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A28298 Prince Arthur an heroick poem in ten books / by Richard Blackmore ... Blackmore, Richard, Sir, d. 1729. 1695 (1695) Wing B3080; ESTC R23258 151,284 320

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Masts bend more With Britons Breath than with the Winds before The joyful Britons and their Friends debark And near the Shore a spacious Camp they mark The pious Prince at a fair Castle staid That Malgo the Dimetian Lord obey'd Now her brown Wings the silent Night displays Light sprinkled o'er with Cynthia's silver Rays Silence and Darkness all to Rest invite And sleep's soft Chains make fast the Gates of Light Prince Arthur sleeps by Summons from on high From trembling Joynts his active Spirits fly To the round Palace of th' Immortal Soul And thro' the Rooms and dark Apartments roll The busie Crowd fills all the labouring Brain Bright Fancy's Work-house where close Cells contain Of Forms and Images an endless Train Which thither thro' the waking Senses glide And in fair Mem'ry's Magazine abide Compos'd of these light Scenes and Shows appear That still employ the restless Theater Divinely mov'd the Airy Figures take Their several Ranks and this bright Vision make Prince Arthur on a verdant Eminence Conversing with King Uter stood from whence He views with wondring Eyes great Lords and States Crown'd Heads Victorious Princes Potentates Heros and Heroines a glorious Train That in long Order fill'd the subject Plain Prince Arthur on the Royal Scene intent Demands what this August Assembly meant For what end thither come and who they were That at th' Illustrious Congress did appear King Uter then reply'd Know pious Son That after various bloody Battels won You Beauteous Ethelina shall espouse The fairest Branch of all King Octa's house A Christian Princess of a Pagan Line Whose Virtues equal with her Beauty shine You shall Triumphant mount the British Throne Which has not yet so great a Monarch known Swell not with Pride th' Imperial Seat you gain Brings envy'd Honour but unenvy'd Pain Your People rule with equal Laws and know You 're happy when you make your Subjects so Let them a Good Indulgent Father find Be mercifully Just severely Kind Let your bright Virtues Imitators draw Glorious Examples have more Force then Law Seek not an uncontroll'd and lawless Sway Subjects from Love but Slaves from Fear obey And whom the People fear they quickly hate Which Passions in their Prince the like Create Hence mutual Jealousies and deep Designs Hence strong Distrust the mould'ring State disjoyns Diffusing good on all Mankind you 'll show You imitate Heav'n's Government below The Benefactor will most Honour bring And the Deliverer's greater than the King Believe no Foreign hostile Power can move Your Throne supported by your Subjects Love The bright Assembly that surrounds the Hill And with their Numbers all the Vally fill Are Albion's Hero's who in future days Their own and Albion's Name to Heav'n shall raise The Regal Orders that the rest outshine With glittering Crowns are the Imperial Line That after you on Albion's Throne shall sit Their Names in Fate 's Eternal Volumes writ The Kings that in the foremost Rank appear Who frowning and unpleasant Aspects were Whose waning Crowns with faded Lustre shine Shall after you succeed first Constantine Conanus and the rest of British Line These look not with their Native Splendour bright But dimly shine with delegated Light Heroick Deeds by great Forefathers done Cast all their Glory on them not their own To narrow Bounds their scanty Empire shrinks And Britons Grandeur with their Virtue sinks At last their Crimes offended Heav'n provoke To Crush their Nation with the Saxon Yoke Here Arthur sigh'd that his degenerate Race Should with inglorious Deeds their Stock debase When Uter cry'd Observe the Saxon Line Where mighty Kings the British Rank outshine Crowns on their Heads and Scepters in their Hand All great in War and born for high Command Their Arms the British Empire shall Assail And aided by the Britons Crimes prevail This mighty Nation quickly shall believe The Christians God and Heav'nly Light receive That 's Ethelbert the first of Saxon Race That shall pure Faith and Truth Divine embrace He shall destroy in their own Temples Flames Their sensless Gods of barb'rous Northern Names In vain their Priests on helpless Idols call They and their Groves by the same Axes fall Fragments of broken Altars and the spoil Of ruin'd Gods fill all th' applauding Isle All shall adore the great mysterious King And of his Cross the glorious Triumphs sing The Spring of Life gilded with Heav'nly Beams Purge guilty Minds with pure Baptismal Streams From hence the Light shall break that shall dispell The Pagan Shades that on the Saxons dwell Proud Lucifer subdu'd flies in despair With all th' Infernal Powers about the Air That with their broad extended Wings retreat To seek a safe and unmolested Seat To fix on Scythian Hills their gloomy Throne Or on the Sands fry'd by the burning Zone As when the Storks prepare to change their Clime The long-neck'd Nation in the Air sublime Wheeling and towring up in Circles fly And with their cackling Cries disturb the Sky In lingring Clouds they hang and Leisure give For all their feather'd People to arrive To th' Airy Rendezvous all hast away And their known Leaders noisy Call obey Then thro' the Heav'ns their trackless Flight they take And for new Worlds their present Seats forsake So here the Fiends assembled in the Air Quit Albion's Soil and to wild Lands repair Remark that Prince that in the midst appears Seven bright imperial Diadems he wears That 's the great Egbert whose heroick Might Shall the dismember'd Island reunite His Arms shall give him universal Sway And all the Saxons shall his Power obey See there the great Northumberian Monarch stands Edwine his Name that all the Isle commands A happy Prince if his good Angel's Art Diverts the Mercian Ruffian 's bloody Dart. Saxons and Britons shall obey his Arms Himself the lovely Ethelburga Charms Her beauteous Eyes the mighty Monarch fire Her Words his Soul with Christian Flames inspire Blest Ethelburga of unrival'd Worth That plants Religion in the barren North. See Alfred there all shall his Praises sing A pious Souldier and an humble King Hero and Bard able in lofty Verse His own great Deeds and Triumphs to reherse Obey'd by all his unresisted Arms Shall to their Coasts repel the Danish Swarms Into the Seas swept by his potent Hand Those Northern Locusts leave th' afflicted Land The People his wife Laws shall cultivate Form their rude Minds and smooth th' unpolish'd State Upon the Verdant Plain where Isis Streams Hast to th' Embraces of her Sister Thames This mighty Prince shall a fam'd Empire Found Where Learning sits with branching Laurels Crown'd Where sacred Arts with all their Letter'd Train In lofty Schools shall unmolested Reign Banish'd from Greece and Rome no safe Retreat They 'll find till setled in this Peaceful Seat Ages to come this Seat will Oxford name Of which no Time or Place shall bound the Fame Remotest Nations shall her Wonders know Far as Great Britain's potent Navies go Learning her Native growth
God The Precipice was hid on which he trod The splendid Phantome now advances nigh And in his reach appears Divinity Which straight he grasps at and to hold the more Empties his Hand of what it held before But sooner might he grasp unbody'd Minds And with clos'd Arms clasp in the raging Winds The glorious Shadow from his Hands does slide Mocks his Embraces and defeats his Pride He Eat but did no other Pleasures find Than the sad Terrors of a guilty Mind His cheated Hopes can no new Knowledge boast But of the Ill he feels and Good he lost Thus fell lost Man straight troubled Nature moan'd And shaking with a strong Convulsion groan'd Ev'n Paradise look'd Sad the Herds repin'd And lofty Cedars shook without a Wind. The Roses fade the Golden Apples turn'd Pallid and all the Sick Creation mourn'd To the thick Trees in vain fall'n Adam made To hide his blacker Guilt beneath their Shade Close Trees may so their well mixt Branches spread That Sun-beams cannot pierce their shady Head But God's clear Eye needs not so gross a Ray His Glory sheds a more Illustrious Day But had he been from his bright Eye conceal'd The crying Guilt had to his Ear reveal'd Apostate Man that Voice to Heav'n does rise Loud as the Thunder-claps for which it cries What a black Train of VVoes and hideous Fears Headed by one bold Crime to Man appears The Serpent's Venom spreads through all his Veins And Sin 's Contagion unresisted Reigns A Death-like Damp shoots through his poison'd Blood And fears cold Chains Arrest the beating Flood A dreadful Face of Things confounds his Eye He cannot stay secure nor can he fly Black thoughts of Vengeance seize his guilty Heart And Conscience wounds him with her poison'd Dart. Amidst the Trees he starts at every Noise Grows pale and thinks he hears th' Almighty's Voice The trembling Branches make him tremble more Now feebler than the Fig-leaves which he wore Man's Soul by this rude Shock from 's Center driv'n Stands so a-skaunt and so remote from Heav'n 'T is scarcely warm'd by its weak Oblique Ray And has at best but a cold darksome Day Fall'n from its bright Etherial Seat on high Down to the lowest Regions of the Sky It feels th' attractive Earth's Magnetick Force And round this low-hung Ball directs its Course As when a Planet once all fair and bright Sickens and shines with pale and faded Light By some fierce Storm bred in its Bowels rent As Clouds are by the Thunder in 'em pent The mighty Orb disjoynted cracks and all The broken Parts in Noisy Ruin fall The hideous Burning Hull does floating lie And with the wondrous Wreck affrights the Sky Sometimes it blazes with a dismal Light And then grown dim seems lost and drown'd in Night Then sinking does the Starry Sky forsake Contented some inferior Seat to take Where Heav'n new moulds the Heap and from th' Abyss Calls forth perhaps a Moon or Earth like this So Man seduc'd by the Impostor fell From Heav'n's bright Coasts to the black Verge of Hell There he his Lustre lost and God-like Grace Shews the sad Ruins of a Heav'nly Face Where Peace dwelt undisturb'd and smiling Light Confusion now Chaos and horrid Night Black frowning Clouds and murmuring Thunder rose O'er the vext Region of his guilty Soul Fierce driving Storms and bleak Tempestuous Wind Beat on the wasteful Desart of his Mind Revenge Despair Grief Jealousie and Fear Have in their Turns supreme Dominion here Reason dethron'd must the Commands obey Of this wild Rout that holds the Sovereign Sway. Mean Time th' Almighty does his Summons send Thro' Heav'n for all his Angels to attend High in the Midst of the Etherial Skies A Mount of rocky Diamond did rise Insuperably steep and too sublime For the tir'd Wings of Cherubims to climb O'er-looking Heav'n's wide Vales and spacious Plains It stands and unmolested Peace maintains Here the Almighty's bright Tribunal stands Whence his Decrees are sent and high Commands Hence he gives Laws to all the Worlds below And hence eternal Right and Justice flow Hence Punishments proceed and just Rewards Hence Orders come to all th' Angelick Guards To keep the Peace of Heav'n and next secure On Earth th' afflicted from th' Oppressor's Power And now the Thrones and Pow'rs the Vally fill And stand adoring round the sacred Hill Adam's Rebellion they had newly heard And God's fierce Wrath in dreadful Signs appear'd Lightnings and Thunders issue from his Throne Lightnings scarce heard of Thunder seldom known Tremendous Murmurs and a mighty Sound Of wondrous Ruine from the Hill rebound T' express incens'd Omnipotence conspire Whirlwinds thick Darkness and consuming Fire United Terrors that with Fury broke From the blest Mount whence thus th' Almighty spoke The Man I made and with my Image grac'd And next to your Angelick Order plac'd Revolting to th' Apostate Prince of Hell Against my Throne has yielded to Rebel The Death I threaten'd now I must inflict So Justice bids nor is its Rule too strict You 're here from all the Regions of the Sky To hear the Rebel doom'd and see him Dye He spake and thro' all Heav'n a Terror strook The Sphears and all the Frame of Nature shook The Moon grew Pale the Sun all Dim appear'd And all the Sons of God stood Mute and fear'd Th' Almighty his Vindictive Arm makes bare Stretch'd out his Hand and did for Death prepare Mercy Shreek'd out and trembling on her Face Fell down and did with Tears his Feet Embrace Offspring Divine in Heav'n the most belov'd By whom ev'n Fate unchangeable is mov'd Her Looks so moving such Celestial Grace So mild and sweet an Air dwell on her Face So tender and engaging all her Charms That oft th' Almighty's Fury she disarms Her Language melts Omnipotence arrests His Hand and thence his Vengeful Lightning wrests Then thus she spake Shall the successful sly Impostor boast That by his Power the new Creation's lost Shall he thus Triumph in his impious Deed And all our Hopes defeat from Adam's Seed Must this fair Race be lost so lately made And Hell made Bold your Empire to invade Adam has sinn'd and Heav'n's high Grace abus'd But sinn'd betray'd and by Hell's Fraud seduc'd Can't Wisdom Infinite Expedients find To punish Guilt and yet preserve Mankind Compassion with stern Justice mixt will draw Honour to Heav'n's just Government and Awe All from offending the Establish'd Law At this the Eternal Son rose from his Place The bright Effulgence of his Father's Face His fair and express Image full of Grace In whom Divine Substantial Glory dwelt And who Almighty Life and Vigour felt Th' Essential Wisdom th' Everlasting Word The Universal Heir and Soveraign Lord. And thus he Silence broke mine be the Task To do what Justice and Compassion ask To rescue Man my self will Man become Assuming Substance from a Virgin 's Womb. A willing Sacrifice I 'll Death Embrace Justice t' attone and Ransom Adam's
Race The Father straight assented Mercy smil'd To see the Serpent of his Prey beguil'd Justice well pleas'd accepts the offer'd Price And Heav'n's aton'd by its own Sacrifice The Heav'n's with loud rebounding Shouts did ring And the glad Angels in new Anthems sing The Intercessor and mysterious King The rolling Years their Circles fill apace And well-breath'd Time runs its appointed Race Till it brought on the Hour when all should see The Son make good to Man his blest Decree That our expected Hope might be enjoy'd Divinity appears with Man alloy'd His Native Glory darts destructive Light And bright Oppression pours on Mortal's Sight He therefore draws a humane Veil between That temper'd Lustre might not Kill when seen Here two Extreams of distance infinite In one ineffable mysterious Knot unite God lives conceal'd within a Mould of Clay And does in Dust himself and 's Glory lay He that in all th' expanded Skies wants room Lies now encompass'd with a Virgins Womb. Immensity is wrapt in Swadling Bands The Prince by whom the World 's wide Fabrick stands Supported in his Mother's Arms we see And vast Eternity begins to be He leaves his Starry Seat and glitt'ring Crown And lays his dazling Robes of Glory down Then in an humble travelling Dress is seen Seeking as unknown Strangers do an Inn. Lord of the World to whom proud Monarchs owe Their Crowns and Scepters he that does bestow Honours and Wealth profusely on the Great Can't for his own Repose find out a Seat But must from Men to kinder Beasts Retreat No other Court receives the new-born King That to debase himself did choose to bring No other Pomp but naked Innocence Nothing for Ornament or for Defence He that the Wants of all the World supplies Himself oppress'd with Pain and Hunger Cries He Man's Assistance asks in vain to whom For Aid and Comfort all th' afflicted come Angels that did the Royal Stranger know The greatest Signs of Joy and Triumph show The Out-guards of their Camp saw marching round Celestial Splendor rising from the Ground And gave th' alarm the shining Squadrons fly To th' Out-lines and the Frontiers of the Sky To see the wond'rous Mediator Born Whom they Adore though stupid Hebrews Scorn Some with spread Wings shoot swiftly thro' the Air And to the Shepherds first the Tydings bear That a great Shepherd was at Beth'lem Born Whose Deeds and Triumphs should that Name Adorn Tho' Angels Sing obdurate Men are mute Nor will their Saviour and their King Salute Yet some few famous Sages come from far Conducted by a brigter Morning Star Left all the Wealth and Wonders of the East To see a greater Sun rise in the West To find the Prince to Herod they resort For where should Kings be found but in a Court But the directing Star that led their Way Stands still and points down with a streaming Ray To a mean Stable where the Stranger lay Where they with humble Adoration View The Infant Intercessor known to few Whom they present with Odoriferous Gums Choice Spices and Arabia's rich Perfumes The Sun of Righteousness begins to rise And Streaks with radiant Lines the Purple Skies Here did he from his healing Wings display The tender dawn of Everlasting Day Pale Terror through the Courts of Darkness flew And Hell 's sad Regions doubled Sorrow shew Th' Infernal Spirits wandring in the Air As Thunder-struck in Anger and Despair With Shreeks and hideous Yellings fly the Sight And the keen Horrour of the Heav'nly Light Like obscene Birds of Night they hast away And shun in Clefts and Caves the Rising Day The Prince of Darkness now begins to fear The Dissolution of his Empire 's near Th' ambiguous Oracles with Fear struck Dumb Proclaim'd by Silence the Messiah come Troubled and Sad th' Infernal Counsel sate Thoughful how best t' avert th' impending Fate Various Projections deep Designs were laid How best the dreaded Foe they might invade They first the Fury Jealousie dispatch To Herod's Court that might Occasion watch To kindle strong Suspicions in his Breast That th' Infant from him should his Scepter wrest She did so well perform her Hellish Part Herod soon yielded to her subtle Art For while the Sages leave their Eastern home And to admire the wondrous Infant come Herod afraid his ravish'd Crown to loose The Royal Infant 's hated Life pursues What to pale Tyrants dreadful won't appear When Love and Innocence can move their Fear 'T is true A King he is whose Empire 's vast Extent Shall pass all Bounds and last when Time is spent Submissive Monarchs shall their Scepters lay Before his Feet and his Just Laws Obey Kingdoms opprest shall his strong Aids invoke And thrust their Necks beneath his gentle Yoke The Roman Eagles shall the Conqueror own And Caesar Court him to Ascend his Throne Admir'd by all he shall in Triumph go Where fruitful Nile or fam'd Hydaspes flow Uncheckt by Africk Heats or Scythian Snow Nations invited by his Fame shall come More than e'er made their Court to Conquering Rome In splendid Embassies to sue for Peace And Worlds unknown his Empire shall increase The Earth shall banish'd Justice now regain And Love and Truth attend the happy Reign Soft Peace and Joy the chearful Earth shall Crown And Savage Beasts shall lay their Fierceness down The Lyon Wolf and Lamb no more their Prey And little Infants shall Promiscuous play The years in Golden Harness smiling pass And keeping beauteous Order run their Race Nor shall his Kingdom cease or Subjects dye For when Time finds its empty Channel dry And all its disappearing Streams shall Sleep Lost and engulph'd in vast Duration's Deep Then shall this King his full Dominion gain And in Eternal Peace and Triumph Reign But 't is not Worldly Empire he design'd His Scepter is his Grace his Throne the Mind Kings unmolested may their Scepters sway And Peaceful Subjects without Strife obey They may unrivall'd and unenvy'd reign And all their Pomp and Regal State maintain The great Redeemer has his Court unseen And reigns in Light and Heavenly Love within But from the false Usurper's Cruelty Officious Angels warn their Prince to fly He and his happy Parents leave their Home And all to Egypt's safer Border's come Egypt tho' for its Monsters famous grown Is now by trech'rous Palestine out-done For here they find a more secure Abode Egypt once Iacob sav'd and now his God The wandring God returns the Tyrant dead To rich Iudea's Soil from whence he fled Where he begins his Kingdom to assert And his mirac'lous Virtue to exert The Blind receiv'd their Sight their Feet the Lame And the Dumb spake to celebrate his Fame Loud Storms and Winds were husht at his Command And fierce wild Beasts did tame and harmless stand The wondring Dead arise and hasty come Obsequious to his Call from out their Tomb. VVith fresh-created Fish and Loaves he fed Th' admiring Crowd that lay around him spread To the Decrepit he new
grown And Arthur led an Army of his own Ten times the Sun had pass'd his oblique way By turns contracting and increasing Day Darting to either Pole a warmer Ray. And now the British Lords who though opprest The Western Region of their Isle possest Whither retreating they remain'd secure And from their Hills defy'd the Saxon Power Encourag'd by his war-like Fame invite The Valiant Arthur to assert his Right To make a bold Descent upon their Coast And win the Regions back that Uter lost Ten chosen Orators were straight dispatcht The chief whose charming Tongue was never matcht Was the great Tylon whose Immortal Worth Raises to Heav'n the Isle that gave him Birth A sacred Man a venerable Priest Who never spake and Admiration mist. Of Good and Kind he the just Standard seem'd Dear to the Best and by the worst esteem'd A generous Love diffus'd to Humane Kind Divine Compassion Mercy unconfin'd Still reign'd Triumphant in his God-like Mind Greatness and Modesty their Wars compose Between them here a perfect Friendship grows His Wit his Judgment Learning equal rise Divinely humble yet Divinely Wise. He seem'd Express on Heav'n's high Errand sent As Moses Meek as Aaron Eloquent Nectar Divine flows from his Heav'nly Tongue And on his Lips charming Perswasion hung When he the sacred Oracles reveal'd Our ravish'd Souls in blest Enchantments held Seem'd lost in Transports of Immortal Bliss No simple Man could ever speak like this Arm'd with Celestial Fire his sacred Darts Glide thro' our Breasts and melt our yielding Hearts So Southern Breezes and the Spring 's mild Ray Unbind the Glebe and thaw the Frozen Clay He triumph'd o'er our Souls and at his Will Bid this touch'd Passion rise and that be still Wolves Tygers grisly Lyons did admire As Poets feign Orpheus's melodious Lyre Charm'd with sweet Tylon's Voice a Kind more wild More fierce and savage grow divinely Mild. Lord of our Passions he with wondrous Art Can strike the secret movements of our Heart Release our Souls and make them soar above Wing'd with Divine Desires and Flames of Heav'nly Love He still convey'd sublime Seraphick Sense In unaffected Strains of Eloquence Easie and wonderful is all he says Does both Delight and Admiration raise His pious Soul did in sad Accents mourn Britannia's Chains and Pagan Gods return But hop'd kind Heav'n would free by Arthur's hand Of Barb'rous Laws and Gods th' afflicted Land With the great Tylon young Pollandor went Fam'd for his Valour and of high Descent With these wise Galbut and Mordennan joyn Whose Virtues vye with their Illustrious Line Valiant Giralden worn with War and Age Does in th' Important Embassy engage Gisan was added a Dobunian Knight Bold in the Senate and as Brave in Fight Hobar Mansellan Cadel Milo Skill'd In Arms and Eloquence the number fill'd Such Orators they chose fit to excite The Pious Arthur and his Arms invite Thus Tylon to the pious Prince addrest And found the passage open to his Breast Britannia crush'd beneath the Saxon Yoke Does with her mournful Prayer your Arms invoke Enslav'd by Forraign Power Distrest Undone She sues for Aid to you her Valiant Son And hopes for Succour from your Sword alone Octa all Right and ancient Law subverts And uncontroul'd Tyrannick Power asserts His Lawless Will grasps Arbitrary Sway And British Slaves without Reserve Obey The sacred Bounds and Lines which Right and Law Round all those just and happy Kingdoms draw Which from the Wast of Tyranny they gain Where Uproar Rage and wild Confusion reign These broken down Octa does open lay And throw the goodly Island up a Prey To Furies that in lawless Kingdoms stray Britannia by the Conquerour ravish'd first Then giv'n to Priests and Soldiers raging Lust Wretched Britannia sunk in deep Despair Beats her white Breasts and tears her golden Hair Dying with Anger Shame and Grief she lies And Floods of Tears gush from her beauteous Eyes Which swell the silver Tide of mournful Thames And grieve old Ocean with the troubled Srreams Hear pious Prince how to the Neustrian Shore Complaining Waves roll the sad Treasure o'er How murmuring Winds wast o'er Britannia's Sighs Can Arthur disregard his Countries Cries With words like these and such a moving Art As can't be told he touch'd the Prince's Heart With so much Life he spake sad Albion's Moans We thought we felt her smart and heard her Groans Nor did the pious Prince their Prayer oppose But soon resolv'd to ease Britannia's Woes To Odar he reveal'd his high Intent Who Ships and Men and Arms rejoycing lent Supplying all things our Descent requir'd And heaping Gifts more than our selves desir'd Our Ships prepared with chearful Zeal and Care We went on Board and soon embark'd the War Our Anchors weighed and Topsails loos'd a Gale Sprang up and swell'd the Womb of every Sail. Old Ocean pleas'd our bounding Vessels laves That with sharp Keels cut thro' the foaming Waves Th' astonish'd Saxons see and fear from far The long Succession of the Sailing War They spread thro' all the Isle the loud Alarm And trembling Octa hasts his Men to Arm. We Sail'd not long before the Sea ran high And gathering Clouds deform'd the lowring Sky The fearful Storm arose wherein we lost Th' extinguish'd Day and on the Billows tost We drove till forc'd upon th' Armoric Coast. He ceas'd and now the Shades of wearing Night Did the pleas'd Audience to their Rest invite Prince Arthur BOOK V. LOvely Aurora makes a mild Essay With glimm'ring Dawn to introduce the Day Her rosie Steps the Sun pursues and Spreads His smiling Glories on the Mountains Heads The Princes rose and Hoel thus exprest His friendly Passion to his Royal Guest Your Virtues shew you are by Heav'n design'd A great Deliv'rer of opprest Mankind You give to Realms with Wars molested Peace And from their Chains tormented Slaves release Fair Liberty's and blest Religion's Cause Reviving Hopes from your Protection draws Your prosp'rous Arms invading Plagues repel And monstrous Gods and monstrous Tyrants quell King Odar's Realm and mine you save in his You settle Peace and Truth divine in this And now compassion arms your valiant Hand To free from barbarous Rage your native Land To vanquish Pagan Darkness and display Immortal Light and pure Etherial Day My self will here abide and Succours lend O'er all the Realm Christ's Empire to extend Conan my Son shall on your Triumphs wait And when return'd your glorious Deeds relate I 'll now command that with incessant Care My Men assist your Losses to repair Then I 'll conduct you to the Druids Grove Which Men of heav'nly Contemplation love Where solemn Walks and awful shade invite Compos'd Devotion and Divine Delight Exclude the Sun's to let in purer Light There with your pious Conversation blest New Light will fill my Mind new Joy my Breast The Orders giv'n the Navy's Wants requir'd The Princes to the Druids Grove retired Where Arthur's Language did the King inspire With holy Transports
shall Strangers fetch And taught by her their own rude Countries teach Th' admiring World shall Albion then adore Revere her Armies but her Learning more As when the Wisdom of th' Eternal Mind Rude Chaos labour'd and the Mass refin'd The scatter'd Rays that wander'd in the Air Did to the Sun 's capacious Orb repair The shining Colonies pour'd thick around Here fixt and did a glorious Empire Found So here the broken Beams of glimmering Arts Assembling all their Light from distant parts To make bright Oxford's Luminary stay That o'er the World shall spread Celestial Day Remark Elfeda there a Martial Dame That by her Arms shall win Immortal Fame At last the Princes of the Saxon Line From Heav'nly Love and Purity decline Their Christian Virtues and pure Zeal abate And with them sickens their decaying State With Christian Names their Pagan Crimes they keep And deaf to Heav'n's loud Threats securely sleep Till the fierce Dane sent by supream Command A vengeful Scourge does on their Borders Land The Saxon's Guardian Angels call'd away Leave them to hostile Arms an easie Prey Thus Heav'n afflicts a Land when Impious grown And from their Throne pulls haughty Monarchs down This dreadful Curse shall by relenting Heav'n Be soon from sad Britannia's Empire driv'n The Cruel slothful Dane shall soon decline To make way for a nobler Norman Line That Prince observe that moves with so much Grace Is the great William of the Norman Race A mighty Prince a Leader Brave and Wise Whose towring Fame shall soar above the Skies Heav'n does for him Britannia's Crown design From which great Stock shall branch a numerous Line Of mighty Princes that shall Rule this Isle Enriching it with Conquer'd Nations Spoil The Valiant second Henry see him there What Majesty does in his Looks appear Through wild Hibernia he shall force his way And add four Kingdoms to the British Sway. Brave Richard see who from the sacred Coast Shall drive the Barb'rous Unbelieving Host. In Gaul this Monarch's Arms shall be renown'd Dreaded in Battel and with Conquest Crown'd Long time in Peace his Crown might be enjoy'd Could he the Arrow at Chaluz avoid Now Son your Eye to that brave Warriour turn Whose Beams so much the Norman Line adorn How great a Presence what a Port he bears How much a mighty Conq'rour he appears That Prince is Edward whose Victorious Arms Iudea save from Pagan Foes Alarms How he returns thro' the Trinacrian Isle Thro' high Parthenope's delicious Soil Thro' loud Applauses of admiring Rome Reeking in hostile Blood triumphant home The beauteous Person next that Monarch seen Is Eleonora his Illustrious Queen In Storms she 's with him on the Ocean tost To seek out horrid War on Asia's Coast. Midst barbarous Arms his Wife Adviser Friend She his prodigious Labours shall attend And when her Lord so Heav'n permits shall feel Within his Veins the Murd'rer's poison'd Steel She to the spreading Plague her Lips applies And gives that Ease which Asia's Balm denies Invading Death her healing Kisses charm And with new Life the sinking Monarch warm No other Prince that in this Age shall reign Shall equal Honour to brave Edward's Gain But great Adolphus of th' Illustrious Race Of Heros which the House of Nassau Grace This mighty Prince shall gain th' Imperial Sway And wide Germania shall his Laws obey The God-like Virtues and Heroick Fire That shall the brave Nassovian House inspire Shall make Adolphus shine in this high Sphear Preluding to the great Deliverer The pious William yonder he 's in Sight In whom Nassovian Blood and ours unite There war-like Edward stands that with his Host Shall cross the Ocean to the Gallick Coast. Where he his Conquering Ensigns shall display And make the haughty Franks his Laws obey There Queen Philippa shines th' Albanians Dread Worthy of Britain's Crown and Edward's Bed While Forraign Kingdoms Edward's Arms subdue Hers thro' the North the vanquish'd Seats pursue See the Black Prince in Armour by her side Proud Gallia's Terrour and fair Albion's Pride What Triumphs wait him in Pictavian Fields What never-fading Laurels Croissy yields That Henry mark the glorious Conquerour That Gallia shall reduce by Albion's Power Immortal Prince if Arms can make thee so For thee in Norman Fields what Laurels grow How great he 'll seem his Arms distain'd with Blood Chasing the Franks o'er Sein's affrighted Flood At Agencourt what Wonders shall be done What Towns of Force what Battels shall be won Before in Triumph he ascends their Throne Our Blood the Royal Channel now regains Deriv'd thro' Tudor our brave Offspring's Veins Which with the Norman joyn'd the Confluent Tide As long as that of Time shall downward glide From their Embrace to rule Britannia springs A glorious Race of Queens and potent Kings See the first Tudor that ascends the Throne After the glorious Field at Bosworth won The Scepter he shall sway with great Applause And Rule the Isle with Wise and Equal Laws Young Edward there Albion's Delight appears Learn'd Pious Manly Wise above his years Then Liberty in all her lovely Charms Shall sit secure from Tyranny's Alarms Religion purg'd from Rome's Adulterous Stain Shall in her pure and Native Splendor Reign No greater Mind to Albion's Crown succeeds Rever'd for Brave and lov'd for Pious Deeds Blest Albion if kind Heav'n would long permit So great a Monarch on thy Throne to sit But oh how short Delights attend him here Such Heav'nly Guests are shown and disappear Dear both to Earth and Heav'n he 'll soon remove His Throne from hence to Reign in Bliss above With what Complaints with what despairing Cries Shall sad Britannia Mourn his Obsequies There see the bright Elizabetha rise Inlightning with her Rays the British Skies Th' Indulgent Parent of her People she Loves Feeds and Guards Britannia's Family Heav'n's and her People's Rights she shall protect And for Britannia's Ease her own neglect Her Sons she shall embrace with pious Care And from her Coasts send back th' Iberian War Blest times when she that wears th' Imperial Crown Regards her Peoples Safety as her own Intently now on that great Monarch gaze So much distinguish'd by his brighter Rays This is the Man the brave Nassovian whom I nam'd the great Deliverer to come Succeeding Prophets under your great Name This our great Offspring shall aloud proclaim Rais'd from a noble Branch of Tudor's Line From Thamisis transplanted to the Rhine Amaz'd Posterity will scarce believe The wond'rous Deeds this Hero shall atchieve The European World by Rome and Gaul opprest By his long-wish'd-for Arms shall be releast He 'll far outshine his own Heroick Race Europe's Protectors who shall Tyrants chase And Monsters vanquish with Herculean Toil And rescue from their bloody Jaws their Spoil The beardless Hero's first victorious Arms Shall free his Country from the Gauls Alarms As he advances Seas of Gallick Blood Shall with red Streams swell Mosa's wondring Flood Their slaughter'd Ranks shall lie along the Rhine
And with strange Purple stain th' astonish'd Vine For in this Age Just Heav'n shall cause a haughty Prince to rise Cruel as Lucifer and like him wise Heav'n's Laws and Power the Tyrant shall deride Breaking in Sport the Oaths wherewith he 's tide Th' insatiate Monster pleas'd with humane Gore And urg'd with Hellish Rage shall first devour His Gallick Slaves and with a merc'less Hand Spread fearful Ruin o'er his fruitful Land Raging with Fire and Sword he shall invade His Neighbour's Cities to his Gold betray'd No Spoil no Carnage shall his Fury cloy But drunk with Blood he shall around destroy Like spreading Fires or Torrents roaring down From melting Snows that all the Vally drown Like Hell he shall derive his chiefest Joy From the divine Permission to destroy Mischief and Ruin he shall Conquest name And from Destruction raise a dismal Fame Regions laid wast Orphans and Widdows Cries Proclaim his Power and barb'rous Victories So dire a Plague shall Heav'n permit to reign To scourge the impious World but to restrain The savage Spoiler shall this Prince employ Monsters grow up for Heros to destroy The valiant Youth sinking Batavia saves Their surest Digue against the Gallick Waves After opprest Britannia shall invite The fam'd Deliverer to assert her Right His Arms the lowring Tempest shall dispel That threatning Albion rolls from Rome and Hell Fair Liberty her drooping Head shall rear And blest Religion on her Throne appear His Reign fresh Life to Albion shall impart And teach her Sons War 's long-forgotten Art Britons dissolv'd in soft inglorious Ease In courtly Vices and luxurious Peace He shall inspire with a new martial Flame And lead them on to gain their Ancient Fame Now Albion's Youth polish their rusty Arms And once more Gallia dreads their loud Alarms Victorious Britons as of old shall come Laden with Spoils and crown'd with Laurels home He ceas'd but near the great Nassovian stood A Heroine by mien of Royal Blood Her Form Divine and Seraph-like her Face Where Heav'nly Sweetness strove with Princely Grace But a black Cloud on her fair Temples lies And on the ground she fixt her beauteous Eyes Prince Arthur on th' Illustrious Form Intent Ask'd who she was and what the Sadness meant That her dejected Eyes did overspread What the thick Mist that hover'd round her Head King Uter with Reluctance thus replies While flowing Tears gush'd from his mournful Eyes Ah Son demand no more their Fates to know That must produce such universal Woe Telling that Offspring's Story I reveal A Scene of Grief I labour'd to conceal This Wonder to the World as soon as shown Is taken up to her Celestial Throne Ah! what sad Accents what a mournful Cry What lamentable Sounds will fill the Sky When her high Herse shall from her Palace go Thro' weeping Throngs in all the Pomp of Woe So sad a Cry did wondring Nile affright When Egypt's first-born Youth were slain by Night What Strains of Sorrow will Augusta show What Floods of Tears sad Thamisis will flow Into thy Stream while gliding by the Dome Where fresh erected stands her lofty Tomb. Son mind her Presence what a God-like Air What Throngs of Graces in her Eyes appear No nobler Genius no well fashion'd Mind E'er took a Turn more happily design'd From an Etherial Mould more labour'd and refin'd Mild as the blest above without serene As Eden's Air and calm as Heav'n within No lovelyer Star adorns the British Sphear Ah! might she longer in her Orb appear That her Celestial Influence might Flow In chearing Streams on all the Isle below New warmth to Albion her kind Beams afford To Albion guarded as before restor'd By the Nassovian Angel's flaming Sword My fairest Offspring ah her rigid Doom She shall Maria be Come quickly come Bring me white Lillies Roses newly blown Lillies and Roses like Maria's own These on her Herse I 'll scatter and perfume With od'rous Herbs and Flowers the precious Tomb. Let me my Sorrow thus express 't is true A fruitless Deed but all that Love can do The Tides of Grief that here swell'd Arthur's Breast Broke Sleeps soft Fetters and dissolv'd his Rest. The Airy Objects that without did wait Now rush in by the Senses open Gate His waking Thought the wondrous Scene reviews And various Passions in his Mind renews Prince Arthur BOOK VI. NOw in the East the Saffron Morn arose And call'd the Lab'rer from his soft repose Thro' all the Region flew Loquacious Fame And the glad tydings spread where'er she came Prince Arthur's Landed is the general Cry Straight to their Arms the chearful Britons fly The great Restorer all prepare to meet And warlike Noise resounds in every Street His eager Friends impatient of delay Had long expected this Auspicious Day They knew he was Embark'd to bring them Aid And for his quick and safe Arrival pray'd Oft on the Rocks and highest Hills they stood And all around the Subject Ocean view'd With longing Eyes hoping the sight to gain Of Arthur's Conquering Navy on the Main And when no Fleet no Arthur they descry'd They chid the Winds and interposing Tyde With less impatience staid th' Ithacian Dame Till to her Arms her wish'd Ulysses came The Sestian Maid not with such Passion stood To spy her Lover cutting thro' the Flood The Zealous Men while adverse Boreas reign'd And from the Coasts Prince Arthur's Fleet detain'd When mild Aurora with her rosy Light Began to streak the dusky Face of Night Oft from their Beds up to the Windows flew And thence the Fanes and flying Clouds would view To see if yet more favourable Gales Rose from the South to swell Prince Arthur's Sails Anxious they look around but when they find Their hopes retarded by an adverse Wind Their Sorrow in repeated Sighs exprest They to their Beds return but not to Rest. Thus they expected Arthur's powerful Aid And such their Sorrow was their Hope 's delay'd But now at last the Prince's Fleet arriv'd Raises their Courage and their Hopes reviv'd The joyful Throngs Prince Arthur's Praise proclaim This every Tongue employs ev'n Children aim That scarce have learn'd to speak to lisp his Name Some praise his Stature and his God-like Face His awful Presence and Majestick Grace His Courage some and Conduct in the Field And think great Caesar's Fame to his must yield His Clemency and Pity some admire And all the Virtues that his Mind inspire The Actions of his Childhood some repeat In which they still discover'd something Great And now what they expected he appears The Hero promis'd in his tender years Others relate the ancient Prophecies Wherein was told a Monarch should arise Of mighty Power and Universal Fame That should to Heav'n advance the British Name Things weigh'd and well compar'd they all consent Arthur's the Conq'rour that the Prophets meant Some tell their Friends their Courage to support What mighty Guards surround the Prince's Court What Succours hir'd were from Germania brought Succours as
the Blades Of Swords instead of Hooks and rural Spades Huge Gauntlets some some hollow Helmets beat And some o'er brazen Backs and Breastplates sweat Some shape their Darts and some their Javelins Points Or fit their pollish'd Armour 's Manly Joints Shap'ning their Arrows Heads some stand inclin'd Some on revolving Stones their Axes grind Some serve on foot some take the Horseman's Launce And to the Field their foaming Coursers praunce In hast some from their high roof'd Halls hung round With all the horrid Pride of War and crown'd With dusty Trophies take their massy Shield And flaming Sword and fly into the Field Some clasp their Helmets on some snatch their Spear And polish'd Buckler and in Arms appear Ensigns display'd and Trumpets voice delight The Saxon Youth and martial Minds excite The lighted Beacons from the Hills declare As blazing Comets do approaching War The flaming Signals giv'n the Regions round With Hors'men Arms and warlike noise resound As when In some great Town a Fire breaks out by Night And fills with crackling Flames and dismal Light With Sparks and Pitchy Smoak th' astonish'd Sky Th' affrighted Guards that first the Flame espy Straight giveth ' Alarm and spread the dreadful Cry Th' amaz'd Inhabitants the Signal take And run in Crowds half cloath'd and half awake To stop the spreading Ruin and to tame With spouting Engines the destructive Flame So when the frightful Cry of War begun Into the Fields in Troops the Saxons run Now Muse relate and in their Order name The People that from different Regions came What fam'd Commanders did their Squadrons head And what great Lords their valiant Subjects led First the stout Cantian Saxon from the Land That bravely once did Caesar's Arms withstand Where Joyful Nature sits in Plenty crown'd Hesperian Woods and Sylvan Scenes surround Her shady Throne that with rich Fruit abound Of these some on the flowry Banks reside Of fair Medvaga that with wanton Pride Forms silver Mazes with her crooked Tide The Durobrovian Youth of war-like Fame And bold Vagniacans together came With those about the fruitful Region bred Where Durovernum reers her stately Head They march from Thanotos and from her Towers Her valiant Youth sublime Rutupia pours Rutupia whose rich Gems and Pearly Store Inticed Victorious Caesar to her Shore Their chief Commanders were great Amades Valiant Theodriek Osred and with these Hengist a splendid Youth the Blood and Name Of the first Saxon of Illustrious Fame That from the Belgick Shore to Albion came From the fat Glebe they come and flowry Land Which the stout Trinobantes did Command Augusta sends her warlike Youth a Town Of ancient Fame to Forraign Merchants known Ev'n then for Naval Power of great Renown But since her stately Head is rais'd so high Her glorious Towers surmount the wondring Sky Her Royal Fleets the watry World controll Where the vast Ocean can his Billows roll Far as the Indies and from Pole to Pole Her Power by trembling Neighbour States is fear'd By distant Empires and new Worlds rever'd Her bellowing Oaks with louded Thunder roar Then what annoy'd them on their Hills before Shaking the Gallick and the Belgian Shore Britannia's Head she reigns in Wealth and Ease Mart of the World and Emp'ress of the Seas Edgar and Cissa both Illustrious Names From the delightful Banks of famous Thames Into the Field Augusta's Squadrons bring None fought more bravely for the Saxon King They from the Forests come whose Sports invite Augusta's Youth that in the Woods delight From the sweet Gardens of the fruitful East With smiling Flowers and od'rous Saffron blest From Camelodunum pop'lous once and proud Of its fam'd Colony of Roman Blood From round Canonium arm'd with Swords and Shields The warlike People March and from the Fields Where Idumanum verdant Wealth bestows Whose wanton Tide in wreathing Volumes flows Still forming Reedy Islands as it goes Brave Sebert led them valiant Oga's Son Whose Arms had great Renown in Battel won The chearful Youth from Verolamium came A Town of ancient and illustrious Fame Where fortify'd with Trenches Lakes and Wood The valiant Casibellan once withstood The Roman Arms oblig'd at last to yield Where Caesar fights who can maintain the Field Since cherish'd by th' indulgent Conquerour The City was advanc'd in Wealth and Power Its Towers gilt Fanes and Palaces did rise Darting Terrestrial Glories thro' the Skies Now where the City stood the Ploughman toils And as he works turns up old Roman Spoils Medals and Coins enrich th' admiring Clown Pavements and Urns by ancient Figures known From the rich Seats they came from whence their Sword The Coritanian chas'd the rightful Lord. From all the Towns around the spacious Wood Near which sublime Tripontium's Castles stood From Bannavenna well-arm'd Squadrons came And Durobrevis on Aufona's Stream Their chief Commanders were brave Alopas And valiant Egbert both of Horsa's Race They came who dwelt along the Southern Coast On which the German Ocean's Waves are tost The Soil the brave Icenian Britons blest With Peace and envy'd Plenty once possest Venta they left where Garienus Tide Does to the Bosom of Bardunus glide An ancient wealthy Town that did abound With warlike Youth and rul'd the Soil around High Branodunum does her Squadrons send Where Roman Arms did once the Coast defend They leave the Towns along fair Theta's Flood And happy Soil where Gariononum stood Those from the Banks of winding Stourus came And the rich Town that bore Faustinus name They come from Oza's Banks and from the Land Which lofty Combritonium did Command This numerous Saxon Youth that then obey'd King Ella's Laws advance to Octa's Aid Ella their Valiant Prince was at their Head And to the Field his warlike People led From Camboritum and the Neighb'ring Hills The chearful Youth drawn out the Region fills From Camboritum then a warlike Town Since for the Muses Seat much better known Her learned Sons have gain'd Immortal Fame And high as Heav'n have rais'd Britannia's Name Redwal whose Lands a vast Revenue yield Led them compleatly arm'd into the Field They leave the reedy Lakes and marshy Soil Once happy by the British Farmers Toil. Now the vext Land a Forreign Master knows Which o'er the Country like a Deluge flows That from the Sea the Banks born down is roll'd And o'er their Fields advances uncontroll'd The Valiant Youth from all the Region goes Which Trent and Lindis confluent Streams enclose High Margadunum all her Squadrons lends And stately Lindum which her Power extends O'er the wide Province her Battalions sends Mighty Ebissa from the Fenny Land Into the Field did lead this warlike Band. Orla and Imerick a Valiant Lord Fam'd for his Strength and vast unweildy Sword Drew all their Squadrons and Battalions forth From all their Towns that lay the farthest North. King Cerdic from the West his Army brought Who for the Saxon Empire bravely fought He all the Saxon Heros far excess'd Whose conquering Arms were never yet
glad Throng Arthur's loud Praises sings Let Arthur live the Towns and Fields resound Let Arthur live the ecchoing Hills rebound The Evening thus in Mirth and Triumph past The Britons to their Rest retir'd at last Mean time four Lords arriv'd from Tollo crave Audience of Octa which the Saxon gave To hear their Embassy in regal State High on his Throne the Saxon Monarch sate Duncan the cheif broke Silence thus we bring This Message from the great Albanian King He is advanc'd to give that powerful Aid Which by his Orator's King Octa pray'd A valiant Host obeying his Command Whose conquering Swords no force could yet withstand Who laid the Caledonian Forrest wast And from their Forts the fierce Meatian chas'd Halts on a Plain three Leagues remov'd from hence Ready t' engage their Arms in your Defence But then our Leader prays that when you come The Britons all subdu'd in Triumph home Fair Ethelina may be then his own The bright Reward that shall his Labours crown If to these happy Nuptialls you incline He 'll straight with yours his valiant Forces joyn Let not the Saxons doubt great Tollo's Arms Will free your Kingdom from the Foes Alarms He said forthwith Octa in counsel sate A matter so important to debate When Osred thus began Great Exigencies of our State perswade That we comply with this Proposal made We are compell'd by hard Affairs to court Th' Albanian Arms our Kingdom to support You know too well how much the Saxons Host Is weaken'd by the Numbers we have lost When matchless Arthur did our Troops invade What Havock his victorious Progress made What wide Destruction in our Army rag'd Where'er his fatal Weapons were engag'd Our frighted Troops when he advances fly Swift as the Clouds the Winds chace thro' the Sky But valiant Tollo rivals Arthur's Fame Equal their Courage and their Strength the same Against the Briton He 'll the Field maintain And on his Buckler his vast Strokes sustain No stronger Champion travers'd yet the Field To him or none the British Prince must yield Kind Heav'n has sent a Man so great and Brave From Arthur's Arms our threatn'd State to save I would not then his just Desire withstand But let him know you grant him his Demand This Grant to such a Prince we must allow Was always fit but necessary now He ceas'd and next Pascentius silence broke And wisely thus th' attentive Peers bespoke I once advis'd that to preserve the State We should strict Friendship with Prince Arthur make That we Britannia should between us share And with the Princess Nuptials end the War The Terms propos'd the British Hero please And all things seem'd to promise lasting Peace But when we were inform'd the British Host Had half their Force by raging Sickness lost Thinking we might with Ease the Foe defeat VVe from the Terms our selves propos'd retreat I wish that Rupture May not Heav'n provoke To bring our Necks beneath the British Yoke With all our Force the Britons we assail But Arthur's unresisted Arms prevail How great a Loss the Saxons undergo Our bleeding Wounds and endless Funerals show What Hero can be found to guard our State Against Prince Arthur's Arms and prosp'rous Fate True Tollo's Deeds give him a warlike Name But much inferiour to the Briton's Fame If we confiding in th' Albanian's Sword Fresh Triumphs to the Briton should afford Who after shall controuling Bounds oppose To the victorious Progress of our Foes Who then against the Torrent can contend And from th' o'erflowing Flood our Towns defend We shall in vain our former Conquests boast The Saxon sinks and all Britannia's lost All things well weigh'd Prince Arthur looks to me As one supported by divine Decree To Empire rais'd by unchang'd Destiny If so in vain all our Attempts are made In vain we build our Hopes on Tollo's Aid We shall oppose inevitable Fate And in our Ruin learn our Fault too late I would Prince Arthur's Temper sound and strive Once more the former Treaty to revive This way we may controul the Conquerors ' Arms And Arthur bind by Ethelina's Charms This way perhaps you 'll stem the rapid Tyde And gain a Conquest to your Arms deny'd Pascentius ceas'd Crida with Choler burn'd And with an Air disturb'd these Words return'd We all well know Pascentius Tongue was made Smooth soft and fluent fitted to perswade For courtly Arts and fine Intreagues of State No Saxon Genius can Pascentius mate All to his Eloquence at home must yield As he to all for Courage in the Field Men of the Cabinet take no Delight In bloody War they are too wise to fight The Briton's Strength and Arthur's Arms I find Strike fiercely on a Prudent timerous Mind A brave Heroick Spirit can't despair That minds the Turns and doubtful Chance of War Joyn'd by the Pict and Albanian Horse We'er much superiour to the British Force Tollo and Mordred both for Arms are fam'd Whose Deeds with greater Wonder are proclaim'd We too have Heros left that dare engage The Briton's Arm and can sustain his Rage My self will meet him in the Field and stand Unmov'd against the Fury of his Hand Shall we at last a conquer'd Nation fear And long inur'd to Victory despair Let not our vile Submission stain our Name And lessen thro' the World the Saxon Fame No let the King with Tollo's Prayer comply Our Forces joyn'd must make the Britons fly He ceas'd the Councel murmur'd their Applause And pleas'd with this Advice King Octa rose He straight dispatch'd th' Albanian Orators By whom the valiant Tollo he assures That he the Britons by his Aid subdu'd Shall Ethelina wed for whom he sued Withall he added that Affairs requir'd Their Troops should joyn before the Truce expir'd His Oratours return'd to Tollo bring The pleasing Answer of the Saxon King Tollo transported with excessive Joy Believes no Rival could his Hopes destroy As if the Battel were already won He thinks the Beauteous Princess is his own Glitt'ring in Arms like a refulgent Star He leads his Scotish Nation to the War A Nation fierce and haughty by Success Which Albion's Northern Soil did then posess For a rude cruel People bred to Spoil To Blood and Rapine from th' Hibernian Isle Did in this Age infest th' Albanian Coast And landed there at last their barb'rous Host. Scots they were call'd from their wild Island 's Name For Scotia and Hibernia were the same Here their new Seats the prosperous Pyrates fix And their course Blood with the old Britons mix These their Albanian Seats new Scotia stile Leaving Hibernia to their native Isle The Calidonian Britons dispossest And by a hard tirannick Yoke opprest Did these Hibernian Scotish Lords obey And felt the Curses of a forraign Sway. This Nation then obey'd King Tollo's Laws And now in Arms asserts the Saxon Cause The mighty Donald of the Northern Isles Of Visage fierce and dreadful with the Spoils Of grisly Bears and of the foaming Boar