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A50919 Paradise lost a poem written in ten books / by John Milton. Milton, John, 1608-1674. 1667 (1667) Wing M2137; ESTC R13460 160,733 344

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of Heav'n The Mountain of the Congregation call'd For thither he assembl'd all his Train Pretending so commanded to consult About the great reception of thir King Thither to come and with calumnious Art Of counterfeted truth thus held thir ears Thrones Dominations Princedomes Vertues Powers If these magnific Titles yet remain Not meerly titular since by Decree Another now hath to himself ingross't All Power and us eclipst under the name Of King anointed for whom all this haste Of midnight march and hurried meeting here This onely to consult how we may best With what may be devis'd of honours new Receive him coming to receive from us Knee-tribute yet unpaid prostration vile Too much to one but double how endur'd To one and to his image now proclaim'd But what if better counsels might erect Our minds and teach us to cast off this Yoke Will ye submit your necks and chuse to bend The supple knee ye will not if I trust To know ye right or if ye know your selves Natives and Sons of Heav'n possest before By none and if not equal all yet free Equally free for Orders and Degrees Jarr not with liberty but well consist Who can in reason then or right assume Monarchie over such as live by right His equals if in power and splendor less In freedome equal or can introduce Law and Edict on us who without law Erre not much less for this to be our Lord And look for adoration to th' abuse Of those Imperial Titles which a●…ert Our being ordain'd to govern not to serve Thus farr his bold discourse without controule Had audience when among the Seraphim Ab●…iel then whom none with more zeale ador'd The Deitie and divine commands obei'd Stood up and in a flame of zeale severe The current of his fury thus oppos'd O argument blasphemous ●…alse and proud Words which no eare ever to hear in Heav'n Expected least of all from thee ingrate In place thy self so high above thy Peeres Canst thou with impious obloquie condemne The just Decree of God pronounc't and sworn That to his only Son by right endu'd With Regal Scepter every Soule in Heav'n Shall bend the knee and in that honour due Confess him rightful King unjust thou saist Flatly unjust to binde with Laws the free And equal over equals to let Reigne One over all with unsucceeded power Shalt thou give Law to God shalt thou dispute With him the points of libertie who made Thee what thou art formd the Pow'rs of Heav'n Such as he pleasd and circumscrib'd thir being Yet by experience taught we know how good And of our good and of our dignitie How provident he is how farr from thought To make us less bent rather to exalt Our happie state under one Head more neer United But to grant it thee unjust That equal over equals Monarch Reigne Thy self though great glorious dost thou count Or all Angelic Nature joind in one Equal to him begotten Son by whom As by his Word the mighty Father made All things ev'n thee and all the Spirits of Heav'n By him created in thir bright degrees Crownd them with Glory to thir Glory nam'd Thrones Dominations Princedoms Vertues Powers Essential Powers nor by his Reign obscur'd But more illustrious made since he the Head One of our number thus reduc't becomes His Laws our Laws all honour to him done Returns our own Cease then this impious rage And tempt not these but hast'n to appease Th' incensed Father and th' incensed Son While Pardon may be found in time besought So spake the fervent Angel but his zeale None seconded as out of season judg'd Or singular and rash whereat rejoic'd Th' Apostat and more haughty thus repli'd That we were formd then saist thou the work Of secondarie hands by task transferd From Father to his Son strange point and new Doctrin which we would know whence learnt who saw When this creation was rememberst thou Thy making while the Maker gave thee being We know no time when we were not as now Know none before us self-begot self-rais'd By our own quick'ning power when fatal course Had circl'd his full Orbe the birth mature Of this our native Heav'n Ethereal Sons Our puissance is our own our own right hand Shall teach us highest deeds by proof to try Who is our equal then thou ●…alt behold Whether by supplication we intend Address and to begirt th' Almighty Throne Beseeching or besieging This report These tidings carrie to th' anointed King And fly ere evil intercept thy flight He said and as the sound of waters deep Hoarce murmur echo'd to his words applause Through the infinite Host nor less for that The flaming Seraph fearless though alone Encompass'd round with foes thus answerd bold O alienate from God O spirit accurst Forsak'n of all good I see thy fall Determind and thy hapless crew involv'd In this perfidious fraud contagion spred Both ofthy crime and punishment henceforth No more be troubl'd how to quit the yoke Of Gods Messiah those indulgent Laws Will not be now 〈◊〉 other Decrees Against thee are gon forth without recall That Golden Scepter which thou didst reject Is now an Iron Rod to bruise and breake Thy disobedience Well thou didst advise Yet not for thy advise or threats I fly These wicked Tents devoted least the wrauth Impendent raging into sudden flame Distinguish not for soon expect to feel His Thunder on thy head devouring fire Then who created thee lamenting learne When who can uncreate thee thou shalt know So spake the Seraph Abdiel faithful found Among the faithless faithful only hee Among 〈◊〉 false unmov'd Unshak'n unseduc'd unterrifi'd His Loyaltie he kept his Love his Zeale Nor number nor example with him wrought To 〈◊〉 from truth or change his constant mind Though single From amidst them forth he passd Long way through hostile scorn which he susteind Superior nor of violence fear'd aught And with retorted scorn his back he turn'd On those proud Towrs to swift destruction doom'd The End of the Fifth Book PARADISE LOST BOOK VI. ALL night the dreadless Angel unpursu'd Through Heav'ns wide Champain held his way till Morn Wak't by the circling Hours with rosie hand Unbarr'd the gates of Light There is a Cave Within the Mount of God fast by his Throne Where light and darkness in perpetual round Lodge and dislodge by turns which makes through Heav'n Grateful vicissitude like Day and Night Light issues forth and at the other dore Obsequious darkness enters till her houre To veile the Heav'n though darkness there might well Seem twilight here and now went forth the Morn Such as in highest Heav'n arrayd in Gold Empyreal from before her vanisht Night Shot through with orient Beams when all the Plain Coverd with thick embatteld Squadrons bright Chariots and flaming Armes and fierie Steeds Reflecting blaze on blaze first met his view Warr he perceav'd warr in procinct and found Already known what he for news had thought To have
whoseop Brightness had made invisible thus spake Hear all ye Angels Progenie of Light Thrones Dominations Princedoms Vertues Powers Hear my Decree which unrevok't shall stand This day I have begot whom I declare My onely Son and on this holy Hill Him have anointed whom ye now behold At my right hand your Head I him appoint And by my Self have sworn to him shall bow All knees in Heav'n and shall con●…ess him Lord Under his great Vice-gerent Reign abide United as one individual Soule For ever happie him who disobeyes Mee disobeyes breaks union and that day Cast out from God and blessed vision falls Into utter darkness deep ingulft his place Ordaind without redemption without end So spaketh ' Omnipotent and with his words All seemd well pleas'd all seem'd but were not all That day as other solem dayes they spent In song and dance about the sacred Hill Mystical dance which yonder starrie Spheare Of Planets and of fixt in all her Wheeles Resembles nearest mazes intricate Eccentric intervolv'd yet regular Then most when most irregular they seem And in thir motions harmonie Divine So smooths her charming tones that Gods own ear Listens delighted Eevning approachd For we have also our Eevning and our Morn We ours for change delectable not need Forthwith from dance to sweet repast they turn Desirous all in Circles as they stood Tables are set and on a sudden pil'd With Angels Food and rubied Nectar flows In Pearl in Diamond and massie Gold Fruit of delicious Vines the growth of Heav'n They eat they drink and with refection sweet Are fill'd before th' all bounteous King who showrd With copious hand rejoycing in thir joy Now when ambrosial Night with Clouds exhal'd From that high mount of God whence light shade Spring both the face of brightest Heav'n had changd To grateful Twilight for Night comes not there In darker veile and roseat Dews dispos'd All but the unsleeping eyes of God to rest Wide over all the Plain and wider farr Then all this globous Earth in Plain outspred Such are the Courts of God Th' Angelic throng Dispers●… in Bands and Files thir Camp extend By living Streams among the Trees of Life Pavilions numberless and sudden reard Celestial Tabernacles where they slept Fannd with coole Winds save those who in thir course Melodious Hymns about the sovran Throne Alternate all night long but not so wak'd Satan so call him now his former name Is heard no more Heav'n he of the first If not the first Arch-Angel great in Power In favour and praeeminence yet fraught With envie against the Son of God that day Honourd by his great Father and proclaimd Messiah King anointed could not beare Through pride that sight and thought himself impaird Deep malice thence conceiving disdain Soon as midnight brought on the duskie houre Friendliest to sleep and silence he resolv'd With all his Legions to dislodge and leave Unworshipt unobey'd the Throne supream Contemptuous and his next subordinate Awak'ning thus to him in secret spake Sleepst thou Companion dear what sleep can close Thy eye-lids and remembrest what Decree Of yesterday so late hath past the lips Of Heav'ns Almightie Thou to me thy thoughts Wast wont I mine to thee was wont to impart Both waking we were one how then can now Thy sleep dissent new Laws thou seest impos'd New Laws from him who reigns new minds may raise In us who serve new Counsels to debate What doubtful may ensue more in this place To utter is not safe Assemble thou Of all those Myriads which we lead the chief Tell them that by command ere yet dim Night Her shadowie Cloud withdraws I am to haste And all who under me thir Banners wave Homeward with flying march where we possess The Quarters of the North there to prepare Fit entertainment to receive our King The great Messiah and his new commands Who speedily through all the Hierarchies Intends to pass triumphant and give Laws So spake the false Arch-Angel and infus'd Bad influence into th' unwarie brest Of his Associate hee together calls Or several one by one the Regent Powers Under him Regent tells as he was taught That the most High commanding now ere Night Now ere dim Night had disincumberd Heav'n The great Hierarchal Standard was to move Tells the suggested cause and casts between Ambiguous words and jealousies to sound Or taint integritie but all obey'd The wonted signal and superior voice Of thir great Potentate for great indeed His name and high was his degree in Heav'n His count'nance as the Morning Starr that guides The starrie flock allur'd them and with lyes Drew after him the third part of Heav'ns Host Mean while th' Eternal eye whose sight discernes Abstrusest thoughts from forth his holy Mount And from within the golden Lamps that burne Nightly before him saw without thir light Rebellion rising saw in whom how spred Among the sons of Morn what multitudes Were banded to oppose his high Decree And smiling to his onely Son thus said Son thou in whom my glory I behold In full resplendence Heir of all my might Neerly it now concernes us to be sure Of our Omnipotence and with what Arms We mean to hold what anciently we claim Of Deitie or Empire such a foe Is rising who intends to erect his Throne Equal to ours throughout the spacious North Nor so content hath in his thought to trie In battel what our Power is or our right Let us advise and to this hazard draw With speed what force is left and all imploy In our defence lest unawares we lose This our high place our Sanctuarie our Hill To whom the Son with calm aspect and cleer Light'ning Divine ineffable serene Made answer Mightie Father thou thy foes Justly hast in derision and secure Laugh'st at thir vain designes and tumults vain Matter to mee of Glory whom thir hate Illustrates when they see all Regal Power Giv'n me to quell thir pride and in event Know whether I be dextrous to subdue Thy Rebels or be found the worst in Heav'n So spake the Son but Satan with his Powers Farr was advanc't on winged speed an Host Innumerable as the Starrs of Night Or Starrs of Morning Dew-drops which the Sun Impearls on every leaf and every flouer Regions they pass'd the mightie Regencies Of Seraphim and Potentates and Thrones In thir triple Degrees Regions to which All thy Dominion Adam is no more Then what this Garden is to all the Earth And all the Sea from one entire globose Stretcht into Longitude which having pass'd At leng●…h into the limits of the North They came and Satan to his Royal seat High on a Hill far blazing as a Mount Rais'd on a Mount with Pyramids and Towrs From Diamond Quarries hew'n Rocks of Gold The Palace of great Lucifer so call That Structure in the Dialect of men Interpreted which not long after hee Affecting all equality with God In imitation of that Mount whereon Messiah was declar'd in sight
the new-arriv'd in multitudes Th' ethereal People ran to hear and know How all befell they towards the Throne Supream Accountable made haste to make appear With righteous plea thir utmost vigilance And easily approv'd when the most High Eternal Father from his secret Cloud Amidst in Thunder utter'd thus his voice Assembl'd Angels and ye Powers return'd From unsuccessful charge be not dismaid Nor troubl'd at these tidings from the Earth Which your sincerest care could not prevent Foretold so lately what would come to pass When first this Tempter cross'd the Gulf from Hell I told ye then he should prevail and speed On his bad Errand Man should be seduc't And ●…latter'd out of all believing lies Against his Maker no Decree of mine Concurring to necessitate his Fall Or touch with lightest moment of impulse His free Will to her own inclining left In eevn scale But fall'n he is and now What rests but that the mortal Sentence pass On his transgression Death denounc't that day Which he presumes already vain and void Because not yet inflicted as he fear'd By some immediate stroak but soon shall find Forbearance no acquittance ere day end Justice shall not return as bountie scorn'd But whom send I to judge them whom but thee Vicegerent Son to thee I have transferr'd All Judgement whether in Heav'n or Earth or Hell Easie it may be seen that I intend Mercie collegue with Justice sending thee Mans Friend his Mediator his design'd Both Ransom and Redeemer voluntarie And destin'd Man himself to judge Man fall'n So spake the Father and unfoulding bright Toward the right hand his Glorie on the Son Blaz'd forth unclouded Deitie he full Resplendent all his Father manifest Express'd and thus divinely answer'd milde Father Eternal thine is to decre●… Mine both in Heav'n and Earth to do thy will Supream that thou in mee thy Son belov'd Mayst ever rest well pleas'd I go to j●…dge On Earth these thy transgressors but thou knowst Whoever judg'd the worst on mee must light When time shall be for so I undertook Before thee and not repenting this obtaine Of right that I may mitigate thir doom On me deriv'd yet I shall temper so Justice with Mercie as may illustrate most Them fully satisfied and thee appease Attendance none shall need nor Train where none Are to behold the Judgement but the judg'd Those two the third best absent is condemn'd Convict by flight and Rebel to all Law Conviction to the Serpent none belongs Thus saying from his radiant Seat he rose Of high collateral glori●… him Thrones and Powers Princedoms and Dominations ministrant Accompanied to Heaven Gate from whence Eden and all the Coast in prospect lay Down he descended strait the speed of Gods Time counts not though with swiftest minutes wing'd Now was the Sun in Western cadence low From Noon and gentle Aires due at thir hour To fan the Earth now wak'd and usher in The Eevning coole when he from wrauth more coole Came the mild Judge and Intercessor both To sentence Man the voice of God they heard Now walking in the Garden by soft windes Brought to thir 〈◊〉 while day declin'd they heard And from his presence hid themselves among The thickest Trees both Man and Wife till God Approaching thus to Adam call'd aloud Where art thou Adam wont with joy to meet My coming seen far off I miss thee here Not pleas'd thus entertaind with solitude Where obvious dutie erewhile appear'd unsaught Or come I less conspicuous or what change Absents thee or what chance detains Come forth He came and with him Eve more loth though first To offend discount'nanc't both and discompos'd Love was not in thir looks either to God Or to each other but apparent guilt And shame and perturbation and despaire Anger and obstinacie and hate and guile Whence Adam faultring long thus answer'd brief I heard thee in the Garden and of thy voice Affraid being naked hid my self To whom The gracious Judge without revile repli'd My voice thou oft hast heard and hast not fear'd But still rejoyc't how is it now become So dreadful to thee that thou art naked who Hath told thee hast thou 〈◊〉 of the Tree Whereof I gave thee charge thou shouldst not eat To whom thus Adam sore beset repli'd O Heav'n in evil strait this day I stand Before my Judge either to undergoe My self the total Crime or to accuse My other self the partner of my life Whose failing while her Faith to me remaines I should conceal and not expose to blame By my complaint but strict necessitie Subdues me and calamitous constraint Least on my head both sin and punishment However insupportable be all Devolv'd though should I hold my peace yet thou Wouldst easily detect what I conceale This Woman whom thou mad'st to be my help And gav'st me as thy perfet gift so good So fit so acceptable so Divine That from her hand I could suspect no ill And what she did whatever in it self Her doing seem'd to justifie the deed Shee gave me of the Tree and I did eate To whom the sovran Presence thus repli'd Was shee thy God that her thou didst obey Before his voice or was shee made thy guide Superior or but equal that to her Thou did'st resigne thy Manhood and the Place Wherein God set thee above her made of thee And for thee whose perfection farr excell'd Hers in all real dignitie Adornd She was indeed and lovely to attract Thy Love not thy Subjection and her Gifts Were such as under Government well seem'd Unseemly to beare rule which was thy part And person had'st thou known thy self aright So having said he thus to Eve in few Say Woman what is this which thou hast done To whom sad Eve with shame nigh overwhelm'd Confessing soon yet not before her Judge Bold or loquacious thus 〈◊〉 repli'd The Serpent me beguil'd and I did eate Which when the Lord God heard without delay To Judgement he proceeded on th' accus'd Serpent though brute unable to transferre The Guilt on him who made him instrument Of mischief and polluted from the end Of his Creation justly then accurst As vitiated in Nature more to know Concern'd not Man since he no further knew Nor alter'd his offence yet God at last To Satan ●…irst in sin his doom apply'd Though in mysterious terms judg'd as then best And on the Serpent thus his curse let fall Because thou hast done this thou art accurst Above all Cattel each Beast of the Field Upon thy Belly groveling thou sh●…lt goe And dust shalt eat all the days of thy Life Between Thee and the Woman I will put Enmitie and between thine and her Seed Her Seed shall bruise thy head thou bruise his heel So spake this ' Oracle then verifi'd When Jesus son of Mary second Eve Saw Satan fall like Lightning down from Heav'n Prince of the Aire then rising from his Grave Spoild Principalities and Powers triumpht In open shew and with ascention bright Captivity
first I finde Mine eyes true op'ning and my heart much eas'd Erwhile perplext with thoughts what would becom Of mee and all Mankind but now I see His day in whom all Nations shall be blest Favour unmerited by me who sought Forbidd'n knowledge by forbidd'n means This yet I apprehend not why to those Among whom God will deigne to dwell on Earth So many and so various Laws are giv'n So many Laws argue so many sins Among them how can God with such refide To whom thus Michael Doubt not but that sin Will reign among them as of thee begot And therefore was Law given them to evince Thir natural pravitie by stirring up Sin against Law to fight that when they see Law can discover sin but not remove Save by those shadowie expiations weak The bloud of Bulls and Goats they may conclude Some bloud more precious must be paid for Man Just for unjust that in such righteousness To them by Faith imputed they may finde Justification towards God and peace Of Conscience which the Law by Ceremonies Cannot appease nor Man the moral part Perform and not performing cannot live So Law appears imperfet and but giv'n With purpose to resign them in full time Up to a better Cov'nant disciplin'd From shadowie Types to Truth from Flesh to Spirit From imposition of strict Laws to free Acceptance of large Grace from servil fear To filial works of Law to works of Faith And therefore shall not Moses though of God Highly belov'd being but the Minister Of Law his people into Canaan lead But Joshua whom the Gentiles Jesus call His Name and Office bearing who shall quell The adversarie Serpent and bring back Through the worlds wilderness long wanderd man Safe to eternal Paradise of rest Meanwhile they in thir earthly Canaan plac't Long time shall dwell and prosper but when sins National interrupt thir public peace Provoking God to raise them enemies From whom as oft he saves them penitent By Judges first then under Kings of whom The second both for pietie renownd And puissant deeds a promise shall receive Irrevocable that his Regal Throne For ever shall endure the like shall sing All Prophecie That of the Royal Stock Of David so I name this King shall rise A Son the Womans Seed to thee foretold Foretold to Abraham as in whom shall trust All Nations and to Kings foretold of Kings The last for of his Reign shall be no end But first a long succession must ensue And his next Son for Wealth and Wisdom fam'd The clouded Ark of God till then in Tents Wandring shall in a glorious Temple enshrine Such follow him as shall be registerd Part good part bad of bad the longer scrowle Whose foul Idolatries and other faults Heapt to the popular summe will so incense God as to leave them and expose thir Land Thir Citie his Temple and his holy Ark With all his sacred things a scorn and prey To that proud Citie whose high Walls thou saw'st Left in confusion Babylon thence call'd There in captivitie he lets them dwell The space of seventie years then brings them back Remembring mercie and his Cov'nant sworn To David stablisht as the dayes of Heav'n Returnd from Babylon by leave of Kings Thir Lords whom God dispos'd the house of God They first re-edifie and for a while In mean estate live moderate till grown In wealth and multitude factious they grow But first among the Priests dissension springs Men who attend the Altar and should most Endeavour Peace thir strife pollution brings Upon the Temple it self at last they seise The Scepter and regard not Davids Sons Then loose it to a stranger that the true Anointed King Messiah might be born Barr'd of his right yet at his Birth a Starr Unseen before in Heav'n proclaims him com And guides the Eastern Sages who enquire His place to offer Incense Myrrh and Gold His place of birth a solemn Angel tells To simple Shepherds keeping watch by night They gladly thither haste and by a Quire Of squadrond Angels hear his Carol sung A Virgin is his Mother but his Sire The Power of the most High he shall ascend The Throne hereditarie and bound his Reign With earths wide bounds his glory with the Heav'ns He ceas'd discerning Adam with such joy Surcharg'd as had like grief bin dew'd in tears Without the vent of words which these he breathd O Prophet of glad tidings finisher Of utmost hope now clear I understand What oft my steddiest thoughts have searcht in vain Why our great expectation should be call'd The seed of Woman Virgin Mother Haile High in the love of Heav'n yet from my Loynes Thou shalt proceed and from thy Womb the Son Of God most High So God with man unites Needs must the Serpent now his capital bruise Expect with mortal paine say where and when Thir fight what stroke shall bruise the Victors heel To whom thus Michael Dream not of thir fight As of a Duel or the local wounds Of head or heel not therefore joynes the Son Manhood to God-head with more strength to foil Thy enemie nor so is overcome Satan whose fall from Heav'n a deadlier bruise Disabl'd not to give thee thy deaths wound Which hee who comes thy Saviour shall recure Not by destroying Satan but his works In thee and in thy Seed nor can this be But by fulfilling that which thou didst want Obedience to the Law of God impos'd On penaltie of death and suffering death The penaltie to thy transgression due And due to theirs which out of thine will grow So onely can high Justice rest appaid The Law of God exact he shall fulfill Both by obedience and by love though love Alone fulfill the Law thy punishment He shall endure by coming in the Flesh To a reproachful life and cursed death Proclaming Life to all who shall believe In his redemption and that his obedience Imputed becomes theirs by Faith his merits To save them not thir own though legal works For this he shall live hated be blasphem'd Seis'd on by force judg'd and to death condemnd A shameful and accurst naild to the Cross By his own Nation slaine for bringing Life But to the Cross he nailes thy Enemies The Law that is against thee and the sins Of all mankinde with him there crucifi'd Never to hurt them more who rightly trust In this his satisfaction so he dies But soon revives Death over him no power Shall long usurp ere the third dawning light Returne the Starres of Morn shall see him rise Out of his grave fresh as the dawning light Thy ransom paid which Man from death redeems His death for Man as many as offerd Life Neglect not and the benefit imbrace By Faith not void of workes this God-like act Annuls thy doom the death thou shouldst have dy'd In sin for ever lost from life this act Shall bruise the head of Satan crush his strength Defeating Sin and Death his two maine armes And fix farr deeper in his
head thir stings Then temporal death shall bruise the Victors heel Or theirs whom he redeems a death like sleep A gentle wafting to immortal Life Nor after resurrection shall he stay Longer on Earth then certaine times to appeer To his Disciples Men who in his Life Still follow'd him to them shall leave in charge To teach all nations what of him they learn'd And his Salvation them who shall beleeve Baptizing in the profluent streame the signe Of washing them from guilt of sin to Life Pure and in mind prepar'd if so befall For death like that which the redeemer dy'd All Nations they shall teach for from that day Not onely to the Sons of Abrahams Loines Salvation shall be Preacht but to the Sons Of Abrahams Faith wherever through the world So in his seed all Nations shall be blest Then to the Heav'n of Heav'ns he shall ascend With victory triumphing through the aire Over his foes and thine there shall surprise The Serpent Prince of aire and drag in Chaines Through all his realme there confounded leave Then enter into glory and resume His Seat at Gods right hand exalted high Above all names in Heav'n and thence shall come When this worlds dissolution shall be ripe With glory and power to judge both quick dead To judge th' unfaithful dead but to reward His faithful and receave them into bliss Whether in Heav'n or Earth for then the Earth Shall all be Paradise far happier place Then this of Eden and far happier daies So spake th' Archangel Michael then paus'd As at the Worlds great period and our Sire Replete with joy and wonder thus repli'd O goodness infinite goodness immense That all this good of evil shall produce And evil turn to good more wonderful Then that which by creation first brought forth Light out of darkness full of doubt I stand Whether I should repent me now of sin By mee done and occasiond or rejoyce Much more that much more good thereof shall spring To God more glory more good will to Men From God and over wrauth grace shall abound But say if our deliverer up to Heav'n Must reascend what will betide the few His faithful left among th' unfaithful herd The enemies of truth who then shall guide His people who defend will they not deale Wors with his followers then with him they dealt Be sure they will said th' Angel but from Heav'n Hee to his own a Comforter will send The promise of the Father who shall dwell His Spirit within them and the Law of Faith Working through love upon thir hearts shall write To guide them in all truth and also arme With spiritual Armour able to resist Satans assaults and quench his fierie darts What Man can do against them not affraid Though to the death against such cruelties With inward consolations recompenc't And oft supported so as shall amaze Thir proudest persecuters for the Spirit Powrd first on his Apostles whom he sends To evangelize the Nations then on all Baptiz'd shall them with wondrous gifts endue To speak all Tongues and do all Miracles As did thir Lord before them Thus they win Great numbers of each Nation to receave With joy the tidings brought from Heav'n at length Thir Ministry perform'd and race well run Thir doctrine and thir story written left They die but in thir room as they forewarne Wolves shall succeed for teachers grievous Wolves Who all the sacred mysteries of Heav'n To thir own vile advantages shall turne Of lucre and ambition and the truth With superstitions and traditions taint Left onely in those written Records pure Though not but by the Spirit understood Then shall they seek to avail themselves of names Places and titles and with these to joine Secular power though feigning still to act By spiritual to themselves appropriating The Spirit of God promisd alike and giv'n To all Beleevers and from that pretense Spiritual Lawes by carnal power shall force On every conscience Laws which none shall finde Left them inrould or what the Spirit within Shall on the heart engrave What will they then But force the Spirit of Grace it self and binde His consort Libertie what but unbuild His living Temples built by Faith to stand Thir own Faith not anothers for on Earth Who against Faith and Conscience can be heard Infallible yet many will presume Whence heavie persecution shall arise On all who in the worship persevere Of Spirit and Truth the rest farr greater part Will deem in outward Rites and specious formes Religion satisfi'd Truth shall retire Bestuck with slandrous darts and works of Faith Rarely be found so shall the World goe on To good malignant to bad men benigne Under her own waight groaning till the day Appeer of respiration to the just And vengeance to the wicked at return Of him so lately promiss'd to thy aid The Womans seed obscurely then foretold Now amplier known thy Saviour and thy Lord Last in the Clouds from Heav'n to be reveald In glory of the Father to dissolve Satan with his perverted World then raise From the conflagrant mass purg'd and refin'd New Heav'ns new Earth Ages of endless date Founded in righteousness and peace and love To bring forth fruits Joy and eternal Bliss He ended and thus Adam last reply'd How soon hath thy prediction Seer blest Measur'd this transient World the Race of time Till time stand fixt beyond is all abyss Eternitie whose end no eye can reach Greatly instructed I shall hence depart Greatly in peace of thought and have my fill Of knowledge what this vessel can containe Beyond which was my folly to aspire Henceforth I learne that to obey is best And love with feare the onely God to walk As in his presence ever to observe His providence and on him sole depend Merciful over all his works with good Still overcoming evil and by small Accomplishing great things by things deemd weak Subverting worldly strong and worldly wise By simply meek that suffering for Truths sake Is fortitude to highest victorie And to the faithful Death the Gate of Life Taught this by his example whom I now Acknowledge my Redeemer ever blest To whom thus also th' Angel last repli'd This having learnt thou hast attaind the summe Of wisdom hope no higher though all the Starrs Thou knewst by name and all th' ethereal Powers All secrets of the deep all Natures works Or works of God in Heav'n Air Earth or Sea And all the riches of this World enjoydst And all the rule one Empire onely add Deeds to thy knowledge answerable add Faith Add Vertue Patience Temperance add Love By name to come call'd Charitie the soul Of all the rest then wilt thou not be loath To leave this Paradise but shalt possess A Paradise within thee happier farr Let us descend now therefore from this top Of Speculation for the hour precise Exacts our parting hence and see the Guards By mee encampt on yonder Hill expect Thir motion at whose Front a flaming Sword In signal of remove waves fiercely round We may no longer stay go waken Eve Her also I with gentle Dreams have calm'd Portending good and all her spirits compos'd To meek submission thou at season fit Let her with thee partake what thou hast heard Chiefly what may concern her Faith to know The great deliverance by her Seed to come For by the Womans Seed on all Mankind That ye may live which will be many dayes Both in one Faith unanimous though sad With cause for evils past yet much more cheer'd With meditation on the happie end He ended and they both descend the Hill Descended Adam to the Bowre where Eve Lay sleeping ran before but found her wak't And thus with words not sad she him receav'd Whence thou returnst whither wentst I know For God is also in sleep and Dreams advise Which he hath sent propitious some great good Presaging since with sorrow and hearts distress VVearied I fell asleep but now lead on In mee is no delay with thee to goe Is to stay here without thee here to stay Is to go hence unwilling thou to mee Art all things under Heav'n all places thou VVho for my wilful crime art banisht hence This further consolation yet secure I carry hence though all by mee is lost Such favour I unworthie am voutsaft By mee the Promis'd Seed shall all restore So spake our Mother Eve and Adam heard VVell pleas'd but answer'd not for now too nigh Th' Archangel stood and from the other Hill To thir fixt Station all in bright array The Cherubim descended on the ground Gliding meteorous as Ev'ning Mist Ris'n from a River o're the marish glides And gathers ground fast at the Labourers heel Homeward returning High in Front advanc't The brandisht Sword of God before them blaz'd Fierce as a Comet which with torrid heat And vapour as the Libyan Air adust Began to parch that temperate Clime whereat In either hand the hastning Angel caught Our lingring Parents and to th' Eastern Gate Led them direct and down the Cliff as fast To the subjected Plaine then disappeer'd They looking back all th' Eastern side beheld Of Paradise so late thir happie seat Wav'd over by that flaming Brand the ●…ate With dreadful Faces throng'd and fierie Armes Som natural tears they drop'd but wip'd them soon The World was all before them where to choose Thir place of rest and Providence thir guide They hand in hand with wandring steps and slow Through Eden took thir solitarie way THE END