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A43507 Aerius redivivus, or, The history of the Presbyterians containing the beginnings, progress and successes of that active sect, their oppositions to monarchial and episcopal government, their innovations in the church, and their imbroylments by Peter Heylyn ... Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662.; Heylyn, Henry. 1670 (1670) Wing H1681; ESTC R5587 552,479 547

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by which general and free consent of the chief Nobility then present the Lord Darnly not long after is made Baron of Ardmonack created Earl of Ross and Duke of Rothesay titles belonging to the eldest and the second Sons of the Kings of Scotland But on the other side such of the great Lords of the Congregation as were resolved to work their own ends out of these present differences did purposely absent themselves from that Convention that is to say the Earls of Murray Glencarne Rothes Arguile c. together with Duke Hamilton and his dependants whom they had drawn into the Faction and they convened at Stirling also though not until the Queen and her retinue were departed from thence and there it was resolved by all means to oppose the Marriage for the better avoiding of such dangers and inconveniences which otherwise might ensue upon it For whose encouragement the Queen of England furnished them with ten thousand pounds that it might serve them for advance-money for the listing of Souldiers when an occasion should be offered to embroyl that Kingdom Nor was Knox wanting for his part to advance the troubles who by his popular declamations against the Match had so incensed the people of Edenborough that they resolved to put themselves into a posture of War to elect Captains to command them and to disarm all those who were suspected to wish well unto it But the Queen came upon them in so just a time that the chief Leaders of the Faction were compelled to desert the Town and leave unto her mercy both their Goods and Families to which they were restored not long after by her grace and clemency 55. A general Assembly at the same time was held in Edenborough who falsely thinking that the Queen in that conjuncture could deny them nothing presented their desires unto her In the first whereof it was demanded That the Papistical and blasphemous Mass with all Popish Idolatry and the Popes jurisdictions should be universally supprest and abolished throughout the whole Realm not onely amongst the Subjects but in the Queens Majesties own Person and Family In the next place it was desired That the true Religion formerly received should be professed by the Queen as well as by the Subjects and people of all sorts bound to resort upon the Sundays at least to the Prayers and Preachings as in the former times to Mass That sure provision should be made for sustentation of the Ministry as well for the time present as for the time to come and their Livings assigned them in the places where they served or at least in the parts next adjacent and that they should not be put to crave the same at the hands of any others That all Benefices then vacant and such as had fallen void since March 1558 or should happen thereafter to be void should be disposed to persons qualified for the Ministry upon tryal and admission by the Superintendent with many other demands of like weight and quality To which the Queen returned this answer first That she could not be perswaded that there was any impiety in the Mass That she had been always bred in the Religion of the Church of Rome which she esteemed to be agreeable to the Word of God and therefore trusted that her subjects would not force her to do any thing against her conscience That hitherto she never had nor did intend hereafter to force any mans conscience but to leave every one to the free exercise of that Religion which to him seemed best which might sufficiently induce them to oblige her by the like indulgence She answered to the next That she did not think it reasonable to defraud her self of such a considerable part of the Royal Patrimony as to put the Patronages of Benefices out of her own power the publick necessities of the Crown being such that they required a great part of the Church-Rents to defray the same Which notwithstanding she declared that the necessities of the Crown being first supplyed care should be taken for the sustentation of the Ministers in some reasonable and fit proportion to be assigned out of the nearest and most commodious places to their several dwellings For all the rest she was contented to refer her self to the following Parliament to whose determinations in the particulars desired she would be conformable 56. Not doubting but this answer might sufficiently comply with all expectations she proceeds to the Marriage publickly solemnized in the midst of Iuly by the Dean of Restalrig whom I conceive to be the Dean of her Majesties Chappel in which that service was performed and the next day the Bridegroom was solemnly proclaimed King by the sound of Trumpet declared to be associated with her in the publick Government and order given to have his name used in all Coyns and Instruments But neither the impossibility of untying this knot nor the gracious answer she had made to the Commissioners of the late Assembly could hinder the Confederate Lords from breaking out into action But first they published a Remonstrance as the custom was to abuse the people in which it was made known to all whom it might concern That the Kingdom was openly wronged the liberties thereof oppressed and a King imposed upon the people without the consent of the Estates which they pretend to be a thing not practised in the former time contrary to the Laws and received Customs of the Country And thereupon desired all good Subjects to take the matter into consideration and to joyn with them in resisting those beginnings of Tyranny But few there were that would be taken with these Baits or thought themselves in any danger by the present Marriage which gave the Queen no power at home and much less abroad And that they might continue always in so good a posture the young King was perswaded to shew himself at Knoxes Sermon but received such an entertainment from that fiery and seditious spirit as he little looked for For Knox according to his custom neither regarding the Kings presence nor fearing what might follow on his alienating from the cause of the Kirk fell amongst other things to speak of the Government of wicked Princes who for the sins of the people were sent as Tyrants and Scourges to plague them but more particularly that people were never more scourged by God then by advancing boys and Women to the Regal Throne Which if it did displease the King and give offence to many Conscientious and Religious men can seem strange to none 57. In the mean time the discontented Lords depart from Stirling more discontented then they came because the people came not in to aid them as they had expected From Stirling they remove to Paisely and from thence to Hamilton the Castle whereof they resolved to Fortifie for their present defence But they were followed so close by the King and Queen and so divided in opinion amongst themselves that it seemed best to them to be gone and try what
hated thirdly the weakning of the Queen both in power and credit and consequently the drawing of all Affairs to their own disposing Bothwel in order to the plot makes use of Ledington to prompt the Queen to a Divorce which he conceived might easily be effected in the Court of Rome and is himself as diligent upon all occasions to work upon the Queens displeasures and make the breach wider betwixt her and her Husband The greatness of which breach was before so visible that nothing was more commonly known nor generally complained of amongst the people But never was it made so eminently notorious in the eye of Strangers as at the Christening of the young Prince in December following At which time she would neither suffer the Ambassadors of France or England to give him a visit nor permit him to shew himself amongst them at the Christening Banquet From Stirling where the Prince was Christened he departs for Glasco to finde some comfort from his Father To which place he was brought not without much difficulty for falling sick upon the way it appeared plainly by some symptoms that he had been poysoned the terrible effects whereof he felt in all the parts of his body with unspeakable torments But strength of Nature Youth and Physick did so work together that he began to be in a good way of recovery to the great grief of those who had laid the plot Some other way must now be taken to effect the business and none more expedient then to perswade the Queen to see him to fl●tter him with some hopes of her former favour and bring him back with her to Edenborough which was done accordingly At Edenborough he was lodged at a private house on the outside of the Town an house unseemly for a King as Knox confesseth and therefore the fitter for their purpose where on the 9 of February at night the poor Prince was strangled his dead body laid in an Orchard near adjoyning with one of his Servants lying by it whom they also murthered and the house most ridiculously blown up with powder as if that blow could have been given without mangling and breaking the two bodies in a thousand pieces 8. The infamy of this horrid murther is generally cast upon the Queen by the arts of those whom it concerned to make her odious with all honest men nor did there want some strong presumptions which might induce them to believe that she was of the counsel in the fact and with the good Brethren of the Congregation every presumption was a proof and every weak proof was thought sufficient to convict her of it But that which most confirmed them in their suspitions was her affection unto Bothwel whom she first makes Duke of Orknay and on the 15 of May is married to him in the Chappel of Halyrood-house according to the form observed by those of the Congregation But against these presumptions there were stronger evidences Bothwel being compelled not long after to flee into Denmark did there most constantly profess both living and dying that the Queen was innocent Morton affirmed the same at his execution above twelve years after relating that when Bothwel dealt with him about the murther and that he shewed himself unwilling to consent unto it without the Queens Warrant and Allowance Bothwel made answer that they must not give themselves any hope of that but that the business must be done without her privity But that which seems to make most for her justification was the confession of Hepbourne Daglish and others of Bothwels servants who were condemned for murdering the young King and being brought unto the Gallows they protested before God and his holy Angels that Bothwel had never told them of any other Authors of so lewd a counsel but onely the two Earls of Morton and Murray In the mean time the common infamy prevailed and none is made more guilty of it then this wretched Queen who had been drawn to give consent to her marriage with Bothwel by the sollicitation and advice of those very men who afterwards condemned her for it In order to whose ends Buchanan publishes a most pestilent and malicious Libel which he called The defection wherein he publickly traduced her for living an adulterous life with David Risio and afterward with Bothwel himself that to precipitate her unlawful marriage with him she had contrived the death of the King her husband projected a Divorce between Bothwel and his former Wife contrary to the Laws both of God and Man Which Libel being printed and dispersed abroad obtained so much credit with most sorts of people that few made question of the truth of the accusations Most true it is that Buchanan is reported by King Iames himself to have confessed with great grief at the time of his death how falsly and injuriously he had dealt with her in that scandalous Pamphlet but this confession came too late and was known to few and therefore proved too weak a remedy for the former mischief 9. He published at the same time also that seditious Pamphlet which he entituled De jure Regni apud Scotos In which he laboured to make proof that the Supreme power of the Scottish Nation was in the body of the people no otherwise in the King but by delegation and therefore that it was in the peoples power not onely to control and censure but also to depose and condemn their Kings if they found them faulty The man was learned for his time but a better Poet then Historian and yet a better Historian then he was a States-man For being of the Genevian Leven he fitted all his State-maximes unto Calvins Principles and may be thought in many points to out-go his Master Now in this Pamphlet we may finde these Aphorisms laid down for undoubted truths which no true Scot must dare to question unless he would be thought to be●●ary his Country that is to say That the people is better then the King and of greater Authority That the people have right to bestow the Crown at their pleasure That the making of the Laws doth belong to the people and Kings are but Masters of the Rolls That they have the same power over the King that the King hath over any one man That it were good that rewards were appointed by the people for such as should kill Tyrants as commonly there is for those that have killed either Wolves or Bears or have taken their Whelps That the people may arraign their Princes that the Ministers may excommunicate their King and that whosoever is by Excommunication cast into Hell is made thereby unworthy to live on earth 10. And that he might make sure work of it he takes upon him to reply upon all Objections which sober and more knowing men had found out to the contrary For whereas it had been objected That custom was against such dealing with Princes That Jeremiah commanded obedience to Nebuchadnezzar That God placed Tyrants sometimes for punishment of his people
the cruel counsels of that Roman Beast tending to extermine and rase from the face of all Europe the true light of the blessed Word of Salvation For these causes and that God of his mercy would bless the Kings Highness and his Regiment and make him to have a happy and prosperous Government as also to put in his Highness heart and in the hearts of his Noble Estates of Parliament not onely to make and establish good politick Laws for the Weal and good Government of the Realm but also to set and establish such a Polity and Discipline in the Kirk as is craved in the Word of God and is contained and penned already to be presented to his Highness and Council that in the one and in the other God may have his due praise and the age to come an example of upright and Godly dealing Which Act of the Assembly pass'd on the 24 of April 1578. 34. The Discipline must be of most excellent use which could afford a present remedy to so many mischiefs and yet as excellent as it was it could obtain no Ratification at that time of the King or Parliament which therefore they resolve to put in practise by the strength of their party without insisting any further on the leave of either In which respect it will not be unnecessary to take a brief view of such particulars in which they differ from the Ancient Government of the Church of Christ or the Government of the Church of England then by Law established or finally from the former Book of Discipline which themselves had justified Now by this Book it is declared That none that bear Office in the Church of Christ ought to have Dominion over it or be called Lords That the Civil Magistrates are so far from having any power to Preach administer the Sacraments or execute the Censures of the Church that they ought not to prescribe any Rule how it should be done and that as Ministers are subject to the judgement and punishment of Magistrates in External things if they offend so ought the Magistrates submit themselves to the Discipline of the Church if they transgress in matter of Conscience and Religion That the Ministers of the Church ought to govern the same by mutual consent of Brethren and equality of power according to their several Functions That there are onely four ordinary Office bearers in the Church that is to say The Pastor Minister or Bishop the Doctor the Elder and the Deacon and that no more ought to be received in the Word of God and therefore that all ambitious Titles invented in the Kingdom of Antichrist and his usurped Hierarchy which are not of these four sorts-together with the Offices depending thereupon that is to say Archbishops Patriarchs Chancellours Deans Archdeacons c. ought in one word to be rejected That all which bear Office in the Church are to be elected by the Eldership and consent of the Congregation to whom the person presented is appointed and no otherwise That the Ordination of the person so elected is to be performed with Fasting Prayer and the Imposition of the hands of the Eldership Remember that Imposition of hands was totally rejected in the former Book That all Office-bearers in the Church should have their own particular flocks amongst whom they ought to exercise their charge and keep their residence 35. But more particularly it declares That it is the Office of the Pastor Bishop or Minister to preach the Word of God and to administer the Sacraments in that particular Congregation unto which he is called and it belongs unto them after lawful proceeding of the Eldership to pronounce the sentence of binding and loosing as also to solemnize Marriage between persons contracted being by the said Eldership thereunto required That it is the Office of the Doctor simply to open the mind of the Spirit of God in the Scriptures without making any such application as the Minister useth and that this Doctor being an Elder ought to assist the Pastor in the Government of the Church by reason that the Interpretation of the Word which is the onely Iudge in Ecclesiastical matters is to him committed That it is the Office of the Elder that is to say The Lay-Elder for so they mean both privately and publickly to watch with all diligence over the flock committed to them that no corruptions of Religion or manners grow amongst them as also to assist the Pastor or Minister in examining those that come to the Lords Table in visiting the sick in admonishing all men of their duties according to the Rule of the Word and in holding Assemblies with the Pastors and Doctors for establishing good order in the Church the Acts whereof he is to put in execution That it is the Office of the Deacon to collect and distribute the goods of the Church at the appointment of the Elders amongst which he is to have no voyce in the common Consistory contrary to the Rules of the former Book That all Ecclesiastical Assemblies have a power lawfully to convene together for that effect That it is in the power of the Eldership to appoint Visitors for their Churches within their bounds and that this power belongs not to any single person be he Bishop or otherwise That every three four or more Parishes may have an Eldership to themselves but so that the Elders be chosen out of each in a fit proportion That it is the Office of these Elderships to enquire of naughty and unruly Members and to bring them into the way again either by Admonition and threatning of Gods Iudgements or by Correction even to the very Censure of Excommunication as also to admonish censure and if the case require to depose their Pastor if he be found guilty of any of those grievous crimes among which Dancing goes for one which belongs to their cognizance The Errors committed by the Eldership to be corrected by Provincial Assemblies and those in the Provincials by the General The maintainance and assisting of which Discipline and the inflicting of Civil punishments upon such as do not obey the same without confounding one Iurisdiction with another is made to be the chief Office of Kings and Princes And that this Discipline might be executed without interruption it was required that the Name and Office of Bishops as it then was and had been formerly exercised in the Church of Scotland as also the Names and Offices of Commendators Abbots Priors Deans Deans and Chapters Chancellors Archdeacons c. should from thenceforth be utterly abolished and of no effect Which points and all the rest therein contained being granted to them all right of Patronages destroyed that popular Elections may proceed in all their Churches and finally the whole Patrimony of the Church in Lands Tythes or Houses permitted to the distribution of the Deacons in every Eldership they then conceive that such a right Reformation may be made as God requires 36. This Book of Discipline being presented to
omit the incongruities of the Translation which King Iames judged to be the worst that he had ever seen in the English Tongue the Notes upon the same in many places savour of Sedition and in some of Faction destructive of the Persons and Powers of Kings and of all civil intercourse and humane society That Learned King hath told us in the Conference at Hampton-Court that the Notes on the Genevian Bible were partial untrue seditious and savouring too much of dangerous and trayterous conceits For proof whereof he instanced in the Note of Exod. 1. v. 19. where they allow of disobedience unto Kings and Soveraign Princes And secondly in that on 2 Chron. 8.15 16. where Asa is taxed for not putting his Mother to death but deposing her onely from the Regency which before she executed Of which last note the Scotish Presbyterians made especial use not onely in deposing Mary their lawful Queen but prosecuting her openly and under-hand till they had took away her life And to this too he might have added that on Matth. 2.12 where it is said that Promise ought not be kept where Gods honor and preaching of his truth is hindred or else it ought not to be broken Which opens a wide gap to the breach of all Oaths Covenants Contracts and Agreements not onely between man and man but between Kings and their Subjects For what man can be safe or King secure what Promise can oblige or what Contract bind or what Oath tye a man to his Faith and duty if on pretence of Gods honor or the propagating of his truth he may lawfully break it And yet this Doctrine passed so currantly amongst the French that it was positively affirmed by Eusebius Philadelphus whosoever he was That Queen Elizabeth was no more bound to keep the League which she had made and sworn with Charles IX because forsooth the preaching of the Gospel might be hindred by it then Herod was obliged to keep the Oath which he had sworn to the Dancing-Harlot Follow them to Rev. 9. and they will tell us in their Notes upon that Chapter that by the Locusts which came out of the smoak are meant false Teachers Hereticks and worldly subtile Prelates with Monks Fryers Cardinals Patriarchs Archbishops Bishops Doctors Batchelors and Masters To which though they subjoyn these words viz. Which forsake Christ to maintain false Doctrine yet lays it a disgrace on all Archbishops and Bishops and on all such as take Academical degrees by bringing them under the name of Locusts and joyning them with Monks and Friers whom they beheld no otherwise then as Limbs of Antichrist Which being the design of their Annotations agreeable to Calvins Doctrine in reference to Civil Ecclesiastical Government there is no doubt but that they come up roundly to him in reference to Predestination and the points appendant for which I shall refer the Reader to the Notes themselves observing onely in this place that they exclude Christ and all his sufferings from being any way considerable in mans Election which they found onely on the absolute will and pleasure of Almighty God but are content to make him an inferiour cause and onely an inferiour cause of a mans salvation For which consult them on Rom 9.15 16. Now with this Bible and these Notes which proved so advantagious to them in their main projectments they also brought in Davids Psalms in English metre of which they served themselves to some tune in the time succeeding Which device being first taken up by Clement Marot and continued afterwards by Beza as before is said was followed here in England by Thomas Sternhold in the Reign of King Edward and afterwards by Iohn Hopkins and some others who had retired unto Geneva in the time of Queen Mary Being there finished and printed at the end of their Bibles they were first recommended to the use of private Families next brought into the Church for an entertainment before the beginning of the Morning and Evening Service And finally published by themselves or at the end of the Psalter with this Declaration that they were set forth and allowed to be sung in all Churches before and after Morning and Evening Prayer as also before and after Sermons But first no such allowance can be found as is there pretended nor could be found when this allowance was disputed in the High Commission by such as have been most industrious and concerned in the search thereof And then whereas it is pretended that the said Psalms should be sung before and after Morning and Evening Prayer as also before and after Sermons which shews they were not to be intermingled with the Publick Liturgie in very little time they prevailed so far in most Parish-Churches as to thrust out the Te Deum and the Benedicite the Benedictus the Magnificat and the Nunc Dimittis quite out of the Church And thirdly by the practices and endeavours of the Puritan party who had an eye upon the usage of Geneva they came to be esteemed the most Divine part of Gods publick service the reading Psalms together with the first and second Lessons being heard in many places with a covered head but all men sitting bare-headed when the Psalm is sung And to that end the Parish-Clerk must be taught to call upon the people to sing it to the Praise and Glory God no such preparatory Exhortation being used at the naming of the Chapters or the daily Psalms 17. By these preparatives they hoped in time to bring in the whole body of Calvinism as well in reference to Government and forms of Worship as to points of Doctrine But then they were to stay their time and not to shew too much at once of the main designe but rather to divert on some other counsels The Liturgy was so well fortified by the Law and the Bishops so setled in their jurisdictions that it had been a madness to attempt on either till they should finde themselves increased both in power and number and that they had some Friend in Court not onely to excuse but defend their actions In which respect nothing seemed more expedient to them then to revive the Quarrels of King Edwards time about Caps and Tippets and other Vestments of the Clergy which had not the like Countenance from the Laws of the Land In which as they assured themselves of all help from the hands of Peter Martyr so they despaired not of obtaining the like from Calvin and Beza whensoever it should be required But as one Wave thrusts another forwards so this dispute brings in some others in which the judgement of Peter Martyr was demanded also that is to say concerning the Episcopal Habit the Patrimony of the Church the manner of proceedings to be held against Papists the Perambulation used in the Rogation-Week with many other points of the like condition Which Quarrels they pursued for five years together till the setling of that business by the Book of Advertisements Anno 1565. They also
But we will let them run unto the end of their Line and then pull them back 38. And first We will begin with the Conspiracies and Treasons of Francis Steward Earl of Bothwell Son of Iohn Prior of Coldingham one of the many Bastards of K. Iames the Fifth who by the Daughter and Heir of Iames Lord Hepborn the late Earl of Bothwell became the Father of this Francis A man he was of a seditious and turbulent nature principled in the Doctrines of the Presbyterians and thereby fitted and disposed to run their courses At first he joyned himself to the banished Lords who seized upon the King at Sterling not because he was any way engaged in their former Practises for which they had been forced to flye their Countrey but because he would ingratiate himself with the Lords of that Faction and gain some credit with the Kirk But being a man also of a dissolute Life gave such scandal to all Honest and Religious men that in the end to gain the Reputation of a Convert he was contented to be brought to the Stool of Repentance to make Confession of his Sins and promise Reformation for the time to come Presuming now upon the Favour of the Kirk he consults with Witches enquires into the Li●e of the King how long he was to reign and what should happen in the Kingdom after his decease and more than so deals with the Witch of Keith particularly to employ her Familiar to dispatch the King that he might set on foot some Title to the Crown of that Realm For which notorious Crimes and so esteemed by all the Laws both of God and Man he was committed unto Ward and breaking Prison was confiscated proclaimed Traytor and all Intelligence and Commerce interdicted with him After this he projects a Faction in the Court it self under pretence of taking down the Power and Pride of the Lord Chancellor then being But finding himself too weak to atchieve the Enterprise he departs secretly into England His Faction in the Court being formed with some more Advantage he is brought privily into the Palace of Haly-Rood House makes himself Master of the Gates secureth the Fort and violently attempts to seize the King But the King hearing of the noise retired himself to a strong Tower and caused all the Passages to be locked and barred Which Bothwell not being able to force he resolves to burn the Palace and the King together But before Fire could be made ready the Alarm was taken the Edenbourgers raised and the Conspirators compelled with the loss of some of their Lives to quit the place 39. The next year he attempts the like at Falkland where he showed himself with a Party of six-score Horse but the rest of the Conspirators not appearing he retires again is entertained privately by some eminent Persons and having much encreased his Faction lives concealed in England The Queen negotiates his return and by the Lord Burrough her Ambassador desires the King to take him into Grace and Favour Which being denyed a way is found to bring him into the King's Bed-chamber together with one of his Confederates with their Swords in their hands followed immediately by many others of the Faction by whom the King is kept in a kind of Custody till he had granted their Desires At last upon the Mediation of the English Ambassador and some of the Ministers of Edenborough who were of Counsel in the Plot the King is brought to condescend to these Conditions that is to say That Pardon should be given to Bothwell and his Accomplices for all matters past and that this Pardon should be ratified by Act of Parliament in November following That in the mean time the Lord Chancellor the Lord Hume the Master of Glammir and Sir George Hume who were all thought to favour the Popish Lords should be excluded from the Court. And finally That Bothwell and all his Party should be held good Subjects But these Conditions being extorted were not long made good Agreed on August the 14 th and declared void by a Convention of Estates at Sterling on the 7 th of September Some Troubles being raised upon this occasion and as soon blown over Bothwell is cited to appear at Edenborough and failing of his day is declared Rebel which only served to animate him to some greater Mischief For being under-hand assisted by the English Ambassador he prepares new Forces desires the Lords which were of his Confederacy to do the like under pretence of banishing to Popish Lords but in plain truth to make the King of no signification in the Power of Government Accompanied with Four hundred Horse he puts himself into Leith to the great affrightment of the King who was then at Edenborough But understanding that the rest of his Associates were not drawn together it was thought good to charge upon him with the Bands of that City and some Artillery from the Castle before his Numbers were encreased Which Counsel sped so well that he lost the day and therewith all his hopes in Scotland and in England too 40. For Queen Elizabeth being sensible at the last of the great Dishonour which she had drawn upon her self by favouring such an Infamous Rebel caused Proclamation to be made That no man should receive or harbour him within her Dominions And the Kirk moved by her Example and the King's Request when they perceived that he could be no longer serviceable to their Ends and Purposes gave Order that the Ministers in all Places should disswade their Flocks from concurring with him for the time to come or joyning with any other in the like Insurrections against that Authority which was divested by God in His Majesty's Person The Treasons and Seditious practises of which man I have laid together the better to express those continual Dangers which were threatned by him to the King by which He was reduced to the necessity of complying with the desires of the Kirk setling their Discipline and in all points conforming to them for His own preservation But nothing lost the Rebel more than a new Practise which he had with the Popish Lords whereby he furnished the King with a just occasion to lay him open to the Ministers and the rest of the Subjects in his proper colours as one that was not acted by a Zeal to Religion though under that disguise he masked his Ambitious Ends. In fine being despised by the Queen of England and Excommunicated by the Kirk for joyning with the Popish Lords he was reduced to such a miserable condition that he neither knew whom to trust nor where to flye Betrayed by those of his own Party by whom his Brother Hercules was impeached discovered and at last brought to Execution in the Streets at Edenborough he fled for shelter into France where finding sorry entertainment he removed into Spain and afterwards retired to Naples in which he spent the short remainder of his Life in Contempt and Beggery 41.
Noble Lord command is given unto the Provost of Edenborough To attach the Ministers But they had notice of his purpose and escape into England making Newcastle their retreat as in former times 25. It is a true saying of the wise Historian That every Insurrection of the people when it is suppressed doth make the Prince stronger and the Subject weaker And this the King found true in his own particular The Citizens of Edenborough being pinched with the Proclamation and the removal of the Court and the Courts of Justice offered to purge themselves of the late Sedition and tendred their obedience unto any thing whatsoever which his Majesty and the Council should be pleased to enjoyn whereby they might repair the huge Indignity which was done to his Majesty provided that they should not be thought guilty of so great a Crime which from their hearts they had detested But the King answers That he would admit of no purgation that he would make them know that he was their King And the next day proclaims the Tumult to be Treason and proclaims all for Traytors who were guilty of it This made them fear their utter ruine to be near at hand The ordinary Judicatories were removed to Leith the Sessions ordained to be held at Perth their Ministers were fled their Magistrates without regard and none about the King but their deadly Enemies And to make up the full measure of their disconsolation Counsel is given unto the King to raze the Town and to erect a Pillar in the place thereof for a perpetual Monument of so great an Insolence But he resolves to travel none but Legal ways and being somewhat sweetned by a Letter from the Queen of England he gives command unto the Provost and the rest of the Magistrates to enter their persons at Perth on the first of February there to keep ward until they either were acquitted or condemned of the former uproar Whilst things remained in this perplexity and suspence he is advised to make his best use of the conjuncture for setling matters of the Church and to establish in it such a decent Order as was agreeable to God's Word To which end he appoints a National-Assembly to be held at Perth and prepares certain Queries fifty five in number to be considered and debated in the said Assembly all of them tending to the rectifying of such Abuses which were either crept into the Discipline or occasioned by it Nothing so much perplexed the principal Ministers who had the leading of the rest as that the Discipline should be brought under a dispute which they had taught to be a part of the Word of God But they must sing another Tune before all be ended 26. For the King having gained a considerable Party amongst the Ministers of the North and treated with many of the rest in several whom he thought most tractable prevailed so far on the Assembly that they condescend at the last upon many particulars which in the pride of their prosperity had not been required The principal of which were these viz. That it should be lawful to his Majesty by himself or his Commissioners or to the Pastors to propone in a general Assembly whatsoever point he or they desired to be resolved in or reformed in matters of External Government alterable according to Circumstances providing it be done in right time and place Animo aedificandi non tentandi 2. That no Minister should reprove his Majesty's Laws and Statutes Acts or Ordinances until such time as he hath first by the advice of his Presbytery or Synodal or General Assemblies complained and sought remedy of the same from his Majesty and made report of his Majesty's Answer before any further proceedings 3. That no man's Name should be expressed in the Pulpit except the Fault be notorious and publick and so declared by an Assize Excommunication Contumace and lawful Admonition nor should he be described so plainly by any other Circumstances than publick Vices always damnable 4. That in all great Towns the Ministers shall not be chosen without his Majesty's consent and the consent of the Flock 5. That no matter of Slander should be called before them wherein his Majesty's Authority is pre-judged Causes Ecclesiastical only excepted 6. And finally That no Conventions shall be amongst Pastors without his Majesty's knowledg except their Sessions Presbyteries and Synods the Meetings at the Visitation of Churches admission or deprivation of Ministers taking up of deadly Feuds and the like which had not already been found fault with by his Majesty According to which last Artiele the King consents unto another general Assembly to be held at Dundee and nominates the tenth of May for the opening of it 27. It was about this time that Dr. Richard Bancroft Bishop of London began to run a constant course of Correspondence with the King of Scots whom he beheld as the undoubted Heir and Successor of the Queen then Reigning And well considering how conducible it was to the Peace of both Kingdoms that they should both be governed in one Form of Ecclesiastical Policy he chalked him out a ready way by which he might restore Episcopacy to the Kirk of Scotland To which end as the King had gained the liberty in the last Assembly to question and dispute the Government then by Law established and gained a power of nominating Ministers in the principal Cities so in the next they gratified him in this point That no man should from thenceforth exercise a Minister without having a particular Flock nor be admitted to that Flock without Ordination by the Imposition of hands He required also in the same That before the conclusion of any weighty matter his Highness Advice and Approbation should be first obtained And so far they consented to the Proposition as to express how glad they were to have his Majesty's Authority interposed to all Acts of importance which concerned the Church so as matters formerly concluded might not be drawn in question He gained some other points also in the same Assembly no less important than the other towards his Design as namely 1. That no Minister shall exercise any Iurisdiction either by making of Constitutions or leading of Processes without advice and concurrence of his Session Presbytery Synod or General Assembly 2. That Presbyteries shall not meddle with any thing that is not known without all controversie to belong to the Ecclesiastical Iudicatory and that therein Vniformity should be observed throughout the Countrey And 3. That where any Presbyteries shall be desired by his Majesty's Missive to stay their proceedings as being prejudicial to the Civil Iurisdiction or private men's Rights they should desist until his Majesty did receive satisfaction But that which made most toward his purpose was the appointing of Thirteen of their number to attend his Majesty as the Commissioners of the Kirk whom we may call the High Commissioners of Scotland the King 's Ecclesiastical Council the Seminary of the future Bishops to whom
Gates and thereby got possession of that part of the City was in apparent danger to be utterly broken by the Catholick party if the Prince had not come so opportunely to renew the fight but by his coming they prevailed made themselves Masters of the City and handselled their new Government with the spoil of all the Churches and Religious Houses which either they defaced or laid waste and desolate Amongst which none was used more coursely then the Church of St. Crosse being the Cathedral of that City not so much out of a dislike to all Cathedrals though that had been sufficient to expose it unto Spoil and Rapine as out of hatred to the name Upon which furious piece of Zeal they afterwards destroyed all the little Crosses which they found in the way between Mont-Martyr and St. Denis first raised in memory of Denis the first Bishop of Paris and one that passeth in account for the chief Apostle of the Gallick Nations 17. But to proceed to put some fair colour upon this foul action a Manifest is writ and published in which the Prince and his adherents signifie to all whom it might concern that they had taken arms for no other reason but to restore the King and Queen to their personal liberty kept Prisoners by the power and practice of the Catholick Lords that obedience might be rendred in all places to his Majesties Edicts which by the violence of some men had been infringed and therefore that they were willing to lay down Arms if the Constable the Duke of Guise and the Marshal of St. Andrews should retire from Paris leaving the King and Queen to their own disposing and that liberty of Religion might be equally tolerated and maintained unto all alike These false Colours were wiped off by a like Remonstrance made by the Parliament of Paris In which it was declared amongst other things that the Hugonots had first broke those Edicts by going armed to their Assemblies and without an Officer That they had no pretence to excuse themselves from the crime of Rebellion considering they had openly seized on many Towns raised Souldiers assumed the Munition of the Kingdom cast many pieces of Ordnance and Artillery assumed unto themselves the Coyning of Money and in a word that they have wasted a great part of the publick Revenues robbed all the rich Churches within their power and destroyed the rest to the dishonour of God the scandal of Religion and the impoverishing of the Realm The like answer was made also by the Constable and the Duke of Guise in their own behalf declaring in the same that they were willing to retire and put themselves into voluntary exile upon condition that the Arms taken up against the King might be quite laid down the places kept against him delivered up the Churches which were ruined restored again the Catholick Religion honourably preserved and an intire obedience rendred to the lawful King under the Government of the King of Navar and the Regencie of the Queen his Mother Nor were the King and Queen wanting to make up the breach by publishing that they were free from all restraint and that the Catholick Lords had but done their duty in waiting on them into Paris that since the Catholick Lords were willing to retire from Court the Prince of Conde had no reason to remain at that distance that therefore he and his adherents ought to put themselves together with the places which they had possessed into the obedience of the King which if they did they should not onely have their several and respective Pardons for all matters past but be from thenceforth looked upon as his Loyal Subjects without the least diminution of State or honour 18. These Paper-pellets being thus spent both sides prepare more furiously to charge each other But first the Prince of Conde by the aid of the Hugonots makes himself Master of the great Towns and C●ties of chief importance such as were Rouen the Parliamentary City of the Dukedom of Normandy the Ports of Diepe and New-haven the Cities of Angiers Towres Bloise Vendosme Bourges and Poictiers which last were reckoned for the greatest of all the Kingdom except Rouen and Paris after which followed the rich City of Lyons with that of Valence in the Province of Daulphiny together with almost all the strong places in Gascoigne and Languedock Provinces in a manner wholly Hugonot except Tholouse Bourdeaux and perhaps some others But because neither the Contributions which came in from the Hugonots though they were very large nor the spoil and pillage of those Cities which they took by force were of themselves sufficient to maintain the War the Prince of Conde caused all the Gold and Silver in the Churches to be brought unto him which he coyned into Money They made provision of all manner of Artillery and Ammunition which they took from most of the Towns and laid up in Orleance turning the Covent of the Franciscans into a Magazine and there disposing all their stores with great art and industry The Catholicks on the other side drew their Forces together consisting of 4000 Horse and six thousand Foot most of them old experienced Souldiers and trained up in the War against Charles the Fifth The Prince had raised an Army of an equal number that is to say three thousand Horse and seven thousand Foot but for the most part raw and young Souldiers and such as scarcely knew how to stand to their Arms And yet with these weak Forces he was grown so high that nothing would content him but the banishment of the Constable the Cardinal of Lorrain and the Duke of Guise free liberty for the Hugonots to meet together for the Exercise of their Religion in walled Towns Cities and Churches to be publickly appointed for them the holding of the Towns which he was presently possessed of as their absolute Lord till the King were out of his Minority which was to last till he came to the age of two and twenty He required also that the Popes Legate should be presently commanded to leave the Kingdom that the Hugonots should be capable of all Honours and Offices and finally that security should be given by the Emperour the Catholick King the Queen of England the State of Venice the Duke of Savoy and the Republick of the Switzers by which they were to stand obliged that neither the Constable nor the Duke of Guise should return into France till the King was come unto the age before remembred 19. These violent demands so incensed all those which had the Government of the State that the Prince and his Adherents were proclaimed Traytors and as such to be prosecuted in a course of Law if they laid not down their Arms by a day appointed Which did as little benefit them as the proposals of the Prince had pleased the others For thereupon the Hugonots united themselves more strictly into a Confederacie to deliver the King the Queen the Kingdom from the violence of their
Tyrants of preceding times which comes up close to those irreverent and lewd expressions which frequently occur in Calvin Beza Knox c. in reference to the two Mary's Queens of England and Scotland and other Princes of that age which have been formerly recited in their proper places 35. The Royal Family being thus wretchedly exposed to the publick hatred he next applyes himself to stir up all the world against them both at home and abroad And first he laboureth to excite some desperate Zealot to commit the like assassinate on the King then Reigning as one Bodillus is reported in some French Histories to have committed on the person of Chilprick one of the last Kings of the Merovignians which he commemorates for a Noble and Heroick action and sets it out for an example and encouragement to some gallant French-man for the delivery of his Country from the Tyranny of the House of Valois the ruine whereof he mainly drives at in his whole designe And though he seem to make no doubt of prevailing in it yet he resolves to try his Fortune otherwise if that should fail And first beginning with their next neighbour the King of Spain he he puts them in remembrance of those many injuries which he and his Ancestors had received from the House of Valois acquaints him with the present opportunity which was offered to him of revenging of tho●e wrongs and making himself Master of the Realm of France and chalks him out a way how he might effect it that is to say by coming to a present Accord with the Prince of Orange indulging Liberty of Conscience to the Belgick Provinces and thereby drawing all the Hugonots to adhere unto him which counsel if he did not like he might then make the same use of the Duke of Savoy for whom the Hugonots in France had no small affection and by bestowing on him the adjoyning Regions of Lyonoise D●ulphine and Provence might make himself Lord of all the rest without any great trouble The like temptation must be given to the Queen of England by putting her in minde of her pretences to the Crown it self and shewing how easie a thing it might be for her to acquire those Countries whose Arms and Titles she assumed with like disloyalty he excites the Princes of the Empire to husband the advantage which was offered to them for the recovering of Metz Toule and Verdun three Imperial Cities by this Kings Father wrested betwixt fraud and force from Charles the Fifth and ever since incorporated with the Realm of France If all which failed he is resolved to cast himself on the Duke of Guise though the most mortal and implacable enemy of the Hugonot Faction and makes a full address to him in a second Epistle prefixt before the Book it self in which he puts him in remembrance of his old pretensions to the Crown of France extorted by Hugh Capet from his Ancestors of the House of Loraigne offereth him the assistance of the Hugonot party for the recovery of his Rights and finally beseeches him to take compassion of his ruined Country cheerfully to accept the Crown and free the Kingdom from the spoil and tyranny of Boyes and Women together with that infinite train of Strangers Bawdes and Leachers which depend on them which was as great a Master-piece in the art of mischief as the wit of malice could devise 36. As for his Doctrines in reference to the common duties between Kings and Subjects we may reduce them to these heads that is to say 1. That the Authority of Kings and Supreme Magistrates is circumscribed and limited by certain bounds which if they pass their Subjects are no longer tyed unto their obedience that Magistrates do exceed those bounds when either they command such things as God forbiddeth or prohibit that which he commands that therefore they are no longer to be obeyed if their Commands are contrary to the Rules of Piety or Christian Charity of which the Subjects must be thought the most competent Judges 2. That there were companies and societies of men before any Magistrates were set over them which Magistrates were no otherwise set over them then by common consent that every Magistrate so appointed was bound by certain Articles and Conditions agreed between them which he was tyed by Oath to preserve inviolable that the chief end for which the people chose a Superiour Magistrate was that they might remain in safety under his protection and therefore if such Magistrates either did neglect that end or otherwise infringe the Articles of their first Agreement the Subjects were then discharged from the bond of obedience and that being so discharged from the bond of obedience it was as lawful for them to take up Arms against their King in maintainance of their Religion Laws and Liberties if indangered by him as for a Traveller to defend himself by force of Arms against Thieves and Robbers 3. That no Government can be rightly constituted in which the Grandeur of the Prince is more consulted then the weal of the People that to prevent all such incroachments on the Common Liberty the people did reserve a power of putting a curb upon their Prince or Supreme Magistrates to hold them in such as the Tribunes were in Rome to the Senate and Consuls and the Ephori to the Kings of Sparta that such a power as that of the Spartan Ephori is vested in the seven Electors of the German Empire which gives them an Authority to depose the Emperour if they see cause for it and that the like may be affirmed of the English Parliaments who oftentimes have condemned their Kings but he knows not whom 4. That by the first constitutions of the Realm of France the Supreme power was not entrusted to the King but the three Estates so that it was not lawful for the King to proclaim a War or to lay Taxes on the people but by their consent that these Estates assembled in a Common Council did serve instead of eyes and ears to a prudent Prince but to a wicked and ungoverned for Bit or Bridle and that according to this power they dethroned many of their Kings for their Lusts Luxuries Cruelty Slothfulness Avarice c. that if they proceeded not in like manner with the King then Reigning it was because they had an high esteem with scorn and insolence enough of his eminent Vertues his Piety Justice and Fidelity and the great commendations which was given of his Mothers Chastity and therefore finally which was the matter to be proved by those Factious Principles that it was altogether as lawful for the French to defend themselves their Laws and Liberties against the violent assault of a furious Tyrant so he calls their King as a Traveller by Thieves and Robbers Which Aphorisms he that listeth to consult in the Author may finde them from pag. 57. to 66. of the second Dialogue and part 1. pag. 8. 37. But notwithstanding these indignities
Authority over rhem Knox goes to work more cautiously but comes home at last For having first approved whatsoever had been said by Willock he adds this to it That the iniquity of the Queen Regent ought not to withdraw their hearts from the obedience due to their Soveraign nor did he wish that any such sentence against her should be pronounced but that when she should change her course and submit her self to good counsels there should be place left unto her of regress to the same honours from which for just cause she ought to be deprived 19. So said the Oracle and as the Oracle decreed so the sentence passed for presently upon this judgement in the case a publick Instrument is drawn up in which the most part of the passages in the course of her Government were censured as grievances and oppressions on the Subjects of Scotland to the violating of the Laws of the Land the Liberty of the Subjects and the enslaving of them to the power and domination of strangers In which respect they declare her to be fallen from the publick Government discharge all Officers and others from yeilding any obedience to her subscribing this Instrument with their hands requiring it to be published in all the Head-Boroughs of the Kingdom and causing it to be proclaimed with sound of Trumpet Thus they began with the Queen Regent but we shall see them end with the Queen her self their annoynted Soveraign This Instrument bears date on the 23 of October a memorable day for many notable occurrences which have hapned on it in our Brittish Stories Of all these doings they advertised her by express Letters sent back by the same Herald who had brought her last message to them and having so done they resolve immediately to try their fortune upon Leith in the way of Scalada But the worst was the Souldiers would not ●ight without present money and money they had none to pay them on so short a warning Somewhat was raised by way of Contribution but would not satisfie And thereupon it was advised that the Lords and other great men should bring in their Plate and cause it to be presently melted to content the Souldiers But they who had so long made a gain of Godliness did not love Godliness so well as not to value and prefer their gain before it And therefore some had so contrived it that the Irons of the Mint were missing and by that handsome fraud they preserved their Plate 20. It was not to be thought that the Scots durst have been so bold in the present business if they had not been encouraged underhand from some Friends in England which the Queen Regent well observed and prest it on them in her Declaration as before was noted To which particular though the Confederates made no reply in their Anti-remonstrance at that time yet afterwards they both acknowledged and defended their intelligence with the English Nation For in a subsequent Declaration They acknowledge plainly that many Messages had past betwixt them and that they had craved some support from thence but that it was onely to maintain Religion and suppress Idolatry And they conceived that in so doing they had done nothing which might make them subject unto any just censure it being lawful for them where their own power failed to seek assistance from their Neighbours And now or never was the time to make use of such helps their Contribution falling short and the Plate not coming to the Mint as had been projected In which extremity it was advised to try some secret Friends at Barwick especially Sir Ralph Sudlieur and Sir Iames Crofts by whose encouragement it may be thought they had gone so far that now there was no going back without manifest ruine By the assistance of these men they are furnished with four thousand Crowns in ready Money But the Queen Regent had advertisement of the negotiation and intercepts it by the way The news of this ill Fortune makes the Souldiers desperate some of them secretly steal away others refuse to venture upon any service so that the Lords and others of the chief Confederates are put upon a necessity of forsaking Edenborough The French immediately take possession of it compel the Ministers and most of those who profest the Reformed Religion to desert their dwellings restore the Mass and reconcile with many Ceremonies the chief Church of the City I mean that dedicated unto St. Gyles as having been prophaned by Heretical Preachings But the abandoning of Edenborough proved the ruine of Glasgow To which Duke Hamilton repairing he caused all the Images and Altars to be pulled down and made himself Master of the Castle out of which upon the noise of the Bishops coming with some Bands of French he withdraws again and quits the Town unto the Victor No way now left to save their persons from the Law their Estates from forfeiture their Country from the French and their Religion from the Pope but to cast themselves upon the favour of the Qeeen of England And to that course as the Lord Iames did most incline and Knox most preached for so there might be some probable Reasons which might assure them of not failing of their expectations 21. No sooner was Queen Mary of England dead but Mary the young Queen of Scots not long before Married to the Daulphin of France takes on her self the name and title of Queen of England the Arms whereof she quarters upon all her Plate some of her Coyn and upon no small part of her Houshold-Furniture Which though she did not as she did afterwards alledge of her own accord but as she was over-ruled in it by the perswasion of her Husband and the Authority which was not in her to dispute of the King his Father yet Queen Elizabeth looked upon it as a publick opposition to her own Pretensions an open disallowing of her Title to the Crown of this Realm She had good reason to presume that they by whose Authority and Counsel she was devested of her Title would leave no means untryed nor no stone unmoved by the rouling whereof she might be tumbled out of her Government and deprived also of her Kingdom Which jealousie so justly setled received no small increase from the putting over of so many French distributing them into so many Garrisons but more especially by their fortifying of the Town of Leith at which Gate all the strengths of France might enter when occasion served And then how easie a passage might they have into England divided only by small Rivers in some places and in some other places not divided at all But that which most assured her of their ill intentions was the great preparations lately made by the Marquiss of Elboeuf one of the Brothers of the Queen Regent and consequently Uncle to the Queen of Scots For though he was so distressed by tempests that eighteen Ensignes were cast away on the Coast of Holland and the rest forced for the present to return
of those uncomfortable times which she found amongst them Against Sunday being the 24 there were great preparations made for celebrating Mass in the Chappel-Royal of Holy●ood-House At which the Brethren of the Congregation were so highly offended that some of them cryed out aloud so as all might hear them That the Idolatrous Priests should dye the death according to Gods Law others affirming with less noise but with no less confidence That they could not abide that the Land which God by his power had purged of Idolatry should in their sight be polluted with the same again And questionless some great mischief must have followed on it if the Lord Iames Steward to preserve the honour of his Nation in the eye of the French had not kept the door which he did under a pre●ence that none of the Scottish Nation should be present at the hearing of Mass contrary to the Laws and Statutes made in that behalf but in plain truth to hinder them by the power and reputation which he had amongst them from thronging in tumultuously to disturb the business 33. For remedy whereof for the time to come an Order was issued the next day by the Lords of the Council and Authorized by the Queen in which it was declared that no manner of person should privately or openly take in hand to alter or innovate any thing in the State of Religion which the Queen found publickly and universally received at her Majesties arrival in that Realm or attempt any thing against the same upon pain of death But then it was required withal that none of the Leiges take in hand to trouble or molest any of her Majesties Domestick Servants or any other persons which had accompanied her out of France at the time then present for any cause whatsoever in word deed or countenance and that upon the pain of death as the other was But notwithstanding the equality of so just an Order the Earl of Arrane in the name of the rest of the Congregation professed openly on the same day at the Cross in Edenborough That no protection should be given to the Queens Domesticks or to any other person that came out of France either to violate the Laws of the Realm or offend Gods Majesty more then was given to any other subjects And this he did as he there affirmed because Gods Law had pronounced death to the Idolater and the Laws of the Realm had appointed punishment for the sayers and hearers of Mass from which he would have none exempted till some Law were publickly made in Parliament and such as was agreeable to the Word of God to annul the former The like distemper had possest all the rest of the Lords at their first coming to the Town to attend her Majesty to congratulate her safe arrival but they cooled all of them by degrees when they considered the unreasonableness of the Protestation in denying that Liberty of Conscience to their Soveraign Queen which every one of them so much desired to enjoy for himself Onely the Earl Arrane held it out to the last He had before given himself some hopes of marrying the Queen and sent her a rich Ring immediately on the death of the King her Husband but finding no return agreeable to his expectation he suffered himself to be as much transported to the other extreme according to the natural Genius of the Presbyterians who never yet knew any mean in their loves or hatred 34. Iohn Knox makes good the Pulpit in the chief Church at Edenborough on the Sunday following in which he bitterly inveighed against Idolatry shewing what Plagues and Punishments God had inflicted for the same upon several Nations And then he adds that one Mass was more fearful to him then if ten thousand armed Enemies were landed in any part of the Realm on purpose to suppress their whole Religion that in God there was strength to resist and confound whole multitudes i● unfeignedly they depended on him of which they had such good experience in their former troubles but that if they joyned hands with Idolatry they should be deprived of the comfortable presence and assistance of Almighty God A Conference hereupon ensued betwixt him and the Queen at the hearing whereof there was none present but the Lord Iames Steward besides two Gentlemen which stood at the end of the Room In the beginning whereof she charged him with raising Sedition in that Kingdom putting her own Subjects into Arms against her writing a Book against the Regiment of Women and in the end descend●d to some points of Religion To all which Knox returned such answers or else so favourably reports them to his own advantage for we must take the whole story as it comes from his pen that he is made to go away with as easie a victory as when the Knight of the Boot encounters with some Dwarf or Pigmy in the old Romances All that the Queen got by it from the mouth of this Adversary was that he found in her a proud minde a craf●y wit and an obdurate heart against God and his Truth And in this Character be thought himself confirmed by her following actions For spending the rest of the Summer in visiting s●me of the chief Towns of her Kingdom she carried the Mass with her into all places wheresoever she came and at her coming back gave order for setting out the Mass with more solemnity on Alhallows day then at any time or place before Of this the Min●sters complain to such of the Nobility as were then Resident in the City but finde not such an eagerness in them as in former times For now some of them make a doubt whether the Subjects might use force for suppressing the Idolatry of their Prince which heretofore had passed in the affirmative as a truth infallible A Con●erence is thereupon appointed between some of the Lords and such of the Ministers as appeared most Z●alous against the Mass the Lords disputing for the Queen and urging that it was not lawful to deprive her of that in which she placed so great a part of her Religion The contrary was maintained by Knox and the rest of the Ministers who seeing that they could not carry it as before by their own Authority desired that the deciding of the point might be referred to the godly Brethren of Geneva of whose concurring in opinion with them they were well assured And though the drawing up of the point and the Inditing of the Letter being committed unto Ledington the principal Secretary was not dispatched with such po●● haste as their Zeal required yet they shewed plainly by insisting on that proposition both from whose mouth they had received the Doctrines of making Soveraign Princes subject to the lusts of the people and from whose hands they did expect the defence thereof 35. A general Assembly being indicted by them about that time or not long after a question is made by some of the Court-Lords whether such Assemblies might be holden
disobedience against them but rather is to be accounted for a just obedience because it agrees with the Word of God 42. The same man preaching afterwards at one of their General Assemblies made a distinction between the Ordinance of God and the persons placed by him in Authority and then affirmed that men might lawfully and justly resist the persons and not offend against the Ordinance of God He added as a Corollary unto his discourse That Subjects were not bound to obey their Princes if they Command unlawful things but that they might resist their Princes and that they were not bound to suffer For which being questioned by Secretary Ledington in the one and desired to declare himself further in the other point he justified himself in both affirming that he had long been of that opinion and did so remain A Question hereupon arising about the punishment of Kings if they were Idolaters it was honestly affirmed by Ledington That there was no Commandment given in that case to punish Kings and that the people had no power to be judges over them but must leave them unto God alone who would either punish them by death imprisonment war or some other Plagues Against which Knox replyed with his wooted confidence that to affirm that the people or a part of the people may not execute Gods Judgments against their King being an offender the Lord Ledington could have no other Warrant except his own imaginations and the opinion of such as rather feared to displease their Princes then offend their God Against which when Ledington objected the Authority of some eminent Protestants Knox answered that they spake of Christians subject to Tyrants and Infidels so dispersed that they had no other force but onely to cry unto God for their deliverance That such indeed should hazard any further then those godly men willed them he would not hastily be of counsel But that his Argument had another ground and that he spake of a people assembled in one Body of a Commonwealth unto whom God had given sufficient force not onely to resist but also to suppress all kinde of open Idolatry and such a people again he affirmed were bound to keep their Land clean and unpolluted that God required one thing of Abraham and his Seed when he and they were strangers in the Land of Egypt and that another thing was required of them when they were delivered from that bondage and put into the actual Possession of the Land of Canaan 43. Finally that the Application might come home to the point in hand it was resolved by this learned and judicious Casuist that when they could hardly finde ten in any one part of Scotland who rightly understood Gods Truth it had been foolishness to have craved the suppression of Idolatry either from the Nobility or the common subject because it had been nothing else but the betraying of the silly Sheep for a prey to the Wolves But now saith he that God hath multiplyed knowledge and hath given the victory unto Truth in the hands of his Servants if you should suffer the Land again to be defiled you and your Prince should drink the cup of Gods indignation the Queen for her continuing obstinate in open Idolatry in this great light of the Gospel and you for permission of it and countenancing her in the same For my assertion is saith he that Kings have no priviledge more then hath the people to offend Gods Majesty and if so be they do they are no more exempted from the punishment of the Law then is any other subject yea and that subjects may not onely lawfully oppose themselves unto their Kings whensoever they do any thing that expresly oppugnes God 's Commandments but also that they may execute Iudgement upon them according to Gods Laws so that if the King be a Murtherer Adulterer or an Idolater he should suffer according to Gods Law not as a King but as an Offender Now that Knox did not speak all this as his private judgement but as it was the judgement of Calvin and the rest of the Genevian Doctors whom he chiefly followed appears by this passage in the story It was required that Knox should write to Calvin and to the Learned men in other Churches to know their judgements in the Question to which he answered that he was not onely fully resolved in conscience but had already heard their judgements as well in that as in all other things which he had affirmed in that Kingdom that he came not to that Realm without their resolution and had for his assurance the hand-writing of many and therefore if he should now move the same questions again he must either shew his own ignorance or inconstancie or at least forgetfulness 44. Of the same Nature and proceeding from the same Original are those dangerous passages so frequently dispersed in most parts of his History By which the Reader is informed That Reformation of Religion doth belong to more then the Clergie and the King That Noblemen ought to reform Religion if the King will not That Reformation of Religion belongeth to the Commonalty who concurring with the Nobility may compel the Bishops to cease from their Tyranny and bridle the cruel Beasts the Priests That they may lawfully require of their King to ●ave true Preachers and if he be negligent they justly may themselves provide them maintain them defend them against all that do persecute them and may detain the profits of the Church-livings from the Popish Clergy That God appointed the Nobility to bridle the inordinate appetite of Princes who in so doing cannot be accounted as resisters of Authority and that it is their duty to repress the rage and insolency of Princes That the Nobility and Commonalty ought to reform Religion and in that case may remove from honours and may punish such as God hath condemned of what estate condition or honour soever they be That the punishment of such crimes as touch the Majesty of God doth not appertain to Kings and chief Rulers onely but also to the whole body of the people and to every member of the same as occasion vocation or ability shall serve to revenge the injury done against God That Princes for just causes may be deposed That of Princes be Tyrants against God and his Truth their subjects are freed from their Oaths of obedience And finally that it is neither birth right or propinquity of bloud which makes a King rule over a people that profess Iesus Christ but that it comes from some special and extraordinary dispensation of Almighty God 45. Such is the plain Song such the Descant of these Sons of Thunder first tuned by the Genevian Doctors by them commended unto Knox and by Knox preached unto his Brethren the Kirk of Scotland In which what countenance he received from Goodman and how far he was justified if not succeeded by the pen of Buchanan we shall see hereafter In the mean time the poor Queen must needs be in
privy Postern The news of this disorder is carried post to the Queen who thereupon gives order to the Provost of Edenborough to seize upon the persons of Andrew Armstrong or Patrick Cra●ston the Chief-Ringleaders of the tumult that they might undergo the Law at a time appointed for fore-thought Felony in making a violent invasion into the Queens Palace and for spoliation of the same This puts the Brethren into a heat and Knox is ordered by the consent of the rest of the Ministers to give notice unto all the Church of the present danger that they might meet together as one man to prevent the mischief In the close of which Letter he ●ets them know what hopes he had that neither flattery nor fear would make them so far to decline from Christ Jesus as that against their publick Promise and solemn Bond they would leave their dear Brethren in so just a cause It was about the beginning of August that the tumult hapned and the beginning of October that the Letter was written A Copy of it comes into the hands of the Lords of the Council by whom the writing of it was declared to be treason to the great rejoycing of the Queen who hoped on this occasion to revenge her self upon him for his former insolencies But it fell out quite contrary to her expectation Knox is commanded to appear before the Lords of the Council and he comes accordingly but comes accompanied with such a train of godly Brethren that they did not onely fill the open part of the Court but thronged up stairs and prest unto the doors of the Council This makes the man so confident as to stand out stoutly against the Queen and her Council affirming that the convocating of the people in so just a Cause was no offence against the Law and boldly telling them that they who had inflamed the Queen against those poor men were the Sons of the Devil and therefore that it was no marvail if they obeyed the desires of their Father who was a Murtherer from the beginning Moved with which confidence or rather terrified with the clamours of the Rascal Rabble even ready to break in upon them the whole Nobility then present absolved him of all the crimes objected to him not without some praise to God for his modesty and for his plain and sensible answers as himself reports it 49. Worse fared it with the Queen and those of her Religion in another adventure then it did in this At the ministring of the Communion in Edenborough on the first of April the Brethren are advertised that the Papists were busie at their Mass some of which taking one of the Bayliffs with them laid hands upon the Priest the Master of the House and two or three of the Assistants all whom they carryed to the Tole-booth or Common-hall The Priest they re-invest with his Massing-Garments set him upon the Market-cross unto which they tye him holding a Chalice in his hand which is tyed to it also and there exposed him for the space of an hour to be pelted by the boys with rotten Eggs. The next day he is accused and convicted in a course of Law by which he might have suffered death but that the Law had never been confirmed by the King or Queen So that instead of all other punishments which they had no just power to inflict upon him he was placed in the same manner on the Market-cross the Common-hang-man standing by and there exposed to the same insolencies for the space of three or four hours as the day before Some Tumult might have followed on it but that the Provost with some Halberdiers dispersed the multitude and brought the poor Priest off with safety Of this the Queen complains but without any Remedy Instead of other satisfaction an Article is drawn up by the Commissioners of the next Assembly to be presented to the Parliament then sitting at Edenborough in which it was desired That the Papis●ical and blasphemous Mass with all the Papistical Idolatry and Papal Iurisdiction be universally supprest and abolished throughout this Realm not onely in the subjects but the Queens own person c. of which more hereafter It was not long since nothing was more preached amongst them then the great tyranny of the Prelates and the unmerciful dealing of such others as were in Authority in not permitting them to have the liberty of Conscience in their own Religion which now they denyed unto their Queen 50. But the affront which grieved her most was the perverse but most ridiculous opposition which they made to her Marriage she had been desired for a Wife by Anthony of Bourbon King of Navar Lewis Prince of Conde Arch-duke Charles the Duke of Bavaria and one of the younger Sons of the King of Sweden But Queen Elizabeth who endeavoured to keep her low disswaded her from all Alliances of that high strain perswaded her to Marry with some Noble Person of England for the better establishment of her Succession in the Crown of this Realm and not obscurely pointed to her the Earl of Leicester Which being made known to the Lady Margaret Countess of Lenox Daughter of Margaret Queen of Scots and Grand-childe to King Henry the Seventh from whom both Queens derived their Titles to this Crown she wrought upon the Queen of Scots by some Court-Instruments to accept her Eldest Son the Lord Henry Steward for her Husband A Gentleman he was above all exception of comely personage and very plausible behaviour of English Birth and Education and much about the same age with the Queen her self And to this Match she was the more easily inclined because she had been told of the King her Father that he resolved if he had dyed without any Issue of his own to declare the Earl of Lenox for his Heir Apparent that so the Crown might be preserved in the name of the Stewarts But that which most prevailed upon her was a fear she had lest the young Lord being the next Heir unto her self to the Crown of England might Marry into some Family of power and puissance in that Kingdom by means whereof he might prevent her of her hopes in the succession to which his being born in England and her being an Alien and an Enemy might give some advantage Nor did it want some place in her consideration that the young Lord and his Parents also were of the same Religion with her which they had constantly maintained notwithstanding all temptations to the contrary in the Court of England To smooth the way to this great business the Earl desires leave of Queen Elizabeth to repair into Scotland where he is graciously received and in ●ull Parliament restored unto his native Country from whence he had been banished two and twenty years The young Lord follows not long after and findes such entertainment at the hands of that Queen that report voiced him for her Husband before he could assure himself of his own affections This proved no
about her middle which the King forcibly unfastneth and puts him to the power of his mortal enemies by whom he was dragged down the Stairs and stabbed in so many places fifty three saith Knox that his whole body seemed to be like a piece of Cut-work Which barbarous Murther Knox proclaims for an act of justice calls it a just punishment on that Pultron and vile Knave David for abusing the Common wealth and his other villanies and heavily complains that the Chief Actors in the same which he extols for a just act and most worthy of all praise p. 96. were so unworthily left by the rest of their Brethren and forced to suffer the bitterness of exile and banishment 5. The Queen was then grown great with Childe and being affrighted at the suddenness of this execution and the fear of some treasonable attempt against her person was in no small danger of miscarrying The Court was full of Tumult and the noise thereof so alarmed the Town that the people flocked thither in great multitudes to know the matter to whom the King signified out of a Window that the Queen was safe which somewhat appeased them for the present But notwithstanding both the Court and City were in such distraction that when the Earl of Murray and the rest of the Confederates tendred their appearance and offered themselves unto the tryal of the Law there was no information made against them nor any one sufficiently instructed for the prosecution Which being observed they address themselves to the Parliament House and there take instruments to testifie upon Record that they were ready to answer whatsoever could be charged upon them but none there to prosecute And here the Scene begins to change Morton and Ruthen and the rest of their accomplices betake themselves to New-castle as the safest Sanctuary and Murray staid behinde to negotiate for them And he applyed himself so dextrously in his negotiation that fi●st he endears himself to the Q●een his Sister by causing her Guards to be again restored unto her which had been taken from her at the time of the murther She on the other side to shew how much she valued the affection of so dear a Brother was easily intreated that Morton Lindesay and the rest who remained at New-castle should be permitted to return but so that it should rather seem to be done upon the earnest sollicitations of the Earls of Huntley and Arguile then at his request The King in the mean time findes his errour and earnestly supplicates unto her for a reconcilement assuring her that he had never fallen on that desperate action but as he was forcibly thrust upon it by Morton and Murray And that he might regain his reputation in the sight of the people he openly protested his innocency at the Cross in Edenborough by sound of Trumpet and publickly averred that his consent had gone no further with the Murtherers then for the recalling of the banished Lords which were sled into England The young Prince was not so well studied in the School of mischief as to have learned that there is no safety in committing one act of wickedness but by proceeding to another or at the least by standing stoutly unto that which was first committed that so his confidence might in time be took for innocencie A lesson which the rest of the Confederates had took out long since and were now upon the point to practice it upon himself 6. For by this piece of ostentation and impertinencie the King gained nothing on the people and lost himself exceedingly amongst the Peers for as none of the common sort did believe him to be the more innocent of the wicked murther because he washed his hands of it in the sight of the multitude so the great men which had the guiding of the Faction disdained him as a weak and impotent person not to be trusted in affairs of his own concernment nor did he edifie better with the Queen then he did with the Subjects who was so far from suffering any hearty reconciliation to be made between them that she exprest more favour unto Murray then in former times Which so exasperated the neglected and forsaken Prince that he resolved on sending Murray after Risio with which he makes the Queen acquainted in hopes she would approve of it as an excellent service but she disswades him from the fact and tells Murray of it knowing full well that which soever of the two miscarried in it she should either loose an hated Friend or a dangerous Enemy Murray communicates the Affair with Morton and the rest of his Friends By whom it is agreed that they should take into their Friendship the Earle of Bothwel a man of an audacious spirit apt for any mischief but otherwise of approved valour and of a known fidelity to the Queen in her greatest dangers He had before some quarrels with the Earl of Murray of whose designs he was not distrustful without cause and therefore laboured both by force and practice either to make him less or nothing But Murray was too hard for him at the weapon of Wit and was so much too powerful for him both in Court and Consistory that he was forced to quit the Kingdom and retire to France Returning at such time as Murray and the rest of the Confederates were compelled to take sanctuary at New-castle he grew into great favour with the Queen whose discontents against the King he knew how to nourish which made his friendship the more acceptable and his assistance the more useful in the following Tragedy Thus Herod and Pilate are made friends and the poor King must fall a peace offering for their Redintegration 7. But first they would expect the issue of the Queens delivery by the success whereof the principal conspirators were resolved to steer their course On the 19 day of Iuly she is delivered of a Son in the Castle of Edenborough to the general joy of all the Kingdom and the particular comfort of the chief Governours of Affairs for the Congregation There was no more use now of a King or Queen when God had given them a young Prince to sit upon the Throne of his Fathers in whose minority they might put themselves into such a posture that he should never be able to act much against them when he came to age And now they deal with Bothwel more effectually then before they did incourage him to remove the King by some means or other to separate himself from his own Wife a Daughter of the House of Huntley and Espouse the Queen Let him but act the first part as most proper for him and they would easily finde a way to bring on the rest For the performance whereof and to stand to him in it against all the world they bound themselves severally and joyntly under Hand and Seal In which most wicked practice they had all these ends first the dispatching of the King next the confounding of Bothwel whom they feared and
That the Iews dealt not so with any of their Princes and that there was no example to be found in Scripture to shew that subjects may so use their Governours as is there pretended To all these he returns his particular answers and in this sort he answereth to them that is to say That there is nothing more dangerous to be followed then a common custom That the example is but singular and concludeth nothing That as God placed Tyrants to punish the people so he appoints private men to kill them That the Kings of the Iews were not elected by the people and therefore might not deal with them as they might in Scotland where Kings depend wholly on the peoples Election And finally that there were sundry good and wholesome Laws in divers Countries of which there is no example in holy Scripture And whereas others had objected That by St. Pauls Doctrine we are bound to pray for Kings and Princes The Argument is evaded by this handsome shift That we are bound to pray for those whom we ought to punish But these are onely velitations certain preparatory skirmishes to the grand encounter the main battail followeth For finally the principal objection is That St. Paul hath commanded every soul to be subject to the higher Powers and that St. Peter hath required us to submit our selves to every Ordinance of man whether it be unto the King as to the Supreme or unto such as be in Authority by and under him And hereunto they frame their Answer in such a manner as if they knew Gods minde better then the Apostles did or that of the Apostles better then they did themselves 11. The answer is that the Apostles writ this in the Churches infancy when there were not many Christians few of them rich and of ability to make resistance As if said he a man should write to such Christians as are under the Turk in substance poor in courage feeble in strength unarmed in number few and generally subject unto to all kinde of injuries would he not write as the Apostles did who did respect the men they writ to their words not being to be extended to the body or people of the Common wealth For imagine saith he that either of the Apostles were now alive and lived where both the Kings and people did profess Christianity and that there were such Kings as would have their wills to stand for laws as cared neither for God nor Man as bestowed the Churches Revenues upon Iesters and Rascals and such as gibed at those who did profess the more sincere Religion what would they write of such to the Church Surely except they would dissent from themselves they would say That they accounted no such for Magistrates they would forbid all men from speaking unto them and from keeping their company they would leave them to their subjects to be punished nor would they blame them if they accounted not such men for their Kings with whom they could have no society by the Laws of God So excellent a proficient did this man shew himself in the Schools of Calvin that he might worthily have challenged the place of Divinity-Reader in Geneva it self 12. To put these Principles into practice a Bond is made at Stirling by some of the chief Lords of the Congregation pretended for the preservation of the Infant-Prince but aiming also at the punishment of Bothwel and the rest of the Murtherers The first that entred into this Combination were the Earls of Athol Arguile Morton Marre and Glencarne with the Lords Lindsay and Boyd to which were added not long after the Lords Hume and Ruthen this Ruthen being the Son of him who had acted in the Murther of David Risio together with the Lairds of Drumlanrig Tulibardin Seffourd and Grange men of great power and influence on their several Countries besides many others of good note The Earl Murray having laid the plot obtained the Queens leave to retire into France till the times were quieter committing to the Queen the Government of his whole Estate that so if his designe miscarried as it possibly might he might come off without the least hazard of estate or honour Of this conspiracie the Queen receives advertisement and presently prepares for Arms under pretence of rectifying some abuses about the Borders The Confederates were not much behind and having got together a considerable power made an attempt on Borthwick Castle where the Queen and Bothwel then remained But not being strong enough to carry the place at the first attempt Bothwel escaped unto Dunbar whom the Queen followed shortly after in mans apparel Missing their prey the Confederates march toward Edenborough with their little army and make themselves Masters of the Town But understanding that the Queens Forces were upon their march they betook themselves unto the field gained the advantage of the ground and thereby gave her such a diffidence of her good success that having entertained them with a long parley till Bothwel was gone off in safety she put her self into their hands without striking a blow 13. With this great prey the Confederates returned to Edenborough in the middle of Iune and the next day order her to be sent as Prisoner to L●chlevin-house under the conduct of the Lords Ruthen and Lindsay by whom she was delivered in a very plain and sorry attire to the custody of Murray's Mother who domineered over the unfortunate Lady with contempt enough The next day after her commitment the Earl of Glencarne passeth to the Chappel in Halyrood house where he defaceth all the Vestments breaks down the Altar and destroys the Images For which though he was highly magnified by Knox and the rest of the Preachers yet many of the chief Confederates were offended at it as being done without their consent when a great storm was gathering towards them by the conjunction of some other of the principal Lords on the Queens behalf To reconcile this party to them and prevent the Rupture Knox with some other of their Preachers are dispatched away with Letters of Credence and instructions for attoning the difference But they effected nothing to the benefit of them that sent them and not much neither to their own though they had some concernments of self-interest besides the publick which they made tender of to their considerations A general Assembly at the same time was held in Edenborough with which upon the coming back of these Commissioners it was thought necessary to ingratiate themselves by all means imaginable And thereupon it was agreed that the Acts of Parliament made in the year 1560 for the suppressing of Popery should be confirmed in the next Parliament then following that the assignation of the Shires for the Ministers maintainance should be duly put in execution till the whole Patrimony of the Church might be invested in them in due form of Law which was conditioned to be done if it could not be done sooner in that Parliament also Some other points of huge
concernment to the Church were then also moved but they were onely promised without any performance It was also then agreed between them that all Noblemen Barons and other Professors should imploy their whole Forces Strength and Power for the punishment of all and whatsoever persons that should be tryed and found guilty of that horrible Murther of late committed on the King And further that all the Kings and Princes which should succeed in following times to the Crown of that Realm should be bound by Oath before their Inauguration to maintain the true Religion of Christ professed then presently in that Kingdom Thus the Confederates and the Kirk are united together and hard it is to say whether of the two were least execusable before God and man But they followed the light of their own principles and thought that an excuse sufficient without fear of either 14. The news of these proceedings alarms all Christendom and presently Ambassadors are dispatched from France and England to mediate with the Confederates they must not be called Rebels for the Queens Delivery Throgmorton for the Queen of England presseth hard upon it and shewed himself exceeding earnest and industrious in pursuance of it But Knox and self-interest prevailed more amongst them then all intercessions whatsoever there being nothing more insisted upon by that fiery spirit then that she was to be deprived of her Authority and Life together And this he thundred from the Pulpit with as great a confidence as if he had received his Doctrine at Mount Sinai from the hands of God at the giving of the Law to Moses Nor was Throgmorton thought to be so Zealous on the other side as he outwardly seemed For he well knew how much it might concern his Queen in her personal safety and the whole Realm of England in its peace and happiness that the poor Queen should be continued in the same or a worse condition to which these wretched men had brought her And therefore it was much suspected by most knowing men that secretly he did more thrust on her deprivation with one hand then he seemed to hinder it with both Wherewith incouraged or otherwise being too far gone to retire with safety Lindsay and Ruthen are dispatched to Lochlevin-house to move her for a resignation of the Crown to her Infant-Son Which when she would by no means yeild to a Letter is sent to her from Throgmorton to perswade her to it assuring her that whatsoever was done by her under that constraint would be void in Law This first began to work her to that resolution But nothing more prevailed upon her then the rough carriage of the two Lords which first made the motion By whom she was threatned in plain terms that if she did not forthwith yeild unto the desires of her people they would question her for incontinent living the murther of the King her tyranny and the manifest violation of the Laws of the Land in some secret transactions with the French Terrified wherewith without so much as reading what they offered to her she sets her hand to three several Instruments In the first of which she gave over the Kingdom to her young Son at that time little more then a twelve Month old in the second she constituted Murray Vice-Roy during his minority and in the third in case that Murray should refuse it she substitutes Duke Hamilton the Earls of Lenox Arguile Athol Morton Glencarne and Marre all but the two first being sworn Servants unto Murray and the two first made use of onely to discharge the matter 15. Thus furnished and impowered the Lords return in triumph to their fellows at Edenborough with the sound of a Trumpet and presently it was resolved to Crown the Infant-King with as much speed as might be for fear of all such alterations as might otherwise happen And thereunto they spurred on with such precipitation that whereas they extorted those subscriptions from her on St. Iame's day being the 25 of Iuly the Coronation was dispatched on the 29. The Sermon for the greater grace of the matter must be preached by Knox but the superstitious part and ceremony of it was left to be performed by the Bishop of Orknay another of the natural Sons of Iames the Fifth assisted by two Superintendents of the Congregation And that all things might come as near as might be to the Ancient Forms the Earl of Morton and the Lord Humes took Oath for the King that he should maintain the Religion which was then received and minister Justice equally to all the Subjects Of which particular the King made afterwards an especial use in justifying the use of God-fathers and God mothers at the Baptizing of Infants when it was questioned in the Conference at Hampton-court Scarce fifteen days were past from the Coronation when Murray shewed himself in Scotland as if he had dropt down from Heaven for the good of the Nation but he had took England in his way and made himself so sure a party in that Court that he was neither affraid to accept the Regencie in such a dangerous point of time nor to expostulate bitterly with his own Queen for her former actions not now the same man as before in the time of her glories For the first handselling of his Government he calls a Parliament and therein ratifies the Acts of 1560 for suppressing Popery as had been promised to the last general Assembly and then proceeds to the Arraignment of Hepbourne Hay and Daglish for the horrible murther of the King by each of which it was confessed at their execution that Bothwel was present at the murther and that he had assured them at their first ingaging that most of the Noble-men in the Realm Murray and Morton amongst others were consenting to it 16. And now or never must the Kirk begin to bear up bravely In which if they should fail let Knox bear the blame for want of well-tutoring them in the Catechism of their own Authority They found themselves so necessary to this new Establishment that it could not well subsist without them and they resolved to make the proudest he that was to feel the dint of their spirit A general Assembly was convened not long after the Parliament by which the Bishop of Orknay was convented and deposed from his Function for joyning the Queen in Marriage to the Earl of Bothwel though he proceeded by the Form of their own devising And by the same the Countess of Arguile was ordained after citation on their part and appearance on hers to give satisfaction to the Kirk for being present at the Baptism of the Infant-King because performed according to the Rites of the Church of Rome the satisfaction to be made in Stirling where she had offended upon a Sunday after Sermon the more particular time and manner of it to be prescribed by the Superintendent of Lothian And this was pretty handsome for the first beginning according whereunto it was thought fit by the Chief Leaders to
make good their interest nor any head to order and direct those few hands they had At last the Earl of Sussex with some Souldiers came toward the borders supplied them with such Forces as enabled them to drive the Lords of the Queens Faction out of all the South and thereby gave them some encouragement to nominate the old Earl of Lenox for their Lord-Lieutenant till the Queens pleasure in it might be further known And in this Broyl the Kirk must needs act somewhat also For finding that their party was too weak to compel their Opposites to obedience by the Mouth of the Sword they are resolved to try what they can do by the Sword of the Mouth And to that end they send their Agents to the Duke of Chasteau-Harald the Earls of Arguile Eglington Cassels and Cranford the Lords Boyde and Ogilby and others Barons and Gentlemen of name and quality whom they require to return to the Kings obedience and ordain Certification to be made unto them that if they did otherwise the Spiritual Sword of Excommunication should be drawn against them By which though they effected nothing which advanced the cause yet they shewed their affections and openly declared thereby to which side they inclined if they were left unto themseves And for a further evidence of their inclinations they were so temperate at that time or so obsequious to the Lords whose cause they favoured that they desisted from censuring a seditious Sermon upon an Intimation sent from the Lords of the Council that the Sermon contained some matter of Treason and therefore that the Cognizance of it belonged unto themselves and the Secular Judges 23. The Confusions still encrease amongst them the Queen of England seeming to intend nothing more then to ballance the one side by the other that betwixt both she might preserve her self in safety But in the end she yields unto the importunity of those who appeared in favour of the King assures them of her aid and succours when their needs required and recommends the Earl of Lenox as the fittest man to take the Regency upon him The Breach now widens more then ever The Lords commissionated by the Queen are possest of Edenborough and having the Castle to their Friend call a Parliament thither as the new Regent doth the like at Stirling and each pretends to have preheminence above the other The one because it was assembled in the Regal City the other because they had the Kings Person for their countenance in it Nothing more memorable in that at Edenborough then that the Queens extorted Resignation was declared null and void in Law and nothing so remarkable in the other as that the Young King made a Speech unto them which had been put into his mouth at their first setting down In each they forfeit the Estates of the opposite party and by Authority of each destroy the Countrey in all places in an hostile manner The Ministers had their parts also in these common sufferings compelled in all such places where the Queen prevailed to recommend her in their Prayers by her Name or Titles or otherwise to leave the Pulpit unto such as would In all things else the Kirk had the felicity to remain in quiet care being taken by both parties for the Preservation of Religion though in all other things at an extream difference amongst themselves But the new Regent did not long enjoy his Office of which he reaped no fruit but cares and sorrows A sudden Enterprize is made on Stirling by one of the Hamiltons on the third of September at what time both the Parliament and Assembly were there convened And he succeeded so well in it as to be brought privately into the Town to seize on all the Noblemen in their several Lodgings and amongst others to possess themselves of the Regents person But being forced to leave the place and quit their Prisoners the Regent was unfortunately kill'd by one of Hamiltons Souldiers together with the Gentleman himself unto whom he had yielded The Earl of Marre is on the fifth of the same moneth proclaimed his Successor His Successor indeed not onely in his cares and sorrows but in the shortness of his Rule for having in vain attempted Edenborough in the very beginning of his Regency he was able to effect as little in most places else more then the wasting of the Country as he did Edenborough 24. The Subjects in the mean time were in ill condition and the King worse They had already drawn their Swords against their Queen first forced her to resign the Crown and afterwards drove her out of the Kingdom And now it is high time to let the young King know what he was to trust to to which end they command a piece of Silver of the value of Five shillings to be coyned and made currant in that Kingdom on the one side whereof was the Arms of Scotland with the Name and Title of the King in the usual manner on the other side was stamped an Armed Hand grasping a naked Sword with this Inscription viz. Si bene pro me si male contra me By which the people were informed that if the King should govern them no otherwise then he ought to do they should then use the Sword for his preservation but if he governed them amiss and transgressed their Laws they should then turn the point against him Which words being said to have been used by the Emperor Trajan in his delivering of the Sword unto one of his Courtiers when he made him Captain of his Guard have since been used by some of our Presbyterian Zealots for justifying the Authority of inferior Officers in censuring the actions and punishing the persons of the Supreme Magistrate It was in the year 1552 that this learned piece of Coyn was minted but whether before or after the death of the Earl of Marre I am not able to say for he having but ill success in the course of his Government contracted such a grief of heart that he departed this life on the eighth of October when he had held that Office a little more then a year followed about seven weeks after by that great Incendiary Iohn Knox who dyed at Edenborough on the 27 of November leaving the State imbroyled in those disorders which by his fire and fury had been first occasioned 25. Morton succeeds the Earl of Marre in this broken Government when the affairs of the young King seemed to be at the worse but he had so good fortune in it as by degrees to settle the whole Realm in some Form of peace He understood so well the estate of the Countrey as to assure himself that till the Castle of Edenborough was brought under his power he should never be able to suppress that party whose stubborn standing out as it was interpreted did so offend the Queen of England that she gave order unto Drury then Marshal of Berwick to pass with some considerable Forces into Scotland for
the King in ●●rliament and the approving of the same deferred to a fur●her time they took this not for a delay but a plain denyal and therefore it was agreed in the next general Assembly as before is said to put the same in execution by their own Authority without expecting any further confirmation of it from the King or Council Which that they might effect without fear of disturbance they first discharge the Bishops and Superintendents from intermedling in Affairs which concerned Religion but onely in their own particular Churches that so their Elderships according to this new establishment might grow up and flourish And then they took upon them with their own adherents to exercise all Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction without respect to Prince or Prelate they altered the Laws according to their own appetite they assembled the Kings Subjects and injoyned Ecclesiastical pains unto them they made Decrees and put the same in execution they prescribed Laws to the King and State they appointed Fasts throughout the whole Realm especially when some of their Faction were to move any great enterprise they used very traytorous seditious and contumelious words in the Pulpits Schools and otherwise to the disdain and reproach of the King and being called to answer the same they utterly disclaimed the Kings Authority saying he was an incompetent Judge and that matters of the Pulpit ought to be exempted from the judgement and correction of Princes And finally they did not onely animate some of those that adhered unto them to seize upon the Kings person and usurp his power but justified the same in one of their general Assemblies held at Edenborough for a lawful Act ordaining all those to be excommunicated which did not subscribe unto the same This we take up by whole-sale now but shall return it by retail in that which follows 37. And first they begin with Mr. Iames Boyd Archbishop of Glasco a man of a mild and quiet nature and therefore the more like to be conformable to their commands requiring him to submit himself to the Assembly and to suffer the corruptions of the Episcopal Order to be reformed in his person To which proud intimation of their will and pleasure he returned this Answer which for the modesty or piety thereof deserves to be continued to perpetual memory I understand saith he the name Office and Reverence given to a Bishop to be lawful and allowed by the Scriptures of God and being elected by the Church and King to be Bishop of Glasco I esteem my Office and Calling lawful and shall endeavour with all my power to perform the duties required submitting my self to the judgement of the Church if I shall be tryed to offend so as nothing be required of me but the performance of those duties which the Apostle prescribeth Finding him not so tractable as they had expected they Commissionate certain of their Members to require his subscription to the Act made at Stirling for reformation of the State Episcopal by which it was agreed that every Bishop should take charge of some flock in particular And this they prest upon him with such heat and violence that they never left prosecuting the poor man till they had brought him to his Grave By none more violently pursued then by Andrew Melvin whom he had brought to Glasco and made Principal of the Colledge there gave him a free access to his House and Table or otherwise very liberally provided for him But Scots and Presbyterians are not won by favours nor obliged by Benefits For Melvin so disguised his nature that when he was in private with him at his Table or elsewhere he would use him with all reverence imaginable giving him the title of his Lordship with all the other honours which pertained unto him but in all particular Meetings whatsoever they were he would onely call him Mr. Boyd and otherwise carried himself most despitefully towards him 38. Their rough and peremptory dealing with this Reverend Prelate discouraged all the rest from coming any more to their Assemblies Which hapned as they could have wished For thereupon they agree amongst themselves upon certain Articles which every Bishop must subscribe or else quit his place that is to say 1. That they should be content to be Ministers and Pastors of a flock 2. That they should not usurp any criminal jurisdiction 3. That they should not vote in Parliament in the name of the Church unless they had a Commission from the general Assembly 4. That they should not take up for maintaining their ambition the Rents which might maintain many Pastors Schools and Poor but content themselves with a reasonable portion for discharge of their Offices 5. That they should not claim the title of Temporal Lords nor usurp any Civil Iurisdiction whereby they might be drawn from their charge 6. That they should not Empire over Presbyteries but be subject to the same 7. That they should not usurp the power of Presbyteries nor take upon them to visit any bounds that were not committed to them by the Church 8. That if any more corruptions should afterwards be tryed the Bishop should agree to have them reformed These Articles were first tendred to Patrick Adamson Archbishop of St. Andrews and Metropolitan of all Scotland against whom they had a former quarrel not onely because he was preferred elected and admitted to that eminent Dignity without their consent but had also exercised the Jurisdiction which belonged unto it in express and direct opposition unto their commands And first they quarrelled with him for giving Collation unto Benefices and for giving voice in Parliament not being authorized thereunto by the Kirk They quarrelled with him afterwards for drawing or advising the Acts of Parliament Anno 1584 which they conceived to be so prejudicial to the Rights of the Kirk and held the King so hard unto it that he was forced to counsel the poor Prelate to subscribe some Articles by which he seemed in a manner to renounce his Calling of which more hereafter They quarrelled with him again in the year 1589 for marrying one of the Daughters of the late Duke of Lenox to the Earl of Huntly without their consent wherein the King was also fain to leave him to their discretion And finally they so vexed and persecuted him from one time to another upon pretence of not conforming to their lawless pleasures that they reduced him in the end to extreme necessity published a false and scandalous Paper in his name as he lay on his death bed containing a Recantation as they called it or rather a renouncing of his Episcopal Function together with his approbation of their Presbyteries which Paper he disowned at the the hearing of it By which and many such unworthy courses they brought his gray hairs as they did some others of his Order with shame and sorrow to the Grave 39. Mention was made before of an Act of Parliament made in the time of the Interregnum before the Queens coming back from
ground whereof they alledged amongst other things not onely the oppression of the Church in general but the danger wherein the Kings Person stood by a company of wicked men who laboured to corrupt him in Religion as well as manners 52. But no man laid more hastily about him or came better off then Walter Belcanqual another Preacher of that City Who in a Sermon by him preached used some words to this purpose That within this four years Popery had entred into the Countrey and Court and was maintained in the Kings Hall by the Tyranny of a great Champion who was called Grace which Adjunct they gave ordinarily to their Dukes in Scotland but that if his Grace continued in opposing himself to God and his Word he should come to little Grace in the end The King at the first hearing of it gives order to the General Assembly to proceed therein Which being signified to Belcanqual he is said to have given thanks to God for these two things first For that he was not accused for any thing done against his Majestie and the Laws But principally because he perceived the Church had obtained some Victory And for the last he gave this reason That for some quarrel taken at a former Sermon the Council had took upon them to be Iudges of a Ministers Doctrine but now that he was ordered to appear before the Assembly he would most joyfully submit his Doctrine to a publick Tryal But those of the Assembly sending word to the King that they could not warrantably proceed against him without the business were prosecuted by some Accuser and made good by witnesses the King was forced for fear of drawing any of his Servants into their displeasures to let fall the cause But Belcanqual would not so give over The Kings desisting from the prosecution would not serve his turn unless he were absolved also by the whole Assembly who had been present at the Sermon This was conceived to be most reasonable and just for having put it to the vote his Doctrine was declared to be ●ound and Orthodox and that he had delivered nothing which might give just offence unto any person The King begins to see by these particulars what he is to trust to But they will presently find out another expedient as well for tryal of their own power as his utmost patience 52. A corrupt Contract had been made betwixt Montgomery before mentioned and the Duke of Lenox by which it was agreed That Montgomery should be advanced by the Dukes Intercession to the Archbishoprick of Glasgow and that Montgomery in requital of so great a favour should grant unto the Duke and his Heirs for ever the whole Estate and Rents of the said Archbishoprick upon the yearly payments of One thousand pound Scotch with some Horse Corn and Poultry No sooner had the Kirk notice of this Transaction but without taking notice of so base a Contract they censured him for taking on him the Episcopal Function The King resolves to justifie him in the Acceptation unless they could be able to charge him with unfoundess of Doctrine or corruption of manners Hereupon certain Articles are preferred against him and amongst others it was charged that he had said The Discipline was a thing indifferent and might stand the one way or the other That to prove the lawfulness of Bishops in the Church he had used the Examples of Ambrose and Augustine That at another time he called the Discipline and the lawful Calling of the Church the triefls of Policy That he said the Ministers were captious and men of curious brains That he charged them with sedition and warned them not to meddle in the disposing of Crowns and that if they did they should be reproved That he accused them of Pasquils Lying Backbiting c. And finally he denyed that any mention of Presbytery or Eldership was made in any part of the New Testament For which and other Errours of like nature in point of Doctrine though none of them sufficiently proved when it came to tryal it was resolved by the Assembly that he should stand to his Ministry in the Church of Stirling and meddle no further with the Bishoprick under the pain of Excommunication But not content with ordering him to give off the Bishoprick they suspend him on another quarrel from the use of his Ministry To neither of which sentences when he would submit as being supported by the King on one side and the Duke on the other they cited him to appear before the Synod of Lothian to hear the sentence of Excommunication pronounced against him This moved the King to interpose his Royal Authority to warn the Synod to appear before him at the Court at Stirling and in the mean time to desist from all further Process Pont and some others make appearance in the name of the rest but withal make this protestation That though they had appeared to testifie their obedience to his Majesties warrant yet they did not acknowledge the King and Council to be competent Iudges in that matter and therefore that nothing done at that time should either prejudge the Liberties of the Church or the Laws of the Realm Which Protestation notwithstanding they were inhibited by the Council from using any further proceedings against the man and so departed for the present 54. But the next general Assembly would not leave him so but prosecute him with more heat then ever formerly and were upon the point of passing their judgement on him when they were required by a Letter missive from the King not to trouble him for any matter about the Bishoprick or any other cause preceding in regard the King resolved to have the business heard before himself But Melvin hereupon replyed That they did not meddle with any thing belonging to the Civil Power and that for matters Ecclesiastical they had Authority enough to proceed against him as being a Member of their Body The Master of the Requests who had brought the Letter perceiving by these words that they meant to proceed in it as they had begun commanded a Messenger at Arms whom he had brought along with him to charge them to desist upon pain of Rebellion This moves them as little as the Letter and he is summoned peremptorily to appear next morning that he might receive his sentence Next morning he appears by his Procurator and puts up an appeal from them to the King and Council the rather in regard that one who was his principal Accuser in the last Assembly was now to sit amongst his Judges But neither the Appeal it self nor the Equity of it could so far prevail as to hinder them from passing presently to the Sentence by which upon the specification and recital of his several crimes he was ordained to be deprived and cast out of the Church And now the courage of the man begins to fail him He requires a present Conference with some of the Brethren submits himself to the Decrees of the Assembly
obedient subjects The Kings escape was made in the end of Iune and in December following he calls a Convention of the Estates in which the subject of his Proclamation was approved and verified the fact declared to be Crimen laesae Majestatis or Treason in the highest degree For which as some were executed and others fled so divers of the Ministers that had been dealers in that matter pretending they were persecuted had retired into England For notwithstanding his Majesties great clemency in pardoning the Conspirators on such easie conditions they preferred rather the pursuing of their wicked purposes then the enjoying of a peaceable and quiet life For whether it were that they presumed on supplies from England of which they had received no in●●obable hopes as afterwards was confessed by the Earl of Gowry or that they built upon the Kirk-Faction to come in to aid them as the General Assembly had required they begin in all places to prepare for some new Commotion but being deceived in all their hopes and expectations they were confined to several Prisons before the Convention of Estates and after it upon a further discovery of their preparations and intentions compelled to quit the Kingdome and betake themselves for their protection unto several Nations Onely the Earl of Gowry staid behind the rest and he paid well for it For being suspected to be hammering some new design he was took Prisoner at Dundee in the April following 1584 thence brought to Edenborough and there condemned and executed as he had deserved In the mean time the Kirk-men were as troublesome as the Lay-Conspirators Dury so often mentioned in a Sermon at Edenborough had justified the fact at Ruthen for which being cited to appear before the Lords of the Council he stood in maintainance of that which he had delivered but afterwards submitting himself unto the King on more sober thoughts he was kept upon his good ●ehaviour without further punishment But Andrew Melvin was a man of another metal who being commanded to attend their Lordships for the like offence declined the judgement of the King and Council as having no cognizance of the cause To make which good he broached this Presbyterian Doctrine That whatsoever was spoken in the Pulpit ought first to be tryed by the Presbyterie and that neither the King nor Council were to meddle with it though the same were treasonable till the Presbyterie had first taken notice of it But finding that the King and Council did resolve to proceed and had entred upon Examination of some Witnesses which were brought against him he told the King whether with greater Confidence or Impudence is hard to say That he preached the Laws both of God and man For which undutiful Expression he was commanded Prisoner to the Castle of Blackness Instead whereof he takes Sanctuary in the Town of Berwick where he remained till way was made for his return the Pulpits in the mean time sounding nothing but that the Light of the Countrey for Learning and Piety was forced for safety of his life to forsake the Kingdom In which Exile he was followed within few moneths after by Palvart Sub-Dean of Glasgow Galloway and Carmichiel two inferior Ministers who being warned to tender their appearance to the King and Council and not appearing at the time were thereupon pronounced Rebels and fled after the other Nor was the General Assembly held at Edenborough of a better temper then these Preachers were in which the Declaration made at the last Convention of Estates was stoutly crossed and encountred The King with the advice of his Estates had resolved the Fact of surprizing His Majesties person to be treasonable But the Brethren in the said Assembly did not onely authorize and avow the same but also esteeming their own judgement to be the Soveraign judgement of the Realm did ordain all them to be excommunicated that would subscribe unto their opinion 61. The King perceiving that there was no other way to deal with these men then to husband the present opportunity to his best advantage resolved to proceed against them in such a way as might disable them from committing the like insolencies for the time to come The chief Incendiaries had been forced to quit the Kingdom or otherwise deserted it of their own accords the better to escape the punishment which their crimes had merited The great Lords on whose strength they had most presumed were either under the like exile in the neighbouring Countries or else so weakned and disanimated that they durst not stir So that the King being clearly Master of the Field his Counsellors in good heart and generally the Lords and Commons in good terms of obedience it was thought fit to call a Parliament and therein to enact such Laws by which the honour of Religion the personal safety of the King the peace and happiness of the Kingdom and the prosperity of the Church might be made secure In which Parliament it was enacted amongst others things the better to encounter the proceedings of the Kirk and most Zealous Kirkmen That none of his Highness Subjects in time coming should presume to take upon them by word or writing to justifie the late treasonable attempt at Ruthen or to keep in register or store any Books approving the same in any sort And in regard the Kirk had so abused his Majesties goodness by which their Presbyterial Sessions the general Assemblies and other meetings of the Kirk were rather connived at then allowed an Act was made to regulate and restrain them for the times ensuing for by that Act it was ordained That from thenceforth none should presume or take upon them to Convocate Convene or assemble themselves together for holding of Councils Conventions or Assemblies to treat consult or determine in any matters of Estate Civil or Ecclesiastical excepting the ordinary judgements without the Kings special commandment 62. In the next place the Kings lawful Authority in causes Ecclesiastical so often before impugned was approved and confirmed and it was made treason for any man to refuse to answer before the King though it were concerning any matter which was Ecclesiastical The third Estate of Parliament that is the Bishops were restored to the ancient dignity and it was made treason for any man after that time to procure the innovation or diminution of the Power and Authority of any of the three Estates And for as much as through the wicked licentious publick and private Speeches and untrue calumnies of divers his Highness subjects I speak the very words of the Act to the disdain contempt and reproach of his Majesty his Council and proceedings stirring up his Highness subjects thereby to misliking sedition unquietness to cast off their due o●edience to his Majesty Therefore it is ordained that none of his subjects shall presume or take upon them privately or publickly in Sermons Declamations o● familiar Conferences to utter any false scandalous and untrue Speeches to the disdain reproach and contempt of
the Learned Godly and Grave Ministers of Christ to set forth something more refin●d from Filth and Rustiness Which Letter see at large in the first Book of this History Number 17. This Answer so prevailed upon all his Followers that they who sometimes had approved did now as much dislike the English Liturgie and those who at first had conceived a dislike thereof did afterwards grow into an open detestation of it In which condition of Affairs Dr. Richard Cox Dr. Horne and others of great Note and Quality put themselves also into Frankfort where they found all things contrary to their expectation Cox had been Almoner to King Edward VI Chancellor of the University of Oxon Dean of Westminster one that had a chief hand in composing the English Liturgie which made him very impatient of such Innovations amounting to no less then a total rejection of it as he found amongst them By his Authority and appointment the English Litany is first read and afterwards the whole Book reduced into use and practice Against which when Knox began to rail in a publick Sermon according to his wonted custom he is accused by Cox to the Senate of Frankfort for his defamatory writings against the Emperour and the Queen of England Upon the news whereof Knox forsakes the Town retires himself unto his Sanctuary at Geneva and thither he is followed by a great part of his Congregation who made foul work in England at their coming home 7. But this about the Liturgy though it was the greatest was not the onely quarrel which was raised by the Zuinglian or Calvinian Zealors The Church prescribed the use of Surplices in all Sacred Offices and Coapes in the officiating at the holy Altar It prescribed also a distinct habit in the Clergy from the rest of the people Roche●s and Chimeres for the Bishops Gowns Tippets and Canonical Coats for the rest of the Clergy the square Cap for all Their opposition in the use of the Surplice much confirmed and countenanced as well by the writings as the practice of Peter Martyr who kept a constant intercourse with Calvin at his being here For in his Writings he declared to a Friend of his who required his judgement in the case that such Vestments being in themselves indifferent could make no man godly or ungodly either by forbearance or the use thereof but that he thought it more expedient to the good of the Church that they and all others of that kinde should be taken away when the next convenient opportunity should present it self Which judgement as he grounds upon Calvin's Rule that nothing should be acted in a Reformation which is not warranted expresly by the Word of God so he adds this to it of his own that where there is so much contending for these outward matters there is but little care of the true Religion And he assures us of himself in point of practice that though he were a Canon of Christ-Church and diligent enough in attending Divine Service as the others did yet he could never be perswaded to use that Vestment which must needs animate all the rest of the Genevians to forbear it also The like was done by Iohn Alasco in crying down the Regular habit of the Clergie before describ'd In which prevailing little by his own authority he writes to M. Bucer to declare against it and for the same was most severely reprehended by that moderate and learned man and all his cavils and objections very solidly answered Which being sent unto him in the way of a Letter was afterwards printed and dispersed for keeping down that opposite humour which began then to over-swell the Banks and threatned to bear all before it But that which made the greatest noise was the carriage of Mr. Iohn Hooper Lord Elect of Gloucester who having lived amongst the Switzers in the time of King Henry did rather choose to be denied his Consecration then to receive it in that habit which belonged to his Order At first the Earl of Warwick who after was Duke of Northumberland interceded for him and afterwards drew in the King to make one in the business But Cranmer Ridley and the rest of the Bishops who were most concerned craved leave not to obey His Majestie against his Laws and in the end prevailed so far that Hooper for his contumacy was committed Prisoner and from the Prison writes his Letters to Martin Bucer and Peter Martyr for their opinion in the case From the last of which who had declared himself no Friend to the English Ceremonies he might presume of some encouragement the rather in regard that Calvin had appeared on his behalf who must needs have a hand in this quarrel also For understanding how things went he writes unto the Duke of Sommerset to attone the difference not by perswading Hooper to conform himself to the received Orders of the Church but to lend the man a helping hand by which he might be able to hold out against all Authority 8. But Hooper being deserted by the Earl of Warwick and not daring to relie altogether upon Calvins credit which was unable to support him submits at last unto the pleasure of his Metropolitan and the Rules of the Church So that in fine the business was thus compromised that is to say That he should receive his Consecration attired in his Episcopal Robes That he should be dispensed withal from wearing them at ordinary times as his daily habits but that he should be bound to use them whensoever he preached before the King in his own Cathedral or any other place of like publick nature According to which Agreement being appointed to preach before the King he shewed himself apparelled in his Bishops Robes viz. A long Scarlet Chimere reaching down to the ground for his upper Garment changed in Queen Elizabeths time to one of black Sattin and under that a white linen Rochet with a Square Cap upon his head This Fox reproacheth by the name of a Popish Attire and makes it to be a great cause of shame and contumelie to that godly man But notwithstanding the submission of this Reverend Prelate too many of the inferior Clergie were not found so tractable in their conformity to the Cap and Tippet the Gown and the Canonical Coat the wearing whereof was required of them whensoever they appeared in publick Being decryed also by Alasco and the rest of the Zuinglians or Galvinians as a Superstitions and Popish Attire altogether as unfit for Ministers of the holy Gospel as the Chimere and Rochet were for those who claimed to be the Successors of the Lords Apostles So Tyms replied unto Bishop Gardiner when being asked whether a Coat with stockins of divers colours were a fit apparel for a Deacon He sawcily made answer that his Vesture did not so much vary from a Deacons as his Lordships did from that of an Apostle Which passage as well concerning the debates about the Liturgie as about the Vestments I have here abbreviated
Christ. A Form whereof he had drawn up in a little Book Which having past the approbation of some private Friends was afterwards recommended to the use of the rest of the brethren assembled together by his means for such ends and purposes by whom it was allowed of as most fit to be put in practice For being a new nothing and of Cartwrights doing it could not but finde many besides Women and Children to admire the Workmanship 25. This was the sum of Cartwrights Actings in order to the Innovations both in Government and Forms of Worship which heretofore he had projected Not that all this was done at once or in the first year onely after his return but by degr●●s as opportunity was offered to him Yet so far he prevailed in the first year onely that a meeting of sixty Ministers out of the Counties of Essex Cambridge and Norfolk was held at a Village called Cork●il where Knewstubs who was one of their number had the cure of Souls Which Meeting was held May 8. Anno 158● there to co●fer about some passages in the Common prayer-book what might be tolerated in the same and what ●e●used as namely Apparel Matter Form Holy-days Fastings Injunctions c. The like Meeting held at the Commencement in Cambridge then next ensuing And what they did resolve in both may be gathered partly from a passage in the Preface to a Book published in the year next following by William Reynods before mentioned In which he tells us That it had been appointed by the first Book of Common prayer That the Minister in the time of his Ministration should use such Ornaments in the ●hurch as were in use by Authority of Parliament in the second year of the Reign of King Edward the Sixth And then saith he I appeal to the knowledge of every man how well that Act of Parliament is observed throughout the Realm in how many Cathedrals or Parish●Churches those Ornaments are reserved Whether every private Minister by his own Authority in the time of his Ministration disdain not such Ornaments using onely such Apparel as is most vulgar and prophane to omit other particular differences of Facts of Holy-days crossing in Baptism the visitation of the Sick c. In which their alterations are well known saith he by their daily practice and by the differences betwixt some Common prayer books which were last Printed as namely that of Richard Jugg before remembred from those which were first published by Supreme Authority In all which deviations from the Rule of the Church the Brethren walked on more securely because the State was wholly exercised at this time in executing the severity of the late Statute on such Priests and Jesuits as laboured to pervert the Subjects and destroy the Queen thereby to re-advance the Pope to his former Tyranny In which respect it was conceived to be a good Rule in the School of Policy to grant a little more liberty to the Puritan Faction though possibly it were done on no other score then that of their notorious enmity to the Popish party 26. About this time it also was that by the practices of Cartwright and his adherents their Followers began to be distinguished by their names and titles from the rest of the people First in relation to their Titles Thus those of his Faction must be called the Godly the Elect the Righteous all others being looked upon as carnal Gospellers the Prophane the Wicked And next in reference to their names Their Children must not be Baptized by the names of their Ancestors as Richard Robert and the like but by some name occurring in the holy Scriptures but more particularly in the Old Testament because meerly Hebrew and not prophaned with any mixture of the Greek or Roman concerning which there goes a story that an Inhabitant of Northampton called Hodgkingson having a Childe to be Baptized repaired to Snape before mentioned to do it for him and he consented to the motion but with promise that he should give it some name allowed in Scripture The holy action being so far forwards that they were come to the naming of the Infant they named it Richard which was the name of his Grandfather by the Mothers side Upon this a stop was made nor would he be perswaded to Baptize the Childe unless the name of it were altered Which when the God-father refused to do the Childe was carried back unchristened It was agreed by him and Cartwright in the Book of Discipline which they imposed upon the Islands That the Minister in Baptizing Children should not admit of any such names as had been used in the time of Paganism the names of Idols and the like Which Rule though calculated like a common Almanack for the Meridian of those Islands onely was afterwards to be observed on the like occasions in all the Churches of Great Britain Such was their humour at that time but they fell shortly after on another Fancie For taking it for granted because they thought so that the English Tongue might be as proper and significan● as the holy Hebrew they gave such names unto their Children as many of them when they came to age were ashamed to own Out of which Forge came their Accepted Ashes Consolation Dust Deliverance Discipline Earth Freegift Fight-the good fight-of-faith From above Ioy-again Kill-sin More-fruit More-tryal Praise●God Reformation Tribunal The-Lord-is-neer Thankful with many others of like nature which onely served to make the Sacrament of Baptism as contemptible as they had made themselves ridiculous by these new inventions 27. Some stop they had in their proceedings which might have terrified them at the present from adventuring further but that they were resolved to break through all difficulties and try the patience of the State to the very utmost The Queen had entertained a treaty of Marriage Anno 1581 with Francis Duke of Anjow the youngest Son of Henry the Second and the onely surviving brother of Henry the Third then Reigning in France For the negotiating whereof Monsieur Simier a most compleat Courtier was sent Ambassador from that King By whom the business was sollicited with such dexterity that the Match was generally conceived to be fully made The Puritans hereupon begin to clamour as if this Ma●ch did aim at nothing but the reduction of Popery the destruction of Religion here by Law established But fearing more the total ruine of their hopes and projects then any other danger which could happen by it The Queen took care to tye the Duke to such conditions that he could hardly be permitted to hear Mass in his private Closet and had caused Camp●an to be executed at his being here to let him see how little favour was to be expected by him for the Catholick party Yet all this would not satisfie the zealous Brethren who were resolved to free themselves from their own fears by what means soever First therefore it was so contrived that as Simere passed between Greenwich and London before
their Bishop to whom the planting of so many Dutch Churches in the principal City and other of the chief Towns of his Diocess had given trouble enough To the Petition of the Kentish Ministers which concerned himself he was required to answer at the Council-Table on the Sunday following Instead whereof he lays before them in the Letter That the Petitioners for the most part were ignorant and raw young men few of them licensed Preachers and generally disaffected to the present Government That he had spent the best part of two or three days in labouring to reduce them to a better understanding of the points in question but not being able to prevail he had no otherwise proceeded then the Law required That it was not for him to sit in that place if every Curate in his Diocess might be permitted so to use him nor possible for him to perform the Duty which the Queen expected at his hands if he might not proceed to the execution of that power by her Majesty committed to him without interruption That he could not be perswaded that their Lordships had any purpose to make him a party or to require him to come before them to defend those actions wherein he supposed that he had no other Iudge but the Queen her self and therefore in regard that he was called by God to that place and function wherein he was to be their Pastor he was the rather moved to desire their assistance in matters pertaining to his Office for the quietness of the Church the credit of Religion and the maintainance of the Laws in defence thereof without expecting any such attendance on them as they had required for fear of giving more advantage to those wayward persons then he conceived they did intend And thereunto he added this protestation That the three Articles whereunto they were moved to subscribe were such as he was ready by Learning to defend in manner and form as there set down against all opponents either in England or elsewhere 39. In reference to the paper of the Suffolk Ministers he returns this answer It seemeth something strange to me that the Ministers of Suffolk finding themselves agrieved with the doings of their Diocesans should leave the ordinary course of proceeding by the Law which is to appeal unto me and extraordinarily trouble your Lordships in a matter not so incident as I think to that honourable Board seeing it hath pleased her Majesty her own self in express words to commit these causes Ecclesiastical to me as to one who is to make answer unto God and her Majesty in this behalf my Office also and place requiring the same In answer unto their complaint touching their ordinary proceedings with them I have herewith sent your Lordships a Copy of a Letter lately received from his Lordship wherein I think that part of their Bill to be fully answered Touching the rest I know not what to judge of it but in some points it talketh as I think modestly and charitably They say they are no Iesuits sent from Rome to reconcile c. True it is neither are they charged to be so but notwithstanding they are contentious in the Church of England and by their contentions minister occasion of offence to those which are seduced by Jesuits and give the Sacraments against the form of publick Prayer used in this Church and by Law established and thereby increase the number of them and confirm them in their wilfulness They also make a Schism in the Church and draw many other of her Majesties Subjects to a misliking of her Laws and Government in Causes Ecclesiastical So far are they from perswading them to obedience or at the least if they perswade them to it in the one part of her Authority it is in Causes Civil they disswade them from it as much in the other that i● in Causes Ecclesiastical so that indeed they pluck down with the one hand that which they seem to build with the other 40. More of which Letter might be added were not this sufficient as well to shew how perfectly he understood both his place and power as with what courage and discretion he proceeded in the maintenance of it Which being observed by some great men about the Court who had ingaged themselves in the Puritan quarrels but were not willing to incur the Queens displeasure by their opposition it was thought best to stand a while behind the Curtain and set Beal upon him of whose impetuosity and edge against him they were well assured This Beal was in himself a most eager Puritan trained up by Walsingham to draw dry-foot after Priests and Jesuits his extream hatred to those men being looked on as the onely good quality which he could pretend to But being over-blinded by zeal and passion he was never able to distinguish rightly between truth and falshood between true Sanctity and the counterfeit appearance of it This made him first conceive that whatsoever was not Puritan must needs be Popish and that the Bishops were to be esteemed no otherwise then the sons of Antichrist because they were not looked upon as Fathers by the holy Brotherhood And so far was he hurried on by these dis-affections that though he was preferred to be one of the Clerks of the Council yet he preferred the interest of the Faction before that of the Queen Insomuch that he was noted to jeer and gibe at all such Sermons as did most commend Her Majesties Government and move the Auditory to obedience not sparing to accuse the Preachers upon such occasions to have broached false Doctrine and falsly to alledge the Scriptures in defence thereof This man had either writ or countenanced a sharp Discourse against Subscription inscribed to the Archbishop and presented to him and thereupon caused speeches to be cast abroad that the three Articles to which Subscription was required should shortly be revoked by an Act of the Council which much encreased the obstinacy of the self-willed Brethren But after fearing lest the Queen might have a sight of the Papers he resolved to get them out of his hands and thereupon went over to Lambeth where he behaved himself in such a rude and violent manner as forced the Archbishop to give an acconnt thereof by Letter to the Lord Treasurer Burleigh who hitherto had stood fair towards him in these following words 41. I have born saith he with Mr. Beals intemperate speeches unseemly for him to use though not in respect of my self yet in respect of Her Majestie whom he serveth and of the Laws established whereunto he ought to sh●w some duty Yesterday he came to my house as it seems to demand the Book he delivered unto me I told him That the book was written unto me and therefore no reason why he should require it again especially seeing I was assured that he had a Copy thereof otherwise I would cause it to be written out for him Whereupon he fell into very great passions with me which I think
against the Laws might very well afford them all his best assistances when Law and Liberty seemed to speak in favour of it But being there was nothing done by them which was more than ordinary as little more than ordinary could be done amongst them after they had betrayed their Countrey to the Power of Strangers We shall leave him to pursue their Warrs and return for England where we shall find the Queen of Scots upon the point of acting the last part of her Tragedy 13. Concerning which it may not be unfit to recapitulate so much of Her story as may conduct us fairly to the knowledg of her present condition Immediately on the death of Queen MARY she had taken on her self the Title and Arms of England which though she did pretend to have been done by the command of her Husband and promised to disclaim them both in the Treaty of Edenborough yet neither were the Arms obliterated in her Plate and Hangings after the death of that Husband nor would she ever ratifie and confirm that Treaty as had been conditioned On this first grudg Queen ELIZABETH furni●heth the Scots both with Men and Arms to expel the French affords them such a measure both of Money and Countenance as made them able to take the Field against their Queen to take her Prisoner to depose her and finally to compel her to forsake the Kingdom In which Extremity she lands in Cumberland and casts her self upon the favour of Queen ELIZABETH by whom she was first confined to Carlisle and afterwards committed to the custody of the Earl of Shrewsbury Upon the death of FRANCIS the Second her first Husband the King of Spain designed her for a Wife to his Eldest Son But the Ambition of the young Prince spurred him on so fast that he brake his Neck in the Career The Duke of Norfolk was too great for a private Subject of a Revenue not inferior to the Crown of Scotland insomuch that the Queen was counselled when she came first to the Throne either to take him for her Husband or to cut him off He is now drawn into the Snare by being tempted to a hope of Marriage with the Captive-Queen which Leicester and the rest who had moved it to him turned to his destruction Don Iohn of Austria Governour of the Netherlands for the King of Spain had the like design that by her Title he might raise himself to the Crown of England To which end he recalled the Spanish Soldiers out of Italy to whose dismission he had yeelded when he first came to that Government and thereby gave Q. ELIZABETH a sufficient colour to aid the Provinces against him But his aspirings cost him deer for he fell soon after The Guisards and the Pope had another project which was To place her first on the Throne of England and then to find an Husband of sufficient Power to maintain her in it For the effecting of which Project the Pope commissionated his Priests and Jesuits and the Guisards employed their Emissaries of the English Nation by Poyson Pistol open Warr or secret practises to destroy the one that so they might advance the other to the Regal Diadem 14. With all these Practises and Designs it was conceived that the Imprisoned Queen could not be ignorant and many strong presumptions were discovered to convict her of it Upon which grounds the Earl of Leicester drew the form of an Association by which he bound himself and as many others as should enter into it To make enquiry against all such persons as should attempt to invade the Kingdom or raise Rebellion or should attempt any evil against the Queen's Person to do her any manner of hurt from or by whomsoever that layed any claim to the Crown of England And that that Person by whom or for whom they shall attempt any such thing shall be altogether uncapable of the Crown shall be deprived of all manner of Right thereto and persecuted to the death by all the Queen 's Loyal Subjects in case they shall be found guilty of any such Invasion Rebellion or Treason and should be so publickly declared Which Band or Association was confirmed in the Parliament of this year ending the 29 th of March Ann. 1585 exceedingly extolled for an Act of Piety by those very men who seemed to abominate nothing more than the like Combination made not long before between the Pope the Spaniard and the House of Guise called the Holy League which League was made for maintenance of the Religion then established in the Realm of France and the excluding of the King of Navarre the Prince of Conde and the rest of the House of Bourbon from their succession to the Crown as long as they continued Enemies to that Religion The Brethren in this case not unlike the Lamiae who are reported to have been stone-blind when they were at home but more than Eagle-sighted when they went abroad Put that they might not trust to their own strength only Queen ELIZABETH tyes the French King to her by investing him with the Robes and Order of St. George called the Garter She draws the King of Scots to unite himself unto her in a League Offensive and Defensive against all the World and under colour of some danger to Religion by that Holy League she brings all the Protestant Princes of Germany to confederate with her 15. And now the Queen of Scots is brought to a publick Tryal accelerated by a new Conspiracy of Babington Tichborn and the rest in which nothing was designed without her privity And it is very strange to see how generally all sorts of people did contribute toward her destruction the English Protestants upon an honest apprehension of the Dangers to which the Person of their Queen was subject by so many Conspiracies the Puritans for fear lest she should bring in Popery again if she came to the Crown the Scots upon the like conceit of over-throwing their Presbyteries and ruinating the whole Machina of their Devices if ever she should live to be Queen of England The Earl of Leicester and his Faction in the Court had their Ends apart which was To bring the Imperial Crown of this Realm by some means or other into the Family of the Dudley's His Father had before designed it by marrying his Son Guilford with the Lady Iane descended from the younger Sister of K. HENRY the Eighth And he projects to set it on the Head of the Earl of Huntington who had married his Sister and looked upon himself as the direct Heir of George Duke of Clarence And that they might not want a Party of sufficient strength to advance their Interest they make themselves the Heads of the Puritan Faction the Earl of Leicester in the Court and the Earl of Huntingdon in the Countrey For him he obtaineth of the Queen the command of the North under the Title of Lord President of the Councel iu York to keep out the Scots and for himself the Conduct
which had been brought in behalf of the Queen So that the strugling on both sides much confirmed the Power which they endeavoured to destroy the Power of that Commission being better fortified both by Law and Argument than it had been formerly For by the over-ruling of Cawdrey's Case in confirmation of the Sentence which was past against him and the great pains which Parsons took to so little purpose the Power of that Commission was so well established in the Courts of Judicature that it was afterwards never troubled with the like Disputes The Guides of the Faction therefore are resolved on another course To strike directly at the Root to question the Episcopal Power and the Queen's Authority the Jurisdiction of their Courts the exacting of the Oath called the Oath Ex Officio and their other proceedings in the same And to this purpose it was published in Print by some of their Lawyers or by their directions at the least That men were heavily oppressed in the Ecclesiastical Courts against the Laws of the Realm That the Queen could neither delegate that Authority which was vested in it nor the Commissioners to exercise the same by her delegation That the said Courts could not compel the taking of the Oath called the Oath Ex Officio since no man could be bound in Reason to accuse himself That the said Oath did either draw men into wilful Perjury to the destruction of their souls or to be guilty in a manner of their own condemnation to the loss both of their Fame and Fortunes And finally That the ordinary Episcopal Courts were not to meddle in any Causes whatsoever but only Testamentary and Matrimonial by consequence not in matter of Tythes all Mis-behaviours in the Church or punishing of Incontinency or Fornication Adultery Incest or any the like grievous or enormous Crimes but on the contrary it was affirmed by the Professors of the Civil Laws That to impugn the Authority which had been vested in the Queen by Act of Parliament was nothing in effect but a plain Invasion of the Royal Prerogative the opening of a way to the violation of the Oath of Allegiance and consequently to undermine the whole Frame of the present Government It was proved also That the ordinary Episcopal Courts had kept themselves within their bounds that they might lawfully deal in all such Causes as were then handled in those Courts that their proceedings in the same by the Oath Ex Officio was neither against Conscience Reason nor the Laws of the Land and therefore that the Clamours on the other side were unjust and scandalous In which as many both Divines and Civilians deserved exceeding well both of the Queen and the Church so none more eminently than Dr. Richard Cosins Dean of the Arches in a Learned and Laborious Treatise by him writ and published called An Apology for Proceedings in Courts Ecclesiastical c. Printed in the year 1593. 22. But notwithstanding the Legality of these Proceedings the punishing of some Ring-leaders of the Puritan Faction and the Imprisonment of others a Book comes out under the name of A Petition to Her Majesty The scope and drift whereof was this That the Ecclesiastical Government of the Church of England was to be changed That the Eldership or Presbyterial Discipline was to be established as being the Government which was used in the Primitive Church and commanded to be used in all Ages That the Disciplinarian Faction hath not offended against the Statute 23 Eliz. cap. 2. And That Iohn Vdal was unjustly condemned upon it That the Consistorial Patrons are unjustly slandered with desire of Innovation and their Doctrine with Disorder and Disloyalty And this being said the Author of the Pamphlet makes it his chief business by certain Questions and Articles therein propounded to bring the whole Ecclesiastical State into envy and hatred This gave the Queen a full assurance of the restless Spirit wherewith the Faction was possessed and that no quiet was to be expected from them till they were utterly supprest To which end She gives Order for a Parliament to begin in February for the Enacting of some Laws to restrain those Insolencies with which the Patience of the State had been so long exercised The Puritans on the other side are not out of hope to make some good use of it for themselves presuming more upon the strength of their Party by reason of the Pragmaticalness of some Lawyers in the House of Commons than they had any just ground for as it after proved To which end they prepared some Bills sufficiently destructive of the Royal Interest the Jurisdiction of the Bishops and the whole Form of their Proceedings in their several Courts With which the Queen being made acquainted before their meeting or otherwise suspecting by their former practises what they meant to do She thought it best to strangle those Conceptions in the very Womb. And to that purpose She gave Order for the signification of Her Pleasure to the Lords and Commons at the very first opening of the Parliament That they should not pass beyond their bounds That they should keep themselves to the redressing of such Popular Grievances as were complained of to them in their several Countreys but that they should leave all Matters of State to Her self and the Council and all Matters which concerned the Church unto Her and Her Bishops 23. Which Declaration notwithstanding the Factors for the Puritans are resolved to try their Fortune and to encroach upon the Queen and the Church at once The Queen was always sensible of the Inconveniences which might arise upon the nominating of the next Successor and knew particularly how much the Needle of the Puritans Compass pointed toward the North Which made Her more tender in that Point than She had been formerly But Mr. Peter Wentworth whom before we spake of a great Zealot in behalf of the Holy Discipline had brought one Bromley to his lure and they together deliver a Petition to the Lord Keeper Puckering desiring that the Lords would joyn with them of the Lower-House and become Suppliants to the Queen for entailing of the Succession of the Crown according to a Bill which they had prepared At this the Queen was much displeased as being directly contrary to her strict Command and charged the Lords of the Council to call the said Gentlemen before them and to proceed against them for their disobedience Upon which signification of Her Majesty's Pleasure Sir Thomas Hennage then Vice-Chamberlain and one of the Lords of the Privy-Council convents the Parties reprehends them for their Misdemeanor commands them to forbear the Parliament and not to go out of their several Lodgings until further Order Being afterwards called before the Lord Treasurer Burleigh the Lord Buckhurst and the said Sir Thomas Wentworth is sent unto the Tower Bromley committed unto the Fleet and with him Welsh and Stevens two other Members of that House were committed also as being privy to the Projects of
the other two In whose behalf when it was moved by one Mr. Wroth That the House should be humble Suitors to Her Majesty for the releasing of such of their Members as were under restraint it was answered by such of the Privy-Councellors as were then Members of the House That Her Majesty had committed them for causes best known to Her self and that to press Her Highness with this Suit would but hinder those whose good it sought That the House must not call the Queen to an account for what she did of Her Royal Authority That the Causes for which they are restrained may be high and dangerous That Her Majesty liketh no such Questions neither did it become the House to deal in such matters Upon which words the House desisted from interposing any further in their behalf but left them wholly to the Queen by whom Wentworth was continued Prisoner for some years after 24. In the same Parliament one Morrise Chancellor of the Dutchy of Lancaster proposed unto the House That some course might be taken by them against the hard courses of Bishops Ordinaries and other Ecclesiastical Judges in their several Courts towards sundry godly Ministers and painful Preachers who deserved more encouragement from them They also spake against Subscription and the Oath Ex Officio and offered a Bill unto the House against the imprisonment of such as refused the same Of this the Queen had present notice and thereupon sends for Coke then Speaker of the House of Commons but afterwards successively Chief Justice of either Bench to whom she gave command to deliver this Message to the House that is to say That it was wholly in Her Power to call to determine to assent or dissent to any thing done in Parliament That the calling of this was only that the Majesty of God might be more Religiously observed by compelling with some sharp Laws such as neglect that Service and that the safety of Her Majesty's Person and the Realm might be provided for That it was not meant they should meddle with matters of State or Causes Ecclesiastical That She wondered that any should attempt a thing so contrary to Her Commandment and that She was highly offended at it and finally that it was Her pleasure That no Bill touching any matters of State or for the Reformation of Causes Ecclesiastical should be there exhibited On the delivery of which Message Morrise is said to have been seized on in the House by a Serjeant at Arms but howsoever seized on and committed Prisoner kept for some years in Tutbury Castle discharged from his Office in the Dutchy and disabled from any Practise in his Profession as a common Lawyer Some others had prepared a Bill to this effect That in lieu of Excommunication there should be given some ordinary Process with such sute and coertion as thereunto might appertain that so the dignity of so high a Sentence being retained and the necessity of mean Process supplied the Church might be restored to its ancient splendor Which Bill though recommended somewhat incogitantly by one of the Gravest Councellors of State which was then in the House was also dashed by Her Majesty's express Command upon a Resolution of not altering any thing the quality of the times considered which had been setled in the Church both by Law and Practise Which constancy of Hers in the preserving of Her own Prerogative and the Church's Power kept down that swelling humour of the Puritan Faction which was even then upon the point of overflowing the banks and bearing down all opposition which was made against them 25. And that they might be kept the better in their natural Channel she caused an Act to be prepared and passed in this present Parliament for retaining them and others of Her Subjects in their due obedience By which it was Enacted for the preventing and avoiding of such Inconveniencies and Perils as might happen and grow by the wicked and dangerous Practices of Seditious Sectaries and Disloyal persons That if any person or persons above the age of sixteen years should obstinately refuse to repair to some Church Chappel or usual place of Common-Prayer to hear Divine Service established or shall forbear to do the same by the space of a Month without lawful cause or should move or perswade any other person whatsoever to forbear and abstain from coming to the Church to hear Divine Service or to receive the Communion according to the Laws and Statutes aforesaid or to come or be present at any unlawful Assemblies Conventicles or Meetings under pretence of Religious Exercise contrary to the Laws and Statutes made in that behalf or should at any time after forty days from the end of that Session by Printing Writing or express Words or Speeches advisedly and purposely go about to move or perswade any of Her Majesty's Subjects or any other within Her Highness Realms and Dominions to deny withstand or impugn Her Majesty's Power and Authority in causes Ecclesiastical united and annexed to the Imperial Crown of the Realm That then every person so offending and convicted of it should be committed unto Prison without Bail or Main-prise till he or they should testifie their Conformity by coming to some Church Chappel or other place of Common-prayer to hear Divine Service and to make open submission and declaration of the same in such form and manner as by the said Statute was provided Now that we may the better see what great care was taken as well by the two Houses of Parliament as by the Queen Her self for preserving the Honour of the Church the Jurisdiction of the Bishops and the Royal Prerogative in both it will not be amiss to represent that Form to the eye of the Reader in which the said Submission was to be delivered The tenour whereof was as followeth viz. 26. I A. B. do humbly confess and acknowledg That I have grievously offended God in contemning Her Majesty's godly and lawful Government and Authority by absenting my self from Church and from hearing Divine Service contrary to the godly Laws and Statutes of this Realm and in using and frequenting disordered and unlawful Conventicles and Assemblies under pretence and colour of exercise of Religion And I am heartily sorry for the same and do acknowledg and testifie in my Conscience That no person or persons hath or ought to have any Power or Authority over Her Majesty And I do promise and protest without any dissimulation or any colour of means of any Dispensation That from henceforth I will from time to time obey and perform Her Majesty's Laws and Statutes in repairing to the Church and hearing Divine Service and do mine utmost endeavour to maintain and defend the same 27. This Declaration to be made in some Church or Chappel before the beginning of Divine Service within three Months after the conviction of the said Offenders who otherwise were to abjure the Realm and to depart the same at such time and place as should be limited
Redemption by the death and blood-shedding ●f Christ Jesus the Son of God and his descending into Hell This he accordingly performed in several Sermons upon the words of the Apostle viz. God forbid that I should glory in any thing but in the Cross of our Lord Iesus Christ whereby the world is crucified unto me and I unto the world Gal. 6.14 In prosecuting of which Text he discoursed at large as well concerning the contents as the effects of Christ's Cross and brought the point unto this issue that is to say That no Scripture did teach the death of Christ's Soul or the Pains of the damned to be requisite in the Person of Christ before he could be our Ransomer and the Saviour of the World And because the proofs pretended for this point might be three Predictions that Christ should suffer those pains Causes why he must suffer them and Signs that he did suffer them He likewise insisted on all three and shewed there were no such Predictions Causes or Signs of the true pains of Hell to be suffered in the Soul of Christ before he could save us And next as touching Christ's descent into Hell it was declared That by the course of the Creed it ought not to be referred to Christ living but to Christ being dead showing thereby the Conquest which Christ's Manhood had after death over all the powers of darkness declared by his Resurrection when he arose Lord over all his Enemies in his own Person Death Hell and Satan not excepted and had the keys that is all Power of Death and Hell delivered to him by God that those in Heaven Earth and Hell should stoop unto him and be subject to the Strength and Glory of his Kingdom And this he proved to be the true and genuine meaning of that Article both from the Scriptures and the Fathers and justified it for the Doctrine of the Church of England by the Book of Homilies 18. But let the Scriptures and the Fathers and the Book of Homilies teach us what they please Calvin was otherwise resolved and his Determination must be valued above all the rest For no sooner were these Sermons Printed but they were presently impugned by a Humorous Treatise the Author whereof is said to have writ so loosly as if he neither had remembred what the Bishop uttered or cared much what he was to prove In answer whereunto the Bishop adds a short Conclusion to his Sermons and so lets him pass The Presbyterian Brethren take a new Alarum Muster their Forces compare their Notes and send them to the Author of the former Treatise that he might publish his Defence Which he did accordingly the Author being named Henry Iacob a well-known Separatist Which Controversie coming to the Queen's knowledg being then at Farnham a Castle belonging to the Bishop she signified Her Pleasure to him That he should neither desert the Doctrine nor suffer the Function which he exercised in the Church of England to be trodden and trampled under-foot by unquiet men who both abhorred the Truth and despised Authority On which Command the Bishop sets himself upon the writing of that Learned Treatise entituled A Survey of Christ's Sufferings c. although by reason of a sickness of two years continuance it was not published till the year 1604. The Controversie after this was plyed more hotly in both Universities where the Bishop's Doctrine was maintained but publickly opposed by many of our Zealots both at home and abroad At home opposed by Gabriel Powel a stiff Presbyterian Abroad by Broughton Parker and some other Brethren of the Separation After this justified and defended by Dr. Hill whom Aumes replyed unto in his Rejoynder as also by another Parker and many more till in the end the Brethren willingly surceased from the prosecution of their former Doctrines which they were not able to maintain And though the Church received some trouble upon this occasion yet by this means the Article of Christ's Descent became more rightly understood and more truly stated according to the Doctrine of the Church of England than either by the Church of Rome or any of the Protestant or Reformed Churches of what Name soever 19. But while the Prelates of the Church were busied upon these and the like Disputes the Presbyterians found themselves some better work in making Friends and fastning on some eminent Patron to support their Cause None fitter for their purpose than the Earl of Essex gracious amongst the Military men popular beyond measure and as ambitious of Command as he was of Applause He had his Education in the House of the Earl of Leicester and took to Wife a Daughter of Sir Francis Walsingham as before is said who fitted and prepared him for those Applications which hitherto he had neglected upon a just fear of incurring the Queen's Displeasure But the Queen being now grown old the King of Scots not much regarded by the English and very ill obeyed by his natural Subjects he began to look up towards the Crown to which a Title was drawn for him as the direct Heir of Thomas of Woodstock Duke of Glocester one of the younger Sons of K. EDWARD the third This man the Puritans cry up with most infinite Praises both in their Pulpits and in their Pamphlets telling him That he was not only great in Honour and the love of the people but temporis expectation● major far greater in the expectation which his Friends had of him And he accordingly applies himself to those of the Puritan Faction admits them to Places of most Trust and Credit about his Person keeps open House for men of those Opinions to resort unto under pretence of hearing Sermons and hearing no Sermons with more zeal and edification than those which seemed to attribute a Power to Inferior Magistrates for curbing and controlling their undoubted Soveraigns Which questionless must needs have ended in great disturbance to the Church and State if he had not been outwitted by Sir Robert Cicil Sir Walter Rawleigh and the rest of their Party in the Court by whom he was first shifted over into Ireland and at last brought upon the Scaffold not to receive a Crown but to lose his Head Which hapned very opportunely for K. IAMES of Scotland whose Entrance might have been opposed and his Title questioned if this Ambitious man had prospered in his undertakings which he conducted generally with more Heat than Judgment 20. This brings me back again to Scotland In which we left the King intent upon the expectation of a better Crown and to that end resolved upon the Restitution of the banished Lords who being advertised of his purpose returned as secretly as might be offering to give good Security to live conformable to the Laws in all peace and quietness The King seems willing to accept it and is confirmed by a Convention of Estates in those good Intentions The News whereof gave such offence to those of the Kirk that presently they assembled themselves at Edenborough
Street cryed out so loud that he was heard by all the Lords and Gentlemen of his Retinue who thereupon prepared themselves for his assistance In the pursuit whereof the Earl himself is killed by Eveskin as he was making haste to help his Brother and Alexander is dispatched by Ramsey one of the King's Pages who being acquainted with the House came by the back-stairs time enough to preserve his Master Of this great Danger and Deliverance the King gives notice to all his Subjects desiring them to joyn with him in thanks to Almighty God for so great a Mercy which was accordingly performed by all honest men but the whole Story disbelieved discredited mis-reported by the Presbyterians whom it concerned to wash their hands of so foul a Treason And how far they were Parties in it or at least well-wishers to it may appear by this That when the Ministers of Edenborough were desired to convene their people and give God thanks for this deliverance of the King they excused themselves as not being well acquainted with all particulars And when it was replyed unto them That they were only required to make known to the people That the King had escaped a great Danger and to excite them to Thansgiving for his deliverance They answered That they were not very well satisfied in the truth of the matter That nothing was to be delivered in the Pulpit the truth whereof was not certainly known and that they were to utter nothing in that place but that which migh be spoke in Faith On which Refusal it was ordered by the Lords of the Council That the people should be drawn together into the Market-place That the Bishop of Ross should make a Declaration of the whole Design and therewithall conceive a Prayer of Thanksgiving for the King's Deliverance Which was performed on his part with a true affection and entertained by the people with great joy and gladness 37. But the whole Nation was not so besotted by the Presbyterians as either to dispute the Story or despise the Mercy Which wrought so far upon the Consciences of all honest men that in a Parliament held at Edenborough in November following the Estate of Goury was confiscate his Sons disherited the Name of Ruthen utterly abolished but the last dispenced with the bodies of the two Brothers brought to Edenborough there hanged and quartered the Heads of both being fixed upon the top of the Common Prison and finally The Fifth of August ordained by Act of Parliament for a Day of Thanksgiving in all times succeeding The like done also two years after at a General Assembly of the Ministers of the Church held in Haly-Rood-House as to the Day of Thanksgiving which they decreed to be kept solemnly from thenceforth in all the Churches of that Kingdom And it was well they did it then the King not venturing the Proposal to them in the year fore-going when they assembled at Burnt-Island whether in reference to some indisposition of Body which he found in himself or rather of some greater indisposition of Mind which he found in them But now it went clearly for him without contradiction as did some other things propounded to their consideration His Ey now looks unto the Crown of England and he resolved to bring the Churches of both Kingdoms to an Uniformity but so to do it as might make neither noise nor trouble The solemnizing of Marriage had been prohibited on Sundays by the Rules of the Discipline but by an Order made in the present Assembly it was indifferently permitted on all days alike Sundays as well as other days at the will of the Parties Before this time the Sacrament of Baptism was not administred but only at the times of Preaching on some opinion which they had of the indifferency or at the least the non-necessity thereof But now it was ordained with a joynt consent That the Ministers should not refuse the Sacrament of Baptism to Infants nor delay the same upon whatsoever pretext the same being required by the Parents or others in their name Which brought them two steps nearer to the Church of England than before they were 38. It was not long after the end of this Assembly when the King received Intelligence of Queen Elizabeth's death and of the general acknowledgment of his Succession both by Peers and People This puts him on a preparation for a Journey to England where he is joyfully received and found no small contentment in the change of his Fortunes here sitting amongst Grave Learned and Reverend men not as before a King without State without Honour without Order where Beardless Boys would every day brave him to his face where Jack and Tom and Will and Dick did at their pleasures cen●●re the proceedings of him and his Council where Will stood up and said he would have it thus and Dick replied Nay marry but it shall be so as he describes their carriage in the Conference at Hampton-Court p. 4. and 80. So leaves he Scotland and the Puritans there with this Character of them recorded in the Preface of his Book called Basilicon Doron in which he paints them out as people which refusing to be called Anabaptists too much participated of their Humours not only agreeing with them in their General Rule the contempt of the Civil Magistrate and in leaning to their own Dreams Imaginations and Revelations but particularly in accounting all men prophane that agree not to their Fancies in making for every particular Question of the Polity of the Church as much Commotion as if the Article of the Trinity was called in question in making the Scripture to be ruled by their Conscience and not their Conscience by the Scripture in accounting every body Ethnicus Publicanus not worthy to enjoy the benefit of breathing much less to participate with them in the Sacraments that denies the least jot of their Grounds and in suffering King People Law and all to be trod under foot before the least jot of their Grounds be impugned in preferring such Holy Warrs to an Vngodly Peace not only in resisting Christian Princes but denying to pray for them for Prayer must come by Faith and it is not revealed that God will bear their Prayers for such a Prince To which He adds this Clause in the Book it self viz. That they used commonly to tell the people in their Sermons That all Kings and Princes were naturally Enemies to the Liberty of the Church and could never patiently bear the Yoak of Christ. And thereupon he gives this Counsel to the Prince To take heed all of such Puritans whom he calls the very Pests of the Church and Commonwealth whom no deserts can oblige neither Oaths nor Promises bind breathing nothing but Sedition and Calumnies aspiring without measure railing without reason and making their own imaginations the square of their Conscience protesting before the Great God That he should never find in any Highlander baser Thieves greater Ingratitude and more Lyes and vile
do somewhat which is worse p. 85. Which notwithstanding they gave out That all was theirs and that they had obtained an absolute Victory but more particularly that the King gratified Dr. Reynolds in every thing which he proposed and that Dr. Reynolds obtained and prevailed in every thing they did desire That if any man report the contrary he doth lye and that they could give him the lye from Dr. Reynolds his mouth that these things now obtained by the Reformers were but the beginning of Reformation the greater matters being yet to come That my Lord of Winton stood mute and said little or nothing That my Lord of London called Dr. Reynolds Schismatick he thanks him for it but otherwise said little to the purpose That the King's Majesty used the Bishops with very hard words but embraced Dr. Reynolds and used most kind speeches to him That my Lord of Canterbury and my Lord of London falling on their knees besought his Majesty to take their Cause into his own Hands and to make some good end of it such as might stand with their Credit 7. All this and more they scattered up and down in their scurrilous Papers to keep up the spirits of their Party two of which coming to the hands of Dr. Barlow before-mentioned he caused them to be published at the end of the Conference The Truth and Honesty of whose Collections having been universally approved above fifty years hath been impugned of late by some sorry Scriblers of the Puritan Faction and a report raised of some Retractation which he is fabled to have made at the time of his death of the great wrong which he had done to Dr. Reynolds and the rest of the Millenaries The silliness of which Fiction hath been elsewhere canvased and therefore not to be repeated in this time and place But for the clearing of that Reverend person from so soul a Calumny we shall not make use of any other Argument than the words of K. IAMES who tells us in his Proclamation of the fifth of March that he could not conceal That the success of that Conferrence was such as hapneth to many other things which moving great expectations before they be entred into in their issue produce small effects That he found mighty and vehement Informations supported with so weak and slender Proofs as it appeared unto him and his Council that there was no cause why any change should be in that which was most impugned namely the Book of Common-Prayer containing the publick Service of God here established nor in the Doctrine which appeared to be sincere nor in the Forms and Rites which were justified out of the practise of the primitive Churrh And finally that though with the consent of the Bishops and other Learned men then and there assembled some passages therein were rather explained than altered yet that the same might very well have been born amongst such men who would have made a reasonable construction of them Which I conceive to be sufficient for the vindication of that Learned Prelate for clearing him from doing any injury to Dr. Reynolds in the repeating of his words as is suggested by some Puritan Scriblers of these present times 8. But to proceed this Conference was followed with the Proclamation of the fifth of March in which his Majesty having first declared the occasion and success thereof in the words formerly laid down proceeds to signifie the present course which he had taken for causing the Book of Common-Prayer to be so explained and being so explained to be forthwith Printed not doubting but that all his Subjects both Ministers and others would receive the same with due reverence and conform themselves to it Which notwithstanding he conceived it necessary to make known his Authorizing of the same by his Proclamation and by that Proclamation to require and enjoyn all men as well Ecclesiastical as Temporal to conform themselves thereunto as to the only publick Form of serving God established and allowed in this Realm Which said he lays a strict Command on all Arch-bishops and Bishops and all other publick Ministers as well Ecclesiastical as Civil for causing the same to be observed and punishing all Offenders to the contrary according to the Laws of the Realm made in that behalf Finally He admonisheth all his Subjects of what sort soever not to expect hereafter any Alteration in the publick Form of God's Service from that which he had then established And this he signified as afterward it followeth in the said Proclamation because that he neither would give way to any to presume that his Judgment having determined in a matter of such weight should be swayed to any Alteration by the Frivolous Suggestions of any leight head nor could be ignorant of the inconveniencies that do arise in Government by admitting Innovation in things once setled by mature deliberation and how necessary it was to use constancy in the publick Determinations of all States for that saith he such is the unquietness and unsteadfastness of some dispositions affecting every year new Forms of things as if they should be followed in their unconstancy would make all Actions of State ridiculous and contemptible whereas the steadfast maintaining of things by good Advice established is the Preservative and Weal of all publick Governments 9. The main Concernments of the Church being thus secured his Majesty proceeds to his first Parliament accompanied as the custom is with a Convocation which took beginning on the twentieth day of March then next ensuing In the Parliament there passed some Acts which concerned the Church as namely one for making void all Grants and Leases which should be made of any of the Lands of Arch-bishops and Bishops to the King's Majesty or any of his Heirs and Successors for more than One and twenty years or Three Lives Which Act was seasonably procured by Bishop Bancroft to prevent the begging of the Scots who otherwise would have picked the Church to the very bone There also past an Act for the repealing of a Statute in the Reign of Queen Mary by means whereof the Statute of King Edward the sixth touching the Lawfulness of Ministers Marriages were revived again as in the Millenary Petition was before desired And either by the Practise of some Puritan Zealots who had their Agents in all corners or by the carelesness and connivence of his Majesty's Council learned in the Laws of this Realm who should have had an eye upon them that Statute of K. EDWARD was revived also by which it was enacted That all Processes Citations Judgments c. in any of the Ecclesiastical Courts should be issued in the King's Name and under the King's Seal of Arms which afterwards gave some colour to the Puritan Faction for creating trouble to the Bishops in their Jurisdiction The Convocation was more active some days before the sitting whereof the most Reverend Arch-bishop Whitgift departs this life and leaves it to the managing of Dr. Richard Bancroft Bishop of London
the Ambassadors of some Forreign States as if they had been a Common-wealth distinct from the Realm of France More than which they audaciously importuned the King of whose affection to them they presumed too far by their several Agents for liberty of going wheresoever they listed or sending whomsoever they pleased to the Councils and Assemblies of all Neighbouring-Estates and Nations which profest the same Religion with them This though it had not been the first was looked on as their greatest encroachment on the Royal Authority which in conclusion proved the ruin of their Cause and Party For what else could this aim at as was well observed by the King then reigning but to make themselves a State distinct and independent to raise up a new Commonwealth in the midst of a Kingdom and to make the Schism as great in Civil as in Sacred matters Which wrought so far upoa the Councils of his next Successor who had not been trained up amongst them as his Father was that he resolved to call them to a sober reckoning on the next occasion and to deprive them all at once of those Powers and Priviledges which they so wantonly abused unto his disturbance Of which we shall speak more hereafter in its proper place In the mean time let us cross over into Scotland where all Assairs moved retrograde and seemed to threaten a relapse to their old Confusions A general Assembly had been intimated to be held at Aberdeen in the Month of Iuly Anno 1604 which by reason that the King was wholly taken up with effecting the Union was adjourned to the same Month in the year next following In the mean season some of the more Factious Ministers hoping to raise no small advantage to themselves and their Party by the absence of so many persons of most Power and Credit began to entertain new Counsels for the unravelling of that Web which the King had lately wrought with such care and cunning The King hears of it and gives Order to suspend the Meeting till his further Pleasure were declared Wherein he was so far obeyed by the major part that of the fifty Presbyteries into which the whole Kingdom was divided Anno 1592 nine only sent Commissioners to attend at Aberdeen When the day came the Meeting was so thin and slender that there appeared not above one and twenty when they were at the fullest But they were such as were resolved to stand stoutly to it each man conceiving himself able in the Cause of God to make resistance to an Army The Laird of Lowreston commands them in the King's Name to return to their Houses to discontinue that unlawful Assembly and not to meet on any publick occasion which concerned the Church but by his Majesty's Appointment They answer That they were assembled at that time and place according to the word of God and the Laws of the Land and that they would not betray the Liberties of the Kirk of Scotland by obeying such unlawful Prohibitions Which said and having desired him to withdraw a while they made choice of one Forbes for their Moderator and so adjourned themselves to September following Lowreston thereupon denounced them Rebels and fearing that some new affront might be put upon him and consequently on the King in whose Name he acted he seeks for Remedy and Prevention to the Lords of the Council Forbes and Welch the two chief sticklers in the Cause are by them convented and not abating any thing of their former obstinacy are both sent Prisoners unto Blackness A day is given for the appearance of the rest which was the third day of October at what time thirteen of the number made acknowledgment of their offence and humbly supplicated that their Lordships would endeavour to procure their Pardon the rest remaining in their disobedience are by the Lords disposed of into several Prisons 19. But these proceedings did so little edifie with that stubborn Faction that the Lords of the Council were condemned for their just severity and all their Actings made to aim at no other end but by degrees to introduce the Rights and Ceremonies of the Church of England The King endeavours by a Declaration to undeceive his good people and reclaim these obstinate persons from the ways of ruin and intimates withall that a new Assembly should be held at Dundee in the Iuly following But this prevails as little as the former course Which puts the business on so far that either the King must be conformable to their present humour or they submit themselves to the King 's just Power The Lords resolve upon the last command them to appear at the Council-Table to receive their Sentence and nominated the 24 th of October for the Day of Doom Accordingly they came but they came prepared having subscribed a publick Instrument under all their hands by which they absolutely decline the Judgment of the King and Council as altogether incompetent and put themselves upon the tryal of the next Assembly as their lawful Judg. Before they were convented only for their Disobedience but by this Declinator they have made themselves Traytors The King is certified of all this and being resolved upon the maintenance of his own Authority gave order That the Law should pass upon them according to the Statute made in Parliament Anno 1584. Hereupon Forbes Welch Duncam Sharp Davie Straghan are removed from Blackness arraigned at an Assize held in Linlithgoe found guilty by the Jury and condemned to death but all of them returned to their several Prisons till the King's Pleasure should be known for their Execution The Melvins and some other of the principal Zealots caused Prayers and Supplications to be made in behalf of the Traytors though they had generally refused to perform that office when the King's Mother was upon the point of losing her life upon a more unwarrantable Sentence of Condemnation This brought forth first a Proclamation inhibiting all Ministers to recommend the condemned persons unto God in their Prayers or Sermons and afterwards a Letter to some Chiefs amongst them for waiting on His Majesty at the Court in England where they should be admitted to a publick Conference and have the King to be their Judg. 20. Upon this Summons there appear in behalf of the Church the Arch-bishops of St. Andrews and Glasgow the Bishops of Orkney and Galloway together with Nicolson the designed Bishop of Dunkeeden And for the Kirk the two Melvins Colt Carmichall Scot Balfour and Watson The place appointed for the Conference was Hampton-Court at which they all attended on Septemb. 20. But the Kirk-Party came resolved neither to satisfie the King nor be satisfied by him though he endeavoured all fit ways for their information To which end he appointed four Eminent and Learned Prelates to preach before them in their turns the first of which was Dr. Barlow then Bishop of Rochester who learnedly asserted the Episcopal Power out of those words to the Elders at Ephesus recorded Acts 20.
v. 28. The second was Dr. Buckeridg then Master of St. Iohn's Colledg in Oxon and afterwards preferred to the See of Rochester who no less learnedly evinced the King's Supremacy in all Concernments of the Church selecting for his Text the words of same Apostle Rom. 13. v. 1. Next followed Dr. Andrews then Bishop of Chichester who taking for his Text those words of Moses viz. Make thee two Trumpets of silver c. Numb 10. v. 2. convincingly demonstrated out of all Antiquity That the calling of all General and National Councils had appertained unto the Supreme Christian Magistrate Dr. King then Dean of Christ-Church brings up the Rear and taking for his Text those words of the Canticles Cap. 8. v. 11. disproved the calling of Lay-Elders as men that had no Power in governing the Church of Christ nor were so much as heard of in the Primitive times But neither the Learned Discourses of these Four Prelates nor the Arguments of the Scottish Bishops nor the Authority and Elocution of the King could gain at all on these deaf Adders who came resolved not to hear the voice of those Charmers charmed they never so wisely Thus have we seen them in their Crimes and now we are to look upon them in their several Punishments And first the Ministers which had been summoned into England were there commanded to remain until further The six which were condemned for Treason were sentenced by the King to perpetual banishment and never to return to their Native Countrey upon pain of death And as for those which had acknowledged their offence and submitted to mercy they were confined unto the Isles and out-parts of the Kingdom where they may possibly work some good but could do no harm After which Andrew Melvin having made a Seditious Libel against the Altar and the Furniture thereof in His Majesty's Chappel was brought into the Starr-Chamber by an Ore tenus where he behaved himself so malepertly toward all the Lords and more particularly towards the Arch-bishop of Canterbury that he was sentenced to imprisonment in the Tower of London and there remained till he was begged by the Duke of Bouillon and by him made Professor of Divinity in the School of Sedan 21. During the time that all men's Eyes were fastned on the issue of this great Dispute the King thought fit to call a Parliament in Scotland which he managed by Sir George Hume his right trusty Servant not long before created Earl of Dunbar and made Lord Treasurer of that Kingdom His chief Work was to settle the Authority of the King and the Calling of Bishops that they might mutually support each other in the Government of the Church and State●punc It was supposed that no small opposition would be made against him by some Puritan Ministers who repaired in great numbers to the Town as on their parts it was resolved on But he applyed himself unto them with such Art and Prudence that having taken off their edg the Acts passed easily enough with the Lords and Commons By the first Act the King's Prerogative was confirmed over all Persons and in all Causes whatsoever Which made Him much more Absolute in all Affairs which had relation to the Church than he had been formerly And by the next entituled An Act for Restitution of the Estate of Bishops the Name of Bishops was conferred upon such of the Ministers as by the King were nominated unto any of the Bishop-Sees and thereby authorized to have place in Parliament A course was also taken by it to repossess the Bishops of the Lands of their several Churches as well as their Titles and Degree not that a Plenary re-possession of their Lands was then given unto them but that by a Repeal of the late Act of Annexation the King was put into a capacity of restoring so much of the Rents as remained in the Crown and otherwise providing for them out of his Revenues And that the like distraction might not be made of their Estates for the time to come an Act was passed for restraining such Dilapidations as had impoverish'd all the Bishopricks since the Reformation After which and the dooming of the greater Zealots to their several Punishments he indicts a general Assembly at Linlithgow in December following at which convened One hundred thirty six Ministers and about Thirty three of the Nobility and principal Gentry In this Assembly it was offered in behalf of his Majesty That all Presbyteries should have their constant Moderators for whose encouragement his Majesty would assign to each of them a yearly stipend amounting to One hundred pounds or Two hundred Marks in the Scots account That the Bishops should be Moderators of all Presbyteries in the Towns and Cities where they made their residence as also in Provincial and Diocesan Synods and that the Bishops should assume upon themselves the charge of prosecuting Papists till they returned to their obedience to the King and the Church In the obtaining of which Acts there was no small difficulty but he obtained them at the last though not without some limitations and restrictions super-added to them under pretence of keeping the Commissioners hereafter to be called Bishops within their bounds 22. The Presbyterians notwithstanding were not willing to forgo their Power but strugling like half-dying men betwixt life and death laid hold on all advantages which were offered to them in opposition to the Acts before agreed on Gladstanes Arch-bishop of St. Andrews taking upon him to preside as Moderator in the Synod of Fife being within his proper Diocese and Jurisdiction was for a while opposed by some of the Ministers who would have gone to an Election as at other times The Presbyteries also in some places refused to admit the Bishops for their Moderators according to the Acts and Constitutions of the said Assembly Which though it put the Church into some disorder yet the Bishops carried it at the last the stoutest of the Ministers su●mitting in the end unto that Authority which they were not able to contend with In which conjuncture the King gives order for a Parliament to be held in Iune in which He passed some severe Laws against the Papists prohibiting the sending of their Children to be educated beyond the Seas and giving order for the choice of Pedagogues or Tutors to instruct them there as also against Jesuits and the Sayers and Hearers of Mass. The cognizance of several Causes which anciently belonged to the Bishops Courts had of late times been setled in the Sessions or Colledg of Justice But by an Act of this Parliament they are severed from it and the Episcopal Jurisdiction restored as formerly the Lords of the Session being in lieu thereof rewarded with Ten thousand pounds yearly which must be understood according to the Scottish account out of the Customs of that Kingdom It was enacted also That the King from thenceforth might appoint such Habit as to him seemed best to Judges Magistrates and Church-men Which
Saxon Weimar were taken Prisoners the Bohemian Ordnance all suprised Prague forced to yeeld unto the Victor the King and Queen compelled to flye into Silesia from whence by many difficult passages and untravelled ways they came at last in safety to the Hague in Holland Nor is it altogether unworthy of our observation That this great Victory was obtained on a Sunday morning being the 8 th of November and the 23 d Sunday after Trinity in the Gospel of which day occurred that memorable passage Reddite Caesari qua sunt Caesaris that is to say Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesars Which seemed to judg● the Quarrel on the Emperor's side Hereupon followed the most Tragical or rather most Tyranical Execution of the chief Directors who had a hand in the Design the suppressing of the Protestant Reformed Religion in all the Emperor's Estates the falling back of Bethlem Gabor into Transylvania the proscribing of the Prince Elector and his Adherents the transferring of the Electoral Dignity together with the Upper Palatinate on the Duke of Bavaria the Conquest of the lower Palatinate by the King of Spain and the setting up of Popery in all parts of both In which condition they remained till the restoring of Charles Lodowick the now Prince Elector to the best part of his Estate by the Treaty of Munster 1648. 35. Such was the miserable end of the Warr of Bohemia raised chiefly by the Pride and Pragmaticalness of Calvin's Followers out of a hope to propagate their Doctrines and advance their Discipline in all parts of the Empire Nor sped the Hugonots much better in the Realm of France where by the countenance and connivance of King HENRY the 4 th who would not see it and during the minority of LEWIS the 13 th who could not help it they possessed themselves of some whole Countreys and near Two hundred strong Towns and fortified places Proud of which Strength they took upon them as a Commonwealth in the midst of a Kingdom summoned Assemblies for the managing of their own Affairs when and as often as they pleased Gave Audience to the Ministers of Forreign Churches and impowred Agents of their own to negotiate with them At the same Meetings they consulted about Religion made new Laws for Government displaced some of their old Officers and elected new ones the King's consent being never asked to the Alterations In which licentious calling of their own Assemblies they abused their Power to a neglect of the King's Authority and not dissolving those Assemblies when they were commanded they improved that Neglect to a Disobedience Nay sometimes they run cross therein to those very Edicts which they had gained by the effusion of much Christian Blood and the expence of many Hundred thousand Crowns For by the last Edict of Pacification the King had granted the free exercise of both Religions even in such Towns as were assigned for Caution to the Hugonot Party Which liberty being enjoyed for many years was at last interrupted by those very men who with so much difficulty had procured it For in an Assembly of theirs which they held at Loudun Anno 1619 they strictly commanded all their Governours Mayors and Sheriffs not to suffer any Jesuit nor those of any other Order to preach in any of the Towns assigned to them though licensed by the Bishop of the Diocess in due Form of Law And when upon a dislike of their proceedings the King had declared their Meetings to be unlawful and contrary to the Publick Peace and had procured the Declaration to be verified in the Court of Parliament they did not only refuse to separate themselves as they were required but still insisted upon terms of Capitulation even to a plain justifying of their actings in it 36. These carriages gave the King such just offence that he denied them leave to send Commissioners to the Synod of Dort to which they had been earnestly invited by the States of the Netherlands For being so troublesome and imperious when they acted only by the strength of their Provincial or National Meetings what danger might not be suspected from a general Confluence in which the Heads of all the Faction might be laid together But then to sweeten them a little after this Refusal he gave them leave to hold an Assembly at Charenton four miles from Paris there to debate those points and to agree those differences which in that Synod had been agitated by the rest of their Party Which Liberty they made such use of in the said Assembly that they approved all the Determinations which were made at Dort commanded them to be subscribed and bound themselves and their Successors in the Ministry by a solemn Oath Not only stedfastly and constantly to adhere unto them but to persist in maintenance thereof to the last gasp of their breath But to return to the Assembly at Loudun They would not rise from thence though the King commanded it till they had taken order for another Assembly to be held at Rochel the chief place of their strength and the Metropolis or principal City of their Common-wealth Which General Assembly being called by their own Authority and called at such a time as had given the King some trouble in composing the Affairs of Bearn was by the King so far disliked and by especial Edict so far prohibited that they were all declared to be guilty of Treason who should continue in the same without further Order Which notwithstanding they sate still and very undutifully proceeded in their former purposes Their business was to draw up a Remonstrance of their present Grievances or rather of the Fears and Jealousies which they had conceived on the King's journey into Bearn This they presented to the King by their own Commissioners and thereunto received a fair and plausible Answer sent in a Letter to them by the Duke Des Diguiers by whom they were advised to dissolve the Assembly and submit themselves unto the King Instead whereof they published a Declaration in defence of their former Actions and signified a Resolution not to separate or break up that Meeting until their Grievances were redressed 37. It hapned at the same time that the Lord of Privas a Town in which the Hugonots made the strongest Party married his Daughter and Heir to the Viscount of Cheylane and dying left the same wholly unto his disposal Who being of different perswasions from the greatest part of his Vassals altered the Garrison and placed his own Servants and Dependents in it as by Law he might This moved the Hugonots of the Town and the Neighbouring Villages to put themselves into a posture of Warr to seize upon the places adjoining and thereby to compel the young Noble-man to forsake his Inheritance Which being signified to the King he presently scored this insolence on the account of the Rochellers who standing in defiance of his Authority was thought to have given some animation unto the Town of Privas to commit
best assistance to the lawful Ministers for the receiving and enjoying of their Glebes and Tythes With an Injunction to all Sheriffs Mayors and other Ministers of Iustice to be aiding to them and to resist by force of Arms all such as should endeavour to disturb them in their lawful possessions But this served rather for a Declaration of His Majesty's Piety than an Example of His Power For notwithstanding all this Care his faithful Subjects of the Clergy in all parts of the Realm were plundred sequestred and ejected for the Crime of Loyalty some of them never being restored and others most unjustly kept from their Estates till this present year Anno 1660. 32. In the other Proclamation he forbids the tendring or taking of the Covenant before remembred Which Proclamation being short but full of substance shall be recited in His Majesty's own words which are these that follow Whereas saith he there is a printed Paper entituled A Solemn League and Covenant for Reformation and Defence of Religion the Honour and Happiness of the King the Peace and Safety of the Three Kingdoms of England Scotland and Ireland pretended to be ordered by the Commons in Parliament on the 21 of September last to be printed and published Which Covenant though it seems to make some specious expressions of Piety and Religion is in truth nothing else but a Traiterous and Seditious Combination against Vs and against the established Religion and Laws of the Kingdom in pursuance of a Traiterous Design and Endeavour to bring in Forreign Forces to invade this Kingdom We do therefore straightly charge and command all Our loving Subjects of what degree or quality soever upon their Allegiance that they presume not to take the said Seditious and Traiterous Covenant And We do likewise hereby forbid and inhibit them to impose administer or tender the said Covenant as they and every of them will answer the contrary at their utmost and extreamest perils Such was the tenour of this Proclamation of the 9 th of October which though it served for a sufficient testimony of His Majesty's Prudence yet it prevailed as little as the other did For as the Two Houses did extend their Quarters and enlarge their Power so were the Subjects forced more generally to receive this yoak and to submit themselves to those Oaths and Covenants which they could neit●●r take for fear of God's and the King's Displeasure and dared not to refuse for fear of losing all which was dear unto them So that it was esteemed for a special favour as indeed it was for all those which came in on the Oxford Articles to be exempted from the taking of this leud and accursed Covenant by which they were to bind themselves to betray the Church and to stand no further to the King than as he stood for the defence of that Religion which they then allowed of and of those Liberties which they had acquired by what way soever 33. And to say truth it was no wonder that the Presbyterians should impose new Oaths when they had broken all the old or seize upon the Tythes and Glebes of the Regular Clergy when they had sequestred the Estates of the Loyal Gentry and intercepted the Revenues of the King and Queen And it would be no wonder neither that they should seize on the Revenues of the King and Queen when they were grown to such a high degree of impudence as to impeach the Queen of Treason and were resolved of having no more Kings to comptroll their Actions They had already voted for the making of a new Great Seal though so to do was made High Treason by the Statute of K. EDWARD the third that they might expedite their Commissions with the more Authority and add some countenance of Law to the present Warr. Which must be managed in the Name of the King and Parliament the better to abuse the people and add some Reputation to the Crime of their undertakings And being Masters of a Seal they thought themselves in a capacity of acting as a Common-wealth as a State distinct but for the present making use of His Majesty's Name as their State-holder for the ordering of their new Republick But long He must not hold that neither though that was locked up as a Secrete amongst those of the Cabala till it was blurted out by Martin then Knight for Berks. By whom it was openly declared That the felicity of this Nation did not consist in any of the House of STVART Of which His Majesty complained but without reparation And for a further evidence of their good intentions a view is to be taken of the old Regalia and none so fit as Martin to perform that Service Who having commanded the Sub-dean of Westminster to bring him to the place in which they were kept made himself Master of the Spoil And having forced open a great Iron Chest took out the Crowns the Robes the Swords and Scepter belonging anciently to K. EDWARD the Confessor and used by all our Kings at their Inaugurations With a scorn greater than his Lusts and the rest of His Vices he openly declares That there would be no further use of those Toys and Trifles And in the jollity of that humour invests George Withers an old Puritan Satyrist in the Royal Habiliments Who being thus Crown'd and Royally array'd as right well became him first marcht about the Room with a stately Garb and afterwards with a thousand Apish and Ridiculous actions exposed those Sacred Ornaments to contempt and laughter Had the Abuse been script and whipt as it should have been the foolish Fellow possibly might have passed for a Prophet though he could not be reckoned for a Poet. 34. But yet the mischief stayed not here Another visit is bestowed upon these Regalia not to make merry with them but some money of them Mildmay a Puritan in Faction and Master of the Jewel-House by his Place and Office conceived that Prey to belong properly to him and having sold the King must needs buy the Crowns But being as false to his new Masters as he was to his old he first pickt out the richest Jewels and then compounded for the rest at an easie rate The like ill fortune fell unto the Organs Plate Coaps Hangings Altar-Cloaths and many other costly Utensils which belonged to the Church all which were either broke in pieces or seized upon and plundered for the use of the State Amongst the rest there was a goodly Challice of the purest Gold which though it could not be less worth than 300 l. was sold to Allyn a decayed Gold-Smith but then a Member of the House at the rate of 60 l. The Birds being flown the Nest is presently designed to the use of the Soldiers who out of wantonness and not for want of Lodging in that populous City must be quartered there And being quartered they omitted none of those shameless Insolencies which had been acted by their Fellows in other Churches For they not only
brake down the Rails before the Table and burnt them in the very place in the heats of Iuly but wretchedly prophaned the very Table it self by setting about it with their Tobacco and Ale before them and not without the company of some of their zealous Lecturers to grace the Action What else they did in imitation of the Brethren of Exon in laying their filth and execrements about it also I abhor to mention And now I must crave leave to step into the Colledg the Government whereof was taken from the Dean and Prebendaries and given to a select Committee of fifty persons some Lords but Members for the most part of the Lower-House who found there a sufficient quantity of Plate and some other good Houshold-stuff to a very good value which was so Husbanded amongst them that it was either stoln or sold or otherwise imbezilled and inverted to the use of some private persons who best knew how to benefit themselves by the Church's Patrimony 35. But the main business of this year and the three next following was the calling sitting and proceedings of the new Assembly called the Assembly of Divines but made up also of so many of the Lords and Commons as might both serve as well to keep them under and comptroll their Actions as to add some countenance unto them in the eye of the people A Convocation had been appointed by the King when he called the Parliament the Members whereof being lawfvlly chosen and returned were so discountenanced and discouraged by the Votes of the Lower-House the frequent Tumults raised in Westminster by the Rascal Rabble and the preparatives for a Warr against the King that they retired unto their Houses but still continued undissolved and were in a capacity of acting as a Convocation whensoever they should be thereunto required and might do it with safety But being for the most part well affected to the Church of England they were not to be trusted by the Houses of Parliament who then designed the hammering of such a Reformation both in Doctrine and Discipline as might unite them in a perpetual Bond and Confederation with their Scottish Brethren And that they might be furnished with such men the Knights of every Shire must make choice of two to serve as Members for that County most of them Presbyterians some few Royallists four of the Independent Faction and two or three to represent the Kirk of Scotland Which ploughing with an Ox and an Ass as it was no other was anciently prohibited by the Law of Moses And yet these men associated with some Members of either House as before is said no ways impow'red or authorised by the rest of the Clergy must take upon them all the Powers and Priviledges of a Convocation to which they were invited by an Ordinance of the Lords and Commons bearing date Iune the 12 th His Majesty makes a start at this encroachment on His Royal Prerogative and countermands the same by His Proclamation of the 22 d. In which He takes notice amongst other things That the far greatest part of those who had been nominated to the present Service were men of neither Learning or Reputation eminently disaffected to the Government of the Church of England and such as had openly preached Rebellion by their exciting of the people to take Arms against Him and therefore were not like to be proper Instruments of Peace and Happiness either unto the Church or State For maintenance whereof and for the preservation of His own Authority he inhibits them from meeting at the time appointed declares their Acts to be illegal and threatens them with the punishments which they had incurred by the Laws of the Land 36. But they go forwards howsoever hold their first Meeting on the first of Iuly and elect Dr. Twisse of Newberry a rigid Sabbatarian but a professed Calvinian in all other points for their Prolocutor called to this Iourney-work by the Houses they were dispensed with for Non-residence upon their Livings against the Laws preferred to the best Benefices of the Sequestred Clergy some of them three or four together and had withall four shillings a man for their daily wages besides the honour of assisting in so great an action as the ruin of the Church and the subversion of the present Government of the Realm of England In reference whereunto they were to be employed from time to time as occasion was to stir up the people of the Counties for which they served to rise and arm themselves against the King under colour of their own defence as appears plainly by the Order of the tenth of August And that they might be looked upon with the greater reverence they maintain a constant intercourse by Letters with their Brethren of Scotland the Churches of the Netherlands the French and Switzers but chiefly with Geneva it self In which they laid such vile Reproaches on His Majesty and the Church of England the one for having a design to bring in Popery the other for a readiness to receive the same that His Majesty was necessitated to set out a Manifest in the Latin Tongue for laying open the Imposture to the Churches of all Forreign Nations Amongst the rest of this Assembly Dr. Dan. Featly not long before made Chaplain in Ordinary to the King must needs sit for one whether to shew his Parts or to head a Party or out of his old love to Calvinism may best be gathered from some Speeches which he made and printed But he was theirs in heart before and therefore might afford them his body now though possibly he may be excused from taking the Covenant as the others did An Exhortation whereunto was the first great work which was performed by these Masters in Israel after their assembling the Covenant taken by them in most solemn manner at St. Margarets in Westminster on the 25th of September the Exhortation voted to be published on the 9th of February 37. Now to begin the blessed Reformation which they had in hand the Houses were resolved upon exterminating all external Pomp and comely Order out of the Worship of Almighty God And to this end upon the humble motion of these Divines of the Assembly and the sollicitation of some zealous Lecturers who were grown very powerful with them or to ingratiate themselves with the Scottish Covenanters whose help they began to stand in need of or finally out of the perversness of their own cross humours they published an Ordinance on the 28 th of August For the utter demolishing removing and taking away all Monuments of Superstition and Idolatry Under which notion it was ordered That before the last of November then next following all Altars and Tables of stone as if any such were then erected should be demolished in all Churches and Chappels throughout the Kingdom That the Communion-Tables should in all such places be removed from the East end of the Chancel unto some other part of the Church or Chappel That all such Rails as had been
Government Amongst which no small care was taken for making twelve Classes of the Ministers of London only and after for dividing each particular County into several Classes with reference to the largeness and extent thereof Which Orders and Directions were after seconded by the Ordinance of October the twentieth containing certain Rules for the suspension of scandalous and ignorant persons from the holy Supper and giving power to certain persons therein named to sit as Judges and Tryers as well concerning the Election as the Integrity and Ability of all such men as are elected Elders within any of the Twelve Classes of the Province of London It is not to be thought but that the London-Elderships made sufficient haste to put themselves into the actual possession of their new Authority But in the Countrey most men were so cold and backward that the Lower-House was fain to quicken them with some fresh Resolves by which it was required on the twentieth of February That choice be forthwith made of Elders thoroughout the Kingdom according to such former Directions as had past both Houses and that all Classes and Parochial Congregations should be thereby authorised effectually to proceed therein And that the Church might be supplied with able Ministers in all times succeeding the Power of Ordination formerly restrained to certain persons residing in and about the City of London according to the Ordinance of the second of October 1644. is now communicated to the Ministers of each several Classes as men most like to know the wants of the Parish-Churches under their Authority 53. But here it is to be observed that in the setling of the Presbyterian Government in the Realm of England as the Presbyteries were to be subordinate to the Classical Provincial and National Assemblies of the Church so were they all to be subordinate to the Power of the Parliament as appears plainly by the Ordinance of the fourteenth of March which makes it quite another thing from the Scottish Presbyteries and other Assemblies of that Kirk which held themselves to be supream and unaccountable in their actings without respect unto the King the Parliament and the Courts of Justice But the truth is that as the English generally were not willing to receive that yoak so neither did the Houses really intend to impose it on them though for a while to hold fair quarter with the Scots they seemed forward in it And this appears sufficiently by a Declaration of the House of Commons published on the seventeenth of April 1646 in which they signifie That they were not able to consent to the granting of an Arbitrary and unlimited Power and Iurisdiction to near Ten thousand Iudicatories to be erected in the Kingdom which could not be consistent with the Fundamental Laws and Government of it and which by necessary consequence did exclude the Parliament from having any thing to do in that Iurisdiction On such a doubtful bottom did Presbytery stand till the King had put himself into the Power of the Scots and that the Scots had posted him in all haste to the Town of Newcastle Which caused the Lords and Commons no less hastily to speed their Ordinance of the fifth of Iune For the present setling of the Presbyterial Government without further delay as in the Title is exprest And though it was declared in the end of that Ordinance That it was to be in force for three years only except the Houses should think fit to continue it longer yet were the London-Ministers so intent upon them that they resolve to live no longer in suspence but to proceed couragiously in the execution of those several Powers which both by Votes and Ordinances were intrusted to them And to make known to all the World what they meant to do they published a Paper with this Title that is to say Certain Considerations and Cautions agreed upon by the Ministers of London and Westminster and within the Lines of Communication Iune the nineteenth 1646. According to which they resolve to put the Presbyterial Government into execution upon the Ordinances of Parliament before published 54. In which conjuncture it was thought expedient by the Houses of Parliament to send Commissioners to Newcastle and by them to present such Propositions to his Sacred Majesty as they conceived to be agreeable to his present condition In the second of which it was desired That according to the laudable Example of his Royal Father of happy memory he would be pleased to swear and sign the Solemn League and Covenant and cause it to be taken by Acts of Parliament in all his Kingdoms and Estates And in the third it was proposed That a Bill should pass for the utter abolishing and taking away of Arch-Bishops Bishops Chancellors Commissaries Deans c. as they occur before in the Oxon Articles Num. 21. That the Assembly of Divines and Reformation of Religion according to the said Covenant should be forthwith setled and confirmed by Act of Parliament and that such unity and uniformity between the Churches of both Kingdoms should in like manner be confirmed by Act of Parliament as by the said Covenant was required after Advice first had with the Divines of the said Assembly It was required also in the said Propositions That he should utterly divest himself of all power to protect his people by putting the Militia into the hands of the Houses and that he should betray the greatest part of the Lords and Gentry which had adhered unto him in the course of the Warr to a certain ruin some of which were to be excluded from all hope of Pardon as to the saving of their Lives others to forfeit their Estates and to lose their Liberties the Clergy to remain under sequestration the Lawyers of both sorts to be disabled from the use of their Callings Demands of such unreasonable and horrid nature as would have rendred him inglorious and contemptible both at home and abroad if they had been granted 55. These Propositions were presented to him on the eleventh day of Iuly at Newcastle by the Earls of Pembroke and Suffolk of the House of Peers Erle Hipisly Robinson and Goodwin from the House of Commons Of whom his Majesty demanded Whether they came impowred to treat with him or not And when they answered That they had no Authority so to do He presently replied That then the Houses might as well have sent their Propositions by an honest Trumpeter and so parted with them for the present His Majesty had spent the greatest part of his time since he came to Newcastle in managing a dispute about Church-Government with Mr. Alexander Henderson the most considerable Champion for Presbytery in the Kirk of Scotland Henderson was possest of all advantages of Books and Helps which might enable him to carry on such a Disputation But His Majesty had the better Cause and the stronger Arguments Furnished with which though destitute of all other Helps than what he had within himself he prest his Adversary so hard
and gave such satisfactory Answers unto all his Cavils that he remained Master of the Field as may sufficiently appear by the Printed Papers And it was credibly reported that Henderson was so confounded with grief and shame that he fell into a desparate sickness which in fine brought him to his Grave professing as some say that he dyed a Convert and frequently extolling those great Abilities which when it was too late he had found in his Majesty Of the particular passages of this Disputation the English Commissioners had received a full Information and therefore purposely declined all discourse with his Majesty by which the merit of their Propositions might be called in question All that they did was to insist upon the craving of a positive Answer that so they might return unto those that sent them and such an Answer they shall have as will little please them 56. For though his Fortunes were brought so low that it was not thought safe for him to deny them any thing yet he demurred upon the granting of such points as neither in Honour nor in Conscience could be yeelded to them Amongst which those Demands which concerned Religion and the abolishing of the ancient Government of the Church by Arch-bishops and Bishops may very justly be supposed to be none of the least But this delay being taken by the Houses for a plain denial and wanting money to corrupt the unfaithful Scots who could not otherwise be tempted to betray their Soveraign they past an Ordinance for abolishing the Episcopal Government and setling their Lands upon Trustees for the use of the State Which Ordinance being past on the ninth of October was to this effect that is to say That for the better raising of moneys for the just and necessary Debts of the Kingdom in which the same hath been drawn by a Warr mainly promoted in favour of Arch-bishops and Bishops and other their Adherents and Dependents it was ordained by the Authority of the Lords and Commons That the Name Title Stile and Dignity of Arch-bishop of Canterbury Arch-bishop of York Bishop of Winchester and Bishop of Durham and all other Bishops or Bishopricks within the Kingdom should from and after the fifth of September 1646 then last past be wholly abolished or taken away and that all persons should from thenceforth be disabled to hold that Place Function or Stile within the Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales or the Town of Berwick or exercise any Iurisdiction or Authority ●hereunto formerly belonging by vertue of any Letters Patents from the Crown or any other Authority whatsoever any Law or Statute to the contrary notwithstanding As for their Lands they were not to be vested now in the Kings possession as had been formerly intended but to be put into the power of some Trustees which are therein named to be disposed of to such uses intents and purposes as the two Houses should appoint 57. Amongst which uses none appeared so visible even to vulgar eyes as the raising of huge Sums of Money to content the Scots who from a Remedy were looked on as the Sickness of the Common-wealth The Scots Demands amounted to Five hundred thousand pounds of English money which they offered to make good on a just account but were content for quietness sake to take Two hundred thousand pounds in full satisfaction And yet they could not have that neither unless they would betray the King to the power of his Enemies At first they stood on terms of Honour and the Lord Chancellor Lowdon ranted to some tune as may be seen in divers of his Printed Speeches concerning the indelible Character of Disgrace and Infamy which must be for ever imprinted on them if they yeelded to it But in the end the Presbyterians on both sides did so play their parts that the sinful Contract was concluded by which the King was to be put into the hands of such Commissioners as the two Houses should appoint to receive his Person The Scots to have One hundred thousand pounds in ready money and the Publick Faith which the Houses very prodigally pawned upon all occasions to secure the other According unto which Agreement his Majesty is sold by his own Subjects and betrayed by his Servants by so much wiser as they thought than the Traytor Iudas by how much they had made a better Market and raised the price of the Commodity which they were to sell. And being thus sold he is delivered for the use of those that bought him into the custody of the Earl of Pembroke who must be one in all their Errands the Earl of Denbigh and the Lord Mountague of Boughton with twice as many Members of the Lower House with whom he takes his Journey towards Holdenby before remembred on the third of February And there so closely watcht and guarded that none of his own Servants are permitted to repair unto him Marshal and Caril two great sticklers in behalf of Presbytery but such as after warped to the Independents are by the Houses nominated to attend as Chaplains But he refused to hear them in their Prayers or Preachings unless they would officiate by the publick Liturgy and bind themselves unto the Rules of the Church of England Which not being able to obtain he moves the Houses by his Message of the 17th of that Month to have two Chaplains of his own Which most unchristianly and most barbarously they denyed to grant him 58. Having reduced him to this streight they press him once again with their Propositions which being the very same which was sent to Newcastle could not in probability receive any other Answer This made them keep a harder hand upon him than they did before presuming that they might be able to extort those Concessions from him by the severity and solitude of his restraint when their Perswasions were too weak and their Arguments not strong enough to induce him to it But Great God! How fallacious are the thoughts of men How wretchedly do we betray our selves to those sinful hopes which never shall be answerable to our expectation The Presbyterians had battered down Episcopacy by the force of an Ordinance outed the greatest part of the Regular Clergy of their Cures and Benefices advanced their new Form of Government by the Votes of the Houses and got the King into their power to make sure work of it But when they thought themselves secure they were most unsafe For being in the height of all their Glories and Projectments one Ioice a Cornet of the Army comes thither with a Party of Horse removes his Guards and takes him with them to their Head-Quarters which were then at Woburn a Town upon the North-west Road in the County of Bedford Followed not long after by such Lords and others as were commanded by the Houses to attend upon him Who not being very acceptable to the principal Officers were within very few weeks discharged of that Service By means whereof the Presbyterians lost all those great advantages
to wonder and much more marvelled that the Bishops had not yet suppressed the Puritans some way or other Pandocheus is made to tell him That one of their Preachers had affirmed in the Pulpit That there were One hundred thousand of them in England and that their Number in all places did encrease continually 10. By this last brag about their Numbers and somewhat which escaped from the mouth of Paul touching his hopes of seeing the Consistorian Discipline erected shortly it may be gathered That they had a purpose to proceed in their Innovations out of a hope to terrifie the State to a compliance by the strength of their Party But if that failed they would then do as Penry had advised and threatned that is to say they would present themselves with a Petition to the Houses of Parliament to the delivering whereof One hundred thousand Hands should be drawn together In the mean time it was thought fit to dissemble their purposes and to make tryal of such other means as appeared less dangerous To which end they present with one Hand a Petition to the Convocation in which it was desired That they might be freed from all Subscriptions and with the other publish a seditious Pamphlet entituled A Complaint of the Commons for a Learned Ministry But for the putting of their Counsels in execution they were for the present at a stand The Book of Discipline upon a just examination was not found so perfect but that it needed a review and the review thereof is referred to Traverse By whom being finished after a tedious expectation it was commended to the Brethren and by them approved But the worst was it was not so well liked of in the Houses of Parliament as to pass for current which so incensed those meek-spirited men that they fell presently to threatning and reviling all who opposed them in it They had prepared their way to the Parliament then sitting Anno 1586 by telling them That if the Reformation they desired were not granted they should betray God his Truth and the whole Kingdom that they should declare themselves to be an Assembly wherein the Lords Cause could not be heard wherein the felicity of miserable men could not be respected wherein Truth Religion and Piety could bear no sway an Assembly that willingly called for the Judgments of God upon the whole Realm and finally that not a man of their seed should prosper be a Parliament-man or bear rule in England any more 11. This necessary preparation being thus premised they tender to the Parliament A Book of the form of Common-Prayer by them desired containing also in effect the whole pretended Discipline so revised by Traverse and their Petition in behalf thereof was in these words following viz. May it therefore please your Majesty c. that the Book hereunto annexed c. Entituled A Book of the Form of Common-Prayers and Administration of Sacraments c. and every thing therein contained c. may be from henceforth put in use and practised through all your Majesty's Dominions c. But this so little edified with the Queen or that Grave Assembly that in the drawing up of a General Pardon to be passed in Parliament there was an Exception of all those that committed any offence against the Act for the Uniformity of Common-Prayers or that were Publishers of Seditious Books or Disturbers of Divine Service And to say the truth the Queen had little reason to approve of that Form of Discipline in which there was so little consideration of the Supreme Magistrate in having either vote or place in any of their Synodical Meetings unless he be chosen for an Elder or indicting their Assemblies either Provincial or National or what else soever or insomuch as nominating the particular time or place when and where to hold them or finally in requiring his assent to any of their Constitutions All which they challenge to themselves with far greater arrogancy than ever was exercised by the Pope or any Bishop or inferior Minister under his Command during the times of greatest Darkness But the Brethren not considering what just Reason the Queen had to reject their Bill and yet fearing to fall foul upon her in regard of the danger they let flye at the Parliament in this manner that is to say That they should be in danger of the terrible Mass of God's Wrath both in this life and that to come and that for their not abrogating the Episcopal Government they might well hope for the Favour and Entertainment of Moses that is the Curse of the Law the Favour and loving-Countenance of Jesus Christ they should never see 12. It may seem strange that Queen ELIZABETH should carry such a hard hand on her English Puritans as well by severe Laws and terrible Executions as by excluding them from the benefit of a General Pardon and yet protect and countenance the Presbyterians in all places else But that great Monster in Nature called Reason of State is brought to plead in her defence by which she had been drawn to aid the French Hugonots against their King to supply the Rebel Scots with Men Money Arms and Ammunition upon all occasions and hitherto support those of the Belgick Provinces against the Spaniard Now she receives these last into her protection being reduced at that time unto great Extremities partly by reason of the death of the Prince of Orange and partly in regard of the great Successes of the Prince of Parma In which extremity they offered her the Soveraignty of Holland Zealand and West-Friesland to which they frame for her an unhandsom Title grounded on her descent from Philippa Wife of Edward the third Sister of William the third Earl of Heynalt Holland c. But she not harkning to that offer about the Soveraignty as a thing too invidious and of dangerous consequence cheerfully yeelded to receive them into her protection to raise an Army presently toward their defence consisting of Five thousand Foot and One thousand Horse with Money Ammunition Arms and all other necessaries and finally to put the same Arms so appointed under the Command of some Person of Honour who was to take the charge and trust of so great a Business The Confederates on the other side being very prodigal of that which was none of their own delivered into her hands the Keys of the Countrey that is to say the Towns of Brill and Flushing with the Fort of Ramekins And more then so as soon as the Earl of Leicester came amongst them in the Head of this Army which most ambitiously he affected for some other Ends they put into his hands the absolute Government of these Provinces gave him the Title of His Excellency and generally submitted to him with more outward cheerfulness than ever they had done to the King of Spain It is not to be thought but that the Presbyterian Discipline went on succesfully in those Provinces under this new Governor who having countenanced them in England