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A47465 The display of glorious grace, or, The covenant of peace opened in fourteen sermons lately preached, in which the errors of the present day about reconciliation and justification are detected / by Benjamin Keach. Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. 1698 (1698) Wing K58; ESTC R19782 172,719 330

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through the Eternal Spirit offered himself without Spot to God purge your Consciences from dead Works to serve the Living God And in Heaven also he eminently intercedes for us Seeing he ever liveth to make Intercession for them and that his Atonement might be efficacious to us He now appears in the Presence of God for us therefore it is said That We are come to Jesus the Mediator of the New Covenant and to the Blood of sprinkling that speaketh bitter things than the Blood of Abel Come to Jesus c. that is to a clearer knowledge of his Work and Office Sirs all Christ's Satisfaction and Priesthood would be ineffectual for our good if he did not continue in the exercise of it in Heaven by his Intercession for it is by virtue of his Intercession that all his Merits are applied to us for if when we were Enemies we were reconciled to God by the Death of his Son or God was reconciled to us for it is that which the Holy Ghost intends much more being reconcil'd we shall be saved by his Life the design of this Office therefore was to make our Peace or our Reconciliation to God by a Price paid and to apply that Atonement that it might be effectual and continued unto us for ever Christ doth not reconcile God to us as a King but as a Priest and it is not done by what he works in us but by what he hath done for us II. As Christ is a Priest so also he is a King He is I say invested with Kingly Authority as he is Mediator Yet have I set my King upon my Holy Hill of Sion His Kingdom as one observes is not Regnum naturale which he hath as God co-essential with the Father but Regnum Oeconomicum which he hath by Donation and Vnction from his Father it is given to him as Mediator Moreover his Power as King is very great He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords the only Potentate 1. King over Sin which as a Tyrant hath long Reigned 2. King over Devils and all the Powers of Darkness 3. King over Death that King of Terrors the Keys of Hell and Death are given to him 4. King of Saints he being the Universal Head of the Church and King of Nations 5. Nay he hath Kingly Power and Headship over the Holy Angels He is the Head of Principalities and Powers yea his Power is over all Creatures God hath put all things under his Feet His Kingship and Authority is therefore Universall All Power is given to me in Heaven and Earth And hence There is nothing which he as Mediator God-man cannot do Now the Work of Christ as King 1. Is to subdue all our Enemies for us which indeed he hath effectually already done Sin the World Devils and Death being all brought under his Feet 2. To give us Laws Statutes and Ordinances for as he is Mediator he is our Law-giver but he doth not give us Laws that by our Obedience to them our Peace should be made and we be Justified In this Sense Christ is no Law-giver no to make our Peace that appertains partly to his Priestly Office as I have shewed you before and partly to his Suretiship for so he paid both our Debt of perfect Obedience and our Penal Debt also and merited all Grace and Glory for us for tho Christ is a Priest yet he is more than a Priest viz a Surety also but he gives us Laws as we are his Free-born Subjects whom he Redeemed by his Blood that we might know how to Honour and Live under him that died for us and rose again 3. His Work as King is to govern his Church and every Member thereof moreover his Laws in the New Testament do contain all those Rules for the Constitution of a Gospel-Church and also all the Rules of the Government and Discipline thereof 4. Christ's Work and Office as King is to subdue all the Elect unto himself I mean to work Grace in them and to change their Hearts and vanquish the Power of Sin and Satan for this is and must be done by that Almighty Power which he exerts by his Spirit in their Souls and so takes possession of them as King and Supream Ruler whom as a Priest he purchased by his Blood and all this as he is Mediator of this Covenant of Peace That Christ may dwell in our Hearts by Faith or sway the Scepter there 5. Moreover Christ as King will exercise his Kingly Office in taking to him his great Authority and Regal Power and Reign over all the Earth For his Right is Ask of me and I will give thee the Heathen for thy Inheritance and the uttermost parts of the Earth for thy Possession Thou shalt break them in pieces like a Potters Vessel The Kingdoms of this World are become the Kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall Reign for ever and ever And of the increase of his Government there shall be no end upon the Throne of David and upon his Kingdom to order it and to establish it with Justice and with Judgment from henceforth and for ever All the Kingdoms under the whole Heavens shall be given unto him And he shall possess the Gates of his Enemies This will be made good more fully and visibly upon the going off of the Fourth-Monarchy and upon the passing away of the second Woe or Mahomitan Power and downfal of the Beast and Mystery Babylon which is now at the very Door when Christ will save his Church from all her Enemies III. Christ as Mediator is a Prophet A Prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your Brethren like unto me He as Prophet is the Minister of the New Covenant or the chief and great Ambassador of Peace the chief Shepherd of the Sheep and Bishop of our Souls His Work as a Prophet 1. Is to reveal the Will Purpose Counsel and Design of God unto his Chosen and this he did in the Days of his Flesh in his own and in his Apostles Ministration revealing That My-Mystery that was hid from Ages and Generations He was indeed a Teacher that came from God as Nichodemus saith My Doctrine saith he is not mine but the Father 's that sent me For I have not spoken of my self but the Father which sent me gave me Commandment what I should say and what I should speak denoting that he received his Mission his Doctrine and his Authority to Preach from the Father as he is Mediator As a Prophet he gives the knowledge of Salvation to his People for without his Divine Revelation Mankind could not arrive to the knowledge of it for the Light that is in Man naturally reveals nothing of the Mystery of Redemption of the Covenant of Peace and Mediation of Jesus Christ. 2. Nor can any savingly know this but as Christ reveals it by his Spirit as the great Prophet
the Fallen Angels he had not been unjust if all Adam's Posterity had been cast into Hell and not one Soul saved as he is not unjust in throwing all the fallen Angels into Hell for ever without affording one of them any Relief Redemption or hope of Recovery neither is he obliged to save the whole Lump of Mankind either in a way of Justice or Mercy because he is pleased to save a remnant of them God was at the liberty of his Will whether he would make this World or not it was I mean the only Act of his Sovereignty its actual existence in time was according to his absolute Decree and Purpose from Everlasting and according to his absolute Sovereignty he governs and disposes of all things and may do what he will with his own All Nations tremble before him whom he would he slew and whom he would he kept alive The most High doth according to his Will in the Armies of Heaven and among the Inhabitants of the Earth and none can stay his hand or say unto him what dost thou So he hath mercy upon whom he will have mercy and compassion on whom he will have compassion and whom he will he hardeneth He called Abraham and revealed himself to him and let the most of Mankind in his days remain ignorant of him as to Salvation by Jesus Christ He also entred into a Covenant with the Seed of Abraham and gave them his Laws and Ordinances he did not do so to any other Nation And in Gospel Times he called a few poor and illiterate Fishermen and such like Persons and let the Pharisees and Learned Rabbins remain under the power of Sin and Satan and all this as the act of his own absolute Sovereignty and Good Pleasure of his Will as our Lord sheweth At that time Jesus answered and said I thank thee O Father Lord of Heaven and Earth because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent and hast revealed them to Babes Even so Father for so it seemed good in thy sight So now at this day he sends the Gospel into one Nation and not into another and then also in such Nations where the Gospel is Preached it is but here and there clearly opened Nay and many who come under the powerful Ministration of the Gospel have it only come unto them in Word that which is the savour of life unto life to some is the savour of Death unto Death to others Now from whence is all this but meerly from the Sovereignty of God or good pleasure of his Will for It is not of him that willeth nor of him that runneth but of God that sheweth mercy God's special Love and Election is not from any Man 's willing or running it riseth not from Natural Powers emproved not from his Desires Good Deeds or Good Inclinations or from the fore-sight of his Faith and Obedience but from and of God's meer Mercy Sovereign Grace and Favour The Truth is to deny God to have the power of his own Free Act in dispensing his own Sovereign Bounty is to Eclipse his Glory and to render him to have less Sovereign Power than that which he hath given and alloweth to Mankind May not a Man shew his Favour and Goodness in redeeming a few Captives out of a Multitude who wilfully brought themselves into Bondage but he must redeem them all or be unjust Or cannot a Man give a bountiful Gift to One or Two poor Men in a Parish but he must bestow like Bounty to all the Poor in the said Parish Or can't a King contrive and enter into a Covenant of Peace for a few Rebels that have with a Multitude of others taken up Arms against him but he must be charged with Injustice because he did not extend like Favour in the said Covenant to them all sure no Man in his right Senses will deny him this Liberty And now Shall not GOD have like power to dispense his Sovereign Grace to whom he pleaseth who is said to do all things according to the pleasure of his own Will and eternal purpose in Jesus Christ Proposition VII And from hence it appeareth That the Covenant of Peace is the Covenant of Grace For tho the Covenant of Peace in respect had to Christ as our Mediatour Head and Surety was upon the Condition of his Merits yet as to the Design End and Purpose of it in respect of us it was only an act of Pure Grace hence said to be according to the good pleasure of his Will Ephes. 1.5 And to the praise of the glory of his Grace v. 6. 1. It was the Free Grace of God the Father to vouchsafe us a Substitute a Saviour a Mediator of this Peace and to Choose Ordain and Appoint his own Son to be the Person and to accept him in our stead Oh! What Favour is this God so loved the World c. 2. And it was the Free Grace of God the Son to engage himself to the Father to enter into this Covenant to make our Peace the Glory of Both Persons equally shine forth to the amazement of all in Heaven and Earth the Counsel of Peace was between them both 3. Nay my Brethren the Free and Rich Grace of God in this Covenant is to be adored even as to the Main and Ultimate End and Design thereof Not according to our Works but according to his own Purpose and Grace which was given to us in Christ before the World began The whole Contrivance Foundation and Rise of this Covenant of Peace is of love and Grace Neither do we receive any Grace from God in Time but as it results from the Covenant of Peace made with us in Christ before all Time But this I purpose to enlarge upon further when I come to open the nature of the Covenant Proposition VIII And as the Covenant of Peace is the Govenant of Grace so it results from God as an act of Infinite Mercy It is therefore a merciful Covenant it was not made with Man considered in his State of Innocency for Man as so considered could not be the Object of God's Mercy for tho God appeared very good and gracious to us in our First Creation and as we came out of his Hands and that many ways Yet such was our Happy State that we stood then in no need of Mercy for where Mercy is shewed it is to such that are in Misery but before Man fell he knew no Misery Pain or Sorrow but when God first cast his Eyes upon us and entered into this Covenant of Peace with his own Son for us he saw us lie in our Bloud and fallen under his Divine Wrath and Anger and this indeed the very name of the Covenant of Peace doth import There was no need of Peace had there not been a War or a fearful Breach between God and us and that this Covenant results from God's great Mercy read again
and Teacher of the Church No Man knoweth the Son but the Father neither knoweth any Man the Father but the Son and he to whomsoever the Son will rev●al him No Man knoweth the Essence of the Father or hath a perfect knowledge of the Godhead nor do they know the Councils Purposes and Dispensations of the Father of his saving of Men by Jesus Christ except Jesus Christ reveals these Mysteries to them all true and saving knowledge of God is in and through Christ as a Prophet But as Christ doth not Atone for our Sins as a King but as a Priest so he doth not give forth Laws c. as a Priest but as a King nor doth he teach instruct or reveal God and Salvation to us simply as a Priest or King but as a Prophet besides there are some things about the Covenant of Peace which he doth not simply as a King Priest nor Prophet but as simply consider'd a Mediator Surety and Testator c. I would therefore desire Mr. Sam. Clark for all his Confidence to consider of his great mistake in his late Treaty doth it follow should it be granted because Christ's Active Obedience doth not properly belong neither to his Kingly his Priestty nor to his Prophetical Office that therefore his Active Obedience to God's Law or Active Righteousness is no part of the matter of our Justification before God for may not some things be done by Christ as Mediator or as Surety or Testator that doth not properly relate to either of his other three Offices for evident it is that the whole of Christ's Work in this Covenant of Peace doth not strictly belong to these threefold Offices therefore the Scripture gives an account of other Offices besides these which he exerciseth But I will proceed a little further to open the Offices of Christ in the Covenant of Peace And I. Of the Necessity of his exercising of these Offices as Mediator 1. Of his Priestly Office it was absolutely necessary that he should be a Priest and that in our Nature because he was to answer the Types under the Law the Priests of the Law that were ceremonially Sanctified and were to Sanctifie others were of the same Nature with the People And since they offered Sacrifices up to God it also behoved him to offer up the Antitypical Real and Wrath-appeasing Sacrifice And 2. Forasmuch that we were Slaves and Captives of Sin and Satan being in Chains and Fetters by such Enemies that none could redeem us out of their Hands but one cloathed with Almighty and Infinite Power It behoved Jesus Christ to be a King who is invested with God-like Power and Authority upon this Account And since it was the Father's good Pleasure to exalt and magnifie him with the sole Government of the World and of the Church it was necessary he should be Constituted and Invested with Kingly Authority likewise 3. And since we were ignorant of God and under deep alienation from God Having the Vnderstanding darkened being alienated from the Life of God through the ignorance in them because of the blindness of their Hearts It behoved Jesus Christ to be a Prophet yea such a Prophet that can not only teach the Knowing and Understanding Heart but can give Knowledge to the Heart which is without Understanding and seeing we were blind and ignorant of the way of Salvation it behoved him that was to make our Peace to bring us to the knowledge of that Peace and Reconciliation he hath made Moreover we were dead therefore he must quicken us we were Enemies therefore he must reconcile us to God as well as God to us we were Impotent and could not come to the Father therefore he as a Kingly-Prophet must draw us the Father draws us by Jesus Christ to himself also we were in Debt and Divine Justice will be satisfied and will not abate us one Farthing therefore Christ must be our Surety to engage and also actually pay all our Debts in respect of the Preceptory and Penal parts thereof for we owed Perfect Obedience unto God as well as Punishment Also he was to confirm the Covenant of Peace by his Blood and make his Last Will and Testament and bequeath many Legacies to all the Legatees therefore it was necessary that he should be a Testator yea the Testator of the New Testament or Covenant Furthermore we were Sick therefore it behoved him to be appointed our Physician we were as Sheep gone astray therefore he is our Shepherd II. As to the End and Excellencies of Christ's Offices I have lately opened them in a late Treatise upon Jacob's Ladder to which I shall direct you but know this the whole design and purport of all his Offices are that he might effectually be impowered with all things necessary in respect had to the Glory and Honour of God and for our good and to give us interest in all the Blessings of the Covenant of Peace Objection 'T is objected That Christ did not suffer for Sinners as a common Person Head and Representative of all the Elect or their Surety but did all meerly as a Mediator or as one indeavouring to compose the Difference betwixt God and Sinners 1 Answ. I answer Sad it is to see how in these Perilous Days Men are degenerated from the Apostolick Doctrine in this most important case and oppose all our Autho●● Protestant Writers and deny Christ to be a Common Person Head Representative and Surety c. but that he as Mediator hath by his Death merited a new and mild Law of Grace i. e. of Faith and Sincere Obedience and hath made a Compensation to the Justice of God and Law of Works and so removed the Law of perfect Obedience or abolished it for ever so that now God deals with us not according to the strict Law of perfect Obedience but according to this New Law i. e. on easier Conditions viz. such that believe and sincerely obey shall be Justified even so far as they do Obey and are Sanctified not that Christ's Obedience to the Law or that his Active and Passive Obedience imputed to us and our trusting in him according to the Free Promise of God is the immediate and sole cause of Pardon by virtue of Christ's Satisfaction but that tho Christ hath made God a means for Legal Righteousness having satisfied that Law and took it away yet our Obedience to this New Law according to these Men is our Evangelical Righteousness whereby we fulfil the Gospel and that our Obedience is the Condition of our Justification before God Thus Mr. Baxter Mr. Williams Mr. Clark of Wickham and many others And thus is Popery revived amongst us and Justification by Works asserted by these Law and Work-mongers for I cannot call them Gospel-Ministe-s true they affirm that Christ died for our good but not in our stead the Doctrine we maintain is that he died for our good But how for our good Even so that he
suffered as our Head and Representative in our stead or room the Just for the Vnjust or the Surety for the Principal or for the Sinner and this according to the Terms agreed upon in the Covenant of Peace and not simply for our good any otherwise God being in his own Nature Just as well as Gracious could not without Wrong or Injury to his Justice Holiness and the Sanction of his Law Acquit Justifie and Pardon any Sinner without a full Satisfaction to both Law and Justice and this must either be done by us or by our Surety for us 2. We affirm that the Law of Perfect Obedience results from the Holiness Purity and Rectitude of God's Nature and therefore it stands as a perpetual Law and can never be abolished as a Rule of Life tho it be taken away as it required perfect Obedience of us or as a Law of Works to be fulfilled and satisfied for in our own Persons in point of Justification Do we then make void the Law through Faith God forbid Yea we establish the Law because by Christ we attain a perfect Righteousness being interested in his most compleat and perfect Obedience to the Moral Law and by his Spirit to live in more exact Conformity thereunto My Brethren Is it not our Duty still and as much as ever it was To love the Lord our God with all our Hearts with all our Souls and with all our Strength and our Neighbour as our selves not only sincerely but perfectly nay to be perfect as our Father in Heaven is perfect Tho we are not able to do this yet the Moral Law still remains and requires us thus to do true we shall not be Damned for want of this perfect Obedienc because Christ hath in our Nature and stead kept the Law perfectly for us and so he is the end of the Law in respect of Righteousness to all that believe Christ did not come to engage or undertake as a Mediator that we should perfectly in our own Persons keep the Moral Law and so be Justified in God's Sight nor did he come to undertake that we should sincerely keep any other Law to that end much less leave us to the exercise of our Natural or Spiritual Abilities to keep such a Law as the Condition of our Justification and Acceptation with God but he came to procure for us such a Righteousness by his own Obedience and Suffering that the Holiness Justice and Law of God doth require of us if we are Justified with God for what the Law could not do in that it was weak through the Flesh God sent furth his Son c. T is a hard case my Brethren that these degenerate Presbyterians or any pretending to be Gospel-Preachers should deny Christ to be a Common Head and Surety for the Elect for he that dies in the stead and room of others is by the consent of the Law-giver substituted in their Law place and so takes upon him the Capacity of a Surety Representative or common Person undertaking to do and suffer what others should but these Men deny this Relation or Capacity of Christ as a Surety in this Sense and therefore deny he obeyed and died in our stead And from hence it follows also that Christ did not do that for us which our own Perfect Obedience did do whilst Man stood and would have done had he not sinned i. e. Justified him or have given him a Title to Life 3. Moreover if Christ was not put in our Law place as our Representative and Surety Why was he made of a Woman and made under the Law Was it not that the Law might reach him 1. As to its commanding Power as our Surety to pay the Debt of Perfect Obedience thereunto 2. And as a Sinner in a Law Sense to die or be made Sin for us that is by Imputation for had not he been under the Law the Law could not have reached him in either sense i. e. either to do or suffer and had not he took our Law place upon him we could not have been the better for what could his taking our Nature on him have profited us had he not been substituted in our room But as we were obliged by the Law Justice and Holiness of God to keep the Law perfectly so he was made under the Law to keep it for us and as we were sinful Men and liable to the Just Sentence of the Law for our Violation of it so he was made under the Law and as our Representative and Surety to die and to satisfie Divine Justice for our Transgressions that were against it He was made under the Law i. e. under the Preceptory part of it to fulfil and establish that he satisfied for that part of the Law He was under the Law as being liable to the Punishment or Penalty of the Law that he might answer and fulfil that and for ever deliver us from the Punishment thereof and all this as our Surety standing in our Law place Reproof This may tend severely to reprehend those new and erroneous Notions that so prevail amongst us concerning Christ's Work and Office as Mediator we say and prove that by Christ's Active and Perfect Obedience to the Law we are justified and delivered from Wrath and Condemnation or that by Christ's Righteousness imputed Believers are perfectly Justified and freed from the Curse of the Law and are certainly entituled to Eternal Life 1. But our new Work-mongers assert That our Justification or Right to Life dependeth wholly upon our Obedience to the Gospel as a Law as the Condition to which it is promised Therefore as one observes it puts us into a Condition of Life imperfect and subject to change as Obedience it self is and that we are not perfectly Justified till our Obedience is perfected Thus Mr. Clark of High-Wickham and others Take Mr. Clark's Words viz. Our Justification at present while we are in this World is but Partial Imperfect and Incompleat Ans. Now say I this confounds Justification with Sanctification and as I have told him then it also follows that Believers are partly justified and partly condemned i. e. we are not acquitted from the guilt of all Sin whilst in this World and so Christ's Dove is not Vndefiled Lord what an Age do we live in 2. We say that we are made Partakers of Christ's Righteousness and the Benefits of it by our Union with him through the Spirit by which means Faith is wrought in us by which we apprehend him and we say that Faith is an Instrument whereby we receive him Faith only Justifying us objectively i. e. It is not Faith but Jesus Christ that Faith takes hold of that doth Justifie us in the Sight of God But they say That Faith in its whole Latitude is our believing and obeying the Gospel that is Faith and all the Fruits thereof or Faith and Obedience or if you please Faith and Gospel-Works For Mr. Clark says That
Peace but by Christ's Undertaking are raised to great Honour And O what Grace Love and Divine Goodness is here VSE I Admiration What hath God done Christ done for us What Love is this 1. Christ knew before he became our Surety that the whole Payment would fall upon him and yet struck Hands 2. O! what Exemption and discharge have we hereby from the Law and Justice of God The Law as our Husband is dead and we dead to that that Cruel Husband has no more Power over us though as a Law or Rule of Righteousness it still commands us yet it cannot Kill us Curse us nor Condemn us to Eternal Burning 3. Bless God for Jesus Christ our Surety What a sweet Covenant is this that we are brought into How sure are all Covenant Mercies What Riches Glory and Power is in Christ the Mediator As thou hast given him Power over all Flesh that he should give Eternal Life to as many as thou hast given him We are in Christ's Hand and none can pluck us out 4. We shall for ever abide in this Covenant our Surety hath engaged to keep us that we shall never break Covenant with God any more so as to lose our Inheritance 5. How easie hath God made the Terms of Peace as to us since Christ is obliged to work all our Works in us as well as for us II. What Good News is here for broken Sinners who lie Condemned by the Covenant of Works O sue out your Pardon by taking hold of Christ. III. Reproof How doth this again tend to reprove such that turn the Gospel-Covenant or Covenant of Peace into a Law with the Sanction of Rewards for Obedience and Threatnings for Disobedience denying that Christ stood in our Law-place to do and suffer for us or to keep the Law of perfect Righteousness in point of Justification and to die in our stead Why will Men stand upon their own Legs Proud Man would fain live of himself or have whereof to Glory but not before God or in Christ Jesus he would have God take his Copper and refuse his own most pure Gold Why will they seek Relief other ways than by the Surety and Mediator of the Covenant Can our Imperfect Righteousness or Sinful Duties Justifie us at God's Bar Will they dare to plead it at Death IV. Trial. Is Grace given to you Have you Union with Christ Have you a new Heart Do you truly and savingly know the Lord Then you are brought into the Bonds of the Covenant of Peace V. Consolation If you are once in Covenant you are for ever in Covenant and all Covenant-Blessing even all things that are therein promised to Christ as your Surety shall be given to you But no more at this time And with this I conclude the Second Thing under the Second General Head viz. That the Terms proposed in the Covenant of Peace betwixt the Father and the Son were agreed to and of Christ's Work as Mediator and Surety therein I have endeavoured to clear to the Weakest Capacity SERMON V. Containing the Ratification or Confirmation of the Covenant of Peace shewing how and by what and when it was confirmed also how proclaimed and what the Proclamation is ISA. Liv.x. Neither shall the Covenant of my Peace be removed saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee Doct. THAT there is a Covenant made or agreed on and stands firm in the behalf of all God's Elect. I have shewed you First That in a Covenant of Peace there is a treating betwixt the Covenanting Parties about the Terms upon which it is made And accordingly in order to the making or bringing in of this Covenant you have heard that there was a treating between the Father and the Son before the World began Secondly That in such a Covenant the Terms proposed are agreed unto by both Parties so I have shewed you it was here and also that the Mediator of the Covenant of Peace is Jesus Christ who was also the Surety thereof whose Work both as he is Mediator and Surety we have opened Thirdly I shall now proceed to the next thing which is the Ratification or Confirmation of the Covenant My Brethren there was a twofold Confirmation of the Covenant I. It was confirmed by God in Christ and this was as I conceive in that Council of Peace that was held in Eternity betwixt them both True among Men this is called The Signing of the Articles of Peace but there was a full Confirmation of this Covenant when it was Agreed on and Signed and that by both Parties 1. The Father Confirmed it to Christ and to all the Elect in him by his Oath I have made a Covenant with my Chosen I have sworn unto David my Servant By David is meant Jesus Christ and I see no reason to doubt but that this Oath of God the Father to the Son as Mediator of our Peace passed to him before the World began Once have I sworn by my Holiness that I will not lye unto David My Brethren when God concluded this Covenant of Peace with Jesus Christ he made a Promise to him of performing all things which he agreed unto and evident it is that this was before the World began In hope of Eternal Life which God that cannot lye promised before the World began And as it was promised then to Christ as the Head and Representative of all the Elect on their behalf so there is the same Parity of Reason to believe that then the Oath of God passed to our Lord Jesus Christ and to us in him also and now this Promise and Oath of God to Christ gives not only Solemnity but also firm and sure Stability to this Covenant 1. He added his Oath to his Promise saith our late Annotator on the Holy Bible to make and prove it to be Immutable Hence Christ it is said was made a Priest by an Oath not after the Order of Aaron 2. But after the Order of Melchis●●ck This Oath is said to be sworn once which Word and Phrase saith he implies the Compleatness Certainty and Irrevocableness of the thing 3. God swore by his Holiness What is more Sacred By which God is seldom known to speak or to swear therefore nothing can more fully confirm this Covenant to Christ and to us in him 4. Jesus Christ then confirmed also the Covenant on his part on our behalf by his putting his Hand in our stead and to stand in our Law-place for us as you have heard This my Brethren was more than a bare Signing and Sealing the Covenant of Peace But II. There is yet a farther Ratification and Confirmation of the Covenant of Peace as also there is among Men. 1. It was agreed betwixt God the Father and the Son as Mediator that this Covenant should come under another Acceptation i. e. as the Last Will and Testament of Jesus Christ True it was not only Christ's Will or Christ's
Reverend Author hath Asserted in this case That Scripture Isa 53.10 11 12. Is saith he a place wherein this Covenant is clearly described between the Father and the Son and it holds forth the Covenant of Grace fully clearly yea the promise of all Grace and Benefits that are contained in the said Covenant of Grace And the Apostle tells us expresly that this Covenant agreement was the Will by which Will we are Sanctified thro the Offering the Body of Jesus once for all He further argues 2. That Covenant that contains in it the whole matter and form in Conditions and Promises of the Covenant of Grace doth not Essentially differ from it but the Covenant of Redemption doth contain in it the Conditions and Promises of Grace yea all things that pertain to Life and Godliness And it contains in it all conditions upon which we may be partakers of any Promimises i. e. Christ's Person Offices Sacrifice Righteousness active and passive there 's no Covenant condition of Atonement Propitiation or Satisfaction unto the Justice of God But it is here Christ is the great fulfiller of the Law and satisfier of it and he is the end of the Law for righteousness to every one that believeth 3. From the vailed dispensation of the Covenant of Grace saith he before the coming of Christ their Sacrifices and Ceremonial Administration held forth in a Figure that it was made with Christ and confirmed in him as the great Offering and Atonement Christ is there exemplified and set forth as the fulness of the Covenant of Grace both in respect of Promises and Conditions 4. When we plead saith he for any thing of the Covenant of Grace it is the Promises of Life made to us in Christ as Yea and Amen and to us in him in respect of obtaining and performing to us 5. Our Justifying acts of Faith is fixed on Christ as the Sum of the Covenant of Grace as satisfying for our Sins and as to whom the Promises were made and the great things promised as the Fountain and Meritorious cause of all Blessings He is given to us as the Covenant 6 There is saith he all Grace to be had in this Covenant Frustra sit per plura quod fieri potest per pauciora There is no Grace but is given forth and received by us by the Covenant between the Father and the Son the gift of the Spirit the Grace of Faith Justification by his Blood by him came all Grace yea all other supposed Grace that came not from the Father and through Christ is no Grace and will not profit us 7. Where the Covenanters Conditions and Promises are all from Free Grace and Love to us there 's a Covenant of Grace but in that Covenant they call a distinct Covenant of Redemption the Covenanters the Conditions and Promises are all of Free grace and Love to us God the Father from his Free grace and Love to us called his Son to this Undertaking and Covenanting with him God the Son in our Persons or in our behalf from his Love and Free grace Covenanted with the Father he came and freely offered himself to perform the Covenant Conditions the condition of this Covenant in all mediatorial perfections and performances is freely promised and bestowed upon us the promise of Eternal life All Grace and Glory are promised and given in this Covenant that is a Covenant of Grace wherein God is to us a God of all Grace 8. If the Covenant of Redemption be not the Covenant of Grace then there is more Covenants than the Covenant of Works and the Covenant of Grace for Life and Salvation but there is no more Covenants for Life and Salvation but that of Works and that of Grace the Minor I think hardly any will deny If Church Covenants be alledged they add nothing to this Grand Covenant but are the accomplishments of the promises thereof to whom it doth belong it being promised that they shall be Gods People in this Covenant Christ stipulates and we in him as we did in the first Adam then And when we stipulate being moved thereunto from the grace of the Promise and enter personally into this Covenant embracing that Covenant which was made for us in Christ 't is called a laying hold of it it is solemnly also own'd professed and restipulated to when we enter into Church Fellowship the repeating and restipulating and renewings of the same Covenant may be without changing the Covenant For we find God often repeating this Covenant and renewing it with his people in Revelation and Establishment as with Adam Noah Abraham Isaac and Jacob c. yet it was was the same Covenant So are Gods Children excited and encouraged thereunto from the Free-grace of the said Covenant Thus this Author 1. Now let me add one or two arguments more to what this worthy Author hath said viz. If the Covenant of Redemption be not the Covenant of Grace or Covenant of Peace and Reconciliation which God calls his Covenant The Covenant of my Peace shall not be removed saith the Lord Then it will follow that our Peace is made with God or God is reconciled to us by a Covenant of Grace which we enter into with him which Covenant Christ Merited for us in his performing the Covenant of Redemption and if it be so how is it Paul saith God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself Indeed as far as I can see this notion of two distinct Covenants of Redemption and of Grace seems to be defended of late on purpose to favour the grand Errors of our new Methodists viz. In the Covenant of Redemption say they Christ made God amends for our breach of the Law of perfect obedience by himself alone and for himself only that so he might be a fit Mediator and Merit a new Law of Faith and sincere Obedience for their Covenant of Grace is a Law of Obedience which Law or Covenant he Confirmed by his Death So that now God say they enters into a Covenant with mankind and if they perform the Conditions of it or so far as they do so far they shall be justifyed and shall have Eternal life provided they continue unto the end and thus as before I have hinted Christ is our legal righteousness in the Covenant of Redemption he fulfiled the Law of Works or the strict Law of perfect Obedience by giving God a satisfying recompence And so he hath abolished the Law of perfect obedience but our Faith Inherent-righteousness Gospel-holiness and Sincere obedience is our Evangelical Righteousness or that which justifies us at Gods Bar or in his sight Now this dangerous Error I say seems to follow the allowing of two distinct Covenants 2. There is no distinction between the Covenant of Redemption and the Covenant of Grace because Redemption presupposeth Peace and Reconciliation and not only Gods Reconciliation to us but our reconciliation to him for Redemption is not from the Curse of the Law
and Wrath of God only but also from Sin or a vain Conversation and out of the Power and Kingdom of Satan which Christ by his Blood as poured forth and in applying it undertook to do in the Covenant of Peace which is called Christ's Covenant As for thee by the blood of thy Covenant I have sent forth the Prison●rs out of the Pit wherein there was no water Reverend Charnock says Christ is the surety of the Covenant of Grace but the Covenant of Redemption had no surety the Father and the Son trusted one another the Covenant of Redemption was not Confirmed by Blood c. Answ. Had God only entred into Covenant with Christ as a single Person and for himself there had been no need of a surety but since he entred into that Covenant as a publick person and that for broken and fallen mankind whom God regarded not their Credit being for ever gone there was a necessity of Christ's suretyship in that said Covenant in respect had to those things which Christ was to do for us and also work in us which he then engaged to the Father to perform and if the Covenant of Redemption from Sin and Wrath was not confirmed by the Blood of that Covenant one grand part of our safety and security is gone for ever My Brethren Our Lord Jesus Christ when he first entred into the Covenant with the Father agreed to be the Mediator and Surety thereof also evident it is that there are some Transactions where suretiship is required which a Surety must undertake to do and readily agree unto even all such things which the Creditor requires and the nature of the Covenant calls for So that there are some things that peculiarly belong to him as surety even so and in like manner it was here about the compleat accomplishment of the Covenant of Grace entered into between the Father and the Son in behalf of the Elect. Yet all the good we receive through the applicatory part of the said Covenant are but the effects fruits or product of the same Covenant as it was made with Christ for us as our Surety Also among Men those things and Covenant Transactions betwixt the Creditor and the Surety which peculiarly appertain to him to perform and answer though the poor debtor nevertheless is mainly concerned therein they being such things that must be performed by the Surety for him or the Debtor can have no benefit by it yet the free grants to the Debtor in the said Covenant upon the Suretys engagement is never called a distinct Covenant in it self but as I said before 't is one and the same Covenant our Covenant therefore is but a branch of Christ's Covenant with God the Father in which he engaged to Spouse and Marry us to himself for ever Therefore I know not what these Mens nice distinctions signifies unless it be to amuse the world or except it be for the worser purpose just now hinted Brethren The distinction lies not in two distinct Covenants Essentially differing from each other but in the distinct parts of the said one intire Covenant I. One part as it refers to Christ viz. he is the Surety and we the Debtors whom he engaged for his money and not ours pays all and makes satisfaction to God Christ is the Redeemer in this Covenant and we the Redeemed Christ is the Saviour and we the Saved II. That part that appertains to Christ was upon conditions of what he was to do and suffer he hath obtained all for us wholly by Desert and Merit and we have all every way of meer grace and favour particularly in the applicatory part thereof Moreover let it be noted that there is a difference in respect of the time of the making of the Covenant and of the Revelation Execution and Application thereof Christ in the Covenant first Articl'd with the Father to be Mediator and Surety c. and in the execution of the Covenant actually discharges those Offices and all things that appertains to them one thing being his bringing of us home to God or into the bonds of his Covenant Moreover Take here what the Reverend Assembly of Divines have said about the Covenant of Grace viz. Q. 30. Doth God leave mankind to perish in a state of Sin and Misery Answ. God doth not leave all mankind to perish in a state of Sin and Misery into which they fell by the Breach of the first Covenant called the Covenant of works but of his meer love and Mercy delivereth his Elect out of it and bringeth them into a state of Salvation by the second Covenant commonly called the Covenant of Grace Q. 31. With whom was the Covenant of Grace made Answ. The Covenant of Grace was made with Christ as the second Adam and in him with all the Elect as his Seed Thus that Learned Assembly From hence it doth appear that this opinion of two distinct Covenants was not received by that Assembly they own but two Covenants i. e. that of Works and that of Grace and I am sure the Scriptures bear witness of no other Covenant of Redemption but that of Grace and Reconciliation which includes Redemption and all Covenant-Blessings My Brethren That very Covenant made between the Father and the Son was hidden or kept secret as to the clear manifestation of it till Christ came and then it was manifested and the clear revelation of it is in the Gospel which shows how God manifesteth the grace of this Covenant by offering Pardon and Peace to sinners by revealing of Christ who is called the Covenant and offering him to them for Life and Salvation so that this Covenant contains all Grace Mercy and Redemption Moreover Remarkable it is to see how that Learned Person that wrote the Book called The Ark of the Covenant who too boldly asserts the Covenant of Redemption a distinct Covenant from the Covenant of Grace doth in divers places contradict himself herein take some of his words viz. So that I take saith he the meaning of these words This is my Covenant with them my Spirit that is upon thee c. to be This is my Covenant that I have made with thee upon their account and for their behoof or the Covenant that I have made with them to wit virtully when I Covenanted with thee and made promises to thee for their behoof He confesseth that the Covenant of 〈◊〉 was made with Christ primarily and representatively and with the Elect in him and all promises of Grace was made to us in Christ in that Covenant And what do we say more but this is to overthrow his own Notion of two distinct Covenants Nay the same Author confesseth that the grand thing he argues for is to prove that there is nothing spoken of Christ's Seed as parties with whom God deals in this Covenant and upon whom he layeth any Commands Answ. We say so too Christ is only the Covenanting party for us and on