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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A56109 A testimony of truth given forth by a servant of the Lord, on the behalf of the despised servants, and professors of truth, who are made partakers of the heavenly power, which shakes the earth, and makes the inhabitants of the land to tremble, who are by the scorners of this generation called Quakers against the many lyes and slanders which the devil is the chief author of, arising forth of the bottomlesse pit, and vented forth by one James Livesey a professed minister of Christ in the county of Chester, but by his fruits is plainly manifested a minister of sin, and so of his Father who begat him, and sent him forth to oppose the living truth of God : but his folly is here manifested and declared to open view, that the simple and honest hearted may turn from him and all such deceitful workers, and may learn of Christ the light of the world, that their souls may live. Parker, Alexander, 1628-1689. 1659 (1659) Wing P386; ESTC R5756 31,699 39

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8.20 To the Law and to the Testimony c. Ans To which I say the Law is light and was written in the heart and the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophesie which spirit is a discerner and a tryer of Doctrines and opinions but that the Scriptures themselves are the touchstone and tryer without the spirit I deny I put it upon Livesey truths opposer to prove but to give a little light to the people who do not understand aright this I say that in tryal of things and spirits there is three things to be considered of that is the tryer and the thing tryed and the Rule to try by Now if I grant the Scriptures to be a rule yet a blind man cannot see them nor walk according to them so that whosoever doth Judge of things or go about to try spirits if he have not the spirit of God in his own particular he cannot try nor Judge aright whereas he speaks of conscience being Regula regulata non regula regulans I say the conscience is not the rule but the light or spirit of God which exercises the conscience towards God man that is the true rule for as many as are the Sons of God they are led by the spirit of God Pr. And whereas he further saith It may not be unseasonable nor unprofitable to give you of this Congregation a short draught of some opinions owned and maintained by the Quakers A. To which I say in the fear of God I declare unto you who are hearers of the said Livesey that to hear a lyar and a false accuser is both unseasonable unprofitable and hear him so long as you will you shall never be profited by him nor converted to God for being out of the Counsel of God himself he cannot bring others unto God and that he is a lyer and a false accuser I shall make it plainly manifest as I come to his charges against those people for I have read over his Book or Papers and I find a great heap of filthy stuff for wanting matter wherewithall to accuse he himself layes a false foundation and then goes to build inventing lies and false things and calls them the Quakers opinions and so heaps a great deal of stuff together and to colour his deceit gathers up several texts of Scriptures and makes a great noise as though he had confuted the Quakers opinions when indeed it is nothing but his own lies and inventions that he hath confuted like unto a distracted man creating imaginations and then fights with his own created images as this opposer doth as I shall make it manifest in due time and so that which he casts upon the Quakers will justly fall upon his own head for where envy lying and false accusing is that Religion is not of God but to turn back his own words is a mellany of froth filth vanity and villanie lies and lewdness errors Heresies and blasphemies which they have invented and through covetousness and love of money have deceived the Nations long with which grieves the hearts of the righteous but the Lord in due time will throw down Babylon and mar all her Wars and spoil all her Merchants and the great Whore which hath made all Nations drunk with the cup of her fornication shall be cast upon a bed of sorrow and all who have committed whoredom with her shall drink the cup of fury and indignation of God and the Beast and false prophets which have deceived the Nations shall be cast into a lake of fire burning with Brimstone But I shall be as short as I may have liberty from the Lord and come to his charges and accusations against those whom he calls Quakers and the first is this Pr. There is an opinion amongst them that salvation is attainable without Jesus Christ Answ That is a wicked lie I detest and abhor that spirit that uttered forth those words there is no such opinion among us who are scornfully called Quakers we profess salvation by Jesus Christ and not by any other thing or things for of our selves we are not able to think a good thought nor speak a good word nor do a good deed but our strength and sufficiency is in Christs and Christ is in us the hope of our glory and by him are we saved and made free from the devils bondage and slavery and from lying and slandering and it it Christ in us that works our works and enables us to perform and do his will and we are Gods workmanship Created in Christ Jesus unto good works and so I testifie that salvavation is attainable in Christ and not without him and that lying spirit in Priest Livesey I do deny and this is his foundation upon which he builds and the foundation being a lie and rottenness the building cannot stand Gods vengeance and wrath is kindied and all lyars and deceitful covetous hireling Priests shall be as stubble before the fire and the Lake is the lyars portion Rev. 21.8 as for the Soriptures mentioned by him I own them in their place and they stand a testimony against the lyar and false acculer and such denies Christ though in words they professe him so let every one who hears or read these lines examine your selves whether or no you be in Christ and Christ be in you for except Jesus Christ be in you ye are Reprobates 2 Cor. 13.5 Pr. There is an opinion amongst them that the Scripture is not the word of God Answ The Scriptures of Moses and the Prophets Christ and the Apostles are words of God a Declaration of the things of God and they testifie of Him whose Name is balled the Word God Rev. 19.13 Pr. There is an opinion among them that every man coming into the world hath in him and connatural to him a saving light Ans As this is laid down it is false invented in a false deceitful deceived heart manifesting his wickedness that gave it sorth But for the satisfaction of the upright I shall declare the truth and that is this we say that Jesus Christ is the light of the world and so it is written in the Scripture Joh. 8 12. and he lighteth every man that cometh into the world according to to the testimony of Joh. 1.9 and though darkness may be over the Nations yet light shineth in darkness but the darkness doth not comprchend the light and this light is a manifestation of the fathers love in Jesus Christ and is Gods true and faithful witness which reproves in secret for sin and evil and doth make it manifest in the heart and conscience and reproves him or her that acts and commits it and that which reproves and makes sin manifest is light as it is written all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light for whatsoever makes manifest is light Ephes 5.13 this light is the key that opens the door where the heavenly treasure is and no man or woman in the world
righteousness and this is no new truth but the same as ever even that which was from the beginning which is the same to day and for ever and unto that which all people have erred from is the Lord now bringing them back again unto that they may have union with him in spirit and worship him in spirit and in truth and this is the worship that we own and the true faith which is the gift of God which we are made partakers of which purifies the heart and gives victory over the world and the lusts and pollutions of it and for this faith and no other do we contend against all opposers and gainsayers as many we have met withall within these few years in this Nation of England since the glorious light of truth did shine forth but over them all the truth doth reigne and shall reigne and the Lamb shall have the victory And amongst the many opposers who have appeared by word and writing against the truth I have lately seen a book given forth by one James Lives●y a Parish Priest in Cheshire who hath vomited forth a great de●l of silthy stuff like smoke from the bottomless pit which darkens the aire and blinds the eyes of some people there away and causes them to stumble at the appearance of truth Now for the truths sake and for their sakes who love it I am made free to write some few things to the chief points or heads in the said book for the manifesting and laying open deceit and removing the stumbling-blocks out of the way of the simple as for my own particular I am satisfied and I know many more in this Nation who have received of the fulness of God and have drunk of the sweet and pleasant streams that have sprung from the Fountain of Sion and have received satisfaction and can no longer drink of the dury muddy filthy streams that springs from the well head of Babylon nor can any longer trade with the deceitful Merchants of Babylon for the day of her calamity is come and the Lord is discovering the witchcraft and sorcery of her Merchants unto thousands is this Nation and other parts who can buy her Merchandize no more but to come to the matter in hand and the first things I meet with in the Book aforesaid in the first page are some reliques or remainders of some old wares which this Merchant of Babylon hath taken back again from something formerly sold by him which he casts in to fill up the measure of the other which he hath compacted together to make sale of which I may passe over and come to the matter and its possible when the Merchandize is opened I may find some of these reliques and may return them back again with the other deceitful wares unto this Merchant of Babylon for the Children of Sion loaths them and will no longer buy them Pr. Is the written word Gods Answ The written words or sayings of the holy men of God so far as they are not corrupted in the translations I own to be a true testimony or declaration of the eternal word and being given forth from the moving of the spirit they are good they are words of God and dearly owned and prized by us and were given forth to be read believed practised and fulfilled but He cannot be written with pen or ink whose Name is called the word of God Pr Then in the next place what ever humane doctrines or opinions you meet with which thwart contradict or oppose the written word reject Answ We who fear God and are led and guided by the spirit of God which leadeth into all truth we do not act things contradictory to the Scriptures though to dark understandings something may be so judged as sometimes in the dayes past the chief Priest and great professors Judged the Ministers Christ who denyed the outward commandments and shadows of the Law which were commands of God written in the Scriptures as the Temple Sabbath circumcision Priests tythes osterings and the like and brought people to the guidings and leadings of the holy spirit and the holy unction within them but the Priests of England do act things invented by humane wisdom and that which doth oppose and contradict plain Scriptures as first their carnal and man-made Ministry being brought up at Schools and Colledges and so made Ministers in and by the will of man contrary to Paul who neither received it of man neither was he taught it but by the Revelation of Jesus Christ Gal 2 Their man-made Churches which God never commanded to be built in the Gospel ministration but on the contrary said God that made the World and all things therein seeing he is Lord of Heaven and earth dwelleth not in Temples made with hands c. 3. Their carnal call by ringing of bells 4. their standing praying in the high places there and being called of men Master contrary to the plain words of Christ Mat. 23. who saith unto his true Ministers be not ye called of men Master c. 5. Their long prayers and studied Sermons as they call them their singing of Davids experiences in Rhime and Meter which they doth not witnesse in themselves nor hearers their sprinkling of Infants an invention of man never commanded by Christ nor practised by his Apostles their yearly set and forced maintenance and many other things are done and acted by the Priests of England which doth contradict and oppose plain Scriptures and they have no example for such practices but are humane inventions and therefore we do deny them and turn from them and testisie against them and know assuredly that God will overturn them The next thing I meet with is a saying of Austin which the Priest brings which makes nothing for his purpose but is altogether against the end for which it is alleadged for Austin speaks there of the teachings of Christ and labours to bring from the teachings of men the words are these nec tu me nec ego te sed ambo Christum audi veritatem loquentum audi Christum dicentem neither hear thou me nor will I hear thee but let both of us hear Christ hear the truth speaking hear Christ teaching the words are sound and good for all flesh is to be silent and Christ must speak in male and female Ye seek a proof of Christ speaking in me saith Paul 2 Cor. 13.3 And the anointing which ye have received of him abides in you saith John and ye need not that any man teach you but as the same anointing teacheth you 1 John 2.27 which teachings of Christ Austin in this place speakes of which this opposer Livesey would apply to the Scriptures without and so pervert his words above mentioned But the words of Austin do not bear such a sense as Christ speaking in the Scripture but hear Christs teaching and so let him that hath an ear to hear hear what the Spirit saith Pr. Furthermore I find a Scripture quoted Isay
through all the figures Tythes before the Law to Melchisedeck the similitude like the Son of God Tythes under the Law to the Levitical Priesthood and speakes of the change of the Priesthood and of the Law and disannulling the Commandement and in the beginning of the eight chapter sums up all in one now saith he of the things that we have spokn of and Tythes was one of the things this is the sum Jesus Christ who is a Priest for ever not after the order of Aaron but by the power of an endless life who is the end of all likenesses the sum of the signres Types and shadowes the end of the first Priesthood that received Tythes and the end of the Law and so an end of Tythes and all who take or pay Tythes now it is a denying of Christ to be come in the flesh and such are Antichristian and all Lawes and Statutes which are made by men for the payment of Tythes God will overturn and throw down and the true Christians who are subject to the Ordinances and commands of Christ cannot obey but testifie against such Lawes which have been made in the dark times of Popery which the Priests of England who deny the Pope in words yet are upholden and maintained by his maintenance which never any of the true Ministers of Christ did as this opposer doth in words confess that the Apostles took no Tythes but I shall leave this point and go on and leave Tythes and all set and forced maintenance to fall with the hireling and carnal-man-made Ministers And whereas this opposer and gain-sayer is speaking of expounding adding and giving meanings upon the Scriptures and brings the expounders of the Law and Paul confounded the Jewes and the like and then numbers himself amongst them and saith we are Christs Ambassadours when he is manifested to be a lyar a false accuser Preaching for hire and is one in nature with those blasphemers who said they were Jewes but were not as these say they are Ministers of Christ but are not but are the Synagogue of Satan Pr. There is an opinion amongst them that the Church of England is no true Church Answ That which is commonly called the Church which this opposer went about to prove to wit a place built with mens hands is no true Church neither are the Saints that meets in those Idolatrous places but a company of mixed people of proud covetous heady high-minded ones scoffers and scorners lyars and swearers drunkards and all manner of ungodly persons meets in those places and all the whole body of that worship which is maintained and practiced there is quit another thing then what was practiced in the true Church and so not the Church of Christ which is his body which he hath Redeemed with his own blood that he may present it without spot unto God not having any spot or wrinkle or any such thing Pr. There is an opinion amongst them that there hath been a night of a Apostacy ever since the dayes of the Apostles now the life is risen which guided the Apostles Answ There hath been a dark night of a Apostacy since the dayes of the Apostles and the sheep of the Lord they have been made a prey upon and have been scattered all this cloudy dark day not that the Lord hath not had a people through all ages even in the darkest times but they have been under great sufferings and great tribulations and it is also true that the life and spirit is again risen and the Almighty God by his power is bringing people back unto that which the deceivers and the Antichrists went from and the foundation of many generations is raised up and the Rock is witnessed amongst those who are the reproach of many people which shall dash to pieces all that strive against it time will make it manifest Pr. There is an opinion amongst them that the Scriptures are to be taken literally c. Answ The Scriptures are not of any private interpretation neither can any man by his learning or wit understand or open them but the same spirit that was within the holy men of God which moved in them and gave unto them an understanding must give unto people now a knowledge and understanding of the Scriptures and of the things of God and not another spirit Pr. There is an opinion amongst them that they ought not to swear at all no not when called before the civil Magistrate Answ We have Christ amongst us who is the truth who teacheth us in righteousness to let our yea be yea and nay nay in all things and we have the Scriptures of truth which testifie of Christ amongst us where it is plainly written in Mat. 5.33 34 35 36 37. and given forth as a command of Christ among many other things which he had been speaking of in that same Chapter speaking of things in old time which Christ ownes in their place but he gives forth Lawes in a more strict manner for example ye have heard that it was said by them of old time thou shalt not kill and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the Judgement But I say unto you that whosoever is angry with his Brother c. shall be in danger of Judgement Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time thou shalt not commit adultery but I say unto you that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart Mark these sayings here is mentioned what the Law faith and then what Christ saith who is the perfection of all things and so he goes on and saith again ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old time thou shalt not forswear thy self but shalt perform unto the Lord thine oathes but I say unto you swear not at all Mark these words as he spoke to the perfecting of other things so of this of swearing he doth not say that it was lawful to swear before a Magistrate as some say now but there is nothing more plain he puts an end to all swearing not onely of vain and frivolous oathes in common speaking but also all oathes whatsoever for as he spoke absolute in other things so in this for no doubt if an oath had been lawful to be taken in the Gospel times he would have mentioned it in this place but it is so far from holding forth such a thing that it is absolutely forbidden the Law saith thou shalt not forswear thy self but perform thine oathes to the Lord but I say swear not at all neither by heaven for it is Gods Throne nor by the earth for it is his footstool neither by Jerusalem for it is the City of the great King neither by thy head because thou caust not make one hair white or black but let your communication be yea yea nay nay for whatsoever is more then these cometh of evil so by this it is plainly manifest that Christ hath ended