ordinaries having any peculiar Ecclesiastical Iurisdiction shall have ful power and authority by vertue of this Act as well to enquire in their Visitation and elsewhere within their Iurisdiction at any other time and place to take accusations and informations of all and every the things above mentioned done committed or perpetrated within the Limits of their Iurisdictions and authority and to punish the same by Admonition Excommunication Sequestration or Deprivation and other Censures and Processe in like form as heretofore hath been used in like Cases by the Queens Ecclesiastical Laws Provided alwayes and be it Enacted None shall be punished above once for one offence that whatsoever persons offending in the Premises shall for their offences first receive a punishment of the Ordinary having a Testimonial thereof under the said Ordinaries seal shall not for the same offence eftsoons be convicted before the Iustices And likewise receiving for the said first offence punishment by the Iustices shall not for the same offence eftsoones receive punishment of the Ordinary Any thing contained in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding Provided alwayes and be it Enacted Ornamens of the Church and Ministers that such ornaments of the Church and of the Ministers thereof shall be retained and be in use as was in this Church of England by Authority of Parliament in the second year of the Reign of King Edward the sixt until other order shall be therein taken by the Authority of the Queenes Majesty with the advice of her Commissioners appointed and Authorized under tho Great Seal of England for causes Ecclesiastical or of the Metropolitan of
V. of A in the Dioces of London Nor will at any time hereafter perform or satisfie any such kinde of payment contract or promise made by any other without my knowledge or consent So help me God through Jesus Christ Juramentum de CANONICA OBEDIENTIA EGO A. B. juro quod praestabo veram Canonicam Obedientiam Episcopo Londinensi ejusque successoribus in omnibus Licitis honestis Sic me Deus adjuvet Juramentum de continuâ Residentiâ in Vicariâ EGO A. B. Juro quod ero residens in Vicariâ meâ nisi alitèr dispensatum fuerit a Diocesano meo By the KING A PROCLAMATION Declaring That the proceedings of his Majesties Ecclesiastical Courts and Ministers are according to the Lawes of the Realm WHereas in some of the Libellous books and Pamphlets lately published The most Reverend Father in God the Lord Arch-bishop and Bishops of this Realm are said to have usurped upon his Majesties Prerogative Royal and to have proceeded in the high Commission and other Ecclesiastical Courts contrary to the Laws and statutes of this Realm It was ordered by his Majesties high Court of Star-Chamber the Twelfth day of June last that the opinion of the two Lords chief Justices the Lord chief Baron and the rest of the Judges and Barons should be had and certified in those particulars viz. Whether Processes may not issue out of the Ecclesiastical Courts in the Name of the Bishops Whether a Patent under the great Seal be necessary for the keeping of the Ecclesiastical Courts and enabling Citations Suspensions Excommunications and other censures of the Church And whether Citations ought to be in the Kings name and under his Seal of Armes and the like for Institutions and Inductions to Benefices and correction of Ecclesiastical offences Whether Bishops Arch-Deacons and other Ecclesiastical persons may or ought to keep any visitation at any time unlesse they have expresse Commission or Patent under the great Seal of England to do it and that as his Majesties Visitors onely and in his name and Right alone Whereupon his Majesties said Judges haveing taken the same into their serious consideration did unanimously concur and agree in opinion and the first day of July last certified under their hands as followeth That processes may issue out of the Ecclesiastical Courts in the name of the Bishops and that a Patent under the great Seal is not necessary for the keeping of the said Ecclesiastical Courts or for enabling of Citations Suspensions Excommunications and other Censures of the Church And that it is not necessary that Summons Citations or other Processes Ecclesiastical in the said Courts or Institutions or Inductions to Benefices or correction of Ecclesiastical offences by Censure in those Courts be in the Kings name or with the style of the King or under the Kings Seal or that their Seals of office have in them the Kings Armes And that the statute of Primo Edvardi sexti cap. secundo which enacted the Contrary is not now in force And that the Bishops Arch-Deacons and other Ecclesiastical persons may keep their Visitations as usually they have done without Commission under the great Seal of England so to do which opinions and resolutions being declared under the hands of all his Majesties said Judges and so certified into his Court of Starchamber were there recorded and it was by that Court further ordered the fourth day of the said month of July that the said certificate should be enrolled in all other his Majesties Courts at Westminster and in the High Commission and other Ecclesiastical Courts for the satisfaction of all men That the proceedings in the high Commission and other Ecclesiastical Courts are agreeable to the Laws and Statutes of the Realm And his Royal Majesty hath thought fit with advice of his Councel that a publick Declaration of these the opinions and resolutions of his Reverend and Learned Judges being agreeable to the Judgment and resolutions of former times should be made known to all his Subjects as well to vindicate the legal proceedings of His Ecclesiastical Courts and Ministers from the Unjust and scandalous imputation of Invading or entrenching on his Royal prerogative as to settle the minds and stop the mouths of all unquiet Spirits that for the future they presume not to censure His Ecclesiastical Courts or Ministers in these their Just and warranted proceedings And hereof his Majesty admonisheth all his Subjects to take warning as they shall answer the contrary at their perils Given at the Court at Lyndhurst the 18th day of August in the 13th year of his Majesties Reign God save the King Imprinted at London by Robert Barker Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty and by the Assignes of John Bill 1637. THE FORM and MANNER OF MAKING CONSECRATING BISHOPS PRIESTS AND DEACONS According to the APPOINTMENT OF THE Church of England LONDON Printed by Bonham Norton and John Bill Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty 1629. THE PREFACE IT is evident unto all men diligently reading holy Scripture and ancient Authors that from the Apostles time there hath been these Orders of Ministers in Christs Church Bishops Priests and Deacons which Offices were evermore had in such reverent estimation that no man by his own private authority might presume to execute any of them except he were first called tried examined and known to have such qualities as were requisite for the same and also by publick prayer with imposition of hands approved and admitted thereunto And therefore to the intent these orders should be continued and reverently used and esteemed in this Church of England it is requisite that no man not being at this present Bishop Priest nor Deacon shall execute any of them except he be called tried examined and admitted according to the Form hereafter following And none shall be admitted a Deacon except he be twenty one years of age at the least And every man which is to be admitted a Priest shall be full four and twenty years old And every man which is to be consecrated a Bishop shall be fully thirty years of age And the Bishop knowing either by himself or by sufficient testimony any person to be a man of vertuous conversation and without crime and after examination and trial finding him learned in the Latine tongue and sufficiently instructed in holy Scripture may upon a Sunday or Holiday in the face of the Church admit him a Deacon in such manner and form as hereafter followeth The form and manner of ordering DEACONS FIft When the day appointed by the Bishop is come there shall be an Exhortation declaring the duty and office of such as come to be admitted Ministers how necessary such Orders are in the Church of Christ and also how the people ought to esteem them in their Vocation After the Exhortation ended the Archdeacon or his Deputy shall present such as shall come to the Bishop to be admitted saying these words REverend Father in God I present unto you these