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A11012 Lectures, vpon the history of the Passion, Resurrection, and Ascension of our Lord Iesus Christ Beginning at the eighteenth chapter of the Gospell, according to S. Iohn, and from the 16. verse of the 19. chapter thereof, containing a perfect harmonie of all the foure Euangelists, for the better vnderstanding of all the circumstances of the Lords death, and Resurrection. Preached by that reuerend and faithfull seruant of God, Mr. Robert Rollocke, sometime minister of the Euangell of Iesus Christ, and rector of the Colledge of Edinburgh. Rollock, Robert, 1555?-1599.; Charteris, Henry, 1565-1628.; Arthur, William, fl. 1606-1619. 1616 (1616) STC 21283; ESTC S116153 527,260 592

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and some may thinke that this proceeded from stubburnenesse in Iesus No Brethren in this He was so farre from disobedience either to God or to the Magistrate that the Lord Iesus vttered a great obedience to God and the Magistrate and a wonderfull patience in that He will not repine in one word knowing well that it was the will of his Father in heauen the houre was come and therefore the houre comming He will not helpe Himselfe in one word so pleasantly and willingly Hee offereth Himselfe to the death This was prophecied of Him in the 53. of Esay Hee maketh no more repining than a sheepe or a lambe that stands before the shearer Hee opened not His mouth not for stubburnesse but Hee was patient Brethren some would maruell of the boldnesse of the Martyres when they suffered O the boldnesse that they had in answering euē in the fire they suffered not one word to sl●p but they answered for Gods glorie and well of them that stood by O! but the Lord kept silence Some would thinke that Iesus Christ in this point was inferiour to the Martyres but this is the m●tter Christ was silent that the Martyres might speake for except Hee had beene silent they in persecution should not haue opened their mouthes He was dumbe that wee might speake and was made nothing that wee might be some thing Now to returne to our text againe Pilate vses all meanes to get Iesus loose he vses the present occasion to that purpose knowing the vse of the Iewes hee would haue beene glad to haue had Iesus set at libertie aboue all the prisoners To speake somewhat of this custome they had this custome to get a prisoner set at libertie at festiuall times to the honour of their Feastes the Passeouer was a Feast in rememberance of that deliuerance out of Egypt now as they were deliuered so they would haue a prisoner deliuered but therewith they dishonoured God is that to honour God to breake His commandement this custome was not from the beginning but entred in when the Romane Emperour entred in and this manner of doing wanted not a faire pretence it had a pretence of clemencie mercie of the Gouernour we know this there is nothing wherein a Prince resembleth God more than in clemencie but it is a sin to let a wicked man escape or that the Emperour should let him goe for Gods Lawe sayes Deut 11.12.13 Thine eye shal not spare the murtherer neither looke vpō him with a pittifull eye Will ye see what things these men haue for them who thinke that Princes may giue men that are conuict of Capital crimes their liues Some will say hath not a free Prince licence to giue him his life albeit the Law of God say The murtherer shall die the death well I say and it is the trueth that were as much as to giue him an absolute power but all the worlde shall not giue him such a power hee may well vsurpe it but not an Angell in Heauen hath absolute power ouer a begger to put him to death and to keepe him aliue at his pleasure much lesse a mortall man only the great Creator whose will is the rule of all righteousnesse hath this power ouer his creature It is true indeed a Prince should be loth to put out that life y t God hath put in should beware to judge rashly in Capitall crimes It is no small matter to make a crime Capitall but if the crime bee Capitall and deadly the Prince hath no power to holde his hand abacke from execution and to forgiue Indeede for weightie and great considerations a Prince may mitigate the punishment but to say he may let the man goe free hee hath no power but yet they will insist further and say Is not this one of the judiciall lawes that was giuen to the Jewes then what haue we to doe with it I answere these lawes seeing the Iewes and their Commonwealth and lawes politicke are abrogate in so far as they concerned that people wee haue nothing adoe with them they are abolished but for asmuch as they are grounded vpon nature and naturall law we haue adoe with them as for this law it is naturall Ye know that naturall men Ethnickes who had neuer the law of the Iewes they executed the murtherer but yet they insist they will bring in the example of good kings who forgaue Capitall crimes committed against the very vniuersall and naturall law and namely of Dauid forgaue he not Joab for slaying of Abner and Amasa and Amnon for committing incest and againe forgaue he not Absolom for slaying of Amnon his brother but I answere We are bound to liue by Gods lawes not by examples as for Dauid if hee had power to haue punished those men hee failed but it lay not in the handes of Dauid sayes hee not of Ioab the sonnes of Seruia are too strong for me 2. Sam. 3.39 Ye know what he left in his Testament to Salomon concerning Joab 1 Kings 1. Ioab was a great man if Dauid might haue punished he failed sinne cannot be excused albeit he punished it not Some will say further Should not and ought not each priuate man forgiue a priuate offence is not that Gods will and commandement Hereupon they would conclude and make it to follow A Prince may forgiue a wicked man for Capitall crimes but I say and affirme that there is a great difference betweene a priuate man and a King When a King forgiues a Capitall crime hee forgiues Gods right hee is free in another mans right indeede there is a difference betweene these crimes that are Capitall and the crimes that in their owne nature are not Capitall but by the lawes of Princes are made Capitall for vpon just considerations the Prince hath power to dispense with them as for Exāple It was not deadly of y e own nature to Simei to go out of the Portes of Ierusalem but because Salomon forbade it it became deadly Like as it is in the handes of Princes to make to change such special lawes so it lyes in his hands to forgiue such a man trāsgressing them vpon weightie and great considerations So to returne these crimes that are Capitall by naturall law a Prince hath no power to remit them albeit hee were ruler of all the world hee derogates to Gods glorie and secondly if there were no more to let vs see that God hath not giuen that power to forgiue Capitall crimes against Gods Lawe and nature the Iudgements of God which ceazed on such men and their posteritie were sufficient to shevv it for if thou forgiuest a thiefe he vvould hang thee on the same gallovves That sad example of the Iudgement of God vpon Saul who against Gods expresse commandement spared Agag king of Amaleck might terrifie other Princes to remit such persons Some will come forth and his remission to his abhominable murther and crimes in his bosome vpon whome the sunne is not worthie to
anie further to let vs see how wittingly and willingly how joyfullie and gladly and howe patiently hee offereth himselfe vnto death for our sinnes Now he hath no sooner spoken this one worde I am he which is a gentle worde but assoone they start backwardes and fall to the grounde whereby the Lord woulde testifie vnto them that they had no power to take his life from him as hee said before himselfe he had both his life and his death in his owne handes all the power in heauen and in earth was not able to cause him to die if he had pleased to haue liued But to come to this Text When hee hath strucken them to the ground they leaue not off but when they are risen they are as bent as they were before It is a marueilous thing for if it had beene his will hee might not onely haue strucken them to the grounde but hee might haue strucken them thorow the earth into hell yet he letteth them rise againe but they are all senselesse of that diuine power wherewith they are strucken The Lord beginneth the speach and he saith Whom seeke ye They answere not knowing him IESVS of Nazareth He replieth againe I said vnto you that I am hee hee denieth not himselfe but in a manner prouoketh them to dispatch that businesse which they were about yet he entereth into a condition with them Take not these that are with mee stirre not my Disciples he giueth them a charge that they stirre them not and indeed none of that whole companie had anie power to lift vp their hand against them The words are plaine ye may easily perceiue the note that riseth of this It is a marueilous thing that a naked and a simple man who was baser than the King of Glorie was in the earth a man naked without armour hee is standing before them who are like as many Tyrants or tygers and yet none of them had power to lay handes vpon him till hee giue them power and more hee will not let them stirre him till hee make a condition with them That they handle not his disciples He imponeth lawes vnto them and without this law that they meddle not with his Disciples he will not yeelde himselfe vnto them So Brethren this is to let you see first that diuine power which was in the Lord Iesus Beholde it for it is a comfortable thing for Christians to knowe that diuine power that is in Iesus Christ for although hee neuer touched one of them yet that diuine power did so binde fast their hands and so restrained that pride of their heartes that they had no power once to moue against him Next behold a miserable senselessenesse in them for it is a wonderfull thing that they cannot perceiue nor feele this power that was in him If they had had anie sight of the Godhead dwelling in him bodily would they not haue ceassed from such a wicked enterprise Brethren it is an hard matter for any man or woman once to bee giuen ouer vnto a reprobate sense and to be strucken with blindnesse and hardnesse of heart And if God in his just judgement giue thee to blindnesse and hardnesse of soule albeit hee woulde make judgement after judgement to ceasse vpon thee and albeit he would strike thee and beate thee vpon thy backe thou wilt not bee the better but thou wilt get vp againe like a drunken man and if thou bee once giuen ouer to thine owne selfe it is as sure a thing as is in the worlde that except the Lord let thee see with his power a sight of mercy thou shalt euer become worse and worse and except the face of Iesus shine into thy soule all afflictions shall harden thee like yron that is often strucken vpon and the greater the afflictions bee except that mercy shine into thine heart thou wilt bee the more indured Paul saieth When the heart is conuerted to the Lord the vaile is taken away 2. Corinth 3.16 Without conuersion of the heart to the face of IESVS that that mercifull face may shine into the heart all the thinges in the world will not be able to mollifie thine heart Therefore whensoeuer the Lord afflicteth thee pray for mercy that as the power striketh thee so the mercie may be powerfull to conuert thee Yea crie aye for the mercy or else the power shall worke a further induration in thee and make thee worse To goe forward Yee see how carefull He is of his disciples men would thinke that He being so hard straited so neare the death should haue forgotten his Disciples for this is our fashion but the Lord doeth not so And Brethren this is a true note and token of a true Shepheard hee will forget himselfe and his life and hee will remember his flocke and when he is adying hee will be carefull of his flocke and when the Wolfe is worrying him yet hee will doe what lyeth in him that his flocke and euery sheepe thereof may escape and he will giue his life for the safetie of his flocke This is a good pastor So wee see the viue image of a faithfull Pastor in the Lord Iesus he will giue his life for his sheepe as hee saith himselfe Hee is but an hyreling that will not for the loue of his sheepe laye downe his life And this is the thing that I note chiefely here When the Lord becommeth weake in himselfe thorow infirmitie yea voluntarie infirmitie hee needed not to bee infirme what need had the God of glorie to bee infirme hee suffereth himselfe to bee bound till he become infirme In the meane time he is strong and powerfull in his Disciples to their safetie for although these that were in the Garden would neuer so faine yet they could not gette their hands laide vpon his Disciples The Lord Iesus when he was hanging vpon the Crosse the Iewes scorned him and tauntinglie saide vnto him Thou who sauedst others come downe and saue thy selfe meaning he could not saue himself because he was crucified as if he had no power but they are deceiued for that same houre that the Lord was vpon the Crosse and that same verie time that thorowe infirmitie he died and when he was hanging dead vpon the Crosse that power went out from him that kept his D●sciples and all the faithfull in the worlde For except that the Lord had kept them then when he was hanging dead they had beene a preye to the Deuill For this is our nature and infirmitie wee cannot stand a moment in this world except it be by the power of Iesus Christ Well then Brethren if Christ Iesus crucified and crucified as the Apostle speaketh 2. Cor. 13.4 thorow infirmitie and so weake in himselfe in his humane nature had so great a power to saue his Church what shall wee say then What a power is that which proceedeth from Iesus Christ glorified and commeth downe nowe from the Heauen and who liueth nowe as the Apostle sayeth there by the
the word of God and by that Spirit as ye would see life and if yee put it out the Lord shall make you as senslesse as a beast They cried both but Pilate cries Judge ye him They crie crucifie him Pilate cries I find no fault in him worthy of death What euer be Pilates part who was a judge what euer was the part of the Iewes the accusers the Lord hath His part also in it and hee appointes it by His eternall decree the houre was come and Hee will haue His onely begotten Sonne to die for the sinnes of the world and He will be glorified in His death at this houre and He will not haue Him to die as one worthie of death in Himselfe but like an innocent in the sight of the world Now looke to this wisdome that his innocencie should appeare He will haue the Iudge protesting His innocencie oftentimes before He should die On the other part Hee will haue the conscience of the High Priests scraped out and He will haue them getting His blood if the High Priests conscience had beene wakned Iesus had not died at this time for the sinnes of the worlde and therefore to the ende that He should die He hardened the hearts of the accusers When any innocent man suffers and chi●fly for Christ the Lord hath disposed the worlde so that Hee hath made some to testifie of the innocencie of the Martyres and some hath Hee hardened to seeke the blood of the Martyres that He might be glorified Looke to Daniel Darius had a conscience of his innocencie but the Princes had hardened hearts Daniel 6.1 Looke when Paul was accused the Romane Gouernours Lysias Felix and Festus had a conscience of the innocencie of Paul but the High Priestes persecutes Him to the death When a malefactor sufferes the Lord will not vse this manner of doing He will not haue the Iudge to testifie the mans innocencie where there is none but he willl let him die and suffer like a murtherer an oppressour or a blasphemer as he is in very deed hee will haue Iudge accusers and all men conspire together to take awaye such pestes from the earth Therefore if there were no more but this if wee must die it should moue vs to die in a good cause and the best cause is the cause of Iesus Christ Take heede that thou suffer not like a nocent and guiltie person but like an innocent so thy death shall be glorious it is a paine to die and a greater paine to die for an euill cause Now the Priests answere Wee haue a lawe and according to our lawe Hee merites the death they challenge not a lawe to crucifie Him or any power to punish Him capitallie for all power of this was taken away from them by the Romanes yet for all this they forget not the right of their lawe That the blasphemer should die the death according to this lawe they affirme Him worthie of death So Brethren What euer Pilate can doe or say to mitigate and to asswage their malice speake what he can speake they continue in hardnes against Christ looke what blindes them The word of God that should make them to see it it blindes them and they vse it to their blinding All the things in the world yea the best thinges the very word of God serues to wicked men for nothing els but for their farder induration the more they seee the blinder they are they will read but the more they reade the blinder are they for why they abuse the word they will not make it a rule to direct their affections and actions but they abuse it to their fantasie makes a slaue of it Looke to the Papists this day they abuse the old and new Testaments they make them to serue their appetites they interpret expone and applie the word as they please they make the word of God the author of their lies I affirme that the word of God doth nothing to the Papists but blinde them it had bene good for them that they had neuer seene heard nor read the Scripture of God Write on say on this shall bee verified one day but let vs consider their reasoning The lawe ordaines that the blasphemer shall die the death but so it is that this man is a blasphemer for Hee hath made himselfe the Sonne of God therefore He should die y e death If ye looke the ground the general No mā can find fault with it for it is set downe in y e Law Leuit 24.14 but come to the applicatiō where they subsume Iesus is a blasphemer there they faile for Iesus was is and shall be that only begottē Son of God therefore the conclusion is false that Hee ought to die the death So yee see the generall is true but the assumption and the conclusion is a lye In wicked men yee shall finde this that no man will laye downe fairer generalles out of the worde of God than they no man will doe that better but come on to the application there they goe astraye they applie not right but they applie either to this affection or that As for example The murtherer should die the death if there be an hatred in them against the man they will applie it vnto him but by the contrarie if hee bee a kinsman or a friende they will say this man is no murtherer howbeit hee bee as great a murtherer as Barabbas was and therfore he should not die Take heed to thine heart and thinke it not enough to knowe the generall to bee true but take heede to thine heart and to the affections thereof that they maye bee sanctified and chiefely thou who art a Iudge looke that thine heart bee free of hatred and of peruerse loue or else thy loue thine hatred and thy peruerse affections shall bee poyson to thee and shall blinde thee and shall make thee pronounce false judgement For what auailes knowledge what auailes it thee to haue a great light in thine head either thorowe nature or yet thorowe the worde of God if thou wantest reformation and sanctification to thine affections all is for nothing True Christianitie stands in the reformation of the heart and without this all the knowledge in the Scripture shall poyson thee to the death for except thou be reformed it had bene better for thee that thou hadst bene ignorant and neuer seene the Scripture Nowe to goe forwarde When they haue answered Pilate hee continues and it is said when he heard that that man was the Sonne of God if hee had a conscience before now he hath a greater conscience Euen as whatsoeuer Pilate can speake to the hie priests did no more but hardē them on so all the wordes they vse to put out his conscience stirres it vp and wakens it the more Indeede they sought by all meanes to blotte out his conscience And all the doing of a consciencelesse man is to blinde thee and put out thy conscience like as his
IESVS had concluded to suffer in all patience and to obey the Heauenly will of His Father Now in this Text that we haue read we haue heard how Pilate in anger speakes to Iesus thinking that Hee had not knowne him and that Hee gaue him not his due honour and saies Knowest thou not with whom thou hast to doe and that I haue power to crucifie thee and I haue power to loose thee The Lord answeres No thou would haue no power except it were giuē thee frō aboue he therefore who hath deliuered mee vnto thee hath the greater sinne In the first part of this Text wee haue the conference betwixt Pilate and Iesus To speake of this demand of Pilates ye may see by his wordes that the warning that he got a little before that Iesus was the Son of God that feare reuerence of Iesus Christ wherwith the heart was touched it was but vanishing Wee may marke heere the instabilitie of Pilate first hee hath no feare of IESVS and then of a suddaintie hee is mooued with a reuerence and feare and last this reuerence is scarcelie entered into his heart when it euanishes away and beeing angrie against CHRIST hee falles out in blasphemie against GOD. And this is no newe thing for wee see this same in men now adayes Yee will see men who haue liued verie loosely taking their pastime and vpon a suddaintie yee shall see them haue a kind of repentance and reuerence but ere ye looke about you all shall euanish This is too plentifull in great men and small The ground is this the heart was neuer truely renued but in the meane time of the fained repentance the heart was full of the gall of bitternesse as Peter speaketh to Simon Magus The reuerence or repentance was but like a scroofe of honey rubbed on venome and then when the venome breakes out the scroofe goes away as the morning dew before the sunne Then if thou wouldest haue the feare of God to abide in thine heart thou must alwayes be deluing and digging downe into the heart there is an infinite deepenesse of malitiousnesse in it Therefore hee who would haue stabilitie let him see that that ground be honest and good and be not content with the dregges looke that the heart be sound There is nothing so deceitfull as the heart of man Ierem. 17.9 it will not onely beguile another man but it will be guile a man himselfe and if that fraud bide in thee it will not leaue thee till it bring thee to destruction Now let vs marke the wordes of Pilate Knowest thou not that I haue pow●r to crucifie thee and to absolue thee Brethren wl at els is this but to claime to himselfe an absolute power either to slay the innocent or to let Him goe free as he pleases this is such a power as only the God of Heauen hath Hee hath not giuen this power to no creature neither to man nor Angell this is only proper to the great God We see by the example of Pilate that this is naturall to Magistrates and Princes to thinke that their power cannot bee restrained or limitated by any lawe to slay or saue by the lawe but to doe with the lawe as they please Albeit Princes or Iudges will seeme to be verie modest and to claime nothing but that which is right and agreeable both to Gods Lawe and mans lawe Pilate said a litle before I will not crucifie Christ because he is innocent yet for all this modestie prouoke them once make them angrie once they shall vtter suddenly in wrath what they thinke and esteeme of their power they will then blaspheme and say that their power is absolute Experience may teach this that of all men in the world the estate of Princes Iudges and Potentates is most dangerous The more that a man haue of power of riches or of the goods of this worlde his estate is more dangerous There is nothing more dangerous than to put a sword or a scepter in the hand of a naturall man for Brethren to put power in the hands of a naturall man is as much as to put the sword in the hands of a mad man Paul the third Chapter to Titus and third verse calles a naturall man a mad man albeit hee were neuer so discreete he is mad Wee were all madde sayes Paul as they are A mad man will slay others and lastly hee will slay himselfe in the ende and so shall hee who hath power if hee be no more but a naturall man Would to God that Princes and Magistrates would take heed to this it is required that all estates be renued by the Spirit Woe is to the King and to the subject the rich and the begger who is not borne againe In the Euangell according to John Christ sayes to Nicodemus Except a man bee borne againe hee shall not see the Kingdome of GOD. But it is most requisite that these men who are set in high roomes and haue gotten all the pleasures in the world at their will that they bee renued for without sanctification all outwarde thinges will make thee worse As great riches and honours as great tentations to make thee to forget GOD. All thy pleasures shall bring to thee as great displeasure yea they shall worke damnation to thee in hell except the LORD giue thee His Spirit There was neuer a King so wise great and high but if hee got not regeneration hee shall kill himselfe with that same power he got in his hand So let vs all seeke this regeneration and chiefly Kings who thinke will say Who should be renued but poore sillie persons they thinke it lawfull for themselues to commit all vncleannesse fornication blasphemie c. and to sell themselues to all sinne No if thou who hast gotten honour be not renued thy damnation shall farre exceede the damnation of the begger Let vs weigh the words This is a marueilous thing Pilate stood vp before and protested that Christ Iesus was innocent Nowe hee stands vp againe and sayes That hee hath power to doe with him what he pleased How can these stand what can be gathered of these two voyces Euen this that notwithstanding of His innocencie hee might crucifie Him for it is as much as this Iesus for all thine innocencie I haue power to crucifie thee Who will s●and vp and say that hee hath power ouer an innocent man to slay but only hee who is a murtherer So Pilate in effect professes himselfe to be a murtherer for it is as much as hee said I am a murtherer will take thy life from thee albeit thou be an innocent Is not this a great madnesse to a Magistrate who is placed in power aboue others to call himselfe a murtherer The ground of this is pride against God in the heart a proud man is euer a mad man for pride is against God it makes a man mad and therefore as the heart is proud so the mouth is
see that all our honour stands in that that Iesus Christ may be honoured that we may be content with all men to glorifie Him he sayes not Nicodemus doe thou the rest of it I haue done my part I haue bought y e winding-sheete now I will goe my way doe thou the rest annoynt thou Him burie thou Him No he leaues Him not but when once he put his hand to Him he wil not leaue Him hast thou begun to serue Christ leaue Him not albeit a King should command thee leaue Him not if thou come not w t odours come with a windingsheet if not with y e windingsheet come put the towell about Him bind Him if thou doest no more stand by speake to His honur glorifie Him and if thou hast not a tongue to speake reuerently of Him think of Him reuerently honour Him in thy heart If thou honour Him not woe to thee if thou were a King wo to thee if y u glorify not y e God of glory this may let vs see by experience y t y e soule y t hath any will to glorify Iesus can neuer be at rest but whē it is occupied in glorifying Him he saies this was done after y e custome of y e Jewes as they buried honorable men so they buried Iesus good reasō was it y t so it should be there came neuer such an honorable man amōg them as Christ no not their kings Dauid Salomon c. were nothing to Him So it appeares y t this custome in y e buriall was according to their ceremonial law therefore these ceremonies y t y e Iewes vsed in these burialls their washing their odours the rest were all figures of Iesus to come of y t glorious resurrectiō of His which is y e ernest pēny of our resurrectiō for our resurrectiō depēds on His glorious resurrection and if Hee had not risen we should neuer haue risen in glorie Seeing therefore they were shadowes after His death and resurrection all these ceremonies all this balming washing c. take an end and except thou wouldest say that Iesus is not risen and extinguish the sweet smel of His resurrection thou must leaue off all the ceremonies It is true buriall should be honoured and certainely in the buriall of men and women a great respect should bee had Why should the body of a man bee cast away the very light of Nature imprinted in the heart by the creation dites that the dead body of a man or a woman should be buried honourablie and that in hope of immortalitie Nature hath a smell of immortalitie and it causes the body be had in due regarde the beasts bodies ye see when they are dead they are cast avvay and no more is made of them Come to custome the custome of buriall that the Fathers vsed from the beginning teaches vs that the buriall of man and woman should be respected and that vpon the hope of resurrection Beginne at Adam goe to Abraham Isaac Iacob Joseph and all the rest of the holy Patriarkes they had a regarde of their burialls vpon hope of their resurrection for the bodies of the Sainctes vvho are buried shall rise gloriously in that great day and this they did not so much by Nature as by a reuelation of God and on this hope follovved these ceremonies the vvashing and balming of the bodies Acts 9.37 The very vvord the Scripture vses the vvord of sl●eping shevv the bodie vvould not die for euer but that they laid downe the body in the graue to sleepe as if it vvere laide dovvne in a soft bed to sleepe not to lye for ay there but to rise again● in the morning vvhen the day shall rise Iesus Christ is the most glorious morning that euer vvas and the body that sleepes in Him sh●ll rise againe to glorie vvhen Hee shall come in the cloudes vv●th millions of His Angels Come to the custome of the nations their buriall vvas honoured they did it of imitation follovving the F●thers like Apes vvanting the hope of resurrection What h●lpeth thee thy buriall or the honours of it if thou vvant●st that hope of resurrection they vvanted the vvord of God the life of all ce●emonies what good doe all these ceremonies vvithout the vvord and promises of God by them only they are quickened by them only they liue vvithout them they are dead shadovves The very Ethnikes had a respect to buriall But this vvas in hope of resurrection but vpon a custome for pompe and vaine glorie As in all things the Lord gaue them vp vnto a reprobate sense so in buriall Hee gaue them vp to a reprobate sense They would cast out some dead bodies like dogges and some vsed to burne the deade bodies in the fire these are barbarous and inhumane fashions The body should be buried in the earth thou shouldest returne to the earth as thou camest of the earth Againe some amongst the Gentiles vsed ouer great gorgeousnesse and sumptuousnesse in their burialls placing the effect of the buriall in gorgeousnesse But to come to vs if thou werest a King thou shouldest not followe the Ethnickes in sumptuousnesse when the Lord brings a man low wilt thou exalt his head and exceede measure in gorgeousnesse vvilt thou hold vp his head when the Lord is casting downe his head the Lord will cast downe thine heade and his both to the dust Eschew two extremities First eschew contempt cast not away the body and secondly eschew gorgeousnesse and superfluitie keepe a Christian honour albeit thou werest a King or an Emperour thou shouldest keepe a mediocritie and Christian honestie and let that sweete smell of the death and resurrection of IESVS CHRIST sauour into his buriall What shall we say in burialls then Shall we make none exception No let vs looke to Circumstances Burie not a begger like a King looke to the place and time and person yet in all times places and persons let the buriall smell of that sweet smelling odour of IESVS CHRIST and let that simple Christian honestie be seene in your burialls Now because the time is spent and I will not wearie you I leaue the rest till the next daye and commend you to GOD beseeching Him that yee may bee like to Him both in life and death and in His buriall and resurrection that wee may dwell with Him for euermore in the Heauens To whome with the Father and the Holy Spirit be all honour praise and glorie world without end AMEN THE XXVII LECTVRE OF THE BVRIALL OF CHRIST MATTH CHAP. XXVII verse 59 So Ioseph tooke the bodie and wrapped it in a cleane linnen cloth MARKE CHAP. XV. verse 46 And layed him in a tombe that was h●wen out of a rocke and rolled a stone vnto the doore of the sepulchre LVKE CHAP. XXIII verse 53 And tooke it downe and wrapped it in a linnen cloth and layed it in a tombe hewen out of a rocke wherein was neuer man yet
GOD to cast downe holdes c. 2. Cor. Chapter 10. verse 4. Hee hath giuen them power to discharge their calling Yee may reade of this power at great length Matth. Chapter 16. verse 19. When the Lord speaking to Peter in his person sayes to all the Apostles I will giue vnto thee the keyes of the Kingdome of Heauen and whatsoeuer thou shalt binde vpon earth shall be bound in Heauen and whatsoeuer thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in Heauen And Matth. Chapter 18. verse 18. the Lord sayes to all his Apostles Whatsoeuer ye binde on earth shall be bound in Heauen and whatsoeuer yee loose on earth shall be loosed in Heauen So yee see the Lord giues them this power before His suffering and now after His Resurrection He renewes it againe Nowe wee must not thinke that this power was giuen only to the Apostles and their Ministerie which was then extraordinarie No but it is giuen also to the ordinarie Pastors and their ordinarie Ministerie to continue with them to the ende of the world Nowe Brethren because this power which the Lord giues to His Ministerie is a matter of great importance and serues much for our instruction Wee shall insist somewhat more largely in speaking of it First What are the meanes whereby this power is practised and put in execution The meanes are two the first is the preaching of the worde the preaching of the Law and the preaching of the Gospell The second is Ecclesiasticall discipline vvhich ought to be conjoyned with the preaching of the word should follow after it But wherein is this power placed Standes it in this that the Pastor himself should reteine or forgiue mens sins Is this the proper effect of the Ministerie No the Pastour himselfe hath no power to forgiue or reteine sinnes because that belongs only to God Himselfe and cannot be communicated to any creature The Pharises themselues acknowledged this for when CHRIST saide to the sicke of the Palsey Sonne thy sinnes are forgiuen thee they counted Him a blasphemer for say they Who can forgiue sinnes but GOD oly Marc. Chapter 2. verse 5. c. And the Lord sayes himselfe Esay 43.25 I euen I am Hee that puts away thine iniquities for mine owne sake and will not remember thy sinnes This is so proper to the Lord that He will not giue this power to any flesh because it is a part of His glorie and He sayes J will not giue my glorie to another Esay 48.11 And good reason it is that this power of forgiuing and reteining of sinnes belong only to Him for all sinne properly is against the Majestie of GOD Himselfe for Iohn sayes Sin is a transgression of the Law of God Therefore Dauid when He had slaine Vriah had committed adulterie with Bathsheba his wife he sayes to the Lord Against thee against thee only haue I sinned done euill in thy sight Psal 51.4 So this stands sure that properly it is a thing belonging to GOD only to forgiue and reteine sinnes to binde and to loose that is to pronounce the sentence of remitting and reteining of sinnes Then wherein stands this power that Christ hath giuen to His Pastours and Ministerie I answere It stands in the promulgation and proclaming in the earth of that sentence that is alreadie past giuen out in y e Heauens for this is manner of y e Lords dealing with men Hee will not lift them vp to Heauen immediatly make them to heare y e sentence of remitting or reteining of sinnes pronounced there by Himselfe No but He abases demits Himself to vs by His Ministry He comes down as it were out of Heauen to vs by His Ministerie He intimates proclames to vs in the earth that sentence which alreadie He hath pronounced in the Heauens and that either to our comfort and consolation if it bee the sentence of remission of sinnes or els to our griefe and downecasting if it be the sentence of reteining of sinnes And if wee despite and contemne this Ministerie wherein God abases and demits Himselfe vnto vs and by the which as the Apostle sayes 2. Cor. 5.20 He prayes vs to be reconciled vnto Him we can haue no warrand nor assurance of the remission of sinnes not of saluation Then yee see that this power that the Lord giues to this Ministerie stands in the proclaming declaring of that sentence which is alreadie past and pronounced in the Heauens and the words that the Lord vses here if we marke them w●ll import this same meaning for He sayes Whosoeuer sinnes ye forgiue they are forgiuen speaking in the time bypast as if Hee had saide this is a thing alreadie done the sentence is alreadie pronounced in the Heauen as for you who are my Ministers ye only intimate proclame in earth that sentence which is alreadie past in Heauen He sayes on the other part Whosoeuer sinnes yee reteine they are reteined vsing the time bypast as if He had said the sentence of reteining of their sins is already pronounced in Heauen ye only intimate declare on earth y e sentence which already is past in Heauē Now hauing considered wherein this power consists we shal let you see what sort of power it is This power that the Lord hath giuen to His Ministerie either extraordinarie as the Apostles had or ordinarie which the Pastours haue is not a Kingly power not such a power as is giuen to Kings Rulers in the world No it is only a ministeriall power Let a man sayes Paul so thinke of vs as of the Ministers of Christ 1. Cor. 4.1 And againe He sayes We haue not dominion ouer your Faith but we are helpers of your ioy 2. Cor. 1.24 yet it is a power so the Apostle calles it 2. Cor. 13.10 According to the power which God hath giuen me to edification and not to destruction And a glorious Ministerie 2. Cor. 3.9 And as the word of God calles it a power so also the consciences of men finde it to bee a power Therefore the Apostle sayes 2 Cor. 13.3 Ye seeke experience of Christ that speaketh in me which toward you is not weake but is mightie in you And if we will compare it with the ciuile and kingly power we will finde it in this respect to be preferred to the ciuile power that whereas the ciuile power is extended only ouer the body the life and goods temporall this power of the Ministerie is extended to the soule to the spirituall graces of the soule and life euerlasting and therefore it is called by the Apostle the Ministerie of the Spirit and of righteousnesse 2 Cor. 3.8 9. Now to end shortly There may be a question moued When the Minister either remittes sinnes or reteines sinnes vpon earth how shall he be assured that y e Lord hath not remitted or reteined them in Heauen for it becomes the Herauld or Messenger to make intimation of nothing but of that whereof