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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05076 An epitome of chronicles Conteyninge the whole discourse of the histories as well of this realme of England, as al other cou[n]treys, with the succession of their kinges, the time of their reigne, and what notable actes they did ... gathered out of most probable auctours. Firste by Thomas Lanquet, from the beginning of the worlde to the incarnacion of Christe, secondely to the reigne of our soueraigne lord king Edward the sixt by Thomas Cooper, and thirdly to the reigne of our soueraigne Ladye Quene Elizabeth, by Robert Crowley. Anno. 1559. Lanquet, Thomas, 1521-1545.; Cooper, Thomas, 1517?-1594. aut; Crowley, Robert, 1518?-1588. aut 1559 (1559) STC 15217.5; ESTC S108255 485,101 678

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worlde 3162 The yere before Christe 801 but there began strife for the souerain dominion in whyche Morgan was slaine in a countye of Wales called now Giaumorgan After whiche victory Cunedagius gloryously ruled the hole yle .xxxiii. yeres Before Britayne knovven 749 Osorthon was king of Egipt .ix. yeres The yere of the worlde 3164 The yere before Christe 799 the Egipcians called him Hercules Azarias high priest Before Britayne knovven 747 Sosarmus the second emperoure of Media reygned xxx yeres Metasthenes erreth muche The yere of the worlde 3166 The yere before Christe 797 in that he writeth Mandanes to be second king Before Britayne knovven 746 Agamnestor ruled the Athenians .xx. yeres The yere of the worlde 3167 The yere before Christe 796 Procas king of Latins diyng bequethed vnto Amulius his roialme and to Numitor his treasure Before Britayne knovven 744 Amulius Syluius the .xv. kinge of Latines The yere of the worlde 3169 The yere before Christe 794 reygned xliii yeres Phacea the firste sonne of Manahen and .xv. kinge of the Israelites reigned two yeres and was traiterously slain by Phacea Before Britayne knovven 740 The yere of the worlde 3173 The yere before Christe 790 Psammus reygned in Egipt .10 yeres Phelesteus was the leauenth king of Corinth he reygned .12 yeres Phacea sonne of Ramalia .xvi. kinge of Israel reygned 20. yeres The yere of the worlde 3175 The yere before Christe 788 Before Britayne knovven 738 ¶ Numitor the elder sonne of king Procas beynge expelled from his kingdome by his brother Amulius liued on his owne lande his doughter because she should haue no child was made a vyrgin Uestale Notwithstanding in the seuēth yere of her vncles reigne she brought forth two children Remus and Romulus at one byrth wherfore according to the lawe she was buried quyck but the yong babes beynge caste foorth by the bankes of Tiber were founde by Faustulus the kynges shepeherde who broughte theym to his wife Acca Laurentia whiche for hir rapacitie was called of her neyghbours a wolfe The children when they waxed towarde men gatheringe a bande of shepeherdes and theeues slewe Amulius at Alba and restored theyr graundfather Numitor to his kingdome The yere of the worlde 3176 The yere before Christe 787 Iotham the .xiiii. king of the Iewes reigned .16 yeres Before Britayne knovven 737 a prince vertuous and inuincible he subdued the Ammonites and buylded the sumptuous gate of the temple Coenus king of Macedon reigned .12 yeres Before Britayne knovven 734 The yere of the worlde 3179 The yere before Christe 784 Bochorus reigned in Egipt .44 yeres and gaue vnto them lawes The yere of the worlde 3183 The yere before Christe 780 in his time a lambe spake in Egipt Before Britayne knovven 730 The Amazons and Cymmerians made many sodeine incursions into Asia where they longe time made great waste and slaughter The mighty warres of the Peloponenses and Atheniens with all theyr power and force was kepte wherein by mutuall slaughter they were compelled as vāquished to depart one from an other and to forsake the warres Naum and Micheus prophecied among the hebrues Antomenes The yere of the worlde 3185 The yere before Christe 778 the last king of Corinth reigned one yere Before Britayne knovven 728 After whom they had no more kinges but yerelye magistrates were chosen The kingdome of the Lydians in this time began where Ardisus first reigned .36 yeres Phulassar the second king of Babylon reigned .15 yeares Before Britayne knovven 727 he was called also Teglatphulassar The yere of the worlde 3186 The yere before Christe 777 he wasted and toke al the region Galatides Here beginneth the supputacion of the Olympiades The yere of the worlde 3187 The yere before Christe 776 the most sure kalender of the Grekes Before Britayne knovven 726 For the games were celebrated and kept at the mount Olympus euery fifty yere in the kalendes of Maye so that euerye Olympiade conteined foure yeres Aescylus gouerned the Atheniens .xxiii. yeres Before Britayne knovven 725 Here fayled the kingdome of the Lacedemones Before Britayne knovven 722 Tyrimas in Macedonia reigned .xxxviii. yeres The yere of the worlde 3188 The yere before Christe 775 Before Britayne knovven 721 Achas the .xv. king of Iuda reigned .xvi. yeres The yere of the worlde 3191 The yere before Christe 772 a wicked prince The yere of the worlde 3192 The yere before Christe 771 who wilfullye made him selfe subiecte to the king of Babylon Before Britayne knovven 720 The Lacedemons warred agaynst the Messenes .xx. yeares cruellye The yere of the worlde 3193 The yere before Christe 770 for the violacion of theyr virgines in the solemne sacrifices of the Messenes Celius in Thuscain reigned .xxi. yeres Phacea and Rasim king of Surie befyeged Achas the king of Iuda Before Britayne knovven 718 Hosea deceitfully slewe Phacea and was the last king that reigned ouer Israel .xix. yeres The yere of the worlde 3195 The yere before Christe 768 Tyrteus a poete of Athenes was capitayne of the Lacedemones Pericles and Sophocles writer of tragedies were constituted capitains of the Atheniens Hitherto Manetho continued his cronicle Medidus the king of Media reigned .xl. yeres The yere of the worlde 3196 The yere before Christe 767 Before Britayne knovven 717 RIuallo succeded Cunedagius The yere of the worlde 3197 The yere before Christe 766 a prince pecible and fortunate Before Britayne knovven 716 he reigned .46 yeres In his time as our chronicles say it rayned bloud wherof ensued great mortalitee of people Uria high priest Oseas Esaias Amos Micheas and Adad prophetes flourished Before Britayne knovven 712 Salmanasar the third king of Babylon reigned .17 yeres he toke Osea kinge of Israel The yere of the worlde 3201 The yere before Christe 762 and destroyed theyr kingdome leadinge theym captiue into Assyria by the vengeance of god who suffered long theyr wickednes In Lacedemonia Ephorus was constituted theyr firste magistrate Osea rebelled deniyng to paye tribute to the Assyrians The yere of the worlde 3204 The yere before Christe 859 Hosea of Israell desired aide of Sua king of Egipt ageinst the Assirians The yere of the worlde 3205 The yere before Christe 758 Before Britayne knovven Before Britayne knovven 708 The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 755 Ezechias the .xvi. kinge of Iuda reigned .29 yeres Before Britayne knovven 705 a prince iuste vertuous and religious who clensed his countreye from ydolatry and brake the brasē serpent he brought agayne the true honouring of god and restored to the priestes their tenthes Alcamenon gouerned the Atheniens two yeares The yere of the worlde 3210 The yere before Christe 753 In the yere .1554 after the vniuersall floude Before Britayne knovven 703 and after Comerus the first king of Italy .1414 After the distruction of Troy .432 And after Brute arriued in England 356. Rome was builded in Itali by Remus Romulus The yere of the worlde 3211 The yere before Christe 752 Before Britayne knovven 702 Romulus the firste kinge
rose amōgest thē For which cause they elected ten men whom they sēt in to greece to write out the lawes of Solon and to learne the customes also of other great cities vsynge moreouer the counsel of the wyse philosophers The ten tables wer drawen out whiche were hanged openly in the courte of Rome This is the originall of the Romain lawes whiche they borowed of the Grecians ¶ Famaine pestilence inuaded the cytee the Consule Nuintilius dyed The yere of the worlde 3511 The yere before Christe 452 Before Britayne knovven in whose place was substituted Sp. Furius The ambassadours retourned from Greece with Solons lawes The yere of the worlde 3512 The yere before Christe 451 Before Britayne knovven 401 The people of Rome altered the state of their commō weale The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 450 for in place of their Consules Before Britayne knovven 400 they created tē men who had power geuen them to stablyshe lawes The lawe of the ten tables was confirmed in Rome Anaxagoras a notable philosopher mayster of Pericles in this time liued Sophocles a poete of Athenes and a wryter of tragedies flourished Pericles the valiant capitain of the Atheniens in this tyme was renoumed for his wisdom and prowes In all his tyme he nothing encreased his reuenues but alwais enriched the commune weale Finally beyng sycke vnto death the noble men of the citee coming to comfort him talked among them selues how by his marciall prowes he was victour in nyne great batailes Whiche wordes Pericles hearing saide vnto them That he muche maruailed that they extolled so much that thing whereof the more part was in fortune and had happened to other as well as to him and that whiche was most to be praised they spake nothing of it For neuer man saied he in this cytee by myne occasion had cause to mourne Appius Claudius with his felowes Before Britayne knovven 398 by force obteyned the souerain dominion The yere of the worlde 3515 The yere before Christe 448 To the first .x. tables two more were added The .x. men were deposed for their tyranny and lasciuiousnes specially for the death of Sicius and rauyshment of the daughter of Uirginius whom hir father to kepe hir vndefiled with his owne handes slue ¶ The Consules wer created again and Appius cast in prison and after exiled Pericles capitaine of the Atheniens made truse with the Lacedemones for .xxx. yeres Before Britayne knovven 349 Hitherto writeth Dionisyus Halicarnasseus The yere of the worlde 3517 The yere before Christe 444 Before Britayne knovven 391 MUlmutius Dunwallo the sonne of Clotē The yere of the worlde 3522 The yere before Christe 441 duke of Cornwall reduced his royalme into one monarchy beinge before by ciuyl warres and dissention lacerated and broughte into dyuers dominions He was the firste that was crowned kinge and constituted good lawes which long after were called Mulmutius lawes he gaue priuileges vnto temples and ploughes and began to make the .iiii. notable wayes in Britayn In london called then Trenouant he buylded a great temple whiche some suppose to be S. Paules some Blackewell haul Finally when he had brought this royalm to welth and quyetnes reigninge herein .40 yeres he dyed honorably leauinge after him two valyaunte and noble sonnes Belinus and Brennus The office of Censores instituted in Rome Before Britayne knovven 388 A famin in Rome The yere of the worlde 3525 The yere before Christe 438 by which many for lacke were forced to throwe them selfe into Tiber. An earthquake chāced also The Fidenates rebelled agaynst the Romains Before Britayne knovven 386 Tolumnius kinge of Ueientes The yere of the worlde 3527 The yere before Christe 436 commaunded the Romaine ambassadours to be slayne Before Britayne knovven 385 The Romanes in reuenging the deth of theyr ambassadours warred against the Fidenates and Uetentes The yere of the worlde 3528 The yere before Christe 435 Tolumnius was slayne and the Romaines triumphed Before Britayne knovven 383 Iudas the sonne of Eliasib was constituted high priest of the Iewes The yere of the worlde 3530 The yere before Christe 433 About this time the Atheniens confederated them selfes with the Corcirens The Corinthians kept greuous sea warre with the Corcirens in whiche bothe partyes gloried to be victours ¶ Aboute this time the warres of Peloponessus began For the citees of Grece after they had expulsed the Persians being of greater strēgth and power waxed proude and insolent and therby fell at discorde and variance among them selfes and for lyghte and smal causes vexed eche other with cruel deadlye and continuall warres in so muche that by them Grece was vtterly destroyed and lastly lost their libertee and were brought in seruage vnder kynge Phillip of Macedon and for their honest and commendable lawes and fourme of gouernance which thei had vsed before time succeded a dissolute order of al thinges and great corrupcion of maners The first occasion of this warre began betwene Corcyra and Corinth with whom the other citees toke part so that all Grecia was deuided And the cheife leaders of one part were the Atheniens and of the other the Lacedemoniens These warres as Xenophon witnesseth contynued .28 yeres with great varietee and change of Fortune For somtimes the Atheniens by the manhode and policie of theyr capitaines had the vpper hand sometime the Lacedemones But in the ende the Atheniens were vainquished their countrey destroyed and the walles of the citee beaten to the grounde and thei put vnder the seruage of .30 tyrannes An Eclipse of the Sonne Archelaus the king of Macedone reigned .24 yeres The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 431 Archidamas king of Lacedemon Before Britayne knovven 381 The Atheniens in battayle on horsebacke ouerthrewe the Peloponenses in Phrigia Cleopompus capitayn of the Atheniēs toke Throniū vanquished the Locreās droue the Aegineis out of their countrey to whom the Lacedemones gaue landes to inhabite vpon A sore pestilence toke the Atheniens Before Britayne knovven 380 The Lacedemones ambassadours The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 430 taken by Sadocus were slain of the Atheniens ¶ Sitalces kynge of Thrace warred vpon Perdiccas Before Britayne knovven 379 and wasted the countrey of Macedone The yere of the worlde 3534 The yere before Christe 429 but by the counsaile of Setheus to whome Perdiceas had promised his sustre Stratenices in mariage Sitalces retourned againe into his countrey The Lacedemoniens beseged Platea in Grece which was confederate with the Athenians Lesbus forsoke the frendshyp of the Atheniens The Chalcidenies ouerthrue and slue the Atheniens The Atheniens by theyr capitain Phormio ouercame the Corinthians Pachetes capitaine of the Atheniens toke agayne Myti●ene and Lesbus Platea was taken by the Lacedemones and beaten downe Before Britayne knovven 378 The yere of the worlde 3535 The yere before Christe 428 And Athenes shaken with diuers erthquakes likewise the yles of Euboea and Atulanta A greuous sedicion and ruffling in Corcyra where many of
the prophete Helias flourished Nepher Cheres in Egipt reigned foure yeres The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 935 Capetus Syluius the brother of Capis Before Britayne knovven 885 was king ouer the Latines .13 yeres A famin in this time began which endured .iii. yeares Iosaphat The yere of the worlde 3031 The yere before Christe 932 the .vii. king of the Iewes reygned .25 yeares Before Britayne knovven 882 a prince both iust and vertuous he ordeyned iudges in euery citee of Iuda and commaunded the Leuites to read the law vnto the people that they might therby learne to feare god Ammenophis king of Egipt reigned ● yeres Ophraganeus the .xxxvi. emperour of Assyria Before Britayne knovven reygned 50. yeres The yere of the worlde 3033 The yere before Christe 930 BRute surnamed Greneshield Before Britayne knovven 879 as the vulgar historye calleth him The yere of the worlde 3034 The yere before Christe 929 reigned here in Britaine .xii. yeres By the commaundement of Helias the prophete all the priestes and prophetes of Baal were slayne Amnus in Corinth ruled .25 yeres The yere of the worlde 3038 The yere before Christe 925 Ioahas was high priest of the Iewes Before Britayne knovven 857 Iehu Obadia Micha Iehiel and Eleazar prophetes flourished The yere of the worlde 3040 The yere before Christe 923 Osochor in Egipt reigned .6 yeres The yere of the worlde 3041 The yere before Christe 922 Tiberinus Syluius the .x. king of the Latines Before Britayne knovven 873 reigned .9 yeres Of him the riuer of Taber was named Before Britayne knovven 872 whiche before was called Albula because he was drowned therin The yere before Christe 921 Agelas in Corinth reigned .30 yeres The yere of the worlde 3042 Mecades gouerned the Atheniens .30 yeres Before Britayne knovven 871 Achab ouercame Benadab king of Syria twise In The yere of the worlde 3043 The yere before Christe 920 the second conflicte he slue of the Syriens 100000. Before Britayne knovven 870 LEyl the sonne of Brute succeded his father in this royalme of Britaine He builded the citee of Caerleil and reigned .25 yeres Before Britayne knovven 867 Spinaces kyng of Aegypt reigned .9 yeres The yere of the worlde 3046 The yere before Christe 917 Achab in the last bataile against Benedab was slayn After whom succeded his sonne Ochozias Before Britayne knovven 865 an ydolater The yere of the worlde 3048 The yere before Christe 915 who reigned two yeres Ioram the .ix. kynge of the Israelites brother to Ochozias Before Britayne knovven 863 reigned .xii. yeres The yere of the worlde 3050 The yere before Christe 913 He was slayne by hys seruant that succeded hym Agrippa Syluius the .xi. kynge of the Latines reigned .40 yeres In this tyme the prophete Heliseus and Homere the poete flourished Before Britayne knovven 862 Archelaus the .vii. kyng of Lacedemonia The yere of the worlde 3051 The yere before Christe 912 ruled theim 60. yeres continually The mightie armie of Moab and Ammon which rose agaynst Iosaphat god brought to nought Helias the mighty prophete after many miracles by hym dooen at length in a fyrie chariot was rapt into Paradise Before Britayne knovven 860 ¶ Iehoram by his father Iosaphat was assygned to bee kyng ouer Iuda ▪ he reigned .8 yeres The yere of the worlde 3053 The yere before Christe 910 and after he was stablished in his kyngdome slew all his bretherne and made the people to synne Before Britayne knovven 853 Persusennes kyng of Aegypt ▪ reigned .35 yeres Before Britayne knovven 853 Ochozias called also Ahazias The yere of the worlde 3055 The yere before Christe 908 the ninth king of Iuda reigned one yere who also for his ydolatry was slayne The yere of the worlde 3060 The yere before Christe Ioiada was high priest amonge the Iewes who lyued 130. yeres Before Britayne knovven 852 Iehu the .x. kynge of Israelites reigned .28 ▪ yeres he beyng of Heliseus anoynted kynge The yere of the worlde 3061 The yere before Christe destroyed cleane the house of Achab ▪ slew Ioram brake the necke of Iezabel kylled the priest of Baall and bourned the temple of ydolles Achalia widow of Iehoram after the deathe of his sonne Ochozias clene extermined all the lignage of Salomon sauyng Ioas a yonge babe who by Ioiada ▪ the hygh priest was saued and whan she had tirannously reigned .7 yeares was by the commaundemente of the high priest slain Felsinus gouerned the Thuschans .33 yeres Ioas the .xi. kynge of the Iewes and first of the house of Nathan The yere of the worlde 3065 The yere before Christe 398 reigned .40 yeres Before Britayne knovven 848 In the seuenth yere of his age he was proclaimed and anoynted kynge The yere of the worlde 3067 The yere before Christe 396 Before Britayne knovven 846 and Athalia was slain As longe as he folowed the good admonicion of Ioiada he prospered but after fallynge in to idolatry and other wickednes he slue Zacharias the prophete betwene the temple and the aulter for which dede god punished hym by the Syrians and after was slayne in his bed by his owne seruantes LUd Hurdibras or Rathudibras sonne of Leyl Before Britayne knovven 842 began to reygne in Britayne The yere of the worlde 3071 The yere before Christe 892 he buylyed the citees of Canterbury and Winchester the towne of Shastisbury whan he had reygned .29 yeres he deceassed The yere of the worlde 3072 The yere before Christe 891 Eudemus in Corinth reigned .25 yeres Dioginetus the .vii. prince of Athenes Before Britayne knovven 841 gouerned thē xxviii yeres The yere of the worlde 3073 The yere before Christe 990 Before Britayne knovven 840 Ascrazapes the .xxxvii. emperour of Assyria Before Britayne knovven 831 reigned 41. yeres The yere of the worlde 3082 The yere before Christe 881 Azahel kynge of Syria Before Britayne knovven 823 brought his army against Israell The yere of the worlde 3085 The yere before Christe 878 and wasted al the countrey ouer Iordan Bonanis ruled the Thuscanes .28 yeres Ioas repayred the temple The yere of the worlde 3086 The yere before Christe 874 Iehoiachas the sonne of Iehu the .xi. kynge of the Israelites reigned .xvii. yeres Before Britayne knovven 824 Aremulus Syluius the .xii. kyng of Latines reigned xix yeres The yere of the worlde 3090 The yere before Christe 873 Before Britayne knovven 823 He ordeyned the garrison of the Albanes vpon those mountaines where Rome is now and for his wickednes was slayne with lightnyng Lycurgus the law maker of the Lacedemones ī this time flourished He was a man so moderate and iust that when he might haue reigned after his brother Poludecta wold not take it vpon hym but gouerned the royalme to the vse of his yong Nephue Cabrilaus to whom beyng of age he restored the kyngdom and in the meane time garnished the citee with most honest lawes The seruātes amōg the Tyrians slue al their masters except one Strato who at length was made their kynge Senscoris
of Romaines the sonne of Rhea Ilia the virgine Uestale reigned 38. yeres In the xviii yere of his age he beganne to make a litell citee on the mount of Palatine afterwardes he builded a temple and made therof a sanctuary for the tuicion of al transgressours he ordeined lawes and specially that no Romaine should exercise any handy crafte but onely geue theim selues to marciall feates and husbandry Womē adulterours or drūken to be punished by death he instituted their sacrifices he vanquished in battayle Acron king of the Cecinenses cōsecratīg his armour vnto Iupiter he ouerthrewe the Antemnates tryumphed ouer the Sabines receiued Tatius theyr king into the felowshyp of his kyngdom toke the Fidenes ouercame the Camerines constituted the hundred Senators ordeined the Centurions and appointed the twelue serieantes Finally in the marishe Caprea striken with lightnyng he was neuer after sene wherfore they supposed he was takē vp to the goddis ¶ The Athenians altered the fourme of their commune weale The yere of the worlde 3212 The yere before Christe 751 chosyng a magistrate Before Britayne knovven 701 whose power shuld endure ● yeres in whiche Carops first gouerned them Rome not able to conteine in hir two lordes was the cause that Romulus slu his brother Remus At that tyme also was Nunca Pompilius borne In the nynth yere of the rebelliō of Osea was Samaria taken and the ten tribes led awaye captiue by Salman Assar. Before Britayne knovven 700 Thales Milesius one of the seuen wise men The yere of the worlde 3213 The yere before Christe 750 flourisshed in naturall philosophy among the Grecians Sennacherib the fourth kyng of Babilon The yere of the worlde 3218 The yere before Christe 745 reigned fiue yeres Before Britayne knovven 695 he besieged Ezechias in Hierusalem whose army the angel of god destroyed to the number of .185 thousand and consumed their bodies in to dust that the ayre shoulde not by them be infected The kynge fledde with a fewe to Niniue where after .15 dayes he was slayne in the temple of his owne sonnes The Lacedemones kept warre twentie yeres agaynste the Messenians whose capitaine Aristomenes hauynge an heary hert slue alone 300. Lacedemones Before Britayne knovven 692 In this tyme Sibylla Erithrea lyued who prophecied most plainly of Christ. The yere of the worlde 3221 The yere before Christe 742 Before Britayne knovven 691 ¶ Ezechias in his extreme sicknesse was healed by god his lyfe was prolonged by .xv. yeres The sonne The yere of the worlde 3222 The yere before Christe 741 to the wonder of all the worlde returned his course backward by tenne degrees Aesimedes magistrat of Athenes gouerned thē .x. yeres Mydas reygned in Phrigia and Aliactes in Lydia xiiii yeres Assaradon the .v. kyng of Babylon reigned .v. yeres The yere of the worlde 3223 The yere before Christe 740 Before Britayne knovven 690 Narus Syracusa Cathimo in Sicily and Rauenna in Italy were builded The citee Messana was taken by the Lacedemones Merodach the fift king of Babylon reigned .lii. yeres The yere of the worlde 3227 The yere before Christe 736 surnamed Baladad Before Britayne knovven 686 he sent vnto Ezechias ambassadors to signifie to hym how glad and how ioyfull he was for that he had recouered againe his health Sabachon an Aethiope reigned in Aegypt .22 yeres he ouercame Bochorus that was theyr kyng Perdica kyng of Macedon reigned .51 yeres The yere of the worlde 3229 The yere before Christe 734 Before Britayne knovven 684 Hydromancie or diuinaciō by waters was brought into Italy by Persians Before Britayne knovven 682 Tarpeia in rewarde of hir treasone The yere of the worlde 3231 The yere before Christe 732 beynge oppressed with shieldes of the Sabines gaue the name vnto the hill Tarpeius on whiche the capitole was builded Elidicus gouerned the Atheniens .x. yeres Cardiceas called also Anticarmin the .iiii. king of the Medes reigned .xiii. yeres The yere of the worlde 3232 The yere before Christe 731 Meles was kyng of Lydia .xii. yeres Before Britayne knovven 681 The yere of the worlde 3236 The yere before Christe 727 Manasses the xvii kyng of Iuda reigned .55 yeres Before Britayne knovven 677 a wicked prince The yere of the worlde 3237 The yere before Christe 726 who raysed vp ydolles defiled the temple Before Britayne knovven 676 sacrificed his children to the goddis fylled Hierusalem with the bloud of innocentes dispysed the admonitions of prophetes and put to death the moste holye prophet Esias cuttyng hym in the midle with a saw wherfore god beyng displeased reised vp the kynge of Babylon who with a mightie power inuaded Iury toke the kynge by a traine and brought hym captiue to Babylon Than in his captiuitee aknowlagynge god he confessed his sinnes and toke repentance through which findyng grace he was restored to his kyngdome where he abolished all ydolatry restored the true honoryng of god commanded that it shoulde be obserued and iustly passed all the residue of his lyfe in the feare of god He also repayred the walles of the holy citee and ordeined garrisons in all his citees GUrgustius succeded Riuallo in this royalme of Britaine The yere of the worlde 3242 The yere before Christe 721 and reigned .38 yeres Before Britayne knovven 671 Hippomenes gouerned the Atheniens .10 yeres The Carenses obteined the soueraintee of the sea The yere of the worlde 3244 The yere before Christe 719 The warres that were kept betwene the Lacedemones and Argiues began in Tyria Before Britayne knovven 669 The yere of the worlde 3248 The yere before Christe 715 Candaules reigned in Lydia .xvii. yeres who through the fonde loue that he had to his wyfe Before Britayne knovven 665 for hir excedynge fayrenesse not contented in his minde therwith but that he must also disclose the secrets of matrimony as though silence shoulde haue been a preiudice to hir beautee shewed hir naked to his frende Gyges by whiche deede his frend beyng enticed of his wife to adulterie became his mortall enemy and his wife also alienated hir loue from hym to Gyges And therfore afterwarde he was slayne by the same Gyges Romulus beyng in the marishe Caprea was neuer after founde After whose death the senatours chose ten iudges who reigned a whole yere Diocles the .v. kyng of Media reigned .54 yeres Before Britayne knovven 664 Numa Pompilius The yere of the worlde 3249 The yere before Christe 714 the son of Pomponius the leuenth king of Romanes reigned .42 yeres Before Britayne knovven 663 The yere of the worlde 3250 The yere before Christe A man endued both with wit and vertue he kept no war he ruled the people in peace he apointed both lawes and customes ordeined the sacrifices priestes erected manye chapels and temples elected Martius high bishop created the religion of the Feciales and Salios consecrated the virgines vestals deuided the yere in to monethes and to the ten monethes added Ianuary and February Finally in the 43. yere of his reigne he died Tarachus an Aethiope
o wne inuencion The yere of the worlde 3311 The yere before Christe 652 Before Britayne knovven 602 The yere of the worlde 3318 The yere before Christe 645 Philippus the .vi. king of Macedon reigned .38 yeres Before Britayne knovven 595 Tullus kept fiue yeres warres with the Latines Lamsacus Abdera Selinis and P●●isthenes noble cities in this time were builded The yere of the worlde 3323 The yere before Christe Grece in this season first enterprised to vse the oracles of Apollo at Dodoneus Before Britayne knovven 590 Damasia ruled the Atheniens The yere of the worlde 3324 The yere before Christe 639 Ancus martius fourth kyng of Romanes reigned .24 yeres He was nephieu to Numa by his daughter Before Britayne knovven 589 He kept warres with the Latines toke Politoriū the second tyme beat it downe to the grounde broughte the people to Rome encreased the citye adding therunto the mount Auentine and Ianiculum he made the bridge Sublitius vppon Tiber and builded the citee Hostia ▪ the hauen or port of Rome In this same time L. Tarquinius Pryscus tam to Rome with his wife Tanaquil The yere of the worlde 3325 The yere before Christe 633 Phaortes Before Britayne knovven 588 in a conflicte made against the Assryians peryshed After whom succeded Cyaraxes the .vii. kynge of Media 4● yeres Psammitichus the king of Egipte ioyninge wyth the Syrians in battayle obteyned the victory Helchias bigh priest Hieremias Sophonias Baruch and Olda prophetes flourished among the Iewes Iosias prouoking the king of Egipt to battayle was therin wounded and died Of whose deathe Heremy the prophet made his lamentacions Ioachas the .xx. king of Iewes Before Britayne knovven 587 reigned three monethes The yere of the worlde 3326 The yere before Christe 937 and was taken and brought captiue into Egipt In whose place his brother Ioachim was constitute the .xxi. kyng of Iewes and was king ouer thē .xi. yeares An insolent prince who not regardinge the prophecies of Hierentie but burning the bokes therof was finally slayn and left vnburyed like a beaste I Ago called also Lago gouerned this roialme of Britayne .xxv. yeres Missena fel from the Lacedemons Before Britayne knovven 586 Nabuchodonosor the great the .ix. king of Babylon The yere of the worlde 3327 The yere before Christe called of the Iewes Nabucadnezer Before Britayne knovven 584 reigned .xliiii. yeres The yere of the worlde 3329 The yere before Christe 634 He subdued the Syrians Egypcians Lybians Hiberians and brought the Iewes into captiuitee Finally he rebelling as it were against almightye god by the companye of beastes with whome by the stroke of god he was compelled to liue was made humble and acknowlaged the godhead to whom he gaue prayse glorye as al whose waies be iudgementes and workes righteous who also can humble the proud and giue and take kingdomes as pleaseth him The Scithians entred as farre as Palestine possessed al Asia and molested Egipt with warres Ioachim burned the booke of Hieremies prophecie After which dede Nabuchodonosor made him tributarye Before Britayne knovven 577 Hierusalem was taken the king slayne and cast out of the citee vnburied The yere of the worlde 3336 The yere before Christe 627 accordīg to the prophecy of Hieremy Before Britayne knovven 576 ¶ Ioachin called also Iechonias the .xxii. king of Iewes reigned thre monethes and .x. dayes The yere of the worlde 3337 The yere before Christe 626 he yelded him selfe willingly vnto Nabuchodonosor by the counsayle of Hieremie who sente him to Babilon with all the noble men and ornamentes and iewels amōg whom also was the prophet Ezechiel In his stede Nabuchodonoser constituted Mathanias the fourth sonne of Iosias whom he caused to sweare by the name of the lord that faithfullye he shoulde serue the Chaldeis in token wherof he named him Sedechias the xxiii and last king of the Iewes who was king .xi. yeres he finally for his arrogancye and vntruth both to god man was taken blinded imprysoned and miserablye finished his life Before Britayne knovven 575 Periander the tyran of Corinth in this time liued The yere of the worlde 3338 The yere before Christe Sadyates was king of Lydia .xv. yeres Perusina Mantua and Dirachium buylded Before Britayne knovven 574 The game of Chesse about this season was deuised by wise men The yere of the worlde 3339 The yere before Christe 624 to mitigate the mindes or hertes of tyrans Susanna the most chast matron of the hebrues by two false priestes was accused of adultery but by the policy of yong Daniel she was purged and the prestes committed to the fier Nechac called also Nechepsos kinge of Egipte Before Britayne knovven 571 reygned .vi. yeres The yere of the worlde 3342 The yere before Christe 621 Abacuk and Ezechiel beganne to prophecy among the Hebrues Draco the lawe geuer of the Atheniens wrote his lawes with bloude Sedechias brake his amitee with the kinge of Babylon The yere of the worlde 3344 The yere before Christe 619 and entered in league with the Egipcians Before Britayne knovven 569 For whiche cause Nabuchodonoser retourned and besieged Hierusalem whiche he continued one yere six monethes and fiue dayes Before Britayne knovven 566 After which the holy citye with the most sacred temple misarably with pestilence famine sword and fyre was destroyed The yere of the worlde 3347 The yere before Christe 616 The king him selfe with all his nobilitee taken his chyldren slayne before his face hys eyes pulled out and sent in captiuitie to Babylon Thus was the whole nacion of Iewes without respecte of age or kind eyther slayne or brought into Babilons bondage for theyr obstinacye against god his prophetes and for the sinne and preuaricacion of theyr kinges priestes and all the people the yeare after the vniuersall floude 169● after the arriuall of Brute .492 after the beginninge of the kingedome of the Iewes .458 after the buyldyng of the temple .414 and after the buyldinge of Rome .137 ¶ Tarquinius Priscus the .v. kinge of Romans Before Britayne knovven 565 reigned 37 yeres The yere of the worlde 3348 The yere before Christe he doubled the numbre of Senatoures buylded the circuite wherin the playes and pastimes were kepte ouercame the Sabines encreased the bādes of horsmen subdued the olde Latines fyrste entred Rome wyth tryumph made the walles and synkes to conueye the fylthe of the city and began the capitoll Finally he was slayne by the sonnes of Ancus Mattius whome he succeded Panetius first tyrannised Sixilye KInimacus succeded Iago in this royalme of Brytayne The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 612 wherin he reigned .54 yeres Before Britayne knovven 562 Eniochida a capitaine of the Atheniens Stesichorus an exceltent poet in this time flourished Aliactes reigned in Lydia .49 yeres Arion the excellent harper by a Dolphin as it is writen was borne through the sea Before Britayne knovven 560 Daniel the most notable prophet florished in Babilō The yere of the worlde 3353 The yere before Christe 610 he
was surnamed Plato vntyll he was .xx. yeares olde he gaue him selfe to make amorous verses whiche after he came to here Socrates he bourned and then most atteintiuely he folowed Socrates as longe as he liued And after that he did not onely here the famous philosophiers and Geometriciās in Grecia but also wente into Italye Affrike and Egipte to learne the misticall sciences he sayled thrise into Sicilie where escaping the daunger of death he was solde as a bondman he deuided philosophie into three partes that is morall naturall and racionical And by Athenes chase a place called Achademia wherī he taught wherof his disciples were called Achademici and nowe all places where learninge is exersised he called Achademia Furthermore he is called Diuinus Plato for his excellēt doctrine whiche conteineth many thinges as sainct Augustine sayeth that doth accorde with holy scripture in so much as therin is perceiued the first part of Genesis vnto Spiritus domini ferabitui super aquas and the gospel of S. Iohn vnto Et tenebre cum non comprehenderunt with the mistery of thre persons in diuinitee therein expressed he died as he was writinge beynge of the age of lxxxi yeres Iudas the high priest slue his brother Iesu in the temple at Hierusalem GUrguintus sonne of Beline The yere of the worlde 3588 The yere before Christe 375 succeded his father reigned in this realme .xix. yeares Before Britayne knovven he subdued Denmarke compelling them to continue their tribute and in his retourne home met with a fleete of Spaniardes whiche were sekinge for habitacions because theyr countrey was to populus and not able to susteine them to whom the king granted the isle of Irelande to inhabite in and to holde the same of him as theyr soueraygne lorde But the Socrates write that the Spaniardes arriued before this time in Irelande which I haue before declared Before Britayne knovven 324 Amintas kinge of Macedon vanquished by the Illyrians was forced to pay theyr charges The yere of the worlde 3589 The yere before Christe 274 and to lay Philip in hostage who being sent to Thebes and cōmitted to the custodie of Epaminondas was by him instructed in all maner disciplines The Romans fought prousperously with the Uolsciās and Latines the Antiates submitted thē to the Romās Alexander was king of Macedon one yere Before Britayne knovven 323 The yere of the worlde 3590 The yere before Christe 373 ¶ The citee of Rome was .v. yeres without magistrates by meanes of a great discord variance that was meued for promulgation of certaine lawes in the which was desired firste that one of the consulles shoulde be chosen among the commons nexte that dettes should be diminished thirdely that none of the nobles shoulde possesse ouer a certayne stinte of landes Whiche lawes the noble men would not in any wise suffre to take effect And therfore the tribunes Liciuius and Sexius whiche deuysed those lawes letted and forbad any other magistrates to be chosen the space of .v. yeare and then were they constreigned by externall warre for that tyme to breake vp their contention which shortly after they renewed ¶ Epammondas a Thebane borne in sundrye qualitees bothe of the body and mynde was renoumed In al kyndes of musike he was perfectly instructed and daunced therwith excedyngly well There was no vertue that in hym was lacking he oftentymes refused great summes of money and riche presentes sent to him by princes although he were pore sayinge If the thyng were honest whiche he were required to do he woulde do it bycause it was good without any rewarde yf it were yll and not honest all the goodes of the worlde shuld not make hym to do it If it were profitable vnto his countrey he was bounden and redy to do it freely yf it were otherwise no ryches mought counteruaile the loue that he bare to his commune weale In bataile he ouercame the Athenians and Lacedemones and in one daye had the victorie of al Grece Finally in a conflycte at Mantinea betwene the Thebanes and Lacedemones he was woūded vnto deth with a longe spere the head remayning still in his body yet retayned he lyfe vntyll his hoste had the victory and than sayde I haue lyued long enoughe for I dye vnuanquished He was so poore that he was buried at the charges of the citee The yere of the worlde 3591 The yere before Christe 372 ¶ Ptolomeus Alorites craftely depriued Alexander both of his realme and lyfe and reigned .4 yeres Before Britayne knovven 322 The yere of the worlde 3593 The yere before Christe 370 Uagorus capitaine to Artaxerxes Before Britayne knovven 320 violated the temple of Hierusalem reuenging the death of Iesu. The yere of the worlde 3594 The yere before Christe 369 Theo reigned in Egipt two yeres Before Britayne knovven 319 The yere of the worlde 3595 The yere before Christe 368 Perdicasiew Ptolomeus Before Britayne knovven 318 and reigned in Macedone viii yeres Agesilaus king of Lacedemonia in his returne out of Egipt by a sodain tempest beyng driuen vpon the coost of Libya dyed whan he was .84 yeres of age ¶ Aristotle the renoumed philosopher sonne of Nichomachus the phisicion borne in Stagera in Grece consumed his youth ryotrouslie afterwarde he was scholar to the noble Plato .xx. yeres continually he excelled al men in sharpenesse of witte and knowlage in diuerssciences Wherfore king Philip of Macedony sente his sonne Alexander to him to be taughte sayinge that he thanked god that he had a sonne borne in his time This man began a sect the folowers wherof were called Peripatetici and taught after the deathe of Plato .xxiii. yeres he was banished out of Athenes because it was supposed that he deemed not well of theyr goddes It is wrytten that he died by this occasion As he went by the sea side he perceyued fishermen sittinge and doinge of somwhat and when he asked what they did they tolde him a riddle which when by longe study he coulde not assoyle for shame and sorowe he dyed The Romanes instituted againe theyr magistrates Artaxerxes Ochus the .xii. emperour of Persia reigned xxvi yeres Before Britayne knovven 315 he was a blouddy prince who The yere of the worlde 3598 The yere before Christe 365 besyde other tyrannies that he exercised murdred his owne brethren he reduced the Aegipcians vnder the monarchie of the Persians and at length was slayn of one of his officers The Galles brake into Italy agayn The yere of the worlde 3599 The yere before Christe 364 and by Camillus they were vanquished Before Britayne knovven 314 Consules were againe created in Rome The yere of the worlde 3600 The yere before Christe 363 one of the nobilitee Before Britayne knovven 313 the other of the cominaltie In this yeare also the nobilitie tooke vpon them the offices of Pretor and Edilis for graunting to the commons the o ther consulship Before Britayne knovven 312 Iaddus the sonne of Ioannes The yere of the worlde 3061 The yere
before Christe 362 and brother of Manasses was high priest of the Iewes A pestilence in Rome Camillus the second Romulus and father to his vnkinde citee finished his last daye Before Britayne knovven 311 Perdiccas foughte with the Illerians The yere of the worlde 3602 The yere before Christe 361 he was taken and brought to extreme myserie Artaxerxes of Persie foughte vnfortunately agaynst the Egipcians and loste many of his men Before Britayne knovven 310 Philippus father to great Alexander The yere of the worlde 3603 The yere before Christe 360 obteyned the kingdome of Macedon Pausanias and Argeus making also title to it he subdued Pmphibolis warred with the Atheniens and toke Bardillus king of Illyria Callimedes capitaine of Atheniens Before Britayne knovven 309 In Rome The yere of the worlde 3642 The yere before Christe 359 by an erthquake in the marketplace the earth opened whiche made an horrible gulfe or pit out of whiche issued such a vapour that it infected all the citye with pestilence The diuinours declared that this hole coulde not be closed til some noble man would cast him selfe into it ¶ Than Marcus Curtius a worthy knight of Rome for the saluegarde of the people armed at all pieces ridinge on a great courser richelie trapped ▪ lepte into the gulfe and incontinente the earthe closed The place was after called Curtius lake When L. Manlius was accused of Pompeius the Tribune for banishinge of his owne naturall sonne T. Manlius withoute gilte or trespasse and was therefore likely to be condemned ▪ the yonge man him selfe whose banishemente was obiected agaynste his father founde meanes to come into the chambre of the Tribune and with his swoorde drawne forced him to sweare that he wold not continue in the accusation of his father Wherby he deliuered him out of daunger In Grece the warre called Sociall beganne Before Britayne knovven 308 among the cities The yere of the worlde 3605 The yere before Christe 358 In the frenche warres T. Manlius vainquished and ouerthrue a frenche man of exceding greatnes and toke from him a chiene of golde for whiche he and all his lignage were surnamed Torquati The yere of the worlde 3606 The yere before Christe 357 Dion obteined Syracusas and ouercame Dionisius Before Britayne knovven 307 The Romaines fought with the Tiburtines and Gaules in whiche they triumphed double GUinthelinus after the deathe of his father was crowned king of Britain The yere of the worlde 3607 The yere before Christe 356 Before Britayne knovven 306 A prince sober and quiet who had to wife a noble woman named Marcia of excellent learninge and knowledge She deuised certain lawes whiche longe time among the Britons were greatly estemed and named Marcians lawes Finallye when this vertuous prince had reigned .26 yeres he died The Phenices and Cyprians forsoke the empire of the Persians Dion ouercame the Dionysians whyche possessed Syracusa and deliuered his countrey he was elected theyr capitaine The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 355 Archidamus kinge of Sparta Before Britayne knovven 305 Philomelus capitain of the Phocenses got the temple of Delphos The Tarquinians vanquished Fabius vnaduisedly fightinge and sacrifised 307. Romanes Before Britayne knovven 304 Spartacus king of Bosphorus The yere of the worlde 3609 The yere before Christe 354 In Sicily Dion was slain by his hyred souldiours Calippus who was the causer of it toke on him the administration of the ysle Philip besieged and destroyed the city Methenes The Locrenses meting in battayle with Philomelus were ouercome taken and slayne Upon this began a sedicion through all Grece Before Britayne knovven Artemisia quene of Caria The yere of the worlde 3610 The yere before Christe 353 Hipparinus son of Dion expulsing Calippus recouered his fathers royalme The warres of the Argiues and Lacedemones Philip beyng ayded with a bande of Thessalians ouercame the Phocenses subdued Lyeophrones and hanged Onomarchus Fabius vanquished the Tarquiniens and Falliscians Phaylus Before Britayne knovven 302 The yere of the worlde 3611 The yere before Christe 352 capitain of the Phocences recoueringe a new power went into Beotla where fighting he was againe ouerthrowen and put to flight The warres of the Lacedemons and Megapolitaynes in whiche the Lacedemons obteined the victory by their capitaine Archidamus Contenciō in Rome for the election of consuls in whiche the Senatours obteyned Before Britayne knovven 301 Artaxerxes with great industry recouered Egipt Phinicia and Cipers he toke Sidona by treason The yere of the worlde 3612 The yere before Christe 351 and caused Temnes the kinge who betrayed the citye to be slayne Arymbas king of Molossa The Romanes fought prosperously with the Tyburtyans and Tarquiniensis but to cruelly they raged on thē for scourging .348 of the chiefest they also tyrannouslye put them to death Before Britayne knovven 300 Protagoras kinge of Salamine The yere of the worlde 3613 The yere before Christe 350 submitted him to the Persians Artaxerxes subdued Egipte and droue Nectanebus into Aethiope Mentor the president of the sea coste of Asia by craft and force gotte al the cities and regiōs theraboutes vnder the dominion of Artarerxes The yere of the worlde 3614 The yere before Christe 349 Spartacus king of Pontus dyed in whose place his brother Parisades was chosen who reigned .38 yeres Before Britayne knovven 299 Philip inuaded the Chalcidenses by assault toke the castell Gera compelled certayne townes to be vnder his obeisaunce and expelled Pitholaus out of Thessaly The yere of the worlde 3615 The yere before Christe 348 Peace giuen to the Tarquiniāses other for .xl. yeres Before Britayne knovven 298 The yere of the worlde 3616 The yere before Christe 347 The temple of Apollo at Delphos Before Britayne knovven 297 with them that fled thither were al bourned Popilius triumphed ouer the Galles the pristinat possession of the consulships was restored to the fathers The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 346 The Phocenses submitted them to Philip Before Britayne knovven 296 for his benefycence of al Grece he was called emperour The warres of Fraunce renued M. Ualerius by the helpe of a crow did vainquishe and kil a mighty frenche man For which cause he and his posteritie were called Coruini The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 345 Timoleon a Corinthean sayled into Sicilye he arriued at Tauromenium and got Syracusa Before Britayne knovven 295 A pestilence in Rome the Carthaginenses made league with the Romains The yere of the worlde 3619 The yere before Christe 344 Philip with fyre and sworde wasted Illyria Before Britayne knovven 294 delyuered Thessalye from tyrannes with his benificence wan the citees of Grecia with whom they tourned into amitee Dionysius yelded him to Timoleon The yere of the worlde 3620 The yere before Christe 343 Before Britayne knovven 293 he forsaketh Sicily sayleth into Corinthe and miserably led a priuat life Timoleon restored the Syracusanes to theyr lybertye Cersopleptus king of Thracia Coruinus warred vpon the Uolscians vanquished
of the worlde 3652 The yere before Christe 311 MOrindus a cruell prince Before Britayne knovven 261 began to reigne in Briteine he as oure cronicles saye foughte veyth a kyng who came out of Germany arriued here slue him with al his power Moreouer as they write oute of Irishe seas came foorthe a wonderfull monster whiche destroyed much people wherof the king hearing would of his valyaunte courage nedes fight with it by whom he was cleane deuoured When he had reygned viii yeres Here beginneth the kingdome of Syria wher Seleucus Nicanor first reigned .32 yeres Pestilence inuaded Rome Nola with other cityes was taken In this place the Scottes began theyr chronycles at Fergus son of Farquahard kinge of Irelande who as they write came with a great power out of Irelande to theyr ayd in the dissencion betwene them and the pitchtes where by hys wisedome and prowes be so behaued him selfe that he agreed those people and obteined suche fauour that they elected him to be theyr king he reigned among them .25 yeres and finally in passinge the seas betwene Irelande and Scotland he was drowned These histories of the Scottes asthey set them forth be full of errours and agre with no other historiens for they saye that Fergus slue Coil king of Britain when there was no suche of that name nor manye yeres after as it may in this boke playnly appeare But I will take the yeres of the reignes of theyr kinges as they write them whiche were from this time vnto the cominge of Cesar .260 yeres for whiche cause I haue here for the better agremente of the history and computacion of the yeres begun to write of them Before Britayne knovven 260 Lysimachia in Thracia builded The yere of the worlde 3653 The yere before Christe 310 Before Britayne knovven 256 Cassander caused Arsines The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 309 the wife of great Alexander with her son Hercules to be put to death Ptholome inuaded Ciprus In Rome the tribunes of the souldiours that shoulde gouerne the Legions were ordeyned with the two admirals of theyr nauy Ptholome and Cassander The yere of the worlde 3655 The yere before Christe 308 cōfederates with Lysimachus and Seleucus ▪ Before Britayne knovven warred against Antigonus whose son Demetrius fought with theym and was ouercome by Ptholome Fabius Rutilanus vanquished the Hetruscians and gaue theym peace for .30 yeres The Romaynes tryumphed bothe of the Samnites and Hetruscians Demetrius Phalereus obteyned of Ptholome that the Atheniens might be restored to their popular gouernāce Antigonus The yere of the worlde 3656 The yere before Christe 307 and all the other princis Before Britayne knovven 257 Before Britayne knovven 256 named theym selues kinges The yere of the worlde 3657 The yere before Christe 306 Demetrius the sonne of Antigonus delyuered Grece from tyrāny and ouercame and put to flight Ptholome in a battayle on the sea Fabius made proconsul ouercame brought in subiection the Samnites and sold .4000 of theyr complices The yere of the worlde 3658 The yere before Christe 305 The Romaines triumphed againe ouer the Sānites they renued their league with the Carthaginenses Before Britayne knovven 255 The yere of the worlde 3659 The yere before Christe 304 Seleucus buylded diuers cities in Syria The yere of the worlde 3660 The yere before Christe 303 GOrbomannus eldest sonne of Morindus Before Britayne knovven 254 reigned xi yeres A prince iuste religious Before Britayne knovven 253 he renued the temples of his goddes and gouerned his people in peace and wealthe Symon sonne of Onias surnamed the iust was hygh priest of the Iewes The auncient league was geuen to the Samnites the xxxi townes of the Equians were taken the Marrucines with other confederated them with the Romayns In a certayne caue in Umbria .2000 armed mē were destroyed with smoke and fyre The yere of the worlde 3661 The yere before Christe 302 Before Britayne knovven 252 Seleucus obteyned Babilon and buylded Antioche Ptholome The yere of the worlde 3662 The yere before Christe 301 Cassander Lysimachus Before Britayne knovven 251 and Seleucus ouer came and slue in battaile Antigonus king of Asia Cleominus a Lacedemon with a nauy of Grekes arriued on the costes of Italy Demetrius sonne of Antigonus Before Britayne knovven 250 succeded in the kingdome of Asia The yere of the worlde 3663 The yere before Christe 300 and reigned xvii yeres About this time the Romans began to vse barbours for before they neuer shaued theyr beardes The lawes Ualeria and Portia were made and the bishops and diuinours were consecrated The yere of the worlde 3665 The yere before Christe 298 A great famine in Athenes Before Britayne knovven 248 The yere of the worlde 3666 The yere before Christe 297 Antipater and Alexander sonnes of Cassander Before Britayne knovven 247 reygned in Macedone .iiii. yeres But Iustine writet h that Philip succeded Alexander The Samnites being driuen backe by Decius entred into Hetruria where they toke Ferentinum and other townes but by the consuls they were slayne and taken Before Britayne knovven 246 Fabyus Rutilanus triumphed vpon the Hetruscians and Gaules The yere of the worlde 3667 The yere before Christe 296 Before Britayne knovven 245 The yere of the worlde 3668 The yere before Christe 295 P. Decius auowed him selfe to die for the Romains There were slaine of the Hetruscians Gaules 24000 and of the Samnites by Uolumnius .16300 Before Britayne knovven 244 Attilius Regulus subdued the Sabines The yere of the worlde 3669 The yere before Christe 294 Posthumius the Hetruscians peace was giuen to the Uolscians and other for .xl. yeres Demetrius king of Asia The yere of the worlde 3670 The yere before Christe 293 obteined the roialme of Macedon Before Britayne knovven 243 whiche .6 yeres he kept Antipater sonne of Cassander slue his mother Demetriꝰ by fraud put to deth Alexander and Philip wherby he possessed the royalme of Macedon The Samnites and Hetruscians wer vanquished by the Romaines ARchigallo brother to Gorbamānꝰ The yere of the worlde 3671 The yere before Christe 292 was crouned king of Britain Before Britayne knovven 242 he was in cōdiciōs vnlike to his brother for he deposed the noble mē exalted the vnnoble he extorted frome men their goodes to enrich his treasury for whiche cause by the astates of the royalme he was depriued of his roial dignite whan he had reigned .v. yeres Nagid called also Nage succeded his father in the principalitee of the Iewes .x. yeres The Boeotians forsoke Demetrius whō he subdued and toke Thebes A pestilence for which cause the ymage Aesculapius was brought from Epidaurus to Rome ¶ Fabius ouercome of the Samnites was rescued by his father he triumphed ouer them and put their capitain Pontius to death Pyrrhus vainquished Pantauchus The yere of the worlde 3673 The yere before Christe 290 Before Britayne knovven 240 This Pyrrhus kyng of Epyre was a valiāt and fierse warriour sterne of countinaūce and
terrible to behold and semed to be framed of nature to martiall prowesse By a doubtfull aunswere of Apollo he was enduced to ayde the Tarentines againste the Romaines whom he ouerthrue in .ii. great batailes but with such losse of his owne capitaines frendes and souldiours that he saide if we ouercome the Romaines ones againe we shal be vtterly vndone Wherfore marueilynge at the māhode and vertue of the Romains he sayde with a lowd voice to his frendes Oh howe easie were it for me to subdue thehole world either to my self by the aide of Romaine souldiours or to the Romaines if I were theyr kinge Samnium was cleane destroied by the Romanes and the warres whiche endured .49 yeres betwene theym was finished and all Italy pacifyed and subdued vnto the Romanes The yere of the worlde 3675 The yere before Christe 288 Ptolomeus Seleucus Lysimachus and pyrrhus king of Epirus warred againste Demetrius Before Britayne knovven 238 whom they ouercame pyrrhus possessed the royalme of Macedony ¶ The citie Lysimachia wyth an erthquake was ouer throwen ELidurus the thirde sonne of Morindus brother to Archigallo The yere of the worlde 3676 The yere before Christe 287 was elected kyng of Britain Before Britayne knovven 247 A vertuous and gentill prince who gouerned his people iustly Whan he had reigned .v. yeres as he was in hūtyng in a forest by chaunce he met with his brother Archigallo whom moste louyngly he imbraced and foūde the meanes to reconcile him to his lordes and than resigned to him his royall dignitee The Macedons receiued pyrrhus for their kyng .7 monethes Lysimachus by fraude kylled Antipater his sonne in lawe and possessed the kyngdome of Macedō vii yeres The yere of the worlde 3677 The yere before Christe 286 Demetrius in Cilicia vanquished Seleucus Before Britayne knovven 236 The yere of the worlde 3678 The yere before Christe 285 Ferithias brother to Fergus Before Britayne knovven 235 was chosen kynge of Scottes duryng the nonage of his brothers children who bi Ferlegꝰ his neuew for the desire to reigne was slaine whā he had reigned .xv. yeres and Ferlegus for that act fled Scotlande Demetrius submitted him to Seleucus The yere of the worlde 3679 The yere before Christe 284 Ptholomeus philadelphus kynge of Egipt Before Britayne knovven 234 reigned xxxviii yeres The yere of the worlde 3680 The yere before Christe 283 Before Britayne knovven 233 A prince aboue al other geuē to study and learnynge he made a librarie in Alexandria whiche he furnyshed with innumerable bokes of al sciences among whiche as chiefe was the volume of Moyses lawe For the king hearing of that diuine lawe was in Hierusalem being veraie desirous to haue it translated first discharged out of his bondage al the iewes in his realme who were aboue .100000 Then sit he Demetrius Aristeus to Eleazer the high priest with great giftes to the temple of god desiring that the lawe might be sent with lerned men to translate it into Greke Incontinente Eleazar sent .72 interpretours who commenly be called Septuaginta interpretes These the kinge honourably receyued and sent them to Demetrius clerke of his librarye in Alexandrye who prouided a place for them where they assembled daily to interprete the holy scripture and in .72 daies finished it Which being done the king with great giftes dimissed them home The Lucanes Brutians Samnites Hetruscians being confederate with the Galles made a vtage towardes Rome But by Dolobella they were driuen backe The Galles slue the Romaine ambassadours Cecilius the pretour and .13000 souldiours Before Britayne knovven 232 ARchigallo thus restored to his royall estate The yere of the worlde 3681 The yere before Christe 282 ruled the people quietly and iustelye .x. yeres and then changed his life with death Aggal Esly receyued the principaliter of the Iewes ▪ gouerned them .8 yeres Before Britayne knovven 331 The Tarentines spoyled the Romaine nauy The yere of the worlde 3682 The yere before Christe 281 wold not receyue the ambassadours of Rome Before Britayne knovven 230 Ptolomeus Ceraunus reigned one yere in Macedon The yere of the worlde 3683 The yere before Christe 280 and was vanquished by the Galles Lysimacus being ouercome in battaile of Seleucus died Seuen monethes after Seleucus by the falshode of Ptolome lost his life The warres of the Grekes against the Aetolians Warre indicted to the Tarentins they sent to Pyrrhus for ayde he cometh and with the helpe of his Elephantes ouercometh Leuinus the cōsul Pyrrhus wondring at the continency of Fabritius in refusing his riche gettes which he sent to him didde send Cynea to Rome for peace blynde Appius Claudius persuaded theym to the contrary Before Britayne knovven 229 Antiochus Soter the second kinge of Asia and Syria The yere of the worlde 3684 The yere before Christe 279 reigned .xix. yeres About these daies bloude was sene to springe out of a well and milke to fall from the cloudes Meleagrus was king of Macedon .2 monethes After whom Antipater reigned .45 dayes Softenes reigned in Macedone .ii. yeres he ouercame the Galles in Macedon Pyrrhus was vanquished by the consules by flight he saued him selfe and returned to Tarentum The Scicilians after the death of Agathocles Before Britayne knovven 228 because they were continually vexed with the warres of the Carthaginenses sent for Pyrrhus The yere of the worlde 3685 The yere before Christe 278 and gaue vnto him the dominion of the whole islee An other Brennus capitayn of the Galles which inuaded Grece after many spoyles there done robbed the temple of Appollo at Delphos and to excuse his sacrilege sayed that the goddes neded nothing but they beynge riche ought to parte theyr goodes to poore men but he being ouerthrowen by the power of god for peyne killed him selfe his armye beyng destitute of a capitaine wyth lightning hayle hunger and pestilence was vexed and for desperation killed theyr wiues and children and so were scattered through Asia and grece But at laste they gathered agayne together and aydinge Nicomedes the king of Bithinia when they had gotten the victory deuided the countreye with him whiche was called after Gallogrecia The yere of the worlde 3686 The yere before Christe 277 Antigonus Gonates reigned in Macedon .xxxvi. yeres he ouercame the Galles Before Britayne knovven 227 The yere of the worlde 3688 The yere before Christe 275 Polybius the historiographer flourished Before Britayne knovven 225 Hiero king of Sicily reygned Pyrrhus expulsing Antigonus possessed Macedony The Tarentines called Pyrrhus out of Sicily to helpe them whom Curius the consul vaynquished he triumphed at which time in Rome the elephāts wer first sene Pyrrhus lefte Italy and Sicilye Maslot Nahum prince of the Iewes Before Britayne knovven 224 succeded his father and reigned 7 ▪ yeres The yere of the worlde 3689 The yere before Christe 274 The Peloponēses by tresō were deliuered to Antigonꝰ The warres of Pyrrhus against the Lacedemones After many greuous battayles by him fought in Grece at the assault of
Isles Egates The yere of the worlde 3722 The yere before Christe 242 In a short time after the whole nauy of Carthage betwene Sicily and Sardinia was almost distroyed with tēpest Wherby Amilcar desired peace which was graunted Here endeth the first warres of Carthage The yere of the worlde 3722 The yere before Christe 241 Doruidilla the sonne of Maynus Before Britayne knovven 191 was made kyng of the Scottes who reigned .xxviii. yeres he gaue all hys study and desire to huntyng in so muche that therof he made lawes and continued all his lyfe in peace Demetrius the .xxxv. king of Macedon reigned .x. yeres By the exundatiō of Tiber and fyre Rome was sore wasted The yere of the worlde 3723 The yere before Christe 240 Onias Before Britayne knovven 190 the sonne of iust Simon in this time florished Arsaces buylded Dara The yere of the worlde 3725 The yere before Christe 238 The Romayns warred with the Phaliscians Before Britayne knovven 188 slue 150000. of them they fought also prosperouslye with the Galles The yere of the worlde 3726 The yere before Christe 237 Eumenes king of Bithynia Before Britayne knovven 187 in this time inuaded Asia The warres in Ligustia now called Lūbardy where the Romains triumphed and passed ouer the great ryuer of Poo The yere of the worlde 3728 The yere before Christe 235 The Sardiniens rebelled by the meanes of Carthage but by the Romains thei wer subdued Before Britayne knovven 185 peace was renued with the Poenians and in all other places the tēple of Ianus was shut which was not closed before sens the tyme of Numa EMerianus brother to Morgan Before Britayne knovven 184 succeded in the royalme of Britaine The yere of the worlde 3729 The yere before Christe 234 whan he had tyrānously reigned vii yeres he was deposed Amilcar with an army was sent into Spaigne Before Britayne knovven 183 wher he dilated the empire of Carthage The yere of the worlde 3730 The yere before Christe 233 Antigon●● the .36 king of Macedō reigned .12 yeres Before Britayne knovven 181 Teuca quene of Illyria slue the Romain ambassadors The yere of the worlde 3732 The yere before Christe 231 Armenes king of Cappadocia Before Britayne knovven 379 The yere of the worlde 3734 The yere before Christe 229 Teuca quene of Illyria florished The yere of the worlde 3735 The yere before Christe 228 The warres of Illyria Before Britayne knovven 178 the consules toke many citees and subdued both the roialm and the quene The yere of the worlde 3736 The yere before Christe 227 IUal was chosen king of Britaine for his iustyce and temperaunce which he gouerned .xx. yeres peacibly Before Britayne knovven 177 Seleu●ꝰ Cer●unus the .v. king of Syria Before Britayne knovven 175 reigned .3 yeres The yere of the worlde 3738 The yere before Christe 225 and was slayne by the capitaines of Ptholome The Romayns made a league with Amilcar The warres of Fraunce began The bishops contaminated the citee with sacrafices they buryed quicke in the oxe market a frenche man and frenche woman wyth a Greke woman Before Britayne knovven 174 Mithridates Arsaces king of Parthia The yere of the worlde 3739 The yere before Christe 224 At the first encountre betwene the Romanes and Galles the Romanes were shamefully put back then C. Attilius comming to the rescue was there slayne but yet the Galles were ouercome Before Britayne knovven 172 Antiochus the great the .vi. kinge of Syria reygned 36 yeres The yere of the worlde 3741 The yere before Christe 222 The Romās at the riuer Adua vāquished the Galles Before Britayne knovven 171 Prusias of Bithinia The yere of the worlde 3742 The yere before Christe 221 Acheus of Taurus kinge Cauarus of Fraunce Attalus of Asia Marcellus subdued the Galles that inhabited Lombardy and toke Millan by force the frenchemen put thē selfes and theyrs vnder the power of the people of Rome Before Britayne knovven 170 Demetrius king of Illyria and Ariarates kynge of Cappodocia reigned The yere of the worlde 3743 The yere before Christe 220 Antigonus vanquished Cleomenes and spoiled hym of his realme obteyned Sparta toke Tegeta and was receyued of the Argiues The Istrians were subdued by the Romaines Before Britayne knovven 169 Ptolomeus Philopater the .4 kinge of Egipt The yere of the worlde 3744 The yere before Christe 219 reygned .xvii. yeres he slue his parentes and his brother and so inuaded theyr royalme Philip .37 king of Macedon gouerned thē .42 yeres The warres social betwene the Acheans Aetolians Annybal the sonne of Amilcar was ordeined capitain of Carthage like as he was of noble and valyaunte courage so was he wise gilefull and of wonderfull polycy wherby he wrought much scath to the Romans against whom he conceiued such enmitee wrath in his youth that beynge a childe of .viii. yeares of age he swore to his father that his life shoulde fayle hym before he woulde leaue the hatred that he had cōceiued in his hert towarde theim Wherfore in his childehode beyng demaunded whan the warres of Carthage and Rome shoulde haue an ende steringe the duste of the grounde with his foote answered They shall then be finished when one of the partes is brought into thys fourme The yere of the worlde 3745 The yere before Christe 218 The beginning of Anniball his warres Before Britayne knovven 168 he tooke Saguntum the people of whiche citee were so faythfull to the Romaines that after great famine by him susteyned rather then they woulde yelde them to Anniball burned them selfes theyr wiues children and goodes Aemelius toke Dimalis a city of Illyria the residue submitted them to the Romains Demetrius fledde into Macedonie Philip ouercame the Illyrians and droue theym out of Macedonie The Rhodians moued warre against Bizantians Theodotus by treason delyuered Ptolemai●a and Tyrus to Antigonus The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 217 The warres of Syria Before Britayne knovven 167 betwene Antiochus and Ptolomeus in whiche Antiochus was vainquished Annibal subdued the Galles as far as Pyreus he ouercame theym at the riuer Rhodanus at Ticinus he ouerthrue the Romaines and at Trebeia vanquished Sempronius with his army he firste perced the mountaynes making his waye with fire vineger where he brought ouer his armye into Italye beinge of .80000 footemen 10000. horsemen and .xx. Elephantes The yere before Christe 216 The warre in Candy betwene the Gnosians Litiās Corn. Scipio subdued a great part of Spayn The yere of the worlde 3747 Before Britayne knovven 166 A battayle at the lake Trasymenus where Flamminius the consul was slayne and the Romaines put to flight The yere of the worlde 3748 The yere before Christe 215 Aniball obteined the noble victorye of Cannas where Aemyltus the consul was slayne Before Britayne knovven 165 with two Questors .21 Tribunes .90 senators .300 of the nobilitye .4000 footemen and .2700 horsemen and came within three myles of Rome Mithridates warred vpon the Sinopenses The yere of the worlde 3749 The
yere before Christe 214 Antiochus indicted warre to Acheus Before Britayne knovven 164 Philip kinge of Macedonye tooke Thebes and entered in league with Anniball Posthumius by the deceit of the frenchemen was slayn Marcellus ouercame Annibal and the Scipions vanquished Asdrubal in Spayne Fabius Maximus was created Dictator of Rome ¶ This man in his youth exercised bothe eloquence and prowesse and therfore after became as well in armes as counsaile a captaine most excellent and subduyng many countreis to the Romains triumphed fiue times At this time beyng made Dictatour against Anniball he so tempered prudence with manhode that by detracting of batail and training Annibal from place to place and at sundrye aduantages skyrmisshynge with him he minished his puisance and preserued the publike weale of his coūtrey In so muche that Annibal whan he had o●erthrowe Minutius the Cōsull and was constreigned by Fabius whiche came to the rescue to retyre with losse of his men said Dyd not I tell you that this clowde wold at the last bryng vs a storme Calling Fabius a clowde because he houered vpon the hylles Before Britayne knovven 163 ¶ Nathak brother of Doruidilla The yere of the worlde 3750 The yere before Christe was made kynge of Scottes who for his tyranny in the seconde yere of his reigne was slaine by his owne lordes The poenians were ouerthrowen by Fabius at Benenentum Before Britayne knovven 162 ¶ Pleuratus kynge of Thracia The yere of the worlde 3751 The yere before Christe 212 Scerdiletus kinge of Illyria Hitherto writeth Polibius Syphax kinge of Numidia entred in amitee with the Romaines Before Britayne knovven 161 Re●thar son of Doruidilla a yong childe The yere of the worlde 3752 The yere before Christe 211 contrary to the lawes of Scotland was made kynge for which cause Scotlande was vexed with ciuill warres in maner to the desolacion thereof and the Britons entred and subdued it whiche they kepte as the Scottes write .xii. yeres vnder their subiection their kinge Reuthar beyng expelled out of his royalme and lyuing in Irelande but afterward by entreatee vpon certain conditions he was againe restored to his kingdome and reigned in all .26 yeres ¶ Anniball tooke Tarentum and the Scipiones were slayne in Spaine Before Britayne knovven 160 The Romaines were in such feare The yere of the worlde 3753 The yere before Christe 210 by the comming of Anniball towardes Rome that thei determined to haue forsaken the citie and to fle in to Greece But by the prowes and wisdome of the yong Scipio they were persuaded to the defence of their countrey who whan all other feared to be capitaines in so daungerous warres tooke vpon him to deliuer Italy from the power of Anniball beinge but .22 yeres of age for which cause he was fyrst sent into Spayne with an army * This Scipio was of wonderful towardnesse euen frō his childhode for beyng but .xvii. yeres olde in a greate battayle by Pauia in Lumbardy he rescued hys father whan he was enuyronned with ennemies and in daunger to be slayne After he had prosperousely finisshed the warres that he had taken in hand he was so greatly renoumed that men came out of all countreys onely to see and honour him And as he was famous in marcial prowesse so was he excellently well learned and fauoured learned men excedingly in so much as he refused to here the ambassadours of Carthage makynge entreatee for peace vntyll thei had brought to hym Terence the latin poet in whom he after so greatly delited that it is sayde he holpe hym to make his comedies At●alus of Asia Pleuratus of Thracia Scerdiletus of Illyria were kynges The yere of the worlde 3854 The yere before Christe 209 Before Britayne knovven 159 The Aetolians confederated theim selues with the Romaynes and indicted warre to Philyp Scipio toke newe Carthage in Spaine and sent Mago prisoner to Rome Fuluius the consull recouered T●●ētum Scipio ouer came and vanquished Hasdruball The yere of the worlde 3755 The yere before Christe 208 Before Britayne knovven 158 RImo gouerned this roialme of Britayn .xvi. yeres The yere of the worlde 3756 The yere before Christe 207 Philyp kynge of Macedon Before Britayne knovven 157 fought prosperouslye agaynst the Aetolians Nere vnto Lacinius Annibal ouerthrue the Romains in whiche conflict Marcellus the consull was slayne Ualerius wasted Aprica and vanquisshed the Carthaginenses on the sea In Spayne Hanno was takē and the Carthaginenses that were with him The yere of the worlde 3757 The yere before Christe 206 slayne Before Britayne knovven 156 P. Sulpitius Proconsull of Grece Hostil●us put Anniball to flyght At Sena Asdruball with his army was ouerthrowen and vāquisshed by the cōsuls whose head Nero caused to be cast into the campe of Anniball Before Britayne knovven 155 Spaine was subdued to the Romains Before Britayne knovven 154 The warre betwene Syphax and Masinissa began The yere of the worlde 3758 The yere before Christe 205 in whiche Syphax droue Masinissa out of his roialme The yere of the worlde 3759 The yere before Christe 204 Before Britayne knovven 153 Scipio vanquished the Poenians and Sempronius ouercame Anniball The yere of the worlde 3760 The yere before Christe 203 Before Britayne knovven 152 Ptolomeus Epiphanes the .v. kyng of Egypt reigned 24. yeres he passed not the age of foure yeares The yere of the worlde 3761 The yere before Christe 202 whan his father dyed Wherfore he was committed to the gouernance of the Romains whiche was the occasion of great warres betwene Antiochus and the Romaines Scipis destroyed the campe of Syphax and Asdruball Syphaax was taken by Lelius and brought to Rome Annibal was cōpelled to retourne to Carthage to the defence therof the .xvii. yere after he first entred into Italy Before Britayne knovven 151 Scipio and Anniball met togither in battayl The yere of the worlde 3762 The yere before Christe 120 in which Anniball was put to flight The Carthaginenses desired peace whiche was graunted to them but .500 of theyr shippes were drouned in the sight of the citee Here endeth the second warres of Carthage Before Britayne knovven 150 Peace was giuen to Carthage The yere of the worlde 3763 The yere before Christe 200 Masinissa was also restored to his royalme Scipio retourned to Rome with great triumph after whose chariot Terence the comical poete folowed as prisoner Before Britayne knovven 149 The warres of Macedon began because that Philip sent succours to the Carthaginenses The yere of the worlde 3764 The yere before Christe 199 Ser. Sulpitius went into Macedon where he toke many townes The french warres arose in which Furius triumphed Bebius Pamphilus The yere of the worlde 3765 The yere before Christe 198 entring into the landes of the Millaners Before Britayne knovven 148 with all his army was enclosed Quintius the consul ouerthrue kynge Philip. The yere of the worlde 3766 The yere before Christe 197 The Atheians stablished peace with the Romaines Before Britayne knovven 147 A rebellion of seruantes in Rome
which by Corn. Lentulus were subdued and slayne Before Britayne knovven 146 Antiochus in Co●losyria subdued all the citees belongyng to Ptolomeus The yere of the worlde 3767 The yere before Christe 196 Nabis the tyran of Lacedemon receiuinge the citee of Argiues fel to the parte of the Romaines Quintius in Thessaly put Philip also to flight The Lumbardes submitted them to the Romaines the Millanners were vanquished and slayn Sempronius in Spayne was kylled Antiochus repaired the citee Lysimachia Before Britayne knovven 145 The yere of the worlde 3768 The yere before Christe 195 Peace made betwene Philip and the Romaines The citees of Grece were restored to their libertee A sedicion of seruauntes began in Thuscayn M. Acilius subdued and hanged them Anniball bycause he wold not come in the Romaines daunger The yere of the worlde 3769 The yere before Christe 194 fled vnto Antiochus Before Britayne knovven 144 Quintius made war vpon Nabis prince of Lacedemō Cato subdued the Spaniardes and triumphed Antiochus perceiuinge that he coulde not get the royalme of Aegypte The yere of the worlde 3770 The yere before Christe 193 made his power against Asia Before Britayne knovven 143 and toke Rhodes and Samos and than by the prouocacion of Anniball he prepared war against the Romaines Peace was geuen to Nabis And Quintius triumphed thre daies in Rome GEruntius reigned here in Britain .20 yeres The yere of the worlde 3771 The yere before Christe 192 Iosephus the son of Thobias deliuered the Iewes from the furye of Ptolome Before Britayne knovven 142 Corn. Scipio subdued the Lusitanes Antiochus gaue vnto Ptolome in mariage his daughter Cleopatra The yere of the worlde 3772 The yere before Christe 191 Before Britayne knovven 141 Philopoemenes capitaine of the Acheans ouerthrue the souldiours of Nabis slue moste parte of the armye and spoyled the countrey of Lacedemon The yere before Christe 190 Antiochus was put to flight Before Britayne knovven 140 and driuen out of Grecia by Attilius Glabrio The yere of the worlde 3773 Scipio Nasica vanquished the Galles and triumphed ouer them The yere of the worlde 3774 The yere before Christe 189 Anniball in a batail on the sea was vanquished of Eumenes at Thiatyria Scipio Nasica subdued Antiochus Before Britayne knovven 139 and granted him peace vpon condicion that his dominion should onely extende no further than the mountaine Taurus Anniball fled vnto Prusias king ofBithinia Philopoemenes ouercame the Lacedemones Before Britayne knovven 138 brake down their walles The yere of the worlde 3775 The yere before Christe 188 abrogated the lawes of Licurgus L. Bebius by the Ligurians was inuironed with al his army and slayne Scipio triumphed ouer Asia Seleucus called also Philopater the .vii. king of Siria reigned .xii. yeres Before Britayne knovven 136 he by the instigacion of one Symon The yere of the worlde 3777 The yere before Christe 186 that was gouernoure of the temple of Hierusalem sent Heliodorus to haue taken away the treasure of the temple but by the angels of god he was let hardly escaped ▪ Scipio Affricanus after his manifolde benefyttes done for the citee of Rome was banished to Linternum Gracchus defended the cause of Scipio and maryed his youngeste daughter A daye also was appoynted to Scipio Asiaticus to aunswere his accusers Before Britayne knovven 135 Reutha cousin germain to Reuther The yere of the worlde 3778 The yere before Christe 185 was made gouernour of Scotland during the nonage of Thereus the son of Reuther who ruled quyetlye the roialme .xvii. yeares and then resigned the gouernance therof to Thereus The wantonnes or delicacy of the Asians began to take place in the citee of Rome cookes to be had in estimaciō Before Britayne knovven 134 Simon son of Onias high priest of the Iewes The yere of the worlde 3779 The yere before Christe 184 The Romaines at Hippones were ouerthrowen Calphurnius and Quintius subdued the Spaniardes Before Britayne knovven Hircanus The yere of the worlde 3780 The yere before Christe 183 the sonne of Iosephus was made prince of Iudea where he ruled .xvi. yeres He accordinge to Philo was the last prince of the house of Dauid For after his deceasse the Machabeis obteyned bothe the pryncipalitee and office of high pryest Calphurnus and Quintius consules tryumphed ouer the Lusitaines and Celtiberians Cato the noble Censor in this time flourished who was very olde or he lerned the latine and greke letters Before Britayne knovven 132 Onias the sonne of Simon the iuste The yere of the worlde 3781 The yere before Christe 182 was made high byshop of the Iewes Philopoemeus taken by the Messenians drynkynge poyson finished his life T. Quintius was sent to Prusias to requyre Annibal to be deliuered to the Romaines but Annibal because he would not come in theyr handes poysoned him selfe Scipio Affricanus died at Linternū vpon whose tombe was written O ingrate conntrey vvhyche hast not so muche as my bones A sedicion dyd ryse among the Iewes for the chyldren of Ioseph Demetrius the sonne of Philip beynge accused by his brother Perseus The yere of the worlde 3782 The yere before Christe 181 Before Britayne knovven 131 was poysoned by Dida presydente of Poeonia The yere of the worlde 3783 The yere before Christe 180 A pestilence in Rome Before Britayne knovven 130 Pinarius subdued the Isle Cors●ra to the Romaines The yere of the worlde 3784 The yere before Christe 179 Fuluius Fiaccus ouercame agayn the Spaniardes Before Britayne knovven 129 The yere of the worlde 3785 The yere before Christe 178 Ptolomeus Philometor .vi. kynge of Egypt Before Britayne knovven 128 reigned xxxv yeares and fynally dyed by excedynge ioye that he tooke of a victorie Gracchus vanquisshed the Celtiberians and Fuluius triumphed ouer the Ligurians The yere of the worlde 3786 The yere before Christe 177 Perseus the .xxxviii. and last kyng of Macedon reygned .xi. yeres he warred agaynst the Romanes Before Britayne knovven 127 and at the last was taken by Paulus Aemilius the consul and brought prisoner in a triumph to Rome His yōgest son of necessitee to sustein his lyfe was driuen to occupie a smithes crafte So vncertain is the state of fortune The Histrians put to flight the Romains ouercome M. Licinius with his men of warre Manlius the consul subdued theim agayne and vanquisshed their drunken kynge The yere of the worlde 3787 The yere before Christe 176 Sempronius Gracchus ouerthrewe the Ilienses and Balarians in Sardinia Before Britayne knovven 126 Aepulo prynce of the Hystrians was taken and all hys countrey submitted them to the Romanes The yere of the worlde 3788 The yere before Christe 175 Iesus called also Iason brother to Onias was highe priest of the Iewes Before Britayne knovven 125 The yere of the worlde 3789 The yere before Christe 174 Antiochus Epiphanes the .viii. kyng of Syria reigned xi yeres A prince geuen to falsehoode and mischiefe Before Britayne knovven A schisme amonge the Iewes for the office of the highe prieste The yere
lastely by the treason of his sonne in lawe was slayne Q. Pompeius subdued the Termesti●s but by the Numantians he was vanquished and forced to make an vnprofitable peace Uir●arus was slaine by his owne men CHirimus kinge of Britaine The yere of the worlde 3825 The yere before Christe 138 through his drunkennes as our chroniclers write Before Britayne knovven 88 reigned but one yere Triphon murdering his prīce Antiochus inuaded the kingdome of Syria Before Britayne knovven 87 FUlgen son to Chrrimus The yere of the worlde 3826 The yere before Christe 137 reigned .2 yere in Britain Triphon called also Diodotus the .14 king of ●●ria reigned .iii. yeres Simon confirmed his league with the Romains Before Britayne knovven 86 Mancinus beinge ouerthrowen of the Numanti●es The yere of the worlde 3827 The yere before Christe 136 and driuen out of his campe was forced to conclude a peace greatly to his dishonour ELdred reigned in Britaine one yere The yere of the worlde 3828 The yere before Christe 135 Before Britayne knovven 85 Antiochus Sedetes the .xv king of Syria reigned ix yeres He was inuited bothe to the mariage and kyngedome by Cleopatra and after by the helpe of Simon he slue Triphon ▪ ¶ In Rome a childe was borne with foure feete foure handes foure eies as many eares and hauinge both natures In the lande of Bonony corne grue out of trees ANdrogius likewise reigned one yere in Britaine The yere of the worlde 3829 The yere before Christe 134 Before Britayne knovven 84 In Sicily a rebellion of .70000 seruauntes began which moued a cruel Tedicion VRianus the son of Androgius suceeded his father in the realme of Britain Before Britayne knovven 83 and reigned .iii. yeres The yere of the worlde 3830 The yere before Christe 133 he wholy gaue him selfe to the desyres of the fleshe N●mantia a noble citye of Spayne by the assaulte of Scipio was destroyed This citee by the space of .14 yeares with .4000 of theyr owne souldiours not onelye withstode .40000 Romaines but also vainquished thē oftentimes For whiche cause Scipio the yonger who destroyed Carthage was sent thyther He enclosed the citie about with a great trenche Whā the Numātines by long siege were sore famished they determined to finishe their misery with death thā with a sodaine erupcion they brake forth vpon their enemies And if Scipio had not ben there present the Romaines had fled away so egerly they assayled them but by the gret multitude of the romaynes they were driuen backe and many of them slayne than the residue in good order retyred into the town and closed their gates where with the sword poison and fier they consumed them selfes their goods and their citee leuyng neither mā nor goods for a spoil to the romaynes Finnane the son of Iosine Before Britayne knovven 82 was made king of Scottes a iust and vertuous prince The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 132 as they write which gouerned them .30 yeres The sect or religion of the priestes Druides in this time was instituted in the isle of Man Simon walkyng through the citees of Iudea wente to Hiericho with his two sonnes Iudas Mathathias where by ptolome his son in lawe they were traiterously slayne Hitherto extendeth the boke of Machabeis Hirc●nus called also Ioannes son of Symon .iiii. capitaine of the Iues gouerned them .26 yeres Antiochus in the feast of tabernacles besieged Hierusalem by gentlenes he subdued the Iewes graunted them to lyue accordyng to theyr fathers lawes Not longe after that Carthage and Numantia were thus destroied the Romans fel at dissencion For Gracchus protectour of the comminaltee beynge displeased with the nobilitee because they noted hym to bee an authour of the Numantine league made by Mane●nus to wyn the fauoure of the people decreed to diuide certein landes among them For whiche cause the Senat was incensed to anger and the people to pride Wherevpon a day of session was appointed wherat the cōmons beyng also gathered by the senat they were dryuen away and Gracchus with .200 slayne Attalus kynge of Asia by his testament bequethed his royalme to the people of Rome Before Britayne knovven 81 ELiud kyng of Britaine reigned .v. yeres The yere of the worlde 3832 The yere before Christe 121 Before Britayne knovven 80 Aristonicus the son of Attalus inuaded Asia The yere of the worlde 3833 The yere before Christe 130 and slue Licinius Crassus with all his army Before Britayne knovven 79 Nicomedes of Bithinia Mithridates of Pontus The yere of the worlde 3834 The yere before Christe 129 Ariarates of Cappadocie Pylemenes of Paphlagonie kinges aided the Romaynes agaynst Aristonicus Mar. Perpenna consull sent agaynst Aristonicus euer came and tooke hym Metellus made a lawe in Rome that all men shulde be forced to be maried Before Britayne knovven 78 Scipio Aphricanus the yōger The yere of the worlde 3835 The yere before Christe 128 who destroied Carthage and Numantia beyng accused of his enemies made answere therof and in the mornyng after was founde dead in his bed strangled as som affirmed by his wyfe Sempronia who was of the house of Gracchus Before Britayne knovven 77 Hireanus did fyrst among the Iewes nourishe strāgers Antiochus encoūtryng with Arsaces kynge of Parthia in batayle was slayne The yere of the worlde 3836 The yere before Christe 127 Before Britayne knovven 76 Demetrius the .xvi. kyng of Syria The yere of the worlde 3837 The yere before Christe 126 brother vnto Antiochus reigned .iiii. yeres Before Britayne knovven 75 Dedancius kyng of Britayne reigned here .v. yeres The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 125 Before Britayne knovven 74 In Aphrike there swarmed suche huge multitudes of locustes that thei deuoured not onely all the fruites The yere of the worlde 3839 The yere before Christe 124 herbes and rotes but also dyd gnawe euen the bitter barkes whiche after with a sodeyn wynde being dryuen togyther on heapes were long tossed in the ayre fell at the laste into the Aphrican sea and by violence of the water were cast here and there on land whervpon insued such infection of the ayre and pestilente sauour that it caused great murrayn of bestes and byrdes the putrifaction of whose carcases did also the more augment the foresayde plague through whiche there died in Numedye .80000 men and about the partes of Carthage and Urica dyed also aboue .ii. hundred thousand L. Opimius first of all other by warre subdued the Ligurians on the further side of the mountaynes Before Britayne knovven 72 Alexander Zebenna the .xvii king of Syria The yere of the worlde 3841 The yere before Christe 122 vanquished Demetrius and reigned .ii. yeres The Romaines repayred agayne Carthage and stored it with newe inhabytauntes Seleueus brother to Demetrius was put to death because he without the consent of his mother tooke vppon him the crowne The yere of the worlde 3843 The yere before Christe 120 De●onus reigned in Britaine .ii. yeres Before Britayne knovven
husbande two sonnes Hircanus the eldeste whom she made high priest and Aristobulus who after hir death contended for the dominion of the Iewes The Pharaseis vnder thys Alexandria gouerned the commune weale of the Iewes Sylla gaue vp and forsoke all offyces and lyued a pryuat life he wrote his commentaries and dedycated them to Lucullus The yere of the worlde 3886 The yere before Christe 77 Sertori●s a noble and valyant man of Rome beynge of the faction of Marius Before Britayne knovven 27 fledde from Sylla into Spayne where he was receiued of the Lusitaines and made their capitain he made greuous warre agaynst the Romains Sylla died and was buried in the fyeld of Mars Lepidus the consul woulde haue moued a newe sedycion but Catulus his felowe prohibited him CAporus was kinge in Britaine .ii. yeres The yere of the worlde 3887 The yere before Christe 76 Seruilius subdued Cilicia Before Britayne knovven 26 and brought the Isaures in subiection Metellus was sent into Spayne agaynst Sertorius where fortune was variable betwene theym Perpenna ioyned him selfe with Sertorius Pompeius was sent into Spayne to ayde Metellus against Sertorius The yere of the worlde 3888 The yere before Christe 75 where fortune was contrary to him Before Britayne knovven 25 DInellus the son of Caporus a iuste and vertuous prince The yere of the worlde 3889 The yere before Christe 74 gouerned this roialme of Britayn .4 yeres Before Britayne knovven 24 Gillus bastarde son of Ewin after the death of his father toke vpon him the gouernaunce of Scotlande but he continued not longe for through his falshode and crueltee he was driuen out of his roialme and at the last when he had not reigned fully three yeres he was slaine in Irelande C. Scribonius ouercame the Dardanois and entered as farre as the riuer Danubie Nicomedes king of Bithinia bequethed his royalme vnto the Romaines whiche Mithridates inuaded and ouercame Cotra the Romane captaine Chalcedonia Before Britayne knovven 23 Lucullus ouercame and put to flyghte Mithridates The yere of the worlde 3890 The yere before Christe 73 both on lande and sea Before Britayne knovven 22 Tigranes king of Armenia The yere of the worlde 3891 The yere before Christe 72 toke Ptolomais in egipt Mithridates entred in league with Seriorius Certain sword players which taught in Capua wēt from theyr schole and gathered a great numbre of companions who with murder rauishmētes rapines and bourninges filled all Italy Ewin the .ii. Nepheu to kynge Finnane The yere of the worlde 3892 The yere before Christe 71 was chosen kyng of Scottes Before Britayne knovven 21 he reigned .17 yeres than resigned his regall power vnto Edeir the .3 Nepheu of Durstus The warres of Macedone began in which M. Lucullus triumphed Lentulus and Gellius consules were sent against the sword players and fugitiues of whom they were ouerthrowen Wherefore that warre was committed to the charge of Crassus who quickly vainquished them Sertorius was traitrously slayn ī Spain by Perpēna Before Britayne knovven 20 HElius the sonne of Danellus The yere before Christe 70 reigned not ful one yere kynge of Britaine The yere of the worlde 3893 Of this prince the Isle of Ely toke the name ¶ Crassus vainquisshed the sworde plaiers Pompeius ouerthrewe Perpenna and broughte the Spaniardes in subiection Before Britayne knovven 19 LUd the sonne of Hely succeded his father The yere of the worlde 3894 The yere before Christe 99 and reigned .xi. yeres in Britain As sone as he was made kyng he refourmed the state of his cōmon weale for he amēded his lawes and toke away all vsages that were nought Moreouer he repaired the citie of Londō thē called Troynouant with faire buildinges and walles and buylded on the west parte therof a strong gate whiche vnto this tyme reteyneth the name of him ▪ and is called Ludgate Fynally he dyed leauyng after hym two sonnes Androgeus and Theomantius who being not of age to gouerne their vncle Cassiuelane obteined the crowne Our chroniclers write that Lōdō toke the name of this Lud. Hircanus the .8 king of the Iewes reigned one yere betwene him and his brother Aristobulus began ciuyle warres M. Lucullꝰ subdued Macedony ● Lucullus Armeny The yere of the worlde 3895 The yere before Christe 68 Aristobulus the .9 king of Iewes reigned .6 yeres Before Britayne knovven 18 He ouercame his brother Hircanus at Hierico where an agrement was made that Aristobulus shoulde reigne as kinge and the other to leade a priuate life Lucullus vanquished Tygranes and put him to flight Lachares kinge of Bosphorus one of the sonnes of Mithridates was receyued in amitee with Lucullus Cn. Pompeius in .40 dayes scoured the Mediterrane seas from Pyrates The yere before Christe 67 The warres of Candy began Before Britayne knovven 17 whiche Iland Metellus in thre yeres subdued The yere of the worlde 3896 Libya by the bequest of Appie kinge therof came to the handes of the Romaines Cn. Pōpeius was assigned general capitayn against Mithridates The yere of the worlde 3897 The yere before Christe 66 Before Britayne knovven 16 Hircanus by the counsayle of Antipater fled vnto Aretha king of Araby and then denounced warre agaynste Aristobulus The yere of the worlde 3898 The yere before Christe 65 Before Britayne knovven 15 Pompeius by his capitaine Afranius Before Britayne knovven 13 ouerthrue the Arabians The yere of the worlde 3900 The yere before Christe 63 Hircanus was again king of the Iewes Before Britayne knovven 12 and reigned xxiii yeres The yere of the worlde 3901 The yere before Christe 62 Pompeius vanquished Aristobulus toke Hierusalem spoiled the temple entred into the holy sainctuary made the Iewes tributarie and gaue the office of highe priest vnto Hyrcanus Scaurus presidente of the lower Syria made peace with Aretha king of Arabia Pompeius receiued Tigranes king of Armeny vnder his subiection and in battayle ouercame the Iberians and Albanes Pharnaces the son of Mithridates made warre vpon his father and besieged him in a castel who being destitute of all helpe nor finding any mercy in his son firste poysoned his wife concubines and daughters and then him selfe Thus ended Mithridates his life a prynce of great wisedome and meruaylous industrye whiche perfectly could speake .xxii. languages he lyued .72 yeares reigned .xl. and kept war .xxx. yeres continually against the Romanes hauing alwaies in his company philosophers and cunnyng men ☞ Marcus Tullius Cicero was consul of Rome with C. Antonius whose diuine eloquence abundant lerning sharpenesse of witte dexteritee in actes and most ardēt loue toward the common weale of his countrey can not be sufficiently expressed by no mortall mannes tunge or penne His auncestours were named Cicerones because that Tulliꝰ Appius a noble king of Uolscis and one of that progenie had on his nose a marke like a chich whiche is a kinde of pulse called Cicer. He so profyted in the eloquence of Greke and Latine that not only his companions were in a merueilous admiracion of him but
Christ through euil coūsaile was wythout gylte banyshed and fled into Wales and shortly after was reconsiled to the kyng Theodora gouerned the empyre of Constantinople .ii. yeares Henrie emperour of Germanie departyng out of this life committed his yonge son to the tuicion of Baldwine ▪ Erle of Flaunders Sewarde Erle of Northumberlande dyed of whom it is redde The yere of the worlde 5018 The yere of Christ 1057 that whan he sawe well he shoulde dye Anni regum Angli 15 he caused his armoure to be put on hym and so armed at all places sittynge in a cheire sayed that so it became a noble man to dye and not liyng as another meane person Henrye the .iiii. beyng yet a chylde was ordeyned emperour of Germanie and reigned .50 yeres In his tyme by meane of trouble sedicion and warre the Romayne empyre so greatly was appayred that neuer after it could be restored to the prystinate maiestye nor recouer againe the former might and puisaunce The causers whereof were the byshoppes of Rome whiche vexed well nere the whole worlde with moste cruell and deadly warres and specially Hildebrande called Gregory the .vii. The Saxones vnder the leadyng of Duke Otho rebelled The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1058 and by Ecbert the emperours capitayne Anni regum Angli 16 were vanquisshed and brought in subiection Michaell surnamed the elder emperoure of Constantinople one yere Great businesse and rufflynge in Rome for the election and deposicion of certayne byshops as Stephene the .ix. Bennet the .x. Nicolas the .iii. Andrew king of Hungary was vanquished of one Bela and depriued of his kingdome The emperours armie whiche came to rescue was ouerthrowen kyng Andrewe slayne and the Marques of Thurynge constreigned with hunger and famine to yelde hym selfe to hys enemyes Bela by force toke on hym the crowne and reigned .iii. yeares Isacius Murdered Michaell emperoure of Constantinople The yere of the worlde 5020 The yere of Christ 1059 and reigned in his place .iiii. yeres Anni regum Angli 17 Algarus Erle of Mertia whiche was before Erle of Oxenforde beyng maliciously accused was exiled oute of this lande by king Edwarde the seconde time and fledde againe to Griffine Duke of Wales Wherwith Edward was greuouslye displeased and sente Harolde the eldest sonne of Godwine which was than of great power to warre vppon the saide Griffine who spoyled the countrey of Wales expelled Griffyne out of his lordship and by his policie reconsiled erle Algarus to kynge Edwardes grace and fauour Anni regum Angli Philip the first of that name The yere of the worlde 5021 The yere of Christ was ordeined kynge of Fraunce He maried Bertha the wife of Baldwine erle of Holande and had by her certayne children whom after he had repudiate and coupled to him ●ertr●dam the wife of Fulco whome he affectioned that all thinges were done at her becke and commaundement and would not forsake her vntil he was constreigned by Urbane the bishop of Rome to take to him his firste wife Baldwine erle of Flaunders assembled an army and made towarde Spayne against the Sarasens and subdued Gascoyne to him and to the yonge emperour Godfrey erle of Puell in Italye in his deathe bedde neglecting his owne bretherne made Bagelarde his heir and successour which was immediately driuen out of his lordshippe by Robert Guiscarde Godfreis brother who after made him selfe erle of Calabre and Puell Otho duke of Bauarie Anni regum Angli 19 In this yeare of our lorde after the computacion of the Scottes Malcolme or Malcolme recouered the crowne of Scotlande and reigned .35 yeres The yere of the worlde 5022 The yere of Christ Anni regum Angli 20 Alexander the .ii. was ordeyned bishoppe of Rome at which time the bishoppes of Lumbardie woulde haue aduanced to that sea one Cabolus The yere of the worlde 5023 The yere of Christ by meanes wherof ciuile warre was arered and great armies gathered on bothe partes In fine after sore fighte and great murder the fautours of Cabolus were chased and he him selfe hardly escaped This ruffling continued a long space Otho bishop of Coleine by priuy meanes conueighed Henry the emperour from the ordring guydinge of his mother and set him in full power to rule after his owne mynde The empire at this time was chiefelye gouerned by bishops Otho Marques of Thurynge gaue firste title of hys possessions to the bishop of Mense Henry the emperour of Germanie reuored Salomon to his fathers kyngdome of Hungarye and gaue to him in maryage his owne syster After which tyme Salomon reygned .xiiii. yeres Harolde the sonne of Erle Godwyne went into Normandie The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1063 Anni regum Angli 21 where he made faythfull promyse to Duke William that after the death of Edwarde he woulde kepe the kingdome to his behalfe on whych condicion he brought with him at his retourne his brother Tasto Isacius emperour of Constantinople shoore hym selfe a monke after whom reygned Constantine .vii yeres Sanctius kinge of Spayne Anni regum Angli 22 was murdered by one of his housholde seruauntes The yere of the worlde 5025 The yere of Christ 1064 Wherefore Alphons the .vi. whom he had before expelled was agayne restored to his kyngdome Tosto enuiyng his brothers prosperity vsed muche vilany toward him and kinge Edwarde The yere of the worlde 5026 The yere of Christ 1065 Anni regum Angli 23 for the whiche he was forced to leaue the lande and flye into Flaunders The noble king Edwarde finished his last daye when he had reigned 23. yeres .vii. monethes and odde dayes He purged the olde and corrupte lawes and pi●ked out of them a certayne which were most profytable for the commons and therfore were they called the common lawes For restitution wherof hapned diuers commocions and insurrections in this lande HArolde the eldest sonne of Godwine Anni regum Angli 1 being of great power The yere of Christ 1066 in Englande and therwith valiant and hardie The yere of the worlde 5027 toke on him the gouernance of this lande nothing regarding the promise that be made to William of Normandye Wherfore when William sent to hym ambassades admonishing him of the couenauntes that were agreed betwene them Harolde would in no wyse surrendre to him the kingdome whyche wyllyam claymed not onely for the promise that was made to hym but also because he was next of king Edwardes bloud In this meane time Tosto which fledde out of the land stered agaynst his brother the king of Norway who entringe the Northe partes of Englande wyth a great puysaunce discomfited .ii. erles that gaue to him battayle ▪ But Harolde makinge haste to rescue his people slewe the kynge and his owne brother Tosto and chased the Norwayes with disworship to their shippes When Willyam Duke of Normandye perceyued that he could not by any meane bringe Harolde to fulfyl hys promyse nor by treaty to yeld to hym the kyngdome by force he
Surie Slaymanne the greate Souldane of Babylon The yere of the worlde 5061 The yere of Christ 1106 was slaine Anni regum Angli 12 and the citee Ascalon yelded to Godfrey in the which he found wonderful riches Pastale the second was ordeined bishop of Rome who more lyke a strong warriour than a good bishoppe ▪ with force of armes subdued manye of hys ennemyes whiche withhelde from hym certaine of S. Peters patrimonye Many byshops of Rome in this time were chosen in dyuers partes Anni regum Angli 13 The yere of the worlde 5062 The yere of Christ 1101 and shortly after againe deposed Edgare the fourth sonne of Malcome being sent for of the Scottes made claime to the crowne whiche he obteined after he hadde discomfited Donalde in a strong battaile and reigned in good quiete .ix. yeres Baldwine after the death of Godfrei hys brother was named the .ii. king of Hierusalem Wylliam Rufus kyng of Englande beinge at his disporte of huntyng by glaunsynge of an arrowe that Tyrel a french knight did shoote was wounded to death HEnrie the brother of Wylliam Rufus and first of that name for hys learnynge called Beu●lerke beganne his dominion ouer this realme of Englāde Anni regum Angli 1 and reigned .35 yeares This Henrie was a noble and valiant prince stronge and myghtie of body of hygh stature blacke heared and had great staryng eies a comely visage and a pleasant and sweete countinance He greatly abhorred excesse of meates and drinkes In thre thinges he was excellent in witte eloquence and good happe in battayle and thereto had .iii. contrary vices couetousnesse crueltee and lust of the body but yet he was not so geuen to these vices but that he farre excelled in vertue At the beginnyng he refourmed the state and condiciō of the clergie releised the greeuous paymentes reduced agayne S. Edwardes lawes with the amendemente of theim and restored Anselme bishop of Canturbury from banisshemente He toke to wife Maude the syster of Edgare kyng of Scottes This man fauoureth nothing the vsurped power of the byshop of Rome Many Christiā men were slaine in Asia of the Turkes and Bohemunde of Puell taken prysoner The yere of the worlde 5063 The yere of Christ 1102 Anni regum Angli 2 whiche was shortly after redemed by his nephew Tancretus Ranulph byshoppe of Durham excited Robert Curthoyse Duke of Normandie which was now retourned from Hierusalem to warre vpon his brother Henrie for the crowne of Englande who assembled a strong armie and landed at Portsmouth but by mediacion peace was made on this condycion that Henrye should paye .3000 markes yerely to Duke Robert The yere of the worlde 5065 The yere of Christ 1104 The citee of Accacon was taken of the kyng of Hierusalem by the ayde of the Uenecians and Ienowais Anni regum Angli 4 and a great multitude of the Turkes vanquisshed and slaine Robert Duke of Normandye coming into Englād by fayre entreatie of kynge Henrie and his wyfe releised to hym the tribute of .3000 markes Anni regum Angli 5 But it was not long ere that by meane of tale bearers The yere of the worlde 5066 The yere of Christ 1105 misse reporters great malyce was kendled betwene the .ii. bretherne and shortly therupon deadly warre arrered in the end wherof Robert was take n and kept in perpetual prison at Cardiffe by hys brother who immediatly seised vpon the Duchie of Normandie and held it in his possession After the death of Uradis●ans kynge of Boheme that countrey was gouerned a certaine space by Dukes Pascale bishop of Rome fought diuers battailes with Ptolomeus and Stephene Cursus The yere of the worlde 5067 The yere of Christ 1106 citisins of Rome Anni regum Angli 6 Robert Erle of Shrewsburye and William of Cornwalle rebellynge against kynge Henrie were taken and kepte in prison al their life time King Henry ordeined streicte lawes against theues and other that vsed vnlawfull meanes in the whiche was conteyned the losyng of lyfe of eyes of stones and other membres of man as the gilte required By meane of Anselme byshoppe of Canturburye the pryestes of Englande were constreigned to for go their wyfes A great Controuersie betwene king Henry and bishop Anselme concerninge the inuestitute of bishops and geuyng of benefices The bishop of Rome and his adherentes byshoppes of Saxonie after many other princes lastly excited Henrye the yonger to warre vpō his owne father the emperour continuyng the time of whiche warre Henry the father partly for sorowe partly with sickenesse ended hys lyfe after he had in .60 greate battayles encountred with hys rebellious subiectes and other enemyes that were stered against him by the bishops of Rome Bohemund Duke of Puel retourned out of Asia and toke to wyfe Constance the daughter of Philip kynge of Fraunce The yere of the worlde 5068 The yere of Christ 1107 Anni regum Angli 7 Henrye the .v. of that name after the death of hys father toke on him the gouernaunce of the empyre Which he vsurped rebellyng against his father in hys life tyme and reigned .xx. yeres Lewys surnamed the grosse began hys reigne ouer Fraunce and continued .xxx. yeres shortly after hys coronacion a noble man called Guylerous rebelled and was brought to due obeysaunce In Englande appeared a blasyng sterre betweene the southe and the weast and againste that in the east appeared a great beame of brightnesse stretchyng towarde the sterre and shortly after were seen .ii. moones the tone in the east the tother in the weast Alphons the .vii. king of Spaine reigned one and fifty yeres Anni regum Angli 8 Alexius emperour of Constātinople vexed the Christians The yere of the worlde 5069 The yere of Christ 1108 which were occupyed in warre against the Turkes in Asia Wherefore Bo 〈…〉 ●uell ledde againste hym a stronge armie and besieged Dyrachium But Alexius fearynge the puisaunce of Bohemunde entreated meanes of peace which was concluded and Bohemund passed againe to Antioche A certaine bishop of Flu●ntine about this time taught that Antichrist was come beyng meeued with the wonderful straunge sightes which were seen in these daies Anni regum Angli 9 Baldwyne kinge of Ierusalem toke Berinthum The yere of the worlde 5070 The yere of Christ 1109 and by force of armes subdued Sy●●n Henrye the emperour desyred to wife Maude the eldest daughter of kynge Henrye of Englande being then but v. yeres of age nor hable to be maried Kyng Henrie ordeined the bishops see of Eely and added therto Cambridge shyre Alexander the .v. sonne of Malcolme reigned in Scotlande .xvii. yeares he quyeted the Murrais and Rossis whiche troubled his realme Debate fel betwene the king of Englande and Lewys of Fraunce The yere of the worlde 5071 The yere of Christ 1110 for the castell of Gisdurs and homage Anni regum Angli 10 whiche Lewys required to be dooen for the Duchie of Normandie Worthy thākes were rendred to Henry the emperour by the bisshop of Rome
of Constantinople was shaken with most terrible erthquakes innumerable houses and towers wer cast to the grounde Anni regum Angli 24 and chiefely the palaice of the great Turke in so much that he was forced to flee to an other place many of the people were destroyed with tempest Charles duke of Gelria renued his warre with the emperour and inuaded the Brabansois Ismael Sophie king of Persie Armenie and Hir●ania became christened and vanquished the turkes in diuers great battailes The noble king Henry the .vii ended his life at Richmount the .xxi The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1509 day of Aprill THe renowm●d prince Henry the ●ight being .xviii yeres of age succeded his father in the gouernāce of this realme Anni regum Angli reygned in great fame and noblenesse 3● yeres Of personage he was ●aule and myghtie ▪ in witte and memory excellent of such maiesty tempered with huma●itie and gentylnesse as was comly in so great a prynce In konwlege of good letters he farre passed all kinges of Englande before this time For his magni●ice liberalitie he was renowmed throughe all the worlde In his time was great alteracion of thinges within this realm For he reformed and altered the state of the commō weale ●n many thinges by making diuers most honest and godly lawes to the great profite as wel of hym selfe as of hys people He abolyshed the vsurped power of the byshop of Rome He redressed the state of religion diminished supersticion and idolatry ●orbade pilgremage pulled downe abbeys and monasterys and roted out the sedicious sectes of religion which maintened false woorshipping of god and greatly aduanced and set foorth the true knowlege of goddes woorde and al other honest learnynges and sciences He fonded .ii. colleges one at Oxenforde an other at Cambridge and set vp dyuers free scholes in other partes of the realme· The knowledge of good letters by continuall warres beyng neglected and driuen out of Italy encreased gr●tly in Germany Fraunce England and Scotlande For augmenting and furthering wherof Margaret the kinges grandmother builded .ii. coll●ges in Cambridge In like maner Wylliam byshop of Lincolne and Rycharde of Winchester builded .ii. other in the vniuersitie of O●enforde of the which one is called Brusennose the other Cor●s Christi college Kynge Henrye maryed the lady Katherine late wyfe to his brother Arthur hauingthe dispēsacio● of Leo bishop of Rome but not without great murmuring of the Cardinalles and dyuers learned men of other realme Lewys king of Fraunce vanquished the Uenecians toke the cities Brixia Bergamū Crema and Crem●na and subdued theim to his dominions Maximilian recouered from the Uenecians Uerona Padua Teruisium and diuers other townes and cities Dyuers ambassadours came to kinge Henry of Englande The citie of Pise was brought in subiection to the U●necians Iulius byshop of Rome by force of armes toke Rauenna Imola Fauēcia Forliui and other possessions of the churche which were witholden by the Uenecians The byshoppe of Rome beyng reconciled to the Uenecians The yere of the worlde 5471 The yere of Christ 1510 toke Mutina and Mirandula Anni regum Angli 2 which he restored to Frances Picus lorde of that citie Ioachim Marques of Brandenburge toke all the Iewes within his dominion of the whiche .38 were br●nt and .ii. beheaded beceuse thei martyrised the sacrament● of the aulter Empson and Dudley whiche in the time of king Henrie the .vii ▪ had been great rulers were put to deathe to stoppe the murmuryng and grudg of the people against theim Bugia in Afrike was conquered of the Spaniardes The famous and gret lerned man maister Erasmus of Roterodame flourished by whose benefyte and diligēce as wel diuine knowlege as al other good learning was marueilusly furthered and augmented The woorshipfull clerke doctour Collete whiche builded the fre schole of Paules in Londō liued at this time and by his diligent preaching first beganne to open the slouthfulnes and negligence of the clergy of this realme in those daies A sedicion at Ertford in Germany by occasion wherof great displeasure was kendled betweene the byshoppe of Mens and Friderich Duke of Saxonie in so much that the matyer was lyke to haue been decyded by d●nte of swoorde had not the emperours auctoritie stopped their rage Henry the first sonne of kynge Henry the eyghte was borne on newe yeres day● for ●oie wherof a great iustes was kept at Westminster and on S. Mathewes day folowyng the childe dyed Kynge Henrye of England sent the lorde Darsy Anni regum Angli 3 wyth a goodly company of men into Spaine The yere of the worlde 5472 The yere of Christ to ayde the king his father in law against the Moores but ere he arriued a peace was concluded betwene theim wherfore shortly after he retourned home againe The same time sir Edward Poyninges accompanied with the lorde Cly●ton and dyuers other was s●nt into Gelderlande with .xv. C. archers to ayde to ●rynce of Castile at the requ●st of Margaret Duches of Sauoy regent of Flaunders Sir Edmunde Hawarde and lorde Thomas Haward toke Andrewe Barton and .150 Scotes with .ii. greate shyppes The citie Bononie forsoke the byshoppe of Romes dominion The king of Scottes required his ships that were lately taken to be restored accordynge to the leage But answere was made by kinge Henry that the mattyer perteined nothing to the league because that Andrew Barton was a pyrate and robber on the seas The .xv. daye of Ianuarye was a parlyamente in the whiche two fiftenes and two dismes of the clergye were graunted to ayd the kinge in his warres that he entended against the French kinge By the auctoryty of the emperour and the french king a counsai●e was indicted at Pise which was after transferred to Myllaine The lorde Marques Dorset with dyuers other lordes and knightes was sent of king Hēry into Spaine Anni regum Angli 4 The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1512 with an armye of 13●00 men who a good parte of the summer dyd much harme in Gutan by spoiling the countrei but in the winter he retourned by menes of a 〈◊〉 whiche chansed amon ge his men Sir Edwarde Hawarde admyrall of England with a great nauy scoured the seas and then went toward Brytaine The citie Briria gaue vp to the Uenecians which was shortly after recouered and dispoyled by the Frenchmen and the Uenecians beaten and slayne At the same t●me was Rauenna robbed and pilled On easter day a great battaile was foughten nere to Rauenna bytweene the Frenche kinge and the byshop of Rome in which the byshops armye was dyscomfited and 160●0 of his souldyours slaine Kynge Henry sent foorth a nauie of .xxv. ships among the whiche the regent a ship royall was chiefe Not onely all partes of Europe was disquyeted wyth the warres of the Uenecians but also the countreis of Asia Per●y and Armeny were vexed with most cruel and deadly warres wherin the hethen tyrannes infe●ted ech other
yere before Christe 2206 For Nemroth after he had by force broughte his borderers vnder subiection exhorted to his enterprise Iectan comen of the stocke of Sem and Suphue one of the chyldren of Iaphet For by these thre princes gouernance and fortune the hole posteritee of Noe was ruled Nemroth was a man veray bold and eloquent in tunge and sayed That the felicitee of man ought not to be ascribed vnto god but that rather euerye man obteineth it by his owne industrie For which cause he perswaded the people to builde an high towre ouer the whiche the water shuld not arise and that the top thereof should reache euen to the heauens The multitude were ready to fulill the commaundementes of Nemroth esteming the obeysaunce of god to be a greuous bondage and builded the towre But as soone as they began God foorthwith as the holye scripture testifieth by this meane dashed the pride of the buylders That where so many nacions gathered together which in number were .lxx. vsed but one language or speche god so confused theyr tongues that euery one of theim spake in sundry speches that the one might not vnderstand the other wherby of necessitee the woorke was lefte vnfinished and they scattered abrode through al the world ¶ After this varietee of tungues chaunced dyuers kyndes of monstruous people were brought forth in sundry places S. Augustine in his booke intituled the citee of god writeth in this maner God knowing in what similitude or diuersitiee of the membres of mans body the beaultie therof is comprehended wold also bryng into the worlde many monstruous people that therby the pryde of man might be abated Therefore what so euer maner men be borne in any place so that they be creatures reasonable mortal and begotten of man ought not to be doubted albeit thei be deformed and contrary to our nature The first Monarchie IT is to be vnderstand that those thinges which be done of magistrates and rulers ought to be taken and honoured as the worke of god We haue warned afore ī our preface that god wold the world to be gouerned by .iiii. monarchies the policie iustice correctiō might be kept amōg mē therfore many thinges be spoken of them in scripture God did set forth these monarchies or empires to Daniel by two facions The first vnder the similitude of a man whose head was of golde his breast of siluer his bealy of brasse hys legges of yron his fete parte of yron parte of earth and howe christ the stone brake the feete that the man should fal and so the world to ende Daniel interpreted this vision to signify the .iiii. monarchies For sayeth he the golden head signifieth the first monarchie which was of the Assyrians the siluer breast the kingdome of the Persiās the brasen bealy the reygne of the Macedons the yron legges the empire of the Romains the earthen and yron feete do betokē this present state of the empire of Rome because that at this season it is of lesse power and reputacion than it hath bene ¶ The foure beastes that were shewed vnto Daniel signified the figure of these monarches The Lion declared the strength of the Assyryans the beare the power of the Persians the leopard the valyant courage of Alexander the fourth beast the puissaunce of the Romaines ¶ There is more ouer that other cruel kingdomes shuld rise whiche should ordeine harde and straight lawes against the religion of Christe by whome is vnderstande the reygne of Mahomettes and Turkes at thse dayes So faithfully God remembreth vs that the histories of the world knowen we maye consider the ende therof to be at hande and that by this meanes we may establishe our fayth It appereth in the Bible that the first kyngdome was begun by Nemroth amonge the Babyloniās whom the scripture calleth a stronge hunter before the lorde that is a mightye prince who by force brought people to his subiection In that he was called a hunter is signified that he was a deceiuer of soules an oppresser of men and for that he withdrewe men from the true religion of God he was so called ¶ This Nemroth called also Nimrod and Babylonicall Saturne The yere of the worlde 1788 The yere before Christe 1175 was the sonne of Chus who was the son of Cham. He began the first empire and reigned .56 yeres He builded the towre Babell whyche he lefte vnfynished and finally for his wickednes was of the infernal spirites rapte in to hell Frome Nemroth Berosus the Chaldey and Metastenes the Persian began their chronicles ¶ The firste Monarchy began among the Chaldeis as Xenophon testifieth and the posteritee of Cham reigned firste of whome Nemeroth had his beginnynge All be 〈◊〉 that Cham was cursed yet god wōderfully deferred both the punishement and promyse Notwithstandyng the impyre dydde not continue in the handes of the posteritee of Nemroth For among the Assyrians rose vp a new kingdome by Assur of whom Niniue was builded who subdued the citee of Babylon whyche Diodorus Siculus doeth wryte and by this occasyon the Monarchy was changed from the Chaldeis to the Assyrians Strabo and diuers other make mencion of the citee of Niniue that standeth in Assyria wherby it maye bee easily gathered that Babylon and Niniue were two sundrye cities and not one citee called by diuers names The yere of the worlde 1797 The yere before Christe 2166 ¶ Comerus Gallus in the .33 yere after the fyrst arriual of Ianus in Italy and the .1414 yere before the buildyng of Rome brought inhabitantes into the royalme called after Italy and was made the fyrst kynge thereof He named the coūtrey after his owne name and taught theim bothe lawes and iustice The yere of the worlde 1799 The yere before Christe 2164 ¶ Iubal in the .142 yere after the Deluge receiuynge Spain for his porcion builded a famous citee of his own name in that parte whiche is nowe called Granado ¶ In the same tyme the prudente Samothes came into Fraunce and there first reygned ¶ Occeanus the son of Cham first reygned in Aegipte He by his sister Thetis had many chyldren Then came vppon him the corrupter of mankinde C ham his father The yere of the worlde 1802 The yere before Christe 2161 the Aegiptian Saturne who for the corruption of hys maners was surnamed Chamesenuus where he taught magike and was had in great renoume ¶ Gog with his father Sabus possessed Arabia The yere of the worlde 1805 The yere before Christe Triton Libia Chus Aethiopia and Getulus Getulia ¶ Thuyscon one of the sonnes of Noe The yere of the worlde 1812 The yere before Christe 2151 borne after the floud with the children of Istus and Mesa enhabited all the countreis from the mountain Adula to Ponthus and from the great riuer Tanais to the Ryne He was the founder of the Sarmatians and Germanes two mighty nacions and gaue vnto theym lawe After he had reygned .150 yeares he dyed being of his people estemed to
foorth an other he subdued kynges He put to deathe Farnus the king of Media with his wife and seuen children He droue Sabatius out of Scithia into Italy and vanquished those fiers and wild people and deliuered Asia from theyr subiection Than Asia beinge subdued ▪ he ordeyned a Monarchie and buylded Niniue his regall citee translating his empire from Babilon to Assiria He first dedicated temples to Iupiter Belus and Iuno his parentes Of his lignage and yeares this epitaph he did write Iupiter Belus is my father saturne of Babilon is my grandfather Chus the Aethiope saturne my great grandfather saturne of Aegipt my great grandfathers father coelus called also Phoenix Ogyges vvas my great grandfathers grandfather From Ogyges to my grandfather the sunne 131. times compassed about his sercle frō my grādfather to my father .65 times from my father to mē .52 tymes Finally when he had reigned .lii. yeares by the stroke of an arowe he finished all his labours and warres with his life After whom succeded his wife Semiramis ¶ Thuyscon the fyrst prince of the Germaines instytuted lawes for his people The yere of the worlde 1909 The yere before Christe 2054 Lykewyse did Iuball amonge the Spaniardes ▪ and Sam●thes among his Galles But contrary dyd Cham the Aegiptian Saturne for he endeuoured him to corrupt the Italians with his wickednes In Libia began strife betwene Rhea and Hammō for the adulterie cōmitted with Amalthea and Rhea sought for Dionisius that she might destroye him Ianus made his last voiage into Italy The yere of the worlde 1924 The yere before Christe where he foūd Cham the corrupter of mankinde whome thre yeare he suffered then appoyntinge to him certaine people commaunded hym to depart thense to whome came Rhea and wedded her selfe to him then they bothe warred vppon Hammon and expelled him his royalme whyles C ham reigned in Libya he begat on his syster Rhea Osyris whom he named Iupiter Europs the second king of Sycionia reygned .xlii. yeres Ianus made his habitacion in Ianiculum a towne of Tuscain which he builded The yere of the worlde 1927 The yere before Christe 2036 where he ordeined his sonne Cranus the gouernour of his cōmune weale whom the Romaines called Quirites Dyonisius the sonne of Hammon with great power expelled Cham and Rhea out of his fathers royalme and reteined with him Osyris whom he adopted to his sonne calling him by the name of his father Iupiter Hammon and gaue vnto him the hole realme of Aegipt At the same time was Pallas a maidē cast out by the lake Triton who of the same Dionisius was adopted to his doughter She first taught the Libians all the feates perteining to warre Thare in the .70 yeare of his life begat Abraham but he had before by an other wife Nachor and Aram. The yere of the worlde 1949 The yere before Christe 2014 Aram begot Loth Melcha and Abraham Iescha The end of the first parte ❧ Prologue to the second part HItherto extendeth the firste age wherin is comprehended all suche thinges as chaunced betwene the tymes of Adam and Abraham For these be the fyrst two thousand yeares during which time the world stoode without any prescript administracion or certaine lawe by the woorde of god The second age beginneth here at the byrth of Abraham and continueth to the coming of Christ albeit as touching the iust number of the yeres this worlde is not complete because as we haue warned afore god hasteth to the consummacion thereof Yet this is the verie and propre age of the world in which circuncision and the lawe were geuen with certaine policies and the true veneracion of god also instituted Wherin also the mightye kyngdomes and Monarchies succeded one an other For the worlde neuer declared at any tyme his myght and power as he dyd in this age At this place Eusebius began his chronicles who folowing the veritee of the hebrues might greatlye haue profited his posteritee but because he ensued the greeke exemplars he greatly erreth in computacion of yeares The second parte TO THE ende that ye shal know in what place the word and church of God was we will shewe somewhat of the spiritual kingdome Abraham the prince of fayth was borne in Ur a towne of Chaldey the 292. yere after the vniuersal floud the 44. yere of the reigne of Ninus the 1262. yere before the building of Rome whē the true honor worde of god begā to ceasse in the royalme of Chaldea Thare went frō thens to Mesopotamia with his sonne Abraham because he wold not be defiled with the wicked supersticions and idolatrie of the Babyloniās The scripture calleth this idolatrie Vr chaldeorunt that is the fyre of Chaldeie For when in the sacrifices of the godly the fyre falling from heauen burned theyr sacrifyces the vngodly folowinge the example of theym kyndled theyr fire and so instituted a new honouring of god wythout the knowlage of the comming of Christ. This fire is called Ori masda that is to say the holy fier whyche kynges commanded to be borne before them vpon horses For the first occasion of idolatry by this fier began amonge men before that images were in vse Therfore Abraham the mighty and renoumed father of the elect nation lefte his countrey and kynsfolkes by the commaundement of god and takyng with hym Lot wente to soiourne in the lande of Canaan From whens shortely after thorough greate famine he was constreigned to go into Aegypte where he fearyng the foule lustes of the Aegypcians woulde not be knowen of Sara to be his wyfe for to aduoide the danger that myght chaunce through the beautee of hir He there as Iosephus writeth declared god to be the creator of all thinges teachyng them the sciences of Arithmetike and Astrologie Finally he retourned into Cananee where he deuided the countreie Lot choosyng Sodome and Abraham Hebrō After this Lot was taken whom Abraham deliuered and rescued the spoyles which the princis of Assyria had taken and receiued with blessynge of Melchisedech kyng of Salem and high priest of almighty god called also Sem the son of Noe bread and wine to whom Abraham gaue the tenth of his praye The apostle sayeth that this Melchisedech was without genealogie because his progenie is not rehersed in the scripture Than Abraham begat on Agar his maid Ismael of whom cam the Ismaelites afterwardes called Sarracenes Finally in the .99 yere of his age beyng thryse blessed of God and hys name increased the promise of the euerlastyng testamente by the circunsion of the fleshe confirmed he accordyng to the commandement of god begate on the olde and barayne Sara hys worthy wife the gentil Isaac beyng bothe promised and blessed of god whom he circumcised and woulde haue offered in sacrifice had not god seyng his prompt obedience letted hym At the laste whan this moste holye patriarche had geuen Rebecca the daughter of Nathor to Isaac to bee his wife he died beyng a .175 yeres of age whose
the stocke of my sonne Iuda shal be borne a virgyn of whom the lambe immaculate shal be borne which is the lambe of god that by grace shall saue all men whose kingdome shal be euerlastinge and neuer corrupted Therfore the great lord shal appeare in earth as a man and shall take vpon him a mortall bodye and shall eate as a man His sterre shal arise in heuen and he shall shyne in the earth as the sonne The heauens shall open ouer him and out of the temple no lyttel sanctificacion of glory shall come to him He shall poure out the spirite of grace vppon vs and you shall be his chyldren in the truth He shal be from Leui a priest and from Iuda a kyng he shal be bothe god and man medyator betwene god and man and shal take awaye all darkenesse whiche is vnder the heauen and there shal be peace through the vniuersall worlde The voyce of the yll doers shall be agaynst him not knowing his resurrection But the bloud of his innocēcie you shal receiue on your hedes And in his passion the stones shal cleaue a sunder the sonne shal be darkened and all other thinges shal be troubled the inuisible spirites shal tremble and helle shal be spoyled he shall open the gates of paradyse and shal make the thretnynge swoorde agaynst Adam to stande and shal geue vnto his saynctes to eate of the wood of lyfe Belial shall be bound by him Then shal ye se Enoch Noe Sem Abraham Isaac and me your father rising in ioye from the ryght hande of god and shal geue power to his chyldren to ouercome pernycious spirites and as many as beleue in him on the erth shal also reioyce Then shal all men rise agayne the godly to glory and ioye the vngodly to shame and perpetuall damnacion and most specyally he shal iudge Israel whiche would not beleue in him c. Tagus surnamed Orma reigned ouer the Spaniardes The yere of the worlde 2114 The yere before Christe 1849 by whom the countrey was called Taga At the same time beganne Marsus his reigne ouer the Germaynes Abraham the most holy patriarch in this tyme finished his last daye The yere of the worlde 2124 The yere before Christe 1839 After whose decesse there arose a great famine in the land of Canaan for whyche Isaac wente to soiourne with Abimelech king of Palestine Apis was the fyrst that was supposed to bee a god in Aegypt The yere of the worlde 2128 The yere before Christe 1835 whom some cal Serapin Armatrites the ninth emperour of Assyria reygned .38 yeares who beynge wholly giuen to voluptee and delycacies dyd bothe inuent and amplifie those thinges whiche apperteined to pleasures The yere of the worlde 2138 The yere before Christe 1825 ¶ Sicanus the sonne of Malot Tages The yere of the worlde 2141 The yere before Christe 1822 begā to reigne ouer the Italians of whom the coūtrey Uetulonia was named Sicania In this time Longho reigned amonge the Gaules The yere of the worlde 2143 The yere before Christe 1820 Betus began his reigne ouer the Spaniardes of whom the realme was called Betica Leucippus the eyghte kynge of Peloponessus The yere of the worlde 2145 The yere before Christe 1818 reigned 53. yeares In this season arose the ragious flod of Achaia The yere of the worlde 2151 The yere before Christe 1812 wherby the hole prouince was almost destroyed Osyris in Tracia distroied the giant Licurgus Phoroneus the son of Inachus the second kinge of Argiues reigned .60 yeres The yere of the worlde 2158 The yere before Christe 1805 He fyrste gaue lawes and iudgementes vnto the Grecians Not longe after the begynninge of his reigne Telchises and Carpathius kepte greuous warre againste him with doubtfull hope of victorie But they beinge vanquisshed by him in battayle were driuen out of their countrey and ignoraunt of al thinges supposynge them selues to haue ben vtterly excluded from all mēs company toke for a sure possession the yle of Rhodes before that tyme called Ophiussa Thessalus the sonne of Grecus The yere of the worlde 2166 The yere before Christe 1797 fyrste reigned in Thessalia whiche before was called as Plinye testifyeth Emonia Deabus amonge the Spanyardes vsurped tirannously the kyngedome he was so called for the golde mynes and ryches which he inuented got oppressyng his subiectes Bardus the yonger reigned amonge the Gaules The yere of the worlde 2171 The yere before Christe 1792 Belochus the tenthe Emperoure of Assyria The yere of the worlde 2176 The yere before Christe 1787 reigned .35 yeres He had that name bycause that with the rule of his Empire he exercised the offyce of the highe prieste of Iupiter Belus and alwayes was occupied aboute diuinacions and prophesyes Gambriuius a valiant man in armes reigned ouer the Germans and as their histories witnesse was the fyrste that woore a crowne ▪ He inuented the makinge of beere and taught his people to brewe it ¶ In Aemathia nowe called Macedonia Macedon the son of Osyris began to reigne of whome the prouince receiued that name The yere of the worlde 2117 The yere before Christe 1786 And aboute this time Osyris suppressed giantes whiche began to vse tyrannie The yere of the worlde 2180 The yere before Christe 1783 ¶ Iacob fled from his brother Esau and wente to his vncle Laban where after seuen yeares he maryed Lya and Rachell and by theim and theyr handemaydes had the .12 Patriarches The yere of the worlde 2198 The yere before Christe 1765 ¶ Messapius the .ix. kynge of Peloponessus reigned .47 yeares The yere of the worlde 2200 The yere before Christe 1763 ¶ Ioseph the sonne of Iacob and Rachaell a man mooste chaste and vertuous was in this time borne He in his youthe by his excellente fauoure vertue and wysedome excelled all his brethren and was of his father aboue all the other beloued for whiche cause and for his dreames he was of his brethren had in great despite and by theym sold into Aegipt where after long imprysonement in the 30. yeare of his age he expounded the dreames of Pharao by whome he was made presidente of Aegypte and called the sauyour of the worlde For God woulde that by thys meruellous occasyon he shoulde come into Aegipte that his power might be there knowen and that helpe myght be ministred to Iacob and his familye in the tyme of famine This Ioseph taught the Aegyptians bothe relygyon and ciuill policies whiche is moste worthye to bee obserued that a man inspired with the holy ghoste shuld institute so harde and seuere maner of administracion and to drawe togither the hole royalme of Aegypte a countrey so large and wyde as it were the membres of one body Wherby we may learne that seuerite is moste meete to keepe people in obedyence and that it is of god approued For gentilnes corrupteth the common people But to returne to our purpose After Ioseph had gouerned the royalme of Aegypte by the space of .80 yeares
he there deceassed beinge .110 yeares of age whose bones the Hebrues caried with theym into the lande of Behest as Ioseph bound theym to doo in his death bead The resydue of his historye who so is desyrous to reade maye resorte vnto the holye byble where in the ende of Genesis it is at large set furth The Italyans beyng oppressed of the tyrannos gyantes in the tribe Palen●an called vnto theim Osyris Lucus began to reigne among the Gaules The yere of the worlde 2205 The yere before Christe 1758 who gaue hym selfe to huntyng The yere of the worlde 2208 The yere before Christe 1755 Osyris subduyng all Italy The yere of the worlde 2209 The yere before Christe 1754 and vanquishyng those giantes kept the possession therof ten yeres and than lefte Lestrigon his nephue the son of Neptune to be kyng ouer the Ianigenes ¶ Baleus the second of that name The yere of the worlde 2211 The yere before Christe 1752 the .11 emperoure of Assyria moste famously and triumphantly reigned .52 yeres to whome willingly the Indians submitted them selues ¶ Ioseph in this tyme was solde by his bretherne to the Ismaelites The yere of the worlde 2216 The yere before Christe 1747 ¶ Apis the thirde kyng of Argiues The yere of the worlde 2217 The yere before Christe 1746 reigned .35 yeares He left his brother Aegialeus kyng in Achaia and went him selfe into Aegypt where he was had in great honor ¶ Sueuus began to reigne ouer the Germanes The yere of the worlde 2219 The yere before Christe 1744 a mā veraie frequent prosperous in warres of whom the Suisses a people in Germanie veraye fiers and warlike toke their name He builded also a noble citee called Tigur ¶ At the same time reigned in Fraunce Celta of whome the people were called Celtes Lestrigo the neuew of Osyris began to reigne ouer the Italians ¶ Osyris returned into Aegypte and in a piller whyche shulde remaine for a perpetuall monument The yere of the worlde 2220 The yere before Christe 1743 he graued al his expedicion of the worlde Who after fiue yeres was slain of his brother Typhon with the consente of all the gyantes ¶ Busites in Phenicia the other Typhō in Phrigia The yere of the worlde 2225 The yere before Christe 1738 Anteus in Libia the Lomnines in Spayn the Lestrigōs in Italye and M●linus in Candye beganne to tyrannise the worlde ¶ Isaac beyng .180 yeres of age The yere of the worlde 2229 The yere before Christe 1734 blessynge all his chyldren dyed and was buried in Hebron Ioseph by divine inspiracion The yere of the worlde 2230 The yere before Christe 1733 expounded the dreames of Pharao declarynge the seuen plentyfull yeares that were to come and the seuen barrain and hard yeres whiche shulde ensue that shoulde cleane consume the aboundance of the yeres precedyng ▪ by whose politike prouision Aegypt was relieued from famine and Pharao greately enriched therby for whiche cause he made hym Regente of his roialme and named hym the saluior of the worlde ¶ Of this Ioseph Trogus Pompeius and also his abbreuiatour Iustine writeth in this maner Ioseph was the yongest amongest the bretherne whose excellēt witte they fearyng solde hym vnto straunge marchauntes by whom he was brought into Aegypt Whan he there with diligent study had lerned magicall sciences in short time he grew in great fauour with the king For he was both experte in prodigies and also fyrst founde oute the vnder standyng of dreames Yea there was nothyng neyther of goddis lawe or mans that seemed to hym vnknowen in so muche that he foreseyng the bareynnesse of the fieldes to come gathered the cornes And so great were his experiences that all his answeres semed not to come of man but from god Moyses was the sonne of Ioseph whose excellent fauour besydes the inheritaunce of his fathers knowlage dyd cōmend hym But the Aegypcians whan thei were plagued with the scabbes and filthynesse of body were admonished that thei shoulde expell hym with all the sycke people out of Aegypte leste that pestilence should infect more These be the wordes of Iustine Thei that desyre the truthe of this historie leat theim read the ende of Genesis The fertile or plentyfull yeres began no we The yere of the worlde 2231 The yere before Christe 1731 Herculus Lybius the sonne of Osyris and moste valiant capitain of his warres The yere before Christe 1731 for to be reuenged of his fathers deth The yere of the worlde 2232 toke his armour slue bothe the Typhons one in Aegipt the other ī Phrigia and also distroied Busyris in Phenicia Antheus in Lybia Milinus in Candie Lestrigones in Italye the Geryones in Spayne After whiche victories he substituted Hispalus kynge of Spayne And in Fraunce vpon Galathea the doughter of Celta he begat Galathes whiche was kynge after his grandfather and builded there the towne of Alexia In Italy he appoynted Thuscus kyng of whome they were alled Thuscas Finally after many notable actes by him done he deceased veraie aged amonge the Spaniardes nigh to the Gades where he was buried in a temple dedicated to him with diuine honoures The great famin or derthe beginneth The yere of the worlde 2238 The yere before Christe 1725 In the seconde yere therof Iacob with his sonnes and nephues descended into Aegipte Lacedemomia the noble citie of Grece The yere of the worlde 2241 The yere before Christe 1722 was in this time builded by Sparus the son of Phoroneus in the region of Peloponessus of whome it was called Sparta This afterwardes was the moste myghtie and flourishing citye of all the prouince of Grece Whyche kepte great and long warres with the Athenians to the vtter destruction of them bothe Unto these Lacedemonians Lycurgus gaue lawes and instructed them in those thinges that pertaineth to humanitie Amosis reygned in Aegipt .xxv. yeres The yere of the worlde 2245 The yere before Christe In which time the Dinastyes of Aegipt began to be called Pharaons Heratus the .x. king of Peloponessus reigned ▪ 46. yeres The yere of the worlde 2251 The yere before Christe Hercules Lybius in ten yeres subdued the Lestrigones and expelled theim out of Italy After whyche conquest he reigned peacebly .xx. yeres Argus the fourth king of Argiues The yere of the worlde 2253 The yere before Christe 1707 succeded his father Apis and reigned .70 yeares of whom his people were called Argiues In his reigne Grece began to haue the vse of cornes Iacob being in yeares .147 deceassed in Aegipte and was by his children sumptuously buried in Hebron The yere of the worlde 2259 The yere before Christe 1707 Altadas the .xii. emperoure of Assyria The yere of the worlde 2263 The yere before Christe reigned .xxxii. yeres he consumed his time in delicacies esteminge it a vayne thing to wast his life continually in labours and miseries which should not be for the benefite and vtilytee of mankind but to the destruction and seruitude ther of Therefore
dooen And so god declared that he is presente and dooeth faithfullye defende his people although they maye seme for a certainespace to bee tossed in the waues of these worldly troubles and perilles These gouernors after the custome of the hebrues were named iudges ▪ After Moyses Iosua was second Iudge or duke of the Hebrues And reigned .28 yeres according to the hebrues computacion he brought the children of Israell into the land of promission The sonne prolonginge the daye he ouerthrewe .xxxi. kynges and deuyded the land of Chananee to the Tribes He was godly sapient in warres myghty in peace fortunate and endued with al vertues when he was .110 yeres of age he ended his lyfe Perseus slewe Gorgones The yere of the worlde 2497 The yere before Christe 1466 after which he sayled from Grece into Asia and there with greuous and long war he vanquished those barbarous people and at the last beynge conquerour gaue the name to the people subdued For of Perseus they were called Perseans Thyrenus reygned among the Ianigenes in Italye fifty and one yeres The yere of the worlde 2498 The yere before Christe 1465 Busyris the sonne of Neptune in Aegipt The yere of the worlde 2500 The yere before Christe 1463 exercised his tyranny in sacrificing the bloud of his innocent guestes Lapis reygned in Candye The yere of the worlde 2503 The yere before Christe 1460 And Cyrene was builded in Libya Phoenix and Cadmus went from Thebes in Aegipt into Syria and reygned at Tyrus in Sidon The yere of the worlde 2506 The yere before Christe 1457 Chorax the .16 king of Peloponessus reigned .30 yeres The yere of the worlde 2507 The yere before Christe 1456 Liber Pater warred in India The yere of the worlde 2508 The yere before Christe 1455 in whose army were women called Bacchae rather for their fury thē for any vertue Asterius reygned in Candy The yere of the worlde 2513 The yere before Christe 1450 The great temple of Apollo at Delphos was burned by Plegra Phoenix builded Bythinia and gaue vnto the Phenicians certain letters to write by Romus reigned in Fraunce The yere of the worlde 2515 The yere before Christe 1448 Faunus Priscus possessed the empire among the Aborigenes in Italy The yere of the worlde 2517 The yere before Christe 1446 Iosua decessed The yere of the worlde 2521 The yere before Christe 1442 The seniors of the children of Israell gouerned them .xvii. yeres Israel serued the lorde all the daies of Iosua and the seniores whiche lyued long time after Iosua knew al the workes of the lorde whiche he had done in Israel Hypermnestra the doughter of Danaus The yere of the worlde 2523 The yere before Christe 1440 occupied the office of high priest among the Argiues Pandion the .v. king of Athenes reygned .40 yeres The yere of the worlde 2527 The yere before Christe 1436 Radamanthus and Sarpedon kinges of Licia Belochus the yonger the .xx. emperour of Assyria reigned .25 yeares He was called of the Hebrues as holye writte testifieth ChusanReschataim ▪ of Iosephus Chusartus The yere of the worlde 2530 The yere before Christe 1433 His daughter Actosa reigned with him .7 yeres Cadmus reigned in Thebes The yere of the worlde 2535 The yere before Christe 1428 The children of Israel fel from god and he delyuered them into the handes of Chusan Reschataim whom they serued .8 yeres Mellus Paphus Thasus and Calista citees were builded Epopeus the .xvii. kynge of Peloponessus reigned 35. yeres The yere of the worlde 2537 The yere before Christe 1426 Othoniel the first iudge of Israel of the tribe of Iuda The yere of the worlde 2538 The yere before Christe 1425 surnamed Zenes gouerned theym .40 yeares He deliuered the children of Israell out of the handes of the kinge of Assyria Linceus king of Argiues reigned .41 yeres The yere of the worlde 2540 The yere before Christe 1423 Amnus Faunigena reigned among the Aborigenes in Italy The yere of the worlde 2547 The yere before Christe 1416 Amphion and Zetus reigned togither in Thebes Pharao Menophis king of Egipt reigned .40 yeres ▪ Tarquon The yere of the worlde 2549 The yere before Christe 1414 Priscus reigned .34 yeres amonge the Ianigenes whiche nowe be called Tyrrhenes and Thuschanes for the knowlage of diuine thinges which thei learned of Ianus The yere of the worlde 2550 The yere before Christe 1413 Erichthonius in Troye reygned .46 yeres Paris in France and Testalibius Triton in Spaine reigned The yere of the worlde 2554 The yere before Christe 1409 Menophis of some called ▪ Maro buylded the Labyrinth in Egipte accordinge to which Dedalus framed the like in Candye where Minos reygned The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 1408 Belopares the .xxi. emperour of Assyria reygned .30 yeres He conquered the Perseans with the Arabies The yere of the worlde 2560 The yere before Christe 1403 Armenia was taken by Cadmus Cocleus Triptolemon reigned in Eleusine Achaia was builded by Achaio The yere of the worlde 2567 The yere before Christe 1396 Erichtheus the v● king of Athenes reigned .50 yeres The yere of the worlde 2572 The yere before Christe 1391 Laomedon the .xviii. kinge of Peloponessus reigned 40. yeres Dionysius called also Liber Pater was borne of Semele Ehud otherwise Aod of the tribe of Beniamin iudged Israell .80 yeres He delyuered them from the tyrranny of Eglon kyng of Moabites The yere of the worlde 2578 The yere before Christe 1385 whome they serued 18. yeres for the transgression of their lawe Abas kyng of Argiues reigned .23 yeres The yere of the worlde 2581 The yere before Christe 1382 An other Abas reigned that time in Thuschain Lamprides the .xxii. emperour of Assyria The yere of the worlde 2585 The yere before Christe 1378 reigned .32 yeres Cadmus taughte the rude Grekes theyr letters and reigned in Thebes After Zetus and Amphiō droue him from thens Zetus reigned .55 yeres in Aegypt The yere of the worlde 2589 The yere before Christe 1374 Tros reigned in Dardana The yere of the worlde 2596 The yere before Christe 1367 of whome it was called Troye It is written that in Pythia the first prophetesse was Phemonoe The yere of the worlde 2598 The yere before Christe 1365 who in hexametrum verses sange such thinges as were to chance Tantalus ruled the Phrigians The yere of the worlde 2602 The yere before Christe 1361 who before were called Meones Proetus kyng of Argiues reigned .xvii. yeres For the rauishemēt of Ganimedes The yere of the worlde 2604 The yere before Christe 1359 the warres of Ganimedes and Tantalus began Sycion the .xix. kyng of Peloponessus reigned .xlv. yeres he named the countreie Syclonia The yere of the worlde 2612 The yere before Christe 1351 which before was called Aegialea Sorares the .xxiii. emperor of Assyria The yere of the worlde 2617 The yere before Christe 1346 reigned .xx. yeres In his tyme the most swift horse Pegasus was foūd Perseus kept warre agaynst the persians
reigned in Aegypt .20 yeres The yere of the worlde 3251 The yere before Christe 712 Before Britayne knovven 662 Leochrates ruled the Atheniens .x. yeres The yere of the worlde 3252 The yere before Christe 711 Before Britayne knovven 661 Ioel Naum prophetes among the Iewes Before Britayne knovven 655 A pestilent disease inuaded Italy The yere of the worlde 3258 The yere before Christe 705 for which cause Numa instituted the priestes Salios ¶ In this tyme as many wryte Homere the prince of greke poetes feigned his warkes he bothe amended and encreased the greke letters and fyrst set furthe the rules of grammer Absander gouerned the Atheniens .10 yeres The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 701 Before Britayne knovven 651 Gyges king of Lydia reigned .36 yeres he The yere of the worlde 3265 The yere before Christe 698 by the cōmandemēt of the quene Before Britayne knovven 648 slew Condaules because he had shewed hir naked to Gyges and so obteyned bothe hys wyfe and his realme ¶ Midas reignyng in Phrigia with drinkynge bulles bloud was poisoned Before Britayne knovven 644 Two yeres was the roylme of Egypt without a king The yere of the worlde 3269 The yere before Christe 694 Before Britayne knovven 643 Claucus Chius first inuented sondering of mettalles The yere of the worlde 3270 The yere before Christe 693 Before Britayne knovven 642 ¶ The Scottes feignyng their originall out of Spayne The yere of the worlde 3271 The yere before Christe 692 write that one Simon Brech a Spaniarde was elected to their kyng whiles thei inhabited Ireland before they knewe yet Scotlande And that by hym and his successours thei were guided by the space of .113 yeres ere they arriued in Albion This Symon brought with hym oute of Spayne the marble chayre in whyche the kynges of Scottes were wont to be crowned This chayre by Edwarde the fyrste was taken frome theym and broughte to Westmynster Merres an Ethiope reigned in Aegypt .xii. yeres Eryxias gouerned the Athenians .x. yeres The yere of the worlde 3271 The yere before Christe 692 SIsillus Before Britayne knovven 642 brother to Gurgustius reyned in Britayne xlix yeres The yere of the worlde 3272 The yere before Christe 691 Before Britayne knovven 641 The yere of the worlde 3279 The yere before Christe 684 Beumerodach the seuenth kyng of Babylon Before Britayne knovven 634 reygned .xxi. yeres Croton Corcyra Chalcedon Phaselis Sybaris Locris and Tarentum citees in this season were builded The yere of the worlde 3280 The yere before Christe 683 Archeus otherwise called Argeus Before Britayne knovven 633 was kynge of Macedon .xxxviii. yeres with great loue of his subiectes The yere of the worlde 3282 The yere before Christe 681 ¶ Here the Athenians altered agayne the state of theyr citee for abolyshyng the power of princes Before Britayne knovven 631 they yerely elected nine of the nobilitee to gouerne them The yere of the worlde 3283 The yere before Christe 80 Stephinatis was king of Egipt .vii. yeres Before Britayne knovven 630 After whom succeded Nichepsos a prince singular in astronomy who reigned .viii. yeres The yere of the worlde 3292 The yere before Christe Ammon the .xviii. kyng of Iuda Before Britayne knovven 621 reigned .iii. yeres A wicked prince wherfore he perished by the sworde of hys owne seruantes ¶ Tullus Hostilius the thirde kynge of Romaines reygned .xxxii. yeres He fyrste of the Romans vsed pourple and axes or maces to bee borne before hym Who supposinge the citee to waxe feeble and weake with ease and ydelnesse prepared warre ouercame the Albanes vanquished the Ueientes and Fidenates beate downe Alba to the grounde of the Romans and Albanes were one people made In the meane while the Sabines gathered an army betwene whom a cruell conflicte was made at the wood Malicusa the array of the Sabines was broken Tullus triumphed enlarged the citee addynge thervnto the mount Coelius In Rome that time it rayned stones and was vexed with the pestilence The kynge taken also with ▪ syckenes gaue him selfe to the institution of sacrifices But finally he with his hole house being striken with lightenyng perished whan he had with greate glory of warres reigned .32 yeres The barefoot cerimonies were first made in Lacedemō The yere of the worlde 3295 The yere before Christe ¶ Iosias the .xix. kinge of Iuda reigned .31 ▪ yeres Before Britayne knovven 618 A vertuous and iust prince for in his very childehod he began to seke the god of his father Dauid He purged his lande from al ydolles ymages and woodes burned the bones of the priestes of Baal and clensed all wickednes out of the citees of Manasse Ephraim Simeon and euen vnto Nephtalim he repaired the temple that the holye thinges might be couered The booke of the lawe of Moyses whyche had been lost a longe tyme was founde againe whiche he red vnto the people Finallye vppon to muche presumption be made warre vpon the kyng of Aegipt in whiche he was wounded and died therof Leostratus was capitayne of the Atheniens Sybilla Herophila in Samos was greatly estemed Before Britayne knovven 617 Psammeticus was kynge of Egypt .44 yeres The yere of the worlde 3296 The yere before Christe 667 He receiued into amitee the Ioues and Cares Before Britayne knovven 615 whiche against their willes arryued in Egypt The yere of the worlde 3298 The yere before Christe 665 grauntyng theim a place to inhabite he increased his hoste with outwarde retinue● he subdued all Egypt and .xxix. yeres besieged Azotus which at length he toke Archilochus Simonides and Aristoxenus the musician in this tyme greatly were estemed Before Britayne knovven 613 Nabuchodonoser The yere of the worlde 3300 The yere before Christe 663 the fyrste and .vii. kynge of Babilon reigned xxix yeres Metius Suffetius capitayn of the Albanes for breaking his league was with horses drawen in pieces Before Britayne knovven 632 Ardis kyng of Lydia reigned .xxxvii. yeres ¶ In this tyme Zaleucus the moste seuere lawyer of the Locranses flourished The yere of the worlde 3301 The yere before Christe 662 who commaunded the eyes of his onely sonne whiche was condemned for adultery to bee put out leste that the generall lawe should be frustrate in him At length by the praier of the people gaynsaying it he in suche wise moderated his sentence that he cōmaūded one of his owne eyes and an other of his sonnes to be put out that the lawe might be fulfilled Phaortes the .vi. kyng of Media reigned .xxii. yeres The yere of the worlde 3303 The yere before Christe 660 Before Britayne knovven Cypselus playd the tyrant in Corin .xxvii. yeres The yere of the worlde 3307 The yere before Christe 656 Before Britayne knovven Alba distroied and Byzanee called now Constantinople was builded by Pausanias king of Spartanes Alemeō Leschon Lesbius were had in great renome Hystrus in Ponto Chantus and Stagera in Asia were buylded ¶ Phalaris tyrante of Agragentine flourished vnder whome the cunninge artificer Peryllus suffered in his
of his people and at last was murdered by Artabanus his president ¶ A sedicion in Rome for the lawe Agraria Before Britayne knovven 421 The mistocles distroiyng and driuing away the Barbariens reedified and wa led Athenes The yere of the worlde 3492 The yere before Christe 471 At the laste for al his benifites by hys vnnaturall countrey men he was banished and of force driuen to go vnto Xerxes his vtter ennemy who rereyued him honourably and wold haue sent him with an army againste the Atheniens but he chosyng rather to dye than to be vnfaithfull to Xerxes or els to destroy his countrey poisoned him selfe Sedicion and pestilence in the citee of Rome Urbinia a virgin Uestale for loosynge hir chastytee was buryed quicke Aristides of Athenes for his wisedome iustice and temperance was right noble and famous He not withstanding that the Atheniēs had exiled him without anye cause but onely for that he was counted to excell in iustice yet at his departyng he prayd to god that what so euer they desired it might come to good effect and cōclusion And when he was called againe from banishment he neuer remembred any olde displeasure in so muche that he alwaye honoured Themistocles with whom he had perpetuall contention in the wealepublike Of his temperance this was a great token that notwithstandynge he had bene in the greatest dygnytiee and offyces in the commō weale of Athenes yet dyed he so poore that he left not sufficient to burye hym worshypfullye And his daughters wer maried at the cōmon charge of the citee And to his son Lycimacus was giuē by the people one hūdred Minae whiche is of our money .239 poundes .xi. s. viii d. Unto this tyme Herodotus wrote his history The yere before Christe 469 Before Britayne knovven 419 ¶ Amilco capitaine of Cartage about this tyme The yere of the worlde 3494 after many victories bothe on lande and sea lost all his army by pestilence in Sicily Before Britayne knovven 417 Artabanus in hope to opteyne the empire slue Xerxes The yere of the worlde 3496 whome Artaxerxes to be reuenged of his fathers deathe with his sworde thrust him throughe the bodye The yere before Christe 467 whan he had reigned .vii. monethes Artaxerxes the seuenth emperour of Persia surnamed long hande reigned .xl. yeares ▪ his dominion was from the furthest parte of Inde vnto Aethiope ouer an .127 prouinces The yere of the worlde 3497 The yere before Christe 466 he embraced peace Before Britayne knovven 416 and therfore was beloued of his subiectes Artaxerxes made a great feast vnto his lordes be put away from hym the queene Uaschi The yere of the worlde 3499 The yere before Christe 464 Before Britayne knovven 414 because she refused to come to him and caused many maidens to be brought before hym amonge whom in place of Uasche he chose Hester Sicily was gouerned by the people Quintius builded in Rome the brothelhouses The Romanes mustered ī which there were found .124 214. heades of citesins A pestilence in Rome wherein the consules dyed Before Britayne knovven 412 The Uolscians besieged Rome The yere of the worlde 3501 The yere before Christe 462 The Romaynes tryumphed ouer the Uolscians with theyr alies The yere of the worlde 3502 The yere before Christe 461 Before Britayne knovven 411 In this battaile the name of Uolscians was almoste destroyed For there fell of them in discomfiture 10470. taken prisoners with .xiii. insignes .1250 Esdras by the licence of Artaxerxes came from Babylon to Hierusalem with .1775 Iewes The yere of the worlde 3503 The yere before Christe 460 Before Britayne knovven 410 to repaire the lawe and citee of god and to teache the people For he gathered and brought in order the bokes of holye scripture before scattered and destroied and inuented the hebre charectes whiche be vsed at this daye This yere also Hester began to reigne as queene Perdicas kyng of Macedon reigned .28 yeres Before Britayne knovven 409 The yere of the worlde 3504 The yere before Christe 459 The seruantes in Rome rebelled they toke the capital by their capitain Herdonius and slue Ualerius the cōsul The consules triumphed ouer the Uolscians Before Britayne knovven 408 the citee mustered The yere of the worlde 3505 The yere before Christe 458 in whiche there were 1●2419 citezens Quintius Cincinatus was chosen Dictatour frō the plough The yere of the worlde 3506 The yere before Christe 457 Before Britayne knovven 407 who wypyng awaye the duste and sweate from his face entred the citee and receiued that high auctoritee in whiche by his prowesse and wisedom he not only deliuerd the citee from the assaulte of theyr enemies but also vanquished theim After whiche vyctorye he surrendred his office and dignitee and repaired agayne to his husbandry whiche he diligently applied A sedicion The ten Tribunes or protectours of the cōminaltee were created ¶ A man persuaded Artaxerxes to cōmaunde all the Iewes to be slayne Before Britayne knovven The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 456 bicause Mardocheus wolde not doo reuerence vnto hym Before Britayne knovven 405 The yere of the worlde 3508 The yere before Christe 455 The king graūted and the commandement was sent foorth and whan it should be executed In the meane while Hester declared hir kynred and deliuered the whole nacion from that mischiefe A mā was hanged vppon the galowes whiche he had prepared for Mardocheus and the other was exalted into the kynges fauour who as Philo witnesseth liued .198 yeares Empedocles and Parmenides philosophiers of Athenes in this time flourished The fyrst in musike was notable the other sequestryng him selfe from al company on the moūtayn Caucasus deuised the science of logike Cratinus Plato comedie writers and Aristarchus maker of tragedies liued A dissencion in Rome for the lawe Agraria ¶ Neemias obteined licence of the kyng and queene Hester Before Britayne knovven 403 to fynyshe Hierusalem The yere of the worlde 3510 The yere before Christe 453 At this daye begynneth the computacion of the .70 wekes of Daniel euery weke cōteynyng seuen yere whiche fynished at the death of Tiberius after whom Gaius caused his ymage to be set in the temple vnder the name of great Iupiter ¶ Neemias with the helpe of Eliasib high priest sonne of Ioachim and Resa Mosolla son of Zorobabell with other princis of the people in .52 dayes fynysshed their worke And for feare of the inuasiōs of theyr ennemies thei helde theyr weapōs in one hand and wrought with the other The walles beyng builded Neemias cōmanded the people to assemble and recited vnto them the law and celebrated the feast of that moneth he gouerned the people .12 yeres and after retourned vnto the kynge as he promised Not long after he repaired agayne into Iurie where he wrate the boke of his owne gestes and quietly fynyshed his lyfe The Romaines had hytherto no certayne lawe to preserue common cōcorde and peace in their publike weale wherby contrauersies and dissencions
them and in his triumphe solde .4000 of them in Rome Alexander brother of Olympias reigned in Molosso The yere of the worlde 3621 The yere before Christe 342 A temple buylded in Rome to Iuno Moneta Before Britayne knovven 292 The yere before Christe 341 In Rome it rayned stones the daye appeared as night The yere of the worlde 3622 About this time the Scenical plaies or comedies wer instituted in Rome to appease the wrath of the goddes Before Britayne knovven 291 Ragoas poysoned Artaxerxes The yere of the worlde 3623 The yere before Christe 340 Before Britayne knovven 290 and murdered all the kinges children except Arsees Philip leauing the siege of Byzance and Perintheus made a leage with the Atheniens other cities of Grece The Carthaginēses encresing theyr power with a new armie sayled into Sicily where by Timoleō they were ouercome The Romaines triumphed in a battail fought with the Samnites by the manhode of P. Decius the tribune The Carthaginenses came to Rome to congratulate theyr victory Before Britayne knovven 289 Arses sone of Ochus the .xiii. emperour of persia The yere of the worlde 3624 The yere before Christe 339 reigned .4 yeres being but yet a childe but when he waxed greater Ragoas fearing that he wold take vengeaunce on him for the death of his father slewe him also with al the kinges bloud Here ended the house of Cyrus Out of Grece came new inhabitantes to inhabit Sicily whom Timoleon gentilly receiued and gaue lawes vnto the Syracusanes In Rome a conspiracye of souldiours began the cytesens were reconciled the lawe of armes instituted and the legions of souldiours ordeined euerye of whiche conteined .6000 footemen and .732 horsemen Before Britayne knovven 288 Philip vainquished at Cheronea the Boeotians and Athenienses suche as were taken The yere of the worlde 3625 The yere before Christe 338 moued with the wordes of Demades the oratour he deliuered frely and entred in amitee with the Atheniens The same houre in Italy a battayle was fought betwene the Lucanes and Tarentines in whyche Archydamus king of Lacedemō fighting for the Tarentines was slayne Before Britayne knovven 287 Mithridates king of Ponthus reigned .xxv. yeres The yere of the worlde 3626 Philip by all the cltees was called emperour of grece against the Persians The yere before Christe 337 Timoleon veraie aged paied his debt to nature The warres of the Romains agaynste the Latines in the whiche Manlius Torquatus and P. Decius wer cōsuls Manlius caused his owne sonne a valyaunt yonge man to be beheaded because he brake his aray to fighte with his enemye who had chalenged him Decius auowed him selfe to death for the Romayne army by whose meanes they obteyned the victory for the oracle had geuen answere that on the one parte the capitayne should be slayne on the other the hole hoste Ragoas murdered Arses with all the kynges bloude and procured Darius to be kinge The yere of the worlde 3627 The yere before Christe 336 Pausanius slue king Philip in the Theater Before Britayne knovven 386 The Latines submitted them to Aemilius The yere of the worlde 3628 The yere before Christe 335 Alexander surnamed the great Before Britayne knovven 285 son of Philip kinge of Macedony reigned 12. yeares In his youth he was instructed by Aristottel in learninge and according to his desires had like fortune for beinge but .20 yeres of age he vndertoke the enterprise to conquere all the world with an armye prepared by his father Philip whyche was of .32000 fotemen and .4500 horsemen hauing no capitain vnder the age of .60 yeres that not in their legges but in theyr armes they shuld put the hope of victorye and so with most valyaunt courage did set vpon the whoole worlde and had alwayes victory of his enemies In his first yere he was saluted emperour of Grece but being contemned of the Thebanes he vainquished them and taking theyr city by force he destroyed it and solde the people Dariꝰ the .xiiii. and last emperour of Persia reigned 6. yeres He was first made prince of Armeny by Ochus for his singular knowlage in warfare and for the same cause was elected king by them that slue Arses But after beinge with pride and vainglorye elated was by the great Alexander ouercome and loste with his life the monarchy of the Persians The Romaines subdued Latium and triumphed The yere of the worlde 3629 The yere before Christe 334 Alexander with his army passed ouer into Asia at Granicus he ouercame the Persians tooke Sardis Before Britayne knovven 28 Miletum and Halicarnassus subduinge all the landes vnto Phrigia and obteyned al the religiōs as farre as Cilicia Minutia a virgin Uestal for incest was buried quicke Manasses brother of Iaddus the prieste of the Iewes Before Britayne knovven 2 contrary to the lawe The yere of the worlde 3630 The yere before Christe 333 buylded a temple vpon the mount Garisin Agathocles the tyran of Sicily with a nauye sayled into Affrica which he sore wasted Ragoas the murderer with the poyson which he prepared for to slea Darius perished hym selfe and so was worthily punished for his mischiefe Memnon capitaine to Darius got Chion Antissa with other cities ¶ Darius with a mightie army met Alexāder at Issus in Cilicia where he was ouercome put to flight hys mother wife and two daughters were taken whom Alexander honourably and with great humanitie entreated In this bataile there fell of the Aesians .20000 fote men and of horsemen .1500 Before Britayne knovven 282 Alexander came to Ierusalem The yere of the worlde 3631 The yere before Christe 332 he was receiued of the highe priest Iaddus by whose admonicion he did sacrifice He afterwardes besieged Tyrus and tooke it and also Gaza Before Britayne knovven Agis kynge of Lacedemon The yere of the worlde 3632 The yere before Christe 331 Alexāder without any great labour obteined Egipt buylded the citie Alexādria In the temple of Hammō by the priestes he was called god and sonne of god Frō thens he returned into Syria where passyng his army ouer the riuer Tigris he fought agayne with Darius in which he obteined a bloudy victorie Before Britayne knovven 280 CEcilius the son of Guentheline and Mercia The yere of the worlde 3633 The yere before Christe 330 reigned .7 yeres of him there remaineth nothyng noble But that as the Scottes write in the fyrste yere of his reigne ▪ a people of Almaine called Pichies arriued here in Britain and possessed those partes whiche nowe be the Marches of bothe royalmes Englande and Scotlande Alexander toke Babylon Susa spoyled and burnte Persepolis the regall citie of persia Bessus presidente of Bactria wounded his lorde Darius to death whom Alexander apprehendyng for his vnfaithfulnes caused to be tied to two trees the tops beyng bowed brought together and so loused wherby he was torne in pieces Here endeth the Monarchy or empire of the persians in the yere after the arryual of Brute .778 Whā it had continued
Argos with a stone cast downe of a woman he was slayne Before Britayne knovven 223 ¶ Alexander the sonne of Pyrrhus The yere of the worlde 3690 The yere before Christe 273 was kyng of the Epyrotes The Tarentines hearing of the death of Pyrrhus sollicited the Carthaginenses to take theyr part whom the Romains ouercame and vanquished ELidurus afore named after the death of hir brother Archigallo for his pietee and iustice Before Britayne knovven 222 The yere of the worlde 3691 The yere before Christe 272 by the general consent of the Britons was again chosen king But he reigned not passinge two yere but er that his yonger brethren Uigenius and Peredurus raised war against him and toke him prisoner where he remained as they write in the tower of London during theyr reygne Eleazer the high priest of the Iewes Before Britayne knovven 221 Alexander king of Epirus got the realme of Macedō The yere of the worlde 3692 The yere before Christe 271 Genutius the consul toke Rhegium and sent the right Legion whiche had forsaken the Romaines in the warres of Pyrrhus to Rome who by the commaundement of the people were whipped and after put to death VIgenius and Peredurus The yere of the worlde 3653 The yere before Christe 270 after the taking of theyr brother Before Britayne knovven reigned together .vii. yeres Uigenius thē died and Peridurus reigned after alone .2 yeres Demetrius sonne of Antigonus recouered the realme of Macedon and depriued Alexander of his kingedome who fled to the Arcadians Maynus yongest son of Fergus after the death of his vncle was king of Scottes he deuised manye supersticious ceremonies to be vsed in his pagan lawe and when he had reigned .29 yeres he died Before Britayne knovven 219 The Alexandrines sent by Ptolome to Rome obteyned the amitie which they desired The yere of the worlde 3694 The yere before Christe 269 In this yere the Romains first coigned syluer The Picentes first moued warre Before Britayne knovven 218 The Picentes were ouercome the Romaines triumphed ouer them The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 268 they buylded Priminium in France Beuentum in Italy Before Britayne knovven 217 Amos Scyrach prince of the Iewes The yere of the worlde 3696 The yere before Christe 267 gouerned theym xiiii yeres Warre indicted to the Salentines Brunduse taken and mōstruous prodigies sene In Rome they mustered there were founde 2712●4 heades The yere of the worlde 3699 The yere before Christe 264 The first warres betwene the Romans and Carthaginenses began in Sicily in the which Before Britayne knovven 214 Ap. Claudiꝰ triumphed vpon ▪ Hiero and the Affricans The yere of the worlde 3701 The yere before Christe 262 Peace being made with Hiero and the Syracusans Before Britayne knovven 212 he gaue vnto the Romaines .cc. talentes of syluer and the Affricanes wer vanquished in Sicily The yere of the worlde 3702 The yere before Christe 261 SLidure Before Britayne knovven 211 the third tyme was made king of Britayne who continued his later reigne honourably and iustly but beinge sore brused with age and troubles he finished his life when he had nowe lastely reygned .iiii. yeres The yere of the worlde 3703 The yere before Christe 260 Antiochus surnamed Theos the thyrd king of Siria reigned .xv. yeres Before Britayne knovven 210 Hanno duke of Carthage in a battayle vppon the sea was vanquished by Duilius the consul Cornelius his felowe was taken by the Carthaginenses The yere of the worlde 3704 The yere before Christe 259 L. Cornelius Scipio wasted the isles Corsica and Sardinia ▪ Hanno duke of Carthage was slayne Before Britayne knovven 209 The yere of the worlde 3705 The yere before Christe 258 GOrbonian reigned in Britayne .x. yeres Before Britayne knovven 208 Attilius Calatinus going to Camerina fel into the hoste of the Poenians or Carthaginenses and by the helpe of Calphurnius was rescued Anniball the elder being vanquished by the Romains of his own mē was hanged The yere of the worlde 3706 The yere before Christe 257 Xantippus king of Lacedemonia Before Britayne knovven 207 The Parthians refused the dominion of the Syrians M. Attilius Regutus with his companion vāquished the Carthaginēses on the sea warred in Affrica wher they were victours Regulus killed a serpent of wonder full greatnesse by Xantippus the Lacedemon he was ouercome and taken prisoner Arsaces inuaded the realme of Parthia suppressīg Andragorus the president therof Of him all the kinges of Parthia were called Arsaces Theodotus the president of Bactria cōmaunded him selfe to be called king The yere of the worlde 3708 The yere before Christe 255 Upon the sea the Carthaginenses were againe ouercome Before Britayne knovven 205 by the Romanes ▪ and they also by the cost of sicilie with tempest were destroyed Mathathias siloa receyued the principalite of the Iewes Before Britayne knovven 204 and gouerned them .x. yeres The yere of the worlde 3709 The yere before Christe 254 The consules destroyed the sea costes of Affrica returnyng victors into sicily aboute Palinurus they suffered shipwrecke Metellus in sicily ouerthrew Asdrubal The yere of the worlde 3712 The yere before Christe 251 and broughte 120. elephantes with great pompe to Rome Before Britayne knovven 201 Manasses was made hyghe priest of the Iewes The yere of the worlde 3713 The yere before Christe 250 Before Britayne knovven 200 Regulus being fyue yeres kept in prison was sent by the Carthaginenses to Rome on his fidelitee to obteine peace which if he could not ▪ to returne againe and yeld him self prisoner but he dissuaded the senate frō makīg peace or exchanging prisoners and so returned to Carthage to prison wher with most valiant mynd he vainquished fortune The cōsuls besiged Lilybeꝰ by Annibal the son of Amilcar thei wer vanquished lost most part of their army At the hauē Drepanus the Romans fought vnluckyly The yere of the worlde 3714 The yere before Christe 246 Before Britayne knovven 199 MOrgan was crowned king of britain who guided the royalme peacibly .xiiii. yeres Before Britayne knovven 198 The yere of the worlde 3715 The yere before Christe 248 The nauy of Carthage wasted sore the sea partes of Italy Seleucus Gallinicius the fourth kyng of syria The yere of the worlde The yere before Christe 245 reigned .xx. yere Before Britayne knovven 195 He put to death his stepmother Beronice with hir yonge childe For whiche crueltee many of his citees forsoke him and receiued ptolome Ptolomeus Euergetes the thirde kinge of Egypte reigned .26 yeres He subdued Gallinicius obteyned Syria Iudea Cilicia and other countreis Before Britayne knovven 193 Iosephꝰ Arses prince of the Iewes reigned .60 yeres The yere of the worlde 3720 The yere before Christe 243 he was cōstituted gouernor of the tribes of samaria Gallinicius suffered shipwreck and was again restored to his royalme In this time continuall warre was betwene the Romaines and poenians Before Britayne knovven 192 Luctatius ouercame vanquished the Carthaginenses at the
Thirdly howe honeste a labour it was so to employ the vacant time that I had from other necessary businesses I sho●e from me vnprofitable bashefulnesse and haue enterprised not onely to finishe this warke but also after the ouersight and correction of other men haue suffered the same to be published Wherfore you gentyll reader shall take well in worthe this my boldenesse and perswade youre selfe as the trouthe is that I was moued to this excercise rather of good wille ▪ to profytte my natural countrey and to do pleasure to other men than for any fame or aduauncemēt that I hoped might come to me therby And if I se ye take it well in gree vndoughtedly you shal encourage me hereafter to goo in hande with some exercise that shal perchaunce tourne to more profytte and pleasure of theim whiche be desirous of honest knowlege Vale. AFter the deathe of Octauius Augustus the second Cesar that thinges happened in Rome that somtime doeth in all commen weales at the decesse of great princes and rulers that is sediciō vnquietnesse and trouble For the souldiours being as than in Pannonie raised a greate sedicion in their rage beatte murdered diuers of their tribunes other officers which cōmocion after much peines was lastly quyeted by Drusus the sonne of Tiberius In like maner for like causes was great trouble vnquietnes in the hoste that lay in Germanie At which time whan Germanicus their captaine exhorteth them to quietnes the souldiours obstinately refused the empire of Tiberius profered to make him their emperour but Germanicus wolde rather haue slaine him selfe with hys owne weapen thē by such vnlawful meanes to obteine the imperiall auctoritee And moreouer the commons of the citee of Rome diuers of the nobles also hauing in their hertes as it were a naturall hatred towarde the Monarchy or highe power of Cesars diuised and imagined with theim selfes diuerslye howe to extinguishe the imperial auctoritee bring the citee to her pristinate for me and gouernaunce of consulles which thing they more ernestlye desired for so muche as they had as yet freshe inmemorie the swetenes of theyr ancient libertees and the fame of man●e noble men whiche by Iulius and Augustus had bene outlawed and put to deathe And also because they feared the proude and cruell nature of Tiberius who was named to succede Augustus in the empire But al this notwithstanding Tyberius wyth suche craft and dissimulacion handeled the matter that he not onely obteyned the imperiall auctoritee but also seemed to take it vpon him against his will There was at this time no notable warre sauinge that the Romaines made fierce warre vpon the Germaines rather to reuenge the infamy that Q. Uarus had receyued at theyr handes than to enlarge theyr empyre which at this time had spred it selfe well ner ouer all the world In Iudea Herode and Philyp buylded and repayred certaine cities and townes in the honour of Cesar which made theym rulers Herode whiche was also called Antipas walled the citee called Sephoris and named it Anthoccadorida in like maner the citee Bethaurata whiche he called Iulia. Philip buylded Paniada aboute the well of Iordaine and named it Cesaria He erected also Bethsayda nye to the riuer Genasar gaue it to name Iulia Omonima Germanicus Cesar the Romaine capitaine nye to the wood Cesia vainquished and slue the Germaines called Marsi Iuba a man of excellent learninge kinge of the Moores Abagarus of Mesopotamia and Bardascanes of Babylon Anni regum britannie 1 GUiderius the first sonnne of Cimbaline The yere of Christ 17 began his reigne ouer the Britons reigned about The yere of the worlde 3978 28. yeres This mā was valiant hardy welthy trusted muche in his strength And for he thought the Romains had theyr tribute wrongfully he therfore of great courage denied to paie tribute for whiche cause ▪ Claudius the .v. emperor came into Britain with a great power to claim againe the payment therof as shall after be shewed Ualerius Gratus was president of Iudea he fyrste began to sel the roome and office of the high priest whyche example other being after in his auctoritee folowed Busines beganne among the Parthians through the death of theyr kinge Phraates whiche was murdered of his bastard son by the coūsail of his own cōcubine Thermusa to the entent that hir son might succede in the kingdome But the parthians deposed the bastarde and obteined of the Romains Uonones the legitimate sonne of Phraates and made him theyr king whom shortly after vnconstantly they agayne deposed Germanicus nie vnto the riuer Gisurgis ouercame and put to flight the Germains called Cherusci The riuer Tiberis ouerflowed the citee of Rome wherof great ruine and decay of buyldinge and mortalitee of people ensued A lawe was published wherby all inchaunters southsayers and they whiche had knowlage in mathematicall and magical sciences were banished out of Italy And also that the Romaines at theyr table shoulde not be serued with so riche and sumptuous plate Cecinna an vnder capitatne of the Romaines ouerthrue the Germains with theyr two capitains Armenius and Inquionierus A great commocion was like to haue bene in Italye throughe the insolente boldnesse of one Element the seruant of Agrippa whiche Agrippa was priuelye putte to death by Tyberius For this seruant a good space after his maisters death came abrode and named him selfe Agrippa to whom bothe in age and person he was not muche vnlike by whiche meanes he gathered to him great cōpanies and cam toward Rome but shortly after his cōpanies were disparkeled and he taken and put to deathe by Tyberius Germanicus Cesar triumphed for his great vyctoryes in Germany The yere of the worlde 3979 The yere of Christ 17 Anni regum britannie 2 In the whiche he semed to bring againe the glorie and renoume that Q. Uarus lost before for so muche as he brought in his triumph the same insignes and standerdes which were taken in the scomfiture of Uarus Tyberius for enuy condemned Archelaus king of Cappadocia and made his kingdome a prouince In Asia .xii. cities were ouerthrowē with an erthquake U●lerius made Ismaell the sonne of Iabus hic prieste in Iudea and deposed Amianus Anni regum britannie 3 Rebellion and warre began in Affrike The yere of the worlde 3980 The yere of Christ 19 by one Tacfarinas whiche was vanquished and chased by Furius Camillus proconsull of Affrike but not soo that he ceassed to rebelle Piso was made president of Surry Germanicus beinge enuied of Tyberius the emperor for the prosperous successe of his warres in Germanie Anni regum britannie The yere of the worlde 3981 The yere of Christ was remoued from that prouince and sent into Armenia where he ordeyned Zenon king of Armenians and made peace with Artabanus and the Partheans And shortely after through the counsail of Tyberius he was poysoned by Pyso and his wife Placine whose death brought gret sorowe and heauines to the
in prison Anni regum britannie 16 and after beheaded at the castell named Macherunta Our sauiour Christ whan he had finished the legacy of god the father The yere of the worlde 3994 The yere of Christ 33 opened the doctrine of eternal life Anni regum britannie 17 to his vnkynde people the Iewes offred him selfe wyllyngelye to the moste cruell death of our redempcion pa●ynge the raunsome of that bondage to the whiche we were thral and in daunger At whiche tyme of hys passion was a great erthquake and at syxe a clocke of the daie so terryble a clypse of the son contrary all naturall course that for great darkenes it semed to be very nighte The third day folowinge he rose again from deth to life cōquering ones three mightie aduersaries to whose tyrannye wee were subiecte that is deathe sinne and Satan On the xl daye declarynge him selfe to be a mightie and puisant conquerour he ascended to the righthande of the father wher he remaineth as the only and perpetuall defēdour and meditatour of his people from whens according to his blessed promise the .50 day he sent his heuenly spirit and quaylyng in thi s poyt the promulgation of this law in the mount of Oreb for euen as the children of Israell 50. daies after their deliuerye frome the captiuitee of Aegypt and bondage of king Pharo receiued the law written with the finger of god so in like maner his blessed apostles the veraie children of god the fifty day after our deliueraunce from the spirituall Egypt and seruage of Pharo the diuell receiued his heauenly spirite the true comfortour which should leade theim into all truth and writte the eternall law of god in their hertes The Iewes began to persecute the apostles and martyred Stephen stonyng him to death Anni regum britannie 8 Sainct Paule the elect vessel of god beyng called by a vision The yere of the worlde 3995 The yere of Christ 34 was made of an open aduersarye and cruell persecutour of the churche of Christ the most faithfull apostle and true doctour of the gentles Emonge whom he taught the word of god with so great fruite and encreased so largely the Christian faith that he was after worthely named the chiefe of the apostles Symon Magus whiche had seduced the people of Samaria with Magicall artes and wichechrafte was by Philip conuict of his errour and baptized Candaces also the Eunuke of the queene of Moorens was conuerted to the faythe of Christe and baptized of Philippe ¶ Pilate after the death of Christ as witnesseth Tertulian wrate to Tyberius the emperour of the deathe vertue and miracles of Christ who after that he had published the same in the senate wold haue had Christe to bee ascribed and numbred among the gods of the Romains but the senatours would not consent therto in any wise because that Pilate wrote to the emperour of that matter and not to theim But Tiberius continued in his sentence and defended on paine of death that no man shold persecute the Christian people Iames called the brother of Christ was ordeined byshop of Hierusalem ¶ Tyberius the emperour because he woulde not be disquieted with the businesses of the comon weale but onelye at rest and idlenes departed frome Rome to the Isle of Capres wher he gaue him selfe only to 〈◊〉 leisure ¶ Sainct Paule went to preache the gospell in Arabia and after retourned to Damascus The byrde called Fenix aboute this time came in to Aegypte The yere of the worlde 3996 The yere of Christ 35 Anni regum britannie 19 Philo a Iewe of Alexandria a man veraie eloquente and wel learned was famous He wrote againste appiane and defended the Iewes both grauely and wisely he wrot also diuers thinges in praise of Christian religion wherfore of Hierome he is numbred among the ecclesisticall writers Areta king of Arabia made fierce war vpon Herode because that after he had maried his daughter The yere of the worlde 3997 The yere of Christ 36 Anni regum britannie 20 and liued with her certain yeres he lastly forsoke her kept Herodiades the wife of his natural brother being then liuing Sinnaces and Abdus vnknowing to Artabanus king of Parthia cam in ambassade to Rome desiring to haue Phrahates to their kinge Phrahates shortly after sickened dyed in Surrei and than was Mithridates of H●beria ordeined in his place wherof ensued deadly warre betwene the Parthians Armenians and Hiberian Paule retourned to Hierusalem The yere of the worlde 3998 The yere of Christ 37 The yere of the worlde 3999 The yere of Christ 38 Agrippa Anni regum britannie 21 a Iue beyng accused for speaking of certaine wordes against Tyberius was ledde to prison Anni regum britannie 22 at whyche time it was hys fortune to meete wyth a southsa●er which tolde him before of his deliueraunce and wonderful prosperitee to the whiche he was after aduansed by Calihula and Claudius Pilate was commanded by Uitellius prouost of Surrei to go vnto Rome there to aunswere to certaine complainctes which should be layed to his charge by the Iewes for whiche accusations he was after deposed and banished to Lions in France wher as Eusebius sayth he slue him selfe Marsellius was made president of Iudea Lu. Uitellius president of Surrei Tyberius after longe sickenes the .xvii. daie of the kalendes of Aprile paide his dette to nature Caius Caligula the son of Germanicus and .4 Cesar Anni regum britannie 23 was admitted to the empire with so great reioysinge of the hole citee The yere of the worlde 4000 The yere of Christ 3 that within lesse then thre monethes there were 1500●0 sacrifices offered in thankes geuinge to the goddes that he beinge of the stocke of Germanicus happened to be theyr emperour This man at the firste beginning was of maners right pleasaunt and commendable But after he became so detestable in pride incontinency and beastly crueltee that he semed rather a monster of a man and filthye example of all vice than a prynce or gouernour of a publike weale He vsed to sytte in the temple amonge the goddes sumptuouslye arayed in purple and golde offring him selfe to be worshipped of the people he defloured three of his owne sisters and tooke other mens wiues vyolently frome theym Often tymes he bewayled the condicion and state of his age that it was not made famous with any notable or gret calamitees of the common weale for certain displeasure that he conceiued towarde the Romaines he wished ernestlye that all the people of Rome hadde but one necke that he for his pleasure might destroye suche a multitude Throughe thys greate mutacion of maners in Caligula happened thys prouerbe to rise There was neuer a better prince at the beginning nor a worse tyran at the endinge Caligula deliuered Agrippa oute of prison and in the steede of his fetters and yrōs gaue to him a crowne and a chiane of golde of the same weighte as his yrons were and made him
the wylde beastes parte otherwise most cruelly were slaine at whiche time appered the most terrible example of the wrathe and vengeance of god for the contempte of hys worde and veritee For what herte is soo stonie or hard that wyll not tremble for feare when it considereth that god toke soo sharpe punishement vpon his owne people whom before he loued moste entierlye and amonge al other nations of the world chose for his peculiar flock and vyneyarde The yere of the worlde 4035 The yere of Christ 74 Uespacian the emperour and Tytus his sonne triumphed for their victorye and conquest in Iudea Anni regum britannie 2 Lussius Bassus was ordeined legate or graund capitain into Iudea where he broughte in subiection certayne of the iewes which rebelled in the town named Macherus Uespacian endeuoured with honest lawes to restore the citee of Rome to hir pristinate fourme beautee and pleasantnesse which was greatly corrupted by the vncleane lyfe of that monstruous emperour Nero. The yere of the worlde 4036 The yere of Christ 75 The temple of Iupiter in the Capital was repaired by Uespacian Anni regum britannie 3 Ce●ennius Petus president of Surie discomfited put to flighte and toke prisoner Antiochus kynge of Comagine and sent him to Rome to the emperour Here endeth the histories of Ioseph and Egesippus debello Iudaico The yere of the worlde 4037 The yere of Christ 79 Anni regum britannie 4 Achaia Lycia Rhodus Byzantium Samus Thracia Cilicia Trachea comagene were made prouynces of the empire Galdus after the deathe of Dardannus was ordeyned kyng of Scottes the most valiaunt and noble prince that euer reigned amonge thē and endued with many excellent and pryncely qualitees At the firste entree he punyshed the wycked counsaylours of Dardannus and after called a parliament of his lordes wherin many noble actes were deuysed and the naughty lawe of kyng Ewyn by the whiche the wife 's of the commons were f●●e to the nobles was abrogated and foredoone Of hym the Scottes made many goodly remembraunces in the honour of his noblenes and great victories that he atc●●ued About this time Petulius Cerealis was sent of the Romaines as lieutenaunt to Britaine where he discomfited Galdus kinge of Scottes vanquished the Pictes and Sylurians subdewed to the Romaynes the countrey of Brigantes ouerthrewe and chased Uodicia the daughter of the valiant woman Uoada and quieted the kentishe men and certaine other Britons whiche rebelled After this Petulius a Romain named Iulius Frontinus waslieutenāt in Britain who warred also against the Scottes and Pictes Uespacian made enquirie of all the noble and valiaunt men amonge the Iewes Anni regum britannie 7 The yere of the worlde 4040 The yere of Christ 79 whiche were linially descended from Dauid Whereof ensued a sore and greuous persecucion emonge the Iewes ¶ Three citees of Cypres weere ouerthrowen wyth an earthquake A sore pestilence at Rome Anni regum britannie 8 Uespacian dyed of the flixe The yere of the worlde 4041 The yere of Christ 80 Titus the son of Uespacian reigned .ii. yeres The yere of the worlde 4042 The yere of Christ 81 He was excellently well learned Anni regum britannie 9 and of so pleasaunt swete and gentle behauour that he meruailouslye deserued the fauour of all men In so much that he was therfore named comonly the loue and delite of mankinde He neuer dimissed any man frome hym without hope to obteine his request saiyng that no man ought to go sadde from the speache of a prince Whan he remembred that in a hole daie he had done no benefytte to any man he saied to hys familiars frendes I haue loste a daie reputing that daie lost that he had not done some benefytte in beyng admitted high prieste he aduanted that he toke that ●s●●e vpon him onely to the entente to kepe his handes cleane from bloudeshed and affirmed that him selfe woulde rather die than he woulde suffer any man to perishe The yere of the worlde 4043 The yere of Christ 82 The hyll in Campaine named Uesuuius raged more vehemently with fyre than it was wont Anni regum britannie 10 and casting out great flames dyd much hurt to the countreis liyng therabout A great parte of the citee of Rome was destroyed with sodein mischaunce of fyre which continued burning the space of .iii. daies Turpaneus about this time was king of Danes Tytus the emperour beyng sodeinly taken with an ague and perceiuing that death would nedes ensue greatly bewayled that his life shuld be taken from him causelesse for so muche as he neuer didde any thinge in all his life whereof it did repente him sauynge one but what that thing was he shewed not Anacletus was made the .ii. byshop of Rome after sainct Peter The yere of the worlde 4044 The yere of Christ 83 Domician by nature brother vnto Titus Anni regum britannie 11 but veraye vnlike in maners ▪ reygned .15 yeres whan he was firste admitted to the empire he vsed much to be in his secrete oratorie alone and there did nothing but take flies and pricke them through with a nedle wherfore whā it was demaūdid of U Chrispus who was with the emperour he wyttylye answered Not so muche as a flie At the beginninge this Domician shewed him selfe to abhorre soo much from murther that vneth he would suffer oxen to be kylled for their sacrifice and beynge ordeined Censor of maners was very diligent in his office but in the end folowyng the steppes of Nero and Caligula he became a detestable and cruel tyranne ¶ In the tyme of this Domician a valiaunt capitaine of the Romaines called Iulius Agricola made war nyne yeres continually vpon certain of the Britains Scottes and Pictes and discomfited thē in many greate batails vntil that Domician enuiyng his successe remoued him from that prouince he subdued to the Romains Anuandale the Isle of Man Carrike Kyle Cunigham wyth many other regions Domician ordeyned that no man shoulde be gelded or made Euneukes Anni regum britannie 13 Anianus bishoppe of Alexandria ended his life The yere of the worlde 4046 after whom suc●eded Abilius The yere of Christ 85 Anni regum britannie 14 The emperour Domician outlawed and put to deathe a great noumbre of the noble men and ancient senatours of Rome The yere of the worlde 4047 The yere of Christ 86 Anni regum britannie 16 Quintilian was famous taught Rhetorike in Rome The yere of Christ 88 receiuing his salary out of the emperours escheker The yere of the worlde 4049 In his time were many other great learned men as Cornelius Tacitus the yōger Plinie Sueton Ualerius Flaccus Patauinus Iuuenal Marcial Domician passed the riuer Dounce or Dunaw wyth an army against Darn●pe●us king of Gothes The Gothes vaynquished and putte to flighte the Romaines and slue theyr capitaine Fuscus Menander a notable heretike disciple to Simon Magus was famous in these dayes teachynge that no man could be saued oneles he were baptized in his
fire The yere of the worlde 4105 The yere of Christ 144 Tyber ouerflowed the citee Anni regum britannie 19 In Asia dyuers townes were ouerthrowen wyth earthquakes A chylde was borne with two heades A woman at one byrthe was delyuered of .v. chyldren In Mesia .iiii. meke lions offered them selfes to euery man to be taken at this tyme what soeuer misfortune happened in any parte of the worlde it was holly imputed to Christian religion Conarus whiche was the chiefe causer of hys fathers deathe was made kynge of Scottes who dyssimuled the vices wherto he was naturally inclined but as soone as he was established in the kyngdome he wasted al the rentes perteininge to the crowne in hys leude lustes and gaue landes and riches to most vile and naughtie persones because they fauoured his corrupt lyuing He inuēted new actions vpon hys people and therefore was of hys nobles cast in pryson and his wycked counsailours hāged In his place Argadus guyded the realme about .14 yeres Herus the .v. byshoppe of Antioche Crescens a philosopher caused Iustine a greate learned man and defendour of Christian religion to be persecuted because he rebuked the philosophers In whiche persecucion Iustine with his death glorified Christ and cōfirmed his religion Anni regum britannie 27 The yere of the worlde 4113 The yere of Christ 152 Anni regum britannie 34 Policarpe bishop of Smirna came to Rome The yere of the worlde 4120 The yere of Christ 159 Anicletus the .x. pope .xi. yeres Anni regum britannie 35 Atidius Cornelianus ruler of Siria The yere of the worlde 4121 The yere of Christ 160 Iulianus the .vii. bishop of Hierusalem Anni regum britannie 36 Antonius Pius the emperour gaue place to nature The yere of the worlde 4122 The yere of Christ 161 Anni regum britannie 37 Marcus Aurelius Antonius succeded Pius The yere of the worlde 4123 The yere of Christ 162 and reigned .xix. yeres He made Lucius Uerus his kinsmā of equall power with him in the empire This Lucius was muche geuen to wanton and dissolute liuinge and was of nature fierce and cruel but Marcus was of excellent vertue wisedome and learning and seemed to be prouyded of god against the troubles and miseries which happened to the common weale in his time For vndoubtedly the state of the empire had bene greatly appared ne had bene the great wisedome of this emperour which by his foresight and counsaile gouerned the same and kepte it frō much daunger he made many goodly lawes which at this day remayne in the pandectes Uologesus The yere of the worlde 4124 The yere of Christ 163 king of the Parthians sente his defiaunce to the emperour Anni regum britannie 38 made warre vpō the Romains and dyscōfited Acidius Cornelius president of Surie agaynste whom Lucius Uerus was sent with an army who whā he came to Antioche and Daphnis in Surye gaue hym selfe to pleasure and bankettinge and made warres by his capitaines Statius Priscus fought prosperously in Armenie and toke their chiefe towne A●taxa●ae Au●dius Cassius and Narsius the Romain capitains perced the countrey with their host euē vnto Babilon Media subduing alwaies their aduersaries before them for which prosperous successe Lucius Uerus though he were not present was named Parthicus Armenicus Medicus In this time flourished the famous astronomer Ptolomei by whose benefite remaine at this day in the world the noble sciences called Mathematicall the knowlage wherof the Egipcians had kept amonge them eu● from the time of Ioseph to this Ptolomei whiche is aboute 20000. yeres For first the great Alexander afterwarde the Romains for that cause had Aegipt alwayes in high estimaciō and lest that goodly knowlages should decay with great costes mainteined the Aegipciās schole whiche than at last perished whan that countrey became subiect to Macomet and the Sarasens wherein that cursed people moste of all other thinges declared their rude Bar●ar●knesse suffering that noble schole which hadde continued aboue thousandes of yeres ben preserued bi so many great princes in the which flourished al kindes of honest disciplines through their vile ignoraunce and crueltee to perishe The yere of the worlde 4126 The yere of Christ 165 Seleutia a noble citee of Assyria was taken Anni regum britannie and .500 thousand men therin A great dearth and pestilence in Rome so that they caried out men that were dead in cartes and wagons Marcus the emperour published very straighte lawes concerninge of dead men Ethodius nephewe to Mogallus was ordeyned king of Scottes and reigned ●3 yeres This man was greatly delyting in huntinge and made manye lawes therof he rewarded Argadus for his good administracion of iustice he quieted the yles and beynge accompanied with Pictes vāquished Uictorine the Romain capitayn and brake downe the wall of Adrian The yere of the worlde 4127 The emperour loked for warre of the Britons Anni regum britannie 41 agaynst whom he sent Calphur●ius Agricola The yere of Christ 166 Ausidius Tictorinus went with an army againste the Catteans whiche had broken into Germanye and Rhetia and spoyled those partes The yere of the worlde 4128 The yere of Christ 167 The two emperours Marcus and Lucius Anni regum britannie 42 triumphed for the victories in Parthia The yere of the worlde 4129 The yere of Christ 168 The emperours of Rome made preparacion for a ieoperdous warre against the people of Germani named Marcomanni Anni regum britannie 43 The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 169 ¶ A greuous persecution of the Christian people in Asia and in Fraunce where a great numbre of them Anni regum britannie 44 whiche truly professed Christe suffered most cruell tourmentes and peines At Lyons in France were many christians martired among the which was Ph●tinus their bishop whō Ireneus succeded whose workes remaine at these daies to the great profit of christian religion So●er the .xi. pope .8 yeres The holy man Policarpus bishop of Smirna was burnte Anni regum britannie 45 Asianus The yere of Christ 170 bishop of Sardis wrote a boke to Antonius the emperour in defence of christian religion The yere of the worlde 4131 Theophilus the .6 bishop of Antioch Ualens the .9 bishop of Hierusalem Anni regum britannie 46 Whan bothe the emperours came with their puissance to the citee Aquileia The yere of the worlde 4132 The yere of Christ 171 the Germains which were causers of the foresaide commocion repented theym and desired peace whiche being to them graunted the emper●uis returned i● to Italy by the waye it fortuned Lucius to dy After that Marcus was returned into Italye The yere of Christ 173 not onelye Marcomanni Anni regum britannie 48 The yere of the worlde 4134 but also diuers other people of Germanye rebelled against whō the emperour sped him in all hast which warre he finished and subdued his enemyes with as great wisedome fortune and successe as euer did any prince that man can remembre Whan that the
was put to flyghte and constreigned to make a dyshonourable peace with losse of many great citees as Singara Bizadda Amida and Nicibis Constans geuyng hym to voluptie and pleasure Anni regum britannie 24 was slayne in a citee named Helena The yere of the worlde 4313 The yere of Christ 352 of his owne Duke Magnentius whiche after toke on hym imperyall auctoritee at Augusta in Fraunce Constancius in the east hearyng of the death of his brother prepared for warre againste Magnentius and ordeyned Calius hys kynsman lieuetenant in the east partes where he practised great crueltee The yere of the worlde 4314 The yere of Christ 353 Constancius yet ones againe by the excityng of the Arrians dydde persecute Athanasius Anni regum britannie 25 and droue hym from Alexandria Britannion an auncient capitaine was named emperour in a commocion of the people of Iliria In lyke maner Neopocianus was chosen emperour at Rome in a sedicious conspiracie of the souldyours and was slayne by the treason of Heraclides who fauoured Magnentius whiche vsurped imperiall auctorytee in Fraunce Bretannion leuynge of his purple and other imperial insignes submitted him selfe to Constancius the emperour and desyred paroon whiche he easely obteined and was receiued with great fauour and gentilnesse Anni regum britannie 26 The yere of the worlde 4315 The yere of Christ 354 Magnentius goyng with an army against Constancyus committed the tuicion of Fraunce to his brother Decentius and at Mursa was vanquished and put to flight In that batayle were slayne .54000 fyghtynge men wherby the puissaunce of the Romayne empyre was sore appaired Anni regum britannie 27 Magnentius was dyscomfyted and ouerthrowen the second tyme The yere of the worlde 4316 The yere of Christ 355 and therfore in a furious rage or madnesse wounded his brother Desiderius slewe manye of hys friendes and lastlye killed him selfe with his owne weapon His other brother Derentius did hauge hym selfe at Senone Photinus denied the diuinitee of Christe and taught that he was not before the carnall concepciō of our lady A counsaile was assembled at Sirmium wher the said heresie of Photine was condemned Gallus The yere of the worlde 4317 The yere of Christ 356 with great tyrannie oppressed the Iewes and slew of theim many thousandes Anni regum britannie 28 He burned also Diocesaria Tiberiadis and Diospolis with dyuers other townes Wherfore Constancius the emperour depriued hym of all auctoritee and after he hadde vanisshed hym commaunded his head to be striken of Cond●nnous and U●demacus kynges of Almayne wasted the borders of Fraunce The Romaynes made peace with the Almains Anni regum britannie 29 S●por kynge of Persee calenged Armonie The yere of the worlde 4318 The yere of Christ and besieged the citee Nicibis Constancius toke Iulianus by adopcion and gaue his syster to hym in mariage he made him Cesar and committed to his tuicion the countrey of Fraunce Chondomarius Uestralpos Urius U●sicinus Serapeon and Oratorius kinges of Almaine Anni regum britannie 30 Siluanus beyng made Cesar in Fraunce The yere of the worlde 4319 The yere of Christ 358 by a rebellion of the souldiours was slayne before he had reigned iii. monethes Actiu● a sophister endeuoured by sophisticall Syllogismes to proue and confyrme the Arrians doctrine After the death of Fincormake kynge of Scottes because hys heyres were but childrene fierce warre was reared betweene two noble men called Angustiane and Romak for the gouernaunce of the realme Whereof ensued much trouble and rufflyng in the realme of Scotlande And great displeasure thereby was engendred betwene the Scottes and Pictes For so muche as Romak by theyr ayde toke on him the kyngdome and vsed great crueltee .iii. yeres Iulian ouercame the Almaynes in Fraunce and by knyghtly force droue theim beyonde the Rhine The yere of the worlde 4320 The yere of Christ 359 Anni regum britannie 31 He recouered Agrippina and delyuered .1100 Romains whiche by lawe of armes serued the Almaynes Nere to Argentine he vtterlye vanquysshed the whole power of the Almaynes and after that greate victory was of the souldiours called emperour and Augustus wherwith Constācius was greuously dyspleased and commaunded him by ambassadours to refuse those names whiche were profered to hym by the souldiours Uictorinus the Rhetorician and Donatus the Grammarian were famous Throughe oute Asia and Pont was a greate and continuall earthquake The yere of the worlde 4321 The yere of Christ 360 Anni regum britannie 32 The emperour vanquisshed the Sarmacians and the people called Quadi The yere of the worlde 4322 The yere of Christ 361 A counsayle was assembled at Arminium in the which 200. byshops of the weast establyshed the counsaile of Nicene But the Arrians woulde not agree thereto Anni regum britannie 33 The byshops of the east by the commaundemente of Constancius held a counsaile at Nicomedia and from thens were transferred to Seleucia and there endeuoured to confirme the heresie of the Arrians Sapor kyng of the Persians with a great armie besieged and toke Amida and slew many of the Romains Iulianus the Cesar ledde an arm y against the Almaines whiche by force had taken and possessed certaine citiees wherin he had reserued corne and vitailes and chased theim in suche wyse that their kynges were fayne to desyre peace which after entreatee was to them granted The emperour ouercame the Sarmacians yet ones agayne rebellyng Singara and Bambyca noble and greate citees were taken and certayne legions of the Romayne souldyours slayne Anni regum britannie 34 by Sapor kyng of the Persians The yere of the worlde 4323 The yere of Christ Whan the nobles of Scotlande had slayne the tyranne Romak Angusiane was ordeined kyng betwene whome and the Pictes was great warre for the death of Romak in the ende wherof bothe Angusiane and Nectanus king of Pictes were slayne Than was Fethelmak crowned kyng whiche vanquished the Pictes and was after slain in hys bedde by .ii. Pictes whiche were his seruantes ▪ Macedon byshoppe of Constantinople practised extreme crueltiee in the churche constreignyng the Christian men to receiue the communion with the Arrians in such wyse that if women or chyldren refused to dooe the same he did either cut of theyr pappes or by suche other cruell tourmentes force theim thereto He caused muche tumultee and busines in the churche Iulian beyng constreigned of the souldiours at Paris in Fraunce toke on hym the name of Augustus and imperiall auctorytee Anni regum britannie 35 Constancius departed out of this lyfe in a citee called Mopsocris Anni regum britannie 36 betwene Cilicia and Cappadocia The yere of the worlde 4324 The yere of Christ Iulian succeded Constancius in the empyre The yere of the worlde 4325 The yere of Christ 364 and reygned .ii. yeares he was but of small stature of witte apt to learnyng eloquence and knowlage of sciences In many poynctes he was estemed lyke to Titus in successe of warre and marcial prowes he was compared to Traiane in
dignitee wherof whan Zenon had wittyng he fledde into his countrey Isauria purposinge to leade there a priuate life But shortly after beynge restored to the empyre he exiled Basilicus with his sonne to Lemnis where they bothe were famished to death Nepos emperour of Rome sent a capitaine named Orestes to defende the partes of Gallia from the incursions of the wisigothes who commynge to Rauenna by treason aduaunced his sonne Augustulus to the imperiall crowne wherof whan Nepos had knowlage he fled to Dalmotia Than Orestes with his son Augustulus made league and bonde of friendship with the Uandales whyche ruled Afrike thynkyng that if they were his friendes he shoulde possesse the empyre in quiete But while he feared the south a greater storme and tempest came frome the north For the Barbarous people called Heruli and the Turinges Anni regum britannie 8 with theyr capitaine Odoacer The yere of the worlde 4439 The yere of Christ 478 breakyng into Italy slew the said Orestes and wasted the countrei more cruelly than any had doen before this time And at the citee of Rome this Odoacer toke on hym the imperiall crowne and reigned as emperour of Italy .xv. yeres Than had the Barbarous people the dominion almost of al the empyre The wisigothes ruled in Spaine the Aleines in Guian and Gascoin the Frenchemē in the residue of Fraunce in Afrike the Uandales the Saxones in Britayne the Ostrogothes in Mise and Hungarie in Italy and in the citee of Rome He rules and Turinges only the name of the empyre remained with Zenon in the east The Lombardes with theyr king Andoyn The yere of the worlde 4440 The yere of Christ 479 began first to inhabite the coūtrey nere to the ryuer Dunake or Danube Anni regum britannie 9 Aurely surnamed Ambrose and Uter the bretherne of Constant kyng of Britaine whiche was slayne by the treason of Uortiger landed with a maner of shippes at To●nes and by the healpe of Britaines whyche gathered to theim in all hast made warre vpon Uortiger and burned hym in his castel in wales where he kepte hym for his most sure defence Anni regum britannie AUrelius Ambrose was ordeined kīg of Britains whiche immediatly spedde him with an armie towarde Yorke against Oeia sonne of Hēgist The yere of the worlde 4442 The yere of Christ 481 whiche with his Saxones kepte that citee where he discomfyted and toke prisoner the sayd Octa. The historie of Scotlande saieth that the Pictes and Scottes were alied with this Ambrose and made theim partakers and chiefe doers in all the victories that the Britaine 's atchiued against the Saxones Anni regum britannie 2 A Saxon named Hella with his three sons The yere of the worlde 4443 The yere of Christ 482 and a company The yere of the worlde 4002 of Saxones landed in the south parte of Britaine slewe the Britains and chased many of theim into desertes and wood●es and subdued the countreis of Southeraie Somerset Deuonshire Cornwaile and was called the kingedome of South Saxones Zeno made league with the Uandales withoute prescript of tyme which continued to the reigne of Iustine Clodoueus was made king of France after his father Childrike The yere of the worlde 4445 The yere of Christ 484 and reigned .xxx. yeres Anni regum britannie 4 In hys tyme he made war againste the Almaines and Burgonions and ouer came theim in battaile He was the first Christened king of Fraunce and was also called Clodoueus Lowys Theodoricus kinge of the Ostrogothes beynge entierly loued ofZenon the emperour was made cōsul of Rome The yere of the worlde 4447 The yere of Christ 486 Honoricus kinge of the Uandales in Afrike Anni regum britannie 6 beyng infected with the heresie of Arrius did persecute the Christian people and banisshed .334 catholike byshops The yere of the worlde 4450 The yere of Christ 489 Theodoricus king of the Ostrogothes Anni regum britannie 9 obteined of Zenon the dominion of Italy And therfore sped hym wyth all hast against Odoacer and his people whiche by force dyd withholde that countrey from the empyre By the waie he vanquisshed Strapula kinge of Gepydes and other enemies that made warre vpon him in his iourney The yere of the worlde 4451 The yere of Christ 490 Nere to the riuer Soncius the said Theodorich put to flyghte and chased Odoacer and his host Anni regum britannie 10 and lykewyse againe in another battaile at Uerona The yere of the worlde 4452 The yere of Christ 491 Cabades kinge of the Persians publisshed a law Anni regum britannie 11 that women shoulde be common to all men whiche to their pleasure woulde abuse them For the which law he was deposed of his owne people not susteignyng the impietie therof and cast in prison in whose place Zambases was chosen to be kinge Odoacer beyng ouercome in battaile of Theodorike fled to Rome and founde the gates shutte against hym wherwith he beyng sore greeued spoyled wyth swoorde and fyre as muche of the countrey li●nge aboute as he myghte come to Thens he fledde to Rauenna where he was besieged of Theodorike the space of .iii. yeres In the meane tyme Gundabalde kynge of Burgoyne Anni regum britannie 12 entred into Italy The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 492 and cruelly robbyng and destroiynge many ryche citees retourned home with great spoyle and ledde with him a great numbre of prisoners Clodoueus kynge of Fraunce toke in mariage Crothilde a mayden of excellent fauour and beautie whiche was right inheritour to a great parte of Burgoyne and neece to Gundabalde than kinge which Gundabalde by treason had murdered his owne brother the father of the forenamed Crothilde For whiche cause was after arrered deadlye warre betweene Clodouey and the kinge of Burgoyne The kingdome of East Saxones beganne in Britaine vnder a Duke named Uffa the kingdome whereof conteined Nortff and Suff. the kinges of that lordshyp were called Uffynes Greate murder and vexacion of the Britaine 's was at the entringe of these Saxones Odoacer whiche was besieged at Rauenna beinge constreigned with great scarcitee and hūger yelded to Theodorich Anni regum britannie 13 The yere of the worlde 4454 The yere of Christ 493 by whom bothe he and his sonne was after put to death Theodorich when he had vanquished Odacer was receyued into Rome of all the Senate and people wyth much myrth and gladnesse and reigned as lorde of Italy 3● yeres he was veray desirous of peace and quietenesse and so profitable to all Italye and therewith so benigne gentill and moderate a prince that Rome had neuer a better gouernour chosen among the auncient senatours then was this barbarous kinge hauing his progenye of the rude people of the Gothes he gaue muche to the churche and large stipendes to preachers and teachers of the worde of god But yet he fauoured the heresye of Arrius as al other Gothes did Zenon ended both his life and reigne at Constantinople after whō
of his father in battayl and burned with his wife and children Narses a noble and valiant knight was ordeyned capitaine of the warres in Italy The yere of the worlde 4516 The yere of Christ 555 Anni regum britannie 4 This man was no lesse renoumed for his pietee and godlinesse thā for his warly policie and marciall knighthode and therwith of nature was gentil and liberall Under him fortune smyled againe vppon the empire and the power of the Gothes decayed The Gothes spoyled robbed the countreyes of Grece called Corcira ▪ Ehiru● Acarnania Aetolya and also greatly troubled the seas Nere to the citee Ancon the Romaine capitatnes in a battaile on the sea vanquished and slewe the Gothes and destroyed many of their shippes and after that setting on land chased them with great slaughter of men Pelagius .58 pope .11 yeres The great benificence gentilnesse and liberalitee of Iustinian meued many straunge princes to strength ayde him in the warres against the Gothes in Italy Anni regum britannie 5 Narses with a puissant and mighty army ▪ The yere of the worlde 4517 The yere of Christ 556 entred Italie At Tagina by the healpe of the Lumbardes the Gothes were put to flight and theyr kinge Totilas slayne with .vi. thousande of his soulidiours Narses sped him in all haste towarde Rome Gobazer was kinge of the Lazes sometime called Cholci Mermoroer capitaine of the Persians in the east recouered Petra ouercame the Romaines for which cause Bessa the Romaine capitaine was disgraded and dyscharged of his army Te●as a valiaunt knight was ordeined king of the Gothes Anni regum britannie 6 The yere of the worlde 4518 The yere of Christ 557 who foorth●with made league with Amingo and Lothayre the kynges of Burgoyne and Fraunce and of them receyued great ayde against Narses Narses recouered the citee of Rome at Tarentum the Gothes were discomfited Sysu●ldus kinge of the Brentes or Herules whiche hitherto toke part with the emperour forsooke Narses and alied him with the frēchmen and Lumbardes and together with theym ouer ronne the countrey of Italye bothe against the Gothes and also the Romaines Italy on all partes was assayled with moste cruell warres For Narses diuidinge his pussiancie ▪ in dyuers partes sette vpon the Gothes and the citees with them confederate And in like maner Teias seperatinge his Gothes in sundrye costes warred vpon the friendes of the empyre The Persians about Onagaris with great reproch chased and slewe the Romayns Agila kinge of Spaine was murdered of his owne people Anni regum britannie 7 Narses vanquished and vtterly subdued the Gothes in a battaile nere to Niceria The yere of the worlde 4519 The yere of Christ 559 in the whiche Teias was slaine with a hundred thousande souldiours After whiche victory bothe the kingdome and name of the Ostrogothes decayed in Italy This happened .64 yeres after the gothes first possessed Italy vnder theyr kinge Theodorich Athanagildus was after Agila king of the Gothes in Spaine he reigned .14 yeres The yere of the worlde 4520 The yere of Christ 559 Narses remained as gouernour of Italy .xvi. yeres Anni regum britannie 8 The yere of the worlde 4521 The yere of Christ 560 Martinus and Iustinus Anni regum britannie 9 the emperours capitaines in in the easte partes ouercame the Persians and slewe of them .xii. thousande Zates was ordeined kinge of the Lazer by the emperour The yere of Christ 561 Narses after the death of Teias Anni regum britannie 10 granted peace to the Ostrogothes The yere of the worlde 4522 and receiued by dedicion all the citees of Tuscia The Gothes conspired with the frenchemen and Burgonions whiche feared the prosperous successe of Narses and inuaded the partes of Italy nere to Fraunce But thea in two battayles were vanquished by Dagiste us the Romaine Uuidis capitaine of the Gothes was taken and sent to Constantinople Amingo Duke of the burgonions was slaine Lothayre kinge of Fraunce escaped by flight Iustinus was made prouost of Armenia and Cholcis Anni regum britannie 11 The yere of the worlde 4523 The yere of Christ 562 Cosroes kinge of Persians made peace with the emperour A great earthquake wherwith the citee Berincho was ouerthrowen and the iles called Coi greuously shaken Lothayre kinge of Fraunce dyed and lefte after him iiii sonnes whiche were all of peruerse and frowarde disposicion and speciallye Arithbertus the elder who in filthie pleasure was more corrupte than any woman and ended his life in the embrasing of harlottes Chilberich reigned in France with his bretherne and after theyr discease .24 yeres He was wrapped in mortall warre and trouble of the worlde sometime by right sometime by wronge For betwene these bretherne hapned often debate and strife He toke to wife Golsanda the king of Spaines daughter whom he dyd after repudiat casting vnlauful loue to one of hir maydens called Fredegunda For whose sake he put from him also his seconde wife An●ouera a woman of great byrthe and made the sayd Fredegunda queene Anni regum britannie 15 In the latter dayes of Iustinian the Hunnes wasted the countrey of Thracia and Grece The yere of the worlde 4527 The yere of Christ 566 and were vanquished and slaine by the noble capitaine Bellizarius whose end I thinke worthy of memorye that we may thereby consider the ingratitude of men towarde those persones at whose hand the common weale hath receiued most high benefites This noble man by whose policie and knighthode the Persians were vanquished the Uandales subdued Afrike recouered againe to the empire many triumphant victories atchieued on the Gothes in his later daies was constreigned to begge his bread from dore to dore and lastli as a miserable begger ended his life For Iustinian the emperor for a light cause and smal trifle bereft him of his sight and sent him in exyle Germanus a Romaine capitaine in a battayle on the sea vanquished a great multitude of the Hunnes and againe on the land vtterly subdued the remnant Iohn the .59 Pope .12 yeres .11 monethes Anni regum britannie 17 Iustinus the seconde The yere of the worlde 4529 The yere of Christ 568 after the death of Iustinian ob●teined the imperiall crowne A man surprised with pride contempning pouertee and most cruelly murdered the nobilitee In auarice his desire was so vnsaciate that he caused yron chestes to be prepared in the whiche he might locke vp that treasure that by vniust exactions he had extorted of the people He fell also into the heresye of Pelagian and not long after was bereft of his wittes and so ended his life when he hadde reigned .xi. yeres Sigibert duke of Austracie hauinge ayde of his brother Chilberich warred vpon the Suitzers and theym vanquished Conwall was ordeyned kinge of Scottes and reigned x. yeres He was a man of great deuocion and gaue muche to churches He made many lawes concerninge the libertee of priestes In his time S. Colme of Irelande and Mungo
this thinge was mente of the Sarasens whiche after that inuaded the empire with greatte crueltee The yere of the worlde 4596 The yere of Christ 635 CAdwalline the son of Cadwane Anni regum britannie 1 began his reigne ouer the Britaines He was valiant and mightye and warred strūglye vpon the Saxones and made Penda king of Mertia to him tributarie Kingilphus kinge of weast Saxones was tourned to the right belife The yere of the worlde 4597 The yere of Christ 636 by a holy man called Berinus Anni regum britannie 2 Sigeberte kinge of Eastangles or Northfolke ordeyned good letters to be learned and exected scholes in dyuers partes of his dominion as he somtime had sene in Fraunce By him was the first cōmon schole founded at Cambridge Dagobert king of Fraunce whiche before had lyued as a moderate and good prince The yere of the worlde 4598 The yere of Christ 637 Anni regum britannie 3 waxed nowe a cruell tyranne and with exactions pilled his people and beside his crueltee he was geuen to al sensual lust of the body He most cruelly destroyed the countrey of Poeters and ●ared the stretes of their citee and sowed therin sault in token of vtter destruction He subdued the also the Scla●ines Gascosnes shewed toward thē great crueltee Heraclius the emperour fell into the heresie of the Monothelites whiche beleued that there was but one will in christ The yere of the worlde 4599 Seuerinus the 6● pope one yere .ii. monethes Anni regum britannie 4 The yere of Christ 638 Tulga king of the Gothes in Spaine reigned .2 yeres The Arabians theyr name being chaunged and called Srrasens by the leading of Mahomet inuaded Persia and ouercame their king Ormisda by which meane Persia was subdued to Mahamet and his law Anni regum britannie 5 The yere of the worlde 4600 The yere of Christ 639 Iohn the .iiii. of that name pope one yere .ix. monethes Anni regum britannie 7 In Kent there reigned a Saxone named Ercombert whiche helde that principate .xx. yeres noblye The yere of the worlde 4602 The yere of Christ 641 He reuyued againe the Chistian faithe whiche was greatlye minished in diuers places of his kingedome He destroyed the temples of the Gods and ordeined Lent to be fasted Cindasuindus reigned amonge the Gothes in Spaine x. yeres Theodorus whiche was sonne of a bishop in Grece was made pope and liued .vi. yeeres .v. monethes The Sarasens forsoke the obedience of the emperour for so muche as thei were dimissed out of wages Anni regum britannie 8 The yere of the worlde 4603 The yere of Christ 642 where beforee they were as hyred souldiours vnder the emperours capitaines They cōquered Damascus toke Phenicia spoiled Antioch beseged Hierusalem and subdued to their signorie all Aegipt It is vneth credible howe muche the power of this kingedome encreased within shorte space Rotharis kinge of Lumbardes beinge infected with the heresie of Arrius ordeined that in euery citee should be .ii. bishops a catholike and an Arrian Heraclius the emperour after the deth of his wife ioigned to him in mariage his owne naturall daughter by his first wife and not longe after died of a straunge disease Kenwalchus king of west Saxones in Britaine was driuen out of his kingedome by Penda Anni regum britannie 9 The yere of the worlde 4604 The yere of Christ 643 and kept from thens by force the space of yeres Constantine the sonne of Heraclius succeded his father in the empire ▪ When he had reigned .iiii. monethes he was slaine by the treason of his stepmother Martina In his time Theodorus was made lieutenant of Italy Heraclianus was made emperour by his mother Martina and reigned notfull .ii. yeres Penda kinge of Mertia warred vpon Oswald the good and holy king of Northumberland and slew him in battaile with many of his knightes The yere of the worlde 4605 The yere of Christ 644 Mertina the emperours mother Anni regum britannie 10 for the murder that she had before committed by the iudgement of the senat had her tongue cut out and was also banished with her sonne the emperour whiche had his nose cut of in token of reproche For that he was consentinge to that cruell deede Constans was made emperour This man fauoured the heresie of the Monotholites and was therewithall verie couetous For whiche causes he became odious to his subiectes and was slayne when he had reigned .27 yeres The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 645 Clodonei the yonger sonne of Dagobert Anni regum britannie 11 beganne his reigne ouer the middle part of France and his elder brother Sigibert was made kinge of Austratie or Loraine This Clodouei was also called Lowes The yere of the worlde 4607 The yere of Christ 646 Oswie the brother of Oswalde Anni regum britannie 12 obteined the kingdome of Northūberland in Britaine Who slewe Oswine his brothers sonne and made Odilwaldus partaker of hys kingdome Ferquharde the son of the late kinge Ferquharde was made king of Scottes and reigned .xviii. yeeres Thys man in his priuate life was liberal aboue his power but when he was auctorised kinge he became a cruell couetous and gloutenous tyranne wherfore he was striken of god with a vile and peinfull sickenesse wherof he died The yere of the worlde 4608 The yere of Christ 647 Kenwalcus kinge of weast Saxones Anni regum britannie 13 was restored to his kingdome by the helpe of Anna king of Eastangles Martine was ordeined the .71 pope The yere of Christ 649 In Fraunce was suche dearth and scarcitee Anni regum britannie 15 that a quarter of wheate was solde for .v. nobles The yere of the worlde 4610 Wherfore kinge Clodouei to succour the poore people caused the church of S. Menies that his father had couered wyth syluer plates to be rased vp and couered againe with lead and that siluer to be distributed amonge the nedy folkes The yere of Christ 650 Martine pope assembled a counsaile of .105 bishops In the whyche Corus byshoppe of Alexandria The yere of the worlde 4611 Anni regum britannie 16 and Seruius Pyrrhus and Paulus whyche successiuely hadde bene bishoppes of Constantinople were condemned for heresie Recisuindus was ordeined kinge of the wisigothes in Spaine and reigned .18 yeres .11 monethes By the exhortacion of Martine pope Theodorus the lieuetenant of Italy Anni regum britannie 17 The yere of the worlde 4612 The yere of Christ gaue battaile to Rocharis the Lumbarde nere to the riuer Scultenna wher he was vanquished and beaten with the losse of .vii. thousande souldiours Wherof Rotharis beinge very proude annexed to his kingdome all the countrey of Ligurie Kenwalcus builded the bishops sea of Winchester in Britaine Anni regum britannie 20 The yere of the worlde 4615 The yere of Christ 654 Anni regum britannie 22 Penda king of middle Englande made warre vpon Anna kinge of Eastangles The yere of the worlde 4617 The yere of Christ 656 and slew
quiete Agatho the .77 Pope .ii. yeares v● monethes Theodorus bishoppe of Rauenna submitted him self and his church to the sea of Rome whose auctorite was before time equall with the Romaine bishop The yere of the worlde 4641 The yere of Christ 680 The Bulgares inuaded the countrey of Thracia Anni regum britannie 36 and after made league with the emperour and had geuen to them to inhabite the fertyll and plentiful countrey nere to the riuer Dunaw or Danubie The yere of the worlde 4642 The .vi. synode was holden at Constantinople of .289 bishops The yere of Christ 681 where was condemned the heresie of the Monotholites Anni regum britannie 37 In this sinode it was permitted to the priestes of Grece to haue wyues but not to the Latines Kenewynus king of weast Saxones vanqyisshed and chased the Britains Leo the seconde was Pope .x. monethes Edfryde kinge of Northumberland warred vpon the Scottes and Pictes and of them was discomfited and slaine Eboryne breaking out of the abbey The yere of Christ 68 wher he was encluded Anni regum britannie 38 by force constreigned Theodorich The yere of the worlde 4643 the kinge of Fraunce to obey to his pleasure in al poinctes make him maister of the palaice deposynge and puttinge to death Lyndesyle whiche was in possession of that office Bennet the .ii. was Pope .x. monethes In hys time Constantine the emperour published a law that al men should beleue that man to be the true vicar of Christe whiche the clergie the people of Rome the souldiours shoulde chose to be Pope without any taryinge for any auctoritee of the emperour of Constantinople or the deputie of Italy as the custome and faciō was euer before that daye Here the Pope wreasted his necke from the emperours subiection A blasing sterre appeared in Italy both day and night from Christmas day to Tweluetyde Tunipert succeded his father Grimoalde in the kingdome of Lumbardie Anni regum britannie 2 CAdwallader was ordeined king of Britaines and ruled onely .iii. yeares The yere of the worlde 4644 The yere of Christ 683 He vanquisshed and slewe Lothayre kinge of Kent and Athelwold kinge of south Saxones Within the space of .vii. yeres had been in Rome .vi. Popes that 〈…〉 Leo Bennet Iohn Cono ▪ The yere of the worlde 4646 The yere of Christ 685 and 〈◊〉 Serg●●● Anni regum britannie 3 at whose election was greate stryfe and variaunce 〈…〉 the people for so much as a priest named Pascali● the Popes treasourer hadde with riche giftes corrupted Iohn the depu●●e of Italy that by force he m●ght be aduanced to the bishoprike by which meane the people were so deuided that the matter was lyke to haue bene dicided by den● of sword in the middes of the citee Aegip●a reigned amonge the Gothes in Spaine .viii. yeres He slew a Duke named Fauilla to the entent he might haue his wyfe Eugenius the .v. of that name was kinge of Scottes and reigned .iiii. yeres In his tyme as sayeth the historie of Scotlande he warred vpon Edfrede kinge of Northumberland and flewe him in battaile Cadwallader kinge of Britaine forsoke his kingelye auctoritee and became a religious mā He was the last kinge of Britaine And this lande after his time was called Angtia and the inhabitātes therof Angles or Englishe men and the Britaine 's were called welshemen which name they toke of a duke called Wallus This happened 17●2 yeeres or as saythe Fabian .1822 after that Brutus first arriued in this ilād after the conquest of Cesar .735 yeres from the entring of the Saxones vnder their leaders Hengist and Horsus in the time of Uortiger .236 or nere there about The yere of the worlde 4647 The yere of Christ 686 THe first yere of the Saxones reigne after the Britains were vtterly expelled Anni regum saxo 1 and theyr kingedome finished whose power was deuided into .vii. kingdomes as is before mencioned Martine and Pipine brotherne noble men of France made warre against Eborine maister of the kinges palaice and were of him put to the worse and cōstreigned to flie the one to the citee of Laon the other to Anstracie Constātine the emperour ended his last day at which time the Sarasens inuade and wonne by force of armes the countrey of Afrike and Lybia The yere of the worlde 4748 The yere of Christ 687 In Britaine amonge the west Saxones Anni regum saxo 2 reygned a noble man called Iewe of great power and wisedome and therwith valiant and hardy and in feates of armes very expert He mainteined suche warre against the 〈◊〉 Saxones that he constreigned them to seke and intreat menes of peace geuing to him for the same great giftes This man builded first the colledge of Welles and the abbey of Glastenbury He payed the Pete r pence ftrst to the pope Iustinian sonne of Constantine succeded in the imperiall aactoritee He vanquished the Sarasens and inforced them to be with him at leagu by condicions wherof he receiued agine Afrike and Lybia and had of theym for the space of .x yeres in waye oftribute euery daye a thousand nobles of golde one great horse and a seruaunt Cunibert king of Lumbardes died and left after him Lenthbrande his son and heyre in the tuicion of a noble man called Asprande Ragimbertus a duke of the Lumbardes findinge him selfe greeued Anni regum saxo 3 The yere of the worlde 4649 The yere of Christ 688 that Asprande was made protectour and preferred before him assēbled his power gaue sharpe battaile to Asprande nere to Honoria in whiche fighte he obteined the victorie and shortlye thereupon ended his life Eugedius the vi of that name reigned .x. yere Scotlande He made peace with the Northumbers and hated extremely the Pictes Iustinian the emperour contrarye to the league which was made by his father warred vpō the Bulgares and cruelly spoyled theyr countrey with sworde and fire at whiche time the Bulgares caused the streightes and narow places by the whiche he must nedes retourne to be well fenced with strength of men and so at length inclosed the emperour that he was faine to intreate meanes of peace and retourned to Constantinople with smalle woorship Pipine made warre vpon Theodorich The yere of the worlde 4951 The yere of Christ 690 king of France by force obteined to be maister of the palaice Anni regum saxo 5 after he had slaine Barthaire whiche was chosen to that office after the death of Eborine Arithbertus toke on him the kingdome of Lumbardye vanquished Asprande and toke the younge king Leuthprande Anni regum saxo 6 A duke of the Lumbardes named Rotharis The yere of the worlde 4652 The yere of Christ 691 made him selfe kinge against whom Arithbert went withall spede and at the citee Burgomum toke Rotharis and him comaunded to be put to death Clodouei the sonne of Theodorich beganne his domynion ouer the realme of Fraunce Of him writers lefte no maner of memorie sounding to good
nauye sailed forth against the Sarasens in Egipte Anni regum saxo 60 The yere of the worlde 4705 The yere of Christ 744 in whiche meane time one Arthaustus bi trait●rous meanes inuaded the imperiall crowne and was confirmed of the people Wherof when Constātine had knowlage he retourned with his armie and besieged the citee of Constantinople and tooke the sayd Arthaustus whom he berefte of hys sight and condemned to banishement with other of hys conspiratours Griffon the yongest son of Charles a man of a fierce and wilde nature being miscontent with suche bequest as his father to him had geuen arrered warre vpon his other bretherne who behaued them so wisely that with out notable battail they toke theyr brother and kept him in warde Anni regum saxo 61 Sigibert was auctorised king of weast Saxones in Britain He was cruel The yere of the worlde 4076 The yere of Christ 745 and tyrannous towarde his subiectes and tourned the aunciēt lawes and customes after his owne will and pleasure And because a certayne noble mā some deale sharpely aduertised him to change his maners he maliciously caused the same person to be put cruelly to death And forsomuche as he continued in his malice and would not amende he was depriued of all kinglye auctorite and lastelye as a persone dessolate and forlorne wandring alone in a wodde was slayne of a swine hearde whose lorde and maister he being king had wrongfully put to death Charlemaine being of great power in France became a man of religion and yode to Rome Anni regum saxo 64 Kenulphus of the linage and bloud of Cer●icus The yere of the worlde 4709 The yere of Christ first king of weast Saxones reigned in that kingdome .31 yeres The vertue of this man farre passed his fame At the beginning he appesed certain murmours and grudges that were among the people for the deposing of his predicessour Sygebert Griffon the youngest sonne of Charles whych in thys passe time had ones or twise vexed his brother Pipine disturbed also Tassilo Duke of Bauary disseased him of his lordship for which cause Pipine went against his brother and restored the sayd Tassilo to his possessions After whiche time Griffon fledde to the duke of Guyan named Gayfer The yere of the worlde 4710 Racharis king of Lumbardie brake the league whyche he had made with the Romaines for the space of .xx. yeres The yere of Christ and wasted the countrey about Rauenna Anni regum saxo 65 and besieged Perusia To whom went Zacharie the pope and in such wise enchaunted him with his exhortaciōs that he did not onely leaue the siege but also renounsing his regall power became a religious monke The yere of the worlde 4711 The yere of Christ 750 Pipine gouernour of Fraunce vnder Childerich Anni regum saxo 66 entending to defeat his lorde and soueraigne of that kyngedome and to obteine the same by his ambassadours demaunded of Zacharie pope his bounden friende thys questiō whether he were more worthy to be king which was kinge onely by name and natural succession or els he whiche bare the bourden of the kingdome alone and yet lacked the dignitie of a kinge meanynge hym selfe To whom the pope aunswered that it was more ryghtfull that he which toke the charge of all thinges should be called king On whose iugement Pipine presuming deposed Childerich and made him selfe king In whom beginneth a newe progenie of the kinges of Fraunce For this Childerich was the laste kinge of the stocke of Meroneu● the firste christian kinge of fraunce Aistulphus was made king of Lumbardie The yere of the worlde 4712 The yere of Christ 751 Zacharie pope assoyled Pipine and the other frenchmē of their othe of allegiaunce and fealtye Anni regum saxo 67 that they hadde made to Childerich and confirmed Pipine in the kingedome of Fraunce Phroilla reigned in Spaine .13 yeres He vanquished the Sarasens whiche troubled the C●laces and slew of them .50000 Anni regum saxo 68 Griffon endeuouring to steere the people of Guian against his brother pipine The yere of the worlde 4713 The yere of Christ 752 was of theym slaine for auoyding of further daunger Aistulphus kinge of Lumbardes sette a tribute vpon the Romains whiche because they would not paie Stephene at that time Pope went into Fraunce to desyre ayde of Pipine against the tyrannie of the Lumbardes Who mete with the pope in the waye as sayth Platine and kissing his feete went on fote by hir horse the space of iii. miles Anni regum saxo 69 Pipine entring Italye with a great power The yere of the worlde 4714 beclipped the citee of Pau●e with a stronge siege The yere of Christ 753 and inforced Aistulphus to intreat meanes of peace which was to him graunted on condicion he woulde restore to the pope all that belonged to the churche of Rome The Turkes brake firste out of the mountaynes called Hyperborei Anni regum saxo 71 and inuaded Asia The yere of the worlde 4716 The yere of Christ 755 The cause whereof was that the Persians beyng ouerset with warre of the Sarasens desired ayde of the Turkes whiche beinge redye at theyr request entered Asia and firste ouer ran the Halianes after the people of Cholcis Arm●nie and the les Asia and lastly vanquished the Sarasens betwene whō peace was made on this cōdiciō that the Turkes shuld reigne in Persia and be called Sarasens Aistulphus of Lumbardie brake the league with the Romaines and besieged theyr citee .iii. monethes whereof whan Pipine had knowledge at the desire of pope Stephene he perced Italye besieged Aistulphus in Pauie and constreigned him to yeld to his mercy Pipine gaue the gouernance of Italy to the pope nothing regarding the auctoritee or desire of the emperour of Constantinople which willed him to the contrarie at which time the lieutenauntes ended their power in Italy Here maye a man perceiue how vaine it is that the fautours of the pope saye that Italye was geuen to him by great Constantine Anni regum saxo 72 Offa a noble man The yere of the worlde 4717 The yere of Christ 756 reigned in Mertia or middle Englande He made warre with the Northumbers and them for the time subdued He warred also against Etheldred king of Eastangles and vanquished and toke prysoner Egbert king of Kent Constantine the emperour did persecute theim which worshipped ymages Tassilo king of Bauarie submitted him to Pipine The yere of the worlde 4718 The yere of Christ 757 Aistulphus kinge of Lumbardie Anni regum saxo 73 dy●d as he was in huntinge after whom Desiderius by force obteyned the kingdome and was confirmed of Paule being thē pope to whom he fled for succour when he was ouerset in battaile of Rachisius the brother of Aistulphus The Saxons called Soisons disturbed the French men The yere of the worlde 4719 The yere of Christ 758 and were forced of Pipine to aske peace Anni regum saxo 74 vpon condicion that yerely after thei should
hym by the Italians Anni regum Angli 14 and depriued him as well of his regallye as of his syght Charles kinge of Fraunce The yere of the worlde 4976 The yere of Christ 915 by the manhod of his knightes recouered to the lordshyp the prouince of Lorayne Anni regum Angli 15 The hungares wasted the countrey of Almaine Ordonius reigned in Spayne .v. yeres Anni regum Angli 17 Elfleda pryncesse of Mertya The yere of the worlde 4878 The yere of Christ 917 whyche hadde tamed the Welsshemen and in dyuers battayles chased the Danes ended hir lyfe After whose deathe Edwarde helde that prouince in his owne hande The Hungares leuynge Almayne came into Lorayne The yere of Christ 918 and the countrey annexed therunto Anni regum Angli 18 The yere of the worlde 4879 whyche they spoyled without mercye At Nottyngham two kynges that is to saye The yere of the worlde 4880 The yere of Christ 919 of Scotlande and of Wales Anni regum Angli 19 yelded theym to kynge Edwarde of Englande and chose hym for theyr chyefe lorde and soueraygne Chunrade the emperoure gaue place to nature and by his brother Euerharde sent the imperiall insygnes to Henrye Duke of Saxone ▪ and hym appoincted to be emperour Anni regum Angli 20 Henrye the fyrste was proclamed emperour The yere of the worlde 4881 The yere of Christ 920 Thys man was of greate vertue wysedome and sobrenesse and for hys woorthynesse in armes marueylously praysed at his election repined Arnolde Duke of Bauarye whom with wise counsayle and gentyll exhortacion he appeased This Henrye was the fyrste emperour of the Saxones and was neuer crowned of the Romaine byshoppe neither had the dominion of Italye Anni regum Angli 11 In Spayne Santius surnamed the grosse The yere of the worlde 4882 The yere of Christ was kynge xi yeeres He was so wonderfull fatte of bodye that he was neuer in healthe Wherfore to healpe he yode to Abdemarus kynge of Sarasens whyche in the science of phisike was verye expert In the meane season Ordonius by treason vsurped the crowne But Santius by h●alp of the Sarasens recouered hys kyngdome and punisshed the rebelles The yere of the worlde 4883 The yere of Christ 922 Roberte Duke of Guyan Anni regum Angli 22 and brother of E●do laste king of France contrarye his trouth and allegiance ceased certayne cities and holdes of the inherytance of kynge Charles and was by him vanquyshed and slayne Henry emperour of Germaine ouercame the Hungares The yere of the worlde 4884 The yere of Christ 923 The Sarasens of Afryke inuaded and robbed the countrey of Calabre and Poyle Anni regum Angli 23 possessed dyuers cyties of the Romayns and the prouince of Boneuente and consulted betwene theim selfe of the vtter destruction and deuastacion of Rome whom Iohn the .x. beynge than byshoppe by the healpe of Romanus the emperoure of Grece and Laudolphe Duke of Boneuent as witnesseth Lyuthbert put to flyghte and slewe of theim a great noumbre But Blondus referreth the occasyon of thys inuasyon of the Sarasens to Romanus and the Duke of Boneuent and affirmeth thys victorye to be atchyued by Albericus Erle of Hetruria After the death of Rollo Duke of Normandye succeded hys sonne William whiche was of great auctorytye amonge the Frenchemen The yere of the worlde 4885 The yere of Christ 924 Charles kyng of Fraunce Anni regum Angli 24 retournynge from the victorye which he had obteined against Robert Duke of Guyan by treason was taken cast in prison and lately slaine by Heberte Erle of Uermend●ys and brother in lawe to the sayed Duke of Guyan Henrye emperour of Germanye made league wyth the Hungares and shortly after recouered from the Frenche men the prouince of Loraine Rodolphe Duke of Burgoyne prouoked of the Italyans entred Italy and ouercame Beringarius whom he depriued of all kingly auctoritye and reygned as kyng of Italie .iii. yeres ADelstane after the death of Edwarde hys father beganne his reigne in Englande He was a prince of woorthie memorye valiant and wyse in all hys actes Anni regum Angli 1 and broughte thys lande to one Monarchie The yere of the worlde 4886 The yere of Christ 925 For he expelled vtterly the Danes subdued the Scottes and quieted the Welsshemen Flaunders by treason murdered Beringarius of Italy For whyche cause the .iii. daye after he was slayne of a souldiour of Beringarius named Milo Anni regum Angli 2 Symeon kynge of Burgares wyth dyuers inuasaons The yere of the worlde 4886 The yere of Christ 926 vexed sore the Grecyans whose furye to appeare Romanus the emperoure gaue the doughter of his son Christofer in maryage to Peter the son of Symeon and by the aliance was with him at peace Salarde Duke of the Hungares brake into Italy and destroied with fyre the cytie Pau●e Burcharde Duke of Swa●e whiche came to ayde Raulffe kyng of Italye was slaine at Millaine For whyche cause Raulffe left Italye and retourned into France After whom Hugo Duke of Dorleance was proclaymed kinge of Italye Constantine kinge of Scottes rebelled and disquieted with often inuasions the costes of England and beynge ouercomen and made subiecte to Abelstane swore to be his lege man Whyche thynge dyuers kynges of Scotlande after hym in lyke maner perfourmed But of thys homage dooynge the Scottyshe cronicle maketh no mencion Algina wyfe of Charles the symple hearynge of the murder of hir housbande and mistrustynge the Frenchemen fled secretely wyth hir sonne Lewys into England to hir brother Adelstane Raulffe Duke of Burgoyne after the departynge of Algina and hir son Anni regum Angli 3 by agreement of the lordes of France The yere of the worlde 4888 The yere of Christ 927 was ordeyned kyng and reygned after some writers .xii. yeres but more verely .ii. yeres Uuido Marqueo of Tuschia imprysoned Iohn byshop of Rome Anni regum Angli 4 and commaunded him to be beheaded The yere of the worlde 4889 The yere of Christ Henrye emperour of Germanye subdued the Sclau●●es and toke the cytye Brenneburgh He made tributarie to hym the people of Dalmacye and vanquysshed the Bohemes Ethylstane or Athelstane kynge of Englande after the death of Sytheryus kinge of the Danes in Northumberlande ceased that prouynce into hys owne handes and put out of possessyon his sonne whyche fledde to Constantyne kynge of Scottes The yere of Christ 929 Lewys ▪ the sonne of Charles the simple Anni regum Angli 5 after the deathe of Raulffe The yere of the worlde 4890 was desyred of the nobles to retourne out of Englande with his mother Elgina and toke possession of the kingedome of Fraunce wherin he reygned .27 yeares Ethylstane of Englande gaue hys daughter Edyth to Otho soonne of Henrye whyche Otho was afterwarde emperour Leo the .vi. byshoppe of Rome .vii. monethes And after hym Stephene the seconde .ii yeres The yere of Christ 931 The people called Redarii rebelled and refused the dominion of Henrye the
entred the lande To whom Harold gaue strong and sharpe battayle in the ende wherof William by pollicie obteyned the victory chased the Englyshmen slewe Harolde and toke on him the gouernaunce of this lande This happened .617 yeres after the fyrst arryual of the Saxones or Anglis in which space they reigned diuersly First beganne the kyngdome of Kente the yere of our lorde .475 vnder Engistus and after that .vi. other kyngdomes at sundrie tymes toke their beginning which al at the last were brought into one monarchie and subiect to the weast Saxones by king Adelstane the yeere of our lorde .ix. hundred thirtie and eight whiche monarchie continued .129 yeres debatinge of thē fiue and twenty yeres which space the Danes reigned in this land vnder Canutus and Harolde The ende of the seconde booke ¶ The thyrde booke Anni regum Angli 1 WYLLYAM DVKE OF Normandie surnamed conqueroure The yere of the worlde 5028 The yere of Christ 1067 bastard son of Roberte the .vi. duke of that duchy nephew vnto kinge Edward the confessour beganne his dominion ouer this realme of England the .xv. daye of October and reygned xxi yeres one moneth wyth great seueritee and cruelnesse towarde the Englishemen bourdeininge them alwayes with greuous exactions By meane whereof he caused diuers to flye out of the lande some to Scotlande some to Denmarke and other countreys And for so muche as he obteyned his kingdom by force and dente of sworde he changed the whole state of gouernaunce of this common weale and ordeined new lawes at his owne pleasure profitable to him selfe but greuous and hurtfull to the people This William was wise and gilefull riche and couetous and loued well to be magnified a fayre speker and great dissimuler a mā of comely stature but some deale fatte in the bealy stern of countenaunce and stronge in armes and great pleasure in hunting and making sumptuous feastes The towne of Exiter anr the Northumbers rebelled which both were subdued and greuously punished The yere of the worlde 5029 The yere of Christ 1068 Anni regum Angli 2 Kinge Willyam buylded .iiii. stronge castels twaine at Yorke one at Nottingham an other at Lincolne whiche garisons he furnished with Normains The yere of the worlde 5030 The yere of Christ 1069 Canutus king of Denmarke Anni regum Angli 3 being steered vp by certaine Englyshe outlawes inuaded the Northpartes of Englande and entred euen to Yorke From whens he was chased by Wyllyam forced to flie to his countrey Henry the emperour inuaded the countrey of Bauarie Anni regum Angli 4 The yere of the worlde 5031 The yere of Christ 1070 Otho duke of Bauarie vanquished the Thuringes vexed sore Saxonie with diuers inuasions Godfrey succeded his father in the kingdome of Lohayne The Scottes with theyr kynge Malcoline inuaded Northumberlande and robbed the countrey Endochia and her sonnes ruled Constantinople .vii. mone thes Romanus surnamed Diogines maryed Endochia possessed the empire The yere of the worlde 5032 The yere of Christ 1071 Anni regum Angli 5 Otho Duke of Bauarie whiche had often rebelled againste the emperoure Henrie submitted him selfe and obteyned pardon Willyam king of Englande made such warre vpon the Scottes The yere of the worlde 5033 The yere of Christ 1072 Anni regum Angli 6 that he forced Malcoline to sweare to hym both homage and fealty Willyam by the counsayle of the Erle of Herforde caused the money and riches of the abbeies to be brought into his treasourye He made also the newe forest in the countrey of Southampton which to bring about he cast downe dyuers townes and churches the space of .xxx. myles and replenisshed it with wylde beastes and made sharpelawes for the mayntenaunce and encrease of the same Great contencion was betwene Lanfranke byshop of Canturburye and Thomas of Yorke for the primacie whiche at lenghte was iudged to the Archebishopryke of Canterbury The Saxones for certayne iniuries to them done The yere of the worlde 5034 toke armes against the emperour Anni regum Angli 7 The yere of Christ 1073 Demetrius kynge of Ruscia expelled his brother oute of the kingdome desyred ayde of the emperour Henrie The Saxones were quyeted and reconsiled to the emperour Anni regum Angli 8 The yere of the worlde 5035 The yere of Christ Gregorye the .vii. beyng made byshop of Rome ordeyned contrarye to the lawe that was made by Henrye the iii. that no emperour shoulde haue to dooe with the eleccyon or confyrmacion of the Romayne byshoppe and excommunicated all them that receiued any spyrituall promocions at the emperours hand and made other in their places where as before tyme the emperour had full power to ordeine such byshops as were within his dominion With these ordinaunces Henrie the iii● beyng than emperoure was greatlye dyspleased This Gregorye decreed also that priestes shoulde haue no more wyfes and that they whiche all readye had shoulde be diuorsed and that no man shuld thensforthe be admitted to priesthode but they vowed perpetuall chastitee Against this decree repugned the byshoppes and pryestes of Germanie and withstode it a good season Aboute this tyme the people of Galloway and shortlye after the Murrais and other rebelled in Scotlande and robbed the countreis which were brought to obedience Michael the sonne of Constantine Dukas The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ was ordeyned emperoure of Constantinople and reigned vi yeres Anni regum Angli 9 Salomon kyng of Hungarye vanquisshed and ouercame the Hunnes whiche with an huge great armye entred the boundes of Pannonie And after that inignyng battayle wyth the Greekes and Bulgares obteyned the victorye But at the laste fill greate debate betwene hym and a noble man of hys countrey called Ge●sa of whom after sore fyght he was vanquyshed and depryued of his kyngdome and than reigned Ge●sa .vi. yeres Henrie the emperour sped hym with an armye against the Saxones the secounde tyme which by the stee rynge of certayne Prynces refused his empyre whome he constreigned by force to submit theim selfe and sharpely punisshed the chiefe capitaines of that conspiracie The yere of Christ 1076 Gregory byshop of Rome excommunicated the emperour The yere of the worlde 5037 because he woulde not obey his ordinances Anni regum Angli and depryued hym of the imperyal title and assoyled the people of theyr othe of allegiaunce wyllynge also the princes of Germanie to chose a new empero ur By whiche meanes dyuers prynces rebelled and the countrey was wonderfully spoyled and vexed with ciuyle warres Dyuers byshoppes of Germanie calling a counsaile did excommunicate Gregorye as a cruell tyranne and misse liuer The cruell tyrannie outragious pride diuellisshe sorcery and detestable lyfe of this Gregory is sette foorthe at large by Beno the cardynal where ye maye see the very picture of his crueltye Roger Erle of Her tforde and another named Raulffe conspired against kyng Wylliam of Englād being then in Normandye whiche both were by him outlawed
priestes and monkes beinge as lordes of the worlde were euen more to mainteyne warre with princes then to teache the word of god professed to forsake whooly the worlde and geue them onely to preachyng Whose holy pretensed purpose their folowers in processe of time turned to most dyuelyshe supersticion Phillip the emperour when he had in diuers battailes vanquyshed his enemies Anni regum Angli 5 besieged Coloine The yere of the worlde 5156 The yere of Christ and chased from thens Otho whiche fled to kyng Iohn of England his vncle The bishoppe of Rome denounced kyng Iohn with his whole realme a cursed Anni regum Angli 6 The yere of the worlde 5157 because he wolde not admitte Stephene Langhton to the bishoprike of Canturburie The yere of Christ 1206 But he little regarded hys fulmynacion and obeyed hym nothyng the rather At thys tyme in Southff a fyshe was taken lyke to a man and was kepte lyuyng .vi. monethes after vpon the lande with rawe fleshe and fishe Agreement made betweene the byshoppe of Rome and Philip the emperour Kinge Philip of Fraunce subdued to him the coūtrey of Normandie The yere of the worlde 5168 The yere of Christ 1207 Anni regum Angli 7 whiche sens the time of Charles the simple that is the space of 30● yeres was not in the possessiō of the kinges of Fraunce The yere of Christ 1128 About th is time the Irishemen Anni regum Angli 8 and shortly therupon the Welshemen rebelled The yere of the worlde 5169 whom king Iohn constreined to redeme peace with great summes of money Henrie emperour of Constantinople augmēted the empire of Grece Philip emperour of Almaine was murdered by the treason of the erle of Palatine The yere of Christ 1129 Othe a duke of the Saxones Anni regum Angli 9 was made emperour and crowned with the imperiall Diademe by Innocente bishop of Rome The yere of the worlde 5170 The Uenec●ans subdued Corcyra Mothonum Coronu● and many other ilandes Kinge Iohn sailed into Normandie where after certaine sayrmishes he made peace with Philip of France for .ii. yeres The mayres and shyreffes beganne first in the citee of London The yere of Christ 1210 Otho the emperour inuaded certaine citees Anni regum Angli 10 which Innocent the bishop The yere of the worlde 5171 affirmed to perteyne to the churche of Rome Wherfore he excommunicated the emperour and depriued him of all imperiall auctoritee causing the electours to chose Friderich king of Sicilie and nephew to Fridericus Barbarossa The yere of Christ Ppilip king of Fraunce made warre vpon Fernande Duke of Flaunders The yere of the worlde Anni regum Angli 11 because he alyed him with kynge Iohn of Englande The welshemen rebelling were brought in subiection The Englishemen whiche were sent by king Iohn to ayde the erle of Flaunders chased the Frenchemen and in the hauen of Scluse compassed toke their whole nauie of ●hips which was in noumbre .1020 sayle The yere of the worlde 5173 The yere of Christ 1212 ¶ Frederich the seconde king of Sicilie Anni regum Angli 12 and Duke of Suaue after that Otho was expelled by the byshoppe was ordeyned emperour and reigned .23 yeres Though this man was endued with many noble and princely vertues and tendered the wealth of the empyre excedingly yet was he vexed with most shameful iniuries by the bishops of Rome which in his tyme most aboundantly declared their outragious enuy pryde and malyce This Friderike was skilfull in diuers lāguages as in Greke Latin Almaine and the Sarasens tongue he fauoured good letters excellently ▪ and furthered muche the studie therof By his procuremente the Almagest of Ptolomei was translated out of the Sarasens tongue into Latine wherby the knowlede of astronomy which of long time ▪ no man hadde professed in Europe was called againe to light He warred first against Othy his predicessour by the counsaile of the Romaine bishop but in the ende he receiued the same rewarde that other dyd before him Gazari Patareni Leoniste Almaricus Carnot●nsys and many other heretikes were in these dayes Anni regum Angli 13 Kinge Iohn of Englande beynge overset in warre by Phillyp of Frāce The yere of the worlde 5174 The yere of Christ 1213 submitted him to the byshop of Rome by whō amonge other thinges he was bounden that as well he as his heires shuld euer after be feudaries to the see of Rome and pay for yerely tribute 1000. markes and moreouer to holde the title of the crowne by the byshops of Rome here may you se that the bishops of Rome in theyr so often cursinges did not couet to reconsile the soules of mē to god but to subdue princes to their tiranny but this iniunction was not kept at anytyme by the kinges of this realme Friderich the emperour made league with Phillip of Fraunce Anni regum Angli 14 The yere of the worlde 5175 The yere of Christ At Tourney a cruell bataile was foughten betwene Otho late emperour and Phillip of France in the quarel of kinge Iohn of Englande where the two princes encountred eche other so fiersly that they were bothe vnhorsed but in the ende Otho forsoke the fielde and Ferraunde Erie of Flaunders Reignold of Bol●ine and 28. other men of name were taken prisoners Shortly after entrety of peace was made betwene the kinges of Englande and France Anni regum Angli 15 A synode holden at Rome The yere of the worlde 5176 The yere of Christ wherin communicaciō was had for the recouery of Hierusalem Alexander succeded William in the kingedome of Scotlande and reigned .34 yeres At the beginning of king Henrys reign in England was variance betwene this Alexander of Scotlande and him but after thei were alied by mariage ¶ Peter was emperour of Constantinople .v. yeres he came to Rome and was annointed of the bishop Shortly after he besieged the citie Dyrachi●● desperyng to obteine it entreted a peace with Theodorus Duke of Epirus who not withstanding his promysse layed priuy waite in the wooddes of Tempe where he toke the emperour and cast him in prisō after which time Ioles the wife of Peter gouerned the weast empyre Great strife and variance hapned in England betwen king Iohn the nobles and commons of his realme The yere of the worlde 5177 The yere of Christ 1219 Anni regum Angli 19 because he wold not vse the lawes of ▪ S. Edwarde other auncient liberteis which the people required whom the king had dyuers times appeased with faire wordes and promisses but because the lords perceiued them to come to smalle effect they pursued him so hartlie that he was gladde to send for ayde to Flaunders and in like maner the nobles with their alies sent for Lewis the soonne of Philip of Fraunce and him saluted as king and maineteyned in warre against king Iohn to the great hurt of this realme of England During the time of this warre king Iohn ended his lyfe
subdued the Welshemen which oftentimes rebelled Baldwine emperour of Constantinople and Raimunde Erle of Tolows Anni regum Angli 29 coming into Italy The yere of the worlde 5203 The yere of Christ 1242 obteyned of Friderich that the .ii cardinals whych he kept in prison might be sette at libertee Aldermen first chosen in the citee of London Anni regum Angli Kinge Henrie of Englande The yere of the worlde 5204 The yere of Christ 1243 by the stering of a Frencheman named Erle of Marche sayled into Normandie with a fayre companye purposinge to recouer Poyters Fuyan and other countreys but after manye bakerynges somewhat to the losse of the Englishemen Henrye founde meanes of peace whiche was concluded for the space of v. yeres Innocent the .iiii. being ordeined bishop of Rome fled to Lyons in Fraunce for feare of Friderich emperoure where he called a counsayle This man gaue redde hattes first to the cardinalles Henrie the firste was kinge of Spayne .ii. yeres being but a childe He maried his kinswoman the kynges doughter of Portugall and died as he was playing with children by the falling of his throte Ferdinande the fourth a man of great noblenesse The yere of the worlde 5205 The yere of Christ 1244 was king of Spayne .xii. yeares Anni regum Angli He conquered well nere all Spayne from the dominion of the Sarasens Gino Can the .iii. emperour of the Tartarians vnder him Batho vanquisshinge the Scythes made his royall seate in Cathay Anni regum Angli 28 The Tartarians ouerran Asia called Georgiana and after that inuaded Armenia entred euen to Iconium The yere of the worlde 5206 The yere of Christ 1245 the royal palace of the king of Turkes An other company of the Tartarians vnder their leader Bato wyth most cruel inuasions wasted the countrey of Polonie Hungarie Russia Gasa and with great tirannie afflicted the same At Tollet in Spayne a Iew digging in the grounde to enlarge his vineyarde ▪ found a holow stone wherin was a boke of the bignesse of a psalter written in greke latine and hebrewe the mattier whereof was of .iii. worldes to come and declared the coming of Christ to be the beginning of the thirde which was expressed in this maner In the beginnynge of the thirde worlde the son of god shal be borne of a mayde By occasion of this booke the Iew was turned to the faith of Christ. The yere of the worlde 5207 The bishop of Rome assembling a counsayle at Lyons excommunicated Friderich the emperour The yere of Christ 1246 Anni regum Angli 29 and depriued him of al imperiall auctoritee commaundinge that he should no more be called Cesar. The emperour committed the gouernance of Italy and Lumbardie to his sonne Eu●ius king of Sardinia and then besieged Parma which he toke and destroyed and buylded a newe citee in the same place called Uictoria About this time was a terrible earthquake in Englande and in Fraunce Grossioni a people of Arabie by the steeringe of the Souldaine of Babylon The yere of the worlde 5208 The yere of Christ 1247 Anni regum Angli 30 cruellye afflicted the Chrystians in all Asia and vsed most spitefull vilanie towarde the sepulchre of Christ in Ierusalem The electours of Germanie hearing of the deposicion of Friderich ordeined the Lanthgraue of Thuring to be king of Romains who shortlie after disceassed and then they chose William erle of Hollande At this time were many preachers in Sueuia whych sharpelye rebuked the abuses of the bishop of Rome and his cardinalles namely his false vsurped Pardones The yere of the worlde 5209 The newe citee Uictoria was taken spoyled and destroyed by the friendes of the bishoppe of Rome The yere of Christ 1248 Anni regum Angli 31 and the emperour Friderich chased Lewis the Frenche kinge departed fro Paris in his iourney toward the holye land with many other nobles and bishops of Fraunce Shortlye after his arriuall he broug ht to his subiection the citee Damyet of Egipt Friderich notwithstandinge the bishop of Romes cursinge subdued well nere all Italye excepte a fewe cityes which fauoured his enemies Kinge Henrie of England seised the franchesses of the citee of London for a iudgment geuen against a widow named Margaret Uyell But shortelye after they were restored ¶ Alexander the thyrde .ix. yeares of age succeded hys father in the kyngedome of Scotlande and reigned 3● yeares He hadde perpetuall amytee with the kynges of England Anni regum Angli 33 Friderich ordeyned Manfrede his bastarde son The yere of the worlde 5211 The yere of Christ 1250 prince of Tarentum Ehunrade his sonne by his wyfe Iole he ordeyned his heyre and shortly ther●pon payed hys debte to nature in P●ell Some wryte that he was p●●soned and not vnlyke for the blessed fathers thought theim neuer in quiete vntil they had dyspatched that good emperour oute of lyfe After whiche tyme Italye was still dyuided into the faccions of the Guelphes and Gibelynes In Italie bloud issued out of bread as oute of woundes flesshely cut Anni regum Angli 34 and blouddy cloudes appeared The yere of the worlde 5212 The yere of Christ 1251 Lewys kynge of Fraunce ▪ entendyng to besiege Babilon by sickenesse and other maladies lost a great part of his armie and in the ende was hym selfe taken prysoner of the Souldaine with his .ii. bretherne Charles and Robert the Erle of Poyters the Erle of Angeow ▪ the Erle of Flaunders the Duke of Britain the Erle of Scisons which were al deliuered vpon a great raunsome In Fraunce a company of younge men namyng them selfes shepherdes vowed to restore their kyng to libertee but for the hooredome and robbynge that they vsed the people of the countrey about the dead se● set vpon them slewe theyr capitains disp●rced that simple felowshyp Chunrade the sōne of Friderich toke on him the kingdome of Puell He was cursed also by the byshoppe of Rome Iames kynge of Arragon by the ayde of Ferdinande kyng of Castile Anni regum Angli 35 subdued the iles called Beleares The yere of the worlde 5213 The yere of Christ Mango Can the fourth emperoure of the Tartarians Chuarade kyng of Puell was poysoned by his brother Manfrede who was suspected also for the death of hys father King Henry of Englande maried his daughter Mary to Alexander kinge of Scottes and receyued homage of the same Alexander for the realme of Scotlande The Augustine friers beganne to inhabite in Wales Aboute this tyme the Tartaryans vnder theyr kynge Mango or Metho receiued the fayth of Chryst and after made sharpe warre vpon the Turkes toke from theym many countreis Accursius that made gloses on the lawe Compostellanus and Ostiec●is that wrate on the decrees Bertrucius a physycyon Uincent an hystoryographer Alexander Gallus a grammaryan and Stanslay the holy byshoppe were famous Anni regum Angli 36 Lewis kynge of fraunce retourned out of Asia into his countrey The yere of the worlde 5214 The yere
of Christ 1253 Alexander the .iiii. was bishop of Rome .vii. yeres He was so muche occupied in mainteining the ciuile warres betweenes the Guelphes and Gybelynes that he sent abrode preachers to steere men agaynst the Gibelines to the great disturbance of all Italie He excommunicated also Manfrede the sonne of Frideryche Nayles yelded to the bishoppe The Gibelines were driuen out of their countrey The Florentines vanquysshed the Pisanes and subdued Uolate●ra The yere of the worlde 5215 The yere of Christ 1254 Manfrede founde meanes Anni regum Angli 37 that he was proclamed and crowned king of Sicilie The yere of the worlde 5216 The yere of Christ 1255 Alphons kynge of Castile gaue Elenour his daughter in mariage to prince Edwarde Anni regum Angli 38 the sonne of kyng Henry of Englande to whom hys father gaue the principate of UUales and gouernance of Gulan and Irelād UUherof began first that the kinges of England ordeined theyr eldest sonnes princes of UUales Alphons the .ix. and sonne of Ferdynande was kynge of Castile .xxviii. yeres About this time certaine noble mē of the hous of Cumminges rebelled against the kyng in Scotland and held him in prison a certaine time Uariaunce betwene the electours of Germanie for the emperour The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1256 parte named Alphons kynge of Castile Anni regum Angli parte Rycharde the brother of kynge Henrye of Englande but because neither of theim was receiued by the whole empyre the imperial auctoritee was counted ●oide the space of .xvii. yeres The king of Scottes 〈◊〉 his quene came into Englād Dyuers lordes of Almaine came into Englande and did homage to syr Rycharde Erle of Cornwall and the kinges brother who vpon ascencion day after was crowned kyng of Romaines at Aquisgrane Anni regum Angli 40 The yere of the worlde 5218 The yere of Christ by the bishoppe of Coloine and other of his friendes King Henry went into UUales to subdue Lewline whiche with his UUelshemen rebelled against hym and hys sonne prince Edwarde Albertus Magnus Thomas Aquine Bonauenture and Peter Hispanus were famous Anni regum Angli 41 The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ Great variaunce betwene kynge Henrye and the Londyners in so muche that the Maior Aldermen and shyriffes were depriued of theyr offices and the gouernance of the citee committed to certayne persones of the kynges appoynting The secte of S. Augustines armites began For so much as kyng Henry had promised oftentimes the restitucion of certaine aunciēt lawes and ordināces whiche were more easie and commodyous to his people and by his longe delaye brought nothing to effect the lordes of England began to murmure and grudge against hym wherfore to appeace theyr malyce he helde a parliament at Oxenforde whiche was after called the madde parliament because manye thynges were therin enacted againste the kynges prerogatiue whiche proued after to the confusion of the realme and death of manye noble men For the confyrmaciō of these actes were chosen .xii. pieres called Douze pieres ▪ whiche had auctoritee to correcte the breakers of theyr ordynaunces These pieres transposed and altered many thynges according to theyr owne pleasure greatly to the discontentynge of the kynges mynd and disquieting of the whole realme as in the Englishe histories doeth appeare Rycharde the kynges brother returned out of Almaine into England Anni regum Angli 42 The yere of the worlde 5220 The yere of Christ Manfrede fortified the citee of Sen●s with a great garrison against the bishoppe of Rome Ecelinus whiche fauoured the Gibelines vanquyshed the byshoppes armie and toke his legate Brixia was geuen vp to Ec●linus Deadly warre betwene the Uenecians and Genoways for the possession of a church in the citee of Ptolomais in Ph●nicia Guye duke of Florentia The yere of the worlde 5221 The yere of Christ The Florentines fauouring the part of the Gnelphes went part of them to Luke part to Bononi Anni regum Angli 43 and forsoke their owne citee whiche shortlye after beinge inhabyted with a few indifferent persons was brought in the subiection of Manfrede and the Gi●elines and fortified with their fa●●ours This facion of Guelphes and Gibelines continued in Italie almost to our time Michael Paleolo●us a noble man of Grece depriued William of his principate of Achaia and by the helpe of the Genowais nauie toke Constantinople slew Baldwine the emperour put to deathe the son of Theodorus Uattaris and vsurped the imperiall auctoritee .xxxv. yeres The Uenecians ouercame the Genowais at Ptolomais and toke .xxiiii. of their ships and galleis King Henrie of England fearing some rebellion of his nobles went into Fraunce and there concluded a final peace on this condicion that Normandye Angeowe and Cenomanna shuld euer after be in the possession of the frenchemen and the king of England to haue Guyan and that Lewis should geue to king Henrie for hys expenses in warre .150000 crownes and for yearelye tribute a .100000 after which peace fynyshed the kynge retourned into England De●dly warre betwene the bishop of Argentine and the citisyns wherein the bishoppe him selfe fought manfully like a valiant champion All the countrey of Hetrucia was brought vnder the subiection of Manfrede and the Guelphes expelled Anni regum Angli 44 The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1261 About this time mortal warre was reared betwene Alphons king of Castile and Richarde the kinges brother of Englande because they bothe affected the empire of Germanie Alphons suspectinge the treason of his two brethren Henrie and Friderich expelled them out of his reelme of the which the tone fled into Affrike the tother into France entending to excite the people of bothe those nacions to inuade Castile Urbane the fourth was bishop of Rome .iii. yeres He first ordeyned the feast of Corpus Christi with great plōtie of pardone Anni regum Angli 45 King Henrie of England pulished at Ponles crosse the bishop of Romes absolucion for him and all his that were sworne to mainteyn the articles made in the parliament holden at Oxenforde The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1262 for which cause the Barones of Englande beganne to vtter their malice whiche they had long before conceiued agaynst the kinge and caused an insurrection that continued .iii. yeres The Barones of England armed them agaynst theyr kinge Anni regum Angli 46 The yere of the worlde 5224 The yere of Christ and al this yere houered about London and other places without any notable act of rebellion sauing that they robbed and spoyled alianes and certaine other persones whom they knewe to be agaynst theyr purpose Urbane bishop of Rome obteined of the Frenche kynge that his brother Charles the earle of Angeowe and pr●●ince might come into Italy with an army against Māfrede where the saide Charles was proclaimed kinge of Sicilie and Naples by whiche meanes that kyngedome came first to the Frenchmen This yere was an exceading dearth in Scotland wherof A●ho
pollicye and manlye actes so demeaned him selfe Anni regum Angli 55 that oftentimes he put the Turkes to gret shame disworship for despite whereof they subourned a false Sarasen by whose treason he was putte in greate daunger as his life For he was wounded with a venemous darte and therof was sicke longe after Ephren a Greke of Constantinople and Ptolomois of Luke in Italie historiographers Stephene the .v. was king of Hungarie .ii. yeres He by the ayde of the Germaines ouercame Othacarus kinge of Boheme and subdued Buda to hys kingdome The Tartarians conquered and ouerrode all Persia. At Grenewich beside London was a lambe yened hauing two perfite bodies and but one head Anni regum Angli 56 The yere of the worlde 5234 The yere of Christ 1273 Richard kinge Henries brother and king of Romaynes finished his life and was buried at Hayles A counsayle called at Lions in Fraunce by Gregorie the Romaine bishop against the Grecians for the proceding of the holy ghost and for communication to be had for the recouerie of the holy land Michael emperour of Constantinople submitted hym to the church of Rome Hulderich king of Carinth solde his principate of Carinthia and the countreys of Carniola Marchia Sclauonie with other to Othacarus kinge of Boheme for which landes was after warre betwene Othacarus and the emperour Rodulph of ●abishburge was ordeined emperoure of Almayne This man neuer receyued the imperiall dya●eme nor entred into Italie For he vsed to recite to hys familiars the fable of the fo●● that sayde to the Lyon be was a ferde to enter into his denne because he perceiued the steppes of many beastes goinge inward but of none that retourned out agayne And so he sayed manye emperours haue entred Italie with great pompe and glory but by the meanes of the bishop they retourned euel handled with great iniuries At the citee of Form●ul●●●n Italie the Gibelines slewe wel nere .8000 of the Guelphes King Henrie of England departed out of this life Anni regum Angli 1 EDwarde the firste of that name after the conqueste surnamed Longeshanke The yere of the worlde 5235 The yere of Christ began his reigne ouer this realme of Englande and reigned xxxiiii yeeres He was muche troubled with the rebellion of the Welshemen ▪ and Scottes and also with warre in Fraunce Of stature he was taule and mightie of bodie but nothinge grosse His eyes were somewhat blacke and in tyme of anger semed fierye of so noble and valiant hart that his courage neuer fainted in most hard and daungerous enterprises of witte excellente of great towardnesse 〈◊〉 apte to euerye thinge that he him selfe applied He hated extremelye the insolent presumpcion of priestes whiche he thought onely to rise of aboundaunce of riches he was a su●e friende and at idle times muche geuen to huntinge He profited greatlye his realme with newe and holsome lawes to the redressing of many enormities and specially of the false dealing of bakers and millers Ladislaus the fourth was kinge of Hungarie syxtene yeeres Alexander kinge of Scottes did his homoge to Edward of England The yere of the worlde 5236 The yere of Christ Anni regum Angli 2 Innocent the .v. was bishop of Rome .vi. monethes Honorius the .iiii. fiftye dayes Iohn the one and twentieth .viii. monethes The bishoppes see was voyde .vi. monethes And then Nicholas the thirde made bishop He wreasted from the emperour of Almaine al the countrey of Bononie Flaminia in the emperoures name toke from Charles kinge of Sicilie the gouernaunce of H●truria Warre betwene the Uenecians and the citee Ancon The yere of the worlde 5237 The yere of Christ 1276 King Edward entred again into Wales against Lewline and forced hi m to desire mercie and grace Anni regum Angli 3 Ladislaus king of Hungarie made warre to the people called Comam and them vanquished He vsed hym vnhonestly toward his wife keping other strumpets at his pleasure The citee of Rome was werie of the dominion of their bishoppes The statute of Mortmane was first enacted by kinge Edwarde The yere of the worlde 5238 The yere of Christ 1277 Anni regum Angli 4 Michael Tonie was hanged drawen and quartered for treason Nicholas bishop of Rome endeuoured to erect .ii. newe kingdomes in Italie for his two nephewes He vsurped the power of a senatour in Rome and would suffer non other to be created Deadly warre was reased betwene Rodulph the emperour The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ and Othacarus king of Boheme Anni regum Angli 5 whiche enc●untring in the fieldes of Austriche foughte a sore battayle wherein the emperour obteined the victorie and Othacarus was slain Whose sonne Albert the emperour gentilly entreated and made him Duke of Austriche Reformacion was made in Englande for clippinge of the kinges coyne Anni regum Angli 6 The yere of the worlde 5240 The yere of Christ for whiche offence .284 Iewes were put to execution Halfepense and farthinges were firste coyned in England ¶ Uenceslaus was the .vi. kinge of Boheme who for his holinesse is noumbred among the sainctes Discencion in Rome for the election of the bishop Anni regum Angli 8 Martine the fourth was bishop of Rome .iiii. yeres The yere of the worlde 5242 The yere of Christ In his firste yeere was borne a childe of a woman that was verie familiar with him all hear●e and armed with clawes lyke to a beare Wherof when the bishop had knowledge he caused all the images of beares in his palaice to be raised out for a manif●● profe that he was perswaded that such fauoures as the woman doth conceiue in time of her conception shal be represensed in the childe at hys byrthe Michael Paleologus emperour of Grece was excommunicated by the Romaine bishop for breaking certain promises that he made in the counsayle of Lyons The Sarasens vanquished the Scythes and Armenians nere to Ganal● and after great slaughter wanne the citee Peter king of Arragon sailed into Afrike with a great nauie and brought from them muche riches and praye He endeuoured also to recouer the kingdome of Sicilie ▪ wherto he made claim by the right of his wife Constāce the daughter of Manfrede Anni regum Angli 9 Dauid the brother of Lewline prince of Wales vnkindly and traiterously excited his brother agaynst king Edward of England The yere of the worlde 5243 The yere of Christ The citee of Pis● was destroyed by the Germaines Tongader the Tartarian first receiued the law of Mahumet He conquered Babilon by the helpe of the Armenians About this time Wilhelmus Placentinus and Taddeus phisicions were famous And likewise Guydo Bonatus an astronomer The people of Sicilie detesting the pride auarice effeminate wantonnesse of the Frenchmen by the counsaile of a noble mā called Iohn Piochi●●us in one night slew all them that were within the iland in like maner was it doone in the citee of Form●ul●● shortlye after whiche murder the king of Arragon entred
lawyers Falco Ionius Ruellius Cornarius Fuchsius phisiciōs Sarzorus Zieglerus Oroutius Apianus Munsterus exc●l●ent in the quadriuialles Urbanus Hessus Uidas Ursinus Glarean Sapidus poetes Pa●lus Riccius Rhenanus Sadoletus Gryneus Uines Aurogallus Doletus other innumerable learned men and most experte and cunnyng in all sciences lyued in these dayes whose woorkes declare them to the whole worlde Commaundment was geuen by kyng Henrie to the ●ishops that Tindalles translation of the new Testament should be called in and tha● they shulde see an other sette foorth to the profite of the people A great deluge in Brabant Holland Selande and the sea coastes of Flanders where the waters o● the sea and other ouerflowed all the countreies Muche harme was doon also about Rome by the greate risynge of the ryuer Tyber and vnseasonable tempestes of wyndes The wylde Irishemen perceiuyng the ●rle of ●ildare to be in Englande inuaded his landes and dyuers other countreis Whe●fore kyng Henry sent thyther the Erle of Klidare and sir Willyam Skeuington which shortly brought them to good order The byshop of ●ondon caused a great noumbre of the new Testamentes of Tyndals translation to be burned At Augusta the emperour helde a counsaile of the princis of Germany where it was consulted howe to mayntain warre against the Tu●ke to haue an vnitie in matters of religion Wherevpon the churches of Germanye offred their confession to themperour but nothynge was doone therin sauyng that certayne malicious friers toke vppon them to confute those confessions withoute scripture or reason The Cardinall was arested and on S. Andrewes day dyed at Leycester as he should haue been broughte to the Tower of London One boyled in Smithfielde at London for poysonyng The Emperour Charles made Ferdinand his brother kyng of Rome The yere of the worlde 5492 The yere of Christ 1531 Anni regum Angli 23 A great earthquake wel nere in al Portugall the space of eyght dayes In the citie of Ulisbone or Luxborne a thousande foure hundred housen were ouerthrowen and aboue .600 so shaken that they were redy to falle All the churches were caste to the grounde as it were heapes of stones This earthquake cam as it were by fittes seuen or eight tymes in a day the people forsooke the citie and went into the fieldes A great p●stilence rose by menes of the vapours of this 〈◊〉 A blasy●ge sterre appeared in Germanie Italye and Frau●c● towarde the wea●● three weekes togyther in the moneth of Auguste The Turke came ag●yne into Hungary entendyng to co●quere Uienna but he was ouerthrowen by the capitaynes that were l●fte in the garrisons and a great number of his men taken and slayne In the sea coastes of Hollande a fysshe was caste vp by the sea that was in lengthe .68 foote in the thyckenesse xxx the yaunyng of his mouthe was .xiii. foote wyde In this season were dyuers preachynges in this realme one agaynst an other concernyng the ●ynges mariage diuorsement from the lady Katherine The frenche kynges mother dyed The kyng of Polonie vanquished Uuauoyda and the Ualach●aus A battayle was foughten betweene the Tigurines and theyr neyghbours wherin Zuinglius was slayne Kynge Henry beganne to buylde his palaice at Westminster Anni regum Angli 24 The yere of Christ 1532 Kyng Henry went ouer the sea to mete with the french kyng The yere of the worlde 5493 with whom he went to Bulleyne and the French kyng came agayne with hym to Caleys where after feastyng and bankettyng eche toke leaue of other and returned to theyr realmes The kyng of long tyme had not kept company with the lady Katherine bycause his mariage was in controuersye and by dyuers vniuersities and learned men determined to be agaynst the lawe of God Wherefore on S. Erkinwaldes day he maried priuyly the lady Anne Bulleyne whiche on Whitsonday the next yeare folowynge was crouned Quene with great solemnitie It was ordeyned by acte of parliament that the kinges subiectes shuld no more paie annates or fyrst fruites nor susteyne any suche exactions or impositions they hadde before tyme paid to the sea of Rome for consecratyng electyng or geuyng of licences or dispensations But that they shulde haue all suche thinges within the realme and sue no further for the same King Henry was diuorsed from lady Katherine which had been his brothers wife Anni regum Angli 25 On Mi●somer daie died the Frenche Queene The yere of the worlde 5494 The yere of Christ 1533 wife to the Duke of Suffolke Ladie Elizabeth was borne at Grenewiche An esquire of Gloucestershyre called William Tracie by one Doctour Parker the byshop of Worcesters chancellour was taken out of his graue and burnte after he had been dead .iii. yeres because he sayde in his wyll he wolde haue no funerall pompe at his burieng neither passed vpon Masse and that he trusted in god onely hopyng in hym to be saued and by no saincte Within the space of these two yeares appeared .iii. blasyng sterres in dyuers partes beyonde the sea Thaamas Sophie of the P●rsians nere to Euphrates ouerthrewe the Turkes in a great battayle Kyng Henry sente the Duke of Northfolke the lorde Rocheforde and other in ambassade to the French kyng as then intendynge to mete with the bysshop of Rome at Nece Daily skyrmishing betwene the borderers of England and Scotlande and yet no warre proclaimed and many robberies murders and s●aughters doone on bothe partes and althoughe the commissioners of Englande and Scotlande satte at Newcastell entreatyng a truce and amitee yet the Scottes ceassed not to robbe bothe by land and Sea A peace concluded betwene Englande and Scotlande The bishop of Romecursed king Henry and the realme of England bycause of the diuorse from lady Catherin Certain m●nkes friers and other eu●ll disposed persons of a diuellyshe entent had put in the heades of many of the kynges subiectes that they had knowlage by ●euelation of god and his sainctes that he was highly displeased with kynge Henry for the diuorsement frome the lady Catherine and surmised among other thynges that God had reuealed to a Nunne named Elizabeth Bar●on whom they called the holye mayde of Kent that in cas●●he kyng proceded to the sayde diuorse and maried an other he should not be kynge of this realme one moneth after and in the reputation of god not one day nor houre This Elisabeth Barton by false dissimulation had often practised and shewed to the people meruaylous alterations of her visage and other partes of hir body as she had been rapt or in a traunce and in those feyned traunces by fals hypocrisie as thoughe she had been inspired of god spake many woordes in rebukyng synne and reprouyng newe opinions whiche she called heresi●s and amonge them vttered diuers thinges to the greate reproche of the kyng and the quene and to the establyshyng of ydolatry Anni regum Angli 26 pylgremage The yere of the worlde 5495 The yere of Christ 1534 and false worshippyng of god for whyche naughtyn●s she
quene pardoned .iiii. hundreth of the common people The .xv. daye of Marche was committed to the toure Courtney the Erle of Deuonshire and the .xviii. of the same the lady Elizabeth syster to the quene both vppon suspition of wyats conspiracie Shortely after was apprehended in Northwales the lorde Thomas Graye brother to the duke sir Iames Crofte whiche lorde Thomas was after executed Immediatly there was a parliament summoned to be holden at Oxforde where was made great preparation to the great hindrance of many of the inhabitantes For it was afterward appointed to be at Westmynster and was there holden the second of April wherin the quene requested .ii. things her mariage restoring of the pope the one she obtained vpon certaine conditions the other wolde not be granted as than In this meane while not onely the straungers that were in kyng Edwardes time receiued into the realme for religion emong whom one Iohn a Lasco vncle to the king of Poland was one but many englishmē also fled some to Friseland some to Cleueland som to high Germanie where they ●ound great fauour but especially at Frankfort vpon Mea●e And somme wente to Geneua wher they found great fauour also About the same time there were hanged at Chard in Somersetshire .iii. yong men for breakyng and burnyng of churche ornaments The .x. daye of Aprill Archebishoppe Cranmer Byshop Rydley and Hugh Latimer went out of the towre towardes Oxforde where they had disputacions wyth the deuynes of both vniuersities and because they wold not recant they wer reserued in prisone till they might be condemned by the popes autoritie not withstanding that they answered most substantially and trulye At this tyme was sir Thomas Wyat beheaded at the towre hill and afterwarde quartered and his quarters set vp in sundry places and his head vpon the gallowes at haye hyll ouer the thre that were there hanged in chaines And shortly after it was stolen awaye thence Before he came forth to his deth he did plainly declare that the ladye Elizabeth and Courtney were nothyng giltye of his faction Notwithstanding that coulde not set the ladie Elizabeth at libertye Duryng this tyme many mad parts wer playd about the citie of London but chiefely these A cat dressed lyke a prieste at masse with the cake ouer her heade betwene her handes was hanged vpon the gallowse at the cros in Chepe And a ma●tie dog shauen in the crowne with a tippet about his necke was found in the quenes closet and a letter was fastned to his tippet wherin were these words I am a pore priest that com to sue for a benefice About this tyme Cardinal Pole went from the Emperour to the French king to intreat a peace but in vain The xviii of May was hāged drawen quartered at tiburn Williā Thomas for cōspiring the quenes d●th The .xx. of Iuly Philip prince of Spaine son to Charles .v. Emperor ariued at Southampton and was ther honorably receiued cam the fourth day after to winchester where the quene had lōg loked for him wher matrimonie was betwene thē honorably solēnised the kingdome of Naples for the mariage sake to him by his father graunted Which thinges done they rode royallye to London whither thei cam and were ●umptuously receyued the xviii day of August About the ende of October themperour sent messēgers to the king his sonne to geue him possession of the dukedom of Millayn The .xii. daye of Nouember there was holden at westmynster a parliament to whiche Cardinall Pole was brought out of Brabant beynge accompanied with the English ambassadours sent for the same purpose among whome the Lorde Paget was one He came to London the xxiii of Nouember And the first daye after he came into the parliament house beyng restored to his olde estate f●om which kyng Henry had cast hym doune and in the presence of th● kyng and queene he dyd after he had declared the cause of his lega●ie exhort them al that there represent●d the hole body of the 〈◊〉 to retourne to the communion of the churche and ●o restore to the moste holy father his due authoritie Signifyenge vnto them that his holynes was in purpose to shewe great clemencie and gentlenesse vnto them And further he exhorted them to geue thankes to god that hadde geuen them suche a kyng and quene And laste of all he dyd them to vnderstande that he toke it for a great benefite at theyr handes that they had restored hym to hys former estate and therfore he accompted him selfe the more bounde a great deale to restore them to the heauenly court which thinge he most desyred of all thynges And when he had thus spoken he went out of the parliment house Then stode vp the lorde chauncellor byshop of Winchester and repeted the Cardinalles oration with many wordes of exhortation to concorde and vnitie affirmyng that we oughte to geue moste harty thankes to god that of his vnmeasurable mercy had styred vs vp a prophete of oure owne nation whiche geueth hymselfe wholly to doo vs good The day folowyng when the parliament had graunted the Cardinalles request they deuised a forme of supplication to the kyng and queene wherein they myghte moste humbly beseche them to be meanes to the Cardinall for theim The effect whereof was this That they dyd earnestly repent them of theyr scisme in refusynge to obey the apostolike sea of Rome and in consentynge to lawes made against the same promysyng that thence foorth they would be at theyr cōmandement to do what soeuer they shulde be able to do● in that parliament for the abolyshyng of all suche lawes and statutes The next day so sone as the kyng the quene Pool● were againe present the Chauncellour stode vp and declared what the parliament had decreed concerning the popes legates request ▪ And then he deliuered to the king and Quene the supplication of the parli●ment sealed humbly besechyng them to receyue it which whan they had receyued and opened it they deliuered it to the chancellour agayne to be redde whiche he dyd and asked of the w●ole house whether they consented to it or no. And when they had aunswered yea then the kyng queene rose vp ▪ and delyuered it to the Cardinall who wh●n he had redd● it delyuered the bull of his legacy to theym whyche was forthewith redde that all men myghte vnderstande that the pope hadde geuen hym power to absolue theym Afterwarde he declared howe acceptable in the sight of god the repentance of a synner is and howe greatly the angels reioyce ouer one sinner that repēteth And in conclusion he gaue thanks to God that had geuen them a mynde so desyrous of emendement when this was done he arose and so dyd the kyng and quene also and then fell the kyng and quene doune on theyr knees Thā dyd the Cardinall lyfte vp his fyngers and blesse them desyryng god to loke mercyfully vpon the people and to forgeue the offence and so he absolued the