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A11229 Sacræ heptades, or Seaven problems concerning Antichrist 1. of his place. 2. Of his state. 3. Of his names. 4. Of his rising. 5. Of his raigne. 6. Of his words and actions. 7. Of his times. Necessarie to be read and knowne of all men, who professe Christ Iesus, and hope to be saved by no other name. By G.S. Salteren, George.; Sandys, George, 1578-1644, attributed name. 1625 (1625) STC 21492; ESTC S116309 165,194 236

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Kings Consuls Dictators Decemvirs and Tribunes One was then in being namely the Caesars and this not obscure Rev. 17. But who that one was that was to come and to continue but a short space and how the beast is called the eight yet one of the seauen seemeth somewhat intricate and difficult to explain But I demand here what is the word in the text I am not ignorant that this differeth from some others whom I reverence but Sit liber judex Another is not yet come What other Not another Head but another King or Caesar For it is not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and so the beast is called not the eight head but Ogdoos the eight king This in my opinion directeth us to Constantine the Christian Emperor as to him that continued but a short time He that will apply this to the eccles state of the B B. under the Greciā Caesars must consider how it can be proved that those B B. had regall power and if they had then how their power can be distinguished frō their successors For he altereth the forme of the Empire reducing it from Heathenish to Christian and translated the sea of the Empire from Rome to Constantinople and therefore may well be called an other but another Caesar not another Head For he continued Caesar still But God would not suffer that godly Christian Emperor long to continue Head of the Antichristian beast and therefore moved him to remoue his Emperiall seat that the Impediment might be removed according to the Prophecy 2 Thes 2. Then to the second question who is the beast that is the eight king and yet the seauenth head one of the seauen who else can it be but those that immediately succeeded the Caesars in the government of Rome And who were they but the Pontifices maximi dist 96. as both by their lawes and histories appeareth For sayth the decree Constantine gaue to Silvester who then was Summus Pontifex his pallace of Lateran and his Imperiall ornaments with power and principallitie c. I know it is objected that this is under the title of Palea And much adoe there hath ben about it to little purpose For looke in another part of the decree Caus 12. q. 1. and there it is registred for authenticall that Constantine left to Silvester imperialem sedem his Imperiall sea If it be objected that the donation of Constantine is held by many to be forged that is nothing to the purpose Angelus R●ccha de Bibliot vat bringeth divers authors to proue that Co●st cessit Pontisici For it is not here said that he gaue it but that he left it neither is it here in question what Constantine truly gaue but what the Bishop of Rome truly had Now their Histories do plentifully testifie that whether by the gift or cession of Constantine or by what other means See Probl. 4. pretence or colour soever it was their power after the departure of Constantine grew dayly more and more absolute untill they had by little and little wrought the Emperors not onely out of Rome but out of all Italie and in the end brought them under their feet Platina seemeth to affirme the donation saying that he gaue to Silvester his Diadem and for his sake built the pallace of Lateran Howsoever if we belieue their owne Authors there is no Empire now to be found in Rome in epi. ad Thes vide Tho. Aquin. Lyr. in 2 Thes 2. al. as Stapulensis confesseth Vbi nunc est Romana Monarchia ubi qui in ea mundum regat habemus But of the Pope or Pont. Max. it is no lesse evident that he now hath and for these many hundred yeares hath had Sū Pon. Dictator perpetuus quē principes orb●s adora●t And again Totū orbē terrarū Ro the absolute government of that great cittie and the state Territorie and Tribunes thereto belonging as witnesseth Blondus Which whosoever hath after the removing of the Empire must be confessed to be Antichrist in beeing the seauenth head of Rome curia sibi subjectum habet Blondus in Roma instaurata Vbi plura Vid. Adrian 4. apud Aventi● Tho. Aquin. c. I referre me to thine owne judgment Christian Reader whether hereby all the difficulties of the Text be not cleerly discussed First where it sayth The beast which was and is not is the eight and is of the seauen And againe The beast which was is not and yet is Whether these words can be understood but of this Roman Pontifex For the Pon. Max. was instituted by Numa Pompilius the second king of Rome to be the cheef Iudge decider of all matters concerning Religion this continued still in Rome in great honor Livy lib. 1. untill the time of Iulius Caesar distinct from the Dictator but he tooke that as an high dignitie upon himself And so did Augustus and other Emperors And amongst the rest Sueton. it is thus reported of Titus Pontificatum max. ideo se professus accipere ut puras servaret manus fidem praestitit nec author posthaec cuiusquam necis nec conscius Whereby we may see that the law of that supreame Pontificate was that they might not be Iudges of capitall crimes nor sentence any man to death But I haue not yet found it written of Domitian in whose time our Euangelist receiued this Revelation that he tooke upon him this Pontificall dignitie And it seemeth he did not For else why doth not Sueton. speak of it as well in him as in others and he is not onely noted by the Christians for a bloudy Persecutor but for a cruell Tyrant amongst the Heathen From which if he had taken upon him the high Pontificate if nothing els yet this their owne law the shame of the world I thinke would somewhat haue restrained him I doe not read it I say Therefore I thinke he was not Pon. Max. And so the words of our Prophet are exactly fulfilled that the Beast the Pont. was formerly in Rome instituted by Numa exercised by Nasica Scipio Iulius Augustus Titus and many others and it is not in Domitian and yet is though not in him de facto yet in the state of Rome in potentia when they list to set it up And it is the eight king of that state reckoning Constantine the Christian to be the seauenth yet it is but the seauenth head and of the seauen because Constantine had no distinct forme of Regall authoritie from the other Caesars and therefore could not be reckoned to be another head from the Caesars And this Pont. Max. who in the time of the Consuls and Pagan Cesars was but like a little horne growing in time of the Christian Emperours like a Beast of power ascending now sitteth like a queen upon the back of the Roman state commanding And it shall ascend sayth the Angell out of the bottomlesse pit It
what shall we say of Boniface the eighth who hired the Saracens to warre against the Christians in Sicilia What shall we say also to the first comming of the Turkes into Europe Who transported their armies by Sea but the Popes owne subjects of Genua the countrie that was giuen to the Pope by Herebertus the Lombard and whom he might haue easily restrayned if he would More of this might be sayd but let this suffice and let me demand upon it whether we may not justly thinke him guiltie of all the Christian bloud that hath been shed by the Turkes in Europe I aske againe whether any of these Pontifices Maximi haue amended these things or shewed any repentance or sorrow for them or any dislike thereof since their perpetration yea whether they haue not by all meanes extolled and approved of those their Predecessors boasting of their Succession from them and mainteyning that they cannot erre and that they ought not to be judged by any man And therefore before I passe from this point let me speake one word to thee O Lord of Trueth Loue and mercie or let my teares speake to thee that yet at length thou wouldest take pittie upon thy rent and torne bodie thy poore distressed Church which by intestine dissentions and the malicious practises of this inward and secret enimie is become the common stage and Theater of all bloudie Massacres and dolefull Tragedies while their enimies both forreyn and domestick prosper and triumph in their unitie and agreement O let it please thee at length to reunite in Trueth and Loue that the enimie may no longer say Where is their God Well the last note is inseparable and undeniable It is sayth the Holy Ghost that Great cittie that ruleth over the Kings of the Earth Whereof I haue sayd sufficiently before and having shewed that it cannot be applied to any other place in the world and that the Antichrist can be no other then the seuenth Ruler of that High seuen hilled Cittie and namely that Head which next succeeded the Emperors as the best Fathers and ancient Interpreters with one mutuall consent do agree I will adde to the description of this Antichristian state a short survey of the words and actions of Antichrist as by the H. Apostles and Prophets they are noted to shew how all Prophecies are fulfilled touching the comming of Antichrist and do all concurre in the Roman State and Prelate and this is the sixth generall part which I proposed at first VI. Of the words and actions of Antichrist THe Prophet Daniel speaking of Antichrist giveth us four notes Dan. 7 25. verie notable and remarkeable Whereof the first is He shall speake words against the Most High Secondly He shall consume the Saints of the Most High Thirdly Apoc. 17. He shall thinke to change times Fourthly He shall thinke also to change Lawes Our Apostle repeating also the two first addeth two more Adulterie and Idolatrie 2 Thes 2. And the Apostle Paul addeth one namely Luciferian pride and Exaltation For he exalteth himself against all that is called God or that is worshiped and he sitteth in the Temple of God boasting himself that he is God Of some of these things I haue spoken so much alreadie that I need not stand long upon them First He shall speak words against the Most High which is Blasphemie Did Antiochus so for of him some do interpret this place when he forbade sacrifices 1 Mat. 1. and burnt offerings to be made unto God when he burnt the bookes of the Law and commanded Idols to be worshiped And haue not the Popes of Rome done so when they forbid prayers and thanksgiving to God in the vulgar tongue caused the Bibles translated into English and other tongues to be burned and commanded Images to be worshiped Secondly He shall consume the Saints of the most High Did Antiochus so in commanding godly men to be put to death And hath not the Pope done much more Haue they not caused many millions of Christian men to be slayne in their great expeditions and Massacres Hereof sufficient hath been sayd before and yet because it cometh now to hand I hope it will not seeme tedious to adde one instance more Do not eccl cap. 18. out of the Arch-advocate of Antichrist Bellarmin who confesseth that in France in one expedition under Innocent the third there were slayne an hundred thousand Thirdly He shall thinke to change times Lawes two things which God seemeth to challenge as reserved and peculiar to himself For of Times David sayth My times are in thy hands and Daniel Psal 31. God changeth times and seasons And our Saviour Christ himself sayth Dan. 2. that God hath kept them in his owne power And of Lawes Act. 1. Salomon sayth By me Kings and Princes decree just things Prov. 8. Now I aske of those that will haue these Prophecies to be applied onely to Antiochus What did he in this kinde what times did he change or what Lawes But of the Pope and all the Popes since Boniface who is called the fourth but indeed the second that tooke upon him that title which was about the yeare of our Lord 607 I demand whether they haue not all taken upon them this power to change times and lawes Did not Boniface himself make a new feast to the honour of all Saints Haue not his Successors likewise made verie many new Feasts and Fasts Let their owne Kalenders be witnesse Haue they not ordeyned Iubilees and altered them at their pleasure Haue they not altered the whole Kalender of the Iulian year from the Dionysian account to the Litian or Gregorian and thereby altered all the Feasts both moueable and unmoueable from the times wherein by the old account they are observed Haue I neede to stand long to proue this point which is knowen to all the world Hath this been done upon any warrant of Gods word Or hath it not beene done by Astronomicall computations of Minutes and Seconds which are almost insensible and imperceptible Will they say it may be done by Arte And what will they answer to those excellent learned men who deny their account and haue noted great defects in men of no meane estimation among the learned namely Scaliger Vid. Thuan. l. 129. Petavius and Vieta to speake nothing of our owne Countriman Lidyat What will they say to those that hold the Arte of Astronomie not onely imperfect but impossible to be perfected and therefore compare the studie of it to the building of the Tower of Babylon And that also was the sentence of a man not of the meanest account no lesse then Raimarus Mathematician to the Emperor Rudolphus Act. 1. So that the sentence of our Saviour Christ may seeme to extend to this also Non ad vestrum scire tempora You must be content sapere ad Sobrietatem to be wise and not too wise but within the compasse of sobrietie Now let me aske
the description also of this beast here is almost the same with that which is expressed in the 17 chap. of this Book I ask then what kingdome or Empire can be understood in this place Surely he that will say that this beast here and the beast in the 17 chap. do signifie any other kingdom beside Rome must produce some other great Empire to whom the seaven heads and the other attributes there given unto it may be applied aswell as to the Roman which no man yet could ever do Let us therefore see the description of this mightie Empire comparatiue and wherein it doth agree or differ from that which is described by the Prophet Daniel and by this our Euangelist in the 17 ch The fourth Beast saith the Prophet comming out of the sea was fearfull and terrible and verie strong It had great Iron teeth it devoured and brake in peeces and stamped the residue under his feet it was unlike the other beasts for it had ten horns there came up among them another little horne before whom three of the first hornes were plucked away and in this horne were eyes like a man and a mouth speaking presumptuous things And this fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdome and shall be unlike to all kingdomes and shall devour the whole earth and tread it downe and breake it in peeces and the teene hornes out of this kingdome are ten kings and another shall arise after them and he shall be unlike the first and shall subdue three kings And shall speak words against the Most High and think that he may change times and lawes and they shall be given into his hands untill a time times and half a time But the judgment shal sit and they shall take away his dominion to consume and destroy it unto the end This is Daniels description of the fourth Monarchie Let us heare again how the Euangelist describeth it in the 13 chap. I saw a beast rising out of the sea having seuen heads Rev. 13. and ten hornes so Daniell and upon his hornes ten crownes upon his heads the names of blasphemie And the Beast which I saw was like a Leopard and his feete were as the feete of a Bear his mouth as the mouth of a lyon and the dragon gaue him his throne and great authoritie and I saw one of his heads as wounded to death but the deadly wound was healed and all the world wondred and followed the beast and they worshiped the dragon which gaue power to the beast saying Who is like to the beast who is able to make warre with him so Daniell it shall devour the whole earth c. And there was giuen unto him a mouth that spake great things blasphemies power was giuen him to continue 42 months And he opened his mouth in blasphemie against God to blaspheme his name his Tabernacle and them that dwelt in heauen And it was giuen unto him to make warre with the Saints and to overcome them and power was giuen him over everie kindred tongue and nation Therefore all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the booke of life of the lambe which was slayn from the beginning of the world In the 17 chap. of the Revelation it is thus The woman sate upon a scarlet beast full of names of blasphemie Rev. 17. which had seuen heads and ten hornes so in the former prophecies And the beast which thou hast seene was and is not and shall ascend out of the bottomlesse pitte and shall goe into perdition And they that dwell on the earth shall wonder whose names are not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world when they behold the beast that was and is not and yet is Here is the minde that hath wisdome The seuen heads are seuen mountains they are also seuen kings fiue are fallen one is another is not yet come and when he cometh he must continue a short space And the beast that was and is not is the eight is of the seuen and shall go into destruction And the ten hornes which thou sawest are ten kings which yet haue not receaved a kingdome but shall receaue power as kings at one houre with the beast These shall haue one minde and shall giue their power athoritie to the beast These shall fight with the Lamb and the Lambe shall overcome them the ten hornes shall hate the whore and shall make her desolate and naked and shall eat her flesh and shall burne her with fire They that be of indifferent Iudgment may see in that Prophecie of Daniell many things that cannot be applyed to Antiochus or to the kingdome of the Seleucidae Vide Brightm● in Dan. 11. As first the great power of this fourth kingdome which the Prophet setteth forth in more terrible dreadfull manner then any of the former But was the kingdome of the Seleucidae more terrible or more powerfull then the Assirian and Caldean the Median and Persian or the Grecian Monarchie was Antiochus any way comparable to Nabuchadnezzar Cyrus or Alexander Did he devour the whole earth Also this fourth kingdom shall think to make changes of times or lawes Dan. 7. c. did Antiochus so Besides by the words of Daniel it may seem that the fourth kingdom shall continue untill the finall judgment which cannot agree to the Seleucidans Letting therefore that opinion passe as a Iewish conceit approved by none of the ancient that I can finde Hieron in Da● but Porphyry some few of late that are too much addicted to the Rabbins I thinke there is litle doubt to be made but although some things may be applyed to Antiochus Hieron in Dan 2 4. Quartum regu perspic ue pertinet ad Rom. August Nich de Lyra. Antoninus Marsil Fic Sleidan Napier in Apoc. Abbat demonstr Ant●chr P●raeus Not. Geneven c yet this beast here signifieth the Roman Monarchie and the little horne signifieth Antichrist shadowed in some things by Antiochus And so I finde the opinion of the ancient and best interpreters Then to goe forward and see what points these two excellent and divine Prophets apply to the Roman Empire and wherein they agree or differ And truly to my understanding they seeme to agree in seuen points verie materiall 1. In the rising of this beast which both affirm to be out of the sea 2. In the name a Beast that is a Kingdom as the Angel expoundeth it not one King individuall although if he did say a King we may understand well enough the whole succession as where he saith Thou o King art that head of Gold 3. In the attribute which they give unto him Great strength and power unmatchable and unresistable 4. In his disposition most cruell and bloudy 5. In the instruments of his power Ten horns that is ten Kings 6. In his Warre against the saincts prevailing against them 7. In
Constant for Primacie and Supremacie Gregorius Magnus anno 590 condemneth the title of Vniversall Bishop in the Patriarch of Constant yet if we beleeue Baron and some others was contented to hold the Supremacie and for that purpose wrote letters of great flatterie to Phocas the Murderer Sabinianus anno 604 did so much malice his Predecessor and advance Gregorie that he could hardly conteyne himself from burning his books Platina and after him Boniface the 3 4 5 and others all mainteyned their Supremacie the power of that Sea untill Constantine of whom we shall haue cause to speake hereafter Lo these were the Roman Prelates of those times whose Histories diligently collected and layd together Plessis are more at large to be seen in that excellent worke De Mysterio Iniquitatis Whereupon I demand Whether they do not fully answer the description made of this Beast rising out of the earth Out of earthly desires of Honour c. First here is another Beast or Monarchie unlike to any of the former and yet not of any certaine forme of Government alwayes ascending and striving to get supremacie sometimes by one meanes sometimes by another stirring up schismes and seditions patronising Heretikes contending with other Bishops yea with those heauenly Doctors and Lights of the world whom they could no way countervaile Athanasius Hilarius Augustin Aurelius and two hundred Bishops of Africa with him And yet pretending great humulitie and subjection to the Emperor as appeareth by the letters not onely of Vigilius to Anthinius and other principall Heretikes at the command of the Empresse but of Gregorie the Great also to Phocas the Murderer Yet by Schisme and faction seeking to get the place as oft as they could without their consent See more at large of these things in that Booke of Philip Marnay Where also you may reade what S. Hierom writeth of Rome in his time expressely calling it Babylon and the purple whore And telling them of their Riches covetousnes lewdnes and Lupercatia There are the Trophees of the Apostles and Martyrs there is the confession of Iesus Christ sayth he but there is also ambition and Tyrannie which keep men back from doing good Neyther he onely but Marcellinus I do not sayth he marvail considering the braverie of that cittie that men ambitious of that place set up their Rest for the purchasing of it For having once aspired thereunto they are sure to be inriched with the offrings of Ladies and Noblemen to be carried in their coaches sumptuously attyred and so magnificent in their feastes as passeth any kings table Many such testimonies collected are to be read in the discourse of that Learned Lord. But especially is to be observed what he hath diligently drawn out of Baronius where he sayth that Constantine in the 24 year of his raigne ordeyned that the Bishops of the Christian Law should from that time forward haue the same Priviledges which the Idolatrous Priests had in time past They had sayth he their Rex Sacrificulus and Pontifex Maximus And who can think that Constantine would long indure that they should exceed the Christians in Pompe and glorie So Baron their Cardinall and learned Annalist yeeldeth unto us freely confesseth a point of no small moment that this their Pontifex Maximus who now is in Rome succeedeth in priviledge Pompe and glorie to the Heathen Pont. Max. which was before in Rome Yet the same Baron sheweth also that Constantine first tooke the name of Pont. Max. to himself and giveth a reason for it namely that the Senate and people of Rome those that were yet of the Heathenish faction might not so easily be drawen to conspire against the Christian Emperors was it not a verie Christian policie think you And yet sayth he the Pope had the power of supreame judge in all causes So that this standeth most consonant with all Prophecies histories that these two Beasts were at one time both together in Rome and that the new Pont. Max. of Rome hath the power of the Pagan Pontif. But that his power appeared very slowly and that the Pontificall name in Temporall causes was for a long time verie base and obscure appeareth by the testimonie of the learned Guicciardin Guicc l. 4. and other Histories I demand therefore Whether we may not here see the manifest performance of this prophecie I Another Beast arising after the first in Rome and in the presence of the first 2 Arising by degrees out of the earth that is out of the earthly lusts and desires of riches luxurie Pompe and pride 1 Iohn 2. Iames 3. and also by earthly wisedome strife and envie 3 Having two hornes indeed that is a power temporall spirituall but short and weake and as Guicciardin sayth obscure and almost invisible as the Hornes of a lambe 4 Speaking like the Dragon that is contrarie to the Commandements of God Revel 13. as the Serpent did to our mother Eue but equivocally as Vigilius whom Baron himself calleth Antichrist did equivocate with Sylverius his Predecessor and Theodora the Empresse See the Historie in Platina And divers others of them did flatter equivocate with the Emperors The fifth consideration therefore is of his Actions The 6 of his works And the 7 of his Name But of his name I haue spoken before and of his marke I might referre the Reader to the writings of the Excellent Paraeus Napier Iunius upon the Apocalyps But I cannot omit the greate and learned Archbishop Antonin In summa where he sheweth that everie one that entreth into their Holy Orders receiveth a Character p. 3. t. 14. p. 4. t. 13. which he interpreteth to be principale instrumentum ordinis But in another place upon the place of the Apocalyps now in hand Apoc. 13. he expoundeth the Character of the Beast to be cultum Bestiae the worship of the Beast in his right hand that is sayth he in his spirituall works as fasting Almes prayer c. or in his forehead in outward appearance at the least and in outward conformitie We may also obserue that if we subscribe to the opinion of Irenaeus that the name of the beast is Latinus this is observed in all their prayers But considering well and comparing the opinion of Napier with Antonin both with the Text I cannot chuse but thinke the Character is expressed unto us in the superstitious use of the crosse which they make upon the forehead or otherwise with their right hands But for his Actions they are here somewhat largely set forth in this 13 chap. For first it is sayd that he exerciseth all the power of the first Beast before his face So did the Popes before the Emperors as I haue shewed before Secondly he causeth the earth and earthly minded men to worship the first beast So did the Popes to the Emperors while they were in power and continued Pontifices Max. Thirdly he doth great wonders making fire to
to be burned as Heretikes which refuse to worship these Images For what cause 〈◊〉 moved Sabinian to burne the bookes of Gregorie but because he had defaced Images howsoever Platina goeth about to blanch the matter What else did they object against the Emperors of Greece What else did they urge against the Valdenses and Wicklevites but that they refused to worship the Roman Pontifex and his images What else did they object to Cranmer Ridley Latimer Hooper Sanders Bradford and other godly men in Queene Maries time that I may speak of England not of other countries but that they refused to acknowledge the reall presence and so to worship the Sacrament other of their images I demand also whether the Turke or any other Idolater do command and compell men to worship images under such capitall and Tyrannous paynes Whether any Idolater do compell men to worship so many Images or set up so many to be worshipped And whether any do proceed so cruelly against those that refuse to worship their Images The Popes in their lawes declare them to be Heretikes and excommunicate which do not worship their images and consequently depriue them not onely of lands and goods but also of their liues yea if it be a Prince they absolue his subjects from obedience and alleagiance givin his subjects power libertie to kill their Natiue king and giue away his kingdome to another Did ever any Iew Turke Infidel or Pagan attempt to doe the like If they should is it credible or likely that they should be believed and obeyed as the Popes haue been Thus therefore their actions being so agreeable to the Rising of this second Beast I demande againe How these Prophecies can be otherwise performed by any Monarch Prince Potentate State or person whatsoever past present or to come And if not then Whether this be not that Antichrist or whether we may expect any other And so we come to the description of Antichrist mounted upon the Roman State and raigning in his glorie which is the fifth generall parte of his description V. The Raigne of Antichrist IT is not unworthie of our observation that the Holy Ghost in setting forth the kingdome of Antichrist useth no such forme of speech as when he speaketh of particular men but such as is commonly used applied in scripture to signifie greate kingdomes and Monarchies When he prophecieth of particular men for the most part he noteth them by some proper Adjunct As of Iohn Baptist Esay 40. A voyce cryeth in the wildernes prepare the way of the Lord. c. So of our Saviour Christ My Righteous servant shall justifie many and againe He was broken for our sinnes c. Sometimes by the name of some other man as Mal 4. Behold I send you the Prophet Elijah c. Sometimes he calleth them by their proper names as that He sayth to Cyrus my Sheepheard Esay 44. c. and I will call Eljakim and so he prophecieth of Iosiah and against Shallum Coniah The king of Babel and Tyrus Esay 22. Ier. 22. But when he speaketh of great kingdomes or Monarchies he figureth them sometimes under the names of Great Beasts as all the four Monarchies in Daniel sometimes under the names of women ●zech 23. as Ezechiel calleth the two kingdomes of Ierusalem and Samaria Two women Nahum calleth Niniveh Esay 47. the beautifull harlot Esayah and Ieremie resemble Babylon sometimes to a woman tender and delicate sometimes to a Queene Iu. 51. sometimes to an Harlot whose words and Phrases our Apostle delighteth much to use It is no marvell therefore that having here to speak of the state of two Great kingdomes namely the Kingdome or Church of Christ and the kingdome or Synagogue of Antichrist He describeth one of them as a Chaste and undefiled spouse prepared for her husband and the other as a sumptuous glorious luxurious proud and intising Harlot alluring kings princes and all sorts of people to come unto her Wherein although it be true that Contraries compared layd together do illustrate one the other yet I will not here prosecute that glorious and heauenly description of the true Church of our Lord Christ Iesus able to take up all my thoughts and meditations but strictly following my former course obserue seuen Attributes in the Description of the Antichristian state and power Revel 17. now mounted upon the back of the Roman state First it is called the Great Whore Secondly which sitteth upon many waters Thirdly with whom the kings of the earth haue committed fornication and the Inhabitants of the earth haue been made druncken with the wine of her fornication Fourthly most richly and gorgeously cloathed and adorned with purple and scarlet gold and pearles having a golden cup in her hand full of her fornications Fiftly shee hath a name written in her forehead a Mysterie Babylon The great Mother of Harlots abhominations of the earth Sixtly She is druncken with the bloud of the Saints and Martyrs of Christ Iesus And lastly to make all plaine who this is It is sayth our Prophet the Great Cittie that ruleth over the kings of the earth Of some parts of which Description I haue spoken before both in the first and second Problem For which cause I shall not neede to speak much here but onely of such things as haue not been touched before And to speake a word by the way of that which is most plain and evident which is last mentioned that it is called the Great cittie by which name we commonly understand the king Prince or Prelate thereof as in the Prophecies against Iuda Israell Babell Ninive we understand many times their Princes and principall men and in our common speech we call Prelates by the names of their Seas as Canterburie London Magunce Trever c. So here by the most proper Adjunct we understand Rome and by Rome her Prince Prelate or Governour It will be in vaine therefore to aske whether this be hee seeing the Holy Ghost sayth this is he But it will be I thinke worth our labour to consider how these qualities may be applied to the chief Pontifex of Rome and whether they may be applied to any other And if to them alone then whether to one more then to another or to the whole succession Let us therefore peruse them in order The first qualitie is The Great Whore Whoredome in Scripture as hath been sayd is understood sometimes literally for the corporall filthines sometimes mystically for the spirituall whoredome which is Idolatrie Now for this later it is evident not onely by the Testimonie of Salvianus aboue recited but of their own histories that the verie Heathen Idols continued undefaced in Rome and worshiped untill the time of Boniface the fourth who having obteyned the Pantheon of the Emperor Phocas did consecrate that Temple to the honour of the Virgin Marie and of all martyrs Platina Fasc Temp. ejectis prius
Whether any Prince Potentate State or person ever did the like in the changes of times as these Popes haue done and whether any can do the like especially that shall continue but three yeares and a halfe or one mans life time Again haue not the Popes and everie one of them changed lawes by establishing a New law which they call the Canon Law Haue they not added to their Decrees Decretals Extravagants Clementines and do they not still publish new Bulles Faculties and Dispensations with speciall words of Non obstante I hope no man will put me to proue any of these things unlesse it be some that will make a question whether that rule of Law be to be held which sayth that Notoria non sunt probanda or make a doubt whether the Popes Bulles Faculties Dispensations and other publike Instruments be Notoria Anton. sum part 3. t. 22. Sum. Angel tit Papa Againe do they not teach and mainteyne that the Pope may make New Religions change the ordinances of Generall Councels and dispence with all Lawes both of the Temporall State and of the Church yea with all the Laws of the second Table and with some of the first As when God in his Law sayth It is not lawfull for thee to haue thy Brothers wife Doth not the Pope say It is lawfull by my dispensation When God sayth Thou shalt not kill doth not the Pope say thou mayst kill euen thy Prince when I haue declared him to be an Heretike Is not this to change lawes 〈…〉 and haue not all the Popes for these many hundred yeares now last past with one consent and voice all making one Man of sinne or Lawlesse one arrogated this power and practised it Haue they not all maynteyned and approved the Actions of their Predecessors in doing such things And do they not still maintaine and practise the same So that I need not to say with Salvianus Etsi hoc commune omnibus non faciebat actus faciebat tamen assensus For which of them hath not done it And what else hath been the cause of so many millions of sinnes committed in the Christian world for these many hundred yeares but the Bulles Indulgences Pardons absolutions faculties and dispensations of the Pope together with the perswasion that men had of their Holines Infallibilitie and power to grant such things and that by such Bulles Indulgences Pardons and Dispensations their sinnes were forgiuen Now let any man shew me Whether ever any Prince Potentate State or man haue done the like or whether it be possible for any in time to come to doe so much in this kinde as the Popes haue done namely to make so many Lawes to break and change so many Lawes and to grant so many Bulles faculties and dispensations especially within the compasse of three yeares and an half or one mans life time Concerning their Adulteries which is the fifth I haue sayd sufficiently before onely this one question may be added viz. Where shall we finde Antichrist and Babylon the Great Whore and mother of Whoredomes but in that church and state whose chief Bishop publikely alloweth them because he hath a greate part of his Revennues from them which as some in former times haue accounted hath been to the value of fortie thousand ducats yearly Concerning their Idolatries also I haue spoken before and shall say more hereafter There resteth but the last note which S. Paul giveth 2 Thes 2. and is principally to be observed because the Fathers do agree that it is without doubt spoken of Antichrist viz. That he sitteth in the Temple of God as God boasting that he is God and exalteth himself aboue all that is called God or that is worshiped and yet working with all deceiuablenes of unrighteousnes If any man yet remain doubtfull whether the Pope be that Antichrist let him answer me upon these words Who ever was comparable to the Pope in these things Aug. de civ dei li. 20. Who ever besides him hath sitten in the outward visible Church or Temple of God as chief Bishop head or Governour thereof or upon the Church as commanding ruling and raigning over it or as the Temple of God with such a singular opinion of sanctitie and infallabilitie for all these wayes doth the Father interpret that word as the Popes haue done And whether it is credible that any shall do the like in time to come Whether is there or was there ever any Prince Potentate or person Christian or Iew Turke or Pagan so adored as he hath been and that in the verie Temple and Charch of God and that by the chief Bishops Archbishops Cardinals Patriarks and Primates of the Church Whether can they giue any greater Adoration to God himself outwardly if he were corporally present Or do they giue any greater to the Sacrament in which they affirme the bodie of our Lord Iesus Christ to be really present Again Whether hath any Prince Potentate or person Christian or Iew Turke or Pagan invented or practised such a powerfull meanes to depriue or depose Emperors Kings and Princes as the Popes haue done by their Excommunications Suspensions Interdictions and Decrees Did ever any so practise to discharge Subjects of their Alleageance and oathes to giue kingdomes away to others to crowne and uncrowne Emperors with his foote to treade upon them and yet still reteyne such an opinion of Holynes See more in the Collect. of M. Fox in the end of his first Tome and haue a Cleargie singing to him in the meane while Super Aspidem Basiliscum c. Did ever any do the like and was obeyed in such things and thought to do it lawfully and rightfully And hath he not in these things more then ever any other exalted himself as God aboue all kings and Princes which are called Gods and worshiped See much more of this in M. Downhams Treatise of Antichr l. 1. cap. 5. Yea doth he not exalt himself aboue our Lord Iesus Christ as much as man may doe when he affirmeth that not onely he himself but everie one of his Masse-priests and Friers is able to make the verie carnall bodie of our Saviour which must be worshipped as God Doth he not cause the Sacrament to be caried before him by a Pedarie or Footepriest when he himself is mounted up in a Throne of Majestie and caried upon mens shoulders Doth he not exalt himself aboue our Lord when he weareth the Crucifix which he likewise commandeth to be worshiped as God upon his shoes and pantofles Possevin● which euen the Rude Moscovite when he heard of it utterly abhorred and detested Doth he not exalt himself aboue God when he taketh upon him to alter the Articles of Fayth and adde to those which were anciently made and declared in the times of the Apostles or soone after by the consent of the Primitiue Church For what is that they haue declared so imperiously subesse Romano Pontisici Extra Com. de
the Patriarch and for the present put them in a Monasterie but about a yeare after caused them all to be murthered and so Phocas four or fiue yeares together continueth still a murtherer adding to his paricide perjurie and to his perjurie parricide with extreame hatred against the good patriarch Cyriacus that would not approue of such hideous actions But the Roman Pontifex made good use hereof For thereupon and by slattering this Catholike Phocas he obteyned of him the title of Soveraigne Catholike or Vniversall Bishop which from that time to this they all maintaine A fourth noble action was their violent and open usurpations of the Territories and Lands belonging to the Emperours their lawfull Souverains which they gotte partly by the Lombards partly by the French another act of perfidious Treason and rebellion A fifth action was their favouring exciting and countenancing of Subjects to rebell against their lawfull princes and to depose them as they did the French against the Emperors of Greece Pipin against Childerick of France and Advaldus the Lombard against the king his Brother in law all to serue their owne turnes And this also the popes to this day do allow and maintaine still reaping the fruits and enjoying the Territories and lands which they got by these practises A sixth action is their horrible Idolatrie in the erecting and worshiping of Images which howsoever they labour to blanch excuse or defend with subtill or Sophistike distinctions which cannot be proved by the Scripture as they ought to be for Vbi Scriptura non distinguit neque nos distinguere debemus quia sensus nostri enarrationes sine Scripturis testibus non habent sidem yet both at the first beginning and ever since it was still judged to be open and manifest Idolatrie and that not onely by godly Christians vide Agrip. de van sci ● 57 Morton in Apol cath li. 1. cap. 46. lo Pic. Mir. in Apol. as at the first by the Churches of Graecia and Asia in the East and of France and Britaine in the West and by many godly men in particular but also by Turkes and Iewes which do utterly condemne it as it is used by the Papists for meer Idolatrie and unexcusable See the place Esai 41 21 22 23 24. such like and consider how it can be answered by their idle distinctions of Image Idolum lat●ia donlia c to which we may adde the Canonising of Saints and making them to be publikely invocated in their solemne Leiturgies therein taking upon them another individuall propertie of God who onely maketh Saints and so committing manifold blasphemie joyned with Idolatrie of invocation And a seauenth or last notable action is the publike declaration and proclamation to the world that they hold themselues absolutely lawlesse and that if the Pope neglect his owne Salvation and others and thereby draw millions of soules into hell with him yet no man may judge of him no man may reprehend him These were the first and the generall actions of this seauenth Head of the Septimontan cittie And all of them are justified and mainteyned by the Popes and by all of them with one consent from their first perpetration and beginning unto this day All of them take the benefit all of them do allow and approue of these things magnifying these ther Predecessors justifying their succession from them and mainteyning their Decrees and Actions holding this for a Principle inviolable that they will not confesse themselues to erre in any thing as Thuanus hath observed Thua● Whereupon I demand Whether they do not all of them thereby declare themselues to be that Sonne of Perdition that exalteth himself against and aboue all that is called God or that is worshiped And I demand whether such things haue been done in any other kingdome or nation under heauen and whether we may expect such things to be done by any Turke Iewe Pagan or any other person whatsoever in Rome the place determined in any time to come Now let us see and consider of the particular actors of this Antichristian person during the time of his Raigne which from the former Period must continue for 666 yeares more or thereabout and in everie one of them I desire thee Good Christian to consider which of them all is not Homo peccati sedens in Templo Dei that man of sinne that fitteth in the Temple of God and is worshiped and exalteth himself aboue all that is called God or is worshipped c. And also what may be thought of the whole succession taken together Anno Domini 707 Constantine the Pope would haue his foote to be kissed like another Dioclesian thereby making evident demonstration King of pride if not in words yet in deede that he claymed to be his successor Onuphr And it defence of Images he openly resisted Philippicus the Emperor of Greece But Iustin and Anastasius tyrants and Murderers submitted themselues unto him and approved his Decrees Idolatrie and rebellion This adoration rebellion and Idolatrie the Popes haue continued ever since Anno 720 or thereabouts Gregorie the second and third continued the same Idolatrie and rebellion and caused all Italie to withdraw their obedience from the Emperor Leo. and to deny their Tributes because he had commanded Images to be broken and burned and for the same cause also excommunicated him tooke to themselues the Cottian Alpes Cursing Princes by colour of guift from the Lombards Anno 749 Zacharie incourageth and assisteth Pipin to depose his master Childerick king of France and to take upon him the kingdome of France which was afterwards confirmed by the Popes that followed for which the sayd Pipin gaue to the popes the Exarchat of Ravenna which belonged to the Grecian Emperor Anno 756 Stephen who cofirmed the kingdome of France to Pipin this man would be caried upon mens shoulders which his successors haue continued ever since Anno 757 a notable Schisme wherein Constantine the second gott the papacie by mony and armes This Schisme is reckoned the ninth Anno 772 Adrian the first a valiant defender of Images and ldolatrie Changing He beganne to grant priviledges and dispensations In his time there was held a counsel at Rome wherein the pope with the consent of the Counsell First horn put downe clearly to cashier the Greek Emperors thrust them out of all made Charlemain prince of the Senate Dist 63 can Adrian papa Romā c. this was Adrian the first giving unto him the power of investing the pope And as Mornay collecteth out of Sigonius and others the pope acknowledged to hold of him Ravenna and other pieces by fealtie and alleageance adoring him after the manner that was used to the ancient princes Yet no sooner was Charlemayn dead but they wrought upon the good nature of Lewis his sonne and about Anno 816 Stephen procured himself to be chosen and consecrated without consent of the French Emperor
France Spain In this order they are named Consil Basil Sess 1. consisting of fiue great and worthie Nations three severall times in three great and generall Councels and in everie one of them notwithstanding all the power of the Popes a thing not a little to be wondred at it was decreed that the generall Councell was and ought to be aboue the Pope and that whosoever denyed that Trueth was an Heretike Anathema And thereupon in the Councell of Pisa being first of the three the two popes then standing in schisme were both declared to be Heretikes and unworthie and compelled to abdicate and another was made pope namely Alexander the fifth And to this councell there came learned men out of this our Countrie of England as well as out of other nations and were entertayned by that famous and excellent learned Chancelour of Paris Gerson who declared the consent of the Church of France with the English church in that matter Shortly after this the Papall Church had againe three popes together and so became Triceps like to Cerberus and so the great cittie sayth Luther was divided into three parts according to the prophecie Apoc. 16. Soone after that therefore was assembled the second great councell of the said fiue Nations at Constance And therein it was againe with great consent namely of 900 Bishops and learned men fully concluded and decreed against the Popes Law that the Councell is aboue the Pope and hath authoritie immediately from Christ unto which all of whatsoever state or dignitie etiamsi Papalis albeit the Papall is bound to obey And yet in the same councell the pope shewed himself in his Antichristian pride riding to Church on horseback the Emperor of the one side and one of the Princes Electors on the other side leading his horse yet in the same Councell the godly Bohemians Iohannos Hus and Hieronimus Pragensis openly protested against the Pope saying that if he did not follow Christ in his life he was not Christs Vicar for which other like sentences they were condemned and burned contrarie to the publike fayth and safe conduct of the Emperor and to the eternall condemnation of all Popish faith and fidelitie And yet in the same Councell God himself overruled their voices and caused them to decree against the Popes canon law as aforesaid Thirdly within the same compasse of yeares there followed another great Councell at Basil of the same fiue Nations Sess 38. Fasc tem 88 Carleton of Iurisd pa. 276. Wherein after much contention and disputation it was decreed again contrarie to the Popes comon law and his great Proctor Panormitane that the Councell is aboue the Pope and that the Pope hath not power to dissolue prorogue or transfer it to another time or place And whosoever denyed that veritie should be judged an Heretike Yet against all these Councels the popes and all their Successors ever since haue and to this day doe oppose themselues in mainteining their Antichristian power Articulos solvit synodumque facit gevera●em elation and authoritie affirming That the Pope onely may make a generall Councell and cannons and that to him a man may appeale from the generall councell and that the Councell can determine nothing without the Pope and so that he is aboue all generall councels still continuing also in their abhominable Idolatrie filthines and wicked practises And so all the Popes since that Councell of Basil stand openly declared Hereticks by the consent of all the Christian Churches of Europe in three great Councels Clemangis But to crosse these the Pope gathered another councell at Rome wherein after a solemne Masse of Veni Creator Spiritus If th● be denyed let them shew forth but one act or dec●ee of that Counc●ll there appeared a hideous and dreadfull owle and the Councell shortly after without any thing done dissolved Neyther hath the Antichristian Sect any thing to object against the Decrees of those three former Councels See the historie of this c●ūsell set forth by Pet. Scave judge whether it were any thing else but a saction unlesse it be a Conventicle and conspiracie of their owne faction at Trent where the fiue Nations did not meete What then shall we say to these things Were not these extraordinarie great actions or are not these actions sutable to the Prophecies or may we ever expect the like againe Whether then may we not here safely rest and fixe the eyes of our attention and contemplation upon this notable periode so manie times pointed out and defined by God himself and accompanied with so great and notable events as happened within this one Centure of yeares or litle more namely from the time of Boniface the eight till the Councell of Basill In the beginning we see the Pope like a God proclaiming a Iubile and thereby changing times and lawes renewing a Iewish Ceremonie and thereby denying that Christ is come in the flesh clayming the absolute Lordship and command of all the world as well in temporall as in spirituall things excommunicating great and vertuous Princes for small faults and yet he himself weltring and wallowing in Egyptian filthines and incest with his owne Neeces Then great schismes in the church his Successor mounted on horseback the Emperor Prince Elector leading his Palfrey by the bridle with many such like notes of more pride and elation then was ever read or heard of to be used by any mortall man whatsoever And in the end the Pope notwithstanding all his pride and Luciferian exaltation by three great and generall Councels gathered out of all Christendome declared to be an Heretike which in respect of the greatnes of his Sea his followers his long continuance and other circumstances must needs be understood the greatest Heretike of all that ever were or can be and so by undeniable consequence declared to be Antichrist Not so will some Babylonian peradventure say It is not any of those circumstances nor all of them can make him the greatest Heretike no more then Arius in his time was therefore accounted the greatest Heretike because the whole world as it is sayd became an Arian but because he denied one of the greatest points of our fayth namely the equalitie of God the Sonne with his Father and therefore was called Christomachus Be it so yet I thinke no man will deny but caeteris paribus the circumstances aforesaid will both augment and aggravate the Heresie But let us consider first the greatnes and extent of that point which the said three generall Councels condemned for Heresie secondly what other Heresies and how manie and great the Pope doth maintaine and if either that point so condemned be great yea verie great or that he mainteyneth more or greater then any other then will I leaue it to thine owne Conscience Christian reader to judge and determine whether the Pope be the greatest Heretike that ever was or not And because it is not my meaning either to build