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A19465 Certain most godly, fruitful, and comfortable letters of such true saintes and holy martyrs of God, as in the late bloodye persecution here within this realme, gaue their lyues for the defence of Christes holy gospel written in the tyme of their affliction and cruell imprysonment. Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568.; Bradford, John, 1510?-1555, Exhortacion to the carienge of Chrystes crosse. Selections.; Cranmer, Thomas, 1489-1556. Copy of certain lettres sent to the Quene, and also to doctour Martin and doctour Storye. Selections.; Hooper, John, d. 1555. Soveraigne cordial for a Christian conscience.; Hooper, John, d. 1555. Whether Christian faith maye be kepte secret in the heart, without confession therof openly to the worlde as occasion shal serve.; Ridley, Nicholas, 1500?-1555. Frendly farewel. 1564 (1564) STC 5886; ESTC S108888 571,783 726

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to God alone Moreouer themperial lawes customes of this realme the king in his Coronatiō The oth of the king Iustices the duty of subiectes al Iustices whē they receaue theyr offices be sworne and all the whole realme is bound to defend and maintayn But contrary hereunto the Pope by his authority maketh voyde and commaundeth to blot out of our bokes all lawes and customes beyng repugnāt to hys lawes and declareth accursed all rulers and gouernours all the makers wryters and executors of such lawes or customes as it appeareth by many of the Popes lawes wherof one or two I shall rehearse In the decrees distin .x. is written thus Cōstitutione contra canones decreta praesulū Romanorum vel bonos mores nullius sunt momenti That is The constitutions or statutes enacted against the Canons and decrees of the bishops of Rome or their good customes are of none effect Also Extra de sententia excommunicationis nouerit Excommunicamus omnes haereticos vtriusque sexus quocūque nomine censeantur fautores receptatores defensores eorum nec non qui de caetero seruari fecerint statuta edita consuetudines contra ecclesiae libertatem nisi ea de capitularibus suis intra duos menses post huiusmodi publicationem sententiae fecerint amoueri Item excommunicamus statutarios scriptores statutorum ipsorum nec non potestates consules rectores consiliarios locorum vbi de caetero huiusmodi statuta consuetudines editae fuerint vel seruatae nec non illos qui secundū ea praesumpserint iudicare vel in publicam formā scribere iudicata That is to say we excōmunicate al heretikes of both sexes what name soeuer they be called by and their fauourers receptours and defendours and also them that shall hereafter cause to be obserued statutes and customes made against the liberty of the church except thei cause the same to be put out of their bokes or records within two monethes after the publication of thys sentēce Also we excommunicate the statute makers and writers of those statutes also the potestates consuls gouernours counsailours of places where suche statutes and customes shall bee made or kepte and also those that shall presume to geue iudgement according to them or put in to publyke forme of writing the matters so iudged Now by these lawes if the bishop of Romes authority which he claimeth by God be lawfull al your graces lawes and customes of your Realme being contrarye to the popes lawes be naught and aswell your maiesty as your iudges iustices and all other executours of the same stand accursed among heretickes which God forbid And yet this curse can neuer be anoyded if the Pope haue such power as he claimeth vntill such times as the lawes and customes of this realm The Popes lawes the lawes of England are contrary being contrary to his lawes be taken away and blotted out of the law bokes And although ther be many lawes of this Realme contrary to the lawes of Rome yet I named but a few as to conuict a clarke before any temporall iudge of this Realme for debte felony murther or for any other crime which clarks by the Pops lawes be so exempte frō the kings lawes that they can be no where sued but before theyr Ordinary Also the pope by his lawes may geue al bishoprikes benefices spirituall which by the lawes of this realme can be geuē but only by the kings other patrones of the same except they fal into the lapse By the popes lawes ius patronatus shal be sued onlye before the ecclesiastical iudge but by the lawes of this realme it shal be sued before the temporal Iudge and to be shorte the lawes of this Realme do agre with the Popes lawes like fire and water And yet the kings of this Realme haue prouided for theyr lawes by the premunire so that if anye man haue let the excecution of the lawes of this Realme by any authority from the sea of Rome he falleth into the premunire But to mete with this the popes haue prouided for theyr lawes by cursinge For who so euer letteth the Popes lawes to haue full course within this realme by the Popes power standeth accursed So that the Popes power treadeth all the lawes and customes of this Realme vnder his fete cursing al that execute them vntil such time as they geue place vnto his lawes But it may be said that notwithstanding all the popes decrees yet we do execute still the lawes and customes of this Realme Nay not all quietlye without interuption of the pope And where wee do execute them yet we do it vniustly if the popes power be of force and for the same we stande excommunicate and shal do vntill we leaue the execution of our owne lawes customes Thu●●o ●e be well reconciled to Rome allowing such authority 〈◊〉 ●hy the Realme standeth accursed before God if the p● 〈◊〉 ●ue any such autority These things 〈◊〉 ●uppose were not fully opened in the parliament house whē the popes authority was receiued agayn within this Realme for if they had I doe not beleue that either the king or Quenes maiestye or the nobles of this Realme or the commons of the same woulde euer haue consented to receaue againe suche a forraine autoritye so iniurious hurtefull and preiudiciall aswell to the crowne as to the lawes and customes and state of this realme as wherby they muste needes acknowledge themselues to be accursed But none could open this matter wel but the clergy and that such of them as had red the popes lawes whereby the pope hath made himself as it were a God These seeke to maintain the pope whome they desired to haue their chief head to the intent they might haue as it were a kingdom lawes wythin thēselues distinct from the lawes of the crowne and wherwyth the crowne maye not meddle and so beinge exempted from the lawes of the crowne mighte liue in thys realme lyke Lordes and kinges wythout dammage or fear of any man The papists to set vp a kingdom of theyr own dissēble the knowne truth and are false to the crowne so that they please theyr hyghe and supreame heade at Rome For thys consyderation I weene some that knewe the truthe helde theyr peace at the Parliamente where as if they had done theyr duetyes to the crown and whole realme they should haue opened theyr mouthes declared the truth shewed the perils dangers that myght ensue to the crowne realme And if I should agre to allow suche autoritye within thys realme wherby I must needes confesse that your most gratious hyghenes and also youre Realme shoulde euer continue accursed vntyl you shall cease from the execution of youre owne Lawes and customes of youre realme I coulde not thyncke my selfe true eyther to youre highnes or to thys my naturall countrye knowyng that I do know Ignoraunce I know may excuse
breade and wine and saide of the cuppe drinke ye all of this the Pope geueth a cleane contrarye commaundemente that no laye man shall drynke of the cup of their saluation as thoughe the cuppe of Saluation by the bloud of Christ pertained not to lay men And wheras Theophilus Alexandrinus whose workes Saincte Hierom did trāslate about eleauen hundred yeres passed saith that if Christ had bene crucified for the Deuils his cup shoulde not be denied them yet the Pope denieth the cup of Christ to christen people for whome Christ was crucified so that if I should obey the Pope in these thinges I muste nedes disobey my sauior Christ But I was answered hereto as commonly the papists do answer that vnder the forme of bread is whole christes flesh and bloude so that whosoeuer receaueth the forme of bread receiueth aswel christes bloud as his fleshe Let it be so yet in the forme of breade onely Christes bloude is not dronken but eaten nor receaued in the cuppe vnder forme of wyne as Christ commaunded but eaten with the flesh vnder the forme of breade moreouer the bread is not the sacrament of his bloud but of his fleshe only nor the cup is not the sacrament of his flesh but of his bloud only and so the Pope kepeth from al lay persons the Sacrament of their redemption by Christes bloud which Christ commaunded to geue vnto them And furthermore Christ ordayned the sacrament in two kindes the one separated from the other to be a representation of his deathe where his bloud was separated from hys fleshe whiche is not represented in one kynde alone so that the lay people receiue not the whole sacrament wherby Christes death is represented as he commaunded Moreouer as the Pope taketh vpon him to geue the temporal sword or royal imperial power to kinges prynces so doth he likewise take vpō him to depose them from theyr imperial states if they be disobedient to hym and commaundeth the subiectes to disobey their prynces assoyling the subiectes aswel of their obedience as of their lawfull othes made vnto theyr true kinges and Prynces directly contrary to gods commaundeniente who commaundeth all subiectes to obey theyr kinges or other rulers vnder them One Iohn Patriarche of Constantinople in the time of S. Gregory claimed superioritie aboue all other bishops to whom sainct Gregorye writeth that therin he did iniurie to hys iij. brethren which were equall with hym that is to say the bishop of Rome of Alexandria of Antiochia which iij. were patriarchal seas aswell as Constantinople and were brethren one to an other But sayeth Saincte Gregorye if anye one shall exalte him selfe aboue all the rest to be the vniuersal bishoppe the same passeth in pryde but now the bishop of Rome exalteth himselfe not only aboue all bishops but also aboue all kynges and Emperours and aboue the whole world taking vpon hym to geue and take away to set vp and put downe as he shall thinke good And as the deuill hauyng no such authoritie The deuil● the Pope are like yet toke vpon hym to geue vnto Christ all the kyngdomes of the world if he would fall downe and worshippe him in lyke manner the Pope taketh vppon hym to geue Empyres and kingdomes beyng none of hys to suche as wil fal downe worship him and kysse his feete And moreouer his lawyers and glosers so flatter him that they say he may commaund Emperours and kynges to hold hys stirroppe when he lighteth vppon hys horse and to bee hys footemen and that if any Emperour or kyng geue hym any thyng they geue hym nothyng but that is hys owne and that he may dispense agaynst Gods word agaynste the old and new Testament against S. Paules epistles and against the Gospel And furthermore whatsoeuer he doth although he draw innumerable people by heapes wyth himselfe into hell yet may no mortal man reproue hym bicause he beyng iudge of al men may be iudged of no man thus he sytteth in the tēple of god The Pope is Antichrist that is Christs enemy Wherfore the Pope is Antichrist as he were a god nameth him self Gods Vicar yet he dispenseth agaynst God If this be not to play Antichrists part I cānot tel what is Antichrist which is no more to say but Christs enemy and aduersary who shall syt in the temple of God aduauncyng hymselfe aboue all other yet by hipocrisy and fayned religion shall subuert the true religion of Christ and vnder pretense and colour of Christian religion shall worke agaynst Christ therfore hath the name of Antichrist Now yf any man lyfte hymselfe hygher then the Pope hath done who lifteth him selfe aboue all the world or can be more aduersary to Christ thē to dispense agaynst Gods lawes where Christ hath geuen any cōmaundement to commaund dyrectly the cōtrary the mā must nedes be takē for Antichrist But vntyl the tyme that such a person may be found men may easly coniecture where to find Antichrist Wherfore seyng the Pope thus to ouerthrow both gods lawes and mans lawes taketh vpon hym to make Emperours and kinges to be vassals Subiects vnto hym specially the crowne of thys realme with the lawes customes of the same I see no mean how I may cōsent to admit this vsurped power within this realme cōtrary to myne othe mine obedience to gods law mine allegeaunce and duety to your maiesty and my loue and affectiō to thys realme This that I haue spoken against the power and authority of the Pope I haue not spoken I take God to record and iudge for any malice I owe to the Popes person whom I know not but I shal pray to god to geue him grace that he may seke aboue al things to promote gods honour and glory and not to follow the trade of hys predecessors in these latter dayes nor I haue not spoken it for feare of punishment and to auoyde the same thynkyng it rather an occasion to aggrauate then to diminish my trouble but I haue spoken it for my most bounden duty to the crowne liberties lawes and customes of thys realme but most especially to discharge my conscience in vtteryng the truthe to gods glory castyng away all feare Luke 12 by the comfort which I haue in Christes wordes who sayeth Feare not them that kill the body and cannot kill the Soule but feare hym that can caste both body and soule into hell He that for feare to lose this life will forsake the truth shall lose the euerlasting lyfe and he that for the truthes sake wyll spend hys lyfe shall fynde euerlasting life And Christ promiseth to stād fast with them before hys father which wil stand fast with him here Mathe. x. which comforte is so great that whosoeuer hath his eyes fixed vpon Christ cannot greatly passe of thys life knowyng that he may be sure to haue Christ stand by him in the presence of his father in heauen As touchyng
the said wyll and both he and his priuy counsell also enformed me that the Iudges his learned counsell sayde that the acte of entayling the crowne made by his Father coulde not be preiudiciall to him but that he being in possessiō of the crowne might make his wil therof this semed very straung vnto me but being the sentence of the Iudges and other his learned counsell in the lawes of this realme as both he and his Counsel informed me me thoughte it became not me beyng vnlearned in the law to stād against my prince therin so at lēgth I was required by the kinges maiesty him self to set to my hād to his wil saying that he trusted that I alone would not be more repugnāt to his wil thā the rest of the coūsel were which words surely greued my harte very sore and so I graunted him to subscribe his will and to follow the same whiche when I had set my hande vnto I did it vnfainedly and withoute dissimulation For the which I submit my selfe most humbly vnto your maiesty acknowledging mine offence wyth most greuous and sorowfull hart and beseching your mercy and pardon which my hart geueth me shall not be denied vnto me being graūted before to so many which trauailed not so much to disswade both the King and his counsell as I did And where as it is contayned in two acts of parliament as I vnderstand that I wyth the Duke of Northumberland should deuise and compasse the depriuation of your Maiesty from your royal crowne surely it is vntrue for the Duke neuer opened his mouth to me to moue me anye suche matter nor I hym nor his heart was not suche towardes me seekyng long tyme my destruction that he woulde eyther truste me in suche a matter or thinke that I would bee perswaded by him It was other of the Counsel that moued me and the Kynge hymselfe the Duke of Northumberlād not beyng present Neither before neyther after had I euer any priuy communication wyth the duke of that matter sauyng that openly at the coūsel table the duke said vnto me that it became not me to say to the king as I dyd when I went about to disswade hym frō the sayd will Nowe as concernyng the estate of religion as it is vsed in thys Realme of England at this presente if it please youre highnesse to licence me I woulde gladly write my minde vnto your maiestye I will neuer God willyng be author of sedition to moue subiectes from the obedience of their heades and rulers whiche is an offence moste detestable If I haue vttered my mind to your Maiestye beyng a Christian Queene and Gouernour of this realme of whom I am most assuredly perswaded that your gratious intent is aboue al other thinges to prefer gods true word his honour and glory if I haue vttered I say my mynd vnto your Maiestye then I shall thynke my selfe discharged for it lyeth not in me but in your grace onelye to see the reformation of thynges that be amysse To priuate subiectes it appertaineth not to reforme thinges but quietly to suffer that they cannot amēd yet neuerthelesse to shew your maiesty my mind in thinges appertaining vnto god me think it my duety knowyng that I do and considering the place which in tymes past I haue occupied yet will I not presume therunto wythout your graces pleasure first known your licēce obtayned wherof I most humbly prostrate to the ground do beseche your Maiestye and I shall not cease daily to pray to almighty God for the good preseruation of your maiesty from all enemies bodily and ghostly and for the encrease of all goodnes heauenly and earthly duryng my life as I do and will do whatsoeuer come of me ¶ An other letter to Quene Mary IT may please your Maiesty to pardon my presūption that I dare be so bold to wryte to your highnes but very necessity constraineth me that your maiesty may know my mind rather by mine owne writing than by other mēs reportes So it is that vpō Saturday being the .7 day of this moneth I was cited to appeare at Rome the .lxxx. day after there to make answer to such matters as shoulde be obiected against me vppon the behalfe of the Kyng and youre moste excellente Maiestye whiche matters the Thursday followyng were obiected against me by Doctor Martin and doctour Story your maiesties Proctours before the byshop of Gloucester sittyng in iudgemēnt by commission from Rome But alas it can not but greue the hart of any natural subiect to be accused of the kyng and Queene of hys owne Realme The kinge and Quene make them selues no better than subiectes in complaning of their own subiecte to an outward iudge as though thei had no power to punishe hym and specially before an outward iudge or by auctority commyng from any person out of thys Realme where the king and Quene as if they were subiects within their owne Realme shal cōplayne and require iustice at a straungers handes agaynst theyr owne subiecte beyng already condemned to death by theyr owne lawes as though the kyng and Queene could not do or haue iustice within theyr owne Realme againste theyr owne subiectes but they must seke it at a straungers hands in a straunge lād the like wherof I thinke was neuer sene I would haue wished to haue had som meaner aduersaries and I thynke that death shal not greue me much more than to haue my most dread and most gratious soueraigne Lord and lady to whom vnder god I do owe all obedience to be myne accusers in iudgement wythin theyr owne realme before anye straunger and outwarde power But forasmuch as in the tyme of the prynce of most famous memory King Henry the .8 your graces father The first cause why he woulde not make answer to the Popes cōmissarye is to auoyd periurye The secōd cause is for that the popes laws ar cōtrari to the crown and lawes of Englande I was sworn neuer to consent that the byshop of Rome shoulde haue or exercise any autoritie or iurisdiction in this realme of England therfore least I should allowe his authority contrary to myne othe I refused to make aunswer to the byshop of Gloucester sytting here in iudgement by the Popes authority leaste I should runne into periury An other cause why I refused the Popes auctority is this that hys auctority as he claymeth it repugneth to the crowne imperial of this realme to the lawes of the same whych euery true subiect is boūd to defēd Fyrst for that the Pope sayeth that all manner of power aswel temporal as spyrytual is geuen fyrst to him of God and that the temporal power he geueth vnto emperours kinges to vse it vnder hym but so as it be alwayes at hys cōmaundement and becke But contrary to thys clayme the emperial crowne iurisdiction temporall of thys realme is taken immediatly from God to be vsed vnder hym only and is subiecte vnto none but
to Daniels Prophecy and finally with all falshed deceyte hypocrysy and all kind of vngodlines are as cleane contrarye to Gods word as darknesse is vnto lyghte or lighte to darkenesse white to blacke or blacke to white or as beliall vnto Christ or Christe vnto Antichrist him selfe I know my Lords foresaw whē I wrote this that so manye of you as shoulde see this my writing not beinge before indued with the spirite of grace and the lighte of Gods word so many I say would at these my wordes Lorde like stampe and spurne and spit thereat But sober your selues with pacience and be still and knowe ye that in my writing of this my mind was none other but in God as the liuing God doth beare me witnes both to do you profite and pleasure And otherwise as for your displesure by that time this shal come to your knowledge I trust by gods grace to be in the hands and protection of the almighty my heauēly father and the liuing Lorde which is as S. Iohn sayth the greatest of all and then I shall not nede I trow to feare what any Lord no nor what king or prince can do vnto me My Lordes if in times past ye haue bene cōtented to hear me sometimes in matters of relygion before the Prynce in the pulpit and in the Parliament house and haue not semed to haue dispised what I haue sayd when as els if ye had perceaued iust occasion ye might thē haue suspected in my talk thoughe it had bene reasonable either desire of worldly gain or feare of displeasure howe hath then youre Lordeshyppes more cause to harkē to my word to hear me paciētly seing now ye cannot iustly thinke of me being in this case appointed to dye and loking daylye when I shall be called to come before the eternall iudge otherwise but that I only study to serue my Lord God and to say that thinge which I am perswaded assuredly by Gods worde shal and doth please him and profite all them to whome God shal geue grace to heare and beleue what I do saye and I doe saye euen that I haue sayd heretofore both of the sea of Rome and of the bishoppe therof I meane after this theyr presente state at this daye Wherin if ye will not beleue the ministers of God and true preachers of hys woorde verelye I denounce vnto you in Verbo domini except ye do repēt betime it shal turne to your confusion and to youre smarte on the latter day Forget not what I saye my Lordes for Goddes fake forgette not Psal 4. but remember it vpon youre bedde For I tell you moreouer as I know I must be countable of thys my talke and of my speakinge thus to the eternall iudge who will iudge nothing amisse so shall you be countable of your duety in hearing and you shal be charged if ye wil harkē to gods word for not obeing to the truth Alas my Lordes how chaunceth this that this matter is now a new agayne to be perswaded vnto you who would haue thought of late but your Lordshyps had bene perswaded in deede sufficientlye or els that ye coulde euer haue agreed so vniformelye with one consent to the abolishmēt of the vsurpatiō of the bishop of Rome If that mater were then but a matter of policy wherein the prince must be obeied how is it now made a mater wherin as your clergy sayeth now and so sayth the popes lawes in deede standeth the vnity of the catholike church and a matter of necessitye of oure saluation Hathe the time being so shorte since the deathe of the two last kinges Henry the .viij and Edward his sonne altered the nature of the matter If it haue not but was of the same nature and daunger before God then as it is now be now as it is sayd by the popes lawes and the instructiōs set forth in english to the curates of the dioces of Yorke in deede a matter of necessitye to saluation howe then chaunced it that ye were all O my Lords so lighte and so little passed vpon the catholick faith and the vnity therof without the which no mā can be saued as for your princes pleasures which were but mortal men to forsake the vnitye of youre catholike faith that is to foresake Christ and his holy gospell And furthermore if it were both then and now so necessary to saluation how chaunced it also that ye all the whole body of the Parliamēt agreing with you dyd not only abolish and expel the byshop of Rome but also did abiure him in your own parsons and did decree in your actes great othes to be taken of both the spiritualty tēporalty whosoeuer shold entre into any waighty charge able offyce in the common wealth But on thother syde if that law and decree which maketh the supremacye of the sea and Bishop of Rome ouer the vniuersal church of Christ a thing of necessity required vnto saluation be an Antichristian law as it is in deede and such instructions as are geuen to the dioces of Yorke be in deede a settinge forth of the power of that beast of Babilon by the craft and falshod of hys false prophets as of truth compared vnto Gods word truly iudged by the same it shal playnly appere that they be then my Lordes neuer thinke other but the daye shall come when ye shal be charged with this your vndoing of that that once ye had well done with this your periury breach of your oth which oth was done in iudgement iustice truth agreable to Gods law The whore of Babilō may wel for a time dally with you make you so dronkē with the wine of her filthy stewes whoredom as with her dispensations promises of pardon A pena culpa that for dronkennes blinnes ye may thinke yourselues safe But be ye assured when the liuing Lorde shall trye the matter by the fyre and iudge it according to his word when all her abhominations shall appeare what they be then ye my Lords I geue your Lordships warning in time repent if ye be happy and loue your owne soules health repent I say or els without all doubte ye shall neuer escape the handes of the liuinge Lorde for the gilt of your periury the breach of your oth As ye haue bāketed and layne by the whore in the fornication of her whorysh dispensations pardons idolatry such like abhominations so shall ye drinke with her excepte ye repent betime of the cuppe of the Lords indignation euerlasting wrath which is prepared for the beast his false prophetes al their partakers For he that is partner with thē in they re whoredome abhominatiōs must also be partner with thē of theyr plagues on the latter daye shal be throwne with them into the lake burning with brimstone and vnquenchable fyre Thus fare ye well my Lordes all I praye God geue you vnderstanding of hys blessed
other men but he that knoweth howe preiudiciall and iniurious the power and autoritye which he chalengeth euery where is to the crown lawes and customes of thys realm and yet wil allow the same I cannot se in any wyse how he can kepe hys due allegeaunce fydelity and truth to the crowne and state of this realme An other cause I alleged The thyrde cause why he could not allow the Pope why I could not allow the autoritye of the pope whyche is thys That by hys authoritye he subuerteth not only the lawe 〈…〉 realme but also the lawes of God The popes religion is agaynst Christs religion so that whosoeuer be vnder hys authority he suffereth them not to be vnder Christes religion purely as Christ did commaunde And for one example I brought forth that wheras by Gods lawes al christiā people be boundē diligently to learne hys word that they may know how to beleue and liue accordingly for that purpose he ordayned holy daies when they ought leauyng apart all other busines Why latin seruice oughte not to be restored in Englande to geue themselues wholy to knowe serue God Therfore Gods wyll and commaundement is that when the people be gathered together the ministers shuld vse such language as the people maye vnderstand and take profite therby or els hold theyr peace For as an harpe or lute if it geue no certaine sound that men may know what is striken who can daunce after it for all the sounde is in vayne so is it vayne and profiteth nothyng sayeth almighty god by the mouth of S. Paule if the priest speake to the people in a language which they knowe not for els he may profite hymselfe but profiteth not the people sayeth S. Paule But herein I was answered thus that S. Paul spake only of preachyng that the preacher should speake in a tongue which the people did know or els hys preachyng auayleth nothing But yf the preachyng auayleth nothing being spoken in a language which the people vnderstande not how should any other seruice auayle them beyng spoken in the same language And that yet S. Paule ment not only of preachyng it appeareth plainly by his own words for he speaketh by name expressely of praying singyng laudyng and thankyng of God and of al other thynges which the Priestes say in the churches wherunto the people saye Amen which they vsed not in preaching but in other diuine seruice that whether the Priestes rehearse the wonderfull workes of god or the great benefites of god vnto mankind aboue all other creatures or geue thāks vnto god or make open profession of theyr faith or humble confession of theyr synnes wyth earnest requeste of mercy and forgeuenes or make sute or request vnto god for any thyng then al the people vnderstandyng what the Priestes say myght ioyne theyr myndes and voyces wyth them and say Amen that is to saye allowe what the Priestes saye that the rehersall of Gods vniuersall workes and benefites the geuyng of thankes the profession of faith the confession of synnes and the requestes and petitions of the Priestes and the people might ascend vp into the eares of god altogether and be as a swete sauour odour and incense in hys nose thus was it vsed many hundred yerrs after Christes ascension But the aforesayde thynges cannot be done when the priestes speake to the people in a language not knowen and so they or theyr clarke in theyr name say Amen but they cannot tell wherunto where as saint Paule saith how can the people say Amen to thy well saying when they vnderstand not what thou saiest And thus was S. Paule vnderstanded of all interpretours both the Grekes and Latines olde and new scholeautors and others that I haue redde vntyll about xxx yeres past at which time one Eckius with other of hys sort began to deuyse a new expositiō vnderstanding S. Paule of preachyng only But when a good number of the best learned men reputed wythin thys realme some fauouryng the old some the new learnyng as they terme it where in dede that which they call the old is the newe and that which they call the new is in dede the old but when a great number of such learned men of both sortes were gathered together at wynsor for the reformatiō of the seruice of the Churche It was agreed by bothe wythout controuersie not one sayeng contrary that the Seruyce of the Church ought to be in the mother tongue and that Sainct Paule in the .14 chapter to the Corynthians was so to bee vnderstanded And so is sainct Paule to be vnderstanded in the ciuil law more then a thousand yeres past where Instinianus amoste godly Emperour in a synode writeth on thys maner Iubemus vt omnes episcopi pariter praesbyterî non tacito modo sed clara voce quae a fideli populo exaudiātur sacram oblationem preces in sacro baptismate adhibitas celebrēt quo maiori exinde deuotione in depromendis Domini Dei laudibus audientium animi efferantur Ita enim Diuus Paulus docet in epistola ad Corinth Si solummodo benedicat spiritus quomodo is qui priuati locum tenet dicet ad gratiarum actionem tuam Amen quandoquidem quid dicas non videt Tu quidem pulchre gratias agis alter autem non aedificatur That is to say we commaund that all byshops and Priests celebrate the holy oblation and praiers vsed in holy baptisme not after a stil close maner but wyth a cleare loud voyce that they may be plainly heard of the faithful people so as the hearers mindes may be lifted vp therby with the greater deuotion in vtteryng the prayses of the Lord God For so Paule teacheth also in the epistle to the Corinthians 1 Cor. 14. Yf the spirit doe onely blesse or say wel howe shall he that occupieth the place of a priuate person say Amen to thy thankes geuyng for he perceiueth not what thou saiest Thou doest geue thākes wel but the other is not edified And not onely the ciuile lawe al other writers a thousand fyue hundreth yeres continually together haue expoūded S. Paule not of preaching onely but of other Seruice saide in the churche but reason also geueth the same that if men bee commaunded to heare any thyng it must be spoken in a language whiche the hearers vnderstand or els as S. Paule sayth what auayleth it to beare So that the Pope geuyng a contrary commaundement The Pope cōmaūdeth ●oth against God natural reasō The sacramēt oughte to be receaued in both kinds of all christians that the people comming to the churche shall heare they wot not what and answer they know not wherto taketh vpon him to commaund not only against reason but also directly against god And againe I said wheras our sauiour Christ ordained the Sacrament of his most precious body and bloud to be receaued of all christian people vnder the formes both of
the Sacrament I saide that forasmuch as the whole matter standeth in the vnderstandyng of these wordes of Christ Thys is my body Thys is my bloud I saye that Christ in these wordes made demonstratiō of the bread and wyne and spake figuratiuely The sacraments haue the names of those thyngs wherof they are sacramentes callyng bread hys bodye and wyne hys bloud bicause he ordeyned them to be the sacramēts of his body bloud And where the Papists say in these two pointes contrary vnto me that Christ called not bread hys body but a substaunce vncertayne nor spake fyguratiuely herein I sayde I woulde be iudged by the olde church and which doctrine could be proued the elder that I would stand vnto And forasmuch as I haue alleaged in my booke many olde autors both Grekes and Latynes which about a thousand yeres after Christ continually taught as I do if they could bryng forth but one old author that saith in these two poyntes as they say I offred vi or vij yeres agoe and doe offer yet styl that I will geue place to them But when I bryng for the any author that sayeth in moste playne termes as I do yet sayeth the other parte that the authors mente not so as who shoulde say that the authors spake one thyng and mente cleane contrarye And vppon the other parte when they cannot fynde any one authour that sayeth in wordes as they say yet saye they that the authors mēt as they say Now whether thei or I speake more to the purpose herein I refer it to the iudgemēt of all indifferent hearers Yea the old church of Rome aboute a thousād yeres together nether beleued nor vsed the Sacramēt as the church of Rome hath done of late yeares For in the beginning the church of Rome taught a pure a sound doctrine of the sacramēt but after that the church of Rome fell into a new doctrine of trāsubstantiatiō with the doctrine they chaūged the vse of the sacramēt cōtrary to that Christ cōmaūded the old church of Rome vsed aboue a M. yeares And yet to deface the old thei say that the new is the old wherin for my part I am cōtent to the tryal to stand But their doctrine is so fonde and vncomfortable that I marueile that any man would allowe it if he knewe what it is and what so euer they beare the people in hand The Papists make Christ two bodyes that which they write in theyr bookes hath nother truth nor comforte For by their doctrin of one body of Christ is made two bodies one naturall hauing distance of members with forme and proporcion of a mannes perfite body and thys bodye is in Heauen but the bodye of Christe in the Sacramente by theyr own doctrine must nedes be a monstruous body hauing neyther distance of members nor forme fashion or proporcion of a mans naturall body and such a body is in the sacrament teache they and goeth into the mouth with the forme of breade and entreth no farther than the forme of bread goeth nor tarieth no lōger thā the forme of bread is by natural heate in digesting so that when the forme of breade is digested that bodye of Christe is gone And forasmuch as euil men be as long in digesting as good mē the body of Christ by theyr doctrine entreth as far tarieth as long in wicked as in godly mē And what cōforte cā be herein to any Christian mā to receaue Christs vnshapē body and it to entre no father than the stomake and to depart by and by as sone as the bread is consumed It semeth to me a more sound and comfortable doctrine that Christe hath but one body that hath forme and fashion of a mans true body which body spiritually entreth into the whole mā body and soule and though the sacrament be consumed yet whole Christe remayneth and fedeth the receauer vnto eternal lyfe if he continue in godlines and neuer departe vntill the receauer forsake him And as for the wicked they haue not Christ within thē at al who cā not be wher Belial is And this is my faith and as me semeth a sound doctrine according to Gods word and sufficient for a Christian to beleue in that matter And if it canne be shewed vnto me that the popes authority is not preiudicial to the thinges before mencioned or that my doctryne in the sacrament is erronious whych I thinke can not be shewed then I was neuer nor wil be so peruerse to stand wilfully in mine owne opinion but I shall wyth al humility submit my self vnto the Pope not only to kisse hys feete but an other part also An other cause why I refused to take the B. of Gloucestre for my iudge was the respect of his own persō being more than once periured Fyrste for that he beynge diuerse times sworne neuer to consent that the B. of Rome shoulde haue any iurisdiction with in thys realme but to take the king and his successours for supreame heades of thys realme as by gods lawes they be contrary to this lawful oth the said B. sate then in iudgement by autority frō Rome wherin he was periured and not worthy to sit as a iudge The second periury was that he toke his bishoprike both of the Queenes Maiestye of the Pope makyng to eche of thē a solemne oth which othes be so cōtrary that in the one he must nedes be periured And furthermore in swering to the Pope to mayntayne his lawes decrees a constitutions ordinances reseruations and prouisions he declareth him selfe an enemye to the Imperial crowne and to the Lawes and state of this Realme whereby he declared himselfe not worthy to syt as a iudge within this Realme and for these considerations I refused to take him for my Iudge ¶ This was written in an other letter to the Quene J Learned by D. Martin that at the day of your maiesties coronacion you toke an othe of obedience to the pope of Rome and the same time you tooke an other othe to this realme to maintayne the lawes liberties and customes of the same And if your Maiesty did make an oth to the pope I think it was acording to the other othes which he vseth to minister to princes which is to be obedient to him to defend hys person to mayntayn his autority honour lawes landes priuileges And if it be so than I besech your maiestye to looke vppon youre othe made to the Crowne and the realme and to expende and way the two othes together to see how they agree and then to do as your graces conscience shall geue you for I am surelye perswaded that willingly your maiesty will not offend nor do against your conscience for nothyng But I feare me there be contradiction in your othes and that those which should haue enformed your grace throughly did not their dutyes therin And if your maiesty ponder the two othes diligently I thynke you shall
therof wyll be so pitifull withoute spedye repentaunce that I tremble and feare to haue it in remembraunce I woulde to God it lay vpon some earthly burden so that fredome of conscience mighte begenen vnto them I write as god knoweth not of presumption but onlye lamentinge they re state whome I thought nowe in thys daungerous time should haue geuen bothe you and me comfortable instructions But alas in stede therof we haue perswasions to follow I lament me to rehearse it superstitions idolatrye yea that worste of all is they will seeke to proue it by the scripture The Lord for his mercy turne theyr hartes Amen Yours N. R. A letter which he wrote as his last farewell to al his true and faythefull frendes in God a little before he suffred with a sharpe admoniton by by the way to the papists the enemies of the truth AT the name of Iesus let euery kne bow both of thyngs in heauen and things in earth and thinges vnder the earth and let euerye tonge confesse that Iesus Christ is the lord vnto the glory of God the father Amen As a man minding to take a farre iourney and to depart from his familiar frendes commenly and naturally hath a desire to byd his frendes farewell before hys departure so likewise now I loking dayly when I shoulde be called for to departe hence from you O al ye my dearely beloued brethren and sisters in oure Sauioure Christe that dwel here in this world hauing a like mind towardes you all also blessed be God of this such time leasure whereof I right hartely thank his heauenly goodnes do byd you all my deare brethren and sisters I say in Christ that dwel vp on the earth after such manner as I can Farewell Farewel my deare Brother George Shypside whome I haue euer found faythfull trusty and louinge in all state and condicions and now in the time of my crosse ouer all other to me most frendly and steadfast that which liked me best ouer all other thinges in Gods cause euer harty Farewell my deare sister Alice his wyfe I am gladde to beare of thee that thou doest take Christes crosse whiche is layed now blessed be God both on thy backe and mine in good parte Thanke thou GOD that hathe geuen thee a godly and a louing husband se thou honor him and obey hym according to Gods lawe Honour thy mother in lawe his mother and loue al those that perteyne vnto hym being ready to do them good as it shall lye in thy power As for thy chyldren I doubte not of thy husbande but that he whyche hathe geuen hym a hearte to loue and feare God and in God them that pertayne vnto hym shall also make hym frendely and benefyciall vnto thy children euen as yf they had bene gotten of hys owne body Farewell my welbeloued brother Iohn Rydley of the Waltowne and you my gentle and louyng Syster Elizabeth whome besydes the naturall league of amitye your tender loue whiche you were sayde euer to beare towardes me aboue the reste of youre brethren dothe bynde me to loue My mynde was to haue acknowledged this youre louyng affection and to haue acquyted it wyth dedes and not wyth woordes alone Youre daughter Elizabeth I byd farewell whom I loue for the meeke and gentle Spiryte that God hath geuen her which is a precious thyng in the syght of God Farewell my beloued Syster of Vnthancke wyth all youre chyldren my nephewes and nices Synce the departure of my Brother Hughe my mynde was to haue beene vnto them in the steade of theyr father but the Lorde god must and will be theyr father if they wil loue hym and feare him and lyue in the trade of hys law Farewell my welbeloued and worshipfull Cosyns maister Nicholas Ridley of Wyllimountswick and your wife and I thanke you for all youre kyndnesse shewed bothe to me and also to all youre owne kynsefolke and myne Good Cosyn as GOD hath sette you in that oure stocke and kyndred not for anye respecte of youre personne but of hys aboundaunte grace and goodnesse to bee as it were the Belweather to order and conducte the reaste and hathe also endued you wyth his manyfold gyftes of grace bothe heauenlye and worldlye aboue others so I praye you good Cosin as my truste and hope is in you continue and increase in the mayntenaunce of truthe honestye rightuousnesse and all true godlynesse and to the vttermost of your power to wythstande falsehode vntruthe vnryghteousnesse and all vngodlynesse whych is forbid and condempned by the word and lawes of God Farewel my yong Cosin Rafe Whitfield Oh your tyme was verye shorte wyth me my mynde was to haue done you good and yet you caughte in that little tyme a losse but I truste it shall bee recompenced as it shall please almighty god Farewell al my whole kyndred and countreymen farewell in Christ altogether The Lorde which is the searcher of secrets knoweth that accordyng to my hartes desire my hope was of late that I should haue come among you and to haue brought wyth me aboundaunce of Christes blessed Gospell accordyng to the duetye of that office and ministerye wherevnto among you I was chosen named and appoincted by the mouth of that our late piereles Prince king Edwarde and so also denounced openly in hys court by his priuye counsayle I warne you all my welbeloued kynsfolke and countreymen that ye be not amased or astonied at the kynde of my departure or dissolution for I ensure you I thynke it the most honour that euer I was called vnto in all my life and therfore I thanke my Lorde GOD hartely for it that it hath pleased hym to cal me of hys great mercye vnto this hyghe honour to suffer deathe wyllynglye for hys sake and in hys cause vnto the which honour he called the holy Prophets hys dearly beloued Apostels and hys blessed chosē martyrs For knowe ye that I doubte no more but that the causes wherefore I am put to deathe are gods causes and the causes of the truthe then I doubte that the Gospell whyche Iohn wrote is the Gospell of Christe or that Paules Epystles are the verye worde of GOD. And to haue a harte wyllyng to abyde and stande in gods cause in Christs quarell euen vnto death I ensure thee O man it is an inestimable and an honourable gyft of GOD geuen onely to the true electes and dearely beloued children of GOD and inheritoures of the kyngdome of heauen For the holye Apostle and also Martyr in Christes cause Sayncte Peter sayeth ● Pet. 4 yf ye suffer rebuke in the name of Chryste that is in Christes cause and for hys truthes sake then are ye happye and blessed for the glorye of the Spirite of God resteth vppon you If for rebukes sake suffered in Chrystes name a man is pronounced by the mouthe of that holye Apostle blessed and happye howe muche more happye and blessed is he that hathe