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A59956 The universality of the light which shines in darkness asserted, and the notions & opinions of Jeremiah Ives (divulged the 24th of the 2d moneth, 1674, in the market place at Crayden in the county of Surrey) detected &c. written and published ... by William Shewen. Shewen, William, 1631?-1695.; Stubbs, John, 1618?-1674. 1674 (1674) Wing S3426; ESTC R21692 18,539 30

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Care for the Heathen in giving his Son a Covenant of Light to enlighten the Gentiles and to be his Salvation to the Ends of the Earth and that he will give him the Heathen for his Inheritance and the ends of the Earth for his Possession And as some Heathen or Gentiles of old who had not an outward Law condemned the Jews by their Righteous Conversation by vertue of God's inward Law in their Hearts so many called Heathen now will rise up in Judgment against titular Christians And it will be more tollerable or easie in the Day of Judgment for such Gentiles then for those And thou sayest Where the Scriptures are not among People they have no Knowledge of their future Escate In this thou speaks but a Conceit or Divination of thy own Brain shewing thy Ignorance of the Fountain of all true Knowledge for there was Knowledge among men necessary to Salvation before the Scripture was written and from this Knowledge the Scriptures proceeded men were Holy before the Scriptures were written men feared God before the Scriptures were written and the Secrets of God were with them that fear'd him and surely they knew him before they feared him And some talked and walked with God before the Scriptures were writ Abraham was a Friend of God and saw Christ's Day and this is Eternal Life so such knew their future Estate for Eternal Life includes a future Estate And God is the same and Christ is the same and as he hath revealed himself before the Scriptures were so he is as able ready and willing to reveal himself now the Scriptures are and where the Scriptures are not and when they shall be no more for they were not from Eternity neither will they continue to Eternity And those that had the Scriptures in former Ages and wanted the true Knowledge of God which was before the Scriptures were knew neither the Scriptures nor the Power of God nor their own Estates at that time nor their future Estates but were ignorant of both yet could boast of the Scriptures as thou and many do now and call themselves Children of Abraham and say that God was their Father though he of whom the Scriptures testified whom they knew not told them They were of their Father the Devil whose Works they did So thou and all may see that the Scriptures did not give them a true Knowledge of their present nor future Estate though 't is said they read them every Sabbath Day and were as conversant in them as many Sects in Christendom are now and thought to have Eternal Life in them and cryed them up and magnified them while they cryed him down and crucified him of whom they bore witness and from whom they proceeded So 't is very evident that the true Knowledge Fear and Secrets of God were with men before the Scriptures were writ and when they were writ men that had them were void of the Understanding or true Knowledge of them as it hath been so it may be and is now men may talk much of the Scriptures with their Tongues and carry the Bible in their Pockets and yet the Devil may rule in their Hearts And People that have not the Scriptures nor never heard of them may be nearer the Kingdom of Heaven then some that have them as some Heathen who had not Moses's Law did by Nature the things contained in the Law which was the Effect of the Law written in their Hearts this hath been is and may be For we say and affirm That God affords to all men a Day of Visitation and puts them into a Possibility of being saved else how would he be clear when he judgeth Opinion All the Light in men could never teach them discover or reveal unto them That Christ was born of a Virgin and that he suffered c. It may tell them that Blasphemy and Drankenness c. is Sin but could never tell that God would save them Answ These are Thoughts and Imaginations of thy own Head and shew thy Ignorance and Unbelief of the Light of God and Christ in men and the Operation of it in those that do believe love and walk in it and indeed no other knows the Efficacious Power and Vertue of it to their Salvation though they may and shall to their Condemnation for was it not the Light of God in men that shewed them that Christ was to be born of a Virgin and that told some the very place where also long before the time and why may not the same Light shew things that are past as well as things to come To whom this Light did not reveal him when he came they could not know him but took him to be the Carpenter's Son and some said one thing and some another of him though they had the written Prophecies in the Holy Scriptures concerning him yet they were as ignorant of him as he was the Christ of God as the very Heathen that never saw the Scriptures and Christ plainly told them That they neither knew him nor his Father And it was by the Light of God and Spirit of Revelation in that day and not by the Scriptures that any came to the true Knowledge of him Flesh and Blood did not reveal him Many that talked and walked eat and drank with him and saw his Mighty Works and Miracles did not see him nor know him nor the Power of his Father which wrought in him And this the Holy Scriptures whom we dearly own and honour in their Places bear full witness to and the same is now He that can receive it let him And the same Light which convinceth People that Blasphemy and Drunkenness is Sin is no less nor no other then the Spirit of Truth which Christ promised to send which should convince the World of Sin Righteousness and Judgment and this is the Condemnation of the World in whom this Light shineth appeareth and convinceth that they do not love this Light nor believe in this Light nor bring their Deeds unto it so they never know it lead them to their Saviour from whence it comes and so know not that the Reproofs of a Friend are better then the Kisses of an Enemy or that that which convinceth reproveth smiteth woundeth and killeth is the same or one with him which converteth reformeth healeth bindeth up and maketh alive So through Unbelief and Disobedience man brings Destruction upon himself and God and Christ is clear of the Blood of all Men. Opinion I do deny that every man is lighted with the Light of Christ for the Scripture saith That many are in Darkness and stumble because there is no Light in them Answ Thy Denyal or Unbelief is contrary to the Testimony of the Evangelical Apostle John who said That Christ is the true Light which lighteth every man coming into the World Joh. 1.9 A plainer Proof if Scripture will serve need not be sought for Another like it is The Grace of God which brings Salvation hath appear'd to
bear witne●s in that of John Chap. 16. That which convinceth the World of Sin c. is the Saints Comforter even the Spirit of Truth it hath many Names in the Holy Scriptures but is one thing So this Light which is Divine Holy Heavenly and Spiritual is one with the Spirit of Truth in Nature and Operation and is the Gift of God to all men though some rebel against it and hath Power in it not only to shew and convince of Sin but to destroy Sin and convert to God those that love its Appearance and turn at its Reproof I perceive thou hast read That every Gift of God is Perfect and that the Light is the Gift of God therefore Perfect and Divine thou hadst better know it so and prove it by the Experience of its Vertue and Operation in thy self then by a Syllogism then thou mightest be a true Witness of its Divine Perfectio till then however I will take thy Argument for as good a Proof as thou canst give that the Light is Perfect and Divine Opinion Men may sin out all Sense of Sin and become Darkness and have no Light in them Answ Men through long Custom of sinning may have their Hearts hardened to that Degree that they may be compared to a Stone and to a Deaf Adder which will not hear the Voice of the Charmer c. And men may be so ignorant of the Law and Mind of God even while they profess him that they may think they do him good Service while they are serving the Devil and doing his Work yet there is Means of Redemption and a Possibility of Deliverance appointed of God out of this State and the stony Heart may be it be made soft and become changed into a Heart of Flesh and the deaf Ear and Eye may be unstopped and the ignorant unsensible spirit removed and done away and this State is upon men while the Light shines in Darkness which Darkness they are and cannot comprehend it c. But now after the Light comes to shine out of Darkness and men come to receive it and for a time to walk in it and to be so enlightened by it as that they may in some measure know God and Jesus Christ which he hath sent which is Eternal Life and may taste of the Power of the World to come and witness a Translation from Death to Life and from Darkness to Light and a cleansing from the Pollutions of the World over which their Faith in Christ had given them Victory and their House may be swept and garnished c. yet after all this they may fall into a worse Estate then that above mentioned out of which they may never come to witness Redemption nor Deliverance seeing after they knew God they did not like to retain the Knowledge of him nor to Glorifie him as God And seeing they make shipwrack of Faith and a good Conscience and turn like the Dog and Swine to the Mire and Vomit again and crucifie to themselves the Son of God afresh and for want of Watchfulness let seven worse Devils enter the latter end of such will be worse then their beginning And it s such that are compared to Trees twice dead plucked up by the Roots and their Consciences are said to be seared as with a hot Iron c. for such it s said there remains no more Sacrifice for Sin this Estate is lamentable and little short of the utmost Hell seeing the Spirit of God hath ceased striving with such for their Salvation and that which they hate will be their Condemnation And there is none that ever did or shall sin themselves into such a state of Hardness and Unsensibleness as that they shall not feel the Reward of Sin sooner or later neither shall they escape the Biting or Gnawing of that Worm that never dyes nor the Anguish of that Fire which the Breath of the Lord kindles if the Wicked that hate the Light could dwell in such Darkness where the Light could not find them or if they could destroy this Gnawing Worm and extinguish or put out this Fire which the Breath of God kindles then should their Sensibleness of Pain and Anguish for Sin be at an end but as they cannot do the one so they cannot escape the other The Wages of Sin is Death even a dying Death a sensible Death where the Gnawing Worm will be felt and the Wicked shall be able to lift up their Eyes in Hell as Dives did when he saw Lazarus in Abraham's Bosom and cry for Help in the Sence of their Torment when it is too late the Gulf being fixed c. Opinion The Sun may shine and some men may shut their Eyes and will not see it and some are blind and cannot see it Are they therefore enlightned by it So likewise c. Answ The Strength of this Opinion of thine by way of Similes I take to be thus That though the Sun doth shine yet some are not willing and some are not able to see the Light of it and so are not or will not be lighted by it and from hence wouldst conclude notwithstanding thy former Concession viz. That every man is lighted with a Divine Light That some men have no Light in them nor are not in a Capacity to receive Benefit by the Light because blind And others will not come out of the dark C●lls of the Earth where they have taken up their Habitation to behold it Now the Scriptures bear witness That the Seers or Prophets saw Christ the Gift of God to be the Light of the Gentiles and to be his Salvation to the Ends of the Earth and there was and is a Call to all the Ends of the Earth to look unto him and be saved and the Gentiles and Ends of the Earth looking unto him have had have and may have Salvation by him And the Lord desires not nor wills not the Death of him that dyes nor the Blindness of him that is blind but would have all men walk in the Light and come to the Knowledge of his Truth and be saved He bids or commands no men to Hear See or Walk when he hath not given them Ears Eyes and Ability so to do He calls to all men every where to Repent and he hath afforded them Light and Grace sufficient to enable them so to do if they would believe in it and obey it He shuts no man's Eyes neither is he the Author of any man's Blindness Wilfulness and Stubbornness It 's man's own Sin that separates man from his Maker and blinds his Eye and strengthens his Will that he cannot and will not see the Light when it shines in him so as to be saved by it and to walk in it though he hath in this blind sinful State so much Sight Sense and Knowledge of it as to feel its Reproofs and Convictions John 3.20 So every one that doth Evil hates the Light and cometh not to it lest his Deeds should be
reproved yet the Light cometh to such and follows such and finds them out as it did Adam in the beginning And none can be said to hate that which they have not nor never had no Sense nor Knowledge of nor be justly reprehended for not loving it and not coming to it and not bringing their Deeds to it if they have not Ability or are not in a Capacity so to do Therefore thy comparing Natural things with Spiritual will not hold true every way nor thy Conclusions therefrom Some indeed are said to stop their Ears and to close their Eyes and to stumble and grope like blind men for the Wall yet God is not the Author of this neither did he make Mankind in this Estate but this is come upon him through his own Transgression and Disobedience to the Law which is Light which was before Books or an outward Law was written which while he obeyed and walked in he enjoyed the Presence of God who gave it and lived in the Light of his Countenance but when he transgressed he dyed as to that Enjoyment though be lieved and remained in the Body as a man and here began Mankind to hate the Light and to walk in Darkness and to endeavour to hide himself for Fear and to cover his own Nakedness with the Works of his own Pands Now was laid the Foundation of all Self-Will Self Works Self Righteousness Self-knowledge and Imagination from this Foundation Christ the Lamb of God was slain he that reads let him understand And Mankind in this Estate is accounted Dead ●eaf Blind and Naked because that Life Eye Ear and Covering be hath is of his own ordering and making and he is truly Dead whill be thinks he Lives ●eaf and Blind while he thinks he Hears and Sees and Naked n●twithstanding his Invented Artificial Coverings And Darkness he may truly be called notwithstanding there is a Light that shineth in him in this Dead Dark and Blind Estate wherewith also he is lighted in some sheastre and by it may see his lost Estate And Mankind in Transgression may hear the Voice of God now as Adam did in the beginning but how men do hear the Voice of God while Shiners and how they are afraid of his Appearance or Presence and how Light shines in Darkness though Darkness comprehends it not and how men are lighted with a saving Light of Christ and yet walk in Darkness and are not saved by it and how the Word is as Milk and Honey and Bread to ome and as a Hammer Fire and Sword to others is a Mystery to the carnal Mind though plain to the Children of Light and evidently declared in the Holy Scriptures For the same Light which is the Condemnation of the World whom it lighteth which it hates and believes not in is the Salvation of those that believe leve and walk in it Now that which leads men to do the Will of Christ gives them the Knowledge of his Doctrine and reveals his Secrets to them but the Wi●e and Prudent in the selfish ●ensual Widem which believes not in the Light of Christ wherewith every man is lighted remains ignorant thereof Opinion I will stick by the present Translation of the New Testament which was effected by Twenty or Thirty Learned Wise Men by the King's Authority and if I understood Greek never so well it would be unmannerly to contradict them Answ Surely if thou hadst been so mannerly and so full of Reverence and Respect to Learned Wise Men who were countenanced with the National Authority when thou first tookest up thy Religion or turned Baptist and thereby contradicted the Opinions and Meanings of more then Twenty or Thirty Wise Learned Men who in their Wisdoms had setled Church-Government and Doctrine as they thought according to the Scriptures thou wouldst never have adventured to question their Work though thou knewest better things I judge thou hadst more sincerity Zeal and Knowledge then and less of this kind of Mannerliness when thou didst judge they erred in their Meanings put upon the Scriptures translated though they were reputed Learned and Wise And why may not the Translators commit an Error also and be short in giving every Word its sull Signification according to the Mind of the Spirit from whence it came though the King's Authority be with them Doth the Knowledge of Naturel Tongues make men Insallible May not a Peter and John who know not a Letter know the Mind of the Spirit in the Scriptures or understand them better then the Scribes Pharisees and Hypoerites Indeed Jeremiah I must tell thee This Mannerliness would have kept thee out of thy Religion and will now if thou follow it lead thee to out-live it or to differ nothing from those thou comest out from but in Name and Profession only Opinion The Light that is come into the World was designed of God to enlighten every man but Thousands are not enlightened by it Answ It s something that thou grantest so much Truth viz. That God designed all men a Benefit by the Light though Thousands receive it not 'T is true the Love of God is Universal and his Call is to all men every where to Repent and his Gospel which Paul was a Minister of Coll. 1.23 was and is preached in every Creature under Heaven his Sun shines and his Rain falls upon the Just and Unjust But many though they hear his Call Repent not and though the Gospel be sounded in their Ear obey it not and the Wicked may become like a Parched Heath that knows not when Good comes though the Dew of Heaven descend upon it and the Seed of the Kingdom be sown in it yet it grows not to Perfection The Seed is sown in Bad Ground as well as in Good and Christ is as truly the Light of the World as he is the Light of the Saints who are chosen out of the World the Difference is in its Operation it reproves and condemns the World because its Deeds are Evil and it justifies and consolates the Saints who believe in it and walk in it c. Now how it can be said that every man is lighted or enlightened with the Light of Christ notwithstanding they remain Darkness seems a Riddle and Paradox to the Learned and Unlearned Professors and Prophane And if that Scripture which saith The Light shined in the Darkness and the Darkness comprchended it not cannot be understood I cannot speak plainer to this Spirit that stumbles at the Light For if Light shineth in a People who were and are Darkness how can it be said that that People are not enlightened by it though they love the Darkness rather and so chuse Death and Darkness and refuse Life and Light And how can it be said That Mankind makes a Choice except he hath some Knowledge of both So which he joyneth to and walketh in that he becomes a Child of whether of Darkness or Light And the Condemnation of those who hate the Light and