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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15857 H. Zanchius his confession of Christian religion Which novve at length being 70. yeares of age, he caused to bee published in the name of himselfe & his family. Englished in sense agreeable, and in words as answerable to his ovvne latine copie, as in so graue a mans worke is requisite: for the profite of all the vnlearneder sort, of English christians, that desire to know his iudgement in matters of faith.; De religione Christiana, fides. English Zanchi, Girolamo, 1516-1590. 1599 (1599) STC 26120; ESTC S120607 223,465 477

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Christ and he shall raigne in the house of Iacob for euer and the Apostle that he is as the sonne ouer his owne house and this house we are that is the church and in another place that he is the head of the church Eph. 5.23 the same is the Sauiour of his bodie II. Christ ordereth his church partly by himselfe and partly by assistance of fellowe labourers But the gouernment wherewith Christ guideth his church we know to be two fold one wherein he of himselfe and by his holy spirit without any help or seruice of man Phil. 2.13 Eph. 1.23 raigneth inwardly in the hearts of beleeuers and worketh in them to will and to performe and is euen all in all and mooueth vnto that which is good defending vs from euill against Sathan the worlde and all our enemies The other wherein he so guideth the church as hee also vouchsafeth to vse the help and ministerie of others aswell Angells as men especially to the preseruation of the church As of Angells the Apostle speaketh Heb. 1.14 They are ministring spirits sent forth to minister for their sakes which shal bee heires of saluation 1. Cor. 3.5.9 and of men he saieth Wee are Gods ministers by whome yee haue beleeued For like as in a man the head of it selfe by vertue of the minde which liueth worketh chieflie therein doeth so rule the whole bodie that it also vseth the helpe of euerie member to the profite of the whole bodie so Christ the head of the church doth in like sort beare himselfe in the gouernment thereof not for his owne cause or that hee needeth our ministerie but doth it for our necessitie yea for our manifest commoditie and honour III. A difference betweene the ministerie of Angells and of men By the way wee acknowledge a difference betweene the ministerie of Angells and of men sith the Angells are not sent either to teach in the church or to administer Sacraments but to performe other dueties those for the most part inuisible neither come they ordinarily alwaies and to all but at such time and to such persons as God sendeth them but the ministerie of men is apparent and perpetuall and pertaineth to euerie one IV. Jt was most aduisedly done that Angells should not teach in the church but men And wee know it was most wisely and aduisedly done of God that Christ should teach in his church not by Angells but by men both because we can not more willingly suffer our selues to be informed familiarly of our equalles then to be taught of spirits of a farre diffring nature with an vnaquainted maiesty and also because we might more easily be deceiued of Satan falsly faining himselfe to bee sent of God and transforming himselfe to an Angel of light And those surely in our iudgement are two not the least causes why the sonne of God when he was to fulfill the office of a teacher in the church would bee made a man and our brother and familier and like vnto vs in all thinges sinne onely excepted whereto that same tendeth Heb. 4.15 Heb. 2.12 Heb. 1.1 I vvill declare thy name to my brethren in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee and that same In these last daies he hath spoken vnto vs by his sonne namely being nowe made man and liuing familiarlie in the church V. There be two kinds of men especially whose ministery Christ vseth to the gouernment and preseruation of the church And although there be not one member in this whole great body of the church but Christ vseth the same to some profite of the other mēbers 1. Cor. 12.7 and so of the whole bodie as Paule teacheth yet wee acknowledge two principall kindes of men whose help and seruice he is wont to vse for the gouernment and preseruation of the church namely first teachers and others to administer the word sacraments other ecclesiasticall dueties then godly princes and magistrats whose ministeries or offices we confound not but acknowledge them to be distinct and verie diuerse among which differences this also is not the least that the ministerie of teachers is alwaies verie necessarie to the church but of politicke magistrates not so sith the former the church cannot bee without but the other it often hath wanted and may want them VI. About what matters especially the ecclesiasticall ministerie is imployed But as the summe of christian pietie consisteth in three things in faith in Christ in continual repentance that is in the mortification of our flesh and of our sinnes and quickening of the spirite and lastlie in charitie towards our neighbour so also wee acknowledge three principall parts of the ecclesiasticall ministerie First to teach and to preach the worde of the gospell and also to administer the sacraments and offer vpp the publike sacrifice of praise to God through Iesus Christ Secondly to declared by the Apostles and lastly to do all such things which though they be not expressed in the scriptures yet doe belong to order and to decencie and do make for edification and not for destruction according to the generall rule giuen by the Apostle 1. Cor. 14.40 that all things ought to be done in the church in order decently and to edification Neither thinke wee that any authoritie is giuen vnto ministers beyonde the boundes of the word of God or to any other ende then for edification therefore we denie that one Bishop or all Bishops together haue authoritie to appoint any thing against the scriptures to adde or detract any thing or chaunge any thing in them to dispense with the commaundements of God to make new articles of faith to institute new sacraments to bring new rites into the church to prescribe any lawes which may binde consciences or may be thought equall to gods law to forbid any things which God hath graunted and left free or lastly to commaund any thing without the word of God as necessary to saluatiō sith not the whole church can haue or truely be said to haue this authoritie XXI The Bishops which are also princes their politicall authoritie is not denied By the way we disallow not but that bishops which are also princes besids their ecclesiasticall authoritie they haue also their politicall rites and secular powers euen as other princes haue the law of commaunding in secular causes the law of the sword some of them the law of choosing and confirming kinges and emperors and of directing and ordering other politicall matters and to constraine people that are their subiects to do them obedience and therefore we confesse that their politicall commandements which may be kept without breach of Gods law are to be obeyed by their subiects not onely for feare but also for conscience sake Rom. 13.5 For we know that all power is of God Rom. 13.1.2 and vvhosoeuer resisteth the power resisteth the ordinance of God and that kings are to be honoured 1. Pet. 2.17 and that we
laid vp in him requireth onely these three things First that being touched with an earnest griefe of our whole life ledd amisse wee might desire from our heart to haue our mindes and so all our affections chaunged renued into the obedience of the diuine will and that we might earnestly pray and doe our best endeuour that it might be so Secondlie that imbracing Christ by a true faith withall his treasures wee might beleeue firmely and without any wauering that all our sinnes are for euer pardoned of the fauour and mercie of god through Christ alone and we receiued into grace made the children of God and heires of euerlasting life Lastly that beeing thus perswaded of the free and eternall saluation through Iesus Christ wee should thence foreward labour by all meanes to obserue whatsoeuer Christ hath commaunded to the glorie of God and profite of our neighbour so as faith do euermore accompanie vs to the ende whereby we beleeue that howsoeuer in this new obedience we err or do offend yet for Christs sake it shall not be imputed to vs but contrariewise by the perfect obedience iustice and holinesse of christ imputed vnto vs our imperfect obedience shal be perfected and shal be taken and reputed for most perfect in the sight of God And to three thinges are all the preceptes of christ referred namely that renouncing all vngodlines worldly desires wee should liue in this world in respect of our selues soberlie in respect of our neighbour iustly in respect of God godlie Tit. 2.12 looking for that blessed hope and the comming of the glorie of the great God This wee beleeue to bee the summe of those thinges which christ requireth of vs in the doctrine of the gospell and therefore that they bee true gospellers and christians indeede that bende their whole studie and care hereunto VII Jn what thinges especially the Gospell differeth from the Law And nowe of that which is alreadie saide it appeareth that we do not confound the Law with the Gospell For albeit wee confesse that God is author aswel of the Law as of the gospell and that of it selfe it is as well holie iust Exo. 20 and good as the gospell Rom. 7.12 yet we hold that ther is no smale difference betwixt them both not onely because the Lawe was deliuered to the Israelites alone and the gospell pertaineth to al people and nations and also not onely because that was for a time and to continue but till christ and the gospell is euerlasting and also not onely because that was deliuered by Moses and declared by the Prophets and the gospell was brought by christ and published to the whole world by the Apostles But indeed and most especially for these causes First because the matter of the law is onely commandementes with irreuocable curses thereunto ioyned if they bee broken neuer so little It hath also promises not onely of earthlie but also of heauenly blessings but al of them with the condition of perfect obedience and none merely free But the gospell is properly a happie message setting before vs gratis christ the redeemer forgiuing sinnes and sauing vs yea and requiring nothing at our handes for the obtaining of life euerlasting but a true faith in christ which faith cannot bee without true repentance nor without a care to doe the will of God that is to liue so berly iustly and godly as is aboue declared Moreouer because the law did not performe that which it required nether had it power whereby to saue therefore was vnsufficient and a killing letter the minister of wrath and death more prouoking then taking away sin But the Gospell what it requireth the same it performeth and therefore whatsoeuer it offereth the same also it truely imparteth vnto vs For as much as the holy ghost is by it powerful in the elect at the preaching of the Gospell stirring vp in them that true faith wherby they apprehend christ offred and with him eternall life For faith is by hearing of the Gospell Rom. 10.17 but obedience is not by hearing of the Lawe because the holie spirite giueth no man strength to the hearing of the Lawe by which hee might obserue the same as he stirreth vp faith in the elect to the hearing of the gospell For which cause as the Lawe is called a killing letter so is the Gospell called a quickning spirite and therefore is a true and forcible instrument to saluation vnto euerie beleeuer Whereon also followeth the third difference namely that the Law was not written in their hearts but remained written onely in tables and therfore did not chaunge men But the Gospell is written by the holie ghost in the hearts of the elect therefore it chaungeth and renueth them 2. Cor. 3.18 because it is the instrument of the holie ghost to sanctifie and to saue vs. VIII The Law of Moses is partly taken away and partly not taken away by the Gospell Of this which we haue said it also plainelie appeareth what our faith is of the abrogation of the law by the gospell First wee beleeue that in the gospell so farre forth as it declareth all things which in the old Testament did figuratiuely foreshew of Christ to bee fullfilled in this Iesus as is saide before in the 11. chapter we are taught that the law of Moses concerning cerimonies sacrifices and all Moses outward worship are simply abrogated according to that saying of the Apostle Heb. 9.10 Ioh. 1.17 that all these things vvere inioyned vntill the time of reformation and that The Law was giuen by Moses but the trueth came by Jesus Christ Moreouer so farre forth as the gospell is the instrument of the holy spirit whereby we are ingrafted and vnited to Christ made partakers of redēption and saluation as is said before in the 12. chapter So far also we confesse that the morall law touching the cursse against the transgressors is abrogated by the gospell of Christ according to that of the Apostle Rom. 8.1 There is no condēnation to them that are in Iesus Christ where of this is a token that they walke not after the flesh but after the spirit But now so farre forth as the doctrine of the Gospell requireth our repentance and the holinesse of life and that we liue soberly righteously and godly therein it taketh not away the law concerning māners for it is wholy consonant and agreeable with the doctrine of the gospel of eschewing vices and following vertue Lastlye in as much as Christ in his gospel did not take away the politicke lawes of the nations which were not contrarie to the law of nature Therefore wee thinke it lawfull and free for any gouernors to bringe among their subiectes such politick lawes as were deliuered to the people of Israell and by the same then which none are more iust to rule and gouerne the people Therefore they do exceeding great iniurie to the Gospell of Christ that saye it troubleth or
of his discipline And therefore wee beleeue that it belongeth to the true gouernment and edification of the church that princes should chiefly subiect themselues to be taught admonished and reformed by the word of God whereby others by their example may doe so also the more chearfully and that if they refuse to do it the princes or rulers maye more freelie punish them for it and compell them to their dueties IX Errors We therefore condemne all contemners of magistrats rebells seditious persons enimies of their common wealth and whosoeuer doe either openly refuse to performe their dueties which they owe to their rulers or doe craftely shift the same We condemn by name the error of the Anabaptists saying it is not lawful for a christiā man to beare office much lesse to vse his authoritie ouer his subiectes in the course of religion affirming that it is free for all men to follow what religion he will none ought to be compelled to faith We disallow them also which giue authoritie in religion vnto magistrats onely as they saye for names sake denying that they haue authoritie to call Synodes to consult about religion to reforme churches and to determine out of the scriptures such thinges as pertaine to the peoples saluation and will haue them to bee nothing else but the executors of those things which the bishop appoint As also neither do we allow those magistrats who without a sufficient knowledge in the causes do alter religion vpon their owne pleasures do condemn men neuer heard and spoile and confiscate their goods set downe rules of religion not out of the scriptures but rather against the word of God and beare themselues not as seruants of God in the church of God but as Lords ouer the churches nor will bowe their neck vnder the yoake of the sonne of God For whome that they may haue a greater knowledge of God and better mindes wee praye and beseech God the Father and the Lord Iesus Christ CHAP. XXVII Of perpetuall remisson of sinns in the church of Christ I. There is a perpetuall dispensation of remission of sinnes in the church and thereunto is the perpetuall ministerie of the word ordayned WE haue before confessed that so soone as any one is ingrafted into Christ by his holy spirit he presently obtaineth forgiuenesse of all his sinnes committed and draweth a new life from his head Christ and so is made a liuelie member of the church But because the most holie ones that are in this militant church do daily sinne euē to the last ende of their liues so that they haue still need of new forgiuenesse of their sinnes and also of new repentance and new faith to apprehend forgiuenesse of sinnes in Christ that faith and repentance is stirred vp by the ministerie of the word and sacraments therefore wee beleeue that remission of sinnes is dispensed and bestowed perpetually in the church by the ministerie of the word and sacraments and that the ecclesiasticall ministerie which is perpetuall in the church is ordained thereunto II. What we meane by the name of remission of sinnes And sith there be three things in sinne the action it selfe the wickednesse of the action therefore the sinners fault remaining in him and lastlie the desert of due punishment cleauing vnto the fault then we vnderstand that our sinnes are forgiuen vs when not onely the faulte and wickednesse of the action is not imputed vnto vs but also when as the desert or guiltinesse is taken awaye and the due punishment pardoned For then are our sinnes properlie forgiuen vs and we when wee desire in prayer that our sinnes may be forgiuen vs wee desire not onely to bee absolued from the fault and that the iniquitie maye not bee imputed vnto vs but also that the punishment and condemnation due vnto vs for the iniquitie may be forgiuen and we deliuered from our debts and guiltinesse seing that neither we can say that we forgiue our brethren their debts vnlesse wee set them free from the debt it selfe and from all satisfaction and seing it is certaine that we are not commaunded to aske any thing but that which he will giue vs and that Christ hath cancelled the hand writing of all our debts hauing himselfe made a perfect and full payment and satisfaction III. The afflictions vvhich the children of God endure after their sinnes are pardoned are not punishments and satisfactions for sinnes past but fatherly chastisement for those to come But whereas God after the forgiuenesse of sinnes is wont to afflict and scourge his children with manie torments wee beleeue that God doth it not for that they should by that meanes either wholly or in part satisfie his iustice for their sinnes seing that one full satisfaction of Christ for vs is inough and more then inough but that by them as by fatherly corrections we may afterwards be more warie and take heed what belongeth to the mortifying of sinne that dwelleth in vs and that we should no more so easilie slipp into sinne whereuppon we with Augustine do cal them and teach that they are to bee called T. 7. de pec mer. Rē lib. 2. c. 33 34. not the punishments of sinne but the tryalls of faith and exercises of the Saints IV. Sinnes are properly remitted of God alone freely and for Christs sake our mediatour Wee beleeue also Ies 43.25 that our sinnes are properly forgiuen vs of God onely by meere fauour and for Christ our mediatour sith also it is he alone against whome we properly commit sinne both mediatly and immediatly whē as we breake his lawe Luc. 23.34 and it is alwaies in the power onely of the creditour to gratifie his debtors and to forgiue their debts Whereupon Christ also as man prayed his father for them which crucified him that he would pardon them Luc. 5.21 c and forgiue them their offences when the Iewes said vvho can forgiue sinnes but onely God he partly by holding his peace and partly by shewing a miracle confirmed it Wherefore in that that Christ of his owne authority forgaue sinnes we with the fathers do beleeue it may well bee concluded he is true God sith the same cannot bee done by any meere creature but onely ministerially or as being a minister as they speak in the name and authoritie of God Mat. 18.18 Ioh. 20.23 Which wee knowe was equallie giuen not to one alone but to all the Apostles and so to all lawfull ministers of the gospell V. Christ God and man indeed forgiueth sinnes but in a diuerse manner as he is God as he is man Whereon it also followeth that Christ god and man which wee also confesse together with the father and the holie ghost forgiueth sinnes but he doth it in one sort as he is God and in another as he is man For as he is god he doeth effect the same properly and of his authoritie but as he is man he doth it and did